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node::AsyncWrap::QueueDestroyAsyncId(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)AsyncWrapgetAsyncIdasyncResetsetupHookspushAsyncIdspopAsyncIdsqueueDestroyAsyncIdenablePromiseHookdisablePromiseHookregisterDestroyHookasync_hook_fieldsasync_id_fieldsowner_symbolkInitkBeforekAfterkDestroykPromiseResolvekTotalskCheckkExecutionAsyncIdkTriggerAsyncIdkAsyncIdCounterkDefaultTriggerAsyncIdkStackLengthconstantsNONEDNSCHANNELFILEHANDLEFILEHANDLECLOSEREQFSEVENTWRAPFSREQWRAPFSREQPROMISEGETADDRINFOREQWRAPGETNAMEINFOREQWRAPHTTP2SESSIONHTTP2STREAMHTTP2PINGHTTP2SETTINGSHTTPPARSERJSSTREAMMESSAGEPORTPIPECONNECTWRAPPIPESERVERWRAPPIPEWRAPPROCESSWRAPPROMISEQUERYWRAPSHUTDOWNWRAPSIGNALWRAPSTATWATCHERSTREAMPIPETCPCONNECTWRAPTCPSERVERWRAPTCPWRAPTIMERWRAPTTYWRAPUDPSENDWRAPUDPWRAPWORKERWRITEWRAPZLIBPBKDF2REQUESTKEYPAIRGENREQUESTRANDOMBYTESREQUESTSCRYPTREQUESTTLSWRAPProviders562(provider) != (PROVIDER_NONE)node::AsyncWrap::AsyncWrap(node::Environment *, Local, node::AsyncWrap::ProviderType, double, bool)563(object->InternalFieldCount()) >= (1)executionAsyncIdtriggerAsyncId651!object.IsEmpty()static void node::AsyncWrap::EmitAsyncInit(node::Environment *, Local, Local, double, double)652!type.IsEmpty()731(env) != nullptrnode::async_context node::EmitAsyncInit(v8::Isolate *, Local, v8::Local, node::async_id) (:)771!obj.IsEmpty()static Local node::AsyncWrap::GetOwner(node::Environment *, Local)../src/env-inl.h../src/base_object-inl.h83(obj->InternalFieldCount()) > (0)static node::BaseObject *node::BaseObject::FromJSObject(v8::Local)321info.Data()->IsExternal()static node::Environment *node::Environment::GetCurrent(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo &)129(async_id) >= (-1)void node::Environment::AsyncHooks::push_async_ids(double, double)130(trigger_async_id) >= (-1)Error: async hook stack has become corrupted (actual: %.f, expected: %.f) 287args[0]->IsObject()void node::SetupHooks(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)292env->async_hooks_init_function().IsEmpty()init303init_v->IsFunction()before304before_v->IsFunction()after305after_v->IsFunction()destroy306destroy_v->IsFunction()promise_resolve307promise_resolve_v->IsFunction()promiseisChainedPromise191(default_trigger_async_id) >= (0)node::Environment::AsyncHooks::DefaultTriggerAsyncIdScope::DefaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(node::Environment *, double)370void node::RegisterDestroyHook(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)371args[1]->IsNumber()372args[2]->IsObject()65args.IsConstructCall()static void node::AsyncWrapObject::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)66env->async_wrap_object_ctor_template()->HasInstance(args.This())67args[0]->IsUint32()37(false) == (object.IsEmpty())node::BaseObject::BaseObject(node::Environment *, v8::Local)38(object->InternalFieldCount()) > (0)817(insertion_info.second) == (true)void node::Environment::AddCleanupHook(void (*)(void *), void *)async_wrap../src/bootstrapper.cc31args[0]->IsFunction()void node::SetupProcessObject(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)44void node::SetupNextTick(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)runMicrotasksnode,node.promises,node.promises.rejectionsrejectionsunhandledhandledAfter116void node::SetupPromises(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)117args[1]->IsObject()kPromiseRejectWithNoHandlerkPromiseHandlerAddedAfterRejectkPromiseResolveAfterResolvedkPromiseRejectAfterResolved_setupProcessObject_setupNextTick_setupPromises_chdir_cpuUsage_hrtime_hrtimeBigInt_memoryUsage_rawDebug_umask_shouldAbortOnUncaughtToggle165bootstrapper->Set(env->context(), should_abort_on_uncaught_toggle, env->should_abort_on_uncaught_toggle().GetJSArray()) .FromJust()void node::SetupBootstrapObject(node::Environment *, Local)symbols../src/callback_scope.cc45!(expect == kRequireResource) || (!object.IsEmpty())node::InternalCallbackScope::InternalCallbackScope(node::Environment *, Local, const node::async_context &, node::InternalCallbackScope::ResourceExpectation)55(Environment::GetCurrent(env->isolate())) == (env)63(env->makecallback_depth()) >= (1)110(env_->execution_async_id()) == (0)void node::InternalCallbackScope::Close()111(env_->trigger_async_id()) == (0)../src/cares_wrap.cccares_wrapgetaddrinfogetnameinfocanonicalizeIPstrerrorAF_INETAF_INET6AF_UNSPECAI_ADDRCONFIGAI_V4MAPPEDQueryReqWrapqueryAnyqueryAqueryAaaaqueryCnamequeryMxqueryNsqueryTxtquerySrvqueryPtrqueryNaptrquerySoagetHostByAddrgetServerssetServerscancel1945void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::GetAddrInfo(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1946args[1]->IsString()1947args[2]->IsInt32()1948args[4]->IsBoolean()19700 && "bad address family"node,node.dns,node.dns.nativelookuphostnamefamilyipv4ipv6unspec../src/req_wrap-inl.h29(false) == (persistent().IsEmpty())virtual node::ReqWrap::~ReqWrap() [T = uv_getaddrinfo_s]126(req_wrap->original_callback_) == nullptrstatic node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::For(ReqWrap *, node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F) [ReqT = uv_getaddrinfo_s, T = void (*)(uv_getaddrinfo_s *, int, addrinfo *)]396(request_waiting_) >= (0)void node::Environment::DecreaseWaitingRequestCounter()countverbatim1836(p->ai_socktype) == (1)auto node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::AfterGetAddrInfo(uv_getaddrinfo_t *, int, struct addrinfo *)::(anonymous class)::operator()(bool, bool) const2005void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::GetNameInfo(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)20062007args[2]->IsUint32()2014uv_ip4_addr(*ip, port, reinterpret_cast(&addr)) == 0 || uv_ip6_addr(*ip, port, reinterpret_cast(&addr)) == 0lookupServiceipportvirtual node::ReqWrap::~ReqWrap() [T = uv_getnameinfo_s]static node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::For(ReqWrap *, node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F) [ReqT = uv_getnameinfo_s, T = void (*)(uv_getnameinfo_s *, int, const char *, const char *)]service1936(0) == (uv_inet_ntop(af, &result, canonical_ip, sizeof(canonical_ip)))void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::CanonicalizeIP(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)211static void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::ChannelWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)(args.Length()) == (0)361task && "When an ares socket is closed we should have a handle for it"void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::ares_sockstate_cb(void *, ares_socket_t, int, int)channel../src/memory_tracker-inl.h246(CurrentNode()) == (n)void node::MemoryTracker::Track(const node::MemoryRetainer *, const char *)247(n->size_) != (0)27(retainer_) != nullptrnode::MemoryRetainerNode::MemoryRetainerNode(node::MemoryTracker *, const node::MemoryRetainer *)Node /261(channel->timer_handle()) == (handle)static void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::ChannelWrap::AresTimeout(uv_timer_t *)262(false) == (channel->task_list()->empty())EADDRGETNETWORKPARAMSEBADFAMILYEBADFLAGSEBADHINTSEBADNAMEEBADQUERYEBADRESPEBADSTRECANCELLEDECONNREFUSEDEDESTRUCTIONEFILEEFORMERRELOADIPHLPAPIENODATAENOMEMENONAMEENOTFOUNDENOTIMPENOTINITIALIZEDEOFEREFUSEDESERVFAILETIMEOUTUNKNOWN_ARES_ERRORtask_listnode_ares_task_listuv_timer_t1793(false) == (args.IsConstructCall())void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryAnyWrap]17941795resolveAny605virtual node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryWrap::~QueryWrap()name679(0) == (uv_async_init(wrap->env()->event_loop(), async_handle, CaresAsyncCb))static void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryWrap::Callback(void *, int, int, unsigned char *, int)../src/util-inl.h383!(n > 0) || (ret != nullptr)T *node::Malloc(size_t) [T = unsigned char]327(b) == (ret / a)T node::MultiplyWithOverflowCheck(T, T) [T = unsigned int]730(status) != (0)void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryWrap::ParseError(int)error1222(naddrttls) == (a_count)virtual void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryAnyWrap::Parse(unsigned char *, int)1267(aaaa_count) == (naddr6ttls)8110 && "Bad NS type"int node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::ParseGeneralReply(node::Environment *, const unsigned char *, int, int *, Local, void *, int *)void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryAWrap]resolve4void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryAaaaWrap]resolve6void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryCnameWrap]resolveCnamevoid node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryMxWrap]resolveMxvoid node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryNsWrap]resolveNsvoid node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryTxtWrap]resolveTxtvoid node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QuerySrvWrap]resolveSrvvoid node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryPtrWrap]resolvePtrvoid node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryNaptrWrap]resolveNaptrvoid node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QuerySoaWrap]resolveSoavoid node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::GetHostByAddrWrap]reverse706static void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::QueryWrap::Callback(void *, int, int, struct hostent *)T *node::Malloc(size_t) [T = hostent]T *node::Malloc(size_t) [T = char]T *node::Malloc(size_t) [T = char *]2044(r) == (0)void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::GetServers(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2053(err) == (0)2077args[0]->IsArray()void node::cares_wrap::(anonymous namespace)::SetServers(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2094arr->Get(env->context(), i).ToLocalChecked()->IsArray()2100elm->Get(env->context(), 0).ToLocalChecked()->Int32Value(env->context()).FromJust()2101elm->Get(env->context(), 1).ToLocalChecked()->IsString()2103elm->Get(env->context(), 2).ToLocalChecked()->Int32Value(env->context()).FromJust()21250 && "Bad address family."../src/node_mutex.h143(0) == (Traits::mutex_init(&mutex_))node::MutexBase::MutexBase() [Traits = node::LibuvMutexTraits]../src/connection_wrap.cc(wrap_data) != nullptrstatic void node::ConnectionWrap::OnConnection(uv_stream_t *, int) [WrapType = node::PipeWrap, UVType = uv_pipe_s](&wrap_data->handle_) == (reinterpret_cast(handle))46(wrap_data->persistent().IsEmpty()) == (false)static void node::ConnectionWrap::OnConnection(uv_stream_t *, int) [WrapType = node::TCPWrap, UVType = uv_tcp_s]82(req_wrap) != nullptrstatic void node::ConnectionWrap::AfterConnect(uv_connect_t *, int) [WrapType = node::PipeWrap, UVType = uv_pipe_s]84(req_wrap->env()) == (wrap->env())91(req_wrap->persistent().IsEmpty()) == (false)92(wrap->persistent().IsEmpty()) == (false)static void node::ConnectionWrap::AfterConnect(uv_connect_t *, int) [WrapType = node::TCPWrap, UVType = uv_tcp_s]../src/stream_base-inl.hvoid node::StreamResource::RemoveStreamListener(node::StreamListener *)101(current) != nullptrvirtual node::ReqWrap::~ReqWrap() [T = uv_connect_s]+ [:Luv loop at [%p] has active handles ../src/debug_utils.cc2990 && "uv_loop_close() while having open handles"void node::CheckedUvLoopClose(uv_loop_t *)[%p] %s Close callback: %p %s Data: %p %s (First field): %p %s node:alpnBuffernode:arrowMessagenode:contextify:contextnode:contextify:globalnode:decoratednode:napi:envnode:napi:wrappernode:sharedArrayBufferLifetimePartnerhandle_oncloseowneroninitaddressaliasesargsasyncasync_ids_stackbufferbytesbytesParsedbytesReadbytesWrittencachedDatacachedDataProducedcachedDataRejectedchangechunksSentSinceLastWriteoncertcbcodecwddestdestroyeddetachedAAAAACNAMEMXNAPTRNSPTRSOASRVTXTdurationemitWarningexchangeencodingentriesentryTypeenvPairsenvVarSettingserrnoexitCodeexpireexponentexportsext_key_usage_externalStream_fatalExceptionfdfilefingerprintfingerprint256flagsfragment_getDataCloneError_getSharedArrayBufferIdgidhandlehelpTexthomedirhosthostmasterignoreinfoAccessinheritinputinternalIPv4IPv6isClosingissuerissuerCertificatekillSignalkindmacmainmaxBuffermessagemessagePortMessagePortminttlmodulusnetmasknsnameOCSPRequestonaltsvconchangeonclienthellooncompleteonconnectionondoneonerroronexitonframeerrorongetpaddingonhandshakedoneonhandshakestartonheadersonmessageonnewsessiononocspresponseongoawaydataonoriginonpriorityonreadonreadstartonreadstoponpingonsettingsonshutdownonsignalonstreamcloseontrailersonunpipeonwriteopensslErrorStackoptionsoutputorderParse ErrorpasswordpathpendingHandlepidpipepipeTargetpipeSourceport1port2preferenceprioritypubkeyqueryraw_readHostObjectreadablerefreshregexprenamereplacementretryschemeserialscopeidserialNumberservernamesessionIdshellsignalsinksizeInvalid SNI contextsni_contextsourcestackstartTimestatusstdiosubjectsubjectaltnamesyscallthreadIdonticketkeycallbacktimeouttlsTicketttltypeuidurlusernamevalid_fromvalid_tovalueverifyErrorversionweightwindowsHidewindowsVerbatimArgumentswrapwritable_writeHostObjectwriteQueueSizex-forwarded-forZERO_RETURN../src/env.cc103(0) == (uv_key_create(&Environment::thread_local_env))void node::InitThreadLocalOnce()NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE175file_handle_read_wrap_freelist_.empty()node::Environment::~Environment()process(node:%d) WARNING: Detected use of sync API at [eval]:%i:%i at [eval] (%s:%i:%i) at %s:%i:%i at %s (%s:%i:%i) 541(now) >= (timer_base())Local node::Environment::GetNow()../src/aliased_buffer.h33(count) > (0)node::AliasedBuffer::AliasedBuffer(v8::Isolate *, const size_t) [NativeT = unsigned char, V8T = v8::Uint8Array]390T *node::Calloc(size_t) [T = unsigned char]72(byte_offset & (sizeof(NativeT) - 1)) == (0)node::AliasedBuffer::AliasedBuffer(v8::Isolate *, const size_t, const size_t, const AliasedBuffer &) [NativeT = double, V8T = v8::Float64Array]74(sizeof(NativeT) * count) <= (ab->ByteLength() - byte_offset)node::AliasedBuffer::AliasedBuffer(v8::Isolate *, const size_t, const size_t, const AliasedBuffer &) [NativeT = unsigned int, V8T = v8::Uint32Array]EACCESEADDRINUSEEADDRNOTAVAILEAFNOSUPPORTEAGAINEALREADYEBADFEBADMSGEBUSYECANCELEDECHILDECONNABORTEDECONNRESETEDEADLKEDESTADDRREQEDOMEDQUOTEEXISTEFAULTEFBIGEHOSTUNREACHEIDRMEILSEQEINPROGRESSEINTREINVALEIOEISCONNEISDIRELOOPEMFILEEMLINKEMSGSIZEEMULTIHOPENAMETOOLONGENETDOWNENETRESETENETUNREACHENFILEENOBUFSENODEVENOENTENOEXECENOLINKENOLCKENOMSGENOPROTOOPTENOSPCENOSRENOSTRENOSYSENOTCONNENOTDIRENOTEMPTYENOTSOCKENOTSUPENOTTYENXIOEOVERFLOWEPERMEPIPEEPROTOEPROTONOSUPPORTEPROTOTYPEERANGEEROFSESPIPEESRCHESTALEETIMEETIMEDOUTETXTBSYEXDEVnode::AliasedBuffer::AliasedBuffer(v8::Isolate *, const size_t) [NativeT = double, V8T = v8::Float64Array]T *node::Calloc(size_t) [T = double]node::AliasedBuffer::AliasedBuffer(v8::Isolate *, const size_t) [NativeT = unsigned int, V8T = v8::Uint32Array]T *node::Calloc(size_t) [T = unsigned int]node::AliasedBuffer::AliasedBuffer(v8::Isolate *, const size_t) [NativeT = unsigned long long, V8T = v8::BigUint64Array]T *node::Calloc(size_t) [T = unsigned long long], '': -> '../src/fs_event_wrap.ccfs_event_wrapFSEventstartcloseinitialized127static void node::(anonymous namespace)::FSEventWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)137(wrap) != nullptrstatic void node::(anonymous namespace)::FSEventWrap::Start(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)138wrap->IsHandleClosing()141(argc) >= (4)144(*path) != nullptr182static void node::(anonymous namespace)::FSEventWrap::OnEvent(uv_fs_event_t *, const char *, int, int)2030 && "bad fs events flag"static void node::(anonymous namespace)::FSEventWrap::GetInitialized(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)../src/handle_wrap.cc75virtual void node::HandleWrap::Close(Local)120static void node::HandleWrap::OnClose(uv_handle_t *)121(wrap->state_) == (kClosing)HandleWraphasRefrefunrefbuildEmbedderGraphcreateHeapDump../src/heap_utils.cc41!val.IsEmpty()node::heap::JSGraphJSNode::JSGraphJSNode(v8::Isolate *, Local)edgesisRootwrapsto heap_utils../src/js_stream.cc112(send_handle) == nullptrvirtual int node::JSStream::DoWrite(node::WriteWrap *, uv_buf_t *, size_t, uv_stream_t *)147static void node::JSStream::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)167Buffer::HasInstance(args[0])static void node::JSStream::ReadBuffer(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)JSStreamfinishWritefinishShutdownreadBufferemitEOFjs_stream30(req_wrap_obj->GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField(kStreamReqField)) == (nullptr)void node::StreamReq::AttachToObject(v8::Local)155static void node::JSStream::Finish(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::WriteWrap]158args[1]->IsInt32()static void node::JSStream::Finish(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Wrap = node::ShutdownWrap]readStartreadStopshutdownwritevwriteBufferwriteAsciiStringwriteUtf8StringwriteUcs2StringwriteLatin1String../src/module_wrap.ccstatic void node::loader::ModuleWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)88(argc) >= (2)90args[0]->IsString()93105109(sandbox) != nullptr113args[3]->IsNumber()args[4]->IsNumber()try_catch.HasCaught()!try_catch.Message().IsEmpty()145!try_catch.Exception().IsEmpty()170(args.Length()) == (1)static void node::loader::ModuleWrap::Link(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)171linking error, expected resolver to return a promise233static void node::loader::ModuleWrap::Instantiate(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)234235252(args.Length()) == (2)static void node::loader::ModuleWrap::Evaluate(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)254257args[1]->IsBoolean()Script execution timed out.Script execution interrupted.cannot get namespace, Module has not been instantiated365static MaybeLocal node::loader::ModuleWrap::ResolveCallback(Local, Local, Local)linking error, unknown modulelinking error, null deplinking error, not in local cachelinking error, dependency promises must be resolved on instantiatelinking error, expected a valid module object from resolver/673static void node::loader::ModuleWrap::Resolve(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)675second argument is not a URL string744static void node::loader::ModuleWrap::SetImportModuleDynamicallyCallback(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)745755static void node::loader::ModuleWrap::HostInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback(Local, Local, Local)775static void node::loader::ModuleWrap::SetInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)776linkinstantiateevaluatenamespacegetStatusgetErrorgetStaticDependencySpecifiersresolvesetImportModuleDynamicallyCallbacksetInitializeImportMetaObjectCallbackkUninstantiatedkInstantiatingkInstantiatedkEvaluatingkEvaluatedkErrored478(0) == (uv_fs_close(nullptr, &fs_req, fd, nullptr))Maybe node::loader::(anonymous namespace)::CheckFile(const std::string &, node::loader::(anonymous namespace)::CheckFileOptions)484513(0) == (uv_fs_close(nullptr, &fs_req, check.FromJust(), nullptr))const node::loader::PackageConfig &node::loader::(anonymous namespace)::GetPackageConfig(node::Environment *, const std::string &)index.mjs.js.json.nodenode_modules/ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPEERR_MISSING_MODULE703MaybeLocal node::loader::ImportModuleDynamically(Local, Local, Local)import() called outside of main contextmodule_wrapresolve_cachepairstd::basic_stringSIGHUPSIGINTSIGQUITSIGILLSIGTRAPSIGABRTSIGBUSSIGFPESIGKILLSIGUSR1SIGSEGVSIGUSR2SIGPIPESIGALRMSIGTERMSIGCHLDSIGSTKFLTSIGCONTSIGSTOPSIGTSTPSIGTTINSIGTTOUSIGURGSIGXCPUSIGXFSZSIGVTALRMSIGPROFSIGWINCHSIGIOSIGPWRSIGSYS../src/node.cc628void node::AddPromiseHook(v8::Isolate *, node::promise_hook_func, void *)636void node::AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(v8::Isolate *, void (*)(void *), void *)645void node::RemoveEnvironmentCleanupHook(v8::Isolate *, void (*)(void *), void *)655!recv.IsEmpty()MaybeLocal node::InternalMakeCallback(node::Environment *, Local, const Local, int, Local *, node::async_context)MaybeLocal node::MakeCallback(v8::Isolate *, Local, Local, int, Local *, node::async_context)node-do-not-add-exception-line844(end) >= (start)void node::AppendExceptionLine(node::Environment *, Local, Local, enum ErrorHandlingMode)%s:%i %s 858(off) >= (0)878(off) <= (max_off) %s905err_obj->SetPrivate( env->context(), env->arrow_message_private_symbol(), arrow_str).FromMaybe(false)912!er.IsEmpty()void node::ReportException(node::Environment *, Local, Local)%s %s %s %s: %s %s %s: %s %s: %s:%s:%s%s Assertion `%s' failed. 1215(0) == (uv_key_create(&thread_local_modpending))void node::InitModpendingOnce()1369void node::FatalException(v8::Isolate *, Local, Local)1419!try_catch.HasTerminated()void node::FatalException(v8::Isolate *, const v8::TryCatch &)DeprecationWarningtitle1703process->SetAccessor( env->context(), title_string, ProcessTitleGetter, env->is_main_thread() ? ProcessTitleSetter : nullptr, env->as_external(), DEFAULT, None, SideEffectType::kHasNoSideEffect).FromJust()void node::SetupProcessObject(node::Environment *, const std::vector &, const std::vector &)v10.15.1versionshttp_parsernodev8uvzlib1.2.11ares1.15.0modulesnghttp21.34.0napiopensslarcharmplatformandroidreleaseltsDubniumsourceUrlhttps://nodejs.org/download/release/v10.15.1/node-v10.15.1.tar.gzheadersUrlhttps://nodejs.org/download/release/v10.15.1/node-v10.15.1-headers.tar.gzargvexecArgvenvfeaturesppid1852process->SetAccessor(env->context(), FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "ppid"), GetParentProcessId).FromJust()_eval_print_eval_syntax_check_only_forceRepl_preload_modulesnoDeprecationnoProcessWarningstraceProcessWarningsthrowDeprecationprofProcesstraceDeprecation_breakFirstLine_breakNodeFirstLine_deprecatedDebugBrk_invalidDebugexecPathdebugPort1989process->SetAccessor(env->context(), debug_port_string, DebugPortGetter, env->is_main_thread() ? DebugPortSetter : nullptr, env->as_external()).FromJust()_debugProcess_debugEnd_startProfilerIdleNotifier_stopProfilerIdleNotifierabortchdirumask_getActiveRequests_getActiveHandles_killdlopenreallyExituptimeinternal/bootstrap/loaders.jsinternal/bootstrap/node.jsglobal2212(sigaction(signal, &sa, nullptr)) == (0)void node::RegisterSignalHandler(int, void (*)(int), bool)--help--abort-on-uncaught-exception--abort_on_uncaught_exception--prof%s: bad option: %s NODE_PENDING_DEPRECATIONNODE_PRESERVE_SYMLINKSNODE_PRESERVE_SYMLINKS_MAINNODE_REDIRECT_WARNINGSOPENSSL_CONFNODE_OPTIONS2681void node::AtExit(node::Environment *, void (*)(void *), void *)beforeExitemit_exitingexit2989(argc) > (0)int node::Start(int, char **)NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS1114mp == nullptr || (mp->nm_flags & flag) != 0struct node_module *node::FindModule(struct node_module *, const char *, int)FATAL ERROR: %s %s FATAL ERROR: %s debugtls_alpntls_snitls_ocsptls1229(uv_key_get(&thread_local_modpending)) == nullptrvoid node::DLOpen(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)process.dlopen needs at least 2 arguments.flag argument must be an integer.Module did not self-register.The module '%s' was compiled against a different Node.js version using NODE_MODULE_VERSION %d. This version of Node.js requires NODE_MODULE_VERSION %d. Please try re-compiling or re-installing the module (for instance, using `npm rebuild` or `npm install`).Built-in module self-registered.Module has no declared entry point.node_register_module_v64napi_register_module_v12063bootstrapper_v.ToLocalChecked()->IsFunction()MaybeLocal node::GetBootstrapper(node::Environment *, Local, Local)1538void node::GetBinding(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1550exports->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()natives1516(mod->nm_register_func) == nullptrLocal node::InitModule(node::Environment *, node::node_module *, Local)1517(mod->nm_context_register_func) != nullptrNo such module: %s1596void node::GetLinkedBinding(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)No such module was linked: %sLinked module has no declared entry point.1565void node::GetInternalBinding(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)code_cachecode_cache_hashnatives_hashInvalid number of arguments.2223void node::DebugProcess(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)killError: Attempt to revert an unknown CVE [%s] /dev/null2382(0) == (sigaction(nr, &act, nullptr))void node::PlatformInit()__metadataprocess_name10.15.1thread_nameJavaScriptMainThread2.8.0642948(node_isolate) == nullptrint node::Start(uv_loop_t *, const std::vector &, const std::vector &)2975(node_isolate) == (isolate)inspectorT *node::Malloc(size_t) [T = const char *]../src/node_api.cc1258(node_env) != nullptrvoid napi_module_register_by_symbol(v8::Local, v8::Local, v8::Local, napi_addon_register_func)1270(((env))->open_handle_scopes) == (open_handle_scopes)(((env))->open_callback_scopes) == (open_callback_scopes)1373(env->last_error.error_code) <= (napi_callback_scope_mismatch)napi_status napi_get_last_error_info(napi_env, const napi_extended_error_info **)Maximum BigInt size exceededERR_NAPI_CONS_FUNCTIONConstructor must be a functionERR_NAPI_INVALID_TYPEDARRAY_LENGTHInvalid typed array lengthERR_NAPI_INVALID_TYPEDARRAY_ALIGNMENTstart offset of Int16Array should be a multiple of 2start offset of Uint16Array should be a multiple of 2start offset of Int32Array should be a multiple of 4start offset of Uint32Array should be a multiple of 4start offset of Float32Array should be a multiple of 4start offset of Float64Array should be a multiple of 8start offset of BigInt64Array should be a multiple of 8start offset of BigUint64Array should be a multiple of 8ERR_NAPI_INVALID_DATAVIEW_ARGSbyte_offset + byte_length should be less than or equal to the size in bytes of the array passed in4126func != nullptrnapi_status napi_get_threadsafe_function_context(napi_threadsafe_function, void **)4127result != nullptr4137napi_status napi_call_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function, void *, napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode)4144napi_status napi_acquire_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function)4151napi_status napi_release_threadsafe_function(napi_threadsafe_function, napi_threadsafe_function_release_mode)4157napi_status napi_unref_threadsafe_function(napi_env, napi_threadsafe_function)4163napi_status napi_ref_threadsafe_function(napi_env, napi_threadsafe_function)763global->SetPrivate(context, NAPI_PRIVATE_KEY(context, env), external) .FromJust()napi_env (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::GetEnv(v8::Local)24(isolate) == (context->GetIsolate())napi_env__::napi_env__(v8::Local)25(node_env()) != nullptrInvalid argumentAn object was expectedA string was expectedA string or symbol was expectedA function was expectedA number was expectedA boolean was expectedAn array was expectedUnknown failureAn exception is pendingThe async work item was cancellednapi_escape_handle already called on scopeInvalid handle scope usageInvalid callback scope usageThread-safe function queue is fullThread-safe function handle is closingA bigint was expected576void (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::CallbackWrapperBase, &(anonymous namespace)::v8impl::CallbackBundle::function_or_getter>::InvokeCallback() [Info = v8::FunctionCallbackInfo, FunctionField = &(anonymous namespace)::v8impl::CallbackBundle::function_or_getter]void (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::CallbackWrapperBase, &(anonymous namespace)::v8impl::CallbackBundle::function_or_getter>::InvokeCallback() [Info = v8::PropertyCallbackInfo, FunctionField = &(anonymous namespace)::v8impl::CallbackBundle::function_or_getter]void (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::CallbackWrapperBase, &(anonymous namespace)::v8impl::CallbackBundle::setter>::InvokeCallback() [Info = v8::PropertyCallbackInfo, FunctionField = &(anonymous namespace)::v8impl::CallbackBundle::setter]]816obj->DeletePrivate(context, NAPI_PRIVATE_KEY(context, wrapper)) .FromJust()napi_status (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::Unwrap(napi_env, napi_value, void **, (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::UnwrapAction)466static void (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::Reference::FinalizeCallback(const v8::WeakCallbackInfo &)(((finalizer->_env))->open_handle_scopes) == (open_handle_scopes)static void (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::Finalizer::FinalizeBufferCallback(char *, void *)(((finalizer->_env))->open_callback_scopes) == (open_callback_scopes)../src/node_internals.h505node::ThreadPoolWork::ThreadPoolWork(node::Environment *)3892((env)->open_handle_scopes) == (open_handle_scopes)virtual void (anonymous namespace)::uvimpl::Work::AfterThreadPoolWork(int)((env)->open_callback_scopes) == (open_callback_scopes)534(status) == (0)void node::ThreadPoolWork::ScheduleWork()ERR_NAPI_TSFN_CALL_JSFailed to call JS callback961(napi_get_uv_event_loop(env, &loop)) == (napi_ok)napi_status (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::ThreadSafeFunction::Init()ERR_NAPI_TSFN_START_IDLE_LOOPFailed to start the idle loop1069napi_throw_error(env, "ERR_NAPI_TSFN_START_IDLE_LOOP", "Failed to start the idle loop") == napi_okvoid (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::ThreadSafeFunction::MaybeStartIdle()ERR_NAPI_TSFN_STOP_IDLE_LOOPFailed to stop the idle loop1051napi_throw_error(env, "ERR_NAPI_TSFN_STOP_IDLE_LOOP", "Failed to stop the idle loop") == napi_okvoid (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::ThreadSafeFunction::DispatchOne()118(0) == (Traits::cond_init(&cond_))node::ConditionVariableBase::ConditionVariableBase() [Traits = node::LibuvMutexTraits]1231obj->SetPrivate(context, NAPI_PRIVATE_KEY(context, wrapper), v8::External::New(env->isolate, reference)).FromJust()napi_status (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::Wrap(napi_env, napi_value, void *, napi_finalize, void *, napi_ref *) [wrap_type = (anonymous namespace)::v8impl::retrievable]../src/node_buffer.ccval->IsArrayBufferView()char *node::Buffer::Data(Local)219obj->IsArrayBufferView()char *node::Buffer::Data(Local)227size_t node::Buffer::Length(Local)size_t node::Buffer::Length(Local)258actual <= lengthMaybeLocal node::Buffer::New(v8::Isolate *, Local, enum encoding)282MaybeLocal node::Buffer::New(v8::Isolate *, size_t)325MaybeLocal node::Buffer::Copy(v8::Isolate *, const char *, size_t)343(data) != nullptrMaybeLocal node::Buffer::Copy(node::Environment *, const char *, size_t)375MaybeLocal node::Buffer::New(v8::Isolate *, char *, size_t, node::Buffer::FreeCallback, void *)414MaybeLocal node::Buffer::New(v8::Isolate *, char *, size_t)424MaybeLocal node::Buffer::New(node::Environment *, char *, size_t)425length <= kMaxLength(data_) == (static_cast(obj_c.Data()))node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::CallbackInfo::CallbackInfo(v8::Isolate *, Local, node::Buffer::FreeCallback, char *, void *)146(data_) != nullptrsetupBufferJScreateFromStringbyteLengthUtf8copycomparecompareOffsetfillindexOfBufferindexOfNumberindexOfStringswap16swap32swap64encodeUtf8StringkMaxLengthkStringMaxLength1047void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::SetupBufferJS(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)asciiSlicebase64Slicelatin1SlicehexSliceucs2Sliceutf8SliceasciiWritebase64Writelatin1WritehexWriteucs2Writeutf8Write1066zeroFill1073binding_object->Set(env->context(), name, value).FromJust()argument must be a buffer457(args.This())->IsArrayBufferView()void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringSlice(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::ASCII](ts_obj_data) != (nullptr)472!error.IsEmpty()Index out of rangeERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGEvoid node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringSlice(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::BASE64]void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringSlice(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::BINARY]void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringSlice(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::HEX]void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringSlice(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::UCS2]void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringSlice(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::UTF8]619void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringWrite(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::ASCII]argument must be a string"offset" is outside of buffer boundsERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDSvoid node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringWrite(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::BASE64]void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringWrite(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::BINARY]void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringWrite(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::HEX]void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringWrite(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::UCS2]void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::StringWrite(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [encoding = node::UTF8]439void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::CreateFromString(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)440653void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::ByteLengthUtf8(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)488(buffer_obj)->IsArrayBufferView()void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::Copy(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)489(target_obj)->IsArrayBufferView()(target_data) != (nullptr)723(args[0])->IsArrayBufferView()void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::Compare(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)(obj_a_data) != (nullptr)724(args[1])->IsArrayBufferView()(obj_b_data) != (nullptr)681void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::CompareOffset(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)682701(source_start) <= (source_end)702(target_start) <= (target_end)524void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::Fill(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)(fill_obj_data) != (nullptr)221(nbytes % 2) == (0)void node::SwapBytes16(char *, size_t)889void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::IndexOfBuffer(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)890args[2]->IsNumber()891899900(buf_data) != (nullptr)928(offset) < (haystack_length)../src/string_search.hlength > 0 && data != nullptrnode::stringsearch::Vector::Vector(T *, size_t, bool) [T = const unsigned short]280(1) == (pattern_.length())size_t node::stringsearch::StringSearch::SingleCharSearch(node::stringsearch::StringSearch::Vector, size_t) [Char = unsigned short]216(pos) <= (max_n)size_t node::stringsearch::FindFirstCharacter(Vector, Vector, size_t) [Char = unsigned short]217(max_n - pos) <= ((4294967295U) / sizeof(Char))220(pos) <= (subject.length())(subject.length() - pos) <= ((4294967295U) / sizeof(Char))293(pattern_.length()) > (1)size_t node::stringsearch::StringSearch::LinearSearch(node::stringsearch::StringSearch::Vector, size_t) [Char = unsigned short](i) <= (n)size_t node::stringsearch::StringSearch::InitialSearch(node::stringsearch::StringSearch::Vector, size_t) [Char = unsigned short]node::stringsearch::Vector::Vector(T *, size_t, bool) [T = const unsigned char]size_t node::stringsearch::StringSearch::SingleCharSearch(node::stringsearch::StringSearch::Vector, size_t) [Char = unsigned char]size_t node::stringsearch::StringSearch::LinearSearch(node::stringsearch::StringSearch::Vector, size_t) [Char = unsigned char]size_t node::stringsearch::StringSearch::InitialSearch(node::stringsearch::StringSearch::Vector, size_t) [Char = unsigned char]963args[1]->IsUint32()void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::IndexOfNumber(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)964965args[3]->IsBoolean()968979(offset) < (ts_obj_length)void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::IndexOfString(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)777782815996void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::Swap16(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1005void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::Swap32(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)245(nbytes % 4) == (0)void node::SwapBytes32(char *, size_t)1014void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::Swap64(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)269(nbytes % 8) == (0)void node::SwapBytes64(char *, size_t)1025(args.Length()) >= (1)void node::Buffer::(anonymous namespace)::EncodeUtf8String(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1026376T *node::Realloc(T *, size_t) [T = char]../src/node_config.ccconfigpreserveSymlinkspreserveSymlinksMainexperimentalModulesuserLoaderexperimentalVMModulesexperimentalWorkerexperimentalREPLAwaitpendingDeprecationexposeInternalsshouldAbortOnUncaughtExceptionbitswarningFiledebugOptionsinspectorEnabled../src/node_constants.cc1302os_constants->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()void node::DefineConstants(v8::Isolate *, Local)1306err_constants->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()1310sig_constants->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()1314priority_constants->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()1318fs_constants->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()1322crypto_constants->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()1326zlib_constants->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()1330dlopen_constants->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()1334trace_constants->SetPrototype(env->context(), Null(env->isolate())).FromJust()UV_UDP_REUSEADDRsignalsosfscryptotraceE2BIGEOPNOTSUPPEWOULDBLOCKSIGIOTSIGPOLLSIGUNUSEDPRIORITY_LOWPRIORITY_BELOW_NORMALPRIORITY_NORMALPRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMALPRIORITY_HIGHPRIORITY_HIGHESTUV_FS_SYMLINK_DIRUV_FS_SYMLINK_JUNCTIONO_RDONLYO_WRONLYO_RDWRUV_DIRENT_UNKNOWNUV_DIRENT_FILEUV_DIRENT_DIRUV_DIRENT_LINKUV_DIRENT_FIFOUV_DIRENT_SOCKETUV_DIRENT_CHARUV_DIRENT_BLOCKS_IFMTS_IFREGS_IFDIRS_IFCHRS_IFBLKS_IFIFOS_IFLNKS_IFSOCKO_CREATO_EXCLO_NOCTTYO_TRUNCO_APPENDO_DIRECTORYO_NOATIMEO_NOFOLLOWO_SYNCO_DSYNCO_DIRECTO_NONBLOCKS_IRWXUS_IRUSRS_IWUSRS_IXUSRS_IRWXGS_IRGRPS_IWGRPS_IXGRPS_IRWXOS_IROTHS_IWOTHS_IXOTHF_OKR_OKW_OKX_OKUV_FS_COPYFILE_EXCLCOPYFILE_EXCLUV_FS_COPYFILE_FICLONECOPYFILE_FICLONEUV_FS_COPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCECOPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCEOPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBERSSL_OP_ALLSSL_OP_ALLOW_UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATIONSSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCESSL_OP_CISCO_ANYCONNECTSSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGESSL_OP_CRYPTOPRO_TLSEXT_BUGSSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTSSSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSASSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECTSSL_OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFERSSL_OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUGSSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDINGSSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUGSSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUGSSL_OP_NETSCAPE_DEMO_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUGSSL_OP_NETSCAPE_REUSE_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUGSSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSIONSSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTUSSL_OP_NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATIONSSL_OP_NO_SSLv2SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3SSL_OP_NO_TICKETSSL_OP_NO_TLSv1SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USESSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USESSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUGSSL_OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUGSSL_OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUGSSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUGSSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUGENGINE_METHOD_RSAENGINE_METHOD_DSAENGINE_METHOD_DHENGINE_METHOD_RANDENGINE_METHOD_ECENGINE_METHOD_CIPHERSENGINE_METHOD_DIGESTSENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_METHSENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_ASN1_METHSENGINE_METHOD_ALLENGINE_METHOD_NONEDH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIMEDH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIMEDH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATORDH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATORALPN_ENABLEDRSA_PKCS1_PADDINGRSA_SSLV23_PADDINGRSA_NO_PADDINGRSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDINGRSA_X931_PADDINGRSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDINGRSA_PSS_SALTLEN_DIGESTRSA_PSS_SALTLEN_MAX_SIGNRSA_PSS_SALTLEN_AUTOPOINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSEDPOINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSEDPOINT_CONVERSION_HYBRIDdefaultCoreCipherListECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!SRP:!CAMELLIAdefaultCipherListINT_MAXRTLD_LAZYRTLD_NOWRTLD_GLOBALRTLD_LOCALTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_BEGINTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ENDTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_COMPLETETRACE_EVENT_PHASE_INSTANTTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_BEGINTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_STEP_INTOTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_STEP_PASTTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ASYNC_ENDTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGINTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_ENDTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_NESTABLE_ASYNC_INSTANTTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_BEGINTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_STEPTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_FLOW_ENDTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_METADATATRACE_EVENT_PHASE_COUNTERTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_SAMPLETRACE_EVENT_PHASE_CREATE_OBJECTTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_SNAPSHOT_OBJECTTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_DELETE_OBJECTTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_MEMORY_DUMPTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_MARKTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_CLOCK_SYNCTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_ENTER_CONTEXTTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_LEAVE_CONTEXTTRACE_EVENT_PHASE_LINK_IDSCould not instantiate contextmakeContextisContextcompileFunction../src/node_contextify.cc218(args.Length()) == (5)static void node::contextify::ContextifyContext::MakeContext(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)226!sandbox->HasPrivate( env->context(), env->contextify_context_private_symbol()).FromJust()230args[2]->IsString() || args[2]->IsUndefined()238241265static void node::contextify::ContextifyContext::IsContext(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)static void node::contextify::ContextifyContext::CompileFunction(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)972976982args[4]->IsUint8Array()987args[5]->IsBoolean()993args[6]->IsObject()9971006args[7]->IsArray()1013args[8]->IsArray()1044val->IsObject()1055val->IsString() createCachedDatarunInContextrunInThisContext625static void node::contextify::ContextifyScript::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)630633(argc) == (7)646648654657661node,node.vm,node.vm.scriptContextifyScript::Newfilename804(args.Length()) == (4)static void node::contextify::ContextifyScript::RunInContext(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)806(contextify_context) != nullptrRunInContext819822args[2]->IsBoolean()825Script methods can only be called on script instances.RunInThisContext780(args.Length()) == (3)static void node::contextify::ContextifyScript::RunInThisContext(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)785788contextify../src/node_domain.cc18void node::domain::Enable(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)enabledomain16letin1naryfferutf8utf-8asciibase64ucs2ucs-2utf16leutf-16lelatin1binaryhex../src/node_encoding.cc!encoding_v.IsEmpty()enum encoding node::ParseEncoding(v8::Isolate *, Local, enum encoding)106(encoding) != (UCS2)Local node::Encode(v8::Isolate *, const char *, size_t, enum encoding)../src/node_file.ccstatic void node::fs::FileHandle::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)args[0]->IsInt32()!closing_virtual node::fs::FileHandle::~FileHandle()closed_file_handle447void node::fs::NewFSReqWrap(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)(wrap_->req()) == (req)node::fs::FSReqAfterScope::FSReqAfterScope(node::fs::FSReqBase *, uv_fs_t *)795void node::fs::Access(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)797801access808(argc) == (4)node,node.fs,node.fs.syncfs.sync.access821void node::fs::Close(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)823831(argc) == (3)fs.sync.closeopenopenFileHandlereadfdatasyncfsyncftruncatermdirmkdirreaddirinternalModuleReadJSONinternalModuleStatstatlstatfstatsymlinkreadlinkunlinkwriteBufferswriteStringrealpathcopyFilechmodfchmodchownfchownlchownutimesfutimesmkdtempkFsStatsFieldsLengthstatValuesbigintStatValuesFileHandleReqWrapreleaseFDFileHandleCloseRequse promiseskUsePromisesClosing file descriptor %d on garbage collection failedClosing file descriptor %d on garbage collection!maybe_resolver.IsEmpty()MaybeLocal node::fs::FileHandle::ClosePromise()!reading_virtual node::ReqWrap::~ReqWrap() [T = uv_fs_s]236(close) != nullptrauto node::fs::FileHandle::ClosePromise()::(anonymous class)::operator()(uv_fs_t *) constuv_buf_t342(handle->current_read_.get()) == (req_wrap)auto node::fs::FileHandle::ReadStart()::(anonymous class)::operator()(uv_fs_t *) const../src/node_file.h168finished_virtual node::fs::FSReqPromise::~FSReqPromise() [NativeT = unsigned long long, V8T = v8::BigUint64Array]continuation_datavirtual node::fs::FSReqPromise::~FSReqPromise() [NativeT = double, V8T = v8::Float64Array]paths(paths.size()) > (0)std::string node::fs::FSContinuationData::PopPath()1594(argc) >= (3)void node::fs::Open(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1597159916021610(argc) == (5)fs.sync.open!has_data_void node::fs::FSReqBase::Init(const char *, const char *, size_t, enum encoding)../src/util.h313!IsInvalidated()void node::MaybeStackBuffer::AllocateSufficientStorage(size_t) [T = char, kStackStorageSize = 64]334(length + 1) <= (capacity())void node::MaybeStackBuffer::SetLengthAndZeroTerminate(size_t) [T = char, kStackStorageSize = 64]328(length) <= (capacity())void node::MaybeStackBuffer::SetLength(size_t) [T = char, kStackStorageSize = 64]static node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::For(ReqWrap *, node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F) [ReqT = uv_fs_s, T = void (*)(uv_fs_s *)]1625void node::fs::OpenFileHandle(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)16281630163316411901(argc) >= (5)void node::fs::Read(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)19031906Buffer::HasInstance(args[1])19111913(off) < (buffer_length)1915args[3]->IsInt32()1917Buffer::IsWithinBounds(off, len, buffer_length)19191930fs.sync.read1175void node::fs::Fdatasync(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)11771185fs.sync.fdatasync1197void node::fs::Fsync(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)11991207fs.sync.fsync1123void node::fs::Rename(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1126(*old_path) != nullptr1128(*new_path) != nullptr1136fs.sync.rename1149void node::fs::FTruncate(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)115111541162fs.sync.ftruncate1241void node::fs::RMDir(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)12441251fs.sync.rmdir1390void node::fs::MKDir(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1393139513981406fs.sync.mkdir1469void node::fs::ReadDir(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1472scandir1488fs.sync.readdir1498(req_wrap_sync.req.result) >= (0)848void node::fs::InternalModuleReadJSON(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)"main"864(0) == (uv_fs_close(loop, &close_req, fd, nullptr))auto node::fs::InternalModuleReadJSON(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)::(anonymous class)::operator()(...) const914void node::fs::InternalModuleStat(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)932void node::fs::Stat(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)935943fs.sync.stat962void node::fs::LStat(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)973fs.sync.lstatvoid node::fs::FStat(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)9951004fs.sync.fstat1053void node::fs::Link(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1056(*src) != nullptr1059(*dest) != nullptrfs.sync.link1024void node::fs::Symlink(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1027(*target) != nullptr102910311039fs.sync.symlink1080void node::fs::ReadLink(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)10831092fs.sync.readlink1219void node::fs::Unlink(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)fs.sync.unlink1701void node::fs::WriteBuffer(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)170617111713(off) <= (buffer_length)171517171718(len) <= (buffer_length)1719(off + len) >= (off)write1731fs.sync.write1753void node::fs::WriteBuffers(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)17551758args[1]->IsArray()1767Buffer::HasInstance(chunk)1776T *node::Realloc(T *, size_t) [T = uv_buf_t]288(index) < (length())T &node::MaybeStackBuffer::operator[](size_t) [T = uv_buf_t, kStackStorageSize = 1024]1800void node::fs::WriteString(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)18021862(argc) == (6)1425void node::fs::RealPath(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)14281437fs.sync.realpath1661void node::fs::CopyFile(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)166416671669copyfile1678fs.sync.copyfilevoid node::fs::Chmod(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)195119531961fs.sync.chmod1978void node::fs::FChmod(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)198019831991fs.sync.fchmod2008void node::fs::Chown(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2011201320162024fs.sync.chown2041void node::fs::FChown(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2043204620492057fs.sync.fchown2071void node::fs::LChown(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2074207620792087fs.sync.lchownvoid node::fs::UTimes(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)210421062109utime2117fs.sync.utimes2130void node::fs::FUTimes(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)213221352138futime2146fs.sync.futimes2160void node::fs::Mkdtemp(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2163(*tmpl) != nullptr2172fs.sync.mkdtempcurrent_read../src/node_http2.cc85!session_handle_.IsEmpty()node::http2::Http2Scope::Http2Scope(node::http2::Http2Session *)setting header table size: %d setting max concurrent streams: %d setting max frame size: %d setting initial window size: %d setting max header list size: %d setting enable push: %d setting enable connect protocol: %d 319(nghttp2_submit_settings(**session_, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, &entries_[0], count_)) == (0)void node::http2::Http2Session::Http2Settings::Send()Http2Priority: parent: %d, weight: %d, exclusive: %d 373(header_string_len) == (0)node::http2::Headers::Headers(v8::Isolate *, Local, Local)389(header_contents + header_string_len) <= (*buf_ + buf_.length())(header_string.As()->WriteOneByte( isolate, reinterpret_cast(header_contents), 0, header_string_len, String::NO_NULL_TERMINATION)) == (header_string_len)428(origin_string_len) == (0)node::http2::Origins::Origins(v8::Isolate *, Local, Local, size_t)(origin_contents + origin_string_len) <= (*buf_ + buf_.length())454(origin_string->WriteOneByte( isolate, reinterpret_cast(origin_contents), 0, origin_string_len, String::NO_NULL_TERMINATION)) == (origin_string_len)639(fn(&session_, callbacks, this, *opts, *allocator_info)) == (0)node::http2::Http2Session::Http2Session(node::Environment *, Local, node::http2::nghttp2_session_type)(flags_ & SESSION_STATE_HAS_SCOPE) == (0)virtual node::http2::Http2Session::~Http2Session()freeing nghttp2 session(current_nghttp2_memory_) == (0)closing sessionterminating session with code %d751(nghttp2_session_terminate_session(session_, code)) == (0)void node::http2::Http2Session::Close(uint32_t, bool)using frame size padding: %dusing max frame size padding: %dusing callback to determine paddingusing padding size %dreceiving %d bytes [wants data? %d]881(ret) != (NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM)ssize_t node::http2::Http2Session::Write(const uv_buf_t *, size_t)beginning headers for stream %dcomplete frame received: type: %dinvalid frame received, code: %dframe type %d was not sent, code: %dstream %d closed with code: %dbuffering data chunk for stream %d, size: %d, flags: %d(nghttp2_session_consume_connection(handle, len)) == (0)static int node::http2::Http2Session::OnDataChunkReceived(nghttp2_session *, uint8_t, int32_t, const uint8_t *, size_t, void *)Error '%.*s'Remote peer returned unexpected data while we expected SETTINGS frame. Perhaps, peer does not support HTTP/2 properly.1250!session->stream_buf_ab_.IsEmpty()virtual void node::http2::Http2StreamListener::OnStreamRead(ssize_t, const uv_buf_t &)(offset) <= (session->stream_buf_.len)1259(offset + buf.len) <= (session->stream_buf_.len)handle headers frame for stream %dhandle priority frame for stream %dhandling data frame for stream %dhandling goaway framehandling altsvc framehandling origin framewrite finished with status %d1542(flags_ & SESSION_STATE_WRITE_SCHEDULED) == (0)void node::http2::Http2Session::MaybeScheduleWrite()scheduling writewants read? %d1576(flags_ & SESSION_STATE_SENDING) != (0)void node::http2::Http2Session::ClearOutgoing(int)sending pending data1648(outgoing_buffers_.size()) == (0)uint8_t node::http2::Http2Session::SendPendingData()1649(outgoing_storage_.size()) == (0)nghttp2 has %d bytes to send1658(src_length) != (NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM)1726(padding_byte) == (frame->data.padlen - 1)static int node::http2::Http2Session::OnSendData(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_frame *, const uint8_t *, size_t, nghttp2_data_source *, void *)nghttp2 has %d bytes to send directly1734!stream->queue_.empty()submitting request(*ret) != (NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM)node::http2::Http2Stream *node::http2::Http2Session::SubmitRequest(nghttp2_priority_spec *, nghttp2_nv *, size_t, int32_t *, int)1787(stream_) != nullptrvirtual void node::http2::Http2Session::OnStreamRead(ssize_t, const uv_buf_t &)receiving %d bytes1790stream_buf_ab_.IsEmpty()1801(stream_buf_.base) == nullptr(stream_buf_.len) == (0)1812(static_cast(nread)) <= (stream_buf_.len)fatal error receiving data: %di/o stream consumedtearing down streamHttpStream ) [starting headers, category: %d1929!this->IsDestroyed()void node::http2::Http2Stream::StartHeaders(nghttp2_headers_category)1941void node::http2::Http2Stream::Close(int32_t)closed with code %d1955(nghttp2_session_resume_data(**session_, id_)) != (NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM)virtual int node::http2::Http2Stream::DoShutdown(node::ShutdownWrap *)writable side shutdowndestroying streamint node::http2::Http2Stream::SubmitResponse(nghttp2_nv *, size_t, int)submitting response20192026int node::http2::Http2Stream::SubmitInfo(nghttp2_nv *, size_t)sending %d informational headers2033let javascript know we are ready for trailers2039void node::http2::Http2Stream::OnTrailers()2050int node::http2::Http2Stream::SubmitTrailers(nghttp2_nv *, size_t)sending %d trailers2070int node::http2::Http2Stream::SubmitPriority(nghttp2_priority_spec *, bool)sending priority spec2086void node::http2::Http2Stream::SubmitRstStream(const uint32_t)2105(nghttp2_submit_rst_stream(**session_, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, id_, code_)) == (0)void node::http2::Http2Stream::FlushRstStream()2114node::http2::Http2Stream *node::http2::Http2Stream::SubmitPushPromise(nghttp2_nv *, size_t, int32_t *, int)sending push promise21192131virtual int node::http2::Http2Stream::ReadStart()reading starting2149virtual int node::http2::Http2Stream::ReadStop()reading stopped2171virtual int node::http2::Http2Stream::DoWrite(node::WriteWrap *, uv_buf_t *, size_t, uv_stream_t *)queuing %d buffers to send21872199bool node::http2::Http2Stream::AddHeader(nghttp2_rcbuf *, nghttp2_rcbuf *, uint8_t)2224!stream->IsDestroyed()node::http2::Http2Stream::Provider::Provider(node::http2::Http2Stream *, int)reading outbound data for stream %d2262(id) == (stream->id())static ssize_t node::http2::Http2Stream::Provider::Stream::OnRead(nghttp2_session *, int32_t, uint8_t *, size_t, uint32_t *, nghttp2_data_source *, void *)stream %d has pending outbound datasending %d bytes for data frame on stream %d2290stream->queue_.empty()deferring stream %dno more data for stream %dfailed to set next stream id to %dset next stream id to %drefreshing state2420static void node::http2::Http2Session::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)session created2433args[0]->IsExternal()static void node::http2::Http2Session::Consume(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)destroying sessionrequest submittedcould not submit request: %srequest submitted, new stream id %dsubmitting goawaysending rst_stream with code %dresponse submitted%d informational headers sent%d trailing headers sentdata flushed to jscreating push promisefailed to create push stream: %dpush stream %d created2664(stream->SubmitPriority(*priority, silent)) == (0)static void node::http2::Http2Stream::Priority(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)priority submitted2714(nghttp2_submit_altsvc(session_, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, id, origin, origin_len, value, value_len)) == (0)void node::http2::Http2Session::AltSvc(int32_t, uint8_t *, size_t, uint8_t *, size_t)2719(nghttp2_submit_origin(session_, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, ov, count)) == (0)void node::http2::Http2Session::Origin(nghttp2_origin_entry *, size_t)2737(origin_len + value_len) <= (16382)static void node::http2::Http2Session::AltSvc(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2740(origin_len != 0 && id == 0) || (origin_len == 0 && id != 0)2779(Buffer::Length(args[0])) == (8)static void node::http2::Http2Session::Ping(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2875(nghttp2_submit_ping(**session_, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE, payload)) == (0)void node::http2::Http2Session::Http2Ping::Send(uint8_t *)req_wrappaddingBuffersessionStatestreamStatesettingsBufferoptionsBufferstreamStatssessionStatsPADDING_BUF_FRAME_LENGTHPADDING_BUF_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTHPADDING_BUF_RETURN_VALUEnghttp2ErrorStringHttp2SettingidflushDatapushPromiseinfotrailersrespondrstStreamrefreshStateoriginaltsvcpingconsumegoawaysettingsrequestsetNextStreamIDupdateChunksSentlocalSettingsremoteSettingsNGHTTP2_SESSION_SERVERNGHTTP2_SESSION_CLIENTNGHTTP2_STREAM_STATE_IDLENGHTTP2_STREAM_STATE_OPENNGHTTP2_STREAM_STATE_RESERVED_LOCALNGHTTP2_STREAM_STATE_RESERVED_REMOTENGHTTP2_STREAM_STATE_HALF_CLOSED_LOCALNGHTTP2_STREAM_STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTENGHTTP2_STREAM_STATE_CLOSEDNGHTTP2_NO_ERRORNGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERRORNGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERRORNGHTTP2_FLOW_CONTROL_ERRORNGHTTP2_SETTINGS_TIMEOUTNGHTTP2_STREAM_CLOSEDNGHTTP2_FRAME_SIZE_ERRORNGHTTP2_REFUSED_STREAMNGHTTP2_CANCELNGHTTP2_COMPRESSION_ERRORNGHTTP2_CONNECT_ERRORNGHTTP2_ENHANCE_YOUR_CALMNGHTTP2_INADEQUATE_SECURITYNGHTTP2_HTTP_1_1_REQUIREDNGHTTP2_HCAT_REQUESTNGHTTP2_HCAT_RESPONSENGHTTP2_HCAT_PUSH_RESPONSENGHTTP2_HCAT_HEADERSNGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NONENGHTTP2_NV_FLAG_NO_INDEXNGHTTP2_ERR_DEFERREDNGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLENGHTTP2_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENTNGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSEDNGHTTP2_ERR_FRAME_SIZE_ERRORSTREAM_OPTION_EMPTY_PAYLOADSTREAM_OPTION_GET_TRAILERSNGHTTP2_FLAG_NONENGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAMNGHTTP2_FLAG_END_HEADERSNGHTTP2_FLAG_ACKNGHTTP2_FLAG_PADDEDNGHTTP2_FLAG_PRIORITYDEFAULT_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZEDEFAULT_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSHDEFAULT_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZEDEFAULT_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZEMAX_MAX_FRAME_SIZEMIN_MAX_FRAME_SIZEMAX_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZENGHTTP2_DEFAULT_WEIGHTNGHTTP2_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZENGHTTP2_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSHNGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMSNGHTTP2_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZENGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZENGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZENGHTTP2_SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOLPADDING_STRATEGY_NONEPADDING_STRATEGY_ALIGNEDPADDING_STRATEGY_MAXPADDING_STRATEGY_CALLBACKHTTP2_HEADER_STATUS:statusHTTP2_HEADER_METHOD:methodHTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY:authorityHTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME:schemeHTTP2_HEADER_PATH:pathHTTP2_HEADER_PROTOCOL:protocolHTTP2_HEADER_ACCEPT_CHARSETaccept-charsetHTTP2_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODINGaccept-encodingHTTP2_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGEaccept-languageHTTP2_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGESaccept-rangesHTTP2_HEADER_ACCEPTacceptHTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALSaccess-control-allow-credentialsHTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERSaccess-control-allow-headersHTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODSaccess-control-allow-methodsHTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGINaccess-control-allow-originHTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERSaccess-control-expose-headersHTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGEaccess-control-max-ageHTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERSaccess-control-request-headersHTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHODaccess-control-request-methodHTTP2_HEADER_AGEageHTTP2_HEADER_ALLOWallowHTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORIZATIONauthorizationHTTP2_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROLcache-controlHTTP2_HEADER_CONNECTIONconnectionHTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITIONcontent-dispositionHTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODINGcontent-encodingHTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LANGUAGEcontent-languageHTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTHcontent-lengthHTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATIONcontent-locationHTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_MD5content-md5HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGEcontent-rangeHTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPEcontent-typeHTTP2_HEADER_COOKIEcookieHTTP2_HEADER_DATEdateHTTP2_HEADER_DNTdntHTTP2_HEADER_ETAGetagHTTP2_HEADER_EXPECTexpectHTTP2_HEADER_EXPIRESexpiresHTTP2_HEADER_FORWARDEDforwardedHTTP2_HEADER_FROMfromHTTP2_HEADER_HOSTHTTP2_HEADER_IF_MATCHif-matchHTTP2_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCEif-modified-sinceHTTP2_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCHif-none-matchHTTP2_HEADER_IF_RANGEif-rangeHTTP2_HEADER_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCEif-unmodified-sinceHTTP2_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIEDlast-modifiedHTTP2_HEADER_LINKHTTP2_HEADER_LOCATIONlocationHTTP2_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDSmax-forwardsHTTP2_HEADER_PREFERpreferHTTP2_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHENTICATEproxy-authenticateHTTP2_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATIONproxy-authorizationHTTP2_HEADER_RANGErangeHTTP2_HEADER_REFERERrefererHTTP2_HEADER_REFRESHHTTP2_HEADER_RETRY_AFTERretry-afterHTTP2_HEADER_SERVERserverHTTP2_HEADER_SET_COOKIEset-cookieHTTP2_HEADER_STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITYstrict-transport-securityHTTP2_HEADER_TRAILERtrailerHTTP2_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODINGtransfer-encodingHTTP2_HEADER_TEteHTTP2_HEADER_TKtkHTTP2_HEADER_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTSupgrade-insecure-requestsHTTP2_HEADER_UPGRADEupgradeHTTP2_HEADER_USER_AGENTuser-agentHTTP2_HEADER_VARYvaryHTTP2_HEADER_VIAviaHTTP2_HEADER_WARNINGwarningHTTP2_HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATEwww-authenticateHTTP2_HEADER_X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONSx-content-type-optionsHTTP2_HEADER_X_FRAME_OPTIONSx-frame-optionsHTTP2_HEADER_HTTP2_SETTINGShttp2-settingsHTTP2_HEADER_KEEP_ALIVEkeep-aliveHTTP2_HEADER_PROXY_CONNECTIONproxy-connectionHTTP2_METHOD_ACLACLHTTP2_METHOD_BASELINE_CONTROLBASELINE-CONTROLHTTP2_METHOD_BINDBINDHTTP2_METHOD_CHECKINCHECKINHTTP2_METHOD_CHECKOUTCHECKOUTHTTP2_METHOD_CONNECTCONNECTHTTP2_METHOD_COPYCOPYHTTP2_METHOD_DELETEDELETEHTTP2_METHOD_GETGETHTTP2_METHOD_HEADHEADHTTP2_METHOD_LABELLABELHTTP2_METHOD_LINKLINKHTTP2_METHOD_LOCKLOCKHTTP2_METHOD_MERGEMERGEHTTP2_METHOD_MKACTIVITYMKACTIVITYHTTP2_METHOD_MKCALENDARMKCALENDARHTTP2_METHOD_MKCOLMKCOLHTTP2_METHOD_MKREDIRECTREFMKREDIRECTREFHTTP2_METHOD_MKWORKSPACEMKWORKSPACEHTTP2_METHOD_MOVEMOVEHTTP2_METHOD_OPTIONSOPTIONSHTTP2_METHOD_ORDERPATCHORDERPATCHHTTP2_METHOD_PATCHPATCHHTTP2_METHOD_POSTPOSTHTTP2_METHOD_PRIPRIHTTP2_METHOD_PROPFINDPROPFINDHTTP2_METHOD_PROPPATCHPROPPATCHHTTP2_METHOD_PUTPUTHTTP2_METHOD_REBINDREBINDHTTP2_METHOD_REPORTREPORTHTTP2_METHOD_SEARCHSEARCHHTTP2_METHOD_TRACETRACEHTTP2_METHOD_UNBINDUNBINDHTTP2_METHOD_UNCHECKOUTUNCHECKOUTHTTP2_METHOD_UNLINKUNLINKHTTP2_METHOD_UNLOCKUNLOCKHTTP2_METHOD_UPDATEUPDATEHTTP2_METHOD_UPDATEREDIRECTREFUPDATEREDIRECTREFHTTP2_METHOD_VERSION_CONTROLVERSION-CONTROLHTTP_STATUS_CONTINUEHTTP_STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLSHTTP_STATUS_PROCESSINGHTTP_STATUS_EARLY_HINTSHTTP_STATUS_OKHTTP_STATUS_CREATEDHTTP_STATUS_ACCEPTEDHTTP_STATUS_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATIONHTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENTHTTP_STATUS_RESET_CONTENTHTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENTHTTP_STATUS_MULTI_STATUSHTTP_STATUS_ALREADY_REPORTEDHTTP_STATUS_IM_USEDHTTP_STATUS_MULTIPLE_CHOICESHTTP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLYHTTP_STATUS_FOUNDHTTP_STATUS_SEE_OTHERHTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIEDHTTP_STATUS_USE_PROXYHTTP_STATUS_TEMPORARY_REDIRECTHTTP_STATUS_PERMANENT_REDIRECTHTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUESTHTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZEDHTTP_STATUS_PAYMENT_REQUIREDHTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDENHTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUNDHTTP_STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWEDHTTP_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLEHTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDHTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUTHTTP_STATUS_CONFLICTHTTP_STATUS_GONEHTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIREDHTTP_STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILEDHTTP_STATUS_PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGEHTTP_STATUS_URI_TOO_LONGHTTP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPEHTTP_STATUS_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLEHTTP_STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILEDHTTP_STATUS_TEAPOTHTTP_STATUS_MISDIRECTED_REQUESTHTTP_STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITYHTTP_STATUS_LOCKEDHTTP_STATUS_FAILED_DEPENDENCYHTTP_STATUS_UNORDERED_COLLECTIONHTTP_STATUS_UPGRADE_REQUIREDHTTP_STATUS_PRECONDITION_REQUIREDHTTP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_REQUESTSHTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGEHTTP_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONSHTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORHTTP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDHTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAYHTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEHTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUTHTTP_STATUS_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTEDHTTP_STATUS_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATESHTTP_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGEHTTP_STATUS_LOOP_DETECTEDHTTP_STATUS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDHTTP_STATUS_NOT_EXTENDEDHTTP_STATUS_NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDrefreshDefaultSettingspackSettingsnameForErrorCode476(nghttp2_session_callbacks_new(&callbacks)) == (0)node::http2::Http2Session::Callbacks::Callbacks(bool)558(session->current_nghttp2_memory_) >= (previous_size)static void *node::http2::Http2Session::MemoryAllocatorInfo::H2Realloc(void *, size_t, void *)clienthttp2markmeasuregcfunction54(previous_listener_) != nullptrvoid node::StreamListener::PassReadErrorToPreviousListener(ssize_t)42(stream) != nullptrnode::http2::Http2Stream *node::http2::(anonymous namespace)::GetStream(node::http2::Http2Session *, int32_t, nghttp2_data_source *)43void node::StreamResource::PushStreamListener(node::StreamListener *)(listener->stream_) == nullptr793(++statistics_.stream_count) >= (0)void node::http2::Http2Session::AddStream(node::http2::Http2Stream *)!http2_state_void node::Environment::set_http2_state(std::unique_ptr)streamsoutstanding_pingsoutstanding_settingsoutgoing_buffersoutgoing_storagepending_rst_streamssecond59virtual void node::StreamListener::OnStreamAfterShutdown(node::ShutdownWrap *, int)virtual void node::StreamListener::OnStreamAfterWrite(node::WriteWrap *, int)current_headersqueuevoid node::MaybeStackBuffer::AllocateSufficientStorage(size_t) [T = char, kStackStorageSize = 3000]void node::MaybeStackBuffer::AllocateSufficientStorage(size_t) [T = char, kStackStorageSize = 512]T &node::MaybeStackBuffer::operator[](size_t) [T = uv_buf_t, kStackStorageSize = 32]T *node::Realloc(T *, size_t) [T = unsigned char]settings refreshed for sessionsession../src/node_http_parser.ccHTTPParserREQUESTRESPONSEkOnHeaderskOnHeadersCompletekOnBodykOnMessageCompletekOnExecuteM-SEARCHNOTIFYSUBSCRIBEUNSUBSCRIBEPURGESOURCEmethodsfreeexecutefinishreinitializepauseresumeunconsumegetCurrentBuffer369static void node::(anonymous namespace)::Parser::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)type == HTTP_REQUEST || type == HTTP_RESPONSEParser516(http_parser_buffer_) == nullptrvoid node::Environment::set_http_parser_buffer(char *)199(num_fields_) < (arraysize(fields_))int node::(anonymous namespace)::Parser::on_header_field(const char *, size_t)200(num_fields_) == (num_values_ + 1)215(num_values_) < (arraysize(values_))int node::(anonymous namespace)::Parser::on_header_value(const char *, size_t)(num_values_) == (num_fields_)415parser->current_buffer_.IsEmpty()static void node::(anonymous namespace)::Parser::Execute(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)416(parser->current_buffer_len_) == (0)417(parser->current_buffer_data_) == nullptr418(Buffer::HasInstance(args[0])) == (true)442static void node::(anonymous namespace)::Parser::Finish(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)467static void node::(anonymous namespace)::Parser::Reinitialize(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)468473477(env) == (parser->env())494static void node::(anonymous namespace)::Parser::Pause(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [should_pause = true]static void node::(anonymous namespace)::Parser::Pause(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [should_pause = false]502static void node::(anonymous namespace)::Parser::Consume(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)../src/node_messaging.cc248main_message_buf_.is_empty()Maybe node::worker::Message::Serialize(node::Environment *, Local, Local, Local, Local)Transfer list contains source portMessagePort in transfer list is already detachedarray_buffer_contentsshared_array_buffersmessage_ports338(owner_) == (nullptr)virtual node::worker::MessagePortData::~MessagePortData()incoming_messagesAdding message to incoming queue364(a->sibling_) == (nullptr)static void node::worker::MessagePortData::Entangle(node::worker::MessagePortData *, node::worker::MessagePortData *)(b->sibling_) == (nullptr)(uv_async_init(env->event_loop(), async(), onmessage)) == (0)node::worker::MessagePort::MessagePort(node::Environment *, Local, Local)Created message port(uv_async_send(async())) == (0)void node::worker::MessagePort::TriggerAsync()Closing message port, data set = %d491(port) != nullptrstatic node::worker::MessagePort *node::worker::MessagePort::New(node::Environment *, Local, std::unique_ptr)Running MessagePort::OnMessage()MessagePort stops loop as requested520!data_->receiving_messages_void node::worker::MessagePort::OnMessage()MessagePort has message, receiving = %dMessagePort drains queue because !can_call_into_js()566data_bool node::worker::MessagePort::IsSiblingClosed() constMessagePort::OnClose()The target port was posted to itself, and the communication channel was lostNot enough arguments to MessagePort.postMessageStart receiving messagesStop receiving messagesReceived StopEventLoop requestpostMessagestopdrain60(id) <= (message_ports_.size())virtual MaybeLocal node::worker::(anonymous namespace)::DeserializerDelegate::ReadHostObject(v8::Isolate *)(clone_id) <= (shared_array_buffers_.size())virtual MaybeLocal node::worker::(anonymous namespace)::DeserializerDelegate::GetSharedArrayBufferFromId(v8::Isolate *, uint32_t)MessagePort was found in message but not listed in transferListERR_MISSING_MESSAGE_PORT_IN_TRANSFER_LISTCannot transfer object of unsupported typeERR_CANNOT_TRANSFER_OBJECTDataCloneError154!domexception_ctor.IsEmpty()void node::worker::(anonymous namespace)::ThrowDataCloneException(node::Environment *, Local)Found invalid object in transferListERR_INVALID_TRANSFER_OBJECTCannot call constructor without `new`ERR_CONSTRUCT_CALL_REQUIREDERR_MISSING_ARGSCannot send data on closed MessagePortERR_CLOSED_MESSAGE_PORTmessagingMessageChannelregisterDOMException760void node::worker::(anonymous namespace)::RegisterDOMException(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)761dataMallocedBuffer----eval-pe../src/node_options.cc!value.IsEmpty()void node::options_parser::GetOptions(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)getOptionskAllowedInEnvironmentkDisallowedInEnvironmentenvSettingskNoOpkV8OptionkBooleankIntegerkUIntegerkStringkHostPortkStringListtypes../src/node_options-inl.h(it) != (options_.end())void node::options_parser::OptionsParser::Implies(const std::string &, const std::string &) [Options = node::EnvironmentOptions](it->second.type) == (kBoolean)void node::options_parser::OptionsParser::Implies(const std::string &, const std::string &) [Options = node::PerProcessOptions]void node::options_parser::OptionsParser::ImpliesNot(const std::string &, const std::string &) [Options = node::PerProcessOptions]156 is not allowed in NODE_OPTIONS requires an argumentgetHostnamegetLoadAvggetUptimegetTotalMemgetFreeMemgetCPUsgetOSTypegetOSReleasegetInterfaceAddressesgetHomeDirectorygetUserInfosetPrioritygetPriorityisBigEndian../src/node_os.cc76void node::os::GetHostname(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)gethostname225args[0]->IsFloat64Array()void node::os::GetLoadAvg(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)(array->Length()) == (3)void node::os::GetCPUInfo(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)161args[1]->IsFloat64Array()163(array->Length()) == (6 * 8)args[2]->IsArray()void node::os::GetOSType(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)unamevoid node::os::GetOSRelease(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)void node::os::GetInterfaceAddresses(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)uv_interface_addresses%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x331void node::os::GetHomeDirectory(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)uv_os_homedir(args.Length()) >= (2)void node::os::GetUserInfo(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)uv_os_get_passwd393413void node::os::SetPriority(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)422uv_os_setpriority433void node::os::GetPriority(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)434441uv_os_getpriority../src/node_platform.cc(0) == (uv_thread_join(threads_[i].get()))void node::BackgroundTaskRunner::Shutdown()223(0) == (uv_async_init(loop, flush_tasks_, FlushTasks))node::PerIsolatePlatformData::PerIsolatePlatformData(v8::Isolate *, uv_loop_t *)(flush_tasks_) != (nullptr)virtual void node::PerIsolatePlatformData::PostTask(std::unique_ptr)virtual void node::PerIsolatePlatformData::PostDelayedTask(std::unique_ptr, double)296(loop) == (existing->event_loop())virtual void node::NodePlatform::RegisterIsolate(node::IsolateData *, uv_loop_t *)308existingvirtual void node::NodePlatform::UnregisterIsolate(node::IsolateData *)(it) != (scheduled_delayed_tasks_.end())void node::PerIsolatePlatformData::DeleteFromScheduledTasks(node::DelayedTask *)std::shared_ptr node::NodePlatform::ForIsolate(v8::Isolate *)58(0) == (uv_thread_create(t.get(), start_thread, this))std::unique_ptr node::BackgroundTaskRunner::DelayedTaskScheduler::Start()WorkerThreadsTaskRunner::DelayedTaskScheduler80(0) == (uv_loop_init(&loop_))void node::BackgroundTaskRunner::DelayedTaskScheduler::Run()(0) == (uv_async_init(&loop_, &flush_tasks_, FlushTasks))BackgroundTaskRunner(0) == (uv_timer_init(&scheduler_->loop_, timer.get()))virtual void node::BackgroundTaskRunner::DelayedTaskScheduler::ScheduleTask::Run()(0) == (uv_timer_start(timer.get(), RunTask, delay_millis, 0))node,node.bootstrapnode,node.perf,node.perf.usertiming../src/node_perf.cc242void node::performance::SetupPerformanceObservers(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)320void node::performance::TimerFunctionCall(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)node,node.perf,node.perf.timerify367void node::performance::Timerify(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)368observerCountsmilestonesPerformanceEntryclearMarkmarkMilestonesetupObserverstimerifyNODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MAJORNODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MINORNODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_INCREMENTALNODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_WEAKCBNODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_NODENODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARKNODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MEASURENODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GCNODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_FUNCTIONNODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_HTTP2NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_ENVIRONMENTNODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_NODE_STARTNODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_V8_STARTNODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_STARTNODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_EXITNODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_BOOTSTRAP_COMPLETEtimeOrigintimeOriginTimestampenvironmentnodeStartv8StartloopStartloopExitbootstrapCompleteperformance../src/node_process.cc78env->is_main_thread()void node::Chdir(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)Bad argument.void node::CPUUsage(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)108(array->Length()) == (2)uv_cwduv_resident_set_memory197void node::MemoryUsage(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)(array->Length()) == (4)args.Length() == 1 && args[0]->IsString() && "must be called with a single string"void node::RawDebug(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)argument must be an integer or octal string.invalid octal stringAssigning any value other than a string, number, or boolean to a process.env property is deprecated. Please make sure to convert the value to a string before setting process.env with it.DEP0104static node::Environment *node::Environment::GetCurrent(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo &) [T = v8::Value]static node::Environment *node::Environment::GetCurrent(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo &) [T = v8::Array]static node::Environment *node::Environment::GetCurrent(const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo &) [T = void]../src/node_serdes.ccserdeswriteHeaderwriteValuereleaseBuffertransferArrayBufferwriteUint32writeUint64writeDoublewriteRawBytes_setTreatArrayBufferViewsAsHostObjectsSerializerreadHeaderreadValuegetWireFormatVersionreadUint32readUint64readDouble_readRawBytesDeserializerget_data_clone_error->IsFunction()virtual void node::(anonymous namespace)::SerializerContext::ThrowDataCloneError(Local)arrayBuffer must be an ArrayBuffersource must be a Uint8Arraybuffer must be a Uint8ArrayreadHostObject must return an objectarrayBuffer must be an ArrayBuffer or SharedArrayBufferReadUint32() failedReadUint64() failedReadDouble() failedReadRawBytes() failed432(position) >= (ctx->data_)static void node::(anonymous namespace)::DeserializerContext::ReadRawBytes(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)(position + length) <= (ctx->data_ + ctx->length_)../src/node_trace_events.cc52static void node::NodeCategorySet::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)61(env->tracing_agent_writer()) != nullptrcategoryGroupEnabledgetEnabledCategoriesdisableCategorySetisTraceCategoryEnabledcategories136(args.Length()) >= (3)void node::Emit(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)150args[2]->IsString()159179args[4]->IsString()args[5]->IsNumber()args[6]->IsString()194args[7]->IsNumber()category_value->IsString()const char *node::GetCategoryGroup(node::Environment *, const Local)(category_group) != nullptrconst uint8_t *node::GetCategoryGroupEnabled(const char *)trace_events../src/node_types.ccisExternalisDateisArgumentsObjectisBigIntObjectisBooleanObjectisNumberObjectisStringObjectisSymbolObjectisNativeErrorisRegExpisAsyncFunctionisGeneratorFunctionisGeneratorObjectisPromiseisMapisSetisMapIteratorisSetIteratorisWeakMapisWeakSetisArrayBufferisDataViewisSharedArrayBufferisProxyisWebAssemblyCompiledModuleisModuleNamespaceObjectisAnyArrayBufferisBoxedPrimitivefile:%40localhostftp:gopher:http:https:ws:wss:%00%01%02%03%04%05%06%07%08%09%0A%0B%0C%0D%0E%0F%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%1A%1B%1C%1D%1E%1F%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27%28%29%2A%2B%2C%2D%2E%2F%30%31%32%33%34%35%36%37%38%39%3A%3B%3C%3D%3E%3F%41%42%43%44%45%46%47%48%49%4A%4B%4C%4D%4E%4F%50%51%52%53%54%55%56%57%58%59%5A%5B%5C%5D%5E%5F%60%61%62%63%64%65%66%67%68%69%6A%6B%6C%6D%6E%6F%70%71%72%73%74%75%76%77%78%79%7A%7B%7C%7D%7E%7F%80%81%82%83%84%85%86%87%88%89%8A%8B%8C%8D%8E%8F%90%91%92%93%94%95%96%97%98%99%9A%9B%9C%9D%9E%9F%A0%A1%A2%A3%A4%A5%A6%A7%A8%A9%AA%AB%AC%AD%AE%AF%B0%B1%B2%B3%B4%B5%B6%B7%B8%B9%BA%BB%BC%BD%BE%BF%C0%C1%C2%C3%C4%C5%C6%C7%C8%C9%CA%CB%CC%CD%CE%CF%D0%D1%D2%D3%D4%D5%D6%D7%D8%D9%DA%DB%DC%DD%DE%DF%E0%E1%E2%E3%E4%E5%E6%E7%E8%E9%EA%EB%EC%ED%EE%EF%F0%F1%F2%F3%F4%F5%F6%F7%F8%F9%FA%FB%FC%FD%FE%FF../src/node_url.cc(type_) == (HostType::H_FAILED)void node::url::(anonymous namespace)::URLHost::ParseHost(const char *, size_t, bool, bool)937void node::url::(anonymous namespace)::URLHost::ParseIPv4Host(const char *, size_t, bool *)971(parts) > (0)%d::%x..parseencodeAuthtoUSVStringdomainToASCIIdomainToUnicodesetURLConstructorURL_FLAGS_NONEURL_FLAGS_FAILEDURL_FLAGS_CANNOT_BE_BASEURL_FLAGS_INVALID_PARSE_STATEURL_FLAGS_TERMINATEDURL_FLAGS_SPECIALURL_FLAGS_HAS_USERNAMEURL_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORDURL_FLAGS_HAS_HOSTURL_FLAGS_HAS_PATHURL_FLAGS_HAS_QUERYURL_FLAGS_HAS_FRAGMENTURL_FLAGS_IS_DEFAULT_SCHEME_PORTkSchemeStartkSchemekNoSchemekSpecialRelativeOrAuthoritykPathOrAuthoritykRelativekRelativeSlashkSpecialAuthoritySlasheskSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlasheskAuthoritykHostkHostnamekPortkFilekFileSlashkFileHostkPathStartkPathkCannotBeBasekQuerykFragment2169(args.Length()) >= (5)void node::url::Parse(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)21702173args[2]->IsUndefined() || args[2]->IsNull() || args[2]->IsObject()2176args[3]->IsUndefined() || args[3]->IsNull() || args[3]->IsObject()2177args[4]->IsFunction()2178args[5]->IsUndefined() || args[5]->IsFunction()username->IsString()node::url::url_data node::url::(anonymous namespace)::HarvestContext(node::Environment *, Local)1275password->IsString()2198void node::url::EncodeAuthSet(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2216void node::url::ToUSVString(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)22172218(start) >= (0)T &node::MaybeStackBuffer::operator[](size_t) [T = unsigned short, kStackStorageSize = 1024]2251void node::url::DomainToASCII(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)22522271void node::url::DomainToUnicode(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)22722408void node::url::SetURLConstructor(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2409../src/node_util.ccvoid node::util::SafeGetenv(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)alpn_buffer_private_symbolarrow_message_private_symbolcontextify_context_private_symbolcontextify_global_private_symboldecorated_private_symbolnapi_envnapi_wrappersab_lifetimepartner_symbolpushValToArrayMaxkPendingkFulfilledkRejectedgetHiddenValuesetHiddenValuegetPromiseDetailsgetProxyDetailssafeToStringpreviewEntriesgetOwnNonIndexPropertiesstartSigintWatchdogstopSigintWatchdogwatchdogHasPendingSigintsafeGetenvALL_PROPERTIESONLY_WRITABLEONLY_ENUMERABLEONLY_CONFIGURABLESKIP_STRINGSSKIP_SYMBOLSpropertyFiltervoid node::util::GetHiddenValue(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)122114(index) < (arraysize(methods))Local node::util::IndexToPrivateSymbol(node::Environment *, uint32_t)135void node::util::SetHiddenValue(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)void node::util::GetOwnNonIndexProperties(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)32util../src/node_v8.ccvoid node::SetFlagsFromString(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)cachedDataVersionTagupdateHeapStatisticsArrayBufferheapStatisticsArrayBufferkTotalHeapSizeIndexkTotalHeapSizeExecutableIndexkTotalPhysicalSizeIndexkTotalAvailableSizekUsedHeapSizeIndexkHeapSizeLimitIndexkMallocedMemoryIndexkPeakMallocedMemoryIndexkDoesZapGarbageIndexkHeapSpaceStatisticsPropertiesCountkHeapSpacesupdateHeapSpaceStatisticsArrayBufferheapSpaceStatisticsArrayBufferkSpaceSizeIndexkSpaceUsedSizeIndexkSpaceAvailableSizeIndexkPhysicalSpaceSizeIndexsetFlagsFromString492(heap_statistics_buffer_) != nullptrdouble *node::Environment::heap_statistics_buffer() const(heap_space_statistics_buffer_) != nullptrdouble *node::Environment::heap_space_statistics_buffer() const497(heap_statistics_buffer_) == nullptrvoid node::Environment::set_heap_statistics_buffer(double *)507(heap_space_statistics_buffer_) == nullptrvoid node::Environment::set_heap_space_statistics_buffer(double *)../src/node_stat_watcher.cc70(0) == (uv_fs_poll_init(env->event_loop(), &watcher_))node::StatWatcher::StatWatcher(node::Environment *, Local, bool)97static void node::StatWatcher::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)104static void node::StatWatcher::Start(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)!uv_is_active(wrap->GetHandle())../src/node_watchdog.ccnode::Watchdog::Watchdog(v8::Isolate *, uint64_t, bool *)node::Watchdog::Watchdog()Failed to initialize uv loop.(0) == (rc)4851183(has_running_thread_) == (false)int node::SigintWatchdogHelper::Start()189(0) == (pthread_sigmask(2, &sigmask, &sigmask))(0) == (pthread_sigmask(2, &sigmask, nullptr))(0) == (pthread_join(thread_, nullptr))bool node::SigintWatchdogHelper::Stop()276(it) != (watchdogs_.end())void node::SigintWatchdogHelper::Unregister(node::SigintWatchdog *)(0) == (uv_sem_init(&sem_, 0))node::SigintWatchdogHelper::SigintWatchdogHelper()node::SigintWatchdogHelper::~SigintWatchdogHelper()Creating worker with id %llu../src/node_worker.cc99(isolate_) != (nullptr)node::worker::Worker::Worker(node::Environment *, Local, const std::string &)100(uv_loop_init(&loop_)) == (0)isolate_data_(env_) != (nullptr)Set up worker with id %llu152(platform) != (nullptr)void node::worker::Worker::Run()Starting worker with id %lluCreated message port for worker %lluLoaded environment for worker %lluExiting thread for worker %llu with exit code %d275thread_exit_async_Worker %llu thread stops285(isolate_) != nullptrvoid node::worker::Worker::DisposeIsolate()Worker %llu dispose isolate295(uv_thread_join(&tid_)) == (0)void node::worker::Worker::JoinThread()Worker %llu thread stopped332stopped_void node::worker::Worker::OnThreadStopped()335(child_port_) == (nullptr)363virtual node::worker::Worker::~Worker()thread_joined_Worker %llu destroyed382static void node::worker::Worker::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)(uv_async_init(w->env()->event_loop(), w->thread_exit_async_.get(), [](uv_async_t* handle) { static_cast(handle->data)->OnThreadStopped(); })) == (0)static void node::worker::Worker::StartThread(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)419(uv_thread_create(&w->tid_, [](void* arg) { static_cast(arg)->Run(); }, static_cast(w))) == (0)Worker %llu is getting stopped by parentWorker %llu called Exit(%d)452void node::worker::Worker::Exit(int)634(worker_context_) == (nullptr)void node::Environment::set_worker_context(worker::Worker *)The V8 platform used by this instance of Node does not support creating WorkersERR_MISSING_PLATFORM_FOR_WORKERworkerstartThreadstopThreadWorkergetEnvMessagePort469(port->CreationContext()->GetIsolate()) == (args.GetIsolate())void node::worker::(anonymous namespace)::GetEnvMessagePort(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)IsolateDataEnvironmentparent_portuv_async_tZ_NO_FLUSHZ_PARTIAL_FLUSHZ_SYNC_FLUSHZ_FULL_FLUSHZ_FINISHZ_BLOCKZ_OKZ_STREAM_ENDZ_NEED_DICTZ_ERRNOZ_STREAM_ERRORZ_DATA_ERRORZ_MEM_ERRORZ_BUF_ERRORZ_VERSION_ERRORZ_NO_COMPRESSIONZ_BEST_SPEEDZ_BEST_COMPRESSIONZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSIONZ_FILTEREDZ_HUFFMAN_ONLYZ_RLEZ_FIXEDZ_DEFAULT_STRATEGYZLIB_VERNUMDEFLATEINFLATEGZIPGUNZIPDEFLATERAWINFLATERAWUNZIPZ_MIN_WINDOWBITSZ_MAX_WINDOWBITSZ_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITSZ_MIN_CHUNKZ_MAX_CHUNKZ_DEFAULT_CHUNKZ_MIN_MEMLEVELZ_MAX_MEMLEVELZ_DEFAULT_MEMLEVELZ_MIN_LEVELZ_MAX_LEVELZ_DEFAULT_LEVEL../src/node_zlib.ccwriteSyncparamsresetZlibZLIB_VERSIONstatic void node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibStream::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)dictionary160(false) == (write_in_progress_ && "write in progress")virtual node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::~CompressionStream() [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext]162(zlib_memory_) == (0)(unreported_allocations_) == (0)174init_done_ && "close before init"void node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::Close() [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext]544(mode_) <= (UNZIP)void node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext::Close()554status == Z_OK || status == Z_DATA_ERROR!(report < 0) || (zlib_memory_ >= static_cast(-report))void node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory() [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext]compression contextzlib_memory6140 && "invalid number of gzip magic number bytes read"void node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext::DoThreadPoolWork()Failed to reset streamZ_UNKNOWN_ERRORFailed to set dictionaryvirtual void node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::AfterThreadPoolWork(int) [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext]412(refs_) > (0)void node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::Unref() [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext]unexpected end of fileMissing dictionaryBad dictionaryZlib error(env()->context()) == (env()->isolate()->GetCurrentContext())void node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::EmitError(const node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionError &) [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext]193(args.Length()) == (7)static void node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::Write(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext, async = true](false) == (args[0]->IsUndefined() && "must provide flush value")2080 && "Invalid flush value"222Buffer::IsWithinBounds(in_off, in_len, Buffer::Length(in_buf))Buffer::HasInstance(args[4])Buffer::IsWithinBounds(out_off, out_len, Buffer::Length(out_buf))init_done_ && "write before init"void node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::Write(uint32_t, char *, uint32_t, char *, uint32_t) [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext, async = true]!closed_ && "already finalized"(false) == (write_in_progress_)249(false) == (pending_close_)static void node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::Write(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext, async = false]void node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionStream::Write(uint32_t, char *, uint32_t, char *, uint32_t) [CompressionContext = node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext, async = false]WARNING: You are likely using a version of node-tar or npm that is incompatible with this version of Node.js. Please use either the version of npm that is bundled with Node.js, or a version of npm (> 5.5.1 or < 5.4.0) or node-tar (> 4.0.1) that is compatible with Node.js 9 and above. 460args.Length() == 7 && "init(windowBits, level, memLevel, strategy, writeResult, writeCallback," " dictionary)"static void node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibStream::Init(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)482args[4]->IsUint32Array()759(window_bits >= Z_MIN_WINDOWBITS && window_bits <= Z_MAX_WINDOWBITS) && "invalid windowBits"node::(anonymous namespace)::CompressionError node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibContext::Init(int, int, int, int, std::vector &&)(level >= Z_MIN_LEVEL && level <= Z_MAX_LEVEL) && "invalid compression level"766(mem_level >= Z_MIN_MEMLEVEL && mem_level <= Z_MAX_MEMLEVEL) && "invalid memlevel"(strategy == Z_FILTERED || strategy == Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || strategy == Z_RLE || strategy == Z_FIXED || strategy == Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) && "invalid strategy"args.Length() == 2 && "params(level, strategy)"static void node::(anonymous namespace)::ZlibStream::Params(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)Failed to set parameters../src/pipe_wrap.cc(false) == (env->pipe_constructor_template().IsEmpty())static Local node::PipeWrap::Instantiate(node::Environment *, node::AsyncWrap *, PipeWrap::SocketType)62(false) == (constructor.IsEmpty())PipebindlistenconnectPipeConnectWrapSOCKETSERVERIPCUV_READABLEUV_WRITABLEstatic void node::PipeWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)157node::PipeWrap::PipeWrap(node::Environment *, Local, node::AsyncWrap::ProviderType, bool)185static void node::PipeWrap::Fchmod(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo &)uv_pipe_open229static void node::PipeWrap::Connect(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)pipe_wrapstatic node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::For(ReqWrap *, node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F) [ReqT = uv_connect_s, T = void (*)(uv_connect_s *, int)]../src/process_wrap.ccprocess_wrapProcessspawnstatic void node::(anonymous namespace)::ProcessWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)uid_v->IsInt32()static void node::(anonymous namespace)::ProcessWrap::Spawn(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)gid_v->IsInt32()file_v->IsString()(argc + 1) > (0)(options.args[i]) != nullptr(envc + 1) > (0)(options.env[i]) != nullptr260(wrap->process_.data) == (wrap)294static void node::(anonymous namespace)::ProcessWrap::OnExit(uv_process_t *, int64_t, int)(&wrap->process_) == (handle)132fd_value->IsNumber()static void node::(anonymous namespace)::ProcessWrap::ParseStdioOptions(node::Environment *, Local, uv_process_options_t *)98static uv_stream_t *node::(anonymous namespace)::ProcessWrap::StreamForWrap(node::Environment *, Local)../src/sharedarraybuffer_metadata.ccsource->IsExternal()static node::worker::SharedArrayBufferMetadataReference node::worker::SharedArrayBufferMetadata::ForSharedArrayBuffer(node::Environment *, Local, Local)(partner) != (nullptr)102target->IsExternal()Maybe node::worker::SharedArrayBufferMetadata::AssignToSharedArrayBuffer(node::Environment *, Local, Local)Cannot serialize externalized SharedArrayBufferERR_TRANSFERRING_EXTERNALIZED_SHAREDARRAYBUFFER../src/signal_wrap.ccsignal_wrapSignal71static void node::(anonymous namespace)::SignalWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)node::(anonymous namespace)::SignalWrap::SignalWrap(node::Environment *, Local)../src/spawn_sync.ccreadable || writablenode::SyncProcessStdioPipe::SyncProcessStdioPipe(node::SyncProcessRunner *, bool, bool, uv_buf_t)lifecycle_ == kUninitialized || lifecycle_ == kClosednode::SyncProcessStdioPipe::~SyncProcessStdioPipe()134(lifecycle_) == (kUninitialized)int node::SyncProcessStdioPipe::Initialize(uv_loop_t *)148(lifecycle_) == (kInitialized)int node::SyncProcessStdioPipe::Start()(input_buffer_.base) != nullptrlifecycle_ == kInitialized || lifecycle_ == kStartedvoid node::SyncProcessStdioPipe::Close()421(lifecycle_) == (kHandlesClosed)node::SyncProcessRunner::~SyncProcessRunner()MaybeLocal node::SyncProcessRunner::Run(Local)455Maybe node::SyncProcessRunner::TryInitializeAndRunLoop(Local)463(uv_loop_init(uv_loop_)) == (0)518(exit_status_) >= (0)(lifecycle_) < (kHandlesClosed)void node::SyncProcessRunner::CloseHandlesAndDeleteLoop()552(false) == (stdio_pipes_initialized_)553(false) == (kill_timer_initialized_)561void node::SyncProcessRunner::CloseStdioPipes()564!stdio_pipes_.empty()565(uv_loop_) != nullptr578void node::SyncProcessRunner::CloseKillTimer()581(timeout_) > (0)582r >= 0 || r == UV_ESRCHvoid node::SyncProcessRunner::Kill()(lifecycle_) >= (kInitialized)Local node::SyncProcessRunner::BuildOutputArray()js_uid->IsInt32()Maybe node::SyncProcessRunner::ParseOptions(Local)791js_gid->IsInt32()js_timeout->IsNumber()js_max_buffer->IsNumber()832js_kill_signal->IsInt32()9250 && "invalid child stdio type"int node::SyncProcessRunner::ParseStdioOption(int, Local)(lifecycle_) < (kClosing)uv_pipe_t *node::SyncProcessStdioPipe::uv_pipe() const68(buf->base) == (data_ + used())void node::SyncProcessOutputBuffer::OnRead(const uv_buf_t *, size_t)(child_fd) < (stdio_count_)int node::SyncProcessRunner::AddStdioIgnore(uint32_t)933!stdio_pipes_[child_fd]945int node::SyncProcessRunner::AddStdioPipe(uint32_t, bool, bool, uv_buf_t)946967int node::SyncProcessRunner::AddStdioInheritFD(uint32_t, int)spawn_sync../src/string_bytes.cc286(reinterpret_cast(aligned_dst) % sizeof(*dst)) == (0)static size_t node::StringBytes::WriteUCS2(v8::Isolate *, char *, size_t, Local, int, size_t *)val->IsString() == truestatic size_t node::StringBytes::Write(v8::Isolate *, char *, size_t, Local, enum encoding, int *)3850 && "unknown encoding"443str->Length() % 2 == 0 && "invalid hex string length"static Maybe node::StringBytes::StorageSize(v8::Isolate *, Local, enum encoding)448static MaybeLocal node::StringBytes::Encode(v8::Isolate *, const char *, size_t, enum encoding, Local *)737Cannot create a Buffer larger than 0x%zx bytesERR_BUFFER_TOO_LARGEFailed to allocate memoryERR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILEDCannot create a string longer than 0x%x charactersERR_STRING_TOO_LONGABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/0123456789abcdef../src/string_decoder.cc(MissingBytes() + BufferedBytes()) <= (kIncompleteCharactersEnd)MaybeLocal node::StringDecoder::DecodeData(v8::Isolate *, const char *, size_t *)Encoding() == ASCII || Encoding() == HEX || Encoding() == LATIN1(MissingBytes()) == (0)MaybeLocal node::StringDecoder::FlushData(v8::Isolate *)(BufferedBytes()) == (0)MaybeLocal node::(anonymous namespace)::MakeString(v8::Isolate *, const char *, size_t, enum encoding)string_decoderkIncompleteCharactersStartkIncompleteCharactersEndkMissingByteskBufferedByteskEncodingFieldkNumFieldsencodingskSizedecodeflush259(decoder) != nullptrvoid node::(anonymous namespace)::DecodeData(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)270void node::(anonymous namespace)::FlushData(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)../src/stream_base.ccint node::StreamBase::Shutdown(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)int node::StreamBase::Writev(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)(offset) <= (storage_size)int node::StreamBase::WriteBuffer(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)Second argument must be a buffer318void node::StreamBase::CallJSOnreadMethod(ssize_t, Local)360virtual void node::EmitToJSStreamListener::OnStreamRead(ssize_t, const uv_buf_t &)(static_cast(nread)) <= (buf.len)388!async_wrap->persistent().IsEmpty()void node::ReportWritesToJSStreamListener::OnStreamAfterReqFinished(node::StreamReq *, int)int node::StreamBase::WriteString(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [enc = node::ASCII](count) == (1)279(data_size) <= (storage_size)int node::StreamBase::WriteString(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [enc = node::UTF8]int node::StreamBase::WriteString(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [enc = node::UCS2]int node::StreamBase::WriteString(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [enc = node::BINARY](storage_) == nullptrvoid node::WriteWrap::SetAllocatedStorage(char *, size_t)T &node::MaybeStackBuffer::operator[](size_t) [T = uv_buf_t, kStackStorageSize = 16]../src/stream_pipe.cc22(sink) != nullptrnode::StreamPipe::StreamPipe(node::StreamBase *, node::StreamBase *, Local)28sink->HasWantsWrite()is_closed_virtual node::StreamPipe::~StreamPipe()(size) > (0)virtual uv_buf_t node::StreamPipe::ReadableListener::OnStreamAlloc(size_t)125virtual void node::StreamPipe::ReadableListener::OnStreamRead(ssize_t, const uv_buf_t &)virtual void node::StreamPipe::WritableListener::OnStreamAfterWrite(node::WriteWrap *, int)181virtual void node::StreamPipe::WritableListener::OnStreamAfterShutdown(node::ShutdownWrap *, int)213virtual uv_buf_t node::StreamPipe::WritableListener::OnStreamAlloc(size_t)virtual void node::StreamPipe::WritableListener::OnStreamRead(ssize_t, const uv_buf_t &)224static void node::StreamPipe::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)args[1]->IsExternal()94source_v->IsObject()auto node::StreamPipe::Unpipe()::(anonymous class)::operator()(node::Environment *, void *) const95sink_v->IsObject()stream_pipeunpipeShutdownWrapWriteWrapLibuvStreamWrapsetBlocking../src/stream_wrap.cc128!sw.IsEmpty() && sw->HasInstance(object)static node::LibuvStreamWrap *node::LibuvStreamWrap::From(node::Environment *, Local)(persistent().IsEmpty()) == (false)void node::LibuvStreamWrap::OnUvRead(ssize_t, const uv_buf_t *)(type) == (UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE)278(args.Length()) > (0)static void node::LibuvStreamWrap::SetBlocking(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)static void node::LibuvStreamWrap::AfterUvShutdown(uv_shutdown_t *, int)static void node::LibuvStreamWrap::AfterUvWrite(uv_write_t *, int)auto node::LibuvStreamWrap::Initialize(Local, Local, Local)::(anonymous class)::operator()(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) conststream_wrap204Local node::AcceptHandle(node::Environment *, node::LibuvStreamWrap *) [WrapType = node::TCPWrap]206Local node::AcceptHandle(node::Environment *, node::LibuvStreamWrap *) [WrapType = node::PipeWrap]Local node::AcceptHandle(node::Environment *, node::LibuvStreamWrap *) [WrapType = node::UDPWrap]virtual node::ReqWrap::~ReqWrap() [T = uv_shutdown_s]virtual node::ReqWrap::~ReqWrap() [T = uv_write_s]static node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::For(ReqWrap *, node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F) [ReqT = uv_shutdown_s, T = void (*)(uv_shutdown_s *, int)]static node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::For(ReqWrap *, node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F) [ReqT = uv_write_s, T = void (*)(uv_write_s *, int)]../src/tcp_wrap.cc(env->tcp_constructor_template().IsEmpty()) == (false)static Local node::TCPWrap::Instantiate(node::Environment *, node::AsyncWrap *, TCPWrap::SocketType)(constructor.IsEmpty()) == (false)TCPreadingbind6connect6getsocknamegetpeernamesetNoDelaysetKeepAliveTCPConnectWrapstatic void node::TCPWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)node::TCPWrap::TCPWrap(node::Environment *, Local, node::AsyncWrap::ProviderType)static void node::TCPWrap::Connect(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)290static void node::TCPWrap::Connect6(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)tcp_wrapvoid node::GetSockOrPeerName(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo &) [T = node::TCPWrap, F = &uv_tcp_getsockname]void node::GetSockOrPeerName(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo &) [T = node::TCPWrap, F = &uv_tcp_getpeername]309static void node::TCPWrap::Connect(const FunctionCallbackInfo &, std::function) [T = sockaddr_in]310static void node::TCPWrap::Connect(const FunctionCallbackInfo &, std::function) [T = sockaddr_in6]../src/timer_wrap.cctimer_wrapTimernowsetupTimersstatic void node::(anonymous namespace)::TimerWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)node::(anonymous namespace)::TimerWrap::TimerWrap(node::Environment *, Local)HandleWrap::IsAlive(wrap)static void node::(anonymous namespace)::TimerWrap::Start(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)static void node::(anonymous namespace)::TimerWrap::Stop(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)static void node::(anonymous namespace)::TimerWrap::SetupTimers(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)args[1]->IsFunction()../src/tracing/agent.cc(uv_loop_init(&tracing_loop_)) == (0)node::tracing::Agent::Agent()(uv_async_init(&tracing_loop_, &initialize_writer_async_, [](uv_async_t* async) { Agent* agent = ContainerOf(&Agent::initialize_writer_async_, async); agent->InitializeWritersOnThread(); })) == (0)(0) == (uv_thread_create(&thread_, [](void* arg) { Agent* agent = static_cast(arg); uv_run(&agent->tracing_loop_, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); }, this))void node::tracing::Agent::Start()agent_->started_node::tracing::Agent::ScopedSuspendTracing::ScopedSuspendTracing(node::tracing::TracingController *, node::tracing::Agent *, bool)../src/tracing/node_trace_buffer.ccnode::tracing::NodeTraceBuffer::NodeTraceBuffer(size_t, node::tracing::Agent *, uv_loop_t *)../src/tracing/node_trace_writer.cc15(tracing_loop_) == nullptrvirtual void node::tracing::NodeTraceWriter::InitializeOnThread(uv_loop_t *)53(0) == (uv_fs_close(nullptr, &req, fd_, nullptr))virtual node::tracing::NodeTraceWriter::~NodeTraceWriter()${pid}(uv_fs_close(nullptr, &req, fd_, nullptr)) == (0)void node::tracing::NodeTraceWriter::OpenNewFileForStreaming()Could not open trace file %s: %s virtual void node::tracing::NodeTraceWriter::Flush(bool)187void node::tracing::NodeTraceWriter::StartWrite(uv_buf_t)(write_req_.result) >= (0)void node::tracing::NodeTraceWriter::AfterWrite()truefalsenull":"NaN""-Infinity""Infinity"C\b\f\n\r\t\\\"\u%04XTTYgetWindowSizesetRawModeisTTYguessHandleType../src/tty_wrap.cc(fd) >= (0)static void node::TTYWrap::GuessHandleType(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)UDPFILEPIPEUNKNOWNstatic void node::TTYWrap::IsTTY(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)static void node::TTYWrap::GetWindowSize(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)139static void node::TTYWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)uv_tty_inittty_wrap../src/udp_wrap.ccnode::UDPWrap::UDPWrap(node::Environment *, Local)sendsend6recvStartrecvStopaddMembershipdropMembershipsetMulticastInterfacesetMulticastTTLsetMulticastLoopbacksetBroadcastsetTTLbufferSizeSendWrapstatic void node::UDPWrap::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)176static void node::UDPWrap::DoBind(const FunctionCallbackInfo &, int)1950 && "unexpected address family"static void node::UDPWrap::BufferSize(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)uv_recv_buffer_sizeuv_send_buffer_size267static void node::UDPWrap::SetTTL(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)268static void node::UDPWrap::SetBroadcast(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)static void node::UDPWrap::SetMulticastTTL(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)static void node::UDPWrap::SetMulticastLoopback(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)static void node::UDPWrap::SetMulticastInterface(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)281298static void node::UDPWrap::SetMembership(const FunctionCallbackInfo &, uv_membership)static void node::UDPWrap::DoSend(const FunctionCallbackInfo &, int)336337args[3]->IsUint32()339340506(env->udp_constructor_function().IsEmpty()) == (false)static Local node::UDPWrap::Instantiate(node::Environment *, node::AsyncWrap *, UDPWrap::SocketType)udp_wrapvirtual node::ReqWrap::~ReqWrap() [T = uv_udp_send_s]void node::GetSockOrPeerName(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo &) [T = node::UDPWrap, F = &uv_udp_getsockname]static node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::For(ReqWrap *, node::MakeLibuvRequestCallback::F) [ReqT = uv_udp_send_s, T = void (*)(uv_udp_send_s *, int)]%s[%d]void node::MaybeStackBuffer::AllocateSufficientStorage(size_t) [T = char, kStackStorageSize = 1024]void node::MaybeStackBuffer::AllocateSufficientStorage(size_t) [T = unsigned short, kStackStorageSize = 1024]T *node::Realloc(T *, size_t) [T = unsigned short]void node::MaybeStackBuffer::SetLengthAndZeroTerminate(size_t) [T = unsigned short, kStackStorageSize = 1024]void node::MaybeStackBuffer::SetLength(size_t) [T = unsigned short, kStackStorageSize = 1024]346!IsAllocated()void node::MaybeStackBuffer::Invalidate() [T = char, kStackStorageSize = 1024]void node::MaybeStackBuffer::SetLengthAndZeroTerminate(size_t) [T = char, kStackStorageSize = 1024]void node::MaybeStackBuffer::SetLength(size_t) [T = char, kStackStorageSize = 1024]../src/uv.ccerrnameUV_E2BIGUV_EACCESUV_EADDRINUSEUV_EADDRNOTAVAILUV_EAFNOSUPPORTUV_EAGAINUV_EAI_ADDRFAMILYUV_EAI_AGAINUV_EAI_BADFLAGSUV_EAI_BADHINTSUV_EAI_CANCELEDUV_EAI_FAILUV_EAI_FAMILYUV_EAI_MEMORYUV_EAI_NODATAUV_EAI_NONAMEUV_EAI_OVERFLOWUV_EAI_PROTOCOLUV_EAI_SERVICEUV_EAI_SOCKTYPEUV_EALREADYUV_EBADFUV_EBUSYUV_ECANCELEDUV_ECHARSETUV_ECONNABORTEDUV_ECONNREFUSEDUV_ECONNRESETUV_EDESTADDRREQUV_EEXISTUV_EFAULTUV_EFBIGUV_EHOSTUNREACHUV_EINTRUV_EINVALUV_EIOUV_EISCONNUV_EISDIRUV_ELOOPUV_EMFILEUV_EMSGSIZEUV_ENAMETOOLONGUV_ENETDOWNUV_ENETUNREACHUV_ENFILEUV_ENOBUFSUV_ENODEVUV_ENOENTUV_ENOMEMUV_ENONETUV_ENOPROTOOPTUV_ENOSPCUV_ENOSYSUV_ENOTCONNUV_ENOTDIRUV_ENOTEMPTYUV_ENOTSOCKUV_ENOTSUPUV_EPERMUV_EPIPEUV_EPROTOUV_EPROTONOSUPPORTUV_EPROTOTYPEUV_ERANGEUV_EROFSUV_ESHUTDOWNUV_ESPIPEUV_ESRCHUV_ETIMEDOUTUV_ETXTBSYUV_EXDEVUV_UNKNOWNUV_EOFUV_ENXIOUV_EMLINKUV_EHOSTDOWNUV_EREMOTEIOUV_ENOTTYUV_EFTYPEargument list too longpermission deniedaddress already in useaddress not availableaddress family not supportedresource temporarily unavailableEAI_ADDRFAMILYEAI_AGAINtemporary failureEAI_BADFLAGSbad ai_flags valueEAI_BADHINTSinvalid value for hintsEAI_CANCELEDrequest canceledEAI_FAILpermanent failureEAI_FAMILYai_family not supportedEAI_MEMORYout of memoryEAI_NODATAno addressEAI_NONAMEunknown node or serviceEAI_OVERFLOWargument buffer overflowEAI_PROTOCOLresolved protocol is unknownEAI_SERVICEservice not available for socket typeEAI_SOCKTYPEsocket type not supportedconnection already in progressbad file descriptorresource busy or lockedoperation canceledECHARSETinvalid Unicode charactersoftware caused connection abortconnection refusedconnection reset by peerdestination address requiredfile already existsbad address in system call argumentfile too largehost is unreachableinterrupted system callinvalid argumenti/o errorsocket is already connectedillegal operation on a directorytoo many symbolic links encounteredtoo many open filesmessage too longname too longnetwork is downnetwork is unreachablefile table overflowno buffer space availableno such deviceno such file or directorynot enough memoryENONETmachine is not on the networkprotocol not availableno space left on devicefunction not implementedsocket is not connectednot a directorydirectory not emptysocket operation on non-socketoperation not supported on socketoperation not permittedbroken pipeprotocol errorprotocol not supportedprotocol wrong type for socketresult too largeread-only file systemESHUTDOWNcannot send after transport endpoint shutdowninvalid seekno such processconnection timed outtext file is busycross-device link not permittedunknown errorend of fileno such device or addresstoo many linksEHOSTDOWNhost is downEREMOTEIOremote I/O errorinappropriate ioctl for deviceEFTYPEinappropriate file type or formaterrmap(err) < (0)void node::(anonymous namespace)::ErrName(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)setKeysetCertaddCACertaddCRLaddRootCertssetCipherssetECDHCurvesetDHParamsetOptionssetSessionIdContextsetSessionTimeoutloadPKCS12setClientCertEnginegetTicketKeyssetTicketKeyssetFreeListLengthenableTicketKeyCallbackgetCertificategetIssuerkTicketKeyReturnIndexkTicketKeyHMACIndexkTicketKeyAESIndexkTicketKeyNameIndexkTicketKeyIVIndex_externalSSLv2_methodSSLv2 methods disabledSSLv2_server_methodSSLv2_client_methodSSLv3_methodSSLv3 methods disabledSSLv3_server_methodSSLv3_client_methodSSLv23_methodSSLv23_server_methodSSLv23_client_methodTLSv1_methodTLSv1_server_methodTLSv1_client_methodTLSv1_1_methodTLSv1_1_server_methodTLSv1_1_client_methodTLSv1_2_methodTLSv1_2_server_methodTLSv1_2_client_methodUnknown methodError generating ticket keysPrivate key argument is mandatoryOnly private key and pass phrase are expectedPass phrase must be a stringPEM_read_bio_PrivateKeySSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey../src/node_crypto.cc586!*issuer_int node::crypto::SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain(SSL_CTX *, node::crypto::X509Pointer &&, struct stack_st_X509 *, node::crypto::X509Pointer *, node::crypto::X509Pointer *)587!*certCertificate argument is mandatorySSL_CTX_use_certificate_chainCA certificate argument is mandatoryCRL argument is mandatoryFailed to parse CRLIgnoring extra certs from `%s`, load failed: %s Ciphers argument is mandatoryCiphers must be a stringECDH curve name argument is mandatoryECDH curve name must be a stringautoFailed to set ECDH curveDH argument is mandatoryDH parameter is less than 1024 bitsDH parameter is less than 2048 bitsError setting temp DH parameterOptions must be an integer valueSession ID context argument is mandatorySession ID context must be a stringSSL_CTX_set_session_id_context errorSession timeout must be a 32-bit integerPFX certificate argument is mandatoryUnable to load BIOPass phrase must be a buffer1139static void node::crypto::SecureContext::SetClientCertEngine(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)1140Multiple calls to SetClientCertEngine are not allowedTicket keys argument is mandatoryTicket keys must be a bufferTicket keys length must be 48 bytesinitivupdatefinalsetAutoPaddinggetAuthTagsetAuthTagsetAAD2572static void node::crypto::CipherBase::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2585!ctx_void node::crypto::CipherBase::CommonInit(const char *, const EVP_CIPHER *, const unsigned char *, int, const unsigned char *, int, unsigned int)Failed to initialize cipher2600(iv_len) >= (0)Invalid key lengthUnknown cipher2645(key_len) != (0)void node::crypto::CipherBase::Init(const char *, const char *, int, unsigned int)Use Cipheriv for counter mode of %s2667static void node::crypto::CipherBase::Init(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2679args[2]->IsInt32() && args[2].As()->Value() == -1Missing IV for cipher %sInvalid IV length2726(args.Length()) >= (4)static void node::crypto::CipherBase::InitIv(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2748args[3]->IsInt32() && args[3].As()->Value() == -12762IsAuthenticatedMode()bool node::crypto::CipherBase::InitAuthenticated(const char *, int, unsigned int)authTagLength required for %sInvalid authentication tag length2802iv_len >= 7 && iv_len <= 132808(mode) == (0x6)Invalid GCM authentication tag length: %u2829ctx_bool node::crypto::CipherBase::CheckCCMMessageLength(int)2830EVP_CIPHER_CTX_mode(ctx_.get()) == EVP_CIPH_CCM_MODEMessage exceeds maximum size2843bool node::crypto::CipherBase::IsAuthenticatedMode() constPermitting authentication tag lengths of %u bytes is deprecated. Valid GCM tag lengths are 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.DEP0090static void node::crypto::CipherBase::SetAuthTag(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)2903(cipher->auth_tag_len_) != (kNoAuthTagLength)Invalid authentication tag length: %uplaintextLength required for CCM mode with AAD2980static void node::crypto::CipherBase::SetAAD(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)29813008MaybePassAuthTagToOpenSSL()CipherBase::UpdateResult node::crypto::CipherBase::Update(const char *, int, unsigned char **, int *)3031(*out_len) <= (buff_len)Trying to add data in unsupported state3075out != nullptr || out_len == 0static void node::crypto::CipherBase::Update(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)3126mode == EVP_CIPH_GCM_MODEbool node::crypto::CipherBase::Final(unsigned char **, int *)3131(1) == (EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx_.get(), 0x10, auth_tag_len_, reinterpret_cast(auth_tag_)))Unsupported stateUnsupported state or unable to authenticate datadigestHmacUnknown message digest3253args[0]->IsArrayBufferView()static void node::crypto::Hmac::HmacUpdate(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)3273static void node::crypto::Hmac::HmacDigest(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)3291HashDigest method not supported3398static void node::crypto::Hash::HashDigest(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)3407(mdctx_) == nullptrSignBase::Error node::crypto::SignBase::Init(const char *)dss1DSS1SHA1Not initialisedEVP_SignInit_ex failedEVP_SignUpdate failedPEM_read_bio_PrivateKey failedPEM_read_bio_PUBKEY failedsignSign3632static void node::crypto::Sign::SignFinal(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)3635verifyVerify3819static void node::crypto::Verify::VerifyFinal(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)3822generateKeyscomputeSecretgetPrimegetGeneratorgetPublicKeygetPrivateKeysetPublicKeysetPrivateKeyDiffieHellmanGroupGroup name argument is mandatoryGroup name must be a stringInitialization failedUnknown groupKey generation failedp is nullg is nullNo public key - did you forget to generate one?No private key - did you forget to generate one?Other party's public key argument is mandatoryOther party's public key must be a bufferInvalid KeySupplied key is too smallSupplied key is too largeInvalid key4228(size) >= (0)static void node::crypto::DiffieHellman::ComputeSecret(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)4235(data.size) > (static_cast(size))%s argument is mandatory%s must be a buffer4266(num) != nullptrstatic void node::crypto::DiffieHellman::SetKey(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo &, int (*)(DH *, BIGNUM *), const char *)4267(1) == (set_field(dh->dh_.get(), num))Public keyPrivate keyECDH4334static void node::crypto::ECDH::New(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)First argument should be a valid curve nameFailed to create EC_KEY using curve nameFailed to generate EC_KEYFailed to allocate EC_POINT for a public keyData must be a bufferInvalid key pairERR_CRYPTO_ECDH_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEYFailed to compute ECDH key4431static void node::crypto::ECDH::GetPublicKey(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)Failed to get ECDH public key4441Failed to get public key lengthFailed to get public keyFailed to get ECDH private keyFailed to convert ECDH private key to BufferPrivate key must be a bufferFailed to convert Buffer to BNPrivate key is not valid for specified curve.Failed to convert BN to a private key4521(priv_key) != nullptrstatic void node::crypto::ECDH::SetPrivateKey(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)4524pubFailed to generate ECDH public keyFailed to set generated public keyPublic key must be a bufferFailed to convert Buffer to EC_POINTFailed to set EC_POINT as the public key4561group_bool node::crypto::ECDH::IsKeyValidForCurve(const node::crypto::BignumPointer &)4562private_key45694649void node::crypto::RandomBytes(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)465046514652args[3]->IsObject() || args[3]->IsUndefined()4655(offset + size) >= (offset)4656(offset + size) <= (Buffer::Length(args[0]))4794void node::crypto::Scrypt(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)4795args[1]->IsArrayBufferView()4796args[2]->IsArrayBufferView()47974798args[4]->IsUint32()4799args[5]->IsUint32()4800args[6]->IsUint32()4801args[7]->IsObject() || args[7]->IsUndefined()5179args[n_opts]->IsInt32()void node::crypto::GenerateKeyPair(const FunctionCallbackInfo &, unsigned int, std::unique_ptr)5182args[n_opts + 1]->IsInt32()5188args[n_opts + 2]->IsInt32()51915204args[n_opts + 5]->IsString()5209(mem) != nullptr5217args[n_opts + 5]->IsNullOrUndefined()5244void node::crypto::GenerateKeyPairRSA(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)52465254void node::crypto::GenerateKeyPairDSA(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)52565264void node::crypto::GenerateKeyPairEC(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)Invalid ECDH curve name52745277param_encoding == OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE || param_encoding == OPENSSL_EC_EXPLICIT_CURVE5288ctxvoid node::crypto::GetSSLCiphers(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)5291ssl5394void node::crypto::VerifySpkac(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)5439void node::crypto::ExportPublicKey(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)5471void node::crypto::ExportChallenge(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)5488void node::crypto::ConvertKey(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)Failed to get EC_GROUP55145539void node::crypto::TimingSafeEqual(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)55405543(buf_length) == (Buffer::Length(args[1]))openssl config failed: %s 5614args.Length() >= 2 && args[0]->IsString()void node::crypto::SetEngine(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)certVerifySpkaccertExportPublicKeycertExportChallengeECDHConvertKeysetEnginepbkdf2generateKeyPairRSAgenerateKeyPairDSAgenerateKeyPairECOPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVEOPENSSL_EC_EXPLICIT_CURVEPK_ENCODING_PKCS1PK_ENCODING_PKCS8PK_ENCODING_SPKIPK_ENCODING_SEC1PK_FORMAT_DERPK_FORMAT_PEMrandomBytestimingSafeEqualgetSSLCiphersgetCiphersgetHashesgetCurvespublicEncryptprivateDecryptprivateEncryptpublicDecryptscryptOpenSSL 1.1.0j 20 Nov 2018%.*sgetPeerCertificategetFinishedgetPeerFinishedgetSessionsetSessionloadSessionisSessionReusedgetCurrentCipherendParsercertCbDonerenegotiategetTLSTicketnewSessionDonesetOCSPResponserequestOCSPgetEphemeralKeyInfogetProtocolsetMaxSendFragmentgetALPNNegotiatedProtocolsetALPNProtocols2480(SSL_set_SSL_CTX(ssl_.get(), sc->ctx_.get())) == (sc->ctx_.get())void node::crypto::SSLWrap::SetSNIContext(node::crypto::SecureContext *) [Base = node::TLSWrap]2241Buffer::HasInstance(alpn_buffer)static int node::crypto::SSLWrap::SelectALPNCallback(SSL *, const unsigned char **, unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int, void *) [Base = node::TLSWrap]237!exception_v.IsEmpty()Local node::crypto::CryptoErrorVector::ToException(node::Environment *, Local) const!array.IsEmpty()exception_v->IsObject()(status) >= (0)void node::crypto::CheckEntropy()748(x509) != nullptrX509_STORE *node::crypto::NewRootCertStore()-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDdTCCAl2gAwIBAgILBAAAAAABFUtaw5QwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwVzELMAkGA1UEBhMC QkUxGTAXBgNVBAoTEEdsb2JhbFNpZ24gbnYtc2ExEDAOBgNVBAsTB1Jvb3QgQ0ExGzAZBgNV BAMTEkdsb2JhbFNpZ24gUm9vdCBDQTAeFw05ODA5MDExMjAwMDBaFw0yODAxMjgxMjAwMDBa MFcxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkJFMRkwFwYDVQQKExBHbG9iYWxTaWduIG52LXNhMRAwDgYDVQQLEwdS b290IENBMRswGQYDVQQDExJHbG9iYWxTaWduIFJvb3QgQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDaDuaZjc6j40+Kfvvxi4Mla+pIH/EqsLmVEQS98GPR4mdmzxzdzxtI K+6NiY6arymAZavpxy0Sy6scTHAHoT0KMM0VjU/43dSMUBUc71DuxC73/OlS8pF94G3VNTCO XkNz8kHp1Wrjsok6Vjk4bwY8iGlbKk3Fp1S4bInMm/k8yuX9ifUSPJJ4ltbcdG6TRGHRjcdG snUOhugZitVtbNV4FpWi6cgKOOvyJBNPc1STE4U6G7weNLWLBYy5d4ux2x8gkasJU26Qzns3 dLlwR5EiUWMWea6xrkEmCMgZK9FGqkjWZCrXgzT/LCrBbBlDSgeF59N89iFo7+ryUp9/k5DP AgMBAAGjQjBAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBRg e2YaRQ2XyolQL30EzTSo//z9SzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEA1nPnfE920I2/7LqivjTF KDK1fPxsnCwrvQmeU79rXqoRSLblCKOzyj1hTdNGCbM+w6DjY1Ub8rrvrTnhQ7k4o+YviiY7 76BQVvnGCv04zcQLcFGUl5gE38NflNUVyRRBnMRddWQVDf9VMOyGj/8N7yy5Y0b2qvzfvGn9 LhJIZJrglfCm7ymPAbEVtQwdpf5pLGkkeB6zpxxxYu7KyJesF12KwvhHhm4qxFYxldBniYUr +WymXUadDKqC5JlR3XC321Y9YeRq4VzW9v493kHMB65jUr9TU/Qr6cf9tveCX4XSQRjbgbME HMUfpIBvFSDJ3gyICh3WZlXi/EjJKSZp4A== -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDujCCAqKgAwIBAgILBAAAAAABD4Ym5g0wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwTDEgMB4GA1UECxMX R2xvYmFsU2lnbiBSb290IENBIC0gUjIxEzARBgNVBAoTCkdsb2JhbFNpZ24xEzARBgNVBAMT Ckdsb2JhbFNpZ24wHhcNMDYxMjE1MDgwMDAwWhcNMjExMjE1MDgwMDAwWjBMMSAwHgYDVQQL ExdHbG9iYWxTaWduIFJvb3QgQ0EgLSBSMjETMBEGA1UEChMKR2xvYmFsU2lnbjETMBEGA1UE AxMKR2xvYmFsU2lnbjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKbPJA6+Lm8o mUVCxKs+IVSbC9N/hHD6ErPLv4dfxn+G07IwXNb9rfF73OX4YJYJkhD10FPe+3t+c4isUoh7 SqbKSaZeqKeMWhG8eoLrvozps6yWJQeXSpkqBy+0Hne/ig+1AnwblrjFuTosvNYSuetZfeLQ BoZfXklqtTleiDTsvHgMCJiEbKjNS7SgfQx5TfC4LcshytVsW33hoCmEofnTlEnLJGKRILzd C9XZzPnqJworc5HGnRusyMvo4KD0L5CLTfuwNhv2GXqF4G3yYROIXJ/gkwpRl4pazq+r1feq CapgvdzZX99yqWATXgAByUr6P6TqBwMhAo6CygPCm48CAwEAAaOBnDCBmTAOBgNVHQ8BAf8E BAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUm+IHV2ccHsBqBt5ZtJot39wZhi4w NgYDVR0fBC8wLTAroCmgJ4YlaHR0cDovL2NybC5nbG9iYWxzaWduLm5ldC9yb290LXIyLmNy bDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSb4gdXZxwewGoG3lm0mi3f3BmGLjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEA mYFThxxol4aR7OBKuEQLq4GsJ0/WwbgcQ3izDJr86iw8bmEbTUsp9Z8FHSbBuOmDAGJFtqkI k7mpM0sYmsL4h4hO291xNBrBVNpGP+DTKqttVCL1OmLNIG+6KYnX3ZHu01yiPqFbQfXf5WRD LenVOavSot+3i9DAgBkcRcAtjOj4LaR0VknFBbVPFd5uRHg5h6h+u/N5GJG79G+dwfCMNYxd AfvDbbnvRG15RjF+Cv6pgsH/76tuIMRQyV+dTZsXjAzlAcmgQWpzU/qlULRuJQ/7TBj0/VLZ jmmx6BEP3ojY+x1J96relc8geMJgEtslQIxq/H5COEBkEveegeGTLg== -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEGjCCAwICEQCbfgZJoz5iudXukEhxKe9XMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMIHKMQswCQYDVQQG EwJVUzEXMBUGA1UEChMOVmVyaVNpZ24sIEluYy4xHzAdBgNVBAsTFlZlcmlTaWduIFRydXN0 IE5ldHdvcmsxOjA4BgNVBAsTMShjKSAxOTk5IFZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuIC0gRm9yIGF1dGhv cml6ZWQgdXNlIG9ubHkxRTBDBgNVBAMTPFZlcmlTaWduIENsYXNzIDMgUHVibGljIFByaW1h 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BgNVBAgMBVRleGFzMRAwDgYDVQQHDAdIb3VzdG9uMRgwFgYDVQQKDA9TU0wgQ29ycG9yYXRp b24xMTAvBgNVBAMMKFNTTC5jb20gUm9vdCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eSBFQ0Mw HhcNMTYwMjEyMTgxNDAzWhcNNDEwMjEyMTgxNDAzWjB8MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEOMAwGA1UE CAwFVGV4YXMxEDAOBgNVBAcMB0hvdXN0b24xGDAWBgNVBAoMD1NTTCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlvbjEx MC8GA1UEAwwoU1NMLmNvbSBSb290IENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5IEVDQzB2MBAG ByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAiA2IABEVuqVDEpiM2nl8ojRfLliJkP9x6jh3MCLOicSS6jkm5BBtH llirLZXI7Z4INcgn64mMU1jrYor+8FsPazFSY0E7ic3s7LaNGdM0B9y7xgZ/wkWV7Mt/qCPg CemB+vNH06NjMGEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFILRhXMw5zUE044CkvvlpNHEIejNMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQF MAMBAf8wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUgtGFczDnNQTTjgKS++Wk0cQh6M0wDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGG MAoGCCqGSM49BAMCA2cAMGQCMG/n61kRpGDPYbCWe+0F+S8Tkdzt5fxQaxFGRrMcIQBiu77D 5+jNB5n5DQtdcj7EqgIwH7y6C+IwJPt8bYBVCpk+gA0z5Wajs6O7pdWLjwkspl1+4vAHCGht 0nxpbl/f5Wpl -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIF6zCCA9OgAwIBAgIIVrYpzTS8ePYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwgYIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT MQ4wDAYDVQQIDAVUZXhhczEQMA4GA1UEBwwHSG91c3RvbjEYMBYGA1UECgwPU1NMIENvcnBv cmF0aW9uMTcwNQYDVQQDDC5TU0wuY29tIEVWIFJvb3QgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3Jp dHkgUlNBIFIyMB4XDTE3MDUzMTE4MTQzN1oXDTQyMDUzMDE4MTQzN1owgYIxCzAJBgNVBAYT AlVTMQ4wDAYDVQQIDAVUZXhhczEQMA4GA1UEBwwHSG91c3RvbjEYMBYGA1UECgwPU1NMIENv cnBvcmF0aW9uMTcwNQYDVQQDDC5TU0wuY29tIEVWIFJvb3QgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRo b3JpdHkgUlNBIFIyMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAjzZlQOHWTcDX tOlG2mvqM0fNTPl9fb69LT3w23jhhqXZuglXaO1XPqDQCEGD5yhBJB/jchXQARr7XnAjssuf OePPxU7Gkm0mxnu7s9onnQqG6YE3Bf7wcXHswxzpY6IXFJ3vG2fThVUCAtZJycxa4bH3bzKf ydQ7iEGonL3Lq9ttewkfokxykNorCPzPPFTOZw+oz12WGQvE43LrrdF9HSfvkusQv1vrO6/P gN3B0pYEW3p+pKk8OHakYo6gOV7qd89dAFmPZiw+B6KjBSYRaZfqhbcPlgtLyEDhULouisv3 D5oi53+aNxPN8k0TayHRwMwi8qFG9kRpnMphNQcAb9ZhCBHqurj26bNg5U257J8UZslXWNvN h2n4ioYSA0e/ZhN2rHd9NCSFg83XqpyQGp8hLH94t2S42Oim9HizVcuE0jLEeK6jj2HdzghT reyI/BXkmg3mnxp3zkyPuBQVPWKchjgGAGYS5Fl2WlPAApiiECtoRHuOec4zSnaqW4EWG7WK 2NAAe15itAnWhmMOpgWVSbooi4iTsjQc2KRVbrcc0N6ZVTsj9CLg+SlmJuwgUHfbSguPvuUC YHBBXtSuUDkiFCbLsjtzdFVHB3mBOagwE0TlBIqulhMlQg+5U8Sb/M3kHN48+qvWBkofZ6aY MBzdLNvcGJVXZsb/XItW9XcCAwEAAaNjMGEwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAfBgNVHSMEGDAW gBT5YLvU49U09rj1BoAlp3PbRmmonjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU+WC71OPVNPa49QaAJadz20ZpqJ4w DgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGGMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQBWs47LCp1Jjr+kxJG7ZhcFUZh1 ++VQLHqe8RT6q9OKPv+RKY9ji9i0qVQBDb6Thi/5Sm3HXvVX+cpVHBK+Rw82xd9qt9t1wkcl f7nxY/hoLVUE0fKNsKTPvDxeH3jnpaAgcLAExbf3cqfeIg29MyVGjGSSJuM+LmOW2puMPfgY CdcDzH2GguDKBAdRUNf/ktUM79qGn5nX67evaOI5JpS6aLe/g9Pqemc9YmeuJeVy6OLk7K4S 9ksrPJ/psEDzOFSz/bdoyNrGj1E8svuR3Bznm53htw1yj+KkxKl4+esUrMZDBcJlOSgYAsOC sp0FvmXtll9ldDz7CTUue5wT/RsPXcdtgTpWD8w74a8CLyKsRspGPKAcTNZEtF4uXBVmCeEm Kf7GUmG6sXP/wwyc5WxqlD8UykAWlYTzWamsX0xhk23RO8yilQwipmdnRC652dKKQbNmC1r7 fSOl8hqw/96bg5Qu0T/fkreRrwU7ZcegbLHNYhLDkBvjJc40vG93drEQw/cFGsDWr3RiSBd3 kmmQYRzelYB0VI8YHMPzA9C/pEN1hlMYegouCRw2n5H9gooiS9EOUCXdywMMF8mDAAhONU2K i+3wApRmLER/y5UnlhetCTCstnEXbosX9hwJ1C07mKVx01QT2WDz9UtmT/rx7iASjbSsV7FF Y6GsdqnC+w== -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIClDCCAhqgAwIBAgIILCmcWxbtBZUwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIwfzELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxDjAM BgNVBAgMBVRleGFzMRAwDgYDVQQHDAdIb3VzdG9uMRgwFgYDVQQKDA9TU0wgQ29ycG9yYXRp b24xNDAyBgNVBAMMK1NTTC5jb20gRVYgUm9vdCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eSBF Q0MwHhcNMTYwMjEyMTgxNTIzWhcNNDEwMjEyMTgxNTIzWjB/MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEOMAwG A1UECAwFVGV4YXMxEDAOBgNVBAcMB0hvdXN0b24xGDAWBgNVBAoMD1NTTCBDb3Jwb3JhdGlv bjE0MDIGA1UEAwwrU1NMLmNvbSBFViBSb290IENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5IEVD QzB2MBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAiA2IABKoSR5CYG/vvw0AHgyBO8TCCogbR8pKGYfL2IWjK AMTH6kMAVIbc/R/fALhBYlzccBYy3h+Z1MzFB8gIH2EWB1E9fVwHU+M1OIzfzZ/ZLg1Kthku WnBaBu2+8KGwytAJKaNjMGEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFFvKXuXe0oGqzagtZFG22XKbl+ZPMA8GA1Ud EwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUW8pe5d7SgarNqC1kUbbZcpuX5k8wDgYDVR0PAQH/ BAQDAgGGMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCA2gAMGUCMQCK5kCJN+vp1RPZytRrJPOwPYdGWBrssd9v+1a6 cGvHOMzosYxPD/fxZ3YOg9AeUY8CMD32IygmTMZgh5Mmm7I1HrrW9zzRHM76JTymGoEVW/MS D2zuZYrJh6j5B+BimoxcSg== -----END CERTIFICATE----- rERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUEdynamicSO_PATHLOADEngine "%s" was not foundBad input string3545(signed_sig_len) >= (0)MallocedBuffer node::crypto::Node_SignFinal(node::crypto::EVPMDPointer &&, const node::crypto::EVPKeyPointer &, int, int)new_size <= sizevoid node::MallocedBuffer::Truncate(size_t) [T = unsigned char]PUBLIC KEY3708BIO_reset(bp.get())node::crypto::ParsePublicKeyResult node::crypto::ParsePublicKey(node::crypto::EVPKeyPointer *, const char *, int)RSA PUBLIC KEY3717CERTIFICATEmodp1modp2modp5modp14modp15modp16modp17modp18../src/node_crypto.h(group_) != nullptrnode::crypto::ECDH::ECDH(node::Environment *, v8::Local, node::crypto::ECKeyPointer &&)4595status == 0 || status == UV_ECANCELEDvirtual void node::crypto::CryptoJob::AfterThreadPoolWork(int)4600(false) == (async_wrap->persistent().IsWeak())4606wrap->IsObject()static void node::crypto::CryptoJob::Run(std::unique_ptr, Local)4607(nullptr) == (job->async_wrap)4609(false) == (job->async_wrap->persistent().IsWeak())5023errors_.empty()void node::crypto::GenerateKeyPairJob::ToResult(Local *, Local *, Local *)5028!errors_.empty()5038biobool node::crypto::GenerateKeyPairJob::EncodeKeys(Local *, Local *)5043(EVP_PKEY_id(pkey)) == (6)5051(public_key_encoding_.format_) == (PK_FORMAT_DER)5056(public_key_encoding_.type_) == (PK_ENCODING_SPKI)506350765091(private_key_encoding_.format_) == (PK_FORMAT_DER)5092(private_key_encoding_.cipher_) == nullptr51085118(private_key_encoding_.type_) == (PK_ENCODING_SEC1)5121(EVP_PKEY_id(pkey)) == (408)513651375157(format) == (PK_FORMAT_DER)void node::crypto::GenerateKeyPairJob::BIOToStringOrBuffer(BIO *, node::crypto::PKFormatType, Local *) const4853(bn.get()) != nullptrvirtual bool node::crypto::RSAKeyPairGenerationConfig::Configure(const node::crypto::EVPKeyCtxPointer &)4854BN_set_word(bn.get(), exponent_)4714void node::crypto::PBKDF2(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)47154716471747184719args[5]->IsObject() || args[5]->IsUndefined()1834certstatic void node::crypto::SSLWrap::GetPeerCertificate(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Base = node::TLSWrap]1603(ext) != nullptrLocal node::crypto::X509ToObject(node::Environment *, X509 *)1606(1) == (X509V3_EXT_print(bio.get(), ext, 0, 0))0x%x1651DNS:0123456789ABCDEF1872(len) == (SSL_get_finished(w->ssl_.get(), buf, len))static void node::crypto::SSLWrap::GetFinished(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Base = node::TLSWrap]1895(len) == (SSL_get_peer_finished(w->ssl_.get(), buf, len))static void node::crypto::SSLWrap::GetPeerFinished(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Base = node::TLSWrap]1912(slen) > (0)static void node::crypto::SSLWrap::GetSession(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Base = node::TLSWrap]Session argument is mandatorySession must be a bufferSSL_set_session errorUNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERTUNABLE_TO_GET_CRLUNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATUREUNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATUREUNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEYCERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURECRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURECERT_NOT_YET_VALIDCERT_HAS_EXPIREDCRL_NOT_YET_VALIDCRL_HAS_EXPIREDERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELDERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELDERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELDERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELDOUT_OF_MEMDEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERTSELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAINUNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLYUNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURECERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONGCERT_REVOKEDINVALID_CAPATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDEDINVALID_PURPOSECERT_UNTRUSTEDCERT_REJECTEDTLSv1/SSLv3w->is_waiting_cert_cb() && w->cert_cb_running_static void node::crypto::SSLWrap::CertCbDone(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Base = node::TLSWrap]CertCbDoneOCSP response argument is mandatoryOCSP response must be a bufferw->ssl_static void node::crypto::SSLWrap::GetEphemeralKeyInfo(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Base = node::TLSWrap]DH2118args.Length() >= 1 && args[0]->IsNumber()static void node::crypto::SSLWrap::SetMaxSendFragment(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Base = node::TLSWrap]Must give a Buffer as first argument2288static void node::crypto::SSLWrap::SetALPNProtocols(const FunctionCallbackInfo &) [Base = node::TLSWrap]2294w->object()->SetPrivate( env->context(), env->alpn_buffer_private_symbol(), args[0]).FromJust()Key must be a buffer../src/node_crypto_bio.cc2010 && "Can't use SET_BUF_MEM_PTR with NodeBIO"static long node::crypto::NodeBIO::Ctrl(BIO *, int, long, void *)0 && "Can't use GET_BUF_MEM_PTR with NodeBIO"node.js SSL buffer(read_head_->read_pos_) <= (read_head_->write_pos_)size_t node::crypto::NodeBIO::Read(char *, size_t)(expected) == (bytes_read)(cur) != (write_head_)void node::crypto::NodeBIO::FreeEmpty()(cur->write_pos_) == (cur->read_pos_)353(current->read_pos_) <= (current->write_pos_)size_t node::crypto::NodeBIO::IndexOf(char, size_t)380(max) == (bytes_read)395(write_head_->write_pos_) <= (write_head_->len_)void node::crypto::NodeBIO::Write(const char *, size_t)411(write_head_->write_pos_) == (write_head_->len_)444void node::crypto::NodeBIO::Commit(size_t)read_head_->write_pos_ > read_head_->read_pos_void node::crypto::NodeBIO::Reset()498(length_) == (0)519(BIO_get_data(bio)) != nullptrstatic node::crypto::NodeBIO *node::crypto::NodeBIO::FromBIO(BIO *)NodeBIO::Buffer../src/tls_wrap.cc(sc) != nullptrnode::TLSWrap::TLSWrap(node::Environment *, node::crypto::SSLWrap::Kind, node::StreamBase *, node::crypto::SecureContext *)static void node::TLSWrap::Wrap(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)149static void node::TLSWrap::Receive(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)192!wrap->started_static void node::TLSWrap::Start(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)wrap->is_client()write_size_ != 0 && count != 0void node::TLSWrap::EncOut()*err == SSL_ERROR_SSL || *err == SSL_ERROR_SYSCALLLocal node::TLSWrap::GetSSLError(int, int *, std::string *)462written == -1 || written == static_cast(avail)bool node::TLSWrap::ClearIn()(written) >= (0)virtual int node::TLSWrap::DoWrite(node::WriteWrap *, uv_buf_t *, size_t, uv_stream_t *)Write after DestroySSL574(current_empty_write_) == nullptr589(current_write_) == nullptr603written == -1 || written == static_cast(bufs[i].len)629(ssl_) != nullptrvirtual uv_buf_t node::TLSWrap::OnStreamAlloc(size_t)667!(data == nullptr) || (avail == 0)virtual void node::TLSWrap::OnStreamRead(ssize_t, const uv_buf_t &)697static void node::TLSWrap::SetVerifyMode(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)698args[0]->IsBoolean()699700(wrap->ssl_) != nullptr728static void node::TLSWrap::EnableSessionCallbacks(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)Canceled because of SSL destructionstatic void node::TLSWrap::GetServername(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)794static void node::TLSWrap::SetServername(const FunctionCallbackInfo &)796799837static int node::TLSWrap::SelectSNIContextCallback(SSL *, int *, void *)pending_cleartext_inputenc_inenc_outreceivesetVerifyModeenableSessionCallbacksdestroySSLenableCertCbgetServernamesetServernametls_wrapssl_node::crypto::SSLWrap::SSLWrap(node::Environment *, node::crypto::SecureContext *, node::crypto::SSLWrap::Kind) [Base = node::TLSWrap]/root/node/out/Release/obj/gen/node_javascript.cc111129target->Set(env->context(), internal_per_context_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_per_context_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()void node::DefineJavaScript(node::Environment *, v8::Local)111132target->Set(env->context(), internal_bootstrap_cache_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_bootstrap_cache_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111135target->Set(env->context(), internal_bootstrap_loaders_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_bootstrap_loaders_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111138target->Set(env->context(), internal_bootstrap_node_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_bootstrap_node_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111141target->Set(env->context(), async_hooks_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), async_hooks_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111144target->Set(env->context(), assert_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), assert_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111147target->Set(env->context(), buffer_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), buffer_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111150target->Set(env->context(), child_process_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), child_process_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111153target->Set(env->context(), console_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), console_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111156target->Set(env->context(), constants_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), constants_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111159target->Set(env->context(), crypto_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), crypto_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111162target->Set(env->context(), cluster_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), cluster_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111165target->Set(env->context(), dgram_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), dgram_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111168target->Set(env->context(), dns_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), dns_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111171target->Set(env->context(), domain_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), domain_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111174target->Set(env->context(), events_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), events_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111177target->Set(env->context(), fs_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), fs_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111180target->Set(env->context(), http_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), http_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111183target->Set(env->context(), http2_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), http2_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111186target->Set(env->context(), _http_agent_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), _http_agent_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111189target->Set(env->context(), _http_client_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), _http_client_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111192target->Set(env->context(), _http_common_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), _http_common_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111195target->Set(env->context(), _http_incoming_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), _http_incoming_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111198target->Set(env->context(), _http_outgoing_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), _http_outgoing_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111201target->Set(env->context(), _http_server_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), _http_server_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111204target->Set(env->context(), https_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), https_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111207target->Set(env->context(), inspector_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), inspector_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111210target->Set(env->context(), module_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), module_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111213target->Set(env->context(), net_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), net_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111216target->Set(env->context(), os_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), os_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111219target->Set(env->context(), path_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), path_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111222target->Set(env->context(), perf_hooks_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), perf_hooks_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111225target->Set(env->context(), process_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), process_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111228target->Set(env->context(), punycode_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), punycode_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111231target->Set(env->context(), querystring_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), querystring_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111234target->Set(env->context(), readline_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), readline_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111237target->Set(env->context(), repl_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), repl_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111240target->Set(env->context(), stream_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), stream_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111243target->Set(env->context(), _stream_readable_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), 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tty_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111285target->Set(env->context(), url_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), url_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111288target->Set(env->context(), util_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), util_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111291target->Set(env->context(), v8_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), v8_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111294target->Set(env->context(), vm_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), vm_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111297target->Set(env->context(), worker_threads_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), worker_threads_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111300target->Set(env->context(), zlib_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), zlib_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111303target->Set(env->context(), internal_assert_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), 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internal_cluster_child_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111324target->Set(env->context(), internal_cluster_master_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_cluster_master_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111327target->Set(env->context(), internal_cluster_round_robin_handle_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_cluster_round_robin_handle_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111330target->Set(env->context(), internal_cluster_shared_handle_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_cluster_shared_handle_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111333target->Set(env->context(), internal_cluster_utils_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_cluster_utils_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111336target->Set(env->context(), internal_cluster_worker_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_cluster_worker_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111339target->Set(env->context(), internal_crypto_certificate_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_crypto_certificate_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111342target->Set(env->context(), internal_crypto_cipher_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_crypto_cipher_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111345target->Set(env->context(), internal_crypto_diffiehellman_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_crypto_diffiehellman_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111348target->Set(env->context(), internal_crypto_hash_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_crypto_hash_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111351target->Set(env->context(), internal_crypto_keygen_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_crypto_keygen_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111354target->Set(env->context(), internal_crypto_pbkdf2_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), 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internal_fs_sync_write_stream_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111411target->Set(env->context(), internal_fs_utils_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_fs_utils_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111414target->Set(env->context(), internal_fs_watchers_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_fs_watchers_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111417target->Set(env->context(), internal_http_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_http_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111420target->Set(env->context(), internal_inspector_async_hook_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_inspector_async_hook_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111423target->Set(env->context(), internal_linkedlist_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), internal_linkedlist_value.ToStringChecked(env->isolate())).FromJust()111426target->Set(env->context(), internal_modules_cjs_helpers_key.ToStringChecked(env->isolate()), 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"28a947521501397c61df407eb4274ea00b685013be466d79bec4ee16f1b0b64b")).FromJust()internal/deps/v8/tools/SourceMap600c0deb9138af220f2a0cd8110517a2243409018eeb2d495fb1a59c572ae4f4112234target->Set(env->context(), FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "internal/deps/v8/tools/SourceMap"), FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "600c0deb9138af220f2a0cd8110517a2243409018eeb2d495fb1a59c572ae4f4")).FromJust()v8/tools/SourceMap112237target->Set(env->context(), FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "v8/tools/SourceMap"), FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "600c0deb9138af220f2a0cd8110517a2243409018eeb2d495fb1a59c572ae4f4")).FromJust()internal/deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor-driver4942d8d51c13abf49ed191892cd889eb2ed7ce626b9e5cf5e416bf7c760ee543112240target->Set(env->context(), FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "internal/deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor-driver"), FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), 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"b93049b6374665f57d5851c54bc31e3effce1a1fb9f16242048928b2e80cadf2")).FromJust()f995683df278dc8b83a2c4428a385a0689c5a6bb7b8ee2359d62a8e2d7ad7436112270target->Set(env->context(), FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "config"), FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "f995683df278dc8b83a2c4428a385a0689c5a6bb7b8ee2359d62a8e2d7ad7436")).FromJust()%s%s%s%srequest does not fit in an intrequest does not fit in a size_tout of room to push charactersinternal error: inflate stream corruptcompressed data errorrequested length does not fit in intinternal error: deflate stream corruptinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid code -- missing end-of-blockinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setinvalid literal/length codeinvalid distance codeinvalid distance too far backincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeunknown header flags setheader crc mismatchincorrect data checkincorrect length checkneed dictionarystream endfile errorstream errordata errorinsufficient memorybuffer errorincompatible version../deps/uv/src/fs-poll.cctx != NULLctx->parent_handle != NULLctx->parent_handle->poll_ctx == ctxUV_THREADPOOL_SIZE../deps/uv/src/threadpool.cuv__has_active_reqs(req->loop)checkfs_eventfs_pollidlepollpreparetcptimerudprequdp_sendworkUnknown system error %d../deps/uv/src/uv-common.cerr == 0Unknown system error[%c%c%c] %-8s %p R-A-I-1.23.2/proc/self/fd/%d../deps/uv/src/unix/async.cw == &loop->async_io_watcher../deps/uv/src/unix/core.c!uv__is_closing(handle)0handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSING!(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSED)sockfd >= 0fd > -1fd > STDERR_FILENOcb != NULLfd >= -10 == (events & ~(POLLIN | POLLOUT | UV__POLLRDHUP | UV__POLLPRI))0 != eventsw->fd >= 0w->fd < INT_MAXloop->watchers[w->fd] == wloop->nfds > 0HOMETMPDIRTMPTEMPTEMPDIR/data/local/tmpno error../deps/uv/src/unix/fs.cpath != NULL.req->result == 0../deps/uv/src/unix/getaddrinfo.c!"unknown EAI_* error code"req->retcode == 0../deps/uv/src/unix/getnameinfo.c../deps/uv/src/unix/loop.cQUEUE_EMPTY(&loop->wq) && "thread pool work queue not empty!"!uv__has_active_reqs(loop)../deps/uv/src/unix/poll.c(pevents & ~(UV_READABLE | UV_WRITABLE | UV_DISCONNECT | UV_PRIORITIZED)) == 0../deps/uv/src/unix/process.coptions->file != NULL!(options->flags & ~(UV_PROCESS_DETACHED | UV_PROCESS_SETGID | UV_PROCESS_SETUID | UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE | UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_VERBATIM_ARGUMENTS))err == pidcontainer->data.stream != NULL0 && "Unexpected flags"signum == SIGCHLDQUEUE_EMPTY(&pending)n == sizeof(val)../deps/uv/src/unix/signal.c!(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSING)r == sizeof msg || (r == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK))ret == 0../deps/uv/src/unix/stream.cfd >= 0!uv__io_active(&stream->io_watcher, POLLIN | POLLOUT)stream->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSEDuv__has_active_reqs(stream->loop)stream->write_queue_size == 0events & POLLINstream->accepted_fd == -1!(stream->flags & UV_HANDLE_CLOSING)server->loop == client->loopqueued_fds->offset > 0stream->type == UV_TCP || stream->type == UV_TTY || stream->type == UV_NAMED_PIPEuv__stream_fd(stream) >= 0nbufs > 0(stream->type == UV_TCP || stream->type == UV_NAMED_PIPE || stream->type == UV_TTY) && "uv_write (unix) does not yet support other types of streams"!(stream->flags & UV_HANDLE_BLOCKING_WRITES)stream->type == UV_TCP || stream->type == UV_NAMED_PIPE || stream->type == UV_TTYalloc_cb!uv__io_active(&handle->io_watcher, POLLIN | POLLOUT)stream->type == UV_TCP || stream->type == UV_NAMED_PIPEstream->alloc_cb != NULLignoring non-SCM_RIGHTS ancillary data: %d start + CMSG_LEN(count * sizeof(*pi)) == endstream->shutdown_reqreq->handle == streamfd_to_send >= 0req->write_index < req->nbufsstream->write_queue_size >= lenn == 0n == 0 || n == -1req->handle->write_queue_size >= size../deps/uv/src/unix/tcp.chandle->type == UV_TCPUV_TCP_SINGLE_ACCEPT../deps/uv/src/unix/thread.cb->in == 0b->out == 0../deps/uv/src/unix/udp.chandle->io_watcher.fd == -1handle->send_queue_size == 0handle->send_queue_count == 0addrlen <= sizeof(req->addr)uv__has_active_reqs(handle->loop)!(handle->flags & UV_HANDLE_UDP_PROCESSING)0 && "unsupported address family"q != NULLhandle->type == UV_UDPhandle->recv_cb != NULLhandle->alloc_cb != NULL../deps/uv/src/unix/proctitle.cprocess_title.len + 1 == size../deps/uv/src/unix/linux-core.cloop->watchers != NULLQUEUE_EMPTY(&loop->watcher_queue)w->pevents != 0w->fd < (int) loop->nwatchersop == EPOLL_CTL_ADDtimeout >= -1timeout != -1(unsigned) fd < loop->nwatcherstimeout > 0/proc/self/stat/proc/statcpu/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%u/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq%lu/proc/cpuinfounknownclock_ticks != (unsigned long) -1clock_ticks != 0cpu%u r == 1%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lunum == numcpus../deps/uv/src/unix/linux-inotify.ctmp_path != NULLw != NULLerrno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCKsize > 0/proc/self/exe.0""nullptr"unreachable code{"":[]},{"pid":,"tid":,"ts":,"tts":,"ph":"","cat":"","name":"","dur":,"tdur":,"scope":","id":"0x,"args":{}}topleveltracing categories exhausted; must increase MAX_CATEGORY_GROUPSchunkedHPE_OKsuccessHPE_CB_message_beginthe on_message_begin callback failedHPE_CB_urlthe on_url callback failedHPE_CB_header_fieldthe on_header_field callback failedHPE_CB_header_valuethe on_header_value callback failedHPE_CB_headers_completethe on_headers_complete callback failedHPE_CB_bodythe on_body callback failedHPE_CB_message_completethe on_message_complete callback failedHPE_CB_statusthe on_status callback failedHPE_CB_chunk_headerthe on_chunk_header callback failedHPE_CB_chunk_completethe on_chunk_complete callback failedHPE_INVALID_EOF_STATEstream ended at an unexpected timeHPE_HEADER_OVERFLOWtoo many header bytes seen; overflow detectedHPE_CLOSED_CONNECTIONdata received after completed connection: close messageHPE_INVALID_VERSIONinvalid HTTP versionHPE_INVALID_STATUSinvalid HTTP status codeHPE_INVALID_METHODinvalid HTTP methodHPE_INVALID_URLinvalid URLHPE_INVALID_HOSTinvalid hostHPE_INVALID_PORTinvalid portHPE_INVALID_PATHinvalid pathHPE_INVALID_QUERY_STRINGinvalid query stringHPE_INVALID_FRAGMENTinvalid fragmentHPE_LF_EXPECTEDLF character expectedHPE_INVALID_HEADER_TOKENinvalid character in headerHPE_INVALID_CONTENT_LENGTHinvalid character in content-length headerHPE_UNEXPECTED_CONTENT_LENGTHunexpected content-length headerHPE_INVALID_CHUNK_SIZEinvalid character in chunk size headerHPE_INVALID_CONSTANTinvalid constant stringHPE_INVALID_INTERNAL_STATEencountered unexpected internal stateHPE_STRICTstrict mode assertion failedHPE_PAUSEDparser is pausedHPE_UNKNOWNan unknown error occurred../deps/cares/src/ares_destroy.cvoid ares_destroy(ares_channel)ares__is_list_empty(&(channel->all_queries))ares__is_list_empty(&(channel->queries_by_qid[i]))ares__is_list_empty(&(channel->queries_by_timeout[i]))void ares__destroy_servers_state(ares_channel)ares__is_list_empty(&server->queries_to_server)%lu.%lu.%lu.%lu.in-addr.arpa%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.ip6.arpa/etc/hostsLOCALDOMAINRES_OPTIONSndots:retrans:retry:rotatefb/dev/urandomrb255.255.255.255../deps/cares/src/ares_process.cvoid handle_error(ares_channel, int, struct timeval *)query->server == whichserverares__is_list_empty(&list_head)void end_query(ares_channel, struct query *, int, unsigned char *, int)sendreq->data_storage == NULLSuccessful completionDNS server returned answer with no dataDNS server claims query was misformattedDNS server returned general failureDomain name not foundDNS server does not implement requested operationDNS server refused queryMisformatted DNS queryMisformatted domain nameUnsupported address familyMisformatted DNS replyCould not contact DNS serversTimeout while contacting DNS serversEnd of fileError reading fileOut of memoryChannel is being destroyedMisformatted stringIllegal flags specifiedGiven hostname is not numericIllegal hints flags specifiedc-ares library initialization not yet performedError loading iphlpapi.dllCould not find GetNetworkParams functionDNS query cancelledandroid/net/ConnectivityManagergetActiveNetwork()Landroid/net/Network;getLinkProperties(Landroid/net/Network;)Landroid/net/LinkProperties;android/net/LinkPropertiesgetDnsServers()Ljava/util/List;getDomains()Ljava/lang/String;java/util/List()Iget(I)Ljava/lang/Object;java/net/InetAddressgetHostAddress.onion.onion.sctpdccp%u../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_helper.cint nghttp2_increase_local_window_size(int32_t *, int32_t *, int32_t *, int32_t *)delta >= 0SuccessOut of buffer spaceUnsupported SPDY versionOperation would blockProtocol errorInvalid frame octetsData transfer deferredNo more Stream ID availableStream was already closed or invalidStream is closingThe transmission is not allowed for this streamStream ID is invalidInvalid stream stateAnother DATA frame has already been deferredrequest HEADERS is not allowedGOAWAY has already been sentInvalid header blockInvalid stateThe user callback function failed due to the temporal errorThe length of the frame is invalidHeader compression/decompression errorFlow control errorInsufficient buffer size given to functionCallback was paused by the applicationToo many inflight SETTINGSServer push is disabled by peerDATA or HEADERS frame has already been submitted for the streamThe current session is closingInvalid HTTP header field was receivedViolation in HTTP messaging ruleStream was refusedInternal errorCancelWhen a local endpoint expects to receive SETTINGS frame, it receives an other type of frameThe user callback function failedReceived bad client magic byte stringFlooding was detected in this HTTP/2 session, and it must be closedUnknown error codeNO_ERRORPROTOCOL_ERRORINTERNAL_ERRORFLOW_CONTROL_ERRORSETTINGS_TIMEOUTSTREAM_CLOSEDFRAME_SIZE_ERRORREFUSED_STREAMCANCELCOMPRESSION_ERRORCONNECT_ERRORENHANCE_YOUR_CALMINADEQUATE_SECURITYHTTP_1_1_REQUIRED../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_rcbuf.cvoid nghttp2_rcbuf_decref(nghttp2_rcbuf *)rcbuf->ref > 0../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_session.cint nghttp2_session_reprioritize_stream(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_stream *, const nghttp2_priority_spec *)pri_spec->stream_id != stream->stream_iddep_streamint nghttp2_session_add_rst_stream(nghttp2_session *, int32_t, uint32_t)headers_frame->hd.type == NGHTTP2_HEADERSnghttp2_stream *nghttp2_session_open_stream(nghttp2_session *, int32_t, uint8_t, nghttp2_priority_spec *, nghttp2_stream_state, void *)stream->state == NGHTTP2_STREAM_IDLEnghttp2_stream_in_dep_tree(stream)int nghttp2_session_adjust_closed_stream(nghttp2_session *)head_streamint nghttp2_session_adjust_idle_stream(nghttp2_session *)headssize_t nghttp2_session_mem_send(nghttp2_session *, const uint8_t **)nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)request HEADERS: stream_id == 0request HEADERS: client received requestrequest HEADERS: invalid stream_idHEADERS: stream closedrequest HEADERS: max concurrent streams exceededrequest HEADERS: depend on itselfint nghttp2_session_on_response_headers_received(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_frame *, nghttp2_stream *)stream->state == NGHTTP2_STREAM_OPENING && nghttp2_session_is_my_stream_id(session, frame->hd.stream_id)int nghttp2_session_on_push_response_headers_received(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_frame *, nghttp2_stream *)stream->state == NGHTTP2_STREAM_RESERVEDpush response HEADERS: stream_id == 0HEADERS: no HEADERS allowed from client in reserved statepush response HEADERS: max concurrent streams exceededHEADERS: stream_id == 0PRIORITY: stream_id == 0depend on itselfRST_STREAM: stream_id == 0RST_STREAM: stream in idleSETTINGS: stream_id != 0SETTINGS: ACK and payload != 0SETTINGS: unexpected ACKSETTINGS: invalid SETTINGS_ENBLE_PUSHSETTINGS: server attempted to enable pushSETTINGS: too large SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZESETTINGS: invalid SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZESETTINGS: invalid SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOLSETTINGS: server attempted to disable SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOLPUSH_PROMISE: stream_id == 0PUSH_PROMISE: push disabledPUSH_PROMISE: invalid stream_idPUSH_PROMISE: invalid promised_stream_idPUSH_PROMISE: stream in idlePUSH_PROMISE: stream closedPING: stream_id != 0GOAWAY: stream_id != 0GOAWAY: invalid last_stream_idPRI * HTTP/2.0 SM SETTINGS expectedtoo large frame sizeDATA: insufficient padding spaceHEADERS: insufficient padding spacePUSH_PROMISE: insufficient padding spaceCONTINUATION: unexpectedHEADERS: invalid paddingPUSH_PROMISE: invalid paddingssize_t nghttp2_session_mem_recv(nghttp2_session *, const uint8_t *, size_t)iframe->state == NGHTTP2_IB_IGN_ALLnghttp2_buf_avail(&iframe->lbuf) > 0unexpected non-CONTINUATION frame or stream_id is invalidDATA: invalid paddingint nghttp2_session_recv(nghttp2_session *)proclen == readlenint nghttp2_session_add_settings(nghttp2_session *, uint8_t, const nghttp2_settings_entry *, size_t)int nghttp2_session_pack_data(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_bufs *, size_t, nghttp2_frame *, nghttp2_data_aux_data *, nghttp2_stream *)bufs->head == bufs->cur&session->aob.framebufs == bufsnghttp2_buf_avail(buf) >= datamaxint nghttp2_session_set_stream_user_data(nghttp2_session *, int32_t, void *)frame->hd.type == NGHTTP2_HEADERSuint32_t nghttp2_session_get_remote_settings(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_settings_id)uint32_t nghttp2_session_get_local_settings(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_settings_id)int nghttp2_session_upgrade(nghttp2_session *, const uint8_t *, size_t, void *)int nghttp2_session_upgrade2(nghttp2_session *, const uint8_t *, size_t, int, void *)ssize_t nghttp2_session_mem_send_internal(nghttp2_session *, const uint8_t **, int)int session_prep_frame(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_outbound_item *)stream->item == itemsession->remote_window_size > 0session->last_sent_stream_id < frame->hd.stream_idsession->obq_flood_counter_ > 0session->last_sent_stream_id + 2 <= frame->push_promise.promised_stream_idint session_pack_extension(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_frame *)session->callbacks.pack_extension_callbackbuf->pos == buf->lastint session_after_frame_sent1(nghttp2_session *)int session_close_stream_on_goaway(nghttp2_session *, int32_t, int)rv == 0int find_stream_on_goaway_func(nghttp2_map_entry *, void *)stream->closed_next == NULLstream->closed_prev == NULLWINDOW_UPDATE: window_size_increment == 0WINDOW_UPDATE to idle streamWINDOW_UPADATE to reserved streamDATA: stream_id == 0DATA: stream in idleDATA: stream closedDATA: stream in half-closed(remote)DATA: stream not openedDATA: stream in reservedHEADERS: could not unpackPUSH_PROMISE: could not unpackIgnoring received invalid HTTP header field: frame type: %u, stream: %d, name: [%.*s], value: [%.*s]Invalid HTTP header field was received: frame type: %u, stream: %d, name: [%.*s], value: [%.*s]int session_after_header_block_received(nghttp2_session *)!session->serverint session_process_settings_frame(nghttp2_session *)i < iframe->niv../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_stream.cvoid nghttp2_stream_reschedule(nghttp2_stream *)stream->queuedint nghttp2_stream_attach_item(nghttp2_stream *, nghttp2_outbound_item *)(stream->flags & NGHTTP2_STREAM_FLAG_DEFERRED_ALL) == 0stream->item == NULLint nghttp2_stream_defer_item(nghttp2_stream *, uint8_t)stream->itemint nghttp2_stream_resume_deferred_item(nghttp2_stream *, uint8_t)int nghttp2_stream_dep_remove(nghttp2_stream *)stream->dep_prevvoid nghttp2_stream_dep_remove_subtree(nghttp2_stream *)void insert_link_dep(nghttp2_stream *, nghttp2_stream *)stream->sib_prev == NULLvoid stream_obq_remove(nghttp2_stream *)prevvoid unlink_dep(nghttp2_stream *)../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_submit.cint nghttp2_submit_origin(nghttp2_session *, uint8_t, const nghttp2_origin_entry *, size_t)(size_t)(p - (uint8_t *)ov_copy) == nov * sizeof(nghttp2_origin_entry) + len + nov../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_frame.cint nghttp2_frame_pack_headers(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_headers *, nghttp2_hd_deflater *)int nghttp2_frame_pack_priority(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_priority *)nghttp2_buf_avail(buf) >= NGHTTP2_PRIORITY_SPECLENint nghttp2_frame_pack_rst_stream(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_rst_stream *)nghttp2_buf_avail(buf) >= 4int nghttp2_frame_pack_settings(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_settings *)int nghttp2_frame_pack_push_promise(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_push_promise *, nghttp2_hd_deflater *)int nghttp2_frame_pack_ping(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_ping *)nghttp2_buf_avail(buf) >= 8int nghttp2_frame_pack_goaway(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_goaway *)int nghttp2_frame_pack_window_update(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_window_update *)int nghttp2_frame_pack_altsvc(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_extension *)nghttp2_buf_avail(buf) >= 2 + altsvc->origin_len + altsvc->field_value_lenint nghttp2_frame_pack_origin(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_extension *)nghttp2_buf_len(buf) == NGHTTP2_FRAME_HDLEN + frame->hd.lengthint nghttp2_frame_add_pad(nghttp2_bufs *, nghttp2_frame_hd *, size_t, int)nghttp2_buf_avail(buf) >= padlen - 1../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd.cnghttp2_hd_nv nghttp2_hd_table_get(nghttp2_hd_context *, size_t)INDEX_RANGE_VALID(context, idx)nghttp2_hd_entry *hd_ringbuf_get(nghttp2_hd_ringbuf *, size_t)idx < ringbuf->len/index.html400404500gzip, deflateviagdatetalinfrohosvarrang:patallocookiserveaccepexpec:metho:schemupgradrefresrefere:statuif-rangif-matclocatio:protocokeep-alivset-cookiconnectiouser-agen:authoritretry-aftecontent-typmax-forwardlast-modifiecontent-rangif-none-matccache-controauthorizatioaccept-rangecontent-lengtaccept-charseaccept-languagaccept-encodincontent-languagwww-authenticatcontent-encodincontent-locatioproxy-connectioif-modified-sinctransfer-encodinproxy-authenticatif-unmodified-sinccontent-dispositioproxy-authorizatiostrict-transport-securitaccess-control-allow-origiuint8_t pack_first_byte(int)../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_hd_huffman.cint nghttp2_hd_huff_encode(nghttp2_bufs *, const uint8_t *, size_t)avail../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_http.cint nghttp2_http_on_header(nghttp2_session *, nghttp2_stream *, nghttp2_frame *, nghttp2_hd_nv *, int)nv->name->len > 0../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_outbound_item.cvoid nghttp2_outbound_item_free(nghttp2_outbound_item *, nghttp2_mem *)../deps/nghttp2/lib/nghttp2_pq.cvoid nghttp2_pq_remove(nghttp2_pq *, nghttp2_pq_entry *)pq->q[item->index] == item../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_d1.cSSL alert number assertion failed: len <= SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAIN_LENGTHassertion failed: 0read headerread bodyread doneRHRBRD../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_buffer.c../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.cGET POST HEAD PUT CONNEassertion failed: mac_size <= EVP_MAX_MD_SIZEassertion failed: n >= 0assertion failed: t >= 0assertion failed: rec->orig_len >= md_sizeassertion failed: md_size <= EVP_MAX_MD_SIZEassertion failed: data_plus_mac_plus_padding_size < 1024 * 1024../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/s3_cbc.cassertion failed: mac_secret_length <= sizeof(hmac_pad)CLNTSRVR../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/s3_lib.cNULL-MD5NULL-SHAAES128-SHADHE-DSS-AES128-SHADHE-RSA-AES128-SHAADH-AES128-SHAAES256-SHADHE-DSS-AES256-SHADHE-RSA-AES256-SHAADH-AES256-SHANULL-SHA256AES128-SHA256AES256-SHA256DHE-DSS-AES128-SHA256DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA256DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256ADH-AES128-SHA256ADH-AES256-SHA256AES128-GCM-SHA256AES256-GCM-SHA384DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384DHE-DSS-AES128-GCM-SHA256DHE-DSS-AES256-GCM-SHA384ADH-AES128-GCM-SHA256ADH-AES256-GCM-SHA384AES128-CCMAES256-CCMDHE-RSA-AES128-CCMDHE-RSA-AES256-CCMAES128-CCM8AES256-CCM8DHE-RSA-AES128-CCM8DHE-RSA-AES256-CCM8PSK-AES128-CCMPSK-AES256-CCMDHE-PSK-AES128-CCMDHE-PSK-AES256-CCMPSK-AES128-CCM8PSK-AES256-CCM8DHE-PSK-AES128-CCM8DHE-PSK-AES256-CCM8ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-CCMECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-CCMECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-CCM8ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-CCM8ECDHE-ECDSA-NULL-SHAECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHAECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHAECDHE-RSA-NULL-SHAECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHAECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHAAECDH-NULL-SHAAECDH-AES128-SHAAECDH-AES256-SHAECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA256ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384PSK-NULL-SHADHE-PSK-NULL-SHARSA-PSK-NULL-SHAPSK-AES128-CBC-SHAPSK-AES256-CBC-SHADHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHADHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHARSA-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHARSA-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHAPSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384DHE-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256DHE-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384RSA-PSK-AES128-GCM-SHA256RSA-PSK-AES256-GCM-SHA384PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384PSK-NULL-SHA256PSK-NULL-SHA384DHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256DHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384DHE-PSK-NULL-SHA256DHE-PSK-NULL-SHA384RSA-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256RSA-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384RSA-PSK-NULL-SHA256RSA-PSK-NULL-SHA384ECDHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHAECDHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHAECDHE-PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA256ECDHE-PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA384ECDHE-PSK-NULL-SHAECDHE-PSK-NULL-SHA256ECDHE-PSK-NULL-SHA384SRP-AES-128-CBC-SHASRP-RSA-AES-128-CBC-SHASRP-DSS-AES-128-CBC-SHASRP-AES-256-CBC-SHASRP-RSA-AES-256-CBC-SHASRP-DSS-AES-256-CBC-SHADHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305ECDHE-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305DHE-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305RSA-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305CAMELLIA128-SHA256DHE-DSS-CAMELLIA128-SHA256DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256ADH-CAMELLIA128-SHA256CAMELLIA256-SHA256DHE-DSS-CAMELLIA256-SHA256DHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA256ADH-CAMELLIA256-SHA256CAMELLIA256-SHADHE-DSS-CAMELLIA256-SHADHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHAADH-CAMELLIA256-SHACAMELLIA128-SHADHE-DSS-CAMELLIA128-SHADHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHAADH-CAMELLIA128-SHAECDHE-ECDSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256ECDHE-ECDSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA384ECDHE-RSA-CAMELLIA128-SHA256ECDHE-RSA-CAMELLIA256-SHA384PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384DHE-PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256DHE-PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384RSA-PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256RSA-PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384ECDHE-PSK-CAMELLIA128-SHA256ECDHE-PSK-CAMELLIA256-SHA384IDEA-CBC-SHASEED-SHADHE-DSS-SEED-SHADHE-RSA-SEED-SHAADH-SEED-SHA../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/s3_msg.c../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/ssl_asn1.cSSL_SESSION_ASN1ssl_versionciphersession_idmaster_keykey_argtimepeersession_id_contextverify_resulttlsext_hostnamepsk_identity_hintpsk_identitytlsext_tick_lifetime_hinttlsext_tickcomp_idsrp_username../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/ssl_cert.cssl_clientssl_server%s/%sOPENSSL_DIR_read(&ctx, '')Verify error:SSL for verify callbackassertion failed: ssl_mac_secret_size[i] >= 0../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/ssl_ciph.cassertion failed: ssl_digest_methods[SSL_MD_MD5_IDX] != NULLassertion failed: ssl_digest_methods[SSL_MD_SHA1_IDX] != NULLgost-macgost-mac-12gost2001gost2012_256gost2012_512RC4-HMAC-MD5AES-128-CBC-HMAC-SHA1AES-256-CBC-HMAC-SHA1AES-128-CBC-HMAC-SHA256AES-256-CBC-HMAC-SHA256DEFAULTALL:!COMPLEMENTOFDEFAULT:!eNULL%-23s %s Kx=%-8s Au=%-4s Enc=%-9s Mac=%-4s RSAPSKRSAPSKECDHEPSKDHEPSKSRPGOSTDSSNoneECDSAGOST01GOST12DES(56)3DES(168)RC4(128)RC2(128)IDEA(128)AES(128)AES(256)AESGCM(128)AESGCM(256)AESCCM(128)AESCCM(256)AESCCM8(128)AESCCM8(256)Camellia(128)Camellia(256)SEED(128)GOST89(256)CHACHA20/POLY1305(256)MD5SHA256SHA384AEADGOST89GOST94GOST2012(NONE)TLSv1.0SUITEB128ONLYSUITEB128C2SUITEB128SUITEB192ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384ALLCOMPLEMENTOFALLCOMPLEMENTOFDEFAULTkRSAkEDHkDHEkEECDHkECDHEkPSKkRSAPSKkECDHEPSKkDHEPSKkSRPkGOSTaRSAaDSSaNULLaECDSAaPSKaGOST01aGOST12aGOSTaSRPEDHDHEEECDHECDHENULLADHAECDH3DESRC4RC2IDEASEEDeNULLAES128AES256AESAESGCMAESCCMAESCCM8CAMELLIA128CAMELLIA256CAMELLIACHACHA20SHAGOST89MACSSLv3TLSv1TLSv1.2LOWMEDIUMHIGHFIPSEDH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHAEDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHASTRENGTHSECLEVEL=../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/ssl_init.cssl3-md5ssl3-sha1RSA-SHA1-2RSA-SHA1../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/ssl_lib.cassertion failed: s->sid_ctx_length <= sizeof(s->sid_ctx)TLSv1.1DTLSv0.9DTLSv1DTLSv1.2assertion failed: ssl->sid_ctx_length <= sizeof(ssl->sid_ctx)../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/ssl_mcnf.cname=section=, cmd=, arg=../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/ssl_rsa.cSERVERINFO FOR ../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/ssl_sess.cSSL SESSION PARAMETERS../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/statem/statem.c../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/statem/statem_clnt.c../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/statem/../packet_locl.h../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/statem/statem_dtls.cassertion failed: s->init_num == (int)s->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len + DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTHassertion failed: len == (unsigned int)retassertion failed: s->init_off == 0assertion failed: s->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len + ((s->version == DTLS1_BAD_VER) ? 3 : DTLS1_CCS_HEADER_LENGTH) == (unsigned int)s->init_numassertion failed: s->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len + DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH == (unsigned int)s->init_numassertion failed: item != NULLassertion failed: ((long)msg_hdr->msg_len) > 0assertion failed: i <= EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/statem/statem_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/statem/statem_srvr.cassertion failed: !(meth->ext_flags & SSL_EXT_FLAG_SENT)../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/t1_ext.cclient finishedserver finished../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/t1_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/packet_locl.hDSA../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/t1_reneg.cassertion failed: !expected_len || s->s3->previous_client_finished_lenassertion failed: !expected_len || s->s3->previous_server_finished_len../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/tls_srp.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_int.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_object.c + ; = =#../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_strex.c\W%08lX\U%04lX\\%02XASN1_TIME../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_time.c1920Bad time value../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_utctm.c%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ%s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %d%s GMT../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/ameth_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.cEOCBOOLEANINTEGERBIT STRINGOCTET STRINGOBJECTOBJECT DESCRIPTOREXTERNALREALENUMERATEDUTF8STRINGSEQUENCESETNUMERICSTRINGPRINTABLESTRINGT61STRINGVIDEOTEXSTRINGIA5STRINGUTCTIMEGENERALIZEDTIMEGRAPHICSTRINGVISIBLESTRINGGENERALSTRINGUNIVERSALSTRINGBMPSTRING(unknown)BAD RECURSION DEPTH Error in encoding %5ld:d=%-2d hl=%ld l=%4ld d=%-2d hl=%ld l=inf length is greater than %ld :BAD OBJECT:BAD BOOLEAN:%u[HEX DUMP]:%02X-00:BAD INTEGER:BAD ENUMERATED:[cons: prim: priv [ %d ] cont [ %d ]appl [ %d ]../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/d2i_pu.cPKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFOpkeyalgpkeyattributes../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/tasn_dec.cField=, Type=Type=../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/tasn_enc.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/tasn_fre.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/tasn_new.cASN1_OCTET_STRINGASN1_INTEGERASN1_ENUMERATEDASN1_BIT_STRINGASN1_UTF8STRINGASN1_PRINTABLESTRINGASN1_T61STRINGASN1_IA5STRINGASN1_GENERALSTRINGASN1_UTCTIMEASN1_GENERALIZEDTIMEASN1_VISIBLESTRINGASN1_UNIVERSALSTRINGASN1_BMPSTRINGASN1_NULLASN1_OBJECTASN1_ANYASN1_SEQUENCEASN1_PRINTABLEDISPLAYTEXTDIRECTORYSTRINGASN1_BOOLEANASN1_TBOOLEANASN1_FBOOLEANASN1_OCTET_STRING_NDEFASN1_SEQUENCE_ANYASN1_SET_ANY../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/tasn_utl.cX509_ALGORX509_ALGORSalgorithmparameteralgorithmsINT32UINT32INT64UINT64ZINT32ZUINT32ZINT64ZUINT64../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/x_int64.c%d %u %lld %llu NETSCAPE_SPKACNETSCAPE_SPKIchallengespkacsig_algorsignature../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/async/async.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/async/async_wait.c%04x - %02x%c %c%*s%02X:../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bio/b_print.cassertion failed: *sbuffer != NULL || buffer != NULLassertion failed: *currlen <= *maxlenassertion failed: *sbuffer != NULL0x0123456789../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bio/bf_buff.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bio/bio_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bio/bio_meth.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bio/bss_file.cfopen('','FILE pointera+ar+wfflush()../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bio/bss_mem.cmemory buffersecure memory buffersocket../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_mont.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_print.c%09ubn(%d,%d)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_shift.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/buffer/buffer.cCMACOpenSSL CMAC method../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/cmac/cmac.copenssl_conf../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/conf/conf_mod.copenssl.cnfmodule=%-8d, value=, retcode=OPENSSL_initOPENSSL_finish, path=ssl_conf../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/conf/conf_ssl.c%s:%d: OpenSSL internal error: %s ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ct/ct_log.cCTLOG_FILE/etc/ssl/ct_log_list.cnfenabled_logsdescriptionkey../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ct/ct_oct.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ct/ct_policy.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ct/ct_sct.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ct/ct_sct_ctx.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ct/ct_vfy.cOpenSSL PKCS#3 DH methodX9.42 DHOpenSSL X9.42 DH method../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dh/dh_ameth.cDH Private-KeyDH Public-KeyDH Parameters%s: (%d bit) private-key:public-key:prime:generator:subgroup order:subgroup factor:seed:%02x%scounter:recommended-private-length: %d bits ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dh/dh_asn1.cpglengthint_dhx942_dhqjvparamsint_dhvparamsseedcounter../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dh/dh_gen.cOpenSSL DH Method../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dh/dh_key.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dh/dh_lib.cOpenSSL DSA method../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dsa/dsa_ameth.cPrivate-Keypriv:pub: P: Q: G: r: s: ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dsa/dsa_asn1.cDSA_SIGspub_keypriv_key../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dsa/dsa_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dsa/dsa_ossl.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dso/dso_lib.cECOpenSSL EC algorithm../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_ameth.cPublic-KeyECDSA-Parameters%*spriv: %*spub: ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_asn1.cECPARAMETERSECPKPARAMETERSX9_62_PENTANOMIALk1k2k3X9_62_CHARACTERISTIC_TWOmp.onBasisp.tpBasisp.ppBasisp.otherfieldIDcurvebasecofactorX9_62_FIELDIDfieldTypep.primep.char_twoX9_62_CURVEbvalue.named_curvevalue.parametersvalue.implicitlyCAEC_PRIVATEKEYprivateKeyparameterspublicKeyECDSA_SIG../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_curve.cSECG/WTLS curve over a 112 bit prime fieldSECG curve over a 112 bit prime fieldSECG curve over a 128 bit prime fieldSECG curve over a 160 bit prime fieldSECG/WTLS curve over a 160 bit prime fieldSECG curve over a 192 bit prime fieldSECG curve over a 224 bit prime fieldNIST/SECG curve over a 224 bit prime fieldSECG curve over a 256 bit prime fieldNIST/SECG curve over a 384 bit prime fieldNIST/SECG curve over a 521 bit prime fieldNIST/X9.62/SECG curve over a 192 bit prime fieldX9.62 curve over a 192 bit prime fieldX9.62 curve over a 239 bit prime fieldX9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime fieldSECG curve over a 113 bit binary fieldSECG/WTLS curve over a 131 bit binary fieldSECG curve over a 131 bit binary fieldNIST/SECG/WTLS curve over a 163 bit binary fieldSECG curve over a 163 bit binary fieldNIST/SECG curve over a 163 bit binary fieldSECG curve over a 193 bit binary fieldNIST/SECG/WTLS curve over a 233 bit binary fieldSECG curve over a 239 bit binary fieldNIST/SECG curve over a 283 bit binary fieldNIST/SECG curve over a 409 bit binary fieldNIST/SECG curve over a 571 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 163 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 176 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 191 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 208 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 239 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 272 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 304 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 359 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 368 bit binary fieldX9.62 curve over a 431 bit binary fieldWTLS curve over a 113 bit binary fieldWTLS curve over a 112 bit prime fieldWTLS curve over a 160 bit prime fieldWTLS curve over a 224 bit prime field IPSec/IKE/Oakley curve #3 over a 155 bit binary field. Not suitable for ECDSA. Questionable extension field! IPSec/IKE/Oakley curve #4 over a 185 bit binary field. Not suitable for ECDSA. Questionable extension field!RFC 5639 curve over a 160 bit prime fieldRFC 5639 curve over a 192 bit prime fieldRFC 5639 curve over a 224 bit prime fieldRFC 5639 curve over a 256 bit prime fieldRFC 5639 curve over a 320 bit prime fieldRFC 5639 curve over a 384 bit prime fieldRFC 5639 curve over a 512 bit prime fieldB-163B-233B-283B-409B-571K-163K-233K-283K-409K-571P-192P-224P-256P-384P-521../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_key.cassertion failed: eckey->group->meth->keygen != NULL../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_kmeth.cOpenSSL EC_KEY method../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_lib.cassertion failed: group->meth->group_order_bits != NULL../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_mult.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_oct.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ecdh_ossl.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ecdsa_ossl.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ecdsa_sign.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ecdsa_vrf.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/eck_prn.cGenerator (compressed):Generator (uncompressed):Generator (hybrid):ASN1 OID: %sNIST CURVE: %s Field Type: %s Basis Type: %s Polynomial:Prime:A: B: Order: Cofactor: Seed:../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ecp_mont.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ecp_nist.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ecp_oct.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ecp_smpl.cX25519OpenSSL X25519 algorithm../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ecx_meth.c%*s %*sX25519 Private-Key: %*s %*sX25519 Public-Key: engines../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_cnf.cengine_idsoft_loaddynamic_pathLIST_ADD2EMPTYdefault_algorithms, name=../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_ctrl.cdynamic_ctrldynamic_get_data_ctxdynamic_loaddynamic_set_data_ctxENGINE_addENGINE_by_idENGINE_cmd_is_executableENGINE_ctrlENGINE_ctrl_cmdENGINE_ctrl_cmd_stringENGINE_finishENGINE_get_cipherENGINE_get_digestENGINE_get_firstENGINE_get_lastENGINE_get_nextENGINE_get_pkey_asn1_methENGINE_get_pkey_methENGINE_get_prevENGINE_initengine_list_addengine_list_removeENGINE_load_private_keyENGINE_load_public_keyENGINE_load_ssl_client_certENGINE_newENGINE_pkey_asn1_find_strENGINE_removeENGINE_set_default_stringENGINE_set_idENGINE_set_nameengine_table_registerengine_unlocked_finishENGINE_up_refint_ctrl_helperint_engine_configureint_engine_module_initalready loadedargument is not a numbercmd not executablecommand takes inputcommand takes no inputconflicting engine idctrl command not implementedDSO failuredso not foundengines section errorengine configuration errorengine is not in the listengine section errorfailed loading private keyfailed loading public keyfinish failed'id' or 'name' missinginit failedinternal list errorinvalid cmd nameinvalid cmd numberinvalid init valueinvalid stringnot initialisednot loadedno control functionno indexno load functionno referenceno such engineunimplemented cipherunimplemented digestunimplemented public key methodversion incompatibility../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_fat.cstr=RANDCIPHERSDIGESTSPKEYPKEY_CRYPTOPKEY_ASN1../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_init.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_list.cOPENSSL_ENGINESIDDIR_LOADDIR_ADD1id=../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_pkey.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/tb_asnmth.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/tb_cipher.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/tb_digest.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/tb_pkmeth.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/err/err.clib(%lu)func(%lu)reason(%lu)error:%08lX:%s:%s:%sunknown librarysystem librarybignum routinesrsa routinesDiffie-Hellman routinesdigital envelope routinesmemory buffer routinesobject identifier routinesPEM routinesdsa routinesx509 certificate routinesasn1 encoding routinesconfiguration file routinescommon libcrypto routineselliptic curve routinesECDSA routinesECDH routinesSSL routinesBIO routinesPKCS7 routinesX509 V3 routinesPKCS12 routinesrandom number generatorDSO support routinestime stamp routinesengine routinesOCSP routinesUI routinesFIPS routinesCMS routinesHMAC routinesCT routinesASYNC routinesKDF routinessystem libBN libRSA libDH libEVP libBUF libOBJ libPEM libDSA libX509 libASN1 libEC libBIO libPKCS7 libX509V3 libENGINE libECDSA libnested asn1 errormissing asn1 eosfatalmalloc failurecalled a function you should not callpassed a null parameterinternal errorcalled a function that was disabled at compile-timeinit failfopengetservbynameioctlsocketopendirfreadsetsockoptgetsockoptgethostbynamefflushNA%lu:%s:%s:%d:%s ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/digest.cassertion failed: ctx->digest->md_size <= EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/e_aes.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/e_camellia.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/e_chacha20_poly1305.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/e_des3.cassertion failed: l <= sizeof(iv)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/e_rc2.calg_section../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/evp_cnf.cfips_mode../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/evp_enc.cassertion failed: ctx->cipher->block_size == 1 || ctx->cipher->block_size == 8 || ctx->cipher->block_size == 16assertion failed: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(ctx) <= (int)sizeof(ctx->iv)assertion failed: bl <= (int)sizeof(ctx->buf)assertion failed: b <= sizeof(ctx->buf)assertion failed: b <= sizeof(ctx->final)assertion failed: nkey <= EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/evp_key.cassertion failed: niv <= EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTHassertion failed: l <= sizeof(c->iv)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/evp_lib.cassertion failed: j <= sizeof(c->iv)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/evp_pkey.cTYPE=../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/m_sigver.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/p5_crpt2.cassertion failed: keylen <= sizeof(key)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/p_lib.cPublic KeyPrivate KeyParameters%s algorithm "%s" unsupported ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/p_sign.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/p_verify.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/pmeth_fn.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/pmeth_gn.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/pmeth_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/scrypt.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ex_data.cHMACOpenSSL HMAC method../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/hmac/hm_ameth.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/hmac/hm_pmeth.chexkeyassertion failed: j <= (int)sizeof(ctx->key)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/hmac/hmac.cidea(int)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/init.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/kdf/hkdf.cmdsalthexsalthexinfo../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/kdf/tls1_prf.cassertion failed: chunk >= 0secrethexsecrethexseed../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/lhash/lhash.cassertion failed: size > 0../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/mem_sec.cassertion failed: (size & (size - 1)) == 0assertion failed: minsize > 0assertion failed: (minsize & (minsize - 1)) == 0assertion failed: sh.freelist != NULLassertion failed: sh.bittable != NULLassertion failed: sh.bitmalloc != NULLassertion failed: list >= 0 && list < sh.freelist_sizeassertion failed: ((ptr - sh.arena) & ((sh.arena_size >> list) - 1)) == 0assertion failed: bit > 0 && bit < sh.bittable_sizeassertion failed: !TESTBIT(table, bit)assertion failed: WITHIN_FREELIST(list)assertion failed: WITHIN_ARENA(ptr)assertion failed: temp->next == NULL || WITHIN_ARENA(temp->next)assertion failed: (char **)temp->next->p_next == listassertion failed: !sh_testbit(temp, slist, sh.bitmalloc)assertion failed: temp != sh.freelist[slist]assertion failed: sh.freelist[slist] == tempassertion failed: temp-(sh.arena_size >> slist) == sh_find_my_buddy(temp, slist)assertion failed: sh_testbit(chunk, list, sh.bittable)assertion failed: WITHIN_ARENA(chunk)assertion failed: TESTBIT(table, bit)assertion failed: WITHIN_FREELIST(temp2->p_next) || WITHIN_ARENA(temp2->p_next)assertion failed: sh_testbit(ptr, list, sh.bittable)assertion failed: ptr == sh_find_my_buddy(buddy, list)assertion failed: ptr != NULLassertion failed: !sh_testbit(ptr, list, sh.bitmalloc)assertion failed: sh.freelist[list] == ptrassertion failed: (bit & 1) == 0../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/modes/gcm128.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/modes/ocb128.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/o_fips.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/o_str.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/objects/o_names.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/objects/obj_dat.c.%luUNDEFundefinedrsadsiRSA Data Security, Inc.pkcsRSA Data Security, Inc. PKCSMD2md2md5rc4rsaEncryptionRSA-MD2md2WithRSAEncryptionRSA-MD5md5WithRSAEncryptionPBE-MD2-DESpbeWithMD2AndDES-CBCPBE-MD5-DESpbeWithMD5AndDES-CBCX500directory services (X.500)X509CNcommonNamecountryNameLlocalityNameSTstateOrProvinceNameOorganizationNameOUorganizationalUnitNamersapkcs7pkcs7-datapkcs7-signedDatapkcs7-envelopedDatapkcs7-signedAndEnvelopedDatapkcs7-digestDatapkcs7-encryptedDatapkcs3dhKeyAgreementDES-ECBdes-ecbDES-CFBdes-cfbDES-CBCdes-cbcDES-EDEdes-edeDES-EDE3des-ede3IDEA-CBCidea-cbcIDEA-CFBidea-cfbIDEA-ECBidea-ecbRC2-CBCrc2-cbcRC2-ECBrc2-ecbRC2-CFBrc2-cfbRC2-OFBrc2-ofbshaRSA-SHAshaWithRSAEncryptionDES-EDE-CBCdes-ede-cbcDES-EDE3-CBCdes-ede3-cbcDES-OFBdes-ofbIDEA-OFBidea-ofbpkcs9emailAddressunstructuredNamecontentTypemessageDigestsigningTimecountersignaturechallengePasswordunstructuredAddressextendedCertificateAttributesNetscapeNetscape Communications Corp.nsCertExtNetscape Certificate ExtensionnsDataTypeNetscape Data TypeDES-EDE-CFBdes-ede-cfbDES-EDE3-CFBdes-ede3-cfbDES-EDE-OFBdes-ede-ofbDES-EDE3-OFBdes-ede3-ofbsha1sha1WithRSAEncryptionDSA-SHAdsaWithSHADSA-olddsaEncryption-oldPBE-SHA1-RC2-64pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBCPBKDF2DSA-SHA1-olddsaWithSHA1-oldnsCertTypeNetscape Cert TypensBaseUrlNetscape Base UrlnsRevocationUrlNetscape Revocation UrlnsCaRevocationUrlNetscape CA Revocation UrlnsRenewalUrlNetscape Renewal UrlnsCaPolicyUrlNetscape CA Policy UrlnsSslServerNameNetscape SSL Server NamensCommentNetscape CommentnsCertSequenceNetscape Certificate SequenceDESX-CBCdesx-cbcid-cesubjectKeyIdentifierX509v3 Subject Key IdentifierkeyUsageX509v3 Key UsageprivateKeyUsagePeriodX509v3 Private Key Usage PeriodsubjectAltNameX509v3 Subject Alternative NameissuerAltNameX509v3 Issuer Alternative NamebasicConstraintsX509v3 Basic ConstraintscrlNumberX509v3 CRL NumbercertificatePoliciesX509v3 Certificate PoliciesauthorityKeyIdentifierX509v3 Authority Key IdentifierBF-CBCbf-cbcBF-ECBbf-ecbBF-CFBbf-cfbBF-OFBbf-ofbMDC2mdc2RSA-MDC2mdc2WithRSARC4-40rc4-40RC2-40-CBCrc2-40-cbcGNgivenNameSNsurnameinitialsuniqueIdentifiercrlDistributionPointsX509v3 CRL Distribution PointsRSA-NP-MD5md5WithRSACAST5-CBCcast5-cbcCAST5-ECBcast5-ecbCAST5-CFBcast5-cfbCAST5-OFBcast5-ofbpbeWithMD5AndCast5CBCDSA-SHA1dsaWithSHA1MD5-SHA1md5-sha1sha1WithRSAdsaEncryptionRIPEMD160ripemd160RSA-RIPEMD160ripemd160WithRSARC5-CBCrc5-cbcRC5-ECBrc5-ecbRC5-CFBrc5-cfbRC5-OFBrc5-ofbzlib compressionextendedKeyUsageX509v3 Extended Key UsagePKIXid-kpserverAuthTLS Web Server AuthenticationclientAuthTLS Web Client AuthenticationcodeSigningCode SigningemailProtectionE-mail ProtectiontimeStampingTime StampingmsCodeIndMicrosoft Individual Code SigningmsCodeComMicrosoft Commercial Code SigningmsCTLSignMicrosoft Trust List SigningmsSGCMicrosoft Server Gated CryptomsEFSMicrosoft Encrypted File SystemnsSGCNetscape Server Gated CryptodeltaCRLX509v3 Delta CRL IndicatorCRLReasonX509v3 CRL Reason CodeinvalidityDateInvalidity DateSXNetIDStrong Extranet IDPBE-SHA1-RC4-128pbeWithSHA1And128BitRC4PBE-SHA1-RC4-40pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC4PBE-SHA1-3DESpbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBCPBE-SHA1-2DESpbeWithSHA1And2-KeyTripleDES-CBCPBE-SHA1-RC2-128pbeWithSHA1And128BitRC2-CBCPBE-SHA1-RC2-40pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2-CBCkeyBagpkcs8ShroudedKeyBagcertBagcrlBagsecretBagsafeContentsBagfriendlyNamelocalKeyIDx509CertificatesdsiCertificatex509CrlPBES2PBMAC1hmacWithSHA1id-qt-cpsPolicy Qualifier CPSid-qt-unoticePolicy Qualifier User NoticeRC2-64-CBCrc2-64-cbcSMIME-CAPSS/MIME CapabilitiesPBE-MD2-RC2-64pbeWithMD2AndRC2-CBCPBE-MD5-RC2-64pbeWithMD5AndRC2-CBCPBE-SHA1-DESpbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBCmsExtReqMicrosoft Extension RequestextReqExtension RequestdnQualifierid-peid-adauthorityInfoAccessAuthority Information AccessOCSPcaIssuersCA IssuersOCSPSigningOCSP SigningISOisomember-bodyISO Member BodyISO-USISO US Member BodyX9-57X9.57X9cmX9.57 CM ?pkcs1pkcs5SMIMES/MIMEid-smime-modid-smime-ctid-smime-aaid-smime-algid-smime-cdid-smime-spqid-smime-ctiid-smime-mod-cmsid-smime-mod-essid-smime-mod-oidid-smime-mod-msg-v3id-smime-mod-ets-eSignature-88id-smime-mod-ets-eSignature-97id-smime-mod-ets-eSigPolicy-88id-smime-mod-ets-eSigPolicy-97id-smime-ct-receiptid-smime-ct-authDataid-smime-ct-publishCertid-smime-ct-TSTInfoid-smime-ct-TDTInfoid-smime-ct-contentInfoid-smime-ct-DVCSRequestDataid-smime-ct-DVCSResponseDataid-smime-aa-receiptRequestid-smime-aa-securityLabelid-smime-aa-mlExpandHistoryid-smime-aa-contentHintid-smime-aa-msgSigDigestid-smime-aa-encapContentTypeid-smime-aa-contentIdentifierid-smime-aa-macValueid-smime-aa-equivalentLabelsid-smime-aa-contentReferenceid-smime-aa-encrypKeyPrefid-smime-aa-signingCertificateid-smime-aa-smimeEncryptCertsid-smime-aa-timeStampTokenid-smime-aa-ets-sigPolicyIdid-smime-aa-ets-commitmentTypeid-smime-aa-ets-signerLocationid-smime-aa-ets-signerAttrid-smime-aa-ets-otherSigCertid-smime-aa-ets-contentTimestampid-smime-aa-ets-CertificateRefsid-smime-aa-ets-RevocationRefsid-smime-aa-ets-certValuesid-smime-aa-ets-revocationValuesid-smime-aa-ets-escTimeStampid-smime-aa-ets-certCRLTimestampid-smime-aa-ets-archiveTimeStampid-smime-aa-signatureTypeid-smime-aa-dvcs-dvcid-smime-alg-ESDHwith3DESid-smime-alg-ESDHwithRC2id-smime-alg-3DESwrapid-smime-alg-RC2wrapid-smime-alg-ESDHid-smime-alg-CMS3DESwrapid-smime-alg-CMSRC2wrapid-smime-cd-ldapid-smime-spq-ets-sqt-uriid-smime-spq-ets-sqt-unoticeid-smime-cti-ets-proofOfOriginid-smime-cti-ets-proofOfReceiptid-smime-cti-ets-proofOfDeliveryid-smime-cti-ets-proofOfSenderid-smime-cti-ets-proofOfApprovalid-smime-cti-ets-proofOfCreationMD4md4id-pkix-modid-qtid-itid-pkipid-algid-cmcid-onid-pdaid-acaid-qcsid-cctid-pkix1-explicit-88id-pkix1-implicit-88id-pkix1-explicit-93id-pkix1-implicit-93id-mod-crmfid-mod-cmcid-mod-kea-profile-88id-mod-kea-profile-93id-mod-cmpid-mod-qualified-cert-88id-mod-qualified-cert-93id-mod-attribute-certid-mod-timestamp-protocolid-mod-ocspid-mod-dvcsid-mod-cmp2000biometricInfoBiometric InfoqcStatementsac-auditEntityac-targetingaaControlssbgp-ipAddrBlocksbgp-autonomousSysNumsbgp-routerIdentifiertextNoticeipsecEndSystemIPSec End SystemipsecTunnelIPSec TunnelipsecUserIPSec UserDVCSdvcsid-it-caProtEncCertid-it-signKeyPairTypesid-it-encKeyPairTypesid-it-preferredSymmAlgid-it-caKeyUpdateInfoid-it-currentCRLid-it-unsupportedOIDsid-it-subscriptionRequestid-it-subscriptionResponseid-it-keyPairParamReqid-it-keyPairParamRepid-it-revPassphraseid-it-implicitConfirmid-it-confirmWaitTimeid-it-origPKIMessageid-regCtrlid-regInfoid-regCtrl-regTokenid-regCtrl-authenticatorid-regCtrl-pkiPublicationInfoid-regCtrl-pkiArchiveOptionsid-regCtrl-oldCertIDid-regCtrl-protocolEncrKeyid-regInfo-utf8Pairsid-regInfo-certReqid-alg-des40id-alg-noSignatureid-alg-dh-sig-hmac-sha1id-alg-dh-popid-cmc-statusInfoid-cmc-identificationid-cmc-identityProofid-cmc-dataReturnid-cmc-transactionIdid-cmc-senderNonceid-cmc-recipientNonceid-cmc-addExtensionsid-cmc-encryptedPOPid-cmc-decryptedPOPid-cmc-lraPOPWitnessid-cmc-getCertid-cmc-getCRLid-cmc-revokeRequestid-cmc-regInfoid-cmc-responseInfoid-cmc-queryPendingid-cmc-popLinkRandomid-cmc-popLinkWitnessid-cmc-confirmCertAcceptanceid-on-personalDataid-pda-dateOfBirthid-pda-placeOfBirthid-pda-genderid-pda-countryOfCitizenshipid-pda-countryOfResidenceid-aca-authenticationInfoid-aca-accessIdentityid-aca-chargingIdentityid-aca-groupid-aca-roleid-qcs-pkixQCSyntax-v1id-cct-crsid-cct-PKIDataid-cct-PKIResponsead_timestampingAD Time StampingAD_DVCSad dvcsbasicOCSPResponseBasic OCSP ResponseNonceOCSP NonceCrlIDOCSP CRL IDacceptableResponsesAcceptable OCSP ResponsesnoCheckOCSP No CheckarchiveCutoffOCSP Archive CutoffserviceLocatorOCSP Service LocatorextendedStatusExtended OCSP StatusvalidtrustRootTrust RootrsaSignatureX500algorithmsdirectory services - algorithmsORGorgDODdodIANAianadirectoryDirectorymgmtManagementexperimentalExperimentalprivatePrivatesecuritySecuritysnmpv2SNMPv2MailenterprisesEnterprisesdcobjectdcObjectDCdomainComponentDomainselected-attribute-typesSelected Attribute TypesclearanceRSA-MD4md4WithRSAEncryptionac-proxyingsubjectInfoAccessSubject Information Accessid-aca-encAttrsrolepolicyConstraintsX509v3 Policy ConstraintstargetInformationX509v3 AC TargetingnoRevAvailX509v3 No Revocation Availableansi-X9-62ANSI X9.62prime-fieldcharacteristic-two-fieldid-ecPublicKeyprime192v1prime192v2prime192v3prime239v1prime239v2prime239v3prime256v1ecdsa-with-SHA1CSPNameMicrosoft CSP NameAES-128-ECBaes-128-ecbAES-128-CBCaes-128-cbcAES-128-OFBaes-128-ofbAES-128-CFBaes-128-cfbAES-192-ECBaes-192-ecbAES-192-CBCaes-192-cbcAES-192-OFBaes-192-ofbAES-192-CFBaes-192-cfbAES-256-ECBaes-256-ecbAES-256-CBCaes-256-cbcAES-256-OFBaes-256-ofbAES-256-CFBaes-256-cfbholdInstructionCodeHold Instruction CodeholdInstructionNoneHold Instruction NoneholdInstructionCallIssuerHold Instruction Call IssuerholdInstructionRejectHold Instruction RejectpssuclpilotpilotAttributeTypepilotAttributeSyntaxpilotObjectClasspilotGroupsiA5StringSyntaxcaseIgnoreIA5StringSyntaxpilotObjectpilotPersonaccountdocumentroomdocumentSeriesrFC822localPartdNSDomaindomainRelatedObjectfriendlyCountrysimpleSecurityObjectpilotOrganizationpilotDSAqualityLabelledDataUIDuserIdtextEncodedORAddressmailrfc822MailboxfavouriteDrinkroomNumberphotouserClassmanagerdocumentIdentifierdocumentTitledocumentVersiondocumentAuthordocumentLocationhomeTelephoneNumbersecretaryotherMailboxlastModifiedTimelastModifiedByaRecordpilotAttributeType27mXRecordnSRecordsOARecordcNAMERecordassociatedDomainassociatedNamehomePostalAddresspersonalTitlemobileTelephoneNumberpagerTelephoneNumberfriendlyCountryNameorganizationalStatusjanetMailboxmailPreferenceOptionbuildingNamedSAQualitysingleLevelQualitysubtreeMinimumQualitysubtreeMaximumQualitypersonalSignaturedITRedirectaudiodocumentPublisherx500UniqueIdentifiermime-mhsMIME MHSmime-mhs-headingsmime-mhs-bodiesid-hex-partial-messageid-hex-multipart-messagegenerationQualifierpseudonymid-setSecure Electronic Transactionsset-ctypecontent typesset-msgExtmessage extensionsset-attrset-policyset-certExtcertificate extensionsset-brandsetct-PANDatasetct-PANTokensetct-PANOnlysetct-OIDatasetct-PIsetct-PIDatasetct-PIDataUnsignedsetct-HODInputsetct-AuthResBaggagesetct-AuthRevReqBaggagesetct-AuthRevResBaggagesetct-CapTokenSeqsetct-PInitResDatasetct-PI-TBSsetct-PResDatasetct-AuthReqTBSsetct-AuthResTBSsetct-AuthResTBSXsetct-AuthTokenTBSsetct-CapTokenDatasetct-CapTokenTBSsetct-AcqCardCodeMsgsetct-AuthRevReqTBSsetct-AuthRevResDatasetct-AuthRevResTBSsetct-CapReqTBSsetct-CapReqTBSXsetct-CapResDatasetct-CapRevReqTBSsetct-CapRevReqTBSXsetct-CapRevResDatasetct-CredReqTBSsetct-CredReqTBSXsetct-CredResDatasetct-CredRevReqTBSsetct-CredRevReqTBSXsetct-CredRevResDatasetct-PCertReqDatasetct-PCertResTBSsetct-BatchAdminReqDatasetct-BatchAdminResDatasetct-CardCInitResTBSsetct-MeAqCInitResTBSsetct-RegFormResTBSsetct-CertReqDatasetct-CertReqTBSsetct-CertResDatasetct-CertInqReqTBSsetct-ErrorTBSsetct-PIDualSignedTBEsetct-PIUnsignedTBEsetct-AuthReqTBEsetct-AuthResTBEsetct-AuthResTBEXsetct-AuthTokenTBEsetct-CapTokenTBEsetct-CapTokenTBEXsetct-AcqCardCodeMsgTBEsetct-AuthRevReqTBEsetct-AuthRevResTBEsetct-AuthRevResTBEBsetct-CapReqTBEsetct-CapReqTBEXsetct-CapResTBEsetct-CapRevReqTBEsetct-CapRevReqTBEXsetct-CapRevResTBEsetct-CredReqTBEsetct-CredReqTBEXsetct-CredResTBEsetct-CredRevReqTBEsetct-CredRevReqTBEXsetct-CredRevResTBEsetct-BatchAdminReqTBEsetct-BatchAdminResTBEsetct-RegFormReqTBEsetct-CertReqTBEsetct-CertReqTBEXsetct-CertResTBEsetct-CRLNotificationTBSsetct-CRLNotificationResTBSsetct-BCIDistributionTBSsetext-genCryptgeneric cryptogramsetext-miAuthmerchant initiated authsetext-pinSecuresetext-pinAnysetext-track2setext-cvadditional verificationset-policy-rootsetCext-hashedRootsetCext-certTypesetCext-merchDatasetCext-cCertRequiredsetCext-tunnelingsetCext-setExtsetCext-setQualfsetCext-PGWYcapabilitiessetCext-TokenIdentifiersetCext-Track2DatasetCext-TokenTypesetCext-IssuerCapabilitiessetAttr-CertsetAttr-PGWYcappayment gateway capabilitiessetAttr-TokenTypesetAttr-IssCapissuer capabilitiesset-rootKeyThumbset-addPolicysetAttr-Token-EMVsetAttr-Token-B0PrimesetAttr-IssCap-CVMsetAttr-IssCap-T2setAttr-IssCap-SigsetAttr-GenCryptgrmgenerate cryptogramsetAttr-T2Encencrypted track 2setAttr-T2cleartxtcleartext track 2setAttr-TokICCsigICC or token signaturesetAttr-SecDevSigsecure device signatureset-brand-IATA-ATAset-brand-Dinersset-brand-AmericanExpressset-brand-JCBset-brand-Visaset-brand-MasterCardset-brand-NovusDES-CDMFdes-cdmfrsaOAEPEncryptionSETITU-Titu-tJOINT-ISO-ITU-Tjoint-iso-itu-tinternational-organizationsInternational OrganizationsmsSmartcardLoginMicrosoft SmartcardloginmsUPNMicrosoft Universal Principal NameAES-128-CFB1aes-128-cfb1AES-192-CFB1aes-192-cfb1AES-256-CFB1aes-256-cfb1AES-128-CFB8aes-128-cfb8AES-192-CFB8aes-192-cfb8AES-256-CFB8aes-256-cfb8DES-CFB1des-cfb1DES-CFB8des-cfb8DES-EDE3-CFB1des-ede3-cfb1DES-EDE3-CFB8des-ede3-cfb8streetstreetAddresspostalCodeid-pplproxyCertInfoProxy Certificate Informationid-ppl-anyLanguageAny languageid-ppl-inheritAllInherit allnameConstraintsX509v3 Name Constraintsid-ppl-independentIndependentRSA-SHA256sha256WithRSAEncryptionRSA-SHA384sha384WithRSAEncryptionRSA-SHA512sha512WithRSAEncryptionRSA-SHA224sha224WithRSAEncryptionsha256sha384SHA512sha512SHA224sha224identified-organizationcerticom-arcwapwap-wsgid-characteristic-two-basisonBasistpBasisppBasisc2pnb163v1c2pnb163v2c2pnb163v3c2pnb176v1c2tnb191v1c2tnb191v2c2tnb191v3c2onb191v4c2onb191v5c2pnb208w1c2tnb239v1c2tnb239v2c2tnb239v3c2onb239v4c2onb239v5c2pnb272w1c2pnb304w1c2tnb359v1c2pnb368w1c2tnb431r1secp112r1secp112r2secp128r1secp128r2secp160k1secp160r1secp160r2secp192k1secp224k1secp224r1secp256k1secp384r1secp521r1sect113r1sect113r2sect131r1sect131r2sect163k1sect163r1sect163r2sect193r1sect193r2sect233k1sect233r1sect239k1sect283k1sect283r1sect409k1sect409r1sect571k1sect571r1wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls1wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls3wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls4wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls5wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls6wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls7wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls8wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls9wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls10wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls11wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls12anyPolicyX509v3 Any PolicypolicyMappingsX509v3 Policy MappingsinhibitAnyPolicyX509v3 Inhibit Any PolicyOakley-EC2N-3ipsec3Oakley-EC2N-4ipsec4CAMELLIA-128-CBCcamellia-128-cbcCAMELLIA-192-CBCcamellia-192-cbcCAMELLIA-256-CBCcamellia-256-cbcCAMELLIA-128-ECBcamellia-128-ecbCAMELLIA-192-ECBcamellia-192-ecbCAMELLIA-256-ECBcamellia-256-ecbCAMELLIA-128-CFBcamellia-128-cfbCAMELLIA-192-CFBcamellia-192-cfbCAMELLIA-256-CFBcamellia-256-cfbCAMELLIA-128-CFB1camellia-128-cfb1CAMELLIA-192-CFB1camellia-192-cfb1CAMELLIA-256-CFB1camellia-256-cfb1CAMELLIA-128-CFB8camellia-128-cfb8CAMELLIA-192-CFB8camellia-192-cfb8CAMELLIA-256-CFB8camellia-256-cfb8CAMELLIA-128-OFBcamellia-128-ofbCAMELLIA-192-OFBcamellia-192-ofbCAMELLIA-256-OFBcamellia-256-ofbsubjectDirectoryAttributesX509v3 Subject Directory AttributesissuingDistributionPointX509v3 Issuing Distribution PointcertificateIssuerX509v3 Certificate IssuerKISAkisaSEED-ECBseed-ecbSEED-CBCseed-cbcSEED-OFBseed-ofbSEED-CFBseed-cfbHMAC-MD5hmac-md5HMAC-SHA1hmac-sha1id-PasswordBasedMACpassword based MACid-DHBasedMacDiffie-Hellman based MACid-it-suppLangTagscaRepositoryCA Repositoryid-smime-ct-compressedDataid-ct-asciiTextWithCRLFid-aes128-wrapid-aes192-wrapid-aes256-wrapecdsa-with-Recommendedecdsa-with-Specifiedecdsa-with-SHA224ecdsa-with-SHA256ecdsa-with-SHA384ecdsa-with-SHA512hmacWithMD5hmacWithSHA224hmacWithSHA256hmacWithSHA384hmacWithSHA512dsa_with_SHA224dsa_with_SHA256whirlpoolcryptoprocryptocomid-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-2001GOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-2001id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-94GOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-94md_gost94GOST R 34.11-94id-HMACGostR3411-94HMAC GOST 34.11-94GOST R 34.10-2001gost94GOST R 34.10-94gost89GOST 28147-89gost89-cntGOST 28147-89 MACprf-gostr3411-94GOST R 34.11-94 PRFid-GostR3410-2001DHGOST R 34.10-2001 DHid-GostR3410-94DHGOST R 34.10-94 DHid-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshingid-Gost28147-89-None-KeyMeshingid-GostR3411-94-TestParamSetid-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSetid-Gost28147-89-TestParamSetid-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSetid-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-B-ParamSetid-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-C-ParamSetid-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-D-ParamSetid-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-Oscar-1-1-ParamSetid-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-Oscar-1-0-ParamSetid-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-RIC-1-ParamSetid-GostR3410-94-TestParamSetid-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSetid-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSetid-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSetid-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSetid-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSetid-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSetid-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchC-ParamSetid-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSetid-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSetid-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSetid-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSetid-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSetid-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSetid-GostR3410-94-aid-GostR3410-94-aBisid-GostR3410-94-bid-GostR3410-94-bBisid-Gost28147-89-ccGOST 28147-89 Cryptocom ParamSetgost94ccGOST 34.10-94 Cryptocomgost2001ccGOST 34.10-2001 Cryptocomid-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-94-ccGOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-94 Cryptocomid-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-2001-ccGOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-2001 Cryptocomid-GostR3410-2001-ParamSet-ccGOST R 3410-2001 Parameter Set CryptocomhmacLocalKeySetMicrosoft Local Key setfreshestCRLX509v3 Freshest CRLid-on-permanentIdentifierPermanent IdentifiersearchGuidebusinessCategorypostalAddresspostOfficeBoxphysicalDeliveryOfficeNametelephoneNumbertelexNumberteletexTerminalIdentifierfacsimileTelephoneNumberx121AddressinternationaliSDNNumberregisteredAddressdestinationIndicatorpreferredDeliveryMethodpresentationAddresssupportedApplicationContextmemberroleOccupantseeAlsouserPassworduserCertificatecACertificateauthorityRevocationListcertificateRevocationListcrossCertificatePairenhancedSearchGuideprotocolInformationdistinguishedNameuniqueMemberhouseIdentifiersupportedAlgorithmsdeltaRevocationListdmdNameid-alg-PWRI-KEKcmacid-aes128-GCMaes-128-gcmid-aes128-CCMaes-128-ccmid-aes128-wrap-padid-aes192-GCMaes-192-gcmid-aes192-CCMaes-192-ccmid-aes192-wrap-padid-aes256-GCMaes-256-gcmid-aes256-CCMaes-256-ccmid-aes256-wrap-padAES-128-CTRaes-128-ctrAES-192-CTRaes-192-ctrAES-256-CTRaes-256-ctrid-camellia128-wrapid-camellia192-wrapid-camellia256-wrapanyExtendedKeyUsageAny Extended Key UsageMGF1mgf1RSASSA-PSSrsassaPssAES-128-XTSaes-128-xtsAES-256-XTSaes-256-xtsrc4-hmac-md5aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha1AES-192-CBC-HMAC-SHA1aes-192-cbc-hmac-sha1aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1RSAES-OAEPrsaesOaepdhpublicnumberbrainpoolP160r1brainpoolP160t1brainpoolP192r1brainpoolP192t1brainpoolP224r1brainpoolP224t1brainpoolP256r1brainpoolP256t1brainpoolP320r1brainpoolP320t1brainpoolP384r1brainpoolP384t1brainpoolP512r1brainpoolP512t1PSPECIFIEDpSpecifieddhSinglePass-stdDH-sha1kdf-schemedhSinglePass-stdDH-sha224kdf-schemedhSinglePass-stdDH-sha256kdf-schemedhSinglePass-stdDH-sha384kdf-schemedhSinglePass-stdDH-sha512kdf-schemedhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha1kdf-schemedhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha224kdf-schemedhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha256kdf-schemedhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha384kdf-schemedhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha512kdf-schemedh-std-kdfdh-cofactor-kdfaes-128-cbc-hmac-sha256AES-192-CBC-HMAC-SHA256aes-192-cbc-hmac-sha256aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha256ct_precert_sctsCT Precertificate SCTsct_precert_poisonCT Precertificate Poisonct_precert_signerCT Precertificate Signerct_cert_sctsCT Certificate SCTsjurisdictionLjurisdictionLocalityNamejurisdictionSTjurisdictionStateOrProvinceNamejurisdictionCjurisdictionCountryNameAES-128-OCBaes-128-ocbAES-192-OCBaes-192-ocbAES-256-OCBaes-256-ocbCAMELLIA-128-GCMcamellia-128-gcmCAMELLIA-128-CCMcamellia-128-ccmCAMELLIA-128-CTRcamellia-128-ctrCAMELLIA-128-CMACcamellia-128-cmacCAMELLIA-192-GCMcamellia-192-gcmCAMELLIA-192-CCMcamellia-192-ccmCAMELLIA-192-CTRcamellia-192-ctrCAMELLIA-192-CMACcamellia-192-cmacCAMELLIA-256-GCMcamellia-256-gcmCAMELLIA-256-CCMcamellia-256-ccmCAMELLIA-256-CTRcamellia-256-ctrCAMELLIA-256-CMACcamellia-256-cmacid-scryptid-tc26gost89-cnt-12id-tc26-algorithmsid-tc26-signGOST R 34.10-2012 with 256 bit modulusGOST R 34.10-2012 with 512 bit modulusid-tc26-digestmd_gost12_256GOST R 34.11-2012 with 256 bit hashmd_gost12_512GOST R 34.11-2012 with 512 bit hashid-tc26-signwithdigestid-tc26-signwithdigest-gost3410-2012-256GOST R 34.10-2012 with GOST R 34.11-2012 (256 bit)id-tc26-signwithdigest-gost3410-2012-512GOST R 34.10-2012 with GOST R 34.11-2012 (512 bit)id-tc26-macid-tc26-hmac-gost-3411-2012-256HMAC GOST 34.11-2012 256 bitid-tc26-hmac-gost-3411-2012-512HMAC GOST 34.11-2012 512 bitid-tc26-cipherid-tc26-agreementid-tc26-agreement-gost-3410-2012-256id-tc26-agreement-gost-3410-2012-512id-tc26-constantsid-tc26-sign-constantsid-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-constantsid-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-paramSetTestGOST R 34.10-2012 (512 bit) testing parameter setid-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-paramSetAGOST R 34.10-2012 (512 bit) ParamSet Aid-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-paramSetBGOST R 34.10-2012 (512 bit) ParamSet Bid-tc26-digest-constantsid-tc26-cipher-constantsid-tc26-gost-28147-constantsid-tc26-gost-28147-param-ZGOST 28147-89 TC26 parameter setINNOGRNSNILSsubjectSignToolSigning Tool of SubjectissuerSignToolSigning Tool of Issuergost89-cbcgost89-ecbgost89-ctrgrasshopper-ecbgrasshopper-ctrgrasshopper-ofbgrasshopper-cbcgrasshopper-cfbgrasshopper-macChaCha20-Poly1305chacha20-poly1305ChaCha20chacha20tlsfeatureTLS FeatureTLS1-PRFtls1-prfipsecIKEipsec Internet Key ExchangecapwapACCtrl/provision WAP AccesscapwapWTPCtrl/Provision WAP TerminationsecureShellClientSSH ClientsecureShellServerSSH ServersendRouterSend RoutersendProxiedRouterSend Proxied RoutersendOwnerSend OwnersendProxiedOwnerSend Proxied Ownerid-pkinitpkInitClientAuthPKINIT Client AuthpkInitKDCSigning KDC ResponseX448HKDFhkdfKxRSAkx-rsaKxECDHEkx-ecdheKxDHEkx-dheKxECDHE-PSKkx-ecdhe-pskKxDHE-PSKkx-dhe-pskKxRSA_PSKkx-rsa-pskKxPSKkx-pskKxSRPkx-srpKxGOSTkx-gostAuthRSAauth-rsaAuthECDSAauth-ecdsaAuthPSKauth-pskAuthDSSauth-dssAuthGOST01auth-gost01AuthGOST12auth-gost12AuthSRPauth-srpAuthNULLauth-nullBLAKE2b512blake2b512BLAKE2s256blake2s256id-smime-ct-contentCollectionid-smime-ct-authEnvelopedDataid-ct-xml../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/objects/obj_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/objects/obj_xref.cOCSP_SIGNATUREOCSP_CERTIDOCSP_ONEREQOCSP_REQINFOOCSP_REQUESTOCSP_RESPBYTESOCSP_RESPONSEOCSP_RESPIDOCSP_REVOKEDINFOOCSP_CERTSTATUSOCSP_SINGLERESPOCSP_RESPDATAOCSP_BASICRESPOCSP_CRLIDOCSP_SERVICELOCsignatureAlgorithmcertshashAlgorithmissuerNameHashissuerKeyHashreqCertsingleRequestExtensionsrequestorNamerequestListrequestExtensionstbsRequestoptionalSignatureresponseTyperesponseresponseStatusresponseBytesvalue.byNamevalue.byKeyrevocationTimerevocationReasonvalue.goodvalue.revokedvalue.unknowncertIdcertStatusthisUpdatenextUpdatesingleExtensionsresponderIdproducedAtresponsesresponseExtensionstbsResponseDatacrlUrlcrlNumcrlTimelocator../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_cl.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ext.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_lib.cCERTIFICATE REQUESTNEW CERTIFICATE REQUESTX509 CRLPKCS7RSA PRIVATE KEYDSA PRIVATE KEYDSA PARAMETERSEC PARAMETERSEC PRIVATE KEYDH PARAMETERSX9.42 DH PARAMETERSEnter PEM pass phrase:../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pem/pem_lib.cMIC-CLEARMIC-ONLYBAD-TYPEProc-Type: 4,DEK-Info: Expecting: assertion failed: EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(enc) <= (int)sizeof(iv)assertion failed: strlen(objstr) + 23 + 2 * EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(enc) + 13 <= sizeof(buf) ,-----BEGIN ----- -----END ANY PRIVATE KEYENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEYPRIVATE KEYPARAMETERSX509 CERTIFICATETRUSTED CERTIFICATEPKCS #7 SIGNED DATACMS../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pem/pem_oth.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pem/pem_pk8.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pem/pem_pkey.c%s PRIVATE KEY%s PARAMETERSPKCS12PKCS12_MAC_DATAPKCS12_BAGSPKCS12_SAFEBAGPKCS12_SAFEBAGSPKCS12_AUTHSAFESauthsafesdinfoitervalue.x509certvalue.x509crlvalue.sdsicertvalue.otherattribvalue.keybagvalue.shkeybagvalue.safesvalue.bag../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs12/p12_kiss.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs12/p12_mutl.cLEGACY_GOST_PKCS12../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs12/p12_p8e.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs12/p12_sbag.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs12/p12_utl.cPKCS7_SIGNEDPKCS7_SIGNER_INFOPKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIALPKCS7_ENVELOPEPKCS7_RECIP_INFOPKCS7_ENC_CONTENTPKCS7_SIGN_ENVELOPEPKCS7_ENCRYPTPKCS7_DIGESTPKCS7_ATTR_SIGNPKCS7_ATTR_VERIFYd.datad.signd.envelopedd.signed_and_envelopedd.digestd.encryptedd.othermd_algscontentscrlsigner_infoissuer_and_serialdigest_algauth_attrdigest_enc_algenc_digestunauth_attrrecipientinfoenc_datakey_enc_algorenc_keycontent_typePKCS7_ATTRIBUTES../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_doit.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_lib.c/dev/random/dev/srandomrc4(int)OpenSSL RSA method../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.cPrivate-Key: (%d bit) modulus:publicExponent:Public-Key: (%d bit) Modulus:Exponent:privateExponent:prime1:prime2:exponent1:exponent2:coefficient: (INVALID PSS PARAMETERS) Hash Algorithm: sha1 (default)Mask Algorithm: with INVALIDmgf1 with sha1 (default)Salt Length: 0x14 (default)Trailer Field: 0xBC (default)RSA_PSS_PARAMSRSA_OAEP_PARAMSneddmp1dmq1iqmpmaskGenAlgorithmsaltLengthtrailerFieldhashFuncmaskGenFuncpSourceFunc../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_crpt.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_lib.cOpenSSL PKCS#1 RSA../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_ossl.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_pk1.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_pmeth.crsa_padding_modesslv23noneoeapoaepx931rsa_pss_saltlenrsa_keygen_bitsrsa_keygen_pubexprsa_mgf1_mdrsa_oaep_mdrsa_oaep_label../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_pss.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_saos.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_sign.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_ssl.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_x931.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/srp/srp_lib.c819261444096307220481536../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/srp/srp_vfy.c*../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/stack/stack.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/threads_pthread.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/txt_db/txt_db.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ui/ui_lib.cEnter for processingopening sessionwriting stringsflushingreading stringswhile You must type in to charactersOpenSSL default user interface/dev/tty../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ui/ui_openssl.cerrno=Verifying - %sVerify failure Load certs from files in a directory../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/by_dir.c%s%c%08lx.%s%d../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/by_file.cLoad file into cache../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/t_x509.cCertificate: Data: %8sVersion: %ld (0x%lx) %8sVersion: Unknown (%ld) Serial Number: %s%lu (%s0x%lx) (Negative) %12s%s Issuer:%c Validity Not Before: Not After : Subject:%c Subject Public Key Info: %12sPublic Key Algorithm: %12sUnable to load Public Key %8sIssuer Unique ID: %8sSubject Unique ID: X509v3 extensions Subject OCSP hash: Public key OCSP hash: Signature Algorithm: %*sTrusted Uses: %*s%*sNo Trusted Uses. %*sRejected Uses: %*s%*sNo Rejected Uses. %*sAlias: %s %*sKey Id: %s%02X../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509_att.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509_cmp.c/etc/ssl/private/etc/ssl/etc/ssl/certs/etc/ssl/cert.pemSSL_CERT_DIRSSL_CERT_FILE../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509_lu.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509_obj.cNO X509_NAMEokunspecified certificate verification errorunable to get issuer certificateunable to get certificate CRLunable to decrypt certificate's signatureunable to decrypt CRL's signatureunable to decode issuer public keycertificate signature failureCRL signature failurecertificate is not yet validcertificate has expiredCRL is not yet validCRL has expiredformat error in certificate's notBefore fieldformat error in certificate's notAfter fieldformat error in CRL's lastUpdate fieldformat error in CRL's nextUpdate fieldself signed certificateself signed certificate in certificate chainunable to get local issuer certificateunable to verify the first certificatecertificate chain too longcertificate revokedinvalid CA certificatepath length constraint exceededunsupported certificate purposecertificate not trustedcertificate rejectedsubject issuer mismatchauthority and subject key identifier mismatchauthority and issuer serial number mismatchkey usage does not include certificate signingunable to get CRL issuer certificateunhandled critical extensionkey usage does not include CRL signingunhandled critical CRL extensioninvalid non-CA certificate (has CA markings)proxy path length constraint exceededkey usage does not include digital signatureproxy certificates not allowed, please set the appropriate flaginvalid or inconsistent certificate extensioninvalid or inconsistent certificate policy extensionno explicit policyDifferent CRL scopeUnsupported extension featureRFC 3779 resource not subset of parent's resourcespermitted subtree violationexcluded subtree violationname constraints minimum and maximum not supportedapplication verification failureunsupported name constraint typeunsupported or invalid name constraint syntaxunsupported or invalid name syntaxCRL path validation errorPath LoopSuite B: certificate version invalidSuite B: invalid public key algorithmSuite B: invalid ECC curveSuite B: invalid signature algorithmSuite B: curve not allowed for this LOSSuite B: cannot sign P-384 with P-256Hostname mismatchEmail address mismatchIP address mismatchNo matching DANE TLSA recordsEE certificate key too weakCA certificate key too weakCA signature digest algorithm too weakInvalid certificate verification contextIssuer certificate lookup errorCertificate Transparency required, but no valid SCTs foundproxy subject name violationunknown certificate verification error../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509_v3.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509_vfy.cdefaultassertion failed: num == 1 && ctx->num_untrusted == numassertion failed: num > i && i > 0 && ss == 0assertion failed: ctx->num_untrusted <= numassertion failed: num == ctx->num_untrusted../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509_vpm.csmime_sign../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509name.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509spki.cX509_ATTRIBUTEobjectsetX509_REVOKEDX509_CRL_INFOX509_CRL../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x_crl.crevocationDateextensionssig_alglastUpdaterevokedX509_EXTENSIONX509_EXTENSIONScriticalExtensionX509_NAME_ENTRYX509_NAME../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x_name.cX509_NAME_INTERNALNameX509_NAME_ENTRIESRDNSX509_PUBKEY../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x_pubkey.calgorpublic_keyX509_REQ_INFOX509_REQreq_infoX509_CINF../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x_x509.cvalidityissuerUIDsubjectUIDcert_infoX509_CERT_AUXtrustrejectaliaskeyidother../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/pcy_cache.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.cIPAddressRangeIPAddressOrRangeIPAddressChoiceIPAddressFamilyassertion failed: X509v3_addr_is_canonical(addr)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_addr.cminmaxu.addressPrefixu.addressRangeu.inheritu.addressesOrRangesaddressFamilyipAddressChoiceassertion failed: f->addressFamily->data != NULLassertion failed: aor->u.addressRange == NULLassertion failed: memcmp(min, max, length) <= 0IPAddrBlocksIPv4-SAFIIPv6-SAFIsection:,name:,value:%*sIPv4%*sIPv6%*sUnknown AFI %u (Unicast) (Multicast) (Unicast/Multicast) (MPLS) (Tunnel) (VPLS) (BGP MDT) (MPLS-labeled VPN) (Unknown SAFI %u): inherit : /%d %d.%d.%d.%d%x%s%s%02x[%d]assertion failed: chain != NULL && sk_X509_num(chain) > 0assertion failed: ctx != NULL || ext != NULLassertion failed: ctx == NULL || ctx->verify_cb != NULLassertion failed: x != NULLAUTHORITY_KEYIDothernameX400NameEdiPartyNameemailDNSURIDirName%XIP AddressRegistered IDothername:X400Name:EdiPartyName:email:%sDNS:%sURI:%sDirName:IP Address:%d.%d.%d.%d:%XIP Address:Registered ID:../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.cvalue=RIDIPdirNameotherNamemoveASRangeASIdOrRangeASIdentifierChoiceASIdentifiersassertion failed: (*choice)->u.inherit == NULL../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_asid.cassertion failed: (*choice)->u.asIdsOrRanges == NULLu.idu.rangeu.asIdsOrRangesasnumrdiassertion failed: (a->type == ASIdOrRange_id && a->u.id != NULL) || (a->type == ASIdOrRange_range && a->u.range != NULL && a->u.range->min != NULL && a->u.range->max != NULL)assertion failed: (b->type == ASIdOrRange_id && b->u.id != NULL) || (b->type == ASIdOrRange_range && b->u.range != NULL && b->u.range->min != NULL && b->u.range->max != NULL)assertion failed: aor != NULL && min != NULL && max != NULLassertion failed: ASN1_INTEGER_cmp(a_min, b_min) <= 0assertion failed: ASIdentifierChoice_is_canonical(choice)ASRDIAutonomous System NumbersRouting Domain Identifiers%*s%s: %*sinherit %*s%s %*s%s-../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_conf.c,section=critical,DER:ASN1:CERTIFICATEPOLICIESPOLICYINFOPOLICYQUALINFOUSERNOTICENOTICEREF%*sPolicy: CriticalNon Critical%*sNo Qualifiers policyidqualifierspqualidd.cpsurid.usernoticenoticerefexptextorganizationnoticenos../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_cpols.cia5orgpolicyIdentifierCPSuserNoticeexplicitTextnoticeNumbers%*sCPS: %s %*sUser Notice: %*sUnknown Qualifier: %*sOrganization: %s %*sNumber%s: (null)%*sExplicit Text: %s DIST_POINT_NAMEDIST_POINTCRL_DIST_POINTSISSUING_DIST_POINT../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_crld.creasonsCRLissuerfullnamerelativenameUnusedunusedKey CompromisekeyCompromiseCA CompromiseCACompromiseAffiliation ChangedaffiliationChangedSupersededsupersededCessation Of OperationcessationOfOperationCertificate HoldcertificateHoldPrivilege WithdrawnprivilegeWithdrawnAA CompromiseAACompromisename.fullnamename.relativenamedistpointCRLDistributionPointsonlyuseronlyCAonlysomereasonsindirectCRLonlyattronlyAA%*sOnly User Certificates %*sOnly CA Certificates %*sIndirect CRL Only Some Reasons%*sOnly Attribute Certificates %*s %*sFull Name: %*sRelative Name: %*s%*s%s: %*s Reasons%*sCRL Issuer: OTHERNAMEEDIPARTYNAMEGENERAL_NAMEGENERAL_NAMEStype_idnameAssignerpartyNamed.otherNamed.rfc822Named.dNSNamed.x400Addressd.directoryNamed.ediPartyNamed.uniformResourceIdentifierd.iPAddressd.registeredIDGeneralNamesACCESS_DESCRIPTIONAUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESSmethod../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_info.c - ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_lib.cGENERAL_SUBTREENAME_CONSTRAINTS../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_ncons.cminimummaximumpermittedSubtreesexcludedSubtreespermittedexcludedPermittedExcludedIP:%d.%d.%d.%d/%d.%d.%d.%d%*sPath Length Constraint: infinite%*sPolicy Language: %*sPolicy Text: %s ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_pci.clanguagepathlenpolicyhex:text:PROXY_POLICYPROXY_CERT_INFO_EXTENSIONpolicyLanguagepcPathLengthConstraintproxyPolicyPOLICY_CONSTRAINTSrequireExplicitPolicyinhibitPolicyMappingRequire Explicit PolicyInhibit Policy Mapping../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_pcons.cPKEY_USAGE_PERIODnotBeforenotAfterNot Before: Not After: POLICY_MAPPINGPOLICY_MAPPINGSissuerDomainPolicysubjectDomainPolicy../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_pmaps.c%s:%s%*s%s../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_prn.c: %s %*s%*s../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.cSSL clientsslclientSSL serversslserverNetscape SSL servernssslserverS/MIME signingsmimesignS/MIME encryptionsmimeencryptCRL signingcrlsignAny PurposeanyOCSP helperocsphelperTime Stamp signingtimestampsign../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_skey.chashSXNETIDSXNET../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_sxnet.czoneuserids%*sVersion: %ld (0x%lX) %*sZone: %s, User: TLS_FEATUREstatus_requeststatus_request_v2../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_tlsf.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_utl.cTRUEFALSEYyYESyesNNOno-0xxn--../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_msg.c../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/d1_srtp.cSRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCMSRTP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/pqueue.cassertion failed: m../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/s3_enc.cBBCCC../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/ssl_conf.ccmd=no_ssl3no_tls1no_tls1_1no_tls1_2bugsno_compcompecdh_singleno_ticketserverpreflegacy_renegotiationlegacy_server_connectno_renegotiationno_resumption_on_renegno_legacy_server_connectstrictSignatureAlgorithmssigalgsClientSignatureAlgorithmsclient_sigalgsCurvescurvesECDHParametersnamed_curveCipherStringProtocolMinProtocolmin_protocolMaxProtocolmax_protocolOptionsVerifyModeCertificatePrivateKeyServerInfoFileChainCAPathchainCApathChainCAFilechainCAfileVerifyCAPathverifyCApathVerifyCAFileverifyCAfileClientCAFileClientCAPathDHParametersdhparam+automaticautomaticSSLv2SessionTicketEmptyFragmentsBugsCompressionServerPreferenceNoResumptionOnRenegotiationDHSingleECDHSingleUnsafeLegacyRenegotiationEncryptThenMacNoRenegotiationPeerRequestRequireOncecheck_suiteb_cipher_listct_move_sctsct_strictd2i_SSL_SESSIONdane_ctx_enabledane_mtype_setdane_tlsa_adddo_dtls1_writedo_ssl3_writedtls1_buffer_recorddtls1_check_timeout_numdtls1_heartbeatdtls1_preprocess_fragmentdtls1_process_buffered_recordsdtls1_process_recorddtls1_read_bytesdtls1_read_faileddtls1_retransmit_messagedtls1_write_app_data_bytesDTLSv1_listendtls_construct_change_cipher_specdtls_construct_hello_verify_requestdtls_get_reassembled_messagedtls_process_hello_verifydtls_wait_for_dryOPENSSL_init_sslossl_statem_client_read_transitionossl_statem_server_read_transitionread_state_machinessl3_change_cipher_statessl3_check_cert_and_algorithmssl3_ctrlssl3_ctx_ctrlssl3_digest_cached_recordsssl3_do_change_cipher_specssl3_final_finish_macssl3_generate_key_blockssl3_generate_master_secretssl3_get_recordssl3_init_finished_macssl3_output_cert_chainssl3_read_bytesssl3_read_nssl3_setup_key_blockssl3_setup_read_bufferssl3_setup_write_bufferssl3_take_macssl3_write_bytesssl3_write_pendingssl_add_cert_chainssl_add_cert_to_bufssl_add_clienthello_renegotiate_extssl_add_clienthello_tlsextssl_add_clienthello_use_srtp_extSSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stackSSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stackssl_add_serverhello_renegotiate_extssl_add_serverhello_tlsextssl_add_serverhello_use_srtp_extssl_bad_methodssl_build_cert_chainssl_bytes_to_cipher_listssl_cert_add0_chain_certssl_cert_dupssl_cert_newssl_cert_set0_chainSSL_check_private_keyssl_check_serverhello_tlsextssl_check_srvr_ecc_cert_and_algssl_cipher_process_rulestrssl_cipher_strength_sortSSL_clearSSL_COMP_add_compression_methodSSL_CONF_cmdssl_create_cipher_listSSL_ctrlSSL_CTX_check_private_keySSL_CTX_enable_ctssl_ctx_make_profilesSSL_CTX_newSSL_CTX_set_alpn_protosSSL_CTX_set_cipher_listSSL_CTX_set_client_cert_engineSSL_CTX_set_ct_validation_callbackSSL_CTX_set_session_id_contextSSL_CTX_set_ssl_versionSSL_CTX_use_certificateSSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1SSL_CTX_use_certificate_fileSSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_fileSSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hintSSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKeySSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_fileSSL_CTX_use_serverinfoSSL_CTX_use_serverinfo_filessl_dane_dupSSL_dane_enablessl_do_configSSL_do_handshakeSSL_dup_CA_listSSL_enable_ctssl_get_new_sessionssl_get_prev_sessionssl_get_server_cert_indexssl_get_sign_pkeyssl_init_wbio_bufferSSL_load_client_CA_filessl_module_initSSL_newssl_parse_clienthello_renegotiate_extssl_parse_clienthello_tlsextssl_parse_clienthello_use_srtp_extssl_parse_serverhello_renegotiate_extssl_parse_serverhello_tlsextssl_parse_serverhello_use_srtp_extSSL_peekSSL_readSSL_renegotiateSSL_renegotiate_abbreviatedssl_scan_clienthello_tlsextssl_scan_serverhello_tlsextssl_session_dupSSL_SESSION_newSSL_SESSION_print_fpSSL_SESSION_set1_idSSL_SESSION_set1_id_contextSSL_set_alpn_protosssl_set_certSSL_set_cipher_listSSL_set_ct_validation_callbackSSL_set_fdssl_set_pkeySSL_set_rfdSSL_set_sessionSSL_set_session_id_contextSSL_set_session_ticket_extSSL_set_wfdSSL_shutdownSSL_SRP_CTX_initssl_start_async_jobssl_undefined_functionssl_undefined_void_functionSSL_use_certificateSSL_use_certificate_ASN1SSL_use_certificate_fileSSL_use_PrivateKeySSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1SSL_use_PrivateKey_fileSSL_use_psk_identity_hintSSL_use_RSAPrivateKeySSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_filessl_validate_ctssl_verify_cert_chainSSL_writestate_machinetls12_check_peer_sigalgtls1_change_cipher_statetls1_check_duplicate_extensionstls1_enctls1_export_keying_materialtls1_get_curvelisttls1_PRFtls1_setup_key_blocktls1_set_server_sigalgstls_client_key_exchange_post_worktls_construct_certificate_requesttls_construct_cke_dhetls_construct_cke_ecdhetls_construct_cke_gosttls_construct_cke_psk_preambletls_construct_cke_rsatls_construct_cke_srptls_construct_client_certificatetls_construct_client_hellotls_construct_client_key_exchangetls_construct_client_verifytls_construct_finishedtls_construct_hello_requesttls_construct_new_session_tickettls_construct_server_certificatetls_construct_server_donetls_construct_server_hellotls_construct_server_key_exchangetls_get_message_bodytls_get_message_headertls_post_process_client_hellotls_post_process_client_key_exchangetls_prepare_client_certificatetls_process_certificate_requesttls_process_cert_statustls_process_cert_verifytls_process_change_cipher_spectls_process_cke_dhetls_process_cke_ecdhetls_process_cke_gosttls_process_cke_psk_preambletls_process_cke_rsatls_process_cke_srptls_process_client_certificatetls_process_client_hellotls_process_client_key_exchangetls_process_finishedtls_process_key_exchangetls_process_new_session_tickettls_process_next_prototls_process_server_certificatetls_process_server_donetls_process_server_hellotls_process_ske_dhetls_process_ske_ecdhetls_process_ske_psk_preambletls_process_ske_srpuse_certificate_chain_fileapp data in handshakeattempt to reuse session in different contextat least TLS 1.0 needed in FIPS modeat least (D)TLS 1.2 needed in Suite B modebad change cipher specbad databad data returned by callbackbad decompressionbad dh valuebad digest lengthbad ecc certbad ecpointbad handshake lengthbad hello requestbad lengthbad packet lengthbad protocol version numberbad rsa encryptbad signaturebad srp a lengthbad srp parametersbad srtp mki valuebad srtp protection profile listbad ssl filetypebad valuebad write retrybio not setblock cipher pad is wrongbn libca dn length mismatchca key too smallca md too weakccs received earlycertificate verify failedcert cb errorcert length mismatchcipher code wrong lengthcipher or hash unavailableclienthello tlsextcompressed length too longcompression disabledcompression failurecompression id not within private rangecompression library errorconnection type not setcontext not dane enabledcookie gen callback failurecookie mismatchcustom ext handler already installeddane already enableddane cannot override mtype fulldane not enableddane tlsa bad certificatedane tlsa bad certificate usagedane tlsa bad data lengthdane tlsa bad digest lengthdane tlsa bad matching typedane tlsa bad public keydane tlsa bad selectordane tlsa null datadata between ccs and finisheddata length too longdecryption faileddecryption failed or bad record macdh key too smalldh public value length is wrongdigest check faileddtls message too bigduplicate compression idecc cert not for signingecdh required for suiteb modeee key too smallempty srtp protection profile listencrypted length too longerror in received cipher listerror setting tlsa base domainexceeds max fragment sizeexcessive message sizeextra data in messagefailed to init asyncfragmented client hellogot a fin before a ccshttps proxy requesthttp requestillegal Suite B digestinappropriate fallbackinconsistent compressioninconsistent extmsinvalid commandinvalid compression algorithminvalid configuration nameinvalid ct validation typeinvalid null cmd nameinvalid sequence numberinvalid serverinfo datainvalid srp usernameinvalid status responseinvalid ticket keys lengthlength mismatchlength too longlength too shortlibrary buglibrary has no ciphersmissing dsa signing certmissing ecdsa signing certmissing rsa certificatemissing rsa encrypting certmissing rsa signing certcan't find SRP server parammissing tmp dh keymissing tmp ecdh keyno certificates returnedno certificate assignedno certificate setno ciphers availableno ciphers specifiedno cipher matchno client cert methodno compression specifiedPeer haven't sent GOST certificate, required for selected ciphersuiteno method specifiedno pem extensionsno private key assignedno protocols availableno renegotiationno required digestno shared cipherno shared signature algorithmsno srtp profilesno valid sctsno verify cookie callbacknull ssl ctxnull ssl method passedold session cipher not returnedold session compression algorithm not returnedpacket length too longparse tlsextpath too longpeer did not return a certificatepem name bad prefixpem name too shortpipeline failureprotocol is shutdownpsk identity not foundpsk no client cbpsk no server cbread bio not setread timeout expiredrecord length mismatchrecord too smallrenegotiate ext too longrenegotiation encoding errrenegotiation mismatchrequired cipher missingrequired compression algorithm missingscsv received when renegotiatingsct verification failedserverhello tlsextsession id context uninitializedshutdown while in initsignature algorithms errorsignature for non signing certificateerror with the srp paramssrtp could not allocate profilessrtp protection profile list too longsrtp unknown protection profilessl3 ext invalid servernamessl3 ext invalid servername typessl3 session id too longsslv3 alert bad certificatesslv3 alert bad record macsslv3 alert certificate expiredsslv3 alert certificate revokedsslv3 alert certificate unknownsslv3 alert decompression failuresslv3 alert handshake failuresslv3 alert illegal parametersslv3 alert no certificatesslv3 alert unexpected messagesslv3 alert unsupported certificatessl command section emptyssl command section not foundssl ctx has no default ssl versionssl handshake failuressl library has no ciphersssl negative lengthssl section emptyssl section not foundssl session id callback failedssl session id conflictssl session id context too longssl session id too longssl session id has bad lengthssl session version mismatchtlsv1 alert access deniedtlsv1 alert decode errortlsv1 alert decryption failedtlsv1 alert decrypt errortlsv1 alert export restrictiontlsv1 alert inappropriate fallbacktlsv1 alert insufficient securitytlsv1 alert internal errortlsv1 alert no renegotiationtlsv1 alert protocol versiontlsv1 alert record overflowtlsv1 alert unknown catlsv1 alert user cancelledtlsv1 bad certificate hash valuetlsv1 bad certificate status responsetlsv1 certificate unobtainabletlsv1 unrecognized nametlsv1 unsupported extensionpeer does not accept heartbeatsheartbeat request already pendingtls illegal exporter labeltls invalid ecpointformat listtoo many warn alertsunable to find ecdh parametersunable to find public key parametersunable to load ssl3 md5 routinesunable to load ssl3 sha1 routinesunexpected messageunexpected recorduninitializedunknown alert typeunknown certificate typeunknown cipher returnedunknown cipher typeunknown cmd nameunknown commandunknown digestunknown key exchange typeunknown pkey typeunknown protocolunknown ssl versionunknown stateunsafe legacy renegotiation disabledunsupported compression algorithmunsupported elliptic curveunsupported protocolunsupported ssl versionunsupported status typeuse srtp not negotiatedversion too highversion too lowwrong certificate typewrong cipher returnedwrong curvewrong signature lengthwrong signature sizewrong signature typewrong ssl versionwrong version numberx509 libx509 verification setup problems../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/t1_enc.cextended master secretmaster secretkey expansion../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_bitstr.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_d2i_fp.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_digest.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_dup.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_gentm.c%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec%s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d%.*s %d%s../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_i2d_fp.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_mbstr.c%ldminsize=maxsize='()+,-./:=?../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_sign.cMASK:nombstrpkixutf8only../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_strnid.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/a_verify.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/asn1_gen.ctag=ASCIIUTF8HEXBITLISTBOOLINTENUMOIDUTCGENTIMEOCTOCTETSTRINGBITSTRBITSTRINGUNIVIA5UTF8StringBMPVISIBLEPRINTABLET61TELETEXSTRINGGeneralStringGENSTRNUMERICSEQEXPEXPLICITIMPIMPLICITOCTWRAPSEQWRAPSETWRAPBITWRAPFORMFORMATChar=string=DIRoid_section../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/asn_moid.cstbl_section../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/asn_mstbl.cmasknomaskfield=../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/asn_pack.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/evp_asn1.casn1_int_octnumoct\ ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/f_int.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/i2d_pr.cNETSCAPE_CERT_SEQUENCEPBEPARAM../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/p5_pbe.cPBE2PARAMPBKDF2PARAM../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/p5_pbev2.ckeyfuncencryptionkeylengthprf%s 0 %s %s%lu (%s0x%lx) ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/t_pkey.c%s%s ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/tasn_prn.c :EXTERNAL TYPE %s ERROR: selector [%d] invalid { %*s} Unprocessed type %d (%s)%*s%s OF %s { NULL BOOL ABSENT%s (%s) (%ld unused bits) BIGNUMCBIGNUM../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/x_info.cLONGZLONG../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/x_long.c%ld ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/x_pkey.cX509_SIGX509_VAL../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bio/b_addr.cassertion failed: bai != NULL../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bio/b_sock.cassertion failed: l == 4host=../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bio/b_sock2.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_add.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_blind.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_ctx.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_div.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_exp.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_exp2.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_intern.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_mod.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_prime.cassertion failed: bits > prime_multiplier_bits../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_rand.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_recp.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/bn/bn_sqrt.cCMS_IssuerAndSerialNumberCMS_CertificateChoicesCMS_SignerInfoCMS_RevocationInfoChoiceCMS_SignedDataCMS_KeyTransRecipientInfoCMS_OtherKeyAttributeCMS_RecipientKeyIdentifierCMS_RecipientEncryptedKeyCMS_OriginatorPublicKeyCMS_KeyAgreeRecipientInfoCMS_KEKRecipientInfoCMS_PasswordRecipientInfoCMS_RecipientInfoCMS_EnvelopedDataCMS_DigestedDataCMS_EncryptedDataCMS_CompressedDataCMS_ContentInfoCMS_Attributes_SignCMS_Attributes_VerifyCMS_ReceiptRequestCMS_Receiptd.certificated.extendedCertificated.v1AttrCertd.v2AttrCertCMS_OtherCertificateFormatotherCertFormatotherCertsiddigestAlgorithmsignedAttrsunsignedAttrsCMS_SignerIdentifierd.issuerAndSerialNumberd.subjectKeyIdentifierd.crlCMS_OtherRevocationInfoFormatotherRevInfoFormatotherRevInfodigestAlgorithmsencapContentInfocertificatescrlssignerInfosCMS_EncapsulatedContentInfoeContentTypeeContentridkeyEncryptionAlgorithmencryptedKeykeyAttrIdkeyAttrCMS_KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifierd.rKeyIdoriginatorukmrecipientEncryptedKeysCMS_OriginatorIdentifierOrKeyd.originatorKeykekidCMS_KEKIdentifierkeyIdentifierkeyDerivationAlgorithmd.ktrid.karid.kekrid.pwrid.oriCMS_OtherRecipientInfooriTypeoriValue../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/cms/cms_asn1.coriginatorInforecipientInfosencryptedContentInfounprotectedAttrsCMS_OriginatorInfoCMS_EncryptedContentInfocontentEncryptionAlgorithmencryptedContentcompressionAlgorithmd.signedDatad.envelopedDatad.digestedDatad.encryptedDatad.authenticatedDatad.compressedDataCMS_AuthenticatedDatamacAlgorithmauthAttrsunauthAttrsCMS_ATTRIBUTESsignedContentIdentifierreceiptsFromreceiptsToCMS_ReceiptsFromd.allOrFirstTierd.receiptListoriginatorSignatureValueCMS_SharedInfokeyInfoentityUInfosuppPubInfo../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/cms/cms_env.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/cms/cms_io.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/cms/cms_kari.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/cms/cms_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/cms/cms_pwri.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/cms/cms_sd.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/conf/conf_lib.cgroup= name=../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ct/ct_b64.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ct/ct_x509v3.clongdes(%s)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dh/dh_pmeth.cdh_paramgen_prime_lendh_rfc5114dh_paramgen_generatordh_paramgen_subprime_lendh_paramgen_type../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dsa/dsa_gen.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dsa/dsa_pmeth.cdsa_paramgen_bitsdsa_paramgen_q_bitsdsa_paramgen_mdOpenSSL 'dlfcn' shared library method../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.cfilename(): symname(lib%s.so%s.so../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec2_oct.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec2_smpl.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_pmeth.cec_paramgen_curveec_param_encexplicitecdh_kdf_mdecdh_cofactor_mode../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec_print.cDynamic engine loading support../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_dyn.cv_checkbind_engineSpecifies the path to the new ENGINE shared libraryNO_VCHECKSpecifies to continue even if version checking fails (boolean)Specifies an ENGINE id name for loadingWhether to add a loaded ENGINE to the internal list (0=no,1=yes,2=mandatory)Specifies whether to load from 'DIR_ADD' directories (0=no,1=yes,2=mandatory)Adds a directory from which ENGINEs can be loadedLoad up the ENGINE specified by other settingsSoftware engine support(TEST_ENG_OPENSSL_RC4) test_init_key() called (TEST_ENG_OPENSSL_PKEY)Loading Private key %s ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/engine/eng_table.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/bio_enc.cmessage digestDESXdesxDESdesDES3des3DES-EDE-ECBdes-ede-ecbDES-EDE3-ECBdes-ede3-ecbdes3-wrapidearc2rc2-128rc2-64rc2-40BFbfblowfishCASTcastCAST-cbccast-cbcaes128-wrapaes128aes192-wrapAES192aes192aes256-wrapaes256camellia128CAMELLIA192camellia192camellia256ripemdrmd160../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/cmeth_lib.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/encode.cassertion failed: ctx->length <= (int)sizeof(ctx->enc_data)aesni_init_keyaes_init_keyaes_ocb_cipheraes_t4_init_keyaes_wrap_cipheralg_module_initcamellia_init_keychacha20_poly1305_ctrlcmll_t4_init_keydes_ede3_wrap_cipherdo_sigver_initEVP_CipherInit_exEVP_CIPHER_CTX_copyEVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrlEVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_lengthEVP_DecryptFinal_exEVP_DecryptUpdateEVP_DigestInit_exEVP_EncryptFinal_exEVP_EncryptUpdateEVP_MD_CTX_copy_exEVP_MD_sizeEVP_OpenInitEVP_PBE_alg_addEVP_PBE_alg_add_typeEVP_PBE_CipherInitEVP_PBE_scryptEVP_PKCS82PKEYEVP_PKEY2PKCS8EVP_PKEY_asn1_add0EVP_PKEY_copy_parametersEVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrlEVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl_strEVP_PKEY_CTX_dupEVP_PKEY_decryptEVP_PKEY_decrypt_initEVP_PKEY_decrypt_oldEVP_PKEY_deriveEVP_PKEY_derive_initEVP_PKEY_derive_set_peerEVP_PKEY_encryptEVP_PKEY_encrypt_initEVP_PKEY_encrypt_oldEVP_PKEY_get0_DHEVP_PKEY_get0_DSAEVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEYEVP_PKEY_get0_hmacEVP_PKEY_get0_RSAEVP_PKEY_keygenEVP_PKEY_keygen_initEVP_PKEY_meth_add0EVP_PKEY_meth_newEVP_PKEY_newEVP_PKEY_paramgenEVP_PKEY_paramgen_initEVP_PKEY_set1_engineEVP_PKEY_signEVP_PKEY_sign_initEVP_PKEY_verifyEVP_PKEY_verify_initEVP_PKEY_verify_recoverEVP_PKEY_verify_recover_initEVP_SignFinalEVP_VerifyFinalint_ctx_newPKCS5_PBE_keyivgenPKCS5_v2_PBE_keyivgenPKCS5_v2_PBKDF2_keyivgenPKCS5_v2_scrypt_keyivgenpkey_set_typerc2_magic_to_methrc5_ctrlaes key setup failedbad decryptbuffer too smallcamellia key setup failedcipher parameter errorcommand not supportedcopy errorctrl not implementedctrl operation not implementeddata not multiple of block lengthdecode errordifferent key typesdifferent parameterserror loading sectionerror setting fips modeexpecting an hmac keyexpecting an rsa keyexpecting a dh keyexpecting a dsa keyexpecting a ec keyfips mode not supportedillegal scrypt parametersinitialization errorinput not initializedinvalid digestinvalid fips modeinvalid keyinvalid key lengthinvalid operationkeygen failurememory limit exceededmessage digest is nullmethod not supportedmissing parametersno cipher setno default digestno digest setno key setno operation setoperation not supported for this keytypeoperaton not initializedpartially overlapping bufferspbkdf2 errorpkey application asn1 method already registeredpkey asn1 method already registeredprivate key decode errorprivate key encode errorpublic key not rsaunknown cipherunknown optionunknown pbe algorithmunsupported algorithmunsupported cipherunsupported keylengthunsupported key derivation functionunsupported key sizeunsupported number of roundsunsupported prfunsupported private key algorithmunsupported salt typewrap mode not allowedwrong final block length../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/evp_pbe.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/p5_crpt.cassertion failed: EVP_CIPHER_key_length(cipher) <= (int)sizeof(md_tmp)assertion failed: EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher) <= 16pkey_tls1_prf_ctrl_strpkey_tls1_prf_derivemissing parametervalue missingOBJ_add_objectOBJ_createOBJ_dupOBJ_NAME_new_indexOBJ_nid2lnOBJ_nid2objOBJ_nid2snoid existsunknown nidd2i_ocsp_nonceOCSP_basic_add1_statusOCSP_basic_signOCSP_basic_verifyOCSP_cert_id_newocsp_check_delegatedocsp_check_idsocsp_check_issuerOCSP_check_validityocsp_match_issueridOCSP_parse_urlOCSP_request_signOCSP_request_verifyOCSP_response_get1_basicparse_http_line1certificate verify errordigest errerror in nextupdate fielderror in thisupdate fielderror parsing urlmissing ocspsigning usagenextupdate before thisupdatenot basic responseno certificates in chainno response datano revoked timeno signer keyprivate key does not match certificaterequest not signedresponse contains no revocation dataroot ca not trustedserver response errorserver response parse errorsignature failuresigner certificate not foundstatus expiredstatus not yet validstatus too oldunknown message digestunsupported requestorname type../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c Code=,Reason=%*scrlUrl: %*scrlNum: %*scrlTime: ../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ocsp/v3_ocsp.c%*sIssuer: %*sb2i_dssb2i_PVK_biob2i_rsacheck_bitlen_dsacheck_bitlen_rsad2i_PKCS8PrivateKey_biod2i_PKCS8PrivateKey_fpdo_b2ido_b2i_biodo_blob_headerdo_pk8pkeydo_pk8pkey_fpdo_PVK_bodydo_PVK_headeri2b_PVKi2b_PVK_bioload_ivPEM_ASN1_readPEM_ASN1_read_bioPEM_ASN1_writePEM_ASN1_write_bioPEM_def_callbackPEM_do_headerPEM_get_EVP_CIPHER_INFOPEM_readPEM_read_bioPEM_read_bio_DHparamsPEM_read_bio_ParametersPEM_read_DHparamsPEM_read_PrivateKeyPEM_SignFinalPEM_writePEM_write_bioPEM_write_PrivateKeyPEM_X509_INFO_readPEM_X509_INFO_read_bioPEM_X509_INFO_write_biobad base64 decodebad end linebad iv charsbad magic numberbad password readbad version numberbio write failurecipher is nullerror converting private keyexpecting private key blobexpecting public key blobheader too longinconsistent headerkeyblob header parse errorkeyblob too shortmissing dek ivnot dek infonot encryptednot proc typeno start lineproblems getting passwordpvk data too shortpvk too shortread keyshort headerunexpected dek ivunsupported encryptionunsupported key components../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pem/pem_info.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs12/p12_add.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crpt.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs12/p12_decr.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs12/p12_key.cPKCS12_createPKCS12_gen_macPKCS12_initPKCS12_item_decrypt_d2iPKCS12_item_i2d_encryptPKCS12_item_pack_safebagPKCS12_key_gen_ascPKCS12_key_gen_uniPKCS12_key_gen_utf8PKCS12_newpassPKCS12_pack_p7dataPKCS12_pack_p7encdataPKCS12_parsePKCS12_pbe_cryptPKCS12_PBE_keyivgenPKCS12_SAFEBAG_create0_p8infPKCS12_SAFEBAG_create0_pkcs8PKCS12_SAFEBAG_create_pkcs8_encryptPKCS12_setup_macPKCS12_set_macPKCS12_unpack_authsafesPKCS12_unpack_p7dataPKCS12_verify_macPKCS8_encryptPKCS8_set0_pbecant pack structurecontent type not dataencode errorencrypt errorerror setting encrypted data typeinvalid null argumentinvalid null pkcs12 pointeriv gen errorkey gen errormac absentmac generation errormac setup errormac string set errormac verify failureparse errorpkcs12 algor cipherinit errorpkcs12 cipherfinal errorpkcs12 pbe crypt errorunknown digest algorithmunsupported pkcs12 mode../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/pkcs7/pk7_attr.cdo_pkcs7_signed_attribPKCS7_add0_attrib_signing_timePKCS7_add_attrib_smimecapPKCS7_add_certificatePKCS7_add_crlPKCS7_add_recipient_infoPKCS7_add_signaturePKCS7_add_signerPKCS7_bio_add_digestpkcs7_copy_existing_digestPKCS7_ctrlPKCS7_dataDecodePKCS7_dataFinalPKCS7_dataInitPKCS7_dataVerifyPKCS7_decryptpkcs7_decrypt_rinfopkcs7_encode_rinfoPKCS7_encryptPKCS7_finalPKCS7_find_digestPKCS7_get0_signersPKCS7_RECIP_INFO_setPKCS7_set_cipherPKCS7_set_contentPKCS7_set_digestPKCS7_set_typePKCS7_signPKCS7_signatureVerifyPKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_setPKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_signPKCS7_sign_add_signerPKCS7_simple_smimecapPKCS7_verifycipher has no object identifiercipher not initializedcontent and data presentctrl errordecrypt errordigest failureencryption ctrl failureencryption not supported for this key typeerror adding recipienterror setting cipherinvalid null pointerinvalid signed data typeno contentno matching digest type foundno recipient matches certificateno signatures on datano signersoperation not supported on this typepkcs7 add signature errorpkcs7 add signer errorpkcs7 datasignsigning ctrl failuresigning not supported for this key typesmime text errorunable to find certificateunable to find mem biounable to find message digestunknown digest typeunknown operationunsupported cipher typeunsupported content typewrong content typewrong pkcs7 type....................../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rand/md_rand.cYou need to read the OpenSSL FAQ, https://www.openssl.org/docs/faq.htmlRAND_bytesPRNG not seededcheck_padding_mdencode_pkcs1int_rsa_verifyold_rsa_priv_decodepkey_rsa_ctrlpkey_rsa_ctrl_strpkey_rsa_signpkey_rsa_verifypkey_rsa_verifyrecoverrsa_algor_to_mdrsa_builtin_keygenRSA_check_keyRSA_check_key_exrsa_cms_decryptrsa_item_verifyRSA_meth_dupRSA_meth_newRSA_meth_set1_namersa_mgf1_to_mdRSA_new_methodRSA_NULLRSA_null_private_decryptRSA_null_private_encryptRSA_null_public_decryptRSA_null_public_encryptrsa_ossl_private_decryptrsa_ossl_private_encryptrsa_ossl_public_decryptrsa_ossl_public_encryptRSA_padding_add_noneRSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEPRSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSSRSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_1RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_2RSA_padding_add_SSLv23RSA_padding_add_X931RSA_padding_check_noneRSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEPRSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_2RSA_padding_check_SSLv23RSA_padding_check_X931RSA_printRSA_print_fprsa_priv_encodersa_pss_to_ctxrsa_pub_decodeRSA_setup_blindingRSA_signRSA_sign_ASN1_OCTET_STRINGRSA_verifyRSA_verify_ASN1_OCTET_STRINGRSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1algorithm mismatchbad e valuebad fixed header decryptbad pad byte countblock type is not 01block type is not 02data greater than mod lendata too largedata too large for key sizedata too large for modulusdata too smalldata too small for key sizedigest does not matchdigest too big for rsa keydmp1 not congruent to ddmq1 not congruent to dd e not congruent to 1first octet invalidillegal or unsupported padding modeinvalid digest lengthinvalid headerinvalid labelinvalid message lengthinvalid mgf1 mdinvalid oaep parametersinvalid paddinginvalid padding modeinvalid pss parametersinvalid pss saltleninvalid salt lengthinvalid trailerinvalid x931 digestiqmp not inverse of qkey size too smalllast octet invalidmodulus too largeno public exponentnull before block missingn does not equal p qoaep decoding errorpadding check failedpkcs decoding errorp not primeq not primersa operations not supportedsalt length check failedsalt length recovery failedsslv3 rollback attackthe asn1 object identifier is not known for this mdunknown algorithm typeunknown mask digestunknown padding typeunsupported encryption typeunsupported label sourceunsupported mask algorithmunsupported mask parameterunsupported signature type../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_gen.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_none.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/rsa/rsa_oaep.cdef_serial_cbdef_time_cbESS_add_signing_certess_CERT_ID_new_initess_SIGNING_CERT_new_initint_ts_RESP_verify_tokenPKCS7_to_TS_TST_INFOTS_ACCURACY_set_microsTS_ACCURACY_set_millisTS_ACCURACY_set_secondsts_check_imprintsts_check_noncests_check_policyts_check_signing_certsts_check_status_infots_compute_imprintts_CONF_invalidTS_CONF_load_certTS_CONF_load_certsTS_CONF_load_keyts_CONF_lookup_failTS_CONF_set_default_enginets_get_status_textTS_MSG_IMPRINT_set_algoTS_REQ_set_msg_imprintTS_REQ_set_nonceTS_REQ_set_policy_idTS_RESP_create_responsets_RESP_create_tst_infoTS_RESP_CTX_add_failure_infoTS_RESP_CTX_add_mdTS_RESP_CTX_add_policyTS_RESP_CTX_newTS_RESP_CTX_set_accuracyTS_RESP_CTX_set_certsTS_RESP_CTX_set_def_policyTS_RESP_CTX_set_signer_certTS_RESP_CTX_set_status_infots_RESP_get_policyTS_RESP_set_genTime_with_precisionTS_RESP_set_status_infoTS_RESP_set_tst_infots_RESP_signTS_RESP_verify_signatureTS_TST_INFO_set_accuracyTS_TST_INFO_set_msg_imprintTS_TST_INFO_set_nonceTS_TST_INFO_set_policy_idTS_TST_INFO_set_serialTS_TST_INFO_set_timeTS_TST_INFO_set_tsaTS_VERIFYts_verify_certTS_VERIFY_CTX_newbad pkcs7 typebad typecannot load certificatecannot load private keycould not set enginecould not set timedetached contentess add signing cert erroress signing certificate errorinvalid signer certificate purposemessage imprint mismatchnonce mismatchnonce not returnedno time stamp tokenpkcs7 add signed attr errorpkcs7 to ts tst info failedpolicy mismatchresponse setup errorthere must be one signertime syscall errortoken not presenttoken presenttsa name mismatchtsa untrustedtst info setup errorts datasignunacceptable policyunsupported md algorithmunsupported versionvar bad valuecannot find config variableclose_consoleecho_consolegeneral_allocate_booleangeneral_allocate_promptnoecho_consoleopen_consoleUI_create_methodUI_ctrlUI_dup_error_stringUI_dup_info_stringUI_dup_input_booleanUI_dup_input_stringUI_dup_verify_stringUI_get0_resultUI_new_methodUI_processUI_set_resultcommon ok and cancel charactersindex too largeindex too smallno result bufferprocessing errorresult too smallsys$assign errorsys$dassgn errorsys$qiow errorunknown control commandunknown ttyget errno valueadd_cert_dirbuild_chainby_file_ctrlcheck_name_constraintscheck_policydane_i2ddir_ctrlget_cert_by_subjectNETSCAPE_SPKI_b64_decodeNETSCAPE_SPKI_b64_encodeX509at_add1_attrX509v3_add_extX509_ATTRIBUTE_create_by_NIDX509_ATTRIBUTE_create_by_OBJX509_ATTRIBUTE_create_by_txtX509_ATTRIBUTE_get0_dataX509_ATTRIBUTE_set1_dataX509_check_private_keyX509_CRL_diffX509_CRL_print_fpX509_EXTENSION_create_by_NIDX509_EXTENSION_create_by_OBJX509_get_pubkey_parametersX509_load_cert_crl_fileX509_load_cert_fileX509_load_crl_fileX509_LOOKUP_meth_newX509_NAME_add_entryX509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_NIDX509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_txtX509_NAME_ENTRY_set_objectX509_NAME_onelineX509_NAME_printX509_OBJECT_newX509_print_ex_fpx509_pubkey_decodeX509_PUBKEY_get0X509_PUBKEY_setX509_REQ_check_private_keyX509_REQ_print_exX509_REQ_print_fpX509_REQ_to_X509X509_STORE_add_certX509_STORE_add_crlX509_STORE_CTX_get1_issuerX509_STORE_CTX_initX509_STORE_CTX_newX509_STORE_CTX_purpose_inheritX509_to_X509_REQX509_TRUST_addX509_TRUST_setX509_verify_certakid mismatchbad selectorbad x509 filetypebase64 decode errorcant check dh keycert already in hash tablecrl already deltacrl verify failureidp mismatchinvalid directoryinvalid field nameinvalid trustissuer mismatchkey type mismatchkey values mismatchloading cert dirloading defaultsnewer crl not newerno cert set for us to verifyno crl numberpublic key decode errorpublic key encode errorshould retryunable to find parameters in chainunable to get certs public keyunknown key typeunknown purpose idunknown trust idwrong lookup typewrong type../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509_req.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509/x509_trs.ccompatibleSSL ClientSSL ServerS/MIME emailObject SignerOCSP responderOCSP requestTSA server../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_akey.calwaysBASIC_CONSTRAINTScaCA../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_bcons.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_bitst.cObject SigningobjsignreservedSSL CAsslCAS/MIME CAemailCAObject Signing CAobjCADigital SignaturedigitalSignatureNon RepudiationnonRepudiationKey EnciphermentkeyEnciphermentData EnciphermentdataEnciphermentKey AgreementkeyAgreementCertificate SignkeyCertSignCRL SigncRLSignEncipher OnlyencipherOnlyDecipher OnlydecipherOnly../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_enum.cUnspecifiedunspecifiedRemove From CRLremoveFromCRLEXTENDED_KEY_USAGE../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_extku.c../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/x509v3/v3_ia5.ca2i_GENERAL_NAMEaddr_validate_path_internalASIdentifierChoice_canonizeASIdentifierChoice_is_canonicalbignum_to_stringcopy_emailcopy_issuerdo_dirnamedo_ext_i2ddo_ext_nconfgnames_from_sectnamei2s_ASN1_ENUMERATEDi2s_ASN1_IA5STRINGi2s_ASN1_INTEGERi2v_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESSnotice_sectionnref_nospolicy_sectionprocess_pci_valuer2i_certpolr2i_pcis2i_ASN1_IA5STRINGs2i_ASN1_INTEGERs2i_ASN1_OCTET_STRINGs2i_skey_idset_dist_point_nameSXNET_add_id_ascSXNET_add_id_INTEGERSXNET_add_id_ulongSXNET_get_id_ascSXNET_get_id_ulongv2i_ASIdentifiersv2i_ASN1_BIT_STRINGv2i_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESSv2i_AUTHORITY_KEYIDv2i_BASIC_CONSTRAINTSv2i_crldv2i_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGEv2i_GENERAL_NAMESv2i_GENERAL_NAME_exv2i_idpv2i_IPAddrBlocksv2i_issuer_altv2i_NAME_CONSTRAINTSv2i_POLICY_CONSTRAINTSv2i_POLICY_MAPPINGSv2i_subject_altv2i_TLS_FEATUREv3_generic_extensionX509V3_add1_i2dX509V3_add_valueX509V3_EXT_addX509V3_EXT_add_aliasX509V3_EXT_i2dX509V3_EXT_nconfX509V3_get_sectionX509V3_get_stringX509V3_get_value_boolX509V3_parse_listX509_PURPOSE_addX509_PURPOSE_setbad ip addressbad objectbn dec2bn errorbn to asn1 integer errordirname errordistpoint already setduplicate zone iderror converting zoneerror creating extensionerror in extensionexpected a section nameextension existsextension name errorextension not foundextension setting not supportedextension value errorillegal empty extensionincorrect policy syntax taginvalid asnumberinvalid asrangeinvalid boolean stringinvalid extension stringinvalid inheritanceinvalid ipaddressinvalid multiple rdnsinvalid nameinvalid null nameinvalid null valueinvalid numberinvalid numbersinvalid object identifierinvalid optioninvalid policy identifierinvalid proxy policy settinginvalid purposeinvalid safiinvalid sectioninvalid syntaxissuer decode errormissing valueneed organization and numbersno config databaseno issuer certificateno issuer detailsno policy identifierno proxy cert policy language definedno public keyno subject detailsoperation not definedothername errorpolicy language already definedpolicy path lengthpolicy path length already definedpolicy when proxy language requires no policysection not foundunable to get issuer detailsunable to get issuer keyidunknown bit string argumentunknown extensionunknown extension nameunsupported optionunsupported typeuser too longa2d_ASN1_OBJECTa2i_ASN1_INTEGERa2i_ASN1_STRINGappend_expASN1_BIT_STRING_set_bitasn1_cbasn1_check_tlenasn1_collectasn1_d2i_ex_primitiveASN1_d2i_fpasn1_d2i_read_bioASN1_digestasn1_do_adbasn1_do_lockASN1_dupasn1_ex_c2iasn1_find_endASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_adjASN1_generate_v3asn1_get_int64ASN1_get_objectasn1_get_uint64ASN1_i2d_bioASN1_i2d_fpASN1_item_d2i_fpASN1_item_dupasn1_item_embed_d2iasn1_item_embed_newASN1_item_i2d_bioASN1_item_i2d_fpASN1_item_packASN1_item_signASN1_item_sign_ctxASN1_item_unpackASN1_item_verifyASN1_mbstring_ncopyASN1_OBJECT_newasn1_output_dataASN1_PCTX_newASN1_SCTX_newASN1_signasn1_str2typeasn1_string_get_int64asn1_string_get_uint64ASN1_STRING_setASN1_STRING_TABLE_addasn1_string_to_bnASN1_STRING_type_newasn1_template_ex_d2iasn1_template_newasn1_template_noexp_d2iASN1_TIME_adjASN1_TYPE_get_int_octetstringASN1_TYPE_get_octetstringASN1_UTCTIME_adjASN1_verifyb64_read_asn1B64_write_ASN1BIO_new_NDEFbitstr_cbbn_to_asn1_stringc2i_ASN1_BIT_STRINGc2i_ASN1_INTEGERc2i_ASN1_OBJECTc2i_ibufc2i_uint64_intcollect_datad2i_ASN1_OBJECTd2i_ASN1_UINTEGERd2i_AutoPrivateKeyd2i_PrivateKeyd2i_PublicKeydo_bufdo_tcreatei2d_ASN1_bio_streami2d_ASN1_OBJECTi2d_DSA_PUBKEYi2d_EC_PUBKEYi2d_PrivateKeyi2d_PublicKeyi2d_RSA_PUBKEYlong_c2ioid_module_initparse_taggingPKCS5_pbe2_set_ivPKCS5_pbe2_set_scryptPKCS5_pbe_setPKCS5_pbe_set0_algorPKCS5_pbkdf2_setpkcs5_scrypt_setSMIME_read_ASN1SMIME_textstbl_module_inituint32_c2iuint64_c2iX509_CRL_add0_revokedX509_INFO_newx509_name_encodex509_name_ex_d2ix509_name_ex_newX509_PKEY_newadding objectasn1 parse errorasn1 sig parse erroraux errorbad object headerbmpstring is wrong lengthboolean is wrong lengthcontext not initialiseddata is wrongdepth exceededdigest and key type not supportederror getting timeerror setting cipher paramsexpecting an integerexpecting an objectexplicit length mismatchexplicit tag not constructedfield missingfirst num too largeillegal bitstring formatillegal booleanillegal charactersillegal formatillegal hexillegal implicit tagillegal integerillegal negative valueillegal nested taggingillegal nullillegal null valueillegal objectillegal optional anyillegal options on item templateillegal paddingillegal tagged anyillegal time valueillegal zero contentinteger not ascii formatinteger too large for longinvalid bit string bits leftinvalid bmpstring lengthinvalid digitinvalid mime typeinvalid modifierinvalid object encodinginvalid scrypt parametersinvalid separatorinvalid string table valueinvalid universalstring lengthinvalid utf8stringinvalid valuelist 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%s----- smime.p7mapplication/x-pkcs7-application/pkcs7-MIME-Version: 1.0%sContent-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="%ssignature"; micalg=""; boundary="----%s"%s%sThis is an S/MIME signed message%s%s------%s%s%s------%s%sContent-Type: %ssignature; name="smime.p7s"%sContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64%sContent-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s"%s%s%s------%s--%s%senveloped-datasigned-receiptsigned-datacerts-onlycompressed-datasmime.p7z filename="%s"%sContent-Type: %smime; smime-type=%s; name="%s"%sContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64%s%smultipart/signedboundaryapplication/x-pkcs7-signatureapplication/pkcs7-signaturetype: application/x-pkcs7-mimeapplication/pkcs7-mimeContent-Type: text/plain 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inetgetsockname errorgetsockname truncated addressgetting socktypeinvalid socketin uselisten v6 onlylookup returned nothingmalformed host or servicenbio connect errorno accept addr or service specifiedno hostname or service specifiedno port definedno such filenull parameterunable to bind socketunable to create socketunable to keepaliveunable to listen socketunable to nodelayunable to reuseaddrunavailable ip familyunknown info typeunsupported ip familyunsupported methodunsupported protocol familywrite to read only 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setunknown versionunknown logunverifiedinvalidunknown status%*sSigned Certificate Timestamp: %*sVersion : unknown %*sv1 (0x0) %*sLog : %s %*sLog ID : %*sTimestamp : %*sExtensions: %*sSignature : %*s %.14s.%03dZ%02X%02Xcompute_keyDHparams_print_fpdh_builtin_genparamsdh_cms_decryptdh_cms_set_peerkeydh_cms_set_shared_infoDH_meth_dupDH_meth_newDH_meth_set1_nameDH_new_methoddh_param_decodedh_priv_decodedh_priv_encodedh_pub_decodedh_pub_encodedo_dh_printgenerate_keypkey_dh_derivepkey_dh_keygenbad generatorbn decode errorbn errorinvalid public keykdf parameter errorkeys not setno parameters setno private valueparameter encoding errorpeer key errorshared info 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bigcleanup method function failedincorrect file syntaxcould not load the shared libraryname translation failedno filenamea null shared library handle was usedset filename failedthe meth_data stack is corruptcould not bind to the requested symbol namecould not unload the shared libraryfunctionality not supported../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/ec/ec2_mult.cBN_to_felemd2i_ECParametersd2i_ECPKParametersd2i_ECPrivateKeydo_EC_KEY_printecdh_cms_decryptecdh_cms_set_shared_infoECDH_compute_keyecdh_simple_compute_keyECDSA_do_sign_exECDSA_do_verifyECDSA_sign_exECDSA_sign_setupECDSA_SIG_newECDSA_verifyeckey_param2typeeckey_param_decodeeckey_priv_decodeeckey_priv_encodeeckey_pub_decodeeckey_pub_encodeeckey_type2paramECParameters_printECParameters_print_fpECPKParameters_printECPKParameters_print_fpecp_nistz256_get_affineecp_nistz256_mult_precomputeecp_nistz256_points_mulecp_nistz256_pre_comp_newecp_nistz256_windowed_mulecx_key_opecx_priv_encodeecx_pub_encodeec_asn1_group2curveec_asn1_group2fieldidec_GF2m_montgomery_point_multiplyec_GF2m_simple_group_check_discriminantec_GF2m_simple_group_set_curveec_GF2m_simple_oct2pointec_GF2m_simple_point2octec_GF2m_simple_point_get_affine_coordinatesec_GF2m_simple_point_set_affine_coordinatesec_GF2m_simple_set_compressed_coordinatesec_GFp_mont_field_decodeec_GFp_mont_field_encodeec_GFp_mont_field_mulec_GFp_mont_field_set_to_oneec_GFp_mont_field_sqrec_GFp_mont_group_set_curveec_GFp_nistp224_group_set_curveec_GFp_nistp224_points_mulec_GFp_nistp224_point_get_affine_coordinatesec_GFp_nistp256_group_set_curveec_GFp_nistp256_points_mulec_GFp_nistp256_point_get_affine_coordinatesec_GFp_nistp521_group_set_curveec_GFp_nistp521_points_mulec_GFp_nistp521_point_get_affine_coordinatesec_GFp_nist_field_mulec_GFp_nist_field_sqrec_GFp_nist_group_set_curveec_GFp_simple_blind_coordinatesec_GFp_simple_group_check_discriminantec_GFp_simple_group_set_curveec_GFp_simple_make_affineec_GFp_simple_oct2pointec_GFp_simple_point2octec_GFp_simple_points_make_affineec_GFp_simple_point_get_affine_coordinatesec_GFp_simple_point_set_affine_coordinatesec_GFp_simple_set_compressed_coordinatesEC_GROUP_checkEC_GROUP_check_discriminantEC_GROUP_copyEC_GROUP_get_curve_GF2mEC_GROUP_get_curve_GFpEC_GROUP_get_degreeEC_GROUP_get_ecparametersEC_GROUP_get_ecpkparametersEC_GROUP_get_pentanomial_basisEC_GROUP_get_trinomial_basisEC_GROUP_newEC_GROUP_new_by_curve_nameec_group_new_from_dataEC_GROUP_new_from_ecparametersEC_GROUP_new_from_ecpkparametersEC_GROUP_set_curve_GF2mEC_GROUP_set_curve_GFpEC_GROUP_set_generatorEC_KEY_check_keyEC_KEY_copyEC_KEY_generate_keyEC_KEY_newEC_KEY_new_methodEC_KEY_oct2privEC_KEY_printEC_KEY_print_fpEC_KEY_priv2octEC_KEY_set_public_key_affine_coordinatesec_key_simple_check_keyec_key_simple_oct2privec_key_simple_priv2octEC_POINTs_make_affineEC_POINT_addEC_POINT_cmpEC_POINT_copyEC_POINT_dblEC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GF2mEC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFpEC_POINT_get_Jprojective_coordinates_GFpEC_POINT_invertEC_POINT_is_at_infinityEC_POINT_is_on_curveEC_POINT_make_affineEC_POINT_newEC_POINT_oct2pointEC_POINT_point2octEC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GF2mEC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFpEC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GF2mEC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFpEC_POINT_set_Jprojective_coordinates_GFpEC_POINT_set_to_infinityec_pre_comp_newec_wNAF_mulec_wNAF_precompute_multi2d_ECParametersi2d_ECPKParametersi2d_ECPrivateKeyi2o_ECPublicKeynistp224_pre_comp_newnistp256_pre_comp_newnistp521_pre_comp_newo2i_ECPublicKeyold_ec_priv_decodeossl_ecdh_compute_keyossl_ecdsa_sign_sigossl_ecdsa_verify_sigpkey_ecx_derivepkey_ec_ctrlpkey_ec_ctrl_strpkey_ec_derivepkey_ec_keygenpkey_ec_paramgenpkey_ec_signasn1 errorbignum out of rangecoordinates out of rangecurve does not support ecdhcurve does not support signingd2i ecpkparameters failurediscriminant is zeroec group new by name failurefield too largegf2m not supportedgroup2pkparameters failurei2d ecpkparameters failureincompatible objectsinvalid compressed pointinvalid compression bitinvalid curveinvalid encodinginvalid fieldinvalid forminvalid group orderinvalid output lengthinvalid peer keyinvalid pentanomial basisinvalid private keyinvalid trinomial basismissing private keyneed new setup valuesnot a NIST primenot implementedoperation not supportedpassed null parameterpkparameters2group failurepoint arithmetic failurepoint at infinitypoint is not on curverandom number generation failedslot fullundefined generatorundefined orderunknown groupunknown orderunsupported fieldwrong curve parameterswrong orderbase64 encodingassertion failed: ctx->buf_off < (int)sizeof(ctx->buf)../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/evp/bio_b64.cassertion failed: ctx->buf_len <= (int)sizeof(ctx->buf)assertion failed: ctx->buf_len >= ctx->buf_offassertion failed: i <= nassertion failed: ctx->buf_off <= (int)sizeof(ctx->buf)assertion failed: ctx->tmp_len <= 3assertion failed: ctx->buf_off + i < (int)sizeof(ctx->buf)asn1assertion failed: ctx->buflen <= ctx->bufsize../deps/openssl/openssl/crypto/asn1/bio_asn1.cAPI fatal error handler returned after process out of memory on the background thread <--- Last few GCs ---> %s <--- JS stacktrace ---> %s API fatal error handler returned after process out of memory # # Fatal error in %s # %s # # # Fatal %s OOM in %s # javascriptAllocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memoryAllocation failed - process out of memoryCheck failed: %s.isolate == context->GetIsolate()handle_checker.CheckGlobalAndEternalHandles()Creating snapshot took %0.3f ms cold_snapshot_blob.raw_size > 0 && cold_snapshot_blob.data != nullptr(warmup_source) != nullptrWarming up snapshot took %0.3f ms source != nullptr || source_length_ == 0v8::Persistent::Newv8::FromJustMaybe value is Nothing.v8::ToLocalCheckedEmpty MaybeLocal.WeakCallbackInfo::GetInternalFieldInternal field out of bounds.HandleScope::HandleScopeEntering the V8 API without proper locking in placeEscapableHandleScope::EscapeEscape value set twicev8::Context::Exit()Cannot exit non-entered contextcontext->IsNativeContext()v8::Context::GetEmbedderData()v8::Context::SetEmbedderData()v8::Context::GetAlignedPointerFromEmbedderData()v8::Context::SetAlignedPointerInEmbedderData()!value_obj->IsJSReceiver() || value_obj->IsTemplateInfo()info->prototype_template()->IsUndefined(i_isolate)info->parent_template()->IsUndefined(i_isolate)v8::FunctionTemplate::Inheritinfo->prototype_provider_template()->IsUndefined(i_isolate)v8::FunctionTemplate::Newv8::FunctionTemplate::NewWithCachev8::FunctionTemplate::SetCallHandlerv8::FunctionTemplate::InstanceTemplate()Reading from empty handlev8::FunctionTemplate::SetLengthv8::FunctionTemplate::SetClassNamev8::FunctionTemplate::SetAcceptAnyReceiverv8::FunctionTemplate::SetHiddenPrototypev8::FunctionTemplate::ReadOnlyPrototypev8::FunctionTemplate::RemovePrototypev8::ObjectTemplate::MarkAsUndetectablev8::ObjectTemplate::SetAccessCheckCallbackv8::ObjectTemplate::SetAccessCheckCallbackWithHandlerv8::ObjectTemplate::SetHandlerv8::ObjectTemplate::SetCallAsFunctionHandlerv8::ObjectTemplate::SetInternalFieldCount()Invalid embedder field countv8::UnboundScript::GetIdv8::UnboundScript::GetLineNumberv8::UnboundScript::GetNamev8::UnboundScript::GetSourceURLv8::UnboundScript::GetSourceMappingURLV8.Executev8::Script::Runv8::PrimitiveArray::Newlength must be equal or greater than zerov8::PrimitiveArray::Setindex must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the array lengthv8::PrimitiveArray::Getv8::Module::GetExceptionModule status must be kErroredi >= 0i < module_requests->length()i < module_request_positions->length()v8::Module::GetModuleNamespacev8::Module::GetModuleNamespace must be used on an instantiated modulev8::Module::GetUnboundScriptv8::Module::GetUnboundScript must be used on an unevaluated modulev8::Module::InstantiateModulev8::Module::Evaluateself->status() >= i::Module::kInstantiatedV8.ScriptCompilerv8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnbounddisabled-by-default-v8.compileV8.CompileScriptv8::ScriptCompiler::CompileUnboundScriptv8::ScriptCompiler::CompileModule must be used to compile modulesv8::ScriptCompiler::Compilev8::ScriptCompiler::CompileModuleInvalid ScriptOrigin: is_module must be truev8::ScriptCompiler::CompileFunctionInContextoptions == ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptionsV8.CompileStreamedScriptshared->is_wrapped()v8::TryCatch::StackTracev8::JSON::Parsev8::JSON::Stringifyv8::ValueSerializer::WriteValuev8::ValueDeserializer::ReadHeader!private_->has_abortedv8::ValueDeserializer::ReadValuev8::Object::ToStringv8::Object::ToDetailStringv8::Object::ToObjectv8::Object::ToBigIntv8::Object::ToNumberv8::Object::ToIntegerv8::Object::ToInt32v8::Object::ToUint32v8::internal::Internals::CheckInitializedIsolate is not initialized or V8 has diedv8::External::CastCould not convert to externalv8::Object::CastCould not convert to objectv8::Function::CastCould not convert to functionv8::Boolean::CastCould not convert to booleanv8::Name::CastCould not convert to namev8::String::CastCould not convert to stringv8::Symbol::CastCould not convert to symbolv8::Private::CastCould not convert to privatev8::Number::Cast()Could not convert to numberv8::Integer::Castv8::Int32::CastCould not convert to 32-bit signed integerv8::Uint32::CastCould not convert to 32-bit unsigned integerv8::BigInt::CastCould not convert to BigIntv8::Array::CastCould not convert to arrayv8::Map::CastCould not convert to Mapv8_Set_CastCould not convert to Setv8::Promise::CastCould not convert to promisev8::Promise::Resolver::CastCould not convert to promise resolverv8::Proxy::CastCould not convert to proxyv8::WasmCompiledModule::CastCould not convert to wasm compiled modulev8::ArrayBuffer::Cast()Could not convert to ArrayBufferv8::ArrayBufferView::Cast()Could not convert to ArrayBufferViewv8::TypedArray::Cast()Could not convert to TypedArrayv8::Uint8Array::Cast()Could not convert to Uint8Arrayv8::Int8Array::Cast()Could not convert to Int8Arrayv8::Uint16Array::Cast()Could not convert to Uint16Arrayv8::Int16Array::Cast()Could not convert to Int16Arrayv8::Uint32Array::Cast()Could not convert to Uint32Arrayv8::Int32Array::Cast()Could not convert to Int32Arrayv8::Float32Array::Cast()Could not convert to Float32Arrayv8::Float64Array::Cast()Could not convert to Float64Arrayv8::Uint8ClampedArray::Cast()Could not convert to Uint8ClampedArrayv8::BigUint64Array::Cast()Could not convert to BigUint64Arrayv8::BigInt64Array::Cast()Could not convert to BigInt64Arrayv8::DataView::Cast()Could not convert to DataViewv8::SharedArrayBuffer::Cast()Could not convert to SharedArrayBufferv8::Date::Cast()Could not convert to datev8::StringObject::Cast()Could not convert to StringObjectv8::SymbolObject::Cast()Could not convert to SymbolObjectv8::NumberObject::Cast()Could not convert to NumberObjectv8::BigIntObject::Cast()Could not convert to BigIntObjectv8::BooleanObject::Cast()Could not convert to BooleanObjectv8::RegExp::Cast()Could not convert to regular expressionv8::Value::NumberValuev8::Value::IntegerValuev8::Value::Int32Valuev8::Value::Uint32Valuev8::Object::ToArrayIndexv8::Value::TypeOfv8::Value::InstanceOfv8::Object::Setv8::Object::CreateDataPropertyv8::Object::DefineOwnPropertyv8::Object::SetPrivatev8::Object::Getv8::Object::GetPropertyAttributesv8::Object::GetOwnPropertyDescriptorv8::Object::SetPrototypev8::Object::GetPropertyNamesv8::Object::ObjectProtoToStringv8::Object::SetIntegrityLevelv8::Object::Deletev8::Object::Hasv8::Object::HasOwnPropertyv8::Object::HasRealNamedPropertyv8::Object::HasRealIndexedPropertyv8::Object::HasRealNamedCallbackPropertyv8::Object::GetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChainv8::Object::GetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChainv8::Object::GetRealNamedPropertyv8::Object::GetRealNamedPropertyAttributes!result.is_null()v8::Object::CallAsFunctionv8::Object::CallAsConstructorv8::Function::Newv8::Function::NewInstanceself->IsJSFunction() && i::JSFunction::cast(*self)->shared()->IsApiFunction()v8::Function::CallFunction to be called is a null pointerdisplayNamev8::String::WriteUtf8expected == valueexpectedEncoding == encodingv8::Object::GetInternalField()v8::Object::SetInternalField()v8::Object::GetAlignedPointerFromInternalField()v8::Object::SetAlignedPointerInInternalField()v8::Object::SetAlignedPointerInInternalFields()Internal field out of boundsisolate->builtins()->builtin(i::Builtins::kIllegal)->IsCode()V8.NewContextv8::Context::Newv8::Context::NewRemoteContextGlobal template needs to have access checks enabled.Global template needs to have access check handlers.v8::ObjectTemplate::NewInstancev8::ObjectTemplate::CastCould not convert to object templatev8::FunctionTemplate::CastCould not convert to function templatev8::Signature::CastCould not convert to signaturev8::AccessorSignature::CastCould not convert to accessor signaturev8::FunctionTemplate::GetFunctionv8::FunctionTemplate::NewRemoteInstanceInstanceTemplate needs to have access checks enabled.InstanceTemplate needs to have access check handlers.v8::External::Newv8::String::NewFromUtf8v8::String::NewFromOneBytev8::String::NewFromTwoBytev8::String::Concatresource && resource->data()v8::String::NewExternalTwoBytev8::String::NewExternalOneBytev8::Object::Newv8::NumberObject::Newv8::NumberObject::NumberValuei::FLAG_harmony_bigintv8::BigIntObject::Newv8::BigIntObject::BigIntValuev8::BooleanObject::Newv8::BooleanObject::BooleanValuev8::StringObject::Newv8::StringObject::StringValuev8::SymbolObject::Newv8::SymbolObject::SymbolValuev8::Date::Newv8::Date::NumberValuev8::Date::DateTimeConfigurationChangeNotificationdate_cache_version->get(0)->IsSmi()v8::RegExp::Newv8::Array::Newv8::Map::Newv8::Map::Clearv8::Map::Getv8::Map::Setv8::Map::Hasv8::Map::Deletev8::Map::AsArrayv8::Set::Newv8::Set::Clearv8::Set::Addv8::Set::Hasv8::Set::Deletev8::Set::AsArrayv8::Promise_Resolver::Newv8::Promise_Resolver::Resolvev8::Promise_Resolver::Rejectv8::Promise::Catchv8::Promise::Thenv8::Promise::HasRejectHandlerv8::Promise::Resultv8_Promise_ResultPromise is still pendingv8::Promise::Statusv8::Proxy::NewWasmCompiledModule::Compile()!maybe.FromMaybe(false) implies i_isolate->has_scheduled_exception()v8_ArrayBuffer_ExternalizeArrayBuffer already externalizedv8::ArrayBuffer::NeuterOnly externalized ArrayBuffers can be neuteredOnly neuterable ArrayBuffers can be neuteredv8::ArrayBuffer::Newbyte_length == 0 || data != nullptrv8::Uint8Array::Newv8::Uint8Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)length exceeds max allowed valuei::FLAG_harmony_sharedarraybufferv8::Uint8Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Int8Array::Newv8::Int8Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Int8Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Uint16Array::Newv8::Uint16Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Uint16Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Int16Array::Newv8::Int16Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Int16Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Uint32Array::Newv8::Uint32Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Uint32Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Int32Array::Newv8::Int32Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Int32Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Float32Array::Newv8::Float32Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Float32Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Float64Array::Newv8::Float64Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Float64Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Uint8ClampedArray::Newv8::Uint8ClampedArray::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::Uint8ClampedArray::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::BigUint64Array::Newv8::BigUint64Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::BigUint64Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::BigInt64Array::Newv8::BigInt64Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::BigInt64Array::New(Local, size_t, size_t)v8::DataView::Newv8_SharedArrayBuffer_ExternalizeSharedArrayBuffer already externalizedv8::SharedArrayBuffer::Newv8::Symbol::Newv8::Private::Newv8::BigInt::NewFromWordsi::FLAG_expose_gc(params.array_buffer_allocator) != nullptr(i_isolate->snapshot_blob()) == nullptr[Initializing isolate from scratch took %0.3f ms] v8::Isolate::Dispose()Disposing the isolate that is entered by a thread.V8.GCLowMemoryNotificationstack_limitv8::RangeError::Newv8::ReferenceError::Newv8::SyntaxError::Newv8::TypeError::Newv8::Error::Newv8::Debug::Callisolate->debug()->CheckExecutionState()script->line_ends()->IsFixedArray()!start.IsEmpty()line_ends->length()current_line_end_index < line_ends->length()script->IsWasm()obj->is_suspended()value->IsGeneratorObject()UnknownBuiltinCallbackEvalFunctionInterpretedFunctionHandlerBytecodeHandlerLazyCompileRegExpScriptStubv8::HeapSnapshot::SerializeUnknown serialization formatInvalid stream chunk size--prepare-always-opt --max-inlined-bytecode-size=999999 --max-inlined-bytecode-size-cumulative=999999 --noalways-opt--always-opt--deopt-every-n-times=13Executing custom snapshot script %s took %0.3f ms !try_catch.HasCaught()Not a native contextNegative indexIndex too largeNot a SmiPointer is not alignedFunctionTemplate already instantiatedv8::ObjectTemplate::New!handle_.is_null()is_validObject::cast(READ_FIELD(this, kLengthOffset))->ToArrayLength(&index)Out of memory: HashMap::Initializedisabled-by-default-v8.runtimeV8.ExternalCallback(location_) != nullptrNewArrayV8.ExternalObjectTemplateSetNamedPropertyHandlerv8::Object::SetAccessorAPISetAccessorv8::String::WriteDEOPTIMIZATION PADDINGexpected_size_ == assembler_->pc_offset() - start_offset_no relocembedded objectcode targetruntime entrycommentexternal referenceinternal referenceencoded internal referenceoff heap targetdeopt script offsetdeopt inlining iddeopt reasondeopt indexconstant poolveneer poolglobal handleinternal wasm callwasm code table entryjs to wasm callunknown relocation type () ( (wasm trampoline) ) (deoptimization bailout (size () {}BootstrappingEmptyObjectPrototypeslow_object_with_object_prototype_map[Symbol.iterator]GeneratorFunctionGeneratornextreturnthrowGeneratorFunction with nameGeneratorFunction with home objectGeneratorFunction with name and home object[Symbol.asyncIterator]Async-from-Sync IteratorAsyncGeneratorFunctionAsyncGeneratorAsyncGeneratorFunction with nameAsyncGeneratorFunction with home objectAsyncGeneratorFunction with name and home objectAsyncFunctionAsyncFunction with nameAsyncFunction with home objectAsyncFunction with name and home objectcallable Proxyconstructor ProxygetOwnPropertyDescriptorgetOwnPropertyNamesgetOwnPropertySymbolsispreventExtensionssealdefinePropertiesfreezegetPrototypeOfsetPrototypeOfisExtensibleisFrozenisSealedkeys__defineGetter____defineSetter__hasOwnProperty__lookupGetter____lookupSetter__isPrototypeOfpropertyIsEnumerablevalueOftoLocaleString[Symbol.hasInstance]ArrayisArrayofconcatfindfindIndexpoppushshiftunshiftslicespliceincludesindexOfvaluesforEachfiltermapeverysomereducereduceRightNumbertoExponentialtoFixedtoPrecisiontoStringisFiniteisIntegerisNaNisSafeIntegerparseFloatparseIntNaNMAX_VALUEMIN_VALUENEGATIVE_INFINITYPOSITIVE_INFINITYMAX_SAFE_INTEGERMIN_SAFE_INTEGEREPSILONInfinityBooleanStringfromCharCodefromCodePointanchorbigblinkboldcharAtcharCodeAtcodePointAtendsWithfontcolorfontsizefixeditalicslastIndexOflocaleComparematchnormalizepadEndpadStartrepeatreplacesearchsmallsplitstrikesubsubstrsubstringsupstartsWithtrimtrimLefttrimRighttoLocaleLowerCasetoLocaleUpperCasetoLowerCasetoUpperCaseString IteratorStringIteratorSymbolforkeyForasyncIteratorhasInstanceisConcatSpreadableiteratorspeciestoPrimitivetoStringTagunscopablesDatetoDateStringtoTimeStringtoISOStringtoUTCStringtoGMTStringgetDatesetDategetDaygetFullYearsetFullYeargetHourssetHoursgetMillisecondssetMillisecondsgetMinutessetMinutesgetMonthsetMonthgetSecondssetSecondsgetTimesetTimegetTimezoneOffsetgetUTCDatesetUTCDategetUTCDaygetUTCFullYearsetUTCFullYeargetUTCHourssetUTCHoursgetUTCMillisecondssetUTCMillisecondsgetUTCMinutessetUTCMinutesgetUTCMonthsetUTCMonthgetUTCSecondssetUTCSecondsgetYearsetYeartoJSONtoLocaleDateStringtoLocaleTimeStringPromiseallracecatchcompiletest[Symbol.match][Symbol.replace][Symbol.search][Symbol.split]$_lastMatch$&lastParen$+leftContext$`rightContext$'$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9JSONstringifyMathabsacosacoshasinasinhatanatanhatan2ceilcbrtexpm1clz32coscoshexpfloorfroundhypotimulloglog1plog2log10powrandomroundsinsinhsqrttantanhtruncELN10LN2LOG10ELOG2EPISQRT1_2SQRT2warndirdirxmltablegroupgroupCollapsedgroupEndclearcountResetmarkTimelineprofileprofileEndtimelinetimelineEndtimeEndtimeStampcontextObjectarrayBufferConstructor_DoNotInitializeloadstoreaddandorxorcompareExchangeisLockFreewaitwakenotifyTypedArraycopyWithinsortsubarrayUint8ArrayInt8ArrayUint16ArrayInt16ArrayUint32ArrayInt32ArrayFloat32ArrayFloat64ArrayUint8ClampedArrayBigUint64ArrayBigInt64ArrayDataViewgetInt8setInt8getUint8setUint8getInt16setInt16getUint16setUint16getInt32setInt32getUint32setUint32getFloat32setFloat32getFloat64setFloat64MaphasdeleteSetWeakMapWeakSetProxyrevocableReflectIsConstructorFastAliasedArgumentsSlowAliasedArgumentsJSObject::SetPrototype(result, typed_array_function, false, kDontThrow) .FromJust()BYTES_PER_ELEMENTJSObject::SetPrototype(prototype, typed_array_prototype, false, kDontThrow) .FromJust()call_site_frame_array_symbolcall_site_frame_index_symbolconsole_context_id_symbolconsole_context_name_symbolclass_fields_symbolclass_positions_symboldetailed_stack_trace_symbolelements_transition_symbolerror_end_pos_symbolerror_script_symbolerror_start_pos_symbolfrozen_symbolgeneric_symbolhome_object_symbolintl_initialized_marker_symbolintl_pattern_symbolintl_resolved_symbolinterpreter_trampoline_symbolmegamorphic_symbolnative_context_index_symbolnonextensible_symbolnot_mapped_symbolpremonomorphic_symbolpromise_async_stack_id_symbolpromise_debug_marker_symbolpromise_forwarding_handler_symbolpromise_handled_by_symbolpromise_async_id_symbolsealed_symbolstack_trace_symbolstrict_function_transition_symboluninitialized_symbolasync_iterator_symboliterator_symbolintl_fallback_symbolmatch_all_symbolmatch_symbolreplace_symbolsearch_symbolspecies_symbolsplit_symbolto_primitive_symbolunscopables_symbolhas_instance_symbolis_concat_spreadable_symbolto_string_tag_symbolIteratorPrototypeGeneratorFunctionPrototypeSetIteratorJS_SET_KEY_VALUE_ITERATOR_TYPEMapIteratorJS_MAP_KEY_VALUE_ITERATOR_TYPEJS_MAP_VALUE_ITERATOR_TYPECallSitegetColumnNumbergetEvalOrigingetFileNamegetFunctiongetFunctionNamegetLineNumbergetMethodNamegetPositiongetScriptNameOrSourceURLgetThisgetTypeNameisConstructorisEvalisNativeisToplevelSharedArrayBufferAtomicstrimStarttrimEndflattenflatMapmatchAll[Symbol.matchAll]RegExp String IteratorRegExpStringIteratorfinallyJSObject::DeleteProperty( global, factory->InternalizeUtf8String("BigInt64Array")) .ToChecked()JSObject::DeleteProperty( global, factory->InternalizeUtf8String("BigUint64Array")) .ToChecked()BigIntasUintNasIntNgetBigInt64setBigInt64getBigUint64setBigUint64InternalArrayutils container for native scriptsInternalPackedArraycreatePromiserejectPromiseresolvePromisePostNativesdecodeURIdecodeURIComponentencodeURIencodeURIComponentescapeunescapelength->IsSmi()Smi::ToInt(length) == 0proto->HasSmiOrObjectElements()Array.prototypejoinDate.prototypeFunction.prototypeapplycallassigncreateObject.prototypeRegExp.prototypeexecString.prototypeNumber.prototypeMap.prototypeSet.prototypeWeakMap.prototypeWeakSet.prototypestackTraceLimitv8/free-bufferv8/gcv8/externalizev8/statisticsv8/trigger-failurev8/ignition-statisticsv8::Context::New()Cannot find required extensionCircular extension dependencyError installing extension '%s'. LookupIterator::ACCESS_CHECK != it.state()[Initializing context from scratch took %0.3f ms] native function freeBuffer();native function %s();!constructor_or_backpointer()->IsMap()static_cast(elements_kind) < kElementsKindCountstatic_cast(number) <= static_cast(kMaxNumberOfDescriptors)static_cast(unused_in_property_array) < JSObject::kFieldsAddedstatic_cast(value) <= 255captureStackTraceJSReceiver::SetPrototype(error_fun, global_error, false, kThrowOnError) .FromMaybe(false)JSReceiver::SetPrototype(prototype, handle(global_error->prototype(), isolate), false, kThrowOnError) .FromMaybe(false)static_cast(value) < 256IsJSObjectMap()0 == value0 <= valueprototypeCPPAPITFJTFCTFSTFHASMRecordWriteAdaptorWithExitFrameAdaptorWithBuiltinExitFrameArgumentsAdaptorTrampolineCallFunction_ReceiverIsNullOrUndefinedCallFunction_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefinedCallFunction_ReceiverIsAnyCallBoundFunctionCall_ReceiverIsNullOrUndefinedCall_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefinedCall_ReceiverIsAnyCallProxyCallVarargsCallWithSpreadCallWithArrayLikeCallForwardVarargsCallFunctionForwardVarargsConstructFunctionConstructBoundFunctionConstructedNonConstructableConstructConstructVarargsConstructWithSpreadConstructWithArrayLikeConstructForwardVarargsConstructFunctionForwardVarargsJSConstructStubGenericJSBuiltinsConstructStubFastNewObjectFastNewClosureFastNewFunctionContextEvalFastNewFunctionContextFunctionCreateRegExpLiteralCreateEmptyArrayLiteralCreateShallowArrayLiteralCreateShallowObjectLiteralConstructProxyJSEntryTrampolineJSConstructEntryTrampolineResumeGeneratorTrampolineInterruptCheckStackCheckStringCharAtStringCodePointAtUTF16StringCodePointAtUTF32StringEqualStringGreaterThanStringGreaterThanOrEqualStringIndexOfStringLessThanStringLessThanOrEqualStringRepeatStringSubstringOrderedHashTableHealIndexInterpreterEntryTrampolineInterpreterPushArgsThenCallInterpreterPushUndefinedAndArgsThenCallInterpreterPushArgsThenCallWithFinalSpreadInterpreterPushArgsThenConstructInterpreterPushArgsThenConstructArrayFunctionInterpreterPushArgsThenConstructWithFinalSpreadInterpreterEnterBytecodeAdvanceInterpreterEnterBytecodeDispatchInterpreterOnStackReplacementCompileLazyCompileLazyDeoptimizedCodeDeserializeLazyInstantiateAsmJsNotifyDeoptimizedContinueToCodeStubBuiltinContinueToCodeStubBuiltinWithResultContinueToJavaScriptBuiltinContinueToJavaScriptBuiltinWithResultOnStackReplacementHandleApiCallHandleApiCallAsFunctionHandleApiCallAsConstructorAllocateInNewSpaceAllocateInOldSpaceCopyFastSmiOrObjectElementsGrowFastDoubleElementsGrowFastSmiOrObjectElementsNewArgumentsElementsDebugBreakTrampolineFrameDropperTrampolineHandleDebuggerStatementToObjectToBooleanOrdinaryToPrimitive_NumberOrdinaryToPrimitive_StringNonPrimitiveToPrimitive_DefaultNonPrimitiveToPrimitive_NumberNonPrimitiveToPrimitive_StringStringToNumberToNameNonNumberToNumberNonNumberToNumericToNumberToNumericNumberToStringToStringToIntegerToInteger_TruncateMinusZeroToLengthTypeofGetSuperConstructorToBooleanLazyDeoptContinuationKeyedLoadIC_MegamorphicKeyedLoadIC_PolymorphicNameKeyedLoadIC_SlowKeyedStoreIC_MegamorphicKeyedStoreIC_SlowLoadGlobalIC_SlowLoadIC_FunctionPrototypeLoadIC_SlowLoadIC_StringLengthLoadIC_StringWrapperLengthLoadIC_UninitializedStoreGlobalIC_SlowStoreIC_UninitializedStoreInArrayLiteralIC_SlowEnqueueMicrotaskRunMicrotasksHasPropertyDeletePropertyAbortAbortJSEmptyFunctionIllegalStrictPoisonPillThrowerUnsupportedThrowerReturnReceiverArrayConstructorInternalArrayConstructorArrayConcatArrayIsArrayArrayFromArrayOfArrayIncludesSmiOrObjectArrayIncludesPackedDoublesArrayIncludesHoleyDoublesArrayIncludesArrayIndexOfSmiOrObjectArrayIndexOfPackedDoublesArrayIndexOfHoleyDoublesArrayIndexOfArrayPopArrayPrototypePopArrayPushArrayPrototypePushArrayShiftArrayPrototypeShiftArrayPrototypeSliceArraySpliceArrayUnshiftCloneFastJSArrayExtractFastJSArrayArrayEveryLoopContinuationArrayEveryLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayEveryLoopLazyDeoptContinuationArrayEveryArraySomeLoopContinuationArraySomeLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArraySomeLoopLazyDeoptContinuationArraySomeArrayFilterLoopContinuationArrayFilterArrayFilterLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayFilterLoopLazyDeoptContinuationArrayMapLoopContinuationArrayMapLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayMapLoopLazyDeoptContinuationArrayMapArrayReduceLoopContinuationArrayReducePreLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayReduceLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayReduceLoopLazyDeoptContinuationArrayReduceArrayReduceRightLoopContinuationArrayReduceRightPreLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayReduceRightLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayReduceRightLoopLazyDeoptContinuationArrayReduceRightArrayPrototypeEntriesArrayFindLoopContinuationArrayFindLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayFindLoopLazyDeoptContinuationArrayFindLoopAfterCallbackLazyDeoptContinuationArrayPrototypeFindArrayFindIndexLoopContinuationArrayFindIndexLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayFindIndexLoopLazyDeoptContinuationArrayFindIndexLoopAfterCallbackLazyDeoptContinuationArrayPrototypeFindIndexArrayPrototypeKeysArrayPrototypeValuesArrayIteratorPrototypeNextFlattenIntoArrayFlatMapIntoArrayArrayPrototypeFlattenArrayPrototypeFlatMapArrayBufferConstructorArrayBufferConstructor_DoNotInitializeArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLengthArrayBufferIsViewArrayBufferPrototypeSliceAsyncFunctionAwaitCaughtAsyncFunctionAwaitUncaughtAsyncFunctionAwaitRejectClosureAsyncFunctionAwaitResolveClosureAsyncFunctionPromiseCreateAsyncFunctionPromiseReleaseBigIntConstructorBigIntAsUintNBigIntAsIntNBigIntPrototypeToLocaleStringBigIntPrototypeToStringBigIntPrototypeValueOfBooleanConstructorBooleanPrototypeToStringBooleanPrototypeValueOfCallSitePrototypeGetColumnNumberCallSitePrototypeGetEvalOriginCallSitePrototypeGetFileNameCallSiteProtot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sInstanceInstanceOfForInEnumerateForInFilterFulfillPromiseRejectPromiseResolvePromisePromiseCapabilityDefaultRejectPromiseCapabilityDefaultResolvePromiseGetCapabilitiesExecutorNewPromiseCapabilityPromiseConstructorLazyDeoptContinuationPromiseConstructorIsPromisePromisePrototypeThenPerformPromiseThenPromisePrototypeCatchPromiseRejectReactionJobPromiseFulfillReactionJobPromiseResolveThenableJobPromiseResolveTrampolinePromiseResolvePromiseRejectPromisePrototypeFinallyPromiseThenFinallyPromiseCatchFinallyPromiseValueThunkFinallyPromiseThrowerFinallyPromiseAllPromiseAllResolveElementClosurePromiseRacePromiseInternalConstructorPromiseInternalRejectPromiseInternalResolveProxyConstructorProxyRevocableProxyRevokeProxyGetPropertyProxyHasPropertyProxySetPropertyReflectApplyReflectConstructReflectDefinePropertyReflectDeletePropertyReflectGetReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptorReflectGetPrototypeOfReflectHasReflectIsExtensibleReflectOwnKeysReflectPreventExtensionsReflectSetReflectSetPrototypeOfRegExpCapture1GetterRegExpCapture2GetterRegExpCapture3GetterRegExpCapture4GetterRegExpCapture5GetterRegExpCapture6GetterRegExpCapture7GetterRegExpCapture8GetterRegExpCapture9GetterRegExpConstructorRegExpInternalMatchRegExpInputGetterRegExpInputSetterRegExpLastMatchGetterRegExpLastParenGetterRegExpLeftContextGetterRegExpPrototypeCompileRegExpPrototypeExecRegExpPrototypeDotAllGetterRegExpPrototypeFlagsGetterRegExpPrototypeGlobalGetterRegExpPrototypeIgnoreCaseGetterRegExpPrototypeMatchRegExpPrototypeMatchAllRegExpPrototypeMultilineGetterRegExpPrototypeSearchRegExpPrototypeSourceGetterRegExpPrototypeStickyGetterRegExpPrototypeTestRegExpPrototypeToStringRegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetterRegExpRightContextGetterRegExpPrototypeReplaceRegExpPrototypeSplitRegExpExecAtomRegExpMatchFastRegExpPrototypeExecSlowRegExpReplaceRegExpSearchFastRegExpSplitRegExpStringIteratorPrototypeNextSetConstructorSetPrototypeHasSetPrototypeAddSetPrototypeDeleteSetPrototypeClearSetPrototypeEntriesSetPrototypeGetSizeSetPrototypeForEachSetPrototypeValuesSetIteratorPrototypeNextSharedArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLengthSharedArrayBufferPrototypeSliceAtomicsLoadAtomicsStoreAtomicsExchangeAtomicsCompareExchangeAtomicsAddAtomicsSubAtomicsAndAtomicsOrAtomicsXorAtomicsIsLockFreeAtomicsWaitAtomicsWakeStringConstructorStringFromCodePointStringFromCharCodeStringPrototypeAnchorStringPrototypeBigStringPrototypeBlinkStringPrototypeBoldStringPrototypeCharAtStringPrototypeCharCodeAtStringPrototypeCodePointAtStringPrototypeConcatStringPrototypeEndsWithStringPrototypeFontcolorStringPrototypeFontsizeStringPrototypeFixedStringPrototypeIncludesStringPrototypeIndexOfStringPrototypeItalicsStringPrototypeLastIndexOfStringPrototypeLinkStringPrototypeMatchStringPrototypeMatchAllStringPrototypeLocaleCompareStringPrototypePadEndStringPrototypePadStartStringPrototypeRepeatStringPrototypeReplaceStringPrototypeSearchStringPrototypeSliceStringPrototypeSmallStringPrototypeSplitStringPrototypeStrikeStringPrototypeSubStringPrototypeSubstrStringPrototypeSubstringStringPrototypeSupStringPrototypeStartsWithStringPrototypeToStringStringPrototypeTrimStringPrototypeTrimEndStringPrototypeTrimStartStringPrototypeValueOfStringRawStringPrototypeIteratorStringIteratorPrototypeNextSymbolConstructorSymbolForSymbolKeyForSymbolPrototypeToPrimitiveSymbolPrototypeToStringSymbolPrototypeValueOfIterableToListTypedArrayInitializeTypedArrayInitializeWithBufferCreateTypedArrayTypedArrayBaseConstructorTypedArrayConstructorLazyDeoptContinuationTypedArrayConstructorTypedArrayPrototypeBufferTypedArrayPrototypeByteLengthTypedArrayPrototypeByteOffsetTypedArrayPrototypeLengthTypedArrayPrototypeEntriesTypedArrayPrototypeKeysTypedArrayPrototypeValuesTypedArrayPrototypeCopyWithinTypedArrayPrototypeFillTypedArrayPrototypeFilterTypedArrayPrototypeFindTypedArrayPrototypeFindIndexTypedArrayPrototypeIncludesTypedArrayPrototypeIndexOfTypedArrayPrototypeLastIndexOfTypedArrayPrototypeReverseTypedArrayPrototypeSetTypedArrayPrototypeSliceTypedArrayPrototypeSubArrayTypedArrayPrototypeToStringTagTypedArrayPrototypeEveryTypedArrayPrototypeSomeTypedArrayPrototypeReduceTypedArrayPrototypeReduceRightTypedArrayPrototypeMapTypedArrayPrototypeForEachTypedArrayOfTypedArrayFromTypedArrayLoadElementAsTaggedTypedArrayStoreElementFromTaggedWasmCompileLazyWasmStackGuardThrowWasmTrapUnreachableThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBoundsThrowWasmTrapDivByZeroThrowWasmTrapDivUnrepresentableThrowWasmTrapRemByZeroThrowWasmTrapFloatUnrepresentableThrowWasmTrapFuncInvalidThrowWasmTrapFuncSigMismatchWeakMapConstructorWeakMapLookupHashIndexWeakMapGetWeakMapHasWeakMapPrototypeSetWeakMapPrototypeDeleteWeakSetConstructorWeakSetHasWeakSetPrototypeAddWeakSetPrototypeDeleteWeakCollectionDeleteWeakCollectionSetAsyncGeneratorResolveAsyncGeneratorRejectAsyncGeneratorYieldAsyncGeneratorReturnAsyncGeneratorResumeNextAsyncGeneratorFunctionConstructorAsyncGeneratorPrototypeNextAsyncGeneratorPrototypeReturnAsyncGeneratorPrototypeThrowAsyncGeneratorAwaitCaughtAsyncGeneratorAwaitUncaughtAsyncGeneratorAwaitResolveClosureAsyncGeneratorAwaitRejectClosureAsyncGeneratorYieldResolveClosureAsyncGeneratorReturnClosedResolveClosureAsyncGeneratorReturnClosedRejectClosureAsyncGeneratorReturnResolveClosureAsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeNextAsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeThrowAsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeReturnAsyncIteratorValueUnwrapCEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExitCEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExitCEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvInRegister_NoBuiltinExitCEntry_Return1_SaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExitCEntry_Return1_SaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExitCEntry_Return2_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExitCEntry_Return2_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExitCEntry_Return2_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvInRegister_NoBuiltinExitCEntry_Return2_SaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExitCEntry_Return2_SaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExitStringAdd_CheckNone_NotTenuredStringAdd_CheckNone_TenuredStringAdd_ConvertLeft_NotTenuredStringAdd_ConvertRight_NotTenuredDoubleToIGetPropertyMathPowInternalIsTraceCategoryEnabledTraceArraySpliceTorqueArrayForEachLoopEagerDeoptContinuationArrayForEachLoopLazyDeoptContinuationArrayForEachLoopContinuationArrayForEachTypedArrayQuickSortTypedArrayPrototypeSortStringPrototypeNormalizeStringPrototypeToLocaleLowerCaseStringPrototypeToLocaleUpperCaseStringPrototypeToLowerCaseStringPrototypeToUpperCaseArrayConstructorStubCallApiCallbackStubCallApiGetterStubInternalArrayConstructorStubJSEntryStubProfileEntryHookStubStoreSlowElementStubStoreInArrayLiteralSlowStubArrayNoArgumentConstructorStubArraySingleArgumentConstructorStubArrayNArgumentsConstructorStubInternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStubInternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStubElementsTransitionAndStoreStubKeyedLoadSloppyArgumentsStubKeyedStoreSloppyArgumentsStubStoreFastElementStubStoreInterceptorStubTransitionElementsKindStubLoadIndexedInterceptorStubDirectCEntryStubStub../deps/v8/src/code-stubs.cc:262ElementsTransitionAndStoreStub: from_kind=%s, to_kind=%s, is_jsarray=%d, store_mode=%dMissCall runtimeStoreFastElementStub: js_array=%d, elements_kind=%s, store_mode=%dabJSConstructEntryStubCompilerDispatcher: dispatcher is disabled CompilerDispatcher: stepping V8.CompilerDispatcherEnqueueCompilerDispatcher: enqueuing for parse and compile V8.CompilerDispatcherEnqueueAndStepV8.CompilerDispatcherWaitForBackgroundJobCompilerDispatcher: finishing now V8.CompilerDispatcherFinishNowjob != jobs_.end()CompilerDispatcher: aborted CompilerDispatcher: received memory pressure notification V8.CompilerDispatcherScheduleMoreWorkerTasksIfNeededCompilerDispatcher: doing background work CompilerDispatcher: received %0.1lfms of idle time CompilerDispatcher: finished working on V8.CompilerDispatcherForgroundStepV8.CompilerDispatcherBackgroundStepUnoptimizedCompileJob[%p] created for in initial state. UnoptimizedCompileJob[%p]: Preparing to parse UnoptimizedCompileJob[%p]: Compiling UnoptimizedCompileJob[%p]: Finalizing compiling UnoptimizedCompileJob[%p]: Reporting Errors UnoptimizedCompileJob[%p]: Resetting [compiling method using OSR!compilation_info()->dependencies() || !compilation_info()->dependencies()->HasAborted()[optimizing - took %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f ms] Compiled: %d functions with %d byte source size in %fms. V8.CompileCode because --always-opt] V8.CompileDeserialize../deps/v8/src/compiler.cc:1712optimize-eval-lazy[found optimized code for at OSR AST id %d] V8.OptimizeCodeGetCodeFromOptimizedCodeCache ** Compilation queue full, will retry optimizing later. ** High memory pressure, will retry optimizing V8.RecompileSynchronous ** Queued for concurrent optimization. [aborted optimizing because: %s] V8.CompileEvalV8.CompileV8.CompileCodeBackground[completed optimizing heap_->memory_allocator()->IsMemoryChunkExecutable(page)descriptor.GetParameterCount() + 2 == (sizeof(ArraySizeHelper(nodes)))descriptor.GetParameterCount() + 1 == (sizeof(ArraySizeHelper(nodes)))PoisoningMitigationLevel::kPoisonAll != poisoning_level_TrueFalseCriticalSafetyCheckSafetyCheckNoSafetyCheck|id:|size:densesparse:^observablenot-observable (order EndReturnDeoptimizeDeoptimizeIfDeoptimizeUnlessTrapIfTrapUnlessSwitchIfValueStartLoopMergeParameterOsrValueInt32ConstantInt64ConstantFloat32ConstantFloat64ConstantExternalConstantNumberConstantPointerConstantHeapConstantRelocatableInt32ConstantRelocatableInt64ConstantObjectIdSelectPhiTypeGuardEffectPhiInductionVariablePhiStateValuesTypedStateValuesArgumentsElementsStateArgumentsLengthStateObjectStateTypedObjectStateFrameStateProjectionDeadValueEagerSoftLazyCall[CallWithCallerSavedRegistersTailCallDeadUnreachableIfTrueIfFalseIfSuccessIfExceptionIfDefaultThrowTerminateOsrNormalEntryOsrLoopEntryLoopExitLoopExitValueLoopExitEffectCheckpointFinishRegionRetainBranchBeginRegionMAPPED_ARGUMENTSUNMAPPED_ARGUMENTSREST_PARAMETERIgnorePokeAt(INTERPRETED_FRAMEARGUMENTS_ADAPTORCONSTRUCT_STUBBUILTIN_CONTINUATION_FRAMEJAVA_SCRIPT_BUILTIN_CONTINUATION_FRAMEJAVA_SCRIPT_BUILTIN_CONTINUATION_WITH_CATCH_FRAME!base::bits::UnsignedAddOverflow32(id, 1, &next_node_id_)CodeJSAddrWasm:rifjs-callAllocateincoming_->IsJSFunctionCall()( : Extract laneReplace laneShift leftArithmetic shift rightShift rightShuffleNoWriteBarrierMapWriteBarrierPointerWriteBarrierFullWriteBarrierStackSlotCommentWord32AndWord32OrWord32XorWord32ShlWord32ShrWord32SarWord32RorWord32EqualInt32AddInt32SubInt32MulInt32MulHighInt32DivInt32ModInt32LessThanInt32LessThanOrEqualUint32DivUint32LessThanUint32LessThanOrEqualUint32ModUint32MulHighWord64AndWord64OrWord64XorWord64ShlWord64ShrWord64SarWord64RorWord64EqualInt64AddInt64SubInt64MulInt64DivInt64ModInt64LessThanInt64LessThanOrEqualUint64DivUint64ModUint64LessThanUint64LessThanOrEqualWord32ClzWord64ClzBitcastWordToTaggedSignedTruncateFloat64ToWord32ChangeFloat32ToFloat64ChangeFloat64ToInt32ChangeFloat64ToUint32ChangeFloat64ToUint64TruncateFloat64ToUint32TruncateFloat32ToInt32TruncateFloat32ToUint32TryTruncateFloat32ToInt64TryTruncateFloat64ToInt64TryTruncateFloat32ToUint64TryTruncateFloat64ToUint64ChangeInt32ToFloat64Float64SilenceNaNRoundFloat64ToInt32RoundInt32ToFloat32RoundInt64ToFloat32RoundInt64ToFloat64RoundUint32ToFloat32RoundUint64ToFloat32RoundUint64ToFloat64ChangeInt32ToInt64ChangeUint32ToFloat64ChangeUint32ToUint64TruncateFloat64ToFloat32TruncateInt64ToInt32BitcastFloat32ToInt32BitcastFloat64ToInt64BitcastInt32ToFloat32BitcastInt64ToFloat64SignExtendWord8ToInt32SignExtendWord16ToInt32SignExtendWord8ToInt64SignExtendWord16ToInt64SignExtendWord32ToInt64Float32AbsFloat32AddFloat32SubFloat32MulFloat32DivFloat32NegFloat32SqrtFloat32MaxFloat32MinFloat64AbsFloat64AcosFloat64AcoshFloat64AsinFloat64AsinhFloat64AtanFloat64Atan2Float64AtanhFloat64CbrtFloat64CosFloat64CoshFloat64ExpFloat64Expm1Float64LogFloat64Log1pFloat64Log2Float64Log10Float64MaxFloat64MinFloat64NegFloat64AddFloat64SubFloat64MulFloat64DivFloat64ModFloat64PowFloat64SinFloat64SinhFloat64SqrtFloat64TanFloat64TanhFloat32EqualFloat32LessThanFloat32LessThanOrEqualFloat64EqualFloat64LessThanFloat64LessThanOrEqualFloat64ExtractLowWord32Float64ExtractHighWord32Float64InsertLowWord32Float64InsertHighWord32LoadStackPointerLoadFramePointerLoadParentFramePointerLoadRootsPointerInt32PairAddInt32PairSubInt32PairMulWord32PairShlWord32PairShrWord32PairSarF32x4SplatF32x4SConvertI32x4F32x4UConvertI32x4F32x4AbsF32x4NegF32x4RecipApproxF32x4RecipSqrtApproxF32x4AddF32x4AddHorizF32x4SubF32x4MulF32x4MinF32x4MaxF32x4EqF32x4NeF32x4LtF32x4LeI32x4SplatI32x4SConvertF32x4I32x4SConvertI16x8LowI32x4SConvertI16x8HighI32x4NegI32x4AddI32x4AddHorizI32x4SubI32x4MulI32x4MinSI32x4MaxSI32x4EqI32x4NeI32x4GtSI32x4GeSI32x4UConvertF32x4I32x4UConvertI16x8LowI32x4UConvertI16x8HighI32x4MinUI32x4MaxUI32x4GtUI32x4GeUI16x8SplatI16x8SConvertI8x16LowI16x8SConvertI8x16HighI16x8NegI16x8SConvertI32x4I16x8AddI16x8AddSaturateSI16x8AddHorizI16x8SubI16x8SubSaturateSI16x8MulI16x8MinSI16x8MaxSI16x8EqI16x8NeI16x8GtSI16x8GeSI16x8UConvertI8x16LowI16x8UConvertI8x16HighI16x8UConvertI32x4I16x8AddSaturateUI16x8SubSaturateUI16x8MinUI16x8MaxUI16x8GtUI16x8GeUI8x16SplatI8x16NegI8x16SConvertI16x8I8x16AddI8x16AddSaturateSI8x16SubI8x16SubSaturateSI8x16MulI8x16MinSI8x16MaxSI8x16EqI8x16NeI8x16GtSI8x16GeSI8x16UConvertI16x8I8x16AddSaturateUI8x16SubSaturateUI8x16MinUI8x16MaxUI8x16GtUI8x16GeUS128LoadS128StoreS128ZeroS128AndS128OrS128XorS128NotS128SelectS1x4AnyTrueS1x4AllTrueS1x8AnyTrueS1x8AllTrueS1x16AnyTrueS1x16AllTrueWord32CtzWord64CtzWord32ReverseBitsWord64ReverseBitsWord32ReverseBytesWord64ReverseBytesInt32AbsWithOverflowInt64AbsWithOverflowWord32PopcntWord64PopcntFloat32RoundDownFloat64RoundDownFloat32RoundUpFloat64RoundUpFloat32RoundTruncateFloat64RoundTruncateFloat64RoundTiesAwayFloat32RoundTiesEvenFloat64RoundTiesEvenInt32AddWithOverflowInt32SubWithOverflowInt32MulWithOverflowInt64AddWithOverflowInt64SubWithOverflowLoadPoisonedLoadUnalignedLoadProtectedLoadStoreUnalignedStoreWord32AtomicLoadWord64AtomicLoadWord32AtomicStoreWord64AtomicStoreWord32AtomicAddWord32AtomicSubWord32AtomicAndWord32AtomicOrWord32AtomicXorWord32AtomicExchangeWord64AtomicAddWord64AtomicSubWord64AtomicAndWord64AtomicOrWord64AtomicXorWord64AtomicExchangeWord32AtomicCompareExchangeWord64AtomicCompareExchangeBitcastWordToTaggedBitcastTaggedToWordBitcastMaybeObjectToWordTaggedPoisonOnSpeculationWord32PoisonOnSpeculationWord64PoisonOnSpeculationSpeculationFenceDebugAbortDebugBreakUnsafePointerAddCommutativeAssociativeIdempotentNoReadNoWriteNoThrowNoDeoptval <= std::min(static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max()), static_cast(kMaxInt)){"function":"", "source":"", "phases":[machinewasm optimizationgraph creation--------------------------------------------------- Begin compiling method using Turbofanloweringblock buildingstub codegenBegin compiling {"function" : , "phases":[Machinescheduletest codegentesting-------------------------------------------------- --- Verifying generated by TurboFan --- End of ../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:2190CodeGen, "NodeOrigins" : register allocationcode generation{"name":"disassembly","type":"disassembly","data":""} ], "nodePositions":, }Finished compiling method ../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:2339----- Instruction sequence before register allocation ----- !data->register_allocation_data()->ExistsUseWithoutDefinition()data->register_allocation_data() ->RangesDefinedInDeferredStayInDeferred()Immediately after CommitAssignmentPhase.----- Instruction sequence after register allocation ----- End of regalloc pipeline.../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:709unnamedbytecode graph builderinliningearly trimmingtypertyped loweringloop peelingloop exit eliminationload eliminationescape analysissimplified loweringgeneric loweringearly optimizationeffect linearizationstore-store eliminationcontrol flow optimizationmemory optimizationlate optimization../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:168../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:173../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:175../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:177{"name":"","type":"schedule","data":""}, -- Schedule -------------------------------------- initializing../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:107../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:109../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:111../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:113init pipeline dataTurboFan../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:754../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:144../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:151../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:153../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:155../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:188../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:189../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:192../deps/v8/src/compiler/pipeline.cc:194late graph trimming--- Raw source --- --- Optimized code --- optimization_id = --- Code --- source_position = --- End code --- --- FUNCTION SOURCE () id{} start{} --- --- END --- INLINE (} AS AT <>","type":"graph","data":}, -- Graph after -- concurrency preparationeffect linearization scheduleschedulingselect instructionsframe elisionjump threadingassemble codefinalize codemeet register constraintsresolve phisbuild live rangessplinter live rangesallocate general registersallocate f.p. registersmerge splintered rangesassign spill slotscommit assignmentpopulate pointer mapsconnect rangesresolve control flowoptimize moveslocate spill slots--- RAW SCHEDULE ------------------------------------------- --- EDGE SPLIT AND PROPAGATED DEFERRED SCHEDULE ------------ RedundancyElimination0 < instr->InputCount()kSameAsFirst != constraint.type_InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegister != constraint.virtual_register_kImmediate != constraint.type_kExplicit != constraint.type_kConstant != constraint.type_sequence()->instructions().size() == constraints()->size()instr == *instr_itoperand_count == OperandCount(instr)op->IsUnallocated()ConstantOperand::cast(op)->virtual_register() == constraint->value_value == constraint->value_LocationOperand::cast(op)->register_code() == constraint->value_LocationOperand::cast(op)->index() == constraint->value_ElementSizeLog2Of(LocationOperand::cast(op)->representation()) == constraint->value_map_for_moves_.empty()it != map_.end()map_for_moves_.find(move->destination()) == map_for_moves_.end()vPpred_id >= current_block_idblock->IsLoopHeader()(pred_assessments) != nullptr../deps/v8/src/compiler/register-allocator-verifier.cc:388origin->PredecessorCount() > 1 || origin->phis().size() > 0origin->IsLoopHeader()found_contribution != pred_assessments->map().end()FinalAssessment::cast(contribution)->virtual_register() == expectediterator != current_assessments->map().end()FinalAssessment::cast(assessment)->virtual_register() == virtual_registerassessments_.empty()outstanding_assessments_.empty()found_op != block_assessments->map().end()FinalAssessment::cast(found_op->second)->virtual_register() == vreg(instr->GetParallelMove(inner_pos)) == nullptrassessment->kind() == Finalmap_.empty()(other) != nullptrit->second == vregStart() <= pos->pos()pos->pos() <= End()(interval) != nullptrtemp != firstShorten live range %d to [%d Ensure live range %d in interval [%d %d[ Add to live range %d interval [%d %d[ Add to live range %d use position %d Range: phi nlphi {}Register allocator error: live v%d reached first block. (first use is at %d) (function: %s) live_ranges_size == live_ranges().size()Allocating fixed reg for op %d Fixed reg is tagged at %d live_ranges_size == data()->live_ranges().size()hint.second->IsResolved()(current->next()) == nullptrNextIntervalStartsInDifferentBlocks(first)IntervalStartsAtBlockBoundary(i)IntervalPredecessorsCoveredByRange(i, current)NextIntervalStartsInDifferentBlocks(i)initial_range_count == data()->live_ranges().size()Live range %d:%d is defined by a spill operand. Splitting live range %d:%d at %d Splitting live range %d:%d in position between [%d, %d] Spilling live range %d:%d Processing interval %d:%d start=%d Add live range %d:%d to active Add live range %d:%d to inactive Add live range %d:%d to unhandled at %zu Add live range %d:%d to unhandled at start Add live range %d:%d to unhandled unsorted at end Sort unhandled Moving live range %d:%d from active to handled Moving live range %d:%d from active to inactive Moving live range %d:%d from inactive to handled Moving live range %d:%d from inactive to active Register %s is free until pos %d (1) Register %s is free until pos %d (2) Found reg hint %s (free until [%d) for live range %d:%d (end %d[). Assigning preferred reg %s to live range %d:%d Assigning free reg %s to live range %d:%d Assigning blocked reg %s to live range %d:%d start < endPointer for range %d (spilled at %d) at safe point %d Pointer in register for range %d:%d (start at %d) at safe point %d Live Range %d will be spilled only in deferred blocks. BgotobranchswitchdeoptimizetailcallPlanning # for future add to BAdding # to B--- BLOCK id:--- BLOCK B (deferred) <- --- Goto -> Use count of #%d:%s (used by #%d:%s)++ = %d Use count of #%d:%s (used by #%d:%s)-- = %d newly eligible #%d:%s --- CREATING CFG ------------------------------------------- --- COMPUTING SPECIAL RPO ---------------------------------- Block id:%d's idom is id:%d, depth = %d --- IMMEDIATE BLOCK DOMINATORS ----------------------------- --- PREPARE USES ------------------------------------------- --- SCHEDULE EARLY ----------------------------------------- roots: #%d:%s --- SCHEDULE LATE ------------------------------------------ --- SEAL FINAL SCHEDULE ------------------------------------ --- FUSE FLOATING CONTROL ---------------------------------- Schedule before control flow fusion: propagation roots: Schedule after control flow fusion: Move planned nodes from id:%d to id:%d Create block id:%d for #%d:%s Connect #%d:%s, id:%d -> end Connect #%d:%s, id:%d -> id:%d kBlockUnvisited1 == schedule_->start()->loop_number()kBlockUnvisited1 == schedule_->start()->rpo_number()0 == static_cast(schedule_->rpo_order()->size())id:%d is a loop header, increment loop depth to %d id:%d is not in a loop (depth == %d) id:%d has loop header id:%d, (depth == %d) Scheduling fixed position node #%d:%s Fixing #%d:%s minimum_block = id:%d, dominator_depth = %d Propagating #%d:%s minimum_block = id:%d, dominator_depth = %d Scheduling #%d:%s Schedule late of #%d:%s is id:%d at loop depth %d, minimum = id:%d hoisting #%d:%s to block id:%d inspecting uses of coupled #%d:%s input@%d into a fixed phi #%d:%s input@%d into a fixed merge #%d:%s must dominate use #%d:%s in id:%d not splitting #%d:%s, it is used in id:%d not splitting #%d:%s, its common dominator id:%d is perfect pushing #%d:%s down to id:%d cloning #%d:%s for id:%d clone #%d:%s -> #%d IrOpcode::kFinishRegion == region_end->opcode()Found SESE at #%d:%s SelectLowering--{Simplified lowering phase}-- visit #%d: %s --{Propagation phase}-- visit #%d: %s (trunc: %s) --{Type propagation phase}-- ==> output [Static type: , Feedback type: Representation inference: unsupported opcode %i (%s), node #%i .killing #%d:%s initial #%i: queue #%i?: added: inqueue: unimplemented code change: #%d:%s(@%d #%d:%s) from defer replacement #%d:%s with #%d:%s SimplifiedOperatorReduceruntagged basetagged baseSafeUnsafe[+allow-return-holenever-return-holecheck-for-minus-zerodont-check-for-minus-zeroTryMigrateInstanceNumberOrOddballDoubleElementsSmiOrObjectElementsfast-transition from slow-transition from SignedSmallSignedSmallInputsSigned32CheckBoundsCheckNumberCheckSmiCheckStringCheckedInt32ToTaggedSignedCheckedTaggedSignedToInt32CheckedTaggedToTaggedPointerCheckedTaggedToTaggedSignedCheckedUint32ToInt32CheckedUint32ToTaggedSignedRuntimeAbortCheckedFloat64ToInt32CheckedTaggedToInt32CheckedTaggedToFloat64CheckedTruncateTaggedToWord32CheckMapsMapGuardCompareMapsSpeculativeToNumberMaybeGrowFastElementsTransitionElementsKindArgumentsLength(CHECKED_WITH_FEEDBACK_OP_LIST(MAKE_OR) false)NewDoubleElementsNewSmiOrObjectElementsAllocateRawLoadFieldStoreFieldLoadElementStoreElementLoadTypedElementStoreTypedElementTransitionAndStoreElementStoreSignedSmallElementTransitionAndStoreNumberElementTransitionAndStoreNonNumberElementNotTenuredTenuredTenuredReadOnlyBooleanNotNumberEqualNumberLessThanNumberLessThanOrEqualNumberAddNumberSubtractNumberMultiplyNumberDivideNumberModulusNumberBitwiseOrNumberBitwiseXorNumberBitwiseAndNumberShiftLeftNumberShiftRightNumberShiftRightLogicalNumberImulNumberAbsNumberClz32NumberCeilNumberFloorNumberFroundNumberAcosNumberAcoshNumberAsinNumberAsinhNumberAtanNumberAtan2NumberAtanhNumberCbrtNumberCosNumberCoshNumberExpNumberExpm1NumberLogNumberLog1pNumberLog10NumberLog2NumberMaxNumberMinNumberPowNumberRoundNumberSignNumberSinNumberSinhNumberSqrtNumberTanNumberTanhNumberTruncNumberToBooleanNumberToInt32NumberToUint32NumberToUint8ClampedNumberSilenceNaNStringFromSingleCharCodeStringLengthStringToLowerCaseIntlStringToUpperCaseIntlTypeOfPlainPrimitiveToNumberPlainPrimitiveToWord32PlainPrimitiveToFloat64ChangeTaggedSignedToInt32ChangeTaggedToInt32ChangeTaggedToUint32ChangeTaggedToFloat64ChangeTaggedToTaggedSignedChangeFloat64ToTaggedPointerChangeInt31ToTaggedSignedChangeInt32ToTaggedChangeUint32ToTaggedChangeTaggedToBitChangeBitToTaggedTruncateTaggedToBitTruncateTaggedPointerToBitTruncateTaggedToWord32TruncateTaggedToFloat64ObjectIsArrayBufferViewObjectIsBigIntObjectIsCallableObjectIsConstructorObjectIsDetectableCallableObjectIsMinusZeroObjectIsNaNObjectIsNonCallableObjectIsNumberObjectIsReceiverObjectIsSmiObjectIsStringObjectIsSymbolObjectIsUndetectableNumberIsFloat64HoleObjectIsFiniteNumberObjectIsSafeIntegerObjectIsIntegerConvertTaggedHoleToUndefinedReferenceEqualNewConsStringPoisonIndexStringCharCodeAtCheckEqualsInternalizedStringCheckEqualsSymbolCheckHeapObjectCheckInternalizedStringCheckNotTaggedHoleCheckReceiverCheckSymbolCheckedInt32AddCheckedInt32DivCheckedInt32ModCheckedInt32SubCheckedUint32DivCheckedUint32ModCheckIfStringCodePointAtUTF16UTF32StringFromSingleCodePointArrayBufferWasNeuteredFindOrderedHashMapEntryForInt32KeyArgumentsFrameChangeFloat64ToTaggedCheckedInt32MulConvertReceiverNULL_OR_UNDEFINEDNOT_NULL_OR_UNDEFINEDANYCheckFloat64HoleEnsureWritableFastElementsLoadFieldByIndexSpeculativeNumberAddSpeculativeNumberSubtractSpeculativeNumberMultiplySpeculativeNumberDivideSpeculativeNumberModulusSpeculativeNumberBitwiseAndSpeculativeNumberBitwiseOrSpeculativeNumberBitwiseXorSpeculativeNumberShiftLeftSpeculativeNumberShiftRightSpeculativeNumberShiftRightLogicalSpeculativeSafeIntegerAddSpeculativeSafeIntegerSubtractSpeculativeNumberEqualSpeculativeNumberLessThanSpeculativeNumberLessThanOrEqualrest lengthnot rest lengthfast-map double-mapdouble-map, fast-mapStoreStoreElimination::Run: Eliminating node #%d:%s RedundantStoreFinder: - Revisiting: #%d:%s RedundantStoreFinder: + No change: stabilized. Not visiting effect inputs. RedundantStoreFinder: marking #%d:%s for revisit RedundantStoreFinder: #%d is StoreField[+%d,%s](#%d), unobservable RedundantStoreFinder: #%d is StoreField[+%d,%s](#%d), repeated in future but too big to optimize away RedundantStoreFinder: #%d is StoreField[+%d,%s](#%d), observable, recording in set RedundantStoreFinder: #%d is StoreField[+%d,%s](#%d), observable but too small to record RedundantStoreFinder: #%d is LoadField[+%d,%s](#%d), removing all offsets [+%d] from set RedundantStoreFinder: #%d:%s can observe nothing, set stays unchanged RedundantStoreFinder: #%d:%s might observe anything, recording empty set 0 <= offset../deps/v8/src/compiler/type-cache.h:26TypeNarrowingReducerTypedOptimizationTyperprevious.Is(current)Loop () variable bounds in additionsubtraction for phi : () Negative31NullUndefinedUnsigned30MinusZeroInternalizedStringOtherCallableOtherObjectOtherUndetectableCallableProxyOtherProxyBoundFunctionHoleOtherInternalExternalPointerSigned31Signed32OrMinusZeroSigned32OrMinusZeroOrNaNNegative32Unsigned31Unsigned32Unsigned32OrMinusZeroUnsigned32OrMinusZeroOrNaNIntegral32Integral32OrMinusZeroIntegral32OrMinusZeroOrNaNPlainNumberOrderedNumberMinusZeroOrNaNNumericUniqueNameInternalizedStringOrNullBooleanOrNumberBooleanOrNullOrNumberBooleanOrNullOrUndefinedOddballNullOrNumberNullOrUndefinedUndetectableNumberOrHoleNumericOrStringNumberOrUndefinedNumberOrUndefinedOrNullOrBooleanPlainPrimitivePrimitiveOtherUndetectableOrUndefinedArrayOrOtherObjectArrayOrProxyDetectableCallableCallableNonCallableNonCallableOrNullDetectableObjectDetectableReceiverDetectableReceiverOrNullReceiverReceiverOrUndefinedReceiverOrNullOrUndefinedSymbolOrReceiverStringOrReceiverUniqueInternalNonInternalNonNumberAnyOtherUnsigned31OtherUnsigned32OtherSigned32OtherNumberOtherString | HeapConstant(OtherNumberConstant(Range(IsOtherNumberConstant(value)ValueNumberingReducerinput_count == node->InputCount()frame_state->opcode() == IrOpcode::kFrameState || (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kFrameState && frame_state->opcode() == IrOpcode::kStart)node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kParameter || node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kProjection || value->op()->ValueOutputCount() <= 1effectcontrol(discovered_if_success) == nullptr(discovered_if_exception) == nullptr#%d:%s should be followed by IfSuccess/IfException, but is only followed by single #%d:%s2 == total_number_of_control_uses0 == input_count0 == node->op()->ValueOutputCount()0 == node->op()->EffectOutputCount()0 == node->op()->ControlOutputCount()IrOpcode::IsGraphTerminator(input->opcode())IrOpcode::kDeadValue == use->opcode()all.IsLive(use) && (use->opcode() == IrOpcode::kIfTrue || use->opcode() == IrOpcode::kIfFalse)1 == count_true1 == count_falseIrOpcode::kBranch == control->opcode()!input->op()->HasProperty(Operator::kNoThrow)all.IsLive(use)IfValueParametersOf(use->op()).value() != IfValueParametersOf(user->op()).value()Switch #%d illegally used by #%d:%s1 == count_defaultnode->op()->ControlOutputCount() == count_case + count_defaultIrOpcode::kSwitch == NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node)->opcode()control_count == input_counthas_terminateIrOpcode::kEnd == use->opcode()1 == control_count1 == effect_count2 == input_countIrOpcode::kLoop == NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node)->opcode()1 == input_countIrOpcode::kStart == start->opcode()-1 <= indexindex + 1 < start->op()->ValueOutputCount()input->op()->ValueOutputCount() > index0 == effect_count0 == control_count3 == value_countvalue_count == control->op()->ControlInputCount()input_count == 1 + value_count0 == value_counteffect_count == control->op()->ControlInputCount()input_count == 1 + effect_countnon_phi_use_found2 == control_countIrOpcode::kLoop == loop->opcode()IrOpcode::kLoopExit == loop_exit->opcode()NodeProperties::GetType(val).Is(NodeProperties::GetType(node))5 == value_count6 == input_countNodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, i)->opcode() == IrOpcode::kStateValues || NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, i)->opcode() == IrOpcode::kTypedStateValuesPropertyAccessOf(node->op()).feedback().IsValid()NamedAccessOf(node->op()).feedback().IsValid()LoadGlobalParametersOf(node->op()).feedback().IsValid()StoreGlobalParametersOf(node->op()).feedback().IsValid()StoreNamedOwnParametersOf(node->op()).feedback().IsValid()FeedbackParameterOf(node->op()).feedback().IsValid()(graph->start()) != nullptr(graph->end()) != nullptr../deps/v8/src/compiler/verifier.cc:1752Node #%d:%s has duplicate projections #%d and #%d../deps/v8/src/compiler/verifier.cc:1840count >= rpo_order->size()(*b) == schedule->GetBlockById((*b)->id())predecessor->rpo_number() >= 0predecessor == schedule->GetBlockById(predecessor->id())successor->rpo_number() >= 0successor == schedule->GetBlockById(successor->id())start == rpo_order->at(0)static_cast(b) == block->rpo_number()(dom) == nullptr(dom) != nullptrdom->rpo_number() < block->rpo_number()block->rpo_number() >= 0block == rpo_order->at(block->rpo_number())marked[rpo_order->at(b)->id().ToSize()]Block B%d is not dominated by B%dBlock B%d is not immediately dominated by B%dcontrol->opcode() == IrOpcode::kMerge || control->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoop(*b) == schedule->block(control)block == schedule->block(control)only_inputs_GraphError: node # does not produce output used by node #TypeError: node # type is not should never have a type(input @) type must intersect Node #%d:%s in B%d is not dominated by input@%d #%d:%sNode #%d:%s in B%d is not dominated by control input #%d:%sused >= 0 && length > 0 && used < lengthlength < Smi::kMaxValue / 2Code generation from strings disallowed for this contextarray_poparray_pusharray_shiftarray_splicearray_unshiftarray_entries_iteratorarray_for_each_iteratorarray_keys_iteratorarray_values_iteratorerror_functionerror_to_stringeval_error_functionglobal_eval_funglobal_proxy_functionmap_deletemap_getmap_hasmap_setfunction_has_instanceobject_value_ofobject_to_stringpromise_catchpromise_functionrange_error_functionreference_error_functionset_addset_deleteset_hassyntax_error_functiontype_error_functionuri_error_functionwasm_compile_error_functionwasm_link_error_functionwasm_runtime_error_functionweakmap_setweakset_addasync_function_await_caughtasync_function_await_uncaughtasync_function_promise_createasync_function_promise_releaseis_arraylikegenerator_next_internalmake_errormake_range_errormake_syntax_errormake_type_errormake_uri_errorobject_createobject_define_propertiesobject_define_propertyobject_get_prototype_ofobject_is_extensibleobject_is_frozenobject_is_sealedobject_keysregexp_internal_matchreflect_applyreflect_constructreflect_define_propertyreflect_delete_propertymath_floormath_pownew_promise_capabilitypromise_internal_constructoris_promisepromise_thenasync_generator_await_caughtasync_generator_await_uncaughtc:V8.WasmGeneratedCodeBytesc:V8.WasmRelocBytesc:V8.WasmLazilyCompiledFunctionsc:V8.LiftoffCompiledFunctionsc:V8.LiftoffUnsupportedFunctionsV8.GCBackgroundMarkingV8.GCBackgroundScavengerV8.GCBackgroundSweepingV8.DetachedContextAgeInGCV8.CodeCacheRejectReasonV8.ErrorsThrownPerContextV8.DebugFeatureUsageV8.GCIncrementalMarkingReasonV8.GCIncrementalMarkingSumV8.GCMarkCompactReasonV8.GCScavengeReasonV8.GCYoungGenerationHandlingV8.WasmFunctionsPerModule.asmV8.WasmFunctionsPerModule.wasmV8.ArrayBufferLargeAllocationsV8.ArrayBufferNewSizeFailuresV8.SharedArrayAllocationSizesV8.WasmFunctionSizeBytes.asmV8.WasmFunctionSizeBytes.wasmV8.WasmModuleSizeBytes.asmV8.WasmModuleSizeBytes.wasmV8.WasmMinMemPagesCount.asmV8.WasmMinMemPagesCount.wasmV8.WasmMaxMemPagesCount.wasmV8.WasmDecodeModulePeakMemoryBytes.asmV8.WasmDecodeModulePeakMemoryBytes.wasmV8.AsmWasmTranslationPeakMemoryBytesV8.WasmCompileFunctionPeakMemoryBytesV8.AsmModuleSizeBytesV8.AsmWasmTranslationThroughputV8.WasmLazyCompilationThroughputV8.CompileScript.CacheBehaviourV8.WasmMemoryAllocationResultV8.WasmAddressSpaceUsageMiBV8.WasmModuleCodeSizeMiBV8.GCCompactorV8.GCCompactorBackgroundV8.GCCompactorForegroundV8.GCFinalizeMCV8.GCFinalizeMCBackgroundV8.GCFinalizeMCForegroundV8.GCFinalizeMCReduceMemoryV8.GCFinalizeMCReduceMemoryBackgroundV8.GCFinalizeMCReduceMemoryForegroundV8.GCScavengerV8.GCScavengerBackgroundV8.GCScavengerForegroundV8.GCContextV8.GCIdleNotificationV8.GCIncrementalMarkingV8.GCIncrementalMarkingStartV8.GCIncrementalMarkingFinalizeV8.CompileMicroSecondsV8.CompileEvalMicroSecondsV8.CompileSerializeMicroSecondsV8.CompileDeserializeMicroSecondsV8.CompileScriptMicroSecondsV8.AsmWasmTranslationMicroSecondsV8.WasmLazyCompilationMicroSecondsV8.WasmExecutionTimeMicroSecondsV8.WasmDecodeModuleMicroSeconds.asmV8.WasmDecodeModuleMicroSeconds.wasmV8.WasmDecodeFunctionMicroSeconds.asmV8.WasmDecodeFunctionMicroSeconds.wasmV8.WasmCompileModuleMicroSeconds.asmV8.WasmCompileModuleMicroSeconds.wasmV8.WasmCompileFunctionMicroSeconds.asmV8.WasmCompileFunctionMicroSeconds.wasmV8.LiftoffCompileMicroSecondsV8.WasmInstantiateModuleMicroSeconds.wasmV8.WasmInstantiateModuleMicroSeconds.asmV8.CompileScriptMicroSeconds.ProduceCacheV8.CompileScriptMicroSeconds.IsolateCacheHitV8.CompileScriptMicroSeconds.ConsumeCacheV8.CompileScriptMicroSeconds.ConsumeCache.FailedV8.CompileScriptMicroSeconds.NoCache.OtherV8.CompileScriptMicroSeconds.NoCache.InlineScriptV8.CompileScriptMicroSeconds.NoCache.ScriptTooSmallV8.CompileScriptMicroSeconds.NoCache.CacheTooColdV8.CompileScriptMicroSeconds.BackgroundThreadV8.GC.ParallelTaskLatencyMicroSecondsV8.CompileLazyMicroSecondsV8.MemoryExternalFragmentationTotalV8.MemoryExternalFragmentationOldSpaceV8.MemoryExternalFragmentationCodeSpaceV8.MemoryExternalFragmentationMapSpaceV8.MemoryExternalFragmentationLoSpaceV8.MemoryHeapSampleTotalCommittedV8.MemoryHeapSampleTotalUsedV8.MemoryHeapSampleMapSpaceCommittedV8.MemoryHeapSampleCodeSpaceCommittedV8.MemoryHeapSampleMaximumCommittedV8.MemoryHeapCommittedV8.MemoryHeapUsedc:V8.GlobalHandlesc:V8.OsMemoryAllocatedc:V8.MapsNormalizedc:V8.MapsCreatedc:V8.ObjectElementsTransitionsc:V8.ObjectPropertiesToDictionaryc:V8.ObjectElementsToDictionaryc:V8.AliveAfterLastGCc:V8.ObjsSinceLastYoungc:V8.ObjsSinceLastFullc:V8.StringTableCapacityc:V8.NumberOfSymbolsc:V8.ScriptWrappersc:V8.InlinedCopiedElementsc:V8.ArgumentsAdaptorsc:V8.CompilationCacheHitsc:V8.CompilationCacheMissesc:V8.TotalEvalSizec:V8.TotalLoadSizec:V8.TotalParseSizec:V8.TotalPreparseSkippedc:V8.TotalCompileSizec:V8.TotalFullCodegenSourceSizec:V8.ContextsCreatedFromScratchc:V8.ContextsCreatedBySnapshotc:V8.PcToCodec:V8.PcToCodeCachedc:V8.StoreBufferOverflowsc:V8.CodeStubsc:V8.TotalStubsCodeSizec:V8.TotalCompiledCodeSizec:V8.GCCompactorCausedByRequestc:V8.GCCompactorCausedByPromotedDatac:V8.GCCompactorCausedByOldspaceExhaustionc:V8.GCLastResortFromJSc:V8.GCLastResortFromHandlesc:V8.ICKeyedLoadGenericSmic:V8.ICKeyedLoadGenericSymbolc:V8.ICKeyedLoadGenericSlowc:V8.ICNamedLoadGlobalStubc:V8.ICStoreNormalMissc:V8.ICStoreNormalHitc:V8.ICBinaryOpMissc:V8.ICCompareMissc:V8.ICCallMissc:V8.ICKeyedCallMissc:V8.ICStoreMissc:V8.ICKeyedStoreMissc:V8.COWArraysConvertedc:V8.ConstructedObjectsc:V8.ConstructedObjectsRuntimec:V8.MegamorphicStubCacheProbesc:V8.MegamorphicStubCacheMissesc:V8.MegamorphicStubCacheUpdatesc:V8.EnumCacheHitsc:V8.EnumCacheMissesc:V8.FastNewClosureTotalc:V8.StringAddRuntimec:V8.StringAddNativec:V8.StringAddRuntimeExtToOneBytec:V8.SubStringRuntimec:V8.SubStringNativec:V8.RegExpEntryRuntimec:V8.RegExpEntryNativec:V8.NumberToStringNativec:V8.NumberToStringRuntimec:V8.MathExpRuntimec:V8.MathLogRuntimec:V8.MathPowRuntimec:V8.StackInterruptsc:V8.RuntimeProfilerTicksc:V8.RuntimeCallsc:V8.BoundsChecksEliminatedc:V8.BoundsChecksHoistedc:V8.SoftDeoptsRequestedc:V8.SoftDeoptsInsertedc:V8.SoftDeoptsExecutedc:V8.WriteBarriersDynamicc:V8.WriteBarriersStaticc:V8.MemoryNewSpaceBytesAvailablec:V8.MemoryNewSpaceBytesCommittedc:V8.MemoryNewSpaceBytesUsedc:V8.MemoryOldSpaceBytesAvailablec:V8.MemoryOldSpaceBytesCommittedc:V8.MemoryOldSpaceBytesUsedc:V8.MemoryCodeSpaceBytesAvailablec:V8.MemoryCodeSpaceBytesCommittedc:V8.MemoryCodeSpaceBytesUsedc:V8.MemoryMapSpaceBytesAvailablec:V8.MemoryMapSpaceBytesCommittedc:V8.MemoryMapSpaceBytesUsedc:V8.MemoryLoSpaceBytesAvailablec:V8.MemoryLoSpaceBytesCommittedc:V8.MemoryLoSpaceBytesUsedc:V8.TotalBaselineCodeSizec:V8.TotalBaselineCompileCountc:V8.CountOf_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_CONS_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_CONS_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_EXTERNAL_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_EXTERNAL_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_SLICED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_SLICED_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_THIN_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_THIN_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_CONS_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_CONS_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_SLICED_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_SLICED_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_THIN_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_THIN_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_EXTERNAL_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_EXTERNAL_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_SHORT_EXTERNAL_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_SYMBOL_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_SYMBOL_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_HEAP_NUMBER_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_HEAP_NUMBER_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_BIGINT_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_BIGINT_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_ODDBALL_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_ODDBALL_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_MAP_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_MAP_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_CODE_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_CODE_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_MUTABLE_HEAP_NUMBER_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_MUTABLE_HEAP_NUMBER_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FOREIGN_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FOREIGN_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_BYTE_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_BYTE_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_BYTECODE_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_BYTECODE_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FREE_SPACE_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FREE_SPACE_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_INT8_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_INT8_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_UINT8_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_UINT8_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_INT16_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_INT16_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_UINT16_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_UINT16_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_INT32_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_INT32_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_UINT32_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_UINT32_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_FLOAT32_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_FLOAT32_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_FLOAT64_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_FLOAT64_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_UINT8_CLAMPED_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_UINT8_CLAMPED_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_BIGINT64_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_BIGINT64_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_BIGUINT64_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_BIGUINT64_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FIXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.SizeOf_FIXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_TYPEc:V8.CountOf_FEEDBACK_METADATA_TYPEc:V8.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olumnAPI_Module_EvaluateAPI_Module_InstantiateModuleAPI_NumberObject_NewAPI_NumberObject_NumberValueAPI_Object_CallAsConstructorAPI_Object_CallAsFunctionAPI_Object_CreateDataPropertyAPI_Object_DefineOwnPropertyAPI_Object_DefinePropertyAPI_Object_DeleteAPI_Object_DeletePropertyAPI_Object_ForceSetAPI_Object_GetAPI_Object_GetOwnPropertyDescriptorAPI_Object_GetOwnPropertyNamesAPI_Object_GetPropertyAttributesAPI_Object_GetPropertyNamesAPI_Object_GetRealNamedPropertyAPI_Object_GetRealNamedPropertyAttributesAPI_Object_GetRealNamedPropertyAttributesInPrototypeChainAPI_Object_GetRealNamedPropertyInPrototypeChainAPI_Object_HasAPI_Object_HasOwnPropertyAPI_Object_HasRealIndexedPropertyAPI_Object_HasRealNamedCallbackPropertyAPI_Object_HasRealNamedPropertyAPI_Object_NewAPI_Object_ObjectProtoToStringAPI_Object_SetAPI_Object_SetAccessorAPI_Object_SetIntegrityLevelAPI_Object_SetPrivateAPI_Object_SetPrototypeAPI_ObjectTemplate_NewAPI_ObjectTemplate_NewInstanceAPI_Object_ToArrayIndexAPI_Object_ToBigIntAPI_Object_ToDetailStringAPI_Object_ToInt32API_Object_ToIntegerAPI_Object_ToNumberAPI_Object_ToObjectAPI_Object_ToStringAPI_Object_ToUint32API_Persistent_NewAPI_Private_NewAPI_Promise_CatchAPI_Promise_ChainAPI_Promise_HasRejectHandlerAPI_Promise_Resolver_NewAPI_Promise_Resolver_ResolveAPI_Promise_Resolver_RejectAPI_Promise_ResultAPI_Promise_StatusAPI_Promise_ThenAPI_Proxy_NewAPI_RangeError_NewAPI_ReferenceError_NewAPI_RegExp_NewAPI_ScriptCompiler_CompileAPI_ScriptCompiler_CompileFunctionInContextAPI_ScriptCompiler_CompileUnboundAPI_Script_RunAPI_Set_AddAPI_Set_AsArrayAPI_Set_ClearAPI_Set_DeleteAPI_Set_HasAPI_Set_NewAPI_SharedArrayBuffer_NewAPI_String_ConcatAPI_String_NewExternalOneByteAPI_String_NewExternalTwoByteAPI_String_NewFromOneByteAPI_String_NewFromTwoByteAPI_String_NewFromUtf8API_StringObject_NewAPI_StringObject_StringValueAPI_String_WriteAPI_String_WriteUtf8API_Symbol_NewAPI_SymbolObject_NewAPI_SymbolObject_SymbolValueAPI_SyntaxError_NewAPI_TryCatch_StackTraceAPI_TypeError_NewAPI_Uint16Array_NewAPI_Uint32Array_NewAPI_Uint8Array_NewAPI_Uint8ClampedArray_NewAPI_UnboundScript_GetIdAPI_UnboundScript_GetLineNumberAPI_UnboundScript_GetNameAPI_UnboundScript_GetSourceMappingURLAPI_UnboundScript_GetSourceURLAPI_Value_InstanceOfAPI_Value_IntegerValueAPI_Value_Int32ValueAPI_Value_NumberValueAPI_Value_TypeOfAPI_Value_Uint32ValueAPI_ValueDeserializer_ReadHeaderAPI_ValueDeserializer_ReadValueAPI_ValueSerializer_WriteValueKeyedLoadIC_LoadIndexedInterceptorStubKeyedLoadIC_KeyedLoadSloppyArgumentsStubKeyedLoadIC_LoadElementDHKeyedLoadIC_LoadIndexedStringDHKeyedLoadIC_SlowStubKeyedStoreIC_ElementsTransitionAndStoreStubKeyedStoreIC_KeyedStoreSloppyArgumentsStubKeyedStoreIC_SlowStubKeyedStoreIC_StoreFastElementStubKeyedStoreIC_StoreElementStubStoreInArrayLiteralIC_SlowStubLoadGlobalIC_LoadScriptContextFieldLoadGlobalIC_SlowStubLoadIC_FunctionPrototypeStubLoadIC_HandlerCacheHit_AccessorLoadIC_LoadAccessorDHLoadIC_LoadAccessorFromPrototypeDHLoadIC_LoadApiGetterFromPrototypeDHLoadIC_LoadCallbackLoadIC_LoadConstantDHLoadIC_LoadConstantFromPrototypeDHLoadIC_LoadFieldDHLoadIC_LoadFieldFromPrototypeDHLoadIC_LoadGlobalDHLoadIC_LoadGlobalFromPrototypeDHLoadIC_LoadIntegerIndexedExoticDHLoadIC_LoadInterceptorDHLoadIC_LoadNonMaskingInterceptorDHLoadIC_LoadInterceptorFromPrototypeDHLoadIC_LoadNativeDataPropertyDHLoadIC_LoadNativeDataPropertyFromPrototypeDHLoadIC_LoadNonexistentDHLoadIC_LoadNormalDHLoadIC_LoadNormalFromPrototypeDHLoadIC_NonReceiverLoadIC_PremonomorphicLoadIC_SlowStubStoreGlobalIC_StoreScriptContextFieldStoreGlobalIC_SlowStubStoreIC_HandlerCacheHit_AccessorStoreIC_NonReceiverStoreIC_PremonomorphicStoreIC_SlowStubStoreIC_StoreAccessorDHStoreIC_StoreAccessorOnPrototypeDHStoreIC_StoreApiSetterOnPrototypeDHStoreIC_StoreFieldDHStoreIC_StoreGlobalDHStoreIC_StoreGlobalTransitionDHStoreIC_StoreInterceptorStubStoreIC_StoreNativeDataPropertyDHStoreIC_StoreNativeDataPropertyOnPrototypeDHStoreIC_StoreNormalDHStoreIC_StoreTransitionDHstack_top == timerRuntime Function/C++ BuiltinTimeCountTotalms %[debug-evaluate] Checking function %s for side effect. [debug-evaluate] bytecode %s may cause side effect. [debug-evaluate] API Callback '' may cause side effect. [debug-evaluate] API Interceptor may cause side effect. [debug-evaluate] API CallHandlerInfo may cause side effect. [debug-evaluate] intrinsic %s may cause side effect. [debug-evaluate] built-in %s may cause side effect. isolate_->has_pending_exception()context_->IsNativeContext()!ScopeInfo::VariableIsSynthetic(name)v8::internal::Debug::debug_context_last_step_action() >= StepInhas_suspended_generator()AbstractCode::INTERPRETED_FUNCTION == code->kind()candidate->HasBreakInfo()MakeExecutionStateMakeExceptionEventMakeCompileEventMakeAsyncTaskEventSetScriptSourcestack_modified[debug-evaluate] Function %s failed side effect check. [debug-evaluate] failed runtime side effect check. !isolate->has_scheduled_exception()raw_result->IsSharedFunctionInfo()startPositionendPositionscriptObjectscript_handle->IsScript() || script_handle->IsUndefined(isolate)Function is blocked under native codeFunction is blocked under a generator activationshared->IsSharedFunctionInfo()element->IsSmi()../deps/v8/src/debug/liveedit.cc:1190Debugger mark-up on stack is not foundStack manipulations are not supported in this architecture.Failed to found requested frameCowArrayElementsChangedCouldNotGrowElementsDivisionByZeroInstanceMigrationFailedInsufficientTypeFeedbackForCallInsufficientTypeFeedbackForConstructInsufficientTypeFeedbackForForInInsufficientTypeFeedbackForBinaryOperationInsufficientTypeFeedbackForCompareOperationInsufficientTypeFeedbackForGenericNamedAccessInsufficientTypeFeedbackForGenericKeyedAccessInsufficientTypeFeedbackForUnaryOperationLostPrecisionLostPrecisionOrNaNNoCacheNotAHeapNumberNotAJavaScriptObjectNotANumberOrOddballNotASmiNotAStringNotASymbolOutOfBoundsOverflowReceiverNotAGlobalProxySmiValueMismatchWrongCallTargetWrongEnumIndicesWrongInstanceTypeWrongMapWrongNameWrongValueNoInitialElementarray buffer was neuteredcopy-on-write array's elements changedfailed to grow elements store%_DeoptimizeNowdivision by zeroholeinstance migration failedInsufficient type feedback for callInsufficient type feedback for constructInsufficient type feedback for for-inInsufficient type feedback for binary operationInsufficient type feedback for compare operationInsufficient type feedback for generic named accessInsufficient type feedback for generic keyed accessInsufficient type feedback for unary operationlost precisionlost precision or NaNminus zerono cachenot a heap numbernot a JavaScript objectnot a Number or Oddballnot a Sminot a Stringnot a Symbolout of boundsoverflowreceiver was not a global proxyvalue mismatchwrong call targetwrong enum indiceswrong instance typewrong mapwrong namewrong valueno initial elementcode->kind() == Code::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION(isolate->deoptimizer_data()->current_) == nullptr(result) != nullptrframe->is_optimized()frame_it != translated_values.end()frame_it->kind() == TranslatedFrame::kInterpretedFunctionV8.DeoptimizeCode[deoptimize all code in all contexts] [deoptimize marked code in all contexts] unlinking code marked for deopteagersoftlazyUnsupported deopt typeid >= 0type <= kLastBailoutType(data->deopt_entry_code_[type]) != nullptr[deoptimizing (DEOPT %s): begin (opt #%d) @%d, FP to SP delta: %d, caller sp: 0x%08x] ;;; deoptimize at catch_handler_frame_index < countinvalid frame[deoptimizing (%s): end @%d => node=%d, pc=0x%08x, caller sp=0x%08x, took %0.3f ms] translating interpreted frame => bytecode_offset=%d, height=%d%s (throw)frame_index >= 0 && frame_index < output_count_(output_[frame_index]) == nullptrpadding stack parameter ------------------------- context function bytecode array bytecode offset accumulator accumulatortranslated_frame->end() == value_iterator0u == frame_writer.top_offset() translating arguments adaptor => height=%d frame_index < output_count_ - 1context (adaptor sentinel) argc !is_topmost || bailout_type_ == LAZY translating construct stub => bailout_id=%d (%s), height=%d invokecontext (construct stub sentinel) constuctor function bailout_id == BailoutId::ConstructStubCreate() || bailout_id == BailoutId::ConstructStubInvoke()new target allocated receiver subcall result !Builtins::IsLazy(builtin_name)code == kJavaScriptCallArgCountRegister.code()IsAnyTagged(type.representation())BuiltinContinuationModeIsJavaScript(mode) == has_argc translating BuiltinContinuation to %s, register param count %d, stack param count %d placeholder for exception on lazy deopt exception (from accumulator) placeholder for return result on lazy deopt context (builtin continuation sentinel) JSFunction unused frame height at deoptimization builtin JavaScript context builtin address tagged argument count %s (will be untagged by continuation) builtin register argument %s callback result Materialization [0x%08x] <- 0x%08x ; Feedback updated from deoptimization at fixed_size_above_fp + (stack_slots * kPointerSize) - CommonFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeAboveFp + outgoing_size == resulttype == EAGER || type == SOFT || type == LAZYHeap::IsImmovable(*code)(data->deopt_entry_code_[type]) == nullptrUnexpected translation typeBEGINCONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAMEARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAMEDUPLICATED_OBJECTARGUMENTS_ELEMENTSARGUMENTS_LENGTHCAPTURED_OBJECTREGISTERINT32_REGISTERUINT32_REGISTERBOOL_REGISTERFLOAT_REGISTERDOUBLE_REGISTERSTACK_SLOTINT32_STACK_SLOTUINT32_STACK_SLOTBOOL_STACK_SLOTFLOAT_STACK_SLOTDOUBLE_STACK_SLOTLITERALUPDATE_FEEDBACKarray->length() > indexindex < array->length()stack_it == frame_it->end()code->InstructionStart() <= pc && pc <= code->InstructionEnd()1U == uint32_value()unexpected caseinternal error: value missinginternal error: unexpected materialization. reading input frame %s => bytecode_offset=%d, args=%d, height=%d; inputs: reading arguments adaptor frame %s => height=%d; inputs: reading construct stub frame %s => bailout_id=%d, height=%d; inputs: reading builtin continuation frame %s reading JavaScript builtin continuation frame %s reading JavaScript builtin continuation frame with catch %sWe should never get here - unexpected deopt info.arguments elements object #%d (type = %d, length = %d)duplicated object #%darguments length field (type = %d, length = %d)captured object #%d (length = %d)0x%08x ; %s %d ; %s %u ; %s (uint)%d ; %s (bool)%e ; %s (float)%e ; %s (double)0x%08x ; [fp %c %3d] %d ; (int) [fp %c %3d] %u ; (uint) [fp %c %3d] %u ; (bool) [fp %c %3d] %e ; (float) [fp %c %3d] %e ; (double) [fp %c %d] 0x%08x ; (literal %2d) opcode == Translation::BEGINupdate_feedback_count >= 0update_feedback_count <= 1 %3i: !iterator->HasNext() || static_cast(iterator->Next()) == Translation::BEGINstatic_cast(object_index) < object_positions_.size()TranslatedValue::kFinished == slot->materialization_state()TranslatedValue::kCapturedObject == slot->kind()frame->values_[value_index].kind() == TranslatedValue::kTaggedmap->IsMap()map->IsJSObjectMap()value_index == children_init_indexlength > 0TranslatedValue::kCapturedObject != frame->values_[*value_index].kind()value.is_identical_to(isolate()->factory()->the_hole_value())value->IsNumber()TranslatedValue::kAllocated == slot->materialization_state()instance_size == slot->GetChildrenCount() * kPointerSizeTranslatedValue::kUninitialized == properties_slot->materialization_state()map->instance_size() == slot->GetChildrenCount() * kPointerSizeindex.index() >= FixedArray::kHeaderSize / kPointerSizeTranslatedValue::kUninitialized != slot->materialization_state()slot->GetChildrenCount() >= 2field_value->IsHeapNumber()field_value->IsMutableHeapNumber()kStoreTagged == marker2 == slot->GetChildrenCount()*length_value == Smi::FromInt(0)marker == kStoreTagged || i == 1!field_value->IsMutableHeapNumber()length == previously_materialized_objects->length()value_info->IsMaterializedObject()previously_materialized_objects->get(i) == *valueframes_[0].kind() == TranslatedFrame::kInterpretedFunctionframe->function() == frames_[0].front().GetRawValue()!feedback_slot_.IsInvalid()Translation::UPDATE_FEEDBACK == iterator->Next() reading FeedbackVector (slot %d) (raw_shared_info_) != nullptr 0x%08x: [top + %3d] <- 0x%08x ; %s (input #%d) caller's pc 0x%08x: [top + %3d] <- 0x%08x ; %scaller's fp %p (%s)%p <+0x%x>%08x constant%08x constant pool begin (num_const = %d)%08x jump table entry %4zu %s%p %4tx  ;; debug: deopt position, script offset '%d' ;; debug: deopt position, inlining id '%d' ;; debug: deopt reason '%s' ;; debug: deopt index %d ;; object: %s ;; external reference (%s) ;; code: wasm(%s) %s, %s, minor: %d Builtin::%s %s ;; %s ;; soft deoptimization bailout %d ;; lazy deoptimization bailout %d ;; deoptimization bailout %darray[OOB %s %s (%s length = %d, element accessed = %d) in [%s elements length not integer value in [%s elements length not a number in FixedUint8ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedInt8ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedUint16ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedInt16ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedUint32ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedInt32ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedFloat32ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedFloat64ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedUint8ClampedElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedBigUint64ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))FixedBigInt64ElementsAccessor::TryCopyElementsFastNumber( context, source, destination, length, static_cast(offset))PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTSHOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTSPACKED_ELEMENTSHOLEY_ELEMENTSPACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTSHOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTSDICTIONARY_ELEMENTSFAST_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTSSLOW_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTSFAST_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTSSLOW_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTSUINT8_ELEMENTSINT8_ELEMENTSUINT16_ELEMENTSINT16_ELEMENTSUINT32_ELEMENTSINT32_ELEMENTSFLOAT32_ELEMENTSFLOAT64_ELEMENTSUINT8_CLAMPED_ELEMENTSBIGUINT64_ELEMENTSBIGINT64_ELEMENTSunknown location (no JavaScript frames present)apply from array->length()->ToArrayIndex(&old_length)array->length()->ToArrayLength(&old_length)(index >= 0) && (index < this->length())[Handling interrupts: GC_REQUESTDEBUG_BREAKTERMINATE_EXECUTIONDEOPT_MARKED_ALLOCATION_SITESINSTALL_CODEAPI_INTERRUPTNo interrupt flags setAllowJavascriptExecution::IsAllowed(isolate)[Running deserialized script: %snative function externalizeString();native function isOneByteString();function x() { return 1; }externalizeStringFirst parameter to externalizeString() must be a string.Second parameter to externalizeString() must be a boolean.externalizeString() can't externalize twice.externalizeString() failed.isOneByteString() requires a single string argument.native function getIgnitionDispatchCounters();native function getV8Statistics();global_handlesmemory_allocatedmaps_normalizedmaps_createdelements_transitionsprops_to_dictionaryelements_to_dictionaryalive_after_last_gcobjs_since_last_youngobjs_since_last_fullstring_table_capacitynumber_of_symbolsscript_wrappersinlined_copied_elementsarguments_adaptorscompilation_cache_hitscompilation_cache_missestotal_eval_sizetotal_load_sizetotal_parse_sizetotal_preparse_skippedtotal_compile_sizetotal_full_codegen_source_sizecontexts_created_from_scratchcontexts_created_by_snapshotpc_to_codepc_to_code_cachedstore_buffer_overflowscode_stubstotal_stubs_code_sizetotal_compiled_code_sizegc_compactor_caused_by_requestgc_compactor_caused_by_promoted_datagc_compactor_caused_by_oldspace_exhaustiongc_last_resort_from_jsgc_last_resort_from_handlesic_keyed_load_generic_smiic_keyed_load_generic_symbolic_keyed_load_generic_slowic_named_load_global_stubic_store_normal_missic_store_normal_hitic_binary_op_missic_compare_missic_call_missic_keyed_call_missic_store_missic_keyed_store_misscow_arrays_convertedconstructed_objectsconstructed_objects_runtimemegamorphic_stub_cache_probesmegamorphic_stub_cache_missesmegamorphic_stub_cache_updatesenum_cache_hitsenum_cache_missesfast_new_closure_totalstring_add_runtimestring_add_nativestring_add_runtime_ext_to_one_bytesub_string_runtimesub_string_nativeregexp_entry_runtimeregexp_entry_nativenumber_to_string_nativenumber_to_string_runtimemath_exp_runtimemath_log_runtimemath_pow_runtimestack_interruptsruntime_profiler_ticksruntime_callsbounds_checks_eliminatedbounds_checks_hoistedsoft_deopts_requestedsoft_deopts_insertedsoft_deopts_executedwrite_barriers_dynamicwrite_barriers_staticnew_space_bytes_availablenew_space_bytes_committednew_space_bytes_usedold_space_bytes_availableold_space_bytes_committedold_space_bytes_usedcode_space_bytes_availablecode_space_bytes_committedcode_space_bytes_usedmap_space_bytes_availablemap_space_bytes_committedmap_space_bytes_usedlo_space_bytes_availablelo_space_bytes_committedlo_space_bytes_usedtotal_baseline_code_sizetotal_baseline_compile_counttotal_committed_bytesnew_space_live_bytesnew_space_available_bytesnew_space_commited_bytesold_space_live_bytesold_space_available_bytesold_space_commited_bytescode_space_live_bytescode_space_available_bytescode_space_commited_byteslo_space_live_byteslo_space_available_byteslo_space_commited_bytesamount_of_external_allocated_memoryreloc_info_total_sizesource_position_table_total_sizenative function triggerCheckFalse();native function triggerAssertFalse();native function triggerSlowAssertFalse();triggerCheckFalsetriggerAssertFalsetriggerSlowAssertFalse0 == strcmp(*v8::String::Utf8Value(isolate, str), "triggerSlowAssertFalse").entry>FeedbackVectorSpec::kTypeProfileSlotIndex == FeedbackVector::GetIndex(slot)InvalidLoadPropertyLoadGlobalInsideTypeofLoadGlobalNotInsideTypeofLoadKeyedStoreNamedSloppyStoreNamedStrictStoreOwnNamedStoreGlobalSloppyStoreGlobalStrictStoreKeyedSloppyStoreKeyedStrictStoreInArrayLiteralBinaryOpCompareOpStoreDataPropertyInLiteralkCreateClosureLiteralTypeProfileForIn[evicting optimizing code marked for deoptimization (%s) for feedback == *FeedbackVector::UninitializedSentinel(isolate)call_count->IsSmi()major_key == CodeStub::KeyedStoreSloppyArguments || major_key == CodeStub::StoreFastElement || major_key == CodeStub::StoreSlowElement || major_key == CodeStub::StoreInArrayLiteralSlow || major_key == CodeStub::ElementsTransitionAndStore || major_key == CodeStub::NoCachearmv8Hello, world!v8.log/tmp/__v8_gc__arm64_inst.csv--noError: unrecognized flag %s Error: missing value for flag %s of type %s Error: illegal value for flag %s of type %s To set or unset a boolean flag, use --flag or --no-flag. The remaining arguments were ignored:Try --help for options Synopsis: shell [options] [--shell] [...] d8 [options] [-e ] [--shell] [[--module] ...] -e execute a string in V8 --shell run an interactive JavaScript shell --module execute a file as a JavaScript module Options: -- type: default: experimental_extrasenable code compiled in via v8_experimental_extra_library_filesuse_strictenforce strict modees_stagingenable test-worthy harmony features (for internal use only)harmonyenable all completed harmony featuresharmony_shippingenable all shipped harmony featuresharmony_do_expressionsenable "harmony do-expressions" (in progress)harmony_class_fieldsenable "harmony fields in class literals" (in progress)harmony_static_fieldsenable "harmony static fields in class literals" (in progress)harmony_array_flattenenable "harmony Array.prototype.flat{ten,Map}" (in progress)harmony_public_fieldsenable "harmony public fields in class literals"harmony_private_fieldsenable "harmony private fields in class literals"harmony_numeric_separatorenable "harmony numeric separator between digits"harmony_string_matchallenable "harmony String.prototype.matchAll"harmony_string_trimmingenable "harmony String.prototype.trim{Start,End}"harmony_sharedarraybufferenable "harmony sharedarraybuffer"harmony_regexp_named_capturesenable "harmony regexp named captures"harmony_regexp_propertyenable "harmony Unicode regexp property classes"harmony_function_tostringenable "harmony Function.prototype.toString"harmony_promise_finallyenable "harmony Promise.prototype.finally"harmony_optional_catch_bindingenable "allow omitting binding in catch blocks"harmony_import_metaenable "harmony import.meta property"harmony_bigintenable "harmony arbitrary precision integers"harmony_dynamic_importenable "harmony dynamic import"harmony_array_prototype_valuesenable "harmony Array.prototype.values"futureImplies all staged features that we want to ship in the not-too-far futureallocation_site_pretenuringpretenure with allocation sitespage_promotionpromote pages based on utilizationpage_promotion_thresholdmin percentage of live bytes on a page to enable fast evacuationtrace_pretenuringtrace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructionstrace_pretenuring_statisticstrace allocation site pretenuring statisticstrack_fieldstrack fields with only smi valuestrack_double_fieldstrack fields with double valuestrack_heap_object_fieldstrack fields with heap valuestrack_computed_fieldstrack computed boilerplate fieldstrack_field_typestrack field typestrace_block_coveragetrace collected block coverage informationfeedback_normalizationfeed back normalization to constructorsoptimize_for_sizeEnables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speedunbox_double_arraysautomatically unbox arrays of doublesinterrupt_budgetinterrupt budget which should be used for the profiler counterignition_elide_noneffectful_bytecodeselide bytecodes which won't have any external effectignition_reouse ignition register equivalence optimizerignition_filter_expression_positionsfilter expression positions before the bytecode pipelineignition_share_named_property_feedbackshare feedback slots when loading the same named property from the same objectprint_bytecodeprint bytecode generated by ignition interpreterprint_bytecode_filterfilter for selecting which functions to print bytecodetrace_ignition_codegentrace the codegen of ignition interpreter bytecode handlerstrace_ignition_dispatchestraces the dispatches to bytecode handlers by the ignition interpretertrace_ignition_dispatches_output_filethe file to which the bytecode handler dispatch table is written (by default, the table is not written to a file)fast_mathfaster (but maybe less accurate) math functionstrace_track_allocation_sitestrace the tracking of allocation sitestrace_migrationtrace object migrationtrace_generalizationtrace map generalizationconcurrent_recompilationoptimizing hot functions asynchronously on a separate threadtrace_concurrent_recompilationtrack concurrent recompilationconcurrent_recompilation_queue_lengththe length of the concurrent compilation queueconcurrent_recompilation_delayartificial compilation delay in msblock_concurrent_recompilationblock queued jobs until releasedstress_runsnumber of stress runsdeopt_every_n_timesdeoptimize every n times a deopt point is passedprint_deopt_stressprint number of possible deopt pointsturbo_sp_frame_accessuse stack pointer-relative access to frame wherever possibleturbo_preprocess_rangesrun pre-register allocation heuristicsturbo_filteroptimization filter for TurboFan compilertrace_turbotrace generated TurboFan IRtrace_turbo_pathdirectory to dump generated TurboFan IR totrace_turbo_filterfilter for tracing turbofan compilationtrace_turbo_graphtrace generated TurboFan graphstrace_turbo_scheduledtrace TurboFan IR with scheduletrace_turbo_cfg_filetrace turbo cfg graph (for C1 visualizer) to a given file nametrace_turbo_typestrace TurboFan's typestrace_turbo_schedulertrace TurboFan's schedulertrace_turbo_reductiontrace TurboFan's various reducerstrace_turbo_trimmingtrace TurboFan's graph trimmertrace_turbo_jttrace TurboFan's jump threadingtrace_turbo_ceqtrace TurboFan's control equivalencetrace_turbo_looptrace TurboFan's loop optimizationstrace_alloctrace register allocatortrace_all_usestrace all use positionstrace_representationtrace representation typesturbo_verifyverify TurboFan graphs at each phaseturbo_verify_machine_graphverify TurboFan machine graph before instruction selectiontrace_verify_csatrace code stubs verificationcsa_trap_on_nodetrigger break point when a node with given id is created in given stub. The format is: StubName,NodeIdturbo_statsprint TurboFan statisticsturbo_stats_nvpprint TurboFan statistics in machine-readable formatturbo_splittingsplit nodes during scheduling in TurboFanfunction_context_specializationenable function context specialization in TurboFanturbo_inliningenable inlining in TurboFanmax_inlined_bytecode_sizemaximum size of bytecode for a single inliningmax_inlined_bytecode_size_cumulativemaximum cumulative size of bytecode considered for inliningmax_inlined_bytecode_size_absolutereserve_inline_budget_scale_factormax_inlined_bytecode_size_smallmaximum size of bytecode considered for small function inliningmin_inlining_frequencyminimum frequency for inliningpolymorphic_inliningpolymorphic inliningstress_inlineset high thresholds for inlining to inline as much as possibletrace_turbo_inliningtrace TurboFan inlininginline_accessorsinline JavaScript accessorsinline_into_tryinline into try blocksturbo_inline_array_builtinsinline array builtins in TurboFan codeuse_osruse on-stack replacementtrace_osrtrace on-stack replacementanalyze_environment_livenessanalyze liveness of environment slots and zap dead valuestrace_environment_livenesstrace liveness of local variable slotsturbo_load_eliminationenable load elimination in TurboFantrace_turbo_load_eliminationtrace TurboFan load eliminationturbo_profilingenable profiling in TurboFanturbo_verify_allocationverify register allocation in TurboFanturbo_move_optimizationoptimize gap moves in TurboFanturbo_jtenable jump threading in TurboFanturbo_loop_peelingTurbofan loop peelingturbo_loop_variableTurbofan loop variable optimizationturbo_cf_optimizationoptimize control flow in TurboFanturbo_escapeenable escape analysisturbo_allocation_foldingTurbofan allocation foldingturbo_instruction_schedulingenable instruction scheduling in TurboFanturbo_stress_instruction_schedulingrandomly schedule instructions to stress dependency trackingturbo_store_eliminationenable store-store elimination in TurboFantrace_store_eliminationtrace store eliminationturbo_rewrite_far_jumpsrewrite far to near jumps (ia32,x64)experimental_inline_promise_constructorinline the Promise constructor in TurboFanuntrusted_code_mitigationsEnable mitigations for executing untrusted codebranch_load_poisoningMask loads with branch conditions.minimalsimplifies execution model to make porting easier (e.g. always use Ignition, never optimize)expose_wasmexpose wasm interface to JavaScriptassume_asmjs_originforce wasm decoder to assume input is internal asm-wasm formatwasm_disable_structured_cloningdisable wasm structured cloningwasm_num_compilation_tasksnumber of parallel compilation tasks for wasmwasm_write_protect_code_memorywrite protect code memory on the wasm native heapwasm_trace_serializationtrace serialization/deserializationwasm_async_compilationenable actual asynchronous compilation for WebAssembly.compilewasm_test_streaminguse streaming compilation instead of async compilation for testswasm_max_mem_pagesmaximum memory size of a wasm instancewasm_max_table_sizemaximum table size of a wasm instancewasm_tier_upenable basic tiering up to the optimizing compilertrace_wasm_ast_startstart function for wasm AST trace (inclusive)trace_wasm_ast_endend function for wasm AST trace (exclusive)liftoffenable liftoff, the experimental wasm baseline compilerskip_compiling_wasm_funcsstart compiling at function Nwasm_trace_memoryprint all memory updates performed in wasm codevalidate_asmvalidate asm.js modules before compilingsuppress_asm_messagesdon't emit asm.js related messages (for golden file testing)trace_asm_timelog asm.js timing info to the consoletrace_asm_scannerlog tokens encountered by asm.js scannertrace_asm_parserverbose logging of asm.js parse failuresstress_validate_asmtry to validate everything as asm.jsdump_wasm_module_pathdirectory to dump wasm modules toexperimental_wasm_simdenable prototype simd opcodes for wasmexperimental_wasm_ehenable prototype exception handling opcodes for wasmexperimental_wasm_mvenable prototype multi-value support for wasmexperimental_wasm_threadsenable prototype threads for wasmexperimental_wasm_sat_f2i_conversionsenable non-trapping float-to-int conversions for wasmexperimental_wasm_seenable prototype sign extension opcodes for wasmexperimental_wasm_anyrefenable prototype anyref support for wasmexperimental_wasm_mut_globalenable prototype import/export mutable global support for wasmwasm_optenable wasm optimizationwasm_no_bounds_checksdisable bounds checks (performance testing only)wasm_no_stack_checksdisable stack checks (performance testing only)wasm_trap_handleruse signal handlers to catch out of bounds memory access in wasm (currently Linux x86_64 only)wasm_fuzzer_gen_testGenerate a test case when running a wasm fuzzerprint_wasm_codePrint WebAssembly codewasm_interpret_allExecute all wasm code in the wasm interpreterasm_wasm_lazy_compilationenable lazy compilation for asm-wasm moduleswasm_lazy_compilationenable lazy compilation for all wasm modulesframe_countnumber of stack frames inspected by the profilertype_info_thresholdpercentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimizationstress_sampling_allocation_profilerEnables sampling allocation profiler with X as a sample intervalmin_semi_space_sizemin size of a semi-space (in MBytes), the new space consists of two semi-spacesmax_semi_space_sizemax size of a semi-space (in MBytes), the new space consists of two semi-spacessemi_space_growth_factorfactor by which to grow the new spaceexperimental_new_space_growth_heuristicGrow the new space based on the percentage of survivors instead of their absolute value.max_old_space_sizemax size of the old space (in Mbytes)initial_old_space_sizeinitial old space size (in Mbytes)gc_globalalways perform global GCsrandom_gc_intervalCollect garbage after random(0, X) allocations. It overrides gc_interval.gc_intervalgarbage collect after allocationsretain_maps_for_n_gckeeps maps alive for old space garbage collectionstrace_gcprint one trace line following each garbage collectiontrace_gc_nvpprint one detailed trace line in name=value format after each garbage collectiontrace_gc_ignore_scavengerdo not print trace line after scavenger collectiontrace_idle_notificationprint one trace line following each idle notificationtrace_idle_notification_verboseprints the heap state used by the idle notificationtrace_gc_verboseprint more details following each garbage collectiontrace_allocation_stack_intervalprint stack trace after free-list allocationstrace_duplicate_threshold_kbprint duplicate objects in the heap if their size is more than given thresholdtrace_fragmentationreport fragmentation for old spacetrace_fragmentation_verbosereport fragmentation for old space (detailed)trace_evacuationreport evacuation statisticstrace_mutator_utilizationprint mutator utilization, allocation speed, gc speedincremental_markinguse incremental markingincremental_marking_wrappersuse incremental marking for marking wrapperstrace_unmapperTrace the unmappingparallel_scavengeparallel scavengetrace_parallel_scavengetrace parallel scavengewrite_protect_code_memorywrite protect code memoryconcurrent_markinguse concurrent markingparallel_markinguse parallel marking in atomic pausetrace_concurrent_markingtrace concurrent markingblack_allocationuse black allocationconcurrent_store_bufferuse concurrent store buffer processingconcurrent_sweepinguse concurrent sweepingparallel_compactionuse parallel compactionparallel_pointer_updateuse parallel pointer update during compactiondetect_ineffective_gcs_near_heap_limittrigger out-of-memory failure to avoid GC storm near heap limittrace_incremental_markingtrace progress of the incremental markingtrace_stress_markingtrace stress marking progresstrace_stress_scavengetrace stress scavenge progresstrack_gc_object_statstrack object counts and memory usagetrace_gc_object_statstrace object counts and memory usagetrace_zone_statstrace zone memory usagetrack_retaining_pathenable support for tracking retaining pathconcurrent_array_buffer_freeingfree array buffer allocations on a background threadgc_statsUsed by tracing internally to enable gc statisticstrack_detached_contextstrack native contexts that are expected to be garbage collectedtrace_detached_contextstrace native contexts that are expected to be garbage collectedmove_object_startenable moving of object startsmemory_reduceruse memory reducerheap_growing_percentspecifies heap growing factor as (1 + heap_growing_percent/100)v8_os_page_sizeoverride OS page size (in KBytes)always_compactPerform compaction on every full GCnever_compactNever perform compaction on full GC - testing onlycompact_code_spaceCompact code space on full collectionsuse_marking_progress_barUse a progress bar to scan large objects in increments when incremental marking is active.force_marking_deque_overflowsforce overflows of marking deque by reducing it's size to 64 wordsstress_compactionstress the GC compactor to flush out bugs (implies --force_marking_deque_overflows)stress_compaction_randomStress GC compaction by selecting random percent of pages as evacuation candidates. It overrides stress_compaction.stress_incremental_markingforce incremental marking for small heaps and run it more oftenfuzzer_gc_analysisprints number of allocations and enables analysis mode for gc fuzz testing, e.g. --stress-marking, --stress-scavengestress_markingforce marking at random points between 0 and X (inclusive) percent of the regular marking start limitstress_scavengeforce scavenge at random points between 0 and X (inclusive) percent of the new space capacitydisable_abortjsdisables AbortJS runtime functionmanual_evacuation_candidates_selectionTest mode only flag. It allows an unit test to select evacuation candidates pages (requires --stress_compaction).fast_promotion_new_spacefast promote new space on high survival ratesdebug_codegenerate extra code (assertions) for debuggingcode_commentsemit comments in code disassembly; for more readable source positions you should add --no-concurrent_recompilationenable_sse3enable use of SSE3 instructions if availableenable_ssse3enable use of SSSE3 instructions if availableenable_sse4_1enable use of SSE4.1 instructions if availableenable_sahfenable use of SAHF instruction if available (X64 only)enable_avxenable use of AVX instructions if availableenable_fma3enable use of FMA3 instructions if availableenable_bmi1enable use of BMI1 instructions if availableenable_bmi2enable use of BMI2 instructions if availableenable_lzcntenable use of LZCNT instruction if availableenable_popcntenable use of POPCNT instruction if availablearm_archgenerate instructions for the selected ARM architecture if available: armv6, armv7, armv7+sudiv or armv8enable_vldr_immenable use of constant pools for double immediate (ARM only)force_long_branchesforce all emitted branches to be in long mode (MIPS/PPC only)mcpuenable optimization for specific cpuenable_armv7deprecated (use --arm_arch instead)enable_vfp3enable_32dregsenable_neonenable_sudivenable_armv8enable_regexp_unaligned_accessesenable unaligned accesses for the regexp enginescript_streamingenable parsing on backgrounddisable_old_api_accessorsDisable old-style API accessors whose setters trigger through the prototype chainexpose_natives_asexpose natives in global objectexpose_free_bufferexpose freeBuffer extensionexpose_gcexpose gc extensionexpose_gc_asexpose gc extension under the specified nameexpose_externalize_stringexpose externalize string extensionexpose_trigger_failureexpose trigger-failure extensionstack_trace_limitnumber of stack frames to capturebuiltins_in_stack_tracesshow built-in functions in stack tracesenable_experimental_builtinsenable new csa-based experimental builtinsdisallow_code_generation_from_stringsdisallow eval and friendsallow_unsafe_function_constructorallow invoking the function constructor without security checksforce_slow_pathalways take the slow path for builtinsinline_newuse fast inline allocationtrace function callsuse lazy compilationtrace_opttrace lazy optimizationtrace_opt_verboseextra verbose compilation tracingtrace_opt_statstrace lazy optimization statisticstrace_deopttrace optimize function deoptimizationtrace_file_namesinclude file names in trace-opt/trace-deopt outputtrace_interruptstrace interrupts when they are handledoptuse adaptive optimizationsalways_optalways try to optimize functionsalways_osralways try to OSR functionsprepare_always_optprepare for turning on always opttrace_serializerprint code serializer tracecompilation_cacheenable compilation cachecache_prototype_transitionscache prototype transitionscompiler_dispatcherenable compiler dispatchertrace_compiler_dispatchertrace compiler dispatcher activitytrace_compiler_dispatcher_jobstrace progress of individual jobs managed by the compiler dispatchercpu_profiler_sampling_intervalCPU profiler sampling interval in microsecondstrace_js_array_abusetrace out-of-bounds accesses to JS arraystrace_external_array_abusetrace out-of-bounds-accesses to external arraystrace_array_abusetrace out-of-bounds accesses to all arraysenable_liveeditenable liveedit experimental featuretrace_side_effect_free_debug_evaluateprint debug messages for side-effect-free debug-evaluate for testinghard_abortabort by crashingexpose_inspector_scriptsexpose injected-script-source.js for debuggingstack_sizedefault size of stack region v8 is allowed to use (in kBytes)max_stack_trace_source_lengthmaximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace.clear_exceptions_on_js_entryclear pending exceptions when entering JavaScripthistogram_intervaltime interval in ms for aggregating memory histogramsheap_profiler_trace_objectsDump heap object allocations/movements/size_updatesheap_profiler_use_embedder_graphUse the new EmbedderGraph API to get embedder nodesheap_snapshot_string_limittruncate strings to this length in the heap snapshotsampling_heap_profiler_suppress_randomnessUse constant sample intervals to eliminate test flakinessuse_idle_notificationUse idle notification to reduce memory footprint.use_icuse inline cachingtrace_ictrace inline cache state transitions for tools/ic-processoric_statsinline cache state transitions statisticsnative_code_countersgenerate extra code for manipulating stats countersthin_stringsEnable ThinString supporttrace_prototype_usersTrace updates to prototype user trackinguse_verbose_printerallows verbose printingtrace_for_in_enumerateTrace for-in enumerate slow-pathstrace_mapstrace map creationtrace_maps_detailsalso log map detailsallow_natives_syntaxallow natives syntaxlazy_inner_functionsenable lazy parsing inner functionsaggressive_lazy_inner_functionseven lazier inner function parsingpreparser_scope_analysisperform scope analysis for preparsed inner functionstrace_simTrace simulator executiondebug_simEnable debugging the simulatorcheck_icacheCheck icache flushes in ARM and MIPS simulatorstop_sim_atSimulator stop after x number of instructionssim_stack_alignmentStack alingment in bytes in simulator (4 or 8, 8 is default)sim_stack_sizeStack size of the ARM64, MIPS64 and PPC64 simulator in kBytes (default is 2 MB)log_colourWhen logging, try to use coloured output.ignore_asm_unimplemented_breakDon't break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros.trace_sim_messagesTrace simulator debug messages. Implied by --trace-sim.stack_trace_on_illegalprint stack trace when an illegal exception is thrownabort_on_uncaught_exceptionabort program (dump core) when an uncaught exception is thrownabort_on_stack_or_string_length_overflowAbort program when the stack overflows or a string exceeds maximum length (as opposed to throwing RangeError). This is useful for fuzzing where the spec behaviour would introduce nondeterminism.randomize_hashesrandomize hashes to avoid predictable hash collisions (with snapshots this option cannot override the baked-in seed)rehash_snapshotrehash strings from the snapshot to override the baked-in seedhash_seedFixed seed to use to hash property keys (0 means random)(with snapshots this option cannot override the baked-in seed)random_seedDefault seed for initializing random generator (0, the default, means to use system random).fuzzer_random_seedDefault seed for initializing fuzzer random generator (0, the default, means to use v8's random number generator seed).trace_railtrace RAIL modeprint_all_exceptionsprint exception object and stack trace on each thrown exceptionruntime_call_statsreport runtime call counts and timesruntime_statsinternal usage only for controlling runtime statisticslazy_deserializationDeserialize code lazily from the snapshot.lazy_handler_deserializationDeserialize bytecode handlers lazily from the snapshot.trace_lazy_deserializationTrace lazy deserialization.profile_deserializationPrint the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot.serialization_statisticsCollect statistics on serialized objects.regexp_optimizationgenerate optimized regexp coderegexp_mode_modifiersenable inline flags in regexp.testing_bool_flagtesting_maybe_bool_flagtesting_int_flagtesting_float_flagfloat-flagtesting_string_flagstring-flagtesting_prng_seedSeed used for threading test randomnessembedded_srcPath for the generated embedded data file. (mksnapshot only)embedded_variantLabel to disambiguate symbols in embedded data file. (mksnapshot only)startup_srcWrite V8 startup as C++ src. (mksnapshot only)startup_blobWrite V8 startup blob file. (mksnapshot only)helpPrint usage message, including flags, on consoledump_countersDump counters on exitdump_counters_nvpDump counters as name-value pairs on exituse_external_stringsUse external strings for source codemap_countersMap counters to a filejs_argumentsPass all remaining arguments to the script. Alias for "--".Minimal logging (no API, code, GC, suspect, or handles samples).log_allLog all events to the log file.log_apiLog API events to the log file.log_codeLog code events to the log file without profiling.log_handlesLog global handle events.log_suspectLog suspect operations.log_source_codeLog source code.log_function_eventsLog function events (parse, compile, execute) separately.profLog statistical profiling information (implies --log-code).detailed_line_infoAlways generate detailed line information for CPU profiling.prof_sampling_intervalInterval for --prof samples (in microseconds).prof_cppLike --prof, but ignore generated code.prof_browser_modeUsed with --prof, turns on browser-compatible mode for profiling.logfileSpecify the name of the log file.logfile_per_isolateSeparate log files for each isolate.ll_profEnable low-level linux profiler.interpreted_frames_native_stackShow interpreted frames on the native stack (useful for external profilers).perf_basic_profEnable perf linux profiler (basic support).perf_basic_prof_only_functionsOnly report function code ranges to perf (i.e. no stubs).perf_profEnable perf linux profiler (experimental annotate support).perf_prof_unwinding_infoEnable unwinding info for perf linux profiler (experimental).gc_fake_mmapSpecify the name of the file for fake gc mmap used in ll_proflog_internal_timer_eventsTime internal events.log_timer_eventsTime events including external callbacks.log_instruction_statsLog AArch64 instruction statistics.log_instruction_fileAArch64 instruction statistics log file.log_instruction_periodAArch64 instruction statistics logging period.redirect_code_tracesoutput deopt information and disassembly into file code--.asmredirect_code_traces_tooutput deopt information and disassembly into the given fileprint_opt_sourceprint source code of optimized and inlined functionstrace_elements_transitionstrace elements transitionstrace_creation_allocation_sitestrace the creation of allocation sitesprint_code_stubsprint code stubstest_secondary_stub_cachetest secondary stub cache by disabling the primary onetest_primary_stub_cachetest primary stub cache by disabling the secondary onetest_small_max_function_context_stub_sizeenable testing the function context size overflow path by making the maximum size smallerprint_codeprint generated codeprint_opt_codeprint optimized codeprint_opt_code_filterfilter for printing optimized codeprint_code_verboseprint more information for codeprint_builtin_codeprint generated code for builtinsprint_builtin_sizeprint code size for builtinssodiumprint generated code output suitable for use with the Sodium code viewerprint_all_codeenable all flags related to printing codepredictableenable predictable modesingle_threadeddisable the use of background taskssingle_threaded_gcdisable the use of background gc tasksunsetnullptrn < static_cast(buffer_size)boolmaybe_boolintuintuint64floatsize_tstringargumentsError: Value for flag %s of type %s is out of bounds [0-%llu] [pc: %p] builtin exit frame: new (this=%o,%o) ~+%d at %s:%d at :%d at :(this=isolate()->heap()->the_hole_value() == Memory::Object_at(exception_argument_slot)Missing deoptimization information for OptimizedFrame::Summarize.builtin frame: WASM [], function #%u ('%s'), pc=%p, pos=%d WASM INTERPRETER ENTRY [ [%p]:%d] [bytecode=%p offset=%d]:~%d] [pc=%p]%o { // optimized frame } // stack-allocated locals var // no expression found - inconsistent frame? // heap-allocated locals // warning: missing context slot - inconsistent frame?// warning: no context found - inconsistent frame? // expression stack (top to bottom) [%02d] : %o } arguments adaptor frame: %d->%d // actual arguments [%02d] : %o // not passed to callee%5d: [%d]: EntryFrameConstructEntryFrameExitFrameOptimizedFrameWasmCompiledFrameWasmToJsFrameJsToWasmFrameWasmInterpreterEntryFrameCWasmEntryFrameInterpretedFrameStubFrameBuiltinContinuationFrameJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationFrameJavaScriptBuiltinContinuationWithCatchFrameInternalFrameConstructFrameArgumentsAdaptorFrameBuiltinFrameBuiltinExitFrameNativeFrame--------- s o u r c e c o d e --------- ----------------------------------------- Handle not reset in first callback. See comments on |v8::WeakCallbackInfo|.object_ != reinterpret_cast(kGlobalHandleZapValue)state() != NEAR_DEATHV8.GCPhantomHandleProcessingCallback;;; Exception handler table. from to hdlr (prediction, data) ) -> (prediction=, data= off hdlr -> v8::HandleScope::CreateHandle()Cannot create a handle without a HandleScope../deps/v8/src/handles.cc:131invalid array lengthself_reference_markercapacity <= SmallOrderedHashSet::kMaxCapacitycapacity <= SmallOrderedHashMap::kMaxCapacityString::kMaxLength >= lengthString::kMaxLength >= str.length()byte_length <= kMaxInt - FixedTypedArrayBase::kDataOffsetmap->instance_type() == JS_REGEXP_TYPE || map->instance_type() == JS_OBJECT_TYPE || map->instance_type() == JS_ERROR_TYPE || map->instance_type() == JS_ARRAY_TYPE || map->instance_type() == JS_API_OBJECT_TYPE || map->instance_type() == WASM_GLOBAL_TYPE || map->instance_type() == WASM_INSTANCE_TYPE || map->instance_type() == WASM_MEMORY_TYPE || map->instance_type() == WASM_MODULE_TYPE || map->instance_type() == WASM_TABLE_TYPE || map->instance_type() == JS_SPECIAL_API_OBJECT_TYPEinvalid BigInt lengthAborting on invalid string lengthnew function from shared function infoObjectWithNullProtobyte_offset % element_size == 0length <= (std::numeric_limits::max() / element_size)length <= static_cast(Smi::kMaxValue)number_of_elements <= (std::numeric_limits::max() / element_size)number_of_elements <= static_cast(Smi::kMaxValue)CopyAsPrototypeForJSGlobalProxy!object->IsSmi()0 == value & (kPointerSize - 1)static_cast(id) < 2560 <= stack_slots && stack_slots < StackSlotsField::kMaxGC in old space requestedGC in old space forced by flagsIncremental marking needs finalizationscavenge might not succeedMemory allocator, used: %6zu KB, available: %6zu KB Read-only space, used: %6zu KB, available: %6zu KB, committed: %6zu KB New space, used: %6zu KB, available: %6zu KB, committed: %6zu KB Old space, used: %6zu KB, available: %6zu KB, committed: %6zu KB Code space, used: %6zu KB, available: %6zu KB, committed: %6zuKB Map space, used: %6zu KB, available: %6zu KB, committed: %6zu KB Large object space, used: %6zu KB, available: %6zu KB, committed: %6zu KB All spaces, used: %6zu KB, available: %6zu KB, committed: %6zuKB External memory reported: %6lld KB External memory global %zu KB Total time spent in GC : %.1f ms Retaining path tracking requires --track-retaining-path ################################################# Retaining path for %p: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Distance from root %d%s: (ephemeral)Root: %s ------------------------------------------------- disabled-by-default-v8.gcnew_spaceold_spacemap_spacecode_spacelarge_object_spaceread_only_spacepretenuring: deopt_maybe_tenured=%d visited_sites=%d active_sites=%d mementos=%d tenured=%d not_tenured=%d [IncrementalMarking] (%s). [IncrementalMarking] Scavenge during marking. insufficient memory to create an IsolateCommitting semi space failed.markcompactbeginendscavengeNewSpace::RebalanceFast promotion mode: %s survival rate: %zu%% memory_allocator()->IsMemoryChunkExecutable(*chunk)Deopt all allocation sites dependent code due to low survival rate in the old generation %f (object) != nullptrYoung generation mutator utilization = %.3f (mutator_speed=%.f, gc_speed=%.f) Old generation mutator utilization = %.3f (mutator_speed=%.f, gc_speed=%.f) Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limitIdle notification: requested idle time %.2f ms, used idle time %.2f ms, deadline usage %.2f ms [HasBeenSetUp()near_heap_limit_callbacks_.size() < kMaxCallbackscallback_data.first != callbackHeap::CollectCodeStatisticsallocation failureallocation limitcontext disposalcounters extensiondebuggerdeserializeexternal memory pressurefinalize incremental marking via stack guardfinalize incremental marking via taskfull hash-tableheap profileridle tasklast resortlow memory notificationmake heap iterablememory pressurememory reducerruntimesampling profilersnapshot creatorMin semi-space size cannot be more than the maximum semi-space size of %zu MB Cannot get stack trace in GC.1.0 < factor0 < old_gen_sizeHeap growing factor %.1f based on mu=%.3f, speed_ratio=%.f (gc=%.f, mutator=%.f) Grow: old size: %zu KB, new limit: %zu KB (%.1f) Dampen: old size: %zu KB, old limit: %zu KB, new limit: %zu KB (%.1f) [IncrementalMarking] %.2lf%% of the memory limit reached CALL_AND_RETRY_LASTheap-capacityheap-available ### Allocations = %u, hash = 0x%08x ### Maximum marking limit reached = %.02lf ### Maximum new space size reached = %.02lf INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEEXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEEXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPEEXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPESHORT_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPESHORT_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPESHORT_EXTERNAL_INTERNALIZED_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPESTRING_TYPECONS_STRING_TYPEEXTERNAL_STRING_TYPESLICED_STRING_TYPETHIN_STRING_TYPEONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPECONS_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEEXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPESLICED_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPETHIN_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPEEXTERNAL_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPESHORT_EXTERNAL_STRING_TYPESHORT_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPESHORT_EXTERNAL_STRING_WITH_ONE_BYTE_DATA_TYPESYMBOL_TYPEHEAP_NUMBER_TYPEBIGINT_TYPEODDBALL_TYPEMAP_TYPECODE_TYPEMUTABLE_HEAP_NUMBER_TYPEFOREIGN_TYPEBYTE_ARRAY_TYPEBYTECODE_ARRAY_TYPEFREE_SPACE_TYPEFIXED_INT8_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_UINT8_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_INT16_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_UINT16_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_INT32_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_UINT32_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_FLOAT32_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_FLOAT64_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_UINT8_CLAMPED_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_BIGINT64_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_BIGUINT64_ARRAY_TYPEFIXED_DOUBLE_ARRAY_TYPEFEEDBACK_METADATA_TYPEFILLER_TYPEACCESS_CHECK_INFO_TYPEACCESSOR_INFO_TYPEACCESSOR_PAIR_TYPEALIASED_ARGUMENTS_ENTRY_TYPEALLOCATION_MEMENTO_TYPEALLOCATION_SITE_TYPEASYNC_GENERATOR_REQUEST_TYPEDEBUG_INFO_TYPEFUNCTION_TEMPLATE_INFO_TYPEINTERCEPTOR_INFO_TYPEINTERPRETER_DATA_TYPEMODULE_INFO_ENTRY_TYPEMODULE_TYPEOBJECT_TEMPLATE_INFO_TYPEPROMISE_CAPABILITY_TYPEPROMISE_REACTION_TYPEPROTOTYPE_INFO_TYPESCRIPT_TYPESTACK_FRAME_INFO_TYPETUPLE2_TYPETUPLE3_TYPEWASM_COMPILED_MODULE_TYPEWASM_DEBUG_INFO_TYPEWASM_EXPORTED_FUNCTION_DATA_TYPEWASM_SHARED_MODULE_DATA_TYPECALLABLE_TASK_TYPECALLBACK_TASK_TYPEPROMISE_FULFILL_REACTION_JOB_TASK_TYPEPROMISE_REJECT_REACTION_JOB_TASK_TYPEPROMISE_RESOLVE_THENABLE_JOB_TASK_TYPEFIXED_ARRAY_TYPEBOILERPLATE_DESCRIPTION_TYPEDESCRIPTOR_ARRAY_TYPEHASH_TABLE_TYPESCOPE_INFO_TYPEBLOCK_CONTEXT_TYPECATCH_CONTEXT_TYPEDEBUG_EVALUATE_CONTEXT_TYPEEVAL_CONTEXT_TYPEFUNCTION_CONTEXT_TYPEMODULE_CONTEXT_TYPENATIVE_CONTEXT_TYPESCRIPT_CONTEXT_TYPEWITH_CONTEXT_TYPEWEAK_FIXED_ARRAY_TYPETRANSITION_ARRAY_TYPECALL_HANDLER_INFO_TYPECELL_TYPECODE_DATA_CONTAINER_TYPEFEEDBACK_CELL_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_TYPELOAD_HANDLER_TYPEPROPERTY_ARRAY_TYPEPROPERTY_CELL_TYPESHARED_FUNCTION_INFO_TYPESMALL_ORDERED_HASH_MAP_TYPESMALL_ORDERED_HASH_SET_TYPESTORE_HANDLER_TYPEWEAK_CELL_TYPEWEAK_ARRAY_LIST_TYPEJS_PROXY_TYPEJS_GLOBAL_OBJECT_TYPEJS_GLOBAL_PROXY_TYPEJS_MODULE_NAMESPACE_TYPEJS_SPECIAL_API_OBJECT_TYPEJS_VALUE_TYPEJS_API_OBJECT_TYPEJS_OBJECT_TYPEJS_ARGUMENTS_TYPEJS_ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPEJS_ARRAY_ITERATOR_TYPEJS_ARRAY_TYPEJS_ASYNC_FROM_SYNC_ITERATOR_TYPEJS_ASYNC_GENERATOR_OBJECT_TYPEJS_CONTEXT_EXTENSION_OBJECT_TYPEJS_DATE_TYPEJS_ERROR_TYPEJS_GENERATOR_OBJECT_TYPEJS_MAP_TYPEJS_MAP_KEY_ITERATOR_TYPEJS_MESSAGE_OBJECT_TYPEJS_PROMISE_TYPEJS_REGEXP_TYPEJS_REGEXP_STRING_ITERATOR_TYPEJS_SET_TYPEJS_SET_VALUE_ITERATOR_TYPEJS_STRING_ITERATOR_TYPEJS_WEAK_MAP_TYPEJS_WEAK_SET_TYPEJS_TYPED_ARRAY_TYPEJS_DATA_VIEW_TYPEWASM_GLOBAL_TYPEWASM_INSTANCE_TYPEWASM_MEMORY_TYPEWASM_MODULE_TYPEWASM_TABLE_TYPEJS_BOUND_FUNCTION_TYPEJS_FUNCTION_TYPEOPTIMIZED_FUNCTIONBYTECODE_HANDLERSTUBBUILTINREGEXPWASM_FUNCTIONWASM_TO_JS_FUNCTIONJS_TO_WASM_FUNCTIONWASM_INTERPRETER_ENTRYC_WASM_ENTRYBOILERPLATE_ELEMENTS_TYPEBOILERPLATE_PROPERTY_ARRAY_TYPEBOILERPLATE_PROPERTY_DICTIONARY_TYPEBYTECODE_ARRAY_CONSTANT_POOL_TYPEBYTECODE_ARRAY_HANDLER_TABLE_TYPECODE_STUBS_TABLE_TYPECOW_ARRAY_TYPEDEOPTIMIZATION_DATA_TYPEDEPENDENT_CODE_TYPEELEMENTS_TYPEEMBEDDED_OBJECT_TYPEENUM_CACHE_TYPEENUM_INDICES_CACHE_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_ENTRY_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_HEADER_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_SLOT_CALL_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_SLOT_CALL_UNUSED_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_SLOT_ENUM_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_SLOT_LOAD_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_SLOT_LOAD_UNUSED_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_SLOT_OTHER_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_SLOT_STORE_TYPEFEEDBACK_VECTOR_SLOT_STORE_UNUSED_TYPEFUNCTION_TEMPLATE_INFO_ENTRIES_TYPEGLOBAL_ELEMENTS_TYPEGLOBAL_PROPERTIES_TYPEJS_ARRAY_BOILERPLATE_TYPEJS_COLLETION_TABLE_TYPEJS_OBJECT_BOILERPLATE_TYPENOSCRIPT_SHARED_FUNCTION_INFOS_TYPENUMBER_STRING_CACHE_TYPEOBJECT_PROPERTY_DICTIONARY_TYPEOBJECT_TO_CODE_TYPEOPTIMIZED_CODE_LITERALS_TYPEOTHER_CONTEXT_TYPEPROTOTYPE_USERS_TYPEREGEXP_MULTIPLE_CACHE_TYPERETAINED_MAPS_TYPESCRIPT_LIST_TYPESCRIPT_SHARED_FUNCTION_INFOS_TYPESCRIPT_SOURCE_EXTERNAL_TYPESCRIPT_SOURCE_NON_EXTERNAL_TYPESERIALIZED_OBJECTS_TYPESINGLE_CHARACTER_STRING_CACHE_TYPESTRING_SPLIT_CACHE_TYPESTRING_TABLE_TYPEUNCOMPILED_JS_FUNCTION_TYPEUNCOMPILED_SHARED_FUNCTION_INFO_TYPEWEAK_NEW_SPACE_OBJECT_TO_CODE_TYPENEW_SPACEOLD_SPACECODE_SPACEMAP_SPACELO_SPACERO_SPACEobject->GetIsolate()->heap()->Contains(object)object->map()->IsMap()(*current)->IsSmi()pretenuring: AllocationSite(%p): (created, found, ratio) (%d, %d, %f) %s => %s %d duplicates of size %d each (%dKB) Sample object: ============================ end_offset <= 1 << kPageSizeBitsscavenge[%p]: time=%.2f copied=%zu promoted=%zu state_.TrySetValue(kProcessing, kFinished)HandleScope::kCheckHandleThreshold > handle_count_IsGlobalEmpty()V8.Task[IncrementalMarking] Start (%s): old generation %dMB, limit %dMB, slack %dMB [IncrementalMarking] Start sweeping. [IncrementalMarking] Start delayed - serializer [IncrementalMarking] Start marking [IncrementalMarking] Running [IncrementalMarking] Black allocation started [IncrementalMarking] Black allocation paused [IncrementalMarking] Black allocation finished [IncrementalMarking] Black allocation aborted [IncrementalMarking] Finalize incrementally spent %.1f ms. [IncrementalMarking] Hurry [IncrementalMarking] Complete (hurry), spent %d ms. [IncrementalMarking] Stopping: old generation %dMB, limit %dMB, overshoot %dMB [IncrementalMarking] requesting finalization of incremental marking. [IncrementalMarking] Complete (normal). [IncrementalMarking] Step %s %zuKB (%zuKB) in %.1f in v8in taskConcurrently marked %zuKB [IncrementalMarking] Restarting (new grey objects) item->IsFinished()ItemParallelJob::Runnum_tasksnum_items111001!p->IsEvacuationCandidate()(p->slot_set()) == nullptr(p->typed_slot_set()) == nullptrp->SweepingDone()compaction-selection-page: space=%s free_bytes_page=%zu fragmentation_limit_kb=%zu fragmentation_limit_percent=%d sum_compaction_kb=%zu compaction_limit_kb=%zu compaction-selection: space=%s reduce_memory=%d pages=%d total_live_bytes=%zu marking_worklist()->IsEmpty()0 == heap()->local_embedder_heap_tracer()->NumberOfWrappersToTrace()disabled-by-default-v8.gc_statsV8.GC_Objects_Statslivedeadincremental_marking->IsStopped()weak objectsEvacuator::EvacuatePageevacuation[%p]: page=%p new_space=%d page_evacuation=%d executable=%d contains_age_mark=%d live_bytes=%d time=%f success=%d FullEvacuator::RawEvacuatePageevacuation_mode%8.0f ms: evacuation: aborted=%d Worklist %s: %d [%s]: %d [%s]: %d pages, %d (%.1f%%) free Unknown type: %d ArrayBufferTrackerUpdatingItem::ProcessEvacuationState!allocation.IsRetry()MarkCompactCollector: semi-space copy, fallback in old genLiveObjectVisitor::VisitBlackObjectsNoFailLiveObjectVisitor::VisitBlackObjects%8.0f ms: evacuation-summary: parallel=%s pages=%d wanted_tasks=%d tasks=%d cores=%d live_bytes=%d compaction_speed=%.f ToSpaceUpdatingItem::ProcessVisitLiveToSpaceUpdatingItem::ProcessVisitAllRememberedSetUpdatingItem::Processchunk_->owner() != heap_->map_space()%d: %d: %dx%d Memory reducer: %s, %s low allochigh allocbackgroundforegroundMemory reducer: started GC #%d Memory reducer: waiting for %.f ms Memory reducer: finished GC #%d (%s) will do moredone"isolate": "%p", "id": %d, "key": "%s", { "type": "instance_type_data", "instance_type": %d, "instance_type_name": "%s", "overall": %zu, "count": %zu, "over_allocated": %zu, "histogram": "over_allocated_histogram": } "type": "gc_descriptor", "time": %f } "type": "field_data", "tagged_fields": %zu, "embedder_fields": %zu, "unboxed_double_fields": %zu, "other_raw_fields": %zu"type": "bucket_sizes", "sizes": [ ] } ":{"type":"overall":"count":"over_allocated":"histogram":,"over_allocated_histogram":},"isolate":"","id":"time":"field_data":{"tagged_fields":,"embedder_fields":,"unboxed_double_fields": ,"other_raw_fields":}, "bucket_sizes":[],"type_data":{"END":{}}}hash_table->IsHashTable()PROPERTY_ARRAY_TYPE == properties->map()->instance_type()calculated_size == vector->Size()[ %zu ]Scavenger::ScavengePageScavenger::ProcessScavenger: semi-space copyCodeRangeUnmapper::FreeQueuedChunks: reached task limit (%d) Unmapper::FreeQueuedChunks: new task id=%llu Unmapper::CancelAndWaitForPendingTasks: no tasks remaining 0 == pending_unmapping_tasks_FreePages(reinterpret_cast(base), size)SetPermissions(protect_start, protect_size, PageAllocator::kReadExecute)SetPermissions(unprotect_start, unprotect_size, PageAllocator::kReadWrite)SetPermissions(area_start, area_size, PageAllocator::kReadWriteExecute)Code page is too large.MemoryChunk!last_chunk_.IsReserved()last_chunk_.IsReserved()filler->IsFiller()Shrinking page %p: end %p -> %p filler->address() + filler->Size() == area_end()page->SweepingDone()heap()->memory_allocator()->IsMemoryChunkExecutable(page)to_remove != current_page_FreeList[%p, top=%p, %d] %p -> null limit() >= top()size == static_cast(end - start)SetPermissions(page->address() + area_start_offset, page->size() - area_start_offset, access)LargeObjectChunkUnmapper::PerformFreeMemoryOnQueuedChunks: %d queued chunks UnmapFreeMemoryTask Done: id=%llu StoreBuffer::SetUp[StressScavenge] %d%% is the new limit [Scavenge] %.2lf%% of the new space capacity reached [Scavenge] GC requested [Scavenge] %d%% is the new limit !stop_sweeper_tasks_.Value()free_end > free_startp->area_end() > free_startsweeping_list_[GetSweepSpaceIndex(space)].empty()disabled-by-default-v8.ic_statsV8.ICStatsic-statsfunctionNameoptimizedoffsetscriptNamelineNumconstructorstatedictowninstanceType!is_iterable()is_iterable()address != heap_->not_mapped_symbol()Void DescriptorContextOnly DescriptorLoad DescriptorLoadWithVector DescriptorLoadGlobal DescriptorLoadGlobalWithVector DescriptorStore DescriptorStoreWithVector DescriptorStoreNamedTransition DescriptorStoreTransition DescriptorStoreGlobal DescriptorStoreGlobalWithVector DescriptorFastNewFunctionContext DescriptorFastNewObject DescriptorFastNewArguments DescriptorRecordWrite DescriptorTypeConversion DescriptorTypeConversionStackParameter DescriptorTypeof DescriptorCallFunction DescriptorCallVarargs DescriptorCallForwardVarargs DescriptorCallWithSpread DescriptorCallWithArrayLike DescriptorCallTrampoline DescriptorConstructStub DescriptorConstructVarargs DescriptorConstructForwardVarargs DescriptorConstructWithSpread DescriptorConstructWithArrayLike DescriptorConstructTrampoline DescriptorTransitionElementsKind DescriptorAbortJS DescriptorAllocateHeapNumber DescriptorBuiltin DescriptorArrayConstructor DescriptorIteratingArrayBuiltin DescriptorArrayNoArgumentConstructor DescriptorArraySingleArgumentConstructor DescriptorArrayNArgumentsConstructor DescriptorCompare DescriptorBinaryOp DescriptorStringAt DescriptorStringSubstring DescriptorForInPrepare DescriptorGetProperty DescriptorArgumentAdaptor DescriptorApiCallback DescriptorApiGetter DescriptorMathPowTagged DescriptorMathPowInteger DescriptorGrowArrayElements DescriptorNewArgumentsElements DescriptorInterpreterDispatch DescriptorInterpreterPushArgsThenCall DescriptorInterpreterPushArgsThenConstruct DescriptorInterpreterCEntry DescriptorResumeGenerator DescriptorFrameDropperTrampoline DescriptorWasmRuntimeCall DescriptorRunMicrotasks DescriptorFastNewClosure DescriptorCreateRegExpLiteral DescriptorCreateEmptyArrayLiteral DescriptorCreateShallowArrayLiteral DescriptorCreateShallowObjectLiteral DescriptorStringIndexOf DescriptorStringRepeat DescriptorOrderedHashTableHealIndex DescriptorCopyFastSmiOrObjectElements DescriptorEnqueueMicrotask DescriptorHasProperty DescriptorDeleteProperty DescriptorArrayIncludesSmiOrObject DescriptorArrayIncludesPackedDoubles DescriptorArrayIncludesHoleyDoubles DescriptorArrayIndexOfSmiOrObject DescriptorArrayIndexOfPackedDoubles DescriptorArrayIndexOfHoleyDoubles DescriptorCloneFastJSArray DescriptorExtractFastJSArray DescriptorArrayEveryLoopContinuation DescriptorArraySomeLoopContinuation DescriptorArrayFilterLoopContinuation DescriptorArrayMapLoopContinuation DescriptorArrayReduceLoopContinuation DescriptorArrayReduceRightLoopContinuation DescriptorArrayFindLoopContinuation DescriptorArrayFindIndexLoopContinuation DescriptorFlattenIntoArray DescriptorFlatMapIntoArray DescriptorCreateIterResultObject DescriptorCreateGeneratorObject DescriptorFindOrderedHashMapEntry DescriptorParseInt DescriptorBitwiseNot DescriptorDecrement DescriptorIncrement DescriptorNegate DescriptorCreateObjectWithoutProperties DescriptorForInEnumerate DescriptorForInFilter DescriptorFulfillPromise DescriptorRejectPromise DescriptorResolvePromise DescriptorNewPromiseCapability DescriptorPerformPromiseThen DescriptorPromiseRejectReactionJob DescriptorPromiseFulfillReactionJob DescriptorPromiseResolveThenableJob DescriptorPromiseResolve DescriptorProxyGetProperty DescriptorProxyHasProperty DescriptorProxySetProperty DescriptorRegExpExecAtom DescriptorRegExpMatchFast DescriptorRegExpPrototypeExecSlow DescriptorRegExpReplace DescriptorRegExpSearchFast DescriptorRegExpSplit DescriptorIterableToList DescriptorTypedArrayInitialize DescriptorTypedArrayInitializeWithBuffer DescriptorCreateTypedArray DescriptorTypedArrayLoadElementAsTagged DescriptorTypedArrayStoreElementFromTagged DescriptorWeakMapLookupHashIndex DescriptorWeakCollectionDelete DescriptorWeakCollectionSet DescriptorAsyncGeneratorResolve DescriptorAsyncGeneratorReject DescriptorAsyncGeneratorYield DescriptorAsyncGeneratorReturn DescriptorAsyncGeneratorResumeNext DescriptorStringAdd_CheckNone_NotTenured DescriptorStringAdd_CheckNone_Tenured DescriptorStringAdd_ConvertLeft_NotTenured DescriptorStringAdd_ConvertRight_NotTenured DescriptorArrayForEachLoopContinuation DescriptorTypedArrayQuickSort Descriptor_WasmCompileLazy_DebugBreakOnBytecode_LoadLookupSlotForCall_ArrayIncludes_Slow_ArrayIndexOf_ArrayIsArray_ArraySpeciesConstructor_EstimateNumberOfElements_GetArrayKeys_GrowArrayElements_HasComplexElements_IsArray_MoveArrayContents_NewArray_NormalizeElements_PrepareElementsForSort_TransitionElementsKind_TrySliceSimpleNonFastElements_AtomicsAdd_AtomicsAnd_AtomicsCompareExchange_AtomicsExchange_AtomicsNumWaitersForTesting_AtomicsOr_AtomicsSub_AtomicsXor_SetAllowAtomicsWait_BigIntBinaryOp_BigIntCompareToBigInt_BigIntCompareToNumber_BigIntCompareToString_BigIntEqualToBigInt_BigIntEqualToNumber_BigIntEqualToString_BigIntToBoolean_BigIntToNumber_BigIntUnaryOp_ToBigInt_DefineClass_GetSuperConstructor_HomeObjectSymbol_LoadFromSuper_LoadKeyedFromSuper_StoreKeyedToSuper_Sloppy_StoreKeyedToSuper_Strict_StoreToSuper_Sloppy_StoreToSuper_Strict_ThrowConstructorNonCallableError_ThrowNotSuperConstructor_ThrowStaticPrototypeError_ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledError_ThrowSuperNotCalled_ThrowUnsupportedSuperError_GetWeakMapEntries_GetWeakSetValues_IsJSMap_IsJSSet_IsJSWeakMap_IsJSWeakSet_MapGrow_MapIteratorClone_MapShrink_SetGrow_SetIteratorClone_SetShrink_TheHole_WeakCollectionDelete_WeakCollectionSet_CompileForOnStackReplacement_CompileLazy_CompileOptimized_Concurrent_CompileOptimized_NotConcurrent_EvictOptimizedCodeSlot_FunctionFirstExecution_InstantiateAsmJs_NotifyDeoptimized_ResolvePossiblyDirectEval_DateCurrentTime_IsDate_ChangeBreakOnException_CheckExecutionState_ClearStepping_CollectGarbage_DebugApplyInstrumentation_DebugAsyncFunctionPromiseCreated_DebugBreakAtEntry_DebugCollectCoverage_DebugConstructedBy_DebugEvaluate_DebugEvaluateGlobal_DebugGetInternalProperties_DebugGetLoadedScripts_DebugGetProperty_DebugGetPropertyDetails_DebugGetPrototype_DebugIsActive_DebugOnFunctionCall_DebugPopPromise_DebugPrepareStepInSuspendedGenerator_DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetails_DebugPropertyKindFromDetails_DebugPushPromise_DebugReferencedBy_DebugSetScriptSource_DebugToggleBlockCoverage_DebugTogglePreciseCoverage_FunctionGetDebugName_FunctionGetInferredName_GetAllScopesDetails_GetBreakLocations_GetDebugContext_GetFrameCount_GetFrameDetails_GetFunctionScopeCount_GetFunctionScopeDetails_GetGeneratorScopeCount_GetGeneratorScopeDetails_GetHeapUsage_GetScopeCount_GetScopeDetails_GetScript_HandleDebuggerStatement_IncBlockCounter_IsBreakOnException_PrepareStep_ScheduleBreak_ScriptLineCount_ScriptLocationFromLine2_ScriptLocationFromLine_ScriptPositionInfo2_ScriptPositionInfo_SetScopeVariableValue_ErrorToString_ForInEnumerate_ForInHasProperty_Call_FunctionGetContextData_FunctionGetName_FunctionGetScript_FunctionGetScriptId_FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition_FunctionGetSourceCode_FunctionIsAPIFunction_FunctionToString_IsConstructor_IsFunction_SetCode_SetNativeFlag_AsyncGeneratorHasCatchHandlerForPC_AsyncGeneratorReject_AsyncGeneratorResolve_AsyncGeneratorYield_CreateJSGeneratorObject_GeneratorClose_GeneratorGetContinuation_GeneratorGetFunction_GeneratorGetInputOrDebugPos_GeneratorGetReceiver_GeneratorGetResumeMode_GeneratorGetSourcePosition_ElementsTransitionAndStoreIC_Miss_KeyedLoadIC_Miss_KeyedStoreIC_Miss_KeyedStoreIC_Slow_LoadElementWithInterceptor_LoadGlobalIC_Miss_LoadGlobalIC_Slow_LoadIC_Miss_LoadPropertyWithInterceptor_StoreCallbackProperty_StoreGlobalIC_Miss_StoreGlobalIC_Slow_StoreIC_Miss_StoreInArrayLiteralIC_Slow_StorePropertyWithInterceptor_AllocateInNewSpace_AllocateInTargetSpace_AllocateSeqOneByteString_AllocateSeqTwoByteString_AllowDynamicFunction_CheckIsBootstrapping_CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator_CreateListFromArrayLike_CreateTemplateObject_DeserializeLazy_ExportFromRuntime_GetAndResetRuntimeCallStats_IncrementUseCounter_InstallToContext_Interrupt_IS_VAR_NewReferenceError_NewSyntaxError_NewTypeError_OrdinaryHasInstance_PromoteScheduledException_ReportMessage_ReThrow_RunMicrotaskCallback_RunMicrotasks_StackGuard_Throw_ThrowApplyNonFunction_ThrowCalledNonCallable_ThrowConstructedNonConstructable_ThrowConstructorReturnedNonObject_ThrowInvalidStringLength_ThrowInvalidTypedArrayAlignment_ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject_ThrowNotConstructor_ThrowRangeError_ThrowReferenceError_ThrowStackOverflow_ThrowSymbolAsyncIteratorInvalid_ThrowSymbolIteratorInvalid_ThrowThrowMethodMissing_ThrowTypeError_Typeof_UnwindAndFindExceptionHandler_InterpreterDeserializeLazy_CreateArrayLiteral_CreateObjectLiteral_CreateRegExpLiteral_LiveEditCheckAndDropActivations_LiveEditCompareStrings_LiveEditFindSharedFunctionInfosForScript_LiveEditFixupScript_LiveEditFunctionSetScript_LiveEditFunctionSourceUpdated_LiveEditGatherCompileInfo_LiveEditPatchFunctionPositions_LiveEditReplaceFunctionCode_LiveEditReplaceRefToNestedFunction_LiveEditReplaceScript_LiveEditRestartFrame_GenerateRandomNumbers_DynamicImportCall_GetImportMetaObject_GetModuleNamespace_GetHoleNaNLower_GetHoleNaNUpper_IsSmi_IsValidSmi_MaxSmi_NumberToStringSkipCache_SmiLexicographicCompare_StringParseFloat_StringParseInt_StringToNumber_AddDictionaryProperty_AddElement_AddNamedProperty_AddPrivateField_AllocateHeapNumber_ClassOf_CollectTypeProfile_CompleteInobjectSlackTrackingForMap_CopyDataProperties_CopyDataPropertiesWithExcludedProperties_CreateDataProperty_CreateIterResultObject_DefineAccessorPropertyUnchecked_DefineDataPropertyInLiteral_DefineGetterPropertyUnchecked_DefineMethodsInternal_DefineSetterPropertyUnchecked_DeleteProperty_GetFunctionName_GetInterceptorInfo_GetOwnPropertyDescriptor_GetOwnPropertyKeys_GetProperty_GetPrototype_HasFastPackedElements_HasInPrototypeChain_HasProperty_InternalSetPrototype_IsJSReceiver_IterableToListCanBeElided_KeyedGetProperty_NewObject_ObjectCreate_ObjectEntries_ObjectEntriesSkipFastPath_ObjectHasOwnProperty_ObjectKeys_ObjectValues_ObjectValuesSkipFastPath_OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties_SameValue_SameValueZero_SetDataProperties_SetProperty_ShrinkPropertyDictionary_ToFastProperties_ToInteger_ToLength_ToName_ToNumber_ToNumeric_ToObject_ToPrimitive_ToPrimitive_Number_ToString_TryMigrateInstance_ValueOf_Add_Equal_GreaterThan_GreaterThanOrEqual_LessThan_LessThanOrEqual_NotEqual_StrictEqual_StrictNotEqual_EnqueueMicrotask_PromiseHookAfter_PromiseHookBefore_PromiseHookInit_PromiseMarkAsHandled_PromiseRejectEventFromStack_PromiseResult_PromiseRevokeReject_PromiseStatus_RejectPromise_ResolvePromise_PromiseRejectAfterResolved_PromiseResolveAfterResolved_CheckProxyGetSetTrapResult_CheckProxyHasTrap_GetPropertyWithReceiver_IsJSProxy_JSProxyGetHandler_JSProxyGetTarget_SetPropertyWithReceiver_IsRegExp_RegExpExec_RegExpExecMultiple_RegExpInitializeAndCompile_RegExpInternalReplace_RegExpReplace_RegExpSplit_StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunction_StringSplit_DeclareEvalFunction_DeclareEvalVar_DeclareGlobals_DeleteLookupSlot_LoadLookupSlot_LoadLookupSlotInsideTypeof_NewArgumentsElements_NewClosure_NewClosure_Tenured_NewFunctionContext_NewRestParameter_NewScriptContext_NewSloppyArguments_NewSloppyArguments_Generic_NewStrictArguments_PushBlockContext_PushCatchContext_PushModuleContext_PushWithContext_StoreLookupSlot_Sloppy_StoreLookupSlot_SloppyHoisting_StoreLookupSlot_Strict_ThrowConstAssignError_FlattenString_GetSubstitution_InternalizeString_SparseJoinWithSeparator_StringAdd_StringBuilderConcat_StringBuilderJoin_StringCharCodeAt_StringCharFromCode_StringEqual_StringGreaterThan_StringGreaterThanOrEqual_StringIncludes_StringIndexOf_StringIndexOfUnchecked_StringLastIndexOf_StringLessThan_StringLessThanOrEqual_StringMaxLength_StringNotEqual_StringReplaceOneCharWithString_StringSubstring_StringToArray_StringTrim_CreatePrivateFieldSymbol_CreatePrivateSymbol_SymbolDescription_SymbolDescriptiveString_SymbolIsPrivate_Abort_AbortJS_ClearFunctionFeedback_CompleteInobjectSlackTracking_ConstructConsString_ConstructSlicedString_ConstructDouble_DebugPrint_DebugTrace_DebugTrackRetainingPath_DeoptimizeFunction_DeoptimizeNow_DeserializeWasmModule_DisallowCodegenFromStrings_DisallowWasmCodegen_DisassembleFunction_FreezeWasmLazyCompilation_GetCallable_GetDeoptCount_GetOptimizationStatus_GetUndetectable_GetWasmRecoveredTrapCount_GlobalPrint_HasDictionaryElements_HasDoubleElements_HasFastElements_HasFastProperties_HasFixedBigInt64Elements_HasFixedBigUint64Elements_HasFixedFloat32Elements_HasFixedFloat64Elements_HasFixedInt16Elements_HasFixedInt32Elements_HasFixedInt8Elements_HasFixedUint16Elements_HasFixedUint32Elements_HasFixedUint8ClampedElements_HasFixedUint8Elements_HasHoleyElements_HasObjectElements_HasSloppyArgumentsElements_HasSmiElements_HasSmiOrObjectElements_HaveSameMap_HeapObjectVerify_InNewSpace_IsAsmWasmCode_IsConcurrentRecompilationSupported_IsJSError_IsJSGeneratorObject_IsJSMapIterator_IsJSSetIterator_IsLiftoffFunction_IsScriptWrapper_IsWasmCode_IsWasmTrapHandlerEnabled_NativeScriptsCount_NeverOptimizeFunction_NotifyContextDisposed_OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall_OptimizeOsr_PrintWithNameForAssert_RedirectToWasmInterpreter_RunningInSimulator_SerializeWasmModule_SetAllocationTimeout_SetFlags_SetForceSlowPath_SetWasmCompileControls_SetWasmInstantiateControls_ArraySpeciesProtector_TypedArraySpeciesProtector_PromiseSpeciesProtector_SystemBreak_TraceEnter_TraceExit_UnblockConcurrentRecompilation_ValidateWasmInstancesChain_ValidateWasmModuleState_WasmNumInterpretedCalls_WasmTraceMemory_ArrayBufferNeuter_ArrayBufferViewWasNeutered_IsTypedArray_TypedArrayCopyElements_TypedArrayGetBuffer_TypedArrayGetLength_TypedArraySet_TypedArraySortFast_ThrowWasmError_ThrowWasmStackOverflow_WasmExceptionGetElement_WasmExceptionSetElement_WasmGetExceptionRuntimeId_WasmGrowMemory_WasmRunInterpreter_WasmStackGuard_WasmThrow_WasmThrowCreate_WasmThrowTypeErrorglobal_proxy_objectembedder_dataaccessor_property_descriptor_mapallow_code_gen_from_stringsarray_buffer_funarray_buffer_maparray_buffer_noinit_funarray_functionasync_from_sync_iterator_mapasync_function_await_reject_shared_funasync_function_await_resolve_shared_funasync_function_constructorasync_generator_function_functionasync_iterator_value_unwrap_shared_funasync_generator_await_reject_shared_funasync_generator_await_resolve_shared_funasync_generator_yield_resolve_shared_funasync_generator_return_resolve_shared_funasync_generator_return_closed_resolve_shared_funasync_generator_return_closed_reject_shared_funatomics_objectbigint_functionbigint64_array_funbiguint64_array_funboolean_functionbound_function_with_constructor_mapbound_function_without_constructor_mapcall_as_constructor_delegatecall_as_function_delegatecallsite_functioncontext_extension_functiondata_property_descriptor_mapdata_view_fundate_functiondebug_context_idempty_functionerror_message_for_code_gen_from_stringserrors_thrownextras_binding_objectextras_utils_objectfast_aliased_arguments_mapfast_template_instantiations_cachefloat32_array_funfloat64_array_funfunction_functiongenerator_function_functiongenerator_object_prototype_mapasync_generator_object_prototype_mapinitial_array_iterator_mapinitial_array_iterator_prototypeinitial_array_prototypeinitial_error_prototypeinitial_generator_prototypeinitial_async_generator_prototypeinitial_iterator_prototypeinitial_map_prototype_mapinitial_object_prototypeinitial_set_prototype_mapinitial_string_prototypeinitial_weakmap_prototype_mapinitial_weakset_prototype_mapint16_array_funint32_array_funint8_array_funinternal_array_functioniterator_result_mapintl_date_time_format_functionintl_number_format_functionintl_locale_functionintl_collator_functionintl_plural_rules_functionintl_v8_break_iterator_functionjs_array_fast_smi_elements_map_indexjs_array_fast_holey_smi_elements_map_indexjs_array_fast_elements_map_indexjs_array_fast_holey_elements_map_indexjs_array_fast_double_elements_map_indexjs_array_fast_holey_double_elements_map_indexjs_map_funjs_map_mapjs_module_namespace_mapjs_set_funjs_set_mapjs_weak_map_funjs_weak_set_funmap_cachemap_key_iterator_mapmap_key_value_iterator_mapmap_value_iterator_mapmath_random_indexmath_random_cachemessage_listenersnatives_utils_objectnormalized_map_cachenumber_functionobject_functionobject_function_prototype_mapopaque_reference_functionproxy_callable_mapproxy_constructor_mapproxy_functionproxy_mapproxy_revocable_result_mapproxy_revoke_shared_funpromise_get_capabilities_executor_shared_funpromise_capability_default_reject_shared_funpromise_capability_default_resolve_shared_funpromise_then_finally_shared_funpromise_catch_finally_shared_funpromise_value_thunk_finally_shared_funpromise_thrower_finally_shared_funpromise_all_resolve_element_shared_funpromise_prototyperegexp_exec_functionregexp_functionregexp_last_match_inforegexp_internal_match_inforegexp_prototype_mapinitial_regexp_string_iterator_prototype_map_indexregexp_result_mapscript_context_tablescript_functionsecurity_tokenself_weak_cellserialized_objectsset_value_iterator_mapset_key_value_iterator_mapshared_array_buffer_funsloppy_arguments_mapslow_aliased_arguments_mapstrict_arguments_mapslow_object_with_null_prototype_mapslow_template_instantiations_cachesloppy_function_mapsloppy_function_with_name_mapsloppy_function_without_prototype_mapsloppy_function_with_readonly_prototype_mapstrict_function_mapstrict_function_with_name_mapstrict_function_with_readonly_prototype_mapstrict_function_without_prototype_mapmethod_with_name_mapmethod_with_home_object_mapmethod_with_name_and_home_object_mapasync_function_mapasync_function_with_name_mapasync_function_with_home_object_mapasync_function_with_name_and_home_object_mapgenerator_function_mapgenerator_function_with_name_mapgenerator_function_with_home_object_mapgenerator_function_with_name_and_home_object_mapasync_generator_function_mapasync_generator_function_with_name_mapasync_generator_function_with_home_object_mapasync_generator_function_with_name_and_home_object_mapclass_function_mapstring_functionstring_function_prototype_mapstring_iterator_mapsymbol_functionnative_function_mapwasm_global_constructorwasm_instance_constructorwasm_memory_constructorwasm_module_constructorwasm_table_constructortyped_array_functiontyped_array_prototypeuint16_array_funuint32_array_funuint8_array_funuint8_clamped_array_funWideExtraWideDebugBreakWideDebugBreakExtraWideDebugBreak0DebugBreak1DebugBreak2DebugBreak3DebugBreak4DebugBreak5DebugBreak6LdaZeroLdaSmiLdaUndefinedLdaNullLdaTheHoleLdaTrueLdaFalseLdaConstantLdaGlobalLdaGlobalInsideTypeofStaGlobalPushContextPopContextLdaContextSlotLdaImmutableContextSlotLdaCurrentContextSlotLdaImmutableCurrentContextSlotStaContextSlotStaCurrentContextSlotLdaLookupSlotLdaLookupContextSlotLdaLookupGlobalSlotLdaLookupSlotInsideTypeofLdaLookupContextSlotInsideTypeofLdaLookupGlobalSlotInsideTypeofStaLookupSlotLdarStarMovLdaNamedPropertyLdaKeyedPropertyLdaModuleVariableStaModuleVariableStaNamedPropertyStaNamedOwnPropertyStaKeyedPropertyStaInArrayLiteralStaDataPropertyInLiteralSubMulDivModExpAddSmiSubSmiMulSmiDivSmiModSmiExpSmiBitwiseOrSmiBitwiseXorSmiBitwiseAndSmiShiftLeftSmiShiftRightSmiShiftRightLogicalSmiIncToBooleanLogicalNotLogicalNotDeletePropertyStrictDeletePropertySloppyCallAnyReceiverCallPropertyCallProperty0CallProperty1CallProperty2CallUndefinedReceiverCallUndefinedReceiver0CallUndefinedReceiver1CallUndefinedReceiver2CallRuntimeCallRuntimeForPairCallJSRuntimeInvokeIntrinsicTestEqualTestEqualStrictTestLessThanTestGreaterThanTestLessThanOrEqualTestGreaterThanOrEqualTestReferenceEqualTestInstanceOfTestInTestUndetectableTestNullTestUndefinedTestTypeOfCreateEmptyObjectLiteralGetTemplateObjectCreateClosureCreateBlockContextCreateCatchContextCreateFunctionContextCreateEvalContextCreateWithContextCreateMappedArgumentsCreateUnmappedArgumentsCreateRestParameterJumpLoopJumpJumpConstantJumpIfNullConstantJumpIfNotNullConstantJumpIfUndefinedConstantJumpIfNotUndefinedConstantJumpIfTrueConstantJumpIfFalseConstantJumpIfJSReceiverConstantJumpIfToBooleanTrueConstantJumpIfToBooleanFalseConstantJumpIfToBooleanTrueJumpIfToBooleanFalseJumpIfTrueJumpIfFalseJumpIfNullJumpIfNotNullJumpIfUndefinedJumpIfNotUndefinedJumpIfJSReceiverSwitchOnSmiNoFeedbackForInPrepareForInContinueForInNextForInStepSetPendingMessageThrowReferenceErrorIfHoleThrowSuperNotCalledIfHoleThrowSuperAlreadyCalledIfNotHoleSwitchOnGeneratorStateSuspendGeneratorResumeGeneratorDebuggeri < NumberOfOperands(bytecode)../deps/v8/src/interpreter/interpreter.cc:170V8.CompileIgnitionV8.CompileIgnitionFinalization[generated bytecode for function: counters_row ->DefineOwnProperty(context, to_name_object, counter_object) .IsJust()counters_map->DefineOwnProperty(context, from_name_object, counters_row) .IsJust() Attempt to print stack while printing stack (double fault) If you are lucky you may find a partial stack dump on stdout. Stacktrace: ptr1=%p ptr2=%p ptr3=%p ptr4=%p failure_message_object=%p %s ==== JS stack trace ========================================= ==== Details ================================================ ===================== Aborting on stack overflowException thrown during bootstrapping Extension or internal compilation error: %s in %s at line %d. Extension or internal compilation error in %s at line %d. Extension or internal compilation error: %s. Extension or internal compilation error. WasmExceptionRuntimeIdat , line %d %s FROM -1 == JavaScriptFrame::cast(frame)->LookupExceptionHandlerInTable( nullptr, nullptr)inserted=== Stress deopt counter: %u heap setupheap object creationConcurrent recompilation has been disabled for tracing. v8.executeV8.RunMicrotasks0 == pending_microtask_count()0 == heap()->microtask_queue()->length()turbo-.cfg%d detached contexts are collected out of %d detached context %p survived %d GCs (leak?) RAIL mode: %s [%d:%p] %8.0f ms: {"type": "zone", "isolate": "%p", "time": %f, "allocated": %zu,"pooled": %zu} zonecreation{"type": "%s", "isolate": "%p", "time": %f, "ptr": "%p", "name": "%s", "size": %zu,"nesting": %zu} zonedestruction%s Builtin, %s, %d code-%d-%d.asmANIMATIONIDLEStack Trace:../deps/v8/src/json-parser.cc:141object->length()->ToArrayLength(&length)| strings=%d symbols=0 elements=0 || prototypes>=1 || ../deps/v8/src/keys.cc:878static_cast(length) <= static_cast(kMaxNumberOfDescriptors)interceptor-indexed-enumeratorinterceptor-named-enumeratorelement->ToUint32(&number)element->IsName()attributes->ToInt32(&value)interceptor-indexed-queryinterceptor-named-query| strings=%d symbols=0 elements=%u || prototypes>=1 || symbol(hash size != -1(perf_output_handle_) != nullptr%x %x %.*s v8:Profilerprofilerresultapicheck-securityshared-librarycode-deoptcurrent-timetimer-event-starttimer-event-endtimer-eventnewget set scriptcode-source-infoIFS%.0fsuspect-readactive-runtime-timerKeyedmap-createmap-detailsUnknown code from before profilingA stub from before profilingRegular expression codeA Wasm functionA JavaScript to Wasm adapterA Wasm to JavaScript adapterA Wasm to Interpreter adapterA C to Wasm entry stubV8.RecompileConcurrentV8.CompileFullCodesymbol(" hash code-creationcode-disable-optimizationcode-movecode-deletecode-moving-gcsfi-movesnapshot-code-nametickisolate-SamplingThreadDeletingPropertyTransitionToAccessorPairstate() == LookupIterator::DATAkMachNonekRepBitkRepWord8kRepWord16kRepWord32kRepWord64kRepFloat32kRepFloat64kRepSimd128kRepTaggedSignedkRepTaggedPointerkRepTaggedkTypeBoolkTypeInt32kTypeUint32kTypeInt64kTypeUint64kTypeNumberkTypeAny%s:%i: %s exceptionwasm-function[%u]:%dprepareStackTraceCyclic __proto__ valueDebugger: %Error loading debuggerInternal % error. Default options are missing.Private fields can not be deletedUncaught %Not supportedInternal error, wrong service type: %Internal error. Wrong value type.Function.prototype.apply was called on %, which is a % and not a function'arguments' is not allowed in class field initializerDerived ArrayBuffer constructor created a buffer which was too smallArrayBuffer subclass returned this from species constructorawait is only valid in async functionAtomics.wait cannot be called in this contextThe comparison function must be either a function or undefinedThe number % cannot be converted to a BigInt because it is not an integerCannot convert % to a BigIntCannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversionsDo not know how to serialize a BigIntBigInts have no unsigned right shift, use >> insteadCannot convert a BigInt value to a number% is not a function% called on non-object% called on null or undefinedCallSite expects wasm object as first or function as second argument, got <%, %>CallSite method % expects CallSite as receiverCannot convert object to primitive valueCannot prevent extensionsCannot freezeCannot freeze array buffer views with elementsCannot sealConverting circular structure to JSONAbstract class % not directly constructableAssignment to constant variable.Classes may not have a field named 'constructor'Class constructor % cannot be invoked without 'new'Constructor % requires 'new'The .constructor property is not an objectCurrency code is required with currency style.Detected cycle while resolving name '%' in '%'First argument to DataView constructor must be an ArrayBufferthis is not a Date object.Debugger: Invalid frame index.Debugger: Parameters have wrong types.Missing initializer in % declarationCannot define property %, object is not extensibleCannot perform % on a detached ArrayBufferObject template has duplicate property '%'Class extends value % is not a constructor or nullFirst argument to % must not be a regular expressionBind must be called on a functionGenerator is already runningIllegal invocationImmutable prototype object '%' cannot have their prototype setCannot use new with importCannot use 'import.meta' outside a moduleimport() requires a specifierMethod % called on incompatible receiver %Function has non-object prototype '%' in instanceof checkinvalid_argumentCannot use 'in' operator to search for '%' in %RegExp exec method returned something other than an Object or nullIterator result % is not an objectFound non-callable @@iteratorIterator value % is not an entry objectLanguage ID should be string or object.First argument to Intl.Locale constructor can't be empty or missingIncorrect locale information providedflatMap mapper function is not callableMethod % called on a non-object or on a wrong type of object.Method invoked on undefined or null value.Method invoked on an object that is not %.no accessRight-hand side of 'instanceof' is not callableCannot destructure 'undefined' or 'null'.Cannot destructure property `%` of 'undefined' or 'null'.% is not extensibleRight-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an objectCannot read property '%' of %Cannot set property '%' of %Cannot set property % of % which has only a getter% is not an iterator% is not a promise% is not a constructor% requires that 'this' be a %% is not a function or its return value is not iterable% is not a function or its return value is not async iterable% is not iterable% is not async iterable% is not a valid property namethis is not a typed array.Super constructor % of % is not a constructorSuper constructor % of anonymous class is not a constructor% is not an integer shared typed array.% is not an int32 shared typed array.Object.prototype.__defineGetter__: Expecting functionGetter must be a function: %Cannot add property %, object is not extensibleObject.prototype.__defineSetter__: Expecting functionSetter must be a function: %Function object that's not a constructor was created with newChaining cycle detected for promise %Promise executor has already been invoked with non-undefined argumentsPromise resolve or reject function is not callableProperty description must be an object: %'%' returned for property '%' of object '%' is not a functionObject prototype may only be an Object or null: %Class extends value does not have valid prototype property %'construct' on proxy: trap returned non-object ('%')'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for defining non-configurable property '%' which is either non-existant or configurable in the proxy target'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for adding property '%' to the non-extensible proxy target'defineProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for adding property '%' that is incompatible with the existing property in the proxy target'deleteProperty' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' which is non-configurable in the proxy target'get' on proxy: property '%' is a read-only and non-configurable data property on the proxy target but the proxy did not return its actual value (expected '%' but got '%')'get' on proxy: property '%' is a non-configurable accessor property on the proxy target and does not have a getter function, but the trap did not return 'undefined' (got '%')'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned descriptor for property '%' that is incompatible with the existing property in the proxy target'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned neither object nor undefined for property '%''getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap reported non-configurability for property '%' which is either non-existant or configurable in the proxy target'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned undefined for property '%' which exists in the non-extensible proxy target'getOwnPropertyDescriptor' on proxy: trap returned undefined for property '%' which is non-configurable in the proxy target'getPrototypeOf' on proxy: trap returned neither object nor null'getPrototypeOf' on proxy: proxy target is non-extensible but the trap did not return its actual prototypeCannot create proxy with a revoked proxy as target or handler'has' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '%' which exists in the proxy target as non-configurable'has' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '%' but the proxy target is not extensible'isExtensible' on proxy: trap result does not reflect extensibility of proxy target (which is '%')Cannot create proxy with a non-object as target or handler'ownKeys' on proxy: trap result did not include '%''ownKeys' on proxy: trap returned extra keys but proxy target is non-extensible'preventExtensions' on proxy: trap returned truish but the proxy target is extensibleCannot pass private property name to proxy trapCannot perform '%' on a proxy that has been revoked'set' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' which exists in the proxy target as a non-configurable and non-writable data property with a different value'set' on proxy: trap returned truish for property '%' which exists in the proxy target as a non-configurable and non-writable accessor property without a setter'setPrototypeOf' on proxy: trap returned truish for setting a new prototype on the non-extensible proxy target'%' on proxy: trap returned falsish'%' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property '%'Cannot redefine property: %Cannot redefine a property of an object with external array elementsReduce of empty array with no initial valueCannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another% getter called on non-object %% getter called on non-RegExp objectPromise resolver % is not a functionThe iterator's 'return' method is not callableDerived SharedArrayBuffer constructor created a buffer which was too smallSharedArrayBuffer subclass returned this from species constructorClasses may not have a static property named 'prototype'Cannot delete property '%' of %'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to themCannot assign to read only property '%' of % '%'Cannot create property '%' on % '%'Result of the Symbol.iterator method is not an objectResult of the Symbol.asyncIterator method is not an object% is not a symbolCannot convert a Symbol value to a numberCannot convert a Symbol value to a stringThe iterator does not provide a 'throw' method.Cannot convert undefined or null to objectInvalid property descriptor. Cannot both specify accessors and a value or writable attribute, %Identifier '%' has already been declared%: Arguments list has wrong type% is not definedSuper constructor may only be called onceUnsupported reference to 'super'Division by zeroExponent must be positiveProvided date is not in valid range.Expected Area/Location(/Location)* for time zone, got %Expected letters optionally connected with underscores or hyphens for a location, got %Invalid array buffer lengthArray buffer allocation failedInvalid array lengthInvalid atomic access indexInvalid code point %Invalid count valueInvalid currency code: %Offset is outside the bounds of the DataViewInvalid DataView length %Start offset % is outside the bounds of the bufferInvalid hint: %Invalid value: not (convertible to) a safe integerInvalid language tag: %Invalid value used as weak map keyInvalid value used in weak setInvalid string lengthInvalid time value% of % should be a multiple of %Invalid typed array indexInvalid typed array length: %let is disallowed as a lexically bound nameIllegal value for localeMatcher:%The normalization form should be one of %.Numeric separator can not be used after leading 0.% argument must be between 0 and 100Numeric separators are not allowed at the end of numeric literalsOnly one underscore is allowed as numeric separator% value is out of range.Maximum call stack size exceededtoPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 100toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36offset is out of boundsSource is too largeUnsupported time zone specified %Value % out of range for % options property %The requested module '%' contains conflicting star exports for name '%'Getter must not have any formal parameters.Setter must have exactly one formal parameter.Invalid BigInt stringClass constructor may not be an accessorClass constructor may not be a generatorClass constructor may not be an async methodDerived constructors may only return object or undefinedA class may only have one constructorDuplicate export of '%'Duplicate __proto__ fields are not allowed in object literals% loop variable declaration may not have an initializer.Invalid left-hand side in % loop: Must have a single binding.Generators can only be declared at the top level or inside a block.Async functions can only be declared at the top level or inside a block.Illegal break statementIllegal continue statement: no surrounding iteration statementIllegal continue statement: '%' does not denote an iteration statementIllegal '%' directive in function with non-simple parameter listIllegal return statementIntrinsic calls do not support spread arguments`...` must be followed by an identifier in declaration contexts`...` must be followed by an assignable reference in assignment contextsKeyword must not contain escaped characters'%' must not contain escaped charactersInvalid left-hand side in assignmentInvalid shorthand property initializerInvalid destructuring assignment targetInvalid left-hand side in for-loopInvalid left-hand side expression in postfix operationInvalid left-hand side expression in prefix operationInvalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor '%'Invalid or unexpected tokenInvalid private field '%'Unexpected end of JSON inputUnexpected token % in JSON at position %Unexpected number in JSON at position %Unexpected string in JSON at position %Label '%' has already been declaredLabelled function declaration not allowed as the body of a control flow structureMalformed arrow function parameter listInvalid regular expression: /%/: %Invalid regular expression flagsExport '%' is not defined in moduleHTML comments are not allowed in modulesMore than one default clause in switch statementIllegal newline after throwMissing catch or finally after trybuiltin %%IS_VAR: not a variableRest parameter must be last formal parameterFlattening % elements on an array-like of length % is disallowed, as the total surpasses 2**53-1Pushing % elements on an array-like of length % is disallowed, as the total surpasses 2**53-1Rest element must be last elementSetter function argument must not be a rest parameterDuplicate parameter name not allowed in this contextFunction arg string contains parenthesisArg string terminates parameters earlyUnexpected end of arg stringRest parameter may not have a default initializerRuntime function given wrong number of argumentsMust call super constructor in derived class before accessing 'this' or returning from derived constructorSingle function literal requiredIn non-strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level, inside a block, or as the body of an if statement.object.constructor[Symbol.species] is not a constructorDelete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode.Unexpected eval or arguments in strict modeIn strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level or inside a block.Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.Decimals with leading zeros are not allowed in strict mode.Octal escape sequences are not allowed in strict mode.Strict mode code may not include a with statementOctal escape sequences are not allowed in template strings.'this' is not a valid formal parameter name'await' is not a valid identifier name in an async functionIllegal await-expression in formal parameters of async functionToo many arguments in function call (only 65535 allowed)Too many parameters in function definition (only 65535 allowed)Literal containing too many nested spreads (up to 65534 allowed)Too many variables declared (only 4194303 allowed)Too many elements passed to Promise.allDerived TypedArray constructor created an array which was too smallUnexpected end of inputUnexpected reserved wordUnexpected strict mode reserved word'super' keyword unexpected herenew.target expression is not allowed hereUnexpected template stringUnexpected token %Unexpected identifierUnexpected numberUnexpected stringUnexpected regular expressionLexical declaration cannot appear in a single-statement contextUndefined label '%'The requested module '%' does not provide an export named '%'missing ) after argument listInvalid regular expression: missing /Unterminated template literalMissing } in template expressionFound non-callable @@hasInstanceInvalid hexadecimal escape sequenceInvalid Unicode escape sequenceUndefined Unicode code-pointYield expression not allowed in formal parameterPossible side-effect in debug-evaluateURI malformedunreachablememory access out of boundsdivide by zerodivide result unrepresentableremainder by zerofloat unrepresentable in integer rangeinvalid index into function tablefunction signature mismatchwasm function signature contains illegal typewasm exceptionInvalid asm.js: %Converted asm.js to WebAssembly: %Instantiated asm.js: %Linking failure in asm.js: %% could not be cloned.Data cannot be cloned, out of memory.An ArrayBuffer is neutered and could not be cloned.A SharedArrayBuffer could not be cloned. SharedArrayBuffer must not be transferred.Unable to deserialize cloned data.Unable to deserialize cloned data due to invalid or unsupported version.Trace event category must be a string.Trace event name must be a string.Trace event name must not be an empty string.Trace event phase must be a number.Trace event id must be a number.Error.prototype.toStringunknown source#<%s><%s>Map= []: @ (get: , set: %p is not within the current isolate's large object or code spaces No code object found containing %p invalid table size......[object Unknown]JSObject::CreateDataProperty(&it, prop_value, kThrowOnError) .FromJust()[cleared][weak] !!!INVALID CONSTRUCTOR!!!!!!INVALID SHARED ON CONSTRUCTOR!!!} ( maps[migrating to slow] [migrating]:%s->%s {symbol %p}elements_kind[%i->%i]!!!INVALID POINTER!!!!!!INVALID MAP!!!, side_effect_free= false> callable=receiver->IsJSFunction()thxMoving prototype_info %p from map %p to map %p. new_map->is_dictionary_map()ForceSetPrototypeDeprecate../deps/v8/src/objects.cc:4518field type generalizationtyped elements writeelements writeAddDataProperty(&it, value, attributes, kThrowOnError, CERTAINLY_NOT_STORE_FROM_KEYED) .IsJust()SlowToFastk->IsUniqueName()Object.definePropertysuccess.FromJust()Object.definePropertiesstatus.FromJust()old_len_desc.value()->ToArrayLength(&old_len)uint32_v->ToArrayLength(output)a->length()->ToArrayLength(&actual_new_len)PreventExtensionsGetPropertyAttributes(&it).IsJust()NormalizeImmutablePrototypeTransitionReplaceDescriptorsCopyAsElementsKindCopyForTransitionMapCreateTooManyFastPropertiesGenAll_AttributesMismatchProtoMapTransitionToAccessorFromNonPairTransitionToDifferentAccessorAccessorsOverwritingNonLastAccessorsOverwritingNonAccessorsAccessorsWithAttributesAccessorsOverwritingNonPairAccessorsOverwritingAccessorsTooManyAccessorsCopyAddDescriptorCopyReplaceDescriptorString.prototype.indexOfString.prototype.lastIndexOf ** Not marking -- already in optimization queue. ** Marking for concurrent recompilation. NormalizeAsPrototypeOptimizeAsPrototypeCopyAsPrototypeRegistering %p as a user of prototype %p (map=%p). Unregistering %p as a user of prototype %p. SetPrototypeInitialMapprototype->IsJSReceiver()async function* function* async function function anonymousfun->function_literal_id() != FunctionLiteral::kIdTypeInvalidfun->function_literal_id() < shared_function_infos()->length()FixedArrayOfWeakCells::cast(list)->Remove(shared)max_nof_fields <= JSObject::kMaxInObjectPropertiesstatic_cast(requested_embedder_fields) <= static_cast(max_nof_fields)*in_object_properties == ((*instance_size - header_size) >> kPointerSizeLog2) - requested_embedder_fieldsstatic_cast(*instance_size) <= static_cast(JSObject::kMaxInstanceSize)... [disabled optimization for , reason: %s] ClearTypeFeedbackInfo, %s INTERPRETED_FUNCTIONDeoptimization Input Data invalidated by lazy deoptimization Inlined functions (count = Deoptimization Input Data (deopt points = index bytecode-offset pc commands {frame count=, js frame count=, update_feedback_count= {bytecode_offset=, function=, height={bailout_id={function={input= (unsigned)} (bool)}{literal_id=)}{object_index={arguments_type={length={feedback={vector_index=, slot=kind = major_key = minor_key = name = stack_slots = compiler = turbofanaddress = Body (size = Instructions (size = Source positions: pc offset position statementSafepoints (size = (sp -> fp) argc: Handler Table (size = RelocInfo (size = UnwindingInfo (size = Parameter count Frame size S> E> {: @ }Constant pool (size = [marking dependent code 0x%08x (opt #%d) for deoptimization, reason: %s] transitionprototype-checkproperty-cell-changedfield-ownerinitial-map-changedallocation-site-tenuring-changedallocation-site-transition-changedTransitionToPrototypeJSArray::cast(*object)->length()->ToArrayLength(&old_length)undecideddon't tenuremaybe tenuretenurezombieLookupIterator::ACCESSOR == it.state()array->length()->ToArrayLength(&length)IsSmi() || heap_byte_length->IsHeapNumber()(isolate->array_buffer_allocator()) != nullptris_suspended()length == propertiesaccessor-getteraccessor-setterinterceptor-indexed-getterinterceptor-named-getterresult->ToInt32(&value)interceptor-indexed-setinterceptor-named-setEVAL_SCOPEFUNCTION_SCOPEMODULE_SCOPESCRIPT_SCOPECATCH_SCOPEBLOCK_SCOPEWITH_SCOPEis_prototype_map()static_cast(value) < JSObject::kFieldsAddedinterceptor-indexed-deleterinterceptor-named-deleterinterceptor-indexed-defineinterceptor-named-definev8::IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallbackv8::NamedPropertyDescriptorCallbackInvalid property descriptor.interceptor-indexed-descriptorinterceptor-named-descriptor0 <= max_slackInvalidating prototype map %p 's cell SetInstancePrototypeconstructor_initial_map->UsedInstanceSize() <= instance_size() { [native code] }CopyForPreventExtensionsSlowPreventExtensionsSlowCopyForPreventExtensionsboilerplate->length()->ToArrayLength(&length)AllocationSite: JSArray %p boilerplate %supdated %s->%s (nested)AllocationSite: JSArray %p site updated %s->%s ...carry + high == 00123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzCoverage info ({anonymous}):*dict == *dictionary../deps/v8/src/objects/module.cc:465../deps/v8/src/objects/module.cc:697../deps/v8/src/objects/module.cc:875JSModuleNamespacekey->IsName()STACKCONTEXTUNUSED%s%.*llx\u%04x\u{%06x}../deps/v8/src/parsing/parse-info.cc:20disabled-by-default-v8.runtime_statsV8.RuntimeStatsruntime-call-statsV8.ParseProgramparse-evalparse-scriptV8.ParseFunctionparse-functionstack_overflow()../deps/v8/src/parsing/parser.cc:2593preparse-no-resolutionpreparse-resolutionfull-parseV8.PreParseuse strictnew.targetimport.meta.class-field-ILLEGALarrow functionfor-await-ofdestructuringconstfor-offor-inscope_data_->RemainingBytes() >= kSkippableFunctionDataSizestart_position == start_position_from_datachildren->length() > child_index_magic_value_from_data == kMagicValuestart_position_from_data == scope->start_position()end_position_from_data == scope->end_position()scope_data_->RemainingBytes() >= kUint8Size(closure_scope()) != nullptrsourceURLsourceMappingURLEOSLPARENRPARENLBRACKRBRACKLBRACERBRACECOLONSEMICOLONPERIODELLIPSISCONDITIONALINCDECARROWINITASSIGNASSIGN_BIT_ORASSIGN_BIT_XORASSIGN_BIT_ANDASSIGN_SHLASSIGN_SARASSIGN_SHRASSIGN_ADDASSIGN_SUBASSIGN_MULASSIGN_DIVASSIGN_MODASSIGN_EXPCOMMAORANDBIT_ORBIT_XORBIT_ANDSHLSARSHRADDSUBMULDIVMODEQNEEQ_STRICTNE_STRICTLTGTLTEGTEINSTANCEOFINNOTBIT_NOTTYPEOFVOIDBREAKCASECATCHCONTINUEDEBUGGERDOELSEFINALLYFORFUNCTIONIFNEWRETURNSWITCHTHISTHROWTRYVARWHILEWITHNULL_LITERALTRUE_LITERALFALSE_LITERALNUMBERSMISTRINGBIGINTIDENTIFIERPRIVATE_NAMEFUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORDASYNCAWAITCLASSCONSTEXPORTEXTENDSIMPORTLETSTATICYIELDSUPERESCAPED_KEYWORDESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORDWHITESPACEUNINITIALIZEDREGEXP_LITERALTEMPLATE_SPANTEMPLATE_TAILOFTARGETMETAFROMNAMEPROTO_UNDERSCOREDCONSTRUCTORPRIVATE_CONSTRUCTORPROTOTYPEEVALARGUMENTSUNDEFINEDANONYMOUS;?++=>=init|=^=&=<<=>>=>>>=+=-=*=/=%=**=||&&&<<>>>>>**==!====!==<=>=instanceofin!typeofvoidbreakcasecontinuedoelseifthistrywhilewithawaitclassenumexportextendsimportletstaticyieldsupertargetmetaas__proto__#constructorevalw+from->IsBytecodeArray()v8:ProfEvntProcnative V8RuntimeCpuProfiler::StartProfiling(head_) != nullptr(n) != nullptr%6zu @%6u %*c %s%s: %s %.40s " $!!! unknown edge type: %d /hidden//object//closure//string//code//array//regexp//number//native//synthetic//concatenated string//sliced string//symbol//bigint/???(GC roots)Move object from %p to %p old size %6d new size %6d Update object size : %p with old size %d and new size %d Begin HeapObjectsMap::UpdateHeapObjectsMap. map has %d entries. Update object : %p %6d. Next address is %p End HeapObjectsMap::UpdateHeapObjectsMap. map has %d entries. native_bind%s / %s(concatenated string)(sliced string)private symbolsymbolbigintsystem / NativeContextsystem / Contextnumbersystem / Map (String)system / Map (OneByteString)system / Map (ConsString)system / Map (ConsOneByteString)system / Map (SlicedString)system / Map (SlicedOneByteString)system / Map (ExternalString)system / Map (ExternalOneByteString)system / Map (ExternalStringWithOneByteData)system / Map (ShortExternalString)system / Map (ShortExternalOneByteString)system / Map (ShortExternalStringWithOneByteData)system / Map (InternalizedString)system / Map (OneByteInternalizedString)system / Map (ExternalInternalizedString)system / Map (ExternalOneByteInternalizedString)system / Map (ExternalInternalizedStringWithOneByteData)system / Map (ShortExternalInternalizedString)system / Map (ShortExternalOneByteInternalizedString)system / Map (ShortExternalInternalizedStringWithOneByteData)system / Map (ThinString)system / Map (ThinOneByteString)system / Mapsystem / Cellsystem / PropertyCellsystem / Foreignsystem / Oddballsystem / AccessCheckInfosystem / AccessorInfosystem / AccessorPairsystem / AliasedArgumentsEntrysystem / AllocationMementosystem / AllocationSitesystem / AsyncGeneratorRequestsystem / DebugInfosystem / FunctionTemplateInfosystem / InterceptorInfosystem / InterpreterDatasystem / ModuleInfoEntrysystem / Modulesystem / ObjectTemplateInfosystem / PromiseCapabilitysystem / PromiseReactionsystem / PrototypeInfosystem / Scriptsystem / StackFrameInfosystem / Tuple2system / Tuple3system / WasmCompiledModulesystem / WasmDebugInfosystem / WasmExportedFunctionDatasystem / WasmSharedModuleDatasystem / CallableTasksystem / CallbackTasksystem / PromiseFulfillReactionJobTasksystem / PromiseRejectReactionJobTasksystem / PromiseResolveThenableJobTasksystemnative_context(bound arguments)bindingsbound_thisbound_functionbound_argument_%dinitial_map(function feedback cell)feedback_cell(shared function info)shared(context)global_proxy(object properties)properties(object elements)elementsfirstparentactualscope_infopreviousextension(context norm. map cache)(context data)optimized_code_listdeoptimized_code_list(prototype transitions)(transition array)transitions(transition)prototype_info(map descriptors)descriptors(back pointer)back_pointer(constructor function data)constructor_function_data(dependent code)dependent_code(weak cell)weak_cell_cache(code for %s)(%s code)(function scope info)name_or_scope_infofunction_datadebug_infofunction_identifierraw_outer_scope_info_or_feedback_metadatacontext_data(script line ends)line_endsexpected_receiver_typegettersetter(%s builtin)(code relocation info)relocation_info(code deopt data)deoptimization_data(source position table)source_position_table(feedback cell)transition_infonested_sitebacking_storereactions_or_resultkey %s in WeakMapoptimized codeget %sset %sfree_space_mapone_pointer_filler_maptwo_pointer_filler_mapuninitialized_valueundefined_valuethe_hole_valuenull_valuetrue_valuefalse_valueempty_stringmeta_mapbyte_array_mapfixed_array_mapfixed_cow_array_maphash_table_mapsymbol_mapone_byte_string_mapone_byte_internalized_string_mapscope_info_mapshared_function_info_mapcode_mapfunction_context_mapcell_mapweak_cell_mapglobal_property_cell_mapforeign_mapheap_number_maptransition_array_mapfeedback_vector_mapempty_scope_infoempty_fixed_arrayempty_descriptor_arrayarguments_markertermination_exceptionoptimized_outstale_registernative_context_mapmodule_context_mapeval_context_mapscript_context_mapblock_context_mapcatch_context_mapwith_context_mapdebug_evaluate_context_mapscript_context_table_mapfeedback_metadata_maparray_list_mapbigint_mapboilerplate_description_mapbytecode_array_mapcode_data_container_mapdescriptor_array_mapexternal_mapfixed_double_array_mapglobal_dictionary_mapmany_closures_cell_mapmessage_object_mapmodule_info_mapmutable_heap_number_mapname_dictionary_mapno_closures_cell_mapnumber_dictionary_mapone_closure_cell_mapordered_hash_map_mapordered_hash_set_mapproperty_array_mapside_effect_call_handler_info_mapside_effect_free_call_handler_info_mapnext_call_side_effect_free_call_handler_info_mapsimple_number_dictionary_mapsloppy_arguments_elements_mapsmall_ordered_hash_map_mapsmall_ordered_hash_set_mapstring_table_mapweak_fixed_array_mapweak_array_list_mapnative_source_string_mapstring_mapcons_one_byte_string_mapcons_string_mapthin_one_byte_string_mapthin_string_mapsliced_string_mapsliced_one_byte_string_mapexternal_string_mapexternal_string_with_one_byte_data_mapexternal_one_byte_string_mapshort_external_string_mapshort_external_string_with_one_byte_data_mapinternalized_string_mapexternal_internalized_string_mapexternal_internalized_string_with_one_byte_data_mapexternal_one_byte_internalized_string_mapshort_external_internalized_string_mapshort_external_internalized_string_with_one_byte_data_mapshort_external_one_byte_internalized_string_mapshort_external_one_byte_string_mapfixed_uint8_array_mapfixed_int8_array_mapfixed_uint16_array_mapfixed_int16_array_mapfixed_uint32_array_mapfixed_int32_array_mapfixed_float32_array_mapfixed_float64_array_mapfixed_uint8_clamped_array_mapfixed_biguint64_array_mapfixed_bigint64_array_mapundefined_mapthe_hole_mapnull_mapboolean_mapuninitialized_maparguments_marker_mapexception_maptermination_exception_mapoptimized_out_mapstale_register_mapself_reference_marker_mapempty_enum_cacheempty_property_arrayempty_byte_arrayempty_boilerplate_descriptionempty_fixed_uint8_arrayempty_fixed_int8_arrayempty_fixed_uint16_arrayempty_fixed_int16_arrayempty_fixed_uint32_arrayempty_fixed_int32_arrayempty_fixed_float32_arrayempty_fixed_float64_arrayempty_fixed_uint8_clamped_arrayempty_fixed_biguint64_arrayempty_fixed_bigint64_arrayempty_scriptmany_closures_cellempty_sloppy_arguments_elementsempty_slow_element_dictionaryempty_ordered_hash_mapempty_ordered_hash_setempty_feedback_metadataempty_property_cellempty_weak_cellinvalid_prototype_validity_cellnoop_interceptor_infoempty_weak_fixed_arrayempty_weak_array_listarray_constructor_protectorno_elements_protectoris_concat_spreadable_protectorarray_species_protectortyped_array_species_protectorpromise_species_protectorstring_length_protectorarray_iterator_protectorarray_buffer_neutering_protectorpromise_hook_protectorpromise_resolve_protectorpromise_then_protectornan_valuehole_nan_valueinfinity_valueminus_zero_valueminus_infinity_valuenumber_string_cachesingle_character_string_cachestring_split_cacheregexp_multiple_cacheempty_property_dictionarypublic_symbol_tableapi_symbol_tableapi_private_symbol_tablescript_listmaterialized_objectsmicrotask_queuedetached_contextsretaining_path_targetsretained_mapsbuiltins_constants_tablefeedback_vectors_for_profiling_toolsweak_stack_trace_listnoscript_shared_function_infosserialized_global_proxy_sizesdeserialize_lazy_handlerdeserialize_lazy_handler_widedeserialize_lazy_handler_extra_widejs_entry_codejs_construct_entry_codejs_run_microtasks_entry_codeaccess_check_info_mapaccessor_info_mapaccessor_pair_mapaliased_arguments_entry_mapallocation_memento_mapallocation_site_mapasync_generator_request_mapdebug_info_mapfunction_template_info_mapinterceptor_info_mapinterpreter_data_mapmodule_info_entry_mapmodule_mapobject_template_info_mappromise_capability_mappromise_reaction_mapprototype_info_mapscript_mapstack_frame_info_maptuple2_maptuple3_mapwasm_compiled_module_mapwasm_debug_info_mapwasm_exported_function_data_mapwasm_shared_module_data_mapcallable_task_mapcallback_task_mappromise_fulfill_reaction_job_task_mappromise_reject_reaction_job_task_mappromise_resolve_thenable_job_task_mapload_handler1_mapload_handler2_mapload_handler3_mapstore_handler0_mapstore_handler1_mapstore_handler2_mapstore_handler3_mapadd_stringanonymous_function_stringanonymous_stringapply_stringArguments_stringarguments_stringarguments_to_stringArray_stringarray_to_stringArrayBuffer_stringArrayIterator_stringassign_stringasync_stringawait_stringBigInt_stringbigint_stringBigInt64Array_stringBigUint64Array_stringbind_stringBoolean_stringboolean_stringboolean_to_stringbound__stringbuffer_stringbyte_length_stringbyte_offset_stringcall_stringcallee_stringcaller_stringcell_value_stringchar_at_stringclosure_stringcolumn_stringCompileError_stringconfigurable_stringconstruct_stringconstructor_stringcreate_stringcurrency_stringDate_stringdate_to_stringday_stringdayperiod_stringdecimal_stringdefault_stringdefineProperty_stringdeleteProperty_stringdid_handle_stringdisplay_name_stringdone_stringdot_catch_stringdot_for_stringdot_generator_object_stringdot_iterator_stringdot_result_stringdot_stringdot_switch_tag_stringdotAll_stringenqueue_stringentries_stringenumerable_stringera_stringError_stringeval_stringEvalError_stringexec_stringfalse_stringflags_stringFloat32Array_stringFloat64Array_stringfraction_stringFunction_stringfunction_native_code_stringfunction_stringfunction_to_stringGenerator_stringget_space_stringget_stringgetOwnPropertyDescriptor_stringgetOwnPropertyDescriptors_stringgetPrototypeOf_stringglobal_stringgroup_stringgroups_stringhas_stringhour_stringignoreCase_stringillegal_access_stringillegal_argument_stringindex_stringInfinity_stringinfinity_stringinput_stringInt16Array_stringInt32Array_stringInt8Array_stringinteger_stringisExtensible_stringisView_stringKeyedLoadMonomorphic_stringKeyedStoreMonomorphic_stringkeys_stringlastIndex_stringlength_stringlet_stringline_stringLinkError_stringliteral_stringMap_stringMapIterator_stringmessage_stringminus_Infinity_stringminus_zero_stringminusSign_stringminute_stringModule_stringmonth_stringmultiline_stringname_stringNaN_stringnan_stringnative_stringnew_target_stringnext_stringNFC_stringNFD_stringNFKC_stringNFKD_stringnot_equalnull_stringnull_to_stringNumber_stringnumber_stringnumber_to_stringObject_stringobject_stringone_stringownKeys_stringpercentSign_stringplusSign_stringposition_stringpreventExtensions_stringPromise_stringpromise_stringPromiseResolveThenableJob_stringproto_stringprototype_stringproxy_stringProxy_stringquery_colon_stringRangeError_stringraw_stringReconfigureToDataProperty_stringReferenceError_stringRegExp_stringregexp_to_stringreject_stringresolve_stringreturn_stringrevoke_stringRuntimeError_stringScript_stringscript_stringsecond_stringset_space_stringSet_stringset_stringSetIterator_stringsetPrototypeOf_stringSharedArrayBuffer_stringsource_stringsourceText_stringstack_stringstackTraceLimit_stringstar_default_star_stringsticky_stringString_stringstring_stringstring_to_stringsymbol_species_stringSymbol_stringsymbol_stringSyntaxError_stringthen_stringthis_function_stringthis_stringthrow_stringtimed_outtimeZoneName_stringtoJSON_stringtoString_stringtrue_stringTypeError_stringtype_stringUint16Array_stringUint32Array_stringUint8Array_stringUint8ClampedArray_stringundefined_stringundefined_to_stringunicode_stringURIError_stringuse_asm_stringuse_strict_stringvalue_stringvalueOf_stringvalues_stringWeakMap_stringWeakSet_stringweekday_stringwill_handle_stringwritable_stringyear_stringzero_stringarguments_iterator_accessorarray_length_accessorbound_function_length_accessorbound_function_name_accessorerror_stack_accessorfunction_arguments_accessorfunction_caller_accessorfunction_name_accessorfunction_length_accessorfunction_prototype_accessorscript_column_offset_accessorscript_compilation_type_accessorscript_context_data_accessorscript_eval_from_script_accessorscript_eval_from_script_position_accessorscript_eval_from_function_name_accessorscript_id_accessorscript_line_offset_accessorscript_name_accessorscript_source_accessorscript_type_accessorscript_source_url_accessorscript_source_mapping_url_accessorstring_length_accessor!strong_gc_subroot_names_.is_empty()%s / %d entriesnative"snapshot":{"nodes":[], "edges":["trace_function_infos":["trace_tree":["samples":["strings":["meta":{"node_fields":["type","name","id","self_size","edge_count","trace_node_id"],"node_types":[["hidden","array","string","object","code","closure","regexp","number","native","synthetic","concatenated string","sliced string","symbol","bigint"],"string","number","number","number","number","number"],"edge_fields":["type","name_or_index","to_node"],"edge_types":[["context","element","property","internal","hidden","shortcut","weak"],"string_or_number","node"],"trace_function_info_fields":["function_id","name","script_name","script_id","line","column"],"trace_node_fields":["id","function_info_index","count","size","children"],"sample_fields":["timestamp_us","last_assigned_id"]},"node_count":,"edge_count":,"trace_function_count":""system / JSArrayBufferData%d / %s%s %s!disposed_\u(program)(idle)(garbage collector)(unresolved function)%5u %*s %s:%d %d #%d %s:%d%*s;;; deopted at script_id: %d position: %zu with reason '%s'. %*s;;; Inline point: script_id %d position: %zu. %*s bailed out due to '%s' (root)disabled-by-default-v8.cpu_profilerProfilecpuProfilenodessamplestimeDeltasProfileChunkendTime[Top down]: %p %5d %s callFramescriptIdlineNumbercolumnNumberno reasondeoptReasonRegExp: rate_ > 0u(GC)(PARSER)(COMPILER)(BYTECODE_COMPILER)(V8 API)(EXTERNAL)(IDLE)(JS)(deopt)%s%sdisabled-by-default-v8.cpu_profiler.hiresresult.IsJust() && result.FromJust()W_const accessor, dict_index: field descriptor, p: ../deps/v8/src/regexp/jsregexp.cc:137../deps/v8/src/regexp/jsregexp.cc:327Stack overflowRegExp too big(|(:@^i@$i@^l@$l@b@B(!(# - g p n (^ (?: <-(<- Regular expression too largeUnterminated groupUnmatched ')'Nothing to repeat\ at end of patternInvalid property nameInvalid escapeInvalid decimal escapeInvalid unicode escapeLone quantifier bracketsnumbers out of order in {} quantifierIncomplete quantifierInvalid quantifierInvalid groupMultiple dashes in flag groupRepeated flag in flag groupInvalid flag groupToo many capturesInvalid capture group nameDuplicate capture group nameInvalid named referenceInvalid named capture referencedInvalid class escapeInvalid property name in character classUnterminated character classInvalid character classRange out of order in character classs0s1s2s3s4s5s6s7s8s9s10s11s12s13s14s15s16s17s18s19s20s21s22s23s24s25s26s27s28s29s30s31d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9d10d11d12d13d14d15d16d17d18d19d20d21d22d23d24d25d26d27d28d29d30d31q0q1q2q3q4q5q6q7q8q9q10q11q12q13q14q15r0r1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8r9r10fpsplrpcdo not optimizehot and stablesmall function[OSR - arming back edges in [function is already in optimization queue] [not yet optimizing , not enough ticks: %d/%d and ICs changed] too large for small function optimization: %d/%d] [marking for %s recompilation, reason: %s, ICs with typeinfo: %d/%d (%d%%), generic ICs: %d/%d (%d%%)[[TargetFunction]][[BoundThis]][[BoundArgs]]suspendedclosedrunning[[GeneratorStatus]][[GeneratorFunction]][[GeneratorReceiver]][[PromiseStatus]][[PromiseValue]][[Handler]][[Target]][[IsRevoked]][[PrimitiveValue]]V8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugBreakOnBytecodeV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugBreakAtEntryargs[0]->IsJSFunction()V8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugApplyInstrumentationV8.Runtime_Runtime_HandleDebuggerStatementV8.Runtime_Runtime_ScheduleBreakV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugGetInternalPropertiesV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugGetPropertyDetailsargs[0]->IsJSObject()V8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugGetPropertyargs[1]->IsName()V8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugPropertyKindFromDetailsargs[0]->IsSmi()V8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetailsV8.Runtime_Runtime_CheckExecutionStateisolate->debug()->CheckExecutionState(break_id)V8.Runtime_Runtime_GetFrameCountV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetFrameDetailsfunction->shared()->IsSubjectToDebugging()V8.Runtime_Runtime_GetScopeCountargs[1]->IsSmi()V8.Runtime_Runtime_GetScopeDetailsV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetAllScopesDetailsV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetFunctionScopeCountargs[0]->IsJSReceiver()V8.Runtime_Runtime_GetFunctionScopeDetailsV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetGeneratorScopeCountargs[0]->IsJSGeneratorObject()V8.Runtime_Runtime_GetGeneratorScopeDetailsV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetScopeVariableValueV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetBreakLocationsisolate->debug()->is_active()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ChangeBreakOnExceptionV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsBreakOnExceptionV8.Runtime_Runtime_PrepareStepV8.Runtime_Runtime_ClearSteppingV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugEvaluateargs[3]->IsString()V8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugEvaluateGlobalV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugGetLoadedScriptsV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugReferencedByfilter->IsUndefined(isolate) || filter->IsJSObject()max_references >= 0V8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugConstructedByV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugGetPrototypeV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugSetScriptSourceargs[0]->IsJSValue()script_wrapper->value()->IsScript()V8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionGetInferredNameV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionGetDebugNameV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetDebugContextV8.Runtime_Runtime_CollectGarbageV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetHeapUsageV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetScriptV8.Runtime_Runtime_ScriptLineCountscript->value()->IsScript()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ScriptLocationFromLineopt_line->IsNumber()opt_column->IsNumber()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ScriptLocationFromLine2GetScriptById(isolate, scriptid, &script)V8.Runtime_Runtime_ScriptPositionInfoV8.Runtime_Runtime_ScriptPositionInfo2V8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugOnFunctionCallV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugPrepareStepInSuspendedGeneratorV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugPushPromiseV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugPopPromiseV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugAsyncFunctionPromiseCreatedV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugIsActiveV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugCollectCoverageV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugTogglePreciseCoverageV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugToggleBlockCoverageV8.Runtime_Runtime_IncBlockCounter[[IteratorHasMore]][[IteratorIndex]][[IteratorKind]]V8.Runtime_Runtime_ObjectKeysV8.Runtime_Runtime_ObjectHasOwnPropertyV8.Runtime_Runtime_AddDictionaryPropertyV8.Runtime_Runtime_ObjectCreateV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetPrototypeV8.Runtime_Runtime_InternalSetPrototype*function_map == function->map()V8.Runtime_Runtime_OptimizeObjectForAddingMultiplePropertiesOptimizeForAddingV8.Runtime_Runtime_ObjectValuesV8.Runtime_Runtime_ObjectValuesSkipFastPathV8.Runtime_Runtime_ObjectEntriesV8.Runtime_Runtime_ObjectEntriesSkipFastPathV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetPropertyV8.Runtime_Runtime_KeyedGetPropertyV8.Runtime_Runtime_AddNamedPropertyargs[3]->IsSmi()args.smi_at(3) & ~(READ_ONLY | DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE) == 0V8.Runtime_Runtime_AddElementkey->ToArrayIndex(&index)V8.Runtime_Runtime_SetPropertyargs[3]->ToInt32(&__tmp_language_mode)is_valid_language_mode(__tmp_language_mode)V8.Runtime_Runtime_DeletePropertyargs[2]->IsSmi()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ShrinkPropertyDictionaryV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasPropertyV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetOwnPropertyKeysV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetInterceptorInfoV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToFastPropertiesRuntimeToFastPropertiesV8.Runtime_Runtime_AllocateHeapNumberV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewObjectargs[1]->IsJSReceiver()V8.Runtime_Runtime_CompleteInobjectSlackTrackingForMapargs[0]->IsMap()V8.Runtime_Runtime_TryMigrateInstanceV8.Runtime_Runtime_DefineAccessorPropertyUnchecked!obj->IsNull(isolate)IsValidAccessor(isolate, getter)IsValidAccessor(isolate, setter)args[4]->IsSmi()args.smi_at(4) & ~(READ_ONLY | DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE) == 0V8.Runtime_Runtime_DefineDataPropertyInLiteralargs[4]->IsFeedbackVector()args[5]->IsSmi()!IsClassConstructor(function->shared()->kind()) implies *function_map == function->map()JSObject::DefineOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes(&it, value, attrs, kDontThrow) .IsJust()V8.Runtime_Runtime_CollectTypeProfileargs[2]->IsFeedbackVector()V8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFastPackedElementsargs[0]->IsHeapObject()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ValueOfV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSReceiverV8.Runtime_Runtime_ClassOfV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetFunctionNameV8.Runtime_Runtime_DefineGetterPropertyUncheckedargs[2]->IsJSFunction()*getter_map == getter->map()V8.Runtime_Runtime_SetDataPropertiesV8.Runtime_Runtime_CopyDataPropertiesV8.Runtime_Runtime_CopyDataPropertiesWithExcludedPropertiesV8.Runtime_Runtime_DefineMethodsInternalisolate->bootstrapper()->IsActive()args[1]->IsJSFunction()did_get_descriptor.FromJust()V8.Runtime_Runtime_DefineSetterPropertyUnchecked*setter_map == setter->map()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ToObjectV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToPrimitiveV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToPrimitive_NumberV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToNumberV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToNumericV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToIntegerV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToLengthV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToNameV8.Runtime_Runtime_SameValueV8.Runtime_Runtime_SameValueZeroV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasInPrototypeChainV8.Runtime_Runtime_CreateIterResultObjectV8.Runtime_Runtime_CreateDataPropertyV8.Runtime_Runtime_IterableToListCanBeElidedV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetOwnPropertyDescriptorV8.Runtime_Runtime_AddPrivateFieldargs[1]->IsSymbol()Object::AddDataProperty(&it, value, NONE, kDontThrow, Object::MAY_BE_STORE_FROM_KEYED) .FromJust()index >= 0;;; Safepoint table.BuiltinSerializerBuiltinOffsetspartial_snapshot_cache_indexSkipDistanceFromSerializeObjectV8.CompileSerialize[Serializing from[Serializing to %d bytes took %0.3f ms] SerializeBackReference(obj, how_to_code, where_to_point, skip)!obj->IsMap()!obj->IsJSGlobalProxy() && !obj->IsJSGlobalObject()obj->NeedsRehashing() implies obj->CanBeRehashed()!obj->IsJSFunction() && !obj->IsContext() Encoding code stub %s as attached reference %d [Cached code failed check] [Deserializing failed] [Deserializing from %d bytes took %0.3f ms] CodeSerializer Spaces (bytes): %16s%16zu%16d%16d new_internalized_strings().size() <= kMaxIntPartialSerializerembedder fields dataembedder field indexembedder fields data sizeUnknown external reference %p. Encoding heap object: 0 == bytes_processed_so_far_ Encoding deferred heap object: deferred object sizerepeat countSkipB4ExternalRefreference indexinternal ref addressinternal ref valueObjectSizeInWordsBytesOff-heap backing storeBackingStorebuffer->byte_length()->IsSmi()typed_array->byte_offset()->IsSmi()StringContent Encoding root %d:SkipInPutRootroot_indexBackRefValueAttachedRefIndex Encoding hot object %d:HotObjectSkipDistance Encoding attached reference %d Encoding back reference to: BackRefSkipDistance Encoding builtin reference: %s builtin_index%s: [Deserializing isolate (%d bytes) took %0.3f ms] [Deserializing context #%zu (%d bytes) took %0.3f ms] Lazy-deserializing builtin %s [Deserializing builtin %s (%d bytes) took %0.3f ms] Forcing eager builtin deserialization Lazy-deserializing handler %s [Deserializing handler %s (%d bytes) took %0.3f ms] Deserialization will reserve: %10d bytes per isolate %10d bytes per context #%zu Snapshot blob consists of: %10d bytes for startup %10d bytes for builtins %10d bytes for context #%d kNumberOfContextsOffset < data->raw_sizecontext_offset < static_cast(data->raw_size)kRehashabilityOffset < static_cast(data->raw_size)startup_offset < data->raw_sizebuiltin_offset < data->raw_sizebuiltin_offset > startup_offsetfrom_offset < data->raw_sizeto_offset < data->raw_sizeto_offset > from_offsetindex < num_contextskVersionStringOffset + kVersionStringLength < static_cast(data->raw_size)Version mismatch between V8 binary and snapshot. # V8 binary version: %.*s # Snapshot version: %.*s # The snapshot consists of %d bytes and contains %d context(s).position_ + size <= length_StartupDeserializerStartupSerializer(isolate->thread_manager()->FirstThreadStateInUse()) == nullptrisolate->handle_scope_implementer()->blocks()->empty()%s handle not serialized: eternal inlined at %o %d: %o ... %d: %3d 0x%02x '%c' ' ' ' ' ^%c==== Key ============================================ #%d# %p: value(): %o (Function context is outside heap) Security context: %o (Function context is corrupt) /* warning: 'function' was not a heap object */ /* warning: 'function' was not on the heap */ /* warning: function's map was not on the heap */ /* warning: function's map was not a valid map */ /* unresolved */ /* warning: no JSFunction object or function name found */ (aka new_nof <= kMaxNumberOfTransitionsinstance_type() >= FIRST_JS_RECEIVER_TYPEvalue->IsMap()GetBackPointer()->IsUndefined(GetIsolate())value->IsMap() implies Map::cast(value)->GetConstructor() == constructor_or_backpointer()[%d] [%d:%p] Cannot read from file %s. Cannot open file %s for writing. wb!platform_platform_../deps/v8/src/value-serializer.cc:186ValueDeserializer::ReadWasmModuleproperties.size() < std::numeric_limits::max()VectorSlotPair(VectorSlotPair(INVALID)-node. (candidate)%d.%d.%d.%d%s%s%d.%d.%d%s%s-candidatelibv8-%d.%d.%d.%d%s%s.solibv8-%d.%d.%d%s%s.so(Internalized strings)(External strings)(Strong roots)(Smi roots)(Bootstrapper)(Isolate)(Relocatable)(Debugger)(Compilation cache)(Handle scope)(Dispatch table)(Builtins)(Global handles)(Eternal handles)(Thread manager)(Extensions)(Code flusher)(Partial snapshot cache)(Weak collections)(Wrapper tracing)(Unknown)WasmLazyCompile!thrower.error()wasm::WasmCode::kLazyStub == lazy_stub->kind()promise_result.is_null() == isolate_->has_pending_exception()wasm://wasm/%08xwasm-%08x0 <= callee_posCompiling function #%d:%.*s failed: %s @+%uCompilation of #%d:%.*s failed.Imports argument must be present and must be an objectOut of memory: wasm globalsmemory->byte_length()->ToUint32(&mem_size)instance->memory_size() == mem_sizeinstance->memory_start() == memory->backing_store()table initializer is out of boundsdata segment is out of boundsCould not resolve module name for import %zuCould not resolve import name for import %zuCould not find value for import %zumissing imports objectnot a data propertyImport #%d module="%s" error: %smodule not foundmodule is not an object or functionimport not foundImport #%d module="%s" function="%s" error: %sfunction import requires a callableimported function does not match the expected typetable import requires a WebAssembly.Tabletable import %d is smaller than initial %d, got %utable import %d has no maximum length, expected %d table import %d has a larger maximum size %llx than the module's declared maximum %utable import %d[%d] is not a wasm functionmemory import must be a WebAssembly.Memory objectmemory import %d is smaller than initial %u, got %umemory import %d has no maximum limit, expected at most %umemory import %d has a larger maximum size %u than the module's declared maximum %umismatch in shared state of memory, declared = %d, imported = %dglobal import cannot have type i64imported global does not match the expected typeimported global does not match the expected mutabilityimported mutable global must be a WebAssembly.Global objectglobal import must be a number or WebAssembly.Global objectglobal import must be a numberOut of memory: wasm memory too largeOut of memory: wasm memoryexport of globals of type I64 is not allowed.export of %.*s failed.!obj->IsUndefined(isolate)AsyncCompileWasm decoding failed%s: %s @+%uTypeImportTableMemoryGlobalExportElementDatastart > endsize > maximum module size: %zusection namefunctions counttable sizeillegal asm function offset table sizelocals sizefunction start posbyte offset deltacall position deltato_number position deltabroken asm offset tableunexpected additional bytessection lengthname lengthinvalid section lengthname payload lengthfunction indexlocal names countnamings countlocal indexlocal nameend is less than start0 < lenunknown section code #0x%02xshorterlongersection was %s than expected size (%u bytes expected, %zu decoded)(module_) == nullptrsignaturesexpected magic word %02x %02x %02x %02x, found %02x %02x %02x %02xexpected version %02x %02x %02x %02x, found %02x %02x %02x %02xunexpected section: %sMultiple exception sections not allowedException section must appear before the code sectionsection was %s than expected size (%zu bytes expected, %zu decoded)types count%s of %u exceeds internal limit of %zutype formparam countreturn countexpected %s 0x%02x, got 0x%02xinvalid local typeimports countmodule namefield nameelement typeelement countmemorypagesmutable globals cannot be importedunknown import kind 0x%02xsignature indexsignature index %u out of bounds (%d signatures)At most one table is supportedinvalid %s limits flags%s limits flags should have maximum defined if shared is trueinitial sizeinitial %s size (%u %s) is larger than implementation limit (%u)maximum sizemaximum %s size (%u %s) is larger than implementation limit (%u)maximum %s size (%u %s) is less than initial (%u %s)At most one memory is supportedinvalid mutabilitytable counttable typetable elementsmemory countglobals countinvalid global index in init expression, index %u, other_index %utype mismatch in global initialization (from global #%u), expected %s, got %stype error in global initialization, expected %s, got %sglobal index is out of boundsonly immutable imported globals can be used in initializer expressionsinvalid opcode in initialization expressionend opcodetype error in init expression, expected %s, got %sglobal indexexpected %sextra bits in varintimmi32immf32immi64immf64i32i64f32f64s128exports countmemory indexinvalid memory index != 0mutable globals cannot be exportedinvalid export kind 0x%02xDuplicate export name '%.*s' for %s %d and %s %d%s %u out of bounds (%d entr%s)iestable indexinvalid start function: non-zero parameter or return countbody sizesize %u > maximum function size %zuThe element section requires a tableillegal table index %u != 0out of bounds table index %unumber of elementsdata segments countcannot load data without memorylinear memory indexsource sizename type if not varuint7exception countin function function body count %u mismatch (%u expected)string length%s: no valid UTF-8 stringsize > maximum function size: %zuexpected %u bytes, fell off end!frozen_function size > maximum function size: < HasTrapHandlerIndex()0 <= index--- Wasm code --- name: index: kind: compiler: Liftoffwasm functionwasm-to-jslazy-compileinterpreter entrytrampolineunknown kindtrap_handler_index() < static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max())NativeModule::AddOwnedCodewasm_code->trap_handler_index() < static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max())WasmCodeManager::NewNativeModulecall indexc-wasm-entryExceptionResult::UNWOUND == resultmemory_buffer->byte_length()->ToUint32(&byte_length)localsarg#%dlocal#%dlen > 0 && len < value.length()%lld!result.failed()result.is_null() == isolate->has_pending_exception()WasmCompile../deps/v8/src/wasm/wasm-interpreter.cc:27040 == idUnknown or unimplemented opcode #%d:%sInternalBreakpoint../deps/v8/src/wasm/wasm-interpreter.cc:664WebAssemblyvalidatecompileStreaminginstantiateStreamingModuleimportscustomSectionsWebAssembly.ModuleInstanceWebAssembly.InstancegrowWebAssembly.TableWebAssembly.MemoryWebAssembly.GlobalWebAssembly.compile()Wasm code generation disallowed by embedderArgument 0 must be a buffer sourceBufferSource argument is emptybuffer source exceeds maximum size of %zu (is %zu)WebAssembly.validate()WebAssembly.instantiate()Argument 0 must be a buffer source or a WebAssembly.Module objectArgument 1 must be an objectinstanceret->CreateDataProperty(context, instance_name, instance).IsJust()ret->CreateDataProperty(context, module_name, module).IsJust()WebAssembly InstantiationArgument 0 must be a WebAssembly.Module objectWebAssembly.compileStreaming()WebAssembly.Module()WebAssembly.Module must be invoked with 'new'WebAssembly.Module.imports()Argument 0 must be a WebAssembly.ModuleWebAssembly.Module.exports()WebAssembly.Module.customSections()WebAssembly.Instance()WebAssembly.Instance must be invoked with 'new'WebAssembly.Instance.exports()Receiver is not a %sWebAssembly.Table must be invoked with 'new'Argument 0 must be a table descriptorelementanyfuncDescriptor property 'element' must be 'anyfunc'initialProperty value %lld is below the lower bound %llxProperty value %lld is above the upper bound %lluWebAssembly.Table.length()WebAssembly.Table.grow()trying to shrink tablemaximum table size exceededWebAssembly.Table.get()index out of boundsWebAssembly.Table.set()Argument 1 must be null or a WebAssembly functionWebAssembly.Memory()WebAssembly.Memory must be invoked with 'new'Argument 0 must be a memory descriptorIf shared is true, maximum property should be defined.could not allocate memoryStatus of setting SetIntegrityLevel of buffer is false.WebAssembly.Memory.grow()This memory cannot be growntrying to shrink memorymaximum memory size exceededUnable to grow instance memory.WebAssembly.Memory.bufferWebAssembly.Global()WebAssembly.Global must be invoked with 'new'Argument 0 must be a global descriptormutableDescriptor property 'type' must be 'i32', 'f32', or 'f64'WebAssembly.Global.valueOf()Can't get the value of i64 WebAssembly.Globalget WebAssembly.Global.valueset WebAssembly.Global.valueCan't set the value of an immutable global.Can't set the value of i64 WebAssembly.GlobalFreePages(empty_backing_store_.allocation_base, empty_backing_store_.allocation_length)find_result != allocations_.end()FreePages(allocation.allocation_base, allocation.allocation_length)could not allocate wasm memoryTryAllocateBackingStoreWasmExceptionValuesBoundsCheck(ref.offset(), ref.length())out of memory allocating custom section data!compiled_module->has_prev_instance()!compiled_module->has_next_instance()!compiled_module->has_instance()buffer->byte_length()->ToUint32(&mem_size)array_buffer()->byte_length()->ToUint32(&byte_length)old_buffer->byte_length()->ToUint32(&old_size)buffer->byte_length()->ToUint32(&buffer_size)offset + type_size <= buffer_sizeinstance_count >= 0(prev == nullptr && !current_instance->has_prev_instance()) || current_instance->prev_instance() == prevcurrent_instance->weak_owning_instance() ->value() ->IsWasmInstanceObject()found_instances <= instance_countfound_instances == instance_count../deps/v8/src/wasm/wasm-objects.cc:1298i32.eqzi64.eqzf32.eqf64.eqi32.eqi64.eqf32.nef64.nei32.nei64.nef32.addf64.addi32.addi64.addf32.subf64.subi32.subi64.subf32.mulf64.muli32.muli64.mulf32.ltf64.lti32.lt_si64.lt_si32.lt_ui64.lt_uf32.gtf64.gti32.gt_si64.gt_si32.gt_ui64.gt_uf32.lef64.lei32.le_si64.le_si32.le_ui64.le_uf32.gef64.gei32.ge_si64.ge_si32.ge_ui64.ge_ui32.clzi64.clzi32.ctzi64.ctzi32.popcnti64.popcntf32.divf64.divi32.div_si64.div_si32.div_ui64.div_ui32.rem_si64.rem_si32.rem_ui64.rem_ui32.andi64.andi32.ori64.ori32.xori64.xori32.shli64.shli32.shr_si64.shr_si32.shr_ui64.shr_ui32.roli64.roli32.rori64.rorf32.absf64.absf32.negf64.negf32.ceilf64.ceilf32.floorf64.floorf32.truncf64.truncf32.nearestf64.nearestf32.sqrtf64.sqrtf32.minf64.minf32.maxf64.maxf32.copysignf64.copysignref.nullref.is_nullref.eqi32.wrap/i64i32.trunc_u/f32i64.trunc_u/f32i32.trunc_s/f32i64.trunc_s/f32i32.trunc_u/f64i64.trunc_u/f64i32.trunc_s/f64i64.trunc_s/f64i32.trunc_u:sat/f32i32.trunc_s:sat/f32i32.trunc_u:sat/f64i32.trunc_s:sat/f64i64.trunc_u:sat/f32i64.trunc_s:sat/f32i64.trunc_u:sat/f64i64.trunc_s:sat/f64i64.extend_u/i32i64.extend_s/i32f32.convert_u/i32f32.convert_s/i32f32.convert_u/i64f32.convert_s/i64f32.demote/f64f64.convert_u/i32f64.convert_s/i32f64.convert_u/i64f64.convert_s/i64f64.promote/f32i32.reinterpret/f32i64.reinterpret/f64f32.reinterpret/i32f64.reinterpret/i64i32.sign_extend8i64.sign_extend8i32.sign_extend16i64.sign_extend16i64.sign_extend32nopblockloopbrbr_ifbr_tablecall_indirectdropselectget_localset_localtee_localget_globalset_globalf32.constf64.consti32.consti64.constcurrent_memorygrow_memoryf32.loadf64.loadi32.loadi64.loadi32.load8_si64.load8_si32.load8_ui64.load8_ui32.load16_si64.load16_si32.load16_ui64.load16_ui64.load32_si64.load32_us128.load128f32.storef64.storei32.storei64.storei32.store8i64.store8i32.store16i64.store16i64.store32s128.store128rethrowcatch_allf64.acosf64.asinf64.atanf64.cosf64.sinf64.tanf64.expf64.logf64.atan2f64.powf64.modf32.asmjs_loadf64.asmjs_loadi32.asmjs_load8_si32.asmjs_load8_ui32.asmjs_load16_si32.asmjs_load16_ui32.asmjs_load32i32.asmjs_storef32.asmjs_storef64.asmjs_storei32.asmjs_store8i32.asmjs_store16i32.asmjs_div_si32.asmjs_div_ui32.asmjs_rem_si32.asmjs_rem_ui32.asmjs_convert_s/f32i32.asmjs_convert_u/f32i32.asmjs_convert_s/f64i32.asmjs_convert_u/f64f32x4.splati32x4.splati16x8.splati8x16.splatf32x4.negi32x4.negi16x8.negi8x16.negf32x4.eqi32x4.eqi16x8.eqi8x16.eqf32x4.nei32x4.nei16x8.nei8x16.nef32x4.addi32x4.addi16x8.addi8x16.addf32x4.subi32x4.subi16x8.subi8x16.subf32x4.muli32x4.muli16x8.muli8x16.mulf32x4.absf32x4.add_horizontalf32x4.recip_approxf32x4.recip_sqrt_approxf32x4.minf32x4.maxf32x4.ltf32x4.lef32x4.gtf32x4.gef32x4.convert_u/i32f32x4.convert_s/i32i32x4.convert_u/f32i32x4.convert_s/f32i32x4.convert_u/i32i32x4.convert_s/i32i16x8.convert_u/i32i16x8.convert_s/i32i8x16.convert_u/i32i8x16.convert_s/i32f32x4.extract_lanef32x4.replace_lanei32x4.extract_lanei16x8.extract_lanei8x16.extract_lanei32x4.replace_lanei16x8.replace_lanei8x16.replace_lanei32x4.min_si16x8.min_si8x16.min_si32x4.min_ui16x8.min_ui8x16.min_ui32x4.max_si16x8.max_si8x16.max_si32x4.max_ui16x8.max_ui8x16.max_ui32x4.lt_si16x8.lt_si8x16.lt_si32x4.lt_ui16x8.lt_ui8x16.lt_ui32x4.le_si16x8.le_si8x16.le_si32x4.le_ui16x8.le_ui8x16.le_ui32x4.gt_si16x8.gt_si8x16.gt_si32x4.gt_ui16x8.gt_ui8x16.gt_ui32x4.ge_si16x8.ge_si8x16.ge_si32x4.ge_ui16x8.ge_ui8x16.ge_ui32x4.shr_si16x8.shr_si8x16.shr_si32x4.shr_ui16x8.shr_ui8x16.shr_ui32x4.shli16x8.shli8x16.shli32x4.add_horizontali16x8.add_horizontali16x8.add_saturate_si16x8.add_saturate_ui8x16.add_saturate_si8x16.add_saturate_ui16x8.sub_saturate_si16x8.sub_saturate_ui8x16.sub_saturate_si8x16.sub_saturate_us128.ands128.ors128.xors128.nots128.selects8x16.shuffles1x4.any_trues1x4.all_trues1x8.any_trues1x8.all_trues1x16.any_trues1x16.all_truei32.atomic_load32i32.atomic_load8_ui32.atomic_load16_ui64.atomic_load64i64.atomic_load8_ui64.atomic_load16_ui64.atomic_load32_ui32.atomic_store32i32.atomic_store8_ui32.atomic_store16_ui64.atomic_store64i64.atomic_store8_ui64.atomic_store16_ui64.atomic_store32_ui32.atomic_add32i32.atomic_add8_ui32.atomic_add16_ui64.atomic_add64i64.atomic_add8_ui64.atomic_add16_ui64.atomic_add32_ui32.atomic_sub32i32.atomic_sub8_ui32.atomic_sub16_ui64.atomic_sub64i64.atomic_sub8_ui64.atomic_sub16_ui64.atomic_sub32_ui32.atomic_and32i32.atomic_and8_ui32.atomic_and16_ui64.atomic_and64i64.atomic_and8_ui64.atomic_and16_ui64.atomic_and32_ui32.atomic_or32i32.atomic_or8_ui32.atomic_or16_ui64.atomic_or64i64.atomic_or8_ui64.atomic_or16_ui64.atomic_or32_ui32.atomic_xor32i32.atomic_xor8_ui32.atomic_xor16_ui64.atomic_xor64i64.atomic_xor8_ui64.atomic_xor16_ui64.atomic_xor32_ui32.atomic_xchng32i32.atomic_xchng8_ui32.atomic_xchng16_ui64.atomic_xchng64i64.atomic_xchng8_ui64.atomic_xchng16_ui64.atomic_xchng32_ui32.atomic_cmpxchng32i32.atomic_cmpxchng8_ui32.atomic_cmpxchng16_ui64.atomic_cmpxchng64i64.atomic_cmpxchng8_ui64.atomic_cmpxchng16_ui64.atomic_cmpxchng32_uError%s: (decode_result.val) != nullptrwrote: sized: wrote vector of elementsread: read vector of ../deps/v8/src/wasm/wasm-text.cc:43func $ (param (result(local (type call_indirect call i32.const i64.const f32.const f64.const offset= align=_.+-*/\^~=<>!?@#$%&|:'`!sealed_Zonearm v7 vfp3hardsoftfptarget%s%s %s%s%s %s ARMv8=%d ARMv7=%d VFPv3=%d VFP32DREGS=%d NEON=%d SUDIV=%d USE_EABI_HARDFLOAT=%d unused label bound label to %d unbound label@ %d value blxbleqnehslomiplvsvchilsgeltgtlelabel in inconsistent state (pos = %d) is_int24(imm24)is_uint24(link)offset != kMinIntexternal code buffer is too smallAssembler::GrowBuffer[ Constant Poolarmv7+sudivarmv7armv6Error: unrecognised value for --arm-arch ('%s'). Supported values are: armv8 armv7+sudiv armv7 armv6 arm-archWarning: --enable_armv7 is deprecated. Use --arm_arch instead. Warning: --enable_vfp3 is deprecated. Use --arm_arch instead. Warning: --enable_32dregs is deprecated. Use --arm_arch instead. Warning: --enable_neon is deprecated. Use --arm_arch instead. Warning: --enable_sudiv is deprecated. Use --arm_arch instead. Warning: --enable_armv8 is deprecated. Use --arm_arch instead. SetPermissions(buffer, allocated, PageAllocator::kReadExecute)Unreachable., %s #%d, %s #%dcall rt redirected%d - 0x%x{d%d}{d%d, d%d}{d%d, d%d, d%d}{d%d, d%d, d%d, d%d}[%s], %s, #%d#%g#%d, #%d%+d -> %s%pmul'cond's 'rn, 'rm, 'rsmla'cond's 'rn, 'rm, 'rs, 'rdmls'cond's 'rn, 'rm, 'rs, 'rd'um'al'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, 'rsldrex'cond 'rt, ['rn]ldrexb'cond 'rt, ['rn]ldrexh'cond 'rt, ['rn]strex'cond 'rd, 'rm, ['rn]strexb'cond 'rd, 'rm, ['rn]strexh'cond 'rd, 'rm, ['rn]'memop'cond's 'rd, ['rn], -'rm'memop'cond's 'rd, ['rn], #-'off8'memop'cond's 'rd, ['rn], +'rm'memop'cond's 'rd, ['rn], #+'off8'memop'cond's 'rd, ['rn, -'rm]'w'memop'cond's 'rd, ['rn, #-'off8]'w'memop'cond's 'rd, ['rn, +'rm]'w'memop'cond's 'rd, ['rn, #+'off8]'w'memop'cond'sign'h 'rd, ['rn], -'rm'memop'cond'sign'h 'rd, ['rn], #-'off8'memop'cond'sign'h 'rd, ['rn], +'rm'memop'cond'sign'h 'rd, ['rn], #+'off8'memop'cond'sign'h 'rd, ['rn, -'rm]'w'memop'cond'sign'h 'rd, ['rn, #-'off8]'w'memop'cond'sign'h 'rd, ['rn, +'rm]'w'memop'cond'sign'h 'rd, ['rn, #+'off8]'wmsr'cond 'spec_reg'spec_reg_fields, 'rmmrs'cond 'rd, 'spec_regbx'cond 'rmblx'cond 'rmbkpt 'off0to3and8to19clz'cond 'rd, 'rmnop'condcsdband'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_opeor'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_opsub'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_oprsb'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_opadd'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_opadc'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_opsbc'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_oprsc'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_optst'cond 'rn, 'shift_opmovw'cond 'mwteq'cond 'rn, 'shift_opcmp'cond 'rn, 'shift_opmovt'cond 'mwcmn'cond 'rn, 'shift_oporr'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_opmov'cond's 'rd, 'shift_opbic'cond's 'rd, 'rn, 'shift_opmvn'cond's 'rd, 'shift_op'memop'cond'b 'rd, ['rn], #-'off12'memop'cond'b 'rd, ['rn], #+'off12'memop'cond'b 'rd, [pc, #-'off12]'w (addr 'A)'memop'cond'b 'rd, ['rn, #-'off12]'w'memop'cond'b 'rd, [pc, #+'off12]'w (addr 'A)'memop'cond'b 'rd, ['rn, #+'off12]'w'memop'cond'b 'rd, ['rn], -'shift_rm'memop'cond'b 'rd, ['rn], +'shift_rmpkhbt'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, lsl #'imm05@07pkhtb'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, asr #32pkhtb'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, asr #'imm05@07usat 'rd, #'imm05@16, 'rm'shift_satsxtb'cond 'rd, 'rmsxtb'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #8sxtb'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #16sxtb'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #24sxtab'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rmsxtab'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #8sxtab'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #16sxtab'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #24sxth'cond 'rd, 'rmsxth'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #8sxth'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #16sxth'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #24sxtah'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rmsxtah'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #8sxtah'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #16sxtah'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #24uxtb16'cond 'rd, 'rmuxtb16'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #8uxtb16'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #16uxtb16'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #24uxtb'cond 'rd, 'rmuxtb'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #8uxtb'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #16uxtb'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #24uxtab'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rmuxtab'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #8uxtab'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #16uxtab'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #24uxth'cond 'rd, 'rmuxth'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #8uxth'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #16uxth'cond 'rd, 'rm, ror #24uxtah'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rmuxtah'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #8uxtah'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #16uxtah'cond 'rd, 'rn, 'rm, ror #24rbit'cond 'rd, 'rmsmmul'cond 'rn, 'rm, 'rssmmla'cond 'rn, 'rm, 'rs, 'rdudiv'cond'b 'rn, 'rm, 'rssdiv'cond'b 'rn, 'rm, 'rs'memop'cond'b 'rd, ['rn, -'shift_rm]'wubfx'cond 'rd, 'rm, 'fsbfx'cond 'rd, 'rm, 'fbfc'cond 'rd, 'fbfi'cond 'rd, 'rm, 'f'memop'cond'b 'rd, ['rn, +'shift_rm]'wldm'cond'pu 'rn'w, 'rliststm'cond'pu 'rn'w, 'rlistb'l'cond 'targetstop'cond 'svcsvc'cond 'svcvmov'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvmov'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Smvabs'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvabs'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Smvneg'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvneg'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Smvcvt'cond.f64.s32 'Dd, 'Ddvsqrt'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvsqrt'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Smvmov'cond.f64 'Dd, 'dvmov'cond.f32 'Sd, 'dvrintz'cond.f64.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvrintz'cond.f32.f32 'Sd, 'Smvsub'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvadd'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvsub'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvadd'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvmul'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvmul'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvmla'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvmla'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvmls'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvmls'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvdiv'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvdiv'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvmov'cond.32 'Dd[0], 'rtvmov'cond.32 'Dd[1], 'rtvmov.8 d%d[%d], %svmov.16 d%d[%d], %svdup.%i q%d, %svmov'cond.32 'rt, 'Dd[0]vmov'cond.32 'rt, 'Dd[1]vmov.%c8 %s, d%d[%d]vmov.%c16 %s, d%d[%d]vmsr'cond FPSCR, APSRvmsr'cond FPSCR, 'rtvmrs'cond APSR, FPSCRvmrs'cond 'rt, FPSCRmcr'cond (CP15DMB)mcr'cond (CP15DSB)mcr'cond (CP15ISB)vmov'cond 'rt, 'Snvmov'cond 'Sn, 'rtvcmp'cond.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvcmp'cond.f64 'Dd, #0.0vcmp'cond.f32 'Sd, 'Smvcmp'cond.f32 'Sd, #0.0vcvt'cond.f32.f64 'Sd, 'Dmvcvt'cond.f64.f32 'Dd, 'Smvcvt'cond.u32.f64 'Sd, 'Dmvcvt'cond.s32.f64 'Sd, 'Dmvcvt'cond.u32.f32 'Sd, 'Smvcvt'cond.s32.f32 'Sd, 'Smvcvt'cond.f64.u32 'Dd, 'Smvcvt'cond.f64.s32 'Dd, 'Smvcvt'cond.f32.u32 'Sd, 'Smvcvt'cond.f32.s32 'Sd, 'Smvldr'cond 'Sd, ['rn - 4*'imm08@00]vstr'cond 'Sd, ['rn - 4*'imm08@00]vldr'cond 'Sd, ['rn + 4*'imm08@00]vstr'cond 'Sd, ['rn + 4*'imm08@00]vldm'cond'pu 'rn'w, {'Sd-'Sd+}vstm'cond'pu 'rn'w, {'Sd-'Sd+}vmov'cond 'rt, 'rn, 'Dmvmov'cond 'Dm, 'rt, 'rnvldr'cond 'Dd, ['rn - 4*'imm08@00]vstr'cond 'Dd, ['rn - 4*'imm08@00]vldr'cond 'Dd, ['rn + 4*'imm08@00]vstr'cond 'Dd, ['rn + 4*'imm08@00]vldm'cond'pu 'rn'w, {'Dd-'Dd+}vstm'cond'pu 'rn'w, {'Dd-'Dd+}vqadd.s%d q%d, q%d, q%dvmov q%d, q%dvorr q%d, q%d, q%dvand q%d, q%d, q%dvqsub.s%d q%d, q%d, q%dvcgevcgt%s.s%d q%d, q%d, q%dvminvmaxvaddvtst%s.i%d q%d, q%d, q%dvmul.i%d q%d, q%d, q%dvpminvpmax%s.s%d d%d, d%d, d%dvpadd.i%d d%d, d%d, d%dvsub%s.f32 q%d, q%d, q%dvceq.f32 q%d, q%d, q%dvrecpsvrsqrtsvmovl.s%d q%d, d%dvext.8 q%d, q%d, q%d, #%dvshl.i%d q%d, q%d, #%dvshr.s%d q%d, q%d, #%dvqadd.u%d q%d, q%d, q%dvbsl q%d, q%d, q%dveor d%d, d%d, d%dveor q%d, q%d, q%dvqsub.u%d q%d, q%d, q%d%s.u%d q%d, q%d, q%dvsub.i%d q%d, q%d, q%dvceq.i%d q%d, q%d, q%d%s.u%d d%d, d%d, d%dvmul.f32 q%d, q%d, q%dvpadd.f32 d%d, d%d, d%dvmovl.u%d q%d, d%dvdup.%i d%d, d%d[%d]vdup.%i q%d, d%d[%d]%s d%d, vtbl.8vtbx.8vqmovn.%c%i d%d, q%dvswp d%d, d%dvswp q%d, q%dvmvn q%d, q%df32.s32f32.u32s32.f32u32.f32vcvt.%s q%d, q%dvzipvuzp%s.%d d%d, d%d%s.%d q%d, q%dvrev%d.%d q%d, q%dvtrn.%d d%d, d%dvtrn.%d q%d, q%dvabs.%c%d q%d, q%dvneg.%c%d q%d, q%dvrecpevrsqrte%s.f32 q%d, q%dvshr.u%d q%d, q%d, #%dvs%ci.%d d%d, d%d, #%dvst1.%d vld1.%d pld [%s]pld [%s, #-%d]pld [%s, #+%d]dsb %sdmb %sisb %svrinta.f64.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvrinta.f32.f32 'Sd, 'Smvrintn.f64.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvrintn.f32.f32 'Sd, 'Smvrintp.f64.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvrintp.f32.f32 'Sd, 'Smvrintm.f64.f64 'Dd, 'Dmvrintm.f32.f32 'Sd, 'Smvminnm.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvmaxnm.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvminnm.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvmaxnm.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvseleq.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvseleq.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvselvs.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvselvs.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvselge.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvselge.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Smvselgt.f64 'Dd, 'Dn, 'Dmvselgt.f32 'Sd, 'Sn, 'Sm%08x constant pool begin (length %d)%p %08x %s cscclsllsrasrroroshldoshstoshnshldnshstnshishldishstishldstsystatic_cast(register_parameter_count) <= (sizeof(ArraySizeHelper(default_stub_registers)))Unaligned cell in write barrierf->nargs < 0 || f->nargs == num_argumentsUnexpected alignmentpoisoning_level_ != PoisoningMitigationLevel::kDontPoisontry_match_shift(selector, &opcode, node, &inputs[0], &inputs[1])it.HasAccess()array->length()->ToArrayLength(&actual_new_len)column_offsetline_offsetcompilation_typesource_urlsource_mapping_urleval_from_scripteval_from_script_positioneval_from_function_name!Heap::RootIsImmortalImmovable(root_index)Malloced operator newAlignedAllocInVM(address, size)InVM(free_start, free_size)ReleasePages(reinterpret_cast(address_), size_, size_ - free_size)FreePages(reinterpret_cast(address), RoundUp(size, AllocatePageSize()))!obj->instance_call_handler()->IsUndefined(isolate)DisableAccessChecksEnableAccessChecksApiNatives::InstantiateObject__single_function__../deps/v8/src/asmjs/asm-js.cc:235[asm.js translation successful: time=%0.3fms, translate_zone=%zuKB, compile_zone+=%zuKB] AsmJs::CompileRequires standard libraryUnexpected stdlib memberRequires heap bufferUnexpected heap sizeAsmJs::InstantiateInternal wasm failuresuccess, asm->wasm: %0.3f ms, compile: %0.3f ms, %zu bytes-1 != length../deps/v8/src/asmjs/asm-js.cc:194success, %0.3f msExpected ;Stack overflow while parsing asm.js module.Unexpected tokenUndefined functionUndefined function tableExpected stdlib parameterExpected foreign parameterExpected heap parameterExpected identifierRedefinition of variableNumeric literal out of rangeExpected numeric literalBad variable declarationCan only use immutable variables in global definitionCan only define immutable variables with other immutablesExpected int, float, double, or fround for global definitionExpected |0 type annotation for foreign integer importExpected ArrayBuffer viewInvalid member of stdlib.MathInvalid member of stdlibIllegal export nameExpected function nameExpected functionSingle function export must be a function nameSingle function export must be a functionExpected table nameFunction table redefinedFunction table name collidesExceeded function table sizeFunction table definition doesn't match useFunction table size does not match usesFunction name collides with variableFunction redefinedNumber of parameters exceeds internal limitExpected return at end of non-void functionNumber of local variables exceeds internal limitFunction definition doesn't match useExpected parameter nameDuplicate parameter nameBad integer parameter annotation.Expected froundExpected local variable identifierDuplicate local variable nameExpected variable initial valueInitializing from global requires const variableBad local variable definitionexpected fround or const globalInvalid return typeInvalid void return typeIllegal breakIllegal continueDouble label unsupportedExpected signed for switch valueExpected actual typeUnexpected typeExpected numeric literal.Undefined local variableUndefined global variableExpected valid heap loadInvalid assignment targetIllegal type stored to heap viewUndeclared assignment targetExpected mutable variable in assignmentType mismatch in assignmentInteger numeric literal out of range.expected int/double?/float?expected signed/unsigned/double?/float?expected intexpected double or float?operator ~ expects intishExpected intConstant multiple out of rangeInteger multiply of expects intexpected doubles or floatsmore than 2^20 additive valuesillegal types for +Expected intish for operator >>.Expected intish for operator "<<".Expected intish for operator ">>>".Expected signed, unsigned, double, or float for operator "<".Expected signed, unsigned, double, or float for operator "<=".Expected signed, unsigned, double, or float for operator ">".Expected signed, unsigned, double, or float for operator ">=".Expected signed, unsigned, double, or float for operator "==".Expected signed, unsigned, double, or float for operator "!=".Expected intish for operator &.Expected |0 type annotation for callExpected intish for operator |.Expected int in condition of ternary operator.Type mismatch in ternary operator.Expected mask literalExpected power of 2 maskExceeded maximum function table sizeExpected call tableMask size mismatchExpected function as call targetBad function argument typeImported function args must be type externImported function can't be called as floatExpected callable functionFunction use doesn't match definitionHeap access out of rangeExpected shift of word sizeExpected valid heap access shiftExpected heap access shift to match heap viewExpected intish indexIllegal conversion to floatglobal_count_ < kMaxIdentifierCountlocal_names_.size() < kMaxIdentifierCountuse asmexterndoubleintishsignedfixnumfloat?) -> /\ ...) -> StringToArrayIndex(&stream, index)../deps/v8/src/ast/ast-value-factory.cc:186(anonymous function)boolean.for.generator_object.iterator.result.switch_tag.catch.new.target*default*.this_function(new_string) != nullptr(context function)Smi::IsValid(module_request)Bailed out due to dependency changeCode generation failedCyclic object state detected by escape analysisFunction is being debuggedOptimized graph construction failedFunction is too big to be optimizedLiveEditNative function literalNot enough virtual registers (regalloc)Optimization disabledOptimization disabled for test32 bit value in register is not zero-extendedAPI call returned invalid objectAllocating non-empty packed arrayAllocation is not double alignedCode object not properly patchedExpected allocation siteExpected feedback vectorExpected optimized code cell or optimization sentinelExpected undefined or cell in registerThe function_data field should be a BytecodeArray on interpreter entryInput string too longInvalid bytecodeCannot advance current bytecode, Invalid ElementsKind for InternalArray or InternalPackedArrayInvalid HandleScope levelInvalid jump table indexinvalid register file in generatorInvalid SharedFunctionInfo dataMissing bytecode array from functionThe object is not taggedThe object is taggedOffset out of rangeOperand is a smiOperand is a smi and not a bound functionOperand is a smi and not a constructorOperand is a smi and not a fixed arrayOperand is a smi and not a functionOperand is a smi and not a generator objectOperand is not a bound functionOperand is not a constructorOperand is not a fixed arrayOperand is not a functionOperand is not a generator objectOperand is not a smiReceived invalid return addressRegister did not match expected rootRegister was clobberedReturn address not found in frameShould not directly enter OSR-compiled functionStack access below stack pointerStack frame types must matchThe stack was corrupted by MacroAssembler::Call()Unexpected ElementsKind in array constructorUnexpected FPCR mode.Unexpected runtime function id for the InvokeIntrinsic bytecodeUnexpected initial map for Array functionUnexpected initial map for Array function (1)Unexpected initial map for Array function (2)Unexpected initial map for InternalArray functionUnexpected level after return from api callUnexpected negative valueUnexpectedly returned from dropping framesUnexpectedly returned from a throwShould not return after throwing a wasm trapThe stack pointer is not the expected valueUnexpected valueUnsupported module operationUnsupported non-primitive compareWrong address or value passed to RecordWriteWrong number of arguments for intrinsicWrong value in code start register passedWrong context passed to function---- Start Profiling Data -------- End Profiling Data ----unknown functionschedule for block counts for block V8.Builtin_HandleApiCallV8.Builtin_HandleApiCallAsFunctionconstructor->shared()->IsApiFunction()call non-functionV8.Builtin_HandleApiCallAsConstructorV8.Builtin_ArrayPushV8.Builtin_ArrayPopV8.Builtin_ArrayShiftV8.Builtin_ArrayUnshiftV8.Builtin_ArraySpliceV8.Builtin_ArrayConcatArray.prototype.concatV8.Builtin_ArrayBufferConstructorV8.Builtin_ArrayBufferConstructor_DoNotInitializeV8.Builtin_ArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLengthget ArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLengthV8.Builtin_SharedArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLengthget SharedArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLengthV8.Builtin_ArrayBufferIsViewV8.Builtin_SharedArrayBufferPrototypeSliceSharedArrayBuffer.prototype.sliceTryNumberToSize(*first_obj, &first_size)TryNumberToSize(*new_len_obj, &new_len_size)V8.Builtin_ArrayBufferPrototypeSliceArrayBuffer.prototype.sliceV8.Builtin_BigIntConstructorV8.Builtin_BigIntAsUintNV8.Builtin_BigIntAsIntNV8.Builtin_BigIntPrototypeToLocaleStringBigInt.prototype.toLocaleStringV8.Builtin_BigIntPrototypeToStringBigInt.prototype.toStringV8.Builtin_BigIntPrototypeValueOfBigInt.prototype.valueOfV8.Builtin_BooleanConstructorV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetColumnNumberV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetEvalOriginV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetFileNameV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetFunctionV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetFunctionNameV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetLineNumberV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetMethodNameV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetPositionV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetScriptNameOrSourceURLgetScriptNameOrSourceUrlV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetThisV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeGetTypeNameV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeIsConstructorV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeIsEvalV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeIsNativeV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeIsToplevelV8.Builtin_CallSitePrototypeToStringV8.Builtin_MapPrototypeClearMap.prototype.clearV8.Builtin_SetPrototypeClearSet.prototype.clearV8.Builtin_ConsoleDebug!isolate->has_pending_exception()V8.Builtin_ConsoleErrorV8.Builtin_ConsoleInfoV8.Builtin_ConsoleLogV8.Builtin_ConsoleWarnV8.Builtin_ConsoleDirV8.Builtin_ConsoleDirXmlV8.Builtin_ConsoleTableV8.Builtin_ConsoleTraceV8.Builtin_ConsoleGroupV8.Builtin_ConsoleGroupCollapsedV8.Builtin_ConsoleGroupEndV8.Builtin_ConsoleClearV8.Builtin_ConsoleCountV8.Builtin_ConsoleCountResetV8.Builtin_ConsoleAssertV8.Builtin_ConsoleMarkTimelineV8.Builtin_ConsoleProfileV8.Builtin_ConsoleProfileEndV8.Builtin_ConsoleTimelineV8.Builtin_ConsoleTimelineEndV8.Builtin_ConsoleTimeV8.Builtin_ConsoleTimeEndV8.Builtin_ConsoleTimeStampV8.Builtin_ConsoleContextContextdirXmlV8.Builtin_DataViewConstructorV8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetBufferget DataView.prototype.bufferV8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetByteLengthget DataView.prototype.byteLengthV8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetByteOffsetget DataView.prototype.byteOffsetV8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetInt8DataView.prototype.getInt8V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetUint8DataView.prototype.getUint8V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetInt16DataView.prototype.getInt16V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetUint16DataView.prototype.getUint16V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetInt32DataView.prototype.getInt32V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetUint32DataView.prototype.getUint32V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetFloat32DataView.prototype.getFloat32V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetFloat64DataView.prototype.getFloat64V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetBigInt64DataView.prototype.getBigInt64V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetBigUint64DataView.prototype.getBigUint64V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetInt8DataView.prototype.setInt8V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetUint8DataView.prototype.setUint8V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetInt16DataView.prototype.setInt16V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetUint16DataView.prototype.setUint16V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetInt32DataView.prototype.setInt32V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetUint32DataView.prototype.setUint32V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetFloat32DataView.prototype.setFloat32V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetFloat64DataView.prototype.setFloat64V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetBigInt64DataView.prototype.setBigInt64V8.Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetBigUint64DataView.prototype.setBigUint64V8.Builtin_DateConstructorInvalid Date%s %s %02d %04d%02d:%02d:%02d GMT%c%02d%02d (%s)%s %s %02d %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT%c%02d%02d (%s)SunMonTueWedThuFriSatV8.Builtin_DateNowV8.Builtin_DateParseV8.Builtin_DateUTCV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetDateDate.prototype.setDateV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetFullYearDate.prototype.setFullYearV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetHoursDate.prototype.setHoursV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetMillisecondsDate.prototype.setMillisecondsV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetMinutesDate.prototype.setMinutesV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetMonthDate.prototype.setMonthV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetSecondsDate.prototype.setSecondsV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetTimeDate.prototype.setTimeV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetUTCDateDate.prototype.setUTCDateV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetUTCFullYearDate.prototype.setUTCFullYearV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetUTCHoursDate.prototype.setUTCHoursV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetUTCMillisecondsDate.prototype.setUTCMillisecondsV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetUTCMinutesDate.prototype.setUTCMinutesV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetUTCMonthDate.prototype.setUTCMonthV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetUTCSecondsDate.prototype.setUTCSecondsV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeToDateStringDate.prototype.toDateStringV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeToISOStringDate.prototype.toISOString%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ-%06d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ+%06d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeToStringDate.prototype.toStringV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeToTimeStringDate.prototype.toTimeStringV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeToUTCStringDate.prototype.toUTCString%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMTV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeGetYearDate.prototype.getYearV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeSetYearDate.prototype.setYearV8.Builtin_DatePrototypeToJsonV8.Builtin_ErrorConstructorV8.Builtin_ErrorCaptureStackTraceV8.Builtin_ErrorPrototypeToStringV8.Builtin_MakeErrorV8.Builtin_MakeRangeErrorV8.Builtin_MakeSyntaxErrorV8.Builtin_MakeTypeErrorV8.Builtin_MakeURIErrorV8.Builtin_FunctionConstructor anonymous(V8.Builtin_GeneratorFunctionConstructorfunction*V8.Builtin_AsyncFunctionConstructorasync functionV8.Builtin_AsyncGeneratorFunctionConstructorasync function*V8.Builtin_FunctionPrototypeBindV8.Builtin_FunctionPrototypeToStringFunction.prototype.toStringV8.Builtin_GlobalDecodeURIV8.Builtin_GlobalDecodeURIComponentV8.Builtin_GlobalEncodeURIV8.Builtin_GlobalEncodeURIComponentV8.Builtin_GlobalEscapeV8.Builtin_GlobalUnescapeV8.Builtin_GlobalEvalV8.Builtin_IllegalV8.Builtin_EmptyFunctionV8.Builtin_UnsupportedThrowerV8.Builtin_StrictPoisonPillThrowerV8.Builtin_JsonParseV8.Builtin_JsonStringifyV8.Builtin_MathHypotV8.Builtin_NumberPrototypeToExponentialNumber.prototype.toExponentialtoExponential()V8.Builtin_NumberPrototypeToFixedNumber.prototype.toFixedtoFixed() digitsV8.Builtin_NumberPrototypeToLocaleStringNumber.prototype.toLocaleStringV8.Builtin_NumberPrototypeToPrecisionNumber.prototype.toPrecisionV8.Builtin_NumberPrototypeToStringNumber.prototype.toStringV8.Builtin_ObjectPrototypePropertyIsEnumerableV8.Builtin_ObjectDefinePropertiesV8.Builtin_ObjectDefinePropertyV8.Builtin_ObjectDefineGetterV8.Builtin_ObjectDefineSetterV8.Builtin_ObjectLookupGetterV8.Builtin_ObjectLookupSetterV8.Builtin_ObjectFreezeV8.Builtin_ObjectGetPrototypeOfV8.Builtin_ObjectSetPrototypeOfObject.setPrototypeOfV8.Builtin_ObjectPrototypeGetProtoV8.Builtin_ObjectPrototypeSetProtoset Object.prototype.__proto__V8.Builtin_ObjectGetOwnPropertyNamesV8.Builtin_ObjectGetOwnPropertySymbolsV8.Builtin_ObjectIsExtensibleV8.Builtin_ObjectIsFrozenV8.Builtin_ObjectIsSealedV8.Builtin_ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptorsV8.Builtin_ObjectPreventExtensionsV8.Builtin_ObjectSealV8.Builtin_IsPromiseV8.Builtin_ReflectDefinePropertyReflect.definePropertyV8.Builtin_ReflectDeletePropertyReflect.deletePropertyV8.Builtin_ReflectGetReflect.getV8.Builtin_ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptorReflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptorV8.Builtin_ReflectGetPrototypeOfReflect.getPrototypeOfV8.Builtin_ReflectIsExtensibleReflect.isExtensibleV8.Builtin_ReflectOwnKeysReflect.ownKeysV8.Builtin_ReflectPreventExtensionsReflect.preventExtensionsV8.Builtin_ReflectSetReflect.setV8.Builtin_ReflectSetPrototypeOfReflect.setPrototypeOfV8.Builtin_RegExpPrototypeToStringRegExp.prototype.toStringV8.Builtin_RegExpCapture1GetterV8.Builtin_RegExpCapture2GetterV8.Builtin_RegExpCapture3GetterV8.Builtin_RegExpCapture4GetterV8.Builtin_RegExpCapture5GetterV8.Builtin_RegExpCapture6GetterV8.Builtin_RegExpCapture7GetterV8.Builtin_RegExpCapture8GetterV8.Builtin_RegExpCapture9GetterV8.Builtin_RegExpInputGetterV8.Builtin_RegExpInputSetterV8.Builtin_RegExpLastMatchGetterV8.Builtin_RegExpLastParenGetterV8.Builtin_RegExpLeftContextGetterV8.Builtin_RegExpRightContextGetterV8.Builtin_AtomicsIsLockFreeV8.Builtin_AtomicsWakeV8.Builtin_AtomicsWaitV8.Builtin_StringFromCodePointV8.Builtin_StringPrototypeEndsWithString.prototype.endsWithV8.Builtin_StringPrototypeLastIndexOfV8.Builtin_StringPrototypeLocaleCompareString.prototype.localeCompareV8.Builtin_StringPrototypeNormalizeString.prototype.normalizeNFCNFDNFKCNFKDNFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKDV8.Builtin_StringPrototypeStartsWithString.prototype.startsWithV8.Builtin_StringPrototypeToLocaleLowerCaseString.prototype.toLocaleLowerCaseV8.Builtin_StringPrototypeToLocaleUpperCaseString.prototype.toLocaleUpperCaseV8.Builtin_StringPrototypeToLowerCaseString.prototype.toLowerCaseV8.Builtin_StringPrototypeToUpperCaseString.prototype.toUpperCaseV8.Builtin_StringRawV8.Builtin_SymbolConstructorV8.Builtin_SymbolForV8.Builtin_SymbolKeyForV8.Builtin_IsTraceCategoryEnabledV8.Builtin_TraceV8.Builtin_TypedArrayPrototypeBufferget %TypedArray%.prototype.bufferV8.Builtin_TypedArrayPrototypeCopyWithin%TypedArray%.prototype.copyWithinV8.Builtin_TypedArrayPrototypeFill%TypedArray%.prototype.fillV8.Builtin_TypedArrayPrototypeIncludes%TypedArray%.prototype.includesV8.Builtin_TypedArrayPrototypeIndexOf%TypedArray%.prototype.indexOfV8.Builtin_TypedArrayPrototypeLastIndexOf%TypedArray%.prototype.lastIndexOfV8.Builtin_TypedArrayPrototypeReverse%TypedArray%.prototype.reverse0 != id!canceled_TENURED == pretenure_flagSTRING_ADD_CHECK_NONE == flags0 <= argcargc <= kArgMaxNameDictionaryLookup[ Assert: %s[ AssertCSA_ASSERT failed: %s [%s:%d] CSA_ASSERT failed: %s ] AssertIntPtrRoundUpToPowerOfTwo32Internals::IsValidSmi(constant_value)constant_value > 0IsValidPositiveSmi(UncheckedCast(size_in_bytes))../deps/v8/src/code-stub-assembler.ccflags == kNone || flags == kDoubleAlignmentDisallow pushing onto prototypesBuildAppendJSArray: %sAllocating ConsStringOne-byte ConsStringTwo-byte ConsStringInitialize NameDictionaryCopy boilerplate property dictAllocateStructInitializeStructBodyInitializeJSObjectBodyNoSlackTrackingNo slack trackingDecrease construction counteriInitialize filler fieldsInitialize undefined fieldsStoreFieldsNoWriteBarrierbegin allocation of JSArray without elementsbegin allocation of JSArray with elementswrite JSArray headersAllocateFixedArrayCopy PACKED_ELEMENTS new spaceCopy PACKED_ELEMENTS old spaceCopy PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTSCopy empty array[ CopyFixedArrayElementsto_array == to_array_adjusted] CopyFixedArrayElements[ CopyPropertyArrayValues] CopyPropertyArrayValuesCopyStringCharacters %s -> %sONE_BYTE_ENCODINGTWO_BYTE_ENCODINGTryGrowElementsCapacity[ GrowElementsCapacity] GrowElementsCapacity[Initialize AllocationMemento(primitive_name) != nullptrptr_kind == PTR_TO_DATA || ptr_kind == PTR_TO_STRINGFull string concatenateTryToNameNumberDictionaryLookupDescriptorArrayLookupTransitionArrayLookupTryHasOwnProperty[ LoadPropertyFromFastObjectif_inobjectif_backing_storerebox_double] LoadPropertyFromFastObjectLoadPropertyFromNameDictionary] LoadPropertyFromNameDictionary[ LoadPropertyFromGlobalDictionary] LoadPropertyFromGlobalDictionaryTryGetOwnPropertyNon-simple map transition[ TrapAllocationMemento] TrapAllocationMementoCodeStubArguments::ForEachArrayLookupLookupLinearLookupBinarytotals Turbofan phase Time (ms) Space (bytes) Function Total Max. Abs. max. "%s_time"=%.3f "%s_space"=%zu%28s %10.3f (%5.1f%%) %10zu (%5.1f%%) %10zu %10zu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V8.BackgroundCompile_PrepareV8.BackgroundCompile_CompileV8.BackgroundCompile_FinalizeCompilerDispatcherTracer: prepare=%.2lfms compiling=%.2lfms/kb finalize=%.2lfms ** Flushed concurrent recompilation queues (not blocking). ** Flushed concurrent recompilation queues. ** Aborting compilation for as it has already been optimized. BranchEliminationSize() > 0%this%context%new.target%closure0 == first_reg.index()MachineRepresentation::kFloat32 != repMachineRepresentation::kFloat64 != rep2 >= locations.return_count_c-callCheckpointEliminationinfo->is_osr() == osr_helper_.has_value()-- Prologue: check code start register ---- Prologue: check for deoptimization ---- B%d start%s%s%s%s (no frame) (construct frame) (deconstruct frame) (loop up to %d) (in loop %d) ---- Out of line code ---- deoptimization_stateMachineRepresentation::kTagged == type.representation()MachineRepresentation::kFloat32 == type.representation()op->IsImmediate()-- Prologue: generate speculation poison --CommonOperatorReducer" : ConstantFoldingReducerCEQ: Pre-visit of #%d:%s CEQ: Mid-visit of #%d:%s Assigned class number is %zu CEQ: Post-visit of #%d:%s CEQ: Backedge from #%d:%s to #%d:%s BList erased: {%d->%d} BList: {%d->%d} DeadCodeEliminationprocess nodeNo frame state (zapped by #%d: %s)Effect control linearizer lowering of '%s': value output count does not agree.clone branch(field) != nullptrEscape analysis failed to remove node %s#%d EscapeAnalysisReducervar != Variable::Invalid()vobject->size() == size!HasEscaped()machine()->Float64RoundDown().IsSupported()machine()->Float64RoundTruncate().IsSupported()- In-place update of by reducer - Replacement of DeadLink: json"sourceId": , "functionName": ", "sourceName": ", "sourceText": ", "sourceName": "", "sourceText": "", "startPosition": , "endPosition": "sources" : {"inlinings" : {turbo-%s-%iturbo-%p-%iturbo-none-%i%s%c%s%s.%s%s%s-%s.%s%s%s_%s.%s%s%s_%s-%s.%s../deps/v8/src/compiler/graph-visualizer.cc:390{ "nodes":[], "edges":[ " "Bcompilationmethod "stub Ctx: FS: Eff: Ctrl: type:cfgfrom_bcito_bcipredecessorssuccessorsxhandlers flags dominatorloop_depthfirst_lir_idlast_lir_idstatesHIR0 pos:inlining(), <|@ 0 0 Goto -> BLIRintervals "const(nostack): "fp_stack: "stack: M "" ../deps/v8/src/compiler/graph-visualizer.cc:784../deps/v8/src/compiler/graph-visualizer.cc:792../deps/v8/src/compiler/graph-visualizer.cc:802../deps/v8/src/compiler/graph-visualizer.cc:813 [Type: { "inliningId" : , "sourceId" : , "inliningPosition" : {"id":,"label":","title":","live": ,"properties":","rankInputs":[0,,"rankWithInput":[,"rankInputs":[,"rankInputs":[0], "sourcePosition" : , "origin" : ,"opcode":","control":,"opinfo":" v eff ctrl in, ctrl out","type":"frame-state{"source":,"target":,"index":"}begin_end_ + Block B (pred:, loop until B, in loop B . r+bw+ba+bUnexpected operator #%d:%s @ node #%d(=S)(R)(S)(1)(-)(*)[constant:[immediate:[stack:[fp_stack:|R|E|-|b|w8|w16|w32|w64|f32|f64|s128|ts|tp|t(x)ArchCallCodeObjectArchTailCallCodeObjectFromJSFunctionArchTailCallCodeObjectArchCallJSFunctionArchTailCallAddressArchPrepareCallCFunctionArchSaveCallerRegistersArchRestoreCallerRegistersArchCallCFunctionArchPrepareTailCallArchCallWasmFunctionArchTailCallWasmArchJmpArchLookupSwitchArchTableSwitchArchNopArchDebugAbortArchDebugBreakArchCommentArchThrowTerminatorArchDeoptimizeArchRetArchStackPointerArchFramePointerArchParentFramePointerArchRootsPointerArchTruncateDoubleToIArchStoreWithWriteBarrierArchStackSlotArchWordPoisonOnSpeculationWord32AtomicLoadInt8Word32AtomicLoadUint8Word32AtomicLoadInt16Word32AtomicLoadUint16Word32AtomicLoadWord32Word32AtomicStoreWord8Word32AtomicStoreWord16Word32AtomicStoreWord32Word32AtomicExchangeInt8Word32AtomicExchangeUint8Word32AtomicExchangeInt16Word32AtomicExchangeUint16Word32AtomicExchangeWord32Word32AtomicCompareExchangeInt8Word32AtomicCompareExchangeUint8Word32AtomicCompareExchangeInt16Word32AtomicCompareExchangeUint16Word32AtomicCompareExchangeWord32Word32AtomicAddInt8Word32AtomicAddUint8Word32AtomicAddInt16Word32AtomicAddUint16Word32AtomicAddWord32Word32AtomicSubInt8Word32AtomicSubUint8Word32AtomicSubInt16Word32AtomicSubUint16Word32AtomicSubWord32Word32AtomicAndInt8Word32AtomicAndUint8Word32AtomicAndInt16Word32AtomicAndUint16Word32AtomicAndWord32Word32AtomicOrInt8Word32AtomicOrUint8Word32AtomicOrInt16Word32AtomicOrUint16Word32AtomicOrWord32Word32AtomicXorInt8Word32AtomicXorUint8Word32AtomicXorInt16Word32AtomicXorUint16Word32AtomicXorWord32Ieee754Float64AcosIeee754Float64AcoshIeee754Float64AsinIeee754Float64AsinhIeee754Float64AtanIeee754Float64AtanhIeee754Float64Atan2Ieee754Float64CbrtIeee754Float64CosIeee754Float64CoshIeee754Float64ExpIeee754Float64Expm1Ieee754Float64LogIeee754Float64Log1pIeee754Float64Log10Ieee754Float64Log2Ieee754Float64PowIeee754Float64SinIeee754Float64SinhIeee754Float64TanIeee754Float64TanhArmAddArmAndArmBicArmClzArmCmpArmCmnArmTstArmTeqArmOrrArmEorArmSubArmRsbArmMulArmMlaArmMlsArmSmullArmSmmulArmSmmlaArmUmullArmSdivArmUdivArmMovArmMvnArmBfcArmUbfxArmSbfxArmSxtbArmSxthArmSxtabArmSxtahArmUxtbArmUxthArmUxtabArmRbitArmUxtahArmAddPairArmSubPairArmMulPairArmLslPairArmLsrPairArmAsrPairArmVcmpF32ArmVaddF32ArmVsubF32ArmVmulF32ArmVmlaF32ArmVmlsF32ArmVdivF32ArmVabsF32ArmVnegF32ArmVsqrtF32ArmVcmpF64ArmVaddF64ArmVsubF64ArmVmulF64ArmVmlaF64ArmVmlsF64ArmVdivF64ArmVmodF64ArmVabsF64ArmVnegF64ArmVsqrtF64ArmVrintmF32ArmVrintmF64ArmVrintpF32ArmVrintpF64ArmVrintzF32ArmVrintzF64ArmVrintaF64ArmVrintnF32ArmVrintnF64ArmVcvtF32F64ArmVcvtF64F32ArmVcvtF32S32ArmVcvtF32U32ArmVcvtF64S32ArmVcvtF64U32ArmVcvtS32F32ArmVcvtU32F32ArmVcvtS32F64ArmVcvtU32F64ArmVmovU32F32ArmVmovF32U32ArmVmovLowU32F64ArmVmovLowF64U32ArmVmovHighU32F64ArmVmovHighF64U32ArmVmovF64U32U32ArmVmovU32U32F64ArmVldrF32ArmVstrF32ArmVldrF64ArmVld1F64ArmVstrF64ArmVst1F64ArmVld1S128ArmVst1S128ArmFloat32MaxArmFloat64MaxArmFloat32MinArmFloat64MinArmFloat64SilenceNaNArmLdrbArmLdrsbArmStrbArmLdrhArmLdrshArmStrhArmLdrArmStrArmPushArmPokeArmPeekArmDsbIsbArmF32x4SplatArmF32x4ExtractLaneArmF32x4ReplaceLaneArmF32x4SConvertI32x4ArmF32x4UConvertI32x4ArmF32x4AbsArmF32x4NegArmF32x4RecipApproxArmF32x4RecipSqrtApproxArmF32x4AddArmF32x4AddHorizArmF32x4SubArmF32x4MulArmF32x4MinArmF32x4MaxArmF32x4EqArmF32x4NeArmF32x4LtArmF32x4LeArmI32x4SplatArmI32x4ExtractLaneArmI32x4ReplaceLaneArmI32x4SConvertF32x4ArmI32x4SConvertI16x8LowArmI32x4SConvertI16x8HighArmI32x4NegArmI32x4ShlArmI32x4ShrSArmI32x4AddArmI32x4AddHorizArmI32x4SubArmI32x4MulArmI32x4MinSArmI32x4MaxSArmI32x4EqArmI32x4NeArmI32x4GtSArmI32x4GeSArmI32x4UConvertF32x4ArmI32x4UConvertI16x8LowArmI32x4UConvertI16x8HighArmI32x4ShrUArmI32x4MinUArmI32x4MaxUArmI32x4GtUArmI32x4GeUArmI16x8SplatArmI16x8ExtractLaneArmI16x8ReplaceLaneArmI16x8SConvertI8x16LowArmI16x8SConvertI8x16HighArmI16x8NegArmI16x8ShlArmI16x8ShrSArmI16x8SConvertI32x4ArmI16x8AddArmI16x8AddSaturateSArmI16x8AddHorizArmI16x8SubArmI16x8SubSaturateSArmI16x8MulArmI16x8MinSArmI16x8MaxSArmI16x8EqArmI16x8NeArmI16x8GtSArmI16x8GeSArmI16x8UConvertI8x16LowArmI16x8UConvertI8x16HighArmI16x8ShrUArmI16x8UConvertI32x4ArmI16x8AddSaturateUArmI16x8SubSaturateUArmI16x8MinUArmI16x8MaxUArmI16x8GtUArmI16x8GeUArmI8x16SplatArmI8x16ExtractLaneArmI8x16ReplaceLaneArmI8x16NegArmI8x16ShlArmI8x16ShrSArmI8x16SConvertI16x8ArmI8x16AddArmI8x16AddSaturateSArmI8x16SubArmI8x16SubSaturateSArmI8x16MulArmI8x16MinSArmI8x16MaxSArmI8x16EqArmI8x16NeArmI8x16GtSArmI8x16GeSArmI8x16ShrUArmI8x16UConvertI16x8ArmI8x16AddSaturateUArmI8x16SubSaturateUArmI8x16MinUArmI8x16MaxUArmI8x16GtUArmI8x16GeUArmS128ZeroArmS128DupArmS128AndArmS128OrArmS128XorArmS128NotArmS128SelectArmS32x4ZipLeftArmS32x4ZipRightArmS32x4UnzipLeftArmS32x4UnzipRightArmS32x4TransposeLeftArmS32x4TransposeRightArmS32x4ShuffleArmS16x8ZipLeftArmS16x8ZipRightArmS16x8UnzipLeftArmS16x8UnzipRightArmS16x8TransposeLeftArmS16x8TransposeRightArmS8x16ZipLeftArmS8x16ZipRightArmS8x16UnzipLeftArmS8x16UnzipRightArmS8x16TransposeLeftArmS8x16TransposeRightArmS8x16ConcatArmS8x16ShuffleArmS32x2ReverseArmS16x4ReverseArmS16x2ReverseArmS8x8ReverseArmS8x4ReverseArmS8x2ReverseArmS1x4AnyTrueArmS1x4AllTrueArmS1x8AnyTrueArmS1x8AllTrueArmS1x16AnyTrueArmS1x16AllTrueOffset_RIOffset_RROperand2_IOperand2_ROperand2_R_ASR_IOperand2_R_LSL_IOperand2_R_LSR_IOperand2_R_ROR_IOperand2_R_ASR_ROperand2_R_LSL_ROperand2_R_LSR_ROperand2_R_ROR_Rbranch_and_poisondeoptimize_and_poisontrapequalnot equalsigned less thansigned greater than or equalsigned less than or equalsigned greater thanunsigned less thanunsigned greater than or equalunsigned less than or equalunsigned greater thanless than or unordered (FP)greater than or equal (FP)less than or equal (FP)greater than or unordered (FP)less than (FP)greater than, equal or unordered (FP)less than, equal or unordered (FP)greater than (FP)unordered equalunordered not equalnot overflowpositive or zeronegativegap ) = && if lRPO: AO# loop blocks: [ instructions: [ predecessors: phi: = v%5dsuccessor->PredecessorCount() == 1 && successor->predecessors()[0] == block->rpo_number()InstructionBlockAt(successor_id)->IsDeferred()InstructionBlockAt(predecessor_id)->IsDeferred()!definitions.Contains(vreg)virtual_register != InstructionOperand::kInvalidVirtualRegisterblock->rpo_number() == rpoIMM#CST#: vReflect.hasJSCallReducerJSContextSpecializationJSCreateLoweringJSGenericLoweringNot considering call site #%d:%s, because polymorphic inlining is disabled Not considering call site #%d:%s, because of recursive inlining Inlining small function(s) at call site #%d:%s Candidates for inlining (size=): #, frequency: - size:%d, name: %s JSInliningHeuristicInlinee contains %d calls without local exception handler; linking to surrounding exception handler Not inlining %s into %s because callee is not inlineable Not inlining %s into %s because constructor is not constructable. Not inlining %s into %s because callee is a class constructor. Not inlining %s into %s because callee may contain break points Not inlining %s into %s because call has exceeded the maximum depth for function inlining Try block surrounds #%d:%s and --no-inline-into-try active, so not inlining %s into %s. Not inlining %s into %s because bytecode generation failed Inlining %s into %s%s (inside try-block)JSInlinerJSIntrinsicLoweringJSNativeContextSpecializationUseEnumCacheKeysAndIndicesUseEnumCacheKeysGenericJSStoreDataPropertyInLiteralJSStoreInArrayLiteralJSCallForwardVarargsJSCallJSCallWithArrayLikeJSCallWithSpreadJSCallRuntimeJSConstructForwardVarargsJSConstructJSConstructWithArrayLikeJSConstructWithSpreadJSLoadNamedJSLoadPropertyJSInstanceOfJSForInNextJSForInPrepareJSGeneratorStoreJSGeneratorRestoreRegisterJSStoreNamedJSStorePropertyJSStoreNamedOwnJSDeletePropertyJSCreateGeneratorObjectJSLoadGlobalJSStoreGlobalJSLoadContextJSStoreContextJSLoadModuleJSStoreModuleJSCreateArgumentsJSCreateArrayJSCreateArrayIteratorJSCreateCollectionIteratorJSCreateBoundFunctionJSCreateClosureJSCreateLiteralArrayJSCreateEmptyLiteralArrayJSCreateLiteralObjectJSCreateEmptyLiteralObjectJSCreateLiteralRegExpJSCreateFunctionContextJSCreateCatchContextJSCreateWithContextJSCreateBlockContextsloppyIterationKind::kKeysIterationKind::kValuesIterationKind::kEntriesCollectionKind::kMapCollectionKind::kSet!(collection_kind == CollectionKind::kSet && iteration_kind == IterationKind::kKeys)JSBitwiseOrJSBitwiseXorJSBitwiseAndJSShiftLeftJSShiftRightJSShiftRightLogicalJSSubtractJSMultiplyJSDivideJSModulusJSExponentiateJSBitwiseNotJSDecrementJSIncrementJSNegateJSToIntegerJSToLengthJSToNameJSToNumberJSToNumericJSToObjectJSToStringJSCreateJSCreateIterResultObjectJSCreateStringIteratorJSCreateKeyValueArrayJSCreatePromiseJSCreateTypedArrayJSCreateObjectJSObjectIsArrayJSHasPropertyJSHasInPrototypeChainJSOrdinaryHasInstanceJSForInEnumerateJSLoadMessageJSStoreMessageJSGeneratorRestoreContinuationJSGeneratorRestoreContextJSGeneratorRestoreInputOrDebugPosJSStackCheckJSDebuggerJSFulfillPromiseJSPerformPromiseThenJSPromiseResolveJSRejectPromiseJSResolvePromiseJSGetSuperConstructorJSParseIntJSAddJSEqualJSStrictEqualJSLessThanJSGreaterThanJSLessThanOrEqualJSGreaterThanOrEqualJSTypedLoweringjt [%d] B%d parallel move flags nop jmp other B%d -> B%d ../deps/v8/src/compiler/jump-threading.cc:163jt-fw nop @%d xx %d fw %d -> %d (recurse) fw %d -> %d (cycle) fw %d -> %d (forward) creating splinter for range %d between %d and %d visit #%d:%s#%d:%s state[%i]: #%d:%s no state[%i]: #%d:%s #%d:%s #%d:%s @ #%d:%s -> #%d:%s #%d:%s -> #%d:%s - checks: maps: elements: field %zu: LoadEliminationni.node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kReturnX #%d:%s Loop %d headed at #%d Loop depth = %d H#%d B#%d E#%dCannot peel loop %i. Loop exit without explicit mark: Node %i (%s) is inside loop, but its use %i (%s) is outside. Peeling loop with header: %i copy nodesNew upper bound for (loop New lower bound for Loop variables for loop %i: %iindex <= static_cast(1)MachineRepresentation::kBit == inferrer_->GetRepresentation(node->InputAt(0))MachineRepresentation::kTagged == inferrer_->GetRepresentation(node->InputAt(0))Node # in the machine graph is not being checked. has wrong type for: * input ) doesn't have a representation. is untyped. uses node # which doesn't have a kWord64 representation. which doesn't have a which doesn't have a tagged representation. which doesn't have a kFloat64 representation. which doesn't have a tagged or pointer representation. which doesn't have an int32-compatible representation. which doesn't have a kFloat32 representation.MachineOperatorReducer"nodeId" : , "reducer" : ", "phase" : "ProtectedStoreF32x4ExtractLaneF32x4ReplaceLaneF32x4GtF32x4GeI32x4ExtractLaneI32x4ReplaceLaneI32x4ShlI32x4ShrSI32x4LtSI32x4LeSI32x4ShrUI32x4LtUI32x4LeUI16x8ExtractLaneI16x8ReplaceLaneI16x8ShlI16x8ShrSI16x8LtSI16x8LeSI16x8ShrUI16x8LtUI16x8LeUI8x16ExtractLaneI8x16ReplaceLaneI8x16ShlI8x16ShrSI8x16LtSI8x16LeSI8x16ShrUI8x16LtUI8x16LeUS8x16ShuffleUnknownOpcodeno-value-usetruncate-to-booltruncate-to-word32truncate-to-word64truncate-to-float64 (identify zeros)truncate-to-float64 (distinguish zeros)no-truncation (but identify zeros)no-truncation (but distinguish zeros)Tried to combine incompatible truncationsoutput_type.Is(Type::Boolean())Truncation::Any(kIdentifyZeros) .IsLessGeneralThan(use_info.truncation())use_info.type_check() != TypeCheckKind::kNoneRepresentationChangerError: node #%d:%s of %s cannot be changed to %skMaxInlineDepth > current_depth_other.done()Unsupported opcode 0x%x:%s../deps/v8/src/compiler/wasm-compiler.cc:4688js-to-wasm-- Graph after change lowering -- ../deps/v8/src/compiler/wasm-compiler.cc:4788../deps/v8/src/compiler/wasm-compiler.cc:4860wasm-interpreter-entry-- Wasm interpreter entry graph -- ../deps/v8/src/compiler/wasm-compiler.cc:4921-- C Wasm entry graph -- ../deps/v8/src/compiler/wasm-compiler.cc:5078../deps/v8/src/compiler/wasm-compiler.cc:5101Compiling wasm function #%d failedCompiling wasm function #%d:%.*s failedwasm-call-Infinity0.'.' == buffer[fraction_cursor]| pc_offset= (delta=| saved at base follows rule in CIE | base_register=, base_offset=| base_offset= not modified from previous frame | nop .eh_frame: CIE .eh_frame: FDE | procedure_offset= | procedure_size= .eh_frame: terminator .eh_frame_hdr kSize == indexkSpecialReferenceCount == *indexdouble_absolute_constantdouble_negate_constantfloat_absolute_constantfloat_negate_constantLDoubleConstant::min_intdouble_constants.minus_one_halfLDoubleConstant::negative_infinityLDoubleConstant::one_halfthe_hole_nanuint32_biasBytecodes::bytecode_size_table_addresscheck_object_typeComputeSeededHashDeoptimizer::ComputeOutputFrames()copy_fast_number_jsarray_elements_to_typed_arraycopy_typed_array_elements_slicecopy_typed_array_elements_to_typed_arraycpu_featuresHandleScope::DeleteExtensionsf64_acos_wrapperf64_asin_wrapperf64_mod_wrapperfixed_typed_array_base_data_offsetJSDate::GetFieldbase::ieee754::acosbase::ieee754::acoshbase::ieee754::asinbase::ieee754::asinhbase::ieee754::atan2base::ieee754::atanbase::ieee754::atanhbase::ieee754::cbrtbase::ieee754::cosbase::ieee754::coshbase::ieee754::expbase::ieee754::expm1base::ieee754::log10base::ieee754::log1pbase::ieee754::log2base::ieee754::logbase::ieee754::sinbase::ieee754::sinhbase::ieee754::tanbase::ieee754::tanhIncrementalMarking::RecordWriteJSObject::InvalidatePrototypeChains()InvokeAccessorGetterCallbacklibc_memchrlibc_memcpylibc_memmovelibc_memsetLogger::EnterExternalLogger::LeaveExternalmod_two_doublesDeoptimizer::New()orderedhashmap_gethash_rawpower_double_double_functionprintfStoreBuffer::StoreBufferOverflowsearch_string_raw_one_onesearch_string_raw_one_twosearch_string_raw_two_onesearch_string_raw_two_twotry_internalize_string_functionwasm::call_trap_callback_for_testingwasm::clear_thread_in_wasm_flagwasm::f32_ceil_wrapperwasm::f32_floor_wrapperwasm::f32_nearest_int_wrapperwasm::f32_trunc_wrapperwasm::f64_ceil_wrapperwasm::f64_floor_wrapperwasm::f64_nearest_int_wrapperwasm::f64_trunc_wrapperwasm::float32_to_int64_wrapperwasm::float32_to_uint64_wrapperwasm::float64_powwasm::float64_to_int64_wrapperwasm::float64_to_uint64_wrapperwasm::int64_divwasm::int64_modwasm::int64_to_float32_wrapperwasm::int64_to_float64_wrapperwasm::set_thread_in_wasm_flagwasm::uint64_divwasm::uint64_modwasm::uint64_to_float32_wrapperwasm::uint64_to_float64_wrapperwasm::word32_ctzwasm::word32_popcntwasm::word32_rolwasm::word32_rorwasm::word64_ctzwasm::word64_popcntisolatebuiltinsIsolate::handle_scope_implementer_addressIsolate::pending_microtask_count_address()Interpreter::dispatch_countersInterpreter::dispatch_table_addressdate_cache_stampIsolate::stress_deopt_count_address()Isolate::force_slow_path_address()Heap::roots_array_start()Heap::allocation_sites_list_address()StackGuard::address_of_jslimit()StackGuard::address_of_real_jslimit()store_buffer_topheap_is_marking_flag_addressHeap::NewSpaceAllocationTopAddress()Heap::NewSpaceAllocationLimitAddress()Heap::OldSpaceAllocationTopAddressHeap::OldSpaceAllocationLimitAddressHandleScope::levelHandleScope::nextHandleScope::limitIsolate::scheduled_exceptionaddress_of_pending_message_objget_or_create_hash_rawjsreceiver_create_identity_hashIsolate::promise_hook_or_debug_is_active_address()Debug::is_active_address()Debug::hook_on_function_call_address()Isolate::debug_execution_mode()Runtime::runtime_function_table_address()Debug::step_in_enabled_address()Isolate::is_profilingDebug::step_suspended_generator_address()Debug::restart_fp_address()RegExpStack::limit_address()RegExpStack::memory_address()RegExpStack::memory_size()OffsetsVector::static_offsets_vectorNativeRegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareUC16()RegExpMacroAssembler*::CheckStackGuardState()NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::GrowStack()NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::word_character_mapkSpecialReferenceCount + kExternalReferenceCount == *indexBuiltin_HandleApiCallBuiltin_HandleApiCallAsFunctionBuiltin_HandleApiCallAsConstructorBuiltin_EmptyFunctionBuiltin_IllegalBuiltin_StrictPoisonPillThrowerBuiltin_UnsupportedThrowerBuiltin_ArrayConcatBuiltin_ArrayPopBuiltin_ArrayPushBuiltin_ArrayShiftBuiltin_ArraySpliceBuiltin_ArrayUnshiftBuiltin_ArrayBufferConstructorBuiltin_ArrayBufferConstructor_DoNotInitializeBuiltin_ArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLengthBuiltin_ArrayBufferIsViewBuiltin_ArrayBufferPrototypeSliceBuiltin_BigIntConstructorBuiltin_BigIntAsUintNBuiltin_BigIntAsIntNBuiltin_BigIntPrototypeToLocaleStringBuiltin_BigIntPrototypeToStringBuiltin_BigIntPrototypeValueOfBuiltin_BooleanConstructorBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetColumnNumberBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetEvalOriginBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetFileNameBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetFunctionBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetFunctionNameBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetLineNumberBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetMethodNameBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetPositionBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetScriptNameOrSourceURLBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetThisBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeGetTypeNameBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeIsConstructorBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeIsEvalBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeIsNativeBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeIsToplevelBuiltin_CallSitePrototypeToStringBuiltin_ConsoleDebugBuiltin_ConsoleErrorBuiltin_ConsoleInfoBuiltin_ConsoleLogBuiltin_ConsoleWarnBuiltin_ConsoleDirBuiltin_ConsoleDirXmlBuiltin_ConsoleTableBuiltin_ConsoleTraceBuiltin_ConsoleGroupBuiltin_ConsoleGroupCollapsedBuiltin_ConsoleGroupEndBuiltin_ConsoleClearBuiltin_ConsoleCountBuiltin_ConsoleCountResetBuiltin_ConsoleAssertBuiltin_ConsoleMarkTimelineBuiltin_ConsoleProfileBuiltin_ConsoleProfileEndBuiltin_ConsoleTimelineBuiltin_ConsoleTimelineEndBuiltin_ConsoleTimeBuiltin_ConsoleTimeEndBuiltin_ConsoleTimeStampBuiltin_ConsoleContextBuiltin_DataViewConstructorBuiltin_DataViewPrototypeGetBufferBuiltin_DataViewPrototypeGetByteLengthBuiltin_DataViewPrototypeGetByteOffsetBuiltin_DataViewPrototypeGetInt8Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetInt8Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetUint8Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetUint8Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetInt16Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetInt16Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetUint16Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetUint16Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetInt32Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetInt32Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetUint32Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetUint32Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetFloat32Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetFloat32Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetFloat64Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetFloat64Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetBigInt64Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetBigInt64Builtin_DataViewPrototypeGetBigUint64Builtin_DataViewPrototypeSetBigUint64Builtin_DateConstructorBuiltin_DatePrototypeGetYearBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetYearBuiltin_DateNowBuiltin_DateParseBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetDateBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetFullYearBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetHoursBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetMillisecondsBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetMinutesBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetMonthBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetSecondsBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetTimeBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetUTCDateBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetUTCFullYearBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetUTCHoursBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetUTCMillisecondsBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetUTCMinutesBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetUTCMonthBuiltin_DatePrototypeSetUTCSecondsBuiltin_DatePrototypeToDateStringBuiltin_DatePrototypeToISOStringBuiltin_DatePrototypeToUTCStringBuiltin_DatePrototypeToStringBuiltin_DatePrototypeToTimeStringBuiltin_DatePrototypeToJsonBuiltin_DateUTCBuiltin_ErrorConstructorBuiltin_ErrorCaptureStackTraceBuiltin_ErrorPrototypeToStringBuiltin_MakeErrorBuiltin_MakeRangeErrorBuiltin_MakeSyntaxErrorBuiltin_MakeTypeErrorBuiltin_MakeURIErrorBuiltin_FunctionConstructorBuiltin_FunctionPrototypeBindBuiltin_FunctionPrototypeToStringBuiltin_GeneratorFunctionConstructorBuiltin_AsyncFunctionConstructorBuiltin_GlobalDecodeURIBuiltin_GlobalDecodeURIComponentBuiltin_GlobalEncodeURIBuiltin_GlobalEncodeURIComponentBuiltin_GlobalEscapeBuiltin_GlobalUnescapeBuiltin_GlobalEvalBuiltin_JsonParseBuiltin_JsonStringifyBuiltin_MapPrototypeClearBuiltin_MathHypotBuiltin_NumberPrototypeToExponentialBuiltin_NumberPrototypeToFixedBuiltin_NumberPrototypeToLocaleStringBuiltin_NumberPrototypeToPrecisionBuiltin_NumberPrototypeToStringBuiltin_ObjectDefineGetterBuiltin_ObjectDefinePropertiesBuiltin_ObjectDefinePropertyBuiltin_ObjectDefineSetterBuiltin_ObjectFreezeBuiltin_ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptorsBuiltin_ObjectGetOwnPropertyNamesBuiltin_ObjectGetOwnPropertySymbolsBuiltin_ObjectGetPrototypeOfBuiltin_ObjectSetPrototypeOfBuiltin_ObjectIsExtensibleBuiltin_ObjectIsFrozenBuiltin_ObjectIsSealedBuiltin_ObjectLookupGetterBuiltin_ObjectLookupSetterBuiltin_ObjectPreventExtensionsBuiltin_ObjectPrototypePropertyIsEnumerableBuiltin_ObjectPrototypeGetProtoBuiltin_ObjectPrototypeSetProtoBuiltin_ObjectSealBuiltin_IsPromiseBuiltin_ReflectDefinePropertyBuiltin_ReflectDeletePropertyBuiltin_ReflectGetBuiltin_ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptorBuiltin_ReflectGetPrototypeOfBuiltin_ReflectIsExtensibleBuiltin_ReflectOwnKeysBuiltin_ReflectPreventExtensionsBuiltin_ReflectSetBuiltin_ReflectSetPrototypeOfBuiltin_RegExpCapture1GetterBuiltin_RegExpCapture2GetterBuiltin_RegExpCapture3GetterBuiltin_RegExpCapture4GetterBuiltin_RegExpCapture5GetterBuiltin_RegExpCapture6GetterBuiltin_RegExpCapture7GetterBuiltin_RegExpCapture8GetterBuiltin_RegExpCapture9GetterBuiltin_RegExpInputGetterBuiltin_RegExpInputSetterBuiltin_RegExpLastMatchGetterBuiltin_RegExpLastParenGetterBuiltin_RegExpLeftContextGetterBuiltin_RegExpPrototypeToStringBuiltin_RegExpRightContextGetterBuiltin_SetPrototypeClearBuiltin_SharedArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLengthBuiltin_SharedArrayBufferPrototypeSliceBuiltin_AtomicsIsLockFreeBuiltin_AtomicsWaitBuiltin_AtomicsWakeBuiltin_StringFromCodePointBuiltin_StringPrototypeEndsWithBuiltin_StringPrototypeLastIndexOfBuiltin_StringPrototypeLocaleCompareBuiltin_StringPrototypeStartsWithBuiltin_StringRawBuiltin_SymbolConstructorBuiltin_SymbolForBuiltin_SymbolKeyForBuiltin_TypedArrayPrototypeBufferBuiltin_TypedArrayPrototypeCopyWithinBuiltin_TypedArrayPrototypeFillBuiltin_TypedArrayPrototypeIncludesBuiltin_TypedArrayPrototypeIndexOfBuiltin_TypedArrayPrototypeLastIndexOfBuiltin_TypedArrayPrototypeReverseBuiltin_AsyncGeneratorFunctionConstructorBuiltin_IsTraceCategoryEnabledBuiltin_TraceBuiltin_StringPrototypeNormalizeBuiltin_StringPrototypeToLocaleLowerCaseBuiltin_StringPrototypeToLocaleUpperCaseBuiltin_StringPrototypeToLowerCaseBuiltin_StringPrototypeToUpperCasekSpecialReferenceCount + kExternalReferenceCount + kBuiltinsReferenceCount == *indexRuntime::WasmCompileLazyRuntime::DebugBreakOnBytecodeRuntime::LoadLookupSlotForCallRuntime::ArrayIncludes_SlowRuntime::ArrayIndexOfRuntime::ArrayIsArrayRuntime::ArraySpeciesConstructorRuntime::EstimateNumberOfElementsRuntime::GetArrayKeysRuntime::GrowArrayElementsRuntime::HasComplexElementsRuntime::IsArrayRuntime::MoveArrayContentsRuntime::NewArrayRuntime::NormalizeElementsRuntime::PrepareElementsForSortRuntime::TransitionElementsKindRuntime::TrySliceSimpleNonFastElementsRuntime::AtomicsAddRuntime::AtomicsAndRuntime::AtomicsCompareExchangeRuntime::AtomicsExchangeRuntime::AtomicsNumWaitersForTestingRuntime::AtomicsOrRuntime::AtomicsSubRuntime::AtomicsXorRuntime::SetAllowAtomicsWaitRuntime::BigIntBinaryOpRuntime::BigIntCompareToBigIntRuntime::BigIntCompareToNumberRuntime::BigIntCompareToStringRuntime::BigIntEqualToBigIntRuntime::BigIntEqualToNumberRuntime::BigIntEqualToStringRuntime::BigIntToBooleanRuntime::BigIntToNumberRuntime::BigIntUnaryOpRuntime::ToBigIntRuntime::DefineClassRuntime::GetSuperConstructorRuntime::HomeObjectSymbolRuntime::LoadFromSuperRuntime::LoadKeyedFromSuperRuntime::StoreKeyedToSuper_SloppyRuntime::StoreKeyedToSuper_StrictRuntime::StoreToSuper_SloppyRuntime::StoreToSuper_StrictRuntime::ThrowConstructorNonCallableErrorRuntime::ThrowNotSuperConstructorRuntime::ThrowStaticPrototypeErrorRuntime::ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledErrorRuntime::ThrowSuperNotCalledRuntime::ThrowUnsupportedSuperErrorRuntime::GetWeakMapEntriesRuntime::GetWeakSetValuesRuntime::IsJSMapRuntime::IsJSSetRuntime::IsJSWeakMapRuntime::IsJSWeakSetRuntime::MapGrowRuntime::MapIteratorCloneRuntime::MapShrinkRuntime::SetGrowRuntime::SetIteratorCloneRuntime::SetShrinkRuntime::TheHoleRuntime::WeakCollectionDeleteRuntime::WeakCollectionSetRuntime::CompileForOnStackReplacementRuntime::CompileLazyRuntime::CompileOptimized_ConcurrentRuntime::CompileOptimized_NotConcurrentRuntime::EvictOptimizedCodeSlotRuntime::FunctionFirstExecutionRuntime::InstantiateAsmJsRuntime::NotifyDeoptimizedRuntime::ResolvePossiblyDirectEvalRuntime::DateCurrentTimeRuntime::IsDateRuntime::ChangeBreakOnExceptionRuntime::CheckExecutionStateRuntime::ClearSteppingRuntime::CollectGarbageRuntime::DebugApplyInstrumentationRuntime::DebugAsyncFunctionPromiseCreatedRuntime::DebugBreakAtEntryRuntime::DebugCollectCoverageRuntime::DebugConstructedByRuntime::DebugEvaluateRuntime::DebugEvaluateGlobalRuntime::DebugGetInternalPropertiesRuntime::DebugGetLoadedScriptsRuntime::DebugGetPropertyRuntime::DebugGetPropertyDetailsRuntime::DebugGetPrototypeRuntime::DebugIsActiveRuntime::DebugOnFunctionCallRuntime::DebugPopPromiseRuntime::DebugPrepareStepInSuspendedGeneratorRuntime::DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetailsRuntime::DebugPropertyKindFromDetailsRuntime::DebugPushPromiseRuntime::DebugReferencedByRuntime::DebugSetScriptSourceRuntime::DebugToggleBlockCoverageRuntime::DebugTogglePreciseCoverageRuntime::FunctionGetDebugNameRuntime::FunctionGetInferredNameRuntime::GetAllScopesDetailsRuntime::GetBreakLocationsRuntime::GetDebugContextRuntime::GetFrameCountRuntime::GetFrameDetailsRuntime::GetFunctionScopeCountRuntime::GetFunctionScopeDetailsRuntime::GetGeneratorScopeCountRuntime::GetGeneratorScopeDetailsRuntime::GetHeapUsageRuntime::GetScopeCountRuntime::GetScopeDetailsRuntime::GetScriptRuntime::HandleDebuggerStatementRuntime::IncBlockCounterRuntime::IsBreakOnExceptionRuntime::PrepareStepRuntime::ScheduleBreakRuntime::ScriptLineCountRuntime::ScriptLocationFromLine2Runtime::ScriptLocationFromLineRuntime::ScriptPositionInfo2Runtime::ScriptPositionInfoRuntime::SetScopeVariableValueRuntime::ErrorToStringRuntime::ForInEnumerateRuntime::ForInHasPropertyRuntime::CallRuntime::FunctionGetContextDataRuntime::FunctionGetNameRuntime::FunctionGetScriptRuntime::FunctionGetScriptIdRuntime::FunctionGetScriptSourcePositionRuntime::FunctionGetSourceCodeRuntime::FunctionIsAPIFunctionRuntime::FunctionToStringRuntime::IsConstructorRuntime::IsFunctionRuntime::SetCodeRuntime::SetNativeFlagRuntime::AsyncGeneratorHasCatchHandlerForPCRuntime::AsyncGeneratorRejectRuntime::AsyncGeneratorResolveRuntime::AsyncGeneratorYieldRuntime::CreateJSGeneratorObjectRuntime::GeneratorCloseRuntime::GeneratorGetContinuationRuntime::GeneratorGetFunctionRuntime::GeneratorGetInputOrDebugPosRuntime::GeneratorGetReceiverRuntime::GeneratorGetResumeModeRuntime::GeneratorGetSourcePositionRuntime::ElementsTransitionAndStoreIC_MissRuntime::KeyedLoadIC_MissRuntime::KeyedStoreIC_MissRuntime::KeyedStoreIC_SlowRuntime::LoadElementWithInterceptorRuntime::LoadGlobalIC_MissRuntime::LoadGlobalIC_SlowRuntime::LoadIC_MissRuntime::LoadPropertyWithInterceptorRuntime::StoreCallbackPropertyRuntime::StoreGlobalIC_MissRuntime::StoreGlobalIC_SlowRuntime::StoreIC_MissRuntime::StoreInArrayLiteralIC_SlowRuntime::StorePropertyWithInterceptorRuntime::AllocateInNewSpaceRuntime::AllocateInTargetSpaceRuntime::AllocateSeqOneByteStringRuntime::AllocateSeqTwoByteStringRuntime::AllowDynamicFunctionRuntime::CheckIsBootstrappingRuntime::CreateAsyncFromSyncIteratorRuntime::CreateListFromArrayLikeRuntime::CreateTemplateObjectRuntime::DeserializeLazyRuntime::ExportFromRuntimeRuntime::GetAndResetRuntimeCallStatsRuntime::IncrementUseCounterRuntime::InstallToContextRuntime::InterruptRuntime::IS_VARRuntime::NewReferenceErrorRuntime::NewSyntaxErrorRuntime::NewTypeErrorRuntime::OrdinaryHasInstanceRuntime::PromoteScheduledExceptionRuntime::ReportMessageRuntime::ReThrowRuntime::RunMicrotaskCallbackRuntime::RunMicrotasksRuntime::StackGuardRuntime::ThrowRuntime::ThrowApplyNonFunctionRuntime::ThrowCalledNonCallableRuntime::ThrowConstructedNonConstructableRuntime::ThrowConstructorReturnedNonObjectRuntime::ThrowInvalidStringLengthRuntime::ThrowInvalidTypedArrayAlignmentRuntime::ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObjectRuntime::ThrowNotConstructorRuntime::ThrowRangeErrorRuntime::ThrowReferenceErrorRuntime::ThrowStackOverflowRuntime::ThrowSymbolAsyncIteratorInvalidRuntime::ThrowSymbolIteratorInvalidRuntime::ThrowThrowMethodMissingRuntime::ThrowTypeErrorRuntime::TypeofRuntime::UnwindAndFindExceptionHandlerRuntime::InterpreterDeserializeLazyRuntime::CreateArrayLiteralRuntime::CreateObjectLiteralRuntime::CreateRegExpLiteralRuntime::LiveEditCheckAndDropActivationsRuntime::LiveEditCompareStringsRuntime::LiveEditFindSharedFunctionInfosForScriptRuntime::LiveEditFixupScriptRuntime::LiveEditFunctionSetScriptRuntime::LiveEditFunctionSourceUpdatedRuntime::LiveEditGatherCompileInfoRuntime::LiveEditPatchFunctionPositionsRuntime::LiveEditReplaceFunctionCodeRuntime::LiveEditReplaceRefToNestedFunctionRuntime::LiveEditReplaceScriptRuntime::LiveEditRestartFrameRuntime::GenerateRandomNumbersRuntime::DynamicImportCallRuntime::GetImportMetaObjectRuntime::GetModuleNamespaceRuntime::GetHoleNaNLowerRuntime::GetHoleNaNUpperRuntime::IsSmiRuntime::IsValidSmiRuntime::MaxSmiRuntime::NumberToStringSkipCacheRuntime::SmiLexicographicCompareRuntime::StringParseFloatRuntime::StringParseIntRuntime::StringToNumberRuntime::AddDictionaryPropertyRuntime::AddElementRuntime::AddNamedPropertyRuntime::AddPrivateFieldRuntime::AllocateHeapNumberRuntime::ClassOfRuntime::CollectTypeProfileRuntime::CompleteInobjectSlackTrackingForMapRuntime::CopyDataPropertiesRuntime::CopyDataPropertiesWithExcludedPropertiesRuntime::CreateDataPropertyRuntime::CreateIterResultObjectRuntime::DefineAccessorPropertyUncheckedRuntime::DefineDataPropertyInLiteralRuntime::DefineGetterPropertyUncheckedRuntime::DefineMethodsInternalRuntime::DefineSetterPropertyUncheckedRuntime::DeletePropertyRuntime::GetFunctionNameRuntime::GetInterceptorInfoRuntime::GetOwnPropertyDescriptorRuntime::GetOwnPropertyKeysRuntime::GetPropertyRuntime::GetPrototypeRuntime::HasFastPackedElementsRuntime::HasInPrototypeChainRuntime::HasPropertyRuntime::InternalSetPrototypeRuntime::IsJSReceiverRuntime::IterableToListCanBeElidedRuntime::KeyedGetPropertyRuntime::NewObjectRuntime::ObjectCreateRuntime::ObjectEntriesRuntime::ObjectEntriesSkipFastPathRuntime::ObjectHasOwnPropertyRuntime::ObjectKeysRuntime::ObjectValuesRuntime::ObjectValuesSkipFastPathRuntime::OptimizeObjectForAddingMultiplePropertiesRuntime::SameValueRuntime::SameValueZeroRuntime::SetDataPropertiesRuntime::SetPropertyRuntime::ShrinkPropertyDictionaryRuntime::ToFastPropertiesRuntime::ToIntegerRuntime::ToLengthRuntime::ToNameRuntime::ToNumberRuntime::ToNumericRuntime::ToObjectRuntime::ToPrimitiveRuntime::ToPrimitive_NumberRuntime::ToStringRuntime::TryMigrateInstanceRuntime::ValueOfRuntime::AddRuntime::EqualRuntime::GreaterThanRuntime::GreaterThanOrEqualRuntime::LessThanRuntime::LessThanOrEqualRuntime::NotEqualRuntime::StrictEqualRuntime::StrictNotEqualRuntime::EnqueueMicrotaskRuntime::PromiseHookAfterRuntime::PromiseHookBeforeRuntime::PromiseHookInitRuntime::PromiseMarkAsHandledRuntime::PromiseRejectEventFromStackRuntime::PromiseResultRuntime::PromiseRevokeRejectRuntime::PromiseStatusRuntime::RejectPromiseRuntime::ResolvePromiseRuntime::PromiseRejectAfterResolvedRuntime::PromiseResolveAfterResolvedRuntime::CheckProxyGetSetTrapResultRuntime::CheckProxyHasTrapRuntime::GetPropertyWithReceiverRuntime::IsJSProxyRuntime::JSProxyGetHandlerRuntime::JSProxyGetTargetRuntime::SetPropertyWithReceiverRuntime::IsRegExpRuntime::RegExpExecRuntime::RegExpExecMultipleRuntime::RegExpInitializeAndCompileRuntime::RegExpInternalReplaceRuntime::RegExpReplaceRuntime::RegExpSplitRuntime::StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunctionRuntime::StringSplitRuntime::DeclareEvalFunctionRuntime::DeclareEvalVarRuntime::DeclareGlobalsRuntime::DeleteLookupSlotRuntime::LoadLookupSlotRuntime::LoadLookupSlotInsideTypeofRuntime::NewArgumentsElementsRuntime::NewClosureRuntime::NewClosure_TenuredRuntime::NewFunctionContextRuntime::NewRestParameterRuntime::NewScriptContextRuntime::NewSloppyArgumentsRuntime::NewSloppyArguments_GenericRuntime::NewStrictArgumentsRuntime::PushBlockContextRuntime::PushCatchContextRuntime::PushModuleContextRuntime::PushWithContextRuntime::StoreLookupSlot_SloppyRuntime::StoreLookupSlot_SloppyHoistingRuntime::StoreLookupSlot_StrictRuntime::ThrowConstAssignErrorRuntime::FlattenStringRuntime::GetSubstitutionRuntime::InternalizeStringRuntime::SparseJoinWithSeparatorRuntime::StringAddRuntime::StringBuilderConcatRuntime::StringBuilderJoinRuntime::StringCharCodeAtRuntime::StringCharFromCodeRuntime::StringEqualRuntime::StringGreaterThanRuntime::StringGreaterThanOrEqualRuntime::StringIncludesRuntime::StringIndexOfRuntime::StringIndexOfUncheckedRuntime::StringLastIndexOfRuntime::StringLessThanRuntime::StringLessThanOrEqualRuntime::StringMaxLengthRuntime::StringNotEqualRuntime::StringReplaceOneCharWithStringRuntime::StringSubstringRuntime::StringToArrayRuntime::StringTrimRuntime::CreatePrivateFieldSymbolRuntime::CreatePrivateSymbolRuntime::SymbolDescriptionRuntime::SymbolDescriptiveStringRuntime::SymbolIsPrivateRuntime::AbortRuntime::AbortJSRuntime::ClearFunctionFeedbackRuntime::CompleteInobjectSlackTrackingRuntime::ConstructConsStringRuntime::ConstructSlicedStringRuntime::ConstructDoubleRuntime::DebugPrintRuntime::DebugTraceRuntime::DebugTrackRetainingPathRuntime::DeoptimizeFunctionRuntime::DeoptimizeNowRuntime::DeserializeWasmModuleRuntime::DisallowCodegenFromStringsRuntime::DisallowWasmCodegenRuntime::DisassembleFunctionRuntime::FreezeWasmLazyCompilationRuntime::GetCallableRuntime::GetDeoptCountRuntime::GetOptimizationStatusRuntime::GetUndetectableRuntime::GetWasmRecoveredTrapCountRuntime::GlobalPrintRuntime::HasDictionaryElementsRuntime::HasDoubleElementsRuntime::HasFastElementsRuntime::HasFastPropertiesRuntime::HasFixedBigInt64ElementsRuntime::HasFixedBigUint64ElementsRuntime::HasFixedFloat32ElementsRuntime::HasFixedFloat64ElementsRuntime::HasFixedInt16ElementsRuntime::HasFixedInt32ElementsRuntime::HasFixedInt8ElementsRuntime::HasFixedUint16ElementsRuntime::HasFixedUint32ElementsRuntime::HasFixedUint8ClampedElementsRuntime::HasFixedUint8ElementsRuntime::HasHoleyElementsRuntime::HasObjectElementsRuntime::HasSloppyArgumentsElementsRuntime::HasSmiElementsRuntime::HasSmiOrObjectElementsRuntime::HaveSameMapRuntime::HeapObjectVerifyRuntime::InNewSpaceRuntime::IsAsmWasmCodeRuntime::IsConcurrentRecompilationSupportedRuntime::IsJSErrorRuntime::IsJSGeneratorObjectRuntime::IsJSMapIteratorRuntime::IsJSSetIteratorRuntime::IsLiftoffFunctionRuntime::IsScriptWrapperRuntime::IsWasmCodeRuntime::IsWasmTrapHandlerEnabledRuntime::NativeScriptsCountRuntime::NeverOptimizeFunctionRuntime::NotifyContextDisposedRuntime::OptimizeFunctionOnNextCallRuntime::OptimizeOsrRuntime::PrintWithNameForAssertRuntime::RedirectToWasmInterpreterRuntime::RunningInSimulatorRuntime::SerializeWasmModuleRuntime::SetAllocationTimeoutRuntime::SetFlagsRuntime::SetForceSlowPathRuntime::SetWasmCompileControlsRuntime::SetWasmInstantiateControlsRuntime::ArraySpeciesProtectorRuntime::TypedArraySpeciesProtectorRuntime::PromiseSpeciesProtectorRuntime::SystemBreakRuntime::TraceEnterRuntime::TraceExitRuntime::UnblockConcurrentRecompilationRuntime::ValidateWasmInstancesChainRuntime::ValidateWasmModuleStateRuntime::WasmNumInterpretedCallsRuntime::WasmTraceMemoryRuntime::ArrayBufferNeuterRuntime::ArrayBufferViewWasNeuteredRuntime::IsTypedArrayRuntime::TypedArrayCopyElementsRuntime::TypedArrayGetBufferRuntime::TypedArrayGetLengthRuntime::TypedArraySetRuntime::TypedArraySortFastRuntime::ThrowWasmErrorRuntime::ThrowWasmStackOverflowRuntime::WasmExceptionGetElementRuntime::WasmExceptionSetElementRuntime::WasmGetExceptionRuntimeIdRuntime::WasmGrowMemoryRuntime::WasmRunInterpreterRuntime::WasmStackGuardRuntime::WasmThrowRuntime::WasmThrowCreateRuntime::WasmThrowTypeErrorkSpecialReferenceCount + kExternalReferenceCount + kBuiltinsReferenceCount + kRuntimeReferenceCount == *indexIsolate::handler_addressIsolate::c_entry_fp_addressIsolate::c_function_addressIsolate::context_addressIsolate::pending_exception_addressIsolate::pending_handler_context_addressIsolate::pending_handler_entrypoint_addressIsolate::pending_handler_constant_pool_addressIsolate::pending_handler_fp_addressIsolate::pending_handler_sp_addressIsolate::external_caught_exception_addressIsolate::js_entry_sp_addresskSpecialReferenceCount + kExternalReferenceCount + kBuiltinsReferenceCount + kRuntimeReferenceCount + kIsolateAddressReferenceCount == *indexAccessors::ArgumentsIteratorGetterAccessors::ArrayLengthGetterAccessors::BoundFunctionLengthGetterAccessors::BoundFunctionNameGetterAccessors::ErrorStackGetterAccessors::FunctionArgumentsGetterAccessors::FunctionCallerGetterAccessors::FunctionNameGetterAccessors::FunctionLengthGetterAccessors::FunctionPrototypeGetterAccessors::ScriptColumnOffsetGetterAccessors::ScriptCompilationTypeGetterAccessors::ScriptContextDataGetterAccessors::ScriptEvalFromScriptGetterAccessors::ScriptEvalFromScriptPositionGetterAccessors::ScriptEvalFromFunctionNameGetterAccessors::ScriptIdGetterAccessors::ScriptLineOffsetGetterAccessors::ScriptNameGetterAccessors::ScriptSourceGetterAccessors::ScriptTypeGetterAccessors::ScriptSourceUrlGetterAccessors::ScriptSourceMappingUrlGetterAccessors::StringLengthGetterAccessors::ArrayLengthSetterAccessors::ErrorStackSetterAccessors::FunctionPrototypeSetterAccessors::ModuleNamespaceEntrySetterAccessors::ReconfigureToDataPropertykSpecialReferenceCount + kExternalReferenceCount + kBuiltinsReferenceCount + kRuntimeReferenceCount + kIsolateAddressReferenceCount + kAccessorReferenceCount == *indexLoad StubCache::primary_->keyLoad StubCache::primary_->valueLoad StubCache::primary_->mapLoad StubCache::secondary_->keyLoad StubCache::secondary_->valueLoad StubCache::secondary_->mapStore StubCache::primary_->keyStore StubCache::primary_->valueStore StubCache::primary_->mapStore StubCache::secondary_->keyStore StubCache::secondary_->valueStore StubCache::secondary_->mapkSpecialReferenceCount + kExternalReferenceCount + kBuiltinsReferenceCount + kRuntimeReferenceCount + kIsolateAddressReferenceCount + kAccessorReferenceCount + kStubCacheReferenceCount == *indexClass(array_buffers_.empty()emptyStarting concurrent marking task %d ConcurrentMarking::Run PreemptedTask %d concurrently marked %dKB in %.2fms Scheduling concurrent marking task %d cached_wrappers_to_trace_.empty()no actionincremental step; finalized markingfull GCcontexts_disposed=%d contexts_disposal_rate=%f size_of_objects=%zu incremental_marking_stopped=%d V8.GC_MC_INCREMENTALV8.GC_MC_INCREMENTAL_STARTV8.GC_MC_INCREMENTAL_SWEEPINGV8.GC_MC_INCREMENTAL_WRAPPER_PROLOGUEV8.GC_MC_INCREMENTAL_WRAPPER_TRACINGV8.GC_MC_INCREMENTAL_FINALIZEV8.GC_MC_INCREMENTAL_FINALIZE_BODYV8.GC_MC_INCREMENTAL_EXTERNAL_EPILOGUEV8.GC_MC_INCREMENTAL_EXTERNAL_PROLOGUEV8.GC_HEAP_EPILOGUEV8.GC_HEAP_EPILOGUE_REDUCE_NEW_SPACEV8.GC_HEAP_EXTERNAL_EPILOGUEV8.GC_HEAP_EXTERNAL_PROLOGUEV8.GC_HEAP_EXTERNAL_WEAK_GLOBAL_HANDLESV8.GC_HEAP_PROLOGUEV8.GC_MC_CLEARV8.GC_MC_CLEAR_DEPENDENT_CODEV8.GC_MC_CLEAR_MAPSV8.GC_MC_CLEAR_SLOTS_BUFFERV8.GC_MC_CLEAR_STORE_BUFFERV8.GC_MC_CLEAR_STRING_TABLEV8.GC_MC_CLEAR_WEAK_CELLSV8.GC_MC_CLEAR_WEAK_COLLECTIONSV8.GC_MC_CLEAR_WEAK_LISTSV8.GC_MC_CLEAR_WEAK_REFERENCESV8.GC_MC_EPILOGUEV8.GC_MC_EVACUATEV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_CANDIDATESV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_CLEAN_UPV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_COPYV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_EPILOGUEV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_PROLOGUEV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_REBALANCEV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERSV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_SLOTS_MAINV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_SLOTS_MAP_SPACEV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_TO_NEW_ROOTSV8.GC_MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_WEAKV8.GC_MC_FINISHV8.GC_MC_MARKV8.GC_MC_MARK_FINISH_INCREMENTALV8.GC_MC_MARK_MAINV8.GC_MC_MARK_ROOTSV8.GC_MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSUREV8.GC_MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSURE_EPHEMERALV8.GC_MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSURE_WEAK_HANDLESV8.GC_MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSURE_WEAK_ROOTSV8.GC_MC_MARK_WEAK_CLOSURE_HARMONYV8.GC_MC_MARK_WRAPPER_EPILOGUEV8.GC_MC_MARK_WRAPPER_PROLOGUEV8.GC_MC_MARK_WRAPPER_TRACINGV8.GC_MC_PROLOGUEV8.GC_MC_SWEEPV8.GC_MC_SWEEP_CODEV8.GC_MC_SWEEP_MAPV8.GC_MC_SWEEP_OLDV8.GC_MINOR_MCV8.GC_MINOR_MC_CLEARV8.GC_MINOR_MC_CLEAR_STRING_TABLEV8.GC_MINOR_MC_CLEAR_WEAK_LISTSV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATEV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATE_CLEAN_UPV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATE_COPYV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATE_EPILOGUEV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATE_PROLOGUEV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATE_REBALANCEV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERSV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_SLOTSV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_TO_NEW_ROOTSV8.GC_MINOR_MC_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERS_WEAKV8.GC_MINOR_MC_MARKV8.GC_MINOR_MC_MARK_GLOBAL_HANDLESV8.GC_MINOR_MC_MARK_SEEDV8.GC_MINOR_MC_MARK_ROOTSV8.GC_MINOR_MC_MARK_WEAKV8.GC_MINOR_MC_MARKING_DEQUEV8.GC_MINOR_MC_RESET_LIVENESSV8.GC_MINOR_MC_SWEEPINGV8.GC_SCAVENGER_FAST_PROMOTEV8.GC_SCAVENGER_SCAVENGEV8.GC_SCAVENGER_PROCESS_ARRAY_BUFFERSV8.GC_SCAVENGER_SCAVENGE_WEAK_GLOBAL_HANDLES_IDENTIFYV8.GC_SCAVENGER_SCAVENGE_WEAK_GLOBAL_HANDLES_PROCESSV8.GC_SCAVENGER_SCAVENGE_PARALLELV8.GC_SCAVENGER_SCAVENGE_ROOTSV8.GC_SCAVENGER_SCAVENGE_WEAKV8.GC_BACKGROUND_ARRAY_BUFFER_FREEV8.GC_BACKGROUND_STORE_BUFFERV8.GC_BACKGROUND_UNMAPPERV8.GC_MC_BACKGROUND_EVACUATE_COPYV8.GC_MC_BACKGROUND_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERSV8.GC_MC_BACKGROUND_MARKINGV8.GC_MC_BACKGROUND_SWEEPINGV8.GC_MINOR_MC_BACKGROUND_EVACUATE_COPYV8.GC_MINOR_MC_BACKGROUND_EVACUATE_UPDATE_POINTERSV8.GC_MINOR_MC_BACKGROUND_MARKINGV8.GC_SCAVENGER_BACKGROUND_SCAVENGE_PARALLELScavengemsMark-sweepmmcMinor Mark-CompactUnknown Event Type[Finished reentrant %s during %s.] (+ %.1f ms in %d steps since start of marking, biggest step %.1f ms, walltime since start of marking %.f ms)[%d:%p] %8.0f ms: %s %.1f (%.1f) -> %.1f (%.1f) MB, %.1f / %.1f ms %s (average mu = %.3f, current mu = %.3f) %s %s pause=%.1f mutator=%.1f gc=%s reduce_memory=%d heap.prologue=%.2f heap.epilogue=%.2f heap.epilogue.reduce_new_space=%.2f heap.external.prologue=%.2f heap.external.epilogue=%.2f heap.external_weak_global_handles=%.2f fast_promote=%.2f scavenge=%.2f scavenge.process_array_buffers=%.2f scavenge.roots=%.2f scavenge.weak=%.2f scavenge.weak_global_handles.identify=%.2f scavenge.weak_global_handles.process=%.2f scavenge.parallel=%.2f background.scavenge.parallel=%.2f background.array_buffer_free=%.2f background.store_buffer=%.2f background.unmapper=%.2f incremental.steps_count=%d incremental.steps_took=%.1f scavenge_throughput=%.f total_size_before=%zu total_size_after=%zu holes_size_before=%zu holes_size_after=%zu allocated=%zu promoted=%zu semi_space_copied=%zu nodes_died_in_new=%d nodes_copied_in_new=%d nodes_promoted=%d promotion_ratio=%.1f%% average_survival_ratio=%.1f%% promotion_rate=%.1f%% semi_space_copy_rate=%.1f%% new_space_allocation_throughput=%.1f unmapper_chunks=%d context_disposal_rate=%.1f pause=%.1f mutator=%.1f gc=%s reduce_memory=%d minor_mc=%.2f finish_sweeping=%.2f mark=%.2f mark.seed=%.2f mark.roots=%.2f mark.weak=%.2f mark.global_handles=%.2f clear=%.2f clear.string_table=%.2f clear.weak_lists=%.2f evacuate=%.2f evacuate.copy=%.2f evacuate.update_pointers=%.2f evacuate.update_pointers.to_new_roots=%.2f evacuate.update_pointers.slots=%.2f background.mark=%.2f background.evacuate.copy=%.2f background.evacuate.update_pointers=%.2f background.array_buffer_free=%.2f background.store_buffer=%.2f background.unmapper=%.2f update_marking_deque=%.2f reset_liveness=%.2f pause=%.1f mutator=%.1f gc=%s reduce_memory=%d heap.prologue=%.2f heap.epilogue=%.2f heap.epilogue.reduce_new_space=%.2f heap.external.prologue=%.1f heap.external.epilogue=%.1f heap.external.weak_global_handles=%.1f clear=%1.f clear.dependent_code=%.1f clear.maps=%.1f clear.slots_buffer=%.1f clear.store_buffer=%.1f clear.string_table=%.1f clear.weak_cells=%.1f clear.weak_collections=%.1f clear.weak_lists=%.1f clear.weak_references=%.1f epilogue=%.1f evacuate=%.1f evacuate.candidates=%.1f evacuate.clean_up=%.1f evacuate.copy=%.1f evacuate.prologue=%.1f evacuate.epilogue=%.1f evacuate.rebalance=%.1f evacuate.update_pointers=%.1f evacuate.update_pointers.to_new_roots=%.1f evacuate.update_pointers.slots.main=%.1f evacuate.update_pointers.slots.map_space=%.1f evacuate.update_pointers.weak=%.1f finish=%.1f mark=%.1f mark.finish_incremental=%.1f mark.roots=%.1f mark.main=%.1f mark.weak_closure=%.1f mark.weak_closure.ephemeral=%.1f mark.weak_closure.weak_handles=%.1f mark.weak_closure.weak_roots=%.1f mark.weak_closure.harmony=%.1f mark.wrapper_prologue=%.1f mark.wrapper_epilogue=%.1f mark.wrapper_tracing=%.1f prologue=%.1f sweep=%.1f sweep.code=%.1f sweep.map=%.1f sweep.old=%.1f incremental=%.1f incremental.finalize=%.1f incremental.finalize.body=%.1f incremental.finalize.external.prologue=%.1f incremental.finalize.external.epilogue=%.1f incremental.sweeping=%.1f incremental.wrapper_prologue=%.1f incremental.wrapper_tracing=%.1f incremental_wrapper_tracing_longest_step=%.1f incremental_finalize_longest_step=%.1f incremental_finalize_steps_count=%d incremental_longest_step=%.1f incremental_steps_count=%d incremental_marking_throughput=%.f incremental_walltime_duration=%.f background.mark=%.1f background.sweep=%.1f background.evacuate.copy=%.1f background.evacuate.update_pointers=%.1f background.array_buffer_free=%.2f background.store_buffer=%.2f background.unmapper=%.1f total_size_before=%zu total_size_after=%zu holes_size_before=%zu holes_size_after=%zu allocated=%zu promoted=%zu semi_space_copied=%zu nodes_died_in_new=%d nodes_copied_in_new=%d nodes_promoted=%d promotion_ratio=%.1f%% average_survival_ratio=%.1f%% promotion_rate=%.1f%% semi_space_copy_rate=%.1f%% new_space_allocation_throughput=%.1f unmapper_chunks=%d context_disposal_rate=%.1f compaction_speed=%.f ScavengerMark-CompactUnknown collector[resetting ticks for due from %d due to IC change: %s] PremonomorphicMegamorphicLoadGlobalMonomorphicPolymorphicJSValueJSProxysame map added twicemax polymorph exceededLookupForWrite said 'false'accessor on slow mapsetter == kNullAddressspecial data property in prototype chainincompatible receiver typesetter not a functionincompatible receiversetter non-simple templateconstant propertystore mode mismatchunsupported combination of external and normal arraysunhandled internalized string keymap in array prototypearguments receiverreceiver with prototype mapdictionary or proxy prototypenon-smi-like keynon-JSObject receiverindex out of Smi range.IGNORE_OOB.COW.STORE+COW.GROWJSObject::DefineOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes(&it, value, NONE, kThrowOnError) .FromJust()V8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadIC_MissV8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadGlobalIC_MissV8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadGlobalIC_SlowV8.Runtime_Runtime_KeyedLoadIC_MissV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreIC_MissV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreGlobalIC_MissV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreGlobalIC_SlowV8.Runtime_Runtime_KeyedStoreIC_MissV8.Runtime_Runtime_KeyedStoreIC_SlowV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreInArrayLiteralIC_SlowV8.Runtime_Runtime_ElementsTransitionAndStoreIC_MissV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreCallbackPropertyargs[5]->ToInt32(&__tmp_language_mode)V8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadPropertyWithInterceptorV8.Runtime_Runtime_StorePropertyWithInterceptorV8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadElementWithInterceptorreciever_arg_count + expr->arguments()->length() == args.register_count()reg.index() == reg_list->last_register().index()(!IsSmi() && (*layout_word_index < length())) || (IsSmi() && (*layout_word_index < 1))GetIndexes(field_index, &layout_word_index, &layout_bit_index)v8-version\x2Cuninitialized fieldGenAll_NotEquivalentGenAll_InvalidElementsTransitionGenAll_RootModification1GenAll_RootModification2GenAll_RootModification3GenAll_RootModification4GenAll_RootModification5GenAll_Incompatibleis_transitionable_fast_elements_kind_ implies !Map::IsInplaceGeneralizableField( next_constness, next_representation, *next_field_type)GenAll_CantHaveMoreTransitionsnames_stack_.length() > 0names_stack_.last().name->IsOneByteEqualTo("async")%10u %10u %*c%s #%u%u #%u[AllocationTraceTree:] Total size | Allocation count | Function id | id [AddressToTraceMap (%zu): [%p - %p] => %u RegExp.prototype.execV8.Runtime_Runtime_TransitionElementsKindargs[1]->IsMap()V8.Runtime_Runtime_PrepareElementsForSortSmi::IsValid(limit)V8.Runtime_Runtime_MoveArrayContentsargs[0]->IsJSArray()args[1]->IsJSArray()V8.Runtime_Runtime_EstimateNumberOfElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetArrayKeysV8.Runtime_Runtime_TrySliceSimpleNonFastElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewArrayargs[argc + 1]->IsJSReceiver()args[argc + 2]->IsHeapObject()V8.Runtime_Runtime_NormalizeElements!array->HasFixedTypedArrayElements()!array->IsJSGlobalProxy()V8.Runtime_Runtime_GrowArrayElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasComplexElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_ArrayIsArrayV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsArrayV8.Runtime_Runtime_ArraySpeciesConstructorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ArrayIncludes_SlowV8.Runtime_Runtime_ArrayIndexOfArray.prototype.indexOfV8.Runtime_Runtime_AtomicsExchangeargs[0]->IsJSTypedArray()TryNumberToSize(*index_object, &index)sta->GetBuffer()->is_shared()index < NumberToSize(sta->length())V8.Runtime_Runtime_AtomicsCompareExchangeV8.Runtime_Runtime_AtomicsAddV8.Runtime_Runtime_AtomicsSubV8.Runtime_Runtime_AtomicsAndV8.Runtime_Runtime_AtomicsOrV8.Runtime_Runtime_AtomicsXorV8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntCompareToBigIntargs[1]->IsBigInt()args[2]->IsBigInt()V8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntCompareToNumberV8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntCompareToStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntEqualToBigIntargs[0]->IsBigInt()V8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntEqualToNumberV8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntEqualToStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntToBooleanV8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntToNumberV8.Runtime_Runtime_ToBigIntV8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntBinaryOpV8.Runtime_Runtime_BigIntUnaryOpV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowUnsupportedSuperErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowConstructorNonCallableErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowStaticPrototypeErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowSuperNotCalledV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowNotSuperConstructorV8.Runtime_Runtime_HomeObjectSymbolV8.Runtime_Runtime_DefineClassargs[0]->IsClassBoilerplate()init class constructorinit class prototype*dict == *properties_dictionarymethod->map()->instance_descriptors()->GetKey(kPropertyIndex) == isolate->heap()->home_object_symbol()V8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadFromSuperargs[1]->IsJSObject()args[2]->IsName()V8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadKeyedFromSuperV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreToSuper_StrictV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreToSuper_SloppyV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreKeyedToSuper_StrictV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreKeyedToSuper_SloppyV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetSuperConstructorV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSMapIteratorV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSSetIteratorV8.Runtime_Runtime_TheHoleV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetGrowargs[0]->IsJSSet()V8.Runtime_Runtime_SetShrinkV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetIteratorCloneargs[0]->IsJSSetIterator()V8.Runtime_Runtime_MapShrinkargs[0]->IsJSMap()V8.Runtime_Runtime_MapGrowV8.Runtime_Runtime_MapIteratorCloneargs[0]->IsJSMapIterator()V8.Runtime_Runtime_GetWeakMapEntriesargs[0]->IsJSWeakCollection()max_entries >= 0V8.Runtime_Runtime_WeakCollectionDeleteV8.Runtime_Runtime_WeakCollectionSetV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetWeakSetValuesmax_values >= 0V8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSMapV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSSetV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSWeakMapV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSWeakSetV8.Runtime_Runtime_CompileLazyV8.Runtime_Runtime_CompileOptimized_ConcurrentV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionFirstExecutionfirst-executionV8.Runtime_Runtime_CompileOptimized_NotConcurrentV8.Runtime_Runtime_EvictOptimizedCodeSlotRuntime_EvictOptimizedCodeSlotV8.Runtime_Runtime_InstantiateAsmJsV8.Runtime_Runtime_NotifyDeoptimizedV8.Runtime_Runtime_CompileForOnStackReplacementFLAG_use_osr[OSR - Compiling: at AST id %d] [OSR - Entry at AST id %d, offset %d in optimized code] [OSR - Re-marking for non-concurrent optimization] [OSR - Failed: V8.Runtime_Runtime_ResolvePossiblyDirectEvalV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsDateV8.Runtime_Runtime_DateCurrentTimeV8.Runtime_Runtime_ErrorToStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ForInEnumerateV8.Runtime_Runtime_ForInHasPropertyV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionGetNameV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionGetScriptV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionGetScriptIdV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionGetSourceCodeV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionGetScriptSourcePositionV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionGetContextDataV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionIsAPIFunctionV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetCodeV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetNativeFlagV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsConstructorV8.Runtime_Runtime_CallV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsFunctionV8.Runtime_Runtime_FunctionToStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_AtomicsNumWaitersForTestingsta->type() == kExternalInt32ArrayV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetAllowAtomicsWaitV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSGeneratorObjectV8.Runtime_Runtime_CreateJSGeneratorObjectIsResumableFunction(function->shared()->kind())V8.Runtime_Runtime_GeneratorCloseV8.Runtime_Runtime_GeneratorGetFunctionV8.Runtime_Runtime_GeneratorGetReceiverV8.Runtime_Runtime_GeneratorGetInputOrDebugPosV8.Runtime_Runtime_AsyncGeneratorResolveV8.Runtime_Runtime_AsyncGeneratorRejectV8.Runtime_Runtime_AsyncGeneratorYieldV8.Runtime_Runtime_GeneratorGetResumeModeV8.Runtime_Runtime_GeneratorGetContinuationV8.Runtime_Runtime_GeneratorGetSourcePositionV8.Runtime_Runtime_AsyncGeneratorHasCatchHandlerForPCV8.Runtime_Runtime_CheckIsBootstrappingV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsScriptWrapperV8.Runtime_Runtime_ExportFromRuntimeV8.Runtime_Runtime_InstallToContextarray->HasFastElements()fixed_array->get(i)->IsString()fixed_array->get(i + 1)->IsJSObject()index != Context::kNotFoundV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowV8.Runtime_Runtime_ReThrowV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowStackOverflowV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowSymbolAsyncIteratorInvalidV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowRangeErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowTypeErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowInvalidTypedArrayAlignmentV8.Runtime_Runtime_UnwindAndFindExceptionHandlerV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromoteScheduledExceptionV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowReferenceErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewTypeErrorargs[0]->ToInt32(&template_index)V8.Runtime_Runtime_NewReferenceErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewSyntaxErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowInvalidStringLengthV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObjectV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowThrowMethodMissingV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowSymbolIteratorInvalidV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowNotConstructorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowApplyNonFunctionV8.Runtime_Runtime_StackGuardV8.Runtime_Runtime_InterruptV8.Runtime_Runtime_AllocateInNewSpaceIsAligned(size, kPointerSize)size <= kMaxRegularHeapObjectSizeV8.Runtime_Runtime_AllocateInTargetSpacesize <= kMaxRegularHeapObjectSize || space == LO_SPACEV8.Runtime_Runtime_AllocateSeqOneByteStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_AllocateSeqTwoByteStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_IS_VARV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowCalledNonCallableV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowConstructedNonConstructableV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowConstructorReturnedNonObjectV8.Runtime_Runtime_CreateListFromArrayLikeV8.Runtime_Runtime_DeserializeLazyV8.Runtime_Runtime_IncrementUseCounterV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetAndResetRuntimeCallStatsV8.Runtime_Runtime_OrdinaryHasInstanceV8.Runtime_Runtime_TypeofV8.Runtime_Runtime_AllowDynamicFunctionV8.Runtime_Runtime_CreateAsyncFromSyncIteratorV8.Runtime_Runtime_CreateTemplateObjectargs[0]->IsTemplateObjectDescription()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ReportMessageV8.Runtime_Runtime_InterpreterDeserializeLazyV8.Runtime_Runtime_CreateObjectLiteralargs[0]->IsFeedbackVector()args[2]->IsBoilerplateDescription()literals_slot.ToInt() < vector->length()FastLiteral*** Creating top level AllocationSite %p Creating nested site (top, current, new) (%p, %p, %p) *** Setting AllocationSite %p transition_info %p Setting AllocationSite (%p, %p) transition_info %p *** Creating Memento for %s %p JSArrayJSObjectV8.Runtime_Runtime_CreateArrayLiteralargs[2]->IsConstantElementsPair()V8.Runtime_Runtime_CreateRegExpLiteralV8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditFindSharedFunctionInfosForScriptisolate->debug()->live_edit_enabled()script_value->value()->IsScript()V8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditGatherCompileInfoV8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditReplaceScriptoriginal_script_value->value()->IsScript()V8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditFixupScriptargs[1]->ToInt32(&max_function_literal_id)V8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditFunctionSourceUpdatedargs[1]->ToInt32(&new_function_literal_id)SharedInfoWrapper::IsInstance(shared_info)V8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditReplaceFunctionCodeV8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditFunctionSetScriptJSValue::cast(*script_object)->value()->IsScript()function_wrapper->value()->IsSharedFunctionInfo()V8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditReplaceRefToNestedFunctionargs[1]->IsJSValue()args[2]->IsJSValue()parent_wrapper->value()->IsSharedFunctionInfo()orig_wrapper->value()->IsSharedFunctionInfo()subst_wrapper->value()->IsSharedFunctionInfo()V8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditPatchFunctionPositionsSharedInfoWrapper::IsInstance(shared_array)V8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditCheckAndDropActivationsold_shared_array->length()->IsSmi()new_shared_array->length() == old_shared_array->length()old_shared_array->HasFastElements()new_shared_array->HasFastElements()old_element->IsJSValue() && Handle::cast(old_element)->value()->IsSharedFunctionInfo()new_element->IsUndefined(isolate) || (new_element->IsJSValue() && Handle::cast(new_element)->value()->IsSharedFunctionInfo())V8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditCompareStringsresult->length()->ToArrayLength(&array_length)V8.Runtime_Runtime_LiveEditRestartFrameV8.Runtime_Runtime_GenerateRandomNumbersV8.Runtime_Runtime_DynamicImportCallV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetModuleNamespaceV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetImportMetaObjectV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsValidSmiV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringToNumberV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringParseIntV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringParseFloatV8.Runtime_Runtime_NumberToStringSkipCacheV8.Runtime_Runtime_SmiLexicographicCompareV8.Runtime_Runtime_MaxSmiV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsSmiV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetHoleNaNUpperV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetHoleNaNLowerV8.Runtime_Runtime_AddV8.Runtime_Runtime_EqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_NotEqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_StrictEqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_StrictNotEqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_LessThanV8.Runtime_Runtime_GreaterThanV8.Runtime_Runtime_LessThanOrEqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_GreaterThanOrEqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseRejectEventFromStackargs[0]->IsJSPromise()V8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseRejectAfterResolvedV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseResolveAfterResolvedV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseRevokeReject!promise->has_handler()V8.Runtime_Runtime_EnqueueMicrotaskV8.Runtime_Runtime_RunMicrotasksV8.Runtime_Runtime_RunMicrotaskCallbackV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseStatusV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseResultV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseMarkAsHandledV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseHookInitV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseHookBeforeV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseHookAfterV8.Runtime_Runtime_RejectPromiseargs[2]->IsOddball()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ResolvePromiseV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsJSProxyV8.Runtime_Runtime_JSProxyGetHandlerargs[0]->IsJSProxy()V8.Runtime_Runtime_JSProxyGetTargetV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetPropertyWithReceiverV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetPropertyWithReceiverargs[4]->ToInt32(&__tmp_language_mode)V8.Runtime_Runtime_CheckProxyGetSetTrapResultargs[0]->IsName()V8.Runtime_Runtime_CheckProxyHasTrapV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringSplit0 < limit0 < pattern_lengthV8.Runtime_Runtime_RegExpExecargs[0]->IsJSRegExp()args[2]->ToInt32(&index)args[3]->IsRegExpMatchInfo()subject->length() >= indexV8.Runtime_Runtime_RegExpInternalReplaceregexp->GetFlags() & JSRegExp::kGlobal../deps/v8/src/runtime/runtime-regexp.cc:630V8.Runtime_Runtime_RegExpExecMultipleargs[2]->IsRegExpMatchInfo()args[3]->IsJSArray()result_array->HasObjectElements()V8.Runtime_Runtime_StringReplaceNonGlobalRegExpWithFunctionargs[1]->IsJSRegExp()args[2]->IsJSReceiver()V8.Runtime_Runtime_RegExpSplitV8.Runtime_Runtime_RegExpReplace../deps/v8/src/runtime/runtime-regexp.cc:1773V8.Runtime_Runtime_RegExpInitializeAndCompileV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsRegExpV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowConstAssignErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_DeclareGlobalsargs[0]->IsFixedArray()V8.Runtime_Runtime_DeclareEvalFunctionV8.Runtime_Runtime_DeclareEvalVarV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewSloppyArguments_Generic!IsDerivedConstructor(callee->shared()->kind())V8.Runtime_Runtime_NewStrictArgumentsV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewRestParameterV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewSloppyArgumentsV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewArgumentsElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewClosureargs[0]->IsSharedFunctionInfo()args[1]->IsFeedbackCell()V8.Runtime_Runtime_NewClosure_TenuredV8.Runtime_Runtime_NewScriptContextargs[0]->IsScopeInfo()V8.Runtime_Runtime_NewFunctionContextV8.Runtime_Runtime_PushWithContextargs[1]->IsScopeInfo()V8.Runtime_Runtime_PushModuleContextargs[0]->IsModule()V8.Runtime_Runtime_PushCatchContextV8.Runtime_Runtime_PushBlockContextV8.Runtime_Runtime_DeleteLookupSlotV8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadLookupSlotV8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadLookupSlotInsideTypeofV8.Runtime_Runtime_LoadLookupSlotForCallV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreLookupSlot_SloppyV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreLookupSlot_SloppyHoistingV8.Runtime_Runtime_StoreLookupSlot_StrictV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetSubstitutionV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringReplaceOneCharWithStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringTrimV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringIncludesString.prototype.includesV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringIndexOfV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringIndexOfUncheckedV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringLastIndexOfV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringSubstringargs[1]->ToInt32(&start)args[2]->ToInt32(&end)V8.Runtime_Runtime_StringAddV8.Runtime_Runtime_InternalizeStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringCharCodeAtV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringBuilderConcatTryNumberToSize(array->length(), &actual_array_length)array_length >= 0static_cast(array_length) <= actual_array_lengthV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringBuilderJoinarray->HasObjectElements()first->IsString()separator_length > 0element_obj->IsString()fixed_array->get(0)->IsString()V8.Runtime_Runtime_SparseJoinWithSeparatorelements_array->HasSmiOrObjectElements()array_length > 0elements_array->length()->IsNumber()elements_length <= elements_array->elements()->length()elements_length & 1 == 0V8.Runtime_Runtime_StringToArrayV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringLessThanV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringLessThanOrEqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringGreaterThanV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringGreaterThanOrEqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringEqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringNotEqualV8.Runtime_Runtime_FlattenStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringCharFromCodeV8.Runtime_Runtime_StringMaxLengthV8.Runtime_Runtime_CreatePrivateSymbolname->IsString() || name->IsUndefined(isolate)V8.Runtime_Runtime_CreatePrivateFieldSymbolV8.Runtime_Runtime_SymbolDescriptionargs[0]->IsSymbol()V8.Runtime_Runtime_SymbolDescriptiveStringV8.Runtime_Runtime_SymbolIsPrivateV8.Runtime_Runtime_ConstructDoubleV8.Runtime_Runtime_ConstructConsStringleft->IsOneByteRepresentation()right->IsOneByteRepresentation()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ConstructSlicedStringstring->IsOneByteRepresentation()index->value() < string->length()sliced_string->IsSlicedString()V8.Runtime_Runtime_DeoptimizeFunctionV8.Runtime_Runtime_DeoptimizeNowV8.Runtime_Runtime_RunningInSimulatorV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsConcurrentRecompilationSupportedV8.Runtime_Runtime_OptimizeFunctionOnNextCallconcurrent[manually marking for %s optimization] non-concurrentV8.Runtime_Runtime_OptimizeOsr[OSR - OptimizeOsr marking V8.Runtime_Runtime_NeverOptimizeFunctionV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetOptimizationStatusno syncV8.Runtime_Runtime_UnblockConcurrentRecompilationV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetDeoptCountV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetUndetectableV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetCallableV8.Runtime_Runtime_ClearFunctionFeedbackV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetWasmCompileControlsargs.length() == 2Sync compile not allowedV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetWasmInstantiateControlsargs.length() == 0Sync instantiate not allowedV8.Runtime_Runtime_NotifyContextDisposedV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetAllocationTimeoutV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugPrint[weak cleared]V8.Runtime_Runtime_PrintWithNameForAssert * V8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugTraceV8.Runtime_Runtime_DebugTrackRetainingPathDebugTrackRetainingPath requires --track-retaining-path flag. Unexpected second argument of DebugTrackRetainingPath. Expected an empty string or '%s', got '%s'. V8.Runtime_Runtime_GlobalPrintV8.Runtime_Runtime_SystemBreakV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetFlagsV8.Runtime_Runtime_SetForceSlowPathV8.Runtime_Runtime_Abortabort: %s V8.Runtime_Runtime_AbortJS[disabled] abort: %s V8.Runtime_Runtime_NativeScriptsCountV8.Runtime_Runtime_DisassembleFunctionV8.Runtime_Runtime_TraceEnter%4d:%*sV8.Runtime_Runtime_TraceExit} -> V8.Runtime_Runtime_HaveSameMapV8.Runtime_Runtime_InNewSpaceV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsAsmWasmCodeV8.Runtime_Runtime_DisallowCodegenFromStringsV8.Runtime_Runtime_DisallowWasmCodegenV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsWasmCodeV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsWasmTrapHandlerEnabledV8.Runtime_Runtime_GetWasmRecoveredTrapCountV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFastElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasSmiElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasObjectElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasSmiOrObjectElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasDoubleElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasHoleyElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasDictionaryElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasSloppyArgumentsElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFastPropertiesV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedUint8ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedInt8ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedUint16ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedInt16ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedUint32ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedInt32ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedFloat32ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedFloat64ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedUint8ClampedElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedBigUint64ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_HasFixedBigInt64ElementsV8.Runtime_Runtime_ArraySpeciesProtectorV8.Runtime_Runtime_TypedArraySpeciesProtectorV8.Runtime_Runtime_PromiseSpeciesProtectorV8.Runtime_Runtime_SerializeWasmModuleargs[0]->IsWasmModuleObject()V8.Runtime_Runtime_DeserializeWasmModuleargs[0]->IsJSArrayBuffer()args[1]->IsJSArrayBuffer()V8.Runtime_Runtime_ValidateWasmInstancesChainV8.Runtime_Runtime_ValidateWasmModuleStateV8.Runtime_Runtime_HeapObjectVerifyHeapObject::cast(*object)->map()->IsMap()V8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmNumInterpretedCallsargs[0]->IsWasmInstanceObject()V8.Runtime_Runtime_RedirectToWasmInterpreterV8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmTraceMemoryV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsLiftoffFunctionWasmExportedFunction::IsWasmExportedFunction(*function)V8.Runtime_Runtime_CompleteInobjectSlackTrackingV8.Runtime_Runtime_FreezeWasmLazyCompilationV8.Runtime_Runtime_ArrayBufferNeuterSmi::kZero == array_buffer->byte_length()!array_buffer->is_shared()V8.Runtime_Runtime_TypedArrayCopyElementsTryNumberToSize(*length_obj, &length)V8.Runtime_Runtime_TypedArrayGetLengthV8.Runtime_Runtime_ArrayBufferViewWasNeuteredV8.Runtime_Runtime_TypedArrayGetBufferV8.Runtime_Runtime_TypedArraySortFast%TypedArray%.prototype.sortV8.Runtime_Runtime_IsTypedArrayV8.Runtime_Runtime_TypedArraySetDoubleToUint32IfEqualToSelf(len->Number(), &int_l)V8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmGrowMemoryargs[0]->ToUint32(&delta_pages)V8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowWasmErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_ThrowWasmStackOverflowV8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmThrowTypeErrorV8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmThrowCreate!JSReceiver::SetProperty(exception, isolate->factory()->InternalizeUtf8String( wasm::WasmException::kRuntimeIdStr), id, LanguageMode::kStrict) .is_null()!JSReceiver::SetProperty(exception, isolate->factory()->InternalizeUtf8String( wasm::WasmException::kRuntimeValuesStr), values, LanguageMode::kStrict) .is_null()V8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmThrow!exception.is_null()V8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmGetExceptionRuntimeIdV8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmExceptionGetElementvalues->type() == kExternalUint16Arrayindex < Smi::ToInt(values->length())V8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmExceptionSetElementV8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmRunInterpreter!arg_buffer_obj->IsHeapObject()V8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmStackGuardV8.Runtime_Runtime_WasmCompileLazyUnknownBytecodeHadlerreservation[chunk_index].end == high_water_[space]chunk_index < reservation.size()!IsRetry()magic_number_ == SerializedData::ComputeMagicNumber(external_reference_table_)filledReadData(start, end, source_space, current_object)expected == source_.Get()(backing_store) != nullptrlimit == currentNo external references provided via APIPartialDeserializerstart_address == code_space->top()disabled-by-default-v8.runtime_stats_samplingEnumCacheKeysEnumCacheKeysAndIndicesCheckNoneConvertLeftConvertRight../deps/v8/src/wasm/function-body-decoder.cc:8400 <= body.end - body.start../deps/v8/src/wasm/function-body-decoder.cc:860../deps/v8/src/wasm/function-body-decoder.cc:904// signature: // locals: 0x// body: kWasmI32, kWasmI64, kWasmF32, kWasmF64, kWasmS128, kWasmStmt, // @ // depth= // entries= // sig # // function #kExprUnreachablekExprNopkExprBlockkExprLoopkExprIfkExprElsekExprTrykExprCatchkExprThrowkExprRethrowkExprCatchAllkExprEndkExprBrkExprBrIfkExprBrTablekExprReturnkExprCallFunctionkExprCallIndirectkExprDropkExprSelectkExprGetLocalkExprSetLocalkExprTeeLocalkExprGetGlobalkExprSetGlobalkExprI32ConstkExprI64ConstkExprF32ConstkExprF64ConstkExprRefNullkExprI32EqzkExprI32EqkExprI32NekExprI32LtSkExprI32LtUkExprI32GtSkExprI32GtUkExprI32LeSkExprI32LeUkExprI32GeSkExprI32GeUkExprI64EqzkExprI64EqkExprI64NekExprI64LtSkExprI64LtUkExprI64GtSkExprI64GtUkExprI64LeSkExprI64LeUkExprI64GeSkExprI64GeUkExprF32EqkExprF32NekExprF32LtkExprF32GtkExprF32LekExprF32GekExprF64EqkExprF64NekExprF64LtkExprF64GtkExprF64LekExprF64GekExprI32ClzkExprI32CtzkExprI32PopcntkExprI32AddkExprI32SubkExprI32MulkExprI32DivSkExprI32DivUkExprI32RemSkExprI32RemUkExprI32AndkExprI32IorkExprI32XorkExprI32ShlkExprI32ShrSkExprI32ShrUkExprI32RolkExprI32RorkExprI64ClzkExprI64CtzkExprI64PopcntkExprI64AddkExprI64SubkExprI64MulkExprI64DivSkExprI64DivUkExprI64RemSkExprI64RemUkExprI64AndkExprI64IorkExprI64XorkExprI64ShlkExprI64ShrSkExprI64ShrUkExprI64RolkExprI64RorkExprF32AbskExprF32NegkExprF32CeilkExprF32FloorkExprF32TrunckExprF32NearestIntkExprF32SqrtkExprF32AddkExprF32SubkExprF32MulkExprF32DivkExprF32MinkExprF32MaxkExprF32CopySignkExprF64AbskExprF64NegkExprF64CeilkExprF64FloorkExprF64TrunckExprF64NearestIntkExprF64SqrtkExprF64AddkExprF64SubkExprF64MulkExprF64DivkExprF64MinkExprF64MaxkExprF64CopySignkExprI32ConvertI64kExprI32SConvertF32kExprI32UConvertF32kExprI32SConvertF64kExprI32UConvertF64kExprI64SConvertI32kExprI64UConvertI32kExprI64SConvertF32kExprI64UConvertF32kExprI64SConvertF64kExprI64UConvertF64kExprF32SConvertI32kExprF32UConvertI32kExprF32SConvertI64kExprF32UConvertI64kExprF32ConvertF64kExprF64SConvertI32kExprF64UConvertI32kExprF64SConvertI64kExprF64UConvertI64kExprF64ConvertF32kExprI32ReinterpretF32kExprI64ReinterpretF64kExprF32ReinterpretI32kExprF64ReinterpretI64kExprI32SExtendI8kExprI32SExtendI16kExprI64SExtendI8kExprI64SExtendI16kExprI64SExtendI32kExprRefIsNullkExprRefEqkExprI32StoreMemkExprI64StoreMemkExprF32StoreMemkExprF64StoreMemkExprI32StoreMem8kExprI32StoreMem16kExprI64StoreMem8kExprI64StoreMem16kExprI64StoreMem32kExprI32LoadMemkExprI64LoadMemkExprF32LoadMemkExprF64LoadMemkExprI32LoadMem8SkExprI32LoadMem8UkExprI32LoadMem16SkExprI32LoadMem16UkExprI64LoadMem8SkExprI64LoadMem8UkExprI64LoadMem16SkExprI64LoadMem16UkExprI64LoadMem32SkExprI64LoadMem32UkExprMemorySizekExprGrowMemorykExprF64AcoskExprF64AsinkExprF64AtankExprF64CoskExprF64SinkExprF64TankExprF64ExpkExprF64LogkExprF64Atan2kExprF64PowkExprF64ModkExprI32AsmjsDivSkExprI32AsmjsDivUkExprI32AsmjsRemSkExprI32AsmjsRemUkExprI32AsmjsLoadMem8SkExprI32AsmjsLoadMem8UkExprI32AsmjsLoadMem16SkExprI32AsmjsLoadMem16UkExprI32AsmjsLoadMemkExprF32AsmjsLoadMemkExprF64AsmjsLoadMemkExprI32AsmjsStoreMem8kExprI32AsmjsStoreMem16kExprI32AsmjsStoreMemkExprF32AsmjsStoreMemkExprF64AsmjsStoreMemkExprI32AsmjsSConvertF32kExprI32AsmjsUConvertF32kExprI32AsmjsSConvertF64kExprI32AsmjsUConvertF64simd_indexinvalid SIMD opcodeatomic_indexinvalid Atomics opcodealignmentinvalid alignment; expected maximum alignment is %u, actual alignment is %ubreak depthexpected table index 0, found %ublock typeblock arityinvalid block type indexexception indexbranch table entryexpected memory index 0, found %ulocal decls countlocal countlocal count too largefunction body end < startunterminated control structurefunction body must end with "end" opcodeInvalid opcode (enable with --experimental-wasm-eh)%s: %snot implemented yetcatch does not match any trymultiple catch blocks not implementedelse does not match any ifelse does not match an ifelse already present for ifend does not match any if, try, or blockmissing catch in trytrailing code after function endimproper branch in br_table target %u (depth %u)inconsistent arity in br_table target %u (previous was %u, this one %u)Invalid opcode (enable with --experimental-wasm-anyref)immutable global #%u cannot be assignedgrow_memory is not supported for asmjs modulesInvalid opcode (enable with --experimental-wasm-sat_f2i_conversions)numeric indexUnrecognized numeric opcode: %x Invalid opcode (enable with --experimental-wasm-simd)simd indexInvalid opcode (enable with --experimental-wasm-threads)atomic indexInvalid opcodeBeyond end of codeInvalid opcode (enable with --experimental-wasm-se)block type index %u out of bounds (%d signatures)Invalid exception index: %uexpected %u elements on the stack for fallthru to @%d, found %utype error in merge[%u] (expected %s, got %s)%s[%d] expected type %s, found %s of type %s%s found empty stackinvalid break depth: %uexpected %u elements on the stack for br to @%d, found %uinvalid table count (> max function size): %uinvalid local index: %uinvalid global index: %umemory instruction with no memoryinvalid function index: %ufunction table has to exist to execute call_indirectinvalid signature index: #%uinvalid simd opcodelaneinvalid lane indexinvalid shift amountshuffleinvalid shuffle maskAtomic opcodes used without shared memoryinvalid atomic opcode../deps/v8/src/wasm/function-body-decoder-impl.hunimplemented opcode: %x (%s)Error finalizing code. i8:%d / %02xi16:%d / %04xi32:%d / %08xi64:%lld / %016llxf32:%f / %08xf64:%f / %016llx%c %8d+0x%-6x %s @%08x %s load slr11r12r13r14r15!instr->InputAt(0)->IsImmediate()kArchDebugAbortkArchDebugBreak-- OSR entrypoint --(intermediate value)u(var)yield* (...)(...ImportCall(StoreInLiteralplaceholderindex < locals_count()AlreadyBooleanConvertToBooleancurrent_offset >= label->offset()static_cast(equivalence_id_) != kInvalidEquivalenceIdarm Fillarm LoadConstantarm MoveStackValuearm Spill registerarm Spill valuearm LiftoffStackSlots::Constructarm FillI64Halfarm FillInstanceIntoarm Move Registerarm Move DoubleRegister= nx < result.size()state0_ != 0 || state1_ != 0Free(base, prefix_size)Free(aligned_base + size, suffix_size)OS::Free(memory_, size_)/proc/self/maps%x-%x %c%c%c%c%08x-%08xFailed to open %s Free(addr, size)isolate->snapshot_available()interpreter->IsDispatchTableInitialized()heap->isolate()->snapshot_available()../deps/v8/src/builtins/setup-builtins-internal.cc:141Builtin: ../deps/v8/src/builtins/setup-builtins-internal.cc:1170u == gc_count_Arguments[object Arguments][object Array]ArrayBufferArray Iterator[object Boolean]bound byteLengthbyteOffsetcalleecaller%cell_valueCharAt(closure)columnCompileErrorconfigurableconstructcurrency[object Date]daydayperioddecimaldefinePropertydeletePropertydidHandledotAllenqueueenumerableera[object Error]EvalErrorfractionfunction () { [native code] }[object Function]getOwnPropertyDescriptorsgroupshourignoreCaseillegal accessillegal argumentinfinityintegerisViewKeyedLoadMonomorphicKeyedStoreMonomorphiclastIndexlineLinkErrorliteralMap Iterator-0minusSignminutemonthmultilinenot-equal[object Null][object Number][object Object]ownKeyspercentSignplusSignpositionproxy(?:)RangeErrorReferenceError[object RegExp]revokeRuntimeErrorSet IteratorsourceTextsticky[object String][Symbol.species]SyntaxErrorthentimed-outtimeZoneNameTypeError[object Undefined]unicodeURIErrorweekdaywillHandleyearSymbol.asyncIteratorSymbol.iteratorIntlFallbackSymbol.matchAllSymbol.matchSymbol.replaceSymbol.searchSymbol.speciesSymbol.splitSymbol.toPrimitiveSymbol.unscopablesSymbol.hasInstanceSymbol.isConcatSpreadableSymbol.toStringTagIsPrimitiveMap()Ignition Handler, %s, %d /root/node/out/Release/obj/gen/torque-generated/builtins-array-from-dsl-gen.ccArray.prototype.forEach/root/node/out/Release/obj/gen/torque-generated/builtins-typed-array-from-dsl-gen.ccUnexpected pending exception%TypedArray%.prototype.mapbegin VisitAllFastElementsOneKindend VisitAllFastElementsOneKindbegin HandleFastElements../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-array-gen.ccArray.prototype.findArray.prototype.findIndex%TypedArray%.prototype.find%TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex%TypedArray%.prototype.forEachArray.prototype.some%TypedArray%.prototype.someArray.prototype.every%TypedArray%.prototype.everyArray.prototype.reduce%TypedArray%.prototype.reduceArray.prototype.reduceRight%TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRightArray.prototype.filterArray.prototype.mapArray Iterator.prototype.next../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-async-function-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-async-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-async-generator-gen.cc[AsyncGenerator].prototype.next[AsyncGenerator].prototype.return[AsyncGenerator].prototype.throw../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-async-iterator-gen.cc[Async-from-Sync Iterator].prototype.next[Async-from-Sync Iterator].prototype.return[Async-from-Sync Iterator].prototype.throw../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-boolean-gen.ccBoolean.prototype.toStringBoolean.prototype.valueOf../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-call-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-collections-gen.ccMap.prototype.getMap.prototype.hasMap.prototype.setMap.prototype.deleteSet.prototype.addSet.prototype.deleteMap.prototype.entriesget Map.prototype.sizeMap.prototype.forEachMap.prototype.keysMap.prototype.valuesMap Iterator.prototype.nextSet.prototype.hasSet.prototype.entriesget Set.prototype.sizeSet.prototype.forEachSet.prototype.valuesSet Iterator.prototype.nextWeakMap.prototype.getWeakMap.prototype.hasWeakMap.prototype.deleteWeakMap.prototype.setWeakSet.prototype.addWeakSet.prototype.deleteWeakSet.prototype.has../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-console-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-constructor-gen.cccall runtimeLoadJSArrayElementsMapAllocate JSArrayCopy dictionary propertiesInitialize Literal CopyCopy in-object properties fastCopy in-object properties slowCopy mutable HeapNumber values../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-conversion-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-date-gen.ccDate.prototype [ @@toPrimitive ]../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-function-gen.ccDisallow binding of slow-mode functionsCheck descriptor array lengthCheck name and length propertiesChoose the right bound function mapVerify that __proto__ matches target bound functionAllocate the arguments arrayDetermine bound receiverAllocate the resulting bound function../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-generator-gen.cc[Generator].prototype.next[Generator].prototype.return[Generator].prototype.throw../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-global-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-handler-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-internal-gen.ccinteger indexkey is unique name../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-math-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-number-gen.ccNumber.prototype.valueOf[object ../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-object-gen.ccObject.prototype.toLocaleStringArgument check: prototypePrototype is nullPrototype is JSReceiverTry loading the prototype infoInstantiate mapCall Runtime (prototype is not null/jsreceiver)Argument 1 check: prototypeArgument 2 check: propertiesLoad ObjectCreateMap from PrototypeInfo../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-promise-gen.ccstatus != v8::Promise::kPendingPromise.prototype.thenPromise.prototype.finallyPromise.allPromise.raceAllocateJSArrayForCodeStubArguments../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-proxy-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-reflect-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-regexp-gen.ccRegExp.prototype.flagsRegExp.prototype.compileRegExp.prototype.sourceRegExp.prototype.globalRegExp.prototype.ignoreCaseRegExp.prototype.multilineRegExp.prototype.dotAllRegExp.prototype.stickyRegExp.prototype.unicodeRegExp.prototype.testRegExp.prototype.@@matchRegExp.prototype.@@matchAllRegExp.prototype.@@searchRegExp.prototype.@@splitRegExp.prototype.@@replace%RegExpStringIterator%.prototype.next../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-sharedarraybuffer-gen.cc../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-string-gen.ccString.prototype.charAtString.prototype.charCodeAtString.prototype.codePointAtString.prototype.concat0-length search_stringCall Runtime Unchecked0 Argument case1 Argument case2 Argument caseFast PathCall RuntimeString.prototype.repeatString.prototype.replaceString.prototype.matchString.prototype.matchAllString.prototype.padEndString.prototype.padStartString.prototype.searchString.prototype.sliceString.prototype.splitString.prototype.substrString.prototype.substringString.prototype.trimString.prototype.trimLeftString.prototype.trimRightString.prototype.toStringString.prototype.valueOfString.prototype[Symbol.iterator]String Iterator.prototype.nextString.prototype.anchorString.prototype.bigString.prototype.blinkString.prototype.boldString.prototype.fontcolorfontcolorString.prototype.fontsizeString.prototype.fixedttString.prototype.italicsString.prototype.linkhrefString.prototype.smallString.prototype.strikeString.prototype.subString.prototype.sup=""../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-symbol-gen.ccSymbol.prototype [ @@toPrimitive ]Symbol.prototype.toStringSymbol.prototype.valueOf../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-typed-array-gen.ccstart offsetbyte lengthget TypedArray.prototype.byteLengthget TypedArray.prototype.byteOffsetget TypedArray.prototype.length%TypedArray%.prototype.set%TypedArray%.prototype.slice%TypedArray%.prototype.subarray%TypedArray%.prototype.values()%TypedArray%.prototype.entries()%TypedArray%.prototype.keys()%TypedArray%.of%TypedArray%.from%TypedArray%.prototype.filter../deps/v8/src/builtins/builtins-wasm-gen.ccTryMonomorphicCaseHandlePolymorphicCasehave_handlerfield_loadelement_loadout of bounds elements accessconvert holeindexed stringproperty_loadconstant_loadload_normalaccessor_loadnative_data_property_loadapi_getterload_interceptormodule exportIsAccessorInfo(accessor_info)../deps/v8/src/ic/accessor-assembler.ccaccessor_storeHandleStoreICProtoHandlerapi_setterfield storestore tagged fieldstore double fieldstore heap object fieldstore smi field[ Extend storage] Extend storageFast elements bounds checkfast packed elementsfast holey elementspacked double elementsholey double elementsdictionary elementstyped elementsfound the holecheck if stringload string characterstub cache probe for fast property loadKeyedLoadGeneric_missdictionary property loadLoadIC_BytecodeHandler_fastLoadIC_BytecodeHandler_noninlinedLoadIC_BytecodeHandler_missLoadIC_try_polymorphicLoadGlobalIC_MissCaseLoadGlobalIC_TryPropertyCellCaseLoad lexical variableLoadGlobalIC_TryHandlerCaseKeyedLoadIC_try_polymorphicKeyedLoadIC_try_megamorphicKeyedLoadIC_try_polymorphic_nameKeyedLoadIC_missKeyedLoadGeneric_slowStoreIC_if_handlerStoreIC_try_polymorphicStoreIC_if_handler_from_stub_cacheStoreGlobalIC_try_handlerStore lexical variableStoreGlobalIC_TryPropertyCellCaseKeyedStoreIC_if_handlerKeyedStoreIC_try_polymorphicKeyedStoreIC_try_megamorphicKeyedStoreIC_try_polymorphic_nameKeyedStoreIC_missStoreInArrayLiteralIC_if_handlerStoreInArrayLiteralIC_try_polymorphicStoreInArrayLiteralIC_try_megamorphicStoreInArrayLiteralIC_missGrow backing storeDictionaryTyped arrayfast property storelookup transitiondictionary property storeKeyedStoreGeneric_slow../deps/v8/src/interpreter/interpreter-generator.cc:3092../deps/v8/src/interpreter/interpreter-generator.cc:3159../deps/v8/src/interpreter/interpreter-generator.ccIfNumberIfStringIfSymbolIfBooleanIfBigIntIfUndefinedIfFunctionIfObjectInitialize arguments objectMapped parameter JSSloppyArgumentsObjectFill in non-mapped parametersFill in mapped parametersNo parameters JSSloppyArgumentsObjectEmpty JSSloppyArgumentsObjectlhs is Smiperform smi operationlhs is not Smiincrement call countcheck if monomorphiccheck if megamorphiccheck if weak cellcheck if weak cell is clearedcheck if function in same native contextCall:Initializetransition to megamorphicCall:TransitionMegamorphiccall using CallWithSpread builtincheck if allocation sitecheck if uninitializedConstruct:CreateAllocationSiteConstruct:CreateWeakCellConstruct:TransitionMegamorphiccall using ConstructArray builtincall using Construct builtinConstructWithSpread:InitializeConstructWithSpread:TransitionMegamorphiccall using ConstructWithSpread builtin[ UpdateInterruptBudget] UpdateInterruptBudget========= Dispatchmirrorsliveeditprologuetypedarraynative mirrors.jsnative debug.jsnative liveedit.jsnative prologue.jsnative array.jsnative typedarray.jsdummynative dummy.js__next_prime overflowiostreamunspecified iostream_category errorios_base::clearll%Lfmoney_get error%.0Lflocale constructed with nullcollate_byname::collate_byname failed to construct for collate_byname::collate_byname(size_t refs) failed to construct for ctype_byname::ctype_byname failed to construct for ctype_byname::ctype_byname failed to construct for codecvt_byname::codecvt_byname failed to construct for numpunct_byname::numpunct_byname failed to construct for numpunct_byname::numpunct_byname failed to construct for %m/%d/%y%H:%M:%S%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y%I:%M:%S %ptime_get_byname failed to construct for locale not supported%A%a%B%btime_put_byname failed to construct for moneypunct_byname failed to construct for ()SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAMPMallocator::allocate(size_t n) 'n' exceeds maximum supported sizebad_weak_ptrmutex lock failedrecursive_mutex constructor failedrecursive_mutex lock failedrecursive_timed_mutex lock limit reachedunique_lock::unlock: not lockedrandom_device failed to open random_device got EOFrandom_device got an unexpected errorbasic_stringstoistolstoulstollstoullstofstodstold%llu%f: no conversion: out of rangestring_view::substrgenericunspecified generic_category errorunspecified system_category errorUnknown error %dthread::join failedthread::detach failed__thread_specific_ptr construction failedvectorcondition_variable::wait: mutex not lockedcondition_variable wait failedcondition_variable::timed wait: mutex not lockedcondition_variable timed_wait failedThe associated promise has been destructed prior to the associated state becoming ready.The future has already been retrieved from the promise or packaged_task.The state of the promise has already been set.Operation not permitted on an object without an associated state.unspecified future_errc value cannot allocate __cxa_eh_globalsstd::__libcpp_tls_set failure in __cxa_get_globals()execute once failure in __cxa_get_globals_fast()cannot create thread specific key for __cxa_get_globals()cannot zero out thread value for __cxa_get_globals()__cxa_guard_acquire failed to acquire mutex__cxa_guard_acquire condition variable wait failed__cxa_guard_acquire failed to release mutex__cxa_guard_release failed to acquire mutex__cxa_guard_release failed to release mutex__cxa_guard_release failed to broadcast condition variable__cxa_guard_abort failed to acquire mutex__cxa_guard_abort failed to release mutex__cxa_guard_abort failed to broadcast condition variableunexpected_handler unexpectedly returnedterminate_handler unexpectedly returnedterminate_handler unexpectedly threw an exceptionPure virtual function called!Deleted virtual function called!std::exceptionstd::bad_exceptionstd::bad_allocbad_array_new_lengthbad_array_lengthstd::bad_caststd::bad_typeid/usr/local/google/buildbot/src/android/ndk-release-r19/external/libcxx/../../external/libcxxabi/src/abort_message.cppabort_messageterminating with %s exception of type %s: %sterminating with %s exception of type %sterminating with %s foreign exceptionterminatinguncaughtunexpected_Z___Z_block_invokeinvocation function for block in Ua9enable_ifIvtable for VTT for typeinfo for typeinfo name for covariant return thunk to thread-local wrapper routine for thread-local initialization routine for virtual thunk to non-virtual thunk to guard variable for reference temporary for construction vtable for -in-Ststddecltype(gsalignof (const_castdynamic_cast.*noexcept (->*reinterpret_caststatic_castsizeof (sizeof... (typeid (wchar_tb0Eb1Echarsigned charunsigned charshortunsigned shortulull__int128unsigned __int128%af%LaLfLaaanaNaScmdsdvdVeoeOlSmImlmLoooRpLrmrMrsrS... ...>(cv)([] srNsr_GLOBAL__N(anonymous namespace)dnonoperator&&operator&operator&=operator=operator()operator,operator~operator delete[]operator*operator deleteoperator/operator/=operator^operator^=operator==operator>=operator>operator[]operator<=operator<<operator<<=operator<operator-operator-=operator*=operator--operator new[]operator!=operator!operator newoperator||operator|operator|=operator->*operator+operator+=operator++operator->operator?operator%operator%=operator>>operator>>=operator<=>operator operator"" )[ ... nwnapi::operator []) ? () : (sizeof...(throw std::basic_string, std::allocator >std::basic_istream >std::basic_ostream >std::basic_iostream >allocatorbasic_istreambasic_ostreambasic_iostream[abi:UtUlvE'unnamed'lambda'(string literalstd::allocatorstd::stringstd::istreamstd::ostreamstd::iostreamistreamostreamStLstd:: [enable_if: const volatile restrict & &&unsigned intunsigned longlong longunsigned long longlong double__float128decimal64decimal128decimal32decimal16char32_tchar16_tdecltype(auto)std::nullptr_t complex imaginaryDonoexceptDwDxREOEnoexcept(throw(objcprotoDvpixel vector[ vector[::*TsstructTuunionTeid<objc_object(&(&&libunwind: %s %s:%d - %s _Unwind_Resume/usr/local/google/buildbot/src/android/ndk-release-r19/external/libcxx/../../external/libunwind_llvm/src/Unwind-EHABI.cpp_Unwind_Resume() can't return_Unwind_VRS_Setunsupported register class_Unwind_VRS_Popunwind_phase2during phase1 personality function said it would stop here, but now in phase2 it did not stop here_Unwind_VRS_Get_Internal/usr/local/google/buildbot/src/android/ndk-release-r19/external/libcxx/../../external/libunwind_llvm/src/UnwindCursor.hppgetRegister/usr/local/google/buildbot/src/android/ndk-release-r19/external/libcxx/../../external/libunwind_llvm/src/Registers.hppunsupported arm registersetRegistergetFloatRegisterUnknown ARM float registersetFloatRegistergetInfoFromEHABISectionunknown personality routineindex inlined table detected but pr function requires extra wordsunknown registerPromiseWrapAsyncWrapObjectGetAddrInfoReqWrapGetNameInfoReqWrapChannelWrapnode_ares_taskQueryAnyWrapQueryAWrapQueryAaaaWrapQueryCnameWrapQueryMxWrapQueryNsWrapQueryTxtWrapQuerySrvWrapQueryPtrWrapQueryNaptrWrapQuerySoaWrapGetHostByAddrWrapConnectWrapDNSCHANNELFILEHANDLEFILEHANDLECLOSEREQFSEVENTWRAPFSREQWRAPFSREQPROMISEGETADDRINFOREQWRAPGETNAMEINFOREQWRAPHTTP2SESSIONHTTP2STREAMHTTP2PINGHTTP2SETTINGSHTTPPARSERMESSAGEPORTPIPECONNECTWRAPPIPESERVERWRAPPROCESSWRAPPROMISEQUERYWRAPSHUTDOWNWRAPSIGNALWRAPSTATWATCHERSTREAMPIPETCPCONNECTWRAPTCPSERVERWRAPTCPWRAPTIMERWRAPTTYWRAPUDPSENDWRAPUDPWRAPWRITEWRAPPBKDF2REQUESTKEYPAIRGENREQUESTRANDOMBYTESREQUESTSCRYPTREQUESTTLSWRAPINSPECTOR_SERVERFSEventWrapSimpleShutdownWrapSimpleWriteWrapCannot find module ModuleWrappackage.json./node_modules/node_trace.${rotation}.logECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!PSK:!SRP:!CAMELLIA127.0.0.1ContextifyScriptFSReqWrapFSReqPromiseFileHandleFSContinuationDataFileHandleReadWrapHttp2Session Http2SessionHttp2PingHttp2Streamnghttp2_stream_writenghttp2_headerHttp2SettingsMessageMessagePortDataMessagePorteither --use-openssl-ca or --use-bundled-ca can be used, not both--loader requires --experimental-modules be enabledeither --check or --eval can be used, not both--experimental-modulesexperimental ES Module support and caching modules--experimental-repl-awaitexperimental await keyword support in REPL--experimental-vm-modulesexperimental ES Module support in vm module--experimental-workerexperimental threaded Worker support--expose-internals(with --experimental-modules) use the specified file as a custom loader--no-deprecationsilence deprecation warnings--no-force-async-hooks-checksdisable checks for async_hooks--no-warningssilence all process warnings--pending-deprecationemit pending deprecation warnings--preserve-symlinkspreserve symbolic links when resolving--preserve-symlinks-mainpreserve symbolic links when resolving the main module--prof-processprocess V8 profiler output generated using --prof--redirect-warningswrite warnings to file instead of stderr--throw-deprecationthrow an exception on deprecations--trace-deprecationshow stack traces on deprecations--trace-sync-ioshow stack trace when use of sync IO is detected after the first tick--trace-warningsshow stack traces on process warnings--checksyntax check script without executing[has_eval_string]evaluate script--printevaluate script and print result--print --requiremodule to preload (option can be repeated)--interactivealways enter the REPL even if stdin does not appear to be a terminal--napi-modules--expose-http2--expose_http2--track-heap-objectstrack heap object allocations for heap snapshots--abort-on-uncaught-exceptionaborting instead of exiting causes a core file to be generated for analysis--max-old-space-size--perf-basic-prof--perf-prof--stack-trace-limit--titlethe process title to use on startup--trace-event-categoriescomma separated list of trace event categories to record--trace-event-file-patternTemplate string specifying the filepath for the trace-events data, it supports ${rotation} and ${pid}.--trace-events-enabledv8,node,node.async_hooks--max-http-header-sizeset the maximum size of HTTP headers (default: 8KB)--v8-pool-sizeset V8's thread pool size--zero-fill-buffersautomatically zero-fill all newly allocated Buffer and SlowBuffer instances--security-reverts--completion-bashprint source-able bash completion scriptprint node command line options--versionprint Node.js version--v8-optionsprint V8 command line options--openssl-configload OpenSSL configuration from the specified file (overrides OPENSSL_CONF)--tls-cipher-listuse an alternative default TLS cipher list--use-openssl-cause OpenSSL's default CA store--use-bundled-cause bundled CA store (default)[ssl_openssl_cert_store] must be 0 or in range 1024 to 65535.SerializerContextDeserializerContextNodeCategorySetfile://StatWatcherWorkerThread ZlibContextZlibStreamProcessWrapSABLifetimePartnerSignalWrapStreamPipeTCPSocketWrapTCPServerWrapTimerWrap${rotation}TTYWrapUDPWrapSecureContextCipherBaseDiffieHellmanNodeBIOTLSWraptraceEventsunexpected end of streamCode section cannot have size 0Invalid code section lengthnot all code section bytes were consumedInvalid function length (0)not enough code section bytesnot all code section bytes were usedUnexpected section Int8ArrayUint8ArrayInt16ArrayUint16ArrayInt32ArrayUint32ArrayFloat32ArrayFloat64ArraySQRT1_2argumentsdefaultfloatish|double?float?|double?double?track-ephemeral-pathDeserializeLazy0123456789There are pending queries.don?B.?B.v>?456789:;<= ? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123  Node.jsڢ!h4b)Ngt ;"QJy4:C0+ m_7O5mmQE䅵vb^~LB:6 ڢ!h4b)Ngt ;"QJy4:C0+ m_7O5mmQE䅵vb^~LB7k \8kZ$|KI(fQSڢ!h4b)Ngt ;"QJy4:C0+ m_7O5mmQE䅵vb^~LB7k \8kZ$|KI(fQ[=|cH6UӚi?$_e]#ܣbV R)pmg 5NJtl#s'ڢ!h4b)Ngt ;"QJy4:C0+ m_7O5mmQE䅵vb^~LB7k \8kZ$|KI(fQ[=|cH6UӚi?$_e]#ܣbV R)pmg 5NJtl!|2^F.6;w,']oLR+X9I|j&rZhڢ!h4b)Ngt ;"QJy4:C0+ m_7O5mmQE䅵vb^~LB7k \8kZ$|KI(fQ[=|cH6UӚi?$_e]#ܣbV R)pmg 5NJtl!|2^F.6;w,']oLR+X9I|j&rZ-3 Pz3U!dX qW] }ǫ 3J%a&k/يdvs>jdR+{ Wza]lw FOt1C[K :ڢ!h4b)Ngt ;"QJy4:C0+ m_7O5mmQE䅵vb^~LB7k \8kZ$|KI(fQ[=|cH6UӚi?$_e]#ܣbV R)pmg 5NJtl!|2^F.6;w,']oLR+X9I|j&rZ-3 Pz3U!dX qW] }ǫ 3J%a&k/يdvs>jdR+{ Wza]lw FOt1C[K !r<׈q[&'j<h4 %*Lۻގ.ʦ(|YGNk]Oâ#;Q[a)pׯv!pH'հZ꘍ܐM541ڢ!h4b)Ngt ;"QJy4:C0+ m_7O5mmQE䅵vb^~LB7k \8kZ$|KI(fQ[=|cH6UӚi?$_e]#ܣbV R)pmg 5NJtl!|2^F.6;w,']oLR+X9I|j&rZ-3 Pz3U!dX qW] }ǫ 3J%a&k/يdvs>jdR+{ Wza]lw FOt1C[K !r<׈q[&'j<h4 %*Lۻގ.ʦ(|YGNk]Oâ#;Q[a)pׯv!pH'հZ꘍ܐM546|p&ܲ`&Fuv=7S8/A0jS'1'Z>ϛDlԻG%K3 QQ+ׯBo7ҿYK2rnt^p/F @1 Y#z~6̈EXZK+AT̏m~H^7ৗ(ՋvP=̱\V.28n<h>f?H`-[ ttm@$ڢ!h4b)Ngt ;"QJy4:C0+ m_7O5mmQE䅵vb^~LB7k \8kZ$|KI(fQ[=|cH6UӚi?$_e]#ܣbV R)pmg 5NJtl!|2^F.6;w,']oLR+X9I|j&rZ-3 Pz3U!dX qW] }ǫ 3J%a&k/يdvs>jdR+{ Wza]lw FOt1C[K !r<׈q[&'j<h4 %*Lۻގ.ʦ(|YGNk]Oâ#;Q[a)pׯv!pH'հZ꘍ܐM546|p&ܲ`&Fuv=7S8/A0jS'1'Z>ϛDlԻG%K3 QQ+ׯBo7ҿYK2rnt^p/F @1 Y#z~6̈EXZK+AT̏m~H^7ৗ(ՋvP=̱\V.28n<h>f?H`-[ ttmYto8w|2ߌؾs1;2tG%vk$f:cZh4#t+x#e-"".|W#4sdl0kKȆ/Kyh3[:+ NativeModule.isDepsModule(key) || key.startsWith('internal/deps') ); // Modules with source code compiled in js2c that // cannot be compiled with the code cache const cannotUseCache = [ 'config', 'sys', // deprecated 'internal/v8_prof_polyfill', 'internal/v8_prof_processor', 'internal/per_context', 'internal/test/binding', // TODO(joyeecheung): update the C++ side so that // the code cache is also used when compiling these // two files. 'internal/bootstrap/loaders', 'internal/bootstrap/node' ].concat(depsModule); // Skip modules that cannot be required when they are not // built into the binary. if (process.config.variables.v8_enable_inspector !== 1) { cannotUseCache.push('inspector'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/util/inspector'); } if (!hasTracing) { cannotUseCache.push('trace_events'); } if (!process.versions.openssl) { cannotUseCache.push('crypto'); cannotUseCache.push('https'); cannotUseCache.push('http2'); cannotUseCache.push('tls'); cannotUseCache.push('_tls_common'); cannotUseCache.push('_tls_wrap'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/certificate'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/cipher'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/diffiehellman'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/hash'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/keygen'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/pbkdf2'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/random'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/scrypt'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/sig'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/crypto/util'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/http2/core'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/http2/compat'); cannotUseCache.push('internal/streams/lazy_transform'); } module.exports = { cachableBuiltins: Object.keys(NativeModule._source).filter( (key) => !cannotUseCache.includes(key) ), builtinSource: Object.assign({}, NativeModule._source), getCodeCache, getSource: NativeModule.getSource, codeCache: internalBinding('code_cache'), compiledWithoutCache: NativeModule.compiledWithoutCache, compiledWithCache: NativeModule.compiledWithCache, nativeModuleWrap(script) { return NativeModule.wrap(script); }, cannotUseCache }; internal/bootstrap/loaders// This file creates the internal module & binding loaders used by built-in // modules. In contrast, user land modules are loaded using // lib/internal/modules/cjs/loader.js (CommonJS Modules) or // lib/internal/modules/esm/* (ES Modules). // // This file is compiled and run by node.cc before bootstrap/node.js // was called, therefore the loaders are bootstraped before we start to // actually bootstrap Node.js. It creates the following objects: // // C++ binding loaders: // - process.binding(): the legacy C++ binding loader, accessible from user land // because it is an object attached to the global process object. // These C++ bindings are created using NODE_BUILTIN_MODULE_CONTEXT_AWARE() // and have their nm_flags set to NM_F_BUILTIN. We do not make any guarantees // about the stability of these bindings, but still have to take care of // compatibility issues caused by them from time to time. // - process._linkedBinding(): intended to be used by embedders to add // additional C++ bindings in their applications. These C++ bindings // can be created using NODE_MODULE_CONTEXT_AWARE_CPP() with the flag // NM_F_LINKED. // - internalBinding(): the private internal C++ binding loader, inaccessible // from user land because they are only available from NativeModule.require() // These C++ bindings are created using NODE_MODULE_CONTEXT_AWARE_INTERNAL() // and have their nm_flags set to NM_F_INTERNAL. // // Internal JavaScript module loader: // - NativeModule: a minimal module system used to load the JavaScript core // modules found in lib/**/*.js and deps/**/*.js. All core modules are // compiled into the node binary via node_javascript.cc generated by js2c.py, // so they can be loaded faster without the cost of I/O. This class makes the // lib/internal/*, deps/internal/* modules and internalBinding() available by // default to core modules, and lets the core modules require itself via // require('internal/bootstrap/loaders') even when this file is not written in // CommonJS style. // // Other objects: // - process.moduleLoadList: an array recording the bindings and the modules // loaded in the process and the order in which they are loaded. 'use strict'; (function bootstrapInternalLoaders(process, getBinding, getLinkedBinding, getInternalBinding, debugBreak) { if (debugBreak) debugger; // eslint-disable-line no-debugger const { apply: ReflectApply, deleteProperty: ReflectDeleteProperty, get: ReflectGet, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, has: ReflectHas, set: ReflectSet, } = Reflect; const { prototype: { hasOwnProperty: ObjectHasOwnProperty, }, create: ObjectCreate, defineProperty: ObjectDefineProperty, keys: ObjectKeys, } = Object; // Set up process.moduleLoadList const moduleLoadList = []; ObjectDefineProperty(process, 'moduleLoadList', { value: moduleLoadList, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false }); // Set up process.binding() and process._linkedBinding() { const bindingObj = ObjectCreate(null); process.binding = function binding(module) { module = String(module); let mod = bindingObj[module]; if (typeof mod !== 'object') { mod = bindingObj[module] = getBinding(module); moduleLoadList.push(`Binding ${module}`); } return mod; }; process._linkedBinding = function _linkedBinding(module) { module = String(module); let mod = bindingObj[module]; if (typeof mod !== 'object') mod = bindingObj[module] = getLinkedBinding(module); return mod; }; } // Set up internalBinding() in the closure let internalBinding; { const bindingObj = ObjectCreate(null); internalBinding = function internalBinding(module) { let mod = bindingObj[module]; if (typeof mod !== 'object') { try { mod = getInternalBinding(module); } catch { // v10.x only: Fall back to `process.binding()`, // to avoid future merge conflicts when backporting changes that use // `internalBinding()` to v10.x. mod = process.binding(module); } bindingObj[module] = mod; moduleLoadList.push(`Internal Binding ${module}`); } return mod; }; } const { ContextifyScript } = process.binding('contextify'); // Set up NativeModule function NativeModule(id) { this.filename = `${id}.js`; this.id = id; this.exports = {}; this.reflect = undefined; this.exportKeys = undefined; this.loaded = false; this.loading = false; this.script = null; // The ContextifyScript of the module } NativeModule._source = getBinding('natives'); NativeModule._cache = {}; const config = getBinding('config'); const codeCache = getInternalBinding('code_cache'); const codeCacheHash = getInternalBinding('code_cache_hash'); const sourceHash = getInternalBinding('natives_hash'); const compiledWithoutCache = NativeModule.compiledWithoutCache = []; const compiledWithCache = NativeModule.compiledWithCache = []; // Think of this as module.exports in this file even though it is not // written in CommonJS style. const loaderExports = { internalBinding, NativeModule }; const loaderId = 'internal/bootstrap/loaders'; NativeModule.require = function(id) { if (id === loaderId) { return loaderExports; } const cached = NativeModule.getCached(id); if (cached && (cached.loaded || cached.loading)) { return cached.exports; } if (!NativeModule.exists(id)) { // Model the error off the internal/errors.js model, but // do not use that module given that it could actually be // the one causing the error if there's a bug in Node.js // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const err = new Error(`No such built-in module: ${id}`); err.code = 'ERR_UNKNOWN_BUILTIN_MODULE'; err.name = 'Error [ERR_UNKNOWN_BUILTIN_MODULE]'; throw err; } moduleLoadList.push(`NativeModule ${id}`); const nativeModule = new NativeModule(id); nativeModule.cache(); nativeModule.compile(); return nativeModule.exports; }; NativeModule.isDepsModule = function(id) { return id.startsWith('node-inspect/') || id.startsWith('v8/'); }; NativeModule.requireForDeps = function(id) { if (!NativeModule.exists(id) || // TODO(TimothyGu): remove when DEP0084 reaches end of life. NativeModule.isDepsModule(id)) { id = `internal/deps/${id}`; } return NativeModule.require(id); }; NativeModule.getCached = function(id) { return NativeModule._cache[id]; }; NativeModule.exists = function(id) { return NativeModule._source.hasOwnProperty(id); }; if (config.exposeInternals) { NativeModule.nonInternalExists = function(id) { // Do not expose this to user land even with --expose-internals if (id === loaderId) { return false; } return NativeModule.exists(id); }; NativeModule.isInternal = function(id) { // Do not expose this to user land even with --expose-internals return id === loaderId; }; } else { NativeModule.nonInternalExists = function(id) { return NativeModule.exists(id) && !NativeModule.isInternal(id); }; NativeModule.isInternal = function(id) { return id.startsWith('internal/') || (id === 'worker_threads' && !config.experimentalWorker); }; } NativeModule.getSource = function(id) { return NativeModule._source[id]; }; NativeModule.wrap = function(script) { return NativeModule.wrapper[0] + script + NativeModule.wrapper[1]; }; NativeModule.wrapper = [ '(function (exports, require, module, process, internalBinding) {', '\n});' ]; const getOwn = (target, property, receiver) => { return ReflectApply(ObjectHasOwnProperty, target, [property]) ? ReflectGet(target, property, receiver) : undefined; }; // Provide named exports for all builtin libraries so that the libraries // may be imported in a nicer way for esm users. The default export is left // as the entire namespace (module.exports) and wrapped in a proxy such // that APMs and other behavior are still left intact. NativeModule.prototype.proxifyExports = function() { this.exportKeys = ObjectKeys(this.exports); const update = (property, value) => { if (this.reflect !== undefined && ReflectApply(ObjectHasOwnProperty, this.reflect.exports, [property])) this.reflect.exports[property].set(value); }; const handler = { __proto__: null, defineProperty: (target, prop, descriptor) => { // Use `Object.defineProperty` instead of `Reflect.defineProperty` // to throw the appropriate error if something goes wrong. ObjectDefineProperty(target, prop, descriptor); if (typeof descriptor.get === 'function' && !ReflectHas(handler, 'get')) { handler.get = (target, prop, receiver) => { const value = ReflectGet(target, prop, receiver); if (ReflectApply(ObjectHasOwnProperty, target, [prop])) update(prop, value); return value; }; } update(prop, getOwn(target, prop)); return true; }, deleteProperty: (target, prop) => { if (ReflectDeleteProperty(target, prop)) { update(prop, undefined); return true; } return false; }, set: (target, prop, value, receiver) => { const descriptor = ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop); if (ReflectSet(target, prop, value, receiver)) { if (descriptor && typeof descriptor.set === 'function') { for (const key of this.exportKeys) { update(key, getOwn(target, key, receiver)); } } else { update(prop, getOwn(target, prop, receiver)); } return true; } return false; } }; this.exports = new Proxy(this.exports, handler); }; NativeModule.prototype.compile = function() { const id = this.id; let source = NativeModule.getSource(id); source = NativeModule.wrap(source); this.loading = true; try { // Currently V8 only checks that the length of the source code is the // same as the code used to generate the hash, so we add an additional // check here: // 1. During compile time, when generating node_javascript.cc and // node_code_cache.cc, we compute and include the hash of the // (unwrapped) JavaScript source in both. // 2. At runtime, we check that the hash of the code being compiled // and the hash of the code used to generate the cache // (inside the wrapper) is the same. // This is based on the assumptions: // 1. `internalBinding('code_cache_hash')` must be in sync with // `internalBinding('code_cache')` (same C++ file) // 2. `internalBinding('natives_hash')` must be in sync with // `process.binding('natives')` (same C++ file) // 3. If `internalBinding('natives_hash')` is in sync with // `internalBinding('natives_hash')`, then the (unwrapped) // code used to generate `internalBinding('code_cache')` // should be in sync with the (unwrapped) code in // `process.binding('natives')` // There will be, however, false positives if the wrapper used // to generate the cache is different from the one used at run time, // and the length of the wrapper somehow stays the same. // But that should be rare and can be eased once we make the // two bootstrappers cached and checked as well. const cache = codeCacheHash[id] && (codeCacheHash[id] === sourceHash[id]) ? codeCache[id] : undefined; // (code, filename, lineOffset, columnOffset // cachedData, produceCachedData, parsingContext) const script = new ContextifyScript( source, this.filename, 0, 0, cache, false, undefined ); // This will be used to create code cache in tools/generate_code_cache.js this.script = script; // One of these conditions may be false when any of the inputs // of the `node_js2c` target in node.gyp is modified. // FIXME(joyeecheung): Figure out how to resolve the dependency issue. // When the code cache was introduced we were at a point where refactoring // node.gyp may not be worth the effort. if (!cache || script.cachedDataRejected) { compiledWithoutCache.push(this.id); } else { compiledWithCache.push(this.id); } // Arguments: timeout, displayErrors, breakOnSigint const fn = script.runInThisContext(-1, true, false); const requireFn = this.id.startsWith('internal/deps/') ? NativeModule.requireForDeps : NativeModule.require; fn(this.exports, requireFn, this, process, internalBinding); if (config.experimentalModules && !NativeModule.isInternal(this.id)) { this.proxifyExports(); } this.loaded = true; } finally { this.loading = false; } }; NativeModule.prototype.cache = function() { NativeModule._cache[this.id] = this; }; // This will be passed to the bootstrapNodeJSCore function in // bootstrap/node.js. return loaderExports; }); internal/bootstrap/node// Hello, and welcome to hacking node.js! // // This file is invoked by node::LoadEnvironment in src/node.cc, and is // responsible for bootstrapping the node.js core. As special caution is given // to the performance of the startup process, many dependencies are invoked // lazily. // // Before this file is run, lib/internal/bootstrap/loaders.js gets run first // to bootstrap the internal binding and module loaders, including // process.binding(), process._linkedBinding(), internalBinding() and // NativeModule. And then { internalBinding, NativeModule } will be passed // into this bootstrapper to bootstrap Node.js core. 'use strict'; (function bootstrapNodeJSCore(process, // bootstrapper properties... destructured to // avoid retaining a reference to the bootstrap // object. { _setupProcessObject, _setupNextTick, _setupPromises, _chdir, _cpuUsage, _hrtime, _hrtimeBigInt, _memoryUsage, _rawDebug, _umask, _initgroups, _setegid, _seteuid, _setgid, _setuid, _setgroups, _shouldAbortOnUncaughtToggle }, { internalBinding, NativeModule }) { const exceptionHandlerState = { captureFn: null }; const isMainThread = internalBinding('worker').threadId === 0; function startup() { setupProcessObject(); // Do this good and early, since it handles errors. setupProcessFatal(); setupProcessICUVersions(); setupGlobalVariables(); // Bootstrappers for all threads, including worker threads and main thread const perThreadSetup = NativeModule.require('internal/process/per_thread'); // Bootstrappers for the main thread only let mainThreadSetup; // Bootstrappers for the worker threads only let workerThreadSetup; if (isMainThread) { mainThreadSetup = NativeModule.require( 'internal/process/main_thread_only' ); } else { workerThreadSetup = NativeModule.require( 'internal/process/worker_thread_only' ); } perThreadSetup.setupAssert(); perThreadSetup.setupConfig(NativeModule._source); if (isMainThread) { mainThreadSetup.setupSignalHandlers(); } perThreadSetup.setupUncaughtExceptionCapture(exceptionHandlerState, _shouldAbortOnUncaughtToggle); NativeModule.require('internal/process/warning').setup(); NativeModule.require('internal/process/next_tick').setup(_setupNextTick, _setupPromises); if (isMainThread) { mainThreadSetup.setupStdio(); mainThreadSetup.setupProcessMethods( _chdir, _umask, _initgroups, _setegid, _seteuid, _setgid, _setuid, _setgroups ); } else { workerThreadSetup.setupStdio(); } const perf = process.binding('performance'); const { NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_BOOTSTRAP_COMPLETE, } = perf.constants; perThreadSetup.setupRawDebug(_rawDebug); perThreadSetup.setupHrtime(_hrtime, _hrtimeBigInt); perThreadSetup.setupCpuUsage(_cpuUsage); perThreadSetup.setupMemoryUsage(_memoryUsage); perThreadSetup.setupKillAndExit(); if (global.__coverage__) NativeModule.require('internal/process/write-coverage').setup(); if (process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE) { const { resolve } = NativeModule.require('path'); process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE = resolve(process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE); NativeModule.require('internal/process/coverage').setup(); } { const traceEvents = process.binding('trace_events'); const traceEventCategory = 'node,node.async_hooks'; if (traceEvents.categoryGroupEnabled(traceEventCategory)) { NativeModule.require('internal/trace_events_async_hooks') .setup(traceEvents, traceEventCategory); } } if (process.config.variables.v8_enable_inspector) { NativeModule.require('internal/inspector_async_hook').setup(); } const { getOptionValue } = NativeModule.require('internal/options'); const helpOption = getOptionValue('--help'); const completionBashOption = getOptionValue('--completion-bash'); const experimentalModulesOption = getOptionValue('--experimental-modules'); const experimentalVMModulesOption = getOptionValue('--experimental-vm-modules'); const experimentalWorkerOption = getOptionValue('--experimental-worker'); if (helpOption) { NativeModule.require('internal/print_help').print(process.stdout); return; } if (completionBashOption) { NativeModule.require('internal/bash_completion').print(process.stdout); return; } if (isMainThread) { mainThreadSetup.setupChildProcessIpcChannel(); } const browserGlobals = !process._noBrowserGlobals; if (browserGlobals) { // we are setting this here to forward it to the inspector later perThreadSetup.originalConsole = global.console; setupGlobalTimeouts(); setupGlobalConsole(); setupGlobalURL(); } if (experimentalWorkerOption) { setupDOMException(); } // On OpenBSD process.execPath will be relative unless we // get the full path before process.execPath is used. if (process.platform === 'openbsd') { const { realpathSync } = NativeModule.require('fs'); process.execPath = realpathSync.native(process.execPath); } Object.defineProperty(process, 'argv0', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, value: process.argv[0] }); process.argv[0] = process.execPath; // Handle `--debug*` deprecation and invalidation. if (process._invalidDebug) { process.emitWarning( '`node --debug` and `node --debug-brk` are invalid. ' + 'Please use `node --inspect` or `node --inspect-brk` instead.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0062', startup, true); process.exit(9); } else if (process._deprecatedDebugBrk) { process.emitWarning( '`node --inspect --debug-brk` is deprecated. ' + 'Please use `node --inspect-brk` instead.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0062', startup, true); } if (experimentalModulesOption || experimentalVMModulesOption) { if (experimentalModulesOption) { process.emitWarning( 'The ESM module loader is experimental.', 'ExperimentalWarning', undefined); } NativeModule.require('internal/process/esm_loader').setup(); } { // Install legacy getters on the `util` binding for typechecking. // TODO(addaleax): Turn into a full runtime deprecation. const { pendingDeprecation } = process.binding('config'); const { deprecate } = NativeModule.require('internal/util'); const utilBinding = process.binding('util'); const types = internalBinding('types'); for (const name of [ 'isArrayBuffer', 'isArrayBufferView', 'isAsyncFunction', 'isDataView', 'isDate', 'isExternal', 'isMap', 'isMapIterator', 'isNativeError', 'isPromise', 'isRegExp', 'isSet', 'isSetIterator', 'isTypedArray', 'isUint8Array', 'isAnyArrayBuffer' ]) { utilBinding[name] = pendingDeprecation ? deprecate(types[name], 'Accessing native typechecking bindings of Node ' + 'directly is deprecated. ' + `Please use \`util.types.${name}\` instead.`, 'DEP0103') : types[name]; } } perf.markMilestone(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_BOOTSTRAP_COMPLETE); setupAllowedFlags(); // There are various modes that Node can run in. The most common two // are running from a script and running the REPL - but there are a few // others like the debugger or running --eval arguments. Here we decide // which mode we run in. if (internalBinding('worker').getEnvMessagePort() !== undefined) { // This means we are in a Worker context, and any script execution // will be directed by the worker module. NativeModule.require('internal/worker').setupChild(evalScript); } else if (NativeModule.exists('_third_party_main')) { // To allow people to extend Node in different ways, this hook allows // one to drop a file lib/_third_party_main.js into the build // directory which will be executed instead of Node's normal loading. process.nextTick(function() { NativeModule.require('_third_party_main'); }); } else if (process.argv[1] === 'inspect' || process.argv[1] === 'debug') { if (process.argv[1] === 'debug') { process.emitWarning( '`node debug` is deprecated. Please use `node inspect` instead.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0068'); } // Start the debugger agent. process.nextTick(function() { NativeModule.require('internal/deps/node-inspect/lib/_inspect').start(); }); } else if (process.profProcess) { NativeModule.require('internal/v8_prof_processor'); } else { // There is user code to be run. // If this is a worker in cluster mode, start up the communication // channel. This needs to be done before any user code gets executed // (including preload modules). if (process.argv[1] && process.env.NODE_UNIQUE_ID) { const cluster = NativeModule.require('cluster'); cluster._setupWorker(); // Make sure it's not accidentally inherited by child processes. delete process.env.NODE_UNIQUE_ID; } if (process._eval != null && !process._forceRepl) { // User passed '-e' or '--eval' arguments to Node without '-i' or // '--interactive'. preloadModules(); const { addBuiltinLibsToObject } = NativeModule.require('internal/modules/cjs/helpers'); addBuiltinLibsToObject(global); evalScript('[eval]'); } else if (process.argv[1] && process.argv[1] !== '-') { // Make process.argv[1] into a full path. const path = NativeModule.require('path'); process.argv[1] = path.resolve(process.argv[1]); const CJSModule = NativeModule.require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); preloadModules(); // Check if user passed `-c` or `--check` arguments to Node. if (process._syntax_check_only != null) { const fs = NativeModule.require('fs'); // Read the source. const filename = CJSModule._resolveFilename(process.argv[1]); const source = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8'); checkScriptSyntax(source, filename); process.exit(0); } CJSModule.runMain(); } else { preloadModules(); // If -i or --interactive were passed, or stdin is a TTY. if (process._forceRepl || NativeModule.require('tty').isatty(0)) { // REPL const cliRepl = NativeModule.require('internal/repl'); cliRepl.createInternalRepl(process.env, function(err, repl) { if (err) { throw err; } repl.on('exit', function() { if (repl._flushing) { repl.pause(); return repl.once('flushHistory', function() { process.exit(); }); } process.exit(); }); }); if (process._eval != null) { // User passed '-e' or '--eval' evalScript('[eval]'); } } else { // Read all of stdin - execute it. process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); let code = ''; process.stdin.on('data', function(d) { code += d; }); process.stdin.on('end', function() { if (process._syntax_check_only != null) { checkScriptSyntax(code, '[stdin]'); } else { process._eval = code; evalScript('[stdin]'); } }); } } } } function setupProcessObject() { const EventEmitter = NativeModule.require('events'); const origProcProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(process); Object.setPrototypeOf(origProcProto, EventEmitter.prototype); EventEmitter.call(process); _setupProcessObject(pushValueToArray); function pushValueToArray() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) this.push(arguments[i]); } } function setupGlobalVariables() { Object.defineProperty(global, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'global', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); global.process = process; const util = NativeModule.require('util'); function makeGetter(name) { return util.deprecate(function() { return this; }, `'${name}' is deprecated, use 'global'`, 'DEP0016'); } function makeSetter(name) { return util.deprecate(function(value) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { configurable: true, writable: true, enumerable: true, value: value }); }, `'${name}' is deprecated, use 'global'`, 'DEP0016'); } Object.defineProperties(global, { GLOBAL: { configurable: true, get: makeGetter('GLOBAL'), set: makeSetter('GLOBAL') }, root: { configurable: true, get: makeGetter('root'), set: makeSetter('root') } }); // This, as side effect, removes `setupBufferJS` from the buffer binding, // and exposes it on `internal/buffer`. NativeModule.require('internal/buffer'); global.Buffer = NativeModule.require('buffer').Buffer; process.domain = null; process._exiting = false; } function setupGlobalTimeouts() { const timers = NativeModule.require('timers'); global.clearImmediate = timers.clearImmediate; global.clearInterval = timers.clearInterval; global.clearTimeout = timers.clearTimeout; global.setImmediate = timers.setImmediate; global.setInterval = timers.setInterval; global.setTimeout = timers.setTimeout; } function setupGlobalConsole() { const originalConsole = global.console; // Setup Node.js global.console. const wrappedConsole = NativeModule.require('console'); Object.defineProperty(global, 'console', { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: wrappedConsole, writable: true }); setupInspector(originalConsole, wrappedConsole); } function setupGlobalURL() { const { URL, URLSearchParams } = NativeModule.require('internal/url'); Object.defineProperties(global, { URL: { value: URL, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false }, URLSearchParams: { value: URLSearchParams, writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false } }); } function setupDOMException() { // Registers the constructor with C++. NativeModule.require('internal/domexception'); } function setupInspector(originalConsole, wrappedConsole) { if (!process.config.variables.v8_enable_inspector) { return; } const CJSModule = NativeModule.require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); const { addCommandLineAPI, consoleCall } = process.binding('inspector'); // Setup inspector command line API. const { makeRequireFunction } = NativeModule.require('internal/modules/cjs/helpers'); const path = NativeModule.require('path'); const cwd = tryGetCwd(path); const consoleAPIModule = new CJSModule(''); consoleAPIModule.paths = CJSModule._nodeModulePaths(cwd).concat(CJSModule.globalPaths); addCommandLineAPI('require', makeRequireFunction(consoleAPIModule)); const config = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(wrappedConsole)) { if (!originalConsole.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; // If global console has the same method as inspector console, // then wrap these two methods into one. Native wrapper will preserve // the original stack. wrappedConsole[key] = consoleCall.bind(wrappedConsole, originalConsole[key], wrappedConsole[key], config); } for (const key of Object.keys(originalConsole)) { if (wrappedConsole.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; wrappedConsole[key] = originalConsole[key]; } } function noop() {} function setupProcessFatal() { const { executionAsyncId, clearDefaultTriggerAsyncId, clearAsyncIdStack, hasAsyncIdStack, afterHooksExist, emitAfter } = NativeModule.require('internal/async_hooks'); process._fatalException = function(er) { // It's possible that defaultTriggerAsyncId was set for a constructor // call that threw and was never cleared. So clear it now. clearDefaultTriggerAsyncId(); if (exceptionHandlerState.captureFn !== null) { exceptionHandlerState.captureFn(er); } else if (!process.emit('uncaughtException', er)) { // If someone handled it, then great. otherwise, die in C++ land // since that means that we'll exit the process, emit the 'exit' event. try { if (!process._exiting) { process._exiting = true; process.exitCode = 1; process.emit('exit', 1); } } catch { // Nothing to be done about it at this point. } try { const { kExpandStackSymbol } = NativeModule.require('internal/util'); if (typeof er[kExpandStackSymbol] === 'function') er[kExpandStackSymbol](); } catch { // Nothing to be done about it at this point. } return false; } // If we handled an error, then make sure any ticks get processed // by ensuring that the next Immediate cycle isn't empty. NativeModule.require('timers').setImmediate(noop); // Emit the after() hooks now that the exception has been handled. if (afterHooksExist()) { do { emitAfter(executionAsyncId()); } while (hasAsyncIdStack()); // Or completely empty the id stack. } else { clearAsyncIdStack(); } return true; }; } function setupProcessICUVersions() { const icu = process.binding('config').hasIntl ? process.binding('icu') : undefined; if (!icu) return; // no Intl/ICU: nothing to add here. // With no argument, getVersion() returns a comma separated list // of possible types. const versionTypes = icu.getVersion().split(','); for (var n = 0; n < versionTypes.length; n++) { const name = versionTypes[n]; const version = icu.getVersion(name); Object.defineProperty(process.versions, name, { writable: false, enumerable: true, value: version }); } } function tryGetCwd(path) { try { return process.cwd(); } catch { // getcwd(3) can fail if the current working directory has been deleted. // Fall back to the directory name of the (absolute) executable path. // It's not really correct but what are the alternatives? return path.dirname(process.execPath); } } function wrapForBreakOnFirstLine(source) { if (!process._breakFirstLine) return source; const fn = `function() {\n\n${source};\n\n}`; return `process.binding('inspector').callAndPauseOnStart(${fn}, {})`; } function evalScript(name, body = wrapForBreakOnFirstLine(process._eval)) { const CJSModule = NativeModule.require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); const path = NativeModule.require('path'); const cwd = tryGetCwd(path); const module = new CJSModule(name); module.filename = path.join(cwd, name); module.paths = CJSModule._nodeModulePaths(cwd); const script = `global.__filename = ${JSON.stringify(name)};\n` + 'global.exports = exports;\n' + 'global.module = module;\n' + 'global.__dirname = __dirname;\n' + 'global.require = require;\n' + 'return require("vm").runInThisContext(' + `${JSON.stringify(body)}, { filename: ` + `${JSON.stringify(name)}, displayErrors: true });\n`; const result = module._compile(script, `${name}-wrapper`); if (process._print_eval) console.log(result); // Handle any nextTicks added in the first tick of the program. process._tickCallback(); } // Load preload modules. function preloadModules() { if (process._preload_modules) { const { _preloadModules } = NativeModule.require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); _preloadModules(process._preload_modules); } } function checkScriptSyntax(source, filename) { const CJSModule = NativeModule.require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); const vm = NativeModule.require('vm'); const { stripShebang, stripBOM } = NativeModule.require('internal/modules/cjs/helpers'); // Remove Shebang. source = stripShebang(source); // Remove BOM. source = stripBOM(source); // Wrap it. source = CJSModule.wrap(source); // Compile the script, this will throw if it fails. new vm.Script(source, { displayErrors: true, filename }); } function setupAllowedFlags() { // This builds process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags // from data in the config binding const replaceUnderscoresRegex = /_/g; const leadingDashesRegex = /^--?/; const trailingValuesRegex = /=.*$/; // Save references so user code does not interfere const replace = Function.call.bind(String.prototype.replace); const has = Function.call.bind(Set.prototype.has); const test = Function.call.bind(RegExp.prototype.test); const get = () => { const { envSettings: { kAllowedInEnvironment } } = internalBinding('options'); const { options, aliases } = NativeModule.require('internal/options'); const allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags = []; for (const [name, info] of options) { if (info.envVarSettings === kAllowedInEnvironment) { allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags.push(name); } } for (const [ from, expansion ] of aliases) { let isAccepted = true; for (const to of expansion) { if (!to.startsWith('-') || to === '--') continue; const recursiveExpansion = aliases.get(to); if (recursiveExpansion) { if (recursiveExpansion[0] === to) recursiveExpansion.splice(0, 1); expansion.push(...recursiveExpansion); continue; } isAccepted = options.get(to).envVarSettings === kAllowedInEnvironment; if (!isAccepted) break; } if (isAccepted) { let canonical = from; if (canonical.endsWith('=')) canonical = canonical.substr(0, canonical.length - 1); if (canonical.endsWith(' ')) canonical = canonical.substr(0, canonical.length - 4); allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags.push(canonical); } } const trimLeadingDashes = (flag) => replace(flag, leadingDashesRegex, ''); // Save these for comparison against flags provided to // process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags.has() which lack leading dashes. // Avoid interference w/ user code by flattening `Set.prototype` into // each object. const nodeFlags = Object.defineProperties( new Set(allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags.map(trimLeadingDashes)), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Set.prototype) ); class NodeEnvironmentFlagsSet extends Set { constructor(...args) { super(...args); // the super constructor consumes `add`, but // disallow any future adds. this.add = () => this; } delete() { // noop, `Set` API compatible return false; } clear() { // noop } has(key) { // This will return `true` based on various possible // permutations of a flag, including present/missing leading // dash(es) and/or underscores-for-dashes. // Strips any values after `=`, inclusive. // TODO(addaleax): It might be more flexible to run the option parser // on a dummy option set and see whether it rejects the argument or // not. if (typeof key === 'string') { key = replace(key, replaceUnderscoresRegex, '-'); if (test(leadingDashesRegex, key)) { key = replace(key, trailingValuesRegex, ''); return has(this, key); } return has(nodeFlags, key); } return false; } } Object.freeze(NodeEnvironmentFlagsSet.prototype.constructor); Object.freeze(NodeEnvironmentFlagsSet.prototype); return process.allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags = Object.freeze( new NodeEnvironmentFlagsSet( allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags )); }; Object.defineProperty(process, 'allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags', { get, set(value) { Object.defineProperty(this, 'allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags', { value, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } startup(); }); async_hooks'use strict'; const { ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK, ERR_INVALID_ASYNC_ID } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const internal_async_hooks = require('internal/async_hooks'); // Get functions // For userland AsyncResources, make sure to emit a destroy event when the // resource gets gced. const { registerDestroyHook } = internal_async_hooks; const { executionAsyncId, triggerAsyncId, // Private API getHookArrays, enableHooks, disableHooks, // Internal Embedder API newAsyncId, getDefaultTriggerAsyncId, emitInit, emitBefore, emitAfter, emitDestroy, } = internal_async_hooks; // Get symbols const { async_id_symbol, trigger_async_id_symbol, init_symbol, before_symbol, after_symbol, destroy_symbol, promise_resolve_symbol } = internal_async_hooks.symbols; // Get constants const { kInit, kBefore, kAfter, kDestroy, kTotals, kPromiseResolve, } = internal_async_hooks.constants; // Listener API // class AsyncHook { constructor({ init, before, after, destroy, promiseResolve }) { if (init !== undefined && typeof init !== 'function') throw new ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK('hook.init'); if (before !== undefined && typeof before !== 'function') throw new ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK('hook.before'); if (after !== undefined && typeof after !== 'function') throw new ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK('hook.after'); if (destroy !== undefined && typeof destroy !== 'function') throw new ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK('hook.destroy'); if (promiseResolve !== undefined && typeof promiseResolve !== 'function') throw new ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK('hook.promiseResolve'); this[init_symbol] = init; this[before_symbol] = before; this[after_symbol] = after; this[destroy_symbol] = destroy; this[promise_resolve_symbol] = promiseResolve; } enable() { // The set of callbacks for a hook should be the same regardless of whether // enable()/disable() are run during their execution. The following // references are reassigned to the tmp arrays if a hook is currently being // processed. const [hooks_array, hook_fields] = getHookArrays(); // Each hook is only allowed to be added once. if (hooks_array.includes(this)) return this; const prev_kTotals = hook_fields[kTotals]; // createHook() has already enforced that the callbacks are all functions, // so here simply increment the count of whether each callbacks exists or // not. hook_fields[kTotals] = hook_fields[kInit] += +!!this[init_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kBefore] += +!!this[before_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kAfter] += +!!this[after_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kDestroy] += +!!this[destroy_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kPromiseResolve] += +!!this[promise_resolve_symbol]; hooks_array.push(this); if (prev_kTotals === 0 && hook_fields[kTotals] > 0) { enableHooks(); } return this; } disable() { const [hooks_array, hook_fields] = getHookArrays(); const index = hooks_array.indexOf(this); if (index === -1) return this; const prev_kTotals = hook_fields[kTotals]; hook_fields[kTotals] = hook_fields[kInit] -= +!!this[init_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kBefore] -= +!!this[before_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kAfter] -= +!!this[after_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kDestroy] -= +!!this[destroy_symbol]; hook_fields[kTotals] += hook_fields[kPromiseResolve] -= +!!this[promise_resolve_symbol]; hooks_array.splice(index, 1); if (prev_kTotals > 0 && hook_fields[kTotals] === 0) { disableHooks(); } return this; } } function createHook(fns) { return new AsyncHook(fns); } // Embedder API // const destroyedSymbol = Symbol('destroyed'); let emitBeforeAfterWarning = true; function showEmitBeforeAfterWarning() { if (emitBeforeAfterWarning) { process.emitWarning( 'asyncResource.emitBefore and emitAfter are deprecated. Please use ' + 'asyncResource.runInAsyncScope instead', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0098'); emitBeforeAfterWarning = false; } } class AsyncResource { constructor(type, opts = {}) { validateString(type, 'type'); if (typeof opts === 'number') { opts = { triggerAsyncId: opts, requireManualDestroy: false }; } else if (opts.triggerAsyncId === undefined) { opts.triggerAsyncId = getDefaultTriggerAsyncId(); } // Unlike emitInitScript, AsyncResource doesn't supports null as the // triggerAsyncId. const triggerAsyncId = opts.triggerAsyncId; if (!Number.isSafeInteger(triggerAsyncId) || triggerAsyncId < -1) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ASYNC_ID('triggerAsyncId', triggerAsyncId); } this[async_id_symbol] = newAsyncId(); this[trigger_async_id_symbol] = triggerAsyncId; // this prop name (destroyed) has to be synchronized with C++ this[destroyedSymbol] = { destroyed: false }; emitInit( this[async_id_symbol], type, this[trigger_async_id_symbol], this ); if (!opts.requireManualDestroy) { registerDestroyHook(this, this[async_id_symbol], this[destroyedSymbol]); } } emitBefore() { showEmitBeforeAfterWarning(); emitBefore(this[async_id_symbol], this[trigger_async_id_symbol]); return this; } emitAfter() { showEmitBeforeAfterWarning(); emitAfter(this[async_id_symbol]); return this; } runInAsyncScope(fn, thisArg, ...args) { emitBefore(this[async_id_symbol], this[trigger_async_id_symbol]); let ret; try { ret = Reflect.apply(fn, thisArg, args); } finally { emitAfter(this[async_id_symbol]); } return ret; } emitDestroy() { this[destroyedSymbol].destroyed = true; emitDestroy(this[async_id_symbol]); return this; } asyncId() { return this[async_id_symbol]; } triggerAsyncId() { return this[trigger_async_id_symbol]; } } // Placing all exports down here because the exported classes won't export // otherwise. module.exports = { // Public API createHook, executionAsyncId, triggerAsyncId, // Embedder API AsyncResource, }; assert// Originally from narwhal.js (http://narwhaljs.org) // Copyright (c) 2009 Thomas Robinson <280north.com> // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { codes: { ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE } } = require('internal/errors'); const { AssertionError } = require('internal/assert'); const { openSync, closeSync, readSync } = require('fs'); const { inspect, types: { isPromise, isRegExp } } = require('util'); const { EOL } = require('internal/constants'); const { NativeModule } = require('internal/bootstrap/loaders'); const errorCache = new Map(); let isDeepEqual; let isDeepStrictEqual; let parseExpressionAt; let findNodeAround; let columnOffset = 0; let decoder; function lazyLoadComparison() { const comparison = require('internal/util/comparisons'); isDeepEqual = comparison.isDeepEqual; isDeepStrictEqual = comparison.isDeepStrictEqual; } // Escape control characters but not \n and \t to keep the line breaks and // indentation intact. // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex const escapeSequencesRegExp = /[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]/g; const meta = [ '\\u0000', '\\u0001', '\\u0002', '\\u0003', '\\u0004', '\\u0005', '\\u0006', '\\u0007', '\\b', '', '', '\\u000b', '\\f', '', '\\u000e', '\\u000f', '\\u0010', '\\u0011', '\\u0012', '\\u0013', '\\u0014', '\\u0015', '\\u0016', '\\u0017', '\\u0018', '\\u0019', '\\u001a', '\\u001b', '\\u001c', '\\u001d', '\\u001e', '\\u001f' ]; const escapeFn = (str) => meta[str.charCodeAt(0)]; let warned = false; // The assert module provides functions that throw // AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The // assert module must conform to the following interface. const assert = module.exports = ok; const NO_EXCEPTION_SENTINEL = {}; // All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError // when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that // may be undefined if not provided. All assertion methods provide // both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for // display purposes. function innerFail(obj) { if (obj.message instanceof Error) throw obj.message; throw new AssertionError(obj); } function fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFn) { const argsLen = arguments.length; let internalMessage; if (argsLen === 0) { internalMessage = 'Failed'; } else if (argsLen === 1) { message = actual; actual = undefined; } else { if (warned === false) { warned = true; process.emitWarning( 'assert.fail() with more than one argument is deprecated. ' + 'Please use assert.strictEqual() instead or only pass a message.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0094' ); } if (argsLen === 2) operator = '!='; } if (message instanceof Error) throw message; const errArgs = { actual, expected, operator: operator === undefined ? 'fail' : operator, stackStartFn: stackStartFn || fail }; if (message !== undefined) { errArgs.message = message; } const err = new AssertionError(errArgs); if (internalMessage) { err.message = internalMessage; err.generatedMessage = true; } throw err; } assert.fail = fail; // The AssertionError is defined in internal/error. assert.AssertionError = AssertionError; function findColumn(fd, column, code) { if (code.length > column + 100) { try { return parseCode(code, column); } catch { // End recursion in case no code could be parsed. The expression should // have been found after 2500 characters, so stop trying. if (code.length - column > 2500) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal throw null; } } } // Read up to 2500 bytes more than necessary in columns. That way we address // multi byte characters and read enough data to parse the code. const bytesToRead = column - code.length + 2500; const buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(bytesToRead); const bytesRead = readSync(fd, buffer, 0, bytesToRead); code += decoder.write(buffer.slice(0, bytesRead)); // EOF: fast path. if (bytesRead < bytesToRead) { return parseCode(code, column); } // Read potentially missing code. return findColumn(fd, column, code); } function getCode(fd, line, column) { let bytesRead = 0; if (line === 0) { // Special handle line number one. This is more efficient and simplifies the // rest of the algorithm. Read more than the regular column number in bytes // to prevent multiple reads in case multi byte characters are used. return findColumn(fd, column, ''); } let lines = 0; // Prevent blocking the event loop by limiting the maximum amount of // data that may be read. let maxReads = 64; // bytesPerRead * maxReads = 512 kb const bytesPerRead = 8192; // Use a single buffer up front that is reused until the call site is found. let buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(bytesPerRead); while (maxReads-- !== 0) { // Only allocate a new buffer in case the needed line is found. All data // before that can be discarded. buffer = lines < line ? buffer : Buffer.allocUnsafe(bytesPerRead); bytesRead = readSync(fd, buffer, 0, bytesPerRead); // Read the buffer until the required code line is found. for (var i = 0; i < bytesRead; i++) { if (buffer[i] === 10 && ++lines === line) { // If the end of file is reached, directly parse the code and return. if (bytesRead < bytesPerRead) { return parseCode(buffer.toString('utf8', i + 1, bytesRead), column); } // Check if the read code is sufficient or read more until the whole // expression is read. Make sure multi byte characters are preserved // properly by using the decoder. const code = decoder.write(buffer.slice(i + 1, bytesRead)); return findColumn(fd, column, code); } } } } function parseCode(code, offset) { // Lazy load acorn. if (parseExpressionAt === undefined) { ({ parseExpressionAt } = require('internal/deps/acorn/dist/acorn')); ({ findNodeAround } = require('internal/deps/acorn/dist/walk')); } let node; let start = 0; // Parse the read code until the correct expression is found. do { try { node = parseExpressionAt(code, start); start = node.end + 1 || start; // Find the CallExpression in the tree. node = findNodeAround(node, offset, 'CallExpression'); } catch (err) { // Unexpected token error and the like. start += err.raisedAt || 1; if (start > offset) { // No matching expression found. This could happen if the assert // expression is bigger than the provided buffer. // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal throw null; } } } while (node === undefined || node.node.end < offset); return [ node.node.start, code.slice(node.node.start, node.node.end) .replace(escapeSequencesRegExp, escapeFn) ]; } function getErrMessage(message, fn) { const tmpLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit; // Make sure the limit is set to 1. Otherwise it could fail (<= 0) or it // does to much work. Error.stackTraceLimit = 1; // We only need the stack trace. To minimize the overhead use an object // instead of an error. const err = {}; Error.captureStackTrace(err, fn); Error.stackTraceLimit = tmpLimit; const tmpPrepare = Error.prepareStackTrace; Error.prepareStackTrace = (_, stack) => stack; const call = err.stack[0]; Error.prepareStackTrace = tmpPrepare; const filename = call.getFileName(); if (!filename) { return message; } const line = call.getLineNumber() - 1; let column = call.getColumnNumber() - 1; // Line number one reports the wrong column due to being wrapped in a // function. Remove that offset to get the actual call. if (line === 0) { if (columnOffset === 0) { const { wrapper } = require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); columnOffset = wrapper[0].length; } column -= columnOffset; } const identifier = `${filename}${line}${column}`; if (errorCache.has(identifier)) { return errorCache.get(identifier); } // Skip Node.js modules! if (filename.endsWith('.js') && NativeModule.exists(filename.slice(0, -3))) { errorCache.set(identifier, undefined); return; } let fd; try { // Set the stack trace limit to zero. This makes sure unexpected token // errors are handled faster. Error.stackTraceLimit = 0; if (decoder === undefined) { const { StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder'); decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8'); } fd = openSync(filename, 'r', 0o666); // Reset column and message. [column, message] = getCode(fd, line, column); // Flush unfinished multi byte characters. decoder.end(); // Always normalize indentation, otherwise the message could look weird. if (message.indexOf('\n') !== -1) { if (EOL === '\r\n') { message = message.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); } const frames = message.split('\n'); message = frames.shift(); for (const frame of frames) { let pos = 0; while (pos < column && (frame[pos] === ' ' || frame[pos] === '\t')) { pos++; } message += `\n ${frame.slice(pos)}`; } } message = `The expression evaluated to a falsy value:\n\n ${message}\n`; // Make sure to always set the cache! No matter if the message is // undefined or not errorCache.set(identifier, message); return message; } catch { // Invalidate cache to prevent trying to read this part again. errorCache.set(identifier, undefined); } finally { // Reset limit. Error.stackTraceLimit = tmpLimit; if (fd !== undefined) closeSync(fd); } } function innerOk(fn, argLen, value, message) { if (!value) { let generatedMessage = false; if (argLen === 0) { generatedMessage = true; message = 'No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`'; } else if (message == null) { generatedMessage = true; message = getErrMessage(message, fn); } else if (message instanceof Error) { throw message; } const err = new AssertionError({ actual: value, expected: true, message, operator: '==', stackStartFn: fn }); err.generatedMessage = generatedMessage; throw err; } } // Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined // by !!value. function ok(...args) { innerOk(ok, args.length, ...args); } assert.ok = ok; // The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with ==. /* eslint-disable no-restricted-properties */ assert.equal = function equal(actual, expected, message) { // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (actual != expected) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: '==', stackStartFn: equal }); } }; // The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not // equal with !=. assert.notEqual = function notEqual(actual, expected, message) { // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (actual == expected) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: '!=', stackStartFn: notEqual }); } }; // The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation. assert.deepEqual = function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (isDeepEqual === undefined) lazyLoadComparison(); if (!isDeepEqual(actual, expected)) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: 'deepEqual', stackStartFn: deepEqual }); } }; // The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality. assert.notDeepEqual = function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (isDeepEqual === undefined) lazyLoadComparison(); if (isDeepEqual(actual, expected)) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: 'notDeepEqual', stackStartFn: notDeepEqual }); } }; /* eslint-enable */ assert.deepStrictEqual = function deepStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (isDeepEqual === undefined) lazyLoadComparison(); if (!isDeepStrictEqual(actual, expected)) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: 'deepStrictEqual', stackStartFn: deepStrictEqual }); } }; assert.notDeepStrictEqual = notDeepStrictEqual; function notDeepStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (isDeepEqual === undefined) lazyLoadComparison(); if (isDeepStrictEqual(actual, expected)) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: 'notDeepStrictEqual', stackStartFn: notDeepStrictEqual }); } } assert.strictEqual = function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (!Object.is(actual, expected)) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: 'strictEqual', stackStartFn: strictEqual }); } }; assert.notStrictEqual = function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) { if (Object.is(actual, expected)) { innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: 'notStrictEqual', stackStartFn: notStrictEqual }); } }; class Comparison { constructor(obj, keys, actual) { for (const key of keys) { if (key in obj) { if (actual !== undefined && typeof actual[key] === 'string' && isRegExp(obj[key]) && obj[key].test(actual[key])) { this[key] = actual[key]; } else { this[key] = obj[key]; } } } } } function compareExceptionKey(actual, expected, key, message, keys) { if (!(key in actual) || !isDeepStrictEqual(actual[key], expected[key])) { if (!message) { // Create placeholder objects to create a nice output. const a = new Comparison(actual, keys); const b = new Comparison(expected, keys, actual); const err = new AssertionError({ actual: a, expected: b, operator: 'deepStrictEqual', stackStartFn: assert.throws }); err.actual = actual; err.expected = expected; err.operator = 'throws'; throw err; } innerFail({ actual, expected, message, operator: 'throws', stackStartFn: assert.throws }); } } function expectedException(actual, expected, msg) { if (typeof expected !== 'function') { if (isRegExp(expected)) return expected.test(actual); // assert.doesNotThrow does not accept objects. if (arguments.length === 2) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'expected', ['Function', 'RegExp'], expected ); } // TODO: Disallow primitives as error argument. // This is here to prevent a breaking change. if (typeof expected !== 'object') { return true; } // Handle primitives properly. if (typeof actual !== 'object' || actual === null) { const err = new AssertionError({ actual, expected, message: msg, operator: 'deepStrictEqual', stackStartFn: assert.throws }); err.operator = 'throws'; throw err; } const keys = Object.keys(expected); // Special handle errors to make sure the name and the message are compared // as well. if (expected instanceof Error) { keys.push('name', 'message'); } if (isDeepEqual === undefined) lazyLoadComparison(); for (const key of keys) { if (typeof actual[key] === 'string' && isRegExp(expected[key]) && expected[key].test(actual[key])) { continue; } compareExceptionKey(actual, expected, key, msg, keys); } return true; } // Guard instanceof against arrow functions as they don't have a prototype. if (expected.prototype !== undefined && actual instanceof expected) { return true; } if (Error.isPrototypeOf(expected)) { return false; } return expected.call({}, actual) === true; } function getActual(fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('fn', 'Function', fn); } try { fn(); } catch (e) { return e; } return NO_EXCEPTION_SENTINEL; } function checkIsPromise(obj) { // Accept native ES6 promises and promises that are implemented in a similar // way. Do not accept thenables that use a function as `obj` and that have no // `catch` handler. return isPromise(obj) || obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.then === 'function' && typeof obj.catch === 'function'; } async function waitForActual(promiseFn) { let resultPromise; if (typeof promiseFn === 'function') { // Return a rejected promise if `promiseFn` throws synchronously. resultPromise = promiseFn(); // Fail in case no promise is returned. if (!checkIsPromise(resultPromise)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE('instance of Promise', 'promiseFn', resultPromise); } } else if (checkIsPromise(promiseFn)) { resultPromise = promiseFn; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'promiseFn', ['Function', 'Promise'], promiseFn); } try { await resultPromise; } catch (e) { return e; } return NO_EXCEPTION_SENTINEL; } function expectsError(stackStartFn, actual, error, message) { if (typeof error === 'string') { if (arguments.length === 4) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('error', ['Object', 'Error', 'Function', 'RegExp'], error); } if (typeof actual === 'object' && actual !== null) { if (actual.message === error) { throw new ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT( 'error/message', `The error message "${actual.message}" is identical to the message.` ); } } else if (actual === error) { throw new ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT( 'error/message', `The error "${actual}" is identical to the message.` ); } message = error; error = undefined; } if (actual === NO_EXCEPTION_SENTINEL) { let details = ''; if (error && error.name) { details += ` (${error.name})`; } details += message ? `: ${message}` : '.'; const fnType = stackStartFn.name === 'rejects' ? 'rejection' : 'exception'; innerFail({ actual: undefined, expected: error, operator: stackStartFn.name, message: `Missing expected ${fnType}${details}`, stackStartFn }); } if (error && expectedException(actual, error, message) === false) { throw actual; } } function expectsNoError(stackStartFn, actual, error, message) { if (actual === NO_EXCEPTION_SENTINEL) return; if (typeof error === 'string') { message = error; error = undefined; } if (!error || expectedException(actual, error)) { const details = message ? `: ${message}` : '.'; const fnType = stackStartFn.name === 'doesNotReject' ? 'rejection' : 'exception'; innerFail({ actual, expected: error, operator: stackStartFn.name, message: `Got unwanted ${fnType}${details}\n` + `Actual message: "${actual && actual.message}"`, stackStartFn }); } throw actual; } assert.throws = function throws(promiseFn, ...args) { expectsError(throws, getActual(promiseFn), ...args); }; assert.rejects = async function rejects(promiseFn, ...args) { expectsError(rejects, await waitForActual(promiseFn), ...args); }; assert.doesNotThrow = function doesNotThrow(fn, ...args) { expectsNoError(doesNotThrow, getActual(fn), ...args); }; assert.doesNotReject = async function doesNotReject(fn, ...args) { expectsNoError(doesNotReject, await waitForActual(fn), ...args); }; assert.ifError = function ifError(err) { if (err !== null && err !== undefined) { let message = 'ifError got unwanted exception: '; if (typeof err === 'object' && typeof err.message === 'string') { if (err.message.length === 0 && err.constructor) { message += err.constructor.name; } else { message += err.message; } } else { message += inspect(err); } const newErr = new AssertionError({ actual: err, expected: null, operator: 'ifError', message, stackStartFn: ifError }); // Make sure we actually have a stack trace! const origStack = err.stack; if (typeof origStack === 'string') { // This will remove any duplicated frames from the error frames taken // from within `ifError` and add the original error frames to the newly // created ones. const tmp2 = origStack.split('\n'); tmp2.shift(); // Filter all frames existing in err.stack. let tmp1 = newErr.stack.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < tmp2.length; i++) { // Find the first occurrence of the frame. const pos = tmp1.indexOf(tmp2[i]); if (pos !== -1) { // Only keep new frames. tmp1 = tmp1.slice(0, pos); break; } } newErr.stack = `${tmp1.join('\n')}\n${tmp2.join('\n')}`; } throw newErr; } }; // Expose a strict only variant of assert function strict(...args) { innerOk(strict, args.length, ...args); } assert.strict = Object.assign(strict, assert, { equal: assert.strictEqual, deepEqual: assert.deepStrictEqual, notEqual: assert.notStrictEqual, notDeepEqual: assert.notDeepStrictEqual }); assert.strict.strict = assert.strict; buffer// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { byteLengthUtf8, copy: _copy, compare: _compare, compareOffset, createFromString, fill: bindingFill, indexOfBuffer, indexOfNumber, indexOfString, swap16: _swap16, swap32: _swap32, swap64: _swap64, kMaxLength, kStringMaxLength } = process.binding('buffer'); // We cannot use internalBinding unconditionally here because of the way // that test/parallel/test-buffer-bindingobj-no-zerofill.js is written. let isAnyArrayBuffer; try { isAnyArrayBuffer = internalBinding('types').isAnyArrayBuffer; } catch { isAnyArrayBuffer = require('util').types.isAnyArrayBuffer; } const { customInspectSymbol, isInsideNodeModules, normalizeEncoding, kIsEncodingSymbol } = require('internal/util'); const { isArrayBufferView, isUint8Array } = require('internal/util/types'); const { pendingDeprecation } = process.binding('config'); const { ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED, ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const internalBuffer = require('internal/buffer'); const { setupBufferJS } = internalBuffer; const bindingObj = {}; class FastBuffer extends Uint8Array {} FastBuffer.prototype.constructor = Buffer; internalBuffer.FastBuffer = FastBuffer; Buffer.prototype = FastBuffer.prototype; for (const [name, method] of Object.entries(internalBuffer.readWrites)) { Buffer.prototype[name] = method; } const constants = Object.defineProperties({}, { MAX_LENGTH: { value: kMaxLength, writable: false, enumerable: true }, MAX_STRING_LENGTH: { value: kStringMaxLength, writable: false, enumerable: true } }); Buffer.poolSize = 8 * 1024; var poolSize, poolOffset, allocPool; setupBufferJS(Buffer.prototype, bindingObj); // |zeroFill| can be undefined when running inside an isolate where we // do not own the ArrayBuffer allocator. Zero fill is always on in that case. const zeroFill = bindingObj.zeroFill || [0]; function createUnsafeBuffer(size) { return new FastBuffer(createUnsafeArrayBuffer(size)); } function createUnsafeArrayBuffer(size) { zeroFill[0] = 0; try { return new ArrayBuffer(size); } finally { zeroFill[0] = 1; } } function createPool() { poolSize = Buffer.poolSize; allocPool = createUnsafeArrayBuffer(poolSize); poolOffset = 0; } createPool(); function alignPool() { // Ensure aligned slices if (poolOffset & 0x7) { poolOffset |= 0x7; poolOffset++; } } let bufferWarningAlreadyEmitted = false; let nodeModulesCheckCounter = 0; const bufferWarning = 'Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability ' + 'issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), ' + 'Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.'; function showFlaggedDeprecation() { if (bufferWarningAlreadyEmitted || ++nodeModulesCheckCounter > 10000 || (!pendingDeprecation && isInsideNodeModules())) { // We don't emit a warning, because we either: // - Already did so, or // - Already checked too many times whether a call is coming // from node_modules and want to stop slowing down things, or // - We aren't running with `--pending-deprecation` enabled, // and the code is inside `node_modules`. return; } process.emitWarning(bufferWarning, 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0005'); bufferWarningAlreadyEmitted = true; } /** * The Buffer() constructor is deprecated in documentation and should not be * used moving forward. Rather, developers should use one of the three new * factory APIs: Buffer.from(), Buffer.allocUnsafe() or Buffer.alloc() based on * their specific needs. There is no runtime deprecation because of the extent * to which the Buffer constructor is used in the ecosystem currently -- a * runtime deprecation would introduce too much breakage at this time. It's not * likely that the Buffer constructors would ever actually be removed. * Deprecation Code: DEP0005 */ function Buffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length) { showFlaggedDeprecation(); // Common case. if (typeof arg === 'number') { if (typeof encodingOrOffset === 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('string', 'string', arg); } return Buffer.alloc(arg); } return Buffer.from(arg, encodingOrOffset, length); } Object.defineProperty(Buffer, Symbol.species, { enumerable: false, configurable: true, get() { return FastBuffer; } }); /** * Functionally equivalent to Buffer(arg, encoding) but throws a TypeError * if value is a number. * Buffer.from(str[, encoding]) * Buffer.from(array) * Buffer.from(buffer) * Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]]) */ Buffer.from = function from(value, encodingOrOffset, length) { if (typeof value === 'string') return fromString(value, encodingOrOffset); if (isAnyArrayBuffer(value)) return fromArrayBuffer(value, encodingOrOffset, length); if (value === null || value === undefined) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'first argument', ['string', 'Buffer', 'ArrayBuffer', 'Array', 'Array-like Object'], value ); } if (typeof value === 'number') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('value', 'not number', value); } const valueOf = value.valueOf && value.valueOf(); if (valueOf !== null && valueOf !== undefined && valueOf !== value) return Buffer.from(valueOf, encodingOrOffset, length); var b = fromObject(value); if (b) return b; if (typeof value[Symbol.toPrimitive] === 'function') { return Buffer.from(value[Symbol.toPrimitive]('string'), encodingOrOffset, length); } throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'first argument', ['string', 'Buffer', 'ArrayBuffer', 'Array', 'Array-like Object'], value ); }; // Identical to the built-in %TypedArray%.of(), but avoids using the deprecated // Buffer() constructor. Must use arrow function syntax to avoid automatically // adding a `prototype` property and making the function a constructor. // // Refs: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-%typedarray%.of // Refs: https://esdiscuss.org/topic/isconstructor#content-11 const of = (...items) => { const newObj = createUnsafeBuffer(items.length); for (var k = 0; k < items.length; k++) newObj[k] = items[k]; return newObj; }; Buffer.of = of; Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer, Uint8Array); // The 'assertSize' method will remove itself from the callstack when an error // occurs. This is done simply to keep the internal details of the // implementation from bleeding out to users. function assertSize(size) { let err = null; if (typeof size !== 'number') { err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('size', 'number', size); } else if (size < 0 || size > kMaxLength) { err = new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE.RangeError('size', size); } if (err !== null) { Error.captureStackTrace(err, assertSize); throw err; } } /** * Creates a new filled Buffer instance. * alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]]) */ Buffer.alloc = function alloc(size, fill, encoding) { assertSize(size); if (fill !== undefined && fill !== 0 && size > 0) { const buf = createUnsafeBuffer(size); return _fill(buf, fill, 0, buf.length, encoding); } return new FastBuffer(size); }; /** * Equivalent to Buffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled Buffer * instance. If `--zero-fill-buffers` is set, will zero-fill the buffer. */ Buffer.allocUnsafe = function allocUnsafe(size) { assertSize(size); return allocate(size); }; /** * Equivalent to SlowBuffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled * Buffer instance that is not allocated off the pre-initialized pool. * If `--zero-fill-buffers` is set, will zero-fill the buffer. */ Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function allocUnsafeSlow(size) { assertSize(size); return createUnsafeBuffer(size); }; // If --zero-fill-buffers command line argument is set, a zero-filled // buffer is returned. function SlowBuffer(length) { // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (+length != length) length = 0; assertSize(+length); return createUnsafeBuffer(+length); } Object.setPrototypeOf(SlowBuffer.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype); Object.setPrototypeOf(SlowBuffer, Uint8Array); function allocate(size) { if (size <= 0) { return new FastBuffer(); } if (size < (Buffer.poolSize >>> 1)) { if (size > (poolSize - poolOffset)) createPool(); var b = new FastBuffer(allocPool, poolOffset, size); poolOffset += size; alignPool(); return b; } else { return createUnsafeBuffer(size); } } function fromString(string, encoding) { var length; if (typeof encoding !== 'string' || encoding.length === 0) { if (string.length === 0) return new FastBuffer(); encoding = 'utf8'; length = byteLengthUtf8(string); } else { length = byteLength(string, encoding, true); if (length === -1) throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING(encoding); if (string.length === 0) return new FastBuffer(); } if (length >= (Buffer.poolSize >>> 1)) return createFromString(string, encoding); if (length > (poolSize - poolOffset)) createPool(); var b = new FastBuffer(allocPool, poolOffset, length); const actual = b.write(string, encoding); if (actual !== length) { // byteLength() may overestimate. That's a rare case, though. b = new FastBuffer(allocPool, poolOffset, actual); } poolOffset += actual; alignPool(); return b; } function fromArrayLike(obj) { const length = obj.length; const b = allocate(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) b[i] = obj[i]; return b; } function fromArrayBuffer(obj, byteOffset, length) { // convert byteOffset to integer if (byteOffset === undefined) { byteOffset = 0; } else { byteOffset = +byteOffset; if (Number.isNaN(byteOffset)) byteOffset = 0; } const maxLength = obj.byteLength - byteOffset; if (maxLength < 0) throw new ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS('offset'); if (length === undefined) { length = maxLength; } else { // Convert length to non-negative integer. length = +length; if (length > 0) { if (length > maxLength) throw new ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS('length'); } else { length = 0; } } return new FastBuffer(obj, byteOffset, length); } function fromObject(obj) { if (isUint8Array(obj)) { const b = allocate(obj.length); if (b.length === 0) return b; _copy(obj, b, 0, 0, obj.length); return b; } if (obj.length !== undefined || isAnyArrayBuffer(obj.buffer)) { if (typeof obj.length !== 'number') { return new FastBuffer(); } return fromArrayLike(obj); } if (obj.type === 'Buffer' && Array.isArray(obj.data)) { return fromArrayLike(obj.data); } } // Static methods Buffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer(b) { return b instanceof Buffer; }; Buffer.compare = function compare(buf1, buf2) { if (!isUint8Array(buf1)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buf1', ['Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], buf1); } if (!isUint8Array(buf2)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buf2', ['Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], buf2); } if (buf1 === buf2) { return 0; } return _compare(buf1, buf2); }; Buffer.isEncoding = function isEncoding(encoding) { return typeof encoding === 'string' && encoding.length !== 0 && normalizeEncoding(encoding) !== undefined; }; Buffer[kIsEncodingSymbol] = Buffer.isEncoding; Buffer.concat = function concat(list, length) { var i; if (!Array.isArray(list)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'list', ['Array', 'Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], list); } if (list.length === 0) return new FastBuffer(); if (length === undefined) { length = 0; for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) length += list[i].length; } else { length = length >>> 0; } var buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(length); var pos = 0; for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var buf = list[i]; if (!isUint8Array(buf)) { // TODO(BridgeAR): This should not be of type ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE. // Instead, find the proper error code for this. throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( `list[${i}]`, ['Array', 'Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], list[i]); } _copy(buf, buffer, pos); pos += buf.length; } // Note: `length` is always equal to `buffer.length` at this point if (pos < length) { // Zero-fill the remaining bytes if the specified `length` was more than // the actual total length, i.e. if we have some remaining allocated bytes // there were not initialized. buffer.fill(0, pos, length); } return buffer; }; function base64ByteLength(str, bytes) { // Handle padding if (str.charCodeAt(bytes - 1) === 0x3D) bytes--; if (bytes > 1 && str.charCodeAt(bytes - 1) === 0x3D) bytes--; // Base64 ratio: 3/4 return (bytes * 3) >>> 2; } function byteLength(string, encoding) { if (typeof string !== 'string') { if (isArrayBufferView(string) || isAnyArrayBuffer(string)) { return string.byteLength; } throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'string', ['string', 'Buffer', 'ArrayBuffer'], string ); } const len = string.length; const mustMatch = (arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true); if (!mustMatch && len === 0) return 0; if (!encoding) return (mustMatch ? -1 : byteLengthUtf8(string)); encoding += ''; switch (encoding.length) { case 4: if (encoding === 'utf8') return byteLengthUtf8(string); if (encoding === 'ucs2') return len * 2; encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (encoding === 'utf8') return byteLengthUtf8(string); if (encoding === 'ucs2') return len * 2; break; case 5: if (encoding === 'utf-8') return byteLengthUtf8(string); if (encoding === 'ascii') return len; if (encoding === 'ucs-2') return len * 2; encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (encoding === 'utf-8') return byteLengthUtf8(string); if (encoding === 'ascii') return len; if (encoding === 'ucs-2') return len * 2; break; case 7: if (encoding === 'utf16le' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'utf16le') return len * 2; break; case 8: if (encoding === 'utf-16le' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'utf-16le') return len * 2; break; case 6: if (encoding === 'latin1' || encoding === 'binary') return len; if (encoding === 'base64') return base64ByteLength(string, len); encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (encoding === 'latin1' || encoding === 'binary') return len; if (encoding === 'base64') return base64ByteLength(string, len); break; case 3: if (encoding === 'hex' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'hex') return len >>> 1; break; } return (mustMatch ? -1 : byteLengthUtf8(string)); } Buffer.byteLength = byteLength; // For backwards compatibility. Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, 'parent', { enumerable: true, get() { if (!(this instanceof Buffer)) return undefined; return this.buffer; } }); Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, 'offset', { enumerable: true, get() { if (!(this instanceof Buffer)) return undefined; return this.byteOffset; } }); function stringSlice(buf, encoding, start, end) { if (encoding === undefined) return buf.utf8Slice(start, end); encoding += ''; switch (encoding.length) { case 4: if (encoding === 'utf8') return buf.utf8Slice(start, end); if (encoding === 'ucs2') return buf.ucs2Slice(start, end); encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (encoding === 'utf8') return buf.utf8Slice(start, end); if (encoding === 'ucs2') return buf.ucs2Slice(start, end); break; case 5: if (encoding === 'utf-8') return buf.utf8Slice(start, end); if (encoding === 'ascii') return buf.asciiSlice(start, end); if (encoding === 'ucs-2') return buf.ucs2Slice(start, end); encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (encoding === 'utf-8') return buf.utf8Slice(start, end); if (encoding === 'ascii') return buf.asciiSlice(start, end); if (encoding === 'ucs-2') return buf.ucs2Slice(start, end); break; case 6: if (encoding === 'latin1' || encoding === 'binary') return buf.latin1Slice(start, end); if (encoding === 'base64') return buf.base64Slice(start, end); encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (encoding === 'latin1' || encoding === 'binary') return buf.latin1Slice(start, end); if (encoding === 'base64') return buf.base64Slice(start, end); break; case 3: if (encoding === 'hex' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'hex') return buf.hexSlice(start, end); break; case 7: if (encoding === 'utf16le' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'utf16le') return buf.ucs2Slice(start, end); break; case 8: if (encoding === 'utf-16le' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'utf-16le') return buf.ucs2Slice(start, end); break; } throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING(encoding); } Buffer.prototype.copy = function copy(target, targetStart, sourceStart, sourceEnd) { return _copy(this, target, targetStart, sourceStart, sourceEnd); }; // No need to verify that "buf.length <= MAX_UINT32" since it's a read-only // property of a typed array. // This behaves neither like String nor Uint8Array in that we set start/end // to their upper/lower bounds if the value passed is out of range. Buffer.prototype.toString = function toString(encoding, start, end) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this.utf8Slice(0, this.length); } const len = this.length; if (len === 0) return ''; if (!start || start < 0) start = 0; else if (start >= len) return ''; if (end === undefined || end > len) end = len; else if (end <= 0) return ''; start |= 0; end |= 0; if (end <= start) return ''; return stringSlice(this, encoding, start, end); }; Buffer.prototype.equals = function equals(otherBuffer) { if (!isUint8Array(otherBuffer)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'otherBuffer', ['Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], otherBuffer); } if (this === otherBuffer) return true; return _compare(this, otherBuffer) === 0; }; // Override how buffers are presented by util.inspect(). Buffer.prototype[customInspectSymbol] = function inspect() { var str = ''; var max = exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; str = this.toString('hex', 0, max).replace(/(.{2})/g, '$1 ').trim(); if (this.length > max) str += ' ... '; return `<${this.constructor.name} ${str}>`; }; Buffer.prototype.inspect = Buffer.prototype[customInspectSymbol]; Buffer.prototype.compare = function compare(target, start, end, thisStart, thisEnd) { if (!isUint8Array(target)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('target', ['Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], target); } if (arguments.length === 1) return _compare(this, target); if (start === undefined) start = 0; else if (start < 0) throw new ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); else start >>>= 0; if (end === undefined) end = target.length; else if (end > target.length) throw new ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); else end >>>= 0; if (thisStart === undefined) thisStart = 0; else if (thisStart < 0) throw new ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); else thisStart >>>= 0; if (thisEnd === undefined) thisEnd = this.length; else if (thisEnd > this.length) throw new ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); else thisEnd >>>= 0; if (thisStart >= thisEnd) return (start >= end ? 0 : -1); else if (start >= end) return 1; return compareOffset(this, target, start, thisStart, end, thisEnd); }; // Finds either the first index of `val` in `buffer` at offset >= `byteOffset`, // OR the last index of `val` in `buffer` at offset <= `byteOffset`. // // Arguments: // - buffer - a Buffer to search // - val - a string, Buffer, or number // - byteOffset - an index into `buffer`; will be clamped to an int32 // - encoding - an optional encoding, relevant if val is a string // - dir - true for indexOf, false for lastIndexOf function bidirectionalIndexOf(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) { if (typeof byteOffset === 'string') { encoding = byteOffset; byteOffset = undefined; } else if (byteOffset > 0x7fffffff) { byteOffset = 0x7fffffff; } else if (byteOffset < -0x80000000) { byteOffset = -0x80000000; } // Coerce to Number. Values like null and [] become 0. byteOffset = +byteOffset; // If the offset is undefined, "foo", {}, coerces to NaN, search whole buffer. if (Number.isNaN(byteOffset)) { byteOffset = dir ? 0 : buffer.length; } dir = !!dir; // Cast to bool. if (typeof val === 'string') { if (encoding === undefined) { return indexOfString(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir); } return slowIndexOf(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir); } else if (isUint8Array(val)) { return indexOfBuffer(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir); } else if (typeof val === 'number') { return indexOfNumber(buffer, val >>> 0, byteOffset, dir); } throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'value', ['string', 'Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], val ); } function slowIndexOf(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) { var loweredCase = false; for (;;) { switch (encoding) { case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': case 'latin1': case 'binary': return indexOfString(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir); case 'base64': case 'ascii': case 'hex': return indexOfBuffer( buffer, Buffer.from(val, encoding), byteOffset, encoding, dir); default: if (loweredCase) { throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING(encoding); } encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase(); loweredCase = true; } } } Buffer.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) { return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, true); }; Buffer.prototype.lastIndexOf = function lastIndexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) { return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, false); }; Buffer.prototype.includes = function includes(val, byteOffset, encoding) { return this.indexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) !== -1; }; // Usage: // buffer.fill(number[, offset[, end]]) // buffer.fill(buffer[, offset[, end]]) // buffer.fill(string[, offset[, end]][, encoding]) Buffer.prototype.fill = function fill(val, start, end, encoding) { return _fill(this, val, start, end, encoding); }; function _fill(buf, val, start, end, encoding) { if (typeof val === 'string') { if (start === undefined || typeof start === 'string') { encoding = start; start = 0; end = buf.length; } else if (typeof end === 'string') { encoding = end; end = buf.length; } const normalizedEncoding = normalizeEncoding(encoding); if (normalizedEncoding === undefined) { validateString(encoding, 'encoding'); throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING(encoding); } if (val.length === 0) { // If val === '' default to zero. val = 0; } else if (val.length === 1) { // Fast path: If `val` fits into a single byte, use that numeric value. if (normalizedEncoding === 'utf8') { const code = val.charCodeAt(0); if (code < 128) { val = code; } } else if (normalizedEncoding === 'latin1') { val = val.charCodeAt(0); } } } else { encoding = undefined; } if (start === undefined) { start = 0; end = buf.length; } else { // Invalid ranges are not set to a default, so can range check early. if (end === undefined) { if (start < 0) throw new ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); end = buf.length; } else { if (start < 0 || end > buf.length || end < 0) throw new ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); end = end >>> 0; } start = start >>> 0; if (start >= end) return buf; } const res = bindingFill(buf, val, start, end, encoding); if (res < 0) { if (res === -1) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('value', val); throw new ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); } return buf; } Buffer.prototype.write = function write(string, offset, length, encoding) { // Buffer#write(string); if (offset === undefined) { return this.utf8Write(string, 0, this.length); // Buffer#write(string, encoding) } else if (length === undefined && typeof offset === 'string') { encoding = offset; length = this.length; offset = 0; // Buffer#write(string, offset[, length][, encoding]) } else if (isFinite(offset)) { offset = offset >>> 0; if (isFinite(length)) { length = length >>> 0; } else { encoding = length; length = undefined; } var remaining = this.length - offset; if (length === undefined || length > remaining) length = remaining; if (string.length > 0 && (length < 0 || offset < 0)) throw new ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS(); } else { // if someone is still calling the obsolete form of write(), tell them. // we don't want eg buf.write("foo", "utf8", 10) to silently turn into // buf.write("foo", "utf8"), so we can't ignore extra args throw new ERR_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED( 'Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length])' ); } if (!encoding) return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length); encoding += ''; switch (encoding.length) { case 4: if (encoding === 'utf8') return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length); if (encoding === 'ucs2') return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length); encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (encoding === 'utf8') return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length); if (encoding === 'ucs2') return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length); break; case 5: if (encoding === 'utf-8') return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length); if (encoding === 'ascii') return this.asciiWrite(string, offset, length); if (encoding === 'ucs-2') return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length); encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (encoding === 'utf-8') return this.utf8Write(string, offset, length); if (encoding === 'ascii') return this.asciiWrite(string, offset, length); if (encoding === 'ucs-2') return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length); break; case 7: if (encoding === 'utf16le' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'utf16le') return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length); break; case 8: if (encoding === 'utf-16le' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'utf-16le') return this.ucs2Write(string, offset, length); break; case 6: if (encoding === 'latin1' || encoding === 'binary') return this.latin1Write(string, offset, length); if (encoding === 'base64') return this.base64Write(string, offset, length); encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (encoding === 'latin1' || encoding === 'binary') return this.latin1Write(string, offset, length); if (encoding === 'base64') return this.base64Write(string, offset, length); break; case 3: if (encoding === 'hex' || encoding.toLowerCase() === 'hex') return this.hexWrite(string, offset, length); break; } throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING(encoding); }; Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() { if (this.length > 0) { const data = new Array(this.length); for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) data[i] = this[i]; return { type: 'Buffer', data }; } else { return { type: 'Buffer', data: [] }; } }; function adjustOffset(offset, length) { // Use Math.trunc() to convert offset to an integer value that can be larger // than an Int32. Hence, don't use offset | 0 or similar techniques. offset = Math.trunc(offset); if (offset === 0) { return 0; } if (offset < 0) { offset += length; return offset > 0 ? offset : 0; } if (offset < length) { return offset; } return Number.isNaN(offset) ? 0 : length; } Buffer.prototype.slice = function slice(start, end) { const srcLength = this.length; start = adjustOffset(start, srcLength); end = end !== undefined ? adjustOffset(end, srcLength) : srcLength; const newLength = end > start ? end - start : 0; return new FastBuffer(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + start, newLength); }; function swap(b, n, m) { const i = b[n]; b[n] = b[m]; b[m] = i; } Buffer.prototype.swap16 = function swap16() { // For Buffer.length < 128, it's generally faster to // do the swap in javascript. For larger buffers, // dropping down to the native code is faster. const len = this.length; if (len % 2 !== 0) throw new ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE('16-bits'); if (len < 128) { for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) swap(this, i, i + 1); return this; } return _swap16(this); }; Buffer.prototype.swap32 = function swap32() { // For Buffer.length < 192, it's generally faster to // do the swap in javascript. For larger buffers, // dropping down to the native code is faster. const len = this.length; if (len % 4 !== 0) throw new ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE('32-bits'); if (len < 192) { for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { swap(this, i, i + 3); swap(this, i + 1, i + 2); } return this; } return _swap32(this); }; Buffer.prototype.swap64 = function swap64() { // For Buffer.length < 192, it's generally faster to // do the swap in javascript. For larger buffers, // dropping down to the native code is faster. const len = this.length; if (len % 8 !== 0) throw new ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE('64-bits'); if (len < 192) { for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 8) { swap(this, i, i + 7); swap(this, i + 1, i + 6); swap(this, i + 2, i + 5); swap(this, i + 3, i + 4); } return this; } return _swap64(this); }; Buffer.prototype.toLocaleString = Buffer.prototype.toString; let transcode; if (process.binding('config').hasIntl) { const { icuErrName, transcode: _transcode } = process.binding('icu'); // Transcodes the Buffer from one encoding to another, returning a new // Buffer instance. transcode = function transcode(source, fromEncoding, toEncoding) { if (!isUint8Array(source)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('source', ['Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], source); } if (source.length === 0) return Buffer.alloc(0); fromEncoding = normalizeEncoding(fromEncoding) || fromEncoding; toEncoding = normalizeEncoding(toEncoding) || toEncoding; const result = _transcode(source, fromEncoding, toEncoding); if (typeof result !== 'number') return result; const code = icuErrName(result); // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const err = new Error(`Unable to transcode Buffer [${code}]`); err.code = code; err.errno = result; throw err; }; } module.exports = exports = { Buffer, SlowBuffer, transcode, INSPECT_MAX_BYTES: 50, // Legacy kMaxLength, kStringMaxLength }; Object.defineProperty(exports, 'constants', { configurable: false, enumerable: true, value: constants }); child_process// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const util = require('util'); const { deprecate, convertToValidSignal, getSystemErrorName } = require('internal/util'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const debug = util.debuglog('child_process'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { Pipe, constants: PipeConstants } = internalBinding('pipe_wrap'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_IPC_REQUIRED, ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString, isInt32 } = require('internal/validators'); const child_process = require('internal/child_process'); const { _validateStdio, setupChannel, ChildProcess } = child_process; exports.ChildProcess = ChildProcess; function stdioStringToArray(option) { switch (option) { case 'ignore': case 'pipe': case 'inherit': return [option, option, option, 'ipc']; default: throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('stdio', option); } } exports.fork = function fork(modulePath /* , args, options */) { // Get options and args arguments. var execArgv; var options = {}; var args = []; var pos = 1; if (pos < arguments.length && Array.isArray(arguments[pos])) { args = arguments[pos++]; } if (pos < arguments.length && (arguments[pos] === undefined || arguments[pos] === null)) { pos++; } if (pos < arguments.length && arguments[pos] != null) { if (typeof arguments[pos] !== 'object') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE(`arguments[${pos}]`, arguments[pos]); } options = util._extend({}, arguments[pos++]); } // Prepare arguments for fork: execArgv = options.execArgv || process.execArgv; if (execArgv === process.execArgv && process._eval != null) { const index = execArgv.lastIndexOf(process._eval); if (index > 0) { // Remove the -e switch to avoid fork bombing ourselves. execArgv = execArgv.slice(); execArgv.splice(index - 1, 2); } } args = execArgv.concat([modulePath], args); if (typeof options.stdio === 'string') { options.stdio = stdioStringToArray(options.stdio); } else if (!Array.isArray(options.stdio)) { // Use a separate fd=3 for the IPC channel. Inherit stdin, stdout, // and stderr from the parent if silent isn't set. options.stdio = options.silent ? stdioStringToArray('pipe') : stdioStringToArray('inherit'); } else if (options.stdio.indexOf('ipc') === -1) { throw new ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_IPC_REQUIRED('options.stdio'); } options.execPath = options.execPath || process.execPath; options.shell = false; return spawn(options.execPath, args, options); }; exports._forkChild = function _forkChild(fd) { // set process.send() var p = new Pipe(PipeConstants.IPC); p.open(fd); p.unref(); const control = setupChannel(process, p); process.on('newListener', function onNewListener(name) { if (name === 'message' || name === 'disconnect') control.ref(); }); process.on('removeListener', function onRemoveListener(name) { if (name === 'message' || name === 'disconnect') control.unref(); }); }; function normalizeExecArgs(command, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = undefined; } // Make a shallow copy so we don't clobber the user's options object. options = Object.assign({}, options); options.shell = typeof options.shell === 'string' ? options.shell : true; return { file: command, options: options, callback: callback }; } exports.exec = function exec(/* command , options, callback */) { const opts = normalizeExecArgs.apply(null, arguments); return exports.execFile(opts.file, opts.options, opts.callback); }; const customPromiseExecFunction = (orig) => { return (...args) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { orig(...args, (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err !== null) { err.stdout = stdout; err.stderr = stderr; reject(err); } else { resolve({ stdout, stderr }); } }); }); }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports.exec, util.promisify.custom, { enumerable: false, value: customPromiseExecFunction(exports.exec) }); exports.execFile = function execFile(file /* , args, options, callback */) { var args = []; var callback; var options = { encoding: 'utf8', timeout: 0, maxBuffer: 200 * 1024, killSignal: 'SIGTERM', cwd: null, env: null, shell: false }; // Parse the optional positional parameters. var pos = 1; if (pos < arguments.length && Array.isArray(arguments[pos])) { args = arguments[pos++]; } else if (pos < arguments.length && arguments[pos] == null) { pos++; } if (pos < arguments.length && typeof arguments[pos] === 'object') { util._extend(options, arguments[pos++]); } else if (pos < arguments.length && arguments[pos] == null) { pos++; } if (pos < arguments.length && typeof arguments[pos] === 'function') { callback = arguments[pos++]; } if (!callback && pos < arguments.length && arguments[pos] != null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('args', arguments[pos]); } // Validate the timeout, if present. validateTimeout(options.timeout); // Validate maxBuffer, if present. validateMaxBuffer(options.maxBuffer); options.killSignal = sanitizeKillSignal(options.killSignal); var child = spawn(file, args, { cwd: options.cwd, env: options.env, gid: options.gid, uid: options.uid, shell: options.shell, windowsHide: !!options.windowsHide, windowsVerbatimArguments: !!options.windowsVerbatimArguments }); var encoding; var _stdout = []; var _stderr = []; if (options.encoding !== 'buffer' && Buffer.isEncoding(options.encoding)) { encoding = options.encoding; } else { encoding = null; } var stdoutLen = 0; var stderrLen = 0; var killed = false; var exited = false; var timeoutId; var ex = null; var cmd = file; function exithandler(code, signal) { if (exited) return; exited = true; if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = null; } if (!callback) return; // merge chunks var stdout; var stderr; if (encoding || ( child.stdout && child.stdout._readableState && child.stdout._readableState.encoding )) { stdout = _stdout.join(''); } else { stdout = Buffer.concat(_stdout); } if (encoding || ( child.stderr && child.stderr._readableState && child.stderr._readableState.encoding )) { stderr = _stderr.join(''); } else { stderr = Buffer.concat(_stderr); } if (!ex && code === 0 && signal === null) { callback(null, stdout, stderr); return; } if (args.length !== 0) cmd += ` ${args.join(' ')}`; if (!ex) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax ex = new Error('Command failed: ' + cmd + '\n' + stderr); ex.killed = child.killed || killed; ex.code = code < 0 ? getSystemErrorName(code) : code; ex.signal = signal; } ex.cmd = cmd; callback(ex, stdout, stderr); } function errorhandler(e) { ex = e; if (child.stdout) child.stdout.destroy(); if (child.stderr) child.stderr.destroy(); exithandler(); } function kill() { if (child.stdout) child.stdout.destroy(); if (child.stderr) child.stderr.destroy(); killed = true; try { child.kill(options.killSignal); } catch (e) { ex = e; exithandler(); } } if (options.timeout > 0) { timeoutId = setTimeout(function delayedKill() { kill(); timeoutId = null; }, options.timeout); } if (child.stdout) { if (encoding) child.stdout.setEncoding(encoding); child.stdout.on('data', function onChildStdout(chunk) { var encoding = child.stdout._readableState.encoding; stdoutLen += encoding ? Buffer.byteLength(chunk, encoding) : chunk.length; if (stdoutLen > options.maxBuffer) { ex = new ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER('stdout'); kill(); } else { _stdout.push(chunk); } }); } if (child.stderr) { if (encoding) child.stderr.setEncoding(encoding); child.stderr.on('data', function onChildStderr(chunk) { var encoding = child.stderr._readableState.encoding; stderrLen += encoding ? Buffer.byteLength(chunk, encoding) : chunk.length; if (stderrLen > options.maxBuffer) { ex = new ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER('stderr'); kill(); } else { _stderr.push(chunk); } }); } child.addListener('close', exithandler); child.addListener('error', errorhandler); return child; }; Object.defineProperty(exports.execFile, util.promisify.custom, { enumerable: false, value: customPromiseExecFunction(exports.execFile) }); const _deprecatedCustomFds = deprecate( function deprecateCustomFds(options) { options.stdio = options.customFds.map(function mapCustomFds(fd) { return fd === -1 ? 'pipe' : fd; }); }, 'child_process: options.customFds option is deprecated. ' + 'Use options.stdio instead.', 'DEP0006'); function _convertCustomFds(options) { if (options.customFds && !options.stdio) { _deprecatedCustomFds(options); } } function normalizeSpawnArguments(file, args, options) { validateString(file, 'file'); if (file.length === 0) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('file', file, 'cannot be empty'); if (Array.isArray(args)) { args = args.slice(0); } else if (args !== undefined && (args === null || typeof args !== 'object')) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('args', 'object', args); } else { options = args; args = []; } if (options === undefined) options = {}; else if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'object', options); // Validate the cwd, if present. if (options.cwd != null && typeof options.cwd !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.cwd', 'string', options.cwd); } // Validate detached, if present. if (options.detached != null && typeof options.detached !== 'boolean') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.detached', 'boolean', options.detached); } // Validate the uid, if present. if (options.uid != null && !isInt32(options.uid)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.uid', 'int32', options.uid); } // Validate the gid, if present. if (options.gid != null && !isInt32(options.gid)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.gid', 'int32', options.gid); } // Validate the shell, if present. if (options.shell != null && typeof options.shell !== 'boolean' && typeof options.shell !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.shell', ['boolean', 'string'], options.shell); } // Validate argv0, if present. if (options.argv0 != null && typeof options.argv0 !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.argv0', 'string', options.argv0); } // Validate windowsHide, if present. if (options.windowsHide != null && typeof options.windowsHide !== 'boolean') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.windowsHide', 'boolean', options.windowsHide); } // Validate windowsVerbatimArguments, if present. if (options.windowsVerbatimArguments != null && typeof options.windowsVerbatimArguments !== 'boolean') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.windowsVerbatimArguments', 'boolean', options.windowsVerbatimArguments); } // Make a shallow copy so we don't clobber the user's options object. options = Object.assign({}, options); if (options.shell) { const command = [file].concat(args).join(' '); if (process.platform === 'win32') { if (typeof options.shell === 'string') file = options.shell; else file = process.env.comspec || 'cmd.exe'; args = ['/d', '/s', '/c', `"${command}"`]; options.windowsVerbatimArguments = true; } else { if (typeof options.shell === 'string') file = options.shell; else if (process.platform === 'android') file = '/system/bin/sh'; else file = '/bin/sh'; args = ['-c', command]; } } if (typeof options.argv0 === 'string') { args.unshift(options.argv0); } else { args.unshift(file); } var env = options.env || process.env; var envPairs = []; // process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE always propagates, making it possible to // collect coverage for programs that spawn with white-listed environment. if (process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.env || {}, 'NODE_V8_COVERAGE')) { env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE = process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE; } // Prototype values are intentionally included. for (var key in env) { const value = env[key]; if (value !== undefined) { envPairs.push(`${key}=${value}`); } } _convertCustomFds(options); return { file: file, args: args, options: options, envPairs: envPairs }; } var spawn = exports.spawn = function spawn(/* file, args, options */) { var opts = normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null, arguments); var options = opts.options; var child = new ChildProcess(); debug('spawn', opts.args, options); child.spawn({ file: opts.file, args: opts.args, cwd: options.cwd, windowsHide: !!options.windowsHide, windowsVerbatimArguments: !!options.windowsVerbatimArguments, detached: !!options.detached, envPairs: opts.envPairs, stdio: options.stdio, uid: options.uid, gid: options.gid }); return child; }; function spawnSync(/* file, args, options */) { var opts = normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null, arguments); var options = opts.options; debug('spawnSync', opts.args, options); // Validate the timeout, if present. validateTimeout(options.timeout); // Validate maxBuffer, if present. validateMaxBuffer(options.maxBuffer); options.file = opts.file; options.args = opts.args; options.envPairs = opts.envPairs; // Validate and translate the kill signal, if present. options.killSignal = sanitizeKillSignal(options.killSignal); options.stdio = _validateStdio(options.stdio || 'pipe', true).stdio; if (options.input) { var stdin = options.stdio[0] = util._extend({}, options.stdio[0]); stdin.input = options.input; } // We may want to pass data in on any given fd, ensure it is a valid buffer for (var i = 0; i < options.stdio.length; i++) { var input = options.stdio[i] && options.stdio[i].input; if (input != null) { var pipe = options.stdio[i] = util._extend({}, options.stdio[i]); if (isArrayBufferView(input)) { pipe.input = input; } else if (typeof input === 'string') { pipe.input = Buffer.from(input, options.encoding); } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(`options.stdio[${i}]`, ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView', 'string'], input); } } } return child_process.spawnSync(opts); } exports.spawnSync = spawnSync; function checkExecSyncError(ret, args, cmd) { var err; if (ret.error) { err = ret.error; } else if (ret.status !== 0) { var msg = 'Command failed: '; msg += cmd || args.join(' '); if (ret.stderr && ret.stderr.length > 0) msg += `\n${ret.stderr.toString()}`; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax err = new Error(msg); } if (err) { Object.assign(err, ret); } return err; } function execFileSync(/* command, args, options */) { var opts = normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null, arguments); var inheritStderr = !opts.options.stdio; var ret = spawnSync(opts.file, opts.args.slice(1), opts.options); if (inheritStderr && ret.stderr) process.stderr.write(ret.stderr); var err = checkExecSyncError(ret, opts.args, undefined); if (err) throw err; return ret.stdout; } exports.execFileSync = execFileSync; function execSync(command /* , options */) { var opts = normalizeExecArgs.apply(null, arguments); var inheritStderr = !opts.options.stdio; var ret = spawnSync(opts.file, opts.options); if (inheritStderr && ret.stderr) process.stderr.write(ret.stderr); var err = checkExecSyncError(ret, opts.args, command); if (err) throw err; return ret.stdout; } exports.execSync = execSync; function validateTimeout(timeout) { if (timeout != null && !(Number.isInteger(timeout) && timeout >= 0)) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('timeout', 'an unsigned integer', timeout); } } function validateMaxBuffer(maxBuffer) { if (maxBuffer != null && !(typeof maxBuffer === 'number' && maxBuffer >= 0)) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('options.maxBuffer', 'a positive number', maxBuffer); } } function sanitizeKillSignal(killSignal) { if (typeof killSignal === 'string' || typeof killSignal === 'number') { return convertToValidSignal(killSignal); } else if (killSignal != null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.killSignal', ['string', 'number'], killSignal); } } console// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { isStackOverflowError, codes: { ERR_CONSOLE_WRITABLE_STREAM, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, }, } = require('internal/errors'); const { previewEntries } = internalBinding('util'); const { Buffer: { isBuffer } } = require('buffer'); const util = require('util'); const { isTypedArray, isSet, isMap, isSetIterator, isMapIterator, } = util.types; const kCounts = Symbol('counts'); const { keys: ObjectKeys, values: ObjectValues, } = Object; const hasOwnProperty = Function.call.bind(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); const { isArray: ArrayIsArray, from: ArrayFrom, } = Array; // Lazy loaded for startup performance. let cliTable; // Track amount of indentation required via `console.group()`. const kGroupIndent = Symbol('kGroupIndent'); const kFormatForStderr = Symbol('kFormatForStderr'); const kFormatForStdout = Symbol('kFormatForStdout'); const kGetInspectOptions = Symbol('kGetInspectOptions'); const kColorMode = Symbol('kColorMode'); function Console(options /* or: stdout, stderr, ignoreErrors = true */) { if (!(this instanceof Console)) { return new Console(...arguments); } if (!options || typeof options.write === 'function') { options = { stdout: options, stderr: arguments[1], ignoreErrors: arguments[2] }; } const { stdout, stderr = stdout, ignoreErrors = true, colorMode = 'auto' } = options; if (!stdout || typeof stdout.write !== 'function') { throw new ERR_CONSOLE_WRITABLE_STREAM('stdout'); } if (!stderr || typeof stderr.write !== 'function') { throw new ERR_CONSOLE_WRITABLE_STREAM('stderr'); } const prop = { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true }; Object.defineProperty(this, '_stdout', { ...prop, value: stdout }); Object.defineProperty(this, '_stderr', { ...prop, value: stderr }); Object.defineProperty(this, '_ignoreErrors', { ...prop, value: Boolean(ignoreErrors), }); Object.defineProperty(this, '_times', { ...prop, value: new Map() }); Object.defineProperty(this, '_stdoutErrorHandler', { ...prop, value: createWriteErrorHandler(stdout), }); Object.defineProperty(this, '_stderrErrorHandler', { ...prop, value: createWriteErrorHandler(stderr), }); if (typeof colorMode !== 'boolean' && colorMode !== 'auto') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('colorMode', colorMode); this[kCounts] = new Map(); this[kColorMode] = colorMode; Object.defineProperty(this, kGroupIndent, { writable: true }); this[kGroupIndent] = ''; // bind the prototype functions to this Console instance var keys = Object.keys(Console.prototype); for (var v = 0; v < keys.length; v++) { var k = keys[v]; this[k] = this[k].bind(this); } } // Make a function that can serve as the callback passed to `stream.write()`. function createWriteErrorHandler(stream) { return (err) => { // This conditional evaluates to true if and only if there was an error // that was not already emitted (which happens when the _write callback // is invoked asynchronously). if (err !== null && !stream._writableState.errorEmitted) { // If there was an error, it will be emitted on `stream` as // an `error` event. Adding a `once` listener will keep that error // from becoming an uncaught exception, but since the handler is // removed after the event, non-console.* writes won't be affected. // we are only adding noop if there is no one else listening for 'error' if (stream.listenerCount('error') === 0) { stream.on('error', noop); } } }; } function write(ignoreErrors, stream, string, errorhandler, groupIndent) { if (groupIndent.length !== 0) { if (string.indexOf('\n') !== -1) { string = string.replace(/\n/g, `\n${groupIndent}`); } string = groupIndent + string; } string += '\n'; if (ignoreErrors === false) return stream.write(string); // There may be an error occurring synchronously (e.g. for files or TTYs // on POSIX systems) or asynchronously (e.g. pipes on POSIX systems), so // handle both situations. try { // Add and later remove a noop error handler to catch synchronous errors. stream.once('error', noop); stream.write(string, errorhandler); } catch (e) { // console is a debugging utility, so it swallowing errors is not desirable // even in edge cases such as low stack space. if (isStackOverflowError(e)) throw e; // Sorry, there's no proper way to pass along the error here. } finally { stream.removeListener('error', noop); } } const kColorInspectOptions = { colors: true }; const kNoColorInspectOptions = {}; Console.prototype[kGetInspectOptions] = function(stream) { let color = this[kColorMode]; if (color === 'auto') { color = stream.isTTY && ( typeof stream.getColorDepth === 'function' ? stream.getColorDepth() > 2 : true); } return color ? kColorInspectOptions : kNoColorInspectOptions; }; Console.prototype[kFormatForStdout] = function(args) { const opts = this[kGetInspectOptions](this._stdout); return util.formatWithOptions(opts, ...args); }; Console.prototype[kFormatForStderr] = function(args) { const opts = this[kGetInspectOptions](this._stderr); return util.formatWithOptions(opts, ...args); }; Console.prototype.log = function log(...args) { write(this._ignoreErrors, this._stdout, this[kFormatForStdout](args), this._stdoutErrorHandler, this[kGroupIndent]); }; Console.prototype.debug = Console.prototype.log; Console.prototype.info = Console.prototype.log; Console.prototype.dirxml = Console.prototype.log; Console.prototype.warn = function warn(...args) { write(this._ignoreErrors, this._stderr, this[kFormatForStderr](args), this._stderrErrorHandler, this[kGroupIndent]); }; Console.prototype.error = Console.prototype.warn; Console.prototype.dir = function dir(object, options) { options = Object.assign({ customInspect: false }, this[kGetInspectOptions](this._stdout), options); write(this._ignoreErrors, this._stdout, util.inspect(object, options), this._stdoutErrorHandler, this[kGroupIndent]); }; Console.prototype.time = function time(label = 'default') { // Coerces everything other than Symbol to a string label = `${label}`; this._times.set(label, process.hrtime()); }; Console.prototype.timeEnd = function timeEnd(label = 'default') { // Coerces everything other than Symbol to a string label = `${label}`; const hasWarned = timeLogImpl(this, 'timeEnd', label); if (!hasWarned) { this._times.delete(label); } }; Console.prototype.timeLog = function timeLog(label, ...data) { // Coerces everything other than Symbol to a string label = `${label}`; timeLogImpl(this, 'timeLog', label, data); }; // Returns true if label was not found function timeLogImpl(self, name, label = 'default', data) { const time = self._times.get(label); if (!time) { process.emitWarning(`No such label '${label}' for console.${name}()`); return true; } const duration = process.hrtime(time); const ms = duration[0] * 1000 + duration[1] / 1e6; if (data === undefined) { self.log('%s: %sms', label, ms.toFixed(3)); } else { self.log('%s: %sms', label, ms.toFixed(3), ...data); } return false; } Console.prototype.trace = function trace(...args) { const err = { name: 'Trace', message: this[kFormatForStderr](args) }; Error.captureStackTrace(err, trace); this.error(err.stack); }; Console.prototype.assert = function assert(expression, ...args) { if (!expression) { args[0] = `Assertion failed${args.length === 0 ? '' : `: ${args[0]}`}`; this.warn(this[kFormatForStderr](args)); } }; // Defined by: https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#clear Console.prototype.clear = function clear() { // It only makes sense to clear if _stdout is a TTY. // Otherwise, do nothing. if (this._stdout.isTTY) { // The require is here intentionally to avoid readline being // required too early when console is first loaded. const { cursorTo, clearScreenDown } = require('readline'); cursorTo(this._stdout, 0, 0); clearScreenDown(this._stdout); } }; // Defined by: https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#count Console.prototype.count = function count(label = 'default') { // Ensures that label is a string, and only things that can be // coerced to strings. e.g. Symbol is not allowed label = `${label}`; const counts = this[kCounts]; let count = counts.get(label); if (count === undefined) count = 1; else count++; counts.set(label, count); this.log(`${label}: ${count}`); }; // Not yet defined by the https://console.spec.whatwg.org, but // proposed to be added and currently implemented by Edge. Having // the ability to reset counters is important to help prevent // the counter from being a memory leak. Console.prototype.countReset = function countReset(label = 'default') { const counts = this[kCounts]; counts.delete(`${label}`); }; Console.prototype.group = function group(...data) { if (data.length > 0) { this.log(...data); } this[kGroupIndent] += ' '; }; Console.prototype.groupCollapsed = Console.prototype.group; Console.prototype.groupEnd = function groupEnd() { this[kGroupIndent] = this[kGroupIndent].slice(0, this[kGroupIndent].length - 2); }; const keyKey = 'Key'; const valuesKey = 'Values'; const indexKey = '(index)'; const iterKey = '(iteration index)'; const isArray = (v) => ArrayIsArray(v) || isTypedArray(v) || isBuffer(v); // https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#table Console.prototype.table = function(tabularData, properties) { if (properties !== undefined && !ArrayIsArray(properties)) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('properties', 'Array', properties); if (tabularData === null || typeof tabularData !== 'object') return this.log(tabularData); if (cliTable === undefined) cliTable = require('internal/cli_table'); const final = (k, v) => this.log(cliTable(k, v)); const inspect = (v) => { const opt = { depth: 0, maxArrayLength: 3 }; if (v !== null && typeof v === 'object' && !isArray(v) && ObjectKeys(v).length > 2) opt.depth = -1; Object.assign(opt, this[kGetInspectOptions](this._stdout)); return util.inspect(v, opt); }; const getIndexArray = (length) => ArrayFrom({ length }, (_, i) => inspect(i)); const mapIter = isMapIterator(tabularData); let isKeyValue = false; let i = 0; if (mapIter) { const res = previewEntries(tabularData, true); tabularData = res[0]; isKeyValue = res[1]; } if (isKeyValue || isMap(tabularData)) { const keys = []; const values = []; let length = 0; if (mapIter) { for (; i < tabularData.length / 2; ++i) { keys.push(inspect(tabularData[i * 2])); values.push(inspect(tabularData[i * 2 + 1])); length++; } } else { for (const [k, v] of tabularData) { keys.push(inspect(k)); values.push(inspect(v)); length++; } } return final([ iterKey, keyKey, valuesKey ], [ getIndexArray(length), keys, values, ]); } const setIter = isSetIterator(tabularData); if (setIter) tabularData = previewEntries(tabularData); const setlike = setIter || (mapIter && !isKeyValue) || isSet(tabularData); if (setlike) { const values = []; let length = 0; for (const v of tabularData) { values.push(inspect(v)); length++; } return final([setlike ? iterKey : indexKey, valuesKey], [ getIndexArray(length), values, ]); } const map = {}; let hasPrimitives = false; const valuesKeyArray = []; const indexKeyArray = ObjectKeys(tabularData); for (; i < indexKeyArray.length; i++) { const item = tabularData[indexKeyArray[i]]; const primitive = item === null || (typeof item !== 'function' && typeof item !== 'object'); if (properties === undefined && primitive) { hasPrimitives = true; valuesKeyArray[i] = inspect(item); } else { const keys = properties || ObjectKeys(item); for (const key of keys) { if (map[key] === undefined) map[key] = []; if ((primitive && properties) || !hasOwnProperty(item, key)) map[key][i] = ''; else map[key][i] = item == null ? item : inspect(item[key]); } } } const keys = ObjectKeys(map); const values = ObjectValues(map); if (hasPrimitives) { keys.push(valuesKey); values.push(valuesKeyArray); } keys.unshift(indexKey); values.unshift(indexKeyArray); return final(keys, values); }; module.exports = new Console({ stdout: process.stdout, stderr: process.stderr }); module.exports.Console = Console; function noop() {} constants// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; // This module is deprecated in documentation only. Users should be directed // towards using the specific constants exposed by the individual modules on // which they are most relevant. // Deprecation Code: DEP0008 const constants = process.binding('constants'); Object.assign(exports, constants.os.dlopen, constants.os.errno, constants.os.priority, constants.os.signals, constants.fs, constants.crypto); crypto// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // Note: In 0.8 and before, crypto functions all defaulted to using // binary-encoded strings rather than buffers. 'use strict'; const { assertCrypto, deprecate } = require('internal/util'); assertCrypto(); const { ERR_CRYPTO_FIPS_FORCED, ERR_CRYPTO_FIPS_UNAVAILABLE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const constants = internalBinding('constants').crypto; const { fipsMode, fipsForced } = process.binding('config'); const { getFipsCrypto, setFipsCrypto, } = process.binding('crypto'); const { randomBytes, randomFill, randomFillSync } = require('internal/crypto/random'); const { pbkdf2, pbkdf2Sync } = require('internal/crypto/pbkdf2'); const { scrypt, scryptSync } = require('internal/crypto/scrypt'); const { generateKeyPair, generateKeyPairSync } = require('internal/crypto/keygen'); const { DiffieHellman, DiffieHellmanGroup, ECDH } = require('internal/crypto/diffiehellman'); const { Cipher, Cipheriv, Decipher, Decipheriv, privateDecrypt, privateEncrypt, publicDecrypt, publicEncrypt } = require('internal/crypto/cipher'); const { Sign, Verify } = require('internal/crypto/sig'); const { Hash, Hmac } = require('internal/crypto/hash'); const { getCiphers, getCurves, getDefaultEncoding, getHashes, setDefaultEncoding, setEngine, timingSafeEqual, toBuf } = require('internal/crypto/util'); const Certificate = require('internal/crypto/certificate'); // These helper functions are needed because the constructors can // use new, in which case V8 cannot inline the recursive constructor call function createHash(algorithm, options) { return new Hash(algorithm, options); } function createCipher(cipher, password, options) { return new Cipher(cipher, password, options); } function createCipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options) { return new Cipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options); } function createDecipher(cipher, password, options) { return new Decipher(cipher, password, options); } function createDecipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options) { return new Decipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options); } function createDiffieHellman(sizeOrKey, keyEncoding, generator, genEncoding) { return new DiffieHellman(sizeOrKey, keyEncoding, generator, genEncoding); } function createDiffieHellmanGroup(name) { return new DiffieHellmanGroup(name); } function createECDH(curve) { return new ECDH(curve); } function createHmac(hmac, key, options) { return new Hmac(hmac, key, options); } function createSign(algorithm, options) { return new Sign(algorithm, options); } function createVerify(algorithm, options) { return new Verify(algorithm, options); } module.exports = exports = { // Methods _toBuf: toBuf, createCipher, createCipheriv, createDecipher, createDecipheriv, createDiffieHellman, createDiffieHellmanGroup, createECDH, createHash, createHmac, createSign, createVerify, getCiphers, getCurves, getDiffieHellman: createDiffieHellmanGroup, getHashes, pbkdf2, pbkdf2Sync, generateKeyPair, generateKeyPairSync, privateDecrypt, privateEncrypt, prng: randomBytes, pseudoRandomBytes: randomBytes, publicDecrypt, publicEncrypt, randomBytes, randomFill, randomFillSync, rng: randomBytes, scrypt, scryptSync, setEngine, timingSafeEqual, getFips: !fipsMode ? getFipsDisabled : fipsForced ? getFipsForced : getFipsCrypto, setFips: !fipsMode ? setFipsDisabled : fipsForced ? setFipsForced : setFipsCrypto, // Classes Certificate, Cipher, Cipheriv, Decipher, Decipheriv, DiffieHellman, DiffieHellmanGroup, ECDH, Hash, Hmac, Sign, Verify }; function setFipsDisabled() { throw new ERR_CRYPTO_FIPS_UNAVAILABLE(); } function setFipsForced(val) { if (val) return; throw new ERR_CRYPTO_FIPS_FORCED(); } function getFipsDisabled() { return 0; } function getFipsForced() { return 1; } Object.defineProperties(exports, { // crypto.fips is deprecated. DEP0093. Use crypto.getFips()/crypto.setFips() fips: { get: !fipsMode ? getFipsDisabled : fipsForced ? getFipsForced : getFipsCrypto, set: !fipsMode ? setFipsDisabled : fipsForced ? setFipsForced : setFipsCrypto }, DEFAULT_ENCODING: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: deprecate(getDefaultEncoding, 'crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING is deprecated.', 'DEP0091'), set: deprecate(setDefaultEncoding, 'crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING is deprecated.', 'DEP0091') }, constants: { configurable: false, enumerable: true, value: constants }, // Legacy API createCredentials: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: deprecate(() => { return require('tls').createSecureContext; }, 'crypto.createCredentials is deprecated. ' + 'Use tls.createSecureContext instead.', 'DEP0010') }, Credentials: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: deprecate(function() { return require('tls').SecureContext; }, 'crypto.Credentials is deprecated. ' + 'Use tls.SecureContext instead.', 'DEP0011') } }); cluster// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const childOrMaster = 'NODE_UNIQUE_ID' in process.env ? 'child' : 'master'; module.exports = require(`internal/cluster/${childOrMaster}`); dgram// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const errors = require('internal/errors'); const { kStateSymbol, _createSocketHandle, newHandle } = require('internal/dgram'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_MISSING_ARGS, ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND, ERR_SOCKET_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE, ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT, ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE, ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND, ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_RUNNING } = errors.codes; const { validateString, validateNumber } = require('internal/validators'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const util = require('util'); const { isUint8Array } = require('internal/util/types'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope, symbols: { async_id_symbol, owner_symbol } } = require('internal/async_hooks'); const { UV_UDP_REUSEADDR } = process.binding('constants').os; const { UDP, SendWrap } = process.binding('udp_wrap'); const BIND_STATE_UNBOUND = 0; const BIND_STATE_BINDING = 1; const BIND_STATE_BOUND = 2; const RECV_BUFFER = true; const SEND_BUFFER = false; // Lazily loaded var cluster = null; const errnoException = errors.errnoException; const exceptionWithHostPort = errors.exceptionWithHostPort; function Socket(type, listener) { EventEmitter.call(this); var lookup; let recvBufferSize; let sendBufferSize; if (type !== null && typeof type === 'object') { var options = type; type = options.type; lookup = options.lookup; recvBufferSize = options.recvBufferSize; sendBufferSize = options.sendBufferSize; } var handle = newHandle(type, lookup); handle[owner_symbol] = this; this[async_id_symbol] = handle.getAsyncId(); this.type = type; this.fd = null; // compatibility hack if (typeof listener === 'function') this.on('message', listener); this[kStateSymbol] = { handle, receiving: false, bindState: BIND_STATE_UNBOUND, queue: undefined, reuseAddr: options && options.reuseAddr, // Use UV_UDP_REUSEADDR if true. recvBufferSize, sendBufferSize }; } util.inherits(Socket, EventEmitter); function createSocket(type, listener) { return new Socket(type, listener); } function startListening(socket) { const state = socket[kStateSymbol]; state.handle.onmessage = onMessage; // Todo: handle errors state.handle.recvStart(); state.receiving = true; state.bindState = BIND_STATE_BOUND; socket.fd = -42; // compatibility hack if (state.recvBufferSize) bufferSize(socket, state.recvBufferSize, RECV_BUFFER); if (state.sendBufferSize) bufferSize(socket, state.sendBufferSize, SEND_BUFFER); socket.emit('listening'); } function replaceHandle(self, newHandle) { const state = self[kStateSymbol]; const oldHandle = state.handle; // Set up the handle that we got from master. newHandle.lookup = oldHandle.lookup; newHandle.bind = oldHandle.bind; newHandle.send = oldHandle.send; newHandle[owner_symbol] = self; // Replace the existing handle by the handle we got from master. oldHandle.close(); state.handle = newHandle; } function bufferSize(self, size, buffer) { if (size >>> 0 !== size) throw new ERR_SOCKET_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE(); const ctx = {}; const ret = self[kStateSymbol].handle.bufferSize(size, buffer, ctx); if (ret === undefined) { throw new ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE(ctx); } return ret; } Socket.prototype.bind = function(port_, address_ /* , callback */) { let port = port_; healthCheck(this); const state = this[kStateSymbol]; if (state.bindState !== BIND_STATE_UNBOUND) throw new ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND(); state.bindState = BIND_STATE_BINDING; if (arguments.length && typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === 'function') this.once('listening', arguments[arguments.length - 1]); if (port instanceof UDP) { replaceHandle(this, port); startListening(this); return this; } var address; var exclusive; if (port !== null && typeof port === 'object') { address = port.address || ''; exclusive = !!port.exclusive; port = port.port; } else { address = typeof address_ === 'function' ? '' : address_; exclusive = false; } // defaulting address for bind to all interfaces if (!address) { if (this.type === 'udp4') address = ''; else address = '::'; } // resolve address first state.handle.lookup(address, (err, ip) => { if (err) { state.bindState = BIND_STATE_UNBOUND; this.emit('error', err); return; } if (!cluster) cluster = require('cluster'); var flags = 0; if (state.reuseAddr) flags |= UV_UDP_REUSEADDR; if (cluster.isWorker && !exclusive) { const onHandle = (err, handle) => { if (err) { var ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', ip, port); this.emit('error', ex); state.bindState = BIND_STATE_UNBOUND; return; } if (!state.handle) // handle has been closed in the mean time. return handle.close(); replaceHandle(this, handle); startListening(this); }; cluster._getServer(this, { address: ip, port: port, addressType: this.type, fd: -1, flags: flags }, onHandle); } else { if (!state.handle) return; // handle has been closed in the mean time const err = state.handle.bind(ip, port || 0, flags); if (err) { var ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', ip, port); this.emit('error', ex); state.bindState = BIND_STATE_UNBOUND; // Todo: close? return; } startListening(this); } }); return this; }; // thin wrapper around `send`, here for compatibility with dgram_legacy.js Socket.prototype.sendto = function(buffer, offset, length, port, address, callback) { validateNumber(offset, 'offset'); validateNumber(length, 'length'); validateNumber(port, 'port'); validateString(address, 'address'); this.send(buffer, offset, length, port, address, callback); }; function sliceBuffer(buffer, offset, length) { if (typeof buffer === 'string') { buffer = Buffer.from(buffer); } else if (!isUint8Array(buffer)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buffer', ['Buffer', 'Uint8Array', 'string'], buffer); } offset = offset >>> 0; length = length >>> 0; return buffer.slice(offset, offset + length); } function fixBufferList(list) { const newlist = new Array(list.length); for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++) { var buf = list[i]; if (typeof buf === 'string') newlist[i] = Buffer.from(buf); else if (!isUint8Array(buf)) return null; else newlist[i] = buf; } return newlist; } function enqueue(self, toEnqueue) { const state = self[kStateSymbol]; // If the send queue hasn't been initialized yet, do it, and install an // event handler that flushes the send queue after binding is done. if (state.queue === undefined) { state.queue = []; self.once('error', onListenError); self.once('listening', onListenSuccess); } state.queue.push(toEnqueue); } function onListenSuccess() { this.removeListener('error', onListenError); clearQueue.call(this); } function onListenError(err) { this.removeListener('listening', onListenSuccess); this[kStateSymbol].queue = undefined; this.emit('error', new ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND()); } function clearQueue() { const state = this[kStateSymbol]; const queue = state.queue; state.queue = undefined; // Flush the send queue. for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) queue[i](); } // valid combinations // send(buffer, offset, length, port, address, callback) // send(buffer, offset, length, port, address) // send(buffer, offset, length, port, callback) // send(buffer, offset, length, port) // send(bufferOrList, port, address, callback) // send(bufferOrList, port, address) // send(bufferOrList, port, callback) // send(bufferOrList, port) Socket.prototype.send = function(buffer, offset, length, port, address, callback) { let list; if (address || (port && typeof port !== 'function')) { buffer = sliceBuffer(buffer, offset, length); } else { callback = port; port = offset; address = length; } if (!Array.isArray(buffer)) { if (typeof buffer === 'string') { list = [ Buffer.from(buffer) ]; } else if (!isUint8Array(buffer)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buffer', ['Buffer', 'Uint8Array', 'string'], buffer); } else { list = [ buffer ]; } } else if (!(list = fixBufferList(buffer))) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buffer list arguments', ['Buffer', 'string'], buffer); } port = port >>> 0; if (port === 0 || port > 65535) throw new ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT(port); // Normalize callback so it's either a function or undefined but not anything // else. if (typeof callback !== 'function') callback = undefined; if (typeof address === 'function') { callback = address; address = undefined; } else if (address && typeof address !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('address', ['string', 'falsy'], address); } healthCheck(this); const state = this[kStateSymbol]; if (state.bindState === BIND_STATE_UNBOUND) this.bind({ port: 0, exclusive: true }, null); if (list.length === 0) list.push(Buffer.alloc(0)); // If the socket hasn't been bound yet, push the outbound packet onto the // send queue and send after binding is complete. if (state.bindState !== BIND_STATE_BOUND) { enqueue(this, this.send.bind(this, list, port, address, callback)); return; } const afterDns = (ex, ip) => { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope( this[async_id_symbol], doSend, ex, this, ip, list, address, port, callback ); }; state.handle.lookup(address, afterDns); }; function doSend(ex, self, ip, list, address, port, callback) { const state = self[kStateSymbol]; if (ex) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { process.nextTick(callback, ex); return; } process.nextTick(() => self.emit('error', ex)); return; } else if (!state.handle) { return; } var req = new SendWrap(); req.list = list; // Keep reference alive. req.address = address; req.port = port; if (callback) { req.callback = callback; req.oncomplete = afterSend; } var err = state.handle.send(req, list, list.length, port, ip, !!callback); if (err && callback) { // don't emit as error, dgram_legacy.js compatibility const ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'send', address, port); process.nextTick(callback, ex); } } function afterSend(err, sent) { if (err) { err = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'send', this.address, this.port); } else { err = null; } this.callback(err, sent); } Socket.prototype.close = function(callback) { const state = this[kStateSymbol]; const queue = state.queue; if (typeof callback === 'function') this.on('close', callback); if (queue !== undefined) { queue.push(this.close.bind(this)); return this; } healthCheck(this); stopReceiving(this); state.handle.close(); state.handle = null; defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(this[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, socketCloseNT, this); return this; }; function socketCloseNT(self) { self.emit('close'); } Socket.prototype.address = function() { healthCheck(this); var out = {}; var err = this[kStateSymbol].handle.getsockname(out); if (err) { throw errnoException(err, 'getsockname'); } return out; }; Socket.prototype.setBroadcast = function(arg) { var err = this[kStateSymbol].handle.setBroadcast(arg ? 1 : 0); if (err) { throw errnoException(err, 'setBroadcast'); } }; Socket.prototype.setTTL = function(ttl) { validateNumber(ttl, 'ttl'); var err = this[kStateSymbol].handle.setTTL(ttl); if (err) { throw errnoException(err, 'setTTL'); } return ttl; }; Socket.prototype.setMulticastTTL = function(ttl) { validateNumber(ttl, 'ttl'); var err = this[kStateSymbol].handle.setMulticastTTL(ttl); if (err) { throw errnoException(err, 'setMulticastTTL'); } return ttl; }; Socket.prototype.setMulticastLoopback = function(arg) { var err = this[kStateSymbol].handle.setMulticastLoopback(arg ? 1 : 0); if (err) { throw errnoException(err, 'setMulticastLoopback'); } return arg; // 0.4 compatibility }; Socket.prototype.setMulticastInterface = function(interfaceAddress) { healthCheck(this); validateString(interfaceAddress, 'interfaceAddress'); const err = this[kStateSymbol].handle.setMulticastInterface(interfaceAddress); if (err) { throw errnoException(err, 'setMulticastInterface'); } }; Socket.prototype.addMembership = function(multicastAddress, interfaceAddress) { healthCheck(this); if (!multicastAddress) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('multicastAddress'); } const { handle } = this[kStateSymbol]; var err = handle.addMembership(multicastAddress, interfaceAddress); if (err) { throw errnoException(err, 'addMembership'); } }; Socket.prototype.dropMembership = function(multicastAddress, interfaceAddress) { healthCheck(this); if (!multicastAddress) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('multicastAddress'); } const { handle } = this[kStateSymbol]; var err = handle.dropMembership(multicastAddress, interfaceAddress); if (err) { throw errnoException(err, 'dropMembership'); } }; function healthCheck(socket) { if (!socket[kStateSymbol].handle) { // Error message from dgram_legacy.js. throw new ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_RUNNING(); } } function stopReceiving(socket) { const state = socket[kStateSymbol]; if (!state.receiving) return; state.handle.recvStop(); state.receiving = false; socket.fd = null; // compatibility hack } function onMessage(nread, handle, buf, rinfo) { var self = handle[owner_symbol]; if (nread < 0) { return self.emit('error', errnoException(nread, 'recvmsg')); } rinfo.size = buf.length; // compatibility self.emit('message', buf, rinfo); } Socket.prototype.ref = function() { const handle = this[kStateSymbol].handle; if (handle) handle.ref(); return this; }; Socket.prototype.unref = function() { const handle = this[kStateSymbol].handle; if (handle) handle.unref(); return this; }; Socket.prototype.setRecvBufferSize = function(size) { bufferSize(this, size, RECV_BUFFER); }; Socket.prototype.setSendBufferSize = function(size) { bufferSize(this, size, SEND_BUFFER); }; Socket.prototype.getRecvBufferSize = function() { return bufferSize(this, 0, RECV_BUFFER); }; Socket.prototype.getSendBufferSize = function() { return bufferSize(this, 0, SEND_BUFFER); }; // Legacy private APIs to be deprecated in the future. Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, '_handle', { get() { return this[kStateSymbol].handle; }, set(val) { this[kStateSymbol].handle = val; } }); Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, '_receiving', { get() { return this[kStateSymbol].receiving; }, set(val) { this[kStateSymbol].receiving = val; } }); Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, '_bindState', { get() { return this[kStateSymbol].bindState; }, set(val) { this[kStateSymbol].bindState = val; } }); Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, '_queue', { get() { return this[kStateSymbol].queue; }, set(val) { this[kStateSymbol].queue = val; } }); Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, '_reuseAddr', { get() { return this[kStateSymbol].reuseAddr; }, set(val) { this[kStateSymbol].reuseAddr = val; } }); Socket.prototype._healthCheck = function() { healthCheck(this); }; Socket.prototype._stopReceiving = function() { stopReceiving(this); }; // Legacy alias on the C++ wrapper object. This is not public API, so we may // want to runtime-deprecate it at some point. There's no hurry, though. Object.defineProperty(UDP.prototype, 'owner', { get() { return this[owner_symbol]; }, set(v) { return this[owner_symbol] = v; } }); module.exports = { _createSocketHandle, createSocket, Socket }; dns// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const cares = internalBinding('cares_wrap'); const { isIP, isIPv4, isLegalPort } = require('internal/net'); const { customPromisifyArgs } = require('internal/util'); const errors = require('internal/errors'); const { bindDefaultResolver, getDefaultResolver, setDefaultResolver, Resolver, validateHints } = require('internal/dns/utils'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_MISSING_ARGS, ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT } = errors.codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const { GetAddrInfoReqWrap, GetNameInfoReqWrap, QueryReqWrap, } = cares; const dnsException = errors.dnsException; let promisesWarn = true; let promises; // Lazy loaded function onlookup(err, addresses) { if (err) { return this.callback(dnsException(err, 'getaddrinfo', this.hostname)); } if (this.family) { this.callback(null, addresses[0], this.family); } else { this.callback(null, addresses[0], isIPv4(addresses[0]) ? 4 : 6); } } function onlookupall(err, addresses) { if (err) { return this.callback(dnsException(err, 'getaddrinfo', this.hostname)); } var family = this.family; for (var i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { const addr = addresses[i]; addresses[i] = { address: addr, family: family || (isIPv4(addr) ? 4 : 6) }; } this.callback(null, addresses); } // Easy DNS A/AAAA look up // lookup(hostname, [options,] callback) function lookup(hostname, options, callback) { var hints = 0; var family = -1; var all = false; var verbatim = false; // Parse arguments if (hostname && typeof hostname !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('hostname', ['string', 'falsy'], hostname); } else if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; family = 0; } else if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } else if (options !== null && typeof options === 'object') { hints = options.hints >>> 0; family = options.family >>> 0; all = options.all === true; verbatim = options.verbatim === true; validateHints(hints); } else { family = options >>> 0; } if (family !== 0 && family !== 4 && family !== 6) throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('family', family); if (!hostname) { if (all) { process.nextTick(callback, null, []); } else { process.nextTick(callback, null, null, family === 6 ? 6 : 4); } return {}; } var matchedFamily = isIP(hostname); if (matchedFamily) { if (all) { process.nextTick( callback, null, [{ address: hostname, family: matchedFamily }]); } else { process.nextTick(callback, null, hostname, matchedFamily); } return {}; } var req = new GetAddrInfoReqWrap(); req.callback = callback; req.family = family; req.hostname = hostname; req.oncomplete = all ? onlookupall : onlookup; var err = cares.getaddrinfo(req, hostname, family, hints, verbatim); if (err) { process.nextTick(callback, dnsException(err, 'getaddrinfo', hostname)); return {}; } return req; } Object.defineProperty(lookup, customPromisifyArgs, { value: ['address', 'family'], enumerable: false }); function onlookupservice(err, hostname, service) { if (err) return this.callback(dnsException(err, 'getnameinfo', this.hostname)); this.callback(null, hostname, service); } // lookupService(address, port, callback) function lookupService(hostname, port, callback) { if (arguments.length !== 3) throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('hostname', 'port', 'callback'); if (isIP(hostname) === 0) throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('hostname', hostname); if (!isLegalPort(port)) throw new ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT(port); if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); port = +port; var req = new GetNameInfoReqWrap(); req.callback = callback; req.hostname = hostname; req.port = port; req.oncomplete = onlookupservice; var err = cares.getnameinfo(req, hostname, port); if (err) throw dnsException(err, 'getnameinfo', hostname); return req; } Object.defineProperty(lookupService, customPromisifyArgs, { value: ['hostname', 'service'], enumerable: false }); function onresolve(err, result, ttls) { if (ttls && this.ttl) result = result.map((address, index) => ({ address, ttl: ttls[index] })); if (err) this.callback(dnsException(err, this.bindingName, this.hostname)); else this.callback(null, result); } function resolver(bindingName) { function query(name, /* options, */ callback) { var options; if (arguments.length > 2) { options = callback; callback = arguments[2]; } validateString(name, 'name'); if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } var req = new QueryReqWrap(); req.bindingName = bindingName; req.callback = callback; req.hostname = name; req.oncomplete = onresolve; req.ttl = !!(options && options.ttl); var err = this._handle[bindingName](req, name); if (err) throw dnsException(err, bindingName, name); return req; } Object.defineProperty(query, 'name', { value: bindingName }); return query; } var resolveMap = Object.create(null); Resolver.prototype.resolveAny = resolveMap.ANY = resolver('queryAny'); Resolver.prototype.resolve4 = resolveMap.A = resolver('queryA'); Resolver.prototype.resolve6 = resolveMap.AAAA = resolver('queryAaaa'); Resolver.prototype.resolveCname = resolveMap.CNAME = resolver('queryCname'); Resolver.prototype.resolveMx = resolveMap.MX = resolver('queryMx'); Resolver.prototype.resolveNs = resolveMap.NS = resolver('queryNs'); Resolver.prototype.resolveTxt = resolveMap.TXT = resolver('queryTxt'); Resolver.prototype.resolveSrv = resolveMap.SRV = resolver('querySrv'); Resolver.prototype.resolvePtr = resolveMap.PTR = resolver('queryPtr'); Resolver.prototype.resolveNaptr = resolveMap.NAPTR = resolver('queryNaptr'); Resolver.prototype.resolveSoa = resolveMap.SOA = resolver('querySoa'); Resolver.prototype.reverse = resolver('getHostByAddr'); Resolver.prototype.resolve = resolve; function resolve(hostname, rrtype, callback) { var resolver; if (typeof rrtype === 'string') { resolver = resolveMap[rrtype]; } else if (typeof rrtype === 'function') { resolver = resolveMap.A; callback = rrtype; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('rrtype', 'string', rrtype); } if (typeof resolver === 'function') { return resolver.call(this, hostname, callback); } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('rrtype', rrtype); } } function defaultResolverSetServers(servers) { const resolver = new Resolver(); resolver.setServers(servers); setDefaultResolver(resolver); bindDefaultResolver(module.exports, Resolver.prototype); if (promises !== undefined) bindDefaultResolver(promises, promises.Resolver.prototype); } module.exports = { lookup, lookupService, Resolver, setServers: defaultResolverSetServers, // uv_getaddrinfo flags ADDRCONFIG: cares.AI_ADDRCONFIG, V4MAPPED: cares.AI_V4MAPPED, // ERROR CODES NODATA: 'ENODATA', FORMERR: 'EFORMERR', SERVFAIL: 'ESERVFAIL', NOTFOUND: 'ENOTFOUND', NOTIMP: 'ENOTIMP', REFUSED: 'EREFUSED', BADQUERY: 'EBADQUERY', BADNAME: 'EBADNAME', BADFAMILY: 'EBADFAMILY', BADRESP: 'EBADRESP', CONNREFUSED: 'ECONNREFUSED', TIMEOUT: 'ETIMEOUT', EOF: 'EOF', FILE: 'EFILE', NOMEM: 'ENOMEM', DESTRUCTION: 'EDESTRUCTION', BADSTR: 'EBADSTR', BADFLAGS: 'EBADFLAGS', NONAME: 'ENONAME', BADHINTS: 'EBADHINTS', NOTINITIALIZED: 'ENOTINITIALIZED', LOADIPHLPAPI: 'ELOADIPHLPAPI', ADDRGETNETWORKPARAMS: 'EADDRGETNETWORKPARAMS', CANCELLED: 'ECANCELLED' }; bindDefaultResolver(module.exports, getDefaultResolver()); Object.defineProperties(module.exports, { promises: { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get() { if (promisesWarn) { promises = require('internal/dns/promises'); promises.setServers = defaultResolverSetServers; promisesWarn = false; process.emitWarning('The dns.promises API is experimental', 'ExperimentalWarning'); } return promises; } } }); domain// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; // WARNING: THIS MODULE IS PENDING DEPRECATION. // // No new pull requests targeting this module will be accepted // unless they address existing, critical bugs. const util = require('util'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const { ERR_DOMAIN_CALLBACK_NOT_AVAILABLE, ERR_DOMAIN_CANNOT_SET_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_CAPTURE, ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { createHook } = require('async_hooks'); // overwrite process.domain with a getter/setter that will allow for more // effective optimizations var _domain = [null]; Object.defineProperty(process, 'domain', { enumerable: true, get: function() { return _domain[0]; }, set: function(arg) { return _domain[0] = arg; } }); const pairing = new Map(); const asyncHook = createHook({ init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) { if (process.domain !== null && process.domain !== undefined) { // if this operation is created while in a domain, let's mark it pairing.set(asyncId, process.domain); resource.domain = process.domain; if (resource.promise !== undefined && resource.promise instanceof Promise) { // resource.promise instanceof Promise make sure that the // promise comes from the same context // see https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/15673 resource.promise.domain = process.domain; } } }, before(asyncId) { const current = pairing.get(asyncId); if (current !== undefined) { // enter domain for this cb current.enter(); } }, after(asyncId) { const current = pairing.get(asyncId); if (current !== undefined) { // exit domain for this cb current.exit(); } }, destroy(asyncId) { pairing.delete(asyncId); // cleaning up } }); // When domains are in use, they claim full ownership of the // uncaught exception capture callback. if (process.hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback()) { throw new ERR_DOMAIN_CALLBACK_NOT_AVAILABLE(); } // Get the stack trace at the point where `domain` was required. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const domainRequireStack = new Error('require(`domain`) at this point').stack; const { setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback } = process; process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback = function(fn) { const err = new ERR_DOMAIN_CANNOT_SET_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_CAPTURE(); err.stack = err.stack + '\n' + '-'.repeat(40) + '\n' + domainRequireStack; throw err; }; let sendMakeCallbackDeprecation = false; function emitMakeCallbackDeprecation() { if (!sendMakeCallbackDeprecation) { process.emitWarning( 'Using a domain property in MakeCallback is deprecated. Use the ' + 'async_context variant of MakeCallback or the AsyncResource class ' + 'instead.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0097'); sendMakeCallbackDeprecation = true; } } function topLevelDomainCallback(cb, ...args) { const domain = this.domain; if (exports.active && domain) emitMakeCallbackDeprecation(); if (domain) domain.enter(); const ret = Reflect.apply(cb, this, args); if (domain) domain.exit(); return ret; } // It's possible to enter one domain while already inside // another one. The stack is each entered domain. const stack = []; exports._stack = stack; internalBinding('domain').enable(topLevelDomainCallback); function updateExceptionCapture() { if (stack.every((domain) => domain.listenerCount('error') === 0)) { setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback(null); } else { setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback(null); setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback((er) => { return process.domain._errorHandler(er); }); } } process.on('newListener', (name, listener) => { if (name === 'uncaughtException' && listener !== domainUncaughtExceptionClear) { // Make sure the first listener for `uncaughtException` always clears // the domain stack. process.removeListener(name, domainUncaughtExceptionClear); process.prependListener(name, domainUncaughtExceptionClear); } }); process.on('removeListener', (name, listener) => { if (name === 'uncaughtException' && listener !== domainUncaughtExceptionClear) { // If the domain listener would be the only remaining one, remove it. const listeners = process.listeners('uncaughtException'); if (listeners.length === 1 && listeners[0] === domainUncaughtExceptionClear) process.removeListener(name, domainUncaughtExceptionClear); } }); function domainUncaughtExceptionClear() { stack.length = 0; exports.active = process.domain = null; updateExceptionCapture(); } class Domain extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.members = []; asyncHook.enable(); this.on('removeListener', updateExceptionCapture); this.on('newListener', updateExceptionCapture); } } exports.Domain = Domain; exports.create = exports.createDomain = function createDomain() { return new Domain(); }; // the active domain is always the one that we're currently in. exports.active = null; Domain.prototype.members = undefined; // Called by process._fatalException in case an error was thrown. Domain.prototype._errorHandler = function(er) { var caught = false; if (!util.isPrimitive(er)) { er.domain = this; er.domainThrown = true; } // The top-level domain-handler is handled separately. // // The reason is that if V8 was passed a command line option // asking it to abort on an uncaught exception (currently // "--abort-on-uncaught-exception"), we want an uncaught exception // in the top-level domain error handler to make the // process abort. Using try/catch here would always make V8 think // that these exceptions are caught, and thus would prevent it from // aborting in these cases. if (stack.length === 1) { // If there's no error handler, do not emit an 'error' event // as this would throw an error, make the process exit, and thus // prevent the process 'uncaughtException' event from being emitted // if a listener is set. if (EventEmitter.listenerCount(this, 'error') > 0) { // Clear the uncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback so that we know that, even // if technically the top-level domain is still active, it would // be ok to abort on an uncaught exception at this point setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback(null); try { caught = this.emit('error', er); } finally { updateExceptionCapture(); } } } else { // wrap this in a try/catch so we don't get infinite throwing try { // One of three things will happen here. // // 1. There is a handler, caught = true // 2. There is no handler, caught = false // 3. It throws, caught = false // // If caught is false after this, then there's no need to exit() // the domain, because we're going to crash the process anyway. caught = this.emit('error', er); } catch (er2) { // The domain error handler threw! oh no! // See if another domain can catch THIS error, // or else crash on the original one. // If the user already exited it, then don't double-exit. if (this === exports.active) { stack.pop(); } updateExceptionCapture(); if (stack.length) { exports.active = process.domain = stack[stack.length - 1]; caught = process.domain._errorHandler(er2); } else { // Pass on to the next exception handler. throw er2; } } } // Exit all domains on the stack. Uncaught exceptions end the // current tick and no domains should be left on the stack // between ticks. domainUncaughtExceptionClear(); return caught; }; Domain.prototype.enter = function() { // note that this might be a no-op, but we still need // to push it onto the stack so that we can pop it later. exports.active = process.domain = this; stack.push(this); updateExceptionCapture(); }; Domain.prototype.exit = function() { // don't do anything if this domain is not on the stack. var index = stack.lastIndexOf(this); if (index === -1) return; // exit all domains until this one. stack.splice(index); exports.active = stack[stack.length - 1]; process.domain = exports.active; updateExceptionCapture(); }; // note: this works for timers as well. Domain.prototype.add = function(ee) { // If the domain is already added, then nothing left to do. if (ee.domain === this) return; // has a domain already - remove it first. if (ee.domain) ee.domain.remove(ee); // check for circular Domain->Domain links. // This causes bad insanity! // // For example: // var d = domain.create(); // var e = domain.create(); // d.add(e); // e.add(d); // e.emit('error', er); // RangeError, stack overflow! if (this.domain && (ee instanceof Domain)) { for (var d = this.domain; d; d = d.domain) { if (ee === d) return; } } ee.domain = this; this.members.push(ee); }; Domain.prototype.remove = function(ee) { ee.domain = null; var index = this.members.indexOf(ee); if (index !== -1) this.members.splice(index, 1); }; Domain.prototype.run = function(fn) { var ret; this.enter(); if (arguments.length >= 2) { var len = arguments.length; var args = new Array(len - 1); for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; ret = fn.apply(this, args); } else { ret = fn.call(this); } this.exit(); return ret; }; function intercepted(_this, self, cb, fnargs) { if (fnargs[0] && fnargs[0] instanceof Error) { var er = fnargs[0]; util._extend(er, { domainBound: cb, domainThrown: false, domain: self }); self.emit('error', er); return; } var args = []; var i, ret; self.enter(); if (fnargs.length > 1) { for (i = 1; i < fnargs.length; i++) args.push(fnargs[i]); ret = cb.apply(_this, args); } else { ret = cb.call(_this); } self.exit(); return ret; } Domain.prototype.intercept = function(cb) { var self = this; function runIntercepted() { return intercepted(this, self, cb, arguments); } return runIntercepted; }; function bound(_this, self, cb, fnargs) { var ret; self.enter(); if (fnargs.length > 0) ret = cb.apply(_this, fnargs); else ret = cb.call(_this); self.exit(); return ret; } Domain.prototype.bind = function(cb) { var self = this; function runBound() { return bound(this, self, cb, arguments); } runBound.domain = this; return runBound; }; // Override EventEmitter methods to make it domain-aware. EventEmitter.usingDomains = true; const eventInit = EventEmitter.init; EventEmitter.init = function() { this.domain = null; if (exports.active && !(this instanceof exports.Domain)) { this.domain = exports.active; } return eventInit.call(this); }; const eventEmit = EventEmitter.prototype.emit; EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(...args) { const domain = this.domain; const type = args[0]; const shouldEmitError = type === 'error' && this.listenerCount(type) > 0; // Just call original `emit` if current EE instance has `error` // handler, there's no active domain or this is process if (shouldEmitError || domain === null || domain === undefined || this === process) { return Reflect.apply(eventEmit, this, args); } if (type === 'error') { const er = args.length > 1 && args[1] ? args[1] : new ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR(); if (typeof er === 'object') { er.domainEmitter = this; er.domain = domain; er.domainThrown = false; } domain.emit('error', er); return false; } domain.enter(); const ret = Reflect.apply(eventEmit, this, args); domain.exit(); return ret; }; events// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; var spliceOne; function EventEmitter() { EventEmitter.init.call(this); } module.exports = EventEmitter; // Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; EventEmitter.usingDomains = false; EventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined; EventEmitter.prototype._eventsCount = 0; EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined; // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are // added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks. var defaultMaxListeners = 10; var errors; function lazyErrors() { if (errors === undefined) errors = require('internal/errors').codes; return errors; } function checkListener(listener) { if (typeof listener !== 'function') { const errors = lazyErrors(); throw new errors.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('listener', 'Function', listener); } } Object.defineProperty(EventEmitter, 'defaultMaxListeners', { enumerable: true, get: function() { return defaultMaxListeners; }, set: function(arg) { if (typeof arg !== 'number' || arg < 0 || Number.isNaN(arg)) { const errors = lazyErrors(); throw new errors.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('defaultMaxListeners', 'a non-negative number', arg); } defaultMaxListeners = arg; } }); EventEmitter.init = function() { if (this._events === undefined || this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) { this._events = Object.create(null); this._eventsCount = 0; } this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined; }; // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners(n) { if (typeof n !== 'number' || n < 0 || Number.isNaN(n)) { const errors = lazyErrors(); throw new errors.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('n', 'a non-negative number', n); } this._maxListeners = n; return this; }; function $getMaxListeners(that) { if (that._maxListeners === undefined) return EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners; return that._maxListeners; } EventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function getMaxListeners() { return $getMaxListeners(this); }; // Returns the longest sequence of `a` that fully appears in `b`, // of length at least 3. // This is a lazy approach but should work well enough, given that stack // frames are usually unequal or otherwise appear in groups, and that // we only run this code in case of an unhandled exception. function longestSeqContainedIn(a, b) { for (var len = a.length; len >= 3; --len) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length - len; ++i) { // Attempt to find a[i:i+len] in b for (var j = 0; j < b.length - len; ++j) { let matches = true; for (var k = 0; k < len; ++k) { if (a[i + k] !== b[j + k]) { matches = false; break; } } if (matches) return [ len, i, j ]; } } } return [ 0, 0, 0 ]; } function enhanceStackTrace(err, own) { const sep = '\nEmitted \'error\' event at:\n'; const errStack = err.stack.split('\n').slice(1); const ownStack = own.stack.split('\n').slice(1); const [ len, off ] = longestSeqContainedIn(ownStack, errStack); if (len > 0) { ownStack.splice(off + 1, len - 1, ' [... lines matching original stack trace ...]'); } // Do this last, because it is the only operation with side effects. err.stack = err.stack + sep + ownStack.join('\n'); } EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(type, ...args) { let doError = (type === 'error'); const events = this._events; if (events !== undefined) doError = (doError && events.error === undefined); else if (!doError) return false; // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. if (doError) { let er; if (args.length > 0) er = args[0]; if (er instanceof Error) { try { const { kExpandStackSymbol } = require('internal/util'); const capture = {}; Error.captureStackTrace(capture, EventEmitter.prototype.emit); Object.defineProperty(er, kExpandStackSymbol, { value: enhanceStackTrace.bind(null, er, capture), configurable: true }); } catch {} // Note: The comments on the `throw` lines are intentional, they show // up in Node's output if this results in an unhandled exception. throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event } // At least give some kind of context to the user const errors = lazyErrors(); const err = new errors.ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR(er); err.context = er; throw err; // Unhandled 'error' event } const handler = events[type]; if (handler === undefined) return false; if (typeof handler === 'function') { Reflect.apply(handler, this, args); } else { const len = handler.length; const listeners = arrayClone(handler, len); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) Reflect.apply(listeners[i], this, args); } return true; }; function _addListener(target, type, listener, prepend) { var m; var events; var existing; checkListener(listener); events = target._events; if (events === undefined) { events = target._events = Object.create(null); target._eventsCount = 0; } else { // To avoid recursion in the case that type === "newListener"! Before // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListener". if (events.newListener !== undefined) { target.emit('newListener', type, listener.listener ? listener.listener : listener); // Re-assign `events` because a newListener handler could have caused the // this._events to be assigned to a new object events = target._events; } existing = events[type]; } if (existing === undefined) { // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. existing = events[type] = listener; ++target._eventsCount; } else { if (typeof existing === 'function') { // Adding the second element, need to change to array. existing = events[type] = prepend ? [listener, existing] : [existing, listener]; // If we've already got an array, just append. } else if (prepend) { existing.unshift(listener); } else { existing.push(listener); } // Check for listener leak m = $getMaxListeners(target); if (m > 0 && existing.length > m && !existing.warned) { existing.warned = true; // No error code for this since it is a Warning // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const w = new Error('Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ' + `${existing.length} ${String(type)} listeners ` + 'added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to ' + 'increase limit'); w.name = 'MaxListenersExceededWarning'; w.emitter = target; w.type = type; w.count = existing.length; process.emitWarning(w); } } return target; } EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function addListener(type, listener) { return _addListener(this, type, listener, false); }; EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener = function prependListener(type, listener) { return _addListener(this, type, listener, true); }; function onceWrapper(...args) { if (!this.fired) { this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn); this.fired = true; Reflect.apply(this.listener, this.target, args); } } function _onceWrap(target, type, listener) { var state = { fired: false, wrapFn: undefined, target, type, listener }; var wrapped = onceWrapper.bind(state); wrapped.listener = listener; state.wrapFn = wrapped; return wrapped; } EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(type, listener) { checkListener(listener); this.on(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener)); return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener = function prependOnceListener(type, listener) { checkListener(listener); this.prependListener(type, _onceWrap(this, type, listener)); return this; }; // Emits a 'removeListener' event if and only if the listener was removed. EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(type, listener) { var list, events, position, i, originalListener; checkListener(listener); events = this._events; if (events === undefined) return this; list = events[type]; if (list === undefined) return this; if (list === listener || list.listener === listener) { if (--this._eventsCount === 0) this._events = Object.create(null); else { delete events[type]; if (events.removeListener) this.emit('removeListener', type, list.listener || listener); } } else if (typeof list !== 'function') { position = -1; for (i = list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (list[i] === listener || list[i].listener === listener) { originalListener = list[i].listener; position = i; break; } } if (position < 0) return this; if (position === 0) list.shift(); else { if (spliceOne === undefined) spliceOne = require('internal/util').spliceOne; spliceOne(list, position); } if (list.length === 1) events[type] = list[0]; if (events.removeListener !== undefined) this.emit('removeListener', type, originalListener || listener); } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener; EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(type) { var listeners, events, i; events = this._events; if (events === undefined) return this; // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit if (events.removeListener === undefined) { if (arguments.length === 0) { this._events = Object.create(null); this._eventsCount = 0; } else if (events[type] !== undefined) { if (--this._eventsCount === 0) this._events = Object.create(null); else delete events[type]; } return this; } // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events if (arguments.length === 0) { var keys = Object.keys(events); var key; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { key = keys[i]; if (key === 'removeListener') continue; this.removeAllListeners(key); } this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'); this._events = Object.create(null); this._eventsCount = 0; return this; } listeners = events[type]; if (typeof listeners === 'function') { this.removeListener(type, listeners); } else if (listeners !== undefined) { // LIFO order for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.removeListener(type, listeners[i]); } } return this; }; function _listeners(target, type, unwrap) { const events = target._events; if (events === undefined) return []; const evlistener = events[type]; if (evlistener === undefined) return []; if (typeof evlistener === 'function') return unwrap ? [evlistener.listener || evlistener] : [evlistener]; return unwrap ? unwrapListeners(evlistener) : arrayClone(evlistener, evlistener.length); } EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(type) { return _listeners(this, type, true); }; EventEmitter.prototype.rawListeners = function rawListeners(type) { return _listeners(this, type, false); }; EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) { if (typeof emitter.listenerCount === 'function') { return emitter.listenerCount(type); } else { return listenerCount.call(emitter, type); } }; EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount; function listenerCount(type) { const events = this._events; if (events !== undefined) { const evlistener = events[type]; if (typeof evlistener === 'function') { return 1; } else if (evlistener !== undefined) { return evlistener.length; } } return 0; } EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function eventNames() { return this._eventsCount > 0 ? Reflect.ownKeys(this._events) : []; }; function arrayClone(arr, n) { var copy = new Array(n); for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) copy[i] = arr[i]; return copy; } function unwrapListeners(arr) { const ret = new Array(arr.length); for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) { ret[i] = arr[i].listener || arr[i]; } return ret; } fs// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // Maintainers, keep in mind that ES1-style octal literals (`0666`) are not // allowed in strict mode. Use ES6-style octal literals instead (`0o666`). 'use strict'; const { fs: constants } = process.binding('constants'); const { S_IFIFO, S_IFLNK, S_IFMT, S_IFREG, S_IFSOCK, F_OK, R_OK, W_OK, X_OK, O_WRONLY, O_SYMLINK } = constants; const { _extend } = require('util'); const pathModule = require('path'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const binding = process.binding('fs'); const { Buffer, kMaxLength } = require('buffer'); const errors = require('internal/errors'); const { ERR_FS_FILE_TOO_LARGE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK } = errors.codes; const { FSReqWrap, statValues } = binding; const { ReadStream, WriteStream } = require('internal/fs/streams'); const internalFS = require('internal/fs/utils'); const { toPathIfFileURL } = require('internal/url'); const internalUtil = require('internal/util'); const { copyObject, Dirent, getDirents, getOptions, nullCheck, preprocessSymlinkDestination, Stats, getStatsFromBinding, realpathCacheKey, stringToFlags, stringToSymlinkType, toUnixTimestamp, validateBuffer, validateOffsetLengthRead, validateOffsetLengthWrite, validatePath } = internalFS; const { CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH, CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH, } = require('internal/constants'); const { isUint32, validateMode, validateInteger, validateInt32, validateUint32 } = require('internal/validators'); let promisesWarn = true; let truncateWarn = true; let fs; // Lazy loaded let promises; let watchers; let ReadFileContext; const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; function showTruncateDeprecation() { if (truncateWarn) { process.emitWarning( 'Using fs.truncate with a file descriptor is deprecated. Please use ' + 'fs.ftruncate with a file descriptor instead.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0081'); truncateWarn = false; } } function handleErrorFromBinding(ctx) { if (ctx.errno !== undefined) { // libuv error numbers const err = errors.uvException(ctx); Error.captureStackTrace(err, handleErrorFromBinding); throw err; } else if (ctx.error !== undefined) { // errors created in C++ land. // TODO(joyeecheung): currently, ctx.error are encoding errors // usually caused by memory problems. We need to figure out proper error // code(s) for this. Error.captureStackTrace(ctx.error, handleErrorFromBinding); throw ctx.error; } } function maybeCallback(cb) { if (typeof cb === 'function') return cb; throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } // Ensure that callbacks run in the global context. Only use this function // for callbacks that are passed to the binding layer, callbacks that are // invoked from JS already run in the proper scope. function makeCallback(cb) { if (typeof cb !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } return function(...args) { return Reflect.apply(cb, undefined, args); }; } // Special case of `makeCallback()` that is specific to async `*stat()` calls as // an optimization, since the data passed back to the callback needs to be // transformed anyway. function makeStatsCallback(cb) { if (typeof cb !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } return function(err, stats) { if (err) return cb(err); cb(err, getStatsFromBinding(stats)); }; } const isFd = isUint32; function isFileType(stats, fileType) { // Use stats array directly to avoid creating an fs.Stats instance just for // our internal use. return (stats[1/* mode */] & S_IFMT) === fileType; } function access(path, mode, callback) { if (typeof mode === 'function') { callback = mode; mode = F_OK; } path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); mode = mode | 0; const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = makeCallback(callback); binding.access(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), mode, req); } function accessSync(path, mode) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); if (mode === undefined) mode = F_OK; else mode = mode | 0; const ctx = { path }; binding.access(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), mode, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function exists(path, callback) { maybeCallback(callback); function suppressedCallback(err) { callback(err ? false : true); } try { fs.access(path, F_OK, suppressedCallback); } catch { return callback(false); } } Object.defineProperty(exists, internalUtil.promisify.custom, { value: (path) => { return new Promise((resolve) => fs.exists(path, resolve)); } }); // fs.existsSync never throws, it only returns true or false. // Since fs.existsSync never throws, users have established // the expectation that passing invalid arguments to it, even like // fs.existsSync(), would only get a false in return, so we cannot signal // validation errors to users properly out of compatibility concerns. // TODO(joyeecheung): deprecate the never-throw-on-invalid-arguments behavior function existsSync(path) { try { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); } catch { return false; } const ctx = { path }; binding.access(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), F_OK, undefined, ctx); return ctx.errno === undefined; } function readFileAfterOpen(err, fd) { const context = this.context; if (err) { context.callback(err); return; } context.fd = fd; const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = readFileAfterStat; req.context = context; binding.fstat(fd, false, req); } function readFileAfterStat(err, stats) { const context = this.context; if (err) return context.close(err); const size = context.size = isFileType(stats, S_IFREG) ? stats[8] : 0; if (size === 0) { context.buffers = []; context.read(); return; } if (size > kMaxLength) { err = new ERR_FS_FILE_TOO_LARGE(size); return context.close(err); } try { context.buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size); } catch (err) { return context.close(err); } context.read(); } function readFile(path, options, callback) { callback = maybeCallback(callback || options); options = getOptions(options, { flag: 'r' }); if (!ReadFileContext) ReadFileContext = require('internal/fs/read_file_context'); const context = new ReadFileContext(callback, options.encoding); context.isUserFd = isFd(path); // file descriptor ownership const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.context = context; req.oncomplete = readFileAfterOpen; if (context.isUserFd) { process.nextTick(function tick() { req.oncomplete(null, path); }); return; } path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); binding.open(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), stringToFlags(options.flag || 'r'), 0o666, req); } function tryStatSync(fd, isUserFd) { const ctx = {}; const stats = binding.fstat(fd, false, undefined, ctx); if (ctx.errno !== undefined && !isUserFd) { fs.closeSync(fd); throw errors.uvException(ctx); } return stats; } function tryCreateBuffer(size, fd, isUserFd) { let threw = true; let buffer; try { if (size > kMaxLength) { throw new ERR_FS_FILE_TOO_LARGE(size); } buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(size); threw = false; } finally { if (threw && !isUserFd) fs.closeSync(fd); } return buffer; } function tryReadSync(fd, isUserFd, buffer, pos, len) { let threw = true; let bytesRead; try { bytesRead = fs.readSync(fd, buffer, pos, len); threw = false; } finally { if (threw && !isUserFd) fs.closeSync(fd); } return bytesRead; } function readFileSync(path, options) { options = getOptions(options, { flag: 'r' }); const isUserFd = isFd(path); // file descriptor ownership const fd = isUserFd ? path : fs.openSync(path, options.flag || 'r', 0o666); const stats = tryStatSync(fd, isUserFd); const size = isFileType(stats, S_IFREG) ? stats[8] : 0; let pos = 0; let buffer; // single buffer with file data let buffers; // list for when size is unknown if (size === 0) { buffers = []; } else { buffer = tryCreateBuffer(size, fd, isUserFd); } let bytesRead; if (size !== 0) { do { bytesRead = tryReadSync(fd, isUserFd, buffer, pos, size - pos); pos += bytesRead; } while (bytesRead !== 0 && pos < size); } else { do { // the kernel lies about many files. // Go ahead and try to read some bytes. buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8192); bytesRead = tryReadSync(fd, isUserFd, buffer, 0, 8192); if (bytesRead !== 0) { buffers.push(buffer.slice(0, bytesRead)); } pos += bytesRead; } while (bytesRead !== 0); } if (!isUserFd) fs.closeSync(fd); if (size === 0) { // data was collected into the buffers list. buffer = Buffer.concat(buffers, pos); } else if (pos < size) { buffer = buffer.slice(0, pos); } if (options.encoding) buffer = buffer.toString(options.encoding); return buffer; } function close(fd, callback) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = makeCallback(callback); binding.close(fd, req); } function closeSync(fd) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const ctx = {}; binding.close(fd, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function open(path, flags, mode, callback) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const flagsNumber = stringToFlags(flags); if (typeof mode === 'function') { callback = makeCallback(mode); mode = 0o666; } else { mode = validateMode(mode, 'mode', 0o666); callback = makeCallback(callback); } const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.open(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), flagsNumber, mode, req); } function openSync(path, flags, mode) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const flagsNumber = stringToFlags(flags); mode = validateMode(mode, 'mode', 0o666); const ctx = { path }; const result = binding.open(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), flagsNumber, mode, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return result; } function read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); validateBuffer(buffer); offset |= 0; length |= 0; if (length === 0) { return process.nextTick(function tick() { callback && callback(null, 0, buffer); }); } validateOffsetLengthRead(offset, length, buffer.byteLength); if (!Number.isSafeInteger(position)) position = -1; function wrapper(err, bytesRead) { // Retain a reference to buffer so that it can't be GC'ed too soon. callback && callback(err, bytesRead || 0, buffer); } const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = wrapper; binding.read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, req); } Object.defineProperty(read, internalUtil.customPromisifyArgs, { value: ['bytesRead', 'buffer'], enumerable: false }); function readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); validateBuffer(buffer); offset |= 0; length |= 0; if (length === 0) { return 0; } validateOffsetLengthRead(offset, length, buffer.byteLength); if (!Number.isSafeInteger(position)) position = -1; const ctx = {}; const result = binding.read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return result; } // usage: // fs.write(fd, buffer[, offset[, length[, position]]], callback); // OR // fs.write(fd, string[, position[, encoding]], callback); function write(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) { function wrapper(err, written) { // Retain a reference to buffer so that it can't be GC'ed too soon. callback(err, written || 0, buffer); } validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = wrapper; if (isArrayBufferView(buffer)) { callback = maybeCallback(callback || position || length || offset); if (typeof offset !== 'number') offset = 0; if (typeof length !== 'number') length = buffer.length - offset; if (typeof position !== 'number') position = null; validateOffsetLengthWrite(offset, length, buffer.byteLength); return binding.writeBuffer(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, req); } if (typeof buffer !== 'string') buffer += ''; if (typeof position !== 'function') { if (typeof offset === 'function') { position = offset; offset = null; } else { position = length; } length = 'utf8'; } callback = maybeCallback(position); return binding.writeString(fd, buffer, offset, length, req); } Object.defineProperty(write, internalUtil.customPromisifyArgs, { value: ['bytesWritten', 'buffer'], enumerable: false }); // usage: // fs.writeSync(fd, buffer[, offset[, length[, position]]]); // OR // fs.writeSync(fd, string[, position[, encoding]]); function writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const ctx = {}; let result; if (isArrayBufferView(buffer)) { if (position === undefined) position = null; if (typeof offset !== 'number') offset = 0; if (typeof length !== 'number') length = buffer.byteLength - offset; validateOffsetLengthWrite(offset, length, buffer.byteLength); result = binding.writeBuffer(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, undefined, ctx); } else { if (typeof buffer !== 'string') buffer += ''; if (offset === undefined) offset = null; result = binding.writeString(fd, buffer, offset, length, undefined, ctx); } handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return result; } function rename(oldPath, newPath, callback) { callback = makeCallback(callback); oldPath = toPathIfFileURL(oldPath); validatePath(oldPath, 'oldPath'); newPath = toPathIfFileURL(newPath); validatePath(newPath, 'newPath'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.rename(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(oldPath), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(newPath), req); } function renameSync(oldPath, newPath) { oldPath = toPathIfFileURL(oldPath); validatePath(oldPath, 'oldPath'); newPath = toPathIfFileURL(newPath); validatePath(newPath, 'newPath'); const ctx = { path: oldPath, dest: newPath }; binding.rename(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(oldPath), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(newPath), undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function truncate(path, len, callback) { if (typeof path === 'number') { showTruncateDeprecation(); return fs.ftruncate(path, len, callback); } if (typeof len === 'function') { callback = len; len = 0; } else if (len === undefined) { len = 0; } validateInteger(len, 'len'); callback = maybeCallback(callback); fs.open(path, 'r+', function(er, fd) { if (er) return callback(er); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = function oncomplete(er) { fs.close(fd, function(er2) { callback(er || er2); }); }; binding.ftruncate(fd, len, req); }); } function truncateSync(path, len) { if (typeof path === 'number') { // legacy showTruncateDeprecation(); return fs.ftruncateSync(path, len); } if (len === undefined) { len = 0; } // allow error to be thrown, but still close fd. const fd = fs.openSync(path, 'r+'); let ret; try { ret = fs.ftruncateSync(fd, len); } finally { fs.closeSync(fd); } return ret; } function ftruncate(fd, len = 0, callback) { if (typeof len === 'function') { callback = len; len = 0; } validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); validateInteger(len, 'len'); len = Math.max(0, len); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = makeCallback(callback); binding.ftruncate(fd, len, req); } function ftruncateSync(fd, len = 0) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); validateInteger(len, 'len'); len = Math.max(0, len); const ctx = {}; binding.ftruncate(fd, len, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function rmdir(path, callback) { callback = makeCallback(callback); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.rmdir(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), req); } function rmdirSync(path) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const ctx = { path }; binding.rmdir(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function fdatasync(fd, callback) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = makeCallback(callback); binding.fdatasync(fd, req); } function fdatasyncSync(fd) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const ctx = {}; binding.fdatasync(fd, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function fsync(fd, callback) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = makeCallback(callback); binding.fsync(fd, req); } function fsyncSync(fd) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const ctx = {}; binding.fsync(fd, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function mkdir(path, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } else if (typeof options === 'number' || typeof options === 'string') { options = { mode: options }; } const { recursive = false, mode = 0o777 } = options || {}; callback = makeCallback(callback); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); if (typeof recursive !== 'boolean') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('recursive', 'boolean', recursive); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.mkdir(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), validateMode(mode, 'mode', 0o777), recursive, req); } function mkdirSync(path, options) { if (typeof options === 'number' || typeof options === 'string') { options = { mode: options }; } path = toPathIfFileURL(path); const { recursive = false, mode = 0o777 } = options || {}; validatePath(path); if (typeof recursive !== 'boolean') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('recursive', 'boolean', recursive); const ctx = { path }; binding.mkdir(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), validateMode(mode, 'mode', 0o777), recursive, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function readdir(path, options, callback) { callback = makeCallback(typeof options === 'function' ? options : callback); options = getOptions(options, {}); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const req = new FSReqWrap(); if (!options.withFileTypes) { req.oncomplete = callback; } else { req.oncomplete = (err, result) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } getDirents(path, result, callback); }; } binding.readdir(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.encoding, !!options.withFileTypes, req); } function readdirSync(path, options) { options = getOptions(options, {}); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const ctx = { path }; const result = binding.readdir(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.encoding, !!options.withFileTypes, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return options.withFileTypes ? getDirents(path, result) : result; } function fstat(fd, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const req = new FSReqWrap(options.bigint); req.oncomplete = makeStatsCallback(callback); binding.fstat(fd, options.bigint, req); } function lstat(path, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } callback = makeStatsCallback(callback); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const req = new FSReqWrap(options.bigint); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.lstat(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.bigint, req); } function stat(path, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } callback = makeStatsCallback(callback); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const req = new FSReqWrap(options.bigint); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.stat(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.bigint, req); } function fstatSync(fd, options = {}) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); const ctx = { fd }; const stats = binding.fstat(fd, options.bigint, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return getStatsFromBinding(stats); } function lstatSync(path, options = {}) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const ctx = { path }; const stats = binding.lstat(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.bigint, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return getStatsFromBinding(stats); } function statSync(path, options = {}) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const ctx = { path }; const stats = binding.stat(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.bigint, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return getStatsFromBinding(stats); } function readlink(path, options, callback) { callback = makeCallback(typeof options === 'function' ? options : callback); options = getOptions(options, {}); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path, 'oldPath'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.readlink(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.encoding, req); } function readlinkSync(path, options) { options = getOptions(options, {}); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path, 'oldPath'); const ctx = { path }; const result = binding.readlink(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.encoding, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return result; } function symlink(target, path, type_, callback_) { const type = (typeof type_ === 'string' ? type_ : null); const callback = makeCallback(arguments[arguments.length - 1]); target = toPathIfFileURL(target); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(target, 'target'); validatePath(path); const flags = stringToSymlinkType(type); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.symlink(preprocessSymlinkDestination(target, type, path), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), flags, req); } function symlinkSync(target, path, type) { type = (typeof type === 'string' ? type : null); target = toPathIfFileURL(target); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(target, 'target'); validatePath(path); const flags = stringToSymlinkType(type); const ctx = { path: target, dest: path }; binding.symlink(preprocessSymlinkDestination(target, type, path), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), flags, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function link(existingPath, newPath, callback) { callback = makeCallback(callback); existingPath = toPathIfFileURL(existingPath); newPath = toPathIfFileURL(newPath); validatePath(existingPath, 'existingPath'); validatePath(newPath, 'newPath'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.link(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(existingPath), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(newPath), req); } function linkSync(existingPath, newPath) { existingPath = toPathIfFileURL(existingPath); newPath = toPathIfFileURL(newPath); validatePath(existingPath, 'existingPath'); validatePath(newPath, 'newPath'); const ctx = { path: existingPath, dest: newPath }; const result = binding.link(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(existingPath), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(newPath), undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return result; } function unlink(path, callback) { callback = makeCallback(callback); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.unlink(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), req); } function unlinkSync(path) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const ctx = { path }; binding.unlink(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function fchmod(fd, mode, callback) { validateInt32(fd, 'fd', 0); mode = validateMode(mode, 'mode'); callback = makeCallback(callback); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.fchmod(fd, mode, req); } function fchmodSync(fd, mode) { validateInt32(fd, 'fd', 0); mode = validateMode(mode, 'mode'); const ctx = {}; binding.fchmod(fd, mode, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function lchmod(path, mode, callback) { callback = maybeCallback(callback); fs.open(path, O_WRONLY | O_SYMLINK, function(err, fd) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // Prefer to return the chmod error, if one occurs, // but still try to close, and report closing errors if they occur. fs.fchmod(fd, mode, function(err) { fs.close(fd, function(err2) { callback(err || err2); }); }); }); } function lchmodSync(path, mode) { const fd = fs.openSync(path, O_WRONLY | O_SYMLINK); // Prefer to return the chmod error, if one occurs, // but still try to close, and report closing errors if they occur. let ret; try { ret = fs.fchmodSync(fd, mode); } finally { fs.closeSync(fd); } return ret; } function chmod(path, mode, callback) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); mode = validateMode(mode, 'mode'); callback = makeCallback(callback); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.chmod(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), mode, req); } function chmodSync(path, mode) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); mode = validateMode(mode, 'mode'); const ctx = { path }; binding.chmod(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), mode, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function lchown(path, uid, gid, callback) { callback = makeCallback(callback); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); validateUint32(uid, 'uid'); validateUint32(gid, 'gid'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.lchown(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), uid, gid, req); } function lchownSync(path, uid, gid) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); validateUint32(uid, 'uid'); validateUint32(gid, 'gid'); const ctx = { path }; binding.lchown(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), uid, gid, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function fchown(fd, uid, gid, callback) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); validateUint32(uid, 'uid'); validateUint32(gid, 'gid'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = makeCallback(callback); binding.fchown(fd, uid, gid, req); } function fchownSync(fd, uid, gid) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); validateUint32(uid, 'uid'); validateUint32(gid, 'gid'); const ctx = {}; binding.fchown(fd, uid, gid, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function chown(path, uid, gid, callback) { callback = makeCallback(callback); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); validateUint32(uid, 'uid'); validateUint32(gid, 'gid'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.chown(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), uid, gid, req); } function chownSync(path, uid, gid) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); validateUint32(uid, 'uid'); validateUint32(gid, 'gid'); const ctx = { path }; binding.chown(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), uid, gid, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function utimes(path, atime, mtime, callback) { callback = makeCallback(callback); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.utimes(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), toUnixTimestamp(atime), toUnixTimestamp(mtime), req); } function utimesSync(path, atime, mtime) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const ctx = { path }; binding.utimes(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), toUnixTimestamp(atime), toUnixTimestamp(mtime), undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function futimes(fd, atime, mtime, callback) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); atime = toUnixTimestamp(atime, 'atime'); mtime = toUnixTimestamp(mtime, 'mtime'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = makeCallback(callback); binding.futimes(fd, atime, mtime, req); } function futimesSync(fd, atime, mtime) { validateUint32(fd, 'fd'); atime = toUnixTimestamp(atime, 'atime'); mtime = toUnixTimestamp(mtime, 'mtime'); const ctx = {}; binding.futimes(fd, atime, mtime, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function writeAll(fd, isUserFd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) { // write(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) fs.write(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, function(writeErr, written) { if (writeErr) { if (isUserFd) { callback(writeErr); } else { fs.close(fd, function close() { callback(writeErr); }); } } else if (written === length) { if (isUserFd) { callback(null); } else { fs.close(fd, callback); } } else { offset += written; length -= written; if (position !== null) { position += written; } writeAll(fd, isUserFd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback); } }); } function writeFile(path, data, options, callback) { callback = maybeCallback(callback || options); options = getOptions(options, { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'w' }); const flag = options.flag || 'w'; if (isFd(path)) { writeFd(path, true); return; } fs.open(path, flag, options.mode, function(openErr, fd) { if (openErr) { callback(openErr); } else { writeFd(fd, false); } }); function writeFd(fd, isUserFd) { const buffer = isArrayBufferView(data) ? data : Buffer.from('' + data, options.encoding || 'utf8'); const position = /a/.test(flag) ? null : 0; writeAll(fd, isUserFd, buffer, 0, buffer.byteLength, position, callback); } } function writeFileSync(path, data, options) { options = getOptions(options, { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'w' }); const flag = options.flag || 'w'; const isUserFd = isFd(path); // file descriptor ownership const fd = isUserFd ? path : fs.openSync(path, flag, options.mode); if (!isArrayBufferView(data)) { data = Buffer.from('' + data, options.encoding || 'utf8'); } let offset = 0; let length = data.byteLength; let position = /a/.test(flag) ? null : 0; try { while (length > 0) { const written = fs.writeSync(fd, data, offset, length, position); offset += written; length -= written; if (position !== null) { position += written; } } } finally { if (!isUserFd) fs.closeSync(fd); } } function appendFile(path, data, options, callback) { callback = maybeCallback(callback || options); options = getOptions(options, { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'a' }); // Don't make changes directly on options object options = copyObject(options); // force append behavior when using a supplied file descriptor if (!options.flag || isFd(path)) options.flag = 'a'; fs.writeFile(path, data, options, callback); } function appendFileSync(path, data, options) { options = getOptions(options, { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'a' }); // Don't make changes directly on options object options = copyObject(options); // force append behavior when using a supplied file descriptor if (!options.flag || isFd(path)) options.flag = 'a'; fs.writeFileSync(path, data, options); } function watch(filename, options, listener) { if (typeof options === 'function') { listener = options; } options = getOptions(options, {}); // Don't make changes directly on options object options = copyObject(options); if (options.persistent === undefined) options.persistent = true; if (options.recursive === undefined) options.recursive = false; if (!watchers) watchers = require('internal/fs/watchers'); const watcher = new watchers.FSWatcher(); watcher.start(filename, options.persistent, options.recursive, options.encoding); if (listener) { watcher.addListener('change', listener); } return watcher; } const statWatchers = new Map(); function watchFile(filename, options, listener) { filename = toPathIfFileURL(filename); validatePath(filename); filename = pathModule.resolve(filename); let stat; const defaults = { // Poll interval in milliseconds. 5007 is what libev used to use. It's // a little on the slow side but let's stick with it for now to keep // behavioral changes to a minimum. interval: 5007, persistent: true }; if (options !== null && typeof options === 'object') { options = _extend(defaults, options); } else { listener = options; options = defaults; } if (typeof listener !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('listener', 'Function', listener); } stat = statWatchers.get(filename); if (stat === undefined) { if (!watchers) watchers = require('internal/fs/watchers'); stat = new watchers.StatWatcher(options.bigint); stat.start(filename, options.persistent, options.interval); statWatchers.set(filename, stat); } stat.addListener('change', listener); return stat; } function unwatchFile(filename, listener) { filename = toPathIfFileURL(filename); validatePath(filename); filename = pathModule.resolve(filename); const stat = statWatchers.get(filename); if (stat === undefined) return; if (typeof listener === 'function') { stat.removeListener('change', listener); } else { stat.removeAllListeners('change'); } if (stat.listenerCount('change') === 0) { stat.stop(); statWatchers.delete(filename); } } let splitRoot; if (isWindows) { // Regex to find the device root on Windows (e.g. 'c:\\'), including trailing // slash. const splitRootRe = /^(?:[a-zA-Z]:|[\\/]{2}[^\\/]+[\\/][^\\/]+)?[\\/]*/; splitRoot = function splitRoot(str) { return splitRootRe.exec(str)[0]; }; } else { splitRoot = function splitRoot(str) { for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { if (str.charCodeAt(i) !== CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) return str.slice(0, i); } return str; }; } function encodeRealpathResult(result, options) { if (!options || !options.encoding || options.encoding === 'utf8') return result; const asBuffer = Buffer.from(result); if (options.encoding === 'buffer') { return asBuffer; } else { return asBuffer.toString(options.encoding); } } // Finds the next portion of a (partial) path, up to the next path delimiter let nextPart; if (isWindows) { nextPart = function nextPart(p, i) { for (; i < p.length; ++i) { const ch = p.charCodeAt(i); // Check for a separator character if (ch === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH || ch === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) return i; } return -1; }; } else { nextPart = function nextPart(p, i) { return p.indexOf('/', i); }; } const emptyObj = Object.create(null); function realpathSync(p, options) { if (!options) options = emptyObj; else options = getOptions(options, emptyObj); p = toPathIfFileURL(p); if (typeof p !== 'string') { p += ''; } validatePath(p); p = pathModule.resolve(p); const cache = options[realpathCacheKey]; const maybeCachedResult = cache && cache.get(p); if (maybeCachedResult) { return maybeCachedResult; } const seenLinks = Object.create(null); const knownHard = Object.create(null); const original = p; // current character position in p let pos; // the partial path so far, including a trailing slash if any let current; // the partial path without a trailing slash (except when pointing at a root) let base; // the partial path scanned in the previous round, with slash let previous; // Skip over roots current = base = splitRoot(p); pos = current.length; // On windows, check that the root exists. On unix there is no need. if (isWindows && !knownHard[base]) { const ctx = { path: base }; binding.lstat(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(base), false, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); knownHard[base] = true; } // walk down the path, swapping out linked path parts for their real // values // NB: p.length changes. while (pos < p.length) { // find the next part const result = nextPart(p, pos); previous = current; if (result === -1) { const last = p.slice(pos); current += last; base = previous + last; pos = p.length; } else { current += p.slice(pos, result + 1); base = previous + p.slice(pos, result); pos = result + 1; } // continue if not a symlink, break if a pipe/socket if (knownHard[base] || (cache && cache.get(base) === base)) { if (isFileType(statValues, S_IFIFO) || isFileType(statValues, S_IFSOCK)) { break; } continue; } let resolvedLink; const maybeCachedResolved = cache && cache.get(base); if (maybeCachedResolved) { resolvedLink = maybeCachedResolved; } else { // Use stats array directly to avoid creating an fs.Stats instance just // for our internal use. const baseLong = pathModule.toNamespacedPath(base); const ctx = { path: base }; const stats = binding.lstat(baseLong, false, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); if (!isFileType(stats, S_IFLNK)) { knownHard[base] = true; if (cache) cache.set(base, base); continue; } // read the link if it wasn't read before // dev/ino always return 0 on windows, so skip the check. let linkTarget = null; let id; if (!isWindows) { const dev = stats[0].toString(32); const ino = stats[7].toString(32); id = `${dev}:${ino}`; if (seenLinks[id]) { linkTarget = seenLinks[id]; } } if (linkTarget === null) { const ctx = { path: base }; binding.stat(baseLong, false, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); linkTarget = binding.readlink(baseLong, undefined, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } resolvedLink = pathModule.resolve(previous, linkTarget); if (cache) cache.set(base, resolvedLink); if (!isWindows) seenLinks[id] = linkTarget; } // resolve the link, then start over p = pathModule.resolve(resolvedLink, p.slice(pos)); // Skip over roots current = base = splitRoot(p); pos = current.length; // On windows, check that the root exists. On unix there is no need. if (isWindows && !knownHard[base]) { const ctx = { path: base }; binding.lstat(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(base), false, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); knownHard[base] = true; } } if (cache) cache.set(original, p); return encodeRealpathResult(p, options); } realpathSync.native = function(path, options) { options = getOptions(options, {}); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const ctx = { path }; const result = binding.realpath(path, options.encoding, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return result; }; function realpath(p, options, callback) { callback = maybeCallback(typeof options === 'function' ? options : callback); if (!options) options = emptyObj; else options = getOptions(options, emptyObj); p = toPathIfFileURL(p); if (typeof p !== 'string') { p += ''; } validatePath(p); p = pathModule.resolve(p); const seenLinks = Object.create(null); const knownHard = Object.create(null); // current character position in p let pos; // the partial path so far, including a trailing slash if any let current; // the partial path without a trailing slash (except when pointing at a root) let base; // the partial path scanned in the previous round, with slash let previous; current = base = splitRoot(p); pos = current.length; // On windows, check that the root exists. On unix there is no need. if (isWindows && !knownHard[base]) { fs.lstat(base, function(err, stats) { if (err) return callback(err); knownHard[base] = true; LOOP(); }); } else { process.nextTick(LOOP); } // walk down the path, swapping out linked path parts for their real // values function LOOP() { // stop if scanned past end of path if (pos >= p.length) { return callback(null, encodeRealpathResult(p, options)); } // find the next part const result = nextPart(p, pos); previous = current; if (result === -1) { const last = p.slice(pos); current += last; base = previous + last; pos = p.length; } else { current += p.slice(pos, result + 1); base = previous + p.slice(pos, result); pos = result + 1; } // continue if not a symlink, break if a pipe/socket if (knownHard[base]) { if (isFileType(statValues, S_IFIFO) || isFileType(statValues, S_IFSOCK)) { return callback(null, encodeRealpathResult(p, options)); } return process.nextTick(LOOP); } return fs.lstat(base, gotStat); } function gotStat(err, stats) { if (err) return callback(err); // if not a symlink, skip to the next path part if (!stats.isSymbolicLink()) { knownHard[base] = true; return process.nextTick(LOOP); } // stat & read the link if not read before // call gotTarget as soon as the link target is known // dev/ino always return 0 on windows, so skip the check. let id; if (!isWindows) { const dev = stats.dev.toString(32); const ino = stats.ino.toString(32); id = `${dev}:${ino}`; if (seenLinks[id]) { return gotTarget(null, seenLinks[id], base); } } fs.stat(base, function(err) { if (err) return callback(err); fs.readlink(base, function(err, target) { if (!isWindows) seenLinks[id] = target; gotTarget(err, target); }); }); } function gotTarget(err, target, base) { if (err) return callback(err); gotResolvedLink(pathModule.resolve(previous, target)); } function gotResolvedLink(resolvedLink) { // resolve the link, then start over p = pathModule.resolve(resolvedLink, p.slice(pos)); current = base = splitRoot(p); pos = current.length; // On windows, check that the root exists. On unix there is no need. if (isWindows && !knownHard[base]) { fs.lstat(base, function(err) { if (err) return callback(err); knownHard[base] = true; LOOP(); }); } else { process.nextTick(LOOP); } } } realpath.native = function(path, options, callback) { callback = makeCallback(callback || options); options = getOptions(options, {}); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; return binding.realpath(path, options.encoding, req); }; function mkdtemp(prefix, options, callback) { callback = makeCallback(typeof options === 'function' ? options : callback); options = getOptions(options, {}); if (!prefix || typeof prefix !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('prefix', 'string', prefix); } nullCheck(prefix, 'prefix'); const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = callback; binding.mkdtemp(`${prefix}XXXXXX`, options.encoding, req); } function mkdtempSync(prefix, options) { options = getOptions(options, {}); if (!prefix || typeof prefix !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('prefix', 'string', prefix); } nullCheck(prefix, 'prefix'); const path = `${prefix}XXXXXX`; const ctx = { path }; const result = binding.mkdtemp(path, options.encoding, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); return result; } function copyFile(src, dest, flags, callback) { if (typeof flags === 'function') { callback = flags; flags = 0; } else if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } src = toPathIfFileURL(src); dest = toPathIfFileURL(dest); validatePath(src, 'src'); validatePath(dest, 'dest'); src = pathModule._makeLong(src); dest = pathModule._makeLong(dest); flags = flags | 0; const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = makeCallback(callback); binding.copyFile(src, dest, flags, req); } function copyFileSync(src, dest, flags) { src = toPathIfFileURL(src); dest = toPathIfFileURL(dest); validatePath(src, 'src'); validatePath(dest, 'dest'); const ctx = { path: src, dest }; // non-prefixed src = pathModule._makeLong(src); dest = pathModule._makeLong(dest); flags = flags | 0; binding.copyFile(src, dest, flags, undefined, ctx); handleErrorFromBinding(ctx); } function createReadStream(path, options) { return new ReadStream(path, options); } function createWriteStream(path, options) { return new WriteStream(path, options); } module.exports = fs = { appendFile, appendFileSync, access, accessSync, chown, chownSync, chmod, chmodSync, close, closeSync, copyFile, copyFileSync, createReadStream, createWriteStream, exists, existsSync, fchown, fchownSync, fchmod, fchmodSync, fdatasync, fdatasyncSync, fstat, fstatSync, fsync, fsyncSync, ftruncate, ftruncateSync, futimes, futimesSync, lchown, lchownSync, lchmod: constants.O_SYMLINK !== undefined ? lchmod : undefined, lchmodSync: constants.O_SYMLINK !== undefined ? lchmodSync : undefined, link, linkSync, lstat, lstatSync, mkdir, mkdirSync, mkdtemp, mkdtempSync, open, openSync, readdir, readdirSync, read, readSync, readFile, readFileSync, readlink, readlinkSync, realpath, realpathSync, rename, renameSync, rmdir, rmdirSync, stat, statSync, symlink, symlinkSync, truncate, truncateSync, unwatchFile, unlink, unlinkSync, utimes, utimesSync, watch, watchFile, writeFile, writeFileSync, write, writeSync, Dirent, Stats, // Stream constructors ReadStream, WriteStream, // Legacy names... FileReadStream: ReadStream, FileWriteStream: WriteStream, // For tests _toUnixTimestamp: toUnixTimestamp }; Object.defineProperties(fs, { F_OK: { enumerable: true, value: F_OK || 0 }, R_OK: { enumerable: true, value: R_OK || 0 }, W_OK: { enumerable: true, value: W_OK || 0 }, X_OK: { enumerable: true, value: X_OK || 0 }, constants: { configurable: false, enumerable: true, value: constants }, promises: { configurable: true, enumerable: false, get() { if (promisesWarn) { promises = require('internal/fs/promises'); promisesWarn = false; process.emitWarning('The fs.promises API is experimental', 'ExperimentalWarning'); } return promises; } } }); // SyncWriteStream is internal. DO NOT USE. // This undocumented API was never intended to be made public. var SyncWriteStream = internalFS.SyncWriteStream; Object.defineProperty(fs, 'SyncWriteStream', { configurable: true, get: internalUtil.deprecate(() => SyncWriteStream, 'fs.SyncWriteStream is deprecated.', 'DEP0061'), set: internalUtil.deprecate((val) => { SyncWriteStream = val; }, 'fs.SyncWriteStream is deprecated.', 'DEP0061') }); http// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { Agent, globalAgent } = require('_http_agent'); const { ClientRequest } = require('_http_client'); const { methods } = require('_http_common'); const { IncomingMessage } = require('_http_incoming'); const { OutgoingMessage } = require('_http_outgoing'); const { _connectionListener, STATUS_CODES, Server, ServerResponse } = require('_http_server'); let maxHeaderSize; function createServer(opts, requestListener) { return new Server(opts, requestListener); } function request(url, options, cb) { return new ClientRequest(url, options, cb); } function get(url, options, cb) { var req = request(url, options, cb); req.end(); return req; } module.exports = { _connectionListener, METHODS: methods.slice().sort(), STATUS_CODES, Agent, ClientRequest, globalAgent, IncomingMessage, OutgoingMessage, Server, ServerResponse, createServer, get, request }; Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'maxHeaderSize', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { if (maxHeaderSize === undefined) { const { getOptionValue } = require('internal/options'); maxHeaderSize = getOptionValue('--max-http-header-size'); } return maxHeaderSize; } }); http2'use strict'; const { connect, constants, createServer, createSecureServer, getDefaultSettings, getPackedSettings, getUnpackedSettings, Http2ServerRequest, Http2ServerResponse } = require('internal/http2/core'); module.exports = { connect, constants, createServer, createSecureServer, getDefaultSettings, getPackedSettings, getUnpackedSettings, Http2ServerRequest, Http2ServerResponse }; _http_agent// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const net = require('net'); const util = require('util'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const debug = util.debuglog('http'); const { async_id_symbol } = require('internal/async_hooks').symbols; // New Agent code. // The largest departure from the previous implementation is that // an Agent instance holds connections for a variable number of host:ports. // Surprisingly, this is still API compatible as far as third parties are // concerned. The only code that really notices the difference is the // request object. // Another departure is that all code related to HTTP parsing is in // ClientRequest.onSocket(). The Agent is now *strictly* // concerned with managing a connection pool. function Agent(options) { if (!(this instanceof Agent)) return new Agent(options); EventEmitter.call(this); this.defaultPort = 80; this.protocol = 'http:'; this.options = util._extend({}, options); // don't confuse net and make it think that we're connecting to a pipe this.options.path = null; this.requests = {}; this.sockets = {}; this.freeSockets = {}; this.keepAliveMsecs = this.options.keepAliveMsecs || 1000; this.keepAlive = this.options.keepAlive || false; this.maxSockets = this.options.maxSockets || Agent.defaultMaxSockets; this.maxFreeSockets = this.options.maxFreeSockets || 256; this.on('free', (socket, options) => { var name = this.getName(options); debug('agent.on(free)', name); if (socket.writable && this.requests[name] && this.requests[name].length) { const req = this.requests[name].shift(); setRequestSocket(this, req, socket); if (this.requests[name].length === 0) { // don't leak delete this.requests[name]; } } else { // If there are no pending requests, then put it in // the freeSockets pool, but only if we're allowed to do so. var req = socket._httpMessage; if (req && req.shouldKeepAlive && socket.writable && this.keepAlive) { var freeSockets = this.freeSockets[name]; var freeLen = freeSockets ? freeSockets.length : 0; var count = freeLen; if (this.sockets[name]) count += this.sockets[name].length; if (count > this.maxSockets || freeLen >= this.maxFreeSockets) { socket.destroy(); } else if (this.keepSocketAlive(socket)) { freeSockets = freeSockets || []; this.freeSockets[name] = freeSockets; socket[async_id_symbol] = -1; socket._httpMessage = null; this.removeSocket(socket, options); freeSockets.push(socket); } else { // Implementation doesn't want to keep socket alive socket.destroy(); } } else { socket.destroy(); } } }); } util.inherits(Agent, EventEmitter); Agent.defaultMaxSockets = Infinity; Agent.prototype.createConnection = net.createConnection; // Get the key for a given set of request options Agent.prototype.getName = function getName(options) { var name = options.host || 'localhost'; name += ':'; if (options.port) name += options.port; name += ':'; if (options.localAddress) name += options.localAddress; // Pacify parallel/test-http-agent-getname by only appending // the ':' when options.family is set. if (options.family === 4 || options.family === 6) name += `:${options.family}`; if (options.socketPath) name += `:${options.socketPath}`; return name; }; Agent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest(req, options, port/* legacy */, localAddress/* legacy */) { // Legacy API: addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { host: options, port, localAddress }; } options = util._extend({}, options); util._extend(options, this.options); if (options.socketPath) options.path = options.socketPath; if (!options.servername) options.servername = calculateServerName(options, req); var name = this.getName(options); if (!this.sockets[name]) { this.sockets[name] = []; } var freeLen = this.freeSockets[name] ? this.freeSockets[name].length : 0; var sockLen = freeLen + this.sockets[name].length; if (freeLen) { // we have a free socket, so use that. var socket = this.freeSockets[name].shift(); // Guard against an uninitialized or user supplied Socket. if (socket._handle && typeof socket._handle.asyncReset === 'function') { // Assign the handle a new asyncId and run any destroy()/init() hooks. socket._handle.asyncReset(); socket[async_id_symbol] = socket._handle.getAsyncId(); } // don't leak if (!this.freeSockets[name].length) delete this.freeSockets[name]; this.reuseSocket(socket, req); setRequestSocket(this, req, socket); this.sockets[name].push(socket); } else if (sockLen < this.maxSockets) { debug('call onSocket', sockLen, freeLen); // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. this.createSocket(req, options, handleSocketCreation(this, req, true)); } else { debug('wait for socket'); // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. if (!this.requests[name]) { this.requests[name] = []; } this.requests[name].push(req); } }; Agent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(req, options, cb) { options = util._extend({}, options); util._extend(options, this.options); if (options.socketPath) options.path = options.socketPath; if (!options.servername) options.servername = calculateServerName(options, req); var name = this.getName(options); options._agentKey = name; debug('createConnection', name, options); options.encoding = null; var called = false; const oncreate = (err, s) => { if (called) return; called = true; if (err) return cb(err); if (!this.sockets[name]) { this.sockets[name] = []; } this.sockets[name].push(s); debug('sockets', name, this.sockets[name].length); installListeners(this, s, options); cb(null, s); }; const newSocket = this.createConnection(options, oncreate); if (newSocket) oncreate(null, newSocket); }; function calculateServerName(options, req) { let servername = options.host; const hostHeader = req.getHeader('host'); if (hostHeader) { // abc => abc // abc:123 => abc // [::1] => ::1 // [::1]:123 => ::1 if (hostHeader.startsWith('[')) { const index = hostHeader.indexOf(']'); if (index === -1) { // Leading '[', but no ']'. Need to do something... servername = hostHeader; } else { servername = hostHeader.substr(1, index - 1); } } else { servername = hostHeader.split(':', 1)[0]; } } return servername; } function installListeners(agent, s, options) { function onFree() { debug('CLIENT socket onFree'); agent.emit('free', s, options); } s.on('free', onFree); function onClose(err) { debug('CLIENT socket onClose'); // This is the only place where sockets get removed from the Agent. // If you want to remove a socket from the pool, just close it. // All socket errors end in a close event anyway. agent.removeSocket(s, options); } s.on('close', onClose); function onRemove() { // We need this function for cases like HTTP 'upgrade' // (defined by WebSockets) where we need to remove a socket from the // pool because it'll be locked up indefinitely debug('CLIENT socket onRemove'); agent.removeSocket(s, options); s.removeListener('close', onClose); s.removeListener('free', onFree); s.removeListener('agentRemove', onRemove); } s.on('agentRemove', onRemove); } Agent.prototype.removeSocket = function removeSocket(s, options) { var name = this.getName(options); debug('removeSocket', name, 'writable:', s.writable); var sets = [this.sockets]; // If the socket was destroyed, remove it from the free buffers too. if (!s.writable) sets.push(this.freeSockets); for (var sk = 0; sk < sets.length; sk++) { var sockets = sets[sk]; if (sockets[name]) { var index = sockets[name].indexOf(s); if (index !== -1) { sockets[name].splice(index, 1); // Don't leak if (sockets[name].length === 0) delete sockets[name]; } } } if (this.requests[name] && this.requests[name].length) { debug('removeSocket, have a request, make a socket'); const req = this.requests[name][0]; // If we have pending requests and a socket gets closed make a new one const socketCreationHandler = handleSocketCreation(this, req, false); this.createSocket(req, options, socketCreationHandler); } }; Agent.prototype.keepSocketAlive = function keepSocketAlive(socket) { socket.setKeepAlive(true, this.keepAliveMsecs); socket.unref(); return true; }; Agent.prototype.reuseSocket = function reuseSocket(socket, req) { debug('have free socket'); socket.ref(); }; Agent.prototype.destroy = function destroy() { var sets = [this.freeSockets, this.sockets]; for (var s = 0; s < sets.length; s++) { var set = sets[s]; var keys = Object.keys(set); for (var v = 0; v < keys.length; v++) { var setName = set[keys[v]]; for (var n = 0; n < setName.length; n++) { setName[n].destroy(); } } } }; function handleSocketCreation(agent, request, informRequest) { return function handleSocketCreation_Inner(err, socket) { if (err) { process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, request, err); return; } if (informRequest) setRequestSocket(agent, request, socket); else socket.emit('free'); }; } function setRequestSocket(agent, req, socket) { req.onSocket(socket); const agentTimeout = agent.options.timeout || 0; if (req.timeout === undefined || req.timeout === agentTimeout) { return; } socket.setTimeout(req.timeout); // reset timeout after response end req.once('response', (res) => { res.once('end', () => { if (socket.timeout !== agentTimeout) { socket.setTimeout(agentTimeout); } }); }); } function emitErrorNT(emitter, err) { emitter.emit('error', err); } module.exports = { Agent, globalAgent: new Agent() }; _http_client// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const util = require('util'); const net = require('net'); const url = require('url'); const { HTTPParser } = internalBinding('http_parser'); const assert = require('assert').ok; const { _checkIsHttpToken: checkIsHttpToken, debug, freeParser, httpSocketSetup, parsers } = require('_http_common'); const { OutgoingMessage } = require('_http_outgoing'); const Agent = require('_http_agent'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope } = require('internal/async_hooks'); const { urlToOptions, searchParamsSymbol } = require('internal/url'); const { outHeadersKey, ondrain } = require('internal/http'); const { ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN_NAME, ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN, ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL, ERR_UNESCAPED_CHARACTERS } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateTimerDuration } = require('internal/timers'); const is_reused_symbol = require('internal/freelist').symbols.is_reused_symbol; const INVALID_PATH_REGEX = /[^\u0021-\u00ff]/; function validateHost(host, name) { if (host !== null && host !== undefined && typeof host !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(`options.${name}`, ['string', 'undefined', 'null'], host); } return host; } function ClientRequest(input, options, cb) { OutgoingMessage.call(this); if (typeof input === 'string') { input = url.parse(input); if (!input.hostname) { throw new ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN_NAME(); } } else if (input && input[searchParamsSymbol] && input[searchParamsSymbol][searchParamsSymbol]) { // url.URL instance input = urlToOptions(input); } else { cb = options; options = input; input = null; } if (typeof options === 'function') { cb = options; options = null; } options = util._extend(input || {}, options || {}); var agent = options.agent; var defaultAgent = options._defaultAgent || Agent.globalAgent; if (agent === false) { agent = new defaultAgent.constructor(); } else if (agent === null || agent === undefined) { if (typeof options.createConnection !== 'function') { agent = defaultAgent; } // Explicitly pass through this statement as agent will not be used // when createConnection is provided. } else if (typeof agent.addRequest !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.agent', ['Agent-like Object', 'undefined', 'false'], agent); } this.agent = agent; var protocol = options.protocol || defaultAgent.protocol; var expectedProtocol = defaultAgent.protocol; if (this.agent && this.agent.protocol) expectedProtocol = this.agent.protocol; var path; if (options.path) { path = String(options.path); if (INVALID_PATH_REGEX.test(path)) throw new ERR_UNESCAPED_CHARACTERS('Request path'); } if (protocol !== expectedProtocol) { throw new ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL(protocol, expectedProtocol); } var defaultPort = options.defaultPort || this.agent && this.agent.defaultPort; var port = options.port = options.port || defaultPort || 80; var host = options.host = validateHost(options.hostname, 'hostname') || validateHost(options.host, 'host') || 'localhost'; var setHost = (options.setHost === undefined || Boolean(options.setHost)); this.socketPath = options.socketPath; this.timeout = options.timeout; var method = options.method; var methodIsString = (typeof method === 'string'); if (method !== null && method !== undefined && !methodIsString) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('method', 'string', method); } if (methodIsString && method) { if (!checkIsHttpToken(method)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN('Method', method); } method = this.method = method.toUpperCase(); } else { method = this.method = 'GET'; } this.path = options.path || '/'; if (cb) { this.once('response', cb); } if (method === 'GET' || method === 'HEAD' || method === 'DELETE' || method === 'OPTIONS' || method === 'CONNECT') { this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = false; } else { this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = true; } this._ended = false; this.res = null; this.aborted = undefined; this.timeoutCb = null; this.upgradeOrConnect = false; this.parser = null; this.maxHeadersCount = null; var called = false; if (this.agent) { // If there is an agent we should default to Connection:keep-alive, // but only if the Agent will actually reuse the connection! // If it's not a keepAlive agent, and the maxSockets==Infinity, then // there's never a case where this socket will actually be reused if (!this.agent.keepAlive && !Number.isFinite(this.agent.maxSockets)) { this._last = true; this.shouldKeepAlive = false; } else { this._last = false; this.shouldKeepAlive = true; } } var headersArray = Array.isArray(options.headers); if (!headersArray) { if (options.headers) { var keys = Object.keys(options.headers); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; this.setHeader(key, options.headers[key]); } } if (host && !this.getHeader('host') && setHost) { var hostHeader = host; // For the Host header, ensure that IPv6 addresses are enclosed // in square brackets, as defined by URI formatting // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2 var posColon = hostHeader.indexOf(':'); if (posColon !== -1 && hostHeader.indexOf(':', posColon + 1) !== -1 && hostHeader.charCodeAt(0) !== 91/* '[' */) { hostHeader = `[${hostHeader}]`; } if (port && +port !== defaultPort) { hostHeader += ':' + port; } this.setHeader('Host', hostHeader); } if (options.auth && !this.getHeader('Authorization')) { this.setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(options.auth).toString('base64')); } if (this.getHeader('expect')) { if (this._header) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT('render'); } this._storeHeader(this.method + ' ' + this.path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\n', this[outHeadersKey]); } } else { this._storeHeader(this.method + ' ' + this.path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\n', options.headers); } var oncreate = (err, socket) => { if (called) return; called = true; if (err) { process.nextTick(() => this.emit('error', err)); return; } this.onSocket(socket); this._deferToConnect(null, null, () => this._flush()); }; // initiate connection if (this.agent) { this.agent.addRequest(this, options); } else { // No agent, default to Connection:close. this._last = true; this.shouldKeepAlive = false; if (typeof options.createConnection === 'function') { const newSocket = options.createConnection(options, oncreate); if (newSocket && !called) { called = true; this.onSocket(newSocket); } else { return; } } else { debug('CLIENT use net.createConnection', options); this.onSocket(net.createConnection(options)); } } this._deferToConnect(null, null, () => this._flush()); } util.inherits(ClientRequest, OutgoingMessage); ClientRequest.prototype._finish = function _finish() { ; ; OutgoingMessage.prototype._finish.call(this); }; ClientRequest.prototype._implicitHeader = function _implicitHeader() { if (this._header) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT('render'); } this._storeHeader(this.method + ' ' + this.path + ' HTTP/1.1\r\n', this[outHeadersKey]); }; ClientRequest.prototype.abort = function abort() { if (!this.aborted) { process.nextTick(emitAbortNT.bind(this)); } // Mark as aborting so we can avoid sending queued request data // This is used as a truthy flag elsewhere. The use of Date.now is for // debugging purposes only. this.aborted = Date.now(); // If we're aborting, we don't care about any more response data. if (this.res) { this.res._dump(); } else { this.once('response', function(res) { res._dump(); }); } // In the event that we don't have a socket, we will pop out of // the request queue through handling in onSocket. if (this.socket) { // in-progress this.socket.destroy(); } }; function emitAbortNT() { this.emit('abort'); } function createHangUpError() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax var error = new Error('socket hang up'); error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; return error; } function socketCloseListener() { var socket = this; var req = socket._httpMessage; debug('HTTP socket close'); // Pull through final chunk, if anything is buffered. // the ondata function will handle it properly, and this // is a no-op if no final chunk remains. socket.read(); // NOTE: It's important to get parser here, because it could be freed by // the `socketOnData`. const parser = socket.parser; const res = req.res; if (res) { // Socket closed before we emitted 'end' below. if (!res.complete) { res.aborted = true; res.emit('aborted'); } req.emit('close'); if (res.readable) { res.on('end', function() { this.emit('close'); }); res.push(null); } else { res.emit('close'); } } else { if (!req.socket._hadError) { // This socket error fired before we started to // receive a response. The error needs to // fire on the request. req.socket._hadError = true; req.emit('error', createHangUpError()); } req.emit('close'); } // Too bad. That output wasn't getting written. // This is pretty terrible that it doesn't raise an error. // Fixed better in v0.10 if (req.output) req.output.length = 0; if (req.outputEncodings) req.outputEncodings.length = 0; if (parser) { parser.finish(); freeParser(parser, req, socket); } } function socketErrorListener(err) { var socket = this; var req = socket._httpMessage; debug('SOCKET ERROR:', err.message, err.stack); if (req) { // For Safety. Some additional errors might fire later on // and we need to make sure we don't double-fire the error event. req.socket._hadError = true; req.emit('error', err); } // Handle any pending data socket.read(); var parser = socket.parser; if (parser) { parser.finish(); freeParser(parser, req, socket); } // Ensure that no further data will come out of the socket socket.removeListener('data', socketOnData); socket.removeListener('end', socketOnEnd); socket.destroy(); } function freeSocketErrorListener(err) { var socket = this; debug('SOCKET ERROR on FREE socket:', err.message, err.stack); socket.destroy(); socket.emit('agentRemove'); } function socketOnEnd() { var socket = this; var req = this._httpMessage; var parser = this.parser; if (!req.res && !req.socket._hadError) { // If we don't have a response then we know that the socket // ended prematurely and we need to emit an error on the request. req.socket._hadError = true; req.emit('error', createHangUpError()); } if (parser) { parser.finish(); freeParser(parser, req, socket); } socket.destroy(); } function socketOnData(d) { var socket = this; var req = this._httpMessage; var parser = this.parser; assert(parser && parser.socket === socket); var ret = parser.execute(d); if (ret instanceof Error) { debug('parse error', ret); freeParser(parser, req, socket); socket.destroy(); req.socket._hadError = true; req.emit('error', ret); } else if (parser.incoming && parser.incoming.upgrade) { // Upgrade (if status code 101) or CONNECT var bytesParsed = ret; var res = parser.incoming; req.res = res; socket.removeListener('data', socketOnData); socket.removeListener('end', socketOnEnd); socket.removeListener('drain', ondrain); parser.finish(); freeParser(parser, req, socket); var bodyHead = d.slice(bytesParsed, d.length); var eventName = req.method === 'CONNECT' ? 'connect' : 'upgrade'; if (req.listenerCount(eventName) > 0) { req.upgradeOrConnect = true; // detach the socket socket.emit('agentRemove'); socket.removeListener('close', socketCloseListener); socket.removeListener('error', socketErrorListener); socket._httpMessage = null; socket.readableFlowing = null; req.emit(eventName, res, socket, bodyHead); req.emit('close'); } else { // Requested Upgrade or used CONNECT method, but have no handler. socket.destroy(); } } else if (parser.incoming && parser.incoming.complete && // When the status code is informational (100, 102-199), // the server will send a final response after this client // sends a request body, so we must not free the parser. // 101 (Switching Protocols) and all other status codes // should be processed normally. !statusIsInformational(parser.incoming.statusCode)) { socket.removeListener('data', socketOnData); socket.removeListener('end', socketOnEnd); freeParser(parser, req, socket); } } function statusIsInformational(status) { // 100 (Continue) RFC7231 Section 6.2.1 // 102 (Processing) RFC2518 // 103 (Early Hints) RFC8297 // 104-199 (Unassigned) return (status < 200 && status >= 100 && status !== 101); } // client function parserOnIncomingClient(res, shouldKeepAlive) { var socket = this.socket; var req = socket._httpMessage; debug('AGENT incoming response!'); if (req.res) { // We already have a response object, this means the server // sent a double response. socket.destroy(); return 0; // No special treatment. } req.res = res; // Skip body and treat as Upgrade. if (res.upgrade) return 2; // Responses to CONNECT request is handled as Upgrade. const method = req.method; if (method === 'CONNECT') { res.upgrade = true; return 2; // Skip body and treat as Upgrade. } if (statusIsInformational(res.statusCode)) { // Restart the parser, as this is a 1xx informational message. req.res = null; // Clear res so that we don't hit double-responses. // Maintain compatibility by sending 100-specific events if (res.statusCode === 100) { req.emit('continue'); } // Send information events to all 1xx responses except 101 Upgrade. req.emit('information', { statusCode: res.statusCode }); return 1; // Skip body but don't treat as Upgrade. } if (req.shouldKeepAlive && !shouldKeepAlive && !req.upgradeOrConnect) { // Server MUST respond with Connection:keep-alive for us to enable it. // If we've been upgraded (via WebSockets) we also shouldn't try to // keep the connection open. req.shouldKeepAlive = false; } ; ; req.res = res; res.req = req; // add our listener first, so that we guarantee socket cleanup res.on('end', responseOnEnd); req.on('prefinish', requestOnPrefinish); var handled = req.emit('response', res); // If the user did not listen for the 'response' event, then they // can't possibly read the data, so we ._dump() it into the void // so that the socket doesn't hang there in a paused state. if (!handled) res._dump(); if (method === 'HEAD') return 1; // Skip body but don't treat as Upgrade. return 0; // No special treatment. } // client function responseKeepAlive(res, req) { var socket = req.socket; if (!req.shouldKeepAlive) { if (socket.writable) { debug('AGENT socket.destroySoon()'); if (typeof socket.destroySoon === 'function') socket.destroySoon(); else socket.end(); } assert(!socket.writable); } else { debug('AGENT socket keep-alive'); if (req.timeoutCb) { socket.setTimeout(0, req.timeoutCb); req.timeoutCb = null; } socket.removeListener('close', socketCloseListener); socket.removeListener('error', socketErrorListener); socket.once('error', freeSocketErrorListener); // There are cases where _handle === null. Avoid those. Passing null to // nextTick() will call getDefaultTriggerAsyncId() to retrieve the id. const asyncId = socket._handle ? socket._handle.getAsyncId() : undefined; // Mark this socket as available, AFTER user-added end // handlers have a chance to run. defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(asyncId, process.nextTick, emitFreeNT, socket); } } function responseOnEnd() { const res = this; const req = this.req; req._ended = true; if (!req.shouldKeepAlive || req.finished) responseKeepAlive(res, req); } function requestOnPrefinish() { const req = this; const res = this.res; if (!req.shouldKeepAlive) return; if (req._ended) responseKeepAlive(res, req); } function emitFreeNT(socket) { socket.emit('free'); } function tickOnSocket(req, socket) { var parser = parsers.alloc(); req.socket = socket; req.connection = socket; parser.reinitialize(HTTPParser.RESPONSE, parser[is_reused_symbol]); parser.socket = socket; parser.outgoing = req; req.parser = parser; socket.parser = parser; socket._httpMessage = req; // Setup "drain" propagation. httpSocketSetup(socket); // Propagate headers limit from request object to parser if (typeof req.maxHeadersCount === 'number') { parser.maxHeaderPairs = req.maxHeadersCount << 1; } parser.onIncoming = parserOnIncomingClient; socket.removeListener('error', freeSocketErrorListener); socket.on('error', socketErrorListener); socket.on('data', socketOnData); socket.on('end', socketOnEnd); socket.on('close', socketCloseListener); if (req.timeout !== undefined) { listenSocketTimeout(req); } req.emit('socket', socket); } function listenSocketTimeout(req) { if (req.timeoutCb) { return; } const emitRequestTimeout = () => req.emit('timeout'); // Set timeoutCb so it will get cleaned up on request end. req.timeoutCb = emitRequestTimeout; // Delegate socket timeout event. if (req.socket) { req.socket.once('timeout', emitRequestTimeout); } else { req.on('socket', (socket) => { socket.once('timeout', emitRequestTimeout); }); } // Remove socket timeout listener after response end. req.once('response', (res) => { res.once('end', () => { req.socket.removeListener('timeout', emitRequestTimeout); }); }); } ClientRequest.prototype.onSocket = function onSocket(socket) { process.nextTick(onSocketNT, this, socket); }; function onSocketNT(req, socket) { if (req.aborted) { // If we were aborted while waiting for a socket, skip the whole thing. if (!req.agent) { socket.destroy(); } else { socket.emit('free'); } } else { tickOnSocket(req, socket); } } ClientRequest.prototype._deferToConnect = _deferToConnect; function _deferToConnect(method, arguments_, cb) { // This function is for calls that need to happen once the socket is // connected and writable. It's an important promisy thing for all the socket // calls that happen either now (when a socket is assigned) or // in the future (when a socket gets assigned out of the pool and is // eventually writable). const callSocketMethod = () => { if (method) this.socket[method].apply(this.socket, arguments_); if (typeof cb === 'function') cb(); }; const onSocket = () => { if (this.socket.writable) { callSocketMethod(); } else { this.socket.once('connect', callSocketMethod); } }; if (!this.socket) { this.once('socket', onSocket); } else { onSocket(); } } ClientRequest.prototype.setTimeout = function setTimeout(msecs, callback) { listenSocketTimeout(this); msecs = validateTimerDuration(msecs); if (callback) this.once('timeout', callback); if (this.socket) { setSocketTimeout(this.socket, msecs); } else { this.once('socket', (sock) => setSocketTimeout(sock, msecs)); } return this; }; function setSocketTimeout(sock, msecs) { if (sock.connecting) { sock.once('connect', function() { sock.setTimeout(msecs); }); } else { sock.setTimeout(msecs); } } ClientRequest.prototype.setNoDelay = function setNoDelay(noDelay) { this._deferToConnect('setNoDelay', [noDelay]); }; ClientRequest.prototype.setSocketKeepAlive = function setSocketKeepAlive(enable, initialDelay) { this._deferToConnect('setKeepAlive', [enable, initialDelay]); }; ClientRequest.prototype.clearTimeout = function clearTimeout(cb) { this.setTimeout(0, cb); }; module.exports = { ClientRequest }; _http_common// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { methods, HTTPParser } = internalBinding('http_parser'); const { FreeList } = require('internal/freelist'); const { ondrain } = require('internal/http'); const incoming = require('_http_incoming'); const { IncomingMessage, readStart, readStop } = incoming; const debug = require('util').debuglog('http'); const kIncomingMessage = Symbol('IncomingMessage'); const kOnHeaders = HTTPParser.kOnHeaders | 0; const kOnHeadersComplete = HTTPParser.kOnHeadersComplete | 0; const kOnBody = HTTPParser.kOnBody | 0; const kOnMessageComplete = HTTPParser.kOnMessageComplete | 0; const kOnExecute = HTTPParser.kOnExecute | 0; const MAX_HEADER_PAIRS = 2000; // Only called in the slow case where slow means // that the request headers were either fragmented // across multiple TCP packets or too large to be // processed in a single run. This method is also // called to process trailing HTTP headers. function parserOnHeaders(headers, url) { // Once we exceeded headers limit - stop collecting them if (this.maxHeaderPairs <= 0 || this._headers.length < this.maxHeaderPairs) { this._headers = this._headers.concat(headers); } this._url += url; } // `headers` and `url` are set only if .onHeaders() has not been called for // this request. // `url` is not set for response parsers but that's not applicable here since // all our parsers are request parsers. function parserOnHeadersComplete(versionMajor, versionMinor, headers, method, url, statusCode, statusMessage, upgrade, shouldKeepAlive) { const parser = this; const { socket } = parser; if (headers === undefined) { headers = parser._headers; parser._headers = []; } if (url === undefined) { url = parser._url; parser._url = ''; } // Parser is also used by http client const ParserIncomingMessage = (socket && socket.server && socket.server[kIncomingMessage]) || IncomingMessage; const incoming = parser.incoming = new ParserIncomingMessage(socket); incoming.httpVersionMajor = versionMajor; incoming.httpVersionMinor = versionMinor; incoming.httpVersion = `${versionMajor}.${versionMinor}`; incoming.url = url; incoming.upgrade = upgrade; var n = headers.length; // If parser.maxHeaderPairs <= 0 assume that there's no limit. if (parser.maxHeaderPairs > 0) n = Math.min(n, parser.maxHeaderPairs); incoming._addHeaderLines(headers, n); if (typeof method === 'number') { // server only incoming.method = methods[method]; } else { // client only incoming.statusCode = statusCode; incoming.statusMessage = statusMessage; } return parser.onIncoming(incoming, shouldKeepAlive); } function parserOnBody(b, start, len) { const stream = this.incoming; // if the stream has already been removed, then drop it. if (stream === null) return; // pretend this was the result of a stream._read call. if (len > 0 && !stream._dumped) { var slice = b.slice(start, start + len); var ret = stream.push(slice); if (!ret) readStop(this.socket); } } function parserOnMessageComplete() { const parser = this; const stream = parser.incoming; if (stream !== null) { stream.complete = true; // Emit any trailing headers. const headers = parser._headers; if (headers.length) { stream._addHeaderLines(headers, headers.length); parser._headers = []; parser._url = ''; } // For emit end event stream.push(null); } // force to read the next incoming message readStart(parser.socket); } const parsers = new FreeList('parsers', 1000, function parsersCb() { const parser = new HTTPParser(HTTPParser.REQUEST); cleanParser(parser); parser.onIncoming = null; parser[kOnHeaders] = parserOnHeaders; parser[kOnHeadersComplete] = parserOnHeadersComplete; parser[kOnBody] = parserOnBody; parser[kOnMessageComplete] = parserOnMessageComplete; return parser; }); function closeParserInstance(parser) { parser.close(); } // Free the parser and also break any links that it // might have to any other things. // TODO: All parser data should be attached to a // single object, so that it can be easily cleaned // up by doing `parser.data = {}`, which should // be done in FreeList.free. `parsers.free(parser)` // should be all that is needed. function freeParser(parser, req, socket) { if (parser) { if (parser._consumed) parser.unconsume(); cleanParser(parser); if (parsers.free(parser) === false) { // Make sure the parser's stack has unwound before deleting the // corresponding C++ object through .close(). setImmediate(closeParserInstance, parser); } else { // Since the Parser destructor isn't going to run the destroy() callbacks // it needs to be triggered manually. parser.free(); } } if (req) { req.parser = null; } if (socket) { socket.parser = null; } } function httpSocketSetup(socket) { socket.removeListener('drain', ondrain); socket.on('drain', ondrain); } const tokenRegExp = /^[\^_`a-zA-Z\-0-9!#$%&'*+.|~]+$/; /** * Verifies that the given val is a valid HTTP token * per the rules defined in RFC 7230 * See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.6 */ function checkIsHttpToken(val) { return tokenRegExp.test(val); } const headerCharRegex = /[^\t\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]/; /** * True if val contains an invalid field-vchar * field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold ) * field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ] * field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text */ function checkInvalidHeaderChar(val) { return headerCharRegex.test(val); } function cleanParser(parser) { parser._headers = []; parser._url = ''; parser.socket = null; parser.incoming = null; parser.outgoing = null; parser.maxHeaderPairs = MAX_HEADER_PAIRS; parser[kOnExecute] = null; parser._consumed = false; } module.exports = { _checkInvalidHeaderChar: checkInvalidHeaderChar, _checkIsHttpToken: checkIsHttpToken, chunkExpression: /(?:^|\W)chunked(?:$|\W)/i, continueExpression: /(?:^|\W)100-continue(?:$|\W)/i, CRLF: '\r\n', debug, freeParser, httpSocketSetup, methods, parsers, kIncomingMessage }; _http_incoming// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const util = require('util'); const Stream = require('stream'); function readStart(socket) { if (socket && !socket._paused && socket.readable) socket.resume(); } function readStop(socket) { if (socket) socket.pause(); } /* Abstract base class for ServerRequest and ClientResponse. */ function IncomingMessage(socket) { Stream.Readable.call(this); this._readableState.readingMore = true; this.socket = socket; this.connection = socket; this.httpVersionMajor = null; this.httpVersionMinor = null; this.httpVersion = null; this.complete = false; this.headers = {}; this.rawHeaders = []; this.trailers = {}; this.rawTrailers = []; this.readable = true; this.aborted = false; this.upgrade = null; // request (server) only this.url = ''; this.method = null; // response (client) only this.statusCode = null; this.statusMessage = null; this.client = socket; this._consuming = false; // flag for when we decide that this message cannot possibly be // read by the user, so there's no point continuing to handle it. this._dumped = false; } util.inherits(IncomingMessage, Stream.Readable); IncomingMessage.prototype.setTimeout = function setTimeout(msecs, callback) { if (callback) this.on('timeout', callback); this.socket.setTimeout(msecs); return this; }; IncomingMessage.prototype._read = function _read(n) { if (!this._consuming) { this._readableState.readingMore = false; this._consuming = true; } // We actually do almost nothing here, because the parserOnBody // function fills up our internal buffer directly. However, we // do need to unpause the underlying socket so that it flows. if (this.socket.readable) readStart(this.socket); }; // It's possible that the socket will be destroyed, and removed from // any messages, before ever calling this. In that case, just skip // it, since something else is destroying this connection anyway. IncomingMessage.prototype.destroy = function destroy(error) { if (this.socket) this.socket.destroy(error); }; IncomingMessage.prototype._addHeaderLines = _addHeaderLines; function _addHeaderLines(headers, n) { if (headers && headers.length) { var dest; if (this.complete) { this.rawTrailers = headers; dest = this.trailers; } else { this.rawHeaders = headers; dest = this.headers; } for (var i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { this._addHeaderLine(headers[i], headers[i + 1], dest); } } } // This function is used to help avoid the lowercasing of a field name if it // matches a 'traditional cased' version of a field name. It then returns the // lowercased name to both avoid calling toLowerCase() a second time and to // indicate whether the field was a 'no duplicates' field. If a field is not a // 'no duplicates' field, a `0` byte is prepended as a flag. The one exception // to this is the Set-Cookie header which is indicated by a `1` byte flag, since // it is an 'array' field and thus is treated differently in _addHeaderLines(). // TODO: perhaps http_parser could be returning both raw and lowercased versions // of known header names to avoid us having to call toLowerCase() for those // headers. // 'array' header list is taken from: // https://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpHeaderArray.cpp function matchKnownFields(field) { var low = false; while (true) { switch (field) { case 'Content-Type': case 'content-type': return 'content-type'; case 'Content-Length': case 'content-length': return 'content-length'; case 'User-Agent': case 'user-agent': return 'user-agent'; case 'Referer': case 'referer': return 'referer'; case 'Host': case 'host': return 'host'; case 'Authorization': case 'authorization': return 'authorization'; case 'Proxy-Authorization': case 'proxy-authorization': return 'proxy-authorization'; case 'If-Modified-Since': case 'if-modified-since': return 'if-modified-since'; case 'If-Unmodified-Since': case 'if-unmodified-since': return 'if-unmodified-since'; case 'From': case 'from': return 'from'; case 'Location': case 'location': return 'location'; case 'Max-Forwards': case 'max-forwards': return 'max-forwards'; case 'Retry-After': case 'retry-after': return 'retry-after'; case 'ETag': case 'etag': return 'etag'; case 'Last-Modified': case 'last-modified': return 'last-modified'; case 'Server': case 'server': return 'server'; case 'Age': case 'age': return 'age'; case 'Expires': case 'expires': return 'expires'; case 'Set-Cookie': case 'set-cookie': return '\u0001'; case 'Cookie': case 'cookie': return '\u0002cookie'; // The fields below are not used in _addHeaderLine(), but they are common // headers where we can avoid toLowerCase() if the mixed or lower case // versions match the first time through. case 'Transfer-Encoding': case 'transfer-encoding': return '\u0000transfer-encoding'; case 'Date': case 'date': return '\u0000date'; case 'Connection': case 'connection': return '\u0000connection'; case 'Cache-Control': case 'cache-control': return '\u0000cache-control'; case 'Vary': case 'vary': return '\u0000vary'; case 'Content-Encoding': case 'content-encoding': return '\u0000content-encoding'; case 'Origin': case 'origin': return '\u0000origin'; case 'Upgrade': case 'upgrade': return '\u0000upgrade'; case 'Expect': case 'expect': return '\u0000expect'; case 'If-Match': case 'if-match': return '\u0000if-match'; case 'If-None-Match': case 'if-none-match': return '\u0000if-none-match'; case 'Accept': case 'accept': return '\u0000accept'; case 'Accept-Encoding': case 'accept-encoding': return '\u0000accept-encoding'; case 'Accept-Language': case 'accept-language': return '\u0000accept-language'; case 'X-Forwarded-For': case 'x-forwarded-for': return '\u0000x-forwarded-for'; case 'X-Forwarded-Host': case 'x-forwarded-host': return '\u0000x-forwarded-host'; case 'X-Forwarded-Proto': case 'x-forwarded-proto': return '\u0000x-forwarded-proto'; default: if (low) return '\u0000' + field; field = field.toLowerCase(); low = true; } } } // Add the given (field, value) pair to the message // // Per RFC2616, section 4.2 it is acceptable to join multiple instances of the // same header with a ', ' if the header in question supports specification of // multiple values this way. The one exception to this is the Cookie header, // which has multiple values joined with a '; ' instead. If a header's values // cannot be joined in either of these ways, we declare the first instance the // winner and drop the second. Extended header fields (those beginning with // 'x-') are always joined. IncomingMessage.prototype._addHeaderLine = _addHeaderLine; function _addHeaderLine(field, value, dest) { field = matchKnownFields(field); var flag = field.charCodeAt(0); if (flag === 0 || flag === 2) { field = field.slice(1); // Make a delimited list if (typeof dest[field] === 'string') { dest[field] += (flag === 0 ? ', ' : '; ') + value; } else { dest[field] = value; } } else if (flag === 1) { // Array header -- only Set-Cookie at the moment if (dest['set-cookie'] !== undefined) { dest['set-cookie'].push(value); } else { dest['set-cookie'] = [value]; } } else if (dest[field] === undefined) { // Drop duplicates dest[field] = value; } } // Call this instead of resume() if we want to just // dump all the data to /dev/null IncomingMessage.prototype._dump = function _dump() { if (!this._dumped) { this._dumped = true; // If there is buffered data, it may trigger 'data' events. // Remove 'data' event listeners explicitly. this.removeAllListeners('data'); this.resume(); } }; module.exports = { IncomingMessage, readStart, readStop }; _http_outgoing// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const assert = require('assert').ok; const Stream = require('stream'); const util = require('util'); const internalUtil = require('internal/util'); const { outHeadersKey, utcDate } = require('internal/http'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const common = require('_http_common'); const checkIsHttpToken = common._checkIsHttpToken; const checkInvalidHeaderChar = common._checkInvalidHeaderChar; const { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope, symbols: { async_id_symbol } } = require('internal/async_hooks'); const { ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT, ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE, ERR_HTTP_TRAILER_INVALID, ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_CHAR, ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const { CRLF, debug } = common; const kIsCorked = Symbol('isCorked'); const hasOwnProperty = Function.call.bind(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); var RE_CONN_CLOSE = /(?:^|\W)close(?:$|\W)/i; var RE_TE_CHUNKED = common.chunkExpression; // isCookieField performs a case-insensitive comparison of a provided string // against the word "cookie." As of V8 6.6 this is faster than handrolling or // using a case-insensitive RegExp. function isCookieField(s) { return s.length === 6 && s.toLowerCase() === 'cookie'; } function noopPendingOutput(amount) {} function OutgoingMessage() { Stream.call(this); // Queue that holds all currently pending data, until the response will be // assigned to the socket (until it will its turn in the HTTP pipeline). this.output = []; this.outputEncodings = []; this.outputCallbacks = []; // `outputSize` is an approximate measure of how much data is queued on this // response. `_onPendingData` will be invoked to update similar global // per-connection counter. That counter will be used to pause/unpause the // TCP socket and HTTP Parser and thus handle the backpressure. this.outputSize = 0; this.writable = true; this._last = false; this.chunkedEncoding = false; this.shouldKeepAlive = true; this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = true; this.sendDate = false; this._removedConnection = false; this._removedContLen = false; this._removedTE = false; this._contentLength = null; this._hasBody = true; this._trailer = ''; this.finished = false; this._headerSent = false; this[kIsCorked] = false; this.socket = null; this.connection = null; this._header = null; this[outHeadersKey] = null; this._onPendingData = noopPendingOutput; } util.inherits(OutgoingMessage, Stream); Object.defineProperty(OutgoingMessage.prototype, '_headers', { get: function() { return this.getHeaders(); }, set: function(val) { if (val == null) { this[outHeadersKey] = null; } else if (typeof val === 'object') { const headers = this[outHeadersKey] = Object.create(null); const keys = Object.keys(val); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { const name = keys[i]; headers[name.toLowerCase()] = [name, val[name]]; } } } }); Object.defineProperty(OutgoingMessage.prototype, '_headerNames', { get: function() { const headers = this[outHeadersKey]; if (headers !== null) { const out = Object.create(null); const keys = Object.keys(headers); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; const val = headers[key][0]; out[key] = val; } return out; } return null; }, set: function(val) { if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null) { const headers = this[outHeadersKey]; if (!headers) return; const keys = Object.keys(val); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { const header = headers[keys[i]]; if (header) header[0] = val[keys[i]]; } } } }); OutgoingMessage.prototype._renderHeaders = function _renderHeaders() { if (this._header) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT('render'); } var headersMap = this[outHeadersKey]; const headers = {}; if (headersMap !== null) { const keys = Object.keys(headersMap); for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { const key = keys[i]; headers[headersMap[key][0]] = headersMap[key][1]; } } return headers; }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.setTimeout = function setTimeout(msecs, callback) { if (callback) { this.on('timeout', callback); } if (!this.socket) { this.once('socket', function socketSetTimeoutOnConnect(socket) { socket.setTimeout(msecs); }); } else { this.socket.setTimeout(msecs); } return this; }; // It's possible that the socket will be destroyed, and removed from // any messages, before ever calling this. In that case, just skip // it, since something else is destroying this connection anyway. OutgoingMessage.prototype.destroy = function destroy(error) { if (this.socket) { this.socket.destroy(error); } else { this.once('socket', function socketDestroyOnConnect(socket) { socket.destroy(error); }); } }; // This abstract either writing directly to the socket or buffering it. OutgoingMessage.prototype._send = function _send(data, encoding, callback) { // This is a shameful hack to get the headers and first body chunk onto // the same packet. Future versions of Node are going to take care of // this at a lower level and in a more general way. if (!this._headerSent) { if (typeof data === 'string' && (encoding === 'utf8' || encoding === 'latin1' || !encoding)) { data = this._header + data; } else { var header = this._header; if (this.output.length === 0) { this.output = [header]; this.outputEncodings = ['latin1']; this.outputCallbacks = [null]; } else { this.output.unshift(header); this.outputEncodings.unshift('latin1'); this.outputCallbacks.unshift(null); } this.outputSize += header.length; this._onPendingData(header.length); } this._headerSent = true; } return this._writeRaw(data, encoding, callback); }; OutgoingMessage.prototype._writeRaw = _writeRaw; function _writeRaw(data, encoding, callback) { const conn = this.connection; if (conn && conn.destroyed) { // The socket was destroyed. If we're still trying to write to it, // then we haven't gotten the 'close' event yet. return false; } if (typeof encoding === 'function') { callback = encoding; encoding = null; } if (conn && conn._httpMessage === this && conn.writable && !conn.destroyed) { // There might be pending data in the this.output buffer. if (this.output.length) { this._flushOutput(conn); } else if (!data.length) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { // If the socket was set directly it won't be correctly initialized // with an async_id_symbol. // TODO(AndreasMadsen): @trevnorris suggested some more correct // solutions in: // https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/14389/files#r128522202 defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(conn[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, callback); } return true; } // Directly write to socket. return conn.write(data, encoding, callback); } // Buffer, as long as we're not destroyed. this.output.push(data); this.outputEncodings.push(encoding); this.outputCallbacks.push(callback); this.outputSize += data.length; this._onPendingData(data.length); return false; } OutgoingMessage.prototype._storeHeader = _storeHeader; function _storeHeader(firstLine, headers) { // firstLine in the case of request is: 'GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n' // in the case of response it is: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' const state = { connection: false, contLen: false, te: false, date: false, expect: false, trailer: false, header: firstLine }; var key; if (headers === this[outHeadersKey]) { for (key in headers) { const entry = headers[key]; processHeader(this, state, entry[0], entry[1], false); } } else if (Array.isArray(headers)) { for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { const entry = headers[i]; processHeader(this, state, entry[0], entry[1], true); } } else if (headers) { for (key in headers) { if (hasOwnProperty(headers, key)) { processHeader(this, state, key, headers[key], true); } } } let { header } = state; // Date header if (this.sendDate && !state.date) { header += 'Date: ' + utcDate() + CRLF; } // Force the connection to close when the response is a 204 No Content or // a 304 Not Modified and the user has set a "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" // header. // // RFC 2616 mandates that 204 and 304 responses MUST NOT have a body but // node.js used to send out a zero chunk anyway to accommodate clients // that don't have special handling for those responses. // // It was pointed out that this might confuse reverse proxies to the point // of creating security liabilities, so suppress the zero chunk and force // the connection to close. if (this.chunkedEncoding && (this.statusCode === 204 || this.statusCode === 304)) { debug(this.statusCode + ' response should not use chunked encoding,' + ' closing connection.'); this.chunkedEncoding = false; this.shouldKeepAlive = false; } // keep-alive logic if (this._removedConnection) { this._last = true; this.shouldKeepAlive = false; } else if (!state.connection) { const shouldSendKeepAlive = this.shouldKeepAlive && (state.contLen || this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault || this.agent); if (shouldSendKeepAlive) { header += 'Connection: keep-alive\r\n'; } else { this._last = true; header += 'Connection: close\r\n'; } } if (!state.contLen && !state.te) { if (!this._hasBody) { // Make sure we don't end the 0\r\n\r\n at the end of the message. this.chunkedEncoding = false; } else if (!this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault) { this._last = true; } else if (!state.trailer && !this._removedContLen && typeof this._contentLength === 'number') { header += 'Content-Length: ' + this._contentLength + CRLF; } else if (!this._removedTE) { header += 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n'; this.chunkedEncoding = true; } else { // We should only be able to get here if both Content-Length and // Transfer-Encoding are removed by the user. // See: test/parallel/test-http-remove-header-stays-removed.js debug('Both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding are removed'); } } // Test non-chunked message does not have trailer header set, // message will be terminated by the first empty line after the // header fields, regardless of the header fields present in the // message, and thus cannot contain a message body or 'trailers'. if (this.chunkedEncoding !== true && state.trailer) { throw new ERR_HTTP_TRAILER_INVALID(); } this._header = header + CRLF; this._headerSent = false; // wait until the first body chunk, or close(), is sent to flush, // UNLESS we're sending Expect: 100-continue. if (state.expect) this._send(''); } function processHeader(self, state, key, value, validate) { if (validate) validateHeaderName(key); if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (value.length < 2 || !isCookieField(key)) { for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) storeHeader(self, state, key, value[i], validate); return; } value = value.join('; '); } storeHeader(self, state, key, value, validate); } function storeHeader(self, state, key, value, validate) { if (validate) validateHeaderValue(key, value); state.header += key + ': ' + value + CRLF; matchHeader(self, state, key, value); } function matchHeader(self, state, field, value) { if (field.length < 4 || field.length > 17) return; field = field.toLowerCase(); switch (field) { case 'connection': state.connection = true; self._removedConnection = false; if (RE_CONN_CLOSE.test(value)) self._last = true; else self.shouldKeepAlive = true; break; case 'transfer-encoding': state.te = true; self._removedTE = false; if (RE_TE_CHUNKED.test(value)) self.chunkedEncoding = true; break; case 'content-length': state.contLen = true; self._removedContLen = false; break; case 'date': case 'expect': case 'trailer': state[field] = true; break; } } function validateHeaderName(name) { if (typeof name !== 'string' || !name || !checkIsHttpToken(name)) { const err = new ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN('Header name', name); Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateHeaderName); throw err; } } function validateHeaderValue(name, value) { let err; if (value === undefined) { err = new ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE(value, name); } else if (checkInvalidHeaderChar(value)) { debug('Header "%s" contains invalid characters', name); err = new ERR_INVALID_CHAR('header content', name); } if (err !== undefined) { Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateHeaderValue); throw err; } } OutgoingMessage.prototype.setHeader = function setHeader(name, value) { if (this._header) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT('set'); } validateHeaderName(name); validateHeaderValue(name, value); let headers = this[outHeadersKey]; if (headers === null) this[outHeadersKey] = headers = Object.create(null); headers[name.toLowerCase()] = [name, value]; }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.getHeader = function getHeader(name) { validateString(name, 'name'); const headers = this[outHeadersKey]; if (headers === null) return; const entry = headers[name.toLowerCase()]; return entry && entry[1]; }; // Returns an array of the names of the current outgoing headers. OutgoingMessage.prototype.getHeaderNames = function getHeaderNames() { return this[outHeadersKey] !== null ? Object.keys(this[outHeadersKey]) : []; }; // Returns a shallow copy of the current outgoing headers. OutgoingMessage.prototype.getHeaders = function getHeaders() { const headers = this[outHeadersKey]; const ret = Object.create(null); if (headers) { const keys = Object.keys(headers); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; const val = headers[key][1]; ret[key] = val; } } return ret; }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.hasHeader = function hasHeader(name) { validateString(name, 'name'); return this[outHeadersKey] !== null && !!this[outHeadersKey][name.toLowerCase()]; }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.removeHeader = function removeHeader(name) { validateString(name, 'name'); if (this._header) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT('remove'); } var key = name.toLowerCase(); switch (key) { case 'connection': this._removedConnection = true; break; case 'content-length': this._removedContLen = true; break; case 'transfer-encoding': this._removedTE = true; break; case 'date': this.sendDate = false; break; } if (this[outHeadersKey] !== null) { delete this[outHeadersKey][key]; } }; OutgoingMessage.prototype._implicitHeader = function _implicitHeader() { this.emit('error', new ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED('_implicitHeader()')); }; Object.defineProperty(OutgoingMessage.prototype, 'headersSent', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function() { return !!this._header; } }); const crlf_buf = Buffer.from('\r\n'); OutgoingMessage.prototype.write = function write(chunk, encoding, callback) { return write_(this, chunk, encoding, callback, false); }; function write_(msg, chunk, encoding, callback, fromEnd) { if (msg.finished) { const err = new ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END(); const triggerAsyncId = msg.socket ? msg.socket[async_id_symbol] : undefined; defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(triggerAsyncId, process.nextTick, writeAfterEndNT, msg, err, callback); return true; } if (!msg._header) { msg._implicitHeader(); } if (!msg._hasBody) { debug('This type of response MUST NOT have a body. ' + 'Ignoring write() calls.'); return true; } if (!fromEnd && typeof chunk !== 'string' && !(chunk instanceof Buffer)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('first argument', ['string', 'Buffer'], chunk); } // If we get an empty string or buffer, then just do nothing, and // signal the user to keep writing. if (chunk.length === 0) { debug('received empty string or buffer and waiting for more input'); return true; } if (!fromEnd && msg.connection && !msg[kIsCorked]) { msg.connection.cork(); msg[kIsCorked] = true; process.nextTick(connectionCorkNT, msg, msg.connection); } var len, ret; if (msg.chunkedEncoding) { if (typeof chunk === 'string') len = Buffer.byteLength(chunk, encoding); else len = chunk.length; msg._send(len.toString(16), 'latin1', null); msg._send(crlf_buf, null, null); msg._send(chunk, encoding, null); ret = msg._send(crlf_buf, null, callback); } else { ret = msg._send(chunk, encoding, callback); } debug('write ret = ' + ret); return ret; } function writeAfterEndNT(msg, err, callback) { msg.emit('error', err); if (callback) callback(err); } function connectionCorkNT(msg, conn) { msg[kIsCorked] = false; conn.uncork(); } OutgoingMessage.prototype.addTrailers = function addTrailers(headers) { this._trailer = ''; var keys = Object.keys(headers); var isArray = Array.isArray(headers); var field, value; for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { var key = keys[i]; if (isArray) { field = headers[key][0]; value = headers[key][1]; } else { field = key; value = headers[key]; } if (typeof field !== 'string' || !field || !checkIsHttpToken(field)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN('Trailer name', field); } if (checkInvalidHeaderChar(value)) { debug('Trailer "%s" contains invalid characters', field); throw new ERR_INVALID_CHAR('trailer content', field); } this._trailer += field + ': ' + value + CRLF; } }; function onFinish(outmsg) { outmsg.emit('finish'); } OutgoingMessage.prototype.end = function end(chunk, encoding, callback) { if (typeof chunk === 'function') { callback = chunk; chunk = null; } else if (typeof encoding === 'function') { callback = encoding; encoding = null; } if (this.finished) { return this; } var uncork; if (chunk) { if (typeof chunk !== 'string' && !(chunk instanceof Buffer)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('chunk', ['string', 'Buffer'], chunk); } if (!this._header) { if (typeof chunk === 'string') this._contentLength = Buffer.byteLength(chunk, encoding); else this._contentLength = chunk.length; } if (this.connection) { this.connection.cork(); uncork = true; } write_(this, chunk, encoding, null, true); } else if (!this._header) { this._contentLength = 0; this._implicitHeader(); } if (typeof callback === 'function') this.once('finish', callback); var finish = onFinish.bind(undefined, this); if (this._hasBody && this.chunkedEncoding) { this._send('0\r\n' + this._trailer + '\r\n', 'latin1', finish); } else { // Force a flush, HACK. this._send('', 'latin1', finish); } if (uncork) this.connection.uncork(); this.finished = true; // There is the first message on the outgoing queue, and we've sent // everything to the socket. debug('outgoing message end.'); if (this.output.length === 0 && this.connection && this.connection._httpMessage === this) { this._finish(); } return this; }; OutgoingMessage.prototype._finish = function _finish() { assert(this.connection); this.emit('prefinish'); }; // This logic is probably a bit confusing. Let me explain a bit: // // In both HTTP servers and clients it is possible to queue up several // outgoing messages. This is easiest to imagine in the case of a client. // Take the following situation: // // req1 = client.request('GET', '/'); // req2 = client.request('POST', '/'); // // When the user does // // req2.write('hello world\n'); // // it's possible that the first request has not been completely flushed to // the socket yet. Thus the outgoing messages need to be prepared to queue // up data internally before sending it on further to the socket's queue. // // This function, outgoingFlush(), is called by both the Server and Client // to attempt to flush any pending messages out to the socket. OutgoingMessage.prototype._flush = function _flush() { var socket = this.socket; var ret; if (socket && socket.writable) { // There might be remaining data in this.output; write it out ret = this._flushOutput(socket); if (this.finished) { // This is a queue to the server or client to bring in the next this. this._finish(); } else if (ret) { // This is necessary to prevent https from breaking this.emit('drain'); } } }; OutgoingMessage.prototype._flushOutput = function _flushOutput(socket) { var ret; var outputLength = this.output.length; if (outputLength <= 0) return ret; var output = this.output; var outputEncodings = this.outputEncodings; var outputCallbacks = this.outputCallbacks; socket.cork(); for (var i = 0; i < outputLength; i++) { ret = socket.write(output[i], outputEncodings[i], outputCallbacks[i]); } socket.uncork(); this.output = []; this.outputEncodings = []; this.outputCallbacks = []; this._onPendingData(-this.outputSize); this.outputSize = 0; return ret; }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.flushHeaders = function flushHeaders() { if (!this._header) { this._implicitHeader(); } // Force-flush the headers. this._send(''); }; OutgoingMessage.prototype.flush = internalUtil.deprecate(function() { this.flushHeaders(); }, 'OutgoingMessage.flush is deprecated. Use flushHeaders instead.', 'DEP0001'); OutgoingMessage.prototype.pipe = function pipe() { // OutgoingMessage should be write-only. Piping from it is disabled. this.emit('error', new ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE()); }; module.exports = { OutgoingMessage }; _http_server// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const util = require('util'); const net = require('net'); const { HTTPParser } = internalBinding('http_parser'); const assert = require('assert').ok; const { parsers, freeParser, debug, CRLF, continueExpression, chunkExpression, httpSocketSetup, kIncomingMessage, _checkInvalidHeaderChar: checkInvalidHeaderChar } = require('_http_common'); const { OutgoingMessage } = require('_http_outgoing'); const { outHeadersKey, ondrain, nowDate } = require('internal/http'); const { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope, getOrSetAsyncId } = require('internal/async_hooks'); const is_reused_symbol = require('internal/freelist').symbols.is_reused_symbol; const { IncomingMessage } = require('_http_incoming'); const { ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT, ERR_HTTP_INVALID_STATUS_CODE, ERR_INVALID_CHAR } = require('internal/errors').codes; const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; const kServerResponse = Symbol('ServerResponse'); const STATUS_CODES = { 100: 'Continue', 101: 'Switching Protocols', 102: 'Processing', // RFC 2518, obsoleted by RFC 4918 103: 'Early Hints', 200: 'OK', 201: 'Created', 202: 'Accepted', 203: 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204: 'No Content', 205: 'Reset Content', 206: 'Partial Content', 207: 'Multi-Status', // RFC 4918 208: 'Already Reported', 226: 'IM Used', 300: 'Multiple Choices', // RFC 7231 301: 'Moved Permanently', 302: 'Found', 303: 'See Other', 304: 'Not Modified', 305: 'Use Proxy', 307: 'Temporary Redirect', 308: 'Permanent Redirect', // RFC 7238 400: 'Bad Request', 401: 'Unauthorized', 402: 'Payment Required', 403: 'Forbidden', 404: 'Not Found', 405: 'Method Not Allowed', 406: 'Not Acceptable', 407: 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408: 'Request Timeout', 409: 'Conflict', 410: 'Gone', 411: 'Length Required', 412: 'Precondition Failed', 413: 'Payload Too Large', 414: 'URI Too Long', 415: 'Unsupported Media Type', 416: 'Range Not Satisfiable', 417: 'Expectation Failed', 418: 'I\'m a Teapot', // RFC 7168 421: 'Misdirected Request', 422: 'Unprocessable Entity', // RFC 4918 423: 'Locked', // RFC 4918 424: 'Failed Dependency', // RFC 4918 425: 'Unordered Collection', // RFC 4918 426: 'Upgrade Required', // RFC 2817 428: 'Precondition Required', // RFC 6585 429: 'Too Many Requests', // RFC 6585 431: 'Request Header Fields Too Large', // RFC 6585 451: 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500: 'Internal Server Error', 501: 'Not Implemented', 502: 'Bad Gateway', 503: 'Service Unavailable', 504: 'Gateway Timeout', 505: 'HTTP Version Not Supported', 506: 'Variant Also Negotiates', // RFC 2295 507: 'Insufficient Storage', // RFC 4918 508: 'Loop Detected', 509: 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', 510: 'Not Extended', // RFC 2774 511: 'Network Authentication Required' // RFC 6585 }; const kOnExecute = HTTPParser.kOnExecute | 0; function ServerResponse(req) { OutgoingMessage.call(this); if (req.method === 'HEAD') this._hasBody = false; this.sendDate = true; this._sent100 = false; this._expect_continue = false; if (req.httpVersionMajor < 1 || req.httpVersionMinor < 1) { this.useChunkedEncodingByDefault = chunkExpression.test(req.headers.te); this.shouldKeepAlive = false; } } util.inherits(ServerResponse, OutgoingMessage); ServerResponse.prototype._finish = function _finish() { ; ; OutgoingMessage.prototype._finish.call(this); }; ServerResponse.prototype.statusCode = 200; ServerResponse.prototype.statusMessage = undefined; function onServerResponseClose() { // EventEmitter.emit makes a copy of the 'close' listeners array before // calling the listeners. detachSocket() unregisters onServerResponseClose // but if detachSocket() is called, directly or indirectly, by a 'close' // listener, onServerResponseClose is still in that copy of the listeners // array. That is, in the example below, b still gets called even though // it's been removed by a: // // var EventEmitter = require('events'); // var obj = new EventEmitter(); // obj.on('event', a); // obj.on('event', b); // function a() { obj.removeListener('event', b) } // function b() { throw "BAM!" } // obj.emit('event'); // throws // // Ergo, we need to deal with stale 'close' events and handle the case // where the ServerResponse object has already been deconstructed. // Fortunately, that requires only a single if check. :-) if (this._httpMessage) this._httpMessage.emit('close'); } ServerResponse.prototype.assignSocket = function assignSocket(socket) { assert(!socket._httpMessage); socket._httpMessage = this; socket.on('close', onServerResponseClose); this.socket = socket; this.connection = socket; this.emit('socket', socket); this._flush(); }; ServerResponse.prototype.detachSocket = function detachSocket(socket) { assert(socket._httpMessage === this); socket.removeListener('close', onServerResponseClose); socket._httpMessage = null; this.socket = this.connection = null; }; ServerResponse.prototype.writeContinue = function writeContinue(cb) { this._writeRaw(`HTTP/1.1 100 Continue${CRLF}${CRLF}`, 'ascii', cb); this._sent100 = true; }; ServerResponse.prototype.writeProcessing = function writeProcessing(cb) { this._writeRaw(`HTTP/1.1 102 Processing${CRLF}${CRLF}`, 'ascii', cb); }; ServerResponse.prototype._implicitHeader = function _implicitHeader() { this.writeHead(this.statusCode); }; ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead = writeHead; function writeHead(statusCode, reason, obj) { var originalStatusCode = statusCode; statusCode |= 0; if (statusCode < 100 || statusCode > 999) { throw new ERR_HTTP_INVALID_STATUS_CODE(originalStatusCode); } if (typeof reason === 'string') { // writeHead(statusCode, reasonPhrase[, headers]) this.statusMessage = reason; } else { // writeHead(statusCode[, headers]) if (!this.statusMessage) this.statusMessage = STATUS_CODES[statusCode] || 'unknown'; obj = reason; } this.statusCode = statusCode; var headers; if (this[outHeadersKey]) { // Slow-case: when progressive API and header fields are passed. var k; if (obj) { var keys = Object.keys(obj); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { k = keys[i]; if (k) this.setHeader(k, obj[k]); } } if (k === undefined && this._header) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT('render'); } // only progressive api is used headers = this[outHeadersKey]; } else { // only writeHead() called headers = obj; } if (checkInvalidHeaderChar(this.statusMessage)) throw new ERR_INVALID_CHAR('statusMessage'); var statusLine = `HTTP/1.1 ${statusCode} ${this.statusMessage}${CRLF}`; if (statusCode === 204 || statusCode === 304 || (statusCode >= 100 && statusCode <= 199)) { // RFC 2616, 10.2.5: // The 204 response MUST NOT include a message-body, and thus is always // terminated by the first empty line after the header fields. // RFC 2616, 10.3.5: // The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always // terminated by the first empty line after the header fields. // RFC 2616, 10.1 Informational 1xx: // This class of status code indicates a provisional response, // consisting only of the Status-Line and optional headers, and is // terminated by an empty line. this._hasBody = false; } // don't keep alive connections where the client expects 100 Continue // but we sent a final status; they may put extra bytes on the wire. if (this._expect_continue && !this._sent100) { this.shouldKeepAlive = false; } this._storeHeader(statusLine, headers); } // Docs-only deprecated: DEP0063 ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader = ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead; function Server(options, requestListener) { if (!(this instanceof Server)) return new Server(options, requestListener); if (typeof options === 'function') { requestListener = options; options = {}; } else if (options == null || typeof options === 'object') { options = util._extend({}, options); } this[kIncomingMessage] = options.IncomingMessage || IncomingMessage; this[kServerResponse] = options.ServerResponse || ServerResponse; net.Server.call(this, { allowHalfOpen: true }); if (requestListener) { this.on('request', requestListener); } // Similar option to this. Too lazy to write my own docs. // http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/half_closed_clients/ // http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/InnerWorkings#What_is_a_half-closed_filedescriptor.3F this.httpAllowHalfOpen = false; this.on('connection', connectionListener); this.timeout = 2 * 60 * 1000; this.keepAliveTimeout = 5000; this._pendingResponseData = 0; this.maxHeadersCount = null; this.headersTimeout = 40 * 1000; // 40 seconds } util.inherits(Server, net.Server); Server.prototype.setTimeout = function setTimeout(msecs, callback) { this.timeout = msecs; if (callback) this.on('timeout', callback); return this; }; function connectionListener(socket) { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope( getOrSetAsyncId(socket), connectionListenerInternal, this, socket ); } function connectionListenerInternal(server, socket) { debug('SERVER new http connection'); httpSocketSetup(socket); // Ensure that the server property of the socket is correctly set. // See https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/13435 if (socket.server === null) socket.server = server; // If the user has added a listener to the server, // request, or response, then it's their responsibility. // otherwise, destroy on timeout by default if (server.timeout && typeof socket.setTimeout === 'function') socket.setTimeout(server.timeout); socket.on('timeout', socketOnTimeout); var parser = parsers.alloc(); parser.reinitialize(HTTPParser.REQUEST, parser[is_reused_symbol]); parser.socket = socket; // We are starting to wait for our headers. parser.parsingHeadersStart = nowDate(); socket.parser = parser; // Propagate headers limit from server instance to parser if (typeof server.maxHeadersCount === 'number') { parser.maxHeaderPairs = server.maxHeadersCount << 1; } var state = { onData: null, onEnd: null, onClose: null, onDrain: null, outgoing: [], incoming: [], // `outgoingData` is an approximate amount of bytes queued through all // inactive responses. If more data than the high watermark is queued - we // need to pause TCP socket/HTTP parser, and wait until the data will be // sent to the client. outgoingData: 0, keepAliveTimeoutSet: false }; state.onData = socketOnData.bind(undefined, server, socket, parser, state); state.onEnd = socketOnEnd.bind(undefined, server, socket, parser, state); state.onClose = socketOnClose.bind(undefined, socket, state); state.onDrain = socketOnDrain.bind(undefined, socket, state); socket.on('data', state.onData); socket.on('error', socketOnError); socket.on('end', state.onEnd); socket.on('close', state.onClose); socket.on('drain', state.onDrain); parser.onIncoming = parserOnIncoming.bind(undefined, server, socket, state); // We are consuming socket, so it won't get any actual data socket.on('resume', onSocketResume); socket.on('pause', onSocketPause); // Override on to unconsume on `data`, `readable` listeners socket.on = socketOnWrap; // We only consume the socket if it has never been consumed before. if (socket._handle) { var external = socket._handle._externalStream; if (!socket._handle._consumed && external) { parser._consumed = true; socket._handle._consumed = true; parser.consume(external); } } parser[kOnExecute] = onParserExecute.bind(undefined, server, socket, parser, state); socket._paused = false; } function updateOutgoingData(socket, state, delta) { state.outgoingData += delta; if (socket._paused && state.outgoingData < socket.writableHighWaterMark) { return socketOnDrain(socket, state); } } function socketOnDrain(socket, state) { var needPause = state.outgoingData > socket.writableHighWaterMark; // If we previously paused, then start reading again. if (socket._paused && !needPause) { socket._paused = false; if (socket.parser) socket.parser.resume(); socket.resume(); } } function socketOnTimeout() { var req = this.parser && this.parser.incoming; var reqTimeout = req && !req.complete && req.emit('timeout', this); var res = this._httpMessage; var resTimeout = res && res.emit('timeout', this); var serverTimeout = this.server.emit('timeout', this); if (!reqTimeout && !resTimeout && !serverTimeout) this.destroy(); } function socketOnClose(socket, state) { debug('server socket close'); // mark this parser as reusable if (socket.parser) { freeParser(socket.parser, null, socket); } abortIncoming(state.incoming); } function abortIncoming(incoming) { while (incoming.length) { var req = incoming.shift(); req.aborted = true; req.emit('aborted'); req.emit('close'); } // abort socket._httpMessage ? } function socketOnEnd(server, socket, parser, state) { var ret = parser.finish(); if (ret instanceof Error) { debug('parse error'); socketOnError.call(socket, ret); return; } if (!server.httpAllowHalfOpen) { abortIncoming(state.incoming); if (socket.writable) socket.end(); } else if (state.outgoing.length) { state.outgoing[state.outgoing.length - 1]._last = true; } else if (socket._httpMessage) { socket._httpMessage._last = true; } else if (socket.writable) { socket.end(); } } function socketOnData(server, socket, parser, state, d) { assert(!socket._paused); debug('SERVER socketOnData %d', d.length); var ret = parser.execute(d); onParserExecuteCommon(server, socket, parser, state, ret, d); } function onParserExecute(server, socket, parser, state, ret) { socket._unrefTimer(); const start = parser.parsingHeadersStart; debug('SERVER socketOnParserExecute %d', ret); // If we have not parsed the headers, destroy the socket // after server.headersTimeout to protect from DoS attacks. // start === 0 means that we have parsed headers. if (start !== 0 && nowDate() - start > server.headersTimeout) { const serverTimeout = server.emit('timeout', socket); if (!serverTimeout) socket.destroy(); return; } onParserExecuteCommon(server, socket, parser, state, ret, undefined); } const badRequestResponse = Buffer.from( `HTTP/1.1 400 ${STATUS_CODES[400]}${CRLF}${CRLF}`, 'ascii' ); function socketOnError(e) { // Ignore further errors this.removeListener('error', socketOnError); this.on('error', () => {}); if (!this.server.emit('clientError', e, this)) { if (this.writable) { this.write(badRequestResponse); } this.destroy(e); } } function onParserExecuteCommon(server, socket, parser, state, ret, d) { resetSocketTimeout(server, socket, state); if (ret instanceof Error) { ret.rawPacket = d || parser.getCurrentBuffer(); debug('parse error', ret); socketOnError.call(socket, ret); } else if (parser.incoming && parser.incoming.upgrade) { // Upgrade or CONNECT var bytesParsed = ret; var req = parser.incoming; debug('SERVER upgrade or connect', req.method); if (!d) d = parser.getCurrentBuffer(); socket.removeListener('data', state.onData); socket.removeListener('end', state.onEnd); socket.removeListener('close', state.onClose); socket.removeListener('drain', state.onDrain); socket.removeListener('drain', ondrain); socket.removeListener('error', socketOnError); unconsume(parser, socket); parser.finish(); freeParser(parser, req, socket); parser = null; var eventName = req.method === 'CONNECT' ? 'connect' : 'upgrade'; if (eventName === 'upgrade' || server.listenerCount(eventName) > 0) { debug('SERVER have listener for %s', eventName); var bodyHead = d.slice(bytesParsed, d.length); socket.readableFlowing = null; server.emit(eventName, req, socket, bodyHead); } else { // Got CONNECT method, but have no handler. socket.destroy(); } } if (socket._paused && socket.parser) { // onIncoming paused the socket, we should pause the parser as well debug('pause parser'); socket.parser.pause(); } } function resOnFinish(req, res, socket, state, server) { // Usually the first incoming element should be our request. it may // be that in the case abortIncoming() was called that the incoming // array will be empty. assert(state.incoming.length === 0 || state.incoming[0] === req); state.incoming.shift(); // if the user never called req.read(), and didn't pipe() or // .resume() or .on('data'), then we call req._dump() so that the // bytes will be pulled off the wire. if (!req._consuming && !req._readableState.resumeScheduled) req._dump(); res.detachSocket(socket); if (res._last) { if (typeof socket.destroySoon === 'function') { socket.destroySoon(); } else { socket.end(); } } else if (state.outgoing.length === 0) { if (server.keepAliveTimeout && typeof socket.setTimeout === 'function') { socket.setTimeout(0); socket.setTimeout(server.keepAliveTimeout); state.keepAliveTimeoutSet = true; } } else { // start sending the next message var m = state.outgoing.shift(); if (m) { m.assignSocket(socket); } } } // The following callback is issued after the headers have been read on a // new message. In this callback we setup the response object and pass it // to the user. function parserOnIncoming(server, socket, state, req, keepAlive) { resetSocketTimeout(server, socket, state); // Set to zero to communicate that we have finished parsing. socket.parser.parsingHeadersStart = 0; if (req.upgrade) { req.upgrade = req.method === 'CONNECT' || server.listenerCount('upgrade') > 0; if (req.upgrade) return 2; } state.incoming.push(req); // If the writable end isn't consuming, then stop reading // so that we don't become overwhelmed by a flood of // pipelined requests that may never be resolved. if (!socket._paused) { var ws = socket._writableState; if (ws.needDrain || state.outgoingData >= socket.writableHighWaterMark) { socket._paused = true; // We also need to pause the parser, but don't do that until after // the call to execute, because we may still be processing the last // chunk. socket.pause(); } } var res = new server[kServerResponse](req); res._onPendingData = updateOutgoingData.bind(undefined, socket, state); res.shouldKeepAlive = keepAlive; ; ; if (socket._httpMessage) { // There are already pending outgoing res, append. state.outgoing.push(res); } else { res.assignSocket(socket); } // When we're finished writing the response, check if this is the last // response, if so destroy the socket. res.on('finish', resOnFinish.bind(undefined, req, res, socket, state, server)); if (req.headers.expect !== undefined && (req.httpVersionMajor === 1 && req.httpVersionMinor === 1)) { if (continueExpression.test(req.headers.expect)) { res._expect_continue = true; if (server.listenerCount('checkContinue') > 0) { server.emit('checkContinue', req, res); } else { res.writeContinue(); server.emit('request', req, res); } } else if (server.listenerCount('checkExpectation') > 0) { server.emit('checkExpectation', req, res); } else { res.writeHead(417); res.end(); } } else { server.emit('request', req, res); } return 0; // No special treatment. } function resetSocketTimeout(server, socket, state) { if (!state.keepAliveTimeoutSet) return; socket.setTimeout(server.timeout || 0); state.keepAliveTimeoutSet = false; } function onSocketResume() { // It may seem that the socket is resumed, but this is an enemy's trick to // deceive us! `resume` is emitted asynchronously, and may be called from // `incoming.readStart()`. Stop the socket again here, just to preserve the // state. // // We don't care about stream semantics for the consumed socket anyway. if (this._paused) { this.pause(); return; } if (this._handle && !this._handle.reading) { this._handle.reading = true; this._handle.readStart(); } } function onSocketPause() { if (this._handle && this._handle.reading) { this._handle.reading = false; this._handle.readStop(); } } function unconsume(parser, socket) { if (socket._handle) { if (parser._consumed) parser.unconsume(); parser._consumed = false; socket.removeListener('pause', onSocketPause); socket.removeListener('resume', onSocketResume); } } function socketOnWrap(ev, fn) { var res = net.Socket.prototype.on.call(this, ev, fn); if (!this.parser) { this.on = net.Socket.prototype.on; return res; } if (ev === 'data' || ev === 'readable') unconsume(this.parser, this); return res; } module.exports = { STATUS_CODES, Server, ServerResponse, _connectionListener: connectionListener, kServerResponse }; https// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; require('internal/util').assertCrypto(); const tls = require('tls'); const url = require('url'); const util = require('util'); const { Agent: HttpAgent } = require('_http_agent'); const { Server: HttpServer, _connectionListener, kServerResponse } = require('_http_server'); const { ClientRequest } = require('_http_client'); const { inherits } = util; const debug = util.debuglog('https'); const { urlToOptions, searchParamsSymbol } = require('internal/url'); const { ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN_NAME } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } = require('http'); const { kIncomingMessage } = require('_http_common'); function Server(opts, requestListener) { if (!(this instanceof Server)) return new Server(opts, requestListener); if (typeof opts === 'function') { requestListener = opts; opts = undefined; } opts = util._extend({}, opts); if (!opts.ALPNProtocols) { // http/1.0 is not defined as Protocol IDs in IANA // http://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values // /tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#alpn-protocol-ids opts.ALPNProtocols = ['http/1.1']; } this[kIncomingMessage] = opts.IncomingMessage || IncomingMessage; this[kServerResponse] = opts.ServerResponse || ServerResponse; tls.Server.call(this, opts, _connectionListener); this.httpAllowHalfOpen = false; if (requestListener) { this.addListener('request', requestListener); } this.addListener('tlsClientError', function addListener(err, conn) { if (!this.emit('clientError', err, conn)) conn.destroy(err); }); this.timeout = 2 * 60 * 1000; this.keepAliveTimeout = 5000; this.maxHeadersCount = null; this.headersTimeout = 40 * 1000; // 40 seconds } inherits(Server, tls.Server); Server.prototype.setTimeout = HttpServer.prototype.setTimeout; function createServer(opts, requestListener) { return new Server(opts, requestListener); } // HTTPS agents. function createConnection(port, host, options) { if (port !== null && typeof port === 'object') { options = port; } else if (host !== null && typeof host === 'object') { options = host; } else if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object') { options = {}; } if (typeof port === 'number') { options.port = port; } if (typeof host === 'string') { options.host = host; } debug('createConnection', options); if (options._agentKey) { const session = this._getSession(options._agentKey); if (session) { debug('reuse session for %j', options._agentKey); options = util._extend({ session: session }, options); } } const socket = tls.connect(options, () => { if (!options._agentKey) return; this._cacheSession(options._agentKey, socket.getSession()); }); // Evict session on error socket.once('close', (err) => { if (err) this._evictSession(options._agentKey); }); return socket; } function Agent(options) { if (!(this instanceof Agent)) return new Agent(options); HttpAgent.call(this, options); this.defaultPort = 443; this.protocol = 'https:'; this.maxCachedSessions = this.options.maxCachedSessions; if (this.maxCachedSessions === undefined) this.maxCachedSessions = 100; this._sessionCache = { map: {}, list: [] }; } inherits(Agent, HttpAgent); Agent.prototype.createConnection = createConnection; Agent.prototype.getName = function getName(options) { var name = HttpAgent.prototype.getName.call(this, options); name += ':'; if (options.ca) name += options.ca; name += ':'; if (options.cert) name += options.cert; name += ':'; if (options.clientCertEngine) name += options.clientCertEngine; name += ':'; if (options.ciphers) name += options.ciphers; name += ':'; if (options.key) name += options.key; name += ':'; if (options.pfx) name += options.pfx; name += ':'; if (options.rejectUnauthorized !== undefined) name += options.rejectUnauthorized; name += ':'; if (options.servername && options.servername !== options.host) name += options.servername; name += ':'; if (options.secureProtocol) name += options.secureProtocol; name += ':'; if (options.crl) name += options.crl; name += ':'; if (options.honorCipherOrder !== undefined) name += options.honorCipherOrder; name += ':'; if (options.ecdhCurve) name += options.ecdhCurve; name += ':'; if (options.dhparam) name += options.dhparam; name += ':'; if (options.secureOptions !== undefined) name += options.secureOptions; name += ':'; if (options.sessionIdContext) name += options.sessionIdContext; return name; }; Agent.prototype._getSession = function _getSession(key) { return this._sessionCache.map[key]; }; Agent.prototype._cacheSession = function _cacheSession(key, session) { // Cache is disabled if (this.maxCachedSessions === 0) return; // Fast case - update existing entry if (this._sessionCache.map[key]) { this._sessionCache.map[key] = session; return; } // Put new entry if (this._sessionCache.list.length >= this.maxCachedSessions) { const oldKey = this._sessionCache.list.shift(); debug('evicting %j', oldKey); delete this._sessionCache.map[oldKey]; } this._sessionCache.list.push(key); this._sessionCache.map[key] = session; }; Agent.prototype._evictSession = function _evictSession(key) { const index = this._sessionCache.list.indexOf(key); if (index === -1) return; this._sessionCache.list.splice(index, 1); delete this._sessionCache.map[key]; }; const globalAgent = new Agent(); function request(...args) { let options = {}; if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { const urlStr = args.shift(); options = url.parse(urlStr); if (!options.hostname) { throw new ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN_NAME(); } } else if (args[0] && args[0][searchParamsSymbol] && args[0][searchParamsSymbol][searchParamsSymbol]) { // url.URL instance options = urlToOptions(args.shift()); } if (args[0] && typeof args[0] !== 'function') { options = util._extend(options, args.shift()); } options._defaultAgent = globalAgent; args.unshift(options); return new ClientRequest(...args); } function get(input, options, cb) { const req = request(input, options, cb); req.end(); return req; } module.exports = { Agent, globalAgent, Server, createServer, get, request }; inspector'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('events'); const { ERR_INSPECTOR_ALREADY_CONNECTED, ERR_INSPECTOR_CLOSED, ERR_INSPECTOR_NOT_AVAILABLE, ERR_INSPECTOR_NOT_CONNECTED, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const util = require('util'); const { Connection, open, url } = process.binding('inspector'); const { originalConsole } = require('internal/process/per_thread'); if (!Connection) throw new ERR_INSPECTOR_NOT_AVAILABLE(); const connectionSymbol = Symbol('connectionProperty'); const messageCallbacksSymbol = Symbol('messageCallbacks'); const nextIdSymbol = Symbol('nextId'); const onMessageSymbol = Symbol('onMessage'); class Session extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this[connectionSymbol] = null; this[nextIdSymbol] = 1; this[messageCallbacksSymbol] = new Map(); } connect() { if (this[connectionSymbol]) throw new ERR_INSPECTOR_ALREADY_CONNECTED('The inspector session'); const connection = new Connection((message) => this[onMessageSymbol](message)); if (connection.sessionAttached) { throw new ERR_INSPECTOR_ALREADY_CONNECTED('Another inspector session'); } this[connectionSymbol] = connection; } [onMessageSymbol](message) { const parsed = JSON.parse(message); try { if (parsed.id) { const callback = this[messageCallbacksSymbol].get(parsed.id); this[messageCallbacksSymbol].delete(parsed.id); if (callback) callback(parsed.error || null, parsed.result || null); } else { this.emit(parsed.method, parsed); this.emit('inspectorNotification', parsed); } } catch (error) { process.emitWarning(error); } } post(method, params, callback) { validateString(method, 'method'); if (!callback && util.isFunction(params)) { callback = params; params = null; } if (params && typeof params !== 'object') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('params', 'Object', params); } if (callback && typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } if (!this[connectionSymbol]) { throw new ERR_INSPECTOR_NOT_CONNECTED(); } const id = this[nextIdSymbol]++; const message = { id, method }; if (params) { message.params = params; } if (callback) { this[messageCallbacksSymbol].set(id, callback); } this[connectionSymbol].dispatch(JSON.stringify(message)); } disconnect() { if (!this[connectionSymbol]) return; this[connectionSymbol].disconnect(); this[connectionSymbol] = null; const remainingCallbacks = this[messageCallbacksSymbol].values(); for (const callback of remainingCallbacks) { process.nextTick(callback, new ERR_INSPECTOR_CLOSED()); } this[messageCallbacksSymbol].clear(); this[nextIdSymbol] = 1; } } module.exports = { open: (port, host, wait) => open(port, host, !!wait), close: process._debugEnd, url: url, console: originalConsole, Session }; module'use strict'; module.exports = require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); net// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('events'); const stream = require('stream'); const util = require('util'); const internalUtil = require('internal/util'); const { isIP, isIPv4, isIPv6, isLegalPort, normalizedArgsSymbol, makeSyncWrite } = require('internal/net'); const assert = require('assert'); const { UV_EADDRINUSE, UV_EINVAL } = process.binding('uv'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const TTYWrap = process.binding('tty_wrap'); const { ShutdownWrap } = process.binding('stream_wrap'); const { TCP, TCPConnectWrap, constants: TCPConstants } = process.binding('tcp_wrap'); const { Pipe, PipeConnectWrap, constants: PipeConstants } = process.binding('pipe_wrap'); const { newAsyncId, defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope, symbols: { async_id_symbol, owner_symbol } } = require('internal/async_hooks'); const { createWriteWrap, writevGeneric, writeGeneric, onStreamRead, kUpdateTimer } = require('internal/stream_base_commons'); const { codes: { ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS_FAMILY, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_FD_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_SERVER_ALREADY_LISTEN, ERR_SERVER_NOT_RUNNING, ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT, ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED }, errnoException, exceptionWithHostPort, uvExceptionWithHostPort } = require('internal/errors'); const { validateInt32, validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const kLastWriteQueueSize = Symbol('lastWriteQueueSize'); // Lazy loaded to improve startup performance. let cluster; let dns; const { kTimeout, setUnrefTimeout, validateTimerDuration } = require('internal/timers'); function noop() {} function createHandle(fd, is_server) { validateInt32(fd, 'fd', 0); const type = TTYWrap.guessHandleType(fd); if (type === 'PIPE') { return new Pipe( is_server ? PipeConstants.SERVER : PipeConstants.SOCKET ); } if (type === 'TCP') { return new TCP( is_server ? TCPConstants.SERVER : TCPConstants.SOCKET ); } throw new ERR_INVALID_FD_TYPE(type); } function getNewAsyncId(handle) { return (!handle || typeof handle.getAsyncId !== 'function') ? newAsyncId() : handle.getAsyncId(); } const debug = util.debuglog('net'); function isPipeName(s) { return typeof s === 'string' && toNumber(s) === false; } function createServer(options, connectionListener) { return new Server(options, connectionListener); } // Target API: // // var s = net.connect({port: 80, host: 'google.com'}, function() { // ... // }); // // There are various forms: // // connect(options, [cb]) // connect(port, [host], [cb]) // connect(path, [cb]); // function connect(...args) { var normalized = normalizeArgs(args); var options = normalized[0]; debug('createConnection', normalized); var socket = new Socket(options); if (options.timeout) { socket.setTimeout(options.timeout); } return socket.connect(normalized); } // Returns an array [options, cb], where options is an object, // cb is either a function or null. // Used to normalize arguments of Socket.prototype.connect() and // Server.prototype.listen(). Possible combinations of parameters: // (options[...][, cb]) // (path[...][, cb]) // ([port][, host][...][, cb]) // For Socket.prototype.connect(), the [...] part is ignored // For Server.prototype.listen(), the [...] part is [, backlog] // but will not be handled here (handled in listen()) function normalizeArgs(args) { var arr; if (args.length === 0) { arr = [{}, null]; arr[normalizedArgsSymbol] = true; return arr; } const arg0 = args[0]; var options = {}; if (typeof arg0 === 'object' && arg0 !== null) { // (options[...][, cb]) options = arg0; } else if (isPipeName(arg0)) { // (path[...][, cb]) options.path = arg0; } else { // ([port][, host][...][, cb]) options.port = arg0; if (args.length > 1 && typeof args[1] === 'string') { options.host = args[1]; } } var cb = args[args.length - 1]; if (typeof cb !== 'function') arr = [options, null]; else arr = [options, cb]; arr[normalizedArgsSymbol] = true; return arr; } // called when creating new Socket, or when re-using a closed Socket function initSocketHandle(self) { self._undestroy(); self._sockname = null; // Handle creation may be deferred to bind() or connect() time. if (self._handle) { self._handle[owner_symbol] = self; self._handle.onread = onStreamRead; self[async_id_symbol] = getNewAsyncId(self._handle); } } const kBytesRead = Symbol('kBytesRead'); const kBytesWritten = Symbol('kBytesWritten'); function Socket(options) { if (!(this instanceof Socket)) return new Socket(options); this.connecting = false; // Problem with this is that users can supply their own handle, that may not // have _handle.getAsyncId(). In this case an[async_id_symbol] should // probably be supplied by async_hooks. this[async_id_symbol] = -1; this._hadError = false; this._handle = null; this._parent = null; this._host = null; this[kLastWriteQueueSize] = 0; this[kTimeout] = null; if (typeof options === 'number') options = { fd: options }; // Legacy interface. else options = util._extend({}, options); options.readable = options.readable || false; options.writable = options.writable || false; const { allowHalfOpen } = options; // Prevent the "no-half-open enforcer" from being inherited from `Duplex`. options.allowHalfOpen = true; // For backwards compat do not emit close on destroy. options.emitClose = false; stream.Duplex.call(this, options); // Default to *not* allowing half open sockets. this.allowHalfOpen = Boolean(allowHalfOpen); if (options.handle) { this._handle = options.handle; // private this[async_id_symbol] = getNewAsyncId(this._handle); } else if (options.fd !== undefined) { const { fd } = options; let err; // createHandle will throw ERR_INVALID_FD_TYPE if `fd` is not // a valid `PIPE` or `TCP` descriptor this._handle = createHandle(fd, false); err = this._handle.open(fd); // While difficult to fabricate, in some architectures // `open` may return an error code for valid file descriptors // which cannot be opened. This is difficult to test as most // un-openable fds will throw on `createHandle` if (err) throw errnoException(err, 'open'); this[async_id_symbol] = this._handle.getAsyncId(); // options.fd can be string (since it is user-defined), // so changing this to === would be semver-major // See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/11513 // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if ((fd == 1 || fd == 2) && (this._handle instanceof Pipe) && process.platform === 'win32') { // Make stdout and stderr blocking on Windows err = this._handle.setBlocking(true); if (err) throw errnoException(err, 'setBlocking'); this._writev = null; this._write = makeSyncWrite(fd); // makeSyncWrite adjusts this value like the original handle would, so // we need to let it do that by turning it into a writable, own property. Object.defineProperty(this._handle, 'bytesWritten', { value: 0, writable: true }); } } // shut down the socket when we're finished with it. this.on('end', onReadableStreamEnd); initSocketHandle(this); this._pendingData = null; this._pendingEncoding = ''; // handle strings directly this._writableState.decodeStrings = false; // if we have a handle, then start the flow of data into the // buffer. if not, then this will happen when we connect if (this._handle && options.readable !== false) { if (options.pauseOnCreate) { // stop the handle from reading and pause the stream this._handle.reading = false; this._handle.readStop(); this.readableFlowing = false; } else if (!options.manualStart) { this.read(0); } } // Reserve properties this.server = null; this._server = null; // Used after `.destroy()` this[kBytesRead] = 0; this[kBytesWritten] = 0; } util.inherits(Socket, stream.Duplex); // Refresh existing timeouts. Socket.prototype._unrefTimer = function _unrefTimer() { for (var s = this; s !== null; s = s._parent) { if (s[kTimeout]) s[kTimeout].refresh(); } }; // the user has called .end(), and all the bytes have been // sent out to the other side. Socket.prototype._final = function(cb) { // If still connecting - defer handling `_final` until 'connect' will happen if (this.connecting) { debug('_final: not yet connected'); return this.once('connect', () => this._final(cb)); } if (!this._handle) return cb(); debug('_final: not ended, call shutdown()'); var req = new ShutdownWrap(); req.oncomplete = afterShutdown; req.handle = this._handle; req.callback = cb; var err = this._handle.shutdown(req); if (err) return this.destroy(errnoException(err, 'shutdown')); }; function afterShutdown(status, handle) { var self = handle[owner_symbol]; debug('afterShutdown destroyed=%j', self.destroyed, self._readableState); this.callback(); // callback may come after call to destroy. if (self.destroyed) return; if (!self.readable || self._readableState.ended) { debug('readableState ended, destroying'); self.destroy(); } } // Provide a better error message when we call end() as a result // of the other side sending a FIN. The standard 'write after end' // is overly vague, and makes it seem like the user's code is to blame. function writeAfterFIN(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof encoding === 'function') { cb = encoding; encoding = null; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax var er = new Error('This socket has been ended by the other party'); er.code = 'EPIPE'; // TODO: defer error events consistently everywhere, not just the cb this.emit('error', er); if (typeof cb === 'function') { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(this[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, cb, er); } } Socket.prototype.setTimeout = function(msecs, callback) { this.timeout = msecs; // Type checking identical to timers.enroll() msecs = validateTimerDuration(msecs); // Attempt to clear an existing timer in both cases - // even if it will be rescheduled we don't want to leak an existing timer. clearTimeout(this[kTimeout]); if (msecs === 0) { if (callback) { this.removeListener('timeout', callback); } } else { this[kTimeout] = setUnrefTimeout(this._onTimeout.bind(this), msecs); if (callback) { this.once('timeout', callback); } } return this; }; Socket.prototype._onTimeout = function() { const handle = this._handle; const lastWriteQueueSize = this[kLastWriteQueueSize]; if (lastWriteQueueSize > 0 && handle) { // `lastWriteQueueSize !== writeQueueSize` means there is // an active write in progress, so we suppress the timeout. const { writeQueueSize } = handle; if (lastWriteQueueSize !== writeQueueSize) { this[kLastWriteQueueSize] = writeQueueSize; this._unrefTimer(); return; } } debug('_onTimeout'); this.emit('timeout'); }; Socket.prototype.setNoDelay = function(enable) { if (!this._handle) { this.once('connect', enable ? this.setNoDelay : () => this.setNoDelay(enable)); return this; } // backwards compatibility: assume true when `enable` is omitted if (this._handle.setNoDelay) this._handle.setNoDelay(enable === undefined ? true : !!enable); return this; }; Socket.prototype.setKeepAlive = function(setting, msecs) { if (!this._handle) { this.once('connect', () => this.setKeepAlive(setting, msecs)); return this; } if (this._handle.setKeepAlive) this._handle.setKeepAlive(setting, ~~(msecs / 1000)); return this; }; Socket.prototype.address = function() { return this._getsockname(); }; Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, '_connecting', { get: function() { return this.connecting; } }); Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, 'readyState', { get: function() { if (this.connecting) { return 'opening'; } else if (this.readable && this.writable) { return 'open'; } else if (this.readable && !this.writable) { return 'readOnly'; } else if (!this.readable && this.writable) { return 'writeOnly'; } else { return 'closed'; } } }); Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, 'bufferSize', { get: function() { if (this._handle) { return this[kLastWriteQueueSize] + this.writableLength; } } }); Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, kUpdateTimer, { get: function() { return this._unrefTimer; } }); // Just call handle.readStart until we have enough in the buffer Socket.prototype._read = function(n) { debug('_read'); if (this.connecting || !this._handle) { debug('_read wait for connection'); this.once('connect', () => this._read(n)); } else if (!this._handle.reading) { // not already reading, start the flow debug('Socket._read readStart'); this._handle.reading = true; var err = this._handle.readStart(); if (err) this.destroy(errnoException(err, 'read')); } }; Socket.prototype.end = function(data, encoding, callback) { stream.Duplex.prototype.end.call(this, data, encoding, callback); ; return this; }; // Called when the 'end' event is emitted. function onReadableStreamEnd() { if (!this.allowHalfOpen) { this.write = writeAfterFIN; if (this.writable) this.end(); } maybeDestroy(this); } // Call whenever we set writable=false or readable=false function maybeDestroy(socket) { if (!socket.readable && !socket.writable && !socket.destroyed && !socket.connecting && !socket.writableLength) { socket.destroy(); } } Socket.prototype.destroySoon = function() { if (this.writable) this.end(); if (this._writableState.finished) this.destroy(); else this.once('finish', this.destroy); }; Socket.prototype._destroy = function(exception, cb) { debug('destroy'); this.connecting = false; this.readable = this.writable = false; for (var s = this; s !== null; s = s._parent) { clearTimeout(s[kTimeout]); } debug('close'); if (this._handle) { if (this !== process.stderr) debug('close handle'); var isException = exception ? true : false; // `bytesRead` and `kBytesWritten` should be accessible after `.destroy()` this[kBytesRead] = this._handle.bytesRead; this[kBytesWritten] = this._handle.bytesWritten; this._handle.close(() => { debug('emit close'); this.emit('close', isException); }); this._handle.onread = noop; this._handle = null; this._sockname = null; } cb(exception); if (this._server) { ; debug('has server'); this._server._connections--; if (this._server._emitCloseIfDrained) { this._server._emitCloseIfDrained(); } } }; Socket.prototype._getpeername = function() { if (!this._peername) { if (!this._handle || !this._handle.getpeername) { return {}; } var out = {}; var err = this._handle.getpeername(out); if (err) return {}; // FIXME(bnoordhuis) Throw? this._peername = out; } return this._peername; }; function protoGetter(name, callback) { Object.defineProperty(Socket.prototype, name, { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get: callback }); } protoGetter('bytesRead', function bytesRead() { return this._handle ? this._handle.bytesRead : this[kBytesRead]; }); protoGetter('remoteAddress', function remoteAddress() { return this._getpeername().address; }); protoGetter('remoteFamily', function remoteFamily() { return this._getpeername().family; }); protoGetter('remotePort', function remotePort() { return this._getpeername().port; }); Socket.prototype._getsockname = function() { if (!this._handle || !this._handle.getsockname) { return {}; } if (!this._sockname) { var out = {}; var err = this._handle.getsockname(out); if (err) return {}; // FIXME(bnoordhuis) Throw? this._sockname = out; } return this._sockname; }; protoGetter('localAddress', function localAddress() { return this._getsockname().address; }); protoGetter('localPort', function localPort() { return this._getsockname().port; }); Socket.prototype._writeGeneric = function(writev, data, encoding, cb) { // If we are still connecting, then buffer this for later. // The Writable logic will buffer up any more writes while // waiting for this one to be done. if (this.connecting) { this._pendingData = data; this._pendingEncoding = encoding; this.once('connect', function connect() { this._writeGeneric(writev, data, encoding, cb); }); return; } this._pendingData = null; this._pendingEncoding = ''; if (!this._handle) { this.destroy(new ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED(), cb); return false; } this._unrefTimer(); var req = createWriteWrap(this._handle, afterWrite); if (writev) writevGeneric(this, req, data, cb); else writeGeneric(this, req, data, encoding, cb); if (req.async) this[kLastWriteQueueSize] = req.bytes; }; Socket.prototype._writev = function(chunks, cb) { this._writeGeneric(true, chunks, '', cb); }; Socket.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, cb) { this._writeGeneric(false, data, encoding, cb); }; // Legacy alias. Having this is probably being overly cautious, but it doesn't // really hurt anyone either. This can probably be removed safely if desired. protoGetter('_bytesDispatched', function _bytesDispatched() { return this._handle ? this._handle.bytesWritten : this[kBytesWritten]; }); protoGetter('bytesWritten', function bytesWritten() { var bytes = this._bytesDispatched; const state = this._writableState; const data = this._pendingData; const encoding = this._pendingEncoding; if (!state) return undefined; this.writableBuffer.forEach(function(el) { if (el.chunk instanceof Buffer) bytes += el.chunk.length; else bytes += Buffer.byteLength(el.chunk, el.encoding); }); if (Array.isArray(data)) { // was a writev, iterate over chunks to get total length for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { const chunk = data[i]; if (data.allBuffers || chunk instanceof Buffer) bytes += chunk.length; else bytes += Buffer.byteLength(chunk.chunk, chunk.encoding); } } else if (data) { // Writes are either a string or a Buffer. if (typeof data !== 'string') bytes += data.length; else bytes += Buffer.byteLength(data, encoding); } return bytes; }); function afterWrite(status, handle, err) { var self = handle[owner_symbol]; if (self !== process.stderr && self !== process.stdout) debug('afterWrite', status); if (this.async) self[kLastWriteQueueSize] = 0; // callback may come after call to destroy. if (self.destroyed) { debug('afterWrite destroyed'); return; } if (status < 0) { var ex = errnoException(status, 'write', this.error); debug('write failure', ex); self.destroy(ex, this.callback); return; } self._unrefTimer(); if (self !== process.stderr && self !== process.stdout) debug('afterWrite call cb'); if (this.callback) this.callback.call(undefined); } function checkBindError(err, port, handle) { // EADDRINUSE may not be reported until we call listen() or connect(). // To complicate matters, a failed bind() followed by listen() or connect() // will implicitly bind to a random port. Ergo, check that the socket is // bound to the expected port before calling listen() or connect(). // // FIXME(bnoordhuis) Doesn't work for pipe handles, they don't have a // getsockname() method. Non-issue for now, the cluster module doesn't // really support pipes anyway. if (err === 0 && port > 0 && handle.getsockname) { var out = {}; err = handle.getsockname(out); if (err === 0 && port !== out.port) { debug(`checkBindError, bound to ${out.port} instead of ${port}`); err = UV_EADDRINUSE; } } return err; } function internalConnect( self, address, port, addressType, localAddress, localPort) { // TODO return promise from Socket.prototype.connect which // wraps _connectReq. assert(self.connecting); var err; if (localAddress || localPort) { if (addressType === 4) { localAddress = localAddress || ''; err = self._handle.bind(localAddress, localPort); } else { // addressType === 6 localAddress = localAddress || '::'; err = self._handle.bind6(localAddress, localPort); } debug('binding to localAddress: %s and localPort: %d (addressType: %d)', localAddress, localPort, addressType); err = checkBindError(err, localPort, self._handle); if (err) { const ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', localAddress, localPort); self.destroy(ex); return; } } if (addressType === 6 || addressType === 4) { const req = new TCPConnectWrap(); req.oncomplete = afterConnect; req.address = address; req.port = port; req.localAddress = localAddress; req.localPort = localPort; if (addressType === 4) err = self._handle.connect(req, address, port); else err = self._handle.connect6(req, address, port); } else { const req = new PipeConnectWrap(); req.address = address; req.oncomplete = afterConnect; err = self._handle.connect(req, address, afterConnect); } if (err) { var sockname = self._getsockname(); var details; if (sockname) { details = sockname.address + ':' + sockname.port; } const ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'connect', address, port, details); self.destroy(ex); } } Socket.prototype.connect = function(...args) { let normalized; // If passed an array, it's treated as an array of arguments that have // already been normalized (so we don't normalize more than once). This has // been solved before in https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/12342, but was // reverted as it had unintended side effects. if (Array.isArray(args[0]) && args[0][normalizedArgsSymbol]) { normalized = args[0]; } else { normalized = normalizeArgs(args); } var options = normalized[0]; var cb = normalized[1]; if (this.write !== Socket.prototype.write) this.write = Socket.prototype.write; if (this.destroyed) { this._undestroy(); this._handle = null; this._peername = null; this._sockname = null; } const { path } = options; var pipe = !!path; debug('pipe', pipe, path); if (!this._handle) { this._handle = pipe ? new Pipe(PipeConstants.SOCKET) : new TCP(TCPConstants.SOCKET); initSocketHandle(this); } if (cb !== null) { this.once('connect', cb); } this._unrefTimer(); this.connecting = true; this.writable = true; if (pipe) { validateString(path, 'options.path'); defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope( this[async_id_symbol], internalConnect, this, path ); } else { lookupAndConnect(this, options); } return this; }; function lookupAndConnect(self, options) { var { port, localAddress, localPort } = options; var host = options.host || 'localhost'; if (localAddress && !isIP(localAddress)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS(localAddress); } if (localPort && typeof localPort !== 'number') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.localPort', 'number', localPort); } if (typeof port !== 'undefined') { if (typeof port !== 'number' && typeof port !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.port', ['number', 'string'], port); } if (!isLegalPort(port)) { throw new ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT(port); } } port |= 0; // If host is an IP, skip performing a lookup var addressType = isIP(host); if (addressType) { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(self[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, () => { if (self.connecting) defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope( self[async_id_symbol], internalConnect, self, host, port, addressType, localAddress, localPort ); }); return; } if (options.lookup && typeof options.lookup !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.lookup', 'Function', options.lookup); if (dns === undefined) dns = require('dns'); var dnsopts = { family: options.family, hints: options.hints || 0 }; if (process.platform !== 'win32' && dnsopts.family !== 4 && dnsopts.family !== 6 && dnsopts.hints === 0) { dnsopts.hints = dns.ADDRCONFIG; } debug('connect: find host', host); debug('connect: dns options', dnsopts); self._host = host; var lookup = options.lookup || dns.lookup; defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(self[async_id_symbol], function() { lookup(host, dnsopts, function emitLookup(err, ip, addressType) { self.emit('lookup', err, ip, addressType, host); // It's possible we were destroyed while looking this up. // XXX it would be great if we could cancel the promise returned by // the look up. if (!self.connecting) return; if (err) { // net.createConnection() creates a net.Socket object and // immediately calls net.Socket.connect() on it (that's us). // There are no event listeners registered yet so defer the // error event to the next tick. err.host = options.host; err.port = options.port; err.message = err.message + ' ' + options.host + ':' + options.port; process.nextTick(connectErrorNT, self, err); } else if (addressType !== 4 && addressType !== 6) { err = new ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS_FAMILY(addressType); err.host = options.host; err.port = options.port; err.message = err.message + ' ' + options.host + ':' + options.port; process.nextTick(connectErrorNT, self, err); } else { self._unrefTimer(); defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope( self[async_id_symbol], internalConnect, self, ip, port, addressType, localAddress, localPort ); } }); }); } function connectErrorNT(self, err) { self.destroy(err); } Socket.prototype.ref = function() { if (!this._handle) { this.once('connect', this.ref); return this; } if (typeof this._handle.ref === 'function') { this._handle.ref(); } return this; }; Socket.prototype.unref = function() { if (!this._handle) { this.once('connect', this.unref); return this; } if (typeof this._handle.unref === 'function') { this._handle.unref(); } return this; }; function afterConnect(status, handle, req, readable, writable) { var self = handle[owner_symbol]; // callback may come after call to destroy if (self.destroyed) { return; } // Update handle if it was wrapped // TODO(indutny): assert that the handle is actually an ancestor of old one handle = self._handle; debug('afterConnect'); assert(self.connecting); self.connecting = false; self._sockname = null; if (status === 0) { self.readable = readable; if (!self._writableState.ended) self.writable = writable; self._unrefTimer(); self.emit('connect'); self.emit('ready'); // start the first read, or get an immediate EOF. // this doesn't actually consume any bytes, because len=0. if (readable && !self.isPaused()) self.read(0); } else { self.connecting = false; var details; if (req.localAddress && req.localPort) { details = req.localAddress + ':' + req.localPort; } var ex = exceptionWithHostPort(status, 'connect', req.address, req.port, details); if (details) { ex.localAddress = req.localAddress; ex.localPort = req.localPort; } self.destroy(ex); } } function Server(options, connectionListener) { if (!(this instanceof Server)) return new Server(options, connectionListener); EventEmitter.call(this); if (typeof options === 'function') { connectionListener = options; options = {}; this.on('connection', connectionListener); } else if (options == null || typeof options === 'object') { options = options || {}; if (typeof connectionListener === 'function') { this.on('connection', connectionListener); } } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } this._connections = 0; Object.defineProperty(this, 'connections', { get: internalUtil.deprecate(() => { if (this._usingWorkers) { return null; } return this._connections; }, 'Server.connections property is deprecated. ' + 'Use Server.getConnections method instead.', 'DEP0020'), set: internalUtil.deprecate((val) => (this._connections = val), 'Server.connections property is deprecated.', 'DEP0020'), configurable: true, enumerable: false }); this[async_id_symbol] = -1; this._handle = null; this._usingWorkers = false; this._workers = []; this._unref = false; this.allowHalfOpen = options.allowHalfOpen || false; this.pauseOnConnect = !!options.pauseOnConnect; } util.inherits(Server, EventEmitter); function toNumber(x) { return (x = Number(x)) >= 0 ? x : false; } // Returns handle if it can be created, or error code if it can't function createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd) { var err = 0; // assign handle in listen, and clean up if bind or listen fails var handle; var isTCP = false; if (typeof fd === 'number' && fd >= 0) { try { handle = createHandle(fd, true); } catch (e) { // Not a fd we can listen on. This will trigger an error. debug('listen invalid fd=%d:', fd, e.message); return UV_EINVAL; } err = handle.open(fd); if (err) return err; handle.readable = true; handle.writable = true; assert(!address && !port); } else if (port === -1 && addressType === -1) { handle = new Pipe(PipeConstants.SERVER); if (process.platform === 'win32') { var instances = parseInt(process.env.NODE_PENDING_PIPE_INSTANCES); if (!Number.isNaN(instances)) { handle.setPendingInstances(instances); } } } else { handle = new TCP(TCPConstants.SERVER); isTCP = true; } if (address || port || isTCP) { debug('bind to', address || 'any'); if (!address) { // Try binding to ipv6 first err = handle.bind6('::', port); if (err) { handle.close(); // Fallback to ipv4 return createServerHandle('', port); } } else if (addressType === 6) { err = handle.bind6(address, port); } else { err = handle.bind(address, port); } } if (err) { handle.close(); return err; } return handle; } function setupListenHandle(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd) { debug('setupListenHandle', address, port, addressType, backlog, fd); // If there is not yet a handle, we need to create one and bind. // In the case of a server sent via IPC, we don't need to do this. if (this._handle) { debug('setupListenHandle: have a handle already'); } else { debug('setupListenHandle: create a handle'); var rval = null; // Try to bind to the unspecified IPv6 address, see if IPv6 is available if (!address && typeof fd !== 'number') { rval = createServerHandle('::', port, 6, fd); if (typeof rval === 'number') { rval = null; address = ''; addressType = 4; } else { address = '::'; addressType = 6; } } if (rval === null) rval = createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd); if (typeof rval === 'number') { var error = uvExceptionWithHostPort(rval, 'listen', address, port); process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, error); return; } this._handle = rval; } this[async_id_symbol] = getNewAsyncId(this._handle); this._handle.onconnection = onconnection; this._handle[owner_symbol] = this; // Use a backlog of 512 entries. We pass 511 to the listen() call because // the kernel does: backlogsize = roundup_pow_of_two(backlogsize + 1); // which will thus give us a backlog of 512 entries. var err = this._handle.listen(backlog || 511); if (err) { var ex = uvExceptionWithHostPort(err, 'listen', address, port); this._handle.close(); this._handle = null; defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(this[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, emitErrorNT, this, ex); return; } // generate connection key, this should be unique to the connection this._connectionKey = addressType + ':' + address + ':' + port; // unref the handle if the server was unref'ed prior to listening if (this._unref) this.unref(); defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(this[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, emitListeningNT, this); } Server.prototype._listen2 = setupListenHandle; // legacy alias function emitErrorNT(self, err) { self.emit('error', err); } function emitListeningNT(self) { // ensure handle hasn't closed if (self._handle) self.emit('listening'); } function listenInCluster(server, address, port, addressType, backlog, fd, exclusive) { exclusive = !!exclusive; if (cluster === undefined) cluster = require('cluster'); if (cluster.isMaster || exclusive) { // Will create a new handle // _listen2 sets up the listened handle, it is still named like this // to avoid breaking code that wraps this method server._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd); return; } const serverQuery = { address: address, port: port, addressType: addressType, fd: fd, flags: 0 }; // Get the master's server handle, and listen on it cluster._getServer(server, serverQuery, listenOnMasterHandle); function listenOnMasterHandle(err, handle) { err = checkBindError(err, port, handle); if (err) { var ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', address, port); return server.emit('error', ex); } // Reuse master's server handle server._handle = handle; // _listen2 sets up the listened handle, it is still named like this // to avoid breaking code that wraps this method server._listen2(address, port, addressType, backlog, fd); } } Server.prototype.listen = function(...args) { var normalized = normalizeArgs(args); var options = normalized[0]; var cb = normalized[1]; if (this._handle) { throw new ERR_SERVER_ALREADY_LISTEN(); } if (cb !== null) { this.once('listening', cb); } var backlogFromArgs = // (handle, backlog) or (path, backlog) or (port, backlog) toNumber(args.length > 1 && args[1]) || toNumber(args.length > 2 && args[2]); // (port, host, backlog) options = options._handle || options.handle || options; // (handle[, backlog][, cb]) where handle is an object with a handle if (options instanceof TCP) { this._handle = options; this[async_id_symbol] = this._handle.getAsyncId(); listenInCluster(this, null, -1, -1, backlogFromArgs); return this; } // (handle[, backlog][, cb]) where handle is an object with a fd if (typeof options.fd === 'number' && options.fd >= 0) { listenInCluster(this, null, null, null, backlogFromArgs, options.fd); return this; } // ([port][, host][, backlog][, cb]) where port is omitted, // that is, listen(), listen(null), listen(cb), or listen(null, cb) // or (options[, cb]) where options.port is explicitly set as undefined or // null, bind to an arbitrary unused port if (args.length === 0 || typeof args[0] === 'function' || (typeof options.port === 'undefined' && 'port' in options) || options.port === null) { options.port = 0; } // ([port][, host][, backlog][, cb]) where port is specified // or (options[, cb]) where options.port is specified // or if options.port is normalized as 0 before var backlog; if (typeof options.port === 'number' || typeof options.port === 'string') { if (!isLegalPort(options.port)) { throw new ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT(options.port); } backlog = options.backlog || backlogFromArgs; // start TCP server listening on host:port if (options.host) { lookupAndListen(this, options.port | 0, options.host, backlog, options.exclusive); } else { // Undefined host, listens on unspecified address // Default addressType 4 will be used to search for master server listenInCluster(this, null, options.port | 0, 4, backlog, undefined, options.exclusive); } return this; } // (path[, backlog][, cb]) or (options[, cb]) // where path or options.path is a UNIX domain socket or Windows pipe if (options.path && isPipeName(options.path)) { var pipeName = this._pipeName = options.path; backlog = options.backlog || backlogFromArgs; listenInCluster(this, pipeName, -1, -1, backlog, undefined, options.exclusive); if (!this._handle) { // Failed and an error shall be emitted in the next tick. // Therefore, we directly return. return this; } let mode = 0; if (options.readableAll === true) mode |= PipeConstants.UV_READABLE; if (options.writableAll === true) mode |= PipeConstants.UV_WRITABLE; if (mode !== 0) { const err = this._handle.fchmod(mode); if (err) { this._handle.close(); this._handle = null; throw errnoException(err, 'uv_pipe_chmod'); } } return this; } throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('options', util.inspect(options)); }; function lookupAndListen(self, port, address, backlog, exclusive) { if (dns === undefined) dns = require('dns'); dns.lookup(address, function doListen(err, ip, addressType) { if (err) { self.emit('error', err); } else { addressType = ip ? addressType : 4; listenInCluster(self, ip, port, addressType, backlog, undefined, exclusive); } }); } Object.defineProperty(Server.prototype, 'listening', { get: function() { return !!this._handle; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); Server.prototype.address = function() { if (this._handle && this._handle.getsockname) { var out = {}; var err = this._handle.getsockname(out); if (err) { throw errnoException(err, 'address'); } return out; } else if (this._pipeName) { return this._pipeName; } else { return null; } }; function onconnection(err, clientHandle) { var handle = this; var self = handle[owner_symbol]; debug('onconnection'); if (err) { self.emit('error', errnoException(err, 'accept')); return; } if (self.maxConnections && self._connections >= self.maxConnections) { clientHandle.close(); return; } var socket = new Socket({ handle: clientHandle, allowHalfOpen: self.allowHalfOpen, pauseOnCreate: self.pauseOnConnect, readable: true, writable: true }); self._connections++; socket.server = self; socket._server = self; ; ; self.emit('connection', socket); } Server.prototype.getConnections = function(cb) { const self = this; function end(err, connections) { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(self[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, cb, err, connections); } if (!this._usingWorkers) { end(null, this._connections); return this; } // Poll workers var left = this._workers.length; var total = this._connections; function oncount(err, count) { if (err) { left = -1; return end(err); } total += count; if (--left === 0) return end(null, total); } for (var n = 0; n < this._workers.length; n++) { this._workers[n].getConnections(oncount); } return this; }; Server.prototype.close = function(cb) { if (typeof cb === 'function') { if (!this._handle) { this.once('close', function close() { cb(new ERR_SERVER_NOT_RUNNING()); }); } else { this.once('close', cb); } } if (this._handle) { this._handle.close(); this._handle = null; } if (this._usingWorkers) { var left = this._workers.length; const onWorkerClose = () => { if (--left !== 0) return; this._connections = 0; this._emitCloseIfDrained(); }; // Increment connections to be sure that, even if all sockets will be closed // during polling of workers, `close` event will be emitted only once. this._connections++; // Poll workers for (var n = 0; n < this._workers.length; n++) this._workers[n].close(onWorkerClose); } else { this._emitCloseIfDrained(); } return this; }; Server.prototype._emitCloseIfDrained = function() { debug('SERVER _emitCloseIfDrained'); if (this._handle || this._connections) { debug('SERVER handle? %j connections? %d', !!this._handle, this._connections); return; } defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(this[async_id_symbol], process.nextTick, emitCloseNT, this); }; function emitCloseNT(self) { debug('SERVER: emit close'); self.emit('close'); } // Legacy alias on the C++ wrapper object. This is not public API, so we may // want to runtime-deprecate it at some point. There's no hurry, though. Object.defineProperty(TCP.prototype, 'owner', { get() { return this[owner_symbol]; }, set(v) { return this[owner_symbol] = v; } }); Server.prototype.listenFD = internalUtil.deprecate(function(fd, type) { return this.listen({ fd: fd }); }, 'Server.listenFD is deprecated. Use Server.listen({fd: }) instead.', 'DEP0021'); Server.prototype._setupWorker = function(socketList) { this._usingWorkers = true; this._workers.push(socketList); socketList.once('exit', (socketList) => { const index = this._workers.indexOf(socketList); this._workers.splice(index, 1); }); }; Server.prototype.ref = function() { this._unref = false; if (this._handle) this._handle.ref(); return this; }; Server.prototype.unref = function() { this._unref = true; if (this._handle) this._handle.unref(); return this; }; var _setSimultaneousAccepts; if (process.platform === 'win32') { var simultaneousAccepts; _setSimultaneousAccepts = function(handle) { if (handle === undefined) { return; } if (simultaneousAccepts === undefined) { simultaneousAccepts = (process.env.NODE_MANY_ACCEPTS && process.env.NODE_MANY_ACCEPTS !== '0'); } if (handle._simultaneousAccepts !== simultaneousAccepts) { handle.setSimultaneousAccepts(!!simultaneousAccepts); handle._simultaneousAccepts = simultaneousAccepts; } }; } else { _setSimultaneousAccepts = function() {}; } module.exports = { _createServerHandle: createServerHandle, _normalizeArgs: normalizeArgs, _setSimultaneousAccepts, connect, createConnection: connect, createServer, isIP: isIP, isIPv4: isIPv4, isIPv6: isIPv6, Server, Socket, Stream: Socket, // Legacy naming }; os// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { pushValToArrayMax, safeGetenv } = internalBinding('util'); const constants = process.binding('constants').os; const { deprecate } = require('internal/util'); const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; const { codes: { ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR } } = require('internal/errors'); const { validateInt32 } = require('internal/validators'); const { getCPUs, getFreeMem, getHomeDirectory: _getHomeDirectory, getHostname: _getHostname, getInterfaceAddresses: _getInterfaceAddresses, getLoadAvg, getOSRelease: _getOSRelease, getOSType: _getOSType, getPriority: _getPriority, getTotalMem, getUserInfo, getUptime, isBigEndian, setPriority: _setPriority } = process.binding('os'); function getCheckedFunction(fn) { return function checkError(...args) { const ctx = {}; const ret = fn(...args, ctx); if (ret === undefined) { const err = new ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR(ctx); Error.captureStackTrace(err, checkError); throw err; } return ret; }; } const getHomeDirectory = getCheckedFunction(_getHomeDirectory); const getHostname = getCheckedFunction(_getHostname); const getInterfaceAddresses = getCheckedFunction(_getInterfaceAddresses); const getOSRelease = getCheckedFunction(_getOSRelease); const getOSType = getCheckedFunction(_getOSType); getFreeMem[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => getFreeMem(); getHostname[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => getHostname(); getHomeDirectory[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => getHomeDirectory(); getOSRelease[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => getOSRelease(); getOSType[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => getOSType(); getTotalMem[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => getTotalMem(); getUptime[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => getUptime(); const kEndianness = isBigEndian ? 'BE' : 'LE'; const tmpDirDeprecationMsg = 'os.tmpDir() is deprecated. Use os.tmpdir() instead.'; const getNetworkInterfacesDepMsg = 'os.getNetworkInterfaces is deprecated. Use os.networkInterfaces instead.'; const avgValues = new Float64Array(3); const cpuValues = new Float64Array(6 * pushValToArrayMax); function loadavg() { getLoadAvg(avgValues); return [avgValues[0], avgValues[1], avgValues[2]]; } function addCPUInfo() { for (var i = 0, c = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i, c += 6) { this[this.length] = { model: arguments[i], speed: cpuValues[c], times: { user: cpuValues[c + 1], nice: cpuValues[c + 2], sys: cpuValues[c + 3], idle: cpuValues[c + 4], irq: cpuValues[c + 5] } }; } } function cpus() { return getCPUs(addCPUInfo, cpuValues, []); } function arch() { return process.arch; } arch[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => process.arch; function platform() { return process.platform; } platform[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => process.platform; function tmpdir() { var path; if (isWindows) { path = process.env.TEMP || process.env.TMP || (process.env.SystemRoot || process.env.windir) + '\\temp'; if (path.length > 1 && path.endsWith('\\') && !path.endsWith(':\\')) path = path.slice(0, -1); } else { path = safeGetenv('TMPDIR') || safeGetenv('TMP') || safeGetenv('TEMP') || '/tmp'; if (path.length > 1 && path.endsWith('/')) path = path.slice(0, -1); } return path; } tmpdir[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => tmpdir(); function endianness() { return kEndianness; } endianness[Symbol.toPrimitive] = () => kEndianness; // Returns the number of ones in the binary representation of the decimal // number. function countBinaryOnes(n) { let count = 0; // Remove one "1" bit from n until n is the power of 2. This iterates k times // while k is the number of "1" in the binary representation. // For more check https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Bitwise_Operators while (n !== 0) { n = n & (n - 1); count++; } return count; } function getCIDR({ address, netmask, family }) { let ones = 0; let split = '.'; let range = 10; let groupLength = 8; let hasZeros = false; if (family === 'IPv6') { split = ':'; range = 16; groupLength = 16; } const parts = netmask.split(split); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (parts[i] !== '') { const binary = parseInt(parts[i], range); const tmp = countBinaryOnes(binary); ones += tmp; if (hasZeros) { if (tmp !== 0) { return null; } } else if (tmp !== groupLength) { if ((binary & 1) !== 0) { return null; } hasZeros = true; } } } return `${address}/${ones}`; } function networkInterfaces() { const interfaceAddresses = getInterfaceAddresses(); const keys = Object.keys(interfaceAddresses); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const arr = interfaceAddresses[keys[i]]; for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { arr[j].cidr = getCIDR(arr[j]); } } return interfaceAddresses; } function setPriority(pid, priority) { if (priority === undefined) { priority = pid; pid = 0; } validateInt32(pid, 'pid'); validateInt32(priority, 'priority', -20, 19); const ctx = {}; if (_setPriority(pid, priority, ctx) !== 0) throw new ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR(ctx); } function getPriority(pid) { if (pid === undefined) pid = 0; else validateInt32(pid, 'pid'); const ctx = {}; const priority = _getPriority(pid, ctx); if (priority === undefined) throw new ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR(ctx); return priority; } function userInfo(options) { if (typeof options !== 'object') options = null; const ctx = {}; const user = getUserInfo(options, ctx); if (user === undefined) throw new ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR(ctx); return user; } module.exports = { arch, cpus, endianness, freemem: getFreeMem, getPriority, homedir: getHomeDirectory, hostname: getHostname, loadavg, networkInterfaces, platform, release: getOSRelease, setPriority, tmpdir, totalmem: getTotalMem, type: getOSType, userInfo, uptime: getUptime, // Deprecated APIs getNetworkInterfaces: deprecate(getInterfaceAddresses, getNetworkInterfacesDepMsg, 'DEP0023'), tmpDir: deprecate(tmpdir, tmpDirDeprecationMsg, 'DEP0022') }; Object.defineProperties(module.exports, { constants: { configurable: false, enumerable: true, value: constants }, EOL: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: false, value: isWindows ? '\r\n' : '\n' } }); path// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { CHAR_UPPERCASE_A, CHAR_LOWERCASE_A, CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z, CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z, CHAR_DOT, CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH, CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH, CHAR_COLON, CHAR_QUESTION_MARK, } = require('internal/constants'); function assertPath(path) { if (typeof path !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('path', 'string', path); } } function isPathSeparator(code) { return code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH || code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH; } function isPosixPathSeparator(code) { return code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; } function isWindowsDeviceRoot(code) { return code >= CHAR_UPPERCASE_A && code <= CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z || code >= CHAR_LOWERCASE_A && code <= CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z; } // Resolves . and .. elements in a path with directory names function normalizeString(path, allowAboveRoot, separator, isPathSeparator) { var res = ''; var lastSegmentLength = 0; var lastSlash = -1; var dots = 0; var code; for (var i = 0; i <= path.length; ++i) { if (i < path.length) code = path.charCodeAt(i); else if (isPathSeparator(code)) break; else code = CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; if (isPathSeparator(code)) { if (lastSlash === i - 1 || dots === 1) { // NOOP } else if (lastSlash !== i - 1 && dots === 2) { if (res.length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== CHAR_DOT || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== CHAR_DOT) { if (res.length > 2) { const lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf(separator); if (lastSlashIndex === -1) { res = ''; lastSegmentLength = 0; } else { res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex); lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf(separator); } lastSlash = i; dots = 0; continue; } else if (res.length === 2 || res.length === 1) { res = ''; lastSegmentLength = 0; lastSlash = i; dots = 0; continue; } } if (allowAboveRoot) { if (res.length > 0) res += `${separator}..`; else res = '..'; lastSegmentLength = 2; } } else { if (res.length > 0) res += separator + path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i); else res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i); lastSegmentLength = i - lastSlash - 1; } lastSlash = i; dots = 0; } else if (code === CHAR_DOT && dots !== -1) { ++dots; } else { dots = -1; } } return res; } function _format(sep, pathObject) { const dir = pathObject.dir || pathObject.root; const base = pathObject.base || ((pathObject.name || '') + (pathObject.ext || '')); if (!dir) { return base; } if (dir === pathObject.root) { return dir + base; } return dir + sep + base; } const win32 = { // path.resolve([from ...], to) resolve: function resolve() { var resolvedDevice = ''; var resolvedTail = ''; var resolvedAbsolute = false; for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1; i--) { var path; if (i >= 0) { path = arguments[i]; } else if (!resolvedDevice) { path = process.cwd(); } else { // Windows has the concept of drive-specific current working // directories. If we've resolved a drive letter but not yet an // absolute path, get cwd for that drive, or the process cwd if // the drive cwd is not available. We're sure the device is not // a UNC path at this points, because UNC paths are always absolute. path = process.env['=' + resolvedDevice] || process.cwd(); // Verify that a cwd was found and that it actually points // to our drive. If not, default to the drive's root. if (path === undefined || path.slice(0, 3).toLowerCase() !== resolvedDevice.toLowerCase() + '\\') { path = resolvedDevice + '\\'; } } assertPath(path); // Skip empty entries if (path.length === 0) { continue; } var len = path.length; var rootEnd = 0; var device = ''; var isAbsolute = false; const code = path.charCodeAt(0); // Try to match a root if (len > 1) { if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // Possible UNC root // If we started with a separator, we know we at least have an // absolute path of some kind (UNC or otherwise) isAbsolute = true; if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) { // Matched double path separator at beginning var j = 2; var last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j < len && j !== last) { const firstPart = path.slice(last, j); // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (!isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j === len) { // We matched a UNC root only device = '\\\\' + firstPart + '\\' + path.slice(last); rootEnd = j; } else if (j !== last) { // We matched a UNC root with leftovers device = '\\\\' + firstPart + '\\' + path.slice(last, j); rootEnd = j; } } } } else { rootEnd = 1; } } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code)) { // Possible device root if (path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { device = path.slice(0, 2); rootEnd = 2; if (len > 2) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) { // Treat separator following drive name as an absolute path // indicator isAbsolute = true; rootEnd = 3; } } } } } else if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // `path` contains just a path separator rootEnd = 1; isAbsolute = true; } if (device.length > 0 && resolvedDevice.length > 0 && device.toLowerCase() !== resolvedDevice.toLowerCase()) { // This path points to another device so it is not applicable continue; } if (resolvedDevice.length === 0 && device.length > 0) { resolvedDevice = device; } if (!resolvedAbsolute) { resolvedTail = path.slice(rootEnd) + '\\' + resolvedTail; resolvedAbsolute = isAbsolute; } if (resolvedDevice.length > 0 && resolvedAbsolute) { break; } } // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, // but handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() // fails) // Normalize the tail path resolvedTail = normalizeString(resolvedTail, !resolvedAbsolute, '\\', isPathSeparator); return (resolvedDevice + (resolvedAbsolute ? '\\' : '') + resolvedTail) || '.'; }, normalize: function normalize(path) { assertPath(path); const len = path.length; if (len === 0) return '.'; var rootEnd = 0; var device; var isAbsolute = false; const code = path.charCodeAt(0); // Try to match a root if (len > 1) { if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // Possible UNC root // If we started with a separator, we know we at least have an absolute // path of some kind (UNC or otherwise) isAbsolute = true; if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) { // Matched double path separator at beginning var j = 2; var last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j < len && j !== last) { const firstPart = path.slice(last, j); // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (!isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j === len) { // We matched a UNC root only // Return the normalized version of the UNC root since there // is nothing left to process return '\\\\' + firstPart + '\\' + path.slice(last) + '\\'; } else if (j !== last) { // We matched a UNC root with leftovers device = '\\\\' + firstPart + '\\' + path.slice(last, j); rootEnd = j; } } } } else { rootEnd = 1; } } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code)) { // Possible device root if (path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { device = path.slice(0, 2); rootEnd = 2; if (len > 2) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) { // Treat separator following drive name as an absolute path // indicator isAbsolute = true; rootEnd = 3; } } } } } else if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // `path` contains just a path separator, exit early to avoid unnecessary // work return '\\'; } var tail; if (rootEnd < len) { tail = normalizeString(path.slice(rootEnd), !isAbsolute, '\\', isPathSeparator); } else { tail = ''; } if (tail.length === 0 && !isAbsolute) tail = '.'; if (tail.length > 0 && isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(len - 1))) tail += '\\'; if (device === undefined) { if (isAbsolute) { if (tail.length > 0) return '\\' + tail; else return '\\'; } else if (tail.length > 0) { return tail; } else { return ''; } } else if (isAbsolute) { if (tail.length > 0) return device + '\\' + tail; else return device + '\\'; } else if (tail.length > 0) { return device + tail; } else { return device; } }, isAbsolute: function isAbsolute(path) { assertPath(path); const len = path.length; if (len === 0) return false; const code = path.charCodeAt(0); if (isPathSeparator(code)) { return true; } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code)) { // Possible device root if (len > 2 && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) return true; } } return false; }, join: function join() { if (arguments.length === 0) return '.'; var joined; var firstPart; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { var arg = arguments[i]; assertPath(arg); if (arg.length > 0) { if (joined === undefined) joined = firstPart = arg; else joined += '\\' + arg; } } if (joined === undefined) return '.'; // Make sure that the joined path doesn't start with two slashes, because // normalize() will mistake it for an UNC path then. // // This step is skipped when it is very clear that the user actually // intended to point at an UNC path. This is assumed when the first // non-empty string arguments starts with exactly two slashes followed by // at least one more non-slash character. // // Note that for normalize() to treat a path as an UNC path it needs to // have at least 2 components, so we don't filter for that here. // This means that the user can use join to construct UNC paths from // a server name and a share name; for example: // path.join('//server', 'share') -> '\\\\server\\share\\') var needsReplace = true; var slashCount = 0; if (isPathSeparator(firstPart.charCodeAt(0))) { ++slashCount; const firstLen = firstPart.length; if (firstLen > 1) { if (isPathSeparator(firstPart.charCodeAt(1))) { ++slashCount; if (firstLen > 2) { if (isPathSeparator(firstPart.charCodeAt(2))) ++slashCount; else { // We matched a UNC path in the first part needsReplace = false; } } } } } if (needsReplace) { // Find any more consecutive slashes we need to replace for (; slashCount < joined.length; ++slashCount) { if (!isPathSeparator(joined.charCodeAt(slashCount))) break; } // Replace the slashes if needed if (slashCount >= 2) joined = '\\' + joined.slice(slashCount); } return win32.normalize(joined); }, // It will solve the relative path from `from` to `to`, for instance: // from = 'C:\\orandea\\test\\aaa' // to = 'C:\\orandea\\impl\\bbb' // The output of the function should be: '..\\..\\impl\\bbb' relative: function relative(from, to) { assertPath(from); assertPath(to); if (from === to) return ''; var fromOrig = win32.resolve(from); var toOrig = win32.resolve(to); if (fromOrig === toOrig) return ''; from = fromOrig.toLowerCase(); to = toOrig.toLowerCase(); if (from === to) return ''; // Trim any leading backslashes var fromStart = 0; for (; fromStart < from.length; ++fromStart) { if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart) !== CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) break; } // Trim trailing backslashes (applicable to UNC paths only) var fromEnd = from.length; for (; fromEnd - 1 > fromStart; --fromEnd) { if (from.charCodeAt(fromEnd - 1) !== CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) break; } var fromLen = (fromEnd - fromStart); // Trim any leading backslashes var toStart = 0; for (; toStart < to.length; ++toStart) { if (to.charCodeAt(toStart) !== CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) break; } // Trim trailing backslashes (applicable to UNC paths only) var toEnd = to.length; for (; toEnd - 1 > toStart; --toEnd) { if (to.charCodeAt(toEnd - 1) !== CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) break; } var toLen = (toEnd - toStart); // Compare paths to find the longest common path from root var length = (fromLen < toLen ? fromLen : toLen); var lastCommonSep = -1; var i = 0; for (; i <= length; ++i) { if (i === length) { if (toLen > length) { if (to.charCodeAt(toStart + i) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { // We get here if `from` is the exact base path for `to`. // For example: from='C:\\foo\\bar'; to='C:\\foo\\bar\\baz' return toOrig.slice(toStart + i + 1); } else if (i === 2) { // We get here if `from` is the device root. // For example: from='C:\\'; to='C:\\foo' return toOrig.slice(toStart + i); } } if (fromLen > length) { if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { // We get here if `to` is the exact base path for `from`. // For example: from='C:\\foo\\bar'; to='C:\\foo' lastCommonSep = i; } else if (i === 2) { // We get here if `to` is the device root. // For example: from='C:\\foo\\bar'; to='C:\\' lastCommonSep = 3; } } break; } var fromCode = from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i); var toCode = to.charCodeAt(toStart + i); if (fromCode !== toCode) break; else if (fromCode === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) lastCommonSep = i; } // We found a mismatch before the first common path separator was seen, so // return the original `to`. if (i !== length && lastCommonSep === -1) { return toOrig; } var out = ''; if (lastCommonSep === -1) lastCommonSep = 0; // Generate the relative path based on the path difference between `to` and // `from` for (i = fromStart + lastCommonSep + 1; i <= fromEnd; ++i) { if (i === fromEnd || from.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { if (out.length === 0) out += '..'; else out += '\\..'; } } // Lastly, append the rest of the destination (`to`) path that comes after // the common path parts if (out.length > 0) return out + toOrig.slice(toStart + lastCommonSep, toEnd); else { toStart += lastCommonSep; if (toOrig.charCodeAt(toStart) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) ++toStart; return toOrig.slice(toStart, toEnd); } }, toNamespacedPath: function toNamespacedPath(path) { // Note: this will *probably* throw somewhere. if (typeof path !== 'string') return path; if (path.length === 0) { return ''; } const resolvedPath = win32.resolve(path); if (resolvedPath.length >= 3) { if (resolvedPath.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { // Possible UNC root if (resolvedPath.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { const code = resolvedPath.charCodeAt(2); if (code !== CHAR_QUESTION_MARK && code !== CHAR_DOT) { // Matched non-long UNC root, convert the path to a long UNC path return '\\\\?\\UNC\\' + resolvedPath.slice(2); } } } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(resolvedPath.charCodeAt(0))) { // Possible device root if (resolvedPath.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON && resolvedPath.charCodeAt(2) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) { // Matched device root, convert the path to a long UNC path return '\\\\?\\' + resolvedPath; } } } return path; }, dirname: function dirname(path) { assertPath(path); const len = path.length; if (len === 0) return '.'; var rootEnd = -1; var end = -1; var matchedSlash = true; var offset = 0; const code = path.charCodeAt(0); // Try to match a root if (len > 1) { if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // Possible UNC root rootEnd = offset = 1; if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) { // Matched double path separator at beginning var j = 2; var last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (!isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j === len) { // We matched a UNC root only return path; } if (j !== last) { // We matched a UNC root with leftovers // Offset by 1 to include the separator after the UNC root to // treat it as a "normal root" on top of a (UNC) root rootEnd = offset = j + 1; } } } } } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code)) { // Possible device root if (path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { rootEnd = offset = 2; if (len > 2) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) rootEnd = offset = 3; } } } } else if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // `path` contains just a path separator, exit early to avoid // unnecessary work return path; } for (var i = len - 1; i >= offset; --i) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(i))) { if (!matchedSlash) { end = i; break; } } else { // We saw the first non-path separator matchedSlash = false; } } if (end === -1) { if (rootEnd === -1) return '.'; else end = rootEnd; } return path.slice(0, end); }, basename: function basename(path, ext) { if (ext !== undefined && typeof ext !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('ext', 'string', ext); assertPath(path); var start = 0; var end = -1; var matchedSlash = true; var i; // Check for a drive letter prefix so as not to mistake the following // path separator as an extra separator at the end of the path that can be // disregarded if (path.length >= 2) { const drive = path.charCodeAt(0); if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(drive)) { if (path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) start = 2; } } if (ext !== undefined && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path.length) { if (ext.length === path.length && ext === path) return ''; var extIdx = ext.length - 1; var firstNonSlashEnd = -1; for (i = path.length - 1; i >= start; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else { if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, remember this index in case // we need it if the extension ends up not matching matchedSlash = false; firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1; } if (extIdx >= 0) { // Try to match the explicit extension if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) { if (--extIdx === -1) { // We matched the extension, so mark this as the end of our path // component end = i; } } else { // Extension does not match, so our result is the entire path // component extIdx = -1; end = firstNonSlashEnd; } } } } if (start === end) end = firstNonSlashEnd; else if (end === -1) end = path.length; return path.slice(start, end); } else { for (i = path.length - 1; i >= start; --i) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(i))) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // path component matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } } if (end === -1) return ''; return path.slice(start, end); } }, extname: function extname(path) { assertPath(path); var start = 0; var startDot = -1; var startPart = 0; var end = -1; var matchedSlash = true; // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and // after any path separator we find var preDotState = 0; // Check for a drive letter prefix so as not to mistake the following // path separator as an extra separator at the end of the path that can be // disregarded if (path.length >= 2 && path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON && isWindowsDeviceRoot(path.charCodeAt(0))) { start = startPart = 2; } for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= start; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // extension matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } if (code === CHAR_DOT) { // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension if (startDot === -1) startDot = i; else if (preDotState !== 1) preDotState = 1; } else if (startDot !== -1) { // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension preDotState = -1; } } if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..' (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)) { return ''; } return path.slice(startDot, end); }, format: function format(pathObject) { if (pathObject === null || typeof pathObject !== 'object') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('pathObject', 'Object', pathObject); } return _format('\\', pathObject); }, parse: function parse(path) { assertPath(path); var ret = { root: '', dir: '', base: '', ext: '', name: '' }; if (path.length === 0) return ret; var len = path.length; var rootEnd = 0; let code = path.charCodeAt(0); // Try to match a root if (len > 1) { if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // Possible UNC root rootEnd = 1; if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(1))) { // Matched double path separator at beginning var j = 2; var last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (!isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j < len && j !== last) { // Matched! last = j; // Match 1 or more non-path separators for (; j < len; ++j) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(j))) break; } if (j === len) { // We matched a UNC root only rootEnd = j; } else if (j !== last) { // We matched a UNC root with leftovers rootEnd = j + 1; } } } } } else if (isWindowsDeviceRoot(code)) { // Possible device root if (path.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_COLON) { rootEnd = 2; if (len > 2) { if (isPathSeparator(path.charCodeAt(2))) { if (len === 3) { // `path` contains just a drive root, exit early to avoid // unnecessary work ret.root = ret.dir = path; return ret; } rootEnd = 3; } } else { // `path` contains just a drive root, exit early to avoid // unnecessary work ret.root = ret.dir = path; return ret; } } } } else if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // `path` contains just a path separator, exit early to avoid // unnecessary work ret.root = ret.dir = path; return ret; } if (rootEnd > 0) ret.root = path.slice(0, rootEnd); var startDot = -1; var startPart = rootEnd; var end = -1; var matchedSlash = true; var i = path.length - 1; // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and // after any path separator we find var preDotState = 0; // Get non-dir info for (; i >= rootEnd; --i) { code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (isPathSeparator(code)) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // extension matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } if (code === CHAR_DOT) { // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension if (startDot === -1) startDot = i; else if (preDotState !== 1) preDotState = 1; } else if (startDot !== -1) { // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension preDotState = -1; } } if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..' (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)) { if (end !== -1) { ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(startPart, end); } } else { ret.name = path.slice(startPart, startDot); ret.base = path.slice(startPart, end); ret.ext = path.slice(startDot, end); } // If the directory is the root, use the entire root as the `dir` including // the trailing slash if any (`C:\abc` -> `C:\`). Otherwise, strip out the // trailing slash (`C:\abc\def` -> `C:\abc`). if (startPart > 0 && startPart !== rootEnd) ret.dir = path.slice(0, startPart - 1); else ret.dir = ret.root; return ret; }, sep: '\\', delimiter: ';', win32: null, posix: null }; const posix = { // path.resolve([from ...], to) resolve: function resolve() { var resolvedPath = ''; var resolvedAbsolute = false; for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) { var path; if (i >= 0) path = arguments[i]; else { path = process.cwd(); } assertPath(path); // Skip empty entries if (path.length === 0) { continue; } resolvedPath = path + '/' + resolvedPath; resolvedAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; } // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but // handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails) // Normalize the path resolvedPath = normalizeString(resolvedPath, !resolvedAbsolute, '/', isPosixPathSeparator); if (resolvedAbsolute) { if (resolvedPath.length > 0) return '/' + resolvedPath; else return '/'; } else if (resolvedPath.length > 0) { return resolvedPath; } else { return '.'; } }, normalize: function normalize(path) { assertPath(path); if (path.length === 0) return '.'; const isAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; const trailingSeparator = path.charCodeAt(path.length - 1) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; // Normalize the path path = normalizeString(path, !isAbsolute, '/', isPosixPathSeparator); if (path.length === 0 && !isAbsolute) path = '.'; if (path.length > 0 && trailingSeparator) path += '/'; if (isAbsolute) return '/' + path; return path; }, isAbsolute: function isAbsolute(path) { assertPath(path); return path.length > 0 && path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; }, join: function join() { if (arguments.length === 0) return '.'; var joined; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { var arg = arguments[i]; assertPath(arg); if (arg.length > 0) { if (joined === undefined) joined = arg; else joined += '/' + arg; } } if (joined === undefined) return '.'; return posix.normalize(joined); }, relative: function relative(from, to) { assertPath(from); assertPath(to); if (from === to) return ''; from = posix.resolve(from); to = posix.resolve(to); if (from === to) return ''; // Trim any leading backslashes var fromStart = 1; for (; fromStart < from.length; ++fromStart) { if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart) !== CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) break; } var fromEnd = from.length; var fromLen = (fromEnd - fromStart); // Trim any leading backslashes var toStart = 1; for (; toStart < to.length; ++toStart) { if (to.charCodeAt(toStart) !== CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) break; } var toEnd = to.length; var toLen = (toEnd - toStart); // Compare paths to find the longest common path from root var length = (fromLen < toLen ? fromLen : toLen); var lastCommonSep = -1; var i = 0; for (; i <= length; ++i) { if (i === length) { if (toLen > length) { if (to.charCodeAt(toStart + i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // We get here if `from` is the exact base path for `to`. // For example: from='/foo/bar'; to='/foo/bar/baz' return to.slice(toStart + i + 1); } else if (i === 0) { // We get here if `from` is the root // For example: from='/'; to='/foo' return to.slice(toStart + i); } } else if (fromLen > length) { if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // We get here if `to` is the exact base path for `from`. // For example: from='/foo/bar/baz'; to='/foo/bar' lastCommonSep = i; } else if (i === 0) { // We get here if `to` is the root. // For example: from='/foo'; to='/' lastCommonSep = 0; } } break; } var fromCode = from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i); var toCode = to.charCodeAt(toStart + i); if (fromCode !== toCode) break; else if (fromCode === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) lastCommonSep = i; } var out = ''; // Generate the relative path based on the path difference between `to` // and `from` for (i = fromStart + lastCommonSep + 1; i <= fromEnd; ++i) { if (i === fromEnd || from.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { if (out.length === 0) out += '..'; else out += '/..'; } } // Lastly, append the rest of the destination (`to`) path that comes after // the common path parts if (out.length > 0) return out + to.slice(toStart + lastCommonSep); else { toStart += lastCommonSep; if (to.charCodeAt(toStart) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) ++toStart; return to.slice(toStart); } }, toNamespacedPath: function toNamespacedPath(path) { // Non-op on posix systems return path; }, dirname: function dirname(path) { assertPath(path); if (path.length === 0) return '.'; const hasRoot = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; var end = -1; var matchedSlash = true; for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 1; --i) { if (path.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { if (!matchedSlash) { end = i; break; } } else { // We saw the first non-path separator matchedSlash = false; } } if (end === -1) return hasRoot ? '/' : '.'; if (hasRoot && end === 1) return '//'; return path.slice(0, end); }, basename: function basename(path, ext) { if (ext !== undefined && typeof ext !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('ext', 'string', ext); assertPath(path); var start = 0; var end = -1; var matchedSlash = true; var i; if (ext !== undefined && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path.length) { if (ext.length === path.length && ext === path) return ''; var extIdx = ext.length - 1; var firstNonSlashEnd = -1; for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else { if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, remember this index in case // we need it if the extension ends up not matching matchedSlash = false; firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1; } if (extIdx >= 0) { // Try to match the explicit extension if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) { if (--extIdx === -1) { // We matched the extension, so mark this as the end of our path // component end = i; } } else { // Extension does not match, so our result is the entire path // component extIdx = -1; end = firstNonSlashEnd; } } } } if (start === end) end = firstNonSlashEnd; else if (end === -1) end = path.length; return path.slice(start, end); } else { for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (path.charCodeAt(i) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // path component matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } } if (end === -1) return ''; return path.slice(start, end); } }, extname: function extname(path) { assertPath(path); var startDot = -1; var startPart = 0; var end = -1; var matchedSlash = true; // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and // after any path separator we find var preDotState = 0; for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // extension matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } if (code === CHAR_DOT) { // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension if (startDot === -1) startDot = i; else if (preDotState !== 1) preDotState = 1; } else if (startDot !== -1) { // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension preDotState = -1; } } if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..' (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)) { return ''; } return path.slice(startDot, end); }, format: function format(pathObject) { if (pathObject === null || typeof pathObject !== 'object') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('pathObject', 'Object', pathObject); } return _format('/', pathObject); }, parse: function parse(path) { assertPath(path); var ret = { root: '', dir: '', base: '', ext: '', name: '' }; if (path.length === 0) return ret; var isAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; var start; if (isAbsolute) { ret.root = '/'; start = 1; } else { start = 0; } var startDot = -1; var startPart = 0; var end = -1; var matchedSlash = true; var i = path.length - 1; // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and // after any path separator we find var preDotState = 0; // Get non-dir info for (; i >= start; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { startPart = i + 1; break; } continue; } if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // extension matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } if (code === CHAR_DOT) { // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension if (startDot === -1) startDot = i; else if (preDotState !== 1) preDotState = 1; } else if (startDot !== -1) { // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension preDotState = -1; } } if (startDot === -1 || end === -1 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot preDotState === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..' (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)) { if (end !== -1) { if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute) ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(1, end); else ret.base = ret.name = path.slice(startPart, end); } } else { if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute) { ret.name = path.slice(1, startDot); ret.base = path.slice(1, end); } else { ret.name = path.slice(startPart, startDot); ret.base = path.slice(startPart, end); } ret.ext = path.slice(startDot, end); } if (startPart > 0) ret.dir = path.slice(0, startPart - 1); else if (isAbsolute) ret.dir = '/'; return ret; }, sep: '/', delimiter: ':', win32: null, posix: null }; posix.win32 = win32.win32 = win32; posix.posix = win32.posix = posix; // Legacy internal API, docs-only deprecated: DEP0080 win32._makeLong = win32.toNamespacedPath; posix._makeLong = posix.toNamespacedPath; if (process.platform === 'win32') module.exports = win32; else module.exports = posix; perf_hooks'use strict'; const { PerformanceEntry, mark: _mark, clearMark: _clearMark, measure: _measure, milestones, observerCounts, setupObservers, timeOrigin, timeOriginTimestamp, timerify, constants } = process.binding('performance'); const { NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_NODE, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MEASURE, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GC, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_FUNCTION, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_HTTP2, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_NODE_START, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_V8_START, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_START, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_EXIT, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_BOOTSTRAP_COMPLETE, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_ENVIRONMENT } = constants; const { AsyncResource } = require('async_hooks'); const L = require('internal/linkedlist'); const kInspect = require('internal/util').customInspectSymbol; const { inherits } = require('util'); const kCallback = Symbol('callback'); const kTypes = Symbol('types'); const kEntries = Symbol('entries'); const kBuffer = Symbol('buffer'); const kBuffering = Symbol('buffering'); const kQueued = Symbol('queued'); const kTimerified = Symbol('timerified'); const kInsertEntry = Symbol('insert-entry'); const kGetEntries = Symbol('get-entries'); const kIndex = Symbol('index'); const kMarks = Symbol('marks'); const kCount = Symbol('count'); const observers = {}; const observerableTypes = [ 'node', 'mark', 'measure', 'gc', 'function', 'http2' ]; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_ID = 0; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTBYTE = 1; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTHEADER = 2; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTBYTESENT = 3; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_SENTBYTES = 4; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_RECEIVEDBYTES = 5; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_TYPE = 0; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_PINGRTT = 1; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_FRAMESRECEIVED = 2; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_FRAMESSENT = 3; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_STREAMCOUNT = 4; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_STREAMAVERAGEDURATION = 5; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_DATA_SENT = 6; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_DATA_RECEIVED = 7; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = 8; let sessionStats; let streamStats; function collectHttp2Stats(entry) { switch (entry.name) { case 'Http2Stream': if (streamStats === undefined) streamStats = process.binding('http2').streamStats; entry.id = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_ID] >>> 0; entry.timeToFirstByte = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTBYTE]; entry.timeToFirstHeader = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTHEADER]; entry.timeToFirstByteSent = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTBYTESENT]; entry.bytesWritten = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_SENTBYTES]; entry.bytesRead = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_RECEIVEDBYTES]; break; case 'Http2Session': if (sessionStats === undefined) sessionStats = process.binding('http2').sessionStats; entry.type = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_TYPE] >>> 0 === 0 ? 'server' : 'client'; entry.pingRTT = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_PINGRTT]; entry.framesReceived = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_FRAMESRECEIVED]; entry.framesSent = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_FRAMESSENT]; entry.streamCount = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_STREAMCOUNT]; entry.streamAverageDuration = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_STREAMAVERAGEDURATION]; entry.bytesWritten = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_DATA_SENT]; entry.bytesRead = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_DATA_RECEIVED]; entry.maxConcurrentStreams = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS]; break; } } let errors; function lazyErrors() { if (errors === undefined) errors = require('internal/errors').codes; return errors; } function now() { const hr = process.hrtime(); return hr[0] * 1000 + hr[1] / 1e6; } function getMilestoneTimestamp(milestoneIdx) { const ns = milestones[milestoneIdx]; if (ns === -1) return ns; return ns / 1e6 - timeOrigin; } class PerformanceNodeTiming { constructor() {} get name() { return 'node'; } get entryType() { return 'node'; } get startTime() { return 0; } get duration() { return now() - timeOrigin; } get nodeStart() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_NODE_START); } get v8Start() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_V8_START); } get environment() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_ENVIRONMENT); } get loopStart() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_START); } get loopExit() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_EXIT); } get bootstrapComplete() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_BOOTSTRAP_COMPLETE); } [kInspect]() { return { name: 'node', entryType: 'node', startTime: this.startTime, duration: this.duration, nodeStart: this.nodeStart, v8Start: this.v8Start, bootstrapComplete: this.bootstrapComplete, environment: this.environment, loopStart: this.loopStart, loopExit: this.loopExit, thirdPartyMainStart: this.thirdPartyMainStart, thirdPartyMainEnd: this.thirdPartyMainEnd, clusterSetupStart: this.clusterSetupStart, clusterSetupEnd: this.clusterSetupEnd, moduleLoadStart: this.moduleLoadStart, moduleLoadEnd: this.moduleLoadEnd, preloadModuleLoadStart: this.preloadModuleLoadStart, preloadModuleLoadEnd: this.preloadModuleLoadEnd }; } } // Use this instead of Extends because we want PerformanceEntry in the // prototype chain but we do not want to use the PerformanceEntry // constructor for this. inherits(PerformanceNodeTiming, PerformanceEntry); const nodeTiming = new PerformanceNodeTiming(); // Maintains a list of entries as a linked list stored in insertion order. class PerformanceObserverEntryList { constructor() { Object.defineProperties(this, { [kEntries]: { writable: true, enumerable: false, value: {} }, [kCount]: { writable: true, enumerable: false, value: 0 } }); L.init(this[kEntries]); } [kInsertEntry](entry) { const item = { entry }; L.append(this[kEntries], item); this[kCount]++; } get length() { return this[kCount]; } [kGetEntries](name, type) { const ret = []; const list = this[kEntries]; if (!L.isEmpty(list)) { let item = L.peek(list); while (item && item !== list) { const entry = item.entry; if ((name && entry.name !== name) || (type && entry.entryType !== type)) { item = item._idlePrev; continue; } sortedInsert(ret, entry); item = item._idlePrev; } } return ret; } // While the items are stored in insertion order, getEntries() is // required to return items sorted by startTime. getEntries() { return this[kGetEntries](); } getEntriesByType(type) { return this[kGetEntries](undefined, `${type}`); } getEntriesByName(name, type) { return this[kGetEntries](`${name}`, type !== undefined ? `${type}` : type); } } class PerformanceObserver extends AsyncResource { constructor(callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { const errors = lazyErrors(); throw new errors.ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } super('PerformanceObserver'); Object.defineProperties(this, { [kTypes]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: {} }, [kCallback]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: callback }, [kBuffer]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: new PerformanceObserverEntryList() }, [kBuffering]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: false }, [kQueued]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: false } }); } disconnect() { const types = this[kTypes]; const keys = Object.keys(types); for (var n = 0; n < keys.length; n++) { const item = types[keys[n]]; if (item) { L.remove(item); observerCounts[keys[n]]--; } } this[kTypes] = {}; } observe(options) { const errors = lazyErrors(); if (typeof options !== 'object' || options == null) { throw new errors.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } if (!Array.isArray(options.entryTypes)) { throw new errors.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('entryTypes', options); } const entryTypes = options.entryTypes.filter(filterTypes).map(mapTypes); if (entryTypes.length === 0) { throw new errors.ERR_VALID_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE(); } this.disconnect(); this[kBuffer][kEntries] = []; L.init(this[kBuffer][kEntries]); this[kBuffering] = Boolean(options.buffered); for (var n = 0; n < entryTypes.length; n++) { const entryType = entryTypes[n]; const list = getObserversList(entryType); const item = { obs: this }; this[kTypes][entryType] = item; L.append(list, item); observerCounts[entryType]++; } } } class Performance { constructor() { this[kIndex] = { [kMarks]: new Set() }; } get nodeTiming() { return nodeTiming; } get timeOrigin() { return timeOriginTimestamp; } now() { return now() - timeOrigin; } mark(name) { name = `${name}`; _mark(name); this[kIndex][kMarks].add(name); } measure(name, startMark, endMark) { name = `${name}`; endMark = `${endMark}`; startMark = startMark !== undefined ? `${startMark}` : ''; const marks = this[kIndex][kMarks]; if (!marks.has(endMark) && !(endMark in nodeTiming)) { const errors = lazyErrors(); throw new errors.ERR_INVALID_PERFORMANCE_MARK(endMark); } _measure(name, startMark, endMark); } clearMarks(name) { name = name !== undefined ? `${name}` : name; if (name !== undefined) { this[kIndex][kMarks].delete(name); _clearMark(name); } else { this[kIndex][kMarks].clear(); _clearMark(); } } timerify(fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { const errors = lazyErrors(); throw new errors.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('fn', 'Function', fn); } if (fn[kTimerified]) return fn[kTimerified]; const ret = timerify(fn, fn.length); Object.defineProperty(fn, kTimerified, { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, value: ret }); Object.defineProperties(ret, { [kTimerified]: { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, value: ret }, name: { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, value: `timerified ${fn.name}` } }); return ret; } [kInspect]() { return { nodeTiming: this.nodeTiming, timeOrigin: this.timeOrigin }; } } const performance = new Performance(); function getObserversList(type) { let list = observers[type]; if (list === undefined) { list = observers[type] = {}; L.init(list); } return list; } function doNotify() { this[kQueued] = false; this.runInAsyncScope(this[kCallback], this, this[kBuffer], this); this[kBuffer][kEntries] = []; L.init(this[kBuffer][kEntries]); } // Set up the callback used to receive PerformanceObserver notifications function observersCallback(entry) { const type = mapTypes(entry.entryType); if (type === NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_HTTP2) collectHttp2Stats(entry); const list = getObserversList(type); let current = L.peek(list); while (current && current.obs) { const observer = current.obs; // First, add the item to the observers buffer const buffer = observer[kBuffer]; buffer[kInsertEntry](entry); // Second, check to see if we're buffering if (observer[kBuffering]) { // If we are, schedule a setImmediate call if one hasn't already if (!observer[kQueued]) { observer[kQueued] = true; // Use setImmediate instead of nextTick to give more time // for multiple entries to collect. setImmediate(doNotify.bind(observer)); } } else { // If not buffering, notify immediately doNotify.call(observer); } current = current._idlePrev; } } setupObservers(observersCallback); function filterTypes(i) { return observerableTypes.indexOf(`${i}`) >= 0; } function mapTypes(i) { switch (i) { case 'node': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_NODE; case 'mark': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK; case 'measure': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MEASURE; case 'gc': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GC; case 'function': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_FUNCTION; case 'http2': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_HTTP2; } } // The specification requires that PerformanceEntry instances are sorted // according to startTime. Unfortunately, they are not necessarily created // in that same order, and can be reported to the JS layer in any order, // which means we need to keep the list sorted as we insert. function getInsertLocation(list, entryStartTime) { let start = 0; let end = list.length; while (start < end) { const pivot = (end + start) >>> 1; if (list[pivot].startTime === entryStartTime) return pivot; if (list[pivot].startTime < entryStartTime) start = pivot + 1; else end = pivot; } return start; } function sortedInsert(list, entry) { const entryStartTime = entry.startTime; if (list.length === 0 || (list[list.length - 1].startTime < entryStartTime)) { list.push(entry); return; } if (list[0] && (list[0].startTime > entryStartTime)) { list.unshift(entry); return; } const location = getInsertLocation(list, entryStartTime); list.splice(location, 0, entry); } module.exports = { performance, PerformanceObserver }; Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'constants', { configurable: false, enumerable: true, value: constants }); process'use strict'; // Re-export process as a native module module.exports = process; punycode'use strict'; /** Highest positive signed 32-bit float value */ const maxInt = 2147483647; // aka. 0x7FFFFFFF or 2^31-1 /** Bootstring parameters */ const base = 36; const tMin = 1; const tMax = 26; const skew = 38; const damp = 700; const initialBias = 72; const initialN = 128; // 0x80 const delimiter = '-'; // '\x2D' /** Regular expressions */ const regexPunycode = /^xn--/; const regexNonASCII = /[^\0-\x7E]/; // non-ASCII chars const regexSeparators = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g; // RFC 3490 separators /** Error messages */ const errors = { 'overflow': 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process', 'not-basic': 'Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)', 'invalid-input': 'Invalid input' }; /** Convenience shortcuts */ const baseMinusTMin = base - tMin; const floor = Math.floor; const stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * A generic error utility function. * @private * @param {String} type The error type. * @returns {Error} Throws a `RangeError` with the applicable error message. */ function error(type) { throw new RangeError(errors[type]); } /** * A generic `Array#map` utility function. * @private * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every array * item. * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned by the callback function. */ function map(array, fn) { const result = []; let length = array.length; while (length--) { result[length] = fn(array[length]); } return result; } /** * A simple `Array#map`-like wrapper to work with domain name strings or email * addresses. * @private * @param {String} domain The domain name or email address. * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every * character. * @returns {Array} A new string of characters returned by the callback * function. */ function mapDomain(string, fn) { const parts = string.split('@'); let result = ''; if (parts.length > 1) { // In email addresses, only the domain name should be punycoded. Leave // the local part (i.e. everything up to `@`) intact. result = parts[0] + '@'; string = parts[1]; } // Avoid `split(regex)` for IE8 compatibility. See #17. string = string.replace(regexSeparators, '\x2E'); const labels = string.split('.'); const encoded = map(labels, fn).join('.'); return result + encoded; } /** * Creates an array containing the numeric code points of each Unicode * character in the string. While JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally, * this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which * UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point, * matching UTF-16. * @see `punycode.ucs2.encode` * @see * @memberOf punycode.ucs2 * @name decode * @param {String} string The Unicode input string (UCS-2). * @returns {Array} The new array of code points. */ function ucs2decode(string) { const output = []; let counter = 0; const length = string.length; while (counter < length) { const value = string.charCodeAt(counter++); if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) { // It's a high surrogate, and there is a next character. const extra = string.charCodeAt(counter++); if ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // Low surrogate. output.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000); } else { // It's an unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the // next code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair. output.push(value); counter--; } } else { output.push(value); } } return output; } /** * Creates a string based on an array of numeric code points. * @see `punycode.ucs2.decode` * @memberOf punycode.ucs2 * @name encode * @param {Array} codePoints The array of numeric code points. * @returns {String} The new Unicode string (UCS-2). */ const ucs2encode = array => String.fromCodePoint(...array); /** * Converts a basic code point into a digit/integer. * @see `digitToBasic()` * @private * @param {Number} codePoint The basic numeric code point value. * @returns {Number} The numeric value of a basic code point (for use in * representing integers) in the range `0` to `base - 1`, or `base` if * the code point does not represent a value. */ const basicToDigit = function(codePoint) { if (codePoint - 0x30 < 0x0A) { return codePoint - 0x16; } if (codePoint - 0x41 < 0x1A) { return codePoint - 0x41; } if (codePoint - 0x61 < 0x1A) { return codePoint - 0x61; } return base; }; /** * Converts a digit/integer into a basic code point. * @see `basicToDigit()` * @private * @param {Number} digit The numeric value of a basic code point. * @returns {Number} The basic code point whose value (when used for * representing integers) is `digit`, which needs to be in the range * `0` to `base - 1`. If `flag` is non-zero, the uppercase form is * used; else, the lowercase form is used. The behavior is undefined * if `flag` is non-zero and `digit` has no uppercase form. */ const digitToBasic = function(digit, flag) { // 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z // 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9 return digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26) - ((flag != 0) << 5); }; /** * Bias adaptation function as per section 3.4 of RFC 3492. * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492#section-3.4 * @private */ const adapt = function(delta, numPoints, firstTime) { let k = 0; delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1; delta += floor(delta / numPoints); for (/* no initialization */; delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; k += base) { delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin); } return floor(k + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew)); }; /** * Converts a Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols to a string of Unicode * symbols. * @memberOf punycode * @param {String} input The Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. * @returns {String} The resulting string of Unicode symbols. */ const decode = function(input) { // Don't use UCS-2. const output = []; const inputLength = input.length; let i = 0; let n = initialN; let bias = initialBias; // Handle the basic code points: let `basic` be the number of input code // points before the last delimiter, or `0` if there is none, then copy // the first basic code points to the output. let basic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter); if (basic < 0) { basic = 0; } for (let j = 0; j < basic; ++j) { // if it's not a basic code point if (input.charCodeAt(j) >= 0x80) { error('not-basic'); } output.push(input.charCodeAt(j)); } // Main decoding loop: start just after the last delimiter if any basic code // points were copied; start at the beginning otherwise. for (let index = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; index < inputLength; /* no final expression */) { // `index` is the index of the next character to be consumed. // Decode a generalized variable-length integer into `delta`, // which gets added to `i`. The overflow checking is easier // if we increase `i` as we go, then subtract off its starting // value at the end to obtain `delta`. let oldi = i; for (let w = 1, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) { if (index >= inputLength) { error('invalid-input'); } const digit = basicToDigit(input.charCodeAt(index++)); if (digit >= base || digit > floor((maxInt - i) / w)) { error('overflow'); } i += digit * w; const t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias); if (digit < t) { break; } const baseMinusT = base - t; if (w > floor(maxInt / baseMinusT)) { error('overflow'); } w *= baseMinusT; } const out = output.length + 1; bias = adapt(i - oldi, out, oldi == 0); // `i` was supposed to wrap around from `out` to `0`, // incrementing `n` each time, so we'll fix that now: if (floor(i / out) > maxInt - n) { error('overflow'); } n += floor(i / out); i %= out; // Insert `n` at position `i` of the output. output.splice(i++, 0, n); } return String.fromCodePoint(...output); }; /** * Converts a string of Unicode symbols (e.g. a domain name label) to a * Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. * @memberOf punycode * @param {String} input The string of Unicode symbols. * @returns {String} The resulting Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. */ const encode = function(input) { const output = []; // Convert the input in UCS-2 to an array of Unicode code points. input = ucs2decode(input); // Cache the length. let inputLength = input.length; // Initialize the state. let n = initialN; let delta = 0; let bias = initialBias; // Handle the basic code points. for (const currentValue of input) { if (currentValue < 0x80) { output.push(stringFromCharCode(currentValue)); } } let basicLength = output.length; let handledCPCount = basicLength; // `handledCPCount` is the number of code points that have been handled; // `basicLength` is the number of basic code points. // Finish the basic string with a delimiter unless it's empty. if (basicLength) { output.push(delimiter); } // Main encoding loop: while (handledCPCount < inputLength) { // All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find the next // larger one: let m = maxInt; for (const currentValue of input) { if (currentValue >= n && currentValue < m) { m = currentValue; } } // Increase `delta` enough to advance the decoder's state to , // but guard against overflow. const handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1; if (m - n > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) { error('overflow'); } delta += (m - n) * handledCPCountPlusOne; n = m; for (const currentValue of input) { if (currentValue < n && ++delta > maxInt) { error('overflow'); } if (currentValue == n) { // Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer. let q = delta; for (let k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) { const t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias); if (q < t) { break; } const qMinusT = q - t; const baseMinusT = base - t; output.push( stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t + qMinusT % baseMinusT, 0)) ); q = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT); } output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q, 0))); bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength); delta = 0; ++handledCPCount; } } ++delta; ++n; } return output.join(''); }; /** * Converts a Punycode string representing a domain name or an email address * to Unicode. Only the Punycoded parts of the input will be converted, i.e. * it doesn't matter if you call it on a string that has already been * converted to Unicode. * @memberOf punycode * @param {String} input The Punycoded domain name or email address to * convert to Unicode. * @returns {String} The Unicode representation of the given Punycode * string. */ const toUnicode = function(input) { return mapDomain(input, function(string) { return regexPunycode.test(string) ? decode(string.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : string; }); }; /** * Converts a Unicode string representing a domain name or an email address to * Punycode. Only the non-ASCII parts of the domain name will be converted, * i.e. it doesn't matter if you call it with a domain that's already in * ASCII. * @memberOf punycode * @param {String} input The domain name or email address to convert, as a * Unicode string. * @returns {String} The Punycode representation of the given domain name or * email address. */ const toASCII = function(input) { return mapDomain(input, function(string) { return regexNonASCII.test(string) ? 'xn--' + encode(string) : string; }); }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Define the public API */ const punycode = { /** * A string representing the current Punycode.js version number. * @memberOf punycode * @type String */ 'version': '2.1.0', /** * An object of methods to convert from JavaScript's internal character * representation (UCS-2) to Unicode code points, and back. * @see * @memberOf punycode * @type Object */ 'ucs2': { 'decode': ucs2decode, 'encode': ucs2encode }, 'decode': decode, 'encode': encode, 'toASCII': toASCII, 'toUnicode': toUnicode }; module.exports = punycode; querystring// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // Query String Utilities 'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { encodeStr, hexTable, isHexTable } = require('internal/querystring'); const QueryString = module.exports = { unescapeBuffer, // `unescape()` is a JS global, so we need to use a different local name unescape: qsUnescape, // `escape()` is a JS global, so we need to use a different local name escape: qsEscape, stringify, encode: stringify, parse, decode: parse }; const unhexTable = [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 0 - 15 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 16 - 31 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 32 - 47 +0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 48 - 63 -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 64 - 79 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 80 - 95 -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 96 - 111 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 112 - 127 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 128 ... -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 // ... 255 ]; // a safe fast alternative to decodeURIComponent function unescapeBuffer(s, decodeSpaces) { var out = Buffer.allocUnsafe(s.length); var index = 0; var outIndex = 0; var currentChar; var nextChar; var hexHigh; var hexLow; var maxLength = s.length - 2; // Flag to know if some hex chars have been decoded var hasHex = false; while (index < s.length) { currentChar = s.charCodeAt(index); if (currentChar === 43 /* '+' */ && decodeSpaces) { out[outIndex++] = 32; // ' ' index++; continue; } if (currentChar === 37 /* '%' */ && index < maxLength) { currentChar = s.charCodeAt(++index); hexHigh = unhexTable[currentChar]; if (!(hexHigh >= 0)) { out[outIndex++] = 37; // '%' } else { nextChar = s.charCodeAt(++index); hexLow = unhexTable[nextChar]; if (!(hexLow >= 0)) { out[outIndex++] = 37; // '%' out[outIndex++] = currentChar; currentChar = nextChar; } else { hasHex = true; currentChar = hexHigh * 16 + hexLow; } } } out[outIndex++] = currentChar; index++; } return hasHex ? out.slice(0, outIndex) : out; } function qsUnescape(s, decodeSpaces) { try { return decodeURIComponent(s); } catch { return QueryString.unescapeBuffer(s, decodeSpaces).toString(); } } // These characters do not need escaping when generating query strings: // ! - . _ ~ // ' ( ) * // digits // alpha (uppercase) // alpha (lowercase) const noEscape = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0 - 15 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 16 - 31 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, // 32 - 47 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 48 - 63 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 64 - 79 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, // 80 - 95 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 96 - 111 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 // 112 - 127 ]; // QueryString.escape() replaces encodeURIComponent() // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec- function qsEscape(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { if (typeof str === 'object') str = String(str); else str += ''; } return encodeStr(str, noEscape, hexTable); } function stringifyPrimitive(v) { if (typeof v === 'string') return v; if (typeof v === 'number' && isFinite(v)) return '' + v; if (typeof v === 'boolean') return v ? 'true' : 'false'; return ''; } function stringify(obj, sep, eq, options) { sep = sep || '&'; eq = eq || '='; var encode = QueryString.escape; if (options && typeof options.encodeURIComponent === 'function') { encode = options.encodeURIComponent; } if (obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object') { var keys = Object.keys(obj); var len = keys.length; var flast = len - 1; var fields = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var k = keys[i]; var v = obj[k]; var ks = encode(stringifyPrimitive(k)) + eq; if (Array.isArray(v)) { var vlen = v.length; var vlast = vlen - 1; for (var j = 0; j < vlen; ++j) { fields += ks + encode(stringifyPrimitive(v[j])); if (j < vlast) fields += sep; } if (vlen && i < flast) fields += sep; } else { fields += ks + encode(stringifyPrimitive(v)); if (i < flast) fields += sep; } } return fields; } return ''; } function charCodes(str) { if (str.length === 0) return []; if (str.length === 1) return [str.charCodeAt(0)]; const ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) ret[ret.length] = str.charCodeAt(i); return ret; } const defSepCodes = [38]; // & const defEqCodes = [61]; // = // Parse a key/val string. function parse(qs, sep, eq, options) { const obj = Object.create(null); if (typeof qs !== 'string' || qs.length === 0) { return obj; } var sepCodes = (!sep ? defSepCodes : charCodes(sep + '')); var eqCodes = (!eq ? defEqCodes : charCodes(eq + '')); const sepLen = sepCodes.length; const eqLen = eqCodes.length; var pairs = 1000; if (options && typeof options.maxKeys === 'number') { // -1 is used in place of a value like Infinity for meaning // "unlimited pairs" because of additional checks V8 (at least as of v5.4) // has to do when using variables that contain values like Infinity. Since // `pairs` is always decremented and checked explicitly for 0, -1 works // effectively the same as Infinity, while providing a significant // performance boost. pairs = (options.maxKeys > 0 ? options.maxKeys : -1); } var decode = QueryString.unescape; if (options && typeof options.decodeURIComponent === 'function') { decode = options.decodeURIComponent; } const customDecode = (decode !== qsUnescape); var lastPos = 0; var sepIdx = 0; var eqIdx = 0; var key = ''; var value = ''; var keyEncoded = customDecode; var valEncoded = customDecode; const plusChar = (customDecode ? '%20' : ' '); var encodeCheck = 0; for (var i = 0; i < qs.length; ++i) { const code = qs.charCodeAt(i); // Try matching key/value pair separator (e.g. '&') if (code === sepCodes[sepIdx]) { if (++sepIdx === sepLen) { // Key/value pair separator match! const end = i - sepIdx + 1; if (eqIdx < eqLen) { // We didn't find the (entire) key/value separator if (lastPos < end) { // Treat the substring as part of the key instead of the value key += qs.slice(lastPos, end); } else if (key.length === 0) { // We saw an empty substring between separators if (--pairs === 0) return obj; lastPos = i + 1; sepIdx = eqIdx = 0; continue; } } else if (lastPos < end) { value += qs.slice(lastPos, end); } if (key.length > 0 && keyEncoded) key = decodeStr(key, decode); if (value.length > 0 && valEncoded) value = decodeStr(value, decode); if (obj[key] === undefined) { obj[key] = value; } else { const curValue = obj[key]; // A simple Array-specific property check is enough here to // distinguish from a string value and is faster and still safe // since we are generating all of the values being assigned. if (curValue.pop) curValue[curValue.length] = value; else obj[key] = [curValue, value]; } if (--pairs === 0) return obj; keyEncoded = valEncoded = customDecode; key = value = ''; encodeCheck = 0; lastPos = i + 1; sepIdx = eqIdx = 0; } } else { sepIdx = 0; // Try matching key/value separator (e.g. '=') if we haven't already if (eqIdx < eqLen) { if (code === eqCodes[eqIdx]) { if (++eqIdx === eqLen) { // Key/value separator match! const end = i - eqIdx + 1; if (lastPos < end) key += qs.slice(lastPos, end); encodeCheck = 0; lastPos = i + 1; } continue; } else { eqIdx = 0; if (!keyEncoded) { // Try to match an (valid) encoded byte once to minimize unnecessary // calls to string decoding functions if (code === 37/* % */) { encodeCheck = 1; continue; } else if (encodeCheck > 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-boolean-cast if (!!isHexTable[code]) { if (++encodeCheck === 3) keyEncoded = true; continue; } else { encodeCheck = 0; } } } } if (code === 43/* + */) { if (lastPos < i) key += qs.slice(lastPos, i); key += plusChar; lastPos = i + 1; continue; } } if (code === 43/* + */) { if (lastPos < i) value += qs.slice(lastPos, i); value += plusChar; lastPos = i + 1; } else if (!valEncoded) { // Try to match an (valid) encoded byte (once) to minimize unnecessary // calls to string decoding functions if (code === 37/* % */) { encodeCheck = 1; } else if (encodeCheck > 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-boolean-cast if (!!isHexTable[code]) { if (++encodeCheck === 3) valEncoded = true; } else { encodeCheck = 0; } } } } } // Deal with any leftover key or value data if (lastPos < qs.length) { if (eqIdx < eqLen) key += qs.slice(lastPos); else if (sepIdx < sepLen) value += qs.slice(lastPos); } else if (eqIdx === 0 && key.length === 0) { // We ended on an empty substring return obj; } if (key.length > 0 && keyEncoded) key = decodeStr(key, decode); if (value.length > 0 && valEncoded) value = decodeStr(value, decode); if (obj[key] === undefined) { obj[key] = value; } else { const curValue = obj[key]; // A simple Array-specific property check is enough here to // distinguish from a string value and is faster and still safe since // we are generating all of the values being assigned. if (curValue.pop) curValue[curValue.length] = value; else obj[key] = [curValue, value]; } return obj; } // v8 does not optimize functions with try-catch blocks, so we isolate them here // to minimize the damage (Note: no longer true as of V8 5.4 -- but still will // not be inlined). function decodeStr(s, decoder) { try { return decoder(s); } catch { return QueryString.unescape(s, true); } } readline// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // Inspiration for this code comes from Salvatore Sanfilippo's linenoise. // https://github.com/antirez/linenoise // Reference: // * http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html // * http://www.3waylabs.com/nw/WWW/products/wizcon/vt220.html 'use strict'; const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_CURSOR_POS, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { debug, inherits } = require('util'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const { CSI, emitKeys, getStringWidth, isFullWidthCodePoint, stripVTControlCharacters } = require('internal/readline'); const { kEscape, kClearToBeginning, kClearToEnd, kClearLine, kClearScreenDown } = CSI; // Lazy load StringDecoder for startup performance. let StringDecoder; const kHistorySize = 30; const kMincrlfDelay = 100; // \r\n, \n, or \r followed by something other than \n const lineEnding = /\r?\n|\r(?!\n)/; const KEYPRESS_DECODER = Symbol('keypress-decoder'); const ESCAPE_DECODER = Symbol('escape-decoder'); // GNU readline library - keyseq-timeout is 500ms (default) const ESCAPE_CODE_TIMEOUT = 500; function createInterface(input, output, completer, terminal) { return new Interface(input, output, completer, terminal); } function Interface(input, output, completer, terminal) { if (!(this instanceof Interface)) { return new Interface(input, output, completer, terminal); } if (StringDecoder === undefined) StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; this._sawReturnAt = 0; this.isCompletionEnabled = true; this._sawKeyPress = false; this._previousKey = null; EventEmitter.call(this); var historySize; var removeHistoryDuplicates = false; let crlfDelay; let prompt = '> '; if (input && input.input) { // an options object was given output = input.output; completer = input.completer; terminal = input.terminal; historySize = input.historySize; removeHistoryDuplicates = input.removeHistoryDuplicates; if (input.prompt !== undefined) { prompt = input.prompt; } crlfDelay = input.crlfDelay; input = input.input; } if (completer && typeof completer !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('completer', completer); } if (historySize === undefined) { historySize = kHistorySize; } if (typeof historySize !== 'number' || Number.isNaN(historySize) || historySize < 0) { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE.RangeError('historySize', historySize); } // backwards compat; check the isTTY prop of the output stream // when `terminal` was not specified if (terminal === undefined && !(output === null || output === undefined)) { terminal = !!output.isTTY; } var self = this; this.output = output; this.input = input; this.historySize = historySize; this.removeHistoryDuplicates = !!removeHistoryDuplicates; this.crlfDelay = crlfDelay ? Math.max(kMincrlfDelay, crlfDelay) : kMincrlfDelay; // Check arity, 2 - for async, 1 for sync if (typeof completer === 'function') { this.completer = completer.length === 2 ? completer : function completerWrapper(v, cb) { cb(null, completer(v)); }; } this.setPrompt(prompt); this.terminal = !!terminal; function ondata(data) { self._normalWrite(data); } function onend() { if (typeof self._line_buffer === 'string' && self._line_buffer.length > 0) { self.emit('line', self._line_buffer); } self.close(); } function ontermend() { if (typeof self.line === 'string' && self.line.length > 0) { self.emit('line', self.line); } self.close(); } function onkeypress(s, key) { self._ttyWrite(s, key); if (key && key.sequence) { // if the key.sequence is half of a surrogate pair // (>= 0xd800 and <= 0xdfff), refresh the line so // the character is displayed appropriately. const ch = key.sequence.codePointAt(0); if (ch >= 0xd800 && ch <= 0xdfff) self._refreshLine(); } } function onresize() { self._refreshLine(); } if (!this.terminal) { function onSelfCloseWithoutTerminal() { input.removeListener('data', ondata); input.removeListener('end', onend); } input.on('data', ondata); input.on('end', onend); self.once('close', onSelfCloseWithoutTerminal); this._decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8'); } else { function onSelfCloseWithTerminal() { input.removeListener('keypress', onkeypress); input.removeListener('end', ontermend); if (output !== null && output !== undefined) { output.removeListener('resize', onresize); } } emitKeypressEvents(input, this); // input usually refers to stdin input.on('keypress', onkeypress); input.on('end', ontermend); // Current line this.line = ''; this._setRawMode(true); this.terminal = true; // Cursor position on the line. this.cursor = 0; this.history = []; this.historyIndex = -1; if (output !== null && output !== undefined) output.on('resize', onresize); self.once('close', onSelfCloseWithTerminal); } input.resume(); } inherits(Interface, EventEmitter); Object.defineProperty(Interface.prototype, 'columns', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function() { var columns = Infinity; if (this.output && this.output.columns) columns = this.output.columns; return columns; } }); Interface.prototype.setPrompt = function(prompt) { this._prompt = prompt; }; Interface.prototype._setRawMode = function(mode) { const wasInRawMode = this.input.isRaw; if (typeof this.input.setRawMode === 'function') { this.input.setRawMode(mode); } return wasInRawMode; }; Interface.prototype.prompt = function(preserveCursor) { if (this.paused) this.resume(); if (this.terminal) { if (!preserveCursor) this.cursor = 0; this._refreshLine(); } else { this._writeToOutput(this._prompt); } }; Interface.prototype.question = function(query, cb) { if (typeof cb === 'function') { if (this._questionCallback) { this.prompt(); } else { this._oldPrompt = this._prompt; this.setPrompt(query); this._questionCallback = cb; this.prompt(); } } }; Interface.prototype._onLine = function(line) { if (this._questionCallback) { var cb = this._questionCallback; this._questionCallback = null; this.setPrompt(this._oldPrompt); cb(line); } else { this.emit('line', line); } }; Interface.prototype._writeToOutput = function _writeToOutput(stringToWrite) { if (typeof stringToWrite !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('stringToWrite', 'string', stringToWrite); } if (this.output !== null && this.output !== undefined) { this.output.write(stringToWrite); } }; Interface.prototype._addHistory = function() { if (this.line.length === 0) return ''; // if the history is disabled then return the line if (this.historySize === 0) return this.line; // if the trimmed line is empty then return the line if (this.line.trim().length === 0) return this.line; if (this.history.length === 0 || this.history[0] !== this.line) { if (this.removeHistoryDuplicates) { // Remove older history line if identical to new one const dupIndex = this.history.indexOf(this.line); if (dupIndex !== -1) this.history.splice(dupIndex, 1); } this.history.unshift(this.line); // Only store so many if (this.history.length > this.historySize) this.history.pop(); } this.historyIndex = -1; return this.history[0]; }; Interface.prototype._refreshLine = function() { // line length var line = this._prompt + this.line; var dispPos = this._getDisplayPos(line); var lineCols = dispPos.cols; var lineRows = dispPos.rows; // cursor position var cursorPos = this._getCursorPos(); // first move to the bottom of the current line, based on cursor pos var prevRows = this.prevRows || 0; if (prevRows > 0) { moveCursor(this.output, 0, -prevRows); } // Cursor to left edge. cursorTo(this.output, 0); // erase data clearScreenDown(this.output); // Write the prompt and the current buffer content. this._writeToOutput(line); // Force terminal to allocate a new line if (lineCols === 0) { this._writeToOutput(' '); } // Move cursor to original position. cursorTo(this.output, cursorPos.cols); var diff = lineRows - cursorPos.rows; if (diff > 0) { moveCursor(this.output, 0, -diff); } this.prevRows = cursorPos.rows; }; Interface.prototype.close = function() { if (this.closed) return; this.pause(); if (this.terminal) { this._setRawMode(false); } this.closed = true; this.emit('close'); }; Interface.prototype.pause = function() { if (this.paused) return; this.input.pause(); this.paused = true; this.emit('pause'); return this; }; Interface.prototype.resume = function() { if (!this.paused) return; this.input.resume(); this.paused = false; this.emit('resume'); return this; }; Interface.prototype.write = function(d, key) { if (this.paused) this.resume(); this.terminal ? this._ttyWrite(d, key) : this._normalWrite(d); }; Interface.prototype._normalWrite = function(b) { if (b === undefined) { return; } var string = this._decoder.write(b); if (this._sawReturnAt && Date.now() - this._sawReturnAt <= this.crlfDelay) { string = string.replace(/^\n/, ''); this._sawReturnAt = 0; } // Run test() on the new string chunk, not on the entire line buffer. var newPartContainsEnding = lineEnding.test(string); if (this._line_buffer) { string = this._line_buffer + string; this._line_buffer = null; } if (newPartContainsEnding) { this._sawReturnAt = string.endsWith('\r') ? Date.now() : 0; // got one or more newlines; process into "line" events var lines = string.split(lineEnding); // either '' or (conceivably) the unfinished portion of the next line string = lines.pop(); this._line_buffer = string; for (var n = 0; n < lines.length; n++) this._onLine(lines[n]); } else if (string) { // no newlines this time, save what we have for next time this._line_buffer = string; } }; Interface.prototype._insertString = function(c) { if (this.cursor < this.line.length) { var beg = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor); var end = this.line.slice(this.cursor, this.line.length); this.line = beg + c + end; this.cursor += c.length; this._refreshLine(); } else { this.line += c; this.cursor += c.length; if (this._getCursorPos().cols === 0) { this._refreshLine(); } else { this._writeToOutput(c); } // a hack to get the line refreshed if it's needed this._moveCursor(0); } }; Interface.prototype._tabComplete = function(lastKeypressWasTab) { var self = this; self.pause(); self.completer(self.line.slice(0, self.cursor), function onComplete(err, rv) { self.resume(); if (err) { debug('tab completion error %j', err); return; } const completions = rv[0]; const completeOn = rv[1]; // the text that was completed if (completions && completions.length) { // Apply/show completions. if (lastKeypressWasTab) { self._writeToOutput('\r\n'); var width = completions.reduce(function completionReducer(a, b) { return a.length > b.length ? a : b; }).length + 2; // 2 space padding var maxColumns = Math.floor(self.columns / width); if (!maxColumns || maxColumns === Infinity) { maxColumns = 1; } var group = []; for (var i = 0; i < completions.length; i++) { var c = completions[i]; if (c === '') { handleGroup(self, group, width, maxColumns); group = []; } else { group.push(c); } } handleGroup(self, group, width, maxColumns); } // If there is a common prefix to all matches, then apply that portion. var f = completions.filter((e) => e); var prefix = commonPrefix(f); if (prefix.length > completeOn.length) { self._insertString(prefix.slice(completeOn.length)); } self._refreshLine(); } }); }; // this = Interface instance function handleGroup(self, group, width, maxColumns) { if (group.length === 0) { return; } var minRows = Math.ceil(group.length / maxColumns); for (var row = 0; row < minRows; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < maxColumns; col++) { var idx = row * maxColumns + col; if (idx >= group.length) { break; } var item = group[idx]; self._writeToOutput(item); if (col < maxColumns - 1) { for (var s = 0; s < width - item.length; s++) { self._writeToOutput(' '); } } } self._writeToOutput('\r\n'); } self._writeToOutput('\r\n'); } function commonPrefix(strings) { if (!strings || strings.length === 0) { return ''; } if (strings.length === 1) return strings[0]; var sorted = strings.slice().sort(); var min = sorted[0]; var max = sorted[sorted.length - 1]; for (var i = 0, len = min.length; i < len; i++) { if (min[i] !== max[i]) { return min.slice(0, i); } } return min; } Interface.prototype._wordLeft = function() { if (this.cursor > 0) { var leading = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor); var match = leading.match(/(?:[^\w\s]+|\w+|)\s*$/); this._moveCursor(-match[0].length); } }; Interface.prototype._wordRight = function() { if (this.cursor < this.line.length) { var trailing = this.line.slice(this.cursor); var match = trailing.match(/^(?:\s+|\W+|\w+)\s*/); this._moveCursor(match[0].length); } }; Interface.prototype._deleteLeft = function() { if (this.cursor > 0 && this.line.length > 0) { this.line = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor - 1) + this.line.slice(this.cursor, this.line.length); this.cursor--; this._refreshLine(); } }; Interface.prototype._deleteRight = function() { this.line = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor) + this.line.slice(this.cursor + 1, this.line.length); this._refreshLine(); }; Interface.prototype._deleteWordLeft = function() { if (this.cursor > 0) { var leading = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor); var match = leading.match(/(?:[^\w\s]+|\w+|)\s*$/); leading = leading.slice(0, leading.length - match[0].length); this.line = leading + this.line.slice(this.cursor, this.line.length); this.cursor = leading.length; this._refreshLine(); } }; Interface.prototype._deleteWordRight = function() { if (this.cursor < this.line.length) { var trailing = this.line.slice(this.cursor); var match = trailing.match(/^(?:\s+|\W+|\w+)\s*/); this.line = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor) + trailing.slice(match[0].length); this._refreshLine(); } }; Interface.prototype._deleteLineLeft = function() { this.line = this.line.slice(this.cursor); this.cursor = 0; this._refreshLine(); }; Interface.prototype._deleteLineRight = function() { this.line = this.line.slice(0, this.cursor); this._refreshLine(); }; Interface.prototype.clearLine = function() { this._moveCursor(+Infinity); this._writeToOutput('\r\n'); this.line = ''; this.cursor = 0; this.prevRows = 0; }; Interface.prototype._line = function() { var line = this._addHistory(); this.clearLine(); this._onLine(line); }; Interface.prototype._historyNext = function() { if (this.historyIndex > 0) { this.historyIndex--; this.line = this.history[this.historyIndex]; this.cursor = this.line.length; // set cursor to end of line. this._refreshLine(); } else if (this.historyIndex === 0) { this.historyIndex = -1; this.cursor = 0; this.line = ''; this._refreshLine(); } }; Interface.prototype._historyPrev = function() { if (this.historyIndex + 1 < this.history.length) { this.historyIndex++; this.line = this.history[this.historyIndex]; this.cursor = this.line.length; // set cursor to end of line. this._refreshLine(); } }; // Returns the last character's display position of the given string Interface.prototype._getDisplayPos = function(str) { var offset = 0; var col = this.columns; var row = 0; var code; str = stripVTControlCharacters(str); for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) { code = str.codePointAt(i); if (code >= 0x10000) { // surrogates i++; } if (code === 0x0a) { // new line \n offset = 0; row += 1; continue; } const width = getStringWidth(code); if (width === 0 || width === 1) { offset += width; } else { // width === 2 if ((offset + 1) % col === 0) { offset++; } offset += 2; } } var cols = offset % col; var rows = row + (offset - cols) / col; return { cols: cols, rows: rows }; }; // Returns current cursor's position and line Interface.prototype._getCursorPos = function() { var columns = this.columns; var strBeforeCursor = this._prompt + this.line.substring(0, this.cursor); var dispPos = this._getDisplayPos(stripVTControlCharacters(strBeforeCursor)); var cols = dispPos.cols; var rows = dispPos.rows; // If the cursor is on a full-width character which steps over the line, // move the cursor to the beginning of the next line. if (cols + 1 === columns && this.cursor < this.line.length && isFullWidthCodePoint(this.line.codePointAt(this.cursor))) { rows++; cols = 0; } return { cols: cols, rows: rows }; }; // This function moves cursor dx places to the right // (-dx for left) and refreshes the line if it is needed Interface.prototype._moveCursor = function(dx) { var oldcursor = this.cursor; var oldPos = this._getCursorPos(); this.cursor += dx; // bounds check if (this.cursor < 0) this.cursor = 0; else if (this.cursor > this.line.length) this.cursor = this.line.length; var newPos = this._getCursorPos(); // check if cursors are in the same line if (oldPos.rows === newPos.rows) { var diffCursor = this.cursor - oldcursor; var diffWidth; if (diffCursor < 0) { diffWidth = -getStringWidth( this.line.substring(this.cursor, oldcursor) ); } else if (diffCursor > 0) { diffWidth = getStringWidth( this.line.substring(this.cursor, oldcursor) ); } moveCursor(this.output, diffWidth, 0); this.prevRows = newPos.rows; } else { this._refreshLine(); } }; // handle a write from the tty Interface.prototype._ttyWrite = function(s, key) { const previousKey = this._previousKey; key = key || {}; this._previousKey = key; // Ignore escape key, fixes // https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/2876. if (key.name === 'escape') return; if (key.ctrl && key.shift) { /* Control and shift pressed */ switch (key.name) { case 'backspace': this._deleteLineLeft(); break; case 'delete': this._deleteLineRight(); break; } } else if (key.ctrl) { /* Control key pressed */ switch (key.name) { case 'c': if (this.listenerCount('SIGINT') > 0) { this.emit('SIGINT'); } else { // This readline instance is finished this.close(); } break; case 'h': // delete left this._deleteLeft(); break; case 'd': // delete right or EOF if (this.cursor === 0 && this.line.length === 0) { // This readline instance is finished this.close(); } else if (this.cursor < this.line.length) { this._deleteRight(); } break; case 'u': // delete the whole line this.cursor = 0; this.line = ''; this._refreshLine(); break; case 'k': // delete from current to end of line this._deleteLineRight(); break; case 'a': // go to the start of the line this._moveCursor(-Infinity); break; case 'e': // go to the end of the line this._moveCursor(+Infinity); break; case 'b': // back one character this._moveCursor(-1); break; case 'f': // forward one character this._moveCursor(+1); break; case 'l': // clear the whole screen cursorTo(this.output, 0, 0); clearScreenDown(this.output); this._refreshLine(); break; case 'n': // next history item this._historyNext(); break; case 'p': // previous history item this._historyPrev(); break; case 'z': if (process.platform === 'win32') break; if (this.listenerCount('SIGTSTP') > 0) { this.emit('SIGTSTP'); } else { process.once('SIGCONT', (function continueProcess(self) { return function() { // Don't raise events if stream has already been abandoned. if (!self.paused) { // Stream must be paused and resumed after SIGCONT to catch // SIGINT, SIGTSTP, and EOF. self.pause(); self.emit('SIGCONT'); } // explicitly re-enable "raw mode" and move the cursor to // the correct position. // See https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/3295. self._setRawMode(true); self._refreshLine(); }; })(this)); this._setRawMode(false); process.kill(process.pid, 'SIGTSTP'); } break; case 'w': // delete backwards to a word boundary case 'backspace': this._deleteWordLeft(); break; case 'delete': // delete forward to a word boundary this._deleteWordRight(); break; case 'left': this._wordLeft(); break; case 'right': this._wordRight(); break; } } else if (key.meta) { /* Meta key pressed */ switch (key.name) { case 'b': // backward word this._wordLeft(); break; case 'f': // forward word this._wordRight(); break; case 'd': // delete forward word case 'delete': this._deleteWordRight(); break; case 'backspace': // delete backwards to a word boundary this._deleteWordLeft(); break; } } else { /* No modifier keys used */ // \r bookkeeping is only relevant if a \n comes right after. if (this._sawReturnAt && key.name !== 'enter') this._sawReturnAt = 0; switch (key.name) { case 'return': // carriage return, i.e. \r this._sawReturnAt = Date.now(); this._line(); break; case 'enter': // When key interval > crlfDelay if (this._sawReturnAt === 0 || Date.now() - this._sawReturnAt > this.crlfDelay) { this._line(); } this._sawReturnAt = 0; break; case 'backspace': this._deleteLeft(); break; case 'delete': this._deleteRight(); break; case 'left': this._moveCursor(-1); break; case 'right': this._moveCursor(+1); break; case 'home': this._moveCursor(-Infinity); break; case 'end': this._moveCursor(+Infinity); break; case 'up': this._historyPrev(); break; case 'down': this._historyNext(); break; case 'tab': // If tab completion enabled, do that... if (typeof this.completer === 'function' && this.isCompletionEnabled) { const lastKeypressWasTab = previousKey && previousKey.name === 'tab'; this._tabComplete(lastKeypressWasTab); break; } // falls through default: if (s instanceof Buffer) s = s.toString('utf-8'); if (s) { var lines = s.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/); for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) { this._line(); } this._insertString(lines[i]); } } } } }; /** * accepts a readable Stream instance and makes it emit "keypress" events */ function emitKeypressEvents(stream, iface) { if (stream[KEYPRESS_DECODER]) return; if (StringDecoder === undefined) StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; stream[KEYPRESS_DECODER] = new StringDecoder('utf8'); stream[ESCAPE_DECODER] = emitKeys(stream); stream[ESCAPE_DECODER].next(); const escapeCodeTimeout = () => stream[ESCAPE_DECODER].next(''); let timeoutId; function onData(b) { if (stream.listenerCount('keypress') > 0) { var r = stream[KEYPRESS_DECODER].write(b); if (r) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (iface) { iface._sawKeyPress = r.length === 1; } for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { if (r[i] === '\t' && typeof r[i + 1] === 'string' && iface) { iface.isCompletionEnabled = false; } try { stream[ESCAPE_DECODER].next(r[i]); // Escape letter at the tail position if (r[i] === kEscape && i + 1 === r.length) { timeoutId = setTimeout(escapeCodeTimeout, ESCAPE_CODE_TIMEOUT); } } catch (err) { // if the generator throws (it could happen in the `keypress` // event), we need to restart it. stream[ESCAPE_DECODER] = emitKeys(stream); stream[ESCAPE_DECODER].next(); throw err; } finally { if (iface) { iface.isCompletionEnabled = true; } } } } } else { // Nobody's watching anyway stream.removeListener('data', onData); stream.on('newListener', onNewListener); } } function onNewListener(event) { if (event === 'keypress') { stream.on('data', onData); stream.removeListener('newListener', onNewListener); } } if (stream.listenerCount('keypress') > 0) { stream.on('data', onData); } else { stream.on('newListener', onNewListener); } } /** * moves the cursor to the x and y coordinate on the given stream */ function cursorTo(stream, x, y) { if (stream === null || stream === undefined) return; if (typeof x !== 'number' && typeof y !== 'number') return; if (typeof x !== 'number') throw new ERR_INVALID_CURSOR_POS(); if (typeof y !== 'number') { stream.write(CSI`${x + 1}G`); } else { stream.write(CSI`${y + 1};${x + 1}H`); } } /** * moves the cursor relative to its current location */ function moveCursor(stream, dx, dy) { if (stream === null || stream === undefined) return; if (dx < 0) { stream.write(CSI`${-dx}D`); } else if (dx > 0) { stream.write(CSI`${dx}C`); } if (dy < 0) { stream.write(CSI`${-dy}A`); } else if (dy > 0) { stream.write(CSI`${dy}B`); } } /** * clears the current line the cursor is on: * -1 for left of the cursor * +1 for right of the cursor * 0 for the entire line */ function clearLine(stream, dir) { if (stream === null || stream === undefined) return; if (dir < 0) { // to the beginning stream.write(kClearToBeginning); } else if (dir > 0) { // to the end stream.write(kClearToEnd); } else { // entire line stream.write(kClearLine); } } /** * clears the screen from the current position of the cursor down */ function clearScreenDown(stream) { if (stream === null || stream === undefined) return; stream.write(kClearScreenDown); } module.exports = { Interface, clearLine, clearScreenDown, createInterface, cursorTo, emitKeypressEvents, moveCursor }; repl// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /* A repl library that you can include in your own code to get a runtime * interface to your program. * * var repl = require("repl"); * // start repl on stdin * repl.start("prompt> "); * * // listen for unix socket connections and start repl on them * net.createServer(function(socket) { * repl.start("node via Unix socket> ", socket); * }).listen("/tmp/node-repl-sock"); * * // listen for TCP socket connections and start repl on them * net.createServer(function(socket) { * repl.start("node via TCP socket> ", socket); * }).listen(5001); * * // expose foo to repl context * repl.start("node > ").context.foo = "stdin is fun"; */ 'use strict'; const { builtinLibs, makeRequireFunction, addBuiltinLibsToObject } = require('internal/modules/cjs/helpers'); const { isIdentifierStart, isIdentifierChar } = require('internal/deps/acorn/dist/acorn'); const internalUtil = require('internal/util'); const util = require('util'); const utilBinding = process.binding('util'); const { inherits } = util; const Stream = require('stream'); const vm = require('vm'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const { Interface } = require('readline'); const { Console } = require('console'); const CJSModule = require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); const domain = require('domain'); const debug = util.debuglog('repl'); const { ERR_CANNOT_WATCH_SIGINT, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_REPL_EVAL_CONFIG, ERR_SCRIPT_EXECUTION_INTERRUPTED } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { sendInspectorCommand } = require('internal/util/inspector'); const experimentalREPLAwait = require('internal/options').getOptionValue( '--experimental-repl-await' ); const { isRecoverableError } = require('internal/repl/recoverable'); const { getOwnNonIndexProperties, propertyFilter: { ALL_PROPERTIES, SKIP_SYMBOLS } } = process.binding('util'); // Lazy-loaded. let processTopLevelAwait; const parentModule = module; const replMap = new WeakMap(); const GLOBAL_OBJECT_PROPERTIES = [ 'NaN', 'Infinity', 'undefined', 'eval', 'parseInt', 'parseFloat', 'isNaN', 'isFinite', 'decodeURI', 'decodeURIComponent', 'encodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent', 'Object', 'Function', 'Array', 'String', 'Boolean', 'Number', 'Date', 'RegExp', 'Error', 'EvalError', 'RangeError', 'ReferenceError', 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'URIError', 'Math', 'JSON' ]; const GLOBAL_OBJECT_PROPERTY_MAP = {}; for (var n = 0; n < GLOBAL_OBJECT_PROPERTIES.length; n++) { GLOBAL_OBJECT_PROPERTY_MAP[GLOBAL_OBJECT_PROPERTIES[n]] = GLOBAL_OBJECT_PROPERTIES[n]; } const kBufferedCommandSymbol = Symbol('bufferedCommand'); const kContextId = Symbol('contextId'); try { // Hack for require.resolve("./relative") to work properly. module.filename = path.resolve('repl'); } catch { // path.resolve('repl') fails when the current working directory has been // deleted. Fall back to the directory name of the (absolute) executable // path. It's not really correct but what are the alternatives? const dirname = path.dirname(process.execPath); module.filename = path.resolve(dirname, 'repl'); } // Hack for repl require to work properly with node_modules folders module.paths = CJSModule._nodeModulePaths(module.filename); // If obj.hasOwnProperty has been overridden, then calling // obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) will break. // See: https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/1707 function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); } // This is the default "writer" value, if none is passed in the REPL options, // and it can be overridden by custom print functions, such as `probe` or // `eyes.js`. const writer = exports.writer = (obj) => util.inspect(obj, writer.options); writer.options = Object.assign({}, util.inspect.defaultOptions, { showProxy: true }); exports._builtinLibs = builtinLibs; function REPLServer(prompt, stream, eval_, useGlobal, ignoreUndefined, replMode) { if (!(this instanceof REPLServer)) { return new REPLServer(prompt, stream, eval_, useGlobal, ignoreUndefined, replMode); } var options, input, output, dom, breakEvalOnSigint; if (prompt !== null && typeof prompt === 'object') { // an options object was given options = prompt; stream = options.stream || options.socket; input = options.input; output = options.output; eval_ = options.eval; useGlobal = options.useGlobal; ignoreUndefined = options.ignoreUndefined; prompt = options.prompt; dom = options.domain; replMode = options.replMode; breakEvalOnSigint = options.breakEvalOnSigint; } else { options = {}; } if (breakEvalOnSigint && eval_) { // Allowing this would not reflect user expectations. // breakEvalOnSigint affects only the behavior of the default eval(). throw new ERR_INVALID_REPL_EVAL_CONFIG(); } var self = this; self._domain = dom || domain.create(); self.useGlobal = !!useGlobal; self.ignoreUndefined = !!ignoreUndefined; self.replMode = replMode || exports.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY; self.underscoreAssigned = false; self.last = undefined; self.underscoreErrAssigned = false; self.lastError = undefined; self.breakEvalOnSigint = !!breakEvalOnSigint; self.editorMode = false; // Context id for use with the inspector protocol. self[kContextId] = undefined; // Just for backwards compat, see github.com/joyent/node/pull/7127 self.rli = this; const savedRegExMatches = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']; const sep = '\u0000\u0000\u0000'; const regExMatcher = new RegExp(`^${sep}(.*)${sep}(.*)${sep}(.*)${sep}(.*)` + `${sep}(.*)${sep}(.*)${sep}(.*)${sep}(.*)` + `${sep}(.*)$`); eval_ = eval_ || defaultEval; // Pause taking in new input, and store the keys in a buffer. const pausedBuffer = []; let paused = false; function pause() { paused = true; } function unpause() { if (!paused) return; paused = false; let entry; while (entry = pausedBuffer.shift()) { const [type, payload] = entry; switch (type) { case 'key': { const [d, key] = payload; self._ttyWrite(d, key); break; } case 'close': self.emit('exit'); break; } if (paused) { break; } } } function defaultEval(code, context, file, cb) { var err, result, script, wrappedErr; var wrappedCmd = false; var awaitPromise = false; var input = code; if (/^\s*\{/.test(code) && /\}\s*$/.test(code)) { // It's confusing for `{ a : 1 }` to be interpreted as a block // statement rather than an object literal. So, we first try // to wrap it in parentheses, so that it will be interpreted as // an expression. Note that if the above condition changes, // lib/internal/repl/recoverable.js needs to be changed to match. code = `(${code.trim()})\n`; wrappedCmd = true; } if (experimentalREPLAwait && code.includes('await')) { if (processTopLevelAwait === undefined) { ({ processTopLevelAwait } = require('internal/repl/await')); } const potentialWrappedCode = processTopLevelAwait(code); if (potentialWrappedCode !== null) { code = potentialWrappedCode; wrappedCmd = true; awaitPromise = true; } } // First, create the Script object to check the syntax if (code === '\n') return cb(null); while (true) { try { if (!/^\s*$/.test(code) && self.replMode === exports.REPL_MODE_STRICT) { // "void 0" keeps the repl from returning "use strict" as the result // value for statements and declarations that don't return a value. code = `'use strict'; void 0;\n${code}`; } script = vm.createScript(code, { filename: file, displayErrors: true }); } catch (e) { debug('parse error %j', code, e); if (wrappedCmd) { // Unwrap and try again wrappedCmd = false; awaitPromise = false; code = input; wrappedErr = e; continue; } // Preserve original error for wrapped command const error = wrappedErr || e; if (isRecoverableError(error, code)) err = new Recoverable(error); else err = error; } break; } // This will set the values from `savedRegExMatches` to corresponding // predefined RegExp properties `RegExp.$1`, `RegExp.$2` ... `RegExp.$9` regExMatcher.test(savedRegExMatches.join(sep)); let finished = false; function finishExecution(err, result) { if (finished) return; finished = true; // After executing the current expression, store the values of RegExp // predefined properties back in `savedRegExMatches` for (var idx = 1; idx < savedRegExMatches.length; idx += 1) { savedRegExMatches[idx] = RegExp[`$${idx}`]; } cb(err, result); } if (!err) { // Unset raw mode during evaluation so that Ctrl+C raises a signal. let previouslyInRawMode; if (self.breakEvalOnSigint) { // Start the SIGINT watchdog before entering raw mode so that a very // quick Ctrl+C doesn't lead to aborting the process completely. if (!utilBinding.startSigintWatchdog()) throw new ERR_CANNOT_WATCH_SIGINT(); previouslyInRawMode = self._setRawMode(false); } try { try { const scriptOptions = { displayErrors: false, breakOnSigint: self.breakEvalOnSigint }; if (self.useGlobal) { result = script.runInThisContext(scriptOptions); } else { result = script.runInContext(context, scriptOptions); } } finally { if (self.breakEvalOnSigint) { // Reset terminal mode to its previous value. self._setRawMode(previouslyInRawMode); // Returns true if there were pending SIGINTs *after* the script // has terminated without being interrupted itself. if (utilBinding.stopSigintWatchdog()) { self.emit('SIGINT'); } } } } catch (e) { err = e; if (process.domain) { debug('not recoverable, send to domain'); process.domain.emit('error', err); process.domain.exit(); return; } } if (awaitPromise && !err) { let sigintListener; pause(); let promise = result; if (self.breakEvalOnSigint) { const interrupt = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { sigintListener = () => { const tmp = Error.stackTraceLimit; Error.stackTraceLimit = 0; const err = new ERR_SCRIPT_EXECUTION_INTERRUPTED(); Error.stackTraceLimit = tmp; reject(err); }; prioritizedSigintQueue.add(sigintListener); }); promise = Promise.race([promise, interrupt]); } promise.then((result) => { finishExecution(undefined, result); }, (err) => { if (err && process.domain) { debug('not recoverable, send to domain'); process.domain.emit('error', err); process.domain.exit(); return; } finishExecution(err); }).finally(() => { // Remove prioritized SIGINT listener if it was not called. prioritizedSigintQueue.delete(sigintListener); unpause(); }); } } if (!awaitPromise || err) { finishExecution(err, result); } } self.eval = self._domain.bind(eval_); self._domain.on('error', function debugDomainError(e) { debug('domain error'); let errStack = ''; if (typeof e === 'object' && e !== null) { const pstrace = Error.prepareStackTrace; Error.prepareStackTrace = prepareStackTrace(pstrace); internalUtil.decorateErrorStack(e); Error.prepareStackTrace = pstrace; if (e.domainThrown) { delete e.domain; delete e.domainThrown; } if (internalUtil.isError(e)) { if (e.stack) { if (e.name === 'SyntaxError') { // Remove stack trace. e.stack = e.stack .replace(/^repl:\d+\r?\n/, '') .replace(/^\s+at\s.*\n?/gm, ''); } else if (self.replMode === exports.REPL_MODE_STRICT) { e.stack = e.stack.replace(/(\s+at\s+repl:)(\d+)/, (_, pre, line) => pre + (line - 1)); } } errStack = util.inspect(e); // Remove one line error braces to keep the old style in place. if (errStack[errStack.length - 1] === ']') { errStack = errStack.slice(1, -1); } } } if (errStack === '') { errStack = `Thrown: ${util.inspect(e)}`; } if (!self.underscoreErrAssigned) { self.lastError = e; } const top = replMap.get(self); top.outputStream.write(`${errStack}\n`); top.clearBufferedCommand(); top.lines.level = []; top.displayPrompt(); }); if (!input && !output) { // legacy API, passing a 'stream'/'socket' option if (!stream) { // Use stdin and stdout as the default streams if none were given stream = process; } // We're given a duplex readable/writable Stream, like a `net.Socket` // or a custom object with 2 streams, or the `process` object input = stream.stdin || stream; output = stream.stdout || stream; } self.inputStream = input; self.outputStream = output; self.resetContext(); self.lines.level = []; self.clearBufferedCommand(); Object.defineProperty(this, 'bufferedCommand', { get: util.deprecate(() => self[kBufferedCommandSymbol], 'REPLServer.bufferedCommand is deprecated', 'DEP0074'), set: util.deprecate((val) => self[kBufferedCommandSymbol] = val, 'REPLServer.bufferedCommand is deprecated', 'DEP0074'), enumerable: true }); // Figure out which "complete" function to use. self.completer = (typeof options.completer === 'function') ? options.completer : completer; function completer(text, cb) { complete.call(self, text, self.editorMode ? self.completeOnEditorMode(cb) : cb); } Interface.call(this, { input: self.inputStream, output: self.outputStream, completer: self.completer, terminal: options.terminal, historySize: options.historySize, prompt }); this.commands = Object.create(null); defineDefaultCommands(this); // Figure out which "writer" function to use self.writer = options.writer || exports.writer; if (options.useColors === undefined) { options.useColors = self.terminal; } self.useColors = !!options.useColors; if (self.useColors && self.writer === writer) { // Turn on ANSI coloring. self.writer = (obj) => util.inspect(obj, self.writer.options); self.writer.options = Object.assign({}, writer.options, { colors: true }); } function filterInternalStackFrames(structuredStack) { // Search from the bottom of the call stack to // find the first frame with a null function name if (typeof structuredStack !== 'object') return structuredStack; const idx = structuredStack.reverse().findIndex( (frame) => frame.getFunctionName() === null); // If found, get rid of it and everything below it structuredStack = structuredStack.splice(idx + 1); return structuredStack; } function prepareStackTrace(fn) { return (error, stackFrames) => { const frames = filterInternalStackFrames(stackFrames); if (fn) { return fn(error, frames); } frames.push(error); return frames.reverse().join('\n at '); }; } function _parseREPLKeyword(keyword, rest) { var cmd = this.commands[keyword]; if (cmd) { cmd.action.call(this, rest); return true; } return false; } self.parseREPLKeyword = util.deprecate( _parseREPLKeyword, 'REPLServer.parseREPLKeyword() is deprecated', 'DEP0075'); self.on('close', function emitExit() { if (paused) { pausedBuffer.push(['close']); return; } self.emit('exit'); }); var sawSIGINT = false; var sawCtrlD = false; const prioritizedSigintQueue = new Set(); self.on('SIGINT', function onSigInt() { if (prioritizedSigintQueue.size > 0) { for (const task of prioritizedSigintQueue) { task(); } return; } var empty = self.line.length === 0; self.clearLine(); _turnOffEditorMode(self); const cmd = self[kBufferedCommandSymbol]; if (!(cmd && cmd.length > 0) && empty) { if (sawSIGINT) { self.close(); sawSIGINT = false; return; } self.output.write('(To exit, press ^C again or type .exit)\n'); sawSIGINT = true; } else { sawSIGINT = false; } self.clearBufferedCommand(); self.lines.level = []; self.displayPrompt(); }); self.on('line', function onLine(cmd) { debug('line %j', cmd); cmd = cmd || ''; sawSIGINT = false; if (self.editorMode) { self[kBufferedCommandSymbol] += cmd + '\n'; // code alignment const matches = self._sawKeyPress ? cmd.match(/^\s+/) : null; if (matches) { const prefix = matches[0]; self.write(prefix); self.line = prefix; self.cursor = prefix.length; } _memory.call(self, cmd); return; } // Check REPL keywords and empty lines against a trimmed line input. const trimmedCmd = cmd.trim(); // Check to see if a REPL keyword was used. If it returns true, // display next prompt and return. if (trimmedCmd) { if (trimmedCmd.charAt(0) === '.' && trimmedCmd.charAt(1) !== '.' && Number.isNaN(parseFloat(trimmedCmd))) { const matches = trimmedCmd.match(/^\.([^\s]+)\s*(.*)$/); const keyword = matches && matches[1]; const rest = matches && matches[2]; if (_parseREPLKeyword.call(self, keyword, rest) === true) { return; } if (!self[kBufferedCommandSymbol]) { self.outputStream.write('Invalid REPL keyword\n'); finish(null); return; } } } const evalCmd = self[kBufferedCommandSymbol] + cmd + '\n'; debug('eval %j', evalCmd); self.eval(evalCmd, self.context, 'repl', finish); function finish(e, ret) { debug('finish', e, ret); _memory.call(self, cmd); if (e && !self[kBufferedCommandSymbol] && cmd.trim().startsWith('npm ')) { self.outputStream.write('npm should be run outside of the ' + 'node repl, in your normal shell.\n' + '(Press Control-D to exit.)\n'); self.clearBufferedCommand(); self.displayPrompt(); return; } // If error was SyntaxError and not JSON.parse error if (e) { if (e instanceof Recoverable && !sawCtrlD) { // Start buffering data like that: // { // ... x: 1 // ... } self[kBufferedCommandSymbol] += cmd + '\n'; self.displayPrompt(); return; } else { self._domain.emit('error', e.err || e); } } // Clear buffer if no SyntaxErrors self.clearBufferedCommand(); sawCtrlD = false; // If we got any output - print it (if no error) if (!e && // When an invalid REPL command is used, error message is printed // immediately. We don't have to print anything else. So, only when // the second argument to this function is there, print it. arguments.length === 2 && (!self.ignoreUndefined || ret !== undefined)) { if (!self.underscoreAssigned) { self.last = ret; } self.outputStream.write(self.writer(ret) + '\n'); } // Display prompt again self.displayPrompt(); } }); self.on('SIGCONT', function onSigCont() { if (self.editorMode) { self.outputStream.write(`${self._initialPrompt}.editor\n`); self.outputStream.write( '// Entering editor mode (^D to finish, ^C to cancel)\n'); self.outputStream.write(`${self[kBufferedCommandSymbol]}\n`); self.prompt(true); } else { self.displayPrompt(true); } }); // Wrap readline tty to enable editor mode and pausing. const ttyWrite = self._ttyWrite.bind(self); self._ttyWrite = (d, key) => { key = key || {}; if (paused && !(self.breakEvalOnSigint && key.ctrl && key.name === 'c')) { pausedBuffer.push(['key', [d, key]]); return; } if (!self.editorMode || !self.terminal) { ttyWrite(d, key); return; } // Editor mode if (key.ctrl && !key.shift) { switch (key.name) { case 'd': // End editor mode _turnOffEditorMode(self); sawCtrlD = true; ttyWrite(d, { name: 'return' }); break; case 'n': // Override next history item case 'p': // Override previous history item break; default: ttyWrite(d, key); } } else { switch (key.name) { case 'up': // Override previous history item case 'down': // Override next history item break; case 'tab': // Prevent double tab behavior self._previousKey = null; ttyWrite(d, key); break; default: ttyWrite(d, key); } } }; self.displayPrompt(); } inherits(REPLServer, Interface); exports.REPLServer = REPLServer; exports.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY = Symbol('repl-sloppy'); exports.REPL_MODE_STRICT = Symbol('repl-strict'); // prompt is a string to print on each line for the prompt, // source is a stream to use for I/O, defaulting to stdin/stdout. exports.start = function(prompt, source, eval_, useGlobal, ignoreUndefined, replMode) { var repl = new REPLServer(prompt, source, eval_, useGlobal, ignoreUndefined, replMode); if (!exports.repl) exports.repl = repl; replMap.set(repl, repl); return repl; }; REPLServer.prototype.clearBufferedCommand = function clearBufferedCommand() { this[kBufferedCommandSymbol] = ''; }; REPLServer.prototype.close = function close() { if (this.terminal && this._flushing && !this._closingOnFlush) { this._closingOnFlush = true; this.once('flushHistory', () => Interface.prototype.close.call(this) ); return; } process.nextTick(() => Interface.prototype.close.call(this) ); }; REPLServer.prototype.createContext = function() { var context; if (this.useGlobal) { context = global; } else { sendInspectorCommand((session) => { session.post('Runtime.enable'); session.once('Runtime.executionContextCreated', ({ params }) => { this[kContextId] = params.context.id; }); context = vm.createContext(); session.post('Runtime.disable'); }, () => { context = vm.createContext(); }); context.global = context; const _console = new Console(this.outputStream); Object.defineProperty(context, 'console', { configurable: true, writable: true, value: _console }); var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(global); for (var n = 0; n < names.length; n++) { var name = names[n]; if (name === 'console' || name === 'global') continue; if (GLOBAL_OBJECT_PROPERTY_MAP[name] === undefined) { Object.defineProperty(context, name, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(global, name)); } } } var module = new CJSModule(''); module.paths = CJSModule._resolveLookupPaths('', parentModule, true) || []; Object.defineProperty(context, 'module', { configurable: true, writable: true, value: module }); Object.defineProperty(context, 'require', { configurable: true, writable: true, value: makeRequireFunction(module) }); addBuiltinLibsToObject(context); return context; }; REPLServer.prototype.resetContext = function() { this.context = this.createContext(); this.underscoreAssigned = false; this.underscoreErrAssigned = false; this.lines = []; this.lines.level = []; Object.defineProperty(this.context, '_', { configurable: true, get: () => this.last, set: (value) => { this.last = value; if (!this.underscoreAssigned) { this.underscoreAssigned = true; this.outputStream.write('Expression assignment to _ now disabled.\n'); } } }); Object.defineProperty(this.context, '_error', { configurable: true, get: () => this.lastError, set: (value) => { this.lastError = value; if (!this.underscoreErrAssigned) { this.underscoreErrAssigned = true; this.outputStream.write( 'Expression assignment to _error now disabled.\n'); } } }); // Allow REPL extensions to extend the new context this.emit('reset', this.context); }; REPLServer.prototype.displayPrompt = function(preserveCursor) { var prompt = this._initialPrompt; if (this[kBufferedCommandSymbol].length) { prompt = '...'; const len = this.lines.level.length ? this.lines.level.length - 1 : 0; const levelInd = '..'.repeat(len); prompt += levelInd + ' '; } // Do not overwrite `_initialPrompt` here REPLServer.super_.prototype.setPrompt.call(this, prompt); this.prompt(preserveCursor); }; // When invoked as an API method, overwrite _initialPrompt REPLServer.prototype.setPrompt = function setPrompt(prompt) { this._initialPrompt = prompt; REPLServer.super_.prototype.setPrompt.call(this, prompt); }; REPLServer.prototype.turnOffEditorMode = util.deprecate( function() { _turnOffEditorMode(this); }, 'REPLServer.turnOffEditorMode() is deprecated', 'DEP0078'); // A stream to push an array into a REPL // used in REPLServer.complete function ArrayStream() { Stream.call(this); this.run = function(data) { for (var n = 0; n < data.length; n++) this.emit('data', `${data[n]}\n`); }; } util.inherits(ArrayStream, Stream); ArrayStream.prototype.readable = true; ArrayStream.prototype.writable = true; ArrayStream.prototype.resume = function() {}; ArrayStream.prototype.write = function() {}; const requireRE = /\brequire\s*\(['"](([\w@./-]+\/)?(?:[\w@./-]*))/; const simpleExpressionRE = /(?:[a-zA-Z_$](?:\w|\$)*\.)*[a-zA-Z_$](?:\w|\$)*\.?$/; function isIdentifier(str) { if (str === '') { return false; } const first = str.codePointAt(0); if (!isIdentifierStart(first)) { return false; } const firstLen = first > 0xffff ? 2 : 1; for (var i = firstLen; i < str.length; i += 1) { const cp = str.codePointAt(i); if (!isIdentifierChar(cp)) { return false; } if (cp > 0xffff) { i += 1; } } return true; } function filteredOwnPropertyNames(obj) { if (!obj) return []; const filter = ALL_PROPERTIES | SKIP_SYMBOLS; return getOwnNonIndexProperties(obj, filter).filter(isIdentifier); } function getGlobalLexicalScopeNames(contextId) { return sendInspectorCommand((session) => { let names = []; session.post('Runtime.globalLexicalScopeNames', { executionContextId: contextId }, (error, result) => { if (!error) names = result.names; }); return names; }, () => []); } REPLServer.prototype.complete = function() { this.completer.apply(this, arguments); }; // Provide a list of completions for the given leading text. This is // given to the readline interface for handling tab completion. // // Example: // complete('var foo = util.') // -> [['util.print', 'util.debug', 'util.log', 'util.inspect'], // 'util.' ] // // Warning: This eval's code like "foo.bar.baz", so it will run property // getter code. function complete(line, callback) { // There may be local variables to evaluate, try a nested REPL if (this[kBufferedCommandSymbol] !== undefined && this[kBufferedCommandSymbol].length) { // Get a new array of inputted lines var tmp = this.lines.slice(); // Kill off all function declarations to push all local variables into // global scope for (var n = 0; n < this.lines.level.length; n++) { var kill = this.lines.level[n]; if (kill.isFunction) tmp[kill.line] = ''; } var flat = new ArrayStream(); // make a new "input" stream var magic = new REPLServer('', flat); // make a nested REPL replMap.set(magic, replMap.get(this)); flat.run(tmp); // eval the flattened code // all this is only profitable if the nested REPL // does not have a bufferedCommand if (!magic[kBufferedCommandSymbol]) { return magic.complete(line, callback); } } var completions; // List of completion lists, one for each inheritance "level" var completionGroups = []; var completeOn, i, group, c; // REPL commands (e.g. ".break"). var filter; var match = null; match = line.match(/^\s*\.(\w*)$/); if (match) { completionGroups.push(Object.keys(this.commands)); completeOn = match[1]; if (match[1].length) { filter = match[1]; } completionGroupsLoaded(); } else if (match = line.match(requireRE)) { // require('...') const exts = Object.keys(this.context.require.extensions); var indexRe = new RegExp('^index(?:' + exts.map(regexpEscape).join('|') + ')$'); var versionedFileNamesRe = /-\d+\.\d+/; completeOn = match[1]; var subdir = match[2] || ''; filter = match[1]; var dir, files, f, name, base, ext, abs, subfiles, s, isDirectory; group = []; let paths = []; if (completeOn === '.') { group = ['./', '../']; } else if (completeOn === '..') { group = ['../']; } else if (/^\.\.?\//.test(completeOn)) { paths = [process.cwd()]; } else { paths = module.paths.concat(CJSModule.globalPaths); } for (i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { dir = path.resolve(paths[i], subdir); try { files = fs.readdirSync(dir); } catch { continue; } for (f = 0; f < files.length; f++) { name = files[f]; ext = path.extname(name); base = name.slice(0, -ext.length); if (versionedFileNamesRe.test(base) || name === '.npm') { // Exclude versioned names that 'npm' installs. continue; } abs = path.resolve(dir, name); try { isDirectory = fs.statSync(abs).isDirectory(); } catch { continue; } if (isDirectory) { group.push(subdir + name + '/'); try { subfiles = fs.readdirSync(abs); } catch { continue; } for (s = 0; s < subfiles.length; s++) { if (indexRe.test(subfiles[s])) { group.push(subdir + name); } } } else if (exts.includes(ext) && (!subdir || base !== 'index')) { group.push(subdir + base); } } } if (group.length) { completionGroups.push(group); } if (!subdir) { completionGroups.push(exports._builtinLibs); } completionGroupsLoaded(); // Handle variable member lookup. // We support simple chained expressions like the following (no function // calls, etc.). That is for simplicity and also because we *eval* that // leading expression so for safety (see WARNING above) don't want to // eval function calls. // // foo.bar<|> # completions for 'foo' with filter 'bar' // spam.eggs.<|> # completions for 'spam.eggs' with filter '' // foo<|> # all scope vars with filter 'foo' // foo.<|> # completions for 'foo' with filter '' } else if (line.length === 0 || /\w|\.|\$/.test(line[line.length - 1])) { match = simpleExpressionRE.exec(line); if (line.length === 0 || match) { var expr; completeOn = (match ? match[0] : ''); if (line.length === 0) { filter = ''; expr = ''; } else if (line[line.length - 1] === '.') { filter = ''; expr = match[0].slice(0, match[0].length - 1); } else { var bits = match[0].split('.'); filter = bits.pop(); expr = bits.join('.'); } // Resolve expr and get its completions. var memberGroups = []; if (!expr) { // If context is instance of vm.ScriptContext // Get global vars synchronously if (this.useGlobal || vm.isContext(this.context)) { completionGroups.push(getGlobalLexicalScopeNames(this[kContextId])); var contextProto = this.context; while (contextProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(contextProto)) { completionGroups.push( filteredOwnPropertyNames.call(this, contextProto)); } completionGroups.push( filteredOwnPropertyNames.call(this, this.context)); addStandardGlobals(completionGroups, filter); completionGroupsLoaded(); } else { this.eval('.scope', this.context, 'repl', function ev(err, globals) { if (err || !Array.isArray(globals)) { addStandardGlobals(completionGroups, filter); } else if (Array.isArray(globals[0])) { // Add grouped globals for (var n = 0; n < globals.length; n++) completionGroups.push(globals[n]); } else { completionGroups.push(globals); addStandardGlobals(completionGroups, filter); } completionGroupsLoaded(); }); } } else { const evalExpr = `try { ${expr} } catch {}`; this.eval(evalExpr, this.context, 'repl', (e, obj) => { if (obj != null) { if (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') { try { memberGroups.push(filteredOwnPropertyNames.call(this, obj)); } catch { // Probably a Proxy object without `getOwnPropertyNames` trap. // We simply ignore it here, as we don't want to break the // autocompletion. Fixes the bug // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/2119 } } // works for non-objects try { var sentinel = 5; var p; if (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') { p = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); } else { p = obj.constructor ? obj.constructor.prototype : null; } while (p !== null) { memberGroups.push(filteredOwnPropertyNames.call(this, p)); p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p); // Circular refs possible? Let's guard against that. sentinel--; if (sentinel <= 0) { break; } } } catch {} } if (memberGroups.length) { for (i = 0; i < memberGroups.length; i++) { completionGroups.push( memberGroups[i].map((member) => `${expr}.${member}`)); } if (filter) { filter = `${expr}.${filter}`; } } completionGroupsLoaded(); }); } } else { completionGroupsLoaded(); } } else { completionGroupsLoaded(); } // Will be called when all completionGroups are in place // Useful for async autocompletion function completionGroupsLoaded() { // Filter, sort (within each group), uniq and merge the completion groups. if (completionGroups.length && filter) { var newCompletionGroups = []; for (i = 0; i < completionGroups.length; i++) { group = completionGroups[i] .filter((elem) => elem.indexOf(filter) === 0); if (group.length) { newCompletionGroups.push(group); } } completionGroups = newCompletionGroups; } if (completionGroups.length) { var uniq = {}; // Unique completions across all groups completions = []; // Completion group 0 is the "closest" // (least far up the inheritance chain) // so we put its completions last: to be closest in the REPL. for (i = 0; i < completionGroups.length; i++) { group = completionGroups[i]; group.sort(); for (var j = group.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { c = group[j]; if (!hasOwnProperty(uniq, c)) { completions.unshift(c); uniq[c] = true; } } completions.unshift(''); // Separator btwn groups } while (completions.length && completions[0] === '') { completions.shift(); } } callback(null, [completions || [], completeOn]); } } function longestCommonPrefix(arr = []) { const cnt = arr.length; if (cnt === 0) return ''; if (cnt === 1) return arr[0]; const first = arr[0]; // complexity: O(m * n) for (var m = 0; m < first.length; m++) { const c = first[m]; for (var n = 1; n < cnt; n++) { const entry = arr[n]; if (m >= entry.length || c !== entry[m]) { return first.substring(0, m); } } } return first; } REPLServer.prototype.completeOnEditorMode = (callback) => (err, results) => { if (err) return callback(err); const [completions, completeOn = ''] = results; const prefixLength = completeOn.length; if (prefixLength === 0) return callback(null, [[], completeOn]); const isNotEmpty = (v) => v.length > 0; const trimCompleteOnPrefix = (v) => v.substring(prefixLength); const data = completions.filter(isNotEmpty).map(trimCompleteOnPrefix); callback(null, [[`${completeOn}${longestCommonPrefix(data)}`], completeOn]); }; REPLServer.prototype.defineCommand = function(keyword, cmd) { if (typeof cmd === 'function') { cmd = { action: cmd }; } else if (typeof cmd.action !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('action', 'Function', cmd.action); } this.commands[keyword] = cmd; }; REPLServer.prototype.memory = util.deprecate( _memory, 'REPLServer.memory() is deprecated', 'DEP0082'); function _memory(cmd) { const self = this; self.lines = self.lines || []; self.lines.level = self.lines.level || []; // Save the line so I can do magic later if (cmd) { // TODO should I tab the level? const len = self.lines.level.length ? self.lines.level.length - 1 : 0; self.lines.push(' '.repeat(len) + cmd); } else { // I don't want to not change the format too much... self.lines.push(''); } // I need to know "depth." // Because I can not tell the difference between a } that // closes an object literal and a } that closes a function if (cmd) { // Going down is { and ( e.g. function() { // going up is } and ) var dw = cmd.match(/{|\(/g); var up = cmd.match(/}|\)/g); up = up ? up.length : 0; dw = dw ? dw.length : 0; var depth = dw - up; if (depth) { (function workIt() { if (depth > 0) { // Going... down. // Push the line#, depth count, and if the line is a function. // Since JS only has functional scope I only need to remove // "function() {" lines, clearly this will not work for // "function() // {" but nothing should break, only tab completion for local // scope will not work for this function. self.lines.level.push({ line: self.lines.length - 1, depth: depth, isFunction: /\bfunction\b/.test(cmd) }); } else if (depth < 0) { // Going... up. var curr = self.lines.level.pop(); if (curr) { var tmp = curr.depth + depth; if (tmp < 0) { // More to go, recurse depth += curr.depth; workIt(); } else if (tmp > 0) { // Remove and push back curr.depth += depth; self.lines.level.push(curr); } } } }()); } // it is possible to determine a syntax error at this point. // if the REPL still has a bufferedCommand and // self.lines.level.length === 0 // TODO? keep a log of level so that any syntax breaking lines can // be cleared on .break and in the case of a syntax error? // TODO? if a log was kept, then I could clear the bufferedCommand and // eval these lines and throw the syntax error } else { self.lines.level = []; } } function addStandardGlobals(completionGroups, filter) { // Global object properties // (http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm) completionGroups.push(GLOBAL_OBJECT_PROPERTIES); // Common keywords. Exclude for completion on the empty string, b/c // they just get in the way. if (filter) { completionGroups.push([ 'async', 'await', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'const', 'continue', 'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else', 'export', 'false', 'finally', 'for', 'function', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'let', 'new', 'null', 'return', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typeof', 'undefined', 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'yield' ]); } } function _turnOnEditorMode(repl) { repl.editorMode = true; REPLServer.super_.prototype.setPrompt.call(repl, ''); } function _turnOffEditorMode(repl) { repl.editorMode = false; repl.setPrompt(repl._initialPrompt); } function defineDefaultCommands(repl) { repl.defineCommand('break', { help: 'Sometimes you get stuck, this gets you out', action: function() { this.clearBufferedCommand(); this.displayPrompt(); } }); var clearMessage; if (repl.useGlobal) { clearMessage = 'Alias for .break'; } else { clearMessage = 'Break, and also clear the local context'; } repl.defineCommand('clear', { help: clearMessage, action: function() { this.clearBufferedCommand(); if (!this.useGlobal) { this.outputStream.write('Clearing context...\n'); this.resetContext(); } this.displayPrompt(); } }); repl.defineCommand('exit', { help: 'Exit the repl', action: function() { this.close(); } }); repl.defineCommand('help', { help: 'Print this help message', action: function() { const names = Object.keys(this.commands).sort(); const longestNameLength = names.reduce( (max, name) => Math.max(max, name.length), 0 ); for (var n = 0; n < names.length; n++) { var name = names[n]; var cmd = this.commands[name]; var spaces = ' '.repeat(longestNameLength - name.length + 3); var line = `.${name}${cmd.help ? spaces + cmd.help : ''}\n`; this.outputStream.write(line); } this.displayPrompt(); } }); repl.defineCommand('save', { help: 'Save all evaluated commands in this REPL session to a file', action: function(file) { try { fs.writeFileSync(file, this.lines.join('\n') + '\n'); this.outputStream.write('Session saved to: ' + file + '\n'); } catch { this.outputStream.write('Failed to save: ' + file + '\n'); } this.displayPrompt(); } }); repl.defineCommand('load', { help: 'Load JS from a file into the REPL session', action: function(file) { try { var stats = fs.statSync(file); if (stats && stats.isFile()) { _turnOnEditorMode(this); var data = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'); var lines = data.split('\n'); for (var n = 0; n < lines.length; n++) { if (lines[n]) this.write(`${lines[n]}\n`); } _turnOffEditorMode(this); this.write('\n'); } else { this.outputStream.write('Failed to load: ' + file + ' is not a valid file\n'); } } catch { this.outputStream.write('Failed to load: ' + file + '\n'); } this.displayPrompt(); } }); repl.defineCommand('editor', { help: 'Enter editor mode', action() { if (!this.terminal) return; _turnOnEditorMode(this); this.outputStream.write( '// Entering editor mode (^D to finish, ^C to cancel)\n'); } }); } function regexpEscape(s) { return s.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); } function Recoverable(err) { this.err = err; } inherits(Recoverable, SyntaxError); exports.Recoverable = Recoverable; stream// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const pipeline = require('internal/streams/pipeline'); const eos = require('internal/streams/end-of-stream'); // Note: export Stream before Readable/Writable/Duplex/... // to avoid a cross-reference(require) issues const Stream = module.exports = require('internal/streams/legacy'); Stream.Readable = require('_stream_readable'); Stream.Writable = require('_stream_writable'); Stream.Duplex = require('_stream_duplex'); Stream.Transform = require('_stream_transform'); Stream.PassThrough = require('_stream_passthrough'); Stream.pipeline = pipeline; Stream.finished = eos; // Backwards-compat with node 0.4.x Stream.Stream = Stream; // Internal utilities try { const types = require('util').types; if (types && typeof types.isUint8Array === 'function') { Stream._isUint8Array = types.isUint8Array; } else { // This throws for Node < 4.2.0 because there's no util binding and // returns undefined for Node < 7.4.0. Stream._isUint8Array = process.binding('util').isUint8Array; } } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars } if (!Stream._isUint8Array) { Stream._isUint8Array = function _isUint8Array(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Uint8Array]'; }; } const version = process.version.substr(1).split('.'); if (version[0] === 0 && version[1] < 12) { Stream._uint8ArrayToBuffer = Buffer; } else { try { const internalBuffer = require('internal/buffer'); Stream._uint8ArrayToBuffer = function _uint8ArrayToBuffer(chunk) { return new internalBuffer.FastBuffer(chunk.buffer, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength); }; } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars } if (!Stream._uint8ArrayToBuffer) { Stream._uint8ArrayToBuffer = function _uint8ArrayToBuffer(chunk) { return Buffer.prototype.slice.call(chunk); }; } } _stream_readable// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; module.exports = Readable; Readable.ReadableState = ReadableState; const EE = require('events'); const Stream = require('stream'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const util = require('util'); const debug = util.debuglog('stream'); const BufferList = require('internal/streams/buffer_list'); const destroyImpl = require('internal/streams/destroy'); const { getHighWaterMark } = require('internal/streams/state'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { emitExperimentalWarning } = require('internal/util'); // Lazy loaded to improve the startup performance. let StringDecoder; let createReadableStreamAsyncIterator; util.inherits(Readable, Stream); const kProxyEvents = ['error', 'close', 'destroy', 'pause', 'resume']; function prependListener(emitter, event, fn) { // Sadly this is not cacheable as some libraries bundle their own // event emitter implementation with them. if (typeof emitter.prependListener === 'function') return emitter.prependListener(event, fn); // This is a hack to make sure that our error handler is attached before any // userland ones. NEVER DO THIS. This is here only because this code needs // to continue to work with older versions of Node.js that do not include // the prependListener() method. The goal is to eventually remove this hack. if (!emitter._events || !emitter._events[event]) emitter.on(event, fn); else if (Array.isArray(emitter._events[event])) emitter._events[event].unshift(fn); else emitter._events[event] = [fn, emitter._events[event]]; } function ReadableState(options, stream, isDuplex) { options = options || {}; // Duplex streams are both readable and writable, but share // the same options object. // However, some cases require setting options to different // values for the readable and the writable sides of the duplex stream. // These options can be provided separately as readableXXX and writableXXX. if (typeof isDuplex !== 'boolean') isDuplex = stream instanceof Stream.Duplex; // object stream flag. Used to make read(n) ignore n and to // make all the buffer merging and length checks go away this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode; if (isDuplex) this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!options.readableObjectMode; // the point at which it stops calling _read() to fill the buffer // Note: 0 is a valid value, means "don't call _read preemptively ever" this.highWaterMark = getHighWaterMark(this, options, 'readableHighWaterMark', isDuplex); // A linked list is used to store data chunks instead of an array because the // linked list can remove elements from the beginning faster than // array.shift() this.buffer = new BufferList(); this.length = 0; this.pipes = null; this.pipesCount = 0; this.flowing = null; this.ended = false; this.endEmitted = false; this.reading = false; // a flag to be able to tell if the event 'readable'/'data' is emitted // immediately, or on a later tick. We set this to true at first, because // any actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also // not happen before the first read call. this.sync = true; // whenever we return null, then we set a flag to say // that we're awaiting a 'readable' event emission. this.needReadable = false; this.emittedReadable = false; this.readableListening = false; this.resumeScheduled = false; this.paused = true; // Should close be emitted on destroy. Defaults to true. this.emitClose = options.emitClose !== false; // has it been destroyed this.destroyed = false; // Crypto is kind of old and crusty. Historically, its default string // encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable. // Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though. this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'; // the number of writers that are awaiting a drain event in .pipe()s this.awaitDrain = 0; // if true, a maybeReadMore has been scheduled this.readingMore = false; this.decoder = null; this.encoding = null; if (options.encoding) { if (!StringDecoder) StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; this.decoder = new StringDecoder(options.encoding); this.encoding = options.encoding; } } function Readable(options) { if (!(this instanceof Readable)) return new Readable(options); // Checking for a Stream.Duplex instance is faster here instead of inside // the ReadableState constructor, at least with V8 6.5 const isDuplex = this instanceof Stream.Duplex; this._readableState = new ReadableState(options, this, isDuplex); // legacy this.readable = true; if (options) { if (typeof options.read === 'function') this._read = options.read; if (typeof options.destroy === 'function') this._destroy = options.destroy; } Stream.call(this); } Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'destroyed', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get() { if (this._readableState === undefined) { return false; } return this._readableState.destroyed; }, set(value) { // we ignore the value if the stream // has not been initialized yet if (!this._readableState) { return; } // backward compatibility, the user is explicitly // managing destroyed this._readableState.destroyed = value; } }); Readable.prototype.destroy = destroyImpl.destroy; Readable.prototype._undestroy = destroyImpl.undestroy; Readable.prototype._destroy = function(err, cb) { cb(err); }; // Manually shove something into the read() buffer. // This returns true if the highWaterMark has not been hit yet, // similar to how Writable.write() returns true if you should // write() some more. Readable.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) { var state = this._readableState; var skipChunkCheck; if (!state.objectMode) { if (typeof chunk === 'string') { encoding = encoding || state.defaultEncoding; if (encoding !== state.encoding) { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding); encoding = ''; } skipChunkCheck = true; } } else { skipChunkCheck = true; } return readableAddChunk(this, chunk, encoding, false, skipChunkCheck); }; // Unshift should *always* be something directly out of read() Readable.prototype.unshift = function(chunk) { return readableAddChunk(this, chunk, null, true, false); }; function readableAddChunk(stream, chunk, encoding, addToFront, skipChunkCheck) { debug('readableAddChunk', chunk); var state = stream._readableState; if (chunk === null) { state.reading = false; onEofChunk(stream, state); } else { var er; if (!skipChunkCheck) er = chunkInvalid(state, chunk); if (er) { stream.emit('error', er); } else if (state.objectMode || chunk && chunk.length > 0) { if (typeof chunk !== 'string' && !state.objectMode && Object.getPrototypeOf(chunk) !== Buffer.prototype) { chunk = Stream._uint8ArrayToBuffer(chunk); } if (addToFront) { if (state.endEmitted) stream.emit('error', new ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT()); else addChunk(stream, state, chunk, true); } else if (state.ended) { stream.emit('error', new ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF()); } else if (state.destroyed) { return false; } else { state.reading = false; if (state.decoder && !encoding) { chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk); if (state.objectMode || chunk.length !== 0) addChunk(stream, state, chunk, false); else maybeReadMore(stream, state); } else { addChunk(stream, state, chunk, false); } } } else if (!addToFront) { state.reading = false; maybeReadMore(stream, state); } } // We can push more data if we are below the highWaterMark. // Also, if we have no data yet, we can stand some more bytes. // This is to work around cases where hwm=0, such as the repl. return !state.ended && (state.length < state.highWaterMark || state.length === 0); } function addChunk(stream, state, chunk, addToFront) { if (state.flowing && state.length === 0 && !state.sync) { state.awaitDrain = 0; stream.emit('data', chunk); } else { // update the buffer info. state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; if (addToFront) state.buffer.unshift(chunk); else state.buffer.push(chunk); if (state.needReadable) emitReadable(stream); } maybeReadMore(stream, state); } function chunkInvalid(state, chunk) { var er; if (!Stream._isUint8Array(chunk) && typeof chunk !== 'string' && chunk !== undefined && !state.objectMode) { er = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'chunk', ['string', 'Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], chunk); } return er; } Readable.prototype.isPaused = function() { return this._readableState.flowing === false; }; // backwards compatibility. Readable.prototype.setEncoding = function(enc) { if (!StringDecoder) StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; this._readableState.decoder = new StringDecoder(enc); // if setEncoding(null), decoder.encoding equals utf8 this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding; return this; }; // Don't raise the hwm > 8MB const MAX_HWM = 0x800000; function computeNewHighWaterMark(n) { if (n >= MAX_HWM) { n = MAX_HWM; } else { // Get the next highest power of 2 to prevent increasing hwm excessively in // tiny amounts n--; n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2; n |= n >>> 4; n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; n++; } return n; } // This function is designed to be inlinable, so please take care when making // changes to the function body. function howMuchToRead(n, state) { if (n <= 0 || (state.length === 0 && state.ended)) return 0; if (state.objectMode) return 1; if (Number.isNaN(n)) { // Only flow one buffer at a time if (state.flowing && state.length) return state.buffer.head.data.length; else return state.length; } // If we're asking for more than the current hwm, then raise the hwm. if (n > state.highWaterMark) state.highWaterMark = computeNewHighWaterMark(n); if (n <= state.length) return n; // Don't have enough if (!state.ended) { state.needReadable = true; return 0; } return state.length; } // you can override either this method, or the async _read(n) below. Readable.prototype.read = function(n) { debug('read', n); n = parseInt(n, 10); var state = this._readableState; var nOrig = n; if (n !== 0) state.emittedReadable = false; // if we're doing read(0) to trigger a readable event, but we // already have a bunch of data in the buffer, then just trigger // the 'readable' event and move on. if (n === 0 && state.needReadable && ((state.highWaterMark !== 0 ? state.length >= state.highWaterMark : state.length > 0) || state.ended)) { debug('read: emitReadable', state.length, state.ended); if (state.length === 0 && state.ended) endReadable(this); else emitReadable(this); return null; } n = howMuchToRead(n, state); // if we've ended, and we're now clear, then finish it up. if (n === 0 && state.ended) { if (state.length === 0) endReadable(this); return null; } // All the actual chunk generation logic needs to be // *below* the call to _read. The reason is that in certain // synthetic stream cases, such as passthrough streams, _read // may be a completely synchronous operation which may change // the state of the read buffer, providing enough data when // before there was *not* enough. // // So, the steps are: // 1. Figure out what the state of things will be after we do // a read from the buffer. // // 2. If that resulting state will trigger a _read, then call _read. // Note that this may be asynchronous, or synchronous. Yes, it is // deeply ugly to write APIs this way, but that still doesn't mean // that the Readable class should behave improperly, as streams are // designed to be sync/async agnostic. // Take note if the _read call is sync or async (ie, if the read call // has returned yet), so that we know whether or not it's safe to emit // 'readable' etc. // // 3. Actually pull the requested chunks out of the buffer and return. // if we need a readable event, then we need to do some reading. var doRead = state.needReadable; debug('need readable', doRead); // if we currently have less than the highWaterMark, then also read some if (state.length === 0 || state.length - n < state.highWaterMark) { doRead = true; debug('length less than watermark', doRead); } // however, if we've ended, then there's no point, and if we're already // reading, then it's unnecessary. if (state.ended || state.reading) { doRead = false; debug('reading or ended', doRead); } else if (doRead) { debug('do read'); state.reading = true; state.sync = true; // if the length is currently zero, then we *need* a readable event. if (state.length === 0) state.needReadable = true; // call internal read method this._read(state.highWaterMark); state.sync = false; // If _read pushed data synchronously, then `reading` will be false, // and we need to re-evaluate how much data we can return to the user. if (!state.reading) n = howMuchToRead(nOrig, state); } var ret; if (n > 0) ret = fromList(n, state); else ret = null; if (ret === null) { state.needReadable = true; n = 0; } else { state.length -= n; state.awaitDrain = 0; } if (state.length === 0) { // If we have nothing in the buffer, then we want to know // as soon as we *do* get something into the buffer. if (!state.ended) state.needReadable = true; // If we tried to read() past the EOF, then emit end on the next tick. if (nOrig !== n && state.ended) endReadable(this); } if (ret !== null) this.emit('data', ret); return ret; }; function onEofChunk(stream, state) { if (state.ended) return; if (state.decoder) { var chunk = state.decoder.end(); if (chunk && chunk.length) { state.buffer.push(chunk); state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; } } state.ended = true; if (state.sync) { // if we are sync, wait until next tick to emit the data. // Otherwise we risk emitting data in the flow() // the readable code triggers during a read() call emitReadable(stream); } else { // emit 'readable' now to make sure it gets picked up. state.needReadable = false; if (!state.emittedReadable) { state.emittedReadable = true; emitReadable_(stream); } } } // Don't emit readable right away in sync mode, because this can trigger // another read() call => stack overflow. This way, it might trigger // a nextTick recursion warning, but that's not so bad. function emitReadable(stream) { var state = stream._readableState; state.needReadable = false; if (!state.emittedReadable) { debug('emitReadable', state.flowing); state.emittedReadable = true; process.nextTick(emitReadable_, stream); } } function emitReadable_(stream) { var state = stream._readableState; debug('emitReadable_', state.destroyed, state.length, state.ended); if (!state.destroyed && (state.length || state.ended)) { stream.emit('readable'); } // The stream needs another readable event if // 1. It is not flowing, as the flow mechanism will take // care of it. // 2. It is not ended. // 3. It is below the highWaterMark, so we can schedule // another readable later. state.needReadable = !state.flowing && !state.ended && state.length <= state.highWaterMark; flow(stream); } // at this point, the user has presumably seen the 'readable' event, // and called read() to consume some data. that may have triggered // in turn another _read(n) call, in which case reading = true if // it's in progress. // However, if we're not ended, or reading, and the length < hwm, // then go ahead and try to read some more preemptively. function maybeReadMore(stream, state) { if (!state.readingMore) { state.readingMore = true; process.nextTick(maybeReadMore_, stream, state); } } function maybeReadMore_(stream, state) { var len = state.length; while (!state.reading && !state.ended && state.length < state.highWaterMark) { debug('maybeReadMore read 0'); stream.read(0); if (len === state.length) // didn't get any data, stop spinning. break; else len = state.length; } state.readingMore = false; } // abstract method. to be overridden in specific implementation classes. // call cb(er, data) where data is <= n in length. // for virtual (non-string, non-buffer) streams, "length" is somewhat // arbitrary, and perhaps not very meaningful. Readable.prototype._read = function(n) { this.emit('error', new ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED('_read()')); }; Readable.prototype.pipe = function(dest, pipeOpts) { var src = this; var state = this._readableState; switch (state.pipesCount) { case 0: state.pipes = dest; break; case 1: state.pipes = [state.pipes, dest]; break; default: state.pipes.push(dest); break; } state.pipesCount += 1; debug('pipe count=%d opts=%j', state.pipesCount, pipeOpts); var doEnd = (!pipeOpts || pipeOpts.end !== false) && dest !== process.stdout && dest !== process.stderr; var endFn = doEnd ? onend : unpipe; if (state.endEmitted) process.nextTick(endFn); else src.once('end', endFn); dest.on('unpipe', onunpipe); function onunpipe(readable, unpipeInfo) { debug('onunpipe'); if (readable === src) { if (unpipeInfo && unpipeInfo.hasUnpiped === false) { unpipeInfo.hasUnpiped = true; cleanup(); } } } function onend() { debug('onend'); dest.end(); } // when the dest drains, it reduces the awaitDrain counter // on the source. This would be more elegant with a .once() // handler in flow(), but adding and removing repeatedly is // too slow. var ondrain = pipeOnDrain(src); dest.on('drain', ondrain); var cleanedUp = false; function cleanup() { debug('cleanup'); // cleanup event handlers once the pipe is broken dest.removeListener('close', onclose); dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish); dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain); dest.removeListener('error', onerror); dest.removeListener('unpipe', onunpipe); src.removeListener('end', onend); src.removeListener('end', unpipe); src.removeListener('data', ondata); cleanedUp = true; // if the reader is waiting for a drain event from this // specific writer, then it would cause it to never start // flowing again. // So, if this is awaiting a drain, then we just call it now. // If we don't know, then assume that we are waiting for one. if (state.awaitDrain && (!dest._writableState || dest._writableState.needDrain)) ondrain(); } src.on('data', ondata); function ondata(chunk) { debug('ondata'); var ret = dest.write(chunk); debug('dest.write', ret); if (ret === false) { // If the user unpiped during `dest.write()`, it is possible // to get stuck in a permanently paused state if that write // also returned false. // => Check whether `dest` is still a piping destination. if (((state.pipesCount === 1 && state.pipes === dest) || (state.pipesCount > 1 && state.pipes.indexOf(dest) !== -1)) && !cleanedUp) { debug('false write response, pause', state.awaitDrain); state.awaitDrain++; } src.pause(); } } // if the dest has an error, then stop piping into it. // however, don't suppress the throwing behavior for this. function onerror(er) { debug('onerror', er); unpipe(); dest.removeListener('error', onerror); if (EE.listenerCount(dest, 'error') === 0) dest.emit('error', er); } // Make sure our error handler is attached before userland ones. prependListener(dest, 'error', onerror); // Both close and finish should trigger unpipe, but only once. function onclose() { dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish); unpipe(); } dest.once('close', onclose); function onfinish() { debug('onfinish'); dest.removeListener('close', onclose); unpipe(); } dest.once('finish', onfinish); function unpipe() { debug('unpipe'); src.unpipe(dest); } // tell the dest that it's being piped to dest.emit('pipe', src); // start the flow if it hasn't been started already. if (!state.flowing) { debug('pipe resume'); src.resume(); } return dest; }; function pipeOnDrain(src) { return function pipeOnDrainFunctionResult() { var state = src._readableState; debug('pipeOnDrain', state.awaitDrain); if (state.awaitDrain) state.awaitDrain--; if (state.awaitDrain === 0 && EE.listenerCount(src, 'data')) { state.flowing = true; flow(src); } }; } Readable.prototype.unpipe = function(dest) { var state = this._readableState; var unpipeInfo = { hasUnpiped: false }; // if we're not piping anywhere, then do nothing. if (state.pipesCount === 0) return this; // just one destination. most common case. if (state.pipesCount === 1) { // passed in one, but it's not the right one. if (dest && dest !== state.pipes) return this; if (!dest) dest = state.pipes; // got a match. state.pipes = null; state.pipesCount = 0; state.flowing = false; if (dest) dest.emit('unpipe', this, unpipeInfo); return this; } // slow case. multiple pipe destinations. if (!dest) { // remove all. var dests = state.pipes; var len = state.pipesCount; state.pipes = null; state.pipesCount = 0; state.flowing = false; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) dests[i].emit('unpipe', this, { hasUnpiped: false }); return this; } // try to find the right one. var index = state.pipes.indexOf(dest); if (index === -1) return this; state.pipes.splice(index, 1); state.pipesCount -= 1; if (state.pipesCount === 1) state.pipes = state.pipes[0]; dest.emit('unpipe', this, unpipeInfo); return this; }; // set up data events if they are asked for // Ensure readable listeners eventually get something Readable.prototype.on = function(ev, fn) { const res = Stream.prototype.on.call(this, ev, fn); const state = this._readableState; if (ev === 'data') { // update readableListening so that resume() may be a no-op // a few lines down. This is needed to support once('readable'). state.readableListening = this.listenerCount('readable') > 0; // Try start flowing on next tick if stream isn't explicitly paused if (state.flowing !== false) this.resume(); } else if (ev === 'readable') { if (!state.endEmitted && !state.readableListening) { state.readableListening = state.needReadable = true; state.flowing = false; state.emittedReadable = false; debug('on readable', state.length, state.reading); if (state.length) { emitReadable(this); } else if (!state.reading) { process.nextTick(nReadingNextTick, this); } } } return res; }; Readable.prototype.addListener = Readable.prototype.on; Readable.prototype.removeListener = function(ev, fn) { const res = Stream.prototype.removeListener.call(this, ev, fn); if (ev === 'readable') { // We need to check if there is someone still listening to // readable and reset the state. However this needs to happen // after readable has been emitted but before I/O (nextTick) to // support once('readable', fn) cycles. This means that calling // resume within the same tick will have no // effect. process.nextTick(updateReadableListening, this); } return res; }; Readable.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(ev) { const res = Stream.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments); if (ev === 'readable' || ev === undefined) { // We need to check if there is someone still listening to // readable and reset the state. However this needs to happen // after readable has been emitted but before I/O (nextTick) to // support once('readable', fn) cycles. This means that calling // resume within the same tick will have no // effect. process.nextTick(updateReadableListening, this); } return res; }; function updateReadableListening(self) { const state = self._readableState; state.readableListening = self.listenerCount('readable') > 0; if (state.resumeScheduled && !state.paused) { // flowing needs to be set to true now, otherwise // the upcoming resume will not flow. state.flowing = true; // crude way to check if we should resume } else if (self.listenerCount('data') > 0) { self.resume(); } } function nReadingNextTick(self) { debug('readable nexttick read 0'); self.read(0); } // pause() and resume() are remnants of the legacy readable stream API // If the user uses them, then switch into old mode. Readable.prototype.resume = function() { var state = this._readableState; if (!state.flowing) { debug('resume'); // we flow only if there is no one listening // for readable, but we still have to call // resume() state.flowing = !state.readableListening; resume(this, state); } state.paused = false; return this; }; function resume(stream, state) { if (!state.resumeScheduled) { state.resumeScheduled = true; process.nextTick(resume_, stream, state); } } function resume_(stream, state) { debug('resume', state.reading); if (!state.reading) { stream.read(0); } state.resumeScheduled = false; stream.emit('resume'); flow(stream); if (state.flowing && !state.reading) stream.read(0); } Readable.prototype.pause = function() { debug('call pause flowing=%j', this._readableState.flowing); if (this._readableState.flowing !== false) { debug('pause'); this._readableState.flowing = false; this.emit('pause'); } this._readableState.paused = true; return this; }; function flow(stream) { const state = stream._readableState; debug('flow', state.flowing); while (state.flowing && stream.read() !== null); } // wrap an old-style stream as the async data source. // This is *not* part of the readable stream interface. // It is an ugly unfortunate mess of history. Readable.prototype.wrap = function(stream) { var state = this._readableState; var paused = false; stream.on('end', () => { debug('wrapped end'); if (state.decoder && !state.ended) { var chunk = state.decoder.end(); if (chunk && chunk.length) this.push(chunk); } this.push(null); }); stream.on('data', (chunk) => { debug('wrapped data'); if (state.decoder) chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk); // don't skip over falsy values in objectMode if (state.objectMode && (chunk === null || chunk === undefined)) return; else if (!state.objectMode && (!chunk || !chunk.length)) return; var ret = this.push(chunk); if (!ret) { paused = true; stream.pause(); } }); // proxy all the other methods. // important when wrapping filters and duplexes. for (var i in stream) { if (this[i] === undefined && typeof stream[i] === 'function') { this[i] = function methodWrap(method) { return function methodWrapReturnFunction() { return stream[method].apply(stream, arguments); }; }(i); } } // proxy certain important events. for (var n = 0; n < kProxyEvents.length; n++) { stream.on(kProxyEvents[n], this.emit.bind(this, kProxyEvents[n])); } // when we try to consume some more bytes, simply unpause the // underlying stream. this._read = (n) => { debug('wrapped _read', n); if (paused) { paused = false; stream.resume(); } }; return this; }; Readable.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { emitExperimentalWarning('Readable[Symbol.asyncIterator]'); if (createReadableStreamAsyncIterator === undefined) { createReadableStreamAsyncIterator = require('internal/streams/async_iterator'); } return createReadableStreamAsyncIterator(this); }; Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'readableHighWaterMark', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.highWaterMark; } }); Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'readableBuffer', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer; } }); Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'readableFlowing', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._readableState.flowing; }, set: function(state) { if (this._readableState) { this._readableState.flowing = state; } } }); // exposed for testing purposes only. Readable._fromList = fromList; Object.defineProperty(Readable.prototype, 'readableLength', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get() { return this._readableState.length; } }); // Pluck off n bytes from an array of buffers. // Length is the combined lengths of all the buffers in the list. // This function is designed to be inlinable, so please take care when making // changes to the function body. function fromList(n, state) { // nothing buffered if (state.length === 0) return null; var ret; if (state.objectMode) ret = state.buffer.shift(); else if (!n || n >= state.length) { // read it all, truncate the list if (state.decoder) ret = state.buffer.join(''); else if (state.buffer.length === 1) ret = state.buffer.first(); else ret = state.buffer.concat(state.length); state.buffer.clear(); } else { // read part of list ret = state.buffer.consume(n, state.decoder); } return ret; } function endReadable(stream) { var state = stream._readableState; debug('endReadable', state.endEmitted); if (!state.endEmitted) { state.ended = true; process.nextTick(endReadableNT, state, stream); } } function endReadableNT(state, stream) { debug('endReadableNT', state.endEmitted, state.length); // Check that we didn't get one last unshift. if (!state.endEmitted && state.length === 0) { state.endEmitted = true; stream.readable = false; stream.emit('end'); } } _stream_writable// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // A bit simpler than readable streams. // Implement an async ._write(chunk, encoding, cb), and it'll handle all // the drain event emission and buffering. 'use strict'; module.exports = Writable; Writable.WritableState = WritableState; const util = require('util'); const internalUtil = require('internal/util'); const Stream = require('stream'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const destroyImpl = require('internal/streams/destroy'); const { getHighWaterMark } = require('internal/streams/state'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED, ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES, ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END, ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING } = require('internal/errors').codes; util.inherits(Writable, Stream); function nop() {} function WritableState(options, stream, isDuplex) { options = options || {}; // Duplex streams are both readable and writable, but share // the same options object. // However, some cases require setting options to different // values for the readable and the writable sides of the duplex stream, // e.g. options.readableObjectMode vs. options.writableObjectMode, etc. if (typeof isDuplex !== 'boolean') isDuplex = stream instanceof Stream.Duplex; // object stream flag to indicate whether or not this stream // contains buffers or objects. this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode; if (isDuplex) this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!options.writableObjectMode; // the point at which write() starts returning false // Note: 0 is a valid value, means that we always return false if // the entire buffer is not flushed immediately on write() this.highWaterMark = getHighWaterMark(this, options, 'writableHighWaterMark', isDuplex); // if _final has been called this.finalCalled = false; // drain event flag. this.needDrain = false; // at the start of calling end() this.ending = false; // when end() has been called, and returned this.ended = false; // when 'finish' is emitted this.finished = false; // has it been destroyed this.destroyed = false; // should we decode strings into buffers before passing to _write? // this is here so that some node-core streams can optimize string // handling at a lower level. var noDecode = options.decodeStrings === false; this.decodeStrings = !noDecode; // Crypto is kind of old and crusty. Historically, its default string // encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable. // Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though. this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'; // not an actual buffer we keep track of, but a measurement // of how much we're waiting to get pushed to some underlying // socket or file. this.length = 0; // a flag to see when we're in the middle of a write. this.writing = false; // when true all writes will be buffered until .uncork() call this.corked = 0; // a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately, // or on a later tick. We set this to true at first, because any // actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also // not happen before the first write call. this.sync = true; // a flag to know if we're processing previously buffered items, which // may call the _write() callback in the same tick, so that we don't // end up in an overlapped onwrite situation. this.bufferProcessing = false; // the callback that's passed to _write(chunk,cb) this.onwrite = onwrite.bind(undefined, stream); // the callback that the user supplies to write(chunk,encoding,cb) this.writecb = null; // the amount that is being written when _write is called. this.writelen = 0; this.bufferedRequest = null; this.lastBufferedRequest = null; // number of pending user-supplied write callbacks // this must be 0 before 'finish' can be emitted this.pendingcb = 0; // emit prefinish if the only thing we're waiting for is _write cbs // This is relevant for synchronous Transform streams this.prefinished = false; // True if the error was already emitted and should not be thrown again this.errorEmitted = false; // Should close be emitted on destroy. Defaults to true. this.emitClose = options.emitClose !== false; // count buffered requests this.bufferedRequestCount = 0; // allocate the first CorkedRequest, there is always // one allocated and free to use, and we maintain at most two var corkReq = { next: null, entry: null, finish: undefined }; corkReq.finish = onCorkedFinish.bind(undefined, corkReq, this); this.corkedRequestsFree = corkReq; } WritableState.prototype.getBuffer = function getBuffer() { var current = this.bufferedRequest; var out = []; while (current) { out.push(current); current = current.next; } return out; }; Object.defineProperty(WritableState.prototype, 'buffer', { get: internalUtil.deprecate(function writableStateBufferGetter() { return this.getBuffer(); }, '_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer ' + 'instead.', 'DEP0003') }); // Test _writableState for inheritance to account for Duplex streams, // whose prototype chain only points to Readable. var realHasInstance; if (typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.hasInstance) { realHasInstance = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance]; Object.defineProperty(Writable, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function(object) { if (realHasInstance.call(this, object)) return true; if (this !== Writable) return false; return object && object._writableState instanceof WritableState; } }); } else { realHasInstance = function(object) { return object instanceof this; }; } function Writable(options) { // Writable ctor is applied to Duplexes, too. // `realHasInstance` is necessary because using plain `instanceof` // would return false, as no `_writableState` property is attached. // Trying to use the custom `instanceof` for Writable here will also break the // Node.js LazyTransform implementation, which has a non-trivial getter for // `_writableState` that would lead to infinite recursion. // Checking for a Stream.Duplex instance is faster here instead of inside // the WritableState constructor, at least with V8 6.5 const isDuplex = (this instanceof Stream.Duplex); if (!isDuplex && !realHasInstance.call(Writable, this)) return new Writable(options); this._writableState = new WritableState(options, this, isDuplex); // legacy. this.writable = true; if (options) { if (typeof options.write === 'function') this._write = options.write; if (typeof options.writev === 'function') this._writev = options.writev; if (typeof options.destroy === 'function') this._destroy = options.destroy; if (typeof options.final === 'function') this._final = options.final; } Stream.call(this); } // Otherwise people can pipe Writable streams, which is just wrong. Writable.prototype.pipe = function() { this.emit('error', new ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE()); }; function writeAfterEnd(stream, cb) { var er = new ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END(); // TODO: defer error events consistently everywhere, not just the cb stream.emit('error', er); process.nextTick(cb, er); } // Checks that a user-supplied chunk is valid, especially for the particular // mode the stream is in. Currently this means that `null` is never accepted // and undefined/non-string values are only allowed in object mode. function validChunk(stream, state, chunk, cb) { var er; if (chunk === null) { er = new ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES(); } else if (typeof chunk !== 'string' && !state.objectMode) { er = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('chunk', ['string', 'Buffer'], chunk); } if (er) { stream.emit('error', er); process.nextTick(cb, er); return false; } return true; } Writable.prototype.write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { var state = this._writableState; var ret = false; var isBuf = !state.objectMode && Stream._isUint8Array(chunk); if (isBuf && Object.getPrototypeOf(chunk) !== Buffer.prototype) { chunk = Stream._uint8ArrayToBuffer(chunk); } if (typeof encoding === 'function') { cb = encoding; encoding = null; } if (isBuf) encoding = 'buffer'; else if (!encoding) encoding = state.defaultEncoding; if (typeof cb !== 'function') cb = nop; if (state.ending) writeAfterEnd(this, cb); else if (isBuf || validChunk(this, state, chunk, cb)) { state.pendingcb++; ret = writeOrBuffer(this, state, isBuf, chunk, encoding, cb); } return ret; }; Writable.prototype.cork = function() { this._writableState.corked++; }; Writable.prototype.uncork = function() { var state = this._writableState; if (state.corked) { state.corked--; if (!state.writing && !state.corked && !state.bufferProcessing && state.bufferedRequest) clearBuffer(this, state); } }; Writable.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function setDefaultEncoding(encoding) { // node::ParseEncoding() requires lower case. if (typeof encoding === 'string') encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (!Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING(encoding); this._writableState.defaultEncoding = encoding; return this; }; Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'writableBuffer', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }); function decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding) { if (!state.objectMode && state.decodeStrings !== false && typeof chunk === 'string') { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding); } return chunk; } Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'writableHighWaterMark', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }); // if we're already writing something, then just put this // in the queue, and wait our turn. Otherwise, call _write // If we return false, then we need a drain event, so set that flag. function writeOrBuffer(stream, state, isBuf, chunk, encoding, cb) { if (!isBuf) { var newChunk = decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding); if (chunk !== newChunk) { isBuf = true; encoding = 'buffer'; chunk = newChunk; } } var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; state.length += len; var ret = state.length < state.highWaterMark; // we must ensure that previous needDrain will not be reset to false. if (!ret) state.needDrain = true; if (state.writing || state.corked) { var last = state.lastBufferedRequest; state.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk, encoding, isBuf, callback: cb, next: null }; if (last) { last.next = state.lastBufferedRequest; } else { state.bufferedRequest = state.lastBufferedRequest; } state.bufferedRequestCount += 1; } else { doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb); } return ret; } function doWrite(stream, state, writev, len, chunk, encoding, cb) { state.writelen = len; state.writecb = cb; state.writing = true; state.sync = true; if (state.destroyed) state.onwrite(new ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED('write')); else if (writev) stream._writev(chunk, state.onwrite); else stream._write(chunk, encoding, state.onwrite); state.sync = false; } function onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb) { --state.pendingcb; if (sync) { // defer the callback if we are being called synchronously // to avoid piling up things on the stack process.nextTick(cb, er); // this can emit finish, and it will always happen // after error process.nextTick(finishMaybe, stream, state); stream._writableState.errorEmitted = true; stream.emit('error', er); } else { // the caller expect this to happen before if // it is async cb(er); stream._writableState.errorEmitted = true; stream.emit('error', er); // this can emit finish, but finish must // always follow error finishMaybe(stream, state); } } function onwriteStateUpdate(state) { state.writing = false; state.writecb = null; state.length -= state.writelen; state.writelen = 0; } function onwrite(stream, er) { var state = stream._writableState; var sync = state.sync; var cb = state.writecb; if (typeof cb !== 'function') throw new ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK(); onwriteStateUpdate(state); if (er) onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb); else { // Check if we're actually ready to finish, but don't emit yet var finished = needFinish(state) || stream.destroyed; if (!finished && !state.corked && !state.bufferProcessing && state.bufferedRequest) { clearBuffer(stream, state); } if (sync) { process.nextTick(afterWrite, stream, state, finished, cb); } else { afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb); } } } function afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb) { if (!finished) onwriteDrain(stream, state); state.pendingcb--; cb(); finishMaybe(stream, state); } // Must force callback to be called on nextTick, so that we don't // emit 'drain' before the write() consumer gets the 'false' return // value, and has a chance to attach a 'drain' listener. function onwriteDrain(stream, state) { if (state.length === 0 && state.needDrain) { state.needDrain = false; stream.emit('drain'); } } // if there's something in the buffer waiting, then process it function clearBuffer(stream, state) { state.bufferProcessing = true; var entry = state.bufferedRequest; if (stream._writev && entry && entry.next) { // Fast case, write everything using _writev() var l = state.bufferedRequestCount; var buffer = new Array(l); var holder = state.corkedRequestsFree; holder.entry = entry; var count = 0; var allBuffers = true; while (entry) { buffer[count] = entry; if (!entry.isBuf) allBuffers = false; entry = entry.next; count += 1; } buffer.allBuffers = allBuffers; doWrite(stream, state, true, state.length, buffer, '', holder.finish); // doWrite is almost always async, defer these to save a bit of time // as the hot path ends with doWrite state.pendingcb++; state.lastBufferedRequest = null; if (holder.next) { state.corkedRequestsFree = holder.next; holder.next = null; } else { var corkReq = { next: null, entry: null, finish: undefined }; corkReq.finish = onCorkedFinish.bind(undefined, corkReq, state); state.corkedRequestsFree = corkReq; } state.bufferedRequestCount = 0; } else { // Slow case, write chunks one-by-one while (entry) { var chunk = entry.chunk; var encoding = entry.encoding; var cb = entry.callback; var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb); entry = entry.next; state.bufferedRequestCount--; // if we didn't call the onwrite immediately, then // it means that we need to wait until it does. // also, that means that the chunk and cb are currently // being processed, so move the buffer counter past them. if (state.writing) { break; } } if (entry === null) state.lastBufferedRequest = null; } state.bufferedRequest = entry; state.bufferProcessing = false; } Writable.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { cb(new ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED('_write()')); }; Writable.prototype._writev = null; Writable.prototype.end = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { var state = this._writableState; if (typeof chunk === 'function') { cb = chunk; chunk = null; encoding = null; } else if (typeof encoding === 'function') { cb = encoding; encoding = null; } if (chunk !== null && chunk !== undefined) this.write(chunk, encoding); // .end() fully uncorks if (state.corked) { state.corked = 1; this.uncork(); } // ignore unnecessary end() calls. if (!state.ending) endWritable(this, state, cb); return this; }; Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'writableLength', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get() { return this._writableState.length; } }); function needFinish(state) { return (state.ending && state.length === 0 && state.bufferedRequest === null && !state.finished && !state.writing); } function callFinal(stream, state) { stream._final((err) => { state.pendingcb--; if (err) { stream.emit('error', err); } state.prefinished = true; stream.emit('prefinish'); finishMaybe(stream, state); }); } function prefinish(stream, state) { if (!state.prefinished && !state.finalCalled) { if (typeof stream._final === 'function' && !state.destroyed) { state.pendingcb++; state.finalCalled = true; process.nextTick(callFinal, stream, state); } else { state.prefinished = true; stream.emit('prefinish'); } } } function finishMaybe(stream, state) { var need = needFinish(state); if (need) { prefinish(stream, state); if (state.pendingcb === 0) { state.finished = true; stream.emit('finish'); } } return need; } function endWritable(stream, state, cb) { state.ending = true; finishMaybe(stream, state); if (cb) { if (state.finished) process.nextTick(cb); else stream.once('finish', cb); } state.ended = true; stream.writable = false; } function onCorkedFinish(corkReq, state, err) { var entry = corkReq.entry; corkReq.entry = null; while (entry) { var cb = entry.callback; state.pendingcb--; cb(err); entry = entry.next; } // reuse the free corkReq. state.corkedRequestsFree.next = corkReq; } Object.defineProperty(Writable.prototype, 'destroyed', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get() { if (this._writableState === undefined) { return false; } return this._writableState.destroyed; }, set(value) { // we ignore the value if the stream // has not been initialized yet if (!this._writableState) { return; } // backward compatibility, the user is explicitly // managing destroyed this._writableState.destroyed = value; } }); Writable.prototype.destroy = destroyImpl.destroy; Writable.prototype._undestroy = destroyImpl.undestroy; Writable.prototype._destroy = function(err, cb) { cb(err); }; _stream_duplex// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // a duplex stream is just a stream that is both readable and writable. // Since JS doesn't have multiple prototypal inheritance, this class // prototypally inherits from Readable, and then parasitically from // Writable. 'use strict'; module.exports = Duplex; const util = require('util'); const Readable = require('_stream_readable'); const Writable = require('_stream_writable'); util.inherits(Duplex, Readable); { // Allow the keys array to be GC'ed. const keys = Object.keys(Writable.prototype); for (var v = 0; v < keys.length; v++) { const method = keys[v]; if (!Duplex.prototype[method]) Duplex.prototype[method] = Writable.prototype[method]; } } function Duplex(options) { if (!(this instanceof Duplex)) return new Duplex(options); Readable.call(this, options); Writable.call(this, options); this.allowHalfOpen = true; if (options) { if (options.readable === false) this.readable = false; if (options.writable === false) this.writable = false; if (options.allowHalfOpen === false) { this.allowHalfOpen = false; this.once('end', onend); } } } Object.defineProperty(Duplex.prototype, 'writableHighWaterMark', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }); Object.defineProperty(Duplex.prototype, 'writableBuffer', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }); Object.defineProperty(Duplex.prototype, 'writableLength', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get() { return this._writableState.length; } }); // the no-half-open enforcer function onend() { // If the writable side ended, then we're ok. if (this._writableState.ended) return; // no more data can be written. // But allow more writes to happen in this tick. process.nextTick(onEndNT, this); } function onEndNT(self) { self.end(); } Object.defineProperty(Duplex.prototype, 'destroyed', { // making it explicit this property is not enumerable // because otherwise some prototype manipulation in // userland will fail enumerable: false, get() { if (this._readableState === undefined || this._writableState === undefined) { return false; } return this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed; }, set(value) { // we ignore the value if the stream // has not been initialized yet if (this._readableState === undefined || this._writableState === undefined) { return; } // backward compatibility, the user is explicitly // managing destroyed this._readableState.destroyed = value; this._writableState.destroyed = value; } }); _stream_transform// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // a transform stream is a readable/writable stream where you do // something with the data. Sometimes it's called a "filter", // but that's not a great name for it, since that implies a thing where // some bits pass through, and others are simply ignored. (That would // be a valid example of a transform, of course.) // // While the output is causally related to the input, it's not a // necessarily symmetric or synchronous transformation. For example, // a zlib stream might take multiple plain-text writes(), and then // emit a single compressed chunk some time in the future. // // Here's how this works: // // The Transform stream has all the aspects of the readable and writable // stream classes. When you write(chunk), that calls _write(chunk,cb) // internally, and returns false if there's a lot of pending writes // buffered up. When you call read(), that calls _read(n) until // there's enough pending readable data buffered up. // // In a transform stream, the written data is placed in a buffer. When // _read(n) is called, it transforms the queued up data, calling the // buffered _write cb's as it consumes chunks. If consuming a single // written chunk would result in multiple output chunks, then the first // outputted bit calls the readcb, and subsequent chunks just go into // the read buffer, and will cause it to emit 'readable' if necessary. // // This way, back-pressure is actually determined by the reading side, // since _read has to be called to start processing a new chunk. However, // a pathological inflate type of transform can cause excessive buffering // here. For example, imagine a stream where every byte of input is // interpreted as an integer from 0-255, and then results in that many // bytes of output. Writing the 4 bytes {ff,ff,ff,ff} would result in // 1kb of data being output. In this case, you could write a very small // amount of input, and end up with a very large amount of output. In // such a pathological inflating mechanism, there'd be no way to tell // the system to stop doing the transform. A single 4MB write could // cause the system to run out of memory. // // However, even in such a pathological case, only a single written chunk // would be consumed, and then the rest would wait (un-transformed) until // the results of the previous transformed chunk were consumed. 'use strict'; module.exports = Transform; const { ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING, ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0 } = require('internal/errors').codes; const Duplex = require('_stream_duplex'); const util = require('util'); util.inherits(Transform, Duplex); function afterTransform(er, data) { var ts = this._transformState; ts.transforming = false; var cb = ts.writecb; if (cb === null) { return this.emit('error', new ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK()); } ts.writechunk = null; ts.writecb = null; if (data != null) // single equals check for both `null` and `undefined` this.push(data); cb(er); var rs = this._readableState; rs.reading = false; if (rs.needReadable || rs.length < rs.highWaterMark) { this._read(rs.highWaterMark); } } function Transform(options) { if (!(this instanceof Transform)) return new Transform(options); Duplex.call(this, options); this._transformState = { afterTransform: afterTransform.bind(this), needTransform: false, transforming: false, writecb: null, writechunk: null, writeencoding: null }; // start out asking for a readable event once data is transformed. this._readableState.needReadable = true; // we have implemented the _read method, and done the other things // that Readable wants before the first _read call, so unset the // sync guard flag. this._readableState.sync = false; if (options) { if (typeof options.transform === 'function') this._transform = options.transform; if (typeof options.flush === 'function') this._flush = options.flush; } // When the writable side finishes, then flush out anything remaining. this.on('prefinish', prefinish); } function prefinish() { if (typeof this._flush === 'function' && !this._readableState.destroyed) { this._flush((er, data) => { done(this, er, data); }); } else { done(this, null, null); } } Transform.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) { this._transformState.needTransform = false; return Duplex.prototype.push.call(this, chunk, encoding); }; // This is the part where you do stuff! // override this function in implementation classes. // 'chunk' is an input chunk. // // Call `push(newChunk)` to pass along transformed output // to the readable side. You may call 'push' zero or more times. // // Call `cb(err)` when you are done with this chunk. If you pass // an error, then that'll put the hurt on the whole operation. If you // never call cb(), then you'll never get another chunk. Transform.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { cb(new ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED('_transform()')); }; Transform.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { var ts = this._transformState; ts.writecb = cb; ts.writechunk = chunk; ts.writeencoding = encoding; if (!ts.transforming) { var rs = this._readableState; if (ts.needTransform || rs.needReadable || rs.length < rs.highWaterMark) this._read(rs.highWaterMark); } }; // Doesn't matter what the args are here. // _transform does all the work. // That we got here means that the readable side wants more data. Transform.prototype._read = function(n) { var ts = this._transformState; if (ts.writechunk !== null && !ts.transforming) { ts.transforming = true; this._transform(ts.writechunk, ts.writeencoding, ts.afterTransform); } else { // mark that we need a transform, so that any data that comes in // will get processed, now that we've asked for it. ts.needTransform = true; } }; Transform.prototype._destroy = function(err, cb) { Duplex.prototype._destroy.call(this, err, (err2) => { cb(err2); }); }; function done(stream, er, data) { if (er) return stream.emit('error', er); if (data != null) // single equals check for both `null` and `undefined` stream.push(data); // TODO(BridgeAR): Write a test for these two error cases // if there's nothing in the write buffer, then that means // that nothing more will ever be provided if (stream._writableState.length) throw new ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0(); if (stream._transformState.transforming) throw new ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING(); return stream.push(null); } _stream_passthrough// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // a passthrough stream. // basically just the most minimal sort of Transform stream. // Every written chunk gets output as-is. 'use strict'; module.exports = PassThrough; const Transform = require('_stream_transform'); const util = require('util'); util.inherits(PassThrough, Transform); function PassThrough(options) { if (!(this instanceof PassThrough)) return new PassThrough(options); Transform.call(this, options); } PassThrough.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { cb(null, chunk); }; _stream_wrap'use strict'; module.exports = require('internal/wrap_js_stream'); string_decoder// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { kIncompleteCharactersStart, kIncompleteCharactersEnd, kMissingBytes, kBufferedBytes, kEncodingField, kSize, decode, flush, encodings } = internalBinding('string_decoder'); const internalUtil = require('internal/util'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING } = require('internal/errors').codes; const isEncoding = Buffer[internalUtil.kIsEncodingSymbol]; const kNativeDecoder = Symbol('kNativeDecoder'); // Do not cache `Buffer.isEncoding` when checking encoding names as some // modules monkey-patch it to support additional encodings function normalizeEncoding(enc) { const nenc = internalUtil.normalizeEncoding(enc); if (nenc === undefined) { if (Buffer.isEncoding === isEncoding || !Buffer.isEncoding(enc)) throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING(enc); return enc; } return nenc; } const encodingsMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < encodings.length; ++i) encodingsMap[encodings[i]] = i; // StringDecoder provides an interface for efficiently splitting a series of // buffers into a series of JS strings without breaking apart multi-byte // characters. function StringDecoder(encoding) { this.encoding = normalizeEncoding(encoding); this[kNativeDecoder] = Buffer.alloc(kSize); this[kNativeDecoder][kEncodingField] = encodingsMap[this.encoding]; } StringDecoder.prototype.write = function write(buf) { if (typeof buf === 'string') return buf; if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(buf)) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buf', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], buf); return decode(this[kNativeDecoder], buf); }; StringDecoder.prototype.end = function end(buf) { let ret = ''; if (buf !== undefined) ret = this.write(buf); if (this[kNativeDecoder][kBufferedBytes] > 0) ret += flush(this[kNativeDecoder]); return ret; }; /* Everything below this line is undocumented legacy stuff. */ StringDecoder.prototype.text = function text(buf, offset) { this[kNativeDecoder][kMissingBytes] = 0; this[kNativeDecoder][kBufferedBytes] = 0; return this.write(buf.slice(offset)); }; Object.defineProperties(StringDecoder.prototype, { lastChar: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { return this[kNativeDecoder].subarray(kIncompleteCharactersStart, kIncompleteCharactersEnd); } }, lastNeed: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { return this[kNativeDecoder][kMissingBytes]; } }, lastTotal: { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { return this[kNativeDecoder][kBufferedBytes] + this[kNativeDecoder][kMissingBytes]; } } }); exports.StringDecoder = StringDecoder; sys// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; // the sys module was renamed to 'util'. // this shim remains to keep old programs working. // sys is deprecated and shouldn't be used module.exports = require('util'); process.emitWarning('sys is deprecated. Use util instead.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0025'); timers// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { Timer: TimerWrap, setupTimers, } = process.binding('timer_wrap'); const L = require('internal/linkedlist'); const { async_id_symbol, trigger_async_id_symbol, Timeout, initAsyncResource, validateTimerDuration } = require('internal/timers'); const internalUtil = require('internal/util'); const assert = require('assert'); const util = require('util'); const { ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK } = require('internal/errors').codes; const debug = util.debuglog('timer'); const { destroyHooksExist, // The needed emit*() functions. emitBefore, emitAfter, emitDestroy, symbols: { owner_symbol } } = require('internal/async_hooks'); // *Must* match Environment::ImmediateInfo::Fields in src/env.h. const kCount = 0; const kRefCount = 1; const kHasOutstanding = 2; const [immediateInfo, toggleImmediateRef] = setupTimers(processImmediate, processTimers); const kRefed = Symbol('refed'); // HOW and WHY the timers implementation works the way it does. // // Timers are crucial to Node.js. Internally, any TCP I/O connection creates a // timer so that we can time out of connections. Additionally, many user // libraries and applications also use timers. As such there may be a // significantly large amount of timeouts scheduled at any given time. // Therefore, it is very important that the timers implementation is performant // and efficient. // // Note: It is suggested you first read through the lib/internal/linkedlist.js // linked list implementation, since timers depend on it extensively. It can be // somewhat counter-intuitive at first, as it is not actually a class. Instead, // it is a set of helpers that operate on an existing object. // // In order to be as performant as possible, the architecture and data // structures are designed so that they are optimized to handle the following // use cases as efficiently as possible: // - Adding a new timer. (insert) // - Removing an existing timer. (remove) // - Handling a timer timing out. (timeout) // // Whenever possible, the implementation tries to make the complexity of these // operations as close to constant-time as possible. // (So that performance is not impacted by the number of scheduled timers.) // // Object maps are kept which contain linked lists keyed by their duration in // milliseconds. // The linked lists within also have some meta-properties, one of which is a // TimerWrap C++ handle, which makes the call after the duration to process the // list it is attached to. // /* eslint-disable node-core/non-ascii-character */ // // T%P%P%P%P% > Object Map // Q% // `%P%P% // Q% refedLists: { '40': { }, '320': { etc } } (keys of millisecond duration) // Z%P%P% %%%%%%%%%%% // % // T%P%P% % // Q% TimersList { _idleNext: { }, _idlePrev: (self), _timer: (TimerWrap) } // Q% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // Q% T%P%P% % ^ // Q% Q% { _idleNext: { }, _idlePrev: { }, _onTimeout: (callback) } // Q% Q% %%%%%%%%%%%%% // Q% Q% % ^ // Q% Q% { _idleNext: { etc }, _idlePrev: { }, _onTimeout: (callback) } // `%P%P% `%P%P% // Q% Q% // Q% Z%P%P%P%P% > Actual JavaScript timeouts // Q% // Z%P%P%P%P% > Linked List // /* eslint-enable node-core/non-ascii-character */ // // With this, virtually constant-time insertion (append), removal, and timeout // is possible in the JavaScript layer. Any one list of timers is able to be // sorted by just appending to it because all timers within share the same // duration. Therefore, any timer added later will always have been scheduled to // timeout later, thus only needing to be appended. // Removal from an object-property linked list is also virtually constant-time // as can be seen in the lib/internal/linkedlist.js implementation. // Timeouts only need to process any timers currently due to expire, which will // always be at the beginning of the list for reasons stated above. Any timers // after the first one encountered that does not yet need to timeout will also // always be due to timeout at a later time. // // Less-than constant time operations are thus contained in two places: // TimerWrap's backing libuv timers implementation (a performant heap-based // queue), and the object map lookup of a specific list by the duration of // timers within (or creation of a new list). // However, these operations combined have shown to be trivial in comparison to // other alternative timers architectures. // Object maps containing linked lists of timers, keyed and sorted by their // duration in milliseconds. // // The difference between these two objects is that the former contains timers // that will keep the process open if they are the only thing left, while the // latter will not. // // - key = time in milliseconds // - value = linked list const refedLists = Object.create(null); const unrefedLists = Object.create(null); // Schedule or re-schedule a timer. // The item must have been enroll()'d first. const active = exports.active = function(item) { insert(item, false); }; // Internal APIs that need timeouts should use `_unrefActive()` instead of // `active()` so that they do not unnecessarily keep the process open. exports._unrefActive = function(item) { insert(item, true); }; // The underlying logic for scheduling or re-scheduling a timer. // // Appends a timer onto the end of an existing timers list, or creates a new // TimerWrap backed list if one does not already exist for the specified timeout // duration. function insert(item, unrefed, start) { const msecs = item._idleTimeout; if (msecs < 0 || msecs === undefined) return; if (typeof start === 'number') { item._idleStart = start; } else { item._idleStart = TimerWrap.now(); } const lists = unrefed === true ? unrefedLists : refedLists; // Use an existing list if there is one, otherwise we need to make a new one. var list = lists[msecs]; if (list === undefined) { debug('no %d list was found in insert, creating a new one', msecs); lists[msecs] = list = new TimersList(msecs, unrefed); } if (!item[async_id_symbol] || item._destroyed) { item._destroyed = false; initAsyncResource(item, 'Timeout'); } L.append(list, item); assert(!L.isEmpty(list)); // list is not empty } function TimersList(msecs, unrefed) { this._idleNext = this; // Create the list with the linkedlist properties to this._idlePrev = this; // prevent any unnecessary hidden class changes. this._unrefed = unrefed; this.msecs = msecs; const timer = this._timer = new TimerWrap(); timer._list = this; if (unrefed === true) timer.unref(); timer.start(msecs); } // Make sure the linked list only shows the minimal necessary information. TimersList.prototype[util.inspect.custom] = function(_, options) { return util.inspect(this, { ...options, // Only inspect one level. depth: 0, // It should not recurse. customInspect: false }); }; function processTimers(now) { if (this[owner_symbol]) return unrefdHandle(this[owner_symbol], now); return listOnTimeout(this, now); } function listOnTimeout(handle, now) { const list = handle._list; const msecs = list.msecs; debug('timeout callback %d', msecs); debug('now: %d', now); var diff, timer; while (timer = L.peek(list)) { diff = now - timer._idleStart; // Check if this loop iteration is too early for the next timer. // This happens if there are more timers scheduled for later in the list. if (diff < msecs) { var timeRemaining = msecs - (TimerWrap.now() - timer._idleStart); if (timeRemaining <= 0) { timeRemaining = 1; } handle.start(timeRemaining); debug('%d list wait because diff is %d', msecs, diff); return true; } // The actual logic for when a timeout happens. L.remove(timer); assert(timer !== L.peek(list)); if (!timer._onTimeout) { if (destroyHooksExist() && !timer._destroyed && typeof timer[async_id_symbol] === 'number') { emitDestroy(timer[async_id_symbol]); timer._destroyed = true; } continue; } tryOnTimeout(timer); } // If `L.peek(list)` returned nothing, the list was either empty or we have // called all of the timer timeouts. // As such, we can remove the list and clean up the TimerWrap C++ handle. debug('%d list empty', msecs); assert(L.isEmpty(list)); // Either refedLists[msecs] or unrefedLists[msecs] may have been removed and // recreated since the reference to `list` was created. Make sure they're // the same instance of the list before destroying. if (list._unrefed === true && list === unrefedLists[msecs]) { delete unrefedLists[msecs]; } else if (list === refedLists[msecs]) { delete refedLists[msecs]; } // Do not close the underlying handle if its ownership has changed // (e.g it was unrefed in its callback). if (!handle[owner_symbol]) handle.close(); return true; } // An optimization so that the try/finally only de-optimizes (since at least v8 // 4.7) what is in this smaller function. function tryOnTimeout(timer, start) { timer._called = true; const timerAsyncId = (typeof timer[async_id_symbol] === 'number') ? timer[async_id_symbol] : null; var threw = true; if (timerAsyncId !== null) emitBefore(timerAsyncId, timer[trigger_async_id_symbol]); try { ontimeout(timer, start); threw = false; } finally { if (timerAsyncId !== null) { if (!threw) emitAfter(timerAsyncId); if ((threw || !timer._repeat) && destroyHooksExist() && !timer._destroyed) { emitDestroy(timerAsyncId); timer._destroyed = true; } } } } // A convenience function for re-using TimerWrap handles more easily. // // This mostly exists to fix https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/1264. // Handles in libuv take at least one `uv_run` to be registered as unreferenced. // Re-using an existing handle allows us to skip that, so that a second `uv_run` // will return no active handles, even when running `setTimeout(fn).unref()`. function reuse(item) { L.remove(item); const list = refedLists[item._idleTimeout]; // if empty - reuse the watcher if (list !== undefined && L.isEmpty(list)) { debug('reuse hit'); list._timer.stop(); delete refedLists[item._idleTimeout]; return list._timer; } return null; } // Remove a timer. Cancels the timeout and resets the relevant timer properties. function unenroll(item) { // Fewer checks may be possible, but these cover everything. if (destroyHooksExist() && typeof item[async_id_symbol] === 'number' && !item._destroyed) { emitDestroy(item[async_id_symbol]); item._destroyed = true; } const handle = reuse(item); if (handle !== null) { debug('unenroll: list empty'); handle.close(); } // if active is called later, then we want to make sure not to insert again item._idleTimeout = -1; } exports.unenroll = util.deprecate(unenroll, 'timers.unenroll() is deprecated. ' + 'Please use clearTimeout instead.', 'DEP0096'); // Make a regular object able to act as a timer by setting some properties. // This function does not start the timer, see `active()`. // Using existing objects as timers slightly reduces object overhead. function enroll(item, msecs) { msecs = validateTimerDuration(msecs); // if this item was already in a list somewhere // then we should unenroll it from that if (item._idleNext) unenroll(item); L.init(item); item._idleTimeout = msecs; } exports.enroll = util.deprecate(enroll, 'timers.enroll() is deprecated. ' + 'Please use setTimeout instead.', 'DEP0095'); /* * DOM-style timers */ function setTimeout(callback, after, arg1, arg2, arg3) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } var i, args; switch (arguments.length) { // fast cases case 1: case 2: break; case 3: args = [arg1]; break; case 4: args = [arg1, arg2]; break; default: args = [arg1, arg2, arg3]; for (i = 5; i < arguments.length; i++) { // extend array dynamically, makes .apply run much faster in v6.0.0 args[i - 2] = arguments[i]; } break; } const timeout = new Timeout(callback, after, args, false, false); active(timeout); return timeout; } setTimeout[internalUtil.promisify.custom] = function(after, value) { return new Promise((resolve) => { active(new Timeout(resolve, after, [value], false, false)); }); }; exports.setTimeout = setTimeout; function ontimeout(timer, start) { const args = timer._timerArgs; if (typeof timer._onTimeout !== 'function') return Promise.resolve(timer._onTimeout, args[0]); if (start === undefined && timer._repeat) start = TimerWrap.now(); if (!args) timer._onTimeout(); else Reflect.apply(timer._onTimeout, timer, args); if (timer._repeat) rearm(timer, start); } function rearm(timer, start = TimerWrap.now()) { // // Do not re-arm unenroll'd or closed timers. if (timer._idleTimeout === -1) return; // If timer is unref'd (or was - it's permanently removed from the list.) if (timer._handle && timer instanceof Timeout) { timer._handle.start(timer._repeat); } else { timer._idleTimeout = timer._repeat; const duration = TimerWrap.now() - start; if (duration >= timer._repeat) { // If callback duration >= timer._repeat, // add 1 ms to avoid blocking eventloop insert(timer, false, start + duration - timer._repeat + 1); } else { insert(timer, false, start); } } } const clearTimeout = exports.clearTimeout = function clearTimeout(timer) { if (timer && timer._onTimeout) { timer._onTimeout = null; if (timer instanceof Timeout) { timer.close(); // for after === 0 } else { unenroll(timer); } } }; exports.setInterval = function setInterval(callback, repeat, arg1, arg2, arg3) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } var i, args; switch (arguments.length) { // fast cases case 1: case 2: break; case 3: args = [arg1]; break; case 4: args = [arg1, arg2]; break; default: args = [arg1, arg2, arg3]; for (i = 5; i < arguments.length; i++) { // extend array dynamically, makes .apply run much faster in v6.0.0 args[i - 2] = arguments[i]; } break; } const timeout = new Timeout(callback, repeat, args, true, false); active(timeout); return timeout; }; exports.clearInterval = function clearInterval(timer) { // clearTimeout and clearInterval can be used to clear timers created from // both setTimeout and setInterval, as specified by HTML Living Standard: // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/timers-and-user-prompts.html#dom-setinterval clearTimeout(timer); }; function unrefdHandle(timer, now) { try { // Don't attempt to call the callback if it is not a function. if (typeof timer._onTimeout === 'function') { tryOnTimeout(timer, now); } } finally { // Make sure we clean up if the callback is no longer a function // even if the timer is an interval. if (!timer._repeat || typeof timer._onTimeout !== 'function') { timer.close(); } } return true; } Timeout.prototype.unref = function() { if (this._handle) { this._handle.unref(); } else if (typeof this._onTimeout === 'function') { const now = TimerWrap.now(); if (!this._idleStart) this._idleStart = now; var delay = this._idleStart + this._idleTimeout - now; if (delay < 0) delay = 0; // Prevent running cb again when unref() is called during the same cb if (this._called && !this._repeat) { unenroll(this); return; } const handle = reuse(this); if (handle !== null) { handle._list = undefined; } this._handle = handle || new TimerWrap(); this._handle[owner_symbol] = this; this._handle.start(delay); this._handle.unref(); } return this; }; Timeout.prototype.ref = function() { if (this._handle) this._handle.ref(); return this; }; Timeout.prototype.close = function() { this._onTimeout = null; if (this._handle) { if (destroyHooksExist() && typeof this[async_id_symbol] === 'number' && !this._destroyed) { emitDestroy(this[async_id_symbol]); this._destroyed = true; } this._idleTimeout = -1; this._handle.close(); } else { unenroll(this); } return this; }; // A linked list for storing `setImmediate()` requests function ImmediateList() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; } // Appends an item to the end of the linked list, adjusting the current tail's // previous and next pointers where applicable ImmediateList.prototype.append = function(item) { if (this.tail !== null) { this.tail._idleNext = item; item._idlePrev = this.tail; } else { this.head = item; } this.tail = item; }; // Removes an item from the linked list, adjusting the pointers of adjacent // items and the linked list's head or tail pointers as necessary ImmediateList.prototype.remove = function(item) { if (item._idleNext !== null) { item._idleNext._idlePrev = item._idlePrev; } if (item._idlePrev !== null) { item._idlePrev._idleNext = item._idleNext; } if (item === this.head) this.head = item._idleNext; if (item === this.tail) this.tail = item._idlePrev; item._idleNext = null; item._idlePrev = null; }; // Create a single linked list instance only once at startup const immediateQueue = new ImmediateList(); // If an uncaught exception was thrown during execution of immediateQueue, // this queue will store all remaining Immediates that need to run upon // resolution of all error handling (if process is still alive). const outstandingQueue = new ImmediateList(); function processImmediate() { const queue = outstandingQueue.head !== null ? outstandingQueue : immediateQueue; var immediate = queue.head; const tail = queue.tail; // Clear the linked list early in case new `setImmediate()` calls occur while // immediate callbacks are executed queue.head = queue.tail = null; let count = 0; let refCount = 0; while (immediate !== null) { immediate._destroyed = true; const asyncId = immediate[async_id_symbol]; emitBefore(asyncId, immediate[trigger_async_id_symbol]); count++; if (immediate[kRefed]) refCount++; immediate[kRefed] = undefined; tryOnImmediate(immediate, tail, count, refCount); emitAfter(asyncId); immediate = immediate._idleNext; } immediateInfo[kCount] -= count; immediateInfo[kRefCount] -= refCount; immediateInfo[kHasOutstanding] = 0; } // An optimization so that the try/finally only de-optimizes (since at least v8 // 4.7) what is in this smaller function. function tryOnImmediate(immediate, oldTail, count, refCount) { var threw = true; try { // make the actual call outside the try/finally to allow it to be optimized runCallback(immediate); threw = false; } finally { immediate._onImmediate = null; if (destroyHooksExist()) { emitDestroy(immediate[async_id_symbol]); } if (threw) { immediateInfo[kCount] -= count; immediateInfo[kRefCount] -= refCount; if (immediate._idleNext !== null) { // Handle any remaining Immediates after error handling has resolved, // assuming we're still alive to do so. outstandingQueue.head = immediate._idleNext; outstandingQueue.tail = oldTail; immediateInfo[kHasOutstanding] = 1; } } } } function runCallback(timer) { const argv = timer._argv; if (typeof timer._onImmediate !== 'function') return Promise.resolve(timer._onImmediate, argv[0]); if (!argv) return timer._onImmediate(); Reflect.apply(timer._onImmediate, timer, argv); } const Immediate = class Immediate { constructor(callback, args) { this._idleNext = null; this._idlePrev = null; // this must be set to null first to avoid function tracking // on the hidden class, revisit in V8 versions after 6.2 this._onImmediate = null; this._onImmediate = callback; this._argv = args; this._destroyed = false; this[kRefed] = false; initAsyncResource(this, 'Immediate'); this.ref(); immediateInfo[kCount]++; immediateQueue.append(this); } ref() { if (this[kRefed] === false) { this[kRefed] = true; if (immediateInfo[kRefCount]++ === 0) toggleImmediateRef(true); } return this; } unref() { if (this[kRefed] === true) { this[kRefed] = false; if (--immediateInfo[kRefCount] === 0) toggleImmediateRef(false); } return this; } }; function setImmediate(callback, arg1, arg2, arg3) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } var i, args; switch (arguments.length) { // fast cases case 1: break; case 2: args = [arg1]; break; case 3: args = [arg1, arg2]; break; default: args = [arg1, arg2, arg3]; for (i = 4; i < arguments.length; i++) { // extend array dynamically, makes .apply run much faster in v6.0.0 args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; } break; } return new Immediate(callback, args); } setImmediate[internalUtil.promisify.custom] = function(value) { return new Promise((resolve) => new Immediate(resolve, [value])); }; exports.setImmediate = setImmediate; exports.clearImmediate = function clearImmediate(immediate) { if (!immediate || immediate._destroyed) return; immediateInfo[kCount]--; immediate._destroyed = true; if (immediate[kRefed] && --immediateInfo[kRefCount] === 0) toggleImmediateRef(false); immediate[kRefed] = undefined; if (destroyHooksExist()) { emitDestroy(immediate[async_id_symbol]); } immediate._onImmediate = null; immediateQueue.remove(immediate); }; // Legacy alias on the C++ wrapper object. This is not public API, so we may // want to runtime-deprecate it at some point. There's no hurry, though. Object.defineProperty(TimerWrap.prototype, 'owner', { get() { return this[owner_symbol]; }, set(v) { return this[owner_symbol] = v; } }); tls// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const internalUtil = require('internal/util'); const internalTLS = require('internal/tls'); internalUtil.assertCrypto(); const { isUint8Array } = require('internal/util/types'); const net = require('net'); const url = require('url'); const binding = internalBinding('crypto'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const DuplexPair = require('internal/streams/duplexpair'); const { canonicalizeIP } = process.binding('cares_wrap'); const _tls_common = require('_tls_common'); const _tls_wrap = require('_tls_wrap'); // Allow {CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT} client-initiated session renegotiations // every {CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW} seconds. An error event is emitted if more // renegotiations are seen. The settings are applied to all remote client // connections. exports.CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT = 3; exports.CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW = 600; exports.DEFAULT_CIPHERS = process.binding('constants').crypto.defaultCipherList; exports.DEFAULT_ECDH_CURVE = 'auto'; exports.getCiphers = internalUtil.cachedResult( () => internalUtil.filterDuplicateStrings(binding.getSSLCiphers(), true) ); // Convert protocols array into valid OpenSSL protocols list // ("\x06spdy/2\x08http/1.1\x08http/1.0") function convertProtocols(protocols) { const lens = new Array(protocols.length); const buff = Buffer.allocUnsafe(protocols.reduce((p, c, i) => { var len = Buffer.byteLength(c); if (len > 255) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('The byte length of the protocol at index ' + `${i} exceeds the maximum length.`, '<= 255', len, true); } lens[i] = len; return p + 1 + len; }, 0)); var offset = 0; for (var i = 0, c = protocols.length; i < c; i++) { buff[offset++] = lens[i]; buff.write(protocols[i], offset); offset += lens[i]; } return buff; } exports.convertNPNProtocols = internalUtil.deprecate(function(protocols, out) { // If protocols is Array - translate it into buffer if (Array.isArray(protocols)) { out.NPNProtocols = convertProtocols(protocols); } else if (isUint8Array(protocols)) { // Copy new buffer not to be modified by user. out.NPNProtocols = Buffer.from(protocols); } }, 'tls.convertNPNProtocols() is deprecated.', 'DEP0107'); exports.convertALPNProtocols = function convertALPNProtocols(protocols, out) { // If protocols is Array - translate it into buffer if (Array.isArray(protocols)) { out.ALPNProtocols = convertProtocols(protocols); } else if (isUint8Array(protocols)) { // Copy new buffer not to be modified by user. out.ALPNProtocols = Buffer.from(protocols); } }; function unfqdn(host) { return host.replace(/[.]$/, ''); } function splitHost(host) { // String#toLowerCase() is locale-sensitive so we use // a conservative version that only lowercases A-Z. const replacer = (c) => String.fromCharCode(32 + c.charCodeAt(0)); return unfqdn(host).replace(/[A-Z]/g, replacer).split('.'); } function check(hostParts, pattern, wildcards) { // Empty strings, null, undefined, etc. never match. if (!pattern) return false; const patternParts = splitHost(pattern); if (hostParts.length !== patternParts.length) return false; // Pattern has empty components, e.g. "bad..example.com". if (patternParts.includes('')) return false; // RFC 6125 allows IDNA U-labels (Unicode) in names but we have no // good way to detect their encoding or normalize them so we simply // reject them. Control characters and blanks are rejected as well // because nothing good can come from accepting them. const isBad = (s) => /[^\u0021-\u007F]/u.test(s); if (patternParts.some(isBad)) return false; // Check host parts from right to left first. for (var i = hostParts.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 1) { if (hostParts[i] !== patternParts[i]) return false; } const hostSubdomain = hostParts[0]; const patternSubdomain = patternParts[0]; const patternSubdomainParts = patternSubdomain.split('*'); // Short-circuit when the subdomain does not contain a wildcard. // RFC 6125 does not allow wildcard substitution for components // containing IDNA A-labels (Punycode) so match those verbatim. if (patternSubdomainParts.length === 1 || patternSubdomain.includes('xn--')) return hostSubdomain === patternSubdomain; if (!wildcards) return false; // More than one wildcard is always wrong. if (patternSubdomainParts.length > 2) return false; // *.tld wildcards are not allowed. if (patternParts.length <= 2) return false; const [prefix, suffix] = patternSubdomainParts; if (prefix.length + suffix.length > hostSubdomain.length) return false; if (!hostSubdomain.startsWith(prefix)) return false; if (!hostSubdomain.endsWith(suffix)) return false; return true; } exports.checkServerIdentity = function checkServerIdentity(hostname, cert) { const subject = cert.subject; const altNames = cert.subjectaltname; const dnsNames = []; const uriNames = []; const ips = []; hostname = '' + hostname; if (altNames) { for (const name of altNames.split(', ')) { if (name.startsWith('DNS:')) { dnsNames.push(name.slice(4)); } else if (name.startsWith('URI:')) { const uri = url.parse(name.slice(4)); uriNames.push(uri.hostname); // TODO(bnoordhuis) Also use scheme. } else if (name.startsWith('IP Address:')) { ips.push(canonicalizeIP(name.slice(11))); } } } let valid = false; let reason = 'Unknown reason'; if (net.isIP(hostname)) { valid = ips.includes(canonicalizeIP(hostname)); if (!valid) reason = `IP: ${hostname} is not in the cert's list: ${ips.join(', ')}`; // TODO(bnoordhuis) Also check URI SANs that are IP addresses. } else if (subject) { hostname = unfqdn(hostname); // Remove trailing dot for error messages. const hostParts = splitHost(hostname); const wildcard = (pattern) => check(hostParts, pattern, true); const noWildcard = (pattern) => check(hostParts, pattern, false); // Match against Common Name only if no supported identifiers are present. if (dnsNames.length === 0 && ips.length === 0 && uriNames.length === 0) { const cn = subject.CN; if (Array.isArray(cn)) valid = cn.some(wildcard); else if (cn) valid = wildcard(cn); if (!valid) reason = `Host: ${hostname}. is not cert's CN: ${cn}`; } else { valid = dnsNames.some(wildcard) || uriNames.some(noWildcard); if (!valid) reason = `Host: ${hostname}. is not in the cert's altnames: ${altNames}`; } } else { reason = 'Cert is empty'; } if (!valid) { const err = new ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID(reason); err.reason = reason; err.host = hostname; err.cert = cert; return err; } }; class SecurePair extends EventEmitter { constructor(secureContext = exports.createSecureContext(), isServer = false, requestCert = !isServer, rejectUnauthorized = false, options = {}) { super(); const { socket1, socket2 } = new DuplexPair(); this.server = options.server; this.credentials = secureContext; this.encrypted = socket1; this.cleartext = new exports.TLSSocket(socket2, Object.assign({ secureContext, isServer, requestCert, rejectUnauthorized }, options)); this.cleartext.once('secure', () => this.emit('secure')); } destroy() { this.cleartext.destroy(); this.encrypted.destroy(); } } exports.parseCertString = internalUtil.deprecate( internalTLS.parseCertString, 'tls.parseCertString() is deprecated. ' + 'Please use querystring.parse() instead.', 'DEP0076'); exports.createSecureContext = _tls_common.createSecureContext; exports.SecureContext = _tls_common.SecureContext; exports.TLSSocket = _tls_wrap.TLSSocket; exports.Server = _tls_wrap.Server; exports.createServer = _tls_wrap.createServer; exports.connect = _tls_wrap.connect; exports.createSecurePair = internalUtil.deprecate( function createSecurePair(...args) { return new SecurePair(...args); }, 'tls.createSecurePair() is deprecated. Please use ' + 'tls.TLSSocket instead.', 'DEP0064'); _tls_common// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { parseCertString } = require('internal/tls'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const tls = require('tls'); const { ERR_CRYPTO_CUSTOM_ENGINE_NOT_SUPPORTED, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE } = process.binding('constants').crypto; // Lazily loaded var crypto = null; const { SecureContext: NativeSecureContext } = internalBinding('crypto'); function SecureContext(secureProtocol, secureOptions, context) { if (!(this instanceof SecureContext)) { return new SecureContext(secureProtocol, secureOptions, context); } if (context) { this.context = context; } else { this.context = new NativeSecureContext(); if (secureProtocol) { this.context.init(secureProtocol); } else { this.context.init(); } } if (secureOptions) this.context.setOptions(secureOptions); } function validateKeyCert(name, value) { if (typeof value !== 'string' && !isArrayBufferView(value)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( `options.${name}`, ['string', 'Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], value ); } } exports.SecureContext = SecureContext; exports.createSecureContext = function createSecureContext(options, context) { if (!options) options = {}; var secureOptions = options.secureOptions; if (options.honorCipherOrder) secureOptions |= SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE; const c = new SecureContext(options.secureProtocol, secureOptions, context); var i; var val; if (context) return c; // NOTE: It's important to add CA before the cert to be able to load // cert's issuer in C++ code. const { ca } = options; if (ca) { if (Array.isArray(ca)) { for (i = 0; i < ca.length; ++i) { val = ca[i]; validateKeyCert('ca', val); c.context.addCACert(val); } } else { validateKeyCert('ca', ca); c.context.addCACert(ca); } } else { c.context.addRootCerts(); } const { cert } = options; if (cert) { if (Array.isArray(cert)) { for (i = 0; i < cert.length; ++i) { val = cert[i]; validateKeyCert('cert', val); c.context.setCert(val); } } else { validateKeyCert('cert', cert); c.context.setCert(cert); } } // NOTE: It is important to set the key after the cert. // `ssl_set_pkey` returns `0` when the key does not match the cert, but // `ssl_set_cert` returns `1` and nullifies the key in the SSL structure // which leads to the crash later on. var key = options.key; var passphrase = options.passphrase; if (key) { if (Array.isArray(key)) { for (i = 0; i < key.length; ++i) { val = key[i]; // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq const pem = (val != undefined && val.pem !== undefined ? val.pem : val); validateKeyCert('key', pem); c.context.setKey(pem, val.passphrase || passphrase); } } else { validateKeyCert('key', key); c.context.setKey(key, passphrase); } } if (options.ciphers) c.context.setCiphers(options.ciphers); else c.context.setCiphers(tls.DEFAULT_CIPHERS); if (options.ecdhCurve === undefined) c.context.setECDHCurve(tls.DEFAULT_ECDH_CURVE); else if (options.ecdhCurve) c.context.setECDHCurve(options.ecdhCurve); if (options.dhparam) { const warning = c.context.setDHParam(options.dhparam); if (warning) process.emitWarning(warning, 'SecurityWarning'); } if (options.crl) { if (Array.isArray(options.crl)) { for (i = 0; i < options.crl.length; i++) { c.context.addCRL(options.crl[i]); } } else { c.context.addCRL(options.crl); } } if (options.sessionIdContext) { c.context.setSessionIdContext(options.sessionIdContext); } if (options.pfx) { if (!crypto) crypto = require('crypto'); if (Array.isArray(options.pfx)) { for (i = 0; i < options.pfx.length; i++) { const pfx = options.pfx[i]; const raw = pfx.buf ? pfx.buf : pfx; const buf = crypto._toBuf(raw); const passphrase = pfx.passphrase || options.passphrase; if (passphrase) { c.context.loadPKCS12(buf, crypto._toBuf(passphrase)); } else { c.context.loadPKCS12(buf); } } } else { const buf = crypto._toBuf(options.pfx); const passphrase = options.passphrase; if (passphrase) { c.context.loadPKCS12(buf, crypto._toBuf(passphrase)); } else { c.context.loadPKCS12(buf); } } } // Do not keep read/write buffers in free list for OpenSSL < 1.1.0. (For // OpenSSL 1.1.0, buffers are malloced and freed without the use of a // freelist.) if (options.singleUse) { c.singleUse = true; c.context.setFreeListLength(0); } if (typeof options.clientCertEngine === 'string') { if (c.context.setClientCertEngine) c.context.setClientCertEngine(options.clientCertEngine); else throw new ERR_CRYPTO_CUSTOM_ENGINE_NOT_SUPPORTED(); } else if (options.clientCertEngine != null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.clientCertEngine', ['string', 'null', 'undefined'], options.clientCertEngine); } return c; }; exports.translatePeerCertificate = function translatePeerCertificate(c) { if (!c) return null; if (c.issuer != null) c.issuer = parseCertString(c.issuer); if (c.issuerCertificate != null && c.issuerCertificate !== c) { c.issuerCertificate = translatePeerCertificate(c.issuerCertificate); } if (c.subject != null) c.subject = parseCertString(c.subject); if (c.infoAccess != null) { var info = c.infoAccess; c.infoAccess = Object.create(null); // XXX: More key validation? info.replace(/([^\n:]*):([^\n]*)(?:\n|$)/g, (all, key, val) => { if (key in c.infoAccess) c.infoAccess[key].push(val); else c.infoAccess[key] = [val]; }); } return c; }; _tls_wrap// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; require('internal/util').assertCrypto(); const assert = require('assert'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const net = require('net'); const tls = require('tls'); const util = require('util'); const common = require('_tls_common'); const { StreamWrap } = require('_stream_wrap'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const debug = util.debuglog('tls'); const { TCP, constants: TCPConstants } = internalBinding('tcp_wrap'); const tls_wrap = internalBinding('tls_wrap'); const { Pipe, constants: PipeConstants } = internalBinding('pipe_wrap'); const { owner_symbol } = require('internal/async_hooks').symbols; const { SecureContext: NativeSecureContext } = process.binding('crypto'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED, ERR_TLS_DH_PARAM_SIZE, ERR_TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, ERR_TLS_RENEGOTIATE, ERR_TLS_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED, ERR_TLS_REQUIRED_SERVER_NAME, ERR_TLS_SESSION_ATTACK, ERR_TLS_SNI_FROM_SERVER } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const kConnectOptions = Symbol('connect-options'); const kDisableRenegotiation = Symbol('disable-renegotiation'); const kErrorEmitted = Symbol('error-emitted'); const kHandshakeTimeout = Symbol('handshake-timeout'); const kRes = Symbol('res'); const kSNICallback = Symbol('snicallback'); const noop = () => {}; function onhandshakestart(now) { debug('onhandshakestart'); const { lastHandshakeTime } = this; assert(now >= lastHandshakeTime, `now (${now}) < lastHandshakeTime (${lastHandshakeTime})`); this.lastHandshakeTime = now; // If this is the first handshake we can skip the rest of the checks. if (lastHandshakeTime === 0) return; if ((now - lastHandshakeTime) >= tls.CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW * 1000) this.handshakes = 1; else this.handshakes++; const owner = this[owner_symbol]; if (this.handshakes > tls.CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT) { owner._emitTLSError(new ERR_TLS_SESSION_ATTACK()); return; } if (owner[kDisableRenegotiation]) owner._emitTLSError(new ERR_TLS_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED()); } function onhandshakedone() { debug('onhandshakedone'); const owner = this[owner_symbol]; // `newSession` callback wasn't called yet if (owner._newSessionPending) { owner._securePending = true; return; } owner._finishInit(); } function loadSession(hello) { const owner = this[owner_symbol]; var once = false; function onSession(err, session) { if (once) return owner.destroy(new ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK()); once = true; if (err) return owner.destroy(err); if (owner._handle === null) return owner.destroy(new ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED()); owner._handle.loadSession(session); owner._handle.endParser(); } if (hello.sessionId.length <= 0 || hello.tlsTicket || owner.server && !owner.server.emit('resumeSession', hello.sessionId, onSession)) { owner._handle.endParser(); } } function loadSNI(info) { const owner = this[owner_symbol]; const servername = info.servername; if (!servername || !owner._SNICallback) return requestOCSP(owner, info); let once = false; owner._SNICallback(servername, (err, context) => { if (once) return owner.destroy(new ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK()); once = true; if (err) return owner.destroy(err); if (owner._handle === null) return owner.destroy(new ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED()); // TODO(indutny): eventually disallow raw `SecureContext` if (context) owner._handle.sni_context = context.context || context; requestOCSP(owner, info); }); } function requestOCSP(socket, info) { if (!info.OCSPRequest || !socket.server) return requestOCSPDone(socket); let ctx = socket._handle.sni_context; if (!ctx) { ctx = socket.server._sharedCreds; // TLS socket is using a `net.Server` instead of a tls.TLSServer. // Some TLS properties like `server._sharedCreds` will not be present if (!ctx) return requestOCSPDone(socket); } // TODO(indutny): eventually disallow raw `SecureContext` if (ctx.context) ctx = ctx.context; if (socket.server.listenerCount('OCSPRequest') === 0) { return requestOCSPDone(socket); } let once = false; const onOCSP = (err, response) => { if (once) return socket.destroy(new ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK()); once = true; if (err) return socket.destroy(err); if (socket._handle === null) return socket.destroy(new ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED()); if (response) socket._handle.setOCSPResponse(response); requestOCSPDone(socket); }; socket.server.emit('OCSPRequest', ctx.getCertificate(), ctx.getIssuer(), onOCSP); } function requestOCSPDone(socket) { try { socket._handle.certCbDone(); } catch (e) { socket.destroy(e); } } function onnewsession(key, session) { const owner = this[owner_symbol]; if (!owner.server) return; var once = false; const done = () => { if (once) return; once = true; if (owner._handle === null) return owner.destroy(new ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED()); this.newSessionDone(); owner._newSessionPending = false; if (owner._securePending) owner._finishInit(); owner._securePending = false; }; owner._newSessionPending = true; if (!owner.server.emit('newSession', key, session, done)) done(); } function onocspresponse(resp) { this[owner_symbol].emit('OCSPResponse', resp); } function onerror(err) { const owner = this[owner_symbol]; if (owner._hadError) return; owner._hadError = true; // Destroy socket if error happened before handshake's finish if (!owner._secureEstablished) { // When handshake fails control is not yet released, // so self._tlsError will return null instead of actual error owner.destroy(err); } else if (owner._tlsOptions.isServer && owner._rejectUnauthorized && /peer did not return a certificate/.test(err.message)) { // Ignore server's authorization errors owner.destroy(); } else { // Throw error owner._emitTLSError(err); } } function initRead(tls, wrapped) { // If we were destroyed already don't bother reading if (!tls._handle) return; // Socket already has some buffered data - emulate receiving it if (wrapped && wrapped.readableLength) { var buf; while ((buf = wrapped.read()) !== null) tls._handle.receive(buf); } tls.read(0); } /** * Provides a wrap of socket stream to do encrypted communication. */ function TLSSocket(socket, opts) { const tlsOptions = Object.assign({}, opts); if (tlsOptions.ALPNProtocols) tls.convertALPNProtocols(tlsOptions.ALPNProtocols, tlsOptions); this._tlsOptions = tlsOptions; this._secureEstablished = false; this._securePending = false; this._newSessionPending = false; this._controlReleased = false; this._SNICallback = null; this.servername = null; this.alpnProtocol = null; this.authorized = false; this.authorizationError = null; this[kRes] = null; // Wrap plain JS Stream into StreamWrap var wrap; if ((socket instanceof net.Socket && socket._handle) || !socket) { wrap = socket; } else { wrap = new StreamWrap(socket); wrap.once('close', () => this.destroy()); } // Just a documented property to make secure sockets // distinguishable from regular ones. this.encrypted = true; net.Socket.call(this, { handle: this._wrapHandle(wrap), allowHalfOpen: socket && socket.allowHalfOpen, readable: false, writable: false }); // Proxy for API compatibility this.ssl = this._handle; this.on('error', this._tlsError); this._init(socket, wrap); // Make sure to setup all required properties like: `connecting` before // starting the flow of the data this.readable = true; this.writable = true; // Read on next tick so the caller has a chance to setup listeners process.nextTick(initRead, this, socket); } util.inherits(TLSSocket, net.Socket); exports.TLSSocket = TLSSocket; var proxiedMethods = [ 'ref', 'unref', 'open', 'bind', 'listen', 'connect', 'bind6', 'connect6', 'getsockname', 'getpeername', 'setNoDelay', 'setKeepAlive', 'setSimultaneousAccepts', 'setBlocking', // PipeWrap 'setPendingInstances' ]; // Proxy HandleWrap, PipeWrap and TCPWrap methods function makeMethodProxy(name) { return function methodProxy(...args) { if (this._parent[name]) return this._parent[name].apply(this._parent, args); }; } for (var n = 0; n < proxiedMethods.length; n++) { tls_wrap.TLSWrap.prototype[proxiedMethods[n]] = makeMethodProxy(proxiedMethods[n]); } tls_wrap.TLSWrap.prototype.close = function close(cb) { let ssl; if (this[owner_symbol]) { ssl = this[owner_symbol].ssl; this[owner_symbol].ssl = null; } // Invoke `destroySSL` on close to clean up possibly pending write requests // that may self-reference TLSWrap, leading to leak const done = () => { if (ssl) { ssl.destroySSL(); if (ssl._secureContext.singleUse) { ssl._secureContext.context.close(); ssl._secureContext.context = null; } } if (cb) cb(); }; if (this._parentWrap && this._parentWrap._handle === this._parent) { this._parentWrap.once('close', done); return this._parentWrap.destroy(); } return this._parent.close(done); }; TLSSocket.prototype.disableRenegotiation = function disableRenegotiation() { this[kDisableRenegotiation] = true; }; TLSSocket.prototype._wrapHandle = function(wrap) { var handle; if (wrap) handle = wrap._handle; var options = this._tlsOptions; if (!handle) { handle = options.pipe ? new Pipe(PipeConstants.SOCKET) : new TCP(TCPConstants.SOCKET); handle[owner_symbol] = this; } // Wrap socket's handle const context = options.secureContext || options.credentials || tls.createSecureContext(options); const externalStream = handle._externalStream; assert(typeof externalStream === 'object', 'handle must be a LibuvStreamWrap'); assert(context.context instanceof NativeSecureContext, 'context.context must be a NativeSecureContext'); const res = tls_wrap.wrap(externalStream, context.context, !!options.isServer); res._parent = handle; res._parentWrap = wrap; res._secureContext = context; res.reading = handle.reading; this[kRes] = res; defineHandleReading(this, handle); this.on('close', onSocketCloseDestroySSL); return res; }; // This eliminates a cyclic reference to TLSWrap // Ref: https://github.com/nodejs/node/commit/f7620fb96d339f704932f9bb9a0dceb9952df2d4 function defineHandleReading(socket, handle) { Object.defineProperty(handle, 'reading', { get: () => { return socket[kRes].reading; }, set: (value) => { socket[kRes].reading = value; } }); } function onSocketCloseDestroySSL() { // Make sure we are not doing it on OpenSSL's stack setImmediate(destroySSL, this); this[kRes] = null; } function destroySSL(self) { self._destroySSL(); } TLSSocket.prototype._destroySSL = function _destroySSL() { if (!this.ssl) return; this.ssl.destroySSL(); if (this.ssl._secureContext.singleUse) { this.ssl._secureContext.context.close(); this.ssl._secureContext.context = null; } this.ssl = null; }; TLSSocket.prototype._init = function(socket, wrap) { var options = this._tlsOptions; var ssl = this._handle; this.server = options.server; // For clients, we will always have either a given ca list or be using // default one const requestCert = !!options.requestCert || !options.isServer; const rejectUnauthorized = !!options.rejectUnauthorized; this._requestCert = requestCert; this._rejectUnauthorized = rejectUnauthorized; if (requestCert || rejectUnauthorized) ssl.setVerifyMode(requestCert, rejectUnauthorized); if (options.isServer) { ssl.onhandshakestart = onhandshakestart; ssl.onhandshakedone = onhandshakedone; ssl.onclienthello = loadSession; ssl.oncertcb = loadSNI; ssl.onnewsession = onnewsession; ssl.lastHandshakeTime = 0; ssl.handshakes = 0; if (this.server) { if (this.server.listenerCount('resumeSession') > 0 || this.server.listenerCount('newSession') > 0) { ssl.enableSessionCallbacks(); } if (this.server.listenerCount('OCSPRequest') > 0) ssl.enableCertCb(); } } else { ssl.onhandshakestart = noop; ssl.onhandshakedone = this._finishInit.bind(this); ssl.onocspresponse = onocspresponse; if (options.session) ssl.setSession(options.session); } ssl.onerror = onerror; // If custom SNICallback was given, or if // there're SNI contexts to perform match against - // set `.onsniselect` callback. if (options.isServer && options.SNICallback && (options.SNICallback !== SNICallback || (options.server && options.server._contexts.length))) { assert(typeof options.SNICallback === 'function'); this._SNICallback = options.SNICallback; ssl.enableCertCb(); } if (options.ALPNProtocols) { // keep reference in secureContext not to be GC-ed ssl._secureContext.alpnBuffer = options.ALPNProtocols; ssl.setALPNProtocols(ssl._secureContext.alpnBuffer); } if (options.handshakeTimeout > 0) this.setTimeout(options.handshakeTimeout, this._handleTimeout); if (socket instanceof net.Socket) { this._parent = socket; // To prevent assertion in afterConnect() and properly kick off readStart this.connecting = socket.connecting || !socket._handle; socket.once('connect', () => { this.connecting = false; this.emit('connect'); }); } // Assume `tls.connect()` if (wrap) { wrap.on('error', (err) => this._emitTLSError(err)); } else { assert(!socket); this.connecting = true; } }; TLSSocket.prototype.renegotiate = function(options, callback) { if (this.destroyed) return; let requestCert = !!this._requestCert; let rejectUnauthorized = !!this._rejectUnauthorized; if (options.requestCert !== undefined) requestCert = !!options.requestCert; if (options.rejectUnauthorized !== undefined) rejectUnauthorized = !!options.rejectUnauthorized; if (requestCert !== this._requestCert || rejectUnauthorized !== this._rejectUnauthorized) { this._handle.setVerifyMode(requestCert, rejectUnauthorized); this._requestCert = requestCert; this._rejectUnauthorized = rejectUnauthorized; } if (!this._handle.renegotiate()) { if (callback) { process.nextTick(callback, new ERR_TLS_RENEGOTIATE()); } return false; } // Ensure that we'll cycle through internal openssl's state this.write(''); if (callback) { this.once('secure', () => callback(null)); } return true; }; TLSSocket.prototype.setMaxSendFragment = function setMaxSendFragment(size) { return this._handle.setMaxSendFragment(size) === 1; }; TLSSocket.prototype.getTLSTicket = function getTLSTicket() { return this._handle.getTLSTicket(); }; TLSSocket.prototype._handleTimeout = function() { this._emitTLSError(new ERR_TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT()); }; TLSSocket.prototype._emitTLSError = function(err) { var e = this._tlsError(err); if (e) this.emit('error', e); }; TLSSocket.prototype._tlsError = function(err) { this.emit('_tlsError', err); if (this._controlReleased) return err; return null; }; TLSSocket.prototype._releaseControl = function() { if (this._controlReleased) return false; this._controlReleased = true; this.removeListener('error', this._tlsError); return true; }; TLSSocket.prototype._finishInit = function() { debug('secure established'); this.alpnProtocol = this._handle.getALPNNegotiatedProtocol(); this.servername = this._handle.getServername(); this._secureEstablished = true; if (this._tlsOptions.handshakeTimeout > 0) this.setTimeout(0, this._handleTimeout); this.emit('secure'); }; TLSSocket.prototype._start = function() { if (this.connecting) { this.once('connect', this._start); return; } // Socket was destroyed before the connection was established if (!this._handle) return; debug('start'); if (this._tlsOptions.requestOCSP) this._handle.requestOCSP(); this._handle.start(); }; TLSSocket.prototype.setServername = function(name) { validateString(name, 'name'); if (this._tlsOptions.isServer) { throw new ERR_TLS_SNI_FROM_SERVER(); } this._handle.setServername(name); }; TLSSocket.prototype.setSession = function(session) { if (typeof session === 'string') session = Buffer.from(session, 'latin1'); this._handle.setSession(session); }; TLSSocket.prototype.getPeerCertificate = function(detailed) { if (this._handle) { return common.translatePeerCertificate( this._handle.getPeerCertificate(detailed)); } return null; }; TLSSocket.prototype.getFinished = function() { if (this._handle) return this._handle.getFinished(); }; TLSSocket.prototype.getPeerFinished = function() { if (this._handle) return this._handle.getPeerFinished(); }; TLSSocket.prototype.getSession = function() { if (this._handle) { return this._handle.getSession(); } return null; }; TLSSocket.prototype.isSessionReused = function() { if (this._handle) { return this._handle.isSessionReused(); } return null; }; TLSSocket.prototype.getCipher = function(err) { if (this._handle) { return this._handle.getCurrentCipher(); } else { return null; } }; TLSSocket.prototype.getEphemeralKeyInfo = function() { if (this._handle) return this._handle.getEphemeralKeyInfo(); return null; }; TLSSocket.prototype.getProtocol = function() { if (this._handle) return this._handle.getProtocol(); return null; }; // TODO: support anonymous (nocert) and PSK function onSocketSecure() { if (this._requestCert) { const verifyError = this._handle.verifyError(); if (verifyError) { this.authorizationError = verifyError.code; if (this._rejectUnauthorized) this.destroy(); } else { this.authorized = true; } } if (!this.destroyed && this._releaseControl()) this._tlsOptions.server.emit('secureConnection', this); } function onSocketTLSError(err) { if (!this._controlReleased && !this[kErrorEmitted]) { this[kErrorEmitted] = true; this._tlsOptions.server.emit('tlsClientError', err, this); } } function onSocketClose(err) { // Closed because of error - no need to emit it twice if (err) return; // Emit ECONNRESET if (!this._controlReleased && !this[kErrorEmitted]) { this[kErrorEmitted] = true; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const connReset = new Error('socket hang up'); connReset.code = 'ECONNRESET'; this._tlsOptions.server.emit('tlsClientError', connReset, this); } } function tlsConnectionListener(rawSocket) { const socket = new TLSSocket(rawSocket, { secureContext: this._sharedCreds, isServer: true, server: this, requestCert: this.requestCert, rejectUnauthorized: this.rejectUnauthorized, handshakeTimeout: this[kHandshakeTimeout], ALPNProtocols: this.ALPNProtocols, SNICallback: this[kSNICallback] || SNICallback }); socket.on('secure', onSocketSecure); socket[kErrorEmitted] = false; socket.on('close', onSocketClose); socket.on('_tlsError', onSocketTLSError); } // AUTHENTICATION MODES // // There are several levels of authentication that TLS/SSL supports. // Read more about this in "man SSL_set_verify". // // 1. The server sends a certificate to the client but does not request a // cert from the client. This is common for most HTTPS servers. The browser // can verify the identity of the server, but the server does not know who // the client is. Authenticating the client is usually done over HTTP using // login boxes and cookies and stuff. // // 2. The server sends a cert to the client and requests that the client // also send it a cert. The client knows who the server is and the server is // requesting the client also identify themselves. There are several // outcomes: // // A) verifyError returns null meaning the client's certificate is signed // by one of the server's CAs. The server now knows the client's identity // and the client is authorized. // // B) For some reason the client's certificate is not acceptable - // verifyError returns a string indicating the problem. The server can // either (i) reject the client or (ii) allow the client to connect as an // unauthorized connection. // // The mode is controlled by two boolean variables. // // requestCert // If true the server requests a certificate from client connections. For // the common HTTPS case, users will want this to be false, which is what // it defaults to. // // rejectUnauthorized // If true clients whose certificates are invalid for any reason will not // be allowed to make connections. If false, they will simply be marked as // unauthorized but secure communication will continue. By default this is // true. // // // // Options: // - requestCert. Send verify request. Default to false. // - rejectUnauthorized. Boolean, default to true. // - key. string. // - cert: string. // - clientCertEngine: string. // - ca: string or array of strings. // - sessionTimeout: integer. // // emit 'secureConnection' // function (tlsSocket) { } // // "UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT", "UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL", // "UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATURE", "UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATURE", // "UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY", "CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE", // "CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE", "CERT_NOT_YET_VALID" "CERT_HAS_EXPIRED", // "CRL_NOT_YET_VALID", "CRL_HAS_EXPIRED" "ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD", // "ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD", "ERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELD", // "ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD", "OUT_OF_MEM", // "DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT", "SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN", // "UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY", "UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE", // "CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG", "CERT_REVOKED" "INVALID_CA", // "PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED", "INVALID_PURPOSE" "CERT_UNTRUSTED", // "CERT_REJECTED" // function Server(options, listener) { if (!(this instanceof Server)) return new Server(options, listener); if (typeof options === 'function') { listener = options; options = {}; } else if (options == null || typeof options === 'object') { options = options || {}; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } this._contexts = []; // Handle option defaults: this.setOptions(options); this._sharedCreds = tls.createSecureContext({ pfx: this.pfx, key: this.key, passphrase: this.passphrase, cert: this.cert, clientCertEngine: this.clientCertEngine, ca: this.ca, ciphers: this.ciphers, ecdhCurve: this.ecdhCurve, dhparam: this.dhparam, secureProtocol: this.secureProtocol, secureOptions: this.secureOptions, honorCipherOrder: this.honorCipherOrder, crl: this.crl, sessionIdContext: this.sessionIdContext }); this[kHandshakeTimeout] = options.handshakeTimeout || (120 * 1000); this[kSNICallback] = options.SNICallback; if (typeof this[kHandshakeTimeout] !== 'number') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'options.handshakeTimeout', 'number', options.handshakeTimeout); } if (this.sessionTimeout) { this._sharedCreds.context.setSessionTimeout(this.sessionTimeout); } if (this.ticketKeys) { this._sharedCreds.context.setTicketKeys(this.ticketKeys); } // constructor call net.Server.call(this, tlsConnectionListener); if (listener) { this.on('secureConnection', listener); } } util.inherits(Server, net.Server); exports.Server = Server; exports.createServer = function createServer(options, listener) { return new Server(options, listener); }; Server.prototype._getServerData = function() { return { ticketKeys: this.getTicketKeys().toString('hex') }; }; Server.prototype._setServerData = function(data) { this.setTicketKeys(Buffer.from(data.ticketKeys, 'hex')); }; Server.prototype.getTicketKeys = function getTicketKeys(keys) { return this._sharedCreds.context.getTicketKeys(keys); }; Server.prototype.setTicketKeys = function setTicketKeys(keys) { this._sharedCreds.context.setTicketKeys(keys); }; Server.prototype.setOptions = function(options) { this.requestCert = options.requestCert === true; this.rejectUnauthorized = options.rejectUnauthorized !== false; if (options.pfx) this.pfx = options.pfx; if (options.key) this.key = options.key; if (options.passphrase) this.passphrase = options.passphrase; if (options.cert) this.cert = options.cert; if (options.clientCertEngine) this.clientCertEngine = options.clientCertEngine; if (options.ca) this.ca = options.ca; if (options.secureProtocol) this.secureProtocol = options.secureProtocol; if (options.crl) this.crl = options.crl; if (options.ciphers) this.ciphers = options.ciphers; if (options.ecdhCurve !== undefined) this.ecdhCurve = options.ecdhCurve; if (options.dhparam) this.dhparam = options.dhparam; if (options.sessionTimeout) this.sessionTimeout = options.sessionTimeout; if (options.ticketKeys) this.ticketKeys = options.ticketKeys; var secureOptions = options.secureOptions || 0; if (options.honorCipherOrder !== undefined) this.honorCipherOrder = !!options.honorCipherOrder; else this.honorCipherOrder = true; if (secureOptions) this.secureOptions = secureOptions; if (options.ALPNProtocols) tls.convertALPNProtocols(options.ALPNProtocols, this); if (options.sessionIdContext) { this.sessionIdContext = options.sessionIdContext; } else { this.sessionIdContext = crypto.createHash('sha1') .update(process.argv.join(' ')) .digest('hex') .slice(0, 32); } }; // SNI Contexts High-Level API Server.prototype.addContext = function(servername, context) { if (!servername) { throw new ERR_TLS_REQUIRED_SERVER_NAME(); } var re = new RegExp('^' + servername.replace(/([.^$+?\-\\[\]{}])/g, '\\$1') .replace(/\*/g, '[^.]*') + '$'); this._contexts.push([re, tls.createSecureContext(context).context]); }; function SNICallback(servername, callback) { const contexts = this.server._contexts; for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { const elem = contexts[i]; if (elem[0].test(servername)) { callback(null, elem[1]); return; } } callback(null, undefined); } // Target API: // // var s = tls.connect({port: 8000, host: "google.com"}, function() { // if (!s.authorized) { // s.destroy(); // return; // } // // // s.socket; // // s.end("hello world\n"); // }); // // function normalizeConnectArgs(listArgs) { var args = net._normalizeArgs(listArgs); var options = args[0]; var cb = args[1]; // If args[0] was options, then normalize dealt with it. // If args[0] is port, or args[0], args[1] is host, port, we need to // find the options and merge them in, normalize's options has only // the host/port/path args that it knows about, not the tls options. // This means that options.host overrides a host arg. if (listArgs[1] !== null && typeof listArgs[1] === 'object') { util._extend(options, listArgs[1]); } else if (listArgs[2] !== null && typeof listArgs[2] === 'object') { util._extend(options, listArgs[2]); } return (cb) ? [options, cb] : [options]; } function onConnectSecure() { const options = this[kConnectOptions]; // Check the size of DHE parameter above minimum requirement // specified in options. const ekeyinfo = this.getEphemeralKeyInfo(); if (ekeyinfo.type === 'DH' && ekeyinfo.size < options.minDHSize) { const err = new ERR_TLS_DH_PARAM_SIZE(ekeyinfo.size); this.emit('error', err); this.destroy(); return; } let verifyError = this._handle.verifyError(); // Verify that server's identity matches it's certificate's names // Unless server has resumed our existing session if (!verifyError && !this.isSessionReused()) { const hostname = options.servername || options.host || (options.socket && options.socket._host) || 'localhost'; const cert = this.getPeerCertificate(true); verifyError = options.checkServerIdentity(hostname, cert); } if (verifyError) { this.authorized = false; this.authorizationError = verifyError.code || verifyError.message; if (options.rejectUnauthorized) { this.destroy(verifyError); return; } else { this.emit('secureConnect'); } } else { this.authorized = true; this.emit('secureConnect'); } this.removeListener('end', onConnectEnd); } function onConnectEnd() { // NOTE: This logic is shared with _http_client.js if (!this._hadError) { const options = this[kConnectOptions]; this._hadError = true; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const error = new Error('Client network socket disconnected before ' + 'secure TLS connection was established'); error.code = 'ECONNRESET'; error.path = options.path; error.host = options.host; error.port = options.port; error.localAddress = options.localAddress; this.destroy(error); } } // Arguments: [port,] [host,] [options,] [cb] exports.connect = function connect(...args) { args = normalizeConnectArgs(args); var options = args[0]; var cb = args[1]; var defaults = { rejectUnauthorized: '0' !== process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED, ciphers: tls.DEFAULT_CIPHERS, checkServerIdentity: tls.checkServerIdentity, minDHSize: 1024 }; options = util._extend(defaults, options || {}); if (!options.keepAlive) options.singleUse = true; assert(typeof options.checkServerIdentity === 'function'); assert(typeof options.minDHSize === 'number', 'options.minDHSize is not a number: ' + options.minDHSize); assert(options.minDHSize > 0, 'options.minDHSize is not a positive number: ' + options.minDHSize); const context = options.secureContext || tls.createSecureContext(options); var socket = new TLSSocket(options.socket, { pipe: !!options.path, secureContext: context, isServer: false, requestCert: true, rejectUnauthorized: options.rejectUnauthorized !== false, session: options.session, ALPNProtocols: options.ALPNProtocols, requestOCSP: options.requestOCSP }); socket[kConnectOptions] = options; if (cb) socket.once('secureConnect', cb); if (!options.socket) { const connectOpt = { path: options.path, port: options.port, host: options.host, family: options.family, localAddress: options.localAddress, lookup: options.lookup }; socket.connect(connectOpt, socket._start); } socket._releaseControl(); if (options.session) socket.setSession(options.session); if (options.servername) socket.setServername(options.servername); if (options.socket) socket._start(); socket.on('secure', onConnectSecure); socket.once('end', onConnectEnd); return socket; }; trace_events'use strict'; const { hasTracing } = process.binding('config'); const kHandle = Symbol('handle'); const kEnabled = Symbol('enabled'); const kCategories = Symbol('categories'); const kMaxTracingCount = 10; const { ERR_TRACE_EVENTS_CATEGORY_REQUIRED, ERR_TRACE_EVENTS_UNAVAILABLE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; if (!hasTracing) throw new ERR_TRACE_EVENTS_UNAVAILABLE(); const { CategorySet, getEnabledCategories } = internalBinding('trace_events'); const { customInspectSymbol } = require('internal/util'); const { format } = require('util'); const enabledTracingObjects = new Set(); class Tracing { constructor(categories) { this[kHandle] = new CategorySet(categories); this[kCategories] = categories; this[kEnabled] = false; } enable() { if (!this[kEnabled]) { this[kEnabled] = true; this[kHandle].enable(); enabledTracingObjects.add(this); if (enabledTracingObjects.size > kMaxTracingCount) { process.emitWarning( 'Possible trace_events memory leak detected. There are more than ' + `${kMaxTracingCount} enabled Tracing objects.` ); } } } disable() { if (this[kEnabled]) { this[kEnabled] = false; this[kHandle].disable(); enabledTracingObjects.delete(this); } } get enabled() { return this[kEnabled]; } get categories() { return this[kCategories].join(','); } [customInspectSymbol](depth, opts) { const obj = { enabled: this.enabled, categories: this.categories }; return `Tracing ${format(obj)}`; } } function createTracing(options) { if (typeof options !== 'object' || options == null) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'object', options); if (!Array.isArray(options.categories)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.categories', 'string[]', options.categories); } if (options.categories.length <= 0) throw new ERR_TRACE_EVENTS_CATEGORY_REQUIRED(); return new Tracing(options.categories); } module.exports = { createTracing, getEnabledCategories }; tty// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { inherits, _extend } = require('util'); const net = require('net'); const { TTY, isTTY } = internalBinding('tty_wrap'); const errors = require('internal/errors'); const { ERR_INVALID_FD, ERR_TTY_INIT_FAILED } = errors.codes; const { getColorDepth } = require('internal/tty'); // Lazy loaded for startup performance. let readline; function isatty(fd) { return Number.isInteger(fd) && fd >= 0 && isTTY(fd); } function ReadStream(fd, options) { if (!(this instanceof ReadStream)) return new ReadStream(fd, options); if (fd >> 0 !== fd || fd < 0) throw new ERR_INVALID_FD(fd); const ctx = {}; const tty = new TTY(fd, true, ctx); if (ctx.code !== undefined) { throw new ERR_TTY_INIT_FAILED(ctx); } options = _extend({ highWaterMark: 0, readable: true, writable: false, handle: tty }, options); net.Socket.call(this, options); this.isRaw = false; this.isTTY = true; } inherits(ReadStream, net.Socket); ReadStream.prototype.setRawMode = function(flag) { flag = !!flag; const err = this._handle.setRawMode(flag); if (err) { this.emit('error', errors.errnoException(err, 'setRawMode')); return this; } this.isRaw = flag; return this; }; function WriteStream(fd) { if (!(this instanceof WriteStream)) return new WriteStream(fd); if (fd >> 0 !== fd || fd < 0) throw new ERR_INVALID_FD(fd); const ctx = {}; const tty = new TTY(fd, false, ctx); if (ctx.code !== undefined) { throw new ERR_TTY_INIT_FAILED(ctx); } net.Socket.call(this, { handle: tty, readable: false, writable: true }); // Prevents interleaved or dropped stdout/stderr output for terminals. // As noted in the following reference, local TTYs tend to be quite fast and // this behavior has become expected due historical functionality on OS X, // even though it was originally intended to change in v1.0.2 (Libuv 1.2.1). // Ref: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/1771#issuecomment-119351671 this._handle.setBlocking(true); const winSize = new Array(2); const err = this._handle.getWindowSize(winSize); if (!err) { this.columns = winSize[0]; this.rows = winSize[1]; } } inherits(WriteStream, net.Socket); WriteStream.prototype.isTTY = true; WriteStream.prototype.getColorDepth = getColorDepth; WriteStream.prototype._refreshSize = function() { const oldCols = this.columns; const oldRows = this.rows; const winSize = new Array(2); const err = this._handle.getWindowSize(winSize); if (err) { this.emit('error', errors.errnoException(err, 'getWindowSize')); return; } const [newCols, newRows] = winSize; if (oldCols !== newCols || oldRows !== newRows) { this.columns = newCols; this.rows = newRows; this.emit('resize'); } }; // Backwards-compat WriteStream.prototype.cursorTo = function(x, y) { if (readline === undefined) readline = require('readline'); readline.cursorTo(this, x, y); }; WriteStream.prototype.moveCursor = function(dx, dy) { if (readline === undefined) readline = require('readline'); readline.moveCursor(this, dx, dy); }; WriteStream.prototype.clearLine = function(dir) { if (readline === undefined) readline = require('readline'); readline.clearLine(this, dir); }; WriteStream.prototype.clearScreenDown = function() { if (readline === undefined) readline = require('readline'); readline.clearScreenDown(this); }; WriteStream.prototype.getWindowSize = function() { return [this.columns, this.rows]; }; module.exports = { isatty, ReadStream, WriteStream }; url// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { toASCII } = process.binding('config').hasIntl ? process.binding('icu') : require('punycode'); const { hexTable } = require('internal/querystring'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; // This ensures setURLConstructor() is called before the native // URL::ToObject() method is used. const { spliceOne } = require('internal/util'); // WHATWG URL implementation provided by internal/url const { URL, URLSearchParams, domainToASCII, domainToUnicode, formatSymbol, encodeStr, pathToFileURL, fileURLToPath } = require('internal/url'); // Original url.parse() API function Url() { this.protocol = null; this.slashes = null; this.auth = null; this.host = null; this.port = null; this.hostname = null; this.hash = null; this.search = null; this.query = null; this.pathname = null; this.path = null; this.href = null; } // Reference: RFC 3986, RFC 1808, RFC 2396 // define these here so at least they only have to be // compiled once on the first module load. const protocolPattern = /^[a-z0-9.+-]+:/i; const portPattern = /:[0-9]*$/; const hostPattern = /^\/\/[^@/]+@[^@/]+/; // Special case for a simple path URL const simplePathPattern = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/; const hostnameMaxLen = 255; // protocols that can allow "unsafe" and "unwise" chars. const unsafeProtocol = { 'javascript': true, 'javascript:': true }; // protocols that never have a hostname. const hostlessProtocol = { 'javascript': true, 'javascript:': true }; // protocols that always contain a // bit. const slashedProtocol = { 'http': true, 'http:': true, 'https': true, 'https:': true, 'ftp': true, 'ftp:': true, 'gopher': true, 'gopher:': true, 'file': true, 'file:': true }; const { CHAR_SPACE, CHAR_TAB, CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN, CHAR_LINE_FEED, CHAR_FORM_FEED, CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE, CHAR_ZERO_WIDTH_NOBREAK_SPACE, CHAR_HASH, CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH, CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET, CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET, CHAR_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET, CHAR_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET, CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET, CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET, CHAR_QUESTION_MARK, CHAR_LOWERCASE_A, CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z, CHAR_UPPERCASE_A, CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z, CHAR_DOT, CHAR_0, CHAR_9, CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS, CHAR_PLUS, CHAR_UNDERSCORE, CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE, CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE, CHAR_PERCENT, CHAR_SEMICOLON, CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH, CHAR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT, CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT, CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE, CHAR_AT, } = require('internal/constants'); // Lazy loaded for startup performance. let querystring; function urlParse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost) { if (url instanceof Url) return url; var urlObject = new Url(); urlObject.parse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost); return urlObject; } Url.prototype.parse = function parse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost) { if (typeof url !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('url', 'string', url); } // Copy chrome, IE, opera backslash-handling behavior. // Back slashes before the query string get converted to forward slashes // See: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=25916 var hasHash = false; var start = -1; var end = -1; var rest = ''; var lastPos = 0; var i = 0; for (var inWs = false, split = false; i < url.length; ++i) { const code = url.charCodeAt(i); // Find first and last non-whitespace characters for trimming const isWs = code === CHAR_SPACE || code === CHAR_TAB || code === CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN || code === CHAR_LINE_FEED || code === CHAR_FORM_FEED || code === CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE || code === CHAR_ZERO_WIDTH_NOBREAK_SPACE; if (start === -1) { if (isWs) continue; lastPos = start = i; } else if (inWs) { if (!isWs) { end = -1; inWs = false; } } else if (isWs) { end = i; inWs = true; } // Only convert backslashes while we haven't seen a split character if (!split) { switch (code) { case CHAR_HASH: hasHash = true; // Fall through case CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: split = true; break; case CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH: if (i - lastPos > 0) rest += url.slice(lastPos, i); rest += '/'; lastPos = i + 1; break; } } else if (!hasHash && code === CHAR_HASH) { hasHash = true; } } // Check if string was non-empty (including strings with only whitespace) if (start !== -1) { if (lastPos === start) { // We didn't convert any backslashes if (end === -1) { if (start === 0) rest = url; else rest = url.slice(start); } else { rest = url.slice(start, end); } } else if (end === -1 && lastPos < url.length) { // We converted some backslashes and have only part of the entire string rest += url.slice(lastPos); } else if (end !== -1 && lastPos < end) { // We converted some backslashes and have only part of the entire string rest += url.slice(lastPos, end); } } if (!slashesDenoteHost && !hasHash) { // Try fast path regexp const simplePath = simplePathPattern.exec(rest); if (simplePath) { this.path = rest; this.href = rest; this.pathname = simplePath[1]; if (simplePath[2]) { this.search = simplePath[2]; if (parseQueryString) { if (querystring === undefined) querystring = require('querystring'); this.query = querystring.parse(this.search.slice(1)); } else { this.query = this.search.slice(1); } } else if (parseQueryString) { this.search = null; this.query = Object.create(null); } return this; } } var proto = protocolPattern.exec(rest); if (proto) { proto = proto[0]; var lowerProto = proto.toLowerCase(); this.protocol = lowerProto; rest = rest.slice(proto.length); } // figure out if it's got a host // user@server is *always* interpreted as a hostname, and url // resolution will treat //foo/bar as host=foo,path=bar because that's // how the browser resolves relative URLs. if (slashesDenoteHost || proto || hostPattern.test(rest)) { var slashes = rest.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH && rest.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; if (slashes && !(proto && hostlessProtocol[lowerProto])) { rest = rest.slice(2); this.slashes = true; } } if (!hostlessProtocol[lowerProto] && (slashes || (proto && !slashedProtocol[proto]))) { // there's a hostname. // the first instance of /, ?, ;, or # ends the host. // // If there is an @ in the hostname, then non-host chars *are* allowed // to the left of the last @ sign, unless some host-ending character // comes *before* the @-sign. // URLs are obnoxious. // // ex: // http://a@b@c/ => user:a@b host:c // http://a@b?@c => user:a host:b path:/?@c var hostEnd = -1; var atSign = -1; var nonHost = -1; for (i = 0; i < rest.length; ++i) { switch (rest.charCodeAt(i)) { case CHAR_TAB: case CHAR_LINE_FEED: case CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: case CHAR_SPACE: case CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE: case CHAR_PERCENT: case CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE: case CHAR_SEMICOLON: case CHAR_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET: case CHAR_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET: case CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH: case CHAR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT: case CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT: case CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET: case CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE: case CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET: // Characters that are never ever allowed in a hostname from RFC 2396 if (nonHost === -1) nonHost = i; break; case CHAR_HASH: case CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH: case CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: // Find the first instance of any host-ending characters if (nonHost === -1) nonHost = i; hostEnd = i; break; case CHAR_AT: // At this point, either we have an explicit point where the // auth portion cannot go past, or the last @ char is the decider. atSign = i; nonHost = -1; break; } if (hostEnd !== -1) break; } start = 0; if (atSign !== -1) { this.auth = decodeURIComponent(rest.slice(0, atSign)); start = atSign + 1; } if (nonHost === -1) { this.host = rest.slice(start); rest = ''; } else { this.host = rest.slice(start, nonHost); rest = rest.slice(nonHost); } // pull out port. this.parseHost(); // we've indicated that there is a hostname, // so even if it's empty, it has to be present. if (typeof this.hostname !== 'string') this.hostname = ''; var hostname = this.hostname; // if hostname begins with [ and ends with ] // assume that it's an IPv6 address. var ipv6Hostname = hostname.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET && hostname.charCodeAt(hostname.length - 1) === CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET; // validate a little. if (!ipv6Hostname) { const result = validateHostname(this, rest, hostname); if (result !== undefined) rest = result; } if (this.hostname.length > hostnameMaxLen) { this.hostname = ''; } else { // hostnames are always lower case. this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase(); } if (!ipv6Hostname) { // IDNA Support: Returns a punycoded representation of "domain". // It only converts parts of the domain name that // have non-ASCII characters, i.e. it doesn't matter if // you call it with a domain that already is ASCII-only. // Use lenient mode (`true`) to try to support even non-compliant // URLs. this.hostname = toASCII(this.hostname, true); } var p = this.port ? ':' + this.port : ''; var h = this.hostname || ''; this.host = h + p; // strip [ and ] from the hostname // the host field still retains them, though if (ipv6Hostname) { this.hostname = this.hostname.slice(1, -1); if (rest[0] !== '/') { rest = '/' + rest; } } } // now rest is set to the post-host stuff. // chop off any delim chars. if (!unsafeProtocol[lowerProto]) { // First, make 100% sure that any "autoEscape" chars get // escaped, even if encodeURIComponent doesn't think they // need to be. rest = autoEscapeStr(rest); } var questionIdx = -1; var hashIdx = -1; for (i = 0; i < rest.length; ++i) { const code = rest.charCodeAt(i); if (code === CHAR_HASH) { this.hash = rest.slice(i); hashIdx = i; break; } else if (code === CHAR_QUESTION_MARK && questionIdx === -1) { questionIdx = i; } } if (questionIdx !== -1) { if (hashIdx === -1) { this.search = rest.slice(questionIdx); this.query = rest.slice(questionIdx + 1); } else { this.search = rest.slice(questionIdx, hashIdx); this.query = rest.slice(questionIdx + 1, hashIdx); } if (parseQueryString) { if (querystring === undefined) querystring = require('querystring'); this.query = querystring.parse(this.query); } } else if (parseQueryString) { // no query string, but parseQueryString still requested this.search = null; this.query = Object.create(null); } const useQuestionIdx = questionIdx !== -1 && (hashIdx === -1 || questionIdx < hashIdx); const firstIdx = useQuestionIdx ? questionIdx : hashIdx; if (firstIdx === -1) { if (rest.length > 0) this.pathname = rest; } else if (firstIdx > 0) { this.pathname = rest.slice(0, firstIdx); } if (slashedProtocol[lowerProto] && this.hostname && !this.pathname) { this.pathname = '/'; } // to support http.request if (this.pathname || this.search) { const p = this.pathname || ''; const s = this.search || ''; this.path = p + s; } // finally, reconstruct the href based on what has been validated. this.href = this.format(); return this; }; function validateHostname(self, rest, hostname) { for (var i = 0; i < hostname.length; ++i) { const code = hostname.charCodeAt(i); const isValid = (code >= CHAR_LOWERCASE_A && code <= CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z) || code === CHAR_DOT || (code >= CHAR_UPPERCASE_A && code <= CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z) || (code >= CHAR_0 && code <= CHAR_9) || code === CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS || code === CHAR_PLUS || code === CHAR_UNDERSCORE || code > 127; // Invalid host character if (!isValid) { self.hostname = hostname.slice(0, i); return '/' + hostname.slice(i) + rest; } } } // Escaped characters. Use empty strings to fill up unused entries. // Using Array is faster than Object/Map const escapedCodes = [ /* 0 - 9 */ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '%09', /* 10 - 19 */ '%0A', '', '', '%0D', '', '', '', '', '', '', /* 20 - 29 */ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', /* 30 - 39 */ '', '', '%20', '', '%22', '', '', '', '', '%27', /* 40 - 49 */ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', /* 50 - 59 */ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', /* 60 - 69 */ '%3C', '', '%3E', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', /* 70 - 79 */ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', /* 80 - 89 */ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', /* 90 - 99 */ '', '', '%5C', '', '%5E', '', '%60', '', '', '', /* 100 - 109 */ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', /* 110 - 119 */ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', /* 120 - 125 */ '', '', '', '%7B', '%7C', '%7D' ]; // Automatically escape all delimiters and unwise characters from RFC 2396. // Also escape single quotes in case of an XSS attack. // Return the escaped string. function autoEscapeStr(rest) { var escaped = ''; var lastEscapedPos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rest.length; ++i) { // `escaped` contains substring up to the last escaped character. var escapedChar = escapedCodes[rest.charCodeAt(i)]; if (escapedChar) { // Concat if there are ordinary characters in the middle. if (i > lastEscapedPos) escaped += rest.slice(lastEscapedPos, i); escaped += escapedChar; lastEscapedPos = i + 1; } } if (lastEscapedPos === 0) // Nothing has been escaped. return rest; // There are ordinary characters at the end. if (lastEscapedPos < rest.length) escaped += rest.slice(lastEscapedPos); return escaped; } // format a parsed object into a url string function urlFormat(urlObject, options) { // ensure it's an object, and not a string url. // If it's an object, this is a no-op. // this way, you can call urlParse() on strings // to clean up potentially wonky urls. if (typeof urlObject === 'string') { urlObject = urlParse(urlObject); } else if (typeof urlObject !== 'object' || urlObject === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('urlObject', ['Object', 'string'], urlObject); } else if (!(urlObject instanceof Url)) { var format = urlObject[formatSymbol]; return format ? format.call(urlObject, options) : Url.prototype.format.call(urlObject); } return urlObject.format(); } // These characters do not need escaping: // ! - . _ ~ // ' ( ) * : // digits // alpha (uppercase) // alpha (lowercase) const noEscapeAuth = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0x00 - 0x0F 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0x10 - 0x1F 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, // 0x20 - 0x2F 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0x30 - 0x3F 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40 - 0x4F 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, // 0x50 - 0x5F 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60 - 0x6F 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 // 0x70 - 0x7F ]; Url.prototype.format = function format() { var auth = this.auth || ''; if (auth) { auth = encodeStr(auth, noEscapeAuth, hexTable); auth += '@'; } var protocol = this.protocol || ''; var pathname = this.pathname || ''; var hash = this.hash || ''; var host = ''; var query = ''; if (this.host) { host = auth + this.host; } else if (this.hostname) { host = auth + ( this.hostname.indexOf(':') === -1 ? this.hostname : '[' + this.hostname + ']' ); if (this.port) { host += ':' + this.port; } } if (this.query !== null && typeof this.query === 'object') { if (querystring === undefined) querystring = require('querystring'); query = querystring.stringify(this.query); } var search = this.search || (query && ('?' + query)) || ''; if (protocol && protocol.charCodeAt(protocol.length - 1) !== 58/* : */) protocol += ':'; var newPathname = ''; var lastPos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < pathname.length; ++i) { switch (pathname.charCodeAt(i)) { case CHAR_HASH: if (i - lastPos > 0) newPathname += pathname.slice(lastPos, i); newPathname += '%23'; lastPos = i + 1; break; case CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: if (i - lastPos > 0) newPathname += pathname.slice(lastPos, i); newPathname += '%3F'; lastPos = i + 1; break; } } if (lastPos > 0) { if (lastPos !== pathname.length) pathname = newPathname + pathname.slice(lastPos); else pathname = newPathname; } // only the slashedProtocols get the //. Not mailto:, xmpp:, etc. // unless they had them to begin with. if (this.slashes || slashedProtocol[protocol]) { if (this.slashes || host) { if (pathname && pathname.charCodeAt(0) !== CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) pathname = '/' + pathname; host = '//' + host; } else if (protocol.length >= 4 && protocol.charCodeAt(0) === 102/* f */ && protocol.charCodeAt(1) === 105/* i */ && protocol.charCodeAt(2) === 108/* l */ && protocol.charCodeAt(3) === 101/* e */) { host = '//'; } } search = search.replace(/#/g, '%23'); if (hash && hash.charCodeAt(0) !== CHAR_HASH) hash = '#' + hash; if (search && search.charCodeAt(0) !== CHAR_QUESTION_MARK) search = '?' + search; return protocol + host + pathname + search + hash; }; function urlResolve(source, relative) { return urlParse(source, false, true).resolve(relative); } Url.prototype.resolve = function resolve(relative) { return this.resolveObject(urlParse(relative, false, true)).format(); }; function urlResolveObject(source, relative) { if (!source) return relative; return urlParse(source, false, true).resolveObject(relative); } Url.prototype.resolveObject = function resolveObject(relative) { if (typeof relative === 'string') { var rel = new Url(); rel.parse(relative, false, true); relative = rel; } var result = new Url(); var tkeys = Object.keys(this); for (var tk = 0; tk < tkeys.length; tk++) { var tkey = tkeys[tk]; result[tkey] = this[tkey]; } // hash is always overridden, no matter what. // even href="" will remove it. result.hash = relative.hash; // if the relative url is empty, then there's nothing left to do here. if (relative.href === '') { result.href = result.format(); return result; } // hrefs like //foo/bar always cut to the protocol. if (relative.slashes && !relative.protocol) { // take everything except the protocol from relative var rkeys = Object.keys(relative); for (var rk = 0; rk < rkeys.length; rk++) { var rkey = rkeys[rk]; if (rkey !== 'protocol') result[rkey] = relative[rkey]; } // urlParse appends trailing / to urls like http://www.example.com if (slashedProtocol[result.protocol] && result.hostname && !result.pathname) { result.path = result.pathname = '/'; } result.href = result.format(); return result; } if (relative.protocol && relative.protocol !== result.protocol) { // if it's a known url protocol, then changing // the protocol does weird things // first, if it's not file:, then we MUST have a host, // and if there was a path // to begin with, then we MUST have a path. // if it is file:, then the host is dropped, // because that's known to be hostless. // anything else is assumed to be absolute. if (!slashedProtocol[relative.protocol]) { var keys = Object.keys(relative); for (var v = 0; v < keys.length; v++) { var k = keys[v]; result[k] = relative[k]; } result.href = result.format(); return result; } result.protocol = relative.protocol; if (!relative.host && !/^file:?$/.test(relative.protocol) && !hostlessProtocol[relative.protocol]) { const relPath = (relative.pathname || '').split('/'); while (relPath.length && !(relative.host = relPath.shift())); if (!relative.host) relative.host = ''; if (!relative.hostname) relative.hostname = ''; if (relPath[0] !== '') relPath.unshift(''); if (relPath.length < 2) relPath.unshift(''); result.pathname = relPath.join('/'); } else { result.pathname = relative.pathname; } result.search = relative.search; result.query = relative.query; result.host = relative.host || ''; result.auth = relative.auth; result.hostname = relative.hostname || relative.host; result.port = relative.port; // to support http.request if (result.pathname || result.search) { var p = result.pathname || ''; var s = result.search || ''; result.path = p + s; } result.slashes = result.slashes || relative.slashes; result.href = result.format(); return result; } var isSourceAbs = (result.pathname && result.pathname.charAt(0) === '/'); var isRelAbs = ( relative.host || relative.pathname && relative.pathname.charAt(0) === '/' ); var mustEndAbs = (isRelAbs || isSourceAbs || (result.host && relative.pathname)); var removeAllDots = mustEndAbs; var srcPath = result.pathname && result.pathname.split('/') || []; var relPath = relative.pathname && relative.pathname.split('/') || []; var noLeadingSlashes = result.protocol && !slashedProtocol[result.protocol]; // if the url is a non-slashed url, then relative // links like ../.. should be able // to crawl up to the hostname, as well. This is strange. // result.protocol has already been set by now. // Later on, put the first path part into the host field. if (noLeadingSlashes) { result.hostname = ''; result.port = null; if (result.host) { if (srcPath[0] === '') srcPath[0] = result.host; else srcPath.unshift(result.host); } result.host = ''; if (relative.protocol) { relative.hostname = null; relative.port = null; result.auth = null; if (relative.host) { if (relPath[0] === '') relPath[0] = relative.host; else relPath.unshift(relative.host); } relative.host = null; } mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs && (relPath[0] === '' || srcPath[0] === ''); } if (isRelAbs) { // it's absolute. if (relative.host || relative.host === '') { if (result.host !== relative.host) result.auth = null; result.host = relative.host; result.port = relative.port; } if (relative.hostname || relative.hostname === '') { if (result.hostname !== relative.hostname) result.auth = null; result.hostname = relative.hostname; } result.search = relative.search; result.query = relative.query; srcPath = relPath; // fall through to the dot-handling below. } else if (relPath.length) { // it's relative // throw away the existing file, and take the new path instead. if (!srcPath) srcPath = []; srcPath.pop(); srcPath = srcPath.concat(relPath); result.search = relative.search; result.query = relative.query; } else if (relative.search !== null && relative.search !== undefined) { // just pull out the search. // like href='?foo'. // Put this after the other two cases because it simplifies the booleans if (noLeadingSlashes) { result.hostname = result.host = srcPath.shift(); // Occasionally the auth can get stuck only in host. // This especially happens in cases like // url.resolveObject('mailto:local1@domain1', 'local2@domain2') const authInHost = result.host && result.host.indexOf('@') > 0 && result.host.split('@'); if (authInHost) { result.auth = authInHost.shift(); result.host = result.hostname = authInHost.shift(); } } result.search = relative.search; result.query = relative.query; // To support http.request if (result.pathname !== null || result.search !== null) { result.path = (result.pathname ? result.pathname : '') + (result.search ? result.search : ''); } result.href = result.format(); return result; } if (!srcPath.length) { // no path at all. easy. // we've already handled the other stuff above. result.pathname = null; // To support http.request if (result.search) { result.path = '/' + result.search; } else { result.path = null; } result.href = result.format(); return result; } // if a url ENDs in . or .., then it must get a trailing slash. // however, if it ends in anything else non-slashy, // then it must NOT get a trailing slash. var last = srcPath.slice(-1)[0]; var hasTrailingSlash = ( (result.host || relative.host || srcPath.length > 1) && (last === '.' || last === '..') || last === ''); // strip single dots, resolve double dots to parent dir // if the path tries to go above the root, `up` ends up > 0 var up = 0; for (var i = srcPath.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { last = srcPath[i]; if (last === '.') { spliceOne(srcPath, i); } else if (last === '..') { spliceOne(srcPath, i); up++; } else if (up) { spliceOne(srcPath, i); up--; } } // if the path is allowed to go above the root, restore leading ..s if (!mustEndAbs && !removeAllDots) { while (up--) { srcPath.unshift('..'); } } if (mustEndAbs && srcPath[0] !== '' && (!srcPath[0] || srcPath[0].charAt(0) !== '/')) { srcPath.unshift(''); } if (hasTrailingSlash && (srcPath.join('/').substr(-1) !== '/')) { srcPath.push(''); } var isAbsolute = srcPath[0] === '' || (srcPath[0] && srcPath[0].charAt(0) === '/'); // put the host back if (noLeadingSlashes) { result.hostname = result.host = isAbsolute ? '' : srcPath.length ? srcPath.shift() : ''; // Occasionally the auth can get stuck only in host. // This especially happens in cases like // url.resolveObject('mailto:local1@domain1', 'local2@domain2') const authInHost = result.host && result.host.indexOf('@') > 0 ? result.host.split('@') : false; if (authInHost) { result.auth = authInHost.shift(); result.host = result.hostname = authInHost.shift(); } } mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs || (result.host && srcPath.length); if (mustEndAbs && !isAbsolute) { srcPath.unshift(''); } if (!srcPath.length) { result.pathname = null; result.path = null; } else { result.pathname = srcPath.join('/'); } // To support request.http if (result.pathname !== null || result.search !== null) { result.path = (result.pathname ? result.pathname : '') + (result.search ? result.search : ''); } result.auth = relative.auth || result.auth; result.slashes = result.slashes || relative.slashes; result.href = result.format(); return result; }; Url.prototype.parseHost = function parseHost() { var host = this.host; var port = portPattern.exec(host); if (port) { port = port[0]; if (port !== ':') { this.port = port.slice(1); } host = host.slice(0, host.length - port.length); } if (host) this.hostname = host; }; module.exports = { // Original API Url, parse: urlParse, resolve: urlResolve, resolveObject: urlResolveObject, format: urlFormat, // WHATWG API URL, URLSearchParams, domainToASCII, domainToUnicode, // Utilities pathToFileURL, fileURLToPath }; util// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const errors = require('internal/errors'); const { inspect } = require('internal/util/inspect'); const { ERR_FALSY_VALUE_REJECTION, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = errors.codes; const { validateNumber } = require('internal/validators'); const { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } = require('internal/encoding'); const { isBuffer } = require('buffer').Buffer; const types = internalBinding('types'); Object.assign(types, require('internal/util/types')); const { isRegExp, isDate, } = types; const { deprecate, getSystemErrorName: internalErrorName, isError, promisify, } = require('internal/util'); let CIRCULAR_ERROR_MESSAGE; let internalDeepEqual; function tryStringify(arg) { try { return JSON.stringify(arg); } catch (err) { // Populate the circular error message lazily if (!CIRCULAR_ERROR_MESSAGE) { try { const a = {}; a.a = a; JSON.stringify(a); } catch (err) { CIRCULAR_ERROR_MESSAGE = err.message; } } if (err.name === 'TypeError' && err.message === CIRCULAR_ERROR_MESSAGE) return '[Circular]'; throw err; } } const emptyOptions = {}; function format(...args) { return formatWithOptions(emptyOptions, ...args); } function formatWithOptions(inspectOptions, f) { let i, tempStr; if (typeof f !== 'string') { if (arguments.length === 1) return ''; let res = ''; for (i = 1; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) { res += inspect(arguments[i], inspectOptions); res += ' '; } res += inspect(arguments[i], inspectOptions); return res; } if (arguments.length === 2) return f; let str = ''; let a = 2; let lastPos = 0; for (i = 0; i < f.length - 1; i++) { if (f.charCodeAt(i) === 37) { // '%' const nextChar = f.charCodeAt(++i); if (a !== arguments.length) { switch (nextChar) { case 115: // 's' tempStr = String(arguments[a++]); break; case 106: // 'j' tempStr = tryStringify(arguments[a++]); break; case 100: // 'd' const tempNum = arguments[a++]; // eslint-disable-next-line valid-typeof if (typeof tempNum === 'bigint') { tempStr = `${tempNum}n`; } else { tempStr = `${Number(tempNum)}`; } break; case 79: // 'O' tempStr = inspect(arguments[a++], inspectOptions); break; case 111: // 'o' { const opts = Object.assign({}, inspectOptions, { showHidden: true, showProxy: true, depth: 4 }); tempStr = inspect(arguments[a++], opts); break; } case 105: // 'i' const tempInteger = arguments[a++]; // eslint-disable-next-line valid-typeof if (typeof tempInteger === 'bigint') { tempStr = `${tempInteger}n`; } else { tempStr = `${parseInt(tempInteger)}`; } break; case 102: // 'f' tempStr = `${parseFloat(arguments[a++])}`; break; case 37: // '%' str += f.slice(lastPos, i); lastPos = i + 1; continue; default: // any other character is not a correct placeholder continue; } if (lastPos !== i - 1) str += f.slice(lastPos, i - 1); str += tempStr; lastPos = i + 1; } else if (nextChar === 37) { str += f.slice(lastPos, i); lastPos = i + 1; } } } if (lastPos === 0) str = f; else if (lastPos < f.length) str += f.slice(lastPos); while (a < arguments.length) { const x = arguments[a++]; if ((typeof x !== 'object' && typeof x !== 'symbol') || x === null) { str += ` ${x}`; } else { str += ` ${inspect(x, inspectOptions)}`; } } return str; } const debugs = {}; let debugEnvRegex = /^$/; if (process.env.NODE_DEBUG) { let debugEnv = process.env.NODE_DEBUG; debugEnv = debugEnv.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+?.]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/\*/g, '.*') .replace(/,/g, '$|^') .toUpperCase(); debugEnvRegex = new RegExp(`^${debugEnv}$`, 'i'); } function debuglog(set) { set = set.toUpperCase(); if (!debugs[set]) { if (debugEnvRegex.test(set)) { const pid = process.pid; debugs[set] = function debug() { const msg = exports.format.apply(exports, arguments); console.error('%s %d: %s', set, pid, msg); }; } else { debugs[set] = function debug() {}; } } return debugs[set]; } function isBoolean(arg) { return typeof arg === 'boolean'; } function isNull(arg) { return arg === null; } function isNullOrUndefined(arg) { return arg === null || arg === undefined; } function isNumber(arg) { return typeof arg === 'number'; } function isString(arg) { return typeof arg === 'string'; } function isSymbol(arg) { return typeof arg === 'symbol'; } function isUndefined(arg) { return arg === undefined; } function isObject(arg) { return arg !== null && typeof arg === 'object'; } function isFunction(arg) { return typeof arg === 'function'; } function isPrimitive(arg) { return arg === null || typeof arg !== 'object' && typeof arg !== 'function'; } function pad(n) { return n.toString().padStart(2, '0'); } const months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; // 26 Feb 16:19:34 function timestamp() { const d = new Date(); const time = [pad(d.getHours()), pad(d.getMinutes()), pad(d.getSeconds())].join(':'); return [d.getDate(), months[d.getMonth()], time].join(' '); } // log is just a thin wrapper to console.log that prepends a timestamp function log() { console.log('%s - %s', timestamp(), exports.format.apply(exports, arguments)); } /** * Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another. * * The Function.prototype.inherits from lang.js rewritten as a standalone * function (not on Function.prototype). NOTE: If this file is to be loaded * during bootstrapping this function needs to be rewritten using some native * functions as prototype setup using normal JavaScript does not work as * expected during bootstrapping (see mirror.js in r114903). * * @param {function} ctor Constructor function which needs to inherit the * prototype. * @param {function} superCtor Constructor function to inherit prototype from. * @throws {TypeError} Will error if either constructor is null, or if * the super constructor lacks a prototype. */ function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { if (ctor === undefined || ctor === null) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('ctor', 'Function', ctor); if (superCtor === undefined || superCtor === null) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('superCtor', 'Function', superCtor); if (superCtor.prototype === undefined) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('superCtor.prototype', 'Function', superCtor.prototype); } ctor.super_ = superCtor; Object.setPrototypeOf(ctor.prototype, superCtor.prototype); } function _extend(target, source) { // Don't do anything if source isn't an object if (source === null || typeof source !== 'object') return target; const keys = Object.keys(source); let i = keys.length; while (i--) { target[keys[i]] = source[keys[i]]; } return target; } // Deprecated old stuff. function print(...args) { for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) { process.stdout.write(String(args[i])); } } function puts(...args) { for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) { process.stdout.write(`${args[i]}\n`); } } function debug(x) { process.stderr.write(`DEBUG: ${x}\n`); } function error(...args) { for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) { process.stderr.write(`${args[i]}\n`); } } function callbackifyOnRejected(reason, cb) { // `!reason` guard inspired by bluebird (Ref: https://goo.gl/t5IS6M). // Because `null` is a special error value in callbacks which means "no error // occurred", we error-wrap so the callback consumer can distinguish between // "the promise rejected with null" or "the promise fulfilled with undefined". if (!reason) { const newReason = new ERR_FALSY_VALUE_REJECTION(); newReason.reason = reason; reason = newReason; Error.captureStackTrace(reason, callbackifyOnRejected); } return cb(reason); } function callbackify(original) { if (typeof original !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('original', 'Function', original); } // We DO NOT return the promise as it gives the user a false sense that // the promise is actually somehow related to the callback's execution // and that the callback throwing will reject the promise. function callbackified(...args) { const maybeCb = args.pop(); if (typeof maybeCb !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('last argument', 'Function', maybeCb); } const cb = (...args) => { Reflect.apply(maybeCb, this, args); }; // In true node style we process the callback on `nextTick` with all the // implications (stack, `uncaughtException`, `async_hooks`) Reflect.apply(original, this, args) .then((ret) => process.nextTick(cb, null, ret), (rej) => process.nextTick(callbackifyOnRejected, rej, cb)); } Object.setPrototypeOf(callbackified, Object.getPrototypeOf(original)); Object.defineProperties(callbackified, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(original)); return callbackified; } function getSystemErrorName(err) { validateNumber(err, 'err'); if (err >= 0 || !Number.isSafeInteger(err)) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('err', 'a negative integer', err); } return internalErrorName(err); } // Keep the `exports =` so that various functions can still be monkeypatched module.exports = exports = { _errnoException: errors.errnoException, _exceptionWithHostPort: errors.exceptionWithHostPort, _extend, callbackify, debuglog, deprecate, format, formatWithOptions, getSystemErrorName, inherits, inspect, isArray: Array.isArray, isBoolean, isBuffer, isDeepStrictEqual(a, b) { if (internalDeepEqual === undefined) { internalDeepEqual = require('internal/util/comparisons') .isDeepStrictEqual; } return internalDeepEqual(a, b); }, isNull, isNullOrUndefined, isNumber, isString, isSymbol, isUndefined, isRegExp, isObject, isDate, isError, isFunction, isPrimitive, log, promisify, TextDecoder, TextEncoder, types, // Deprecated Old Stuff debug: deprecate(debug, 'util.debug is deprecated. Use console.error instead.', 'DEP0028'), error: deprecate(error, 'util.error is deprecated. Use console.error instead.', 'DEP0029'), print: deprecate(print, 'util.print is deprecated. Use console.log instead.', 'DEP0026'), puts: deprecate(puts, 'util.puts is deprecated. Use console.log instead.', 'DEP0027') }; v8// Copyright (c) 2014, StrongLoop Inc. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { Serializer: _Serializer, Deserializer: _Deserializer } = process.binding('serdes'); const { copy } = process.binding('buffer'); const { objectToString } = require('internal/util'); const { FastBuffer } = require('internal/buffer'); // Calling exposed c++ functions directly throws exception as it expected to be // called with new operator and caused an assert to fire. // Creating JS wrapper so that it gets caught at JS layer. class Serializer extends _Serializer { } class Deserializer extends _Deserializer { } const { cachedDataVersionTag, setFlagsFromString: _setFlagsFromString, heapStatisticsArrayBuffer, heapSpaceStatisticsArrayBuffer, updateHeapStatisticsArrayBuffer, updateHeapSpaceStatisticsArrayBuffer, // Properties for heap and heap space statistics buffer extraction. kTotalHeapSizeIndex, kTotalHeapSizeExecutableIndex, kTotalPhysicalSizeIndex, kTotalAvailableSize, kUsedHeapSizeIndex, kHeapSizeLimitIndex, kDoesZapGarbageIndex, kMallocedMemoryIndex, kPeakMallocedMemoryIndex, kHeapSpaces, kHeapSpaceStatisticsPropertiesCount, kSpaceSizeIndex, kSpaceUsedSizeIndex, kSpaceAvailableSizeIndex, kPhysicalSpaceSizeIndex } = process.binding('v8'); const kNumberOfHeapSpaces = kHeapSpaces.length; const heapStatisticsBuffer = new Float64Array(heapStatisticsArrayBuffer); const heapSpaceStatisticsBuffer = new Float64Array(heapSpaceStatisticsArrayBuffer); function setFlagsFromString(flags) { if (typeof flags !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('flags', 'string', flags); _setFlagsFromString(flags); } function getHeapStatistics() { const buffer = heapStatisticsBuffer; updateHeapStatisticsArrayBuffer(); return { 'total_heap_size': buffer[kTotalHeapSizeIndex], 'total_heap_size_executable': buffer[kTotalHeapSizeExecutableIndex], 'total_physical_size': buffer[kTotalPhysicalSizeIndex], 'total_available_size': buffer[kTotalAvailableSize], 'used_heap_size': buffer[kUsedHeapSizeIndex], 'heap_size_limit': buffer[kHeapSizeLimitIndex], 'malloced_memory': buffer[kMallocedMemoryIndex], 'peak_malloced_memory': buffer[kPeakMallocedMemoryIndex], 'does_zap_garbage': buffer[kDoesZapGarbageIndex] }; } function getHeapSpaceStatistics() { const heapSpaceStatistics = new Array(kNumberOfHeapSpaces); const buffer = heapSpaceStatisticsBuffer; updateHeapSpaceStatisticsArrayBuffer(); for (var i = 0; i < kNumberOfHeapSpaces; i++) { const propertyOffset = i * kHeapSpaceStatisticsPropertiesCount; heapSpaceStatistics[i] = { space_name: kHeapSpaces[i], space_size: buffer[propertyOffset + kSpaceSizeIndex], space_used_size: buffer[propertyOffset + kSpaceUsedSizeIndex], space_available_size: buffer[propertyOffset + kSpaceAvailableSizeIndex], physical_space_size: buffer[propertyOffset + kPhysicalSpaceSizeIndex] }; } return heapSpaceStatistics; } /* V8 serialization API */ /* JS methods for the base objects */ Serializer.prototype._getDataCloneError = Error; Deserializer.prototype.readRawBytes = function readRawBytes(length) { const offset = this._readRawBytes(length); // `this.buffer` can be a Buffer or a plain Uint8Array, so just calling // `.slice()` doesn't work. return new FastBuffer(this.buffer.buffer, this.buffer.byteOffset + offset, length); }; /* Keep track of how to handle different ArrayBufferViews. * The default Serializer for Node does not use the V8 methods for serializing * those objects because Node's `Buffer` objects use pooled allocation in many * cases, and their underlying `ArrayBuffer`s would show up in the * serialization. Because a) those may contain sensitive data and the user * may not be aware of that and b) they are often much larger than the `Buffer` * itself, custom serialization is applied. */ const arrayBufferViewTypes = [Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, DataView]; const arrayBufferViewTypeToIndex = new Map(); { const dummy = new ArrayBuffer(); for (const [i, ctor] of arrayBufferViewTypes.entries()) { const tag = objectToString(new ctor(dummy)); arrayBufferViewTypeToIndex.set(tag, i); } } const bufferConstructorIndex = arrayBufferViewTypes.push(FastBuffer) - 1; class DefaultSerializer extends Serializer { constructor() { super(); this._setTreatArrayBufferViewsAsHostObjects(true); } _writeHostObject(abView) { let i = 0; if (abView.constructor === Buffer) { i = bufferConstructorIndex; } else { const tag = objectToString(abView); i = arrayBufferViewTypeToIndex.get(tag); if (i === undefined) { throw new this._getDataCloneError(`Unknown host object type: ${tag}`); } } this.writeUint32(i); this.writeUint32(abView.byteLength); this.writeRawBytes(new Uint8Array(abView.buffer, abView.byteOffset, abView.byteLength)); } } class DefaultDeserializer extends Deserializer { constructor(buffer) { super(buffer); } _readHostObject() { const typeIndex = this.readUint32(); const ctor = arrayBufferViewTypes[typeIndex]; const byteLength = this.readUint32(); const byteOffset = this._readRawBytes(byteLength); const BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = ctor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT || 1; const offset = this.buffer.byteOffset + byteOffset; if (offset % BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0) { return new ctor(this.buffer.buffer, offset, byteLength / BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); } else { // Copy to an aligned buffer first. const buffer_copy = Buffer.allocUnsafe(byteLength); copy(this.buffer, buffer_copy, 0, byteOffset, byteOffset + byteLength); return new ctor(buffer_copy.buffer, buffer_copy.byteOffset, byteLength / BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); } } } function serialize(value) { const ser = new DefaultSerializer(); ser.writeHeader(); ser.writeValue(value); return ser.releaseBuffer(); } function deserialize(buffer) { const der = new DefaultDeserializer(buffer); der.readHeader(); return der.readValue(); } module.exports = { cachedDataVersionTag, getHeapStatistics, getHeapSpaceStatistics, setFlagsFromString, Serializer, Deserializer, DefaultSerializer, DefaultDeserializer, deserialize, serialize }; vm// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { ContextifyScript, makeContext, isContext: _isContext, compileFunction: _compileFunction } = process.binding('contextify'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { isUint8Array } = require('internal/util/types'); const { validateUint32 } = require('internal/validators'); const kParsingContext = Symbol('script parsing context'); const ArrayForEach = Function.call.bind(Array.prototype.forEach); const ArrayIsArray = Array.isArray; class Script extends ContextifyScript { constructor(code, options = {}) { code = `${code}`; if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { filename: options }; } if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } const { filename = 'evalmachine.', lineOffset = 0, columnOffset = 0, cachedData, produceCachedData = false, [kParsingContext]: parsingContext } = options; if (typeof filename !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.filename', 'string', filename); } validateInteger(lineOffset, 'options.lineOffset'); validateInteger(columnOffset, 'options.columnOffset'); if (cachedData !== undefined && !isUint8Array(cachedData)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.cachedData', ['Buffer', 'Uint8Array'], cachedData); } if (typeof produceCachedData !== 'boolean') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.produceCachedData', 'boolean', produceCachedData); } // Calling `ReThrow()` on a native TryCatch does not generate a new // abort-on-uncaught-exception check. A dummy try/catch in JS land // protects against that. try { super(code, filename, lineOffset, columnOffset, cachedData, produceCachedData, parsingContext); } catch (e) { throw e; /* node-do-not-add-exception-line */ } } runInThisContext(options) { const { breakOnSigint, args } = getRunInContextArgs(options); if (breakOnSigint && process.listenerCount('SIGINT') > 0) { return sigintHandlersWrap(super.runInThisContext, this, args); } else { return super.runInThisContext(...args); } } runInContext(contextifiedSandbox, options) { validateContext(contextifiedSandbox); const { breakOnSigint, args } = getRunInContextArgs(options); if (breakOnSigint && process.listenerCount('SIGINT') > 0) { return sigintHandlersWrap(super.runInContext, this, [contextifiedSandbox, ...args]); } else { return super.runInContext(contextifiedSandbox, ...args); } } runInNewContext(sandbox, options) { const context = createContext(sandbox, getContextOptions(options)); return this.runInContext(context, options); } } function validateContext(sandbox) { if (typeof sandbox !== 'object' || sandbox === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('contextifiedSandbox', 'Object', sandbox); } if (!_isContext(sandbox)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('contextifiedSandbox', 'vm.Context', sandbox); } } function validateInteger(prop, propName) { if (!Number.isInteger(prop)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(propName, 'integer', prop); } if ((prop >> 0) !== prop) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(propName, '32-bit integer', prop); } } function validateString(prop, propName) { if (prop !== undefined && typeof prop !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(propName, 'string', prop); } function validateBool(prop, propName) { if (prop !== undefined && typeof prop !== 'boolean') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(propName, 'boolean', prop); } function validateObject(prop, propName) { if (prop !== undefined && (typeof prop !== 'object' || prop === null)) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(propName, 'Object', prop); } function getRunInContextArgs(options = {}) { if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } let timeout = options.timeout; if (timeout === undefined) { timeout = -1; } else if (!Number.isInteger(timeout) || timeout <= 0) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.timeout', 'a positive integer', timeout); } const { displayErrors = true, breakOnSigint = false } = options; if (typeof displayErrors !== 'boolean') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.displayErrors', 'boolean', displayErrors); } if (typeof breakOnSigint !== 'boolean') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.breakOnSigint', 'boolean', breakOnSigint); } return { breakOnSigint, args: [timeout, displayErrors, breakOnSigint] }; } function getContextOptions(options) { if (options) { validateObject(options.contextCodeGeneration, 'options.contextCodeGeneration'); const contextOptions = { name: options.contextName, origin: options.contextOrigin, codeGeneration: typeof options.contextCodeGeneration === 'object' ? { strings: options.contextCodeGeneration.strings, wasm: options.contextCodeGeneration.wasm, } : undefined, }; validateString(contextOptions.name, 'options.contextName'); validateString(contextOptions.origin, 'options.contextOrigin'); if (contextOptions.codeGeneration) { validateBool(contextOptions.codeGeneration.strings, 'options.contextCodeGeneration.strings'); validateBool(contextOptions.codeGeneration.wasm, 'options.contextCodeGeneration.wasm'); } return contextOptions; } return {}; } function isContext(sandbox) { if (typeof sandbox !== 'object' || sandbox === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('sandbox', 'Object', sandbox); } return _isContext(sandbox); } let defaultContextNameIndex = 1; function createContext(sandbox = {}, options = {}) { if (isContext(sandbox)) { return sandbox; } if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } const { name = `VM Context ${defaultContextNameIndex++}`, origin, codeGeneration } = options; if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.name', 'string', options.name); } validateString(origin, 'options.origin'); validateObject(codeGeneration, 'options.codeGeneration'); let strings = true; let wasm = true; if (codeGeneration !== undefined) { ({ strings = true, wasm = true } = codeGeneration); validateBool(strings, 'options.codeGeneration.strings'); validateBool(wasm, 'options.codeGeneration.wasm'); } makeContext(sandbox, name, origin, strings, wasm); return sandbox; } function createScript(code, options) { return new Script(code, options); } // Remove all SIGINT listeners and re-attach them after the wrapped function // has executed, so that caught SIGINT are handled by the listeners again. function sigintHandlersWrap(fn, thisArg, argsArray) { const sigintListeners = process.rawListeners('SIGINT'); process.removeAllListeners('SIGINT'); try { return fn.apply(thisArg, argsArray); } finally { // Add using the public methods so that the `newListener` handler of // process can re-attach the listeners. for (const listener of sigintListeners) { process.addListener('SIGINT', listener); } } } function runInContext(code, contextifiedSandbox, options) { validateContext(contextifiedSandbox); if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { filename: options, [kParsingContext]: contextifiedSandbox }; } else { options = Object.assign({}, options, { [kParsingContext]: contextifiedSandbox }); } return createScript(code, options) .runInContext(contextifiedSandbox, options); } function runInNewContext(code, sandbox, options) { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { filename: options }; } sandbox = createContext(sandbox, getContextOptions(options)); options = Object.assign({}, options, { [kParsingContext]: sandbox }); return createScript(code, options).runInNewContext(sandbox, options); } function runInThisContext(code, options) { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { filename: options }; } return createScript(code, options).runInThisContext(options); } function compileFunction(code, params, options = {}) { if (typeof code !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('code', 'string', code); } if (params !== undefined) { if (!ArrayIsArray(params)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('params', 'Array', params); } ArrayForEach(params, (param, i) => { if (typeof param !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(`params[${i}]`, 'string', param); } }); } const { filename = '', columnOffset = 0, lineOffset = 0, cachedData = undefined, produceCachedData = false, parsingContext = undefined, contextExtensions = [], } = options; if (typeof filename !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.filename', 'string', filename); } validateUint32(columnOffset, 'options.columnOffset'); validateUint32(lineOffset, 'options.lineOffset'); if (cachedData !== undefined && !isUint8Array(cachedData)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'options.cachedData', 'Uint8Array', cachedData ); } if (typeof produceCachedData !== 'boolean') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'options.produceCachedData', 'boolean', produceCachedData ); } if (parsingContext !== undefined) { if ( typeof parsingContext !== 'object' || parsingContext === null || !isContext(parsingContext) ) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'options.parsingContext', 'Context', parsingContext ); } } if (!ArrayIsArray(contextExtensions)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'options.contextExtensions', 'Array', contextExtensions ); } ArrayForEach(contextExtensions, (extension, i) => { if (typeof extension !== 'object') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( `options.contextExtensions[${i}]`, 'object', extension ); } }); return _compileFunction( code, filename, lineOffset, columnOffset, cachedData, produceCachedData, parsingContext, contextExtensions, params ); } module.exports = { Script, createContext, createScript, runInContext, runInNewContext, runInThisContext, isContext, compileFunction, }; if (require('internal/options').getOptionValue('--experimental-vm-modules')) { const { SourceTextModule } = require('internal/vm/source_text_module'); module.exports.SourceTextModule = SourceTextModule; } worker_threads'use strict'; const { isMainThread, MessagePort, MessageChannel, threadId, Worker } = require('internal/worker'); module.exports = { isMainThread, MessagePort, MessageChannel, threadId, Worker, parentPort: null }; zlib// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { ERR_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, ERR_ZLIB_INITIALIZATION_FAILED } = require('internal/errors').codes; const Transform = require('_stream_transform'); const { _extend, inherits, types: { isAnyArrayBuffer, isArrayBufferView } } = require('util'); const binding = process.binding('zlib'); const assert = require('assert').ok; const { Buffer, kMaxLength } = require('buffer'); const { owner_symbol } = require('internal/async_hooks').symbols; const constants = process.binding('constants').zlib; const { Z_NO_FLUSH, Z_BLOCK, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH, Z_SYNC_FLUSH, Z_FULL_FLUSH, Z_FINISH, Z_MIN_CHUNK, Z_MIN_WINDOWBITS, Z_MAX_WINDOWBITS, Z_MIN_LEVEL, Z_MAX_LEVEL, Z_MIN_MEMLEVEL, Z_MAX_MEMLEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_CHUNK, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, Z_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITS, Z_DEFAULT_MEMLEVEL, Z_FIXED, DEFLATE, DEFLATERAW, INFLATE, INFLATERAW, GZIP, GUNZIP, UNZIP } = constants; // translation table for return codes. const codes = { Z_OK: constants.Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END: constants.Z_STREAM_END, Z_NEED_DICT: constants.Z_NEED_DICT, Z_ERRNO: constants.Z_ERRNO, Z_STREAM_ERROR: constants.Z_STREAM_ERROR, Z_DATA_ERROR: constants.Z_DATA_ERROR, Z_MEM_ERROR: constants.Z_MEM_ERROR, Z_BUF_ERROR: constants.Z_BUF_ERROR, Z_VERSION_ERROR: constants.Z_VERSION_ERROR }; const ckeys = Object.keys(codes); for (var ck = 0; ck < ckeys.length; ck++) { var ckey = ckeys[ck]; codes[codes[ckey]] = ckey; } function zlibBuffer(engine, buffer, callback) { // Streams do not support non-Buffer ArrayBufferViews yet. Convert it to a // Buffer without copying. if (isArrayBufferView(buffer) && Object.getPrototypeOf(buffer) !== Buffer.prototype) { buffer = Buffer.from(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength); } else if (isAnyArrayBuffer(buffer)) { buffer = Buffer.from(buffer); } engine.buffers = null; engine.nread = 0; engine.cb = callback; engine.on('data', zlibBufferOnData); engine.on('error', zlibBufferOnError); engine.on('end', zlibBufferOnEnd); engine.end(buffer); } function zlibBufferOnData(chunk) { if (!this.buffers) this.buffers = [chunk]; else this.buffers.push(chunk); this.nread += chunk.length; } function zlibBufferOnError(err) { this.removeAllListeners('end'); this.cb(err); } function zlibBufferOnEnd() { var buf; var err; if (this.nread >= kMaxLength) { err = new ERR_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE(); } else if (this.nread === 0) { buf = Buffer.alloc(0); } else { var bufs = this.buffers; buf = (bufs.length === 1 ? bufs[0] : Buffer.concat(bufs, this.nread)); } this.close(); if (err) this.cb(err); else if (this._info) this.cb(null, { buffer: buf, engine: this }); else this.cb(null, buf); } function zlibBufferSync(engine, buffer) { if (typeof buffer === 'string') { buffer = Buffer.from(buffer); } else if (!isArrayBufferView(buffer)) { if (isAnyArrayBuffer(buffer)) { buffer = Buffer.from(buffer); } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'buffer', ['string', 'Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView', 'ArrayBuffer'], buffer ); } } buffer = processChunkSync(engine, buffer, engine._finishFlushFlag); if (engine._info) return { buffer, engine }; return buffer; } function zlibOnError(message, errno, code) { var self = this[owner_symbol]; // there is no way to cleanly recover. // continuing only obscures problems. _close(self); self._hadError = true; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const error = new Error(message); error.errno = errno; error.code = code; self.emit('error', error); } // 1. Returns false for undefined and NaN // 2. Returns true for finite numbers // 3. Throws ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE for non-numbers // 4. Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE for infinite numbers function checkFiniteNumber(number, name) { // Common case if (number === undefined) { return false; } if (Number.isFinite(number)) { return true; // Is a valid number } if (Number.isNaN(number)) { return false; } // Other non-numbers if (typeof number !== 'number') { const err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, 'number', number); Error.captureStackTrace(err, checkFiniteNumber); throw err; } // Infinite numbers const err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, 'a finite number', number); Error.captureStackTrace(err, checkFiniteNumber); throw err; } // 1. Returns def for number when it's undefined or NaN // 2. Returns number for finite numbers >= lower and <= upper // 3. Throws ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE for non-numbers // 4. Throws ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE for infinite numbers or numbers > upper or < lower function checkRangesOrGetDefault(number, name, lower, upper, def) { if (!checkFiniteNumber(number, name)) { return def; } if (number < lower || number > upper) { const err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, `>= ${lower} and <= ${upper}`, number); Error.captureStackTrace(err, checkRangesOrGetDefault); throw err; } return number; } // the Zlib class they all inherit from // This thing manages the queue of requests, and returns // true or false if there is anything in the queue when // you call the .write() method. function Zlib(opts, mode) { var chunkSize = Z_DEFAULT_CHUNK; var flush = Z_NO_FLUSH; var finishFlush = Z_FINISH; var windowBits = Z_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITS; var level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION; var memLevel = Z_DEFAULT_MEMLEVEL; var strategy = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY; var dictionary; // The Zlib class is not exported to user land, the mode should only be // passed in by us. assert(typeof mode === 'number'); assert(mode >= DEFLATE && mode <= UNZIP); if (opts) { chunkSize = opts.chunkSize; if (!checkFiniteNumber(chunkSize, 'options.chunkSize')) { chunkSize = Z_DEFAULT_CHUNK; } else if (chunkSize < Z_MIN_CHUNK) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('options.chunkSize', `>= ${Z_MIN_CHUNK}`, chunkSize); } flush = checkRangesOrGetDefault( opts.flush, 'options.flush', Z_NO_FLUSH, Z_BLOCK, Z_NO_FLUSH); finishFlush = checkRangesOrGetDefault( opts.finishFlush, 'options.finishFlush', Z_NO_FLUSH, Z_BLOCK, Z_FINISH); // windowBits is special. On the compression side, 0 is an invalid value. // But on the decompression side, a value of 0 for windowBits tells zlib // to use the window size in the zlib header of the compressed stream. if ((opts.windowBits == null || opts.windowBits === 0) && (mode === INFLATE || mode === GUNZIP || mode === UNZIP)) { windowBits = 0; } else { windowBits = checkRangesOrGetDefault( opts.windowBits, 'options.windowBits', Z_MIN_WINDOWBITS, Z_MAX_WINDOWBITS, Z_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITS); } level = checkRangesOrGetDefault( opts.level, 'options.level', Z_MIN_LEVEL, Z_MAX_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); memLevel = checkRangesOrGetDefault( opts.memLevel, 'options.memLevel', Z_MIN_MEMLEVEL, Z_MAX_MEMLEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_MEMLEVEL); strategy = checkRangesOrGetDefault( opts.strategy, 'options.strategy', Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, Z_FIXED, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); dictionary = opts.dictionary; if (dictionary !== undefined && !isArrayBufferView(dictionary)) { if (isAnyArrayBuffer(dictionary)) { dictionary = Buffer.from(dictionary); } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'options.dictionary', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView', 'ArrayBuffer'], dictionary ); } } if (opts.encoding || opts.objectMode || opts.writableObjectMode) { opts = _extend({}, opts); opts.encoding = null; opts.objectMode = false; opts.writableObjectMode = false; } } Transform.call(this, opts); this.bytesWritten = 0; this._handle = new binding.Zlib(mode); // Used by processCallback() and zlibOnError() this._handle[owner_symbol] = this; this._handle.onerror = zlibOnError; this._hadError = false; this._writeState = new Uint32Array(2); if (!this._handle.init(windowBits, level, memLevel, strategy, this._writeState, processCallback, dictionary)) { throw new ERR_ZLIB_INITIALIZATION_FAILED(); } this._outBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(chunkSize); this._outOffset = 0; this._level = level; this._strategy = strategy; this._chunkSize = chunkSize; this._defaultFlushFlag = flush; this._finishFlushFlag = finishFlush; this._nextFlush = -1; this._info = opts && opts.info; this.once('end', this.close); } inherits(Zlib, Transform); Object.defineProperty(Zlib.prototype, '_closed', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { return !this._handle; } }); // `bytesRead` made sense as a name when looking from the zlib engine's // perspective, but it is inconsistent with all other streams exposed by Node.js // that have this concept, where it stands for the number of bytes read // *from* the stream (that is, net.Socket/tls.Socket & file system streams). Object.defineProperty(Zlib.prototype, 'bytesRead', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { return this.bytesWritten; }, set(value) { this.bytesWritten = value; } }); // This callback is used by `.params()` to wait until a full flush happened // before adjusting the parameters. In particular, the call to the native // `params()` function should not happen while a write is currently in progress // on the threadpool. function paramsAfterFlushCallback(level, strategy, callback) { assert(this._handle, 'zlib binding closed'); this._handle.params(level, strategy); if (!this._hadError) { this._level = level; this._strategy = strategy; if (callback) callback(); } } Zlib.prototype.params = function params(level, strategy, callback) { checkRangesOrGetDefault(level, 'level', Z_MIN_LEVEL, Z_MAX_LEVEL); checkRangesOrGetDefault(strategy, 'strategy', Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, Z_FIXED); if (this._level !== level || this._strategy !== strategy) { this.flush(Z_SYNC_FLUSH, paramsAfterFlushCallback.bind(this, level, strategy, callback)); } else { process.nextTick(callback); } }; Zlib.prototype.reset = function reset() { if (!this._handle) assert(false, 'zlib binding closed'); return this._handle.reset(); }; // This is the _flush function called by the transform class, // internally, when the last chunk has been written. Zlib.prototype._flush = function _flush(callback) { this._transform(Buffer.alloc(0), '', callback); }; // If a flush is scheduled while another flush is still pending, a way to figure // out which one is the "stronger" flush is needed. // Roughly, the following holds: // Z_NO_FLUSH (< Z_TREES) < Z_BLOCK < Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH < // Z_SYNC_FLUSH < Z_FULL_FLUSH < Z_FINISH const flushiness = []; let i = 0; for (const flushFlag of [Z_NO_FLUSH, Z_BLOCK, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH, Z_SYNC_FLUSH, Z_FULL_FLUSH, Z_FINISH]) { flushiness[flushFlag] = i++; } function maxFlush(a, b) { return flushiness[a] > flushiness[b] ? a : b; } const flushBuffer = Buffer.alloc(0); Zlib.prototype.flush = function flush(kind, callback) { var ws = this._writableState; if (typeof kind === 'function' || (kind === undefined && !callback)) { callback = kind; kind = Z_FULL_FLUSH; } if (ws.ended) { if (callback) process.nextTick(callback); } else if (ws.ending) { if (callback) this.once('end', callback); } else if (this._nextFlush !== -1) { // This means that there is a flush currently in the write queue. // We currently coalesce this flush into the pending one. this._nextFlush = maxFlush(this._nextFlush, kind); } else { this._nextFlush = kind; this.write(flushBuffer, '', callback); } }; Zlib.prototype.close = function close(callback) { _close(this, callback); this.destroy(); }; Zlib.prototype._destroy = function _destroy(err, callback) { _close(this); callback(err); }; Zlib.prototype._transform = function _transform(chunk, encoding, cb) { var flushFlag = this._defaultFlushFlag; // We use a 'fake' zero-length chunk to carry information about flushes from // the public API to the actual stream implementation. if (chunk === flushBuffer) { flushFlag = this._nextFlush; this._nextFlush = -1; } // For the last chunk, also apply `_finishFlushFlag`. var ws = this._writableState; if ((ws.ending || ws.ended) && ws.length === chunk.byteLength) { flushFlag = maxFlush(flushFlag, this._finishFlushFlag); } processChunk(this, chunk, flushFlag, cb); }; Zlib.prototype._processChunk = function _processChunk(chunk, flushFlag, cb) { // _processChunk() is left for backwards compatibility if (typeof cb === 'function') processChunk(this, chunk, flushFlag, cb); else return processChunkSync(this, chunk, flushFlag); }; function processChunkSync(self, chunk, flushFlag) { var availInBefore = chunk.byteLength; var availOutBefore = self._chunkSize - self._outOffset; var inOff = 0; var availOutAfter; var availInAfter; var buffers = null; var nread = 0; var inputRead = 0; var state = self._writeState; var handle = self._handle; var buffer = self._outBuffer; var offset = self._outOffset; var chunkSize = self._chunkSize; var error; self.on('error', function onError(er) { error = er; }); while (true) { handle.writeSync(flushFlag, chunk, // in inOff, // in_off availInBefore, // in_len buffer, // out offset, // out_off availOutBefore); // out_len if (error) throw error; availOutAfter = state[0]; availInAfter = state[1]; var inDelta = (availInBefore - availInAfter); inputRead += inDelta; var have = availOutBefore - availOutAfter; if (have > 0) { var out = buffer.slice(offset, offset + have); offset += have; if (!buffers) buffers = [out]; else buffers.push(out); nread += out.byteLength; } else { assert(have === 0, 'have should not go down'); } // exhausted the output buffer, or used all the input create a new one. if (availOutAfter === 0 || offset >= chunkSize) { availOutBefore = chunkSize; offset = 0; buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(chunkSize); } if (availOutAfter === 0) { // Not actually done. Need to reprocess. // Also, update the availInBefore to the availInAfter value, // so that if we have to hit it a third (fourth, etc.) time, // it'll have the correct byte counts. inOff += inDelta; availInBefore = availInAfter; } else { break; } } self.bytesWritten = inputRead; _close(self); if (nread >= kMaxLength) { throw new ERR_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE(); } if (nread === 0) return Buffer.alloc(0); return (buffers.length === 1 ? buffers[0] : Buffer.concat(buffers, nread)); } function processChunk(self, chunk, flushFlag, cb) { var handle = self._handle; assert(handle, 'zlib binding closed'); handle.buffer = chunk; handle.cb = cb; handle.availOutBefore = self._chunkSize - self._outOffset; handle.availInBefore = chunk.byteLength; handle.inOff = 0; handle.flushFlag = flushFlag; handle.write(flushFlag, chunk, // in 0, // in_off handle.availInBefore, // in_len self._outBuffer, // out self._outOffset, // out_off handle.availOutBefore); // out_len } function processCallback() { // This callback's context (`this`) is the `_handle` (ZCtx) object. It is // important to null out the values once they are no longer needed since // `_handle` can stay in memory long after the buffer is needed. var handle = this; var self = this.jsref; var state = self._writeState; if (self._hadError) { this.buffer = null; return; } if (self.destroyed) { this.buffer = null; return; } var availOutAfter = state[0]; var availInAfter = state[1]; const inDelta = handle.availInBefore - availInAfter; self.bytesWritten += inDelta; var have = handle.availOutBefore - availOutAfter; if (have > 0) { var out = self._outBuffer.slice(self._outOffset, self._outOffset + have); self._outOffset += have; self.push(out); } else { assert(have === 0, 'have should not go down'); } if (self.destroyed) { return; } // exhausted the output buffer, or used all the input create a new one. if (availOutAfter === 0 || self._outOffset >= self._chunkSize) { handle.availOutBefore = self._chunkSize; self._outOffset = 0; self._outBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(self._chunkSize); } if (availOutAfter === 0) { // Not actually done. Need to reprocess. // Also, update the availInBefore to the availInAfter value, // so that if we have to hit it a third (fourth, etc.) time, // it'll have the correct byte counts. handle.inOff += inDelta; handle.availInBefore = availInAfter; this.write(handle.flushFlag, this.buffer, // in handle.inOff, // in_off handle.availInBefore, // in_len self._outBuffer, // out self._outOffset, // out_off self._chunkSize); // out_len return; } // finished with the chunk. this.buffer = null; this.cb(); } function _close(engine, callback) { if (callback) process.nextTick(callback); // Caller may invoke .close after a zlib error (which will null _handle). if (!engine._handle) return; engine._handle.close(); engine._handle = null; } // generic zlib // minimal 2-byte header function Deflate(opts) { if (!(this instanceof Deflate)) return new Deflate(opts); Zlib.call(this, opts, DEFLATE); } inherits(Deflate, Zlib); function Inflate(opts) { if (!(this instanceof Inflate)) return new Inflate(opts); Zlib.call(this, opts, INFLATE); } inherits(Inflate, Zlib); function Gzip(opts) { if (!(this instanceof Gzip)) return new Gzip(opts); Zlib.call(this, opts, GZIP); } inherits(Gzip, Zlib); function Gunzip(opts) { if (!(this instanceof Gunzip)) return new Gunzip(opts); Zlib.call(this, opts, GUNZIP); } inherits(Gunzip, Zlib); function DeflateRaw(opts) { if (opts && opts.windowBits === 8) opts.windowBits = 9; if (!(this instanceof DeflateRaw)) return new DeflateRaw(opts); Zlib.call(this, opts, DEFLATERAW); } inherits(DeflateRaw, Zlib); function InflateRaw(opts) { if (!(this instanceof InflateRaw)) return new InflateRaw(opts); Zlib.call(this, opts, INFLATERAW); } inherits(InflateRaw, Zlib); function Unzip(opts) { if (!(this instanceof Unzip)) return new Unzip(opts); Zlib.call(this, opts, UNZIP); } inherits(Unzip, Zlib); function createConvenienceMethod(ctor, sync) { if (sync) { return function syncBufferWrapper(buffer, opts) { return zlibBufferSync(new ctor(opts), buffer); }; } else { return function asyncBufferWrapper(buffer, opts, callback) { if (typeof opts === 'function') { callback = opts; opts = {}; } return zlibBuffer(new ctor(opts), buffer, callback); }; } } function createProperty(ctor) { return { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: function(options) { return new ctor(options); } }; } // Legacy alias on the C++ wrapper object. This is not public API, so we may // want to runtime-deprecate it at some point. There's no hurry, though. Object.defineProperty(binding.Zlib.prototype, 'jsref', { get() { return this[owner_symbol]; }, set(v) { return this[owner_symbol] = v; } }); module.exports = { Deflate, Inflate, Gzip, Gunzip, DeflateRaw, InflateRaw, Unzip, // Convenience methods. // compress/decompress a string or buffer in one step. deflate: createConvenienceMethod(Deflate, false), deflateSync: createConvenienceMethod(Deflate, true), gzip: createConvenienceMethod(Gzip, false), gzipSync: createConvenienceMethod(Gzip, true), deflateRaw: createConvenienceMethod(DeflateRaw, false), deflateRawSync: createConvenienceMethod(DeflateRaw, true), unzip: createConvenienceMethod(Unzip, false), unzipSync: createConvenienceMethod(Unzip, true), inflate: createConvenienceMethod(Inflate, false), inflateSync: createConvenienceMethod(Inflate, true), gunzip: createConvenienceMethod(Gunzip, false), gunzipSync: createConvenienceMethod(Gunzip, true), inflateRaw: createConvenienceMethod(InflateRaw, false), inflateRawSync: createConvenienceMethod(InflateRaw, true) }; Object.defineProperties(module.exports, { createDeflate: createProperty(Deflate), createInflate: createProperty(Inflate), createDeflateRaw: createProperty(DeflateRaw), createInflateRaw: createProperty(InflateRaw), createGzip: createProperty(Gzip), createGunzip: createProperty(Gunzip), createUnzip: createProperty(Unzip), constants: { configurable: false, enumerable: true, value: constants }, codes: { enumerable: true, writable: false, value: Object.freeze(codes) } }); // These should be considered deprecated // expose all the zlib constants const bkeys = Object.keys(constants); for (var bk = 0; bk < bkeys.length; bk++) { var bkey = bkeys[bk]; Object.defineProperty(module.exports, bkey, { enumerable: true, value: constants[bkey], writable: false }); } internal/assert'use strict'; const { inspect } = require('util'); const { codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } } = require('internal/errors'); let blue = ''; let green = ''; let red = ''; let white = ''; const READABLE_OPERATOR = { deepStrictEqual: 'Input A expected to strictly deep-equal input B', notDeepStrictEqual: 'Input A expected to strictly not deep-equal input B', strictEqual: 'Input A expected to strictly equal input B', notStrictEqual: 'Input A expected to strictly not equal input B' }; function copyError(source) { const keys = Object.keys(source); const target = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(source)); for (const key of keys) { target[key] = source[key]; } Object.defineProperty(target, 'message', { value: source.message }); return target; } function inspectValue(val) { // The util.inspect default values could be changed. This makes sure the // error messages contain the necessary information nevertheless. return inspect( val, { compact: false, customInspect: false, depth: 1000, maxArrayLength: Infinity, // Assert compares only enumerable properties (with a few exceptions). showHidden: false, // Having a long line as error is better than wrapping the line for // comparison. breakLength: Infinity, // Assert does not detect proxies currently. showProxy: false, sorted: true } ).split('\n'); } function createErrDiff(actual, expected, operator) { var other = ''; var res = ''; var lastPos = 0; var end = ''; var skipped = false; const actualLines = inspectValue(actual); const expectedLines = inspectValue(expected); const msg = READABLE_OPERATOR[operator] + `:\n${green}+ expected${white} ${red}- actual${white}`; const skippedMsg = ` ${blue}...${white} Lines skipped`; // Remove all ending lines that match (this optimizes the output for // readability by reducing the number of total changed lines). var a = actualLines[actualLines.length - 1]; var b = expectedLines[expectedLines.length - 1]; var i = 0; while (a === b) { if (i++ < 2) { end = `\n ${a}${end}`; } else { other = a; } actualLines.pop(); expectedLines.pop(); if (actualLines.length === 0 || expectedLines.length === 0) break; a = actualLines[actualLines.length - 1]; b = expectedLines[expectedLines.length - 1]; } if (i > 3) { end = `\n${blue}...${white}${end}`; skipped = true; } if (other !== '') { end = `\n ${other}${end}`; other = ''; } const maxLines = Math.max(actualLines.length, expectedLines.length); var printedLines = 0; var identical = 0; for (i = 0; i < maxLines; i++) { // Only extra expected lines exist const cur = i - lastPos; if (actualLines.length < i + 1) { if (cur > 1 && i > 2) { if (cur > 4) { res += `\n${blue}...${white}`; skipped = true; } else if (cur > 3) { res += `\n ${expectedLines[i - 2]}`; printedLines++; } res += `\n ${expectedLines[i - 1]}`; printedLines++; } lastPos = i; other += `\n${green}+${white} ${expectedLines[i]}`; printedLines++; // Only extra actual lines exist } else if (expectedLines.length < i + 1) { if (cur > 1 && i > 2) { if (cur > 4) { res += `\n${blue}...${white}`; skipped = true; } else if (cur > 3) { res += `\n ${actualLines[i - 2]}`; printedLines++; } res += `\n ${actualLines[i - 1]}`; printedLines++; } lastPos = i; res += `\n${red}-${white} ${actualLines[i]}`; printedLines++; // Lines diverge } else if (actualLines[i] !== expectedLines[i]) { if (cur > 1 && i > 2) { if (cur > 4) { res += `\n${blue}...${white}`; skipped = true; } else if (cur > 3) { res += `\n ${actualLines[i - 2]}`; printedLines++; } res += `\n ${actualLines[i - 1]}`; printedLines++; } lastPos = i; res += `\n${red}-${white} ${actualLines[i]}`; other += `\n${green}+${white} ${expectedLines[i]}`; printedLines += 2; // Lines are identical } else { res += other; other = ''; if (cur === 1 || i === 0) { res += `\n ${actualLines[i]}`; printedLines++; } identical++; } // Inspected object to big (Show ~20 rows max) if (printedLines > 20 && i < maxLines - 2) { return `${msg}${skippedMsg}\n${res}\n${blue}...${white}${other}\n` + `${blue}...${white}`; } } // Strict equal with identical objects that are not identical by reference. if (identical === maxLines) { // E.g., assert.deepStrictEqual(Symbol(), Symbol()) const base = operator === 'strictEqual' ? 'Input objects identical but not reference equal:' : 'Input objects not identical:'; // We have to get the result again. The lines were all removed before. const actualLines = inspectValue(actual); // Only remove lines in case it makes sense to collapse those. // TODO: Accept env to always show the full error. if (actualLines.length > 30) { actualLines[26] = `${blue}...${white}`; while (actualLines.length > 27) { actualLines.pop(); } } return `${base}\n\n${actualLines.join('\n')}\n`; } return `${msg}${skipped ? skippedMsg : ''}\n${res}${other}${end}`; } class AssertionError extends Error { constructor(options) { if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } var { actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFn } = options; if (message != null) { super(String(message)); } else { if (process.stdout.isTTY) { // Reset on each call to make sure we handle dynamically set environment // variables correct. if (process.stdout.getColorDepth() !== 1) { blue = '\u001b[34m'; green = '\u001b[32m'; white = '\u001b[39m'; red = '\u001b[31m'; } else { blue = ''; green = ''; white = ''; red = ''; } } // Prevent the error stack from being visible by duplicating the error // in a very close way to the original in case both sides are actually // instances of Error. if (typeof actual === 'object' && actual !== null && typeof expected === 'object' && expected !== null && 'stack' in actual && actual instanceof Error && 'stack' in expected && expected instanceof Error) { actual = copyError(actual); expected = copyError(expected); } if (operator === 'deepStrictEqual' || operator === 'strictEqual') { super(createErrDiff(actual, expected, operator)); } else if (operator === 'notDeepStrictEqual' || operator === 'notStrictEqual') { // In case the objects are equal but the operator requires unequal, show // the first object and say A equals B const res = inspectValue(actual); const base = `Identical input passed to ${operator}:`; // Only remove lines in case it makes sense to collapse those. // TODO: Accept env to always show the full error. if (res.length > 30) { res[26] = `${blue}...${white}`; while (res.length > 27) { res.pop(); } } // Only print a single input. if (res.length === 1) { super(`${base} ${res[0]}`); } else { super(`${base}\n\n${res.join('\n')}\n`); } } else { let res = inspect(actual); let other = inspect(expected); if (res.length > 128) res = `${res.slice(0, 125)}...`; if (other.length > 128) other = `${other.slice(0, 125)}...`; super(`${res} ${operator} ${other}`); } } this.generatedMessage = !message; this.name = 'AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]'; this.code = 'ERR_ASSERTION'; this.actual = actual; this.expected = expected; this.operator = operator; Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFn); } } module.exports = { AssertionError }; internal/async_hooks'use strict'; const { ERR_ASYNC_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ASYNC_ID } = require('internal/errors').codes; const async_wrap = internalBinding('async_wrap'); /* async_hook_fields is a Uint32Array wrapping the uint32_t array of * Environment::AsyncHooks::fields_[]. Each index tracks the number of active * hooks for each type. * * async_id_fields is a Float64Array wrapping the double array of * Environment::AsyncHooks::async_id_fields_[]. Each index contains the ids for * the various asynchronous states of the application. These are: * kExecutionAsyncId: The async_id assigned to the resource responsible for the * current execution stack. * kTriggerAsyncId: The async_id of the resource that caused (or 'triggered') * the resource corresponding to the current execution stack. * kAsyncIdCounter: Incremental counter tracking the next assigned async_id. * kDefaultTriggerAsyncId: Written immediately before a resource's constructor * that sets the value of the init()'s triggerAsyncId. The precedence order * of retrieving the triggerAsyncId value is: * 1. the value passed directly to the constructor * 2. value set in kDefaultTriggerAsyncId * 3. executionAsyncId of the current resource. * * async_ids_stack is a Float64Array that contains part of the async ID * stack. Each pushAsyncIds() call adds two doubles to it, and each * popAsyncIds() call removes two doubles from it. * It has a fixed size, so if that is exceeded, calls to the native * side are used instead in pushAsyncIds() and popAsyncIds(). */ const { async_hook_fields, async_id_fields, owner_symbol } = async_wrap; // Store the pair executionAsyncId and triggerAsyncId in a std::stack on // Environment::AsyncHooks::async_ids_stack_ tracks the resource responsible for // the current execution stack. This is unwound as each resource exits. In the // case of a fatal exception this stack is emptied after calling each hook's // after() callback. const { pushAsyncIds: pushAsyncIds_, popAsyncIds: popAsyncIds_ } = async_wrap; // For performance reasons, only track Promises when a hook is enabled. const { enablePromiseHook, disablePromiseHook } = async_wrap; // Properties in active_hooks are used to keep track of the set of hooks being // executed in case another hook is enabled/disabled. The new set of hooks is // then restored once the active set of hooks is finished executing. const active_hooks = { // Array of all AsyncHooks that will be iterated whenever an async event // fires. Using var instead of (preferably const) in order to assign // active_hooks.tmp_array if a hook is enabled/disabled during hook // execution. array: [], // Use a counter to track nested calls of async hook callbacks and make sure // the active_hooks.array isn't altered mid execution. call_depth: 0, // Use to temporarily store and updated active_hooks.array if the user // enables or disables a hook while hooks are being processed. If a hook is // enabled() or disabled() during hook execution then the current set of // active hooks is duplicated and set equal to active_hooks.tmp_array. Any // subsequent changes are on the duplicated array. When all hooks have // completed executing active_hooks.tmp_array is assigned to // active_hooks.array. tmp_array: null, // Keep track of the field counts held in active_hooks.tmp_array. Because the // async_hook_fields can't be reassigned, store each uint32 in an array that // is written back to async_hook_fields when active_hooks.array is restored. tmp_fields: null }; const { registerDestroyHook } = async_wrap; // Each constant tracks how many callbacks there are for any given step of // async execution. These are tracked so if the user didn't include callbacks // for a given step, that step can bail out early. const { kInit, kBefore, kAfter, kDestroy, kTotals, kPromiseResolve, kCheck, kExecutionAsyncId, kAsyncIdCounter, kTriggerAsyncId, kDefaultTriggerAsyncId, kStackLength } = async_wrap.constants; // Used in AsyncHook and AsyncResource. const async_id_symbol = Symbol('asyncId'); const trigger_async_id_symbol = Symbol('triggerAsyncId'); const init_symbol = Symbol('init'); const before_symbol = Symbol('before'); const after_symbol = Symbol('after'); const destroy_symbol = Symbol('destroy'); const promise_resolve_symbol = Symbol('promiseResolve'); const emitBeforeNative = emitHookFactory(before_symbol, 'emitBeforeNative'); const emitAfterNative = emitHookFactory(after_symbol, 'emitAfterNative'); const emitDestroyNative = emitHookFactory(destroy_symbol, 'emitDestroyNative'); const emitPromiseResolveNative = emitHookFactory(promise_resolve_symbol, 'emitPromiseResolveNative'); // Setup the callbacks that node::AsyncWrap will call when there are hooks to // process. They use the same functions as the JS embedder API. These callbacks // are setup immediately to prevent async_wrap.setupHooks() from being hijacked // and the cost of doing so is negligible. async_wrap.setupHooks({ init: emitInitNative, before: emitBeforeNative, after: emitAfterNative, destroy: emitDestroyNative, promise_resolve: emitPromiseResolveNative }); // Used to fatally abort the process if a callback throws. function fatalError(e) { if (typeof e.stack === 'string') { process._rawDebug(e.stack); } else { const o = { message: e }; Error.captureStackTrace(o, fatalError); process._rawDebug(o.stack); } if (process.binding('config').shouldAbortOnUncaughtException) { process.abort(); } process.exit(1); } function validateAsyncId(asyncId, type) { // Skip validation when async_hooks is disabled if (async_hook_fields[kCheck] <= 0) return; if (!Number.isSafeInteger(asyncId) || asyncId < -1) { fatalError(new ERR_INVALID_ASYNC_ID(type, asyncId)); } } // Emit From Native // // Used by C++ to call all init() callbacks. Because some state can be setup // from C++ there's no need to perform all the same operations as in // emitInitScript. function emitInitNative(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) { active_hooks.call_depth += 1; // Use a single try/catch for all hooks to avoid setting up one per iteration. try { for (var i = 0; i < active_hooks.array.length; i++) { if (typeof active_hooks.array[i][init_symbol] === 'function') { active_hooks.array[i][init_symbol]( asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource ); } } } catch (e) { fatalError(e); } finally { active_hooks.call_depth -= 1; } // Hooks can only be restored if there have been no recursive hook calls. // Also the active hooks do not need to be restored if enable()/disable() // weren't called during hook execution, in which case active_hooks.tmp_array // will be null. if (active_hooks.call_depth === 0 && active_hooks.tmp_array !== null) { restoreActiveHooks(); } } function emitHookFactory(symbol, name) { // Called from native. The asyncId stack handling is taken care of there // before this is called. // eslint-disable-next-line func-style const fn = function(asyncId) { active_hooks.call_depth += 1; // Use a single try/catch for all hook to avoid setting up one per // iteration. try { for (var i = 0; i < active_hooks.array.length; i++) { if (typeof active_hooks.array[i][symbol] === 'function') { active_hooks.array[i][symbol](asyncId); } } } catch (e) { fatalError(e); } finally { active_hooks.call_depth -= 1; } // Hooks can only be restored if there have been no recursive hook calls. // Also the active hooks do not need to be restored if enable()/disable() // weren't called during hook execution, in which case // active_hooks.tmp_array will be null. if (active_hooks.call_depth === 0 && active_hooks.tmp_array !== null) { restoreActiveHooks(); } }; // Set the name property of the anonymous function as it looks good in the // stack trace. Object.defineProperty(fn, 'name', { value: name }); return fn; } // Manage Active Hooks // function getHookArrays() { if (active_hooks.call_depth === 0) return [active_hooks.array, async_hook_fields]; // If this hook is being enabled while in the middle of processing the array // of currently active hooks then duplicate the current set of active hooks // and store this there. This shouldn't fire until the next time hooks are // processed. if (active_hooks.tmp_array === null) storeActiveHooks(); return [active_hooks.tmp_array, active_hooks.tmp_fields]; } function storeActiveHooks() { active_hooks.tmp_array = active_hooks.array.slice(); // Don't want to make the assumption that kInit to kDestroy are indexes 0 to // 4. So do this the long way. active_hooks.tmp_fields = []; copyHooks(active_hooks.tmp_fields, async_hook_fields); } function copyHooks(destination, source) { destination[kInit] = source[kInit]; destination[kBefore] = source[kBefore]; destination[kAfter] = source[kAfter]; destination[kDestroy] = source[kDestroy]; destination[kPromiseResolve] = source[kPromiseResolve]; } // Then restore the correct hooks array in case any hooks were added/removed // during hook callback execution. function restoreActiveHooks() { active_hooks.array = active_hooks.tmp_array; copyHooks(async_hook_fields, active_hooks.tmp_fields); active_hooks.tmp_array = null; active_hooks.tmp_fields = null; } function enableHooks() { enablePromiseHook(); async_hook_fields[kCheck] += 1; } function disableHooks() { disablePromiseHook(); async_hook_fields[kCheck] -= 1; } // Internal Embedder API // // Increment the internal id counter and return the value. Important that the // counter increment first. Since it's done the same way in // Environment::new_async_uid() function newAsyncId() { return ++async_id_fields[kAsyncIdCounter]; } function getOrSetAsyncId(object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(async_id_symbol)) { return object[async_id_symbol]; } return object[async_id_symbol] = newAsyncId(); } // Return the triggerAsyncId meant for the constructor calling it. It's up to // the user to safeguard this call and make sure it's zero'd out when the // constructor is complete. function getDefaultTriggerAsyncId() { let defaultTriggerAsyncId = async_id_fields[kDefaultTriggerAsyncId]; // If defaultTriggerAsyncId isn't set, use the executionAsyncId if (defaultTriggerAsyncId < 0) defaultTriggerAsyncId = async_id_fields[kExecutionAsyncId]; return defaultTriggerAsyncId; } function clearDefaultTriggerAsyncId() { async_id_fields[kDefaultTriggerAsyncId] = -1; } function defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(triggerAsyncId, block, ...args) { if (triggerAsyncId === undefined) return Reflect.apply(block, null, args); // do { if (!(Number.isSafeInteger(triggerAsyncId))) (process._rawDebug("CHECK: Number.isSafeInteger(triggerAsyncId) == true"), process.abort()) } while (0) // do { if (!(triggerAsyncId > 0)) (process._rawDebug("CHECK: triggerAsyncId > 0 == true"), process.abort()) } while (0) const oldDefaultTriggerAsyncId = async_id_fields[kDefaultTriggerAsyncId]; async_id_fields[kDefaultTriggerAsyncId] = triggerAsyncId; let ret; try { ret = Reflect.apply(block, null, args); } finally { async_id_fields[kDefaultTriggerAsyncId] = oldDefaultTriggerAsyncId; } return ret; } function initHooksExist() { return async_hook_fields[kInit] > 0; } function afterHooksExist() { return async_hook_fields[kAfter] > 0; } function destroyHooksExist() { return async_hook_fields[kDestroy] > 0; } function emitInitScript(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) { validateAsyncId(asyncId, 'asyncId'); if (triggerAsyncId !== null) validateAsyncId(triggerAsyncId, 'triggerAsyncId'); if (async_hook_fields[kCheck] > 0 && (typeof type !== 'string' || type.length <= 0)) { throw new ERR_ASYNC_TYPE(type); } // Short circuit all checks for the common case. Which is that no hooks have // been set. Do this to remove performance impact for embedders (and core). if (async_hook_fields[kInit] === 0) return; // This can run after the early return check b/c running this function // manually means that the embedder must have used getDefaultTriggerAsyncId(). if (triggerAsyncId === null) { triggerAsyncId = getDefaultTriggerAsyncId(); } emitInitNative(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource); } function emitBeforeScript(asyncId, triggerAsyncId) { // Validate the ids. An id of -1 means it was never set and is visible on the // call graph. An id < -1 should never happen in any circumstance. Throw // on user calls because async state should still be recoverable. validateAsyncId(asyncId, 'asyncId'); validateAsyncId(triggerAsyncId, 'triggerAsyncId'); pushAsyncIds(asyncId, triggerAsyncId); if (async_hook_fields[kBefore] > 0) emitBeforeNative(asyncId); } function emitAfterScript(asyncId) { validateAsyncId(asyncId, 'asyncId'); if (async_hook_fields[kAfter] > 0) emitAfterNative(asyncId); popAsyncIds(asyncId); } function emitDestroyScript(asyncId) { validateAsyncId(asyncId, 'asyncId'); // Return early if there are no destroy callbacks, or invalid asyncId. if (async_hook_fields[kDestroy] === 0 || asyncId <= 0) return; async_wrap.queueDestroyAsyncId(asyncId); } // Keep in sync with Environment::AsyncHooks::clear_async_id_stack // in src/env-inl.h. function clearAsyncIdStack() { async_id_fields[kExecutionAsyncId] = 0; async_id_fields[kTriggerAsyncId] = 0; async_hook_fields[kStackLength] = 0; } function hasAsyncIdStack() { return async_hook_fields[kStackLength] > 0; } // This is the equivalent of the native push_async_ids() call. function pushAsyncIds(asyncId, triggerAsyncId) { const offset = async_hook_fields[kStackLength]; if (offset * 2 >= async_wrap.async_ids_stack.length) return pushAsyncIds_(asyncId, triggerAsyncId); async_wrap.async_ids_stack[offset * 2] = async_id_fields[kExecutionAsyncId]; async_wrap.async_ids_stack[offset * 2 + 1] = async_id_fields[kTriggerAsyncId]; async_hook_fields[kStackLength]++; async_id_fields[kExecutionAsyncId] = asyncId; async_id_fields[kTriggerAsyncId] = triggerAsyncId; } // This is the equivalent of the native pop_async_ids() call. function popAsyncIds(asyncId) { if (async_hook_fields[kStackLength] === 0) return false; const stackLength = async_hook_fields[kStackLength]; if (async_hook_fields[kCheck] > 0 && async_id_fields[kExecutionAsyncId] !== asyncId) { // Do the same thing as the native code (i.e. crash hard). return popAsyncIds_(asyncId); } const offset = stackLength - 1; async_id_fields[kExecutionAsyncId] = async_wrap.async_ids_stack[2 * offset]; async_id_fields[kTriggerAsyncId] = async_wrap.async_ids_stack[2 * offset + 1]; async_hook_fields[kStackLength] = offset; return offset > 0; } function executionAsyncId() { return async_id_fields[kExecutionAsyncId]; } function triggerAsyncId() { return async_id_fields[kTriggerAsyncId]; } module.exports = { executionAsyncId, triggerAsyncId, // Private API getHookArrays, symbols: { async_id_symbol, trigger_async_id_symbol, init_symbol, before_symbol, after_symbol, destroy_symbol, promise_resolve_symbol, owner_symbol }, constants: { kInit, kBefore, kAfter, kDestroy, kTotals, kPromiseResolve }, enableHooks, disableHooks, clearDefaultTriggerAsyncId, clearAsyncIdStack, hasAsyncIdStack, // Internal Embedder API newAsyncId, getOrSetAsyncId, getDefaultTriggerAsyncId, defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope, initHooksExist, afterHooksExist, destroyHooksExist, emitInit: emitInitScript, emitBefore: emitBeforeScript, emitAfter: emitAfterScript, emitDestroy: emitDestroyScript, registerDestroyHook, }; internal/bash_completion'use strict'; const { options, aliases } = require('internal/options'); function print(stream) { const all_opts = [...options.keys(), ...aliases.keys()]; stream.write(`_node_complete() { local cur_word options cur_word="\${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" if [[ "\${cur_word}" == -* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '${all_opts.join(' ')}' -- "\${cur_word}") ) return 0 else COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -f "\${cur_word}") ) return 0 fi } complete -F _node_complete node node_g`); } module.exports = { print }; internal/buffer'use strict'; const binding = process.binding('buffer'); const { ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateNumber } = require('internal/validators'); const { setupBufferJS } = binding; // Remove from the binding so that function is only available as exported here. // (That is, for internal use only.) delete binding.setupBufferJS; // Temporary buffers to convert numbers. const float32Array = new Float32Array(1); const uInt8Float32Array = new Uint8Array(float32Array.buffer); const float64Array = new Float64Array(1); const uInt8Float64Array = new Uint8Array(float64Array.buffer); // Check endianness. float32Array[0] = -1; // 0xBF800000 // Either it is [0, 0, 128, 191] or [191, 128, 0, 0]. It is not possible to // check this with `os.endianness()` because that is determined at compile time. const bigEndian = uInt8Float32Array[3] === 0; function checkBounds(buf, offset, byteLength) { checkNumberType(offset); if (buf[offset] === undefined || buf[offset + byteLength] === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - (byteLength + 1)); } function checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, byteLength) { if (value > max || value < min) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('value', `>= ${min} and <= ${max}`, value); } checkBounds(buf, offset, byteLength); } function checkNumberType(value, type) { validateNumber(value, type || 'offset'); } function boundsError(value, length, type) { if (Math.floor(value) !== value) { checkNumberType(value, type); throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(type || 'offset', 'an integer', value); } if (length < 0) throw new ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS(); throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(type || 'offset', `>= ${type ? 1 : 0} and <= ${length}`, value); } // Read integers. function readUIntLE(offset, byteLength) { if (byteLength === 6) return readUInt48LE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 5) return readUInt40LE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 3) return readUInt24LE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 4) return this.readUInt32LE(offset); if (byteLength === 2) return this.readUInt16LE(offset); if (byteLength === 1 || byteLength === undefined) return this.readUInt8(offset); boundsError(byteLength, 6, 'byteLength'); } function readUInt48LE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 5]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 6); return first + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 24 + (buf[++offset] + last * 2 ** 8) * 2 ** 32; } function readUInt40LE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 4]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 5); return first + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 24 + last * 2 ** 32; } function readUInt32LE(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 3]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 4); return first + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + last * 2 ** 24; } function readUInt24LE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 2]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 3); return first + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last * 2 ** 16; } function readUInt16LE(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 1]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 2); return first + last * 2 ** 8; } function readUInt8(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const val = this[offset]; if (val === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 1); return val; } function readUIntBE(offset, byteLength) { if (byteLength === 6) return readUInt48BE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 5) return readUInt40BE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 3) return readUInt24BE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 4) return this.readUInt32BE(offset); if (byteLength === 2) return this.readUInt16BE(offset); if (byteLength === 1 || byteLength === undefined) return this.readUInt8(offset); boundsError(byteLength, 6, 'byteLength'); } function readUInt48BE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 5]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 6); return (first * 2 ** 8 + buf[++offset]) * 2 ** 32 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 24 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last; } function readUInt40BE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 4]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 5); return first * 2 ** 32 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 24 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last; } function readUInt32BE(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 3]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 4); return first * 2 ** 24 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last; } function readUInt24BE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 2]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 3); return first * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last; } function readUInt16BE(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 1]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 2); return first * 2 ** 8 + last; } function readIntLE(offset, byteLength) { if (byteLength === 6) return readInt48LE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 5) return readInt40LE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 3) return readInt24LE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 4) return this.readInt32LE(offset); if (byteLength === 2) return this.readInt16LE(offset); if (byteLength === 1 || byteLength === undefined) return this.readInt8(offset); boundsError(byteLength, 6, 'byteLength'); } function readInt48LE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 5]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 6); const val = buf[offset + 4] + last * 2 ** 8; return (val | (val & 2 ** 15) * 0x1fffe) * 2 ** 32 + first + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 24; } function readInt40LE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 4]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 5); return (last | (last & 2 ** 7) * 0x1fffffe) * 2 ** 32 + first + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 24; } function readInt32LE(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 3]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 4); return first + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + (last << 24); // Overflow } function readInt24LE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 2]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 3); const val = first + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last * 2 ** 16; return val | (val & 2 ** 23) * 0x1fe; } function readInt16LE(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 1]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 2); const val = first + last * 2 ** 8; return val | (val & 2 ** 15) * 0x1fffe; } function readInt8(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const val = this[offset]; if (val === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 1); return val | (val & 2 ** 7) * 0x1fffffe; } function readIntBE(offset, byteLength) { if (byteLength === 6) return readInt48BE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 5) return readInt40BE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 3) return readInt24BE(this, offset); if (byteLength === 4) return this.readInt32BE(offset); if (byteLength === 2) return this.readInt16BE(offset); if (byteLength === 1 || byteLength === undefined) return this.readInt8(offset); boundsError(byteLength, 6, 'byteLength'); } function readInt48BE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 5]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 6); const val = buf[++offset] + first * 2 ** 8; return (val | (val & 2 ** 15) * 0x1fffe) * 2 ** 32 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 24 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last; } function readInt40BE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 4]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 5); return (first | (first & 2 ** 7) * 0x1fffffe) * 2 ** 32 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 24 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last; } function readInt32BE(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 3]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 4); return (first << 24) + // Overflow this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 + this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last; } function readInt24BE(buf, offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = buf[offset]; const last = buf[offset + 2]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 3); const val = first * 2 ** 16 + buf[++offset] * 2 ** 8 + last; return val | (val & 2 ** 23) * 0x1fe; } function readInt16BE(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 1]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 2); const val = first * 2 ** 8 + last; return val | (val & 2 ** 15) * 0x1fffe; } // Read floats function readFloatBackwards(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 3]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 4); uInt8Float32Array[3] = first; uInt8Float32Array[2] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float32Array[1] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float32Array[0] = last; return float32Array[0]; } function readFloatForwards(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 3]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 4); uInt8Float32Array[0] = first; uInt8Float32Array[1] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float32Array[2] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float32Array[3] = last; return float32Array[0]; } function readDoubleBackwards(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 7]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 8); uInt8Float64Array[7] = first; uInt8Float64Array[6] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[5] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[4] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[3] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[2] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[1] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[0] = last; return float64Array[0]; } function readDoubleForwards(offset = 0) { checkNumberType(offset); const first = this[offset]; const last = this[offset + 7]; if (first === undefined || last === undefined) boundsError(offset, this.length - 8); uInt8Float64Array[0] = first; uInt8Float64Array[1] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[2] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[3] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[4] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[5] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[6] = this[++offset]; uInt8Float64Array[7] = last; return float64Array[0]; } // Write integers. function writeUIntLE(value, offset = 0, byteLength) { if (byteLength === 6) return writeU_Int48LE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffffffffff); if (byteLength === 5) return writeU_Int40LE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffffffff); if (byteLength === 3) return writeU_Int24LE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffff); if (byteLength === 4) return writeU_Int32LE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffffff); if (byteLength === 2) return writeU_Int16LE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffff); if (byteLength === 1 || byteLength === undefined) return writeU_Int8(this, value, offset, 0, 0xff); boundsError(byteLength, 6, 'byteLength'); } function writeU_Int48LE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 5); const newVal = Math.floor(value * 2 ** -32); buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; buf[offset++] = newVal; buf[offset++] = (newVal >>> 8); return offset; } function writeU_Int40LE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 4); const newVal = value; buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; buf[offset++] = Math.floor(newVal * 2 ** -32); return offset; } function writeU_Int32LE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 3); buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; return offset; } function writeUInt32LE(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int32LE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffffff); } function writeU_Int24LE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 2); buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset++] = value; return offset; } function writeU_Int16LE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 1); buf[offset++] = value; buf[offset++] = (value >>> 8); return offset; } function writeUInt16LE(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int16LE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffff); } function writeU_Int8(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; // `checkInt()` can not be used here because it checks two entries. checkNumberType(offset); if (value > max || value < min) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('value', `>= ${min} and <= ${max}`, value); } if (buf[offset] === undefined) boundsError(offset, buf.length - 1); buf[offset] = value; return offset + 1; } function writeUInt8(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int8(this, value, offset, 0, 0xff); } function writeUIntBE(value, offset = 0, byteLength) { if (byteLength === 6) return writeU_Int48BE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffffffffffff); if (byteLength === 5) return writeU_Int40BE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffffffff); if (byteLength === 3) return writeU_Int24BE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffff); if (byteLength === 4) return writeU_Int32BE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffffff); if (byteLength === 2) return writeU_Int16BE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffff); if (byteLength === 1 || byteLength === undefined) return writeU_Int8(this, value, offset, 0, 0xff); boundsError(byteLength, 6, 'byteLength'); } function writeU_Int48BE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 5); const newVal = Math.floor(value * 2 ** -32); buf[offset++] = (newVal >>> 8); buf[offset++] = newVal; buf[offset + 3] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset + 2] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset + 1] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset] = value; return offset + 4; } function writeU_Int40BE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 4); buf[offset++] = Math.floor(value * 2 ** -32); buf[offset + 3] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset + 2] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset + 1] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset] = value; return offset + 4; } function writeU_Int32BE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 3); buf[offset + 3] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset + 2] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset + 1] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset] = value; return offset + 4; } function writeUInt32BE(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int32BE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffffffff); } function writeU_Int24BE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 2); buf[offset + 2] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset + 1] = value; value = value >>> 8; buf[offset] = value; return offset + 3; } function writeU_Int16BE(buf, value, offset, min, max) { value = +value; checkInt(value, min, max, buf, offset, 1); buf[offset++] = (value >>> 8); buf[offset++] = value; return offset; } function writeUInt16BE(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int16BE(this, value, offset, 0, 0xffff); } function writeIntLE(value, offset = 0, byteLength) { if (byteLength === 6) return writeU_Int48LE(this, value, offset, -0x800000000000, 0x7fffffffffff); if (byteLength === 5) return writeU_Int40LE(this, value, offset, -0x8000000000, 0x7fffffffff); if (byteLength === 3) return writeU_Int24LE(this, value, offset, -0x800000, 0x7fffff); if (byteLength === 4) return writeU_Int32LE(this, value, offset, -0x80000000, 0x7fffffff); if (byteLength === 2) return writeU_Int16LE(this, value, offset, -0x8000, 0x7fff); if (byteLength === 1 || byteLength === undefined) return writeU_Int8(this, value, offset, -0x80, 0x7f); boundsError(byteLength, 6, 'byteLength'); } function writeInt32LE(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int32LE(this, value, offset, -0x80000000, 0x7fffffff); } function writeInt16LE(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int16LE(this, value, offset, -0x8000, 0x7fff); } function writeInt8(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int8(this, value, offset, -0x80, 0x7f); } function writeIntBE(value, offset = 0, byteLength) { if (byteLength === 6) return writeU_Int48BE(this, value, offset, -0x800000000000, 0x7fffffffffff); if (byteLength === 5) return writeU_Int40BE(this, value, offset, -0x8000000000, 0x7fffffffff); if (byteLength === 3) return writeU_Int24BE(this, value, offset, -0x800000, 0x7fffff); if (byteLength === 4) return writeU_Int32BE(this, value, offset, -0x80000000, 0x7fffffff); if (byteLength === 2) return writeU_Int16BE(this, value, offset, -0x8000, 0x7fff); if (byteLength === 1 || byteLength === undefined) return writeU_Int8(this, value, offset, -0x80, 0x7f); boundsError(byteLength, 6, 'byteLength'); } function writeInt32BE(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int32BE(this, value, offset, -0x80000000, 0x7fffffff); } function writeInt16BE(value, offset = 0) { return writeU_Int16BE(this, value, offset, -0x8000, 0x7fff); } // Write floats. function writeDoubleForwards(val, offset = 0) { val = +val; checkBounds(this, offset, 7); float64Array[0] = val; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[0]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[1]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[2]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[3]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[4]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[5]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[6]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[7]; return offset; } function writeDoubleBackwards(val, offset = 0) { val = +val; checkBounds(this, offset, 7); float64Array[0] = val; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[7]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[6]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[5]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[4]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[3]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[2]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[1]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float64Array[0]; return offset; } function writeFloatForwards(val, offset = 0) { val = +val; checkBounds(this, offset, 3); float32Array[0] = val; this[offset++] = uInt8Float32Array[0]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float32Array[1]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float32Array[2]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float32Array[3]; return offset; } function writeFloatBackwards(val, offset = 0) { val = +val; checkBounds(this, offset, 3); float32Array[0] = val; this[offset++] = uInt8Float32Array[3]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float32Array[2]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float32Array[1]; this[offset++] = uInt8Float32Array[0]; return offset; } // FastBuffer wil be inserted here by lib/buffer.js module.exports = { setupBufferJS, // Container to export all read write functions. readWrites: { readUIntLE, readUInt32LE, readUInt16LE, readUInt8, readUIntBE, readUInt32BE, readUInt16BE, readIntLE, readInt32LE, readInt16LE, readInt8, readIntBE, readInt32BE, readInt16BE, writeUIntLE, writeUInt32LE, writeUInt16LE, writeUInt8, writeUIntBE, writeUInt32BE, writeUInt16BE, writeIntLE, writeInt32LE, writeInt16LE, writeInt8, writeIntBE, writeInt32BE, writeInt16BE, readFloatLE: bigEndian ? readFloatBackwards : readFloatForwards, readFloatBE: bigEndian ? readFloatForwards : readFloatBackwards, readDoubleLE: bigEndian ? readDoubleBackwards : readDoubleForwards, readDoubleBE: bigEndian ? readDoubleForwards : readDoubleBackwards, writeFloatLE: bigEndian ? writeFloatBackwards : writeFloatForwards, writeFloatBE: bigEndian ? writeFloatForwards : writeFloatBackwards, writeDoubleLE: bigEndian ? writeDoubleBackwards : writeDoubleForwards, writeDoubleBE: bigEndian ? writeDoubleForwards : writeDoubleBackwards } }; internal/cli_table'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { removeColors } = require('internal/util'); const HasOwnProperty = Function.call.bind(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); const tableChars = { /* eslint-disable node-core/non-ascii-character */ middleMiddle: '%', rowMiddle: '<%', topRight: '%', topLeft: ' %', leftMiddle: '%', topMiddle: ',%', bottomRight: '%', bottomLeft: '%', bottomMiddle: '4%', rightMiddle: '$%', left: '% ', right: ' %', middle: ' % ', /* eslint-enable node-core/non-ascii-character */ }; const countSymbols = (string) => { const normalized = removeColors(string).normalize('NFC'); return Buffer.from(normalized, 'UCS-2').byteLength / 2; }; const renderRow = (row, columnWidths) => { let out = tableChars.left; for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { const cell = row[i]; const len = countSymbols(cell); const needed = (columnWidths[i] - len) / 2; // round(needed) + ceil(needed) will always add up to the amount // of spaces we need while also left justifying the output. out += `${' '.repeat(needed)}${cell}${' '.repeat(Math.ceil(needed))}`; if (i !== row.length - 1) out += tableChars.middle; } out += tableChars.right; return out; }; const table = (head, columns) => { const rows = []; const columnWidths = head.map((h) => countSymbols(h)); const longestColumn = columns.reduce((n, a) => Math.max(n, a.length), 0); for (var i = 0; i < head.length; i++) { const column = columns[i]; for (var j = 0; j < longestColumn; j++) { if (rows[j] === undefined) rows[j] = []; const value = rows[j][i] = HasOwnProperty(column, j) ? column[j] : ''; const width = columnWidths[i] || 0; const counted = countSymbols(value); columnWidths[i] = Math.max(width, counted); } } const divider = columnWidths.map((i) => tableChars.middleMiddle.repeat(i + 2)); let result = `${tableChars.topLeft}${divider.join(tableChars.topMiddle)}` + `${tableChars.topRight}\n${renderRow(head, columnWidths)}\n` + `${tableChars.leftMiddle}${divider.join(tableChars.rowMiddle)}` + `${tableChars.rightMiddle}\n`; for (const row of rows) result += `${renderRow(row, columnWidths)}\n`; result += `${tableChars.bottomLeft}${divider.join(tableChars.bottomMiddle)}` + tableChars.bottomRight; return result; }; module.exports = table; internal/child_process'use strict'; const { errnoException, codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_HANDLE_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_SYNC_FORK_INPUT, ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED, ERR_IPC_DISCONNECTED, ERR_IPC_ONE_PIPE, ERR_IPC_SYNC_FORK, ERR_MISSING_ARGS } } = require('internal/errors'); const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const net = require('net'); const dgram = require('dgram'); const util = require('util'); const assert = require('assert'); const { Process } = internalBinding('process_wrap'); const { WriteWrap } = internalBinding('stream_wrap'); const { Pipe, constants: PipeConstants } = internalBinding('pipe_wrap'); const { TCP } = internalBinding('tcp_wrap'); const { TTY } = internalBinding('tty_wrap'); const { UDP } = internalBinding('udp_wrap'); const SocketList = require('internal/socket_list'); const { owner_symbol } = require('internal/async_hooks').symbols; const { convertToValidSignal } = require('internal/util'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const spawn_sync = internalBinding('spawn_sync'); const { kStateSymbol } = require('internal/dgram'); const { UV_EACCES, UV_EAGAIN, UV_EINVAL, UV_EMFILE, UV_ENFILE, UV_ENOENT, UV_ENOSYS, UV_ESRCH } = process.binding('uv'); const { SocketListSend, SocketListReceive } = SocketList; // Lazy loaded for startup performance. let StringDecoder; // Lazy loaded for startup performance and to allow monkey patching of // internalBinding('http_parser').HTTPParser. let freeParser; let HTTPParser; const MAX_HANDLE_RETRANSMISSIONS = 3; // this object contain function to convert TCP objects to native handle objects // and back again. const handleConversion = { 'net.Native': { simultaneousAccepts: true, send: function(message, handle, options) { return handle; }, got: function(message, handle, emit) { emit(handle); } }, 'net.Server': { simultaneousAccepts: true, send: function(message, server, options) { return server._handle; }, got: function(message, handle, emit) { var server = new net.Server(); server.listen(handle, function() { emit(server); }); } }, 'net.Socket': { send: function(message, socket, options) { if (!socket._handle) return; // if the socket was created by net.Server if (socket.server) { // the worker should keep track of the socket message.key = socket.server._connectionKey; var firstTime = !this.channel.sockets.send[message.key]; var socketList = getSocketList('send', this, message.key); // the server should no longer expose a .connection property // and when asked to close it should query the socket status from // the workers if (firstTime) socket.server._setupWorker(socketList); // Act like socket is detached if (!options.keepOpen) socket.server._connections--; } var handle = socket._handle; // remove handle from socket object, it will be closed when the socket // will be sent if (!options.keepOpen) { handle.onread = nop; socket._handle = null; socket.setTimeout(0); if (freeParser === undefined) freeParser = require('_http_common').freeParser; if (HTTPParser === undefined) HTTPParser = internalBinding('http_parser').HTTPParser; // In case of an HTTP connection socket, release the associated // resources if (socket.parser && socket.parser instanceof HTTPParser) { freeParser(socket.parser, null, socket); if (socket._httpMessage) socket._httpMessage.detachSocket(socket); } } return handle; }, postSend: function(message, handle, options, callback, target) { // Store the handle after successfully sending it, so it can be closed // when the NODE_HANDLE_ACK is received. If the handle could not be sent, // just close it. if (handle && !options.keepOpen) { if (target) { // There can only be one _pendingMessage as passing handles are // processed one at a time: handles are stored in _handleQueue while // waiting for the NODE_HANDLE_ACK of the current passing handle. assert(!target._pendingMessage); target._pendingMessage = { callback, message, handle, options, retransmissions: 0 }; } else { handle.close(); } } }, got: function(message, handle, emit) { var socket = new net.Socket({ handle: handle, readable: true, writable: true }); // if the socket was created by net.Server we will track the socket if (message.key) { // add socket to connections list var socketList = getSocketList('got', this, message.key); socketList.add({ socket: socket }); } emit(socket); } }, 'dgram.Native': { simultaneousAccepts: false, send: function(message, handle, options) { return handle; }, got: function(message, handle, emit) { emit(handle); } }, 'dgram.Socket': { simultaneousAccepts: false, send: function(message, socket, options) { message.dgramType = socket.type; return socket[kStateSymbol].handle; }, got: function(message, handle, emit) { var socket = new dgram.Socket(message.dgramType); socket.bind(handle, function() { emit(socket); }); } } }; function ChildProcess() { EventEmitter.call(this); this._closesNeeded = 1; this._closesGot = 0; this.connected = false; this.signalCode = null; this.exitCode = null; this.killed = false; this.spawnfile = null; this._handle = new Process(); this._handle[owner_symbol] = this; this._handle.onexit = (exitCode, signalCode) => { if (signalCode) { this.signalCode = signalCode; } else { this.exitCode = exitCode; } if (this.stdin) { this.stdin.destroy(); } this._handle.close(); this._handle = null; if (exitCode < 0) { var syscall = this.spawnfile ? 'spawn ' + this.spawnfile : 'spawn'; const err = errnoException(exitCode, syscall); if (this.spawnfile) err.path = this.spawnfile; err.spawnargs = this.spawnargs.slice(1); this.emit('error', err); } else { this.emit('exit', this.exitCode, this.signalCode); } // if any of the stdio streams have not been touched, // then pull all the data through so that it can get the // eof and emit a 'close' event. // Do it on nextTick so that the user has one last chance // to consume the output, if for example they only want to // start reading the data once the process exits. process.nextTick(flushStdio, this); maybeClose(this); }; } util.inherits(ChildProcess, EventEmitter); function flushStdio(subprocess) { const stdio = subprocess.stdio; if (stdio == null) return; for (var i = 0; i < stdio.length; i++) { const stream = stdio[i]; if (!stream || !stream.readable || stream._readableState.readableListening) continue; stream.resume(); } } function createSocket(pipe, readable) { return net.Socket({ handle: pipe, readable, writable: !readable }); } function getHandleWrapType(stream) { if (stream instanceof Pipe) return 'pipe'; if (stream instanceof TTY) return 'tty'; if (stream instanceof TCP) return 'tcp'; if (stream instanceof UDP) return 'udp'; return false; } function closePendingHandle(target) { target._pendingMessage.handle.close(); target._pendingMessage = null; } ChildProcess.prototype.spawn = function(options) { var ipc; var ipcFd; var i; if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } // If no `stdio` option was given - use default var stdio = options.stdio || 'pipe'; stdio = _validateStdio(stdio, false); ipc = stdio.ipc; ipcFd = stdio.ipcFd; stdio = options.stdio = stdio.stdio; if (ipc !== undefined) { // Let child process know about opened IPC channel if (options.envPairs === undefined) options.envPairs = []; else if (!Array.isArray(options.envPairs)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.envPairs', 'Array', options.envPairs); } options.envPairs.push('NODE_CHANNEL_FD=' + ipcFd); } validateString(options.file, 'options.file'); this.spawnfile = options.file; if (Array.isArray(options.args)) this.spawnargs = options.args; else if (options.args === undefined) this.spawnargs = []; else throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.args', 'Array', options.args); var err = this._handle.spawn(options); // Run-time errors should emit an error, not throw an exception. if (err === UV_EACCES || err === UV_EAGAIN || err === UV_EMFILE || err === UV_ENFILE || err === UV_ENOENT) { process.nextTick(onErrorNT, this, err); // There is no point in continuing when we've hit EMFILE or ENFILE // because we won't be able to set up the stdio file descriptors. // It's kind of silly that the de facto spec for ENOENT (the test suite) // mandates that stdio _is_ set up, even if there is no process on the // receiving end, but it is what it is. if (err !== UV_ENOENT) return err; } else if (err) { // Close all opened fds on error for (i = 0; i < stdio.length; i++) { const stream = stdio[i]; if (stream.type === 'pipe') { stream.handle.close(); } } this._handle.close(); this._handle = null; throw errnoException(err, 'spawn'); } this.pid = this._handle.pid; for (i = 0; i < stdio.length; i++) { const stream = stdio[i]; if (stream.type === 'ignore') continue; if (stream.ipc) { this._closesNeeded++; continue; } if (stream.handle) { // when i === 0 - we're dealing with stdin // (which is the only one writable pipe) stream.socket = createSocket(this.pid !== 0 ? stream.handle : null, i > 0); if (i > 0 && this.pid !== 0) { this._closesNeeded++; stream.socket.on('close', () => { maybeClose(this); }); } } } this.stdin = stdio.length >= 1 && stdio[0].socket !== undefined ? stdio[0].socket : null; this.stdout = stdio.length >= 2 && stdio[1].socket !== undefined ? stdio[1].socket : null; this.stderr = stdio.length >= 3 && stdio[2].socket !== undefined ? stdio[2].socket : null; this.stdio = []; for (i = 0; i < stdio.length; i++) this.stdio.push(stdio[i].socket === undefined ? null : stdio[i].socket); // Add .send() method and start listening for IPC data if (ipc !== undefined) setupChannel(this, ipc); return err; }; function onErrorNT(self, err) { self._handle.onexit(err); } ChildProcess.prototype.kill = function(sig) { const signal = sig === 0 ? sig : convertToValidSignal(sig === undefined ? 'SIGTERM' : sig); if (this._handle) { var err = this._handle.kill(signal); if (err === 0) { /* Success. */ this.killed = true; return true; } if (err === UV_ESRCH) { /* Already dead. */ } else if (err === UV_EINVAL || err === UV_ENOSYS) { /* The underlying platform doesn't support this signal. */ throw errnoException(err, 'kill'); } else { /* Other error, almost certainly EPERM. */ this.emit('error', errnoException(err, 'kill')); } } /* Kill didn't succeed. */ return false; }; ChildProcess.prototype.ref = function() { if (this._handle) this._handle.ref(); }; ChildProcess.prototype.unref = function() { if (this._handle) this._handle.unref(); }; class Control extends EventEmitter { constructor(channel) { super(); this.channel = channel; this.refs = 0; } ref() { if (++this.refs === 1) { this.channel.ref(); } } unref() { if (--this.refs === 0) { this.channel.unref(); this.emit('unref'); } } } function setupChannel(target, channel) { target.channel = channel; // _channel can be deprecated in version 8 Object.defineProperty(target, '_channel', { get() { return target.channel; }, set(val) { target.channel = val; }, enumerable: true }); target._handleQueue = null; target._pendingMessage = null; const control = new Control(channel); if (StringDecoder === undefined) StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8'); var jsonBuffer = ''; var pendingHandle = null; channel.buffering = false; channel.pendingHandle = null; channel.onread = function(nread, pool) { const recvHandle = channel.pendingHandle; channel.pendingHandle = null; // TODO(bnoordhuis) Check that nread > 0. if (pool) { if (recvHandle) pendingHandle = recvHandle; // Linebreak is used as a message end sign var chunks = decoder.write(pool).split('\n'); var numCompleteChunks = chunks.length - 1; // Last line does not have trailing linebreak var incompleteChunk = chunks[numCompleteChunks]; if (numCompleteChunks === 0) { jsonBuffer += incompleteChunk; this.buffering = jsonBuffer.length !== 0; return; } chunks[0] = jsonBuffer + chunks[0]; for (var i = 0; i < numCompleteChunks; i++) { var message = JSON.parse(chunks[i]); // There will be at most one NODE_HANDLE message in every chunk we // read because SCM_RIGHTS messages don't get coalesced. Make sure // that we deliver the handle with the right message however. if (isInternal(message)) { if (message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE') { handleMessage(message, pendingHandle, true); pendingHandle = null; } else { handleMessage(message, undefined, true); } } else { handleMessage(message, undefined, false); } } jsonBuffer = incompleteChunk; this.buffering = jsonBuffer.length !== 0; } else { this.buffering = false; target.disconnect(); channel.onread = nop; channel.close(); target.channel = null; maybeClose(target); } }; // object where socket lists will live channel.sockets = { got: {}, send: {} }; // handlers will go through this target.on('internalMessage', function(message, handle) { // Once acknowledged - continue sending handles. if (message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK' || message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE_NACK') { if (target._pendingMessage) { if (message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK') { closePendingHandle(target); } else if (target._pendingMessage.retransmissions++ === MAX_HANDLE_RETRANSMISSIONS) { closePendingHandle(target); process.emitWarning('Handle did not reach the receiving process ' + 'correctly', 'SentHandleNotReceivedWarning'); } } assert(Array.isArray(target._handleQueue)); var queue = target._handleQueue; target._handleQueue = null; if (target._pendingMessage) { target._send(target._pendingMessage.message, target._pendingMessage.handle, target._pendingMessage.options, target._pendingMessage.callback); } for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { var args = queue[i]; target._send(args.message, args.handle, args.options, args.callback); } // Process a pending disconnect (if any). if (!target.connected && target.channel && !target._handleQueue) target._disconnect(); return; } if (message.cmd !== 'NODE_HANDLE') return; // It is possible that the handle is not received because of some error on // ancillary data reception such as MSG_CTRUNC. In this case, report the // sender about it by sending a NODE_HANDLE_NACK message. if (!handle) return target._send({ cmd: 'NODE_HANDLE_NACK' }, null, true); // Acknowledge handle receival. Don't emit error events (for example if // the other side has disconnected) because this call to send() is not // initiated by the user and it shouldn't be fatal to be unable to ACK // a message. target._send({ cmd: 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK' }, null, true); var obj = handleConversion[message.type]; // Update simultaneous accepts on Windows if (process.platform === 'win32') { handle._simultaneousAccepts = false; net._setSimultaneousAccepts(handle); } // Convert handle object obj.got.call(this, message, handle, function(handle) { handleMessage(message.msg, handle, isInternal(message.msg)); }); }); target.send = function(message, handle, options, callback) { if (typeof handle === 'function') { callback = handle; handle = undefined; options = undefined; } else if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = undefined; } else if (options !== undefined && (options === null || typeof options !== 'object')) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } options = Object.assign({ swallowErrors: false }, options); if (this.connected) { return this._send(message, handle, options, callback); } const ex = new ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED(); if (typeof callback === 'function') { process.nextTick(callback, ex); } else { process.nextTick(() => this.emit('error', ex)); } return false; }; target._send = function(message, handle, options, callback) { assert(this.connected || this.channel); if (message === undefined) throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('message'); // Support legacy function signature if (typeof options === 'boolean') { options = { swallowErrors: options }; } // package messages with a handle object if (handle) { // this message will be handled by an internalMessage event handler message = { cmd: 'NODE_HANDLE', type: null, msg: message }; if (handle instanceof net.Socket) { message.type = 'net.Socket'; } else if (handle instanceof net.Server) { message.type = 'net.Server'; } else if (handle instanceof TCP || handle instanceof Pipe) { message.type = 'net.Native'; } else if (handle instanceof dgram.Socket) { message.type = 'dgram.Socket'; } else if (handle instanceof UDP) { message.type = 'dgram.Native'; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_HANDLE_TYPE(); } // Queue-up message and handle if we haven't received ACK yet. if (this._handleQueue) { this._handleQueue.push({ callback: callback, handle: handle, options: options, message: message.msg, }); return this._handleQueue.length === 1; } var obj = handleConversion[message.type]; // convert TCP object to native handle object handle = handleConversion[message.type].send.call(target, message, handle, options); // If handle was sent twice, or it is impossible to get native handle // out of it - just send a text without the handle. if (!handle) message = message.msg; // Update simultaneous accepts on Windows if (obj.simultaneousAccepts) { net._setSimultaneousAccepts(handle); } } else if (this._handleQueue && !(message && (message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK' || message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE_NACK'))) { // Queue request anyway to avoid out-of-order messages. this._handleQueue.push({ callback: callback, handle: null, options: options, message: message, }); return this._handleQueue.length === 1; } var req = new WriteWrap(); req.async = false; var string = JSON.stringify(message) + '\n'; var err = channel.writeUtf8String(req, string, handle); if (err === 0) { if (handle) { if (!this._handleQueue) this._handleQueue = []; if (obj && obj.postSend) obj.postSend(message, handle, options, callback, target); } if (req.async) { req.oncomplete = function() { control.unref(); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(null); }; control.ref(); } else if (typeof callback === 'function') { process.nextTick(callback, null); } } else { // Cleanup handle on error if (obj && obj.postSend) obj.postSend(message, handle, options, callback); if (!options.swallowErrors) { const ex = errnoException(err, 'write'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { process.nextTick(callback, ex); } else { process.nextTick(() => this.emit('error', ex)); } } } /* If the master is > 2 read() calls behind, please stop sending. */ return channel.writeQueueSize < (65536 * 2); }; // connected will be set to false immediately when a disconnect() is // requested, even though the channel might still be alive internally to // process queued messages. The three states are distinguished as follows: // - disconnect() never requested: channel is not null and connected // is true // - disconnect() requested, messages in the queue: channel is not null // and connected is false // - disconnect() requested, channel actually disconnected: channel is // null and connected is false target.connected = true; target.disconnect = function() { if (!this.connected) { this.emit('error', new ERR_IPC_DISCONNECTED()); return; } // Do not allow any new messages to be written. this.connected = false; // If there are no queued messages, disconnect immediately. Otherwise, // postpone the disconnect so that it happens internally after the // queue is flushed. if (!this._handleQueue) this._disconnect(); }; target._disconnect = function() { assert(this.channel); // This marks the fact that the channel is actually disconnected. this.channel = null; if (this._pendingMessage) closePendingHandle(this); var fired = false; function finish() { if (fired) return; fired = true; channel.close(); target.emit('disconnect'); } // If a message is being read, then wait for it to complete. if (channel.buffering) { this.once('message', finish); this.once('internalMessage', finish); return; } process.nextTick(finish); }; function emit(event, message, handle) { target.emit(event, message, handle); } function handleMessage(message, handle, internal) { if (!target.channel) return; var eventName = (internal ? 'internalMessage' : 'message'); process.nextTick(emit, eventName, message, handle); } channel.readStart(); return control; } const INTERNAL_PREFIX = 'NODE_'; function isInternal(message) { return (message !== null && typeof message === 'object' && typeof message.cmd === 'string' && message.cmd.length > INTERNAL_PREFIX.length && message.cmd.slice(0, INTERNAL_PREFIX.length) === INTERNAL_PREFIX); } function nop() { } function _validateStdio(stdio, sync) { var ipc; var ipcFd; // Replace shortcut with an array if (typeof stdio === 'string') { switch (stdio) { case 'ignore': stdio = ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore']; break; case 'pipe': stdio = ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe']; break; case 'inherit': stdio = [0, 1, 2]; break; default: throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('stdio', stdio); } } else if (!Array.isArray(stdio)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('stdio', util.inspect(stdio)); } // At least 3 stdio will be created // Don't concat() a new Array() because it would be sparse, and // stdio.reduce() would skip the sparse elements of stdio. // See http://stackoverflow.com/a/5501711/3561 while (stdio.length < 3) stdio.push(undefined); // Translate stdio into C++-readable form // (i.e. PipeWraps or fds) stdio = stdio.reduce(function(acc, stdio, i) { function cleanup() { for (var i = 0; i < acc.length; i++) { if ((acc[i].type === 'pipe' || acc[i].type === 'ipc') && acc[i].handle) acc[i].handle.close(); } } // Defaults if (stdio == null) { stdio = i < 3 ? 'pipe' : 'ignore'; } if (stdio === 'ignore') { acc.push({ type: 'ignore' }); } else if (stdio === 'pipe' || typeof stdio === 'number' && stdio < 0) { var a = { type: 'pipe', readable: i === 0, writable: i !== 0 }; if (!sync) a.handle = new Pipe(PipeConstants.SOCKET); acc.push(a); } else if (stdio === 'ipc') { if (sync || ipc !== undefined) { // Cleanup previously created pipes cleanup(); if (!sync) throw new ERR_IPC_ONE_PIPE(); else throw new ERR_IPC_SYNC_FORK(); } ipc = new Pipe(PipeConstants.IPC); ipcFd = i; acc.push({ type: 'pipe', handle: ipc, ipc: true }); } else if (stdio === 'inherit') { acc.push({ type: 'inherit', fd: i }); } else if (typeof stdio === 'number' || typeof stdio.fd === 'number') { acc.push({ type: 'fd', fd: typeof stdio === 'number' ? stdio : stdio.fd }); } else if (getHandleWrapType(stdio) || getHandleWrapType(stdio.handle) || getHandleWrapType(stdio._handle)) { var handle = getHandleWrapType(stdio) ? stdio : getHandleWrapType(stdio.handle) ? stdio.handle : stdio._handle; acc.push({ type: 'wrap', wrapType: getHandleWrapType(handle), handle: handle }); } else if (isArrayBufferView(stdio) || typeof stdio === 'string') { if (!sync) { cleanup(); throw new ERR_INVALID_SYNC_FORK_INPUT(util.inspect(stdio)); } } else { // Cleanup cleanup(); throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('stdio', util.inspect(stdio)); } return acc; }, []); return { stdio, ipc, ipcFd }; } function getSocketList(type, worker, key) { var sockets = worker.channel.sockets[type]; var socketList = sockets[key]; if (!socketList) { var Construct = type === 'send' ? SocketListSend : SocketListReceive; socketList = sockets[key] = new Construct(worker, key); } return socketList; } function maybeClose(subprocess) { subprocess._closesGot++; if (subprocess._closesGot === subprocess._closesNeeded) { subprocess.emit('close', subprocess.exitCode, subprocess.signalCode); } } function spawnSync(opts) { var options = opts.options; var result = spawn_sync.spawn(options); if (result.output && options.encoding && options.encoding !== 'buffer') { for (var i = 0; i < result.output.length; i++) { if (!result.output[i]) continue; result.output[i] = result.output[i].toString(options.encoding); } } result.stdout = result.output && result.output[1]; result.stderr = result.output && result.output[2]; if (result.error) { result.error = errnoException(result.error, 'spawnSync ' + opts.file); result.error.path = opts.file; result.error.spawnargs = opts.args.slice(1); } return result; } module.exports = { ChildProcess, setupChannel, _validateStdio, spawnSync }; internal/cluster/child'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const util = require('util'); const path = require('path'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const { owner_symbol } = require('internal/async_hooks').symbols; const Worker = require('internal/cluster/worker'); const { internal, sendHelper } = require('internal/cluster/utils'); const cluster = new EventEmitter(); const handles = new Map(); const indexes = new Map(); const noop = () => {}; module.exports = cluster; cluster.isWorker = true; cluster.isMaster = false; cluster.worker = null; cluster.Worker = Worker; cluster._setupWorker = function() { const worker = new Worker({ id: +process.env.NODE_UNIQUE_ID | 0, process: process, state: 'online' }); cluster.worker = worker; process.once('disconnect', () => { worker.emit('disconnect'); if (!worker.exitedAfterDisconnect) { // Unexpected disconnect, master exited, or some such nastiness, so // worker exits immediately. process.exit(0); } }); process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage)); send({ act: 'online' }); function onmessage(message, handle) { if (message.act === 'newconn') onconnection(message, handle); else if (message.act === 'disconnect') _disconnect.call(worker, true); } }; // obj is a net#Server or a dgram#Socket object. cluster._getServer = function(obj, options, cb) { let address = options.address; // Resolve unix socket paths to absolute paths if (options.port < 0 && typeof address === 'string' && process.platform !== 'win32') address = path.resolve(address); const indexesKey = [address, options.port, options.addressType, options.fd ].join(':'); let index = indexes.get(indexesKey); if (index === undefined) index = 0; else index++; indexes.set(indexesKey, index); const message = util._extend({ act: 'queryServer', index, data: null }, options); message.address = address; // Set custom data on handle (i.e. tls tickets key) if (obj._getServerData) message.data = obj._getServerData(); send(message, (reply, handle) => { if (typeof obj._setServerData === 'function') obj._setServerData(reply.data); if (handle) shared(reply, handle, indexesKey, cb); // Shared listen socket. else rr(reply, indexesKey, cb); // Round-robin. }); obj.once('listening', () => { cluster.worker.state = 'listening'; const address = obj.address(); message.act = 'listening'; message.port = address && address.port || options.port; send(message); }); }; // Shared listen socket. function shared(message, handle, indexesKey, cb) { const key = message.key; // Monkey-patch the close() method so we can keep track of when it's // closed. Avoids resource leaks when the handle is short-lived. const close = handle.close; handle.close = function() { send({ act: 'close', key }); handles.delete(key); indexes.delete(indexesKey); return close.apply(this, arguments); }.bind(handle); assert(handles.has(key) === false); handles.set(key, handle); cb(message.errno, handle); } // Round-robin. Master distributes handles across workers. function rr(message, indexesKey, cb) { if (message.errno) return cb(message.errno, null); var key = message.key; function listen(backlog) { // TODO(bnoordhuis) Send a message to the master that tells it to // update the backlog size. The actual backlog should probably be // the largest requested size by any worker. return 0; } function close() { // lib/net.js treats server._handle.close() as effectively synchronous. // That means there is a time window between the call to close() and // the ack by the master process in which we can still receive handles. // onconnection() below handles that by sending those handles back to // the master. if (key === undefined) return; send({ act: 'close', key }); handles.delete(key); indexes.delete(indexesKey); key = undefined; } function getsockname(out) { if (key) util._extend(out, message.sockname); return 0; } // Faux handle. Mimics a TCPWrap with just enough fidelity to get away // with it. Fools net.Server into thinking that it's backed by a real // handle. Use a noop function for ref() and unref() because the control // channel is going to keep the worker alive anyway. const handle = { close, listen, ref: noop, unref: noop }; if (message.sockname) { handle.getsockname = getsockname; // TCP handles only. } assert(handles.has(key) === false); handles.set(key, handle); cb(0, handle); } // Round-robin connection. function onconnection(message, handle) { const key = message.key; const server = handles.get(key); const accepted = server !== undefined; send({ ack: message.seq, accepted }); if (accepted) server.onconnection(0, handle); } function send(message, cb) { return sendHelper(process, message, null, cb); } function _disconnect(masterInitiated) { this.exitedAfterDisconnect = true; let waitingCount = 1; function checkWaitingCount() { waitingCount--; if (waitingCount === 0) { // If disconnect is worker initiated, wait for ack to be sure // exitedAfterDisconnect is properly set in the master, otherwise, if // it's master initiated there's no need to send the // exitedAfterDisconnect message if (masterInitiated) { process.disconnect(); } else { send({ act: 'exitedAfterDisconnect' }, () => process.disconnect()); } } } handles.forEach((handle) => { waitingCount++; if (handle[owner_symbol]) handle[owner_symbol].close(checkWaitingCount); else handle.close(checkWaitingCount); }); handles.clear(); checkWaitingCount(); } // Extend generic Worker with methods specific to worker processes. Worker.prototype.disconnect = function() { _disconnect.call(this); return this; }; Worker.prototype.destroy = function() { this.exitedAfterDisconnect = true; if (!this.isConnected()) { process.exit(0); } else { send({ act: 'exitedAfterDisconnect' }, () => process.disconnect()); process.once('disconnect', () => process.exit(0)); } }; internal/cluster/master'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const { fork } = require('child_process'); const util = require('util'); const path = require('path'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const RoundRobinHandle = require('internal/cluster/round_robin_handle'); const SharedHandle = require('internal/cluster/shared_handle'); const Worker = require('internal/cluster/worker'); const { internal, sendHelper } = require('internal/cluster/utils'); const { ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT } = require('internal/errors').codes; const keys = Object.keys; const cluster = new EventEmitter(); const intercom = new EventEmitter(); const SCHED_NONE = 1; const SCHED_RR = 2; const { isLegalPort } = require('internal/net'); const [ minPort, maxPort ] = [ 1024, 65535 ]; module.exports = cluster; const handles = new Map(); cluster.isWorker = false; cluster.isMaster = true; cluster.Worker = Worker; cluster.workers = {}; cluster.settings = {}; cluster.SCHED_NONE = SCHED_NONE; // Leave it to the operating system. cluster.SCHED_RR = SCHED_RR; // Master distributes connections. var ids = 0; var debugPortOffset = 1; var initialized = false; // XXX(bnoordhuis) Fold cluster.schedulingPolicy into cluster.settings? var schedulingPolicy = { 'none': SCHED_NONE, 'rr': SCHED_RR }[process.env.NODE_CLUSTER_SCHED_POLICY]; if (schedulingPolicy === undefined) { // FIXME Round-robin doesn't perform well on Windows right now due to the // way IOCP is wired up. schedulingPolicy = (process.platform === 'win32') ? SCHED_NONE : SCHED_RR; } cluster.schedulingPolicy = schedulingPolicy; cluster.setupMaster = function(options) { var settings = { args: process.argv.slice(2), exec: process.argv[1], execArgv: process.execArgv, silent: false }; util._extend(settings, cluster.settings); util._extend(settings, options || {}); // Tell V8 to write profile data for each process to a separate file. // Without --logfile=v8-%p.log, everything ends up in a single, unusable // file. (Unusable because what V8 logs are memory addresses and each // process has its own memory mappings.) if (settings.execArgv.some((s) => s.startsWith('--prof')) && !settings.execArgv.some((s) => s.startsWith('--logfile='))) { settings.execArgv = settings.execArgv.concat(['--logfile=v8-%p.log']); } cluster.settings = settings; if (initialized === true) return process.nextTick(setupSettingsNT, settings); initialized = true; schedulingPolicy = cluster.schedulingPolicy; // Freeze policy. assert(schedulingPolicy === SCHED_NONE || schedulingPolicy === SCHED_RR, `Bad cluster.schedulingPolicy: ${schedulingPolicy}`); process.nextTick(setupSettingsNT, settings); process.on('internalMessage', (message) => { if (message.cmd !== 'NODE_DEBUG_ENABLED') return; var key; for (key in cluster.workers) { const worker = cluster.workers[key]; if (worker.state === 'online' || worker.state === 'listening') { process._debugProcess(worker.process.pid); } else { worker.once('online', function() { process._debugProcess(this.process.pid); }); } } }); }; function setupSettingsNT(settings) { cluster.emit('setup', settings); } function createWorkerProcess(id, env) { const workerEnv = util._extend({}, process.env); const execArgv = cluster.settings.execArgv.slice(); const debugArgRegex = /--inspect(?:-brk|-port)?|--debug-port/; const nodeOptions = process.env.NODE_OPTIONS ? process.env.NODE_OPTIONS : ''; util._extend(workerEnv, env); workerEnv.NODE_UNIQUE_ID = '' + id; if (execArgv.some((arg) => arg.match(debugArgRegex)) || nodeOptions.match(debugArgRegex)) { let inspectPort; if ('inspectPort' in cluster.settings) { if (typeof cluster.settings.inspectPort === 'function') inspectPort = cluster.settings.inspectPort(); else inspectPort = cluster.settings.inspectPort; if (!isLegalPort(inspectPort)) { throw new ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT(inspectPort); } } else { inspectPort = process.debugPort + debugPortOffset; if (inspectPort > maxPort) inspectPort = inspectPort - maxPort + minPort - 1; debugPortOffset++; } execArgv.push(`--inspect-port=${inspectPort}`); } return fork(cluster.settings.exec, cluster.settings.args, { cwd: cluster.settings.cwd, env: workerEnv, silent: cluster.settings.silent, windowsHide: cluster.settings.windowsHide, execArgv: execArgv, stdio: cluster.settings.stdio, gid: cluster.settings.gid, uid: cluster.settings.uid }); } function removeWorker(worker) { assert(worker); delete cluster.workers[worker.id]; if (keys(cluster.workers).length === 0) { assert(handles.size === 0, 'Resource leak detected.'); intercom.emit('disconnect'); } } function removeHandlesForWorker(worker) { assert(worker); handles.forEach((handle, key) => { if (handle.remove(worker)) handles.delete(key); }); } cluster.fork = function(env) { cluster.setupMaster(); const id = ++ids; const workerProcess = createWorkerProcess(id, env); const worker = new Worker({ id: id, process: workerProcess }); worker.on('message', function(message, handle) { cluster.emit('message', this, message, handle); }); worker.process.once('exit', (exitCode, signalCode) => { /* * Remove the worker from the workers list only * if it has disconnected, otherwise we might * still want to access it. */ if (!worker.isConnected()) { removeHandlesForWorker(worker); removeWorker(worker); } worker.exitedAfterDisconnect = !!worker.exitedAfterDisconnect; worker.state = 'dead'; worker.emit('exit', exitCode, signalCode); cluster.emit('exit', worker, exitCode, signalCode); }); worker.process.once('disconnect', () => { /* * Now is a good time to remove the handles * associated with this worker because it is * not connected to the master anymore. */ removeHandlesForWorker(worker); /* * Remove the worker from the workers list only * if its process has exited. Otherwise, we might * still want to access it. */ if (worker.isDead()) removeWorker(worker); worker.exitedAfterDisconnect = !!worker.exitedAfterDisconnect; worker.state = 'disconnected'; worker.emit('disconnect'); cluster.emit('disconnect', worker); }); worker.process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage)); process.nextTick(emitForkNT, worker); cluster.workers[worker.id] = worker; return worker; }; function emitForkNT(worker) { cluster.emit('fork', worker); } cluster.disconnect = function(cb) { const workers = keys(cluster.workers); if (workers.length === 0) { process.nextTick(() => intercom.emit('disconnect')); } else { for (var key in workers) { key = workers[key]; if (cluster.workers[key].isConnected()) cluster.workers[key].disconnect(); } } if (typeof cb === 'function') intercom.once('disconnect', cb); }; function onmessage(message, handle) { const worker = this; if (message.act === 'online') online(worker); else if (message.act === 'queryServer') queryServer(worker, message); else if (message.act === 'listening') listening(worker, message); else if (message.act === 'exitedAfterDisconnect') exitedAfterDisconnect(worker, message); else if (message.act === 'close') close(worker, message); } function online(worker) { worker.state = 'online'; worker.emit('online'); cluster.emit('online', worker); } function exitedAfterDisconnect(worker, message) { worker.exitedAfterDisconnect = true; send(worker, { ack: message.seq }); } function queryServer(worker, message) { // Stop processing if worker already disconnecting if (worker.exitedAfterDisconnect) return; const key = `${message.address}:${message.port}:${message.addressType}:` + `${message.fd}:${message.index}`; var handle = handles.get(key); if (handle === undefined) { let address = message.address; // Find shortest path for unix sockets because of the ~100 byte limit if (message.port < 0 && typeof address === 'string' && process.platform !== 'win32') { address = path.relative(process.cwd(), address); if (message.address.length < address.length) address = message.address; } var constructor = RoundRobinHandle; // UDP is exempt from round-robin connection balancing for what should // be obvious reasons: it's connectionless. There is nothing to send to // the workers except raw datagrams and that's pointless. if (schedulingPolicy !== SCHED_RR || message.addressType === 'udp4' || message.addressType === 'udp6') { constructor = SharedHandle; } handle = new constructor(key, address, message.port, message.addressType, message.fd, message.flags); handles.set(key, handle); } if (!handle.data) handle.data = message.data; // Set custom server data handle.add(worker, (errno, reply, handle) => { reply = util._extend({ errno: errno, key: key, ack: message.seq, data: handles.get(key).data }, reply); if (errno) handles.delete(key); // Gives other workers a chance to retry. send(worker, reply, handle); }); } function listening(worker, message) { const info = { addressType: message.addressType, address: message.address, port: message.port, fd: message.fd }; worker.state = 'listening'; worker.emit('listening', info); cluster.emit('listening', worker, info); } // Server in worker is closing, remove from list. The handle may have been // removed by a prior call to removeHandlesForWorker() so guard against that. function close(worker, message) { const key = message.key; const handle = handles.get(key); if (handle && handle.remove(worker)) handles.delete(key); } function send(worker, message, handle, cb) { return sendHelper(worker.process, message, handle, cb); } // Extend generic Worker with methods specific to the master process. Worker.prototype.disconnect = function() { this.exitedAfterDisconnect = true; send(this, { act: 'disconnect' }); removeHandlesForWorker(this); removeWorker(this); return this; }; Worker.prototype.destroy = function(signo) { const proc = this.process; signo = signo || 'SIGTERM'; if (this.isConnected()) { this.once('disconnect', () => proc.kill(signo)); this.disconnect(); return; } proc.kill(signo); }; internal/cluster/round_robin_handle'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const net = require('net'); const { sendHelper } = require('internal/cluster/utils'); const uv = internalBinding('uv'); module.exports = RoundRobinHandle; function RoundRobinHandle(key, address, port, addressType, fd) { this.key = key; this.all = new Map(); this.free = []; this.handles = []; this.handle = null; this.server = net.createServer(assert.fail); if (fd >= 0) this.server.listen({ fd }); else if (port >= 0) this.server.listen(port, address); else this.server.listen(address); // UNIX socket path. this.server.once('listening', () => { this.handle = this.server._handle; this.handle.onconnection = (err, handle) => this.distribute(err, handle); this.server._handle = null; this.server = null; }); } RoundRobinHandle.prototype.add = function(worker, send) { assert(this.all.has(worker.id) === false); this.all.set(worker.id, worker); const done = () => { if (this.handle.getsockname) { const out = {}; this.handle.getsockname(out); // TODO(bnoordhuis) Check err. send(null, { sockname: out }, null); } else { send(null, null, null); // UNIX socket. } this.handoff(worker); // In case there are connections pending. }; if (this.server === null) return done(); // Still busy binding. this.server.once('listening', done); this.server.once('error', (err) => { // Hack: translate 'EADDRINUSE' error string back to numeric error code. // It works but ideally we'd have some backchannel between the net and // cluster modules for stuff like this. send(uv[`UV_${err.errno}`], null); }); }; RoundRobinHandle.prototype.remove = function(worker) { const existed = this.all.delete(worker.id); if (!existed) return false; const index = this.free.indexOf(worker); if (index !== -1) this.free.splice(index, 1); if (this.all.size !== 0) return false; for (var handle; handle = this.handles.shift(); handle.close()) ; this.handle.close(); this.handle = null; return true; }; RoundRobinHandle.prototype.distribute = function(err, handle) { this.handles.push(handle); const worker = this.free.shift(); if (worker) this.handoff(worker); }; RoundRobinHandle.prototype.handoff = function(worker) { if (this.all.has(worker.id) === false) { return; // Worker is closing (or has closed) the server. } const handle = this.handles.shift(); if (handle === undefined) { this.free.push(worker); // Add to ready queue again. return; } const message = { act: 'newconn', key: this.key }; sendHelper(worker.process, message, handle, (reply) => { if (reply.accepted) handle.close(); else this.distribute(0, handle); // Worker is shutting down. Send to another. this.handoff(worker); }); }; internal/cluster/shared_handle'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const dgram = require('internal/dgram'); const net = require('net'); module.exports = SharedHandle; function SharedHandle(key, address, port, addressType, fd, flags) { this.key = key; this.workers = []; this.handle = null; this.errno = 0; var rval; if (addressType === 'udp4' || addressType === 'udp6') rval = dgram._createSocketHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags); else rval = net._createServerHandle(address, port, addressType, fd); if (typeof rval === 'number') this.errno = rval; else this.handle = rval; } SharedHandle.prototype.add = function(worker, send) { assert(this.workers.indexOf(worker) === -1); this.workers.push(worker); send(this.errno, null, this.handle); }; SharedHandle.prototype.remove = function(worker) { const index = this.workers.indexOf(worker); if (index === -1) return false; // The worker wasn't sharing this handle. this.workers.splice(index, 1); if (this.workers.length !== 0) return false; this.handle.close(); this.handle = null; return true; }; internal/cluster/utils'use strict'; const util = require('util'); module.exports = { sendHelper, internal }; const callbacks = new Map(); var seq = 0; function sendHelper(proc, message, handle, cb) { if (!proc.connected) return false; // Mark message as internal. See INTERNAL_PREFIX in lib/child_process.js message = util._extend({ cmd: 'NODE_CLUSTER' }, message); if (typeof cb === 'function') callbacks.set(seq, cb); message.seq = seq; seq += 1; return proc.send(message, handle); } // Returns an internalMessage listener that hands off normal messages // to the callback but intercepts and redirects ACK messages. function internal(worker, cb) { return function onInternalMessage(message, handle) { if (message.cmd !== 'NODE_CLUSTER') return; var fn = cb; if (message.ack !== undefined) { const callback = callbacks.get(message.ack); if (callback !== undefined) { fn = callback; callbacks.delete(message.ack); } } fn.apply(worker, arguments); }; } internal/cluster/worker'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('events'); const util = require('util'); module.exports = Worker; // Common Worker implementation shared between the cluster master and workers. function Worker(options) { if (!(this instanceof Worker)) return new Worker(options); EventEmitter.call(this); if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object') options = {}; this.exitedAfterDisconnect = undefined; this.state = options.state || 'none'; this.id = options.id | 0; if (options.process) { this.process = options.process; this.process.on('error', (code, signal) => this.emit('error', code, signal) ); this.process.on('message', (message, handle) => this.emit('message', message, handle) ); } } util.inherits(Worker, EventEmitter); Worker.prototype.kill = function() { this.destroy.apply(this, arguments); }; Worker.prototype.send = function() { return this.process.send.apply(this.process, arguments); }; Worker.prototype.isDead = function() { return this.process.exitCode != null || this.process.signalCode != null; }; Worker.prototype.isConnected = function() { return this.process.connected; }; internal/crypto/certificate'use strict'; const { certExportChallenge, certExportPublicKey, certVerifySpkac } = process.binding('crypto'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const { toBuf } = require('internal/crypto/util'); function verifySpkac(spkac) { if (!isArrayBufferView(spkac)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'spkac', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], spkac ); } return certVerifySpkac(spkac); } function exportPublicKey(spkac, encoding) { spkac = toBuf(spkac, encoding); if (!isArrayBufferView(spkac)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'spkac', ['string', 'Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], spkac ); } return certExportPublicKey(spkac); } function exportChallenge(spkac, encoding) { spkac = toBuf(spkac, encoding); if (!isArrayBufferView(spkac)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'spkac', ['string', 'Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], spkac ); } return certExportChallenge(spkac); } // For backwards compatibility reasons, this cannot be converted into a // ES6 Class. function Certificate() { if (!(this instanceof Certificate)) return new Certificate(); } Certificate.prototype.verifySpkac = verifySpkac; Certificate.prototype.exportPublicKey = exportPublicKey; Certificate.prototype.exportChallenge = exportChallenge; Certificate.exportChallenge = exportChallenge; Certificate.exportPublicKey = exportPublicKey; Certificate.verifySpkac = verifySpkac; module.exports = Certificate; internal/crypto/cipher'use strict'; const { RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING } = process.binding('constants').crypto; const { ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const { getDefaultEncoding, toBuf } = require('internal/crypto/util'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const { CipherBase, privateDecrypt: _privateDecrypt, privateEncrypt: _privateEncrypt, publicDecrypt: _publicDecrypt, publicEncrypt: _publicEncrypt } = process.binding('crypto'); const assert = require('assert'); const LazyTransform = require('internal/streams/lazy_transform'); const { inherits } = require('util'); const { deprecate, normalizeEncoding } = require('internal/util'); // Lazy loaded for startup performance. let StringDecoder; function rsaFunctionFor(method, defaultPadding) { return function(options, buffer) { const key = options.key || options; const padding = options.padding || defaultPadding; const passphrase = options.passphrase || null; return method(toBuf(key), buffer, padding, passphrase); }; } const publicEncrypt = rsaFunctionFor(_publicEncrypt, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING); const publicDecrypt = rsaFunctionFor(_publicDecrypt, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); const privateEncrypt = rsaFunctionFor(_privateEncrypt, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); const privateDecrypt = rsaFunctionFor(_privateDecrypt, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING); function getDecoder(decoder, encoding) { encoding = normalizeEncoding(encoding); if (StringDecoder === undefined) StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; decoder = decoder || new StringDecoder(encoding); assert(decoder.encoding === encoding, 'Cannot change encoding'); return decoder; } function getUIntOption(options, key) { let value; if (options && (value = options[key]) != null) { if (value >>> 0 !== value) throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE(key, value); return value; } return -1; } function createCipherBase(cipher, credential, options, decipher, iv) { const authTagLength = getUIntOption(options, 'authTagLength'); this._handle = new CipherBase(decipher); if (iv === undefined) { this._handle.init(cipher, credential, authTagLength); } else { this._handle.initiv(cipher, credential, iv, authTagLength); } this._decoder = null; LazyTransform.call(this, options); } function invalidArrayBufferView(name, value) { return new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( name, ['string', 'Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], value ); } function createCipher(cipher, password, options, decipher) { validateString(cipher, 'cipher'); password = toBuf(password); if (!isArrayBufferView(password)) { throw invalidArrayBufferView('password', password); } createCipherBase.call(this, cipher, password, options, decipher); } function createCipherWithIV(cipher, key, options, decipher, iv) { validateString(cipher, 'cipher'); key = toBuf(key); if (!isArrayBufferView(key)) { throw invalidArrayBufferView('key', key); } iv = toBuf(iv); if (iv !== null && !isArrayBufferView(iv)) { throw invalidArrayBufferView('iv', iv); } createCipherBase.call(this, cipher, key, options, decipher, iv); } function Cipher(cipher, password, options) { if (!(this instanceof Cipher)) return new Cipher(cipher, password, options); createCipher.call(this, cipher, password, options, true); } inherits(Cipher, LazyTransform); Cipher.prototype._transform = function _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) { this.push(this._handle.update(chunk, encoding)); callback(); }; Cipher.prototype._flush = function _flush(callback) { try { this.push(this._handle.final()); } catch (e) { callback(e); return; } callback(); }; Cipher.prototype.update = function update(data, inputEncoding, outputEncoding) { const encoding = getDefaultEncoding(); inputEncoding = inputEncoding || encoding; outputEncoding = outputEncoding || encoding; if (typeof data !== 'string' && !isArrayBufferView(data)) { throw invalidArrayBufferView('data', data); } const ret = this._handle.update(data, inputEncoding); if (outputEncoding && outputEncoding !== 'buffer') { this._decoder = getDecoder(this._decoder, outputEncoding); return this._decoder.write(ret); } return ret; }; Cipher.prototype.final = function final(outputEncoding) { outputEncoding = outputEncoding || getDefaultEncoding(); const ret = this._handle.final(); if (outputEncoding && outputEncoding !== 'buffer') { this._decoder = getDecoder(this._decoder, outputEncoding); return this._decoder.end(ret); } return ret; }; Cipher.prototype.setAutoPadding = function setAutoPadding(ap) { if (!this._handle.setAutoPadding(!!ap)) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE('setAutoPadding'); return this; }; Cipher.prototype.getAuthTag = function getAuthTag() { const ret = this._handle.getAuthTag(); if (ret === undefined) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE('getAuthTag'); return ret; }; Cipher.prototype.setAuthTag = function setAuthTag(tagbuf) { if (!isArrayBufferView(tagbuf)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buffer', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], tagbuf); } if (!this._handle.setAuthTag(tagbuf)) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE('setAuthTag'); return this; }; Cipher.prototype.setAAD = function setAAD(aadbuf, options) { if (!isArrayBufferView(aadbuf)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buffer', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], aadbuf); } const plaintextLength = getUIntOption(options, 'plaintextLength'); if (!this._handle.setAAD(aadbuf, plaintextLength)) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE('setAAD'); return this; }; function Cipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options) { if (!(this instanceof Cipheriv)) return new Cipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options); createCipherWithIV.call(this, cipher, key, options, true, iv); } function addCipherPrototypeFunctions(constructor) { constructor.prototype._transform = Cipher.prototype._transform; constructor.prototype._flush = Cipher.prototype._flush; constructor.prototype.update = Cipher.prototype.update; constructor.prototype.final = Cipher.prototype.final; constructor.prototype.setAutoPadding = Cipher.prototype.setAutoPadding; constructor.prototype.getAuthTag = Cipher.prototype.getAuthTag; constructor.prototype.setAuthTag = Cipher.prototype.setAuthTag; constructor.prototype.setAAD = Cipher.prototype.setAAD; } inherits(Cipheriv, LazyTransform); addCipherPrototypeFunctions(Cipheriv); const finaltol = deprecate(Cipher.prototype.final, 'crypto.Decipher.finaltol is deprecated. Use ' + 'crypto.Decipher.final instead.', 'DEP0105'); function Decipher(cipher, password, options) { if (!(this instanceof Decipher)) return new Decipher(cipher, password, options); createCipher.call(this, cipher, password, options, false); } inherits(Decipher, LazyTransform); addCipherPrototypeFunctions(Decipher); Decipher.prototype.finaltol = finaltol; function Decipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options) { if (!(this instanceof Decipheriv)) return new Decipheriv(cipher, key, iv, options); createCipherWithIV.call(this, cipher, key, options, false, iv); } inherits(Decipheriv, LazyTransform); addCipherPrototypeFunctions(Decipheriv); Decipheriv.prototype.finaltol = finaltol; module.exports = { Cipher, Cipheriv, Decipher, Decipheriv, privateDecrypt, privateEncrypt, publicDecrypt, publicEncrypt, }; internal/crypto/diffiehellman'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { ERR_CRYPTO_ECDH_INVALID_FORMAT, ERR_CRYPTO_ECDH_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const { getDefaultEncoding, toBuf } = require('internal/crypto/util'); const { DiffieHellman: _DiffieHellman, DiffieHellmanGroup: _DiffieHellmanGroup, ECDH: _ECDH, ECDHConvertKey: _ECDHConvertKey } = process.binding('crypto'); const { POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED } = process.binding('constants').crypto; const DH_GENERATOR = 2; function DiffieHellman(sizeOrKey, keyEncoding, generator, genEncoding) { if (!(this instanceof DiffieHellman)) return new DiffieHellman(sizeOrKey, keyEncoding, generator, genEncoding); if (typeof sizeOrKey !== 'number' && typeof sizeOrKey !== 'string' && !isArrayBufferView(sizeOrKey)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'sizeOrKey', ['number', 'string', 'Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], sizeOrKey ); } if (keyEncoding && !Buffer.isEncoding(keyEncoding) && keyEncoding !== 'buffer') { genEncoding = generator; generator = keyEncoding; keyEncoding = false; } const encoding = getDefaultEncoding(); keyEncoding = keyEncoding || encoding; genEncoding = genEncoding || encoding; if (typeof sizeOrKey !== 'number') sizeOrKey = toBuf(sizeOrKey, keyEncoding); if (!generator) generator = DH_GENERATOR; else if (typeof generator !== 'number') generator = toBuf(generator, genEncoding); this._handle = new _DiffieHellman(sizeOrKey, generator); Object.defineProperty(this, 'verifyError', { enumerable: true, value: this._handle.verifyError, writable: false }); } function DiffieHellmanGroup(name) { if (!(this instanceof DiffieHellmanGroup)) return new DiffieHellmanGroup(name); this._handle = new _DiffieHellmanGroup(name); Object.defineProperty(this, 'verifyError', { enumerable: true, value: this._handle.verifyError, writable: false }); } DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.generateKeys = DiffieHellman.prototype.generateKeys = dhGenerateKeys; function dhGenerateKeys(encoding) { const keys = this._handle.generateKeys(); encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); return encode(keys, encoding); } DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.computeSecret = DiffieHellman.prototype.computeSecret = dhComputeSecret; function dhComputeSecret(key, inEnc, outEnc) { const encoding = getDefaultEncoding(); inEnc = inEnc || encoding; outEnc = outEnc || encoding; const ret = this._handle.computeSecret(toBuf(key, inEnc)); if (typeof ret === 'string') throw new ERR_CRYPTO_ECDH_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY(); return encode(ret, outEnc); } DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.getPrime = DiffieHellman.prototype.getPrime = dhGetPrime; function dhGetPrime(encoding) { const prime = this._handle.getPrime(); encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); return encode(prime, encoding); } DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.getGenerator = DiffieHellman.prototype.getGenerator = dhGetGenerator; function dhGetGenerator(encoding) { const generator = this._handle.getGenerator(); encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); return encode(generator, encoding); } DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.getPublicKey = DiffieHellman.prototype.getPublicKey = dhGetPublicKey; function dhGetPublicKey(encoding) { const key = this._handle.getPublicKey(); encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); return encode(key, encoding); } DiffieHellmanGroup.prototype.getPrivateKey = DiffieHellman.prototype.getPrivateKey = dhGetPrivateKey; function dhGetPrivateKey(encoding) { const key = this._handle.getPrivateKey(); encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); return encode(key, encoding); } DiffieHellman.prototype.setPublicKey = function setPublicKey(key, encoding) { encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); this._handle.setPublicKey(toBuf(key, encoding)); return this; }; DiffieHellman.prototype.setPrivateKey = function setPrivateKey(key, encoding) { encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); this._handle.setPrivateKey(toBuf(key, encoding)); return this; }; function ECDH(curve) { if (!(this instanceof ECDH)) return new ECDH(curve); validateString(curve, 'curve'); this._handle = new _ECDH(curve); } ECDH.prototype.computeSecret = DiffieHellman.prototype.computeSecret; ECDH.prototype.setPrivateKey = DiffieHellman.prototype.setPrivateKey; ECDH.prototype.setPublicKey = DiffieHellman.prototype.setPublicKey; ECDH.prototype.getPrivateKey = DiffieHellman.prototype.getPrivateKey; ECDH.prototype.generateKeys = function generateKeys(encoding, format) { this._handle.generateKeys(); return this.getPublicKey(encoding, format); }; ECDH.prototype.getPublicKey = function getPublicKey(encoding, format) { const f = getFormat(format); const key = this._handle.getPublicKey(f); encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); return encode(key, encoding); }; ECDH.convertKey = function convertKey(key, curve, inEnc, outEnc, format) { if (typeof key !== 'string' && !isArrayBufferView(key)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'key', ['string', 'Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], key ); } validateString(curve, 'curve'); const encoding = getDefaultEncoding(); inEnc = inEnc || encoding; outEnc = outEnc || encoding; const f = getFormat(format); const convertedKey = _ECDHConvertKey(toBuf(key, inEnc), curve, f); return encode(convertedKey, outEnc); }; function encode(buffer, encoding) { if (encoding && encoding !== 'buffer') buffer = buffer.toString(encoding); return buffer; } function getFormat(format) { if (format) { if (format === 'compressed') return POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED; if (format === 'hybrid') return POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID; if (format !== 'uncompressed') throw new ERR_CRYPTO_ECDH_INVALID_FORMAT(format); } return POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED; } module.exports = { DiffieHellman, DiffieHellmanGroup, ECDH }; internal/crypto/hash'use strict'; const { Hash: _Hash, Hmac: _Hmac } = process.binding('crypto'); const { getDefaultEncoding, toBuf } = require('internal/crypto/util'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_DIGEST_NO_UTF16, ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_FINALIZED, ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_UPDATE_FAILED, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const { inherits } = require('util'); const { normalizeEncoding } = require('internal/util'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const LazyTransform = require('internal/streams/lazy_transform'); const kState = Symbol('kState'); const kFinalized = Symbol('kFinalized'); function Hash(algorithm, options) { if (!(this instanceof Hash)) return new Hash(algorithm, options); validateString(algorithm, 'algorithm'); this._handle = new _Hash(algorithm); this[kState] = { [kFinalized]: false }; LazyTransform.call(this, options); } inherits(Hash, LazyTransform); Hash.prototype._transform = function _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) { this._handle.update(chunk, encoding); callback(); }; Hash.prototype._flush = function _flush(callback) { this.push(this._handle.digest()); callback(); }; Hash.prototype.update = function update(data, encoding) { const state = this[kState]; if (state[kFinalized]) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_FINALIZED(); if (typeof data !== 'string' && !isArrayBufferView(data)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('data', ['string', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], data); } if (!this._handle.update(data, encoding || getDefaultEncoding())) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_UPDATE_FAILED(); return this; }; Hash.prototype.digest = function digest(outputEncoding) { const state = this[kState]; if (state[kFinalized]) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_FINALIZED(); outputEncoding = outputEncoding || getDefaultEncoding(); if (normalizeEncoding(outputEncoding) === 'utf16le') throw new ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_DIGEST_NO_UTF16(); // Explicit conversion for backward compatibility. const ret = this._handle.digest(`${outputEncoding}`); state[kFinalized] = true; return ret; }; function Hmac(hmac, key, options) { if (!(this instanceof Hmac)) return new Hmac(hmac, key, options); validateString(hmac, 'hmac'); if (typeof key !== 'string' && !isArrayBufferView(key)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('key', ['string', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], key); } this._handle = new _Hmac(); this._handle.init(hmac, toBuf(key)); this[kState] = { [kFinalized]: false }; LazyTransform.call(this, options); } inherits(Hmac, LazyTransform); Hmac.prototype.update = Hash.prototype.update; Hmac.prototype.digest = function digest(outputEncoding) { const state = this[kState]; outputEncoding = outputEncoding || getDefaultEncoding(); if (normalizeEncoding(outputEncoding) === 'utf16le') throw new ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_DIGEST_NO_UTF16(); if (state[kFinalized]) { const buf = Buffer.from(''); return outputEncoding === 'buffer' ? buf : buf.toString(outputEncoding); } // Explicit conversion for backward compatibility. const ret = this._handle.digest(`${outputEncoding}`); state[kFinalized] = true; return ret; }; Hmac.prototype._flush = Hash.prototype._flush; Hmac.prototype._transform = Hash.prototype._transform; module.exports = { Hash, Hmac }; internal/crypto/keygen'use strict'; const { AsyncWrap, Providers } = internalBinding('async_wrap'); const { generateKeyPairRSA, generateKeyPairDSA, generateKeyPairEC, OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE, OPENSSL_EC_EXPLICIT_CURVE, PK_ENCODING_PKCS1, PK_ENCODING_PKCS8, PK_ENCODING_SPKI, PK_ENCODING_SEC1, PK_FORMAT_DER, PK_FORMAT_PEM } = process.binding('crypto'); const { customPromisifyArgs } = require('internal/util'); const { isUint32 } = require('internal/validators'); const { ERR_CRYPTO_INCOMPATIBLE_KEY_OPTIONS, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE } = require('internal/errors').codes; function generateKeyPair(type, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = undefined; } const impl = check(type, options); if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); const wrap = new AsyncWrap(Providers.KEYPAIRGENREQUEST); wrap.ondone = (ex, pubkey, privkey) => { if (ex) return callback.call(wrap, ex); callback.call(wrap, null, pubkey, privkey); }; handleError(impl, wrap); } Object.defineProperty(generateKeyPair, customPromisifyArgs, { value: ['publicKey', 'privateKey'], enumerable: false }); function generateKeyPairSync(type, options) { const impl = check(type, options); return handleError(impl); } function handleError(impl, wrap) { const ret = impl(wrap); if (ret === undefined) return; // async const [err, publicKey, privateKey] = ret; if (err !== undefined) throw err; return { publicKey, privateKey }; } function parseKeyEncoding(keyType, options) { const { publicKeyEncoding, privateKeyEncoding } = options; if (publicKeyEncoding == null || typeof publicKeyEncoding !== 'object') throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('publicKeyEncoding', publicKeyEncoding); const { format: strPublicFormat, type: strPublicType } = publicKeyEncoding; let publicType; if (strPublicType === 'pkcs1') { if (keyType !== 'rsa') { throw new ERR_CRYPTO_INCOMPATIBLE_KEY_OPTIONS( strPublicType, 'can only be used for RSA keys'); } publicType = PK_ENCODING_PKCS1; } else if (strPublicType === 'spki') { publicType = PK_ENCODING_SPKI; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('publicKeyEncoding.type', strPublicType); } let publicFormat; if (strPublicFormat === 'der') { publicFormat = PK_FORMAT_DER; } else if (strPublicFormat === 'pem') { publicFormat = PK_FORMAT_PEM; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('publicKeyEncoding.format', strPublicFormat); } if (privateKeyEncoding == null || typeof privateKeyEncoding !== 'object') throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('privateKeyEncoding', privateKeyEncoding); const { cipher, passphrase, format: strPrivateFormat, type: strPrivateType } = privateKeyEncoding; let privateType; if (strPrivateType === 'pkcs1') { if (keyType !== 'rsa') { throw new ERR_CRYPTO_INCOMPATIBLE_KEY_OPTIONS( strPrivateType, 'can only be used for RSA keys'); } privateType = PK_ENCODING_PKCS1; } else if (strPrivateType === 'pkcs8') { privateType = PK_ENCODING_PKCS8; } else if (strPrivateType === 'sec1') { if (keyType !== 'ec') { throw new ERR_CRYPTO_INCOMPATIBLE_KEY_OPTIONS( strPrivateType, 'can only be used for EC keys'); } privateType = PK_ENCODING_SEC1; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('privateKeyEncoding.type', strPrivateType); } let privateFormat; if (strPrivateFormat === 'der') { privateFormat = PK_FORMAT_DER; } else if (strPrivateFormat === 'pem') { privateFormat = PK_FORMAT_PEM; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('privateKeyEncoding.format', strPrivateFormat); } if (cipher != null) { if (typeof cipher !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('privateKeyEncoding.cipher', cipher); if (privateFormat === PK_FORMAT_DER && (privateType === PK_ENCODING_PKCS1 || privateType === PK_ENCODING_SEC1)) { throw new ERR_CRYPTO_INCOMPATIBLE_KEY_OPTIONS( strPrivateType, 'does not support encryption'); } if (typeof passphrase !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('privateKeyEncoding.passphrase', passphrase); } } return { cipher, passphrase, publicType, publicFormat, privateType, privateFormat }; } function check(type, options, callback) { if (typeof type !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('type', 'string', type); if (options == null || typeof options !== 'object') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'object', options); // These will be set after parsing the type and type-specific options to make // the order a bit more intuitive. let cipher, passphrase, publicType, publicFormat, privateType, privateFormat; let impl; switch (type) { case 'rsa': { const { modulusLength } = options; if (!isUint32(modulusLength)) throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('modulusLength', modulusLength); let { publicExponent } = options; if (publicExponent == null) { publicExponent = 0x10001; } else if (!isUint32(publicExponent)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('publicExponent', publicExponent); } impl = (wrap) => generateKeyPairRSA(modulusLength, publicExponent, publicType, publicFormat, privateType, privateFormat, cipher, passphrase, wrap); } break; case 'dsa': { const { modulusLength } = options; if (!isUint32(modulusLength)) throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('modulusLength', modulusLength); let { divisorLength } = options; if (divisorLength == null) { divisorLength = -1; } else if (!isUint32(divisorLength)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('divisorLength', divisorLength); } impl = (wrap) => generateKeyPairDSA(modulusLength, divisorLength, publicType, publicFormat, privateType, privateFormat, cipher, passphrase, wrap); } break; case 'ec': { const { namedCurve } = options; if (typeof namedCurve !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('namedCurve', namedCurve); let { paramEncoding } = options; if (paramEncoding == null || paramEncoding === 'named') paramEncoding = OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE; else if (paramEncoding === 'explicit') paramEncoding = OPENSSL_EC_EXPLICIT_CURVE; else throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('paramEncoding', paramEncoding); impl = (wrap) => generateKeyPairEC(namedCurve, paramEncoding, publicType, publicFormat, privateType, privateFormat, cipher, passphrase, wrap); } break; default: throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('type', type, "must be one of 'rsa', 'dsa', 'ec'"); } ({ cipher, passphrase, publicType, publicFormat, privateType, privateFormat } = parseKeyEncoding(type, options)); return impl; } module.exports = { generateKeyPair, generateKeyPairSync }; internal/crypto/pbkdf2'use strict'; const { AsyncWrap, Providers } = internalBinding('async_wrap'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { pbkdf2: _pbkdf2 } = process.binding('crypto'); const { validateUint32 } = require('internal/validators'); const { ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_DIGEST, ERR_CRYPTO_PBKDF2_ERROR, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { getDefaultEncoding, validateArrayBufferView, } = require('internal/crypto/util'); function pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest, callback) { if (typeof digest === 'function') { callback = digest; digest = undefined; } ({ password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest } = check(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest)); if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); const encoding = getDefaultEncoding(); const keybuf = Buffer.alloc(keylen); const wrap = new AsyncWrap(Providers.PBKDF2REQUEST); wrap.ondone = (ok) => { // Retains keybuf while request is in flight. if (!ok) return callback.call(wrap, new ERR_CRYPTO_PBKDF2_ERROR()); if (encoding === 'buffer') return callback.call(wrap, null, keybuf); callback.call(wrap, null, keybuf.toString(encoding)); }; handleError(keybuf, password, salt, iterations, digest, wrap); } function pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest) { ({ password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest } = check(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest)); const keybuf = Buffer.alloc(keylen); handleError(keybuf, password, salt, iterations, digest); const encoding = getDefaultEncoding(); if (encoding === 'buffer') return keybuf; return keybuf.toString(encoding); } function check(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest) { if (typeof digest !== 'string') { if (digest !== null) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('digest', ['string', 'null'], digest); digest = 'sha1'; } password = validateArrayBufferView(password, 'password'); salt = validateArrayBufferView(salt, 'salt'); iterations = validateUint32(iterations, 'iterations', 0); keylen = validateUint32(keylen, 'keylen', 0); return { password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest }; } function handleError(keybuf, password, salt, iterations, digest, wrap) { const rc = _pbkdf2(keybuf, password, salt, iterations, digest, wrap); if (rc === -1) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_DIGEST(digest); if (rc === false) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_PBKDF2_ERROR(); } module.exports = { pbkdf2, pbkdf2Sync }; internal/crypto/random'use strict'; const { AsyncWrap, Providers } = internalBinding('async_wrap'); const { Buffer, kMaxLength } = require('buffer'); const { randomBytes: _randomBytes } = process.binding('crypto'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateNumber } = require('internal/validators'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const kMaxUint32 = 2 ** 32 - 1; const kMaxPossibleLength = Math.min(kMaxLength, kMaxUint32); function assertOffset(offset, elementSize, length) { validateNumber(offset, 'offset'); offset *= elementSize; const maxLength = Math.min(length, kMaxPossibleLength); if (Number.isNaN(offset) || offset > maxLength || offset < 0) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('offset', `>= 0 && <= ${maxLength}`, offset); } return offset >>> 0; // Convert to uint32. } function assertSize(size, elementSize, offset, length) { validateNumber(size, 'size'); size *= elementSize; if (Number.isNaN(size) || size > kMaxPossibleLength || size < 0) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('size', `>= 0 && <= ${kMaxPossibleLength}`, size); } if (size + offset > length) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('size + offset', `<= ${length}`, size + offset); } return size >>> 0; // Convert to uint32. } function randomBytes(size, cb) { size = assertSize(size, 1, 0, Infinity); if (cb !== undefined && typeof cb !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); const buf = Buffer.alloc(size); if (!cb) return handleError(buf, 0, size); const wrap = new AsyncWrap(Providers.RANDOMBYTESREQUEST); wrap.ondone = (ex) => { // Retains buf while request is in flight. if (ex) return cb.call(wrap, ex); cb.call(wrap, null, buf); }; _randomBytes(buf, 0, size, wrap); } function randomFillSync(buf, offset = 0, size) { if (!isArrayBufferView(buf)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buf', 'ArrayBufferView', buf); } const elementSize = buf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT || 1; offset = assertOffset(offset, elementSize, buf.byteLength); if (size === undefined) { size = buf.byteLength - offset; } else { size = assertSize(size, elementSize, offset, buf.byteLength); } return handleError(buf, offset, size); } function randomFill(buf, offset, size, cb) { if (!isArrayBufferView(buf)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buf', 'ArrayBufferView', buf); } const elementSize = buf.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT || 1; if (typeof offset === 'function') { cb = offset; offset = 0; size = buf.bytesLength; } else if (typeof size === 'function') { cb = size; size = buf.byteLength - offset; } else if (typeof cb !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } offset = assertOffset(offset, elementSize, buf.byteLength); if (size === undefined) { size = buf.byteLength - offset; } else { size = assertSize(size, elementSize, offset, buf.byteLength); } const wrap = new AsyncWrap(Providers.RANDOMBYTESREQUEST); wrap.ondone = (ex) => { // Retains buf while request is in flight. if (ex) return cb.call(wrap, ex); cb.call(wrap, null, buf); }; _randomBytes(buf, offset, size, wrap); } function handleError(buf, offset, size) { const ex = _randomBytes(buf, offset, size); if (ex) throw ex; return buf; } module.exports = { randomBytes, randomFill, randomFillSync }; internal/crypto/scrypt'use strict'; const { AsyncWrap, Providers } = internalBinding('async_wrap'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { scrypt: _scrypt } = process.binding('crypto'); const { validateUint32 } = require('internal/validators'); const { ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_NOT_SUPPORTED, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { getDefaultEncoding, validateArrayBufferView, } = require('internal/crypto/util'); const defaults = { N: 16384, r: 8, p: 1, maxmem: 32 << 20, // 32 MB, matches SCRYPT_MAX_MEM. }; function scrypt(password, salt, keylen, options, callback = defaults) { if (callback === defaults) { callback = options; options = defaults; } options = check(password, salt, keylen, options); const { N, r, p, maxmem } = options; ({ password, salt, keylen } = options); if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); const encoding = getDefaultEncoding(); const keybuf = Buffer.alloc(keylen); const wrap = new AsyncWrap(Providers.SCRYPTREQUEST); wrap.ondone = (ex) => { // Retains keybuf while request is in flight. if (ex) return callback.call(wrap, ex); if (encoding === 'buffer') return callback.call(wrap, null, keybuf); callback.call(wrap, null, keybuf.toString(encoding)); }; handleError(keybuf, password, salt, N, r, p, maxmem, wrap); } function scryptSync(password, salt, keylen, options = defaults) { options = check(password, salt, keylen, options); const { N, r, p, maxmem } = options; ({ password, salt, keylen } = options); const keybuf = Buffer.alloc(keylen); handleError(keybuf, password, salt, N, r, p, maxmem); const encoding = getDefaultEncoding(); if (encoding === 'buffer') return keybuf; return keybuf.toString(encoding); } function handleError(keybuf, password, salt, N, r, p, maxmem, wrap) { const ex = _scrypt(keybuf, password, salt, N, r, p, maxmem, wrap); if (ex === undefined) return; if (ex === null) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_INVALID_PARAMETER(); // Bad N, r, p, or maxmem. throw ex; // Scrypt operation failed, exception object contains details. } function check(password, salt, keylen, options) { if (_scrypt === undefined) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_NOT_SUPPORTED(); password = validateArrayBufferView(password, 'password'); salt = validateArrayBufferView(salt, 'salt'); keylen = validateUint32(keylen, 'keylen'); let { N, r, p, maxmem } = defaults; if (options && options !== defaults) { let has_N, has_r, has_p; if (has_N = (options.N !== undefined)) N = validateUint32(options.N, 'N'); if (options.cost !== undefined) { if (has_N) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_INVALID_PARAMETER(); N = validateUint32(options.cost, 'cost'); } if (has_r = (options.r !== undefined)) r = validateUint32(options.r, 'r'); if (options.blockSize !== undefined) { if (has_r) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_INVALID_PARAMETER(); r = validateUint32(options.blockSize, 'blockSize'); } if (has_p = (options.p !== undefined)) p = validateUint32(options.p, 'p'); if (options.parallelization !== undefined) { if (has_p) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_INVALID_PARAMETER(); p = validateUint32(options.parallelization, 'parallelization'); } if (options.maxmem !== undefined) maxmem = validateUint32(options.maxmem, 'maxmem'); if (N === 0) N = defaults.N; if (r === 0) r = defaults.r; if (p === 0) p = defaults.p; if (maxmem === 0) maxmem = defaults.maxmem; } return { password, salt, keylen, N, r, p, maxmem }; } module.exports = { scrypt, scryptSync }; internal/crypto/sig'use strict'; const { ERR_CRYPTO_SIGN_KEY_REQUIRED, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const { Sign: _Sign, Verify: _Verify } = internalBinding('crypto'); const { RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_AUTO, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING } = process.binding('constants').crypto; const { getDefaultEncoding, toBuf, validateArrayBufferView, } = require('internal/crypto/util'); const { Writable } = require('stream'); const { inherits } = require('util'); function Sign(algorithm, options) { if (!(this instanceof Sign)) return new Sign(algorithm, options); validateString(algorithm, 'algorithm'); this._handle = new _Sign(); this._handle.init(algorithm); Writable.call(this, options); } inherits(Sign, Writable); Sign.prototype._write = function _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { this.update(chunk, encoding); callback(); }; Sign.prototype.update = function update(data, encoding) { encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); data = validateArrayBufferView(toBuf(data, encoding), 'data'); this._handle.update(data); return this; }; function getPadding(options) { return getIntOption('padding', RSA_PKCS1_PADDING, options); } function getSaltLength(options) { return getIntOption('saltLength', RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_AUTO, options); } function getIntOption(name, defaultValue, options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(name)) { const value = options[name]; if (value === value >> 0) { return value; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE(name, value); } } return defaultValue; } Sign.prototype.sign = function sign(options, encoding) { if (!options) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_SIGN_KEY_REQUIRED(); var key = options.key || options; var passphrase = options.passphrase || null; // Options specific to RSA var rsaPadding = getPadding(options); var pssSaltLength = getSaltLength(options); key = validateArrayBufferView(key, 'key'); var ret = this._handle.sign(key, passphrase, rsaPadding, pssSaltLength); encoding = encoding || getDefaultEncoding(); if (encoding && encoding !== 'buffer') ret = ret.toString(encoding); return ret; }; function Verify(algorithm, options) { if (!(this instanceof Verify)) return new Verify(algorithm, options); validateString(algorithm, 'algorithm'); this._handle = new _Verify(); this._handle.init(algorithm); Writable.call(this, options); } inherits(Verify, Writable); Verify.prototype._write = Sign.prototype._write; Verify.prototype.update = Sign.prototype.update; Verify.prototype.verify = function verify(options, signature, sigEncoding) { var key = options.key || options; sigEncoding = sigEncoding || getDefaultEncoding(); // Options specific to RSA var rsaPadding = getPadding(options); var pssSaltLength = getSaltLength(options); key = validateArrayBufferView(key, 'key'); signature = validateArrayBufferView(toBuf(signature, sigEncoding), 'signature'); return this._handle.verify(key, signature, rsaPadding, pssSaltLength); }; module.exports = { Sign, Verify }; internal/crypto/util'use strict'; const { getCiphers: _getCiphers, getCurves: _getCurves, getHashes: _getHashes, setEngine: _setEngine, timingSafeEqual: _timingSafeEqual } = process.binding('crypto'); const { ENGINE_METHOD_ALL } = process.binding('constants').crypto; const { ERR_CRYPTO_ENGINE_UNKNOWN, ERR_CRYPTO_TIMING_SAFE_EQUAL_LENGTH, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { cachedResult, filterDuplicateStrings } = require('internal/util'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); var defaultEncoding = 'buffer'; function setDefaultEncoding(val) { defaultEncoding = val; } function getDefaultEncoding() { return defaultEncoding; } // This is here because many functions accepted binary strings without // any explicit encoding in older versions of node, and we don't want // to break them unnecessarily. function toBuf(str, encoding) { if (typeof str === 'string') { if (encoding === 'buffer' || !encoding) encoding = 'utf8'; return Buffer.from(str, encoding); } return str; } const getCiphers = cachedResult(() => filterDuplicateStrings(_getCiphers())); const getHashes = cachedResult(() => filterDuplicateStrings(_getHashes())); const getCurves = cachedResult(() => filterDuplicateStrings(_getCurves())); function setEngine(id, flags) { validateString(id, 'id'); if (flags && typeof flags !== 'number') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('flags', 'number', flags); flags = flags >>> 0; // Use provided engine for everything by default if (flags === 0) flags = ENGINE_METHOD_ALL; if (!_setEngine(id, flags)) throw new ERR_CRYPTO_ENGINE_UNKNOWN(id); } function timingSafeEqual(buf1, buf2) { if (!isArrayBufferView(buf1)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buf1', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], buf1); } if (!isArrayBufferView(buf2)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buf2', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], buf2); } if (buf1.length !== buf2.length) { throw new ERR_CRYPTO_TIMING_SAFE_EQUAL_LENGTH(); } return _timingSafeEqual(buf1, buf2); } function validateArrayBufferView(buffer, name) { buffer = toBuf(buffer); if (!isArrayBufferView(buffer)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( name, ['string', 'Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], buffer ); } return buffer; } module.exports = { validateArrayBufferView, getCiphers, getCurves, getDefaultEncoding, getHashes, setDefaultEncoding, setEngine, timingSafeEqual, toBuf }; internal/constants'use strict'; const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; module.exports = { // Alphabet chars. CHAR_UPPERCASE_A: 65, /* A */ CHAR_LOWERCASE_A: 97, /* a */ CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z: 90, /* Z */ CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z: 122, /* z */ // Non-alphabetic chars. CHAR_DOT: 46, /* . */ CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH: 47, /* / */ CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH: 92, /* \ */ CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE: 124, /* | */ CHAR_COLON: 58, /* : */ CHAR_QUESTION_MARK: 63, /* ? */ CHAR_UNDERSCORE: 95, /* _ */ CHAR_LINE_FEED: 10, /* \n */ CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: 13, /* \r */ CHAR_TAB: 9, /* \t */ CHAR_FORM_FEED: 12, /* \f */ CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK: 33, /* ! */ CHAR_HASH: 35, /* # */ CHAR_SPACE: 32, /* */ CHAR_NO_BREAK_SPACE: 160, /* \u00A0 */ CHAR_ZERO_WIDTH_NOBREAK_SPACE: 65279, /* \uFEFF */ CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET: 91, /* [ */ CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET: 93, /* ] */ CHAR_LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET: 60, /* < */ CHAR_RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET: 62, /* > */ CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET: 123, /* { */ CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET: 125, /* } */ CHAR_HYPHEN_MINUS: 45, /* - */ CHAR_PLUS: 43, /* + */ CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE: 34, /* " */ CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE: 39, /* ' */ CHAR_PERCENT: 37, /* % */ CHAR_SEMICOLON: 59, /* ; */ CHAR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT: 94, /* ^ */ CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT: 96, /* ` */ CHAR_AT: 64, /* @ */ CHAR_AMPERSAND: 38, /* & */ CHAR_EQUAL: 61, /* = */ // Digits CHAR_0: 48, /* 0 */ CHAR_9: 57, /* 9 */ EOL: isWindows ? '\r\n' : '\n' }; internal/dgram'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const { codes } = require('internal/errors'); const { UDP } = internalBinding('udp_wrap'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_SOCKET_BAD_TYPE } = codes; const kStateSymbol = Symbol('state symbol'); let dns; // Lazy load for startup performance. function lookup4(lookup, address, callback) { return lookup(address || '', 4, callback); } function lookup6(lookup, address, callback) { return lookup(address || '::1', 6, callback); } function newHandle(type, lookup) { if (lookup === undefined) { if (dns === undefined) { dns = require('dns'); } lookup = dns.lookup; } else if (typeof lookup !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('lookup', 'Function', lookup); } if (type === 'udp4') { const handle = new UDP(); handle.lookup = lookup4.bind(handle, lookup); return handle; } if (type === 'udp6') { const handle = new UDP(); handle.lookup = lookup6.bind(handle, lookup); handle.bind = handle.bind6; handle.send = handle.send6; return handle; } throw new ERR_SOCKET_BAD_TYPE(); } function _createSocketHandle(address, port, addressType, fd, flags) { // Opening an existing fd is not supported for UDP handles. assert(typeof fd !== 'number' || fd < 0); const handle = newHandle(addressType); if (port || address) { const err = handle.bind(address, port || 0, flags); if (err) { handle.close(); return err; } } return handle; } module.exports = { kStateSymbol, _createSocketHandle, newHandle }; internal/dns/promises'use strict'; const { bindDefaultResolver, Resolver: CallbackResolver, validateHints } = require('internal/dns/utils'); const { codes, dnsException } = require('internal/errors'); const { isIP, isIPv4, isLegalPort } = require('internal/net'); const { getaddrinfo, getnameinfo, ChannelWrap, GetAddrInfoReqWrap, GetNameInfoReqWrap, QueryReqWrap } = process.binding('cares_wrap'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_MISSING_ARGS, ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT } = codes; function onlookup(err, addresses) { if (err) { this.reject(dnsException(err, 'getaddrinfo', this.hostname)); return; } const family = this.family ? this.family : isIPv4(addresses[0]) ? 4 : 6; this.resolve({ address: addresses[0], family }); } function onlookupall(err, addresses) { if (err) { this.reject(dnsException(err, 'getaddrinfo', this.hostname)); return; } const family = this.family; for (var i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { const address = addresses[i]; addresses[i] = { address, family: family ? family : isIPv4(addresses[i]) ? 4 : 6 }; } this.resolve(addresses); } function createLookupPromise(family, hostname, all, hints, verbatim) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!hostname) { if (all) resolve([]); else resolve({ address: null, family: family === 6 ? 6 : 4 }); return; } const matchedFamily = isIP(hostname); if (matchedFamily !== 0) { const result = { address: hostname, family: matchedFamily }; if (all) resolve([result]); else resolve(result); return; } const req = new GetAddrInfoReqWrap(); req.family = family; req.hostname = hostname; req.oncomplete = all ? onlookupall : onlookup; req.resolve = resolve; req.reject = reject; const err = getaddrinfo(req, hostname, family, hints, verbatim); if (err) { reject(dnsException(err, 'getaddrinfo', hostname)); } }); } function lookup(hostname, options) { var hints = 0; var family = -1; var all = false; var verbatim = false; // Parse arguments if (hostname && typeof hostname !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('hostname', ['string', 'falsy'], hostname); } else if (options !== null && typeof options === 'object') { hints = options.hints >>> 0; family = options.family >>> 0; all = options.all === true; verbatim = options.verbatim === true; validateHints(hints); } else { family = options >>> 0; } if (family !== 0 && family !== 4 && family !== 6) throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('family', family); return createLookupPromise(family, hostname, all, hints, verbatim); } function onlookupservice(err, hostname, service) { if (err) { this.reject(dnsException(err, 'getnameinfo', this.host)); return; } this.resolve({ hostname, service }); } function createLookupServicePromise(hostname, port) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const req = new GetNameInfoReqWrap(); req.hostname = hostname; req.port = port; req.oncomplete = onlookupservice; req.resolve = resolve; req.reject = reject; const err = getnameinfo(req, hostname, port); if (err) reject(dnsException(err, 'getnameinfo', hostname)); }); } function lookupService(hostname, port) { if (arguments.length !== 2) throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('hostname', 'port'); if (isIP(hostname) === 0) throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('hostname', hostname); if (!isLegalPort(port)) throw new ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT(port); return createLookupServicePromise(hostname, +port); } function onresolve(err, result, ttls) { if (err) { this.reject(dnsException(err, this.bindingName, this.hostname)); return; } if (ttls && this.ttl) result = result.map((address, index) => ({ address, ttl: ttls[index] })); this.resolve(result); } function createResolverPromise(resolver, bindingName, hostname, ttl) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const req = new QueryReqWrap(); req.bindingName = bindingName; req.hostname = hostname; req.oncomplete = onresolve; req.resolve = resolve; req.reject = reject; req.ttl = ttl; const err = resolver._handle[bindingName](req, hostname); if (err) reject(dnsException(err, bindingName, hostname)); }); } function resolver(bindingName) { function query(name, options) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('name', 'string', name); } const ttl = !!(options && options.ttl); return createResolverPromise(this, bindingName, name, ttl); } Object.defineProperty(query, 'name', { value: bindingName }); return query; } const resolveMap = Object.create(null); // Resolver instances correspond 1:1 to c-ares channels. class Resolver { constructor() { this._handle = new ChannelWrap(); } } Resolver.prototype.getServers = CallbackResolver.prototype.getServers; Resolver.prototype.setServers = CallbackResolver.prototype.setServers; Resolver.prototype.resolveAny = resolveMap.ANY = resolver('queryAny'); Resolver.prototype.resolve4 = resolveMap.A = resolver('queryA'); Resolver.prototype.resolve6 = resolveMap.AAAA = resolver('queryAaaa'); Resolver.prototype.resolveCname = resolveMap.CNAME = resolver('queryCname'); Resolver.prototype.resolveMx = resolveMap.MX = resolver('queryMx'); Resolver.prototype.resolveNs = resolveMap.NS = resolver('queryNs'); Resolver.prototype.resolveTxt = resolveMap.TXT = resolver('queryTxt'); Resolver.prototype.resolveSrv = resolveMap.SRV = resolver('querySrv'); Resolver.prototype.resolvePtr = resolveMap.PTR = resolver('queryPtr'); Resolver.prototype.resolveNaptr = resolveMap.NAPTR = resolver('queryNaptr'); Resolver.prototype.resolveSoa = resolveMap.SOA = resolver('querySoa'); Resolver.prototype.reverse = resolver('getHostByAddr'); Resolver.prototype.resolve = function resolve(hostname, rrtype) { var resolver; if (typeof rrtype === 'string') { resolver = resolveMap[rrtype]; if (typeof resolver !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('rrtype', rrtype); } else if (rrtype === undefined) { resolver = resolveMap.A; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('rrtype', 'string', rrtype); } return resolver.call(this, hostname); }; module.exports = { lookup, lookupService, Resolver }; bindDefaultResolver(module.exports, Resolver.prototype); internal/dns/utils'use strict'; const errors = require('internal/errors'); const { isIP } = require('internal/net'); const { ChannelWrap, strerror, AI_ADDRCONFIG, AI_V4MAPPED } = process.binding('cares_wrap'); const IANA_DNS_PORT = 53; const IPv6RE = /^\[([^[\]]*)\]/; const addrSplitRE = /(^.+?)(?::(\d+))?$/; const { ERR_DNS_SET_SERVERS_FAILED, ERR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE } = errors.codes; // Resolver instances correspond 1:1 to c-ares channels. class Resolver { constructor() { this._handle = new ChannelWrap(); } cancel() { this._handle.cancel(); } getServers() { return this._handle.getServers().map((val) => { if (!val[1] || val[1] === IANA_DNS_PORT) return val[0]; const host = isIP(val[0]) === 6 ? `[${val[0]}]` : val[0]; return `${host}:${val[1]}`; }); } setServers(servers) { // Cache the original servers because in the event of an error while // setting the servers, c-ares won't have any servers available for // resolution. const orig = this._handle.getServers(); const newSet = []; servers.forEach((serv) => { var ipVersion = isIP(serv); if (ipVersion !== 0) return newSet.push([ipVersion, serv, IANA_DNS_PORT]); const match = serv.match(IPv6RE); // Check for an IPv6 in brackets. if (match) { ipVersion = isIP(match[1]); if (ipVersion !== 0) { const port = parseInt(serv.replace(addrSplitRE, '$2')) || IANA_DNS_PORT; return newSet.push([ipVersion, match[1], port]); } } // addr::port const addrSplitMatch = serv.match(addrSplitRE); if (addrSplitMatch) { const hostIP = addrSplitMatch[1]; const port = addrSplitMatch[2] || IANA_DNS_PORT; ipVersion = isIP(hostIP); if (ipVersion !== 0) { return newSet.push([ipVersion, hostIP, parseInt(port)]); } } throw new ERR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS(serv); }); const errorNumber = this._handle.setServers(newSet); if (errorNumber !== 0) { // Reset the servers to the old servers, because ares probably unset them. this._handle.setServers(orig.join(',')); const err = strerror(errorNumber); throw new ERR_DNS_SET_SERVERS_FAILED(err, servers); } } } let defaultResolver = new Resolver(); const resolverKeys = [ 'getServers', 'resolve', 'resolveAny', 'resolve4', 'resolve6', 'resolveCname', 'resolveMx', 'resolveNs', 'resolveTxt', 'resolveSrv', 'resolvePtr', 'resolveNaptr', 'resolveSoa', 'reverse' ]; function getDefaultResolver() { return defaultResolver; } function setDefaultResolver(resolver) { defaultResolver = resolver; } function bindDefaultResolver(target, source) { resolverKeys.forEach((key) => { target[key] = source[key].bind(defaultResolver); }); } function validateHints(hints) { if (hints !== 0 && hints !== AI_ADDRCONFIG && hints !== AI_V4MAPPED && hints !== (AI_ADDRCONFIG | AI_V4MAPPED)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('hints', hints); } } module.exports = { bindDefaultResolver, getDefaultResolver, setDefaultResolver, validateHints, Resolver }; internal/domexception'use strict'; const { registerDOMException } = internalBinding('messaging'); const { ERR_INVALID_THIS } = require('internal/errors').codes; const internalsMap = new WeakMap(); const nameToCodeMap = new Map(); class DOMException extends Error { constructor(message = '', name = 'Error') { super(); internalsMap.set(this, { message: `${message}`, name: `${name}` }); } get name() { const internals = internalsMap.get(this); if (internals === undefined) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('DOMException'); } return internals.name; } get message() { const internals = internalsMap.get(this); if (internals === undefined) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('DOMException'); } return internals.message; } get code() { const internals = internalsMap.get(this); if (internals === undefined) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('DOMException'); } const code = nameToCodeMap.get(internals.name); return code === undefined ? 0 : code; } } Object.defineProperties(DOMException.prototype, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { configurable: true, value: 'DOMException' }, name: { enumerable: true, configurable: true }, message: { enumerable: true, configurable: true }, code: { enumerable: true, configurable: true } }); for (const [name, codeName, value] of [ ['IndexSizeError', 'INDEX_SIZE_ERR', 1], ['DOMStringSizeError', 'DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR', 2], ['HierarchyRequestError', 'HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR', 3], ['WrongDocumentError', 'WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR', 4], ['InvalidCharacterError', 'INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR', 5], ['NoDataAllowedError', 'NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR', 6], ['NoModificationAllowedError', 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', 7], ['NotFoundError', 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', 8], ['NotSupportedError', 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR', 9], ['InUseAttributeError', 'INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR', 10], ['InvalidStateError', 'INVALID_STATE_ERR', 11], ['SyntaxError', 'SYNTAX_ERR', 12], ['InvalidModificationError', 'INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR', 13], ['NamespaceError', 'NAMESPACE_ERR', 14], ['InvalidAccessError', 'INVALID_ACCESS_ERR', 15], ['ValidationError', 'VALIDATION_ERR', 16], ['TypeMismatchError', 'TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR', 17], ['SecurityError', 'SECURITY_ERR', 18], ['NetworkError', 'NETWORK_ERR', 19], ['AbortError', 'ABORT_ERR', 20], ['URLMismatchError', 'URL_MISMATCH_ERR', 21], ['QuotaExceededError', 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR', 22], ['TimeoutError', 'TIMEOUT_ERR', 23], ['InvalidNodeTypeError', 'INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR', 24], ['DataCloneError', 'DATA_CLONE_ERR', 25] // There are some more error names, but since they don't have codes assigned, // we don't need to care about them. ]) { const desc = { enumerable: true, value }; Object.defineProperty(DOMException, codeName, desc); Object.defineProperty(DOMException.prototype, codeName, desc); nameToCodeMap.set(name, value); } module.exports = DOMException; registerDOMException(DOMException); internal/encoding'use strict'; // An implementation of the WHATWG Encoding Standard // https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org const { ERR_ENCODING_INVALID_ENCODED_DATA, ERR_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_THIS, ERR_NO_ICU } = require('internal/errors').codes; const kHandle = Symbol('handle'); const kFlags = Symbol('flags'); const kEncoding = Symbol('encoding'); const kDecoder = Symbol('decoder'); const kEncoder = Symbol('encoder'); const { getConstructorOf, customInspectSymbol: inspect } = require('internal/util'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const { isArrayBuffer } = internalBinding('types'); const { encodeUtf8String } = process.binding('buffer'); var Buffer; function lazyBuffer() { if (Buffer === undefined) Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; return Buffer; } function validateEncoder(obj) { if (obj == null || obj[kEncoder] !== true) throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('TextEncoder'); } function validateDecoder(obj) { if (obj == null || obj[kDecoder] !== true) throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('TextDecoder'); } function validateArgument(prop, expected, propName, expectedName) { if (typeof prop !== expected) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(propName, expectedName, prop); } const CONVERTER_FLAGS_FLUSH = 0x1; const CONVERTER_FLAGS_FATAL = 0x2; const CONVERTER_FLAGS_IGNORE_BOM = 0x4; const empty = new Uint8Array(0); const encodings = new Map([ ['unicode-1-1-utf-8', 'utf-8'], ['utf8', 'utf-8'], ['utf-8', 'utf-8'], ['866', 'ibm866'], ['cp866', 'ibm866'], ['csibm866', 'ibm866'], ['ibm866', 'ibm866'], ['csisolatin2', 'iso-8859-2'], ['iso-8859-2', 'iso-8859-2'], ['iso-ir-101', 'iso-8859-2'], ['iso8859-2', 'iso-8859-2'], ['iso88592', 'iso-8859-2'], ['iso_8859-2', 'iso-8859-2'], ['iso_8859-2:1987', 'iso-8859-2'], ['l2', 'iso-8859-2'], ['latin2', 'iso-8859-2'], ['csisolatin3', 'iso-8859-3'], ['iso-8859-3', 'iso-8859-3'], ['iso-ir-109', 'iso-8859-3'], ['iso8859-3', 'iso-8859-3'], ['iso88593', 'iso-8859-3'], ['iso_8859-3', 'iso-8859-3'], ['iso_8859-3:1988', 'iso-8859-3'], ['l3', 'iso-8859-3'], ['latin3', 'iso-8859-3'], ['csisolatin4', 'iso-8859-4'], ['iso-8859-4', 'iso-8859-4'], ['iso-ir-110', 'iso-8859-4'], ['iso8859-4', 'iso-8859-4'], ['iso88594', 'iso-8859-4'], ['iso_8859-4', 'iso-8859-4'], ['iso_8859-4:1988', 'iso-8859-4'], ['l4', 'iso-8859-4'], ['latin4', 'iso-8859-4'], ['csisolatincyrillic', 'iso-8859-5'], ['cyrillic', 'iso-8859-5'], ['iso-8859-5', 'iso-8859-5'], ['iso-ir-144', 'iso-8859-5'], ['iso8859-5', 'iso-8859-5'], ['iso88595', 'iso-8859-5'], ['iso_8859-5', 'iso-8859-5'], ['iso_8859-5:1988', 'iso-8859-5'], ['arabic', 'iso-8859-6'], ['asmo-708', 'iso-8859-6'], ['csiso88596e', 'iso-8859-6'], ['csiso88596i', 'iso-8859-6'], ['csisolatinarabic', 'iso-8859-6'], ['ecma-114', 'iso-8859-6'], ['iso-8859-6', 'iso-8859-6'], ['iso-8859-6-e', 'iso-8859-6'], ['iso-8859-6-i', 'iso-8859-6'], ['iso-ir-127', 'iso-8859-6'], ['iso8859-6', 'iso-8859-6'], ['iso88596', 'iso-8859-6'], ['iso_8859-6', 'iso-8859-6'], ['iso_8859-6:1987', 'iso-8859-6'], ['csisolatingreek', 'iso-8859-7'], ['ecma-118', 'iso-8859-7'], ['elot_928', 'iso-8859-7'], ['greek', 'iso-8859-7'], ['greek8', 'iso-8859-7'], ['iso-8859-7', 'iso-8859-7'], ['iso-ir-126', 'iso-8859-7'], ['iso8859-7', 'iso-8859-7'], ['iso88597', 'iso-8859-7'], ['iso_8859-7', 'iso-8859-7'], ['iso_8859-7:1987', 'iso-8859-7'], ['sun_eu_greek', 'iso-8859-7'], ['csiso88598e', 'iso-8859-8'], ['csisolatinhebrew', 'iso-8859-8'], ['hebrew', 'iso-8859-8'], ['iso-8859-8', 'iso-8859-8'], ['iso-8859-8-e', 'iso-8859-8'], ['iso-ir-138', 'iso-8859-8'], ['iso8859-8', 'iso-8859-8'], ['iso88598', 'iso-8859-8'], ['iso_8859-8', 'iso-8859-8'], ['iso_8859-8:1988', 'iso-8859-8'], ['visual', 'iso-8859-8'], ['csiso88598i', 'iso-8859-8-i'], ['iso-8859-8-i', 'iso-8859-8-i'], ['logical', 'iso-8859-8-i'], ['csisolatin6', 'iso-8859-10'], ['iso-8859-10', 'iso-8859-10'], ['iso-ir-157', 'iso-8859-10'], ['iso8859-10', 'iso-8859-10'], ['iso885910', 'iso-8859-10'], ['l6', 'iso-8859-10'], ['latin6', 'iso-8859-10'], ['iso-8859-13', 'iso-8859-13'], ['iso8859-13', 'iso-8859-13'], ['iso885913', 'iso-8859-13'], ['iso-8859-14', 'iso-8859-14'], ['iso8859-14', 'iso-8859-14'], ['iso885914', 'iso-8859-14'], ['csisolatin9', 'iso-8859-15'], ['iso-8859-15', 'iso-8859-15'], ['iso8859-15', 'iso-8859-15'], ['iso885915', 'iso-8859-15'], ['iso_8859-15', 'iso-8859-15'], ['l9', 'iso-8859-15'], ['cskoi8r', 'koi8-r'], ['koi', 'koi8-r'], ['koi8', 'koi8-r'], ['koi8-r', 'koi8-r'], ['koi8_r', 'koi8-r'], ['koi8-ru', 'koi8-u'], ['koi8-u', 'koi8-u'], ['csmacintosh', 'macintosh'], ['mac', 'macintosh'], ['macintosh', 'macintosh'], ['x-mac-roman', 'macintosh'], ['dos-874', 'windows-874'], ['iso-8859-11', 'windows-874'], ['iso8859-11', 'windows-874'], ['iso885911', 'windows-874'], ['tis-620', 'windows-874'], ['windows-874', 'windows-874'], ['cp1250', 'windows-1250'], ['windows-1250', 'windows-1250'], ['x-cp1250', 'windows-1250'], ['cp1251', 'windows-1251'], ['windows-1251', 'windows-1251'], ['x-cp1251', 'windows-1251'], ['ansi_x3.4-1968', 'windows-1252'], ['ascii', 'windows-1252'], ['cp1252', 'windows-1252'], ['cp819', 'windows-1252'], ['csisolatin1', 'windows-1252'], ['ibm819', 'windows-1252'], ['iso-8859-1', 'windows-1252'], ['iso-ir-100', 'windows-1252'], ['iso8859-1', 'windows-1252'], ['iso88591', 'windows-1252'], ['iso_8859-1', 'windows-1252'], ['iso_8859-1:1987', 'windows-1252'], ['l1', 'windows-1252'], ['latin1', 'windows-1252'], ['us-ascii', 'windows-1252'], ['windows-1252', 'windows-1252'], ['x-cp1252', 'windows-1252'], ['cp1253', 'windows-1253'], ['windows-1253', 'windows-1253'], ['x-cp1253', 'windows-1253'], ['cp1254', 'windows-1254'], ['csisolatin5', 'windows-1254'], ['iso-8859-9', 'windows-1254'], ['iso-ir-148', 'windows-1254'], ['iso8859-9', 'windows-1254'], ['iso88599', 'windows-1254'], ['iso_8859-9', 'windows-1254'], ['iso_8859-9:1989', 'windows-1254'], ['l5', 'windows-1254'], ['latin5', 'windows-1254'], ['windows-1254', 'windows-1254'], ['x-cp1254', 'windows-1254'], ['cp1255', 'windows-1255'], ['windows-1255', 'windows-1255'], ['x-cp1255', 'windows-1255'], ['cp1256', 'windows-1256'], ['windows-1256', 'windows-1256'], ['x-cp1256', 'windows-1256'], ['cp1257', 'windows-1257'], ['windows-1257', 'windows-1257'], ['x-cp1257', 'windows-1257'], ['cp1258', 'windows-1258'], ['windows-1258', 'windows-1258'], ['x-cp1258', 'windows-1258'], ['x-mac-cyrillic', 'x-mac-cyrillic'], ['x-mac-ukrainian', 'x-mac-cyrillic'], ['chinese', 'gbk'], ['csgb2312', 'gbk'], ['csiso58gb231280', 'gbk'], ['gb2312', 'gbk'], ['gb_2312', 'gbk'], ['gb_2312-80', 'gbk'], ['gbk', 'gbk'], ['iso-ir-58', 'gbk'], ['x-gbk', 'gbk'], ['gb18030', 'gb18030'], ['big5', 'big5'], ['big5-hkscs', 'big5'], ['cn-big5', 'big5'], ['csbig5', 'big5'], ['x-x-big5', 'big5'], ['cseucpkdfmtjapanese', 'euc-jp'], ['euc-jp', 'euc-jp'], ['x-euc-jp', 'euc-jp'], ['csiso2022jp', 'iso-2022-jp'], ['iso-2022-jp', 'iso-2022-jp'], ['csshiftjis', 'shift_jis'], ['ms932', 'shift_jis'], ['ms_kanji', 'shift_jis'], ['shift-jis', 'shift_jis'], ['shift_jis', 'shift_jis'], ['sjis', 'shift_jis'], ['windows-31j', 'shift_jis'], ['x-sjis', 'shift_jis'], ['cseuckr', 'euc-kr'], ['csksc56011987', 'euc-kr'], ['euc-kr', 'euc-kr'], ['iso-ir-149', 'euc-kr'], ['korean', 'euc-kr'], ['ks_c_5601-1987', 'euc-kr'], ['ks_c_5601-1989', 'euc-kr'], ['ksc5601', 'euc-kr'], ['ksc_5601', 'euc-kr'], ['windows-949', 'euc-kr'], ['utf-16be', 'utf-16be'], ['utf-16le', 'utf-16le'], ['utf-16', 'utf-16le'] ]); // Unfortunately, String.prototype.trim also removes non-ascii whitespace, // so we have to do this manually function trimAsciiWhitespace(label) { var s = 0; var e = label.length; while (s < e && ( label[s] === '\u0009' || label[s] === '\u000a' || label[s] === '\u000c' || label[s] === '\u000d' || label[s] === '\u0020')) { s++; } while (e > s && ( label[e - 1] === '\u0009' || label[e - 1] === '\u000a' || label[e - 1] === '\u000c' || label[e - 1] === '\u000d' || label[e - 1] === '\u0020')) { e--; } return label.slice(s, e); } function getEncodingFromLabel(label) { const enc = encodings.get(label); if (enc !== undefined) return enc; return encodings.get(trimAsciiWhitespace(label.toLowerCase())); } class TextEncoder { constructor() { this[kEncoder] = true; } get encoding() { validateEncoder(this); return 'utf-8'; } encode(input = '') { validateEncoder(this); return encodeUtf8String(`${input}`); } [inspect](depth, opts) { validateEncoder(this); if (typeof depth === 'number' && depth < 0) return opts.stylize('[Object]', 'special'); var ctor = getConstructorOf(this); var obj = Object.create({ constructor: ctor === null ? TextEncoder : ctor }); obj.encoding = this.encoding; // Lazy to avoid circular dependency return require('util').inspect(obj, opts); } } Object.defineProperties( TextEncoder.prototype, { 'encode': { enumerable: true }, 'encoding': { enumerable: true }, [Symbol.toStringTag]: { configurable: true, value: 'TextEncoder' } }); const TextDecoder = process.binding('config').hasIntl ? makeTextDecoderICU() : makeTextDecoderJS(); function makeTextDecoderICU() { const { decode: _decode, getConverter, } = internalBinding('icu'); class TextDecoder { constructor(encoding = 'utf-8', options = {}) { encoding = `${encoding}`; validateArgument(options, 'object', 'options', 'Object'); const enc = getEncodingFromLabel(encoding); if (enc === undefined) throw new ERR_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED(encoding); var flags = 0; if (options !== null) { flags |= options.fatal ? CONVERTER_FLAGS_FATAL : 0; flags |= options.ignoreBOM ? CONVERTER_FLAGS_IGNORE_BOM : 0; } const handle = getConverter(enc, flags); if (handle === undefined) throw new ERR_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED(encoding); this[kDecoder] = true; this[kHandle] = handle; this[kFlags] = flags; this[kEncoding] = enc; } decode(input = empty, options = {}) { validateDecoder(this); if (isArrayBuffer(input)) { input = lazyBuffer().from(input); } else if (!isArrayBufferView(input)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('input', ['ArrayBuffer', 'ArrayBufferView'], input); } validateArgument(options, 'object', 'options', 'Object'); var flags = 0; if (options !== null) flags |= options.stream ? 0 : CONVERTER_FLAGS_FLUSH; const ret = _decode(this[kHandle], input, flags); if (typeof ret === 'number') { const err = new ERR_ENCODING_INVALID_ENCODED_DATA(this.encoding); err.errno = ret; throw err; } return ret.toString('ucs2'); } } return TextDecoder; } function makeTextDecoderJS() { var StringDecoder; function lazyStringDecoder() { if (StringDecoder === undefined) ({ StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder')); return StringDecoder; } const kBOMSeen = Symbol('BOM seen'); function hasConverter(encoding) { return encoding === 'utf-8' || encoding === 'utf-16le'; } class TextDecoder { constructor(encoding = 'utf-8', options = {}) { encoding = `${encoding}`; validateArgument(options, 'object', 'options', 'Object'); const enc = getEncodingFromLabel(encoding); if (enc === undefined || !hasConverter(enc)) throw new ERR_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED(encoding); var flags = 0; if (options !== null) { if (options.fatal) { throw new ERR_NO_ICU('"fatal" option'); } flags |= options.ignoreBOM ? CONVERTER_FLAGS_IGNORE_BOM : 0; } this[kDecoder] = true; // StringDecoder will normalize WHATWG encoding to Node.js encoding. this[kHandle] = new (lazyStringDecoder())(enc); this[kFlags] = flags; this[kEncoding] = enc; this[kBOMSeen] = false; } decode(input = empty, options = {}) { validateDecoder(this); if (isArrayBuffer(input)) { input = lazyBuffer().from(input); } else if (isArrayBufferView(input)) { input = lazyBuffer().from(input.buffer, input.byteOffset, input.byteLength); } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('input', ['ArrayBuffer', 'ArrayBufferView'], input); } validateArgument(options, 'object', 'options', 'Object'); if (this[kFlags] & CONVERTER_FLAGS_FLUSH) { this[kBOMSeen] = false; } if (options !== null && options.stream) { this[kFlags] &= ~CONVERTER_FLAGS_FLUSH; } else { this[kFlags] |= CONVERTER_FLAGS_FLUSH; } if (!this[kBOMSeen] && !(this[kFlags] & CONVERTER_FLAGS_IGNORE_BOM)) { if (this[kEncoding] === 'utf-8') { if (input.length >= 3 && input[0] === 0xEF && input[1] === 0xBB && input[2] === 0xBF) { input = input.slice(3); } } else if (this[kEncoding] === 'utf-16le') { if (input.length >= 2 && input[0] === 0xFF && input[1] === 0xFE) { input = input.slice(2); } } this[kBOMSeen] = true; } if (this[kFlags] & CONVERTER_FLAGS_FLUSH) { return this[kHandle].end(input); } return this[kHandle].write(input); } } return TextDecoder; } // Mix in some shared properties. { Object.defineProperties( TextDecoder.prototype, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors({ get encoding() { validateDecoder(this); return this[kEncoding]; }, get fatal() { validateDecoder(this); return (this[kFlags] & CONVERTER_FLAGS_FATAL) === CONVERTER_FLAGS_FATAL; }, get ignoreBOM() { validateDecoder(this); return (this[kFlags] & CONVERTER_FLAGS_IGNORE_BOM) === CONVERTER_FLAGS_IGNORE_BOM; }, [inspect](depth, opts) { validateDecoder(this); if (typeof depth === 'number' && depth < 0) return opts.stylize('[Object]', 'special'); var ctor = getConstructorOf(this); var obj = Object.create({ constructor: ctor === null ? TextDecoder : ctor }); obj.encoding = this.encoding; obj.fatal = this.fatal; obj.ignoreBOM = this.ignoreBOM; if (opts.showHidden) { obj[kFlags] = this[kFlags]; obj[kHandle] = this[kHandle]; } // Lazy to avoid circular dependency return require('util').inspect(obj, opts); } })); Object.defineProperties(TextDecoder.prototype, { decode: { enumerable: true }, [inspect]: { enumerable: false }, [Symbol.toStringTag]: { configurable: true, value: 'TextDecoder' } }); } module.exports = { getEncodingFromLabel, TextDecoder, TextEncoder }; internal/errors/* eslint node-core/documented-errors: "error" */ /* eslint node-core/alphabetize-errors: "error" */ /* eslint node-core/prefer-util-format-errors: "error" */ 'use strict'; // The whole point behind this internal module is to allow Node.js to no // longer be forced to treat every error message change as a semver-major // change. The NodeError classes here all expose a `code` property whose // value statically and permanently identifies the error. While the error // message may change, the code should not. const kCode = Symbol('code'); const kInfo = Symbol('info'); const messages = new Map(); const codes = {}; const { errmap, UV_EAI_MEMORY, UV_EAI_NODATA, UV_EAI_NONAME } = process.binding('uv'); const { kMaxLength } = process.binding('buffer'); const { defineProperty } = Object; // Lazily loaded let util; let assert; let internalUtil = null; function lazyInternalUtil() { if (!internalUtil) { internalUtil = require('internal/util'); } return internalUtil; } let buffer; function lazyBuffer() { if (buffer === undefined) buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; return buffer; } // A specialized Error that includes an additional info property with // additional information about the error condition. // It has the properties present in a UVException but with a custom error // message followed by the uv error code and uv error message. // It also has its own error code with the original uv error context put into // `err.info`. // The context passed into this error must have .code, .syscall and .message, // and may have .path and .dest. class SystemError extends Error { constructor(key, context) { const prefix = getMessage(key, []); let message = `${prefix}: ${context.syscall} returned ` + `${context.code} (${context.message})`; if (context.path !== undefined) message += ` ${context.path}`; if (context.dest !== undefined) message += ` => ${context.dest}`; super(message); Object.defineProperty(this, kInfo, { configurable: false, enumerable: false, value: context }); Object.defineProperty(this, kCode, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: key, writable: true }); } get name() { return `SystemError [${this[kCode]}]`; } set name(value) { defineProperty(this, 'name', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value, writable: true }); } get code() { return this[kCode]; } set code(value) { defineProperty(this, 'code', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value, writable: true }); } get info() { return this[kInfo]; } get errno() { return this[kInfo].errno; } set errno(val) { this[kInfo].errno = val; } get syscall() { return this[kInfo].syscall; } set syscall(val) { this[kInfo].syscall = val; } get path() { return this[kInfo].path !== undefined ? this[kInfo].path.toString() : undefined; } set path(val) { this[kInfo].path = val ? lazyBuffer().from(val.toString()) : undefined; } get dest() { return this[kInfo].path !== undefined ? this[kInfo].dest.toString() : undefined; } set dest(val) { this[kInfo].dest = val ? lazyBuffer().from(val.toString()) : undefined; } } function makeSystemErrorWithCode(key) { return class NodeError extends SystemError { constructor(ctx) { super(key, ctx); } }; } let useOriginalName = false; function makeNodeErrorWithCode(Base, key) { return class NodeError extends Base { constructor(...args) { super(getMessage(key, args)); } get name() { if (useOriginalName) { return super.name; } return `${super.name} [${key}]`; } set name(value) { defineProperty(this, 'name', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value, writable: true }); } get code() { return key; } set code(value) { defineProperty(this, 'code', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value, writable: true }); } }; } // Utility function for registering the error codes. Only used here. Exported // *only* to allow for testing. function E(sym, val, def, ...otherClasses) { // Special case for SystemError that formats the error message differently // The SystemErrors only have SystemError as their base classes. messages.set(sym, val); if (def === SystemError) { def = makeSystemErrorWithCode(sym); } else { def = makeNodeErrorWithCode(def, sym); } if (otherClasses.length !== 0) { otherClasses.forEach((clazz) => { def[clazz.name] = makeNodeErrorWithCode(clazz, sym); }); } codes[sym] = def; } function getMessage(key, args) { const msg = messages.get(key); if (util === undefined) util = require('util'); if (assert === undefined) assert = require('assert'); if (typeof msg === 'function') { assert( msg.length <= args.length, // Default options do not count. `Code: ${key}; The provided arguments length (${args.length}) does not ` + `match the required ones (${msg.length}).` ); return msg.apply(null, args); } const expectedLength = (msg.match(/%[dfijoOs]/g) || []).length; assert( expectedLength === args.length, `Code: ${key}; The provided arguments length (${args.length}) does not ` + `match the required ones (${expectedLength}).` ); if (args.length === 0) return msg; args.unshift(msg); return util.format.apply(null, args); } /** * This creates an error compatible with errors produced in the C++ * function UVException using a context object with data assembled in C++. * The goal is to migrate them to ERR_* errors later when compatibility is * not a concern. * * @param {Object} ctx * @returns {Error} */ function uvException(ctx) { const [ code, uvmsg ] = errmap.get(ctx.errno); let message = `${code}: ${ctx.message || uvmsg}, ${ctx.syscall}`; let path; let dest; if (ctx.path) { path = ctx.path.toString(); message += ` '${path}'`; } if (ctx.dest) { dest = ctx.dest.toString(); message += ` -> '${dest}'`; } // Pass the message to the constructor instead of setting it on the object // to make sure it is the same as the one created in C++ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const err = new Error(message); for (const prop of Object.keys(ctx)) { if (prop === 'message' || prop === 'path' || prop === 'dest') { continue; } err[prop] = ctx[prop]; } err.code = code; if (path) { err.path = path; } if (dest) { err.dest = dest; } Error.captureStackTrace(err, uvException); return err; } /** * This creates an error compatible with errors produced in the C++ * This function should replace the deprecated * `exceptionWithHostPort()` function. * * @param {number} err - A libuv error number * @param {string} syscall * @param {string} address * @param {number} [port] * @returns {Error} */ function uvExceptionWithHostPort(err, syscall, address, port) { const [ code, uvmsg ] = errmap.get(err); const message = `${syscall} ${code}: ${uvmsg}`; let details = ''; if (port && port > 0) { details = ` ${address}:${port}`; } else if (address) { details = ` ${address}`; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const ex = new Error(`${message}${details}`); ex.code = code; ex.errno = code; ex.syscall = syscall; ex.address = address; if (port) { ex.port = port; } Error.captureStackTrace(ex, uvExceptionWithHostPort); return ex; } /** * This used to be util._errnoException(). * * @param {number} err - A libuv error number * @param {string} syscall * @param {string} [original] * @returns {Error} */ function errnoException(err, syscall, original) { // TODO(joyeecheung): We have to use the type-checked // getSystemErrorName(err) to guard against invalid arguments from users. // This can be replaced with [ code ] = errmap.get(err) when this method // is no longer exposed to user land. if (util === undefined) util = require('util'); const code = util.getSystemErrorName(err); const message = original ? `${syscall} ${code} ${original}` : `${syscall} ${code}`; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const ex = new Error(message); // TODO(joyeecheung): errno is supposed to err, like in uvException ex.code = ex.errno = code; ex.syscall = syscall; Error.captureStackTrace(ex, errnoException); return ex; } /** * Deprecated, new function is `uvExceptionWithHostPort()` * New function added the error description directly * from C++. this method for backwards compatibility * @param {number} err - A libuv error number * @param {string} syscall * @param {string} address * @param {number} [port] * @param {string} [additional] * @returns {Error} */ function exceptionWithHostPort(err, syscall, address, port, additional) { // TODO(joyeecheung): We have to use the type-checked // getSystemErrorName(err) to guard against invalid arguments from users. // This can be replaced with [ code ] = errmap.get(err) when this method // is no longer exposed to user land. if (util === undefined) util = require('util'); const code = util.getSystemErrorName(err); let details = ''; if (port && port > 0) { details = ` ${address}:${port}`; } else if (address) { details = ` ${address}`; } if (additional) { details += ` - Local (${additional})`; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const ex = new Error(`${syscall} ${code}${details}`); // TODO(joyeecheung): errno is supposed to err, like in uvException ex.code = ex.errno = code; ex.syscall = syscall; ex.address = address; if (port) { ex.port = port; } Error.captureStackTrace(ex, exceptionWithHostPort); return ex; } /** * @param {number|string} code - A libuv error number or a c-ares error code * @param {string} syscall * @param {string} [hostname] * @returns {Error} */ function dnsException(code, syscall, hostname) { // If `code` is of type number, it is a libuv error number, else it is a // c-ares error code. if (typeof code === 'number') { // FIXME(bnoordhuis) Remove this backwards compatibility nonsense and pass // the true error to the user. ENOTFOUND is not even a proper POSIX error! if (code === UV_EAI_MEMORY || code === UV_EAI_NODATA || code === UV_EAI_NONAME) { code = 'ENOTFOUND'; // Fabricated error name. } else { code = lazyInternalUtil().getSystemErrorName(code); } } const message = `${syscall} ${code}${hostname ? ` ${hostname}` : ''}`; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const ex = new Error(message); // TODO(joyeecheung): errno is supposed to be a number / err, like in // uvException. ex.errno = code; ex.code = code; ex.syscall = syscall; if (hostname) { ex.hostname = hostname; } Error.captureStackTrace(ex, dnsException); return ex; } let maxStack_ErrorName; let maxStack_ErrorMessage; /** * Returns true if `err.name` and `err.message` are equal to engine-specific * values indicating max call stack size has been exceeded. * "Maximum call stack size exceeded" in V8. * * @param {Error} err * @returns {boolean} */ function isStackOverflowError(err) { if (maxStack_ErrorMessage === undefined) { try { function overflowStack() { overflowStack(); } overflowStack(); } catch (err) { maxStack_ErrorMessage = err.message; maxStack_ErrorName = err.name; } } return err.name === maxStack_ErrorName && err.message === maxStack_ErrorMessage; } function oneOf(expected, thing) { assert(typeof thing === 'string', '`thing` has to be of type string'); if (Array.isArray(expected)) { const len = expected.length; assert(len > 0, 'At least one expected value needs to be specified'); expected = expected.map((i) => String(i)); if (len > 2) { return `one of ${thing} ${expected.slice(0, len - 1).join(', ')}, or ` + expected[len - 1]; } else if (len === 2) { return `one of ${thing} ${expected[0]} or ${expected[1]}`; } else { return `of ${thing} ${expected[0]}`; } } else { return `of ${thing} ${String(expected)}`; } } module.exports = { dnsException, errnoException, exceptionWithHostPort, uvException, uvExceptionWithHostPort, isStackOverflowError, getMessage, SystemError, codes, // This is exported only to facilitate testing. E, // This allows us to tell the type of the errors without using // instanceof, which is necessary in WPT harness. get useOriginalName() { return useOriginalName; }, set useOriginalName(value) { useOriginalName = value; } }; // To declare an error message, use the E(sym, val, def) function above. The sym // must be an upper case string. The val can be either a function or a string. // The def must be an error class. // The return value of the function must be a string. // Examples: // E('EXAMPLE_KEY1', 'This is the error value', Error); // E('EXAMPLE_KEY2', (a, b) => return `${a} ${b}`, RangeError); // // Once an error code has been assigned, the code itself MUST NOT change and // any given error code must never be reused to identify a different error. // // Any error code added here should also be added to the documentation // // Note: Please try to keep these in alphabetical order // // Note: Node.js specific errors must begin with the prefix ERR_ E('ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT', 'The "%s" argument is ambiguous. %s', TypeError); E('ERR_ARG_NOT_ITERABLE', '%s must be iterable', TypeError); E('ERR_ASSERTION', '%s', Error); E('ERR_ASYNC_CALLBACK', '%s must be a function', TypeError); E('ERR_ASYNC_TYPE', 'Invalid name for async "type": %s', TypeError); E('ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS', // Using a default argument here is important so the argument is not counted // towards `Function#length`. (name = undefined) => { if (name) { return `"${name}" is outside of buffer bounds`; } return 'Attempt to write outside buffer bounds'; }, RangeError); E('ERR_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE', `Cannot create a Buffer larger than 0x${kMaxLength.toString(16)} bytes`, RangeError); E('ERR_CANNOT_WATCH_SIGINT', 'Cannot watch for SIGINT signals', Error); E('ERR_CHILD_CLOSED_BEFORE_REPLY', 'Child closed before reply received', Error); E('ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_IPC_REQUIRED', "Forked processes must have an IPC channel, missing value 'ipc' in %s", Error); E('ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER', '%s maxBuffer length exceeded', RangeError); E('ERR_CONSOLE_WRITABLE_STREAM', 'Console expects a writable stream instance for %s', TypeError); E('ERR_CPU_USAGE', 'Unable to obtain cpu usage %s', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_CUSTOM_ENGINE_NOT_SUPPORTED', 'Custom engines not supported by this OpenSSL', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_ECDH_INVALID_FORMAT', 'Invalid ECDH format: %s', TypeError); E('ERR_CRYPTO_ECDH_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY', 'Public key is not valid for specified curve', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_ENGINE_UNKNOWN', 'Engine "%s" was not found', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_FIPS_FORCED', 'Cannot set FIPS mode, it was forced with --force-fips at startup.', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_FIPS_UNAVAILABLE', 'Cannot set FIPS mode in a non-FIPS build.', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_DIGEST_NO_UTF16', 'hash.digest() does not support UTF-16', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_FINALIZED', 'Digest already called', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_HASH_UPDATE_FAILED', 'Hash update failed', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_INCOMPATIBLE_KEY_OPTIONS', 'The selected key encoding %s %s.', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_DIGEST', 'Invalid digest: %s', TypeError); E('ERR_CRYPTO_INVALID_STATE', 'Invalid state for operation %s', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_PBKDF2_ERROR', 'PBKDF2 error', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_INVALID_PARAMETER', 'Invalid scrypt parameter', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_SCRYPT_NOT_SUPPORTED', 'Scrypt algorithm not supported', Error); // Switch to TypeError. The current implementation does not seem right. E('ERR_CRYPTO_SIGN_KEY_REQUIRED', 'No key provided to sign', Error); E('ERR_CRYPTO_TIMING_SAFE_EQUAL_LENGTH', 'Input buffers must have the same length', RangeError); E('ERR_DNS_SET_SERVERS_FAILED', 'c-ares failed to set servers: "%s" [%s]', Error); E('ERR_DOMAIN_CALLBACK_NOT_AVAILABLE', 'A callback was registered through ' + 'process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback(), which is mutually ' + 'exclusive with using the `domain` module', Error); E('ERR_DOMAIN_CANNOT_SET_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_CAPTURE', 'The `domain` module is in use, which is mutually exclusive with calling ' + 'process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback()', Error); E('ERR_ENCODING_INVALID_ENCODED_DATA', 'The encoded data was not valid for encoding %s', TypeError); E('ERR_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED', 'The "%s" encoding is not supported', RangeError); E('ERR_FALSY_VALUE_REJECTION', 'Promise was rejected with falsy value', Error); E('ERR_FS_FILE_TOO_LARGE', 'File size (%s) is greater than possible Buffer: ' + `${kMaxLength} bytes`, RangeError); E('ERR_FS_INVALID_SYMLINK_TYPE', 'Symlink type must be one of "dir", "file", or "junction". Received "%s"', Error); // Switch to TypeError. The current implementation does not seem right E('ERR_HTTP2_ALTSVC_INVALID_ORIGIN', 'HTTP/2 ALTSVC frames require a valid origin', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_ALTSVC_LENGTH', 'HTTP/2 ALTSVC frames are limited to 16382 bytes', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_CONNECT_AUTHORITY', ':authority header is required for CONNECT requests', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_CONNECT_PATH', 'The :path header is forbidden for CONNECT requests', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_CONNECT_SCHEME', 'The :scheme header is forbidden for CONNECT requests', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_GOAWAY_SESSION', 'New streams cannot be created after receiving a GOAWAY', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_AFTER_RESPOND', 'Cannot specify additional headers after response initiated', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT', 'Response has already been initiated.', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_HEADER_SINGLE_VALUE', 'Header field "%s" must only have a single value', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_INFO_STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED', 'Informational status codes cannot be used', RangeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_CONNECTION_HEADERS', 'HTTP/1 Connection specific headers are forbidden: "%s"', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE', 'Invalid value "%s" for header "%s"', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_INFO_STATUS', 'Invalid informational status code: %s', RangeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_ORIGIN', 'HTTP/2 ORIGIN frames require a valid origin', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_PACKED_SETTINGS_LENGTH', 'Packed settings length must be a multiple of six', RangeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_PSEUDOHEADER', '"%s" is an invalid pseudoheader or is used incorrectly', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION', 'The session has been destroyed', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SETTING_VALUE', 'Invalid value for setting "%s": %s', TypeError, RangeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM', 'The stream has been destroyed', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_MAX_PENDING_SETTINGS_ACK', 'Maximum number of pending settings acknowledgements', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_NESTED_PUSH', 'A push stream cannot initiate another push stream.', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION', 'HTTP/2 sockets should not be directly manipulated (e.g. read and written)', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_ORIGIN_LENGTH', 'HTTP/2 ORIGIN frames are limited to 16382 bytes', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_OUT_OF_STREAMS', 'No stream ID is available because maximum stream ID has been reached', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_PAYLOAD_FORBIDDEN', 'Responses with %s status must not have a payload', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_PING_CANCEL', 'HTTP2 ping cancelled', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_PING_LENGTH', 'HTTP2 ping payload must be 8 bytes', RangeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_PSEUDOHEADER_NOT_ALLOWED', 'Cannot set HTTP/2 pseudo-headers', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_PUSH_DISABLED', 'HTTP/2 client has disabled push streams', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_SEND_FILE', 'Directories cannot be sent', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_SEND_FILE_NOSEEK', 'Offset or length can only be specified for regular files', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_SESSION_ERROR', 'Session closed with error code %s', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_SETTINGS_CANCEL', 'HTTP2 session settings canceled', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_SOCKET_BOUND', 'The socket is already bound to an Http2Session', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_SOCKET_UNBOUND', 'The socket has been disconnected from the Http2Session', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_STATUS_101', 'HTTP status code 101 (Switching Protocols) is forbidden in HTTP/2', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_STATUS_INVALID', 'Invalid status code: %s', RangeError); E('ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_CANCEL', 'The pending stream has been canceled', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_ERROR', 'Stream closed with error code %s', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_SELF_DEPENDENCY', 'A stream cannot depend on itself', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_TRAILERS_ALREADY_SENT', 'Trailing headers have already been sent', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_TRAILERS_NOT_READY', 'Trailing headers cannot be sent until after the wantTrailers event is ' + 'emitted', Error); E('ERR_HTTP2_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL', 'protocol "%s" is unsupported.', Error); E('ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT', 'Cannot %s headers after they are sent to the client', Error); E('ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE', 'Invalid value "%s" for header "%s"', TypeError); E('ERR_HTTP_INVALID_STATUS_CODE', 'Invalid status code: %s', RangeError); E('ERR_HTTP_TRAILER_INVALID', 'Trailers are invalid with this transfer encoding', Error); E('ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE', 'Index out of range', RangeError); E('ERR_INSPECTOR_ALREADY_CONNECTED', '%s is already connected', Error); E('ERR_INSPECTOR_CLOSED', 'Session was closed', Error); E('ERR_INSPECTOR_NOT_AVAILABLE', 'Inspector is not available', Error); E('ERR_INSPECTOR_NOT_CONNECTED', 'Session is not connected', Error); E('ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS_FAMILY', 'Invalid address family: %s', RangeError); E('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', (name, expected, actual) => { assert(typeof name === 'string', "'name' must be a string"); // determiner: 'must be' or 'must not be' let determiner; if (typeof expected === 'string' && expected.startsWith('not ')) { determiner = 'must not be'; expected = expected.replace(/^not /, ''); } else { determiner = 'must be'; } let msg; if (name.endsWith(' argument')) { // For cases like 'first argument' msg = `The ${name} ${determiner} ${oneOf(expected, 'type')}`; } else { const type = name.includes('.') ? 'property' : 'argument'; msg = `The "${name}" ${type} ${determiner} ${oneOf(expected, 'type')}`; } // TODO(BridgeAR): Improve the output by showing `null` and similar. msg += `. Received type ${typeof actual}`; return msg; }, TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE', (name, value, reason = 'is invalid') => { let inspected = util.inspect(value); if (inspected.length > 128) { inspected = `${inspected.slice(0, 128)}...`; } return `The argument '${name}' ${reason}. Received ${inspected}`; }, TypeError, RangeError); E('ERR_INVALID_ARRAY_LENGTH', (name, len, actual) => { return `The array "${name}" (length ${actual}) must be of length ${len}.`; }, TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_ASYNC_ID', 'Invalid %s value: %s', RangeError); E('ERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE', 'Buffer size must be a multiple of %s', RangeError); E('ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK', 'Callback must be a function', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_CHAR', // Using a default argument here is important so the argument is not counted // towards `Function#length`. (name, field = undefined) => { let msg = `Invalid character in ${name}`; if (field !== undefined) { msg += ` ["${field}"]`; } return msg; }, TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_CURSOR_POS', 'Cannot set cursor row without setting its column', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN_NAME', 'Unable to determine the domain name', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_FD', '"fd" must be a positive integer: %s', RangeError); E('ERR_INVALID_FD_TYPE', 'Unsupported fd type: %s', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST', 'File URL host must be "localhost" or empty on %s', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH', 'File URL path %s', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_HANDLE_TYPE', 'This handle type cannot be sent', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN', '%s must be a valid HTTP token ["%s"]', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS', 'Invalid IP address: %s', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE', (name, value) => `The value "${String(value)}" is invalid for option "${name}"`, TypeError, RangeError); E('ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE_ENCODING', 'The value "%s" is invalid for option "encoding"', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_PERFORMANCE_MARK', 'The "%s" performance mark has not been set', Error); E('ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL', 'Protocol "%s" not supported. Expected "%s"', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_REPL_EVAL_CONFIG', 'Cannot specify both "breakEvalOnSigint" and "eval" for REPL', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_RETURN_PROPERTY', (input, name, prop, value) => { return `Expected a valid ${input} to be returned for the "${prop}" from the` + ` "${name}" function but got ${value}.`; }, TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_RETURN_PROPERTY_VALUE', (input, name, prop, value) => { let type; if (value && value.constructor && value.constructor.name) { type = `instance of ${value.constructor.name}`; } else { type = `type ${typeof value}`; } return `Expected ${input} to be returned for the "${prop}" from the` + ` "${name}" function but got ${type}.`; }, TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE', (input, name, value) => { let type; if (value && value.constructor && value.constructor.name) { type = `instance of ${value.constructor.name}`; } else { type = `type ${typeof value}`; } return `Expected ${input} to be returned from the "${name}"` + ` function but got ${type}.`; }, TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_SYNC_FORK_INPUT', 'Asynchronous forks do not support ' + 'Buffer, TypedArray, DataView or string input: %s', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_THIS', 'Value of "this" must be of type %s', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_TUPLE', '%s must be an iterable %s tuple', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_URI', 'URI malformed', URIError); E('ERR_INVALID_URL', 'Invalid URL: %s', TypeError); E('ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME', (expected) => `The URL must be ${oneOf(expected, 'scheme')}`, TypeError); E('ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED', 'Channel closed', Error); E('ERR_IPC_DISCONNECTED', 'IPC channel is already disconnected', Error); E('ERR_IPC_ONE_PIPE', 'Child process can have only one IPC pipe', Error); E('ERR_IPC_SYNC_FORK', 'IPC cannot be used with synchronous forks', Error); E('ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 'The %s method is not implemented', Error); E('ERR_MISSING_ARGS', (...args) => { assert(args.length > 0, 'At least one arg needs to be specified'); let msg = 'The '; const len = args.length; args = args.map((a) => `"${a}"`); switch (len) { case 1: msg += `${args[0]} argument`; break; case 2: msg += `${args[0]} and ${args[1]} arguments`; break; default: msg += args.slice(0, len - 1).join(', '); msg += `, and ${args[len - 1]} arguments`; break; } return `${msg} must be specified`; }, TypeError); E('ERR_MISSING_DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATE_HOOK', 'The ES Module loader may not return a format of \'dynamic\' when no ' + 'dynamicInstantiate function was provided', Error); E('ERR_MISSING_MODULE', 'Cannot find module %s', Error); E('ERR_MODULE_RESOLUTION_LEGACY', '%s not found by import in %s.' + ' Legacy behavior in require() would have found it at %s', Error); E('ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK', 'Callback called multiple times', Error); E('ERR_NAPI_CONS_FUNCTION', 'Constructor must be a function', TypeError); E('ERR_NAPI_INVALID_DATAVIEW_ARGS', 'byte_offset + byte_length should be less than or equal to the size in ' + 'bytes of the array passed in', RangeError); E('ERR_NAPI_INVALID_TYPEDARRAY_ALIGNMENT', 'start offset of %s should be a multiple of %s', RangeError); E('ERR_NAPI_INVALID_TYPEDARRAY_LENGTH', 'Invalid typed array length', RangeError); E('ERR_NO_CRYPTO', 'Node.js is not compiled with OpenSSL crypto support', Error); E('ERR_NO_ICU', '%s is not supported on Node.js compiled without ICU', TypeError); E('ERR_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED', '%s is no longer supported', Error); E('ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE', (str, range, input, replaceDefaultBoolean = false) => { let msg = replaceDefaultBoolean ? str : `The value of "${str}" is out of range.`; if (range !== undefined) msg += ` It must be ${range}.`; msg += ` Received ${input}`; return msg; }, RangeError); E('ERR_REQUIRE_ESM', 'Must use import to load ES Module: %s', Error); E('ERR_SCRIPT_EXECUTION_INTERRUPTED', 'Script execution was interrupted by `SIGINT`.', Error); E('ERR_SERVER_ALREADY_LISTEN', 'Listen method has been called more than once without closing.', Error); E('ERR_SERVER_NOT_RUNNING', 'Server is not running.', Error); E('ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND', 'Socket is already bound', Error); E('ERR_SOCKET_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE', 'Buffer size must be a positive integer', TypeError); E('ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT', 'Port should be >= 0 and < 65536. Received %s.', RangeError); E('ERR_SOCKET_BAD_TYPE', 'Bad socket type specified. Valid types are: udp4, udp6', TypeError); E('ERR_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE', 'Could not get or set buffer size', SystemError); E('ERR_SOCKET_CANNOT_SEND', 'Unable to send data', Error); E('ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED', 'Socket is closed', Error); E('ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_RUNNING', 'Not running', Error); E('ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE', 'Cannot pipe, not readable', Error); E('ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED', 'Cannot call %s after a stream was destroyed', Error); E('ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES', 'May not write null values to stream', TypeError); E('ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE', 'Premature close', Error); E('ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF', 'stream.push() after EOF', Error); E('ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT', 'stream.unshift() after end event', Error); E('ERR_STREAM_WRAP', 'Stream has StringDecoder set or is in objectMode', Error); E('ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END', 'write after end', Error); E('ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR', 'A system error occurred', SystemError); E('ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID', 'Hostname/IP does not match certificate\'s altnames: %s', Error); E('ERR_TLS_DH_PARAM_SIZE', 'DH parameter size %s is less than 2048', Error); E('ERR_TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT', 'TLS handshake timeout', Error); E('ERR_TLS_RENEGOTIATE', 'Attempt to renegotiate TLS session failed', Error); E('ERR_TLS_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED', 'TLS session renegotiation disabled for this socket', Error); // This should probably be a `TypeError`. E('ERR_TLS_REQUIRED_SERVER_NAME', '"servername" is required parameter for Server.addContext', Error); E('ERR_TLS_SESSION_ATTACK', 'TLS session renegotiation attack detected', Error); E('ERR_TLS_SNI_FROM_SERVER', 'Cannot issue SNI from a TLS server-side socket', Error); E('ERR_TRACE_EVENTS_CATEGORY_REQUIRED', 'At least one category is required', TypeError); E('ERR_TRACE_EVENTS_UNAVAILABLE', 'Trace events are unavailable', Error); E('ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING', 'Calling transform done when still transforming', Error); // This should probably be a `RangeError`. E('ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0', 'Calling transform done when writableState.length != 0', Error); E('ERR_TTY_INIT_FAILED', 'TTY initialization failed', SystemError); E('ERR_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_CAPTURE_ALREADY_SET', '`process.setupUncaughtExceptionCapture()` was called while a capture ' + 'callback was already active', Error); E('ERR_UNESCAPED_CHARACTERS', '%s contains unescaped characters', TypeError); E('ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR', // Using a default argument here is important so the argument is not counted // towards `Function#length`. (err = undefined) => { const msg = 'Unhandled error.'; if (err === undefined) return msg; return `${msg} (${err})`; }, Error); E('ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING', 'Unknown encoding: %s', TypeError); // This should probably be a `TypeError`. E('ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION', 'Unknown file extension: %s', Error); E('ERR_UNKNOWN_MODULE_FORMAT', 'Unknown module format: %s', RangeError); E('ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL', 'Unknown signal: %s', TypeError); E('ERR_UNKNOWN_STDIN_TYPE', 'Unknown stdin file type', Error); // This should probably be a `TypeError`. E('ERR_UNKNOWN_STREAM_TYPE', 'Unknown stream file type', Error); E('ERR_V8BREAKITERATOR', 'Full ICU data not installed. See https://github.com/nodejs/node/wiki/Intl', Error); // This should probably be a `TypeError`. E('ERR_VALID_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE', 'At least one valid performance entry type is required', Error); E('ERR_VM_MODULE_ALREADY_LINKED', 'Module has already been linked', Error); E('ERR_VM_MODULE_DIFFERENT_CONTEXT', 'Linked modules must use the same context', Error); E('ERR_VM_MODULE_LINKING_ERRORED', 'Linking has already failed for the provided module', Error); E('ERR_VM_MODULE_NOT_LINKED', 'Module must be linked before it can be instantiated', Error); E('ERR_VM_MODULE_NOT_MODULE', 'Provided module is not an instance of Module', Error); E('ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS', 'Module status %s', Error); E('ERR_WORKER_PATH', 'The worker script filename must be an absolute path or a relative ' + 'path starting with \'./\' or \'../\'. Received "%s"', TypeError); E('ERR_WORKER_UNSERIALIZABLE_ERROR', 'Serializing an uncaught exception failed', Error); E('ERR_WORKER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION', 'The worker script extension must be ".js" or ".mjs". Received "%s"', TypeError); E('ERR_ZLIB_INITIALIZATION_FAILED', 'Initialization failed', Error); internal/error-serdes'use strict'; const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; const { serialize, deserialize } = require('v8'); const { SafeSet } = require('internal/safe_globals'); const kSerializedError = 0; const kSerializedObject = 1; const kInspectedError = 2; const GetPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; const GetOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; const GetOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; const DefineProperty = Object.defineProperty; const Assign = Object.assign; const ObjectPrototypeToString = Function.prototype.call.bind(Object.prototype.toString); const ForEach = Function.prototype.call.bind(Array.prototype.forEach); const Call = Function.prototype.call.bind(Function.prototype.call); const errors = { Error, TypeError, RangeError, URIError, SyntaxError, ReferenceError, EvalError }; const errorConstructorNames = new SafeSet(Object.keys(errors)); function TryGetAllProperties(object, target = object) { const all = Object.create(null); if (object === null) return all; Assign(all, TryGetAllProperties(GetPrototypeOf(object), target)); const keys = GetOwnPropertyNames(object); ForEach(keys, (key) => { const descriptor = GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key); const getter = descriptor.get; if (getter && key !== '__proto__') { try { descriptor.value = Call(getter, target); } catch {} } if ('value' in descriptor && typeof descriptor.value !== 'function') { delete descriptor.get; delete descriptor.set; all[key] = descriptor; } }); return all; } function GetConstructors(object) { const constructors = []; for (var current = object; current !== null; current = GetPrototypeOf(current)) { const desc = GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(current, 'constructor'); if (desc && desc.value) { DefineProperty(constructors, constructors.length, { value: desc.value, enumerable: true }); } } return constructors; } function GetName(object) { const desc = GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, 'name'); return desc && desc.value; } let util; function lazyUtil() { if (!util) util = require('util'); return util; } function serializeError(error) { try { if (typeof error === 'object' && ObjectPrototypeToString(error) === '[object Error]') { const constructors = GetConstructors(error); for (var i = constructors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const name = GetName(constructors[i]); if (errorConstructorNames.has(name)) { try { error.stack; } catch {} const serialized = serialize({ constructor: name, properties: TryGetAllProperties(error) }); return Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([kSerializedError]), serialized]); } } } } catch {} try { const serialized = serialize(error); return Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([kSerializedObject]), serialized]); } catch {} return Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([kInspectedError]), Buffer.from(lazyUtil().inspect(error), 'utf8')]); } function deserializeError(error) { switch (error[0]) { case kSerializedError: const { constructor, properties } = deserialize(error.subarray(1)); const ctor = errors[constructor]; return Object.create(ctor.prototype, properties); case kSerializedObject: return deserialize(error.subarray(1)); case kInspectedError: const buf = Buffer.from(error.buffer, error.byteOffset + 1, error.byteLength - 1); return buf.toString('utf8'); } require('assert').fail('This should not happen'); } module.exports = { serializeError, deserializeError }; internal/fixed_queue'use strict'; // Currently optimal queue size, tested on V8 6.0 - 6.6. Must be power of two. const kSize = 2048; const kMask = kSize - 1; // The FixedQueue is implemented as a singly-linked list of fixed-size // circular buffers. It looks something like this: // // head tail // | | // v v // +-----------+ <-----\ +-----------+ <------\ +-----------+ // | [null] | \----- | next | \------- | next | // +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ // | item | <-- bottom | item | <-- bottom | [empty] | // | item | | item | | [empty] | // | item | | item | | [empty] | // | item | | item | | [empty] | // | item | | item | bottom --> | item | // | item | | item | | item | // | ... | | ... | | ... | // | item | | item | | item | // | item | | item | | item | // | [empty] | <-- top | item | | item | // | [empty] | | item | | item | // | [empty] | | [empty] | <-- top top --> | [empty] | // +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ // // Or, if there is only one circular buffer, it looks something // like either of these: // // head tail head tail // | | | | // v v v v // +-----------+ +-----------+ // | [null] | | [null] | // +-----------+ +-----------+ // | [empty] | | item | // | [empty] | | item | // | item | <-- bottom top --> | [empty] | // | item | | [empty] | // | [empty] | <-- top bottom --> | item | // | [empty] | | item | // +-----------+ +-----------+ // // Adding a value means moving `top` forward by one, removing means // moving `bottom` forward by one. After reaching the end, the queue // wraps around. // // When `top === bottom` the current queue is empty and when // `top + 1 === bottom` it's full. This wastes a single space of storage // but allows much quicker checks. const FixedCircularBuffer = class FixedCircularBuffer { constructor() { this.bottom = 0; this.top = 0; this.list = new Array(kSize); this.next = null; } isEmpty() { return this.top === this.bottom; } isFull() { return ((this.top + 1) & kMask) === this.bottom; } push(data) { this.list[this.top] = data; this.top = (this.top + 1) & kMask; } shift() { const nextItem = this.list[this.bottom]; if (nextItem === undefined) return null; this.list[this.bottom] = undefined; this.bottom = (this.bottom + 1) & kMask; return nextItem; } }; module.exports = class FixedQueue { constructor() { this.head = this.tail = new FixedCircularBuffer(); } isEmpty() { return this.head.isEmpty(); } push(data) { if (this.head.isFull()) { // Head is full: Creates a new queue, sets the old queue's `.next` to it, // and sets it as the new main queue. this.head = this.head.next = new FixedCircularBuffer(); } this.head.push(data); } shift() { const { tail } = this; const next = tail.shift(); if (tail.isEmpty() && tail.next !== null) { // If there is another queue, it forms the new tail. this.tail = tail.next; } return next; } }; internal/freelist'use strict'; const is_reused_symbol = Symbol('isReused'); class FreeList { constructor(name, max, ctor) { this.name = name; this.ctor = ctor; this.max = max; this.list = []; } alloc() { let item; if (this.list.length > 0) { item = this.list.pop(); item[is_reused_symbol] = true; } else { item = this.ctor.apply(this, arguments); item[is_reused_symbol] = false; } return item; } free(obj) { if (this.list.length < this.max) { this.list.push(obj); return true; } return false; } } module.exports = { FreeList, symbols: { is_reused_symbol } }; internal/fs/promises'use strict'; const { F_OK, O_SYMLINK, O_WRONLY, S_IFMT, S_IFREG } = process.binding('constants').fs; const binding = process.binding('fs'); const { Buffer, kMaxLength } = require('buffer'); const { ERR_FS_FILE_TOO_LARGE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { toPathIfFileURL } = require('internal/url'); const { isUint8Array } = require('internal/util/types'); const { copyObject, getDirents, getOptions, getStatsFromBinding, nullCheck, preprocessSymlinkDestination, stringToFlags, stringToSymlinkType, toUnixTimestamp, validateBuffer, validateOffsetLengthRead, validateOffsetLengthWrite, validatePath } = require('internal/fs/utils'); const { validateInteger, validateMode, validateUint32 } = require('internal/validators'); const pathModule = require('path'); const { promisify } = require('internal/util'); const kHandle = Symbol('handle'); const { kUsePromises } = binding; const getDirectoryEntriesPromise = promisify(getDirents); class FileHandle { constructor(filehandle) { this[kHandle] = filehandle; } getAsyncId() { return this[kHandle].getAsyncId(); } get fd() { return this[kHandle].fd; } appendFile(data, options) { return appendFile(this, data, options); } chmod(mode) { return fchmod(this, mode); } chown(uid, gid) { return fchown(this, uid, gid); } datasync() { return fdatasync(this); } sync() { return fsync(this); } read(buffer, offset, length, position) { return read(this, buffer, offset, length, position); } readFile(options) { return readFile(this, options); } stat(options) { return fstat(this, options); } truncate(len = 0) { return ftruncate(this, len); } utimes(atime, mtime) { return futimes(this, atime, mtime); } write(buffer, offset, length, position) { return write(this, buffer, offset, length, position); } writeFile(data, options) { return writeFile(this, data, options); } close() { return this[kHandle].close(); } } function validateFileHandle(handle) { if (!(handle instanceof FileHandle)) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('filehandle', 'FileHandle', handle); } async function writeFileHandle(filehandle, data, options) { let buffer = isUint8Array(data) ? data : Buffer.from('' + data, options.encoding || 'utf8'); let remaining = buffer.length; if (remaining === 0) return; do { const { bytesWritten } = await write(filehandle, buffer, 0, Math.min(16384, buffer.length)); remaining -= bytesWritten; buffer = buffer.slice(bytesWritten); } while (remaining > 0); } // Note: This is different from kReadFileBufferLength used for non-promisified // fs.readFile. const kReadFileMaxChunkSize = 16384; async function readFileHandle(filehandle, options) { const statFields = await binding.fstat(filehandle.fd, false, kUsePromises); let size; if ((statFields[1/* mode */] & S_IFMT) === S_IFREG) { size = statFields[8/* size */]; } else { size = 0; } if (size > kMaxLength) throw new ERR_FS_FILE_TOO_LARGE(size); const chunks = []; const chunkSize = size === 0 ? kReadFileMaxChunkSize : Math.min(size, kReadFileMaxChunkSize); let endOfFile = false; do { const buf = Buffer.alloc(chunkSize); const { bytesRead, buffer } = await read(filehandle, buf, 0, chunkSize, -1); endOfFile = bytesRead === 0; if (bytesRead > 0) chunks.push(buffer.slice(0, bytesRead)); } while (!endOfFile); const result = Buffer.concat(chunks); if (options.encoding) { return result.toString(options.encoding); } else { return result; } } // All of the functions are defined as async in order to ensure that errors // thrown cause promise rejections rather than being thrown synchronously. async function access(path, mode = F_OK) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); mode = mode | 0; return binding.access(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), mode, kUsePromises); } async function copyFile(src, dest, flags) { src = toPathIfFileURL(src); dest = toPathIfFileURL(dest); validatePath(src, 'src'); validatePath(dest, 'dest'); flags = flags | 0; return binding.copyFile(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(src), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(dest), flags, kUsePromises); } // Note that unlike fs.open() which uses numeric file descriptors, // fsPromises.open() uses the fs.FileHandle class. async function open(path, flags, mode) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); mode = validateMode(mode, 'mode', 0o666); return new FileHandle( await binding.openFileHandle(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), stringToFlags(flags), mode, kUsePromises)); } async function read(handle, buffer, offset, length, position) { validateFileHandle(handle); validateBuffer(buffer); offset |= 0; length |= 0; if (length === 0) return { bytesRead: length, buffer }; validateOffsetLengthRead(offset, length, buffer.length); if (!Number.isSafeInteger(position)) position = -1; const bytesRead = (await binding.read(handle.fd, buffer, offset, length, position, kUsePromises)) || 0; return { bytesRead, buffer }; } async function write(handle, buffer, offset, length, position) { validateFileHandle(handle); if (buffer.length === 0) return { bytesWritten: 0, buffer }; if (isUint8Array(buffer)) { if (typeof offset !== 'number') offset = 0; if (typeof length !== 'number') length = buffer.length - offset; if (typeof position !== 'number') position = null; validateOffsetLengthWrite(offset, length, buffer.byteLength); const bytesWritten = (await binding.writeBuffer(handle.fd, buffer, offset, length, position, kUsePromises)) || 0; return { bytesWritten, buffer }; } if (typeof buffer !== 'string') buffer += ''; const bytesWritten = (await binding.writeString(handle.fd, buffer, offset, length, kUsePromises)) || 0; return { bytesWritten, buffer }; } async function rename(oldPath, newPath) { oldPath = toPathIfFileURL(oldPath); newPath = toPathIfFileURL(newPath); validatePath(oldPath, 'oldPath'); validatePath(newPath, 'newPath'); return binding.rename(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(oldPath), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(newPath), kUsePromises); } async function truncate(path, len = 0) { return ftruncate(await open(path, 'r+'), len); } async function ftruncate(handle, len = 0) { validateFileHandle(handle); validateInteger(len, 'len'); len = Math.max(0, len); return binding.ftruncate(handle.fd, len, kUsePromises); } async function rmdir(path) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); return binding.rmdir(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), kUsePromises); } async function fdatasync(handle) { validateFileHandle(handle); return binding.fdatasync(handle.fd, kUsePromises); } async function fsync(handle) { validateFileHandle(handle); return binding.fsync(handle.fd, kUsePromises); } async function mkdir(path, options) { if (typeof options === 'number' || typeof options === 'string') { options = { mode: options }; } const { recursive = false, mode = 0o777 } = options || {}; path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); if (typeof recursive !== 'boolean') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('recursive', 'boolean', recursive); return binding.mkdir(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), validateMode(mode, 'mode', 0o777), recursive, kUsePromises); } async function readdir(path, options) { options = getOptions(options, {}); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const result = await binding.readdir(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.encoding, !!options.withFileTypes, kUsePromises); return options.withFileTypes ? getDirectoryEntriesPromise(path, result) : result; } async function readlink(path, options) { options = getOptions(options, {}); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path, 'oldPath'); return binding.readlink(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.encoding, kUsePromises); } async function symlink(target, path, type_) { const type = (typeof type_ === 'string' ? type_ : null); target = toPathIfFileURL(target); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(target, 'target'); validatePath(path); return binding.symlink(preprocessSymlinkDestination(target, type, path), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), stringToSymlinkType(type), kUsePromises); } async function fstat(handle, options = { bigint: false }) { validateFileHandle(handle); const result = await binding.fstat(handle.fd, options.bigint, kUsePromises); return getStatsFromBinding(result); } async function lstat(path, options = { bigint: false }) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const result = await binding.lstat(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.bigint, kUsePromises); return getStatsFromBinding(result); } async function stat(path, options = { bigint: false }) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); const result = await binding.stat(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), options.bigint, kUsePromises); return getStatsFromBinding(result); } async function link(existingPath, newPath) { existingPath = toPathIfFileURL(existingPath); newPath = toPathIfFileURL(newPath); validatePath(existingPath, 'existingPath'); validatePath(newPath, 'newPath'); return binding.link(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(existingPath), pathModule.toNamespacedPath(newPath), kUsePromises); } async function unlink(path) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); return binding.unlink(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), kUsePromises); } async function fchmod(handle, mode) { validateFileHandle(handle); mode = validateMode(mode, 'mode'); return binding.fchmod(handle.fd, mode, kUsePromises); } async function chmod(path, mode) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); mode = validateMode(mode, 'mode'); return binding.chmod(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), mode, kUsePromises); } async function lchmod(path, mode) { if (O_SYMLINK === undefined) throw new ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED('lchmod()'); const fd = await open(path, O_WRONLY | O_SYMLINK); return fchmod(fd, mode).finally(fd.close.bind(fd)); } async function lchown(path, uid, gid) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); validateUint32(uid, 'uid'); validateUint32(gid, 'gid'); return binding.lchown(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), uid, gid, kUsePromises); } async function fchown(handle, uid, gid) { validateFileHandle(handle); validateUint32(uid, 'uid'); validateUint32(gid, 'gid'); return binding.fchown(handle.fd, uid, gid, kUsePromises); } async function chown(path, uid, gid) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); validateUint32(uid, 'uid'); validateUint32(gid, 'gid'); return binding.chown(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), uid, gid, kUsePromises); } async function utimes(path, atime, mtime) { path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); return binding.utimes(pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path), toUnixTimestamp(atime), toUnixTimestamp(mtime), kUsePromises); } async function futimes(handle, atime, mtime) { validateFileHandle(handle); atime = toUnixTimestamp(atime, 'atime'); mtime = toUnixTimestamp(mtime, 'mtime'); return binding.futimes(handle.fd, atime, mtime, kUsePromises); } async function realpath(path, options) { options = getOptions(options, {}); path = toPathIfFileURL(path); validatePath(path); return binding.realpath(path, options.encoding, kUsePromises); } async function mkdtemp(prefix, options) { options = getOptions(options, {}); if (!prefix || typeof prefix !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('prefix', 'string', prefix); } nullCheck(prefix); return binding.mkdtemp(`${prefix}XXXXXX`, options.encoding, kUsePromises); } async function writeFile(path, data, options) { options = getOptions(options, { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'w' }); const flag = options.flag || 'w'; if (path instanceof FileHandle) return writeFileHandle(path, data, options); const fd = await open(path, flag, options.mode); return writeFileHandle(fd, data, options).finally(fd.close.bind(fd)); } async function appendFile(path, data, options) { options = getOptions(options, { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'a' }); options = copyObject(options); options.flag = options.flag || 'a'; return writeFile(path, data, options); } async function readFile(path, options) { options = getOptions(options, { flag: 'r' }); const flag = options.flag || 'r'; if (path instanceof FileHandle) return readFileHandle(path, options); const fd = await open(path, flag, 0o666); return readFileHandle(fd, options).finally(fd.close.bind(fd)); } module.exports = { access, copyFile, open, rename, truncate, rmdir, mkdir, readdir, readlink, symlink, lstat, stat, link, unlink, chmod, lchmod, lchown, chown, utimes, realpath, mkdtemp, writeFile, appendFile, readFile }; internal/fs/read_file_context'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { FSReqWrap, close, read } = process.binding('fs'); const kReadFileBufferLength = 8 * 1024; function readFileAfterRead(err, bytesRead) { const context = this.context; if (err) return context.close(err); if (bytesRead === 0) return context.close(); context.pos += bytesRead; if (context.size !== 0) { if (context.pos === context.size) context.close(); else context.read(); } else { // unknown size, just read until we don't get bytes. context.buffers.push(context.buffer.slice(0, bytesRead)); context.read(); } } function readFileAfterClose(err) { const context = this.context; const callback = context.callback; let buffer = null; if (context.err || err) return callback(context.err || err); try { if (context.size === 0) buffer = Buffer.concat(context.buffers, context.pos); else if (context.pos < context.size) buffer = context.buffer.slice(0, context.pos); else buffer = context.buffer; if (context.encoding) buffer = buffer.toString(context.encoding); } catch (err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, buffer); } class ReadFileContext { constructor(callback, encoding) { this.fd = undefined; this.isUserFd = undefined; this.size = undefined; this.callback = callback; this.buffers = null; this.buffer = null; this.pos = 0; this.encoding = encoding; this.err = null; } read() { let buffer; let offset; let length; if (this.size === 0) { buffer = this.buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(kReadFileBufferLength); offset = 0; length = kReadFileBufferLength; } else { buffer = this.buffer; offset = this.pos; length = Math.min(kReadFileBufferLength, this.size - this.pos); } const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = readFileAfterRead; req.context = this; read(this.fd, buffer, offset, length, -1, req); } close(err) { const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = readFileAfterClose; req.context = this; this.err = err; if (this.isUserFd) { process.nextTick(function tick() { req.oncomplete(null); }); return; } close(this.fd, req); } } module.exports = ReadFileContext; internal/fs/streams'use strict'; const { FSReqWrap, writeBuffers } = process.binding('fs'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { copyObject, getOptions, } = require('internal/fs/utils'); const { Readable, Writable } = require('stream'); const { toPathIfFileURL } = require('internal/url'); const util = require('util'); let fs; function lazyFs() { if (fs === undefined) fs = require('fs'); return fs; } const kMinPoolSpace = 128; let pool; // It can happen that we expect to read a large chunk of data, and reserve // a large chunk of the pool accordingly, but the read() call only filled // a portion of it. If a concurrently executing read() then uses the same pool, // the "reserved" portion cannot be used, so we allow it to be re-used as a // new pool later. const poolFragments = []; function allocNewPool(poolSize) { if (poolFragments.length > 0) pool = poolFragments.pop(); else pool = Buffer.allocUnsafe(poolSize); pool.used = 0; } function ReadStream(path, options) { if (!(this instanceof ReadStream)) return new ReadStream(path, options); // a little bit bigger buffer and water marks by default options = copyObject(getOptions(options, {})); if (options.highWaterMark === undefined) options.highWaterMark = 64 * 1024; // for backwards compat do not emit close on destroy. options.emitClose = false; Readable.call(this, options); // path will be ignored when fd is specified, so it can be falsy this.path = toPathIfFileURL(path); this.fd = options.fd === undefined ? null : options.fd; this.flags = options.flags === undefined ? 'r' : options.flags; this.mode = options.mode === undefined ? 0o666 : options.mode; this.start = options.start; this.end = options.end; this.autoClose = options.autoClose === undefined ? true : options.autoClose; this.pos = undefined; this.bytesRead = 0; this.closed = false; if (this.start !== undefined) { if (typeof this.start !== 'number' || Number.isNaN(this.start)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('start', 'number', this.start); } if (this.end === undefined) { this.end = Infinity; } else if (typeof this.end !== 'number' || Number.isNaN(this.end)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('end', 'number', this.end); } if (this.start > this.end) { const errVal = `{start: ${this.start}, end: ${this.end}}`; throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('start', '<= "end"', errVal); } this.pos = this.start; } // Backwards compatibility: Make sure `end` is a number regardless of `start`. // TODO(addaleax): Make the above typecheck not depend on `start` instead. // (That is a semver-major change). if (typeof this.end !== 'number') this.end = Infinity; else if (Number.isNaN(this.end)) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('end', 'number', this.end); if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') this.open(); this.on('end', function() { if (this.autoClose) { this.destroy(); } }); } util.inherits(ReadStream, Readable); ReadStream.prototype.open = function() { lazyFs().open(this.path, this.flags, this.mode, (er, fd) => { if (er) { if (this.autoClose) { this.destroy(); } this.emit('error', er); return; } this.fd = fd; this.emit('open', fd); this.emit('ready'); // start the flow of data. this.read(); }); }; ReadStream.prototype._read = function(n) { if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') { return this.once('open', function() { this._read(n); }); } if (this.destroyed) return; if (!pool || pool.length - pool.used < kMinPoolSpace) { // discard the old pool. allocNewPool(this.readableHighWaterMark); } // Grab another reference to the pool in the case that while we're // in the thread pool another read() finishes up the pool, and // allocates a new one. const thisPool = pool; let toRead = Math.min(pool.length - pool.used, n); const start = pool.used; if (this.pos !== undefined) toRead = Math.min(this.end - this.pos + 1, toRead); else toRead = Math.min(this.end - this.bytesRead + 1, toRead); // already read everything we were supposed to read! // treat as EOF. if (toRead <= 0) return this.push(null); // the actual read. lazyFs().read(this.fd, pool, pool.used, toRead, this.pos, (er, bytesRead) => { if (er) { if (this.autoClose) { this.destroy(); } this.emit('error', er); } else { let b = null; // Now that we know how much data we have actually read, re-wind the // 'used' field if we can, and otherwise allow the remainder of our // reservation to be used as a new pool later. if (start + toRead === thisPool.used && thisPool === pool) thisPool.used += bytesRead - toRead; else if (toRead - bytesRead > kMinPoolSpace) poolFragments.push(thisPool.slice(start + bytesRead, start + toRead)); if (bytesRead > 0) { this.bytesRead += bytesRead; b = thisPool.slice(start, start + bytesRead); } this.push(b); } }); // move the pool positions, and internal position for reading. if (this.pos !== undefined) this.pos += toRead; pool.used += toRead; }; ReadStream.prototype._destroy = function(err, cb) { if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') { this.once('open', closeFsStream.bind(null, this, cb, err)); return; } closeFsStream(this, cb, err); this.fd = null; }; function closeFsStream(stream, cb, err) { lazyFs().close(stream.fd, (er) => { er = er || err; cb(er); stream.closed = true; if (!er) stream.emit('close'); }); } ReadStream.prototype.close = function(cb) { this.destroy(null, cb); }; function WriteStream(path, options) { if (!(this instanceof WriteStream)) return new WriteStream(path, options); options = copyObject(getOptions(options, {})); // for backwards compat do not emit close on destroy. options.emitClose = false; Writable.call(this, options); // path will be ignored when fd is specified, so it can be falsy this.path = toPathIfFileURL(path); this.fd = options.fd === undefined ? null : options.fd; this.flags = options.flags === undefined ? 'w' : options.flags; this.mode = options.mode === undefined ? 0o666 : options.mode; this.start = options.start; this.autoClose = options.autoClose === undefined ? true : !!options.autoClose; this.pos = undefined; this.bytesWritten = 0; this.closed = false; if (this.start !== undefined) { if (typeof this.start !== 'number') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('start', 'number', this.start); } if (this.start < 0) { const errVal = `{start: ${this.start}}`; throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('start', '>= 0', errVal); } this.pos = this.start; } if (options.encoding) this.setDefaultEncoding(options.encoding); if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') this.open(); } util.inherits(WriteStream, Writable); WriteStream.prototype._final = function(callback) { if (this.autoClose) { this.destroy(); } callback(); }; WriteStream.prototype.open = function() { lazyFs().open(this.path, this.flags, this.mode, (er, fd) => { if (er) { if (this.autoClose) { this.destroy(); } this.emit('error', er); return; } this.fd = fd; this.emit('open', fd); this.emit('ready'); }); }; WriteStream.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, cb) { if (!(data instanceof Buffer)) { const err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('data', 'Buffer', data); return this.emit('error', err); } if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') { return this.once('open', function() { this._write(data, encoding, cb); }); } lazyFs().write(this.fd, data, 0, data.length, this.pos, (er, bytes) => { if (er) { if (this.autoClose) { this.destroy(); } return cb(er); } this.bytesWritten += bytes; cb(); }); if (this.pos !== undefined) this.pos += data.length; }; function writev(fd, chunks, position, callback) { function wrapper(err, written) { // Retain a reference to chunks so that they can't be GC'ed too soon. callback(err, written || 0, chunks); } const req = new FSReqWrap(); req.oncomplete = wrapper; writeBuffers(fd, chunks, position, req); } WriteStream.prototype._writev = function(data, cb) { if (typeof this.fd !== 'number') { return this.once('open', function() { this._writev(data, cb); }); } const self = this; const len = data.length; const chunks = new Array(len); let size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { const chunk = data[i].chunk; chunks[i] = chunk; size += chunk.length; } writev(this.fd, chunks, this.pos, function(er, bytes) { if (er) { self.destroy(); return cb(er); } self.bytesWritten += bytes; cb(); }); if (this.pos !== undefined) this.pos += size; }; WriteStream.prototype._destroy = ReadStream.prototype._destroy; WriteStream.prototype.close = function(cb) { if (cb) { if (this.closed) { process.nextTick(cb); return; } else { this.on('close', cb); } } // If we are not autoClosing, we should call // destroy on 'finish'. if (!this.autoClose) { this.on('finish', this.destroy.bind(this)); } // we use end() instead of destroy() because of // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/2006 this.end(); }; // There is no shutdown() for files. WriteStream.prototype.destroySoon = WriteStream.prototype.end; module.exports = { ReadStream, WriteStream }; internal/fs/sync_write_stream'use strict'; const { Writable } = require('stream'); const { inherits } = require('util'); const { closeSync, writeSync } = require('fs'); function SyncWriteStream(fd, options) { Writable.call(this); options = options || {}; this.fd = fd; this.readable = false; this.autoClose = options.autoClose === undefined ? true : options.autoClose; this.on('end', () => this._destroy()); } inherits(SyncWriteStream, Writable); SyncWriteStream.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { writeSync(this.fd, chunk, 0, chunk.length); cb(); return true; }; SyncWriteStream.prototype._destroy = function() { if (this.fd === null) // already destroy()ed return; if (this.autoClose) closeSync(this.fd); this.fd = null; return true; }; SyncWriteStream.prototype.destroySoon = SyncWriteStream.prototype.destroy = function() { this._destroy(); this.emit('close'); return true; }; module.exports = SyncWriteStream; internal/fs/utils'use strict'; const { Buffer, kMaxLength } = require('buffer'); const { ERR_FS_INVALID_SYMLINK_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE_ENCODING, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { isUint8Array, isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const { once } = require('internal/util'); const pathModule = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const kType = Symbol('type'); const kStats = Symbol('stats'); const { O_APPEND, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_RDONLY, O_RDWR, O_SYNC, O_TRUNC, O_WRONLY, S_IFBLK, S_IFCHR, S_IFDIR, S_IFIFO, S_IFLNK, S_IFMT, S_IFREG, S_IFSOCK, UV_FS_SYMLINK_DIR, UV_FS_SYMLINK_JUNCTION, UV_DIRENT_UNKNOWN, UV_DIRENT_FILE, UV_DIRENT_DIR, UV_DIRENT_LINK, UV_DIRENT_FIFO, UV_DIRENT_SOCKET, UV_DIRENT_CHAR, UV_DIRENT_BLOCK } = process.binding('constants').fs; const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; let fs; function lazyLoadFs() { if (!fs) { fs = require('fs'); } return fs; } function assertEncoding(encoding) { if (encoding && !Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE_ENCODING(encoding); } } class Dirent { constructor(name, type) { this.name = name; this[kType] = type; } isDirectory() { return this[kType] === UV_DIRENT_DIR; } isFile() { return this[kType] === UV_DIRENT_FILE; } isBlockDevice() { return this[kType] === UV_DIRENT_BLOCK; } isCharacterDevice() { return this[kType] === UV_DIRENT_CHAR; } isSymbolicLink() { return this[kType] === UV_DIRENT_LINK; } isFIFO() { return this[kType] === UV_DIRENT_FIFO; } isSocket() { return this[kType] === UV_DIRENT_SOCKET; } } class DirentFromStats extends Dirent { constructor(name, stats) { super(name, null); this[kStats] = stats; } } for (const name of Reflect.ownKeys(Dirent.prototype)) { if (name === 'constructor') { continue; } DirentFromStats.prototype[name] = function() { return this[kStats][name](); }; } function copyObject(source) { const target = {}; for (const key in source) target[key] = source[key]; return target; } function getDirents(path, [names, types], callback) { let i; if (typeof callback === 'function') { const len = names.length; let toFinish = 0; callback = once(callback); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { const type = types[i]; if (type === UV_DIRENT_UNKNOWN) { const name = names[i]; const idx = i; toFinish++; lazyLoadFs().lstat(pathModule.join(path, name), (err, stats) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } names[idx] = new DirentFromStats(name, stats); if (--toFinish === 0) { callback(null, names); } }); } else { names[i] = new Dirent(names[i], types[i]); } } if (toFinish === 0) { callback(null, names); } } else { const len = names.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { const type = types[i]; if (type === UV_DIRENT_UNKNOWN) { const name = names[i]; const stats = lazyLoadFs().lstatSync(pathModule.join(path, name)); names[i] = new DirentFromStats(name, stats); } else { names[i] = new Dirent(names[i], types[i]); } } return names; } } function getOptions(options, defaultOptions) { if (options === null || options === undefined || typeof options === 'function') { return defaultOptions; } if (typeof options === 'string') { defaultOptions = util._extend({}, defaultOptions); defaultOptions.encoding = options; options = defaultOptions; } else if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', ['string', 'Object'], options); } if (options.encoding !== 'buffer') assertEncoding(options.encoding); return options; } // Check if the path contains null types if it is a string nor Uint8Array, // otherwise return silently. function nullCheck(path, propName, throwError = true) { const pathIsString = typeof path === 'string'; const pathIsUint8Array = isUint8Array(path); // We can only perform meaningful checks on strings and Uint8Arrays. if (!pathIsString && !pathIsUint8Array) { return; } if (pathIsString && path.indexOf('\u0000') === -1) { return; } else if (pathIsUint8Array && path.indexOf(0) === -1) { return; } const err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE( propName, path, 'must be a string or Uint8Array without null bytes' ); if (throwError) { Error.captureStackTrace(err, nullCheck); throw err; } return err; } function preprocessSymlinkDestination(path, type, linkPath) { if (!isWindows) { // No preprocessing is needed on Unix. return path; } else if (type === 'junction') { // Junctions paths need to be absolute and \\?\-prefixed. // A relative target is relative to the link's parent directory. path = pathModule.resolve(linkPath, '..', path); return pathModule.toNamespacedPath(path); } else { // Windows symlinks don't tolerate forward slashes. return ('' + path).replace(/\//g, '\\'); } } function dateFromNumeric(num) { return new Date(Number(num) + 0.5); } // Constructor for file stats. function Stats( dev, mode, nlink, uid, gid, rdev, blksize, ino, size, blocks, atim_msec, mtim_msec, ctim_msec, birthtim_msec ) { this.dev = dev; this.mode = mode; this.nlink = nlink; this.uid = uid; this.gid = gid; this.rdev = rdev; this.blksize = blksize; this.ino = ino; this.size = size; this.blocks = blocks; this.atimeMs = atim_msec; this.mtimeMs = mtim_msec; this.ctimeMs = ctim_msec; this.birthtimeMs = birthtim_msec; this.atime = dateFromNumeric(atim_msec); this.mtime = dateFromNumeric(mtim_msec); this.ctime = dateFromNumeric(ctim_msec); this.birthtime = dateFromNumeric(birthtim_msec); } Stats.prototype._checkModeProperty = function(property) { if (isWindows && (property === S_IFIFO || property === S_IFBLK || property === S_IFSOCK)) { return false; // Some types are not available on Windows } if (typeof this.mode === 'bigint') { // eslint-disable-line valid-typeof return (this.mode & BigInt(S_IFMT)) === BigInt(property); } return (this.mode & S_IFMT) === property; }; Stats.prototype.isDirectory = function() { return this._checkModeProperty(S_IFDIR); }; Stats.prototype.isFile = function() { return this._checkModeProperty(S_IFREG); }; Stats.prototype.isBlockDevice = function() { return this._checkModeProperty(S_IFBLK); }; Stats.prototype.isCharacterDevice = function() { return this._checkModeProperty(S_IFCHR); }; Stats.prototype.isSymbolicLink = function() { return this._checkModeProperty(S_IFLNK); }; Stats.prototype.isFIFO = function() { return this._checkModeProperty(S_IFIFO); }; Stats.prototype.isSocket = function() { return this._checkModeProperty(S_IFSOCK); }; function getStatsFromBinding(stats, offset = 0) { return new Stats(stats[0 + offset], stats[1 + offset], stats[2 + offset], stats[3 + offset], stats[4 + offset], stats[5 + offset], isWindows ? undefined : stats[6 + offset], // blksize stats[7 + offset], stats[8 + offset], isWindows ? undefined : stats[9 + offset], // blocks stats[10 + offset], stats[11 + offset], stats[12 + offset], stats[13 + offset]); } function stringToFlags(flags) { if (typeof flags === 'number') { return flags; } switch (flags) { case 'r' : return O_RDONLY; case 'rs' : // Fall through. case 'sr' : return O_RDONLY | O_SYNC; case 'r+' : return O_RDWR; case 'rs+' : // Fall through. case 'sr+' : return O_RDWR | O_SYNC; case 'w' : return O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY; case 'wx' : // Fall through. case 'xw' : return O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL; case 'w+' : return O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_RDWR; case 'wx+': // Fall through. case 'xw+': return O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL; case 'a' : return O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY; case 'ax' : // Fall through. case 'xa' : return O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL; case 'as' : // Fall through. case 'sa' : return O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_SYNC; case 'a+' : return O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_RDWR; case 'ax+': // Fall through. case 'xa+': return O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL; case 'as+': // Fall through. case 'sa+': return O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_SYNC; } throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('flags', flags); } function stringToSymlinkType(type) { let flags = 0; if (typeof type === 'string') { switch (type) { case 'dir': flags |= UV_FS_SYMLINK_DIR; break; case 'junction': flags |= UV_FS_SYMLINK_JUNCTION; break; case 'file': break; default: const err = new ERR_FS_INVALID_SYMLINK_TYPE(type); Error.captureStackTrace(err, stringToSymlinkType); throw err; } } return flags; } // converts Date or number to a fractional UNIX timestamp function toUnixTimestamp(time, name = 'time') { // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (typeof time === 'string' && +time == time) { return +time; } if (Number.isFinite(time)) { if (time < 0) { return Date.now() / 1000; } return time; } if (util.isDate(time)) { // convert to 123.456 UNIX timestamp return time.getTime() / 1000; } throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, ['Date', 'Time in seconds'], time); } function validateBuffer(buffer) { if (!isArrayBufferView(buffer)) { const err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buffer', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], buffer); Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateBuffer); throw err; } } function validateOffsetLengthRead(offset, length, bufferLength) { let err; if (offset < 0 || offset >= bufferLength) { err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('offset', `>= 0 && <= ${bufferLength}`, offset); } else if (length < 0 || offset + length > bufferLength) { err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('length', `>= 0 && <= ${bufferLength - offset}`, length); } if (err !== undefined) { Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateOffsetLengthRead); throw err; } } function validateOffsetLengthWrite(offset, length, byteLength) { let err; if (offset > byteLength) { err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('offset', `<= ${byteLength}`, offset); } else { const max = byteLength > kMaxLength ? kMaxLength : byteLength; if (length > max - offset) { err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('length', `<= ${max - offset}`, length); } } if (err !== undefined) { Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateOffsetLengthWrite); throw err; } } function validatePath(path, propName = 'path') { let err; if (typeof path !== 'string' && !isUint8Array(path)) { err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(propName, ['string', 'Buffer', 'URL'], path); } else { err = nullCheck(path, propName, false); } if (err !== undefined) { Error.captureStackTrace(err, validatePath); throw err; } } module.exports = { assertEncoding, copyObject, Dirent, getDirents, getOptions, nullCheck, preprocessSymlinkDestination, realpathCacheKey: Symbol('realpathCacheKey'), getStatsFromBinding, stringToFlags, stringToSymlinkType, Stats, toUnixTimestamp, validateBuffer, validateOffsetLengthRead, validateOffsetLengthWrite, validatePath }; internal/fs/watchers'use strict'; const errors = require('internal/errors'); const { kFsStatsFieldsLength, StatWatcher: _StatWatcher } = process.binding('fs'); const { FSEvent } = process.binding('fs_event_wrap'); const { UV_ENOSPC } = process.binding('uv'); const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); const { getStatsFromBinding, validatePath } = require('internal/fs/utils'); const { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope, symbols: { owner_symbol } } = require('internal/async_hooks'); const { toNamespacedPath } = require('path'); const { validateUint32 } = require('internal/validators'); const { toPathIfFileURL } = require('internal/url'); const util = require('util'); const assert = require('assert'); const kOldStatus = Symbol('kOldStatus'); const kUseBigint = Symbol('kUseBigint'); function emitStop(self) { self.emit('stop'); } function StatWatcher(bigint) { EventEmitter.call(this); this._handle = null; this[kOldStatus] = -1; this[kUseBigint] = bigint; } util.inherits(StatWatcher, EventEmitter); function onchange(newStatus, stats) { const self = this[owner_symbol]; if (self[kOldStatus] === -1 && newStatus === -1 && stats[2/* new nlink */] === stats[16/* old nlink */]) { return; } self[kOldStatus] = newStatus; self.emit('change', getStatsFromBinding(stats), getStatsFromBinding(stats, kFsStatsFieldsLength)); } // FIXME(joyeecheung): this method is not documented. // At the moment if filename is undefined, we // 1. Throw an Error if it's the first time .start() is called // 2. Return silently if .start() has already been called // on a valid filename and the wrap has been initialized // This method is a noop if the watcher has already been started. StatWatcher.prototype.start = function(filename, persistent, interval) { if (this._handle !== null) return; this._handle = new _StatWatcher(this[kUseBigint]); this._handle[owner_symbol] = this; this._handle.onchange = onchange; if (!persistent) this._handle.unref(); // uv_fs_poll is a little more powerful than ev_stat but we curb it for // the sake of backwards compatibility this[kOldStatus] = -1; filename = toPathIfFileURL(filename); validatePath(filename, 'filename'); validateUint32(interval, 'interval'); const err = this._handle.start(toNamespacedPath(filename), interval); if (err) { const error = errors.uvException({ errno: err, syscall: 'watch', path: filename }); error.filename = filename; throw error; } }; // FIXME(joyeecheung): this method is not documented while there is // another documented fs.unwatchFile(). The counterpart in // FSWatcher is .close() // This method is a noop if the watcher has not been started. StatWatcher.prototype.stop = function() { if (this._handle === null) return; defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(this._handle.getAsyncId(), process.nextTick, emitStop, this); this._handle.close(); this._handle = null; }; function FSWatcher() { EventEmitter.call(this); this._handle = new FSEvent(); this._handle[owner_symbol] = this; this._handle.onchange = (status, eventType, filename) => { // TODO(joyeecheung): we may check self._handle.initialized here // and return if that is false. This allows us to avoid firing the event // after the handle is closed, and to fire both UV_RENAME and UV_CHANGE // if they are set by libuv at the same time. if (status < 0) { if (this._handle !== null) { // We don't use this.close() here to avoid firing the close event. this._handle.close(); this._handle = null; // make the handle garbage collectable } const error = errors.uvException({ errno: status, syscall: 'watch', path: filename }); error.filename = filename; this.emit('error', error); } else { this.emit('change', eventType, filename); } }; } util.inherits(FSWatcher, EventEmitter); // FIXME(joyeecheung): this method is not documented. // At the moment if filename is undefined, we // 1. Throw an Error if it's the first time .start() is called // 2. Return silently if .start() has already been called // on a valid filename and the wrap has been initialized // 3. Return silently if the watcher has already been closed // This method is a noop if the watcher has already been started. FSWatcher.prototype.start = function(filename, persistent, recursive, encoding) { if (this._handle === null) { // closed return; } assert(this._handle instanceof FSEvent, 'handle must be a FSEvent'); if (this._handle.initialized) { // already started return; } filename = toPathIfFileURL(filename); validatePath(filename, 'filename'); const err = this._handle.start(toNamespacedPath(filename), persistent, recursive, encoding); if (err) { const error = errors.uvException({ errno: err, syscall: 'watch', path: filename, message: err === UV_ENOSPC ? 'System limit for number of file watchers reached' : '' }); error.filename = filename; throw error; } }; // This method is a noop if the watcher has not been started or // has already been closed. FSWatcher.prototype.close = function() { if (this._handle === null) { // closed return; } assert(this._handle instanceof FSEvent, 'handle must be a FSEvent'); if (!this._handle.initialized) { // not started return; } this._handle.close(); this._handle = null; // make the handle garbage collectable process.nextTick(emitCloseNT, this); }; function emitCloseNT(self) { self.emit('close'); } // Legacy alias on the C++ wrapper object. This is not public API, so we may // want to runtime-deprecate it at some point. There's no hurry, though. Object.defineProperty(FSEvent.prototype, 'owner', { get() { return this[owner_symbol]; }, set(v) { return this[owner_symbol] = v; } }); module.exports = { FSWatcher, StatWatcher }; internal/http'use strict'; const { setUnrefTimeout } = require('internal/timers'); var nowCache; var utcCache; function nowDate() { if (!nowCache) cache(); return nowCache; } function utcDate() { if (!utcCache) cache(); return utcCache; } function cache() { const d = new Date(); nowCache = d.valueOf(); utcCache = d.toUTCString(); setUnrefTimeout(resetCache, 1000 - d.getMilliseconds()); } function resetCache() { nowCache = undefined; utcCache = undefined; } function ondrain() { if (this._httpMessage) this._httpMessage.emit('drain'); } module.exports = { outHeadersKey: Symbol('outHeadersKey'), ondrain, nowDate, utcDate }; internal/inspector_async_hook'use strict'; const inspector = process.binding('inspector'); if (!inspector || !inspector.asyncTaskScheduled) { exports.setup = function() {}; return; } let hook; let config; function lazyHookCreation() { const { createHook } = require('async_hooks'); config = process.binding('config'); hook = createHook({ init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) { // It's difficult to tell which tasks will be recurring and which won't, // therefore we mark all tasks as recurring. Based on the discussion // in https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/13870#discussion_r124515293, // this should be fine as long as we call asyncTaskCanceled() too. const recurring = true; if (type === 'PROMISE') this.promiseIds.add(asyncId); else inspector.asyncTaskScheduled(type, asyncId, recurring); }, before(asyncId) { if (this.promiseIds.has(asyncId)) return; inspector.asyncTaskStarted(asyncId); }, after(asyncId) { if (this.promiseIds.has(asyncId)) return; inspector.asyncTaskFinished(asyncId); }, destroy(asyncId) { if (this.promiseIds.has(asyncId)) return this.promiseIds.delete(asyncId); inspector.asyncTaskCanceled(asyncId); }, }); hook.promiseIds = new Set(); } function enable() { if (hook === undefined) lazyHookCreation(); if (config.bits < 64) { // V8 Inspector stores task ids as (void*) pointers. // async_hooks store ids as 64bit numbers. // As a result, we cannot reliably translate async_hook ids to V8 async_task // ids on 32bit platforms. process.emitWarning( 'Warning: Async stack traces in debugger are not available ' + `on ${config.bits}bit platforms. The feature is disabled.`, { code: 'INSPECTOR_ASYNC_STACK_TRACES_NOT_AVAILABLE', }); } else { hook.enable(); } } function disable() { if (hook === undefined) lazyHookCreation(); hook.disable(); } exports.setup = function() { inspector.registerAsyncHook(enable, disable); }; internal/linkedlist'use strict'; function init(list) { list._idleNext = list; list._idlePrev = list; } // Show the most idle item. function peek(list) { if (list._idlePrev === list) return null; return list._idlePrev; } // Remove an item from its list. function remove(item) { if (item._idleNext) { item._idleNext._idlePrev = item._idlePrev; } if (item._idlePrev) { item._idlePrev._idleNext = item._idleNext; } item._idleNext = null; item._idlePrev = null; } // Remove an item from its list and place at the end. function append(list, item) { if (item._idleNext || item._idlePrev) { remove(item); } // Items are linked with _idleNext -> (older) and _idlePrev -> (newer). // Note: This linkage (next being older) may seem counter-intuitive at first. item._idleNext = list._idleNext; item._idlePrev = list; // The list _idleNext points to tail (newest) and _idlePrev to head (oldest). list._idleNext._idlePrev = item; list._idleNext = item; } function isEmpty(list) { return list._idleNext === list; } module.exports = { init, peek, remove, append, isEmpty }; internal/modules/cjs/helpers'use strict'; const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { CHAR_LINE_FEED, CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN, CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK, CHAR_HASH, } = require('internal/constants'); const { getOptionValue } = require('internal/options'); // Invoke with makeRequireFunction(module) where |module| is the Module object // to use as the context for the require() function. function makeRequireFunction(mod) { const Module = mod.constructor; function require(path) { try { exports.requireDepth += 1; return mod.require(path); } finally { exports.requireDepth -= 1; } } function resolve(request, options) { if (typeof request !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('request', 'string', request); } return Module._resolveFilename(request, mod, false, options); } require.resolve = resolve; function paths(request) { if (typeof request !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('request', 'string', request); } return Module._resolveLookupPaths(request, mod, true); } resolve.paths = paths; require.main = process.mainModule; // Enable support to add extra extension types. require.extensions = Module._extensions; require.cache = Module._cache; return require; } /** * Remove byte order marker. This catches EF BB BF (the UTF-8 BOM) * because the buffer-to-string conversion in `fs.readFileSync()` * translates it to FEFF, the UTF-16 BOM. */ function stripBOM(content) { if (content.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) { content = content.slice(1); } return content; } /** * Find end of shebang line and slice it off */ function stripShebang(content) { // Remove shebang var contLen = content.length; if (contLen >= 2) { if (content.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_HASH && content.charCodeAt(1) === CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK) { if (contLen === 2) { // Exact match content = ''; } else { // Find end of shebang line and slice it off var i = 2; for (; i < contLen; ++i) { var code = content.charCodeAt(i); if (code === CHAR_LINE_FEED || code === CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN) break; } if (i === contLen) content = ''; else { // Note that this actually includes the newline character(s) in the // new output. This duplicates the behavior of the regular expression // that was previously used to replace the shebang line content = content.slice(i); } } } } return content; } const builtinLibs = [ 'assert', 'async_hooks', 'buffer', 'child_process', 'cluster', 'crypto', 'dgram', 'dns', 'domain', 'events', 'fs', 'http', 'http2', 'https', 'net', 'os', 'path', 'perf_hooks', 'punycode', 'querystring', 'readline', 'repl', 'stream', 'string_decoder', 'tls', 'trace_events', 'tty', 'url', 'util', 'v8', 'vm', 'zlib' ]; if (getOptionValue('--experimental-worker')) { builtinLibs.push('worker_threads'); builtinLibs.sort(); } if (typeof process.binding('inspector').open === 'function') { builtinLibs.push('inspector'); builtinLibs.sort(); } function addBuiltinLibsToObject(object) { // Make built-in modules available directly (loaded lazily). builtinLibs.forEach((name) => { // Goals of this mechanism are: // - Lazy loading of built-in modules // - Having all built-in modules available as non-enumerable properties // - Allowing the user to re-assign these variables as if there were no // pre-existing globals with the same name. const setReal = (val) => { // Deleting the property before re-assigning it disables the // getter/setter mechanism. delete object[name]; object[name] = val; }; Object.defineProperty(object, name, { get: () => { const lib = require(name); // Disable the current getter/setter and set up a new // non-enumerable property. delete object[name]; Object.defineProperty(object, name, { get: () => lib, set: setReal, configurable: true, enumerable: false }); return lib; }, set: setReal, configurable: true, enumerable: false }); }); } module.exports = exports = { addBuiltinLibsToObject, builtinLibs, makeRequireFunction, requireDepth: 0, stripBOM, stripShebang }; internal/modules/cjs/loader// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const { NativeModule } = require('internal/bootstrap/loaders'); const util = require('util'); const { pathToFileURL } = require('internal/url'); const vm = require('vm'); const assert = require('assert').ok; const fs = require('fs'); const internalFS = require('internal/fs/utils'); const path = require('path'); const { internalModuleReadJSON, internalModuleStat } = process.binding('fs'); const { safeGetenv } = process.binding('util'); const { makeRequireFunction, requireDepth, stripBOM, stripShebang } = require('internal/modules/cjs/helpers'); const { getOptionValue } = require('internal/options'); const preserveSymlinks = getOptionValue('--preserve-symlinks'); const preserveSymlinksMain = getOptionValue('--preserve-symlinks-main'); const experimentalModules = getOptionValue('--experimental-modules'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_REQUIRE_ESM } = require('internal/errors').codes; module.exports = Module; let asyncESM; let ModuleJob; let createDynamicModule; let decorateErrorStack; function lazyLoadESM() { asyncESM = require('internal/process/esm_loader'); ModuleJob = require('internal/modules/esm/module_job'); createDynamicModule = require( 'internal/modules/esm/create_dynamic_module'); decorateErrorStack = require('internal/util').decorateErrorStack; } const { CHAR_UPPERCASE_A, CHAR_LOWERCASE_A, CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z, CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z, CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH, CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH, CHAR_COLON, CHAR_DOT, CHAR_UNDERSCORE, CHAR_0, CHAR_9, } = require('internal/constants'); function stat(filename) { filename = path.toNamespacedPath(filename); const cache = stat.cache; if (cache !== null) { const result = cache.get(filename); if (result !== undefined) return result; } const result = internalModuleStat(filename); if (cache !== null) cache.set(filename, result); return result; } stat.cache = null; function updateChildren(parent, child, scan) { var children = parent && parent.children; if (children && !(scan && children.includes(child))) children.push(child); } function Module(id, parent) { this.id = id; this.exports = {}; this.parent = parent; updateChildren(parent, this, false); this.filename = null; this.loaded = false; this.children = []; } const builtinModules = Object.keys(NativeModule._source) .filter(NativeModule.nonInternalExists); Object.freeze(builtinModules); Module.builtinModules = builtinModules; Module._cache = Object.create(null); Module._pathCache = Object.create(null); Module._extensions = Object.create(null); var modulePaths = []; Module.globalPaths = []; Module.wrap = function(script) { return Module.wrapper[0] + script + Module.wrapper[1]; }; Module.wrapper = [ '(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { ', '\n});' ]; const debug = util.debuglog('module'); Module._debug = util.deprecate(debug, 'Module._debug is deprecated.', 'DEP0077'); // given a module name, and a list of paths to test, returns the first // matching file in the following precedence. // // require("a.") // -> a. // // require("a") // -> a // -> a. // -> a/index. // check if the directory is a package.json dir const packageMainCache = Object.create(null); function readPackage(requestPath) { const entry = packageMainCache[requestPath]; if (entry) return entry; const jsonPath = path.resolve(requestPath, 'package.json'); const json = internalModuleReadJSON(path.toNamespacedPath(jsonPath)); if (json === undefined) { return false; } try { return packageMainCache[requestPath] = JSON.parse(json).main; } catch (e) { e.path = jsonPath; e.message = 'Error parsing ' + jsonPath + ': ' + e.message; throw e; } } function tryPackage(requestPath, exts, isMain) { var pkg = readPackage(requestPath); if (!pkg) return false; var filename = path.resolve(requestPath, pkg); return tryFile(filename, isMain) || tryExtensions(filename, exts, isMain) || tryExtensions(path.resolve(filename, 'index'), exts, isMain); } // In order to minimize unnecessary lstat() calls, // this cache is a list of known-real paths. // Set to an empty Map to reset. const realpathCache = new Map(); // check if the file exists and is not a directory // if using --preserve-symlinks and isMain is false, // keep symlinks intact, otherwise resolve to the // absolute realpath. function tryFile(requestPath, isMain) { const rc = stat(requestPath); if (preserveSymlinks && !isMain) { return rc === 0 && path.resolve(requestPath); } return rc === 0 && toRealPath(requestPath); } function toRealPath(requestPath) { return fs.realpathSync(requestPath, { [internalFS.realpathCacheKey]: realpathCache }); } // given a path, check if the file exists with any of the set extensions function tryExtensions(p, exts, isMain) { for (var i = 0; i < exts.length; i++) { const filename = tryFile(p + exts[i], isMain); if (filename) { return filename; } } return false; } var warned = false; Module._findPath = function(request, paths, isMain) { if (path.isAbsolute(request)) { paths = ['']; } else if (!paths || paths.length === 0) { return false; } var cacheKey = request + '\x00' + (paths.length === 1 ? paths[0] : paths.join('\x00')); var entry = Module._pathCache[cacheKey]; if (entry) return entry; var exts; var trailingSlash = request.length > 0 && request.charCodeAt(request.length - 1) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH; if (!trailingSlash) { trailingSlash = /(?:^|\/)\.?\.$/.test(request); } // For each path for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { // Don't search further if path doesn't exist const curPath = paths[i]; if (curPath && stat(curPath) < 1) continue; var basePath = path.resolve(curPath, request); var filename; var rc = stat(basePath); if (!trailingSlash) { if (rc === 0) { // File. if (!isMain) { if (preserveSymlinks) { filename = path.resolve(basePath); } else { filename = toRealPath(basePath); } } else if (preserveSymlinksMain) { // For the main module, we use the preserveSymlinksMain flag instead // mainly for backward compatibility, as the preserveSymlinks flag // historically has not applied to the main module. Most likely this // was intended to keep .bin/ binaries working, as following those // symlinks is usually required for the imports in the corresponding // files to resolve; that said, in some use cases following symlinks // causes bigger problems which is why the preserveSymlinksMain option // is needed. filename = path.resolve(basePath); } else { filename = toRealPath(basePath); } } if (!filename) { // try it with each of the extensions if (exts === undefined) exts = Object.keys(Module._extensions); filename = tryExtensions(basePath, exts, isMain); } } if (!filename && rc === 1) { // Directory. // try it with each of the extensions at "index" if (exts === undefined) exts = Object.keys(Module._extensions); filename = tryPackage(basePath, exts, isMain); if (!filename) { filename = tryExtensions(path.resolve(basePath, 'index'), exts, isMain); } } if (filename) { // Warn once if '.' resolved outside the module dir if (request === '.' && i > 0) { if (!warned) { warned = true; process.emitWarning( 'warning: require(\'.\') resolved outside the package ' + 'directory. This functionality is deprecated and will be removed ' + 'soon.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0019'); } } Module._pathCache[cacheKey] = filename; return filename; } } return false; }; // 'node_modules' character codes reversed var nmChars = [ 115, 101, 108, 117, 100, 111, 109, 95, 101, 100, 111, 110 ]; var nmLen = nmChars.length; if (process.platform === 'win32') { // 'from' is the __dirname of the module. Module._nodeModulePaths = function(from) { // guarantee that 'from' is absolute. from = path.resolve(from); // note: this approach *only* works when the path is guaranteed // to be absolute. Doing a fully-edge-case-correct path.split // that works on both Windows and Posix is non-trivial. // return root node_modules when path is 'D:\\'. // path.resolve will make sure from.length >=3 in Windows. if (from.charCodeAt(from.length - 1) === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH && from.charCodeAt(from.length - 2) === CHAR_COLON) return [from + 'node_modules']; const paths = []; var p = 0; var last = from.length; for (var i = from.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const code = from.charCodeAt(i); // The path segment separator check ('\' and '/') was used to get // node_modules path for every path segment. // Use colon as an extra condition since we can get node_modules // path for drive root like 'C:\node_modules' and don't need to // parse drive name. if (code === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH || code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH || code === CHAR_COLON) { if (p !== nmLen) paths.push(from.slice(0, last) + '\\node_modules'); last = i; p = 0; } else if (p !== -1) { if (nmChars[p] === code) { ++p; } else { p = -1; } } } return paths; }; } else { // posix // 'from' is the __dirname of the module. Module._nodeModulePaths = function(from) { // guarantee that 'from' is absolute. from = path.resolve(from); // Return early not only to avoid unnecessary work, but to *avoid* returning // an array of two items for a root: [ '//node_modules', '/node_modules' ] if (from === '/') return ['/node_modules']; // note: this approach *only* works when the path is guaranteed // to be absolute. Doing a fully-edge-case-correct path.split // that works on both Windows and Posix is non-trivial. const paths = []; var p = 0; var last = from.length; for (var i = from.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const code = from.charCodeAt(i); if (code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH) { if (p !== nmLen) paths.push(from.slice(0, last) + '/node_modules'); last = i; p = 0; } else if (p !== -1) { if (nmChars[p] === code) { ++p; } else { p = -1; } } } // Append /node_modules to handle root paths. paths.push('/node_modules'); return paths; }; } // 'index.' character codes var indexChars = [ 105, 110, 100, 101, 120, 46 ]; var indexLen = indexChars.length; Module._resolveLookupPaths = function(request, parent, newReturn) { if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(request)) { debug('looking for %j in []', request); return (newReturn ? null : [request, []]); } // Check for relative path if (request.length < 2 || request.charCodeAt(0) !== CHAR_DOT || (request.charCodeAt(1) !== CHAR_DOT && request.charCodeAt(1) !== CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH)) { var paths = modulePaths; if (parent) { if (!parent.paths) paths = parent.paths = []; else paths = parent.paths.concat(paths); } // Maintain backwards compat with certain broken uses of require('.') // by putting the module's directory in front of the lookup paths. if (request === '.') { if (parent && parent.filename) { paths.unshift(path.dirname(parent.filename)); } else { paths.unshift(path.resolve(request)); } } debug('looking for %j in %j', request, paths); return (newReturn ? (paths.length > 0 ? paths : null) : [request, paths]); } // with --eval, parent.id is not set and parent.filename is null if (!parent || !parent.id || !parent.filename) { // make require('./path/to/foo') work - normally the path is taken // from realpath(__filename) but with eval there is no filename var mainPaths = ['.'].concat(Module._nodeModulePaths('.'), modulePaths); debug('looking for %j in %j', request, mainPaths); return (newReturn ? mainPaths : [request, mainPaths]); } // Is the parent an index module? // We can assume the parent has a valid extension, // as it already has been accepted as a module. const base = path.basename(parent.filename); var parentIdPath; if (base.length > indexLen) { var i = 0; for (; i < indexLen; ++i) { if (indexChars[i] !== base.charCodeAt(i)) break; } if (i === indexLen) { // We matched 'index.', let's validate the rest for (; i < base.length; ++i) { const code = base.charCodeAt(i); if (code !== CHAR_UNDERSCORE && (code < CHAR_0 || code > CHAR_9) && (code < CHAR_UPPERCASE_A || code > CHAR_UPPERCASE_Z) && (code < CHAR_LOWERCASE_A || code > CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z)) break; } if (i === base.length) { // Is an index module parentIdPath = parent.id; } else { // Not an index module parentIdPath = path.dirname(parent.id); } } else { // Not an index module parentIdPath = path.dirname(parent.id); } } else { // Not an index module parentIdPath = path.dirname(parent.id); } var id = path.resolve(parentIdPath, request); // make sure require('./path') and require('path') get distinct ids, even // when called from the toplevel js file if (parentIdPath === '.' && id.indexOf('/') === -1) { id = './' + id; } debug('RELATIVE: requested: %s set ID to: %s from %s', request, id, parent.id); var parentDir = [path.dirname(parent.filename)]; debug('looking for %j in %j', id, parentDir); return (newReturn ? parentDir : [id, parentDir]); }; // Check the cache for the requested file. // 1. If a module already exists in the cache: return its exports object. // 2. If the module is native: call `NativeModule.require()` with the // filename and return the result. // 3. Otherwise, create a new module for the file and save it to the cache. // Then have it load the file contents before returning its exports // object. Module._load = function(request, parent, isMain) { if (parent) { debug('Module._load REQUEST %s parent: %s', request, parent.id); } var filename = Module._resolveFilename(request, parent, isMain); var cachedModule = Module._cache[filename]; if (cachedModule) { updateChildren(parent, cachedModule, true); return cachedModule.exports; } if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(filename)) { debug('load native module %s', request); return NativeModule.require(filename); } // Don't call updateChildren(), Module constructor already does. var module = new Module(filename, parent); if (isMain) { process.mainModule = module; module.id = '.'; } Module._cache[filename] = module; tryModuleLoad(module, filename); return module.exports; }; function tryModuleLoad(module, filename) { var threw = true; try { module.load(filename); threw = false; } finally { if (threw) { delete Module._cache[filename]; } } } Module._resolveFilename = function(request, parent, isMain, options) { if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(request)) { return request; } var paths; if (typeof options === 'object' && options !== null && Array.isArray(options.paths)) { const fakeParent = new Module('', null); paths = []; for (var i = 0; i < options.paths.length; i++) { const path = options.paths[i]; fakeParent.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path); const lookupPaths = Module._resolveLookupPaths(request, fakeParent, true); if (!paths.includes(path)) paths.push(path); for (var j = 0; j < lookupPaths.length; j++) { if (!paths.includes(lookupPaths[j])) paths.push(lookupPaths[j]); } } } else { paths = Module._resolveLookupPaths(request, parent, true); } // look up the filename first, since that's the cache key. var filename = Module._findPath(request, paths, isMain); if (!filename) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax var err = new Error(`Cannot find module '${request}'`); err.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw err; } return filename; }; // Given a file name, pass it to the proper extension handler. Module.prototype.load = function(filename) { debug('load %j for module %j', filename, this.id); assert(!this.loaded); this.filename = filename; this.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename)); var extension = path.extname(filename) || '.js'; if (!Module._extensions[extension]) extension = '.js'; Module._extensions[extension](this, filename); this.loaded = true; if (experimentalModules) { if (asyncESM === undefined) lazyLoadESM(); const ESMLoader = asyncESM.ESMLoader; const url = pathToFileURL(filename); const urlString = `${url}`; const exports = this.exports; if (ESMLoader.moduleMap.has(urlString) !== true) { ESMLoader.moduleMap.set( urlString, new ModuleJob(ESMLoader, url, async () => { const ctx = createDynamicModule( ['default'], url); ctx.reflect.exports.default.set(exports); return ctx; }) ); } else { const job = ESMLoader.moduleMap.get(urlString); if (job.reflect) job.reflect.exports.default.set(exports); } } }; // Loads a module at the given file path. Returns that module's // `exports` property. Module.prototype.require = function(id) { if (typeof id !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('id', 'string', id); } if (id === '') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('id', id, 'must be a non-empty string'); } return Module._load(id, this, /* isMain */ false); }; // Resolved path to process.argv[1] will be lazily placed here // (needed for setting breakpoint when called with --inspect-brk) var resolvedArgv; // Run the file contents in the correct scope or sandbox. Expose // the correct helper variables (require, module, exports) to // the file. // Returns exception, if any. Module.prototype._compile = function(content, filename) { content = stripShebang(content); // create wrapper function var wrapper = Module.wrap(content); var compiledWrapper = vm.runInThisContext(wrapper, { filename: filename, lineOffset: 0, displayErrors: true }); var inspectorWrapper = null; if (process._breakFirstLine && process._eval == null) { if (!resolvedArgv) { // we enter the repl if we're not given a filename argument. if (process.argv[1]) { resolvedArgv = Module._resolveFilename(process.argv[1], null, false); } else { resolvedArgv = 'repl'; } } // Set breakpoint on module start if (filename === resolvedArgv) { delete process._breakFirstLine; inspectorWrapper = process.binding('inspector').callAndPauseOnStart; } } var dirname = path.dirname(filename); var require = makeRequireFunction(this); var depth = requireDepth; if (depth === 0) stat.cache = new Map(); var result; if (inspectorWrapper) { result = inspectorWrapper(compiledWrapper, this.exports, this.exports, require, this, filename, dirname); } else { result = compiledWrapper.call(this.exports, this.exports, require, this, filename, dirname); } if (depth === 0) stat.cache = null; return result; }; // Native extension for .js Module._extensions['.js'] = function(module, filename) { var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); module._compile(stripBOM(content), filename); }; // Native extension for .json Module._extensions['.json'] = function(module, filename) { var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); try { module.exports = JSON.parse(stripBOM(content)); } catch (err) { err.message = filename + ': ' + err.message; throw err; } }; // Native extension for .node Module._extensions['.node'] = function(module, filename) { return process.dlopen(module, path.toNamespacedPath(filename)); }; if (experimentalModules) { if (asyncESM === undefined) lazyLoadESM(); Module._extensions['.mjs'] = function(module, filename) { throw new ERR_REQUIRE_ESM(filename); }; } // bootstrap main module. Module.runMain = function() { // Load the main module--the command line argument. if (experimentalModules) { if (asyncESM === undefined) lazyLoadESM(); asyncESM.loaderPromise.then((loader) => { return loader.import(pathToFileURL(process.argv[1]).pathname); }) .catch((e) => { decorateErrorStack(e); console.error(e); process.exit(1); }); } else { Module._load(process.argv[1], null, true); } // Handle any nextTicks added in the first tick of the program process._tickCallback(); }; Module.createRequireFromPath = (filename) => { const m = new Module(filename); m.filename = filename; m.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename)); return makeRequireFunction(m); }; Module._initPaths = function() { const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; var homeDir; var nodePath; if (isWindows) { homeDir = process.env.USERPROFILE; nodePath = process.env.NODE_PATH; } else { homeDir = safeGetenv('HOME'); nodePath = safeGetenv('NODE_PATH'); } // $PREFIX/lib/node, where $PREFIX is the root of the Node.js installation. var prefixDir; // process.execPath is $PREFIX/bin/node except on Windows where it is // $PREFIX\node.exe. if (isWindows) { prefixDir = path.resolve(process.execPath, '..'); } else { prefixDir = path.resolve(process.execPath, '..', '..'); } var paths = [path.resolve(prefixDir, 'lib', 'node')]; if (homeDir) { paths.unshift(path.resolve(homeDir, '.node_libraries')); paths.unshift(path.resolve(homeDir, '.node_modules')); } if (nodePath) { paths = nodePath.split(path.delimiter).filter(function pathsFilterCB(path) { return !!path; }).concat(paths); } modulePaths = paths; // clone as a shallow copy, for introspection. Module.globalPaths = modulePaths.slice(0); }; Module._preloadModules = function(requests) { if (!Array.isArray(requests)) return; // Preloaded modules have a dummy parent module which is deemed to exist // in the current working directory. This seeds the search path for // preloaded modules. var parent = new Module('internal/preload', null); try { parent.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(process.cwd()); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw e; } } for (var n = 0; n < requests.length; n++) parent.require(requests[n]); }; Module._initPaths(); // Backwards compatibility Module.Module = Module; internal/modules/esm/loader'use strict'; const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_RETURN_PROPERTY, ERR_INVALID_RETURN_PROPERTY_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE, ERR_MISSING_DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATE_HOOK, ERR_UNKNOWN_MODULE_FORMAT } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { URL } = require('url'); const ModuleMap = require('internal/modules/esm/module_map'); const ModuleJob = require('internal/modules/esm/module_job'); const defaultResolve = require('internal/modules/esm/default_resolve'); const createDynamicModule = require( 'internal/modules/esm/create_dynamic_module'); const translators = require('internal/modules/esm/translators'); const FunctionBind = Function.call.bind(Function.prototype.bind); const debug = require('util').debuglog('esm'); /* A Loader instance is used as the main entry point for loading ES modules. * Currently, this is a singleton -- there is only one used for loading * the main module and everything in its dependency graph. */ class Loader { constructor() { // methods which translate input code or other information // into es modules this.translators = translators; // registry of loaded modules, akin to `require.cache` this.moduleMap = new ModuleMap(); // The resolver has the signature // (specifier : string, parentURL : string, defaultResolve) // -> Promise<{ url : string, format: string }> // where defaultResolve is ModuleRequest.resolve (having the same // signature itself). // If `.format` on the returned value is 'dynamic', .dynamicInstantiate // will be used as described below. this._resolve = defaultResolve; // This hook is only called when resolve(...).format is 'dynamic' and // has the signature // (url : string) -> Promise<{ exports: { ... }, execute: function }> // Where `exports` is an object whose property names define the exported // names of the generated module. `execute` is a function that receives // an object with the same keys as `exports`, whose values are get/set // functions for the actual exported values. this._dynamicInstantiate = undefined; } async resolve(specifier, parentURL) { const isMain = parentURL === undefined; if (!isMain && typeof parentURL !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('parentURL', 'string', parentURL); const resolved = await this._resolve(specifier, parentURL, defaultResolve); if (typeof resolved !== 'object') throw new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE( 'object', 'loader resolve', resolved ); const { url, format } = resolved; if (typeof url !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_PROPERTY_VALUE( 'string', 'loader resolve', 'url', url ); if (typeof format !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_PROPERTY_VALUE( 'string', 'loader resolve', 'format', format ); if (format === 'builtin') return { url: `node:${url}`, format }; if (this._resolve !== defaultResolve) { try { new URL(url); } catch { throw new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_PROPERTY( 'url', 'loader resolve', 'url', url ); } } if (format !== 'dynamic' && !url.startsWith('file:')) throw new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_PROPERTY( 'file: url', 'loader resolve', 'url', url ); return { url, format }; } async import(specifier, parent) { const job = await this.getModuleJob(specifier, parent); const module = await job.run(); return module.namespace(); } hook({ resolve, dynamicInstantiate }) { // Use .bind() to avoid giving access to the Loader instance when called. if (resolve !== undefined) this._resolve = FunctionBind(resolve, null); if (dynamicInstantiate !== undefined) this._dynamicInstantiate = FunctionBind(dynamicInstantiate, null); } async getModuleJob(specifier, parentURL) { const { url, format } = await this.resolve(specifier, parentURL); let job = this.moduleMap.get(url); if (job !== undefined) return job; let loaderInstance; if (format === 'dynamic') { if (typeof this._dynamicInstantiate !== 'function') throw new ERR_MISSING_DYNAMIC_INSTANTIATE_HOOK(); loaderInstance = async (url) => { debug(`Translating dynamic ${url}`); const { exports, execute } = await this._dynamicInstantiate(url); return createDynamicModule(exports, url, (reflect) => { debug(`Loading dynamic ${url}`); execute(reflect.exports); }); }; } else { if (!translators.has(format)) throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_MODULE_FORMAT(format); loaderInstance = translators.get(format); } job = new ModuleJob(this, url, loaderInstance, parentURL === undefined); this.moduleMap.set(url, job); return job; } } Object.setPrototypeOf(Loader.prototype, null); module.exports = Loader; internal/modules/esm/create_dynamic_module'use strict'; const { ModuleWrap } = internalBinding('module_wrap'); const debug = require('util').debuglog('esm'); const ArrayJoin = Function.call.bind(Array.prototype.join); const ArrayMap = Function.call.bind(Array.prototype.map); const createDynamicModule = (exports, url = '', evaluate) => { debug( `creating ESM facade for ${url} with exports: ${ArrayJoin(exports, ', ')}` ); const names = ArrayMap(exports, (name) => `${name}`); // Create two modules: One whose exports are get- and set-able ('reflective'), // and one which re-exports all of these but additionally may // run an executor function once everything is set up. const src = ` export let executor; ${ArrayJoin(ArrayMap(names, (name) => `export let $${name};`), '\n')} /* This function is implicitly returned as the module's completion value */ (() => ({ setExecutor: fn => executor = fn, reflect: { exports: { ${ ArrayJoin(ArrayMap(names, (name) => ` ${name}: { get: () => $${name}, set: v => $${name} = v }`), ', \n')} } } }));`; const reflectiveModule = new ModuleWrap(src, `cjs-facade:${url}`); reflectiveModule.instantiate(); const { setExecutor, reflect } = reflectiveModule.evaluate(-1, false)(); // public exposed ESM const reexports = ` import { executor, ${ArrayMap(names, (name) => `$${name}`)} } from ""; export { ${ArrayJoin(ArrayMap(names, (name) => `$${name} as ${name}`), ', ')} } if (typeof executor === "function") { // add await to this later if top level await comes along executor() }`; if (typeof evaluate === 'function') { setExecutor(() => evaluate(reflect)); } const module = new ModuleWrap(reexports, `${url}`); module.link(async () => reflectiveModule); module.instantiate(); reflect.namespace = module.namespace(); return { module, reflect, }; }; module.exports = createDynamicModule; internal/modules/esm/default_resolve'use strict'; const { URL } = require('url'); const CJSmodule = require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); const internalFS = require('internal/fs/utils'); const { NativeModule } = require('internal/bootstrap/loaders'); const { extname } = require('path'); const { realpathSync } = require('fs'); const { getOptionValue } = require('internal/options'); const preserveSymlinks = getOptionValue('--preserve-symlinks'); const preserveSymlinksMain = getOptionValue('--preserve-symlinks-main'); const { ERR_MISSING_MODULE, ERR_MODULE_RESOLUTION_LEGACY, ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { resolve: moduleWrapResolve } = internalBinding('module_wrap'); const StringStartsWith = Function.call.bind(String.prototype.startsWith); const { pathToFileURL, fileURLToPath } = require('internal/url'); const realpathCache = new Map(); function search(target, base) { if (base === undefined) { // We cannot search without a base. throw new ERR_MISSING_MODULE(target); } try { return moduleWrapResolve(target, base); } catch (e) { e.stack; // cause V8 to generate stack before rethrow let error = e; try { const questionedBase = new URL(base); const tmpMod = new CJSmodule(questionedBase.pathname, null); tmpMod.paths = CJSmodule._nodeModulePaths( new URL('./', questionedBase).pathname); const found = CJSmodule._resolveFilename(target, tmpMod); error = new ERR_MODULE_RESOLUTION_LEGACY(target, base, found); } catch { // ignore } throw error; } } const extensionFormatMap = { '__proto__': null, '.mjs': 'esm', '.json': 'json', '.node': 'addon', '.js': 'cjs' }; function resolve(specifier, parentURL) { if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(specifier)) { return { url: specifier, format: 'builtin' }; } let url; try { url = search(specifier, parentURL || pathToFileURL(`${process.cwd()}/`).href); } catch (e) { if (typeof e.message === 'string' && StringStartsWith(e.message, 'Cannot find module')) e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; } const isMain = parentURL === undefined; if (isMain ? !preserveSymlinksMain : !preserveSymlinks) { const real = realpathSync(fileURLToPath(url), { [internalFS.realpathCacheKey]: realpathCache }); const old = url; url = pathToFileURL(real); url.search = old.search; url.hash = old.hash; } const ext = extname(url.pathname); let format = extensionFormatMap[ext]; if (!format) { if (isMain) format = 'cjs'; else throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION(url.pathname); } return { url: `${url}`, format }; } module.exports = resolve; // exported for tests module.exports.search = search; internal/modules/esm/module_job'use strict'; const { ModuleWrap } = internalBinding('module_wrap'); const { SafeSet, SafePromise } = require('internal/safe_globals'); const { decorateErrorStack } = require('internal/util'); const assert = require('assert'); const resolvedPromise = SafePromise.resolve(); /* A ModuleJob tracks the loading of a single Module, and the ModuleJobs of * its dependencies, over time. */ class ModuleJob { // `loader` is the Loader instance used for loading dependencies. // `moduleProvider` is a function constructor(loader, url, moduleProvider, isMain) { this.loader = loader; this.isMain = isMain; // This is a Promise<{ module, reflect }>, whose fields will be copied // onto `this` by `link()` below once it has been resolved. this.modulePromise = moduleProvider(url, isMain); this.module = undefined; this.reflect = undefined; // Wait for the ModuleWrap instance being linked with all dependencies. const link = async () => { ({ module: this.module, reflect: this.reflect } = await this.modulePromise); assert(this.module instanceof ModuleWrap); const dependencyJobs = []; const promises = this.module.link(async (specifier) => { const jobPromise = this.loader.getModuleJob(specifier, url); dependencyJobs.push(jobPromise); return (await (await jobPromise).modulePromise).module; }); if (promises !== undefined) await SafePromise.all(promises); return SafePromise.all(dependencyJobs); }; // Promise for the list of all dependencyJobs. this.linked = link(); // instantiated == deep dependency jobs wrappers instantiated, // module wrapper instantiated this.instantiated = undefined; } async instantiate() { if (!this.instantiated) { return this.instantiated = this._instantiate(); } await this.instantiated; return this.module; } // This method instantiates the module associated with this job and its // entire dependency graph, i.e. creates all the module namespaces and the // exported/imported variables. async _instantiate() { const jobsInGraph = new SafeSet(); const addJobsToDependencyGraph = async (moduleJob) => { if (jobsInGraph.has(moduleJob)) { return; } jobsInGraph.add(moduleJob); const dependencyJobs = await moduleJob.linked; return Promise.all(dependencyJobs.map(addJobsToDependencyGraph)); }; await addJobsToDependencyGraph(this); try { if (this.isMain && process._breakFirstLine) { delete process._breakFirstLine; const initWrapper = process.binding('inspector').callAndPauseOnStart; initWrapper(this.module.instantiate, this.module); } else { this.module.instantiate(); } } catch (e) { decorateErrorStack(e); throw e; } for (const dependencyJob of jobsInGraph) { // Calling `this.module.instantiate()` instantiates not only the // ModuleWrap in this module, but all modules in the graph. dependencyJob.instantiated = resolvedPromise; } return this.module; } async run() { const module = await this.instantiate(); module.evaluate(-1, false); return module; } } Object.setPrototypeOf(ModuleJob.prototype, null); module.exports = ModuleJob; internal/modules/esm/module_map'use strict'; const ModuleJob = require('internal/modules/esm/module_job'); const { SafeMap } = require('internal/safe_globals'); const debug = require('util').debuglog('esm'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; // Tracks the state of the loader-level module cache class ModuleMap extends SafeMap { get(url) { if (typeof url !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('url', 'string', url); } return super.get(url); } set(url, job) { if (typeof url !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('url', 'string', url); } if (job instanceof ModuleJob !== true) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('job', 'ModuleJob', job); } debug(`Storing ${url} in ModuleMap`); return super.set(url, job); } has(url) { if (typeof url !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('url', 'string', url); } return super.has(url); } } module.exports = ModuleMap; internal/modules/esm/translators'use strict'; const { NativeModule } = require('internal/bootstrap/loaders'); const { ModuleWrap } = internalBinding('module_wrap'); const { stripShebang, stripBOM } = require('internal/modules/cjs/helpers'); const CJSModule = require('internal/modules/cjs/loader'); const internalURLModule = require('internal/url'); const createDynamicModule = require( 'internal/modules/esm/create_dynamic_module'); const fs = require('fs'); const { _makeLong } = require('path'); const { SafeMap } = require('internal/safe_globals'); const { URL } = require('url'); const { debuglog, promisify } = require('util'); const readFileAsync = promisify(fs.readFile); const readFileSync = fs.readFileSync; const StringReplace = Function.call.bind(String.prototype.replace); const JsonParse = JSON.parse; const debug = debuglog('esm'); const translators = new SafeMap(); module.exports = translators; // Strategy for loading a standard JavaScript module translators.set('esm', async (url) => { const source = `${await readFileAsync(new URL(url))}`; debug(`Translating StandardModule ${url}`); return { module: new ModuleWrap(stripShebang(source), url), reflect: undefined }; }); // Strategy for loading a node-style CommonJS module const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; const winSepRegEx = /\//g; translators.set('cjs', async (url, isMain) => { debug(`Translating CJSModule ${url}`); const pathname = internalURLModule.fileURLToPath(new URL(url)); const module = CJSModule._cache[ isWindows ? StringReplace(pathname, winSepRegEx, '\\') : pathname]; if (module && module.loaded) { const ctx = createDynamicModule(['default'], url); ctx.reflect.exports.default.set(module.exports); return ctx; } return createDynamicModule(['default'], url, () => { debug(`Loading CJSModule ${url}`); // we don't care about the return val of _load here because Module#load // will handle it for us by checking the loader registry and filling the // exports like above CJSModule._load(pathname, undefined, isMain); }); }); // Strategy for loading a node builtin CommonJS module that isn't // through normal resolution translators.set('builtin', async (url) => { debug(`Translating BuiltinModule ${url}`); // slice 'node:' scheme const id = url.slice(5); NativeModule.require(id); const module = NativeModule.getCached(id); return createDynamicModule( [...module.exportKeys, 'default'], url, (reflect) => { debug(`Loading BuiltinModule ${url}`); module.reflect = reflect; for (const key of module.exportKeys) reflect.exports[key].set(module.exports[key]); reflect.exports.default.set(module.exports); }); }); // Strategy for loading a node native module translators.set('addon', async (url) => { debug(`Translating NativeModule ${url}`); return createDynamicModule(['default'], url, (reflect) => { debug(`Loading NativeModule ${url}`); const module = { exports: {} }; const pathname = internalURLModule.fileURLToPath(new URL(url)); process.dlopen(module, _makeLong(pathname)); reflect.exports.default.set(module.exports); }); }); // Strategy for loading a JSON file translators.set('json', async (url) => { debug(`Translating JSONModule ${url}`); return createDynamicModule(['default'], url, (reflect) => { debug(`Loading JSONModule ${url}`); const pathname = internalURLModule.fileURLToPath(new URL(url)); const content = readFileSync(pathname, 'utf8'); try { const exports = JsonParse(stripBOM(content)); reflect.exports.default.set(exports); } catch (err) { err.message = pathname + ': ' + err.message; throw err; } }); }); internal/safe_globals'use strict'; const copyProps = (unsafe, safe) => { for (const key of [...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(unsafe), ...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(unsafe) ]) { if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(safe, key)) { Object.defineProperty( safe, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(unsafe, key)); } } }; const makeSafe = (unsafe, safe) => { copyProps(unsafe.prototype, safe.prototype); copyProps(unsafe, safe); Object.setPrototypeOf(safe.prototype, null); Object.freeze(safe.prototype); Object.freeze(safe); return safe; }; exports.SafeMap = makeSafe(Map, class SafeMap extends Map {}); exports.SafeSet = makeSafe(Set, class SafeSet extends Set {}); exports.SafePromise = makeSafe(Promise, class SafePromise extends Promise {}); internal/net'use strict'; const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; const { writeBuffer } = process.binding('fs'); const errors = require('internal/errors'); // IPv4 Segment const v4Seg = '(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])'; const v4Str = `(${v4Seg}[.]){3}${v4Seg}`; const IPv4Reg = new RegExp(`^${v4Str}$`); // IPv6 Segment const v6Seg = '(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})'; const IPv6Reg = new RegExp('^(' + `(?:${v6Seg}:){7}(?:${v6Seg}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){6}(?:${v4Str}|:${v6Seg}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){5}(?::${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,2}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){4}(?:(:${v6Seg}){0,1}:${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,3}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){3}(?:(:${v6Seg}){0,2}:${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,4}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){2}(?:(:${v6Seg}){0,3}:${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,5}|:)|` + `(?:${v6Seg}:){1}(?:(:${v6Seg}){0,4}:${v4Str}|(:${v6Seg}){1,6}|:)|` + `(?::((?::${v6Seg}){0,5}:${v4Str}|(?::${v6Seg}){1,7}|:))` + ')(%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})?$'); function isIPv4(s) { return IPv4Reg.test(s); } function isIPv6(s) { return IPv6Reg.test(s); } function isIP(s) { if (isIPv4(s)) return 4; if (isIPv6(s)) return 6; return 0; } // Check that the port number is not NaN when coerced to a number, // is an integer and that it falls within the legal range of port numbers. function isLegalPort(port) { if ((typeof port !== 'number' && typeof port !== 'string') || (typeof port === 'string' && port.trim().length === 0)) return false; return +port === (+port >>> 0) && port <= 0xFFFF; } function makeSyncWrite(fd) { return function(chunk, enc, cb) { if (enc !== 'buffer') chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, enc); this._handle.bytesWritten += chunk.length; const ctx = {}; writeBuffer(fd, chunk, 0, chunk.length, null, undefined, ctx); if (ctx.errno !== undefined) { const ex = errors.uvException(ctx); // Legacy: net writes have .code === .errno, whereas writeBuffer gives the // raw errno number in .errno. ex.errno = ex.code; return cb(ex); } cb(); }; } module.exports = { isIP, isIPv4, isIPv6, isLegalPort, makeSyncWrite, normalizedArgsSymbol: Symbol('normalizedArgs') }; internal/options'use strict'; const { getOptions } = internalBinding('options'); const { options, aliases } = getOptions(); function getOptionValue(option) { const result = options.get(option); if (!result) { return undefined; } return result.value; } module.exports = { options, aliases, getOptionValue }; internal/print_help'use strict'; const { types } = internalBinding('options'); const typeLookup = []; for (const key of Object.keys(types)) typeLookup[types[key]] = key; // Environment variables are parsed ad-hoc throughout the code base, // so we gather the documentation here. const { hasIntl, hasSmallICU, hasNodeOptions } = process.binding('config'); const envVars = new Map([ ['NODE_DEBUG', { helpText: "','-separated list of core modules that " + 'should print debug information' }], ['NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE', { helpText: "','-separated list of C++ core debug " + 'categories that should print debug output' }], ['NODE_DISABLE_COLORS', { helpText: 'set to 1 to disable colors in ' + 'the REPL' }], ['NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS', { helpText: 'path to additional CA certificates ' + 'file' }], ['NODE_NO_WARNINGS', { helpText: 'set to 1 to silence process warnings' }], ['NODE_PATH', { helpText: `'${require('path').delimiter}'-separated list ` + 'of directories prefixed to the module search path' }], ['NODE_PENDING_DEPRECATION', { helpText: 'set to 1 to emit pending ' + 'deprecation warnings' }], ['NODE_PRESERVE_SYMLINKS', { helpText: 'set to 1 to preserve symbolic ' + 'links when resolving and caching modules' }], ['NODE_REDIRECT_WARNINGS', { helpText: 'write warnings to path instead ' + 'of stderr' }], ['NODE_REPL_HISTORY', { helpText: 'path to the persistent REPL ' + 'history file' }], ['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED', { helpText: 'set to 0 to disable TLS ' + 'certificate validation' }], ['NODE_V8_COVERAGE', { helpText: 'directory to output v8 coverage JSON ' + 'to' }], ['OPENSSL_CONF', { helpText: 'load OpenSSL configuration from file' }], ['SSL_CERT_DIR', { helpText: 'sets OpenSSL\'s directory of trusted ' + 'certificates when used in conjunction with --use-openssl-ca' }], ['SSL_CERT_FILE', { helpText: 'sets OpenSSL\'s trusted certificate file ' + 'when used in conjunction with --use-openssl-ca' }], ['UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE', { helpText: 'sets the number of threads used in ' + 'libuv\'s threadpool' }] ].concat(hasIntl ? [ ['NODE_ICU_DATA', { helpText: 'data path for ICU (Intl object) data' + hasSmallICU ? '' : ' (will extend linked-in data)' }] ] : []).concat(hasNodeOptions ? [ ['NODE_OPTIONS', { helpText: 'set CLI options in the environment via a ' + 'space-separated list' }] ] : [])); function indent(text, depth) { return text.replace(/^/gm, ' '.repeat(depth)); } function fold(text, width) { return text.replace(new RegExp(`([^\n]{0,${width}})( |$)`, 'g'), (_, newLine, end) => newLine + (end === ' ' ? '\n' : '')); } function getArgDescription(type) { switch (typeLookup[type]) { case 'kNoOp': case 'kV8Option': case 'kBoolean': break; case 'kHostPort': return '[host:]port'; case 'kInteger': case 'kUInteger': case 'kString': case 'kStringList': return '...'; case undefined: break; default: require('assert').fail(`unknown option type ${type}`); } } function format({ options, aliases = new Map(), firstColumn, secondColumn }) { let text = ''; let maxFirstColumnUsed = 0; for (const [ name, { helpText, type, value } ] of [...options.entries()].sort()) { if (!helpText) continue; let displayName = name; const argDescription = getArgDescription(type); if (argDescription) displayName += `=${argDescription}`; for (const [ from, to ] of aliases) { // For cases like e.g. `-e, --eval`. if (to[0] === name && to.length === 1) { displayName = `${from}, ${displayName}`; } // For cases like `--inspect-brk[=[host:]port]`. const targetInfo = options.get(to[0]); const targetArgDescription = targetInfo ? getArgDescription(targetInfo.type) : '...'; if (from === `${name}=`) { displayName += `[=${targetArgDescription}]`; } else if (from === `${name} `) { displayName += ` [${targetArgDescription}]`; } } let displayHelpText = helpText; if (value === true) { // Mark boolean options we currently have enabled. // In particular, it indicates whether --use-openssl-ca // or --use-bundled-ca is the (current) default. displayHelpText += ' (currently set)'; } text += displayName; maxFirstColumnUsed = Math.max(maxFirstColumnUsed, displayName.length); if (displayName.length >= firstColumn) text += '\n' + ' '.repeat(firstColumn); else text += ' '.repeat(firstColumn - displayName.length); text += indent(fold(displayHelpText, secondColumn), firstColumn).trimLeft() + '\n'; } if (maxFirstColumnUsed < firstColumn - 4) { // If we have more than 4 blank gap spaces, reduce first column width. return format({ options, aliases, firstColumn: maxFirstColumnUsed + 2, secondColumn }); } return text; } function print(stream) { const { options, aliases } = require('internal/options'); // Use 75 % of the available width, and at least 70 characters. const width = Math.max(70, (stream.columns || 0) * 0.75); const firstColumn = Math.floor(width * 0.4); const secondColumn = Math.floor(width * 0.57); options.set('-', { helpText: 'script read from stdin ' + '(default if no file name is provided, ' + 'interactive mode if a tty)' }); options.set('--', { helpText: 'indicate the end of node options' }); stream.write( 'Usage: node [options] [ -e script | script.js | - ] [arguments]\n' + ' node inspect script.js [arguments]\n\n' + 'Options:\n'); stream.write(indent(format({ options, aliases, firstColumn, secondColumn }), 2)); stream.write('\nEnvironment variables:\n'); stream.write(format({ options: envVars, firstColumn, secondColumn })); stream.write('\nDocumentation can be found at https://nodejs.org/\n'); } module.exports = { print }; internal/process/esm_loader'use strict'; const { setImportModuleDynamicallyCallback, setInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback } = internalBinding('module_wrap'); const { pathToFileURL } = require('internal/url'); const Loader = require('internal/modules/esm/loader'); const path = require('path'); const { URL } = require('url'); const { initImportMetaMap, wrapToModuleMap } = require('internal/vm/source_text_module'); function normalizeReferrerURL(referrer) { if (typeof referrer === 'string' && path.isAbsolute(referrer)) { return pathToFileURL(referrer).href; } return new URL(referrer).href; } function initializeImportMetaObject(wrap, meta) { const vmModule = wrapToModuleMap.get(wrap); if (vmModule === undefined) { // This ModuleWrap belongs to the Loader. meta.url = wrap.url; } else { const initializeImportMeta = initImportMetaMap.get(vmModule); if (initializeImportMeta !== undefined) { // This ModuleWrap belongs to vm.SourceTextModule, // initializer callback was provided. initializeImportMeta(meta, vmModule); } } } let loaderResolve; exports.loaderPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { loaderResolve = resolve; }); exports.ESMLoader = undefined; exports.setup = function() { setInitializeImportMetaObjectCallback(initializeImportMetaObject); let ESMLoader = new Loader(); const loaderPromise = (async () => { const userLoader = require('internal/options').getOptionValue('--loader'); if (userLoader) { const hooks = await ESMLoader.import( userLoader, pathToFileURL(`${process.cwd()}/`).href); ESMLoader = new Loader(); ESMLoader.hook(hooks); exports.ESMLoader = ESMLoader; } return ESMLoader; })(); loaderResolve(loaderPromise); setImportModuleDynamicallyCallback(async (referrer, specifier) => { const loader = await loaderPromise; return loader.import(specifier, normalizeReferrerURL(referrer)); }); exports.ESMLoader = ESMLoader; }; internal/process/main_thread_only'use strict'; // This file contains process bootstrappers that can only be // run in the main thread const { errnoException } = require('internal/errors'); const { setupProcessStdio, getMainThreadStdio } = require('internal/process/stdio'); const assert = require('assert').strict; function setupStdio() { setupProcessStdio(getMainThreadStdio()); } // Non-POSIX platforms like Windows don't have certain methods. // Workers also lack these methods since they change process-global state. function setupProcessMethods(_chdir, _umask, _initgroups, _setegid, _seteuid, _setgid, _setuid, _setgroups) { if (_setgid !== undefined) { setupPosixMethods(_initgroups, _setegid, _seteuid, _setgid, _setuid, _setgroups); } process.chdir = function chdir(...args) { return _chdir(...args); }; process.umask = function umask(...args) { return _umask(...args); }; } function setupPosixMethods(_initgroups, _setegid, _seteuid, _setgid, _setuid, _setgroups) { process.initgroups = function initgroups(...args) { return _initgroups(...args); }; process.setegid = function setegid(...args) { return _setegid(...args); }; process.seteuid = function seteuid(...args) { return _seteuid(...args); }; process.setgid = function setgid(...args) { return _setgid(...args); }; process.setuid = function setuid(...args) { return _setuid(...args); }; process.setgroups = function setgroups(...args) { return _setgroups(...args); }; } // Worker threads don't receive signals. function setupSignalHandlers() { const constants = process.binding('constants').os.signals; const signalWraps = Object.create(null); let Signal; function isSignal(event) { return typeof event === 'string' && constants[event] !== undefined; } // Detect presence of a listener for the special signal types process.on('newListener', function(type) { if (isSignal(type) && signalWraps[type] === undefined) { if (Signal === undefined) Signal = process.binding('signal_wrap').Signal; const wrap = new Signal(); wrap.unref(); wrap.onsignal = process.emit.bind(process, type, type); const signum = constants[type]; const err = wrap.start(signum); if (err) { wrap.close(); throw errnoException(err, 'uv_signal_start'); } signalWraps[type] = wrap; } }); process.on('removeListener', function(type) { if (signalWraps[type] !== undefined && this.listenerCount(type) === 0) { signalWraps[type].close(); delete signalWraps[type]; } }); } function setupChildProcessIpcChannel() { // If we were spawned with env NODE_CHANNEL_FD then load that up and // start parsing data from that stream. if (process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD) { const fd = parseInt(process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD, 10); assert(fd >= 0); // Make sure it's not accidentally inherited by child processes. delete process.env.NODE_CHANNEL_FD; require('child_process')._forkChild(fd); assert(process.send); } } module.exports = { setupStdio, setupProcessMethods, setupSignalHandlers, setupChildProcessIpcChannel }; internal/process/next_tick'use strict'; exports.setup = setupNextTick; function setupNextTick(_setupNextTick, _setupPromises) { const { getDefaultTriggerAsyncId, newAsyncId, initHooksExist, destroyHooksExist, emitInit, emitBefore, emitAfter, emitDestroy, symbols: { async_id_symbol, trigger_async_id_symbol } } = require('internal/async_hooks'); const emitPromiseRejectionWarnings = require('internal/process/promises').setup(_setupPromises); const { ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK } = require('internal/errors').codes; const FixedQueue = require('internal/fixed_queue'); // tickInfo is used so that the C++ code in src/node.cc can // have easy access to our nextTick state, and avoid unnecessary // calls into JS land. // runMicrotasks is used to run V8's micro task queue. const [ tickInfo, runMicrotasks ] = _setupNextTick(_tickCallback); // *Must* match Environment::TickInfo::Fields in src/env.h. const kHasScheduled = 0; const kHasPromiseRejections = 1; const queue = new FixedQueue(); process.nextTick = nextTick; // Needs to be accessible from beyond this scope. process._tickCallback = _tickCallback; function _tickCallback() { let tock; do { while (tock = queue.shift()) { const asyncId = tock[async_id_symbol]; emitBefore(asyncId, tock[trigger_async_id_symbol]); // emitDestroy() places the async_id_symbol into an asynchronous queue // that calls the destroy callback in the future. It's called before // calling tock.callback so destroy will be called even if the callback // throws an exception that is handled by 'uncaughtException' or a // domain. // TODO(trevnorris): This is a bit of a hack. It relies on the fact // that nextTick() doesn't allow the event loop to proceed, but if // any async hooks are enabled during the callback's execution then // this tock's after hook will be called, but not its destroy hook. if (destroyHooksExist()) emitDestroy(asyncId); const callback = tock.callback; if (tock.args === undefined) callback(); else Reflect.apply(callback, undefined, tock.args); emitAfter(asyncId); } tickInfo[kHasScheduled] = 0; runMicrotasks(); } while (!queue.isEmpty() || emitPromiseRejectionWarnings()); tickInfo[kHasPromiseRejections] = 0; } class TickObject { constructor(callback, args, triggerAsyncId) { // this must be set to null first to avoid function tracking // on the hidden class, revisit in V8 versions after 6.2 this.callback = null; this.callback = callback; this.args = args; const asyncId = newAsyncId(); this[async_id_symbol] = asyncId; this[trigger_async_id_symbol] = triggerAsyncId; if (initHooksExist()) { emitInit(asyncId, 'TickObject', triggerAsyncId, this); } } } // `nextTick()` will not enqueue any callback when the process is about to // exit since the callback would not have a chance to be executed. function nextTick(callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); if (process._exiting) return; var args; switch (arguments.length) { case 1: break; case 2: args = [arguments[1]]; break; case 3: args = [arguments[1], arguments[2]]; break; case 4: args = [arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]]; break; default: args = new Array(arguments.length - 1); for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; } if (queue.isEmpty()) tickInfo[kHasScheduled] = 1; queue.push(new TickObject(callback, args, getDefaultTriggerAsyncId())); } } internal/process/per_thread'use strict'; // This files contains process bootstrappers that can be // run when setting up each thread, including the main // thread and the worker threads. const { errnoException, codes: { ERR_ASSERTION, ERR_CPU_USAGE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARRAY_LENGTH, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_CAPTURE_ALREADY_SET, ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL } } = require('internal/errors'); const util = require('util'); const constants = process.binding('constants').os.signals; const { deprecate } = require('internal/util'); function setupAssert() { process.assert = deprecate( function(x, msg) { if (!x) throw new ERR_ASSERTION(msg || 'assertion error'); }, 'process.assert() is deprecated. Please use the `assert` module instead.', 'DEP0100'); } // Set up the process.cpuUsage() function. function setupCpuUsage(_cpuUsage) { // Create the argument array that will be passed to the native function. const cpuValues = new Float64Array(2); // Replace the native function with the JS version that calls the native // function. process.cpuUsage = function cpuUsage(prevValue) { // If a previous value was passed in, ensure it has the correct shape. if (prevValue) { if (!previousValueIsValid(prevValue.user)) { if (typeof prevValue !== 'object') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('prevValue', 'object', prevValue); if (typeof prevValue.user !== 'number') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('prevValue.user', 'number', prevValue.user); } throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE.RangeError('prevValue.user', prevValue.user); } if (!previousValueIsValid(prevValue.system)) { if (typeof prevValue.system !== 'number') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('prevValue.system', 'number', prevValue.system); } throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE.RangeError('prevValue.system', prevValue.system); } } // Call the native function to get the current values. const errmsg = _cpuUsage(cpuValues); if (errmsg) { throw new ERR_CPU_USAGE(errmsg); } // If a previous value was passed in, return diff of current from previous. if (prevValue) { return { user: cpuValues[0] - prevValue.user, system: cpuValues[1] - prevValue.system }; } // If no previous value passed in, return current value. return { user: cpuValues[0], system: cpuValues[1] }; }; // Ensure that a previously passed in value is valid. Currently, the native // implementation always returns numbers <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. function previousValueIsValid(num) { return Number.isFinite(num) && num <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && num >= 0; } } // The 3 entries filled in by the original process.hrtime contains // the upper/lower 32 bits of the second part of the value, // and the remaining nanoseconds of the value. function setupHrtime(_hrtime, _hrtimeBigInt) { const hrValues = new Uint32Array(3); process.hrtime = function hrtime(time) { _hrtime(hrValues); if (time !== undefined) { if (!Array.isArray(time)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('time', 'Array', time); } if (time.length !== 2) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARRAY_LENGTH('time', 2, time.length); } const sec = (hrValues[0] * 0x100000000 + hrValues[1]) - time[0]; const nsec = hrValues[2] - time[1]; const needsBorrow = nsec < 0; return [needsBorrow ? sec - 1 : sec, needsBorrow ? nsec + 1e9 : nsec]; } return [ hrValues[0] * 0x100000000 + hrValues[1], hrValues[2] ]; }; // Use a BigUint64Array in the closure because V8 does not have an API for // creating a BigInt out of a uint64_t yet. const hrBigintValues = new BigUint64Array(1); process.hrtime.bigint = function() { _hrtimeBigInt(hrBigintValues); return hrBigintValues[0]; }; } function setupMemoryUsage(_memoryUsage) { const memValues = new Float64Array(4); process.memoryUsage = function memoryUsage() { _memoryUsage(memValues); return { rss: memValues[0], heapTotal: memValues[1], heapUsed: memValues[2], external: memValues[3] }; }; } function setupConfig(_source) { // NativeModule._source // used for `process.config`, but not a real module const config = _source.config; delete _source.config; process.config = JSON.parse(config, function(key, value) { if (value === 'true') return true; if (value === 'false') return false; return value; }); } function setupKillAndExit() { process.exit = function(code) { if (code || code === 0) process.exitCode = code; if (!process._exiting) { process._exiting = true; process.emit('exit', process.exitCode || 0); } process.reallyExit(process.exitCode || 0); }; process.kill = function(pid, sig) { var err; if (process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE) { const { writeCoverage } = require('internal/process/coverage'); writeCoverage(); } // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (pid != (pid | 0)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('pid', 'number', pid); } // preserve null signal if (sig === (sig | 0)) { err = process._kill(pid, sig); } else { sig = sig || 'SIGTERM'; if (constants[sig]) { err = process._kill(pid, constants[sig]); } else { throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL(sig); } } if (err) throw errnoException(err, 'kill'); return true; }; } function setupRawDebug(_rawDebug) { process._rawDebug = function() { _rawDebug(util.format.apply(null, arguments)); }; } function setupUncaughtExceptionCapture(exceptionHandlerState, shouldAbortOnUncaughtToggle) { // shouldAbortOnUncaughtToggle is a typed array for faster // communication with JS. process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback = function(fn) { if (fn === null) { exceptionHandlerState.captureFn = fn; shouldAbortOnUncaughtToggle[0] = 1; return; } if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('fn', ['Function', 'null'], fn); } if (exceptionHandlerState.captureFn !== null) { throw new ERR_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_CAPTURE_ALREADY_SET(); } exceptionHandlerState.captureFn = fn; shouldAbortOnUncaughtToggle[0] = 0; }; process.hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback = function() { return exceptionHandlerState.captureFn !== null; }; } module.exports = { setupAssert, setupCpuUsage, setupHrtime, setupMemoryUsage, setupConfig, setupKillAndExit, setupRawDebug, setupUncaughtExceptionCapture }; internal/process/promises'use strict'; const { safeToString } = internalBinding('util'); const maybeUnhandledPromises = new WeakMap(); const pendingUnhandledRejections = []; const asyncHandledRejections = []; const promiseRejectEvents = {}; let lastPromiseId = 0; exports.setup = setupPromises; function setupPromises(_setupPromises) { _setupPromises(handler, promiseRejectEvents); return emitPromiseRejectionWarnings; } function handler(type, promise, reason) { switch (type) { case promiseRejectEvents.kPromiseRejectWithNoHandler: return unhandledRejection(promise, reason); case promiseRejectEvents.kPromiseHandlerAddedAfterReject: return handledRejection(promise); case promiseRejectEvents.kPromiseResolveAfterResolved: return resolveError('resolve', promise, reason); case promiseRejectEvents.kPromiseRejectAfterResolved: return resolveError('reject', promise, reason); } } function resolveError(type, promise, reason) { // We have to wrap this in a next tick. Otherwise the error could be caught by // the executed promise. process.nextTick(() => { process.emit('multipleResolves', type, promise, reason); }); } function unhandledRejection(promise, reason) { maybeUnhandledPromises.set(promise, { reason, uid: ++lastPromiseId, warned: false }); pendingUnhandledRejections.push(promise); return true; } function handledRejection(promise) { const promiseInfo = maybeUnhandledPromises.get(promise); if (promiseInfo !== undefined) { maybeUnhandledPromises.delete(promise); if (promiseInfo.warned) { const { uid } = promiseInfo; // Generate the warning object early to get a good stack trace. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const warning = new Error('Promise rejection was handled ' + `asynchronously (rejection id: ${uid})`); warning.name = 'PromiseRejectionHandledWarning'; warning.id = uid; asyncHandledRejections.push({ promise, warning }); return true; } } return false; } const unhandledRejectionErrName = 'UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning'; function emitWarning(uid, reason) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax const warning = new Error( 'Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by ' + 'throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, ' + 'or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). ' + `(rejection id: ${uid})` ); warning.name = unhandledRejectionErrName; try { if (reason instanceof Error) { warning.stack = reason.stack; process.emitWarning(reason.stack, unhandledRejectionErrName); } else { process.emitWarning(safeToString(reason), unhandledRejectionErrName); } } catch {} process.emitWarning(warning); emitDeprecationWarning(); } let deprecationWarned = false; function emitDeprecationWarning() { if (!deprecationWarned) { deprecationWarned = true; process.emitWarning( 'Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, ' + 'promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the ' + 'Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0018'); } } function emitPromiseRejectionWarnings() { while (asyncHandledRejections.length > 0) { const { promise, warning } = asyncHandledRejections.shift(); if (!process.emit('rejectionHandled', promise)) { process.emitWarning(warning); } } let hadListeners = false; let len = pendingUnhandledRejections.length; while (len--) { const promise = pendingUnhandledRejections.shift(); const promiseInfo = maybeUnhandledPromises.get(promise); if (promiseInfo !== undefined) { promiseInfo.warned = true; const { reason, uid } = promiseInfo; if (!process.emit('unhandledRejection', reason, promise)) { emitWarning(uid, reason); } else { hadListeners = true; } } } return hadListeners || pendingUnhandledRejections.length !== 0; } internal/process/stdio'use strict'; const { ERR_UNKNOWN_STDIN_TYPE, ERR_UNKNOWN_STREAM_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; exports.setupProcessStdio = setupProcessStdio; exports.getMainThreadStdio = getMainThreadStdio; function dummyDestroy(err, cb) { cb(err); } function getMainThreadStdio() { var stdin; var stdout; var stderr; function getStdout() { if (stdout) return stdout; stdout = createWritableStdioStream(1); stdout.destroySoon = stdout.destroy; // Override _destroy so that the fd is never actually closed. stdout._destroy = dummyDestroy; if (stdout.isTTY) { process.on('SIGWINCH', () => stdout._refreshSize()); } return stdout; } function getStderr() { if (stderr) return stderr; stderr = createWritableStdioStream(2); stderr.destroySoon = stderr.destroy; // Override _destroy so that the fd is never actually closed. stderr._destroy = dummyDestroy; if (stderr.isTTY) { process.on('SIGWINCH', () => stderr._refreshSize()); } return stderr; } function getStdin() { if (stdin) return stdin; const tty_wrap = internalBinding('tty_wrap'); const fd = 0; switch (tty_wrap.guessHandleType(fd)) { case 'TTY': var tty = require('tty'); stdin = new tty.ReadStream(fd, { highWaterMark: 0, readable: true, writable: false }); break; case 'FILE': var fs = require('fs'); stdin = new fs.ReadStream(null, { fd: fd, autoClose: false }); break; case 'PIPE': case 'TCP': var net = require('net'); // It could be that process has been started with an IPC channel // sitting on fd=0, in such case the pipe for this fd is already // present and creating a new one will lead to the assertion failure // in libuv. if (process.channel && process.channel.fd === fd) { stdin = new net.Socket({ handle: process.channel, readable: true, writable: false, manualStart: true }); } else { stdin = new net.Socket({ fd: fd, readable: true, writable: false, manualStart: true }); } // Make sure the stdin can't be `.end()`-ed stdin._writableState.ended = true; break; default: // Probably an error on in uv_guess_handle() throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_STDIN_TYPE(); } // For supporting legacy API we put the FD here. stdin.fd = fd; // stdin starts out life in a paused state, but node doesn't // know yet. Explicitly to readStop() it to put it in the // not-reading state. if (stdin._handle && stdin._handle.readStop) { stdin._handle.reading = false; stdin._readableState.reading = false; stdin._handle.readStop(); } // If the user calls stdin.pause(), then we need to stop reading // once the stream implementation does so (one nextTick later), // so that the process can close down. stdin.on('pause', () => { process.nextTick(onpause); }); function onpause() { if (!stdin._handle) return; if (stdin._handle.reading && !stdin._readableState.flowing) { stdin._readableState.reading = false; stdin._handle.reading = false; stdin._handle.readStop(); } } return stdin; } return { getStdout, getStderr, getStdin }; } function setupProcessStdio({ getStdout, getStdin, getStderr }) { Object.defineProperty(process, 'stdout', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getStdout }); Object.defineProperty(process, 'stderr', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getStderr }); Object.defineProperty(process, 'stdin', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getStdin }); process.openStdin = function() { process.stdin.resume(); return process.stdin; }; } function createWritableStdioStream(fd) { var stream; const tty_wrap = internalBinding('tty_wrap'); // Note stream._type is used for test-module-load-list.js switch (tty_wrap.guessHandleType(fd)) { case 'TTY': var tty = require('tty'); stream = new tty.WriteStream(fd); stream._type = 'tty'; break; case 'FILE': const SyncWriteStream = require('internal/fs/sync_write_stream'); stream = new SyncWriteStream(fd, { autoClose: false }); stream._type = 'fs'; break; case 'PIPE': case 'TCP': var net = require('net'); // If fd is already being used for the IPC channel, libuv will return // an error when trying to use it again. In that case, create the socket // using the existing handle instead of the fd. if (process.channel && process.channel.fd === fd) { stream = new net.Socket({ handle: process.channel, readable: false, writable: true }); } else { stream = new net.Socket({ fd, readable: false, writable: true }); } stream._type = 'pipe'; break; default: // Probably an error on in uv_guess_handle() throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_STREAM_TYPE(); } // For supporting legacy API we put the FD here. stream.fd = fd; stream._isStdio = true; return stream; } internal/process/warning'use strict'; const config = process.binding('config'); const prefix = `(${process.release.name}:${process.pid}) `; const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; exports.setup = setupProcessWarnings; var cachedFd; var acquiringFd = false; function nop() {} // Lazily loaded var fs = null; function writeOut(message) { if (console && typeof console.error === 'function') return console.error(message); process._rawDebug(message); } function onClose(fd) { return function() { if (fs === null) fs = require('fs'); fs.close(fd, nop); }; } function onOpen(cb) { return function(err, fd) { acquiringFd = false; if (fd !== undefined) { cachedFd = fd; process.on('exit', onClose(fd)); } cb(err, fd); process.emit('_node_warning_fd_acquired', err, fd); }; } function onAcquired(message) { // make a best effort attempt at writing the message // to the fd. Errors are ignored at this point. return function(err, fd) { if (err) return writeOut(message); if (fs === null) fs = require('fs'); fs.appendFile(fd, `${message}\n`, nop); }; } function acquireFd(cb) { if (cachedFd === undefined && !acquiringFd) { acquiringFd = true; if (fs === null) fs = require('fs'); fs.open(config.warningFile, 'a', onOpen(cb)); } else if (cachedFd !== undefined && !acquiringFd) { cb(null, cachedFd); } else { process.once('_node_warning_fd_acquired', cb); } } function output(message) { if (typeof config.warningFile === 'string') { acquireFd(onAcquired(message)); return; } writeOut(message); } function doEmitWarning(warning) { return function() { process.emit('warning', warning); }; } function setupProcessWarnings() { if (!process.noProcessWarnings && process.env.NODE_NO_WARNINGS !== '1') { process.on('warning', (warning) => { if (!(warning instanceof Error)) return; const isDeprecation = warning.name === 'DeprecationWarning'; if (isDeprecation && process.noDeprecation) return; const trace = process.traceProcessWarnings || (isDeprecation && process.traceDeprecation); var msg = prefix; if (warning.code) msg += `[${warning.code}] `; if (trace && warning.stack) { msg += `${warning.stack}`; } else { const toString = typeof warning.toString === 'function' ? warning.toString : Error.prototype.toString; msg += `${toString.apply(warning)}`; } if (typeof warning.detail === 'string') { msg += `\n${warning.detail}`; } output(msg); }); } // process.emitWarning(error) // process.emitWarning(str[, type[, code]][, ctor]) // process.emitWarning(str[, options]) process.emitWarning = function(warning, type, code, ctor, now) { var detail; if (type !== null && typeof type === 'object' && !Array.isArray(type)) { ctor = type.ctor; code = type.code; if (typeof type.detail === 'string') detail = type.detail; type = type.type || 'Warning'; } else if (typeof type === 'function') { ctor = type; code = undefined; type = 'Warning'; } if (typeof code === 'function') { ctor = code; code = undefined; } if (code !== undefined && typeof code !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('code', 'string', code); if (type !== undefined && typeof type !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('type', 'string', type); if (warning === undefined || typeof warning === 'string') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax warning = new Error(warning); warning.name = String(type || 'Warning'); if (code !== undefined) warning.code = code; if (detail !== undefined) warning.detail = detail; Error.captureStackTrace(warning, ctor || process.emitWarning); } if (!(warning instanceof Error)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('warning', ['Error', 'string'], warning); } if (warning.name === 'DeprecationWarning') { if (process.noDeprecation) return; if (process.throwDeprecation) throw warning; } if (now) process.emit('warning', warning); else process.nextTick(doEmitWarning(warning)); }; } internal/process/worker_thread_only'use strict'; // This file contains process bootstrappers that can only be // run in the worker thread. const { setupProcessStdio } = require('internal/process/stdio'); const { workerStdio } = require('internal/worker'); function setupStdio() { setupProcessStdio({ getStdout: () => workerStdio.stdout, getStderr: () => workerStdio.stderr, getStdin: () => workerStdio.stdin }); } module.exports = { setupStdio }; internal/querystring'use strict'; const { ERR_INVALID_URI } = require('internal/errors').codes; const hexTable = new Array(256); for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) hexTable[i] = '%' + ((i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16)).toUpperCase(); const isHexTable = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0 - 15 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 16 - 31 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 32 - 47 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 48 - 63 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 64 - 79 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 80 - 95 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 96 - 111 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 112 - 127 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 128 ... 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 // ... 256 ]; function encodeStr(str, noEscapeTable, hexTable) { const len = str.length; if (len === 0) return ''; var out = ''; var lastPos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); // ASCII if (c < 0x80) { if (noEscapeTable[c] === 1) continue; if (lastPos < i) out += str.slice(lastPos, i); lastPos = i + 1; out += hexTable[c]; continue; } if (lastPos < i) out += str.slice(lastPos, i); // Multi-byte characters ... if (c < 0x800) { lastPos = i + 1; out += hexTable[0xC0 | (c >> 6)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]; continue; } if (c < 0xD800 || c >= 0xE000) { lastPos = i + 1; out += hexTable[0xE0 | (c >> 12)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]; continue; } // Surrogate pair ++i; // This branch should never happen because all URLSearchParams entries // should already be converted to USVString. But, included for // completion's sake anyway. if (i >= len) throw new ERR_INVALID_URI(); var c2 = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0x3FF; lastPos = i + 1; c = 0x10000 + (((c & 0x3FF) << 10) | c2); out += hexTable[0xF0 | (c >> 18)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]; } if (lastPos === 0) return str; if (lastPos < len) return out + str.slice(lastPos); return out; } module.exports = { encodeStr, hexTable, isHexTable }; internal/process/write-coverage'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const { mkdirSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs'); function writeCoverage() { if (!global.__coverage__) { return; } const dirname = path.join(path.dirname(process.execPath), '.coverage'); const filename = `coverage-${process.pid}-${Date.now()}.json`; try { mkdirSync(dirname); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'EEXIST') { console.error(err); return; } } const target = path.join(dirname, filename); const coverageInfo = JSON.stringify(global.__coverage__); try { writeFileSync(target, coverageInfo); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } function setup() { const reallyReallyExit = process.reallyExit; process.reallyExit = function(code) { writeCoverage(); reallyReallyExit(code); }; process.on('exit', writeCoverage); } exports.setup = setup; internal/process/coverage'use strict'; const path = require('path'); const { mkdirSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs'); const hasInspector = process.config.variables.v8_enable_inspector === 1; let inspector = null; if (hasInspector) inspector = require('inspector'); let session; function writeCoverage() { if (!session) { return; } const { threadId } = require('internal/worker'); const filename = `coverage-${process.pid}-${Date.now()}-${threadId}.json`; try { // TODO(bcoe): switch to mkdirp once #22302 is addressed. mkdirSync(process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE); } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'EEXIST') { console.error(err); return; } } const target = path.join(process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE, filename); try { session.post('Profiler.takePreciseCoverage', (err, coverageInfo) => { if (err) return console.error(err); try { writeFileSync(target, JSON.stringify(coverageInfo)); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } finally { session.disconnect(); session = null; } } exports.writeCoverage = writeCoverage; function setup() { if (!hasInspector) { console.warn('coverage currently only supported in main thread'); return; } session = new inspector.Session(); session.connect(); session.post('Profiler.enable'); session.post('Profiler.startPreciseCoverage', { callCount: true, detailed: true }); const reallyReallyExit = process.reallyExit; process.reallyExit = function(code) { writeCoverage(); reallyReallyExit(code); }; process.on('exit', writeCoverage); } exports.setup = setup; internal/readline'use strict'; // Regex used for ansi escape code splitting // Adopted from https://github.com/chalk/ansi-regex/blob/master/index.js // License: MIT, authors: @sindresorhus, Qix-, and arjunmehta // Matches all ansi escape code sequences in a string /* eslint-disable no-control-regex */ const ansi = /[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-ORZcf-nqry=><]/g; /* eslint-enable no-control-regex */ const kEscape = '\x1b'; let getStringWidth; let isFullWidthCodePoint; function CSI(strings, ...args) { let ret = `${kEscape}[`; for (var n = 0; n < strings.length; n++) { ret += strings[n]; if (n < args.length) ret += args[n]; } return ret; } CSI.kEscape = kEscape; CSI.kClearToBeginning = CSI`1K`; CSI.kClearToEnd = CSI`0K`; CSI.kClearLine = CSI`2K`; CSI.kClearScreenDown = CSI`0J`; if (process.binding('config').hasIntl) { const icu = process.binding('icu'); getStringWidth = function getStringWidth(str, options) { options = options || {}; if (!Number.isInteger(str)) str = stripVTControlCharacters(String(str)); return icu.getStringWidth( str, Boolean(options.ambiguousAsFullWidth), Boolean(options.expandEmojiSequence) ); }; isFullWidthCodePoint = function isFullWidthCodePoint(code, options) { if (typeof code !== 'number') return false; return icu.getStringWidth(code, options) === 2; }; } else { /** * Returns the number of columns required to display the given string. */ getStringWidth = function getStringWidth(str) { if (Number.isInteger(str)) return isFullWidthCodePoint(str) ? 2 : 1; let width = 0; str = stripVTControlCharacters(String(str)); for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const code = str.codePointAt(i); if (code >= 0x10000) { // surrogates i++; } if (isFullWidthCodePoint(code)) { width += 2; } else { width++; } } return width; }; /** * Returns true if the character represented by a given * Unicode code point is full-width. Otherwise returns false. */ isFullWidthCodePoint = function isFullWidthCodePoint(code) { if (!Number.isInteger(code)) { return false; } // Code points are derived from: // http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/EastAsianWidth.txt if ( code >= 0x1100 && ( code <= 0x115f || // Hangul Jamo code === 0x2329 || // LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET code === 0x232a || // RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET // CJK Radicals Supplement .. Enclosed CJK Letters and Months code >= 0x2e80 && code <= 0x3247 && code !== 0x303f || // Enclosed CJK Letters and Months .. CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A code >= 0x3250 && code <= 0x4dbf || // CJK Unified Ideographs .. Yi Radicals code >= 0x4e00 && code <= 0xa4c6 || // Hangul Jamo Extended-A code >= 0xa960 && code <= 0xa97c || // Hangul Syllables code >= 0xac00 && code <= 0xd7a3 || // CJK Compatibility Ideographs code >= 0xf900 && code <= 0xfaff || // Vertical Forms code >= 0xfe10 && code <= 0xfe19 || // CJK Compatibility Forms .. Small Form Variants code >= 0xfe30 && code <= 0xfe6b || // Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms code >= 0xff01 && code <= 0xff60 || code >= 0xffe0 && code <= 0xffe6 || // Kana Supplement code >= 0x1b000 && code <= 0x1b001 || // Enclosed Ideographic Supplement code >= 0x1f200 && code <= 0x1f251 || // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B .. Tertiary Ideographic Plane code >= 0x20000 && code <= 0x3fffd ) ) { return true; } return false; }; } /** * Tries to remove all VT control characters. Use to estimate displayed * string width. May be buggy due to not running a real state machine */ function stripVTControlCharacters(str) { return str.replace(ansi, ''); } /* Some patterns seen in terminal key escape codes, derived from combos seen at http://www.midnight-commander.org/browser/lib/tty/key.c ESC letter ESC [ letter ESC [ modifier letter ESC [ 1 ; modifier letter ESC [ num char ESC [ num ; modifier char ESC O letter ESC O modifier letter ESC O 1 ; modifier letter ESC N letter ESC [ [ num ; modifier char ESC [ [ 1 ; modifier letter ESC ESC [ num char ESC ESC O letter - char is usually ~ but $ and ^ also happen with rxvt - modifier is 1 + (shift * 1) + (left_alt * 2) + (ctrl * 4) + (right_alt * 8) - two leading ESCs apparently mean the same as one leading ESC */ function* emitKeys(stream) { while (true) { let ch = yield; let s = ch; let escaped = false; const key = { sequence: null, name: undefined, ctrl: false, meta: false, shift: false }; if (ch === kEscape) { escaped = true; s += (ch = yield); if (ch === kEscape) { s += (ch = yield); } } if (escaped && (ch === 'O' || ch === '[')) { // ansi escape sequence let code = ch; let modifier = 0; if (ch === 'O') { // ESC O letter // ESC O modifier letter s += (ch = yield); if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { modifier = (ch >> 0) - 1; s += (ch = yield); } code += ch; } else if (ch === '[') { // ESC [ letter // ESC [ modifier letter // ESC [ [ modifier letter // ESC [ [ num char s += (ch = yield); if (ch === '[') { // \x1b[[A // ^--- escape codes might have a second bracket code += ch; s += (ch = yield); } /* * Here and later we try to buffer just enough data to get * a complete ascii sequence. * * We have basically two classes of ascii characters to process: * * * 1. `\x1b[24;5~` should be parsed as { code: '[24~', modifier: 5 } * * This particular example is featuring Ctrl+F12 in xterm. * * - `;5` part is optional, e.g. it could be `\x1b[24~` * - first part can contain one or two digits * * So the generic regexp is like /^\d\d?(;\d)?[~^$]$/ * * * 2. `\x1b[1;5H` should be parsed as { code: '[H', modifier: 5 } * * This particular example is featuring Ctrl+Home in xterm. * * - `1;5` part is optional, e.g. it could be `\x1b[H` * - `1;` part is optional, e.g. it could be `\x1b[5H` * * So the generic regexp is like /^((\d;)?\d)?[A-Za-z]$/ * */ const cmdStart = s.length - 1; // skip one or two leading digits if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { s += (ch = yield); if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { s += (ch = yield); } } // skip modifier if (ch === ';') { s += (ch = yield); if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { s += (ch = yield); } } /* * We buffered enough data, now trying to extract code * and modifier from it */ const cmd = s.slice(cmdStart); let match; if ((match = cmd.match(/^(\d\d?)(;(\d))?([~^$])$/))) { code += match[1] + match[4]; modifier = (match[3] || 1) - 1; } else if ((match = cmd.match(/^((\d;)?(\d))?([A-Za-z])$/))) { code += match[4]; modifier = (match[3] || 1) - 1; } else { code += cmd; } } // Parse the key modifier key.ctrl = !!(modifier & 4); key.meta = !!(modifier & 10); key.shift = !!(modifier & 1); key.code = code; // Parse the key itself switch (code) { /* xterm/gnome ESC O letter */ case 'OP': key.name = 'f1'; break; case 'OQ': key.name = 'f2'; break; case 'OR': key.name = 'f3'; break; case 'OS': key.name = 'f4'; break; /* xterm/rxvt ESC [ number ~ */ case '[11~': key.name = 'f1'; break; case '[12~': key.name = 'f2'; break; case '[13~': key.name = 'f3'; break; case '[14~': key.name = 'f4'; break; /* from Cygwin and used in libuv */ case '[[A': key.name = 'f1'; break; case '[[B': key.name = 'f2'; break; case '[[C': key.name = 'f3'; break; case '[[D': key.name = 'f4'; break; case '[[E': key.name = 'f5'; break; /* common */ case '[15~': key.name = 'f5'; break; case '[17~': key.name = 'f6'; break; case '[18~': key.name = 'f7'; break; case '[19~': key.name = 'f8'; break; case '[20~': key.name = 'f9'; break; case '[21~': key.name = 'f10'; break; case '[23~': key.name = 'f11'; break; case '[24~': key.name = 'f12'; break; /* xterm ESC [ letter */ case '[A': key.name = 'up'; break; case '[B': key.name = 'down'; break; case '[C': key.name = 'right'; break; case '[D': key.name = 'left'; break; case '[E': key.name = 'clear'; break; case '[F': key.name = 'end'; break; case '[H': key.name = 'home'; break; /* xterm/gnome ESC O letter */ case 'OA': key.name = 'up'; break; case 'OB': key.name = 'down'; break; case 'OC': key.name = 'right'; break; case 'OD': key.name = 'left'; break; case 'OE': key.name = 'clear'; break; case 'OF': key.name = 'end'; break; case 'OH': key.name = 'home'; break; /* xterm/rxvt ESC [ number ~ */ case '[1~': key.name = 'home'; break; case '[2~': key.name = 'insert'; break; case '[3~': key.name = 'delete'; break; case '[4~': key.name = 'end'; break; case '[5~': key.name = 'pageup'; break; case '[6~': key.name = 'pagedown'; break; /* putty */ case '[[5~': key.name = 'pageup'; break; case '[[6~': key.name = 'pagedown'; break; /* rxvt */ case '[7~': key.name = 'home'; break; case '[8~': key.name = 'end'; break; /* rxvt keys with modifiers */ case '[a': key.name = 'up'; key.shift = true; break; case '[b': key.name = 'down'; key.shift = true; break; case '[c': key.name = 'right'; key.shift = true; break; case '[d': key.name = 'left'; key.shift = true; break; case '[e': key.name = 'clear'; key.shift = true; break; case '[2$': key.name = 'insert'; key.shift = true; break; case '[3$': key.name = 'delete'; key.shift = true; break; case '[5$': key.name = 'pageup'; key.shift = true; break; case '[6$': key.name = 'pagedown'; key.shift = true; break; case '[7$': key.name = 'home'; key.shift = true; break; case '[8$': key.name = 'end'; key.shift = true; break; case 'Oa': key.name = 'up'; key.ctrl = true; break; case 'Ob': key.name = 'down'; key.ctrl = true; break; case 'Oc': key.name = 'right'; key.ctrl = true; break; case 'Od': key.name = 'left'; key.ctrl = true; break; case 'Oe': key.name = 'clear'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[2^': key.name = 'insert'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[3^': key.name = 'delete'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[5^': key.name = 'pageup'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[6^': key.name = 'pagedown'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[7^': key.name = 'home'; key.ctrl = true; break; case '[8^': key.name = 'end'; key.ctrl = true; break; /* misc. */ case '[Z': key.name = 'tab'; key.shift = true; break; default: key.name = 'undefined'; break; } } else if (ch === '\r') { // carriage return key.name = 'return'; } else if (ch === '\n') { // enter, should have been called linefeed key.name = 'enter'; } else if (ch === '\t') { // tab key.name = 'tab'; } else if (ch === '\b' || ch === '\x7f') { // backspace or ctrl+h key.name = 'backspace'; key.meta = escaped; } else if (ch === kEscape) { // escape key key.name = 'escape'; key.meta = escaped; } else if (ch === ' ') { key.name = 'space'; key.meta = escaped; } else if (!escaped && ch <= '\x1a') { // ctrl+letter key.name = String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) + 'a'.charCodeAt(0) - 1); key.ctrl = true; } else if (/^[0-9A-Za-z]$/.test(ch)) { // letter, number, shift+letter key.name = ch.toLowerCase(); key.shift = /^[A-Z]$/.test(ch); key.meta = escaped; } else if (escaped) { // Escape sequence timeout key.name = ch.length ? undefined : 'escape'; key.meta = true; } key.sequence = s; if (s.length !== 0 && (key.name !== undefined || escaped)) { /* Named character or sequence */ stream.emit('keypress', escaped ? undefined : s, key); } else if (s.length === 1) { /* Single unnamed character, e.g. "." */ stream.emit('keypress', s, key); } /* Unrecognized or broken escape sequence, don't emit anything */ } } module.exports = { emitKeys, getStringWidth, isFullWidthCodePoint, stripVTControlCharacters, CSI }; internal/repl'use strict'; const { Interface } = require('readline'); const REPL = require('repl'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const util = require('util'); const debug = util.debuglog('repl'); module.exports = Object.create(REPL); module.exports.createInternalRepl = createRepl; // XXX(chrisdickinson): The 15ms debounce value is somewhat arbitrary. // The debounce is to guard against code pasted into the REPL. const kDebounceHistoryMS = 15; function _writeToOutput(repl, message) { repl._writeToOutput(message); repl._refreshLine(); } function createRepl(env, opts, cb) { if (typeof opts === 'function') { cb = opts; opts = null; } opts = util._extend({ ignoreUndefined: false, terminal: process.stdout.isTTY, useGlobal: true, breakEvalOnSigint: true }, opts); if (parseInt(env.NODE_NO_READLINE)) { opts.terminal = false; } // The "dumb" special terminal, as defined by terminfo, doesn't support // ANSI color control codes. // see http://invisible-island.net/ncurses/terminfo.ti.html#toc-_Specials if (parseInt(env.NODE_DISABLE_COLORS) || env.TERM === 'dumb') { opts.useColors = false; } opts.replMode = { 'strict': REPL.REPL_MODE_STRICT, 'sloppy': REPL.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY }[String(env.NODE_REPL_MODE).toLowerCase().trim()]; if (opts.replMode === undefined) { opts.replMode = REPL.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY; } const historySize = Number(env.NODE_REPL_HISTORY_SIZE); if (!Number.isNaN(historySize) && historySize > 0) { opts.historySize = historySize; } else { // XXX(chrisdickinson): set here to avoid affecting existing applications // using repl instances. opts.historySize = 1000; } const repl = REPL.start(opts); if (opts.terminal) { return setupHistory(repl, env.NODE_REPL_HISTORY, cb); } repl._historyPrev = _replHistoryMessage; cb(null, repl); } function setupHistory(repl, historyPath, ready) { // Empty string disables persistent history if (typeof historyPath === 'string') historyPath = historyPath.trim(); if (historyPath === '') { repl._historyPrev = _replHistoryMessage; return ready(null, repl); } if (!historyPath) { try { historyPath = path.join(os.homedir(), '.node_repl_history'); } catch (err) { _writeToOutput(repl, '\nError: Could not get the home directory.\n' + 'REPL session history will not be persisted.\n'); debug(err.stack); repl._historyPrev = _replHistoryMessage; return ready(null, repl); } } var timer = null; var writing = false; var pending = false; repl.pause(); // History files are conventionally not readable by others: // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/3392 // https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/3394 fs.open(historyPath, 'a+', 0o0600, oninit); function oninit(err, hnd) { if (err) { // Cannot open history file. // Don't crash, just don't persist history. _writeToOutput(repl, '\nError: Could not open history file.\n' + 'REPL session history will not be persisted.\n'); debug(err.stack); repl._historyPrev = _replHistoryMessage; repl.resume(); return ready(null, repl); } fs.close(hnd, onclose); } function onclose(err) { if (err) { return ready(err); } fs.readFile(historyPath, 'utf8', onread); } function onread(err, data) { if (err) { return ready(err); } if (data) { repl.history = data.split(/[\n\r]+/, repl.historySize); } else { repl.history = []; } fs.open(historyPath, 'r+', onhandle); } function onhandle(err, hnd) { if (err) { return ready(err); } fs.ftruncate(hnd, 0, (err) => { repl._historyHandle = hnd; repl.on('line', online); // Reading the file data out erases it repl.once('flushHistory', function() { repl.resume(); ready(null, repl); }); flushHistory(); }); } // ------ history listeners ------ function online() { repl._flushing = true; if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); } timer = setTimeout(flushHistory, kDebounceHistoryMS); } function flushHistory() { timer = null; if (writing) { pending = true; return; } writing = true; const historyData = repl.history.join(os.EOL); fs.write(repl._historyHandle, historyData, 0, 'utf8', onwritten); } function onwritten(err, data) { writing = false; if (pending) { pending = false; online(); } else { repl._flushing = Boolean(timer); if (!repl._flushing) { repl.emit('flushHistory'); } } } } function _replHistoryMessage() { if (this.history.length === 0) { _writeToOutput( this, '\nPersistent history support disabled. ' + 'Set the NODE_REPL_HISTORY environment\nvariable to ' + 'a valid, user-writable path to enable.\n' ); } this._historyPrev = Interface.prototype._historyPrev; return this._historyPrev(); } internal/repl/await'use strict'; const acorn = require('internal/deps/acorn/dist/acorn'); const walk = require('internal/deps/acorn/dist/walk'); const noop = () => {}; const visitorsWithoutAncestors = { ClassDeclaration(node, state, c) { if (state.ancestors[state.ancestors.length - 2] === state.body) { state.prepend(node, `${node.id.name}=`); } walk.base.ClassDeclaration(node, state, c); }, FunctionDeclaration(node, state, c) { state.prepend(node, `${node.id.name}=`); }, FunctionExpression: noop, ArrowFunctionExpression: noop, MethodDefinition: noop, AwaitExpression(node, state, c) { state.containsAwait = true; walk.base.AwaitExpression(node, state, c); }, ReturnStatement(node, state, c) { state.containsReturn = true; walk.base.ReturnStatement(node, state, c); }, VariableDeclaration(node, state, c) { if (node.kind === 'var' || state.ancestors[state.ancestors.length - 2] === state.body) { if (node.declarations.length === 1) { state.replace(node.start, node.start + node.kind.length, 'void'); } else { state.replace(node.start, node.start + node.kind.length, 'void ('); } for (const decl of node.declarations) { state.prepend(decl, '('); state.append(decl, decl.init ? ')' : '=undefined)'); } if (node.declarations.length !== 1) { state.append(node.declarations[node.declarations.length - 1], ')'); } } walk.base.VariableDeclaration(node, state, c); } }; const visitors = {}; for (const nodeType of Object.keys(walk.base)) { const callback = visitorsWithoutAncestors[nodeType] || walk.base[nodeType]; visitors[nodeType] = (node, state, c) => { const isNew = node !== state.ancestors[state.ancestors.length - 1]; if (isNew) { state.ancestors.push(node); } callback(node, state, c); if (isNew) { state.ancestors.pop(); } }; } function processTopLevelAwait(src) { const wrapped = `(async () => { ${src} })()`; const wrappedArray = wrapped.split(''); let root; try { root = acorn.parse(wrapped, { ecmaVersion: 10 }); } catch { return null; } const body = root.body[0].expression.callee.body; const state = { body, ancestors: [], replace(from, to, str) { for (var i = from; i < to; i++) { wrappedArray[i] = ''; } if (from === to) str += wrappedArray[from]; wrappedArray[from] = str; }, prepend(node, str) { wrappedArray[node.start] = str + wrappedArray[node.start]; }, append(node, str) { wrappedArray[node.end - 1] += str; }, containsAwait: false, containsReturn: false }; walk.recursive(body, state, visitors); // Do not transform if // 1. False alarm: there isn't actually an await expression. // 2. There is a top-level return, which is not allowed. if (!state.containsAwait || state.containsReturn) { return null; } const last = body.body[body.body.length - 1]; if (last.type === 'ExpressionStatement') { // For an expression statement of the form // ( expr ) ; // ^^^^^^^^^^ // last // ^^^^ // last.expression // // We do not want the left parenthesis before the `return` keyword; // therefore we prepend the `return (` to `last`. // // On the other hand, we do not want the right parenthesis after the // semicolon. Since there can only be more right parentheses between // last.expression.end and the semicolon, appending one more to // last.expression should be fine. state.prepend(last, 'return ('); state.append(last.expression, ')'); } return wrappedArray.join(''); } module.exports = { processTopLevelAwait }; internal/repl/recoverable'use strict'; const acorn = require('internal/deps/acorn/dist/acorn'); const { tokTypes: tt } = acorn; // If the error is that we've unexpectedly ended the input, // then let the user try to recover by adding more input. // Note: `e` (the original exception) is not used by the current implementation, // but may be needed in the future. function isRecoverableError(e, code) { let recoverable = false; // Determine if the point of the any error raised is at the end of the input. // There are two cases to consider: // // 1. Any error raised after we have encountered the 'eof' token. // This prevents us from declaring partial tokens (like '2e') as // recoverable. // // 2. Three cases where tokens can legally span lines. This is // template, comment, and strings with a backslash at the end of // the line, indicating a continuation. Note that we need to look // for the specific errors of 'unterminated' kind (not, for example, // a syntax error in a ${} expression in a template), and the only // way to do that currently is to look at the message. Should Acorn // change these messages in the future, this will lead to a test // failure, indicating that this code needs to be updated. // acorn.plugins.replRecoverable = (parser) => { parser.extend('nextToken', (nextToken) => { return function() { Reflect.apply(nextToken, this, []); if (this.type === tt.eof) recoverable = true; }; }); parser.extend('raise', (raise) => { return function(pos, message) { switch (message) { case 'Unterminated template': case 'Unterminated comment': recoverable = true; break; case 'Unterminated string constant': const token = this.input.slice(this.lastTokStart, this.pos); // see https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/#sec-line-terminators recoverable = /\\(?:\r\n?|\n|\u2028|\u2029)$/.test(token); } Reflect.apply(raise, this, [pos, message]); }; }); }; // For similar reasons as `defaultEval`, wrap expressions starting with a // curly brace with parenthesis. Note: only the open parenthesis is added // here as the point is to test for potentially valid but incomplete // expressions. if (/^\s*\{/.test(code) && isRecoverableError(e, `(${code}`)) return true; // Try to parse the code with acorn. If the parse fails, ignore the acorn // error and return the recoverable status. try { acorn.parse(code, { plugins: { replRecoverable: true }, ecmaVersion: 10 }); // Odd case: the underlying JS engine (V8, Chakra) rejected this input // but Acorn detected no issue. Presume that additional text won't // address this issue. return false; } catch { return recoverable; } } module.exports = { isRecoverableError }; internal/socket_list'use strict'; const { ERR_CHILD_CLOSED_BEFORE_REPLY } = require('internal/errors').codes; const EventEmitter = require('events'); // This object keeps track of the sockets that are sent class SocketListSend extends EventEmitter { constructor(child, key) { super(); this.key = key; this.child = child; child.once('exit', () => this.emit('exit', this)); } _request(msg, cmd, swallowErrors, callback) { var self = this; if (!this.child.connected) return onclose(); this.child._send(msg, undefined, swallowErrors); function onclose() { self.child.removeListener('internalMessage', onreply); callback(new ERR_CHILD_CLOSED_BEFORE_REPLY()); } function onreply(msg) { if (!(msg.cmd === cmd && msg.key === self.key)) return; self.child.removeListener('disconnect', onclose); self.child.removeListener('internalMessage', onreply); callback(null, msg); } this.child.once('disconnect', onclose); this.child.on('internalMessage', onreply); } close(callback) { this._request({ cmd: 'NODE_SOCKET_NOTIFY_CLOSE', key: this.key }, 'NODE_SOCKET_ALL_CLOSED', true, callback); } getConnections(callback) { this._request({ cmd: 'NODE_SOCKET_GET_COUNT', key: this.key }, 'NODE_SOCKET_COUNT', false, function(err, msg) { if (err) return callback(err); callback(null, msg.count); }); } } // This object keeps track of the sockets that are received class SocketListReceive extends EventEmitter { constructor(child, key) { super(); this.connections = 0; this.key = key; this.child = child; function onempty(self) { if (!self.child.connected) return; self.child._send({ cmd: 'NODE_SOCKET_ALL_CLOSED', key: self.key }, undefined, true); } this.child.on('internalMessage', (msg) => { if (msg.key !== this.key) return; if (msg.cmd === 'NODE_SOCKET_NOTIFY_CLOSE') { // Already empty if (this.connections === 0) return onempty(this); // Wait for sockets to get closed this.once('empty', onempty); } else if (msg.cmd === 'NODE_SOCKET_GET_COUNT') { if (!this.child.connected) return; this.child._send({ cmd: 'NODE_SOCKET_COUNT', key: this.key, count: this.connections }); } }); } add(obj) { this.connections++; // Notify the previous owner of the socket about its state change obj.socket.once('close', () => { this.connections--; if (this.connections === 0) this.emit('empty', this); }); } } module.exports = { SocketListSend, SocketListReceive }; internal/test/binding'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'These APIs are exposed only for testing and are not ' + 'tracked by any versioning system or deprecation process.', 'internal/test/binding'); // These exports should be scoped as specifically as possible // to avoid exposing APIs because even with that warning and // this file being internal people will still try to abuse it. module.exports = { ModuleWrap: internalBinding('module_wrap').ModuleWrap, internalBinding }; internal/test/heap'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'These APIs are exposed only for testing and are not ' + 'tracked by any versioning system or deprecation process.', 'internal/test/heap'); const { createHeapDump, buildEmbedderGraph } = internalBinding('heap_utils'); const assert = require('assert'); // This is not suitable for production code. It creates a full V8 heap dump, // parses it as JSON, and then creates complex objects from it, leading // to significantly increased memory usage. function createJSHeapDump() { const dump = createHeapDump(); const meta = dump.snapshot.meta; const nodes = readHeapInfo(dump.nodes, meta.node_fields, meta.node_types, dump.strings); const edges = readHeapInfo(dump.edges, meta.edge_fields, meta.edge_types, dump.strings); for (const node of nodes) { node.incomingEdges = []; node.outgoingEdges = []; } let fromNodeIndex = 0; let edgeIndex = 0; for (const { type, name_or_index, to_node } of edges) { while (edgeIndex === nodes[fromNodeIndex].edge_count) { edgeIndex = 0; fromNodeIndex++; } const toNode = nodes[to_node / meta.node_fields.length]; const fromNode = nodes[fromNodeIndex]; const edge = { type, to: toNode, from: fromNode, name: typeof name_or_index === 'string' ? name_or_index : null }; toNode.incomingEdges.push(edge); fromNode.outgoingEdges.push(edge); edgeIndex++; } for (const node of nodes) assert.strictEqual(node.edge_count, node.outgoingEdges.length); return nodes; } function readHeapInfo(raw, fields, types, strings) { const items = []; for (var i = 0; i < raw.length; i += fields.length) { const item = {}; for (var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { const name = fields[j]; let type = types[j]; if (Array.isArray(type)) { item[name] = type[raw[i + j]]; } else if (name === 'name_or_index') { // type === 'string_or_number' if (item.type === 'element' || item.type === 'hidden') type = 'number'; else type = 'string'; } if (type === 'string') { item[name] = strings[raw[i + j]]; } else if (type === 'number' || type === 'node') { item[name] = raw[i + j]; } } items.push(item); } return items; } module.exports = { createJSHeapDump, buildEmbedderGraph }; internal/test/unicode'use strict'; // This module exists entirely for regression testing purposes. // See `test/parallel/test-internal-unicode.js`. /* eslint-disable node-core/non-ascii-character */ module.exports = '''; /* eslint-enable node-core/non-ascii-character */ internal/timers'use strict'; const { getDefaultTriggerAsyncId, newAsyncId, initHooksExist, emitInit } = require('internal/async_hooks'); // Symbols for storing async id state. const async_id_symbol = Symbol('asyncId'); const trigger_async_id_symbol = Symbol('triggerId'); const { ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateNumber } = require('internal/validators'); const { inspect } = require('util'); // Timeout values > TIMEOUT_MAX are set to 1. const TIMEOUT_MAX = 2 ** 31 - 1; const unrefedSymbol = Symbol('unrefed'); module.exports = { TIMEOUT_MAX, kTimeout: Symbol('timeout'), // For hiding Timeouts on other internals. async_id_symbol, trigger_async_id_symbol, Timeout, initAsyncResource, setUnrefTimeout, validateTimerDuration }; var timers; function getTimers() { if (timers === undefined) { timers = require('timers'); } return timers; } function initAsyncResource(resource, type) { const asyncId = resource[async_id_symbol] = newAsyncId(); const triggerAsyncId = resource[trigger_async_id_symbol] = getDefaultTriggerAsyncId(); if (initHooksExist()) emitInit(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource); } // Timer constructor function. // The entire prototype is defined in lib/timers.js function Timeout(callback, after, args, isRepeat, isUnrefed) { after *= 1; // coalesce to number or NaN if (!(after >= 1 && after <= TIMEOUT_MAX)) { if (after > TIMEOUT_MAX) { process.emitWarning(`${after} does not fit into` + ' a 32-bit signed integer.' + '\nTimeout duration was set to 1.', 'TimeoutOverflowWarning'); } after = 1; // schedule on next tick, follows browser behavior } this._called = false; this._idleTimeout = after; this._idlePrev = this; this._idleNext = this; this._idleStart = null; // this must be set to null first to avoid function tracking // on the hidden class, revisit in V8 versions after 6.2 this._onTimeout = null; this._onTimeout = callback; this._timerArgs = args; this._repeat = isRepeat ? after : null; this._destroyed = false; this[unrefedSymbol] = isUnrefed; initAsyncResource(this, 'Timeout'); } // Make sure the linked list only shows the minimal necessary information. Timeout.prototype[inspect.custom] = function(_, options) { return inspect(this, { ...options, // Only inspect one level. depth: 0, // It should not recurse. customInspect: false }); }; Timeout.prototype.refresh = function() { if (this._handle) { // Would be more ideal with uv_timer_again(), however that API does not // cause libuv's sorted timers data structure (a binary heap at the time // of writing) to re-sort itself. This causes ordering inconsistencies. this._handle.start(this._idleTimeout); } else if (this[unrefedSymbol]) { getTimers()._unrefActive(this); } else { getTimers().active(this); } return this; }; function setUnrefTimeout(callback, after, arg1, arg2, arg3) { // Type checking identical to setTimeout() if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } let i, args; switch (arguments.length) { // fast cases case 1: case 2: break; case 3: args = [arg1]; break; case 4: args = [arg1, arg2]; break; default: args = [arg1, arg2, arg3]; for (i = 5; i < arguments.length; i++) { // extend array dynamically, makes .apply run much faster in v6.0.0 args[i - 2] = arguments[i]; } break; } const timer = new Timeout(callback, after, args, false, true); getTimers()._unrefActive(timer); return timer; } // Type checking used by timers.enroll() and Socket#setTimeout() function validateTimerDuration(msecs) { validateNumber(msecs, 'msecs'); if (msecs < 0 || !isFinite(msecs)) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('msecs', 'a non-negative finite number', msecs); } // Ensure that msecs fits into signed int32 if (msecs > TIMEOUT_MAX) { process.emitWarning(`${msecs} does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer.` + `\nTimer duration was truncated to ${TIMEOUT_MAX}.`, 'TimeoutOverflowWarning'); return TIMEOUT_MAX; } return msecs; } internal/tls'use strict'; // Example: // C=US\nST=CA\nL=SF\nO=Joyent\nOU=Node.js\nCN=ca1\nemailAddress=ry@clouds.org function parseCertString(s) { const out = Object.create(null); const parts = s.split('\n'); for (var i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i++) { const sepIndex = parts[i].indexOf('='); if (sepIndex > 0) { const key = parts[i].slice(0, sepIndex); const value = parts[i].slice(sepIndex + 1); if (key in out) { if (!Array.isArray(out[key])) { out[key] = [out[key]]; } out[key].push(value); } else { out[key] = value; } } } return out; } module.exports = { parseCertString }; internal/trace_events_async_hooks'use strict'; exports.setup = function(traceEvents, traceEventCategory) { const async_wrap = internalBinding('async_wrap'); const async_hooks = require('async_hooks'); // Use small letters such that chrome://tracing groups by the name. // The behavior is not only useful but the same as the events emitted using // the specific C++ macros. const BEFORE_EVENT = 'b'.charCodeAt(0); const END_EVENT = 'e'.charCodeAt(0); // In traceEvents it is not only the id but also the name that needs to be // repeated. Since async_hooks doesn't expose the provider type in the // non-init events, use a map to manually map the asyncId to the type name. const typeMemory = new Map(); // It is faster to emit traceEvents directly from C++. Thus, this happens // in async_wrap.cc. However, events emitted from the JavaScript API or the // Embedder C++ API can't be emitted from async_wrap.cc. Thus they are // emitted using the JavaScript API. To prevent emitting the same event // twice the async_wrap.Providers list is used to filter the events. const nativeProviders = new Set(Object.keys(async_wrap.Providers)); async_hooks.createHook({ init(asyncId, type, triggerAsyncId, resource) { if (nativeProviders.has(type)) return; typeMemory.set(asyncId, type); traceEvents.emit(BEFORE_EVENT, traceEventCategory, type, asyncId, 'triggerAsyncId', triggerAsyncId, 'executionAsyncId', async_hooks.executionAsyncId()); }, before(asyncId) { const type = typeMemory.get(asyncId); if (type === undefined) return; traceEvents.emit(BEFORE_EVENT, traceEventCategory, type + '_CALLBACK', asyncId); }, after(asyncId) { const type = typeMemory.get(asyncId); if (type === undefined) return; traceEvents.emit(END_EVENT, traceEventCategory, type + '_CALLBACK', asyncId); }, destroy(asyncId) { const type = typeMemory.get(asyncId); if (type === undefined) return; traceEvents.emit(END_EVENT, traceEventCategory, type, asyncId); // cleanup asyncId to type map typeMemory.delete(asyncId); } }).enable(); }; internal/tty// MIT License // Copyright (c) Sindre Sorhus (sindresorhus.com) // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; let OSRelease; const COLORS_2 = 1; const COLORS_16 = 4; const COLORS_256 = 8; const COLORS_16m = 24; // Some entries were taken from `dircolors` // (https://linux.die.net/man/1/dircolors). The corresponding terminals might // support more than 16 colors, but this was not tested for. // // Copyright (C) 1996-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copying and // distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted // provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. const TERM_ENVS = [ 'Eterm', 'cons25', 'console', 'cygwin', 'dtterm', 'gnome', 'hurd', 'jfbterm', 'konsole', 'kterm', 'mlterm', 'putty', 'st', 'terminator' ]; const TERM_ENVS_REG_EXP = [ /ansi/, /color/, /linux/, /^con[0-9]*x[0-9]/, /^rxvt/, /^screen/, /^xterm/, /^vt100/ ]; // The `getColorDepth` API got inspired by multiple sources such as // https://github.com/chalk/supports-color, // https://github.com/isaacs/color-support. function getColorDepth(env = process.env) { if (env.NODE_DISABLE_COLORS || env.TERM === 'dumb' && !env.COLORTERM) { return COLORS_2; } if (process.platform === 'win32') { // Lazy load for startup performance. if (OSRelease === undefined) { const { release } = require('os'); OSRelease = release().split('.'); } // Windows 10 build 10586 is the first Windows release that supports 256 // colors. Windows 10 build 14931 is the first release that supports // 16m/TrueColor. if (+OSRelease[0] >= 10) { const build = +OSRelease[2]; if (build >= 14931) return COLORS_16m; if (build >= 10586) return COLORS_256; } return COLORS_16; } if (env.TMUX) { return COLORS_256; } if (env.CI) { if ('TRAVIS' in env || 'CIRCLECI' in env || 'APPVEYOR' in env || 'GITLAB_CI' in env || env.CI_NAME === 'codeship') { return COLORS_256; } return COLORS_2; } if ('TEAMCITY_VERSION' in env) { return /^(9\.(0*[1-9]\d*)\.|\d{2,}\.)/.test(env.TEAMCITY_VERSION) ? COLORS_16 : COLORS_2; } switch (env.TERM_PROGRAM) { case 'iTerm.app': if (!env.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION || /^[0-2]\./.test(env.TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION)) { return COLORS_256; } return COLORS_16m; case 'HyperTerm': case 'Hyper': case 'MacTerm': return COLORS_16m; case 'Apple_Terminal': return COLORS_256; } if (env.TERM) { if (/^xterm-256/.test(env.TERM)) return COLORS_256; const termEnv = env.TERM.toLowerCase(); for (const term of TERM_ENVS) { if (termEnv === term) { return COLORS_16; } } for (const term of TERM_ENVS_REG_EXP) { if (term.test(termEnv)) { return COLORS_16; } } } if (env.COLORTERM) return COLORS_16; return COLORS_2; } module.exports = { getColorDepth }; internal/url'use strict'; const util = require('util'); const { encodeStr, hexTable, isHexTable } = require('internal/querystring'); const { getConstructorOf, removeColors } = require('internal/util'); const { ERR_ARG_NOT_ITERABLE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST, ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH, ERR_INVALID_THIS, ERR_INVALID_TUPLE, ERR_INVALID_URL, ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME, ERR_MISSING_ARGS } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { CHAR_AMPERSAND, CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH, CHAR_EQUAL, CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH, CHAR_LOWERCASE_A, CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z, CHAR_PERCENT, CHAR_PLUS } = require('internal/constants'); const path = require('path'); // Lazy loaded for startup performance. let querystring; const { platform } = process; const isWindows = platform === 'win32'; const { domainToASCII: _domainToASCII, domainToUnicode: _domainToUnicode, encodeAuth, toUSVString: _toUSVString, parse: _parse, setURLConstructor, URL_FLAGS_CANNOT_BE_BASE, URL_FLAGS_HAS_FRAGMENT, URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST, URL_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORD, URL_FLAGS_HAS_PATH, URL_FLAGS_HAS_QUERY, URL_FLAGS_HAS_USERNAME, URL_FLAGS_IS_DEFAULT_SCHEME_PORT, URL_FLAGS_SPECIAL, kFragment, kHost, kHostname, kPathStart, kPort, kQuery, kSchemeStart } = process.binding('url'); const context = Symbol('context'); const cannotBeBase = Symbol('cannot-be-base'); const cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort = Symbol('cannot-have-username-password-port'); const special = Symbol('special'); const searchParams = Symbol('query'); const kFormat = Symbol('format'); // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-%iteratorprototype%-object const IteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf( Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]()) ); const unpairedSurrogateRe = /(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])/; function toUSVString(val) { const str = `${val}`; // As of V8 5.5, `str.search()` (and `unpairedSurrogateRe[@@search]()`) are // slower than `unpairedSurrogateRe.exec()`. const match = unpairedSurrogateRe.exec(str); if (!match) return str; return _toUSVString(str, match.index); } // Refs: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#concept-origin-opaque const kOpaqueOrigin = 'null'; // Refs: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#ascii-serialisation-of-an-origin function serializeTupleOrigin(scheme, host, port) { return `${scheme}//${host}${port === null ? '' : `:${port}`}`; } // This class provides the internal state of a URL object. An instance of this // class is stored in every URL object and is accessed internally by setters // and getters. It roughly corresponds to the concept of a URL record in the // URL Standard, with a few differences. It is also the object transported to // the C++ binding. // Refs: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url class URLContext { constructor() { this.flags = 0; this.scheme = ':'; this.username = ''; this.password = ''; this.host = null; this.port = null; this.path = []; this.query = null; this.fragment = null; } } class URLSearchParams { // URL Standard says the default value is '', but as undefined and '' have // the same result, undefined is used to prevent unnecessary parsing. // Default parameter is necessary to keep URLSearchParams.length === 0 in // accordance with Web IDL spec. constructor(init = undefined) { if (init === null || init === undefined) { this[searchParams] = []; } else if (typeof init === 'object' || typeof init === 'function') { const method = init[Symbol.iterator]; if (method === this[Symbol.iterator]) { // While the spec does not have this branch, we can use it as a // shortcut to avoid having to go through the costly generic iterator. const childParams = init[searchParams]; this[searchParams] = childParams.slice(); } else if (method !== null && method !== undefined) { if (typeof method !== 'function') { throw new ERR_ARG_NOT_ITERABLE('Query pairs'); } // sequence> // Note: per spec we have to first exhaust the lists then process them const pairs = []; for (const pair of init) { if ((typeof pair !== 'object' && typeof pair !== 'function') || pair === null || typeof pair[Symbol.iterator] !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_TUPLE('Each query pair', '[name, value]'); } const convertedPair = []; for (const element of pair) convertedPair.push(toUSVString(element)); pairs.push(convertedPair); } this[searchParams] = []; for (const pair of pairs) { if (pair.length !== 2) { throw new ERR_INVALID_TUPLE('Each query pair', '[name, value]'); } this[searchParams].push(pair[0], pair[1]); } } else { // record // Need to use reflection APIs for full spec compliance. this[searchParams] = []; const keys = Reflect.ownKeys(init); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; const desc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(init, key); if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) { const typedKey = toUSVString(key); const typedValue = toUSVString(init[key]); this[searchParams].push(typedKey, typedValue); } } } } else { // USVString init = toUSVString(init); if (init[0] === '?') init = init.slice(1); initSearchParams(this, init); } // "associated url object" this[context] = null; } [util.inspect.custom](recurseTimes, ctx) { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } if (typeof recurseTimes === 'number' && recurseTimes < 0) return ctx.stylize('[Object]', 'special'); var separator = ', '; var innerOpts = util._extend({}, ctx); if (recurseTimes !== null) { innerOpts.depth = recurseTimes - 1; } var innerInspect = (v) => util.inspect(v, innerOpts); var list = this[searchParams]; var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i += 2) output.push(`${innerInspect(list[i])} => ${innerInspect(list[i + 1])}`); var length = output.reduce( (prev, cur) => prev + removeColors(cur).length + separator.length, -separator.length ); if (length > ctx.breakLength) { return `${this.constructor.name} {\n ${output.join(',\n ')} }`; } else if (output.length) { return `${this.constructor.name} { ${output.join(separator)} }`; } else { return `${this.constructor.name} {}`; } } } function onParseComplete(flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) { var ctx = this[context]; ctx.flags = flags; ctx.scheme = protocol; ctx.username = (flags & URL_FLAGS_HAS_USERNAME) !== 0 ? username : ''; ctx.password = (flags & URL_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORD) !== 0 ? password : ''; ctx.port = port; ctx.path = (flags & URL_FLAGS_HAS_PATH) !== 0 ? path : []; ctx.query = query; ctx.fragment = fragment; ctx.host = host; if (!this[searchParams]) { // invoked from URL constructor this[searchParams] = new URLSearchParams(); this[searchParams][context] = this; } initSearchParams(this[searchParams], query); } function onParseError(flags, input) { const error = new ERR_INVALID_URL(input); error.input = input; throw error; } // Reused by URL constructor and URL#href setter. function parse(url, input, base) { const base_context = base ? base[context] : undefined; // In the URL#href setter if (!url[context]) { Object.defineProperty(url, context, { enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: new URLContext() }); } _parse(input.trim(), -1, base_context, undefined, onParseComplete.bind(url), onParseError); } function onParseProtocolComplete(flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) { const ctx = this[context]; if ((flags & URL_FLAGS_SPECIAL) !== 0) { ctx.flags |= URL_FLAGS_SPECIAL; } else { ctx.flags &= ~URL_FLAGS_SPECIAL; } ctx.scheme = protocol; ctx.port = port; } function onParseHostnameComplete(flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) { const ctx = this[context]; if ((flags & URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST) !== 0) { ctx.host = host; ctx.flags |= URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST; } else { ctx.host = null; ctx.flags &= ~URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST; } } function onParsePortComplete(flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) { this[context].port = port; } function onParseHostComplete(flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) { onParseHostnameComplete.apply(this, arguments); if (port !== null || ((flags & URL_FLAGS_IS_DEFAULT_SCHEME_PORT) !== 0)) onParsePortComplete.apply(this, arguments); } function onParsePathComplete(flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) { const ctx = this[context]; if ((flags & URL_FLAGS_HAS_PATH) !== 0) { ctx.path = path; ctx.flags |= URL_FLAGS_HAS_PATH; } else { ctx.path = []; ctx.flags &= ~URL_FLAGS_HAS_PATH; } // The C++ binding may set host to empty string. if ((flags & URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST) !== 0) { ctx.host = host; ctx.flags |= URL_FLAGS_HAS_HOST; } } function onParseSearchComplete(flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) { this[context].query = query; } function onParseHashComplete(flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) { this[context].fragment = fragment; } class URL { constructor(input, base) { // toUSVString is not needed. input = `${input}`; if (base !== undefined) { base = new URL(base); } parse(this, input, base); } get [special]() { return (this[context].flags & URL_FLAGS_SPECIAL) !== 0; } get [cannotBeBase]() { return (this[context].flags & URL_FLAGS_CANNOT_BE_BASE) !== 0; } // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#cannot-have-a-username-password-port get [cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort]() { const { host, scheme } = this[context]; return ((host == null || host === '') || this[cannotBeBase] || scheme === 'file:'); } [util.inspect.custom](depth, opts) { if (this == null || Object.getPrototypeOf(this[context]) !== URLContext.prototype) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URL'); } if (typeof depth === 'number' && depth < 0) return opts.stylize('[Object]', 'special'); var ctor = getConstructorOf(this); var obj = Object.create({ constructor: ctor === null ? URL : ctor }); obj.href = this.href; obj.origin = this.origin; obj.protocol = this.protocol; obj.username = this.username; obj.password = this.password; obj.host = this.host; obj.hostname = this.hostname; obj.port = this.port; obj.pathname = this.pathname; obj.search = this.search; obj.searchParams = this.searchParams; obj.hash = this.hash; if (opts.showHidden) { obj.cannotBeBase = this[cannotBeBase]; obj.special = this[special]; obj[context] = this[context]; } return util.inspect(obj, opts); } } Object.defineProperties(URL.prototype, { [kFormat]: { enumerable: false, configurable: false, // eslint-disable-next-line func-name-matching value: function format(options) { if (options && typeof options !== 'object') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); options = util._extend({ fragment: true, unicode: false, search: true, auth: true }, options); const ctx = this[context]; var ret = ctx.scheme; if (ctx.host !== null) { ret += '//'; const has_username = ctx.username !== ''; const has_password = ctx.password !== ''; if (options.auth && (has_username || has_password)) { if (has_username) ret += ctx.username; if (has_password) ret += `:${ctx.password}`; ret += '@'; } ret += options.unicode ? domainToUnicode(this.hostname) : this.hostname; if (ctx.port !== null) ret += `:${ctx.port}`; } else if (ctx.scheme === 'file:') { ret += '//'; } if (this.pathname) ret += this.pathname; if (options.search && ctx.query !== null) ret += `?${ctx.query}`; if (options.fragment && ctx.fragment !== null) ret += `#${ctx.fragment}`; return ret; } }, [Symbol.toStringTag]: { configurable: true, value: 'URL' }, toString: { // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-stringifier writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, // eslint-disable-next-line func-name-matching value: function toString() { return this[kFormat]({}); } }, href: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return this[kFormat]({}); }, set(input) { // toUSVString is not needed. input = `${input}`; parse(this, input); } }, origin: { // readonly enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { // Refs: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin const ctx = this[context]; switch (ctx.scheme) { case 'blob:': if (ctx.path.length > 0) { try { return (new URL(ctx.path[0])).origin; } catch { // fall through... do nothing } } return kOpaqueOrigin; case 'ftp:': case 'gopher:': case 'http:': case 'https:': case 'ws:': case 'wss:': return serializeTupleOrigin(ctx.scheme, ctx.host, ctx.port); } return kOpaqueOrigin; } }, protocol: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return this[context].scheme; }, set(scheme) { // toUSVString is not needed. scheme = `${scheme}`; if (scheme.length === 0) return; const ctx = this[context]; if (ctx.scheme === 'file:' && (ctx.host === '' || ctx.host === null)) { return; } _parse(scheme, kSchemeStart, null, ctx, onParseProtocolComplete.bind(this)); } }, username: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return this[context].username; }, set(username) { // toUSVString is not needed. username = `${username}`; if (this[cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort]) return; const ctx = this[context]; if (username === '') { ctx.username = ''; ctx.flags &= ~URL_FLAGS_HAS_USERNAME; return; } ctx.username = encodeAuth(username); ctx.flags |= URL_FLAGS_HAS_USERNAME; } }, password: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return this[context].password; }, set(password) { // toUSVString is not needed. password = `${password}`; if (this[cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort]) return; const ctx = this[context]; if (password === '') { ctx.password = ''; ctx.flags &= ~URL_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORD; return; } ctx.password = encodeAuth(password); ctx.flags |= URL_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORD; } }, host: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { const ctx = this[context]; var ret = ctx.host || ''; if (ctx.port !== null) ret += `:${ctx.port}`; return ret; }, set(host) { const ctx = this[context]; // toUSVString is not needed. host = `${host}`; if (this[cannotBeBase]) { // Cannot set the host if cannot-be-base is set return; } _parse(host, kHost, null, ctx, onParseHostComplete.bind(this)); } }, hostname: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return this[context].host || ''; }, set(host) { const ctx = this[context]; // toUSVString is not needed. host = `${host}`; if (this[cannotBeBase]) { // Cannot set the host if cannot-be-base is set return; } _parse(host, kHostname, null, ctx, onParseHostnameComplete.bind(this)); } }, port: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { const port = this[context].port; return port === null ? '' : String(port); }, set(port) { // toUSVString is not needed. port = `${port}`; if (this[cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort]) return; const ctx = this[context]; if (port === '') { ctx.port = null; return; } _parse(port, kPort, null, ctx, onParsePortComplete.bind(this)); } }, pathname: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { const ctx = this[context]; if (this[cannotBeBase]) return ctx.path[0]; if (ctx.path.length === 0) return ''; return `/${ctx.path.join('/')}`; }, set(path) { // toUSVString is not needed. path = `${path}`; if (this[cannotBeBase]) return; _parse(path, kPathStart, null, this[context], onParsePathComplete.bind(this)); } }, search: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { const { query } = this[context]; if (query === null || query === '') return ''; return `?${query}`; }, set(search) { const ctx = this[context]; search = toUSVString(search); if (search === '') { ctx.query = null; ctx.flags &= ~URL_FLAGS_HAS_QUERY; } else { if (search[0] === '?') search = search.slice(1); ctx.query = ''; ctx.flags |= URL_FLAGS_HAS_QUERY; if (search) { _parse(search, kQuery, null, ctx, onParseSearchComplete.bind(this)); } } initSearchParams(this[searchParams], search); } }, searchParams: { // readonly enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return this[searchParams]; } }, hash: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { const { fragment } = this[context]; if (fragment === null || fragment === '') return ''; return `#${fragment}`; }, set(hash) { const ctx = this[context]; // toUSVString is not needed. hash = `${hash}`; if (!hash) { ctx.fragment = null; ctx.flags &= ~URL_FLAGS_HAS_FRAGMENT; return; } if (hash[0] === '#') hash = hash.slice(1); ctx.fragment = ''; ctx.flags |= URL_FLAGS_HAS_FRAGMENT; _parse(hash, kFragment, null, ctx, onParseHashComplete.bind(this)); } }, toJSON: { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, // eslint-disable-next-line func-name-matching value: function toJSON() { return this[kFormat]({}); } } }); function update(url, params) { if (!url) return; const ctx = url[context]; const serializedParams = params.toString(); if (serializedParams) { ctx.query = serializedParams; ctx.flags |= URL_FLAGS_HAS_QUERY; } else { ctx.query = null; ctx.flags &= ~URL_FLAGS_HAS_QUERY; } } function initSearchParams(url, init) { if (!init) { url[searchParams] = []; return; } url[searchParams] = parseParams(init); } // application/x-www-form-urlencoded parser // Ref: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-urlencoded-parser function parseParams(qs) { const out = []; var pairStart = 0; var lastPos = 0; var seenSep = false; var buf = ''; var encoded = false; var encodeCheck = 0; var i; for (i = 0; i < qs.length; ++i) { const code = qs.charCodeAt(i); // Try matching key/value pair separator if (code === CHAR_AMPERSAND) { if (pairStart === i) { // We saw an empty substring between pair separators lastPos = pairStart = i + 1; continue; } if (lastPos < i) buf += qs.slice(lastPos, i); if (encoded) buf = querystring.unescape(buf); out.push(buf); // If `buf` is the key, add an empty value. if (!seenSep) out.push(''); seenSep = false; buf = ''; encoded = false; encodeCheck = 0; lastPos = pairStart = i + 1; continue; } // Try matching key/value separator (e.g. '=') if we haven't already if (!seenSep && code === CHAR_EQUAL) { // Key/value separator match! if (lastPos < i) buf += qs.slice(lastPos, i); if (encoded) buf = querystring.unescape(buf); out.push(buf); seenSep = true; buf = ''; encoded = false; encodeCheck = 0; lastPos = i + 1; continue; } // Handle + and percent decoding. if (code === CHAR_PLUS) { if (lastPos < i) buf += qs.slice(lastPos, i); buf += ' '; lastPos = i + 1; } else if (!encoded) { // Try to match an (valid) encoded byte (once) to minimize unnecessary // calls to string decoding functions if (code === CHAR_PERCENT) { encodeCheck = 1; } else if (encodeCheck > 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-boolean-cast if (!!isHexTable[code]) { if (++encodeCheck === 3) { querystring = require('querystring'); encoded = true; } } else { encodeCheck = 0; } } } } // Deal with any leftover key or value data // There is a trailing &. No more processing is needed. if (pairStart === i) return out; if (lastPos < i) buf += qs.slice(lastPos, i); if (encoded) buf = querystring.unescape(buf); out.push(buf); // If `buf` is the key, add an empty value. if (!seenSep) out.push(''); return out; } // Adapted from querystring's implementation. // Ref: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-urlencoded-byte-serializer const noEscape = [ /* 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0x00 - 0x0F 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0x10 - 0x1F 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, // 0x20 - 0x2F 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 0x30 - 0x3F 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x40 - 0x4F 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, // 0x50 - 0x5F 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0x60 - 0x6F 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 // 0x70 - 0x7F ]; // Special version of hexTable that uses `+` for U+0020 SPACE. const paramHexTable = hexTable.slice(); paramHexTable[0x20] = '+'; // application/x-www-form-urlencoded serializer // Ref: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-urlencoded-serializer function serializeParams(array) { const len = array.length; if (len === 0) return ''; const firstEncodedParam = encodeStr(array[0], noEscape, paramHexTable); const firstEncodedValue = encodeStr(array[1], noEscape, paramHexTable); let output = `${firstEncodedParam}=${firstEncodedValue}`; for (var i = 2; i < len; i += 2) { const encodedParam = encodeStr(array[i], noEscape, paramHexTable); const encodedValue = encodeStr(array[i + 1], noEscape, paramHexTable); output += `&${encodedParam}=${encodedValue}`; } return output; } // Mainly to mitigate func-name-matching ESLint rule function defineIDLClass(proto, classStr, obj) { // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-class-string Object.defineProperty(proto, Symbol.toStringTag, { writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: classStr }); // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-operations for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { Object.defineProperty(proto, key, { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: obj[key] }); } for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)) { Object.defineProperty(proto, key, { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: obj[key] }); } } // for merge sort function merge(out, start, mid, end, lBuffer, rBuffer) { const sizeLeft = mid - start; const sizeRight = end - mid; var l, r, o; for (l = 0; l < sizeLeft; l++) lBuffer[l] = out[start + l]; for (r = 0; r < sizeRight; r++) rBuffer[r] = out[mid + r]; l = 0; r = 0; o = start; while (l < sizeLeft && r < sizeRight) { if (lBuffer[l] <= rBuffer[r]) { out[o++] = lBuffer[l++]; out[o++] = lBuffer[l++]; } else { out[o++] = rBuffer[r++]; out[o++] = rBuffer[r++]; } } while (l < sizeLeft) out[o++] = lBuffer[l++]; while (r < sizeRight) out[o++] = rBuffer[r++]; } defineIDLClass(URLSearchParams.prototype, 'URLSearchParams', { append(name, value) { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('name', 'value'); } name = toUSVString(name); value = toUSVString(value); this[searchParams].push(name, value); update(this[context], this); }, delete(name) { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('name'); } const list = this[searchParams]; name = toUSVString(name); for (var i = 0; i < list.length;) { const cur = list[i]; if (cur === name) { list.splice(i, 2); } else { i += 2; } } update(this[context], this); }, get(name) { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('name'); } const list = this[searchParams]; name = toUSVString(name); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i += 2) { if (list[i] === name) { return list[i + 1]; } } return null; }, getAll(name) { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('name'); } const list = this[searchParams]; const values = []; name = toUSVString(name); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i += 2) { if (list[i] === name) { values.push(list[i + 1]); } } return values; }, has(name) { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('name'); } const list = this[searchParams]; name = toUSVString(name); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i += 2) { if (list[i] === name) { return true; } } return false; }, set(name, value) { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('name', 'value'); } const list = this[searchParams]; name = toUSVString(name); value = toUSVString(value); // If there are any name-value pairs whose name is `name`, in `list`, set // the value of the first such name-value pair to `value` and remove the // others. var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < list.length;) { const cur = list[i]; if (cur === name) { if (!found) { list[i + 1] = value; found = true; i += 2; } else { list.splice(i, 2); } } else { i += 2; } } // Otherwise, append a new name-value pair whose name is `name` and value // is `value`, to `list`. if (!found) { list.push(name, value); } update(this[context], this); }, sort() { const a = this[searchParams]; const len = a.length; if (len <= 2) { // Nothing needs to be done. } else if (len < 100) { // 100 is found through testing. // Simple stable in-place insertion sort // Derived from v8/src/js/array.js for (var i = 2; i < len; i += 2) { var curKey = a[i]; var curVal = a[i + 1]; var j; for (j = i - 2; j >= 0; j -= 2) { if (a[j] > curKey) { a[j + 2] = a[j]; a[j + 3] = a[j + 1]; } else { break; } } a[j + 2] = curKey; a[j + 3] = curVal; } } else { // Bottom-up iterative stable merge sort const lBuffer = new Array(len); const rBuffer = new Array(len); for (var step = 2; step < len; step *= 2) { for (var start = 0; start < len - 2; start += 2 * step) { var mid = start + step; var end = mid + step; end = end < len ? end : len; if (mid > end) continue; merge(a, start, mid, end, lBuffer, rBuffer); } } } update(this[context], this); }, // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-iterators // Define entries here rather than [Symbol.iterator] as the function name // must be set to `entries`. entries() { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } return createSearchParamsIterator(this, 'key+value'); }, forEach(callback, thisArg = undefined) { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); } let list = this[searchParams]; var i = 0; while (i < list.length) { const key = list[i]; const value = list[i + 1]; callback.call(thisArg, value, key, this); // in case the URL object's `search` is updated list = this[searchParams]; i += 2; } }, // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-iterable keys() { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } return createSearchParamsIterator(this, 'key'); }, values() { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } return createSearchParamsIterator(this, 'value'); }, // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-stringifier // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlsearchparams-stringification-behavior toString() { if (!this || !this[searchParams] || this[searchParams][searchParams]) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParams'); } return serializeParams(this[searchParams]); } }); // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-iterable-entries Object.defineProperty(URLSearchParams.prototype, Symbol.iterator, { writable: true, configurable: true, value: URLSearchParams.prototype.entries }); // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-default-iterator-object function createSearchParamsIterator(target, kind) { const iterator = Object.create(URLSearchParamsIteratorPrototype); iterator[context] = { target, kind, index: 0 }; return iterator; } // https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-iterator-prototype-object const URLSearchParamsIteratorPrototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype); defineIDLClass(URLSearchParamsIteratorPrototype, 'URLSearchParams Iterator', { next() { if (!this || Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== URLSearchParamsIteratorPrototype) { throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParamsIterator'); } const { target, kind, index } = this[context]; const values = target[searchParams]; const len = values.length; if (index >= len) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } const name = values[index]; const value = values[index + 1]; this[context].index = index + 2; let result; if (kind === 'key') { result = name; } else if (kind === 'value') { result = value; } else { result = [name, value]; } return { value: result, done: false }; }, [util.inspect.custom](recurseTimes, ctx) { if (this == null || this[context] == null || this[context].target == null) throw new ERR_INVALID_THIS('URLSearchParamsIterator'); if (typeof recurseTimes === 'number' && recurseTimes < 0) return ctx.stylize('[Object]', 'special'); const innerOpts = util._extend({}, ctx); if (recurseTimes !== null) { innerOpts.depth = recurseTimes - 1; } const { target, kind, index } = this[context]; const output = target[searchParams].slice(index).reduce((prev, cur, i) => { const key = i % 2 === 0; if (kind === 'key' && key) { prev.push(cur); } else if (kind === 'value' && !key) { prev.push(cur); } else if (kind === 'key+value' && !key) { prev.push([target[searchParams][index + i - 1], cur]); } return prev; }, []); const breakLn = util.inspect(output, innerOpts).includes('\n'); const outputStrs = output.map((p) => util.inspect(p, innerOpts)); let outputStr; if (breakLn) { outputStr = `\n ${outputStrs.join(',\n ')}`; } else { outputStr = ` ${outputStrs.join(', ')}`; } return `${this[Symbol.toStringTag]} {${outputStr} }`; } }); function domainToASCII(domain) { if (arguments.length < 1) throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('domain'); // toUSVString is not needed. return _domainToASCII(`${domain}`); } function domainToUnicode(domain) { if (arguments.length < 1) throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('domain'); // toUSVString is not needed. return _domainToUnicode(`${domain}`); } // Utility function that converts a URL object into an ordinary // options object as expected by the http.request and https.request // APIs. function urlToOptions(url) { var options = { protocol: url.protocol, hostname: url.hostname.startsWith('[') ? url.hostname.slice(1, -1) : url.hostname, hash: url.hash, search: url.search, pathname: url.pathname, path: `${url.pathname}${url.search}`, href: url.href }; if (url.port !== '') { options.port = Number(url.port); } if (url.username || url.password) { options.auth = `${url.username}:${url.password}`; } return options; } function getPathFromURLWin32(url) { var hostname = url.hostname; var pathname = url.pathname; for (var n = 0; n < pathname.length; n++) { if (pathname[n] === '%') { var third = pathname.codePointAt(n + 2) | 0x20; if ((pathname[n + 1] === '2' && third === 102) || // 2f 2F / (pathname[n + 1] === '5' && third === 99)) { // 5c 5C \ throw new ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH( 'must not include encoded \\ or / characters' ); } } } pathname = decodeURIComponent(pathname); if (hostname !== '') { // If hostname is set, then we have a UNC path // Pass the hostname through domainToUnicode just in case // it is an IDN using punycode encoding. We do not need to worry // about percent encoding because the URL parser will have // already taken care of that for us. Note that this only // causes IDNs with an appropriate `xn--` prefix to be decoded. return `//${domainToUnicode(hostname)}${pathname}`; } else { // Otherwise, it's a local path that requires a drive letter var letter = pathname.codePointAt(1) | 0x20; var sep = pathname[2]; if (letter < CHAR_LOWERCASE_A || letter > CHAR_LOWERCASE_Z || // a..z A..Z (sep !== ':')) { throw new ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH('must be absolute'); } return pathname.slice(1); } } function getPathFromURLPosix(url) { if (url.hostname !== '') { throw new ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST(platform); } var pathname = url.pathname; for (var n = 0; n < pathname.length; n++) { if (pathname[n] === '%') { var third = pathname.codePointAt(n + 2) | 0x20; if (pathname[n + 1] === '2' && third === 102) { throw new ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH( 'must not include encoded / characters' ); } } } return decodeURIComponent(pathname); } function fileURLToPath(path) { if (typeof path === 'string') path = new URL(path); else if (path == null || !path[searchParams] || !path[searchParams][searchParams]) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('path', ['string', 'URL'], path); if (path.protocol !== 'file:') throw new ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME('file'); return isWindows ? getPathFromURLWin32(path) : getPathFromURLPosix(path); } // We percent-encode % character when converting from file path to URL, // as this is the only character that won't be percent encoded by // default URL percent encoding when pathname is set. const percentRegEx = /%/g; const backslashRegEx = /\\/g; function pathToFileURL(filepath) { let resolved = path.resolve(filepath); // path.resolve strips trailing slashes so we must add them back const filePathLast = filepath.charCodeAt(filepath.length - 1); if ((filePathLast === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH || isWindows && filePathLast === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) && resolved[resolved.length - 1] !== path.sep) resolved += '/'; const outURL = new URL('file://'); if (resolved.includes('%')) resolved = resolved.replace(percentRegEx, '%25'); // in posix, "/" is a valid character in paths if (!isWindows && resolved.includes('\\')) resolved = resolved.replace(backslashRegEx, '%5C'); outURL.pathname = resolved; return outURL; } function toPathIfFileURL(fileURLOrPath) { if (fileURLOrPath == null || !fileURLOrPath[searchParams] || !fileURLOrPath[searchParams][searchParams]) return fileURLOrPath; return fileURLToPath(fileURLOrPath); } function NativeURL(ctx) { Object.defineProperty(this, context, { enumerable: false, configurable: false, value: ctx }); } NativeURL.prototype = URL.prototype; function constructUrl(flags, protocol, username, password, host, port, path, query, fragment) { var ctx = new URLContext(); ctx.flags = flags; ctx.scheme = protocol; ctx.username = (flags & URL_FLAGS_HAS_USERNAME) !== 0 ? username : ''; ctx.password = (flags & URL_FLAGS_HAS_PASSWORD) !== 0 ? password : ''; ctx.port = port; ctx.path = (flags & URL_FLAGS_HAS_PATH) !== 0 ? path : []; ctx.query = query; ctx.fragment = fragment; ctx.host = host; const url = new NativeURL(ctx); url[searchParams] = new URLSearchParams(); url[searchParams][context] = url; initSearchParams(url[searchParams], query); return url; } setURLConstructor(constructUrl); module.exports = { toUSVString, fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL, toPathIfFileURL, URL, URLSearchParams, domainToASCII, domainToUnicode, urlToOptions, formatSymbol: kFormat, searchParamsSymbol: searchParams, encodeStr }; internal/util'use strict'; const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_NO_CRYPTO, ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { signals } = process.binding('constants').os; const { getHiddenValue, setHiddenValue, arrow_message_private_symbol: kArrowMessagePrivateSymbolIndex, decorated_private_symbol: kDecoratedPrivateSymbolIndex } = process.binding('util'); const { errmap } = process.binding('uv'); const noCrypto = !process.versions.openssl; const experimentalWarnings = new Set(); const colorRegExp = /\u001b\[\d\d?m/g; // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex function removeColors(str) { return str.replace(colorRegExp, ''); } function isError(e) { return objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error; } function objectToString(o) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(o); } // Keep a list of deprecation codes that have been warned on so we only warn on // each one once. const codesWarned = {}; // Mark that a method should not be used. // Returns a modified function which warns once by default. // If --no-deprecation is set, then it is a no-op. function deprecate(fn, msg, code) { if (process.noDeprecation === true) { return fn; } if (code !== undefined && typeof code !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('code', 'string', code); let warned = false; function deprecated(...args) { if (!warned) { warned = true; if (code !== undefined) { if (!codesWarned[code]) { process.emitWarning(msg, 'DeprecationWarning', code, deprecated); codesWarned[code] = true; } } else { process.emitWarning(msg, 'DeprecationWarning', deprecated); } } if (new.target) { return Reflect.construct(fn, args, new.target); } return fn.apply(this, args); } // The wrapper will keep the same prototype as fn to maintain prototype chain Object.setPrototypeOf(deprecated, fn); if (fn.prototype) { // Setting this (rather than using Object.setPrototype, as above) ensures // that calling the unwrapped constructor gives an instanceof the wrapped // constructor. deprecated.prototype = fn.prototype; } return deprecated; } function decorateErrorStack(err) { if (!(isError(err) && err.stack) || getHiddenValue(err, kDecoratedPrivateSymbolIndex) === true) return; const arrow = getHiddenValue(err, kArrowMessagePrivateSymbolIndex); if (arrow) { err.stack = arrow + err.stack; setHiddenValue(err, kDecoratedPrivateSymbolIndex, true); } } function assertCrypto() { if (noCrypto) throw new ERR_NO_CRYPTO(); } // Return undefined if there is no match. // Move the "slow cases" to a separate function to make sure this function gets // inlined properly. That prioritizes the common case. function normalizeEncoding(enc) { if (enc == null || enc === 'utf8' || enc === 'utf-8') return 'utf8'; return slowCases(enc); } function slowCases(enc) { switch (enc.length) { case 4: if (enc === 'UTF8') return 'utf8'; if (enc === 'ucs2' || enc === 'UCS2') return 'utf16le'; enc = `${enc}`.toLowerCase(); if (enc === 'utf8') return 'utf8'; if (enc === 'ucs2') return 'utf16le'; break; case 3: if (enc === 'hex' || enc === 'HEX' || `${enc}`.toLowerCase() === 'hex') return 'hex'; break; case 5: if (enc === 'ascii') return 'ascii'; if (enc === 'ucs-2') return 'utf16le'; if (enc === 'UTF-8') return 'utf8'; if (enc === 'ASCII') return 'ascii'; if (enc === 'UCS-2') return 'utf16le'; enc = `${enc}`.toLowerCase(); if (enc === 'utf-8') return 'utf8'; if (enc === 'ascii') return 'ascii'; if (enc === 'ucs-2') return 'utf16le'; break; case 6: if (enc === 'base64') return 'base64'; if (enc === 'latin1' || enc === 'binary') return 'latin1'; if (enc === 'BASE64') return 'base64'; if (enc === 'LATIN1' || enc === 'BINARY') return 'latin1'; enc = `${enc}`.toLowerCase(); if (enc === 'base64') return 'base64'; if (enc === 'latin1' || enc === 'binary') return 'latin1'; break; case 7: if (enc === 'utf16le' || enc === 'UTF16LE' || `${enc}`.toLowerCase() === 'utf16le') return 'utf16le'; break; case 8: if (enc === 'utf-16le' || enc === 'UTF-16LE' || `${enc}`.toLowerCase() === 'utf-16le') return 'utf16le'; break; default: if (enc === '') return 'utf8'; } } function emitExperimentalWarning(feature) { if (experimentalWarnings.has(feature)) return; const msg = `${feature} is an experimental feature. This feature could ` + 'change at any time'; experimentalWarnings.add(feature); process.emitWarning(msg, 'ExperimentalWarning'); } function filterDuplicateStrings(items, low) { const map = new Map(); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { const item = items[i]; const key = item.toLowerCase(); if (low) { map.set(key, key); } else { map.set(key, item); } } return Array.from(map.values()).sort(); } function cachedResult(fn) { let result; return () => { if (result === undefined) result = fn(); return result.slice(); }; } // Useful for Wrapping an ES6 Class with a constructor Function that // does not require the new keyword. For instance: // class A { constructor(x) {this.x = x;}} // const B = createClassWrapper(A); // B() instanceof A // true // B() instanceof B // true function createClassWrapper(type) { function fn(...args) { return Reflect.construct(type, args, new.target || type); } // Mask the wrapper function name and length values Object.defineProperties(fn, { name: { value: type.name }, length: { value: type.length } }); Object.setPrototypeOf(fn, type); fn.prototype = type.prototype; return fn; } let signalsToNamesMapping; function getSignalsToNamesMapping() { if (signalsToNamesMapping !== undefined) return signalsToNamesMapping; signalsToNamesMapping = Object.create(null); for (var key in signals) { signalsToNamesMapping[signals[key]] = key; } return signalsToNamesMapping; } function convertToValidSignal(signal) { if (typeof signal === 'number' && getSignalsToNamesMapping()[signal]) return signal; if (typeof signal === 'string') { const signalName = signals[signal.toUpperCase()]; if (signalName) return signalName; } throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL(signal); } function getConstructorOf(obj) { while (obj) { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'constructor'); if (descriptor !== undefined && typeof descriptor.value === 'function' && descriptor.value.name !== '') { return descriptor.value; } obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); } return null; } function getSystemErrorName(err) { const entry = errmap.get(err); return entry ? entry[0] : `Unknown system error ${err}`; } const kCustomPromisifiedSymbol = Symbol('util.promisify.custom'); const kCustomPromisifyArgsSymbol = Symbol('customPromisifyArgs'); function promisify(original) { if (typeof original !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('original', 'Function', original); if (original[kCustomPromisifiedSymbol]) { const fn = original[kCustomPromisifiedSymbol]; if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('util.promisify.custom', 'Function', fn); } Object.defineProperty(fn, kCustomPromisifiedSymbol, { value: fn, enumerable: false, writable: false, configurable: true }); return fn; } // Names to create an object from in case the callback receives multiple // arguments, e.g. ['stdout', 'stderr'] for child_process.exec. const argumentNames = original[kCustomPromisifyArgsSymbol]; function fn(...args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { original.call(this, ...args, (err, ...values) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } if (argumentNames !== undefined && values.length > 1) { const obj = {}; for (var i = 0; i < argumentNames.length; i++) obj[argumentNames[i]] = values[i]; resolve(obj); } else { resolve(values[0]); } }); }); } Object.setPrototypeOf(fn, Object.getPrototypeOf(original)); Object.defineProperty(fn, kCustomPromisifiedSymbol, { value: fn, enumerable: false, writable: false, configurable: true }); return Object.defineProperties( fn, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(original) ); } promisify.custom = kCustomPromisifiedSymbol; // The build-in Array#join is slower in v8 6.0 function join(output, separator) { let str = ''; if (output.length !== 0) { for (var i = 0; i < output.length - 1; i++) { // It is faster not to use a template string here str += output[i]; str += separator; } str += output[i]; } return str; } // As of V8 6.6, depending on the size of the array, this is anywhere // between 1.5-10x faster than the two-arg version of Array#splice() function spliceOne(list, index) { for (; index + 1 < list.length; index++) list[index] = list[index + 1]; list.pop(); } const kNodeModulesRE = /^(.*)[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/; let getStructuredStack; function isInsideNodeModules() { if (getStructuredStack === undefined) { // Lazy-load to avoid a circular dependency. const { runInNewContext } = require('vm'); // Use `runInNewContext()` to get something tamper-proof and // side-effect-free. Since this is currently only used for a deprecated API, // the perf implications should be okay. getStructuredStack = runInNewContext(`(function() { Error.prepareStackTrace = function(err, trace) { err.stack = trace; }; Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; return function structuredStack() { return new Error().stack; }; })()`, {}, { filename: 'structured-stack' }); } const stack = getStructuredStack(); // Iterate over all stack frames and look for the first one not coming // from inside Node.js itself: if (Array.isArray(stack)) { for (const frame of stack) { const filename = frame.getFileName(); // If a filename does not start with / or contain \, // it's likely from Node.js core. if (!/^\/|\\/.test(filename)) continue; return kNodeModulesRE.test(filename); } } return false; } function once(callback) { let called = false; return function(...args) { if (called) return; called = true; callback(...args); }; } module.exports = { assertCrypto, cachedResult, convertToValidSignal, createClassWrapper, decorateErrorStack, deprecate, emitExperimentalWarning, filterDuplicateStrings, getConstructorOf, getSystemErrorName, isError, isInsideNodeModules, join, normalizeEncoding, objectToString, once, promisify, spliceOne, removeColors, // Symbol used to customize promisify conversion customPromisifyArgs: kCustomPromisifyArgsSymbol, // Symbol used to provide a custom inspect function for an object as an // alternative to using 'inspect' customInspectSymbol: Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom'), // Used by the buffer module to capture an internal reference to the // default isEncoding implementation, just in case userland overrides it. kIsEncodingSymbol: Symbol('kIsEncodingSymbol'), kExpandStackSymbol: Symbol('kExpandStackSymbol') }; internal/util/comparisons'use strict'; const { compare } = process.binding('buffer'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const { isDate, isMap, isRegExp, isSet } = internalBinding('types'); const { getOwnNonIndexProperties, propertyFilter: { ONLY_ENUMERABLE } } = process.binding('util'); const ReflectApply = Reflect.apply; function uncurryThis(func) { return (thisArg, ...args) => ReflectApply(func, thisArg, args); } const kStrict = true; const kLoose = false; const kNoIterator = 0; const kIsArray = 1; const kIsSet = 2; const kIsMap = 3; const objectToString = uncurryThis(Object.prototype.toString); const hasOwnProperty = uncurryThis(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); const propertyIsEnumerable = uncurryThis(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable); const objectKeys = Object.keys; const getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; const getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; const objectIs = Object.is; const numberIsNaN = Number.isNaN; // Check if they have the same source and flags function areSimilarRegExps(a, b) { return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags; } function areSimilarFloatArrays(a, b) { if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) { return false; } for (var offset = 0; offset < a.byteLength; offset++) { if (a[offset] !== b[offset]) { return false; } } return true; } function areSimilarTypedArrays(a, b) { if (a.byteLength !== b.byteLength) { return false; } return compare(new Uint8Array(a.buffer, a.byteOffset, a.byteLength), new Uint8Array(b.buffer, b.byteOffset, b.byteLength)) === 0; } function isFloatTypedArrayTag(tag) { return tag === '[object Float32Array]' || tag === '[object Float64Array]'; } function isArguments(tag) { return tag === '[object Arguments]'; } function isObjectOrArrayTag(tag) { return tag === '[object Array]' || tag === '[object Object]'; } // Notes: Type tags are historical [[Class]] properties that can be set by // FunctionTemplate::SetClassName() in C++ or Symbol.toStringTag in JS // and retrieved using Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) in JS // See https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-object.prototype.tostring // for a list of tags pre-defined in the spec. // There are some unspecified tags in the wild too (e.g. typed array tags). // Since tags can be altered, they only serve fast failures // // Typed arrays and buffers are checked by comparing the content in their // underlying ArrayBuffer. This optimization requires that it's // reasonable to interpret their underlying memory in the same way, // which is checked by comparing their type tags. // (e.g. a Uint8Array and a Uint16Array with the same memory content // could still be different because they will be interpreted differently). // // For strict comparison, objects should have // a) The same built-in type tags // b) The same prototypes. function strictDeepEqual(val1, val2, memos) { if (typeof val1 !== 'object') { return typeof val1 === 'number' && numberIsNaN(val1) && numberIsNaN(val2); } if (typeof val2 !== 'object' || val1 === null || val2 === null) { return false; } const val1Tag = objectToString(val1); const val2Tag = objectToString(val2); if (val1Tag !== val2Tag) { return false; } if (getPrototypeOf(val1) !== getPrototypeOf(val2)) { return false; } if (val1Tag === '[object Array]') { // Check for sparse arrays and general fast path if (val1.length !== val2.length) { return false; } const keys1 = getOwnNonIndexProperties(val1, ONLY_ENUMERABLE); const keys2 = getOwnNonIndexProperties(val2, ONLY_ENUMERABLE); if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) { return false; } return keyCheck(val1, val2, kStrict, memos, kIsArray, keys1); } if (val1Tag === '[object Object]') { return keyCheck(val1, val2, kStrict, memos, kNoIterator); } if (isDate(val1)) { // TODO: Make these safe. if (val1.getTime() !== val2.getTime()) { return false; } } else if (isRegExp(val1)) { if (!areSimilarRegExps(val1, val2)) { return false; } } else if (val1Tag === '[object Error]') { // Do not compare the stack as it might differ even though the error itself // is otherwise identical. The non-enumerable name should be identical as // the prototype is also identical. Otherwise this is caught later on. if (val1.message !== val2.message) { return false; } } else if (isArrayBufferView(val1)) { if (!areSimilarTypedArrays(val1, val2)) { return false; } // Buffer.compare returns true, so val1.length === val2.length. If they both // only contain numeric keys, we don't need to exam further than checking // the symbols. const keys1 = getOwnNonIndexProperties(val1, ONLY_ENUMERABLE); const keys2 = getOwnNonIndexProperties(val2, ONLY_ENUMERABLE); if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) { return false; } return keyCheck(val1, val2, kStrict, memos, kNoIterator, keys1); } else if (isSet(val1)) { if (!isSet(val2) || val1.size !== val2.size) { return false; } return keyCheck(val1, val2, kStrict, memos, kIsSet); } else if (isMap(val1)) { if (!isMap(val2) || val1.size !== val2.size) { return false; } return keyCheck(val1, val2, kStrict, memos, kIsMap); // TODO: Make the valueOf checks safe. } else if (typeof val1.valueOf === 'function') { const val1Value = val1.valueOf(); if (val1Value !== val1 && (typeof val2.valueOf !== 'function' || !innerDeepEqual(val1Value, val2.valueOf(), kStrict))) { return false; } } return keyCheck(val1, val2, kStrict, memos, kNoIterator); } function looseDeepEqual(val1, val2, memos) { if (val1 === null || typeof val1 !== 'object') { if (val2 === null || typeof val2 !== 'object') { // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq return val1 == val2; } return false; } if (val2 === null || typeof val2 !== 'object') { return false; } const val1Tag = objectToString(val1); const val2Tag = objectToString(val2); if (val1Tag === val2Tag) { if (isObjectOrArrayTag(val1Tag)) { return keyCheck(val1, val2, kLoose, memos, kNoIterator); } if (isArrayBufferView(val1)) { if (isFloatTypedArrayTag(val1Tag)) { return areSimilarFloatArrays(val1, val2); } return areSimilarTypedArrays(val1, val2); } if (isDate(val1) && isDate(val2)) { return val1.getTime() === val2.getTime(); } if (isRegExp(val1) && isRegExp(val2)) { return areSimilarRegExps(val1, val2); } if (val1 instanceof Error && val2 instanceof Error) { if (val1.message !== val2.message || val1.name !== val2.name) return false; } // Ensure reflexivity of deepEqual with `arguments` objects. // See https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/pull/7178 } else if (isArguments(val1Tag) || isArguments(val2Tag)) { return false; } if (isSet(val1)) { if (!isSet(val2) || val1.size !== val2.size) { return false; } return keyCheck(val1, val2, kLoose, memos, kIsSet); } else if (isMap(val1)) { if (!isMap(val2) || val1.size !== val2.size) { return false; } return keyCheck(val1, val2, kLoose, memos, kIsMap); } else if (isSet(val2) || isMap(val2)) { return false; } return keyCheck(val1, val2, kLoose, memos, kNoIterator); } function getEnumerables(val, keys) { return keys.filter((k) => propertyIsEnumerable(val, k)); } function keyCheck(val1, val2, strict, memos, iterationType, aKeys) { // For all remaining Object pairs, including Array, objects and Maps, // equivalence is determined by having: // a) The same number of owned enumerable properties // b) The same set of keys/indexes (although not necessarily the same order) // c) Equivalent values for every corresponding key/index // d) For Sets and Maps, equal contents // Note: this accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays. if (arguments.length === 5) { aKeys = objectKeys(val1); const bKeys = objectKeys(val2); // The pair must have the same number of owned properties. if (aKeys.length !== bKeys.length) { return false; } } // Cheap key test let i = 0; for (; i < aKeys.length; i++) { if (!hasOwnProperty(val2, aKeys[i])) { return false; } } if (strict && arguments.length === 5) { const symbolKeysA = getOwnPropertySymbols(val1); if (symbolKeysA.length !== 0) { let count = 0; for (i = 0; i < symbolKeysA.length; i++) { const key = symbolKeysA[i]; if (propertyIsEnumerable(val1, key)) { if (!propertyIsEnumerable(val2, key)) { return false; } aKeys.push(key); count++; } else if (propertyIsEnumerable(val2, key)) { return false; } } const symbolKeysB = getOwnPropertySymbols(val2); if (symbolKeysA.length !== symbolKeysB.length && getEnumerables(val2, symbolKeysB).length !== count) { return false; } } else { const symbolKeysB = getOwnPropertySymbols(val2); if (symbolKeysB.length !== 0 && getEnumerables(val2, symbolKeysB).length !== 0) { return false; } } } if (aKeys.length === 0 && (iterationType === kNoIterator || iterationType === kIsArray && val1.length === 0 || val1.size === 0)) { return true; } // Use memos to handle cycles. if (memos === undefined) { memos = { val1: new Map(), val2: new Map(), position: 0 }; } else { // We prevent up to two map.has(x) calls by directly retrieving the value // and checking for undefined. The map can only contain numbers, so it is // safe to check for undefined only. const val2MemoA = memos.val1.get(val1); if (val2MemoA !== undefined) { const val2MemoB = memos.val2.get(val2); if (val2MemoB !== undefined) { return val2MemoA === val2MemoB; } } memos.position++; } memos.val1.set(val1, memos.position); memos.val2.set(val2, memos.position); const areEq = objEquiv(val1, val2, strict, aKeys, memos, iterationType); memos.val1.delete(val1); memos.val2.delete(val2); return areEq; } function innerDeepEqual(val1, val2, strict, memos) { // All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===. if (val1 === val2) { if (val1 !== 0) return true; return strict ? objectIs(val1, val2) : true; } // Check more closely if val1 and val2 are equal. if (strict === true) return strictDeepEqual(val1, val2, memos); return looseDeepEqual(val1, val2, memos); } function setHasEqualElement(set, val1, strict, memo) { // Go looking. for (const val2 of set) { if (innerDeepEqual(val1, val2, strict, memo)) { // Remove the matching element to make sure we do not check that again. set.delete(val2); return true; } } return false; } // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Equality_comparisons_and_sameness#Loose_equality_using // Sadly it is not possible to detect corresponding values properly in case the // type is a string, number, bigint or boolean. The reason is that those values // can match lots of different string values (e.g., 1n == '+00001'). function findLooseMatchingPrimitives(prim) { switch (typeof prim) { case 'undefined': return null; case 'object': // Only pass in null as object! return undefined; case 'symbol': return false; case 'string': prim = +prim; // Loose equal entries exist only if the string is possible to convert to // a regular number and not NaN. // Fall through case 'number': if (Number.isNaN(prim)) { return false; } } return true; } function setMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, prim) { const altValue = findLooseMatchingPrimitives(prim); if (altValue != null) return altValue; return b.has(altValue) && !a.has(altValue); } function mapMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, prim, item, memo) { const altValue = findLooseMatchingPrimitives(prim); if (altValue != null) { return altValue; } const curB = b.get(altValue); if (curB === undefined && !b.has(altValue) || !innerDeepEqual(item, curB, false, memo)) { return false; } const curA = a.get(altValue); return curA === undefined && a.has(altValue) || innerDeepEqual(item, curA, false, memo); } function setEquiv(a, b, strict, memo) { // This is a lazily initiated Set of entries which have to be compared // pairwise. let set = null; for (const val of a) { // Note: Checking for the objects first improves the performance for object // heavy sets but it is a minor slow down for primitives. As they are fast // to check this improves the worst case scenario instead. if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null) { if (set === null) { set = new Set(); } // If the specified value doesn't exist in the second set its an not null // object (or non strict only: a not matching primitive) we'll need to go // hunting for something thats deep-(strict-)equal to it. To make this // O(n log n) complexity we have to copy these values in a new set first. set.add(val); } else if (!b.has(val)) { if (strict) return false; // Fast path to detect missing string, symbol, undefined and null values. if (!setMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, val)) { return false; } if (set === null) { set = new Set(); } set.add(val); } } if (set !== null) { for (const val of b) { // We have to check if a primitive value is already // matching and only if it's not, go hunting for it. if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null) { if (!setHasEqualElement(set, val, strict, memo)) return false; } else if (!strict && !a.has(val) && !setHasEqualElement(set, val, strict, memo)) { return false; } } return set.size === 0; } return true; } function mapHasEqualEntry(set, map, key1, item1, strict, memo) { // To be able to handle cases like: // Map([[{}, 'a'], [{}, 'b']]) vs Map([[{}, 'b'], [{}, 'a']]) // ... we need to consider *all* matching keys, not just the first we find. for (const key2 of set) { if (innerDeepEqual(key1, key2, strict, memo) && innerDeepEqual(item1, map.get(key2), strict, memo)) { set.delete(key2); return true; } } return false; } function mapEquiv(a, b, strict, memo) { let set = null; for (const [key, item1] of a) { if (typeof key === 'object' && key !== null) { if (set === null) { set = new Set(); } set.add(key); } else { // By directly retrieving the value we prevent another b.has(key) check in // almost all possible cases. const item2 = b.get(key); if ((item2 === undefined && !b.has(key) || !innerDeepEqual(item1, item2, strict, memo))) { if (strict) return false; // Fast path to detect missing string, symbol, undefined and null // keys. if (!mapMightHaveLoosePrim(a, b, key, item1, memo)) return false; if (set === null) { set = new Set(); } set.add(key); } } } if (set !== null) { for (const [key, item] of b) { if (typeof key === 'object' && key !== null) { if (!mapHasEqualEntry(set, a, key, item, strict, memo)) return false; } else if (!strict && (!a.has(key) || !innerDeepEqual(a.get(key), item, false, memo)) && !mapHasEqualEntry(set, a, key, item, false, memo)) { return false; } } return set.size === 0; } return true; } function objEquiv(a, b, strict, keys, memos, iterationType) { // Sets and maps don't have their entries accessible via normal object // properties. let i = 0; if (iterationType === kIsSet) { if (!setEquiv(a, b, strict, memos)) { return false; } } else if (iterationType === kIsMap) { if (!mapEquiv(a, b, strict, memos)) { return false; } } else if (iterationType === kIsArray) { for (; i < a.length; i++) { if (hasOwnProperty(a, i)) { if (!hasOwnProperty(b, i) || !innerDeepEqual(a[i], b[i], strict, memos)) { return false; } } else if (hasOwnProperty(b, i)) { return false; } else { // Array is sparse. const keysA = objectKeys(a); i++; for (; i < keysA.length; i++) { const key = keysA[i]; if (!hasOwnProperty(b, key) || !innerDeepEqual(a[key], b[i], strict, memos)) { return false; } } if (keysA.length !== objectKeys(b).length) { return false; } return true; } } } // The pair must have equivalent values for every corresponding key. // Possibly expensive deep test: for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const key = keys[i]; if (!innerDeepEqual(a[key], b[key], strict, memos)) { return false; } } return true; } function isDeepEqual(val1, val2) { return innerDeepEqual(val1, val2, kLoose); } function isDeepStrictEqual(val1, val2) { return innerDeepEqual(val1, val2, kStrict); } module.exports = { isDeepEqual, isDeepStrictEqual }; internal/util/inspect'use strict'; const { getOwnNonIndexProperties, getPromiseDetails, getProxyDetails, kPending, kRejected, previewEntries, propertyFilter: { ALL_PROPERTIES, ONLY_ENUMERABLE } } = process.binding('util'); const { customInspectSymbol, deprecate, isError, join, removeColors } = require('internal/util'); const { codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE }, isStackOverflowError } = require('internal/errors'); const types = internalBinding('types'); Object.assign(types, require('internal/util/types')); const { isAnyArrayBuffer, isArrayBuffer, isArgumentsObject, isBoxedPrimitive, isDataView, isExternal, isMap, isMapIterator, isPromise, isSet, isSetIterator, isWeakMap, isWeakSet, isRegExp, isDate, isTypedArray, isStringObject, isNumberObject, isBooleanObject, isBigIntObject, isUint8Array, isUint8ClampedArray, isUint16Array, isUint32Array, isInt8Array, isInt16Array, isInt32Array, isFloat32Array, isFloat64Array, isBigInt64Array, isBigUint64Array } = types; const ReflectApply = Reflect.apply; // This function is borrowed from the function with the same name on V8 Extras' // `utils` object. V8 implements Reflect.apply very efficiently in conjunction // with the spread syntax, such that no additional special case is needed for // function calls w/o arguments. // Refs: https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/d6ead37d265d7215cf9c5f768f279e21bd170212/src/js/prologue.js#L152-L156 function uncurryThis(func) { return (thisArg, ...args) => ReflectApply(func, thisArg, args); } const propertyIsEnumerable = uncurryThis(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable); const regExpToString = uncurryThis(RegExp.prototype.toString); const dateToISOString = uncurryThis(Date.prototype.toISOString); const errorToString = uncurryThis(Error.prototype.toString); const bigIntValueOf = uncurryThis(BigInt.prototype.valueOf); const booleanValueOf = uncurryThis(Boolean.prototype.valueOf); const numberValueOf = uncurryThis(Number.prototype.valueOf); const symbolValueOf = uncurryThis(Symbol.prototype.valueOf); const stringValueOf = uncurryThis(String.prototype.valueOf); const setValues = uncurryThis(Set.prototype.values); const mapEntries = uncurryThis(Map.prototype.entries); const dateGetTime = uncurryThis(Date.prototype.getTime); const hasOwnProperty = uncurryThis(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); const inspectDefaultOptions = Object.seal({ showHidden: false, depth: 2, colors: false, customInspect: true, showProxy: false, maxArrayLength: 100, breakLength: 60, compact: true, sorted: false }); const kObjectType = 0; const kArrayType = 1; const kArrayExtrasType = 2; /* eslint-disable no-control-regex */ const strEscapeSequencesRegExp = /[\x00-\x1f\x27\x5c]/; const strEscapeSequencesReplacer = /[\x00-\x1f\x27\x5c]/g; /* eslint-enable no-control-regex */ const keyStrRegExp = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/; const numberRegExp = /^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/; const readableRegExps = {}; const kMinLineLength = 16; // Constants to map the iterator state. const kWeak = 0; const kIterator = 1; const kMapEntries = 2; // Escaped special characters. Use empty strings to fill up unused entries. const meta = [ '\\u0000', '\\u0001', '\\u0002', '\\u0003', '\\u0004', '\\u0005', '\\u0006', '\\u0007', '\\b', '\\t', '\\n', '\\u000b', '\\f', '\\r', '\\u000e', '\\u000f', '\\u0010', '\\u0011', '\\u0012', '\\u0013', '\\u0014', '\\u0015', '\\u0016', '\\u0017', '\\u0018', '\\u0019', '\\u001a', '\\u001b', '\\u001c', '\\u001d', '\\u001e', '\\u001f', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', "\\'", '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '\\\\' ]; /** * Echos the value of any input. Tries to print the value out * in the best way possible given the different types. * * @param {any} value The value to print out. * @param {Object} opts Optional options object that alters the output. */ /* Legacy: value, showHidden, depth, colors */ function inspect(value, opts) { // Default options const ctx = { budget: {}, indentationLvl: 0, seen: [], stylize: stylizeNoColor, showHidden: inspectDefaultOptions.showHidden, depth: inspectDefaultOptions.depth, colors: inspectDefaultOptions.colors, customInspect: inspectDefaultOptions.customInspect, showProxy: inspectDefaultOptions.showProxy, // TODO(BridgeAR): Deprecate `maxArrayLength` and replace it with // `maxEntries`. maxArrayLength: inspectDefaultOptions.maxArrayLength, breakLength: inspectDefaultOptions.breakLength, compact: inspectDefaultOptions.compact, sorted: inspectDefaultOptions.sorted }; // Legacy... if (arguments.length > 2) { if (arguments[2] !== undefined) { ctx.depth = arguments[2]; } if (arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined) { ctx.colors = arguments[3]; } } // Set user-specified options if (typeof opts === 'boolean') { ctx.showHidden = opts; } else if (opts) { const optKeys = Object.keys(opts); for (var i = 0; i < optKeys.length; i++) { ctx[optKeys[i]] = opts[optKeys[i]]; } } if (ctx.colors) ctx.stylize = stylizeWithColor; if (ctx.maxArrayLength === null) ctx.maxArrayLength = Infinity; return formatValue(ctx, value, ctx.depth); } inspect.custom = customInspectSymbol; Object.defineProperty(inspect, 'defaultOptions', { get() { return inspectDefaultOptions; }, set(options) { if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } return Object.assign(inspectDefaultOptions, options); } }); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics inspect.colors = Object.assign(Object.create(null), { 'bold': [1, 22], 'italic': [3, 23], 'underline': [4, 24], 'inverse': [7, 27], 'white': [37, 39], 'grey': [90, 39], 'black': [30, 39], 'blue': [34, 39], 'cyan': [36, 39], 'green': [32, 39], 'magenta': [35, 39], 'red': [31, 39], 'yellow': [33, 39] }); // Don't use 'blue' not visible on cmd.exe inspect.styles = Object.assign(Object.create(null), { 'special': 'cyan', 'number': 'yellow', 'bigint': 'yellow', 'boolean': 'yellow', 'undefined': 'grey', 'null': 'bold', 'string': 'green', 'symbol': 'green', 'date': 'magenta', // "name": intentionally not styling 'regexp': 'red' }); const escapeFn = (str) => meta[str.charCodeAt(0)]; // Escape control characters, single quotes and the backslash. // This is similar to JSON stringify escaping. function strEscape(str) { // Some magic numbers that worked out fine while benchmarking with v8 6.0 if (str.length < 5000 && !strEscapeSequencesRegExp.test(str)) return `'${str}'`; if (str.length > 100) return `'${str.replace(strEscapeSequencesReplacer, escapeFn)}'`; let result = ''; let last = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const point = str.charCodeAt(i); if (point === 39 || point === 92 || point < 32) { if (last === i) { result += meta[point]; } else { result += `${str.slice(last, i)}${meta[point]}`; } last = i + 1; } } if (last !== i) { result += str.slice(last); } return `'${result}'`; } function stylizeWithColor(str, styleType) { const style = inspect.styles[styleType]; if (style !== undefined) { const color = inspect.colors[style]; return `\u001b[${color[0]}m${str}\u001b[${color[1]}m`; } return str; } function stylizeNoColor(str) { return str; } // Return a new empty array to push in the results of the default formatter. function getEmptyFormatArray() { return []; } function getConstructorName(obj) { let firstProto; while (obj) { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'constructor'); if (descriptor !== undefined && typeof descriptor.value === 'function' && descriptor.value.name !== '') { return descriptor.value.name; } obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); if (firstProto === undefined) { firstProto = obj; } } if (firstProto === null) { return null; } // TODO(BridgeAR): Improve prototype inspection. // We could use inspect on the prototype itself to improve the output. return ''; } function getPrefix(constructor, tag, fallback) { if (constructor === null) { if (tag !== '') { return `[${fallback}: null prototype] [${tag}] `; } return `[${fallback}: null prototype] `; } if (constructor !== '') { if (tag !== '' && constructor !== tag) { return `${constructor} [${tag}] `; } return `${constructor} `; } return ''; } const getBoxedValue = formatPrimitive.bind(null, stylizeNoColor); // Look up the keys of the object. function getKeys(value, showHidden) { let keys; const symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(value); if (showHidden) { keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value); if (symbols.length !== 0) keys.push(...symbols); } else { // This might throw if `value` is a Module Namespace Object from an // unevaluated module, but we don't want to perform the actual type // check because it's expensive. // TODO(devsnek): track https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/issues/1209 // and modify this logic as needed. try { keys = Object.keys(value); } catch (err) { if (types.isNativeError(err) && err.name === 'ReferenceError' && types.isModuleNamespaceObject(value)) { keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value); } else { throw err; } } if (symbols.length !== 0) { keys.push(...symbols.filter((key) => propertyIsEnumerable(value, key))); } } return keys; } function getCtxStyle(constructor, tag) { return constructor || tag || 'Object'; } function formatProxy(ctx, proxy, recurseTimes) { if (recurseTimes != null) { if (recurseTimes < 0) return ctx.stylize('Proxy [Array]', 'special'); recurseTimes -= 1; } ctx.indentationLvl += 2; const res = [ formatValue(ctx, proxy[0], recurseTimes), formatValue(ctx, proxy[1], recurseTimes) ]; ctx.indentationLvl -= 2; const str = reduceToSingleString(ctx, res, '', ['[', ']']); return `Proxy ${str}`; } function findTypedConstructor(value) { for (const [check, clazz] of [ [isUint8Array, Uint8Array], [isUint8ClampedArray, Uint8ClampedArray], [isUint16Array, Uint16Array], [isUint32Array, Uint32Array], [isInt8Array, Int8Array], [isInt16Array, Int16Array], [isInt32Array, Int32Array], [isFloat32Array, Float32Array], [isFloat64Array, Float64Array], [isBigInt64Array, BigInt64Array], [isBigUint64Array, BigUint64Array] ]) { if (check(value)) { return clazz; } } } let lazyNullPrototypeCache; // Creates a subclass and name // the constructor as `${clazz} : null prototype` function clazzWithNullPrototype(clazz, name) { if (lazyNullPrototypeCache === undefined) { lazyNullPrototypeCache = new Map(); } else { const cachedClass = lazyNullPrototypeCache.get(clazz); if (cachedClass !== undefined) { return cachedClass; } } class NullPrototype extends clazz { get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return ''; } } Object.defineProperty(NullPrototype.prototype.constructor, 'name', { value: `[${name}: null prototype]` }); lazyNullPrototypeCache.set(clazz, NullPrototype); return NullPrototype; } function noPrototypeIterator(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { let newVal; if (isSet(value)) { const clazz = Object.getPrototypeOf(value) || clazzWithNullPrototype(Set, 'Set'); newVal = new clazz(setValues(value)); } else if (isMap(value)) { const clazz = Object.getPrototypeOf(value) || clazzWithNullPrototype(Map, 'Map'); newVal = new clazz(mapEntries(value)); } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { const clazz = Object.getPrototypeOf(value) || clazzWithNullPrototype(Array, 'Array'); newVal = new clazz(value.length); } else if (isTypedArray(value)) { let clazz = Object.getPrototypeOf(value); if (!clazz) { const constructor = findTypedConstructor(value); clazz = clazzWithNullPrototype(constructor, constructor.name); } newVal = new clazz(value); } if (newVal) { Object.defineProperties(newVal, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(value)); return formatValue(ctx, newVal, recurseTimes); } } // Note: using `formatValue` directly requires the indentation level to be // corrected by setting `ctx.indentationLvL += diff` and then to decrease the // value afterwards again. function formatValue(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { // Primitive types cannot have properties if (typeof value !== 'object' && typeof value !== 'function') { return formatPrimitive(ctx.stylize, value, ctx); } if (value === null) { return ctx.stylize('null', 'null'); } if (ctx.showProxy) { const proxy = getProxyDetails(value); if (proxy !== undefined) { return formatProxy(ctx, proxy, recurseTimes); } } // Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions. // Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it if (ctx.customInspect) { let maybeCustom = value[customInspectSymbol]; if (!maybeCustom && value.inspect !== inspect && typeof value.inspect === 'function') { maybeCustom = deprecate( value.inspect, 'Custom inspection function on Objects via .inspect() is deprecated', 'DEP0079' ); } if (typeof maybeCustom === 'function' && // Filter out the util module, its inspect function is special maybeCustom !== inspect && // Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check. !(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) { const ret = maybeCustom.call(value, recurseTimes, ctx); // If the custom inspection method returned `this`, don't go into // infinite recursion. if (ret !== value) { if (typeof ret !== 'string') { return formatValue(ctx, ret, recurseTimes); } return ret; } } } // Using an array here is actually better for the average case than using // a Set. `seen` will only check for the depth and will never grow too large. if (ctx.seen.indexOf(value) !== -1) return ctx.stylize('[Circular]', 'special'); return formatRaw(ctx, value, recurseTimes); } function formatRaw(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { let keys; const constructor = getConstructorName(value); let tag = value[Symbol.toStringTag]; if (typeof tag !== 'string') tag = ''; let base = ''; let formatter = getEmptyFormatArray; let braces; let noIterator = true; let i = 0; let skip = false; const filter = ctx.showHidden ? ALL_PROPERTIES : ONLY_ENUMERABLE; let extrasType = kObjectType; // Iterators and the rest are split to reduce checks if (value[Symbol.iterator]) { noIterator = false; if (Array.isArray(value)) { keys = getOwnNonIndexProperties(value, filter); // Only set the constructor for non ordinary ("Array [...]") arrays. const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Array'); braces = [`${prefix === 'Array ' ? '' : prefix}[`, ']']; if (value.length === 0 && keys.length === 0) return `${braces[0]}]`; extrasType = kArrayExtrasType; formatter = formatArray; } else if (isSet(value)) { keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden); const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Set'); if (value.size === 0 && keys.length === 0) return `${prefix}{}`; braces = [`${prefix}{`, '}']; formatter = formatSet; } else if (isMap(value)) { keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden); const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Map'); if (value.size === 0 && keys.length === 0) return `${prefix}{}`; braces = [`${prefix}{`, '}']; formatter = formatMap; } else if (isTypedArray(value)) { keys = getOwnNonIndexProperties(value, filter); const prefix = constructor !== null ? getPrefix(constructor, tag) : getPrefix(constructor, tag, findTypedConstructor(value).name); braces = [`${prefix}[`, ']']; if (value.length === 0 && keys.length === 0 && !ctx.showHidden) return `${braces[0]}]`; formatter = formatTypedArray; extrasType = kArrayExtrasType; } else if (isMapIterator(value)) { keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden); braces = [`[${tag}] {`, '}']; formatter = formatMapIterator; } else if (isSetIterator(value)) { keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden); braces = [`[${tag}] {`, '}']; formatter = formatSetIterator; } else { noIterator = true; } } if (noIterator) { keys = getKeys(value, ctx.showHidden); braces = ['{', '}']; if (constructor === 'Object') { if (isArgumentsObject(value)) { if (keys.length === 0) return '[Arguments] {}'; braces[0] = '[Arguments] {'; } else if (tag !== '') { braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Object')}{`; if (keys.length === 0) { return `${braces[0]}}`; } } else if (keys.length === 0) { return '{}'; } } else if (typeof value === 'function') { const type = constructor || tag || 'Function'; const name = `${type}${value.name ? `: ${value.name}` : ''}`; if (keys.length === 0) return ctx.stylize(`[${name}]`, 'special'); base = `[${name}]`; } else if (isRegExp(value)) { // Make RegExps say that they are RegExps if (keys.length === 0 || recurseTimes < 0) return ctx.stylize(regExpToString(value), 'regexp'); base = `${regExpToString(value)}`; } else if (isDate(value)) { // Make dates with properties first say the date if (keys.length === 0) { if (Number.isNaN(dateGetTime(value))) return ctx.stylize(String(value), 'date'); return ctx.stylize(dateToISOString(value), 'date'); } base = dateToISOString(value); } else if (isError(value)) { // Make error with message first say the error base = formatError(value); // Wrap the error in brackets in case it has no stack trace. const stackStart = base.indexOf('\n at'); if (stackStart === -1) { base = `[${base}]`; } // The message and the stack have to be indented as well! if (ctx.indentationLvl !== 0) { const indentation = ' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl); base = formatError(value).replace(/\n/g, `\n${indentation}`); } if (keys.length === 0) return base; if (ctx.compact === false && stackStart !== -1) { braces[0] += `${base.slice(stackStart)}`; base = `[${base.slice(0, stackStart)}]`; } } else if (isAnyArrayBuffer(value)) { // Fast path for ArrayBuffer and SharedArrayBuffer. // Can't do the same for DataView because it has a non-primitive // .buffer property that we need to recurse for. const arrayType = isArrayBuffer(value) ? 'ArrayBuffer' : 'SharedArrayBuffer'; const prefix = getPrefix(constructor, tag, arrayType); if (keys.length === 0) return prefix + `{ byteLength: ${formatNumber(ctx.stylize, value.byteLength)} }`; braces[0] = `${prefix}{`; keys.unshift('byteLength'); } else if (isDataView(value)) { braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'DataView')}{`; // .buffer goes last, it's not a primitive like the others. keys.unshift('byteLength', 'byteOffset', 'buffer'); } else if (isPromise(value)) { braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Promise')}{`; formatter = formatPromise; } else if (isWeakSet(value)) { braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'WeakSet')}{`; formatter = ctx.showHidden ? formatWeakSet : formatWeakCollection; } else if (isWeakMap(value)) { braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'WeakMap')}{`; formatter = ctx.showHidden ? formatWeakMap : formatWeakCollection; } else if (types.isModuleNamespaceObject(value)) { braces[0] = `[${tag}] {`; formatter = formatNamespaceObject; skip = true; } else if (isBoxedPrimitive(value)) { let type; if (isNumberObject(value)) { base = `[Number: ${getBoxedValue(numberValueOf(value))}]`; type = 'number'; } else if (isStringObject(value)) { base = `[String: ${getBoxedValue(stringValueOf(value), ctx)}]`; type = 'string'; // For boxed Strings, we have to remove the 0-n indexed entries, // since they just noisy up the output and are redundant // Make boxed primitive Strings look like such keys = keys.slice(value.length); } else if (isBooleanObject(value)) { base = `[Boolean: ${getBoxedValue(booleanValueOf(value))}]`; type = 'boolean'; } else if (isBigIntObject(value)) { base = `[BigInt: ${getBoxedValue(bigIntValueOf(value))}]`; type = 'bigint'; } else { base = `[Symbol: ${getBoxedValue(symbolValueOf(value))}]`; type = 'symbol'; } if (keys.length === 0) { return ctx.stylize(base, type); } } else { // The input prototype got manipulated. Special handle these. We have to // rebuild the information so we are able to display everything. const specialIterator = noPrototypeIterator(ctx, value, recurseTimes); if (specialIterator) { return specialIterator; } if (isMapIterator(value)) { braces = [`[${tag || 'Map Iterator'}] {`, '}']; formatter = formatMapIterator; } else if (isSetIterator(value)) { braces = [`[${tag || 'Set Iterator'}] {`, '}']; formatter = formatSetIterator; // Handle other regular objects again. } else if (keys.length === 0) { if (isExternal(value)) return ctx.stylize('[External]', 'special'); return `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Object')}{}`; } else { braces[0] = `${getPrefix(constructor, tag, 'Object')}{`; } } } if (recurseTimes != null) { if (recurseTimes < 0) return ctx.stylize(`[${getCtxStyle(constructor, tag)}]`, 'special'); recurseTimes -= 1; } ctx.seen.push(value); let output; const indentationLvl = ctx.indentationLvl; try { output = formatter(ctx, value, recurseTimes, keys); if (skip === false) { for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { output.push( formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, keys[i], extrasType)); } } } catch (err) { return handleMaxCallStackSize(ctx, err, constructor, tag, indentationLvl); } ctx.seen.pop(); if (ctx.sorted) { const comparator = ctx.sorted === true ? undefined : ctx.sorted; if (extrasType === kObjectType) { output = output.sort(comparator); } else if (keys.length > 1) { const sorted = output.slice(output.length - keys.length).sort(comparator); output.splice(output.length - keys.length, keys.length, ...sorted); } } return reduceToSingleString(ctx, output, base, braces); } function handleMaxCallStackSize(ctx, err, constructor, tag, indentationLvl) { if (isStackOverflowError(err)) { ctx.seen.pop(); ctx.indentationLvl = indentationLvl; return ctx.stylize( `[${getCtxStyle(constructor, tag)}: Inspection interrupted ` + 'prematurely. Maximum call stack size exceeded.]', 'special' ); } throw err; } function formatNumber(fn, value) { // Format -0 as '-0'. Checking `value === -0` won't distinguish 0 from -0. if (Object.is(value, -0)) return fn('-0', 'number'); return fn(`${value}`, 'number'); } function formatPrimitive(fn, value, ctx) { if (typeof value === 'string') { if (ctx.compact === false && ctx.indentationLvl + value.length > ctx.breakLength && value.length > kMinLineLength) { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const minLineLength = Math.max(ctx.breakLength - ctx.indentationLvl, kMinLineLength); // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const averageLineLength = Math.ceil(value.length / Math.ceil(value.length / minLineLength)); const divisor = Math.max(averageLineLength, kMinLineLength); let res = ''; if (readableRegExps[divisor] === undefined) { // Build a new RegExp that naturally breaks text into multiple lines. // // Rules // 1. Greedy match all text up the max line length that ends with a // whitespace or the end of the string. // 2. If none matches, non-greedy match any text up to a whitespace or // the end of the string. // // eslint-disable-next-line max-len, node-core/no-unescaped-regexp-dot readableRegExps[divisor] = new RegExp(`(.|\\n){1,${divisor}}(\\s|$)|(\\n|.)+?(\\s|$)`, 'gm'); } const matches = value.match(readableRegExps[divisor]); if (matches.length > 1) { const indent = ' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl); res += `${fn(strEscape(matches[0]), 'string')} +\n`; for (var i = 1; i < matches.length - 1; i++) { res += `${indent} ${fn(strEscape(matches[i]), 'string')} +\n`; } res += `${indent} ${fn(strEscape(matches[i]), 'string')}`; return res; } } return fn(strEscape(value), 'string'); } if (typeof value === 'number') return formatNumber(fn, value); // eslint-disable-next-line valid-typeof if (typeof value === 'bigint') return fn(`${value}n`, 'bigint'); if (typeof value === 'boolean') return fn(`${value}`, 'boolean'); if (typeof value === 'undefined') return fn('undefined', 'undefined'); // es6 symbol primitive return fn(value.toString(), 'symbol'); } function formatError(value) { return value.stack || errorToString(value); } function formatNamespaceObject(ctx, value, recurseTimes, keys) { const len = keys.length; const output = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { try { output[i] = formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, keys[i], kObjectType); } catch (err) { if (!(types.isNativeError(err) && err.name === 'ReferenceError')) { throw err; } // Use the existing functionality. This makes sure the indentation and // line breaks are always correct. Otherwise it is very difficult to keep // this aligned, even though this is a hacky way of dealing with this. const tmp = { [keys[i]]: '' }; output[i] = formatProperty(ctx, tmp, recurseTimes, keys[i], kObjectType); const pos = output[i].lastIndexOf(' '); // We have to find the last whitespace and have to replace that value as // it will be visualized as a regular string. output[i] = output[i].slice(0, pos + 1) + ctx.stylize('', 'special'); } } return output; } // The array is sparse and/or has extra keys function formatSpecialArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, maxLength, output, i) { const keys = Object.keys(value); let index = i; for (; i < keys.length && output.length < maxLength; i++) { const key = keys[i]; const tmp = +key; // Arrays can only have up to 2^32 - 1 entries if (tmp > 2 ** 32 - 2) { break; } if (`${index}` !== key) { if (!numberRegExp.test(key)) { break; } const emptyItems = tmp - index; const ending = emptyItems > 1 ? 's' : ''; const message = `<${emptyItems} empty item${ending}>`; output.push(ctx.stylize(message, 'undefined')); index = tmp; if (output.length === maxLength) { break; } } output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, key, kArrayType)); index++; } const remaining = value.length - index; if (output.length !== maxLength) { if (remaining > 0) { const ending = remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''; const message = `<${remaining} empty item${ending}>`; output.push(ctx.stylize(message, 'undefined')); } } else if (remaining > 0) { output.push(`... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`); } return output; } function formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { const valLen = value.length; const len = Math.min(Math.max(0, ctx.maxArrayLength), valLen); const remaining = valLen - len; const output = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { // Special handle sparse arrays. if (!hasOwnProperty(value, i)) { return formatSpecialArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, len, output, i); } output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, i, kArrayType)); } if (remaining > 0) output.push(`... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`); return output; } function formatTypedArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { const maxLength = Math.min(Math.max(0, ctx.maxArrayLength), value.length); const remaining = value.length - maxLength; const output = new Array(maxLength); for (var i = 0; i < maxLength; ++i) output[i] = formatNumber(ctx.stylize, value[i]); if (remaining > 0) output[i] = `... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`; if (ctx.showHidden) { // .buffer goes last, it's not a primitive like the others. ctx.indentationLvl += 2; for (const key of [ 'BYTES_PER_ELEMENT', 'length', 'byteLength', 'byteOffset', 'buffer' ]) { const str = formatValue(ctx, value[key], recurseTimes); output.push(`[${key}]: ${str}`); } ctx.indentationLvl -= 2; } return output; } function formatSet(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { const output = []; ctx.indentationLvl += 2; for (const v of value) { output.push(formatValue(ctx, v, recurseTimes)); } ctx.indentationLvl -= 2; // With `showHidden`, `length` will display as a hidden property for // arrays. For consistency's sake, do the same for `size`, even though this // property isn't selected by Object.getOwnPropertyNames(). if (ctx.showHidden) output.push(`[size]: ${ctx.stylize(`${value.size}`, 'number')}`); return output; } function formatMap(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { const output = []; ctx.indentationLvl += 2; for (const [k, v] of value) { output.push(`${formatValue(ctx, k, recurseTimes)} => ` + formatValue(ctx, v, recurseTimes)); } ctx.indentationLvl -= 2; // See comment in formatSet if (ctx.showHidden) output.push(`[size]: ${ctx.stylize(`${value.size}`, 'number')}`); return output; } function formatSetIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, state) { const maxArrayLength = Math.max(ctx.maxArrayLength, 0); const maxLength = Math.min(maxArrayLength, entries.length); let output = new Array(maxLength); ctx.indentationLvl += 2; for (var i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { output[i] = formatValue(ctx, entries[i], recurseTimes); } ctx.indentationLvl -= 2; if (state === kWeak) { // Sort all entries to have a halfway reliable output (if more entries than // retrieved ones exist, we can not reliably return the same output). output = output.sort(); } const remaining = entries.length - maxLength; if (remaining > 0) { output.push(`... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`); } return output; } function formatMapIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, state) { const maxArrayLength = Math.max(ctx.maxArrayLength, 0); // Entries exist as [key1, val1, key2, val2, ...] const len = entries.length / 2; const remaining = len - maxArrayLength; const maxLength = Math.min(maxArrayLength, len); let output = new Array(maxLength); let start = ''; let end = ''; let middle = ' => '; let i = 0; if (state === kMapEntries) { start = '[ '; end = ' ]'; middle = ', '; } ctx.indentationLvl += 2; for (; i < maxLength; i++) { const pos = i * 2; output[i] = `${start}${formatValue(ctx, entries[pos], recurseTimes)}` + `${middle}${formatValue(ctx, entries[pos + 1], recurseTimes)}${end}`; } ctx.indentationLvl -= 2; if (state === kWeak) { // Sort all entries to have a halfway reliable output (if more entries // than retrieved ones exist, we can not reliably return the same output). output = output.sort(); } if (remaining > 0) { output.push(`... ${remaining} more item${remaining > 1 ? 's' : ''}`); } return output; } function formatWeakCollection(ctx) { return [ctx.stylize('[items unknown]', 'special')]; } function formatWeakSet(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { const entries = previewEntries(value); return formatSetIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, kWeak); } function formatWeakMap(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { const entries = previewEntries(value); return formatMapIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, kWeak); } function formatSetIterator(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { const entries = previewEntries(value); return formatSetIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, kIterator); } function formatMapIterator(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { const [entries, isKeyValue] = previewEntries(value, true); if (isKeyValue) { return formatMapIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, kMapEntries); } return formatSetIterInner(ctx, recurseTimes, entries, kIterator); } function formatPromise(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { let output; const [state, result] = getPromiseDetails(value); if (state === kPending) { output = [ctx.stylize('', 'special')]; } else { // Using `formatValue` is correct here without the need to fix the // indentation level. ctx.indentationLvl += 2; const str = formatValue(ctx, result, recurseTimes); ctx.indentationLvl -= 2; output = [ state === kRejected ? `${ctx.stylize('', 'special')} ${str}` : str ]; } return output; } function formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, key, type) { let name, str; let extra = ' '; const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, key) || { value: value[key], enumerable: true }; if (desc.value !== undefined) { const diff = (type !== kObjectType || ctx.compact === false) ? 2 : 3; ctx.indentationLvl += diff; str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, recurseTimes); if (diff === 3) { const len = ctx.colors ? removeColors(str).length : str.length; if (ctx.breakLength < len) { extra = `\n${' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl)}`; } } ctx.indentationLvl -= diff; } else if (desc.get !== undefined) { if (desc.set !== undefined) { str = ctx.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special'); } else { str = ctx.stylize('[Getter]', 'special'); } } else if (desc.set !== undefined) { str = ctx.stylize('[Setter]', 'special'); } else { str = ctx.stylize('undefined', 'undefined'); } if (type === kArrayType) { return str; } if (typeof key === 'symbol') { const tmp = key.toString().replace(strEscapeSequencesReplacer, escapeFn); name = `[${ctx.stylize(tmp, 'symbol')}]`; } else if (desc.enumerable === false) { name = `[${key.replace(strEscapeSequencesReplacer, escapeFn)}]`; } else if (keyStrRegExp.test(key)) { name = ctx.stylize(key, 'name'); } else { name = ctx.stylize(strEscape(key), 'string'); } return `${name}:${extra}${str}`; } function reduceToSingleString(ctx, output, base, braces) { const breakLength = ctx.breakLength; let i = 0; if (ctx.compact === false) { const indentation = ' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl); let res = `${base ? `${base} ` : ''}${braces[0]}\n${indentation} `; for (; i < output.length - 1; i++) { res += `${output[i]},\n${indentation} `; } res += `${output[i]}\n${indentation}${braces[1]}`; return res; } if (output.length * 2 <= breakLength) { let length = 0; for (; i < output.length && length <= breakLength; i++) { if (ctx.colors) { length += removeColors(output[i]).length + 1; } else { length += output[i].length + 1; } } if (length <= breakLength) return `${braces[0]}${base ? ` ${base}` : ''} ${join(output, ', ')} ` + braces[1]; } // If the opening "brace" is too large, like in the case of "Set {", // we need to force the first item to be on the next line or the // items will not line up correctly. const indentation = ' '.repeat(ctx.indentationLvl); const ln = base === '' && braces[0].length === 1 ? ' ' : `${base ? ` ${base}` : ''}\n${indentation} `; const str = join(output, `,\n${indentation} `); return `${braces[0]}${ln}${str} ${braces[1]}`; } module.exports = { inspect }; internal/util/inspector'use strict'; const hasInspector = process.config.variables.v8_enable_inspector === 1; const inspector = hasInspector ? require('inspector') : undefined; let session; function sendInspectorCommand(cb, onError) { if (!hasInspector) return onError(); if (session === undefined) session = new inspector.Session(); try { session.connect(); try { return cb(session); } finally { session.disconnect(); } } catch { return onError(); } } module.exports = { sendInspectorCommand }; internal/util/types'use strict'; const ReflectApply = Reflect.apply; // This function is borrowed from the function with the same name on V8 Extras' // `utils` object. V8 implements Reflect.apply very efficiently in conjunction // with the spread syntax, such that no additional special case is needed for // function calls w/o arguments. // Refs: https://github.com/v8/v8/blob/d6ead37d265d7215cf9c5f768f279e21bd170212/src/js/prologue.js#L152-L156 function uncurryThis(func) { return (thisArg, ...args) => ReflectApply(func, thisArg, args); } const TypedArrayPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array.prototype); const TypedArrayProto_toStringTag = uncurryThis( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(TypedArrayPrototype, Symbol.toStringTag).get); // Cached to make sure no userland code can tamper with it. const isArrayBufferView = ArrayBuffer.isView; function isTypedArray(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) !== undefined; } function isUint8Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'Uint8Array'; } function isUint8ClampedArray(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'Uint8ClampedArray'; } function isUint16Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'Uint16Array'; } function isUint32Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'Uint32Array'; } function isInt8Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'Int8Array'; } function isInt16Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'Int16Array'; } function isInt32Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'Int32Array'; } function isFloat32Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'Float32Array'; } function isFloat64Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'Float64Array'; } function isBigInt64Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'BigInt64Array'; } function isBigUint64Array(value) { return TypedArrayProto_toStringTag(value) === 'BigUint64Array'; } module.exports = { isArrayBufferView, isTypedArray, isUint8Array, isUint8ClampedArray, isUint16Array, isUint32Array, isInt8Array, isInt16Array, isInt32Array, isFloat32Array, isFloat64Array, isBigInt64Array, isBigUint64Array }; internal/http2/core'use strict'; /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ const { assertCrypto, customInspectSymbol: kInspect, promisify } = require('internal/util'); assertCrypto(); const assert = require('assert'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const net = require('net'); const { Duplex } = require('stream'); const tls = require('tls'); const { URL } = require('url'); const util = require('util'); const { kIncomingMessage } = require('_http_common'); const { kServerResponse } = require('_http_server'); const { StreamWrap } = require('_stream_wrap'); const { defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope, symbols: { async_id_symbol, owner_symbol, }, } = require('internal/async_hooks'); const { codes: { ERR_HTTP2_ALTSVC_INVALID_ORIGIN, ERR_HTTP2_ALTSVC_LENGTH, ERR_HTTP2_CONNECT_AUTHORITY, ERR_HTTP2_CONNECT_PATH, ERR_HTTP2_CONNECT_SCHEME, ERR_HTTP2_GOAWAY_SESSION, ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_AFTER_RESPOND, ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_INFO_STATUS, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_ORIGIN, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_PACKED_SETTINGS_LENGTH, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SETTING_VALUE, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM, ERR_HTTP2_MAX_PENDING_SETTINGS_ACK, ERR_HTTP2_NESTED_PUSH, ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION, ERR_HTTP2_ORIGIN_LENGTH, ERR_HTTP2_OUT_OF_STREAMS, ERR_HTTP2_PAYLOAD_FORBIDDEN, ERR_HTTP2_PING_CANCEL, ERR_HTTP2_PING_LENGTH, ERR_HTTP2_PUSH_DISABLED, ERR_HTTP2_SEND_FILE, ERR_HTTP2_SEND_FILE_NOSEEK, ERR_HTTP2_SESSION_ERROR, ERR_HTTP2_SETTINGS_CANCEL, ERR_HTTP2_SOCKET_BOUND, ERR_HTTP2_SOCKET_UNBOUND, ERR_HTTP2_STATUS_101, ERR_HTTP2_STATUS_INVALID, ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_CANCEL, ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_ERROR, ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_SELF_DEPENDENCY, ERR_HTTP2_TRAILERS_ALREADY_SENT, ERR_HTTP2_TRAILERS_NOT_READY, ERR_HTTP2_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, ERR_INVALID_CHAR, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED } } = require('internal/errors'); const { validateNumber } = require('internal/validators'); const { utcDate } = require('internal/http'); const { onServerStream, Http2ServerRequest, Http2ServerResponse, } = require('internal/http2/compat'); const { assertIsObject, assertValidPseudoHeaderResponse, assertValidPseudoHeaderTrailer, assertWithinRange, getDefaultSettings, getSessionState, getSettings, getStreamState, isPayloadMeaningless, kSocket, mapToHeaders, NghttpError, sessionName, toHeaderObject, updateOptionsBuffer, updateSettingsBuffer } = require('internal/http2/util'); const { createWriteWrap, writeGeneric, writevGeneric, onStreamRead, kMaybeDestroy, kUpdateTimer } = require('internal/stream_base_commons'); const { kTimeout, setUnrefTimeout, validateTimerDuration } = require('internal/timers'); const { isArrayBufferView } = require('internal/util/types'); const { FileHandle } = process.binding('fs'); const binding = process.binding('http2'); const { ShutdownWrap } = process.binding('stream_wrap'); const { UV_EOF } = process.binding('uv'); const { StreamPipe } = internalBinding('stream_pipe'); const { _connectionListener: httpConnectionListener } = http; const debug = util.debuglog('http2'); const kMaxFrameSize = (2 ** 24) - 1; const kMaxInt = (2 ** 32) - 1; const kMaxStreams = (2 ** 31) - 1; // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex const kQuotedString = /^[\x09\x20-\x5b\x5d-\x7e\x80-\xff]*$/; const { constants, nameForErrorCode } = binding; const NETServer = net.Server; const TLSServer = tls.Server; const kAlpnProtocol = Symbol('alpnProtocol'); const kAuthority = Symbol('authority'); const kEncrypted = Symbol('encrypted'); const kHandle = Symbol('handle'); const kID = Symbol('id'); const kInit = Symbol('init'); const kInfoHeaders = Symbol('sent-info-headers'); const kLocalSettings = Symbol('local-settings'); const kOptions = Symbol('options'); const kOwner = owner_symbol; const kOrigin = Symbol('origin'); const kProceed = Symbol('proceed'); const kProtocol = Symbol('protocol'); const kProxySocket = Symbol('proxy-socket'); const kRemoteSettings = Symbol('remote-settings'); const kSentHeaders = Symbol('sent-headers'); const kSentTrailers = Symbol('sent-trailers'); const kServer = Symbol('server'); const kSession = Symbol('session'); const kState = Symbol('state'); const kType = Symbol('type'); const kWriteGeneric = Symbol('write-generic'); const kDefaultSocketTimeout = 2 * 60 * 1000; const { paddingBuffer, PADDING_BUF_FRAME_LENGTH, PADDING_BUF_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, PADDING_BUF_RETURN_VALUE } = binding; const { NGHTTP2_CANCEL, NGHTTP2_REFUSED_STREAM, NGHTTP2_DEFAULT_WEIGHT, NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM, NGHTTP2_HCAT_PUSH_RESPONSE, NGHTTP2_HCAT_RESPONSE, NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR, NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, NGHTTP2_SESSION_CLIENT, NGHTTP2_SESSION_SERVER, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE, NGHTTP2_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED, HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY, HTTP2_HEADER_DATE, HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, HTTP2_HEADER_PROTOCOL, HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME, HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE, NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH, NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE, NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE, HTTP2_METHOD_GET, HTTP2_METHOD_HEAD, HTTP2_METHOD_CONNECT, HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE, HTTP_STATUS_RESET_CONTENT, HTTP_STATUS_OK, HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED, HTTP_STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, HTTP_STATUS_MISDIRECTED_REQUEST, STREAM_OPTION_EMPTY_PAYLOAD, STREAM_OPTION_GET_TRAILERS } = constants; const STREAM_FLAGS_PENDING = 0x0; const STREAM_FLAGS_READY = 0x1; const STREAM_FLAGS_CLOSED = 0x2; const STREAM_FLAGS_HEADERS_SENT = 0x4; const STREAM_FLAGS_HEAD_REQUEST = 0x8; const STREAM_FLAGS_ABORTED = 0x10; const STREAM_FLAGS_HAS_TRAILERS = 0x20; const SESSION_FLAGS_PENDING = 0x0; const SESSION_FLAGS_READY = 0x1; const SESSION_FLAGS_CLOSED = 0x2; const SESSION_FLAGS_DESTROYED = 0x4; // Top level to avoid creating a closure function emit(self, ...args) { self.emit(...args); } // Called when a new block of headers has been received for a given // stream. The stream may or may not be new. If the stream is new, // create the associated Http2Stream instance and emit the 'stream' // event. If the stream is not new, emit the 'headers' event to pass // the block of headers on. function onSessionHeaders(handle, id, cat, flags, headers) { const session = this[kOwner]; if (session.destroyed) return; const type = session[kType]; session[kUpdateTimer](); debug(`Http2Stream ${id} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(type)}]: headers received`); const streams = session[kState].streams; const endOfStream = !!(flags & NGHTTP2_FLAG_END_STREAM); let stream = streams.get(id); // Convert the array of header name value pairs into an object const obj = toHeaderObject(headers); if (stream === undefined) { if (session.closed) { // we are not accepting any new streams at this point. This callback // should not be invoked at this point in time, but just in case it is, // refuse the stream using an RST_STREAM and destroy the handle. handle.rstStream(NGHTTP2_REFUSED_STREAM); handle.destroy(); return; } const opts = { readable: !endOfStream }; // session[kType] can be only one of two possible values if (type === NGHTTP2_SESSION_SERVER) { stream = new ServerHttp2Stream(session, handle, id, opts, obj); if (obj[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] === HTTP2_METHOD_HEAD) { // For head requests, there must not be a body... // end the writable side immediately. stream.end(); stream[kState].flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_HEAD_REQUEST; } } else { stream = new ClientHttp2Stream(session, handle, id, opts); stream.end(); } if (endOfStream) stream[kState].endAfterHeaders = true; process.nextTick(emit, session, 'stream', stream, obj, flags, headers); } else { let event; const status = obj[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS]; if (cat === NGHTTP2_HCAT_RESPONSE) { if (!endOfStream && status !== undefined && status >= 100 && status < 200) { event = 'headers'; } else { event = 'response'; } } else if (cat === NGHTTP2_HCAT_PUSH_RESPONSE) { event = 'push'; // cat === NGHTTP2_HCAT_HEADERS: } else if (!endOfStream && status !== undefined && status >= 200) { event = 'response'; } else { event = endOfStream ? 'trailers' : 'headers'; } const session = stream.session; if (status === HTTP_STATUS_MISDIRECTED_REQUEST) { const originSet = session[kState].originSet = initOriginSet(session); originSet.delete(stream[kOrigin]); } debug(`Http2Stream ${id} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(type)}]: emitting stream '${event}' event`); process.nextTick(emit, stream, event, obj, flags, headers); } if (endOfStream) { stream.push(null); } } function tryClose(fd) { // Try to close the file descriptor. If closing fails, assert because // an error really should not happen at this point. fs.close(fd, (err) => assert.ifError(err)); } // Called when the Http2Stream has finished sending data and is ready for // trailers to be sent. This will only be called if the { hasOptions: true } // option is set. function onStreamTrailers() { const stream = this[kOwner]; stream[kState].trailersReady = true; if (stream.destroyed || stream.closed) return; if (!stream.emit('wantTrailers')) { // There are no listeners, send empty trailing HEADERS frame and close. stream.sendTrailers({}); } } // Submit an RST-STREAM frame to be sent to the remote peer. // This will cause the Http2Stream to be closed. function submitRstStream(code) { if (this[kHandle] !== undefined) { this[kHandle].rstStream(code); } } function onPing(payload) { const session = this[kOwner]; if (session.destroyed) return; session[kUpdateTimer](); debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(session[kType])}: new ping received`); session.emit('ping', payload); } // Called when the stream is closed either by sending or receiving an // RST_STREAM frame, or through a natural end-of-stream. // If the writable and readable sides of the stream are still open at this // point, close them. If there is an open fd for file send, close that also. // At this point the underlying node::http2:Http2Stream handle is no // longer usable so destroy it also. function onStreamClose(code) { const stream = this[kOwner]; if (stream.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Stream ${stream[kID]} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(stream[kSession][kType])}]: closed with code ${code}`); if (!stream.closed) closeStream(stream, code, kNoRstStream); stream[kState].fd = -1; // Defer destroy we actually emit end. if (!stream.readable || code !== NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR) { // If errored or ended, we can destroy immediately. stream[kMaybeDestroy](code); } else { // Wait for end to destroy. stream.on('end', stream[kMaybeDestroy]); // Push a null so the stream can end whenever the client consumes // it completely. stream.push(null); // If the user hasn't tried to consume the stream (and this is a server // session) then just dump the incoming data so that the stream can // be destroyed. if (stream[kSession][kType] === NGHTTP2_SESSION_SERVER && !stream[kState].didRead && stream.readableFlowing === null) stream.resume(); else stream.read(0); } } // Called when the remote peer settings have been updated. // Resets the cached settings. function onSettings() { const session = this[kOwner]; if (session.destroyed) return; session[kUpdateTimer](); debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(session[kType])}: new settings received`); session[kRemoteSettings] = undefined; session.emit('remoteSettings', session.remoteSettings); } // If the stream exists, an attempt will be made to emit an event // on the stream object itself. Otherwise, forward it on to the // session (which may, in turn, forward it on to the server) function onPriority(id, parent, weight, exclusive) { const session = this[kOwner]; if (session.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Stream ${id} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(session[kType])}]: priority [parent: ${parent}, ` + `weight: ${weight}, exclusive: ${exclusive}]`); const emitter = session[kState].streams.get(id) || session; if (!emitter.destroyed) { emitter[kUpdateTimer](); emitter.emit('priority', id, parent, weight, exclusive); } } // Called by the native layer when an error has occurred sending a // frame. This should be exceedingly rare. function onFrameError(id, type, code) { const session = this[kOwner]; if (session.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(session[kType])}: error sending frame ` + `type ${type} on stream ${id}, code: ${code}`); const emitter = session[kState].streams.get(id) || session; emitter[kUpdateTimer](); emitter.emit('frameError', type, code, id); } function onAltSvc(stream, origin, alt) { const session = this[kOwner]; if (session.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(session[kType])}: altsvc received: ` + `stream: ${stream}, origin: ${origin}, alt: ${alt}`); session[kUpdateTimer](); session.emit('altsvc', alt, origin, stream); } function initOriginSet(session) { let originSet = session[kState].originSet; if (originSet === undefined) { const socket = session[kSocket]; session[kState].originSet = originSet = new Set(); if (socket.servername != null) { let originString = `https://${socket.servername}`; if (socket.remotePort != null) originString += `:${socket.remotePort}`; // We have to ensure that it is a properly serialized // ASCII origin string. The socket.servername might not // be properly ASCII encoded. originSet.add((new URL(originString)).origin); } } return originSet; } function onOrigin(origins) { const session = this[kOwner]; if (session.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(session[kType])}: origin received: ` + `${origins.join(', ')}`); session[kUpdateTimer](); if (!session.encrypted || session.destroyed) return undefined; const originSet = initOriginSet(session); for (var n = 0; n < origins.length; n++) originSet.add(origins[n]); session.emit('origin', origins); } // Receiving a GOAWAY frame from the connected peer is a signal that no // new streams should be created. If the code === NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, we // are going to send our close, but allow existing frames to close // normally. If code !== NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, we are going to send our own // close using the same code then destroy the session with an error. // The goaway event will be emitted on next tick. function onGoawayData(code, lastStreamID, buf) { const session = this[kOwner]; if (session.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(session[kType])}: goaway ${code} ` + `received [last stream id: ${lastStreamID}]`); const state = session[kState]; state.goawayCode = code; state.goawayLastStreamID = lastStreamID; session.emit('goaway', code, lastStreamID, buf); if (code === NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR) { // If this is a no error goaway, begin shutting down. // No new streams permitted, but existing streams may // close naturally on their own. session.close(); } else { // However, if the code is not NGHTTP_NO_ERROR, destroy the // session immediately. We destroy with an error but send a // goaway using NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR because there was no error // condition on this side of the session that caused the // shutdown. session.destroy(new ERR_HTTP2_SESSION_ERROR(code), NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR); } } // Returns the padding to use per frame. The selectPadding callback is set // on the options. It is invoked with two arguments, the frameLen, and the // maxPayloadLen. The method must return a numeric value within the range // frameLen <= n <= maxPayloadLen. function onSelectPadding(fn) { return function getPadding() { const frameLen = paddingBuffer[PADDING_BUF_FRAME_LENGTH]; const maxFramePayloadLen = paddingBuffer[PADDING_BUF_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH]; paddingBuffer[PADDING_BUF_RETURN_VALUE] = fn(frameLen, maxFramePayloadLen); }; } // When a ClientHttp2Session is first created, the socket may not yet be // connected. If request() is called during this time, the actual request // will be deferred until the socket is ready to go. function requestOnConnect(headers, options) { const session = this[kSession]; // At this point, the stream should have already been destroyed during // the session.destroy() method. Do nothing else. if (session === undefined || session.destroyed) return; // If the session was closed while waiting for the connect, destroy // the stream and do not continue with the request. if (session.closed) { const err = new ERR_HTTP2_GOAWAY_SESSION(); this.destroy(err); return; } debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(session[kType])}: connected, ` + 'initializing request'); let streamOptions = 0; if (options.endStream) streamOptions |= STREAM_OPTION_EMPTY_PAYLOAD; if (options.waitForTrailers) streamOptions |= STREAM_OPTION_GET_TRAILERS; // ret will be either the reserved stream ID (if positive) // or an error code (if negative) const ret = session[kHandle].request(headers, streamOptions, options.parent | 0, options.weight | 0, !!options.exclusive); // In an error condition, one of three possible response codes will be // possible: // * NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE - Maximum stream ID is reached, this // is fatal for the session // * NGHTTP2_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - Stream was made dependent on itself, this // impacts on this stream. // For the first two, emit the error on the session, // For the third, emit the error on the stream, it will bubble up to the // session if not handled. if (typeof ret === 'number') { let err; switch (ret) { case NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE: err = new ERR_HTTP2_OUT_OF_STREAMS(); this.destroy(err); break; case NGHTTP2_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: err = new ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_SELF_DEPENDENCY(); this.destroy(err); break; default: session.destroy(new NghttpError(ret)); } return; } this[kInit](ret.id(), ret); } // Validates that priority options are correct, specifically: // 1. options.weight must be a number // 2. options.parent must be a positive number // 3. options.exclusive must be a boolean // 4. if specified, options.silent must be a boolean // // Also sets the default priority options if they are not set. function validatePriorityOptions(options) { let err; if (options.weight === undefined) { options.weight = NGHTTP2_DEFAULT_WEIGHT; } else if (typeof options.weight !== 'number') { err = new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('weight', options.weight); } if (options.parent === undefined) { options.parent = 0; } else if (typeof options.parent !== 'number' || options.parent < 0) { err = new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('parent', options.parent); } if (options.exclusive === undefined) { options.exclusive = false; } else if (typeof options.exclusive !== 'boolean') { err = new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('exclusive', options.exclusive); } if (options.silent === undefined) { options.silent = false; } else if (typeof options.silent !== 'boolean') { err = new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('silent', options.silent); } if (err) { Error.captureStackTrace(err, validatePriorityOptions); throw err; } } // When an error occurs internally at the binding level, immediately // destroy the session. function onSessionInternalError(code) { if (this[kOwner] !== undefined) this[kOwner].destroy(new NghttpError(code)); } function settingsCallback(cb, ack, duration) { this[kState].pendingAck--; this[kLocalSettings] = undefined; if (ack) { debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(this[kType])}: settings received`); const settings = this.localSettings; if (typeof cb === 'function') cb(null, settings, duration); this.emit('localSettings', settings); } else { debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(this[kType])}: settings canceled`); if (typeof cb === 'function') cb(new ERR_HTTP2_SETTINGS_CANCEL()); } } // Submits a SETTINGS frame to be sent to the remote peer. function submitSettings(settings, callback) { if (this.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(this[kType])}: submitting settings`); this[kUpdateTimer](); updateSettingsBuffer(settings); if (!this[kHandle].settings(settingsCallback.bind(this, callback))) { this.destroy(new ERR_HTTP2_MAX_PENDING_SETTINGS_ACK()); } } // Submits a PRIORITY frame to be sent to the remote peer // Note: If the silent option is true, the change will be made // locally with no PRIORITY frame sent. function submitPriority(options) { if (this.destroyed) return; this[kUpdateTimer](); // If the parent is the id, do nothing because a // stream cannot be made to depend on itself. if (options.parent === this[kID]) return; this[kHandle].priority(options.parent | 0, options.weight | 0, !!options.exclusive, !!options.silent); } // Submit a GOAWAY frame to be sent to the remote peer. // If the lastStreamID is set to <= 0, then the lastProcStreamID will // be used. The opaqueData must either be a typed array or undefined // (which will be checked elsewhere). function submitGoaway(code, lastStreamID, opaqueData) { if (this.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(this[kType])}: submitting goaway`); this[kUpdateTimer](); this[kHandle].goaway(code, lastStreamID, opaqueData); } const proxySocketHandler = { get(session, prop) { switch (prop) { case 'setTimeout': case 'ref': case 'unref': return session[prop].bind(session); case 'destroy': case 'emit': case 'end': case 'pause': case 'read': case 'resume': case 'write': case 'setEncoding': case 'setKeepAlive': case 'setNoDelay': throw new ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION(); default: const socket = session[kSocket]; if (socket === undefined) throw new ERR_HTTP2_SOCKET_UNBOUND(); const value = socket[prop]; return typeof value === 'function' ? value.bind(socket) : value; } }, getPrototypeOf(session) { const socket = session[kSocket]; if (socket === undefined) throw new ERR_HTTP2_SOCKET_UNBOUND(); return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(socket); }, set(session, prop, value) { switch (prop) { case 'setTimeout': case 'ref': case 'unref': session[prop] = value; return true; case 'destroy': case 'emit': case 'end': case 'pause': case 'read': case 'resume': case 'write': case 'setEncoding': case 'setKeepAlive': case 'setNoDelay': throw new ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION(); default: const socket = session[kSocket]; if (socket === undefined) throw new ERR_HTTP2_SOCKET_UNBOUND(); socket[prop] = value; return true; } } }; // pingCallback() returns a function that is invoked when an HTTP2 PING // frame acknowledgement is received. The ack is either true or false to // indicate if the ping was successful or not. The duration indicates the // number of milliseconds elapsed since the ping was sent and the ack // received. The payload is a Buffer containing the 8 bytes of payload // data received on the PING acknowledgement. function pingCallback(cb) { return function pingCallback(ack, duration, payload) { if (ack) { cb(null, duration, payload); } else { cb(new ERR_HTTP2_PING_CANCEL()); } }; } // Validates the values in a settings object. Specifically: // 1. headerTableSize must be a number in the range 0 <= n <= kMaxInt // 2. initialWindowSize must be a number in the range 0 <= n <= kMaxInt // 3. maxFrameSize must be a number in the range 16384 <= n <= kMaxFrameSize // 4. maxConcurrentStreams must be a number in the range 0 <= n <= kMaxStreams // 5. maxHeaderListSize must be a number in the range 0 <= n <= kMaxInt // 6. enablePush must be a boolean // All settings are optional and may be left undefined function validateSettings(settings) { settings = Object.assign({}, settings); assertWithinRange('headerTableSize', settings.headerTableSize, 0, kMaxInt); assertWithinRange('initialWindowSize', settings.initialWindowSize, 0, kMaxInt); assertWithinRange('maxFrameSize', settings.maxFrameSize, 16384, kMaxFrameSize); assertWithinRange('maxConcurrentStreams', settings.maxConcurrentStreams, 0, kMaxStreams); assertWithinRange('maxHeaderListSize', settings.maxHeaderListSize, 0, kMaxInt); if (settings.enablePush !== undefined && typeof settings.enablePush !== 'boolean') { const err = new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SETTING_VALUE('enablePush', settings.enablePush); err.actual = settings.enablePush; Error.captureStackTrace(err, 'validateSettings'); throw err; } return settings; } // Creates the internal binding.Http2Session handle for an Http2Session // instance. This occurs only after the socket connection has been // established. Note: the binding.Http2Session will take over ownership // of the socket. No other code should read from or write to the socket. function setupHandle(socket, type, options) { // If the session has been destroyed, go ahead and emit 'connect', // but do nothing else. The various on('connect') handlers set by // core will check for session.destroyed before progressing, this // ensures that those at l`east get cleared out. if (this.destroyed) { process.nextTick(emit, this, 'connect', this, socket); return; } debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(type)}: setting up session handle`); this[kState].flags |= SESSION_FLAGS_READY; updateOptionsBuffer(options); const handle = new binding.Http2Session(type); handle[kOwner] = this; handle.error = onSessionInternalError; handle.onpriority = onPriority; handle.onsettings = onSettings; handle.onping = onPing; handle.onheaders = onSessionHeaders; handle.onframeerror = onFrameError; handle.ongoawaydata = onGoawayData; handle.onaltsvc = onAltSvc; handle.onorigin = onOrigin; if (typeof options.selectPadding === 'function') handle.ongetpadding = onSelectPadding(options.selectPadding); assert(socket._handle !== undefined, 'Internal HTTP/2 Failure. The socket is not connected. Please ' + 'report this as a bug in Node.js'); handle.consume(socket._handle._externalStream); this[kHandle] = handle; if (socket.encrypted) { this[kAlpnProtocol] = socket.alpnProtocol; this[kEncrypted] = true; } else { // 'h2c' is the protocol identifier for HTTP/2 over plain-text. We use // it here to identify any session that is not explicitly using an // encrypted socket. this[kAlpnProtocol] = 'h2c'; this[kEncrypted] = false; } const settings = typeof options.settings === 'object' ? options.settings : {}; this.settings(settings); if (type === NGHTTP2_SESSION_SERVER && Array.isArray(options.origins)) { this.origin(...options.origins); } process.nextTick(emit, this, 'connect', this, socket); } // Emits a close event followed by an error event if err is truthy. Used // by Http2Session.prototype.destroy() function emitClose(self, error) { if (error) self.emit('error', error); self.emit('close'); } function finishSessionDestroy(session, error) { const socket = session[kSocket]; if (!socket.destroyed) socket.destroy(error); session[kProxySocket] = undefined; session[kSocket] = undefined; session[kHandle] = undefined; socket[kSession] = undefined; socket[kServer] = undefined; // Finally, emit the close and error events (if necessary) on next tick. process.nextTick(emitClose, session, error); } // Upon creation, the Http2Session takes ownership of the socket. The session // may not be ready to use immediately if the socket is not yet fully connected. // In that case, the Http2Session will wait for the socket to connect. Once // the Http2Session is ready, it will emit its own 'connect' event. // // The Http2Session.goaway() method will send a GOAWAY frame, signalling // to the connected peer that a shutdown is in progress. Sending a goaway // frame has no other effect, however. // // Receiving a GOAWAY frame will cause the Http2Session to first emit a 'goaway' // event notifying the user that a shutdown is in progress. If the goaway // error code equals 0 (NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR), session.close() will be called, // causing the Http2Session to send its own GOAWAY frame and switch itself // into a graceful closing state. In this state, new inbound or outbound // Http2Streams will be rejected. Existing *pending* streams (those created // but without an assigned stream ID or handle) will be destroyed with a // cancel error. Existing open streams will be permitted to complete on their // own. Once all existing streams close, session.destroy() will be called // automatically. // // Calling session.destroy() will tear down the Http2Session immediately, // making it no longer usable. Pending and existing streams will be destroyed. // The bound socket will be destroyed. Once all resources have been freed up, // the 'close' event will be emitted. Note that pending streams will be // destroyed using a specific "ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_CANCEL" error. Existing open // streams will be destroyed using the same error passed to session.destroy() // // If destroy is called with an error, an 'error' event will be emitted // immediately following the 'close' event. // // The socket and Http2Session lifecycles are tightly bound. Once one is // destroyed, the other should also be destroyed. When the socket is destroyed // with an error, session.destroy() will be called with that same error. // Likewise, when session.destroy() is called with an error, the same error // will be sent to the socket. class Http2Session extends EventEmitter { constructor(type, options, socket) { super(); if (!socket._handle || !socket._handle._externalStream) { socket = new StreamWrap(socket); } // No validation is performed on the input parameters because this // constructor is not exported directly for users. // If the session property already exists on the socket, // then it has already been bound to an Http2Session instance // and cannot be attached again. if (socket[kSession] !== undefined) throw new ERR_HTTP2_SOCKET_BOUND(); socket[kSession] = this; this[kState] = { flags: SESSION_FLAGS_PENDING, goawayCode: null, goawayLastStreamID: null, streams: new Map(), pendingStreams: new Set(), pendingAck: 0, writeQueueSize: 0, originSet: undefined }; this[kEncrypted] = undefined; this[kAlpnProtocol] = undefined; this[kType] = type; this[kProxySocket] = null; this[kSocket] = socket; this[kTimeout] = null; // Do not use nagle's algorithm if (typeof socket.setNoDelay === 'function') socket.setNoDelay(); // Disable TLS renegotiation on the socket if (typeof socket.disableRenegotiation === 'function') socket.disableRenegotiation(); const setupFn = setupHandle.bind(this, socket, type, options); if (socket.connecting) { const connectEvent = socket instanceof tls.TLSSocket ? 'secureConnect' : 'connect'; socket.once(connectEvent, setupFn); } else { setupFn(); } debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(type)}: created`); } // Returns undefined if the socket is not yet connected, true if the // socket is a TLSSocket, and false if it is not. get encrypted() { return this[kEncrypted]; } // Returns undefined if the socket is not yet connected, `h2` if the // socket is a TLSSocket and the alpnProtocol is `h2`, or `h2c` if the // socket is not a TLSSocket. get alpnProtocol() { return this[kAlpnProtocol]; } // TODO(jasnell): originSet is being added in preparation for ORIGIN frame // support. At the current time, the ORIGIN frame specification is awaiting // publication as an RFC and is awaiting implementation in nghttp2. Once // added, an ORIGIN frame will add to the origins included in the origin // set. 421 responses will remove origins from the set. get originSet() { if (!this.encrypted || this.destroyed) return undefined; return Array.from(initOriginSet(this)); } // True if the Http2Session is still waiting for the socket to connect get connecting() { return (this[kState].flags & SESSION_FLAGS_READY) === 0; } // True if Http2Session.prototype.close() has been called get closed() { return !!(this[kState].flags & SESSION_FLAGS_CLOSED); } // True if Http2Session.prototype.destroy() has been called get destroyed() { return !!(this[kState].flags & SESSION_FLAGS_DESTROYED); } // Resets the timeout counter [kUpdateTimer]() { if (this.destroyed) return; if (this[kTimeout]) this[kTimeout].refresh(); } // Sets the id of the next stream to be created by this Http2Session. // The value must be a number in the range 0 <= n <= kMaxStreams. The // value also needs to be larger than the current next stream ID. setNextStreamID(id) { if (this.destroyed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION(); validateNumber(id, 'id'); if (id <= 0 || id > kMaxStreams) throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('id', `> 0 and <= ${kMaxStreams}`, id); this[kHandle].setNextStreamID(id); } // If ping is called while we are still connecting, or after close() has // been called, the ping callback will be invoked immediately will a ping // cancelled error and a duration of 0.0. ping(payload, callback) { if (this.destroyed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION(); if (typeof payload === 'function') { callback = payload; payload = undefined; } if (payload && !isArrayBufferView(payload)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('payload', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], payload); } if (payload && payload.length !== 8) { throw new ERR_HTTP2_PING_LENGTH(); } if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); const cb = pingCallback(callback); if (this.connecting || this.closed) { process.nextTick(cb, false, 0.0, payload); return; } return this[kHandle].ping(payload, cb); } [kInspect](depth, opts) { const obj = { type: this[kType], closed: this.closed, destroyed: this.destroyed, state: this.state, localSettings: this.localSettings, remoteSettings: this.remoteSettings }; return `Http2Session ${util.format(obj)}`; } // The socket owned by this session get socket() { const proxySocket = this[kProxySocket]; if (proxySocket === null) return this[kProxySocket] = new Proxy(this, proxySocketHandler); return proxySocket; } // The session type get type() { return this[kType]; } // If a GOAWAY frame has been received, gives the error code specified get goawayCode() { return this[kState].goawayCode || NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR; } // If a GOAWAY frame has been received, gives the last stream ID reported get goawayLastStreamID() { return this[kState].goawayLastStreamID || 0; } // true if the Http2Session is waiting for a settings acknowledgement get pendingSettingsAck() { return this[kState].pendingAck > 0; } // Retrieves state information for the Http2Session get state() { return this.connecting || this.destroyed ? {} : getSessionState(this[kHandle]); } // The settings currently in effect for the local peer. These will // be updated only when a settings acknowledgement has been received. get localSettings() { const settings = this[kLocalSettings]; if (settings !== undefined) return settings; if (this.destroyed || this.connecting) return {}; return this[kLocalSettings] = getSettings(this[kHandle], false); // Local } // The settings currently in effect for the remote peer. get remoteSettings() { const settings = this[kRemoteSettings]; if (settings !== undefined) return settings; if (this.destroyed || this.connecting) return {}; return this[kRemoteSettings] = getSettings(this[kHandle], true); // Remote } // Submits a SETTINGS frame to be sent to the remote peer. settings(settings, callback) { if (this.destroyed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION(); assertIsObject(settings, 'settings'); settings = validateSettings(settings); if (callback && typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(this[kType])}: sending settings`); this[kState].pendingAck++; const settingsFn = submitSettings.bind(this, settings, callback); if (this.connecting) { this.once('connect', settingsFn); return; } settingsFn(); } // Sumits a GOAWAY frame to be sent to the remote peer. Note that this // is only a notification, and does not affect the usable state of the // session with the notable exception that new incoming streams will // be rejected automatically. goaway(code = NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, lastStreamID = 0, opaqueData) { if (this.destroyed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION(); if (opaqueData !== undefined && !isArrayBufferView(opaqueData)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('opaqueData', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], opaqueData); } validateNumber(code, 'code'); validateNumber(lastStreamID, 'lastStreamID'); const goawayFn = submitGoaway.bind(this, code, lastStreamID, opaqueData); if (this.connecting) { this.once('connect', goawayFn); return; } goawayFn(); } // Destroy the Http2Session, making it no longer usable and cancelling // any pending activity. destroy(error = NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, code) { if (this.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(this[kType])}: destroying`); if (typeof error === 'number') { code = error; error = code !== NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR ? new ERR_HTTP2_SESSION_ERROR(code) : undefined; } if (code === undefined && error != null) code = NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR; const state = this[kState]; state.flags |= SESSION_FLAGS_DESTROYED; // Clear timeout and remove timeout listeners this.setTimeout(0); this.removeAllListeners('timeout'); // Destroy any pending and open streams const cancel = new ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_CANCEL(); if (error) { cancel.cause = error; if (typeof error.message === 'string') cancel.message += ` (caused by: ${error.message})`; } state.pendingStreams.forEach((stream) => stream.destroy(cancel)); state.streams.forEach((stream) => stream.destroy(error)); // Disassociate from the socket and server const socket = this[kSocket]; const handle = this[kHandle]; // Destroy the handle if it exists at this point if (handle !== undefined) handle.destroy(code, socket.destroyed); // If the socket is alive, use setImmediate to destroy the session on the // next iteration of the event loop in order to give data time to transmit. // Otherwise, destroy immediately. if (!socket.destroyed) setImmediate(finishSessionDestroy, this, error); else finishSessionDestroy(this, error); } // Closing the session will: // 1. Send a goaway frame // 2. Mark the session as closed // 3. Prevent new inbound or outbound streams from being opened // 4. Optionally register a 'close' event handler // 5. Will cause the session to automatically destroy after the // last currently open Http2Stream closes. // // Close always assumes a good, non-error shutdown (NGHTTP_NO_ERROR) // // If the session has not connected yet, the closed flag will still be // set but the goaway will not be sent until after the connect event // is emitted. close(callback) { if (this.closed || this.destroyed) return; debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(this[kType])}: marking session closed`); this[kState].flags |= SESSION_FLAGS_CLOSED; if (typeof callback === 'function') this.once('close', callback); this.goaway(); this[kMaybeDestroy](); } // Destroy the session if: // * error is not undefined/null // * session is closed and there are no more pending or open streams [kMaybeDestroy](error) { if (error == null) { const state = this[kState]; // Do not destroy if we're not closed and there are pending/open streams if (!this.closed || state.streams.size > 0 || state.pendingStreams.size > 0) { return; } } this.destroy(error); } _onTimeout() { // If the session is destroyed, this should never actually be invoked, // but just in case... if (this.destroyed) return; // This checks whether a write is currently in progress and also whether // that write is actually sending data across the write. The kHandle // stored `chunksSentSinceLastWrite` is only updated when a timeout event // happens, meaning that if a write is ongoing it should never equal the // newly fetched, updated value. if (this[kState].writeQueueSize > 0) { const handle = this[kHandle]; const chunksSentSinceLastWrite = handle !== undefined ? handle.chunksSentSinceLastWrite : null; if (chunksSentSinceLastWrite !== null && chunksSentSinceLastWrite !== handle.updateChunksSent()) { this[kUpdateTimer](); return; } } this.emit('timeout'); } ref() { if (this[kSocket]) { this[kSocket].ref(); } } unref() { if (this[kSocket]) { this[kSocket].unref(); } } } // ServerHttp2Session instances should never have to wait for the socket // to connect as they are always created after the socket has already been // established. class ServerHttp2Session extends Http2Session { constructor(options, socket, server) { super(NGHTTP2_SESSION_SERVER, options, socket); this[kServer] = server; } get server() { return this[kServer]; } // Submits an altsvc frame to be sent to the client. `stream` is a // numeric Stream ID. origin is a URL string that will be used to get // the origin. alt is a string containing the altsvc details. No fancy // API is provided for that. altsvc(alt, originOrStream) { if (this.destroyed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION(); let stream = 0; let origin; if (typeof originOrStream === 'string') { origin = (new URL(originOrStream)).origin; if (origin === 'null') throw new ERR_HTTP2_ALTSVC_INVALID_ORIGIN(); } else if (typeof originOrStream === 'number') { if (originOrStream >>> 0 !== originOrStream || originOrStream === 0) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('originOrStream', `> 0 && < ${2 ** 32}`, originOrStream); } stream = originOrStream; } else if (originOrStream !== undefined) { // Allow origin to be passed a URL or object with origin property if (originOrStream !== null && typeof originOrStream === 'object') origin = originOrStream.origin; // Note: if originOrStream is an object with an origin property other // than a URL, then it is possible that origin will be malformed. // We do not verify that here. Users who go that route need to // ensure they are doing the right thing or the payload data will // be invalid. if (typeof origin !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('originOrStream', ['string', 'number', 'URL', 'object'], originOrStream); } else if (origin === 'null' || origin.length === 0) { throw new ERR_HTTP2_ALTSVC_INVALID_ORIGIN(); } } if (typeof alt !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('alt', 'string', alt); if (!kQuotedString.test(alt)) throw new ERR_INVALID_CHAR('alt'); // Max length permitted for ALTSVC if ((alt.length + (origin !== undefined ? origin.length : 0)) > 16382) throw new ERR_HTTP2_ALTSVC_LENGTH(); this[kHandle].altsvc(stream, origin || '', alt); } // Submits an origin frame to be sent. origin(...origins) { if (this.destroyed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION(); if (origins.length === 0) return; let arr = ''; let len = 0; const count = origins.length; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { let origin = origins[i]; if (typeof origin === 'string') { origin = (new URL(origin)).origin; } else if (origin != null && typeof origin === 'object') { origin = origin.origin; } if (typeof origin !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('origin', 'string', origin); if (origin === 'null') throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_ORIGIN(); arr += `${origin}\0`; len += origin.length; } if (len > 16382) throw new ERR_HTTP2_ORIGIN_LENGTH(); this[kHandle].origin(arr, count); } } // ClientHttp2Session instances have to wait for the socket to connect after // they have been created. Various operations such as request() may be used, // but the actual protocol communication will only occur after the socket // has been connected. class ClientHttp2Session extends Http2Session { constructor(options, socket) { super(NGHTTP2_SESSION_CLIENT, options, socket); } // Submits a new HTTP2 request to the connected peer. Returns the // associated Http2Stream instance. request(headers, options) { debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(this[kType])}: initiating request`); if (this.destroyed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SESSION(); if (this.closed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_GOAWAY_SESSION(); this[kUpdateTimer](); assertIsObject(headers, 'headers'); assertIsObject(options, 'options'); headers = Object.assign(Object.create(null), headers); options = Object.assign({}, options); if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] === undefined) headers[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] = HTTP2_METHOD_GET; const connect = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] === HTTP2_METHOD_CONNECT; if (!connect || headers[HTTP2_HEADER_PROTOCOL] !== undefined) { if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] === undefined) headers[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] = this[kAuthority]; if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME] === undefined) headers[HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME] = this[kProtocol].slice(0, -1); if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_PATH] === undefined) headers[HTTP2_HEADER_PATH] = '/'; } else { if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] === undefined) throw new ERR_HTTP2_CONNECT_AUTHORITY(); if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME] !== undefined) throw new ERR_HTTP2_CONNECT_SCHEME(); if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_PATH] !== undefined) throw new ERR_HTTP2_CONNECT_PATH(); } validatePriorityOptions(options); if (options.endStream === undefined) { // For some methods, we know that a payload is meaningless, so end the // stream by default if the user has not specifically indicated a // preference. options.endStream = isPayloadMeaningless(headers[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]); } else if (typeof options.endStream !== 'boolean') { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('endStream', options.endStream); } const headersList = mapToHeaders(headers); if (!Array.isArray(headersList)) throw headersList; const stream = new ClientHttp2Stream(this, undefined, undefined, {}); stream[kSentHeaders] = headers; stream[kOrigin] = `${headers[HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME]}://` + `${headers[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY]}`; // Close the writable side of the stream if options.endStream is set. if (options.endStream) stream.end(); if (options.waitForTrailers) stream[kState].flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_HAS_TRAILERS; const onConnect = requestOnConnect.bind(stream, headersList, options); if (this.connecting) { this.once('connect', onConnect); } else { onConnect(); } return stream; } } function trackWriteState(stream, bytes) { const session = stream[kSession]; stream[kState].writeQueueSize += bytes; session[kState].writeQueueSize += bytes; session[kHandle].chunksSentSinceLastWrite = 0; } function afterDoStreamWrite(status, handle) { const stream = handle[kOwner]; const session = stream[kSession]; stream[kUpdateTimer](); const { bytes } = this; stream[kState].writeQueueSize -= bytes; if (session !== undefined) session[kState].writeQueueSize -= bytes; if (typeof this.callback === 'function') this.callback(null); } function streamOnResume() { if (!this.destroyed) this[kHandle].readStart(); } function streamOnPause() { if (!this.destroyed && !this.pending) this[kHandle].readStop(); } function afterShutdown() { this.callback(); const stream = this.handle[kOwner]; if (stream) stream[kMaybeDestroy](); } function finishSendTrailers(stream, headersList) { // The stream might be destroyed and in that case // there is nothing to do. // This can happen because finishSendTrailers is // scheduled via setImmediate. if (stream.destroyed) { return; } stream[kState].flags &= ~STREAM_FLAGS_HAS_TRAILERS; const ret = stream[kHandle].trailers(headersList); if (ret < 0) stream.destroy(new NghttpError(ret)); else stream[kMaybeDestroy](); } const kNoRstStream = 0; const kSubmitRstStream = 1; const kForceRstStream = 2; function closeStream(stream, code, rstStreamStatus = kSubmitRstStream) { const state = stream[kState]; state.flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_CLOSED; state.rstCode = code; // Clear timeout and remove timeout listeners stream.setTimeout(0); stream.removeAllListeners('timeout'); const { ending, finished } = stream._writableState; if (!ending) { // If the writable side of the Http2Stream is still open, emit the // 'aborted' event and set the aborted flag. if (!stream.aborted) { state.flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_ABORTED; stream.emit('aborted'); } // Close the writable side. stream.end(); } if (rstStreamStatus !== kNoRstStream) { const finishFn = finishCloseStream.bind(stream, code); if (!ending || finished || code !== NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR || rstStreamStatus === kForceRstStream) finishFn(); else stream.once('finish', finishFn); } } function finishCloseStream(code) { const rstStreamFn = submitRstStream.bind(this, code); // If the handle has not yet been assigned, queue up the request to // ensure that the RST_STREAM frame is sent after the stream ID has // been determined. if (this.pending) { this.push(null); this.once('ready', rstStreamFn); return; } rstStreamFn(); } // An Http2Stream is a Duplex stream that is backed by a // node::http2::Http2Stream handle implementing StreamBase. class Http2Stream extends Duplex { constructor(session, options) { options.allowHalfOpen = true; options.decodeStrings = false; super(options); this[async_id_symbol] = -1; // Corking the stream automatically allows writes to happen // but ensures that those are buffered until the handle has // been assigned. this.cork(); this[kSession] = session; session[kState].pendingStreams.add(this); // Allow our logic for determining whether any reads have happened to // work in all situations. This is similar to what we do in _http_incoming. this._readableState.readingMore = true; this[kTimeout] = null; this[kState] = { didRead: false, flags: STREAM_FLAGS_PENDING, rstCode: NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, writeQueueSize: 0, trailersReady: false, endAfterHeaders: false }; this.on('pause', streamOnPause); } [kUpdateTimer]() { if (this.destroyed) return; if (this[kTimeout]) this[kTimeout].refresh(); if (this[kSession]) this[kSession][kUpdateTimer](); } [kInit](id, handle) { const state = this[kState]; state.flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_READY; const session = this[kSession]; session[kState].pendingStreams.delete(this); session[kState].streams.set(id, this); this[kID] = id; this[async_id_symbol] = handle.getAsyncId(); handle[kOwner] = this; this[kHandle] = handle; handle.ontrailers = onStreamTrailers; handle.onstreamclose = onStreamClose; handle.onread = onStreamRead; this.uncork(); this.emit('ready'); } [kInspect](depth, opts) { const obj = { id: this[kID] || '', closed: this.closed, destroyed: this.destroyed, state: this.state, readableState: this._readableState, writableState: this._writableState }; return `Http2Stream ${util.format(obj)}`; } get endAfterHeaders() { return this[kState].endAfterHeaders; } get sentHeaders() { return this[kSentHeaders]; } get sentTrailers() { return this[kSentTrailers]; } get sentInfoHeaders() { return this[kInfoHeaders]; } get pending() { return this[kID] === undefined; } // The id of the Http2Stream, will be undefined if the socket is not // yet connected. get id() { return this[kID]; } // The Http2Session that owns this Http2Stream. get session() { return this[kSession]; } _onTimeout() { if (this.destroyed) return; // This checks whether a write is currently in progress and also whether // that write is actually sending data across the write. The kHandle // stored `chunksSentSinceLastWrite` is only updated when a timeout event // happens, meaning that if a write is ongoing it should never equal the // newly fetched, updated value. if (this[kState].writeQueueSize > 0) { const handle = this[kSession][kHandle]; const chunksSentSinceLastWrite = handle !== undefined ? handle.chunksSentSinceLastWrite : null; if (chunksSentSinceLastWrite !== null && chunksSentSinceLastWrite !== handle.updateChunksSent()) { this[kUpdateTimer](); return; } } this.emit('timeout'); } // true if the HEADERS frame has been sent get headersSent() { return !!(this[kState].flags & STREAM_FLAGS_HEADERS_SENT); } // true if the Http2Stream was aborted abnormally. get aborted() { return !!(this[kState].flags & STREAM_FLAGS_ABORTED); } // true if dealing with a HEAD request get headRequest() { return !!(this[kState].flags & STREAM_FLAGS_HEAD_REQUEST); } // The error code reported when this Http2Stream was closed. get rstCode() { return this[kState].rstCode; } // State information for the Http2Stream get state() { const id = this[kID]; if (this.destroyed || id === undefined) return {}; return getStreamState(this[kHandle], id); } [kProceed]() { assert.fail(null, null, 'Implementors MUST implement this. Please report this as a ' + 'bug in Node.js'); } [kWriteGeneric](writev, data, encoding, cb) { // When the Http2Stream is first created, it is corked until the // handle and the stream ID is assigned. However, if the user calls // uncork() before that happens, the Duplex will attempt to pass // writes through. Those need to be queued up here. if (this.pending) { this.once( 'ready', this[kWriteGeneric].bind(this, writev, data, encoding, cb) ); return; } // If the stream has been destroyed, there's nothing else we can do // because the handle has been destroyed. This should only be an // issue if a write occurs before the 'ready' event in the case where // the duplex is uncorked before the stream is ready to go. In that // case, drop the data on the floor. An error should have already been // emitted. if (this.destroyed) return; this[kUpdateTimer](); if (!this.headersSent) this[kProceed](); const req = createWriteWrap(this[kHandle], afterDoStreamWrite); req.stream = this[kID]; if (writev) writevGeneric(this, req, data, cb); else writeGeneric(this, req, data, encoding, cb); trackWriteState(this, req.bytes); } _write(data, encoding, cb) { this[kWriteGeneric](false, data, encoding, cb); } _writev(data, cb) { this[kWriteGeneric](true, data, '', cb); } _final(cb) { const handle = this[kHandle]; if (this[kID] === undefined) { this.once('ready', () => this._final(cb)); } else if (handle !== undefined) { debug(`Http2Stream ${this[kID]} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(this[kSession][kType])}]: _final shutting down`); const req = new ShutdownWrap(); req.oncomplete = afterShutdown; req.callback = cb; req.handle = handle; handle.shutdown(req); } else { cb(); } } _read(nread) { if (this.destroyed) { this.push(null); return; } if (!this[kState].didRead) { this._readableState.readingMore = false; this[kState].didRead = true; } if (!this.pending) { streamOnResume.call(this); } else { this.once('ready', streamOnResume); } } priority(options) { if (this.destroyed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM(); assertIsObject(options, 'options'); options = Object.assign({}, options); validatePriorityOptions(options); const priorityFn = submitPriority.bind(this, options); // If the handle has not yet been assigned, queue up the priority // frame to be sent as soon as the ready event is emitted. if (this.pending) { this.once('ready', priorityFn); return; } priorityFn(); } sendTrailers(headers) { if (this.destroyed || this.closed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM(); if (this[kSentTrailers]) throw new ERR_HTTP2_TRAILERS_ALREADY_SENT(); if (!this[kState].trailersReady) throw new ERR_HTTP2_TRAILERS_NOT_READY(); assertIsObject(headers, 'headers'); headers = Object.assign(Object.create(null), headers); const session = this[kSession]; debug(`Http2Stream ${this[kID]} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(session[kType])}]: sending trailers`); this[kUpdateTimer](); const headersList = mapToHeaders(headers, assertValidPseudoHeaderTrailer); if (!Array.isArray(headersList)) throw headersList; this[kSentTrailers] = headers; // Send the trailers in setImmediate so we don't do it on nghttp2 stack. setImmediate(finishSendTrailers, this, headersList); } get closed() { return !!(this[kState].flags & STREAM_FLAGS_CLOSED); } // Close initiates closing the Http2Stream instance by sending an RST_STREAM // frame to the connected peer. The readable and writable sides of the // Http2Stream duplex are closed and the timeout timer is cleared. If // a callback is passed, it is registered to listen for the 'close' event. // // If the handle and stream ID have not been assigned yet, the close // will be queued up to wait for the ready event. As soon as the stream ID // is determined, the close will proceed. // // Submitting the RST_STREAM frame to the underlying handle will cause // the Http2Stream to be closed and ultimately destroyed. After calling // close, it is still possible to queue up PRIORITY and RST_STREAM frames, // but no DATA and HEADERS frames may be sent. close(code = NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, callback) { validateNumber(code, 'code'); if (code < 0 || code > kMaxInt) throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('code', `>= 0 && <= ${kMaxInt}`, code); if (callback !== undefined && typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); if (this.closed) return; if (callback !== undefined) this.once('close', callback); closeStream(this, code); } // Called by this.destroy(). // * Will submit an RST stream to shutdown the stream if necessary. // This will cause the internal resources to be released. // * Then cleans up the resources on the js side _destroy(err, callback) { const session = this[kSession]; const handle = this[kHandle]; const id = this[kID]; debug(`Http2Stream ${this[kID] || ''} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(session[kType])}]: destroying stream`); const state = this[kState]; const code = err != null ? NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR : (state.rstCode || NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR); const hasHandle = handle !== undefined; if (!this.closed) closeStream(this, code, hasHandle ? kForceRstStream : kNoRstStream); this.push(null); if (hasHandle) { handle.destroy(); session[kState].streams.delete(id); } else { session[kState].pendingStreams.delete(this); } // Adjust the write queue size for accounting session[kState].writeQueueSize -= state.writeQueueSize; state.writeQueueSize = 0; // RST code 8 not emitted as an error as its used by clients to signify // abort and is already covered by aborted event, also allows more // seamless compatibility with http1 if (err == null && code !== NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR && code !== NGHTTP2_CANCEL) err = new ERR_HTTP2_STREAM_ERROR(nameForErrorCode[code] || code); this[kSession] = undefined; this[kHandle] = undefined; // This notifies the session that this stream has been destroyed and // gives the session the opportunity to clean itself up. The session // will destroy if it has been closed and there are no other open or // pending streams. session[kMaybeDestroy](); callback(err); } // The Http2Stream can be destroyed if it has closed and if the readable // side has received the final chunk. [kMaybeDestroy](code = NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR) { if (code !== NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR) { this.destroy(); return; } // TODO(mcollina): remove usage of _*State properties if (this._writableState.finished) { if (!this.readable && this.closed) { this.destroy(); return; } // We've submitted a response from our server session, have not attempted // to process any incoming data, and have no trailers. This means we can // attempt to gracefully close the session. const state = this[kState]; if (this.headersSent && this[kSession][kType] === NGHTTP2_SESSION_SERVER && !(state.flags & STREAM_FLAGS_HAS_TRAILERS) && !state.didRead && this.readableFlowing === null) { // By using setImmediate we allow pushStreams to make it through // before the stream is officially closed. This prevents a bug // in most browsers where those pushStreams would be rejected. setImmediate(this.close.bind(this)); } } } } function processHeaders(headers) { assertIsObject(headers, 'headers'); headers = Object.assign(Object.create(null), headers); if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] == null) headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] = HTTP_STATUS_OK; headers[HTTP2_HEADER_DATE] = utcDate(); const statusCode = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] |= 0; // This is intentionally stricter than the HTTP/1 implementation, which // allows values between 100 and 999 (inclusive) in order to allow for // backwards compatibility with non-spec compliant code. With HTTP/2, // we have the opportunity to start fresh with stricter spec compliance. // This will have an impact on the compatibility layer for anyone using // non-standard, non-compliant status codes. if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode > 599) throw new ERR_HTTP2_STATUS_INVALID(headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS]); return headers; } function onFileCloseError(stream, err) { stream.emit(err); } function onFileUnpipe() { const stream = this.sink[kOwner]; if (stream.ownsFd) this.source.close().catch(onFileCloseError.bind(stream)); else this.source.releaseFD(); } // This is only called once the pipe has returned back control, so // it only has to handle errors and End-of-File. function onPipedFileHandleRead(err) { if (err < 0 && err !== UV_EOF) { this.stream.close(NGHTTP2_INTERNAL_ERROR); } } function processRespondWithFD(self, fd, headers, offset = 0, length = -1, streamOptions = 0) { const state = self[kState]; state.flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_HEADERS_SENT; const headersList = mapToHeaders(headers, assertValidPseudoHeaderResponse); self[kSentHeaders] = headers; if (!Array.isArray(headersList)) { self.destroy(headersList); return; } // Close the writable side of the stream, but only as far as the writable // stream implementation is concerned. self._final = null; self.end(); const ret = self[kHandle].respond(headersList, streamOptions); if (ret < 0) { self.destroy(new NghttpError(ret)); return; } defaultTriggerAsyncIdScope(self[async_id_symbol], startFilePipe, self, fd, offset, length); } function startFilePipe(self, fd, offset, length) { const handle = new FileHandle(fd, offset, length); handle.onread = onPipedFileHandleRead; handle.stream = self; const pipe = new StreamPipe(handle._externalStream, self[kHandle]._externalStream); pipe.onunpipe = onFileUnpipe; pipe.start(); // exact length of the file doesn't matter here, since the // stream is closing anyway - just use 1 to signify that // a write does exist trackWriteState(self, 1); } function doSendFD(session, options, fd, headers, streamOptions, err, stat) { if (err) { this.destroy(err); return; } // This can happen if the stream is destroyed or closed while we are waiting // for the file descriptor to be opened or the stat call to be completed. // In either case, we do not want to continue because the we are shutting // down and should not attempt to send any data. if (this.destroyed || this.closed) { this.destroy(new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM()); return; } const statOptions = { offset: options.offset !== undefined ? options.offset : 0, length: options.length !== undefined ? options.length : -1 }; // options.statCheck is a user-provided function that can be used to // verify stat values, override or set headers, or even cancel the // response operation. If statCheck explicitly returns false, the // response is canceled. The user code may also send a separate type // of response so check again for the HEADERS_SENT flag if ((typeof options.statCheck === 'function' && options.statCheck.call(this, stat, headers, statOptions) === false) || (this[kState].flags & STREAM_FLAGS_HEADERS_SENT)) { return; } processRespondWithFD(this, fd, headers, statOptions.offset | 0, statOptions.length | 0, streamOptions); } function doSendFileFD(session, options, fd, headers, streamOptions, err, stat) { const onError = options.onError; if (err) { tryClose(fd); if (onError) onError(err); else this.destroy(err); return; } if (!stat.isFile()) { const isDirectory = stat.isDirectory(); if (options.offset !== undefined || options.offset > 0 || options.length !== undefined || options.length >= 0 || isDirectory) { const err = isDirectory ? new ERR_HTTP2_SEND_FILE() : new ERR_HTTP2_SEND_FILE_NOSEEK(); tryClose(fd); if (onError) onError(err); else this.destroy(err); return; } options.offset = -1; options.length = -1; } if (this.destroyed || this.closed) { tryClose(fd); this.destroy(new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM()); return; } const statOptions = { offset: options.offset !== undefined ? options.offset : 0, length: options.length !== undefined ? options.length : -1 }; // options.statCheck is a user-provided function that can be used to // verify stat values, override or set headers, or even cancel the // response operation. If statCheck explicitly returns false, the // response is canceled. The user code may also send a separate type // of response so check again for the HEADERS_SENT flag if ((typeof options.statCheck === 'function' && options.statCheck.call(this, stat, headers) === false) || (this[kState].flags & STREAM_FLAGS_HEADERS_SENT)) { tryClose(fd); return; } if (stat.isFile()) { statOptions.length = statOptions.length < 0 ? stat.size - (+statOptions.offset) : Math.min(stat.size - (+statOptions.offset), statOptions.length); headers[HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH] = statOptions.length; } processRespondWithFD(this, fd, headers, options.offset | 0, statOptions.length | 0, streamOptions); } function afterOpen(session, options, headers, streamOptions, err, fd) { const state = this[kState]; const onError = options.onError; if (err) { if (onError) onError(err); else this.destroy(err); return; } if (this.destroyed || this.closed) { tryClose(fd); return; } state.fd = fd; fs.fstat(fd, doSendFileFD.bind(this, session, options, fd, headers, streamOptions)); } class ServerHttp2Stream extends Http2Stream { constructor(session, handle, id, options, headers) { super(session, options); handle.owner = this; this[kInit](id, handle); this[kProtocol] = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME]; this[kAuthority] = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY]; } // true if the remote peer accepts push streams get pushAllowed() { return !this.destroyed && !this.closed && !this.session.closed && !this.session.destroyed && this[kSession].remoteSettings.enablePush; } // create a push stream, call the given callback with the created // Http2Stream for the push stream. pushStream(headers, options, callback) { if (!this.pushAllowed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_PUSH_DISABLED(); if (this[kID] % 2 === 0) throw new ERR_HTTP2_NESTED_PUSH(); const session = this[kSession]; debug(`Http2Stream ${this[kID]} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(session[kType])}]: initiating push stream`); this[kUpdateTimer](); if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = undefined; } if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); assertIsObject(options, 'options'); options = Object.assign({}, options); options.endStream = !!options.endStream; assertIsObject(headers, 'headers'); headers = Object.assign(Object.create(null), headers); if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] === undefined) headers[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] = HTTP2_METHOD_GET; if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] === undefined) headers[HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] = this[kAuthority]; if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME] === undefined) headers[HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME] = this[kProtocol]; if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_PATH] === undefined) headers[HTTP2_HEADER_PATH] = '/'; let headRequest = false; if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] === HTTP2_METHOD_HEAD) headRequest = options.endStream = true; options.readable = false; const headersList = mapToHeaders(headers); if (!Array.isArray(headersList)) throw headersList; const streamOptions = options.endStream ? STREAM_OPTION_EMPTY_PAYLOAD : 0; const ret = this[kHandle].pushPromise(headersList, streamOptions); let err; if (typeof ret === 'number') { switch (ret) { case NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE: err = new ERR_HTTP2_OUT_OF_STREAMS(); break; case NGHTTP2_ERR_STREAM_CLOSED: err = new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM(); break; default: err = new NghttpError(ret); break; } process.nextTick(callback, err); return; } const id = ret.id(); const stream = new ServerHttp2Stream(session, ret, id, options, headers); stream[kSentHeaders] = headers; if (options.endStream) stream.end(); if (headRequest) stream[kState].flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_HEAD_REQUEST; process.nextTick(callback, null, stream, headers, 0); } // Initiate a response on this Http2Stream respond(headers, options) { if (this.destroyed || this.closed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM(); if (this.headersSent) throw new ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT(); const state = this[kState]; assertIsObject(options, 'options'); options = Object.assign({}, options); const session = this[kSession]; debug(`Http2Stream ${this[kID]} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(session[kType])}]: initiating response`); this[kUpdateTimer](); options.endStream = !!options.endStream; let streamOptions = 0; if (options.endStream) streamOptions |= STREAM_OPTION_EMPTY_PAYLOAD; if (options.waitForTrailers) { streamOptions |= STREAM_OPTION_GET_TRAILERS; state.flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_HAS_TRAILERS; } headers = processHeaders(headers); const statusCode = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] |= 0; // Payload/DATA frames are not permitted in these cases so set // the options.endStream option to true so that the underlying // bits do not attempt to send any. if (statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT || statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_RESET_CONTENT || statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED || this.headRequest === true) { options.endStream = true; } const headersList = mapToHeaders(headers, assertValidPseudoHeaderResponse); if (!Array.isArray(headersList)) throw headersList; this[kSentHeaders] = headers; state.flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_HEADERS_SENT; // Close the writable side if the endStream option is set if (options.endStream) this.end(); const ret = this[kHandle].respond(headersList, streamOptions); if (ret < 0) this.destroy(new NghttpError(ret)); } // Initiate a response using an open FD. Note that there are fewer // protections with this approach. For one, the fd is not validated by // default. In respondWithFile, the file is checked to make sure it is a // regular file, here the fd is passed directly. If the underlying // mechanism is not able to read from the fd, then the stream will be // reset with an error code. respondWithFD(fd, headers, options) { if (this.destroyed || this.closed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM(); if (this.headersSent) throw new ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT(); const session = this[kSession]; assertIsObject(options, 'options'); options = Object.assign({}, options); if (options.offset !== undefined && typeof options.offset !== 'number') throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('offset', options.offset); if (options.length !== undefined && typeof options.length !== 'number') throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('length', options.length); if (options.statCheck !== undefined && typeof options.statCheck !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('statCheck', options.statCheck); } let streamOptions = 0; if (options.waitForTrailers) { streamOptions |= STREAM_OPTION_GET_TRAILERS; this[kState].flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_HAS_TRAILERS; } validateNumber(fd, 'fd'); debug(`Http2Stream ${this[kID]} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(session[kType])}]: initiating response from fd`); this[kUpdateTimer](); this.ownsFd = false; headers = processHeaders(headers); const statusCode = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] |= 0; // Payload/DATA frames are not permitted in these cases if (statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT || statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_RESET_CONTENT || statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED) { throw new ERR_HTTP2_PAYLOAD_FORBIDDEN(statusCode); } if (options.statCheck !== undefined) { fs.fstat(fd, doSendFD.bind(this, session, options, fd, headers, streamOptions)); return; } processRespondWithFD(this, fd, headers, options.offset, options.length, streamOptions); } // Initiate a file response on this Http2Stream. The path is passed to // fs.open() to acquire the fd with mode 'r', then the fd is passed to // fs.fstat(). Assuming fstat is successful, a check is made to ensure // that the file is a regular file, then options.statCheck is called, // giving the user an opportunity to verify the details and set additional // headers. If statCheck returns false, the operation is aborted and no // file details are sent. respondWithFile(path, headers, options) { if (this.destroyed || this.closed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM(); if (this.headersSent) throw new ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT(); assertIsObject(options, 'options'); options = Object.assign({}, options); if (options.offset !== undefined && typeof options.offset !== 'number') throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('offset', options.offset); if (options.length !== undefined && typeof options.length !== 'number') throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('length', options.length); if (options.statCheck !== undefined && typeof options.statCheck !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('statCheck', options.statCheck); } let streamOptions = 0; if (options.waitForTrailers) { streamOptions |= STREAM_OPTION_GET_TRAILERS; this[kState].flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_HAS_TRAILERS; } const session = this[kSession]; debug(`Http2Stream ${this[kID]} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(session[kType])}]: initiating response from file`); this[kUpdateTimer](); this.ownsFd = true; headers = processHeaders(headers); const statusCode = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] |= 0; // Payload/DATA frames are not permitted in these cases if (statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT || statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_RESET_CONTENT || statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED) { throw new ERR_HTTP2_PAYLOAD_FORBIDDEN(statusCode); } fs.open(path, 'r', afterOpen.bind(this, session, options, headers, streamOptions)); } // Sends a block of informational headers. In theory, the HTTP/2 spec // allows sending a HEADER block at any time during a streams lifecycle, // but the HTTP request/response semantics defined in HTTP/2 places limits // such that HEADERS may only be sent *before* or *after* DATA frames. // If the block of headers being sent includes a status code, it MUST be // a 1xx informational code and it MUST be sent before the request/response // headers are sent, or an error will be thrown. additionalHeaders(headers) { if (this.destroyed || this.closed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM(); if (this.headersSent) throw new ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_AFTER_RESPOND(); assertIsObject(headers, 'headers'); headers = Object.assign(Object.create(null), headers); const session = this[kSession]; debug(`Http2Stream ${this[kID]} [Http2Session ` + `${sessionName(session[kType])}]: sending additional headers`); if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] != null) { const statusCode = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] |= 0; if (statusCode === HTTP_STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) throw new ERR_HTTP2_STATUS_101(); if (statusCode < 100 || statusCode >= 200) { throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_INFO_STATUS(headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS]); } } this[kUpdateTimer](); const headersList = mapToHeaders(headers, assertValidPseudoHeaderResponse); if (!Array.isArray(headersList)) throw headersList; if (!this[kInfoHeaders]) this[kInfoHeaders] = [headers]; else this[kInfoHeaders].push(headers); const ret = this[kHandle].info(headersList); if (ret < 0) this.destroy(new NghttpError(ret)); } } ServerHttp2Stream.prototype[kProceed] = ServerHttp2Stream.prototype.respond; class ClientHttp2Stream extends Http2Stream { constructor(session, handle, id, options) { super(session, options); this[kState].flags |= STREAM_FLAGS_HEADERS_SENT; if (id !== undefined) this[kInit](id, handle); this.on('headers', handleHeaderContinue); } } function handleHeaderContinue(headers) { if (headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] === HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE) this.emit('continue'); } const setTimeout = { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: function(msecs, callback) { if (this.destroyed) return; // Type checking identical to timers.enroll() msecs = validateTimerDuration(msecs); // Attempt to clear an existing timer lear in both cases - // even if it will be rescheduled we don't want to leak an existing timer. clearTimeout(this[kTimeout]); if (msecs === 0) { if (callback !== undefined) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); this.removeListener('timeout', callback); } } else { this[kTimeout] = setUnrefTimeout(this._onTimeout.bind(this), msecs); if (this[kSession]) this[kSession][kUpdateTimer](); if (callback !== undefined) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); this.once('timeout', callback); } } return this; } }; Object.defineProperty(Http2Stream.prototype, 'setTimeout', setTimeout); Object.defineProperty(Http2Session.prototype, 'setTimeout', setTimeout); // When the socket emits an error, destroy the associated Http2Session and // forward it the same error. function socketOnError(error) { const session = this[kSession]; if (session !== undefined) { // We can ignore ECONNRESET after GOAWAY was received as there's nothing // we can do and the other side is fully within its rights to do so. if (error.code === 'ECONNRESET' && session[kState].goawayCode !== null) return session.destroy(); debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(session[kType])}: socket error [` + `${error.message}]`); session.destroy(error); } } // Handles the on('stream') event for a session and forwards // it on to the server object. function sessionOnStream(stream, headers, flags, rawHeaders) { if (this[kServer] !== undefined) this[kServer].emit('stream', stream, headers, flags, rawHeaders); } function sessionOnPriority(stream, parent, weight, exclusive) { if (this[kServer] !== undefined) this[kServer].emit('priority', stream, parent, weight, exclusive); } function sessionOnError(error) { if (this[kServer]) this[kServer].emit('sessionError', error, this); } // When the session times out on the server, try emitting a timeout event. // If no handler is registered, destroy the session. function sessionOnTimeout() { // if destroyed or closed already, do nothing if (this.destroyed || this.closed) return; const server = this[kServer]; if (!server.emit('timeout', this)) this.destroy(); // No error code, just things down. } function connectionListener(socket) { debug('Http2Session server: received a connection'); const options = this[kOptions] || {}; if (socket.alpnProtocol === false || socket.alpnProtocol === 'http/1.1') { // Fallback to HTTP/1.1 if (options.allowHTTP1 === true) { socket.server[kIncomingMessage] = options.Http1IncomingMessage; socket.server[kServerResponse] = options.Http1ServerResponse; return httpConnectionListener.call(this, socket); } // Let event handler deal with the socket debug(`Unknown protocol from ${socket.remoteAddress}:${socket.remotePort}`); if (!this.emit('unknownProtocol', socket)) { // We don't know what to do, so let's just tell the other side what's // going on in a format that they *might* understand. socket.end('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden\r\n' + 'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n' + 'Unknown ALPN Protocol, expected `h2` to be available.\n' + 'If this is a HTTP request: The server was not ' + 'configured with the `allowHTTP1` option or a ' + 'listener for the `unknownProtocol` event.\n'); } return; } socket.on('error', socketOnError); socket.on('close', socketOnClose); // Set up the Session const session = new ServerHttp2Session(options, socket, this); session.on('stream', sessionOnStream); session.on('priority', sessionOnPriority); session.on('error', sessionOnError); if (this.timeout) session.setTimeout(this.timeout, sessionOnTimeout); socket[kServer] = this; this.emit('session', session); } function initializeOptions(options) { assertIsObject(options, 'options'); options = Object.assign({}, options); options.allowHalfOpen = true; assertIsObject(options.settings, 'options.settings'); options.settings = Object.assign({}, options.settings); // Used only with allowHTTP1 options.Http1IncomingMessage = options.Http1IncomingMessage || http.IncomingMessage; options.Http1ServerResponse = options.Http1ServerResponse || http.ServerResponse; options.Http2ServerRequest = options.Http2ServerRequest || Http2ServerRequest; options.Http2ServerResponse = options.Http2ServerResponse || Http2ServerResponse; return options; } function initializeTLSOptions(options, servername) { options = initializeOptions(options); options.ALPNProtocols = ['h2']; if (options.allowHTTP1 === true) options.ALPNProtocols.push('http/1.1'); if (servername !== undefined && options.servername === undefined) options.servername = servername; return options; } function onErrorSecureServerSession(err, socket) { if (!this.emit('clientError', err, socket)) socket.destroy(err); } class Http2SecureServer extends TLSServer { constructor(options, requestListener) { options = initializeTLSOptions(options); super(options, connectionListener); this[kOptions] = options; this.timeout = kDefaultSocketTimeout; this.on('newListener', setupCompat); if (typeof requestListener === 'function') this.on('request', requestListener); this.on('tlsClientError', onErrorSecureServerSession); } setTimeout(msecs, callback) { this.timeout = msecs; if (callback !== undefined) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); this.on('timeout', callback); } return this; } } class Http2Server extends NETServer { constructor(options, requestListener) { super(connectionListener); this[kOptions] = initializeOptions(options); this.timeout = kDefaultSocketTimeout; this.on('newListener', setupCompat); if (typeof requestListener === 'function') this.on('request', requestListener); } setTimeout(msecs, callback) { this.timeout = msecs; if (callback !== undefined) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); this.on('timeout', callback); } return this; } } function setupCompat(ev) { if (ev === 'request') { this.removeListener('newListener', setupCompat); this.on('stream', onServerStream.bind( this, this[kOptions].Http2ServerRequest, this[kOptions].Http2ServerResponse) ); } } function socketOnClose() { const session = this[kSession]; if (session !== undefined) { debug(`Http2Session ${sessionName(session[kType])}: socket closed`); const err = session.connecting ? new ERR_SOCKET_CLOSED() : null; const state = session[kState]; state.streams.forEach((stream) => stream.close(NGHTTP2_CANCEL)); state.pendingStreams.forEach((stream) => stream.close(NGHTTP2_CANCEL)); session.close(); session[kMaybeDestroy](err); } } function connect(authority, options, listener) { if (typeof options === 'function') { listener = options; options = undefined; } assertIsObject(options, 'options'); options = Object.assign({}, options); if (typeof authority === 'string') authority = new URL(authority); assertIsObject(authority, 'authority', ['string', 'Object', 'URL']); const protocol = authority.protocol || options.protocol || 'https:'; const port = '' + (authority.port !== '' ? authority.port : (authority.protocol === 'http:' ? 80 : 443)); const host = authority.hostname || authority.host || 'localhost'; let socket; if (typeof options.createConnection === 'function') { socket = options.createConnection(authority, options); } else { switch (protocol) { case 'http:': socket = net.connect(port, host); break; case 'https:': socket = tls.connect(port, host, initializeTLSOptions(options, host)); break; default: throw new ERR_HTTP2_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL(protocol); } } socket.on('error', socketOnError); socket.on('close', socketOnClose); const session = new ClientHttp2Session(options, socket); session[kAuthority] = `${options.servername || host}:${port}`; session[kProtocol] = protocol; if (typeof listener === 'function') session.once('connect', listener); return session; } // Support util.promisify Object.defineProperty(connect, promisify.custom, { value: (authority, options) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const server = connect(authority, options, () => resolve(server)); }); } }); function createSecureServer(options, handler) { assertIsObject(options, 'options'); return new Http2SecureServer(options, handler); } function createServer(options, handler) { if (typeof options === 'function') { handler = options; options = {}; } assertIsObject(options, 'options'); return new Http2Server(options, handler); } // Returns a Base64 encoded settings frame payload from the given // object. The value is suitable for passing as the value of the // HTTP2-Settings header frame. function getPackedSettings(settings) { assertIsObject(settings, 'settings'); updateSettingsBuffer(validateSettings(settings)); return binding.packSettings(); } function getUnpackedSettings(buf, options = {}) { if (!isArrayBufferView(buf)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('buf', ['Buffer', 'TypedArray', 'DataView'], buf); } if (buf.length % 6 !== 0) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_PACKED_SETTINGS_LENGTH(); const settings = {}; let offset = 0; while (offset < buf.length) { const id = buf.readUInt16BE(offset); offset += 2; const value = buf.readUInt32BE(offset); switch (id) { case NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE: settings.headerTableSize = value; break; case NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH: settings.enablePush = value !== 0; break; case NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: settings.maxConcurrentStreams = value; break; case NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE: settings.initialWindowSize = value; break; case NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE: settings.maxFrameSize = value; break; case NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE: settings.maxHeaderListSize = value; break; } offset += 4; } if (options != null && options.validate) validateSettings(settings); return settings; } // Exports module.exports = { connect, constants, createServer, createSecureServer, getDefaultSettings, getPackedSettings, getUnpackedSettings, Http2Session, Http2Stream, Http2ServerRequest, Http2ServerResponse }; /* eslint-enable no-use-before-define */ internal/http2/compat'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const Stream = require('stream'); const Readable = Stream.Readable; const binding = process.binding('http2'); const constants = binding.constants; const { ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT, ERR_HTTP2_INFO_STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM, ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION, ERR_HTTP2_PSEUDOHEADER_NOT_ALLOWED, ERR_HTTP2_STATUS_INVALID, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { validateString } = require('internal/validators'); const { kSocket } = require('internal/http2/util'); const kBeginSend = Symbol('begin-send'); const kState = Symbol('state'); const kStream = Symbol('stream'); const kRequest = Symbol('request'); const kResponse = Symbol('response'); const kHeaders = Symbol('headers'); const kRawHeaders = Symbol('rawHeaders'); const kTrailers = Symbol('trailers'); const kRawTrailers = Symbol('rawTrailers'); const kProxySocket = Symbol('proxySocket'); const kSetHeader = Symbol('setHeader'); const kAborted = Symbol('aborted'); const { HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY, HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME, HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE, HTTP_STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILED, HTTP_STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, HTTP_STATUS_OK } = constants; let statusMessageWarned = false; // Defines and implements an API compatibility layer on top of the core // HTTP/2 implementation, intended to provide an interface that is as // close as possible to the current require('http') API function assertValidHeader(name, value) { let err; if (name === '' || typeof name !== 'string') { err = new ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN('Header name', name); } else if (isPseudoHeader(name)) { err = new ERR_HTTP2_PSEUDOHEADER_NOT_ALLOWED(); } else if (value === undefined || value === null) { err = new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE(value, name); } if (err !== undefined) { Error.captureStackTrace(err, assertValidHeader); throw err; } } function isPseudoHeader(name) { switch (name) { case HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS: // :status case HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD: // :method case HTTP2_HEADER_PATH: // :path case HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY: // :authority case HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME: // :scheme return true; default: return false; } } function statusMessageWarn() { if (statusMessageWarned === false) { process.emitWarning( 'Status message is not supported by HTTP/2 (RFC7540', 'UnsupportedWarning' ); statusMessageWarned = true; } } function onStreamData(chunk) { const request = this[kRequest]; if (request !== undefined && !request.push(chunk)) this.pause(); } function onStreamTrailers(trailers, flags, rawTrailers) { const request = this[kRequest]; if (request !== undefined) { Object.assign(request[kTrailers], trailers); request[kRawTrailers].push(...rawTrailers); } } function onStreamEnd() { // Cause the request stream to end as well. const request = this[kRequest]; if (request !== undefined) this[kRequest].push(null); } function onStreamError(error) { // this is purposefully left blank // // errors in compatibility mode are // not forwarded to the request // and response objects. } function onRequestPause() { this[kStream].pause(); } function onRequestResume() { this[kStream].resume(); } function onStreamDrain() { const response = this[kResponse]; if (response !== undefined) response.emit('drain'); } function onStreamAbortedRequest() { const request = this[kRequest]; if (request !== undefined && request[kState].closed === false) { request[kAborted] = true; request.emit('aborted'); } } function onStreamAbortedResponse() { // non-op for now } function resumeStream(stream) { stream.resume(); } const proxySocketHandler = { get(stream, prop) { switch (prop) { case 'on': case 'once': case 'end': case 'emit': case 'destroy': return stream[prop].bind(stream); case 'writable': case 'destroyed': return stream[prop]; case 'readable': if (stream.destroyed) return false; const request = stream[kRequest]; return request ? request.readable : stream.readable; case 'setTimeout': const session = stream.session; if (session !== undefined) return session.setTimeout.bind(session); return stream.setTimeout.bind(stream); case 'write': case 'read': case 'pause': case 'resume': throw new ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION(); default: const ref = stream.session !== undefined ? stream.session[kSocket] : stream; const value = ref[prop]; return typeof value === 'function' ? value.bind(ref) : value; } }, getPrototypeOf(stream) { if (stream.session !== undefined) return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(stream.session[kSocket]); return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(stream); }, set(stream, prop, value) { switch (prop) { case 'writable': case 'readable': case 'destroyed': case 'on': case 'once': case 'end': case 'emit': case 'destroy': stream[prop] = value; return true; case 'setTimeout': const session = stream.session; if (session !== undefined) session.setTimeout = value; else stream.setTimeout = value; return true; case 'write': case 'read': case 'pause': case 'resume': throw new ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION(); default: const ref = stream.session !== undefined ? stream.session[kSocket] : stream; ref[prop] = value; return true; } } }; function onStreamCloseRequest() { const req = this[kRequest]; if (req === undefined) return; const state = req[kState]; state.closed = true; req.push(null); // if the user didn't interact with incoming data and didn't pipe it, // dump it for compatibility with http1 if (!state.didRead && !req._readableState.resumeScheduled) req.resume(); this[kProxySocket] = null; this[kRequest] = undefined; req.emit('close'); } function onStreamTimeout(kind) { return function onStreamTimeout() { const obj = this[kind]; obj.emit('timeout'); }; } class Http2ServerRequest extends Readable { constructor(stream, headers, options, rawHeaders) { super(options); this[kState] = { closed: false, didRead: false, }; this[kHeaders] = headers; this[kRawHeaders] = rawHeaders; this[kTrailers] = {}; this[kRawTrailers] = []; this[kStream] = stream; this[kAborted] = false; stream[kProxySocket] = null; stream[kRequest] = this; // Pause the stream.. stream.on('trailers', onStreamTrailers); stream.on('end', onStreamEnd); stream.on('error', onStreamError); stream.on('aborted', onStreamAbortedRequest); stream.on('close', onStreamCloseRequest); stream.on('timeout', onStreamTimeout(kRequest)); this.on('pause', onRequestPause); this.on('resume', onRequestResume); } get aborted() { return this[kAborted]; } get complete() { return this._readableState.ended || this[kState].closed || this[kStream].destroyed; } get stream() { return this[kStream]; } get headers() { return this[kHeaders]; } get rawHeaders() { return this[kRawHeaders]; } get trailers() { return this[kTrailers]; } get rawTrailers() { return this[kRawTrailers]; } get httpVersionMajor() { return 2; } get httpVersionMinor() { return 0; } get httpVersion() { return '2.0'; } get socket() { const stream = this[kStream]; const proxySocket = stream[kProxySocket]; if (proxySocket === null) return stream[kProxySocket] = new Proxy(stream, proxySocketHandler); return proxySocket; } get connection() { return this.socket; } _read(nread) { const state = this[kState]; assert(!state.closed); if (!state.didRead) { state.didRead = true; this[kStream].on('data', onStreamData); } else { process.nextTick(resumeStream, this[kStream]); } } get method() { return this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]; } set method(method) { validateString(method, 'method'); if (method.trim() === '') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('method', method); this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] = method; } get authority() { return this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY]; } get scheme() { return this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME]; } get url() { return this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_PATH]; } set url(url) { this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_PATH] = url; } setTimeout(msecs, callback) { if (this[kState].closed) return; this[kStream].setTimeout(msecs, callback); } } function onStreamTrailersReady() { this.sendTrailers(this[kResponse][kTrailers]); } function onStreamCloseResponse() { const res = this[kResponse]; if (res === undefined) return; const state = res[kState]; if (this.headRequest !== state.headRequest) return; state.closed = true; this[kProxySocket] = null; this.removeListener('wantTrailers', onStreamTrailersReady); this[kResponse] = undefined; res.emit('finish'); res.emit('close'); } class Http2ServerResponse extends Stream { constructor(stream, options) { super(options); this[kState] = { closed: false, ending: false, headRequest: false, sendDate: true, statusCode: HTTP_STATUS_OK, }; this[kHeaders] = Object.create(null); this[kTrailers] = Object.create(null); this[kStream] = stream; stream[kProxySocket] = null; stream[kResponse] = this; this.writable = true; stream.on('drain', onStreamDrain); stream.on('aborted', onStreamAbortedResponse); stream.on('close', onStreamCloseResponse); stream.on('wantTrailers', onStreamTrailersReady); stream.on('timeout', onStreamTimeout(kResponse)); } // User land modules such as finalhandler just check truthiness of this // but if someone is actually trying to use this for more than that // then we simply can't support such use cases get _header() { return this.headersSent; } get finished() { const stream = this[kStream]; return stream.destroyed || stream._writableState.ended || this[kState].closed; } get socket() { // this is compatible with http1 which removes socket reference // only from ServerResponse but not IncomingMessage if (this[kState].closed) return; const stream = this[kStream]; const proxySocket = stream[kProxySocket]; if (proxySocket === null) return stream[kProxySocket] = new Proxy(stream, proxySocketHandler); return proxySocket; } get connection() { return this.socket; } get stream() { return this[kStream]; } get headersSent() { return this[kStream].headersSent; } get sendDate() { return this[kState].sendDate; } set sendDate(bool) { this[kState].sendDate = Boolean(bool); } get statusCode() { return this[kState].statusCode; } set statusCode(code) { code |= 0; if (code >= 100 && code < 200) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INFO_STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED(); if (code < 100 || code > 599) throw new ERR_HTTP2_STATUS_INVALID(code); this[kState].statusCode = code; } setTrailer(name, value) { validateString(name, 'name'); name = name.trim().toLowerCase(); assertValidHeader(name, value); this[kTrailers][name] = value; } addTrailers(headers) { const keys = Object.keys(headers); let key = ''; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { key = keys[i]; this.setTrailer(key, headers[key]); } } getHeader(name) { validateString(name, 'name'); name = name.trim().toLowerCase(); return this[kHeaders][name]; } getHeaderNames() { return Object.keys(this[kHeaders]); } getHeaders() { return Object.assign({}, this[kHeaders]); } hasHeader(name) { validateString(name, 'name'); name = name.trim().toLowerCase(); return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this[kHeaders], name); } removeHeader(name) { validateString(name, 'name'); if (this[kStream].headersSent) throw new ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT(); name = name.trim().toLowerCase(); delete this[kHeaders][name]; } setHeader(name, value) { validateString(name, 'name'); if (this[kStream].headersSent) throw new ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT(); this[kSetHeader](name, value); } [kSetHeader](name, value) { name = name.trim().toLowerCase(); assertValidHeader(name, value); this[kHeaders][name] = value; } get statusMessage() { statusMessageWarn(); return ''; } set statusMessage(msg) { statusMessageWarn(); } flushHeaders() { const state = this[kState]; if (!state.closed && !this[kStream].headersSent) this.writeHead(state.statusCode); } writeHead(statusCode, statusMessage, headers) { const state = this[kState]; if (state.closed) throw new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM(); if (this[kStream].headersSent) throw new ERR_HTTP2_HEADERS_SENT(); if (typeof statusMessage === 'string') statusMessageWarn(); if (headers === undefined && typeof statusMessage === 'object') headers = statusMessage; if (typeof headers === 'object') { const keys = Object.keys(headers); let key = ''; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { key = keys[i]; this[kSetHeader](key, headers[key]); } } state.statusCode = statusCode; this[kBeginSend](); } write(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (typeof encoding === 'function') { cb = encoding; encoding = 'utf8'; } if (this[kState].closed) { const err = new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM(); if (typeof cb === 'function') process.nextTick(cb, err); else throw err; return; } const stream = this[kStream]; if (!stream.headersSent) this.writeHead(this[kState].statusCode); return stream.write(chunk, encoding, cb); } end(chunk, encoding, cb) { const stream = this[kStream]; const state = this[kState]; if ((state.closed || state.ending) && state.headRequest === stream.headRequest) { return false; } if (typeof chunk === 'function') { cb = chunk; chunk = null; } else if (typeof encoding === 'function') { cb = encoding; encoding = 'utf8'; } if (chunk !== null && chunk !== undefined) this.write(chunk, encoding); const isFinished = this.finished; state.headRequest = stream.headRequest; state.ending = true; if (typeof cb === 'function') { if (isFinished) this.once('finish', cb); else stream.once('finish', cb); } if (!stream.headersSent) this.writeHead(this[kState].statusCode); if (isFinished) onStreamCloseResponse.call(stream); else stream.end(); return this; } destroy(err) { if (this[kState].closed) return; this[kStream].destroy(err); } setTimeout(msecs, callback) { if (this[kState].closed) return; this[kStream].setTimeout(msecs, callback); } createPushResponse(headers, callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(); if (this[kState].closed) { process.nextTick(callback, new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_STREAM()); return; } this[kStream].pushStream(headers, {}, (err, stream, headers, options) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, new Http2ServerResponse(stream)); }); } [kBeginSend]() { const state = this[kState]; const headers = this[kHeaders]; headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] = state.statusCode; const options = { endStream: state.ending, waitForTrailers: true, }; this[kStream].respond(headers, options); } // TODO doesn't support callbacks writeContinue() { const stream = this[kStream]; if (stream.headersSent || this[kState].closed) return false; stream.additionalHeaders({ [HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS]: HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE }); return true; } } function onServerStream(ServerRequest, ServerResponse, stream, headers, flags, rawHeaders) { const server = this; const request = new ServerRequest(stream, headers, undefined, rawHeaders); const response = new ServerResponse(stream); // Check for the CONNECT method const method = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]; if (method === 'CONNECT') { if (!server.emit('connect', request, response)) { response.statusCode = HTTP_STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED; response.end(); } return; } // Check for Expectations if (headers.expect !== undefined) { if (headers.expect === '100-continue') { if (server.listenerCount('checkContinue')) { server.emit('checkContinue', request, response); } else { response.writeContinue(); server.emit('request', request, response); } } else if (server.listenerCount('checkExpectation')) { server.emit('checkExpectation', request, response); } else { response.statusCode = HTTP_STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILED; response.end(); } return; } server.emit('request', request, response); } module.exports = { onServerStream, Http2ServerRequest, Http2ServerResponse, }; internal/http2/util'use strict'; const binding = internalBinding('http2'); const { ERR_HTTP2_HEADER_SINGLE_VALUE, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_CONNECTION_HEADERS, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_PSEUDOHEADER, ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SETTING_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } = require('internal/errors').codes; const kSocket = Symbol('socket'); const { NGHTTP2_SESSION_CLIENT, NGHTTP2_SESSION_SERVER, HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY, HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME, HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, HTTP2_HEADER_PROTOCOL, HTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, HTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, HTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_AGE, HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_MD5, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTP2_HEADER_COOKIE, HTTP2_HEADER_DATE, HTTP2_HEADER_DNT, HTTP2_HEADER_ETAG, HTTP2_HEADER_EXPIRES, HTTP2_HEADER_FROM, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_MATCH, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_RANGE, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, HTTP2_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, HTTP2_HEADER_LOCATION, HTTP2_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS, HTTP2_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, HTTP2_HEADER_RANGE, HTTP2_HEADER_REFERER, HTTP2_HEADER_RETRY_AFTER, HTTP2_HEADER_SET_COOKIE, HTTP2_HEADER_TK, HTTP2_HEADER_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS, HTTP2_HEADER_USER_AGENT, HTTP2_HEADER_X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS, HTTP2_HEADER_CONNECTION, HTTP2_HEADER_UPGRADE, HTTP2_HEADER_HTTP2_SETTINGS, HTTP2_HEADER_TE, HTTP2_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING, HTTP2_HEADER_HOST, HTTP2_HEADER_KEEP_ALIVE, HTTP2_HEADER_PROXY_CONNECTION, HTTP2_METHOD_DELETE, HTTP2_METHOD_GET, HTTP2_METHOD_HEAD } = binding.constants; // This set is defined strictly by the HTTP/2 specification. Only // :-prefixed headers defined by that specification may be added to // this set. const kValidPseudoHeaders = new Set([ HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY, HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME, HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, HTTP2_HEADER_PROTOCOL ]); // This set contains headers that are permitted to have only a single // value. Multiple instances must not be specified. const kSingleValueHeaders = new Set([ HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY, HTTP2_HEADER_SCHEME, HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, HTTP2_HEADER_PROTOCOL, HTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, HTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, HTTP2_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_AGE, HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LANGUAGE, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_MD5, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE, HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTP2_HEADER_DATE, HTTP2_HEADER_DNT, HTTP2_HEADER_ETAG, HTTP2_HEADER_EXPIRES, HTTP2_HEADER_FROM, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_MATCH, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_RANGE, HTTP2_HEADER_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, HTTP2_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, HTTP2_HEADER_LOCATION, HTTP2_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS, HTTP2_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, HTTP2_HEADER_RANGE, HTTP2_HEADER_REFERER, HTTP2_HEADER_RETRY_AFTER, HTTP2_HEADER_TK, HTTP2_HEADER_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS, HTTP2_HEADER_USER_AGENT, HTTP2_HEADER_X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS ]); // The HTTP methods in this set are specifically defined as assigning no // meaning to the request payload. By default, unless the user explicitly // overrides the endStream option on the request method, the endStream // option will be defaulted to true when these methods are used. const kNoPayloadMethods = new Set([ HTTP2_METHOD_DELETE, HTTP2_METHOD_GET, HTTP2_METHOD_HEAD ]); // The following ArrayBuffer instances are used to share memory more efficiently // with the native binding side for a number of methods. These are not intended // to be used directly by users in any way. The ArrayBuffers are created on // the native side with values that are filled in on demand, the js code then // reads those values out. The set of IDX constants that follow identify the // relevant data positions within these buffers. const { settingsBuffer, optionsBuffer } = binding; // Note that Float64Array is used here because there is no Int64Array available // and these deal with numbers that can be beyond the range of Uint32 and Int32. // The values set on the native side will always be integers. This is not a // unique example of this, this pattern can be found in use in other parts of // Node.js core as a performance optimization. const { sessionState, streamState } = binding; const IDX_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE = 0; const IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH = 1; const IDX_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 2; const IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 3; const IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = 4; const IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE = 5; const IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL = 6; const IDX_SETTINGS_FLAGS = 7; const IDX_SESSION_STATE_EFFECTIVE_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 0; const IDX_SESSION_STATE_EFFECTIVE_RECV_DATA_LENGTH = 1; const IDX_SESSION_STATE_NEXT_STREAM_ID = 2; const IDX_SESSION_STATE_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 3; const IDX_SESSION_STATE_LAST_PROC_STREAM_ID = 4; const IDX_SESSION_STATE_REMOTE_WINDOW_SIZE = 5; const IDX_SESSION_STATE_OUTBOUND_QUEUE_SIZE = 6; const IDX_SESSION_STATE_HD_DEFLATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE = 7; const IDX_SESSION_STATE_HD_INFLATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE = 8; const IDX_STREAM_STATE = 0; const IDX_STREAM_STATE_WEIGHT = 1; const IDX_STREAM_STATE_SUM_DEPENDENCY_WEIGHT = 2; const IDX_STREAM_STATE_LOCAL_CLOSE = 3; const IDX_STREAM_STATE_REMOTE_CLOSE = 4; const IDX_STREAM_STATE_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE = 5; const IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_DEFLATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE = 0; const IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_RESERVED_REMOTE_STREAMS = 1; const IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_SEND_HEADER_BLOCK_LENGTH = 2; const IDX_OPTIONS_PEER_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = 3; const IDX_OPTIONS_PADDING_STRATEGY = 4; const IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_PAIRS = 5; const IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_OUTSTANDING_PINGS = 6; const IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_OUTSTANDING_SETTINGS = 7; const IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_SESSION_MEMORY = 8; const IDX_OPTIONS_FLAGS = 9; function updateOptionsBuffer(options) { var flags = 0; if (typeof options.maxDeflateDynamicTableSize === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_DEFLATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE); optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_DEFLATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE] = options.maxDeflateDynamicTableSize; } if (typeof options.maxReservedRemoteStreams === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_RESERVED_REMOTE_STREAMS); optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_RESERVED_REMOTE_STREAMS] = options.maxReservedRemoteStreams; } if (typeof options.maxSendHeaderBlockLength === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_SEND_HEADER_BLOCK_LENGTH); optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_SEND_HEADER_BLOCK_LENGTH] = options.maxSendHeaderBlockLength; } if (typeof options.peerMaxConcurrentStreams === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_OPTIONS_PEER_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS); optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_PEER_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS] = options.peerMaxConcurrentStreams; } if (typeof options.paddingStrategy === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_OPTIONS_PADDING_STRATEGY); optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_PADDING_STRATEGY] = options.paddingStrategy; } if (typeof options.maxHeaderListPairs === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_PAIRS); optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_PAIRS] = options.maxHeaderListPairs; } if (typeof options.maxOutstandingPings === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_OUTSTANDING_PINGS); optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_OUTSTANDING_PINGS] = options.maxOutstandingPings; } if (typeof options.maxOutstandingSettings === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_OUTSTANDING_SETTINGS); optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_OUTSTANDING_SETTINGS] = Math.max(1, options.maxOutstandingSettings); } if (typeof options.maxSessionMemory === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_SESSION_MEMORY); optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_MAX_SESSION_MEMORY] = Math.max(1, options.maxSessionMemory); } optionsBuffer[IDX_OPTIONS_FLAGS] = flags; } function getDefaultSettings() { settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_FLAGS] = 0; binding.refreshDefaultSettings(); const holder = Object.create(null); const flags = settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_FLAGS]; if ((flags & (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE)) === (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE)) { holder.headerTableSize = settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE]; } if ((flags & (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH)) === (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH)) { holder.enablePush = settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH] === 1; } if ((flags & (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE)) === (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE)) { holder.initialWindowSize = settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE]; } if ((flags & (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE)) === (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE)) { holder.maxFrameSize = settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE]; } if ((flags & (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS)) === (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS)) { holder.maxConcurrentStreams = settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS]; } if ((flags & (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE)) === (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE)) { holder.maxHeaderListSize = settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE]; } if ((flags & (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL)) === (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL)) { holder.enableConnectProtocol = settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL]; } return holder; } // remote is a boolean. true to fetch remote settings, false to fetch local. // this is only called internally function getSettings(session, remote) { if (remote) session.remoteSettings(); else session.localSettings(); return { headerTableSize: settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE], enablePush: !!settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH], initialWindowSize: settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE], maxFrameSize: settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE], maxConcurrentStreams: settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS], maxHeaderListSize: settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE], enableConnectProtocol: settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL] }; } function updateSettingsBuffer(settings) { var flags = 0; if (typeof settings.headerTableSize === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE); settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE] = settings.headerTableSize; } if (typeof settings.maxConcurrentStreams === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS); settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS] = settings.maxConcurrentStreams; } if (typeof settings.initialWindowSize === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE); settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE] = settings.initialWindowSize; } if (typeof settings.maxFrameSize === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE); settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE] = settings.maxFrameSize; } if (typeof settings.maxHeaderListSize === 'number') { flags |= (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE); settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE] = settings.maxHeaderListSize; } if (typeof settings.enablePush === 'boolean') { flags |= (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH); settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH] = Number(settings.enablePush); } if (typeof settings.enableConnectProtocol === 'boolean') { flags |= (1 << IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL); settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_ENABLE_CONNECT_PROTOCOL] = Number(settings.enableConnectProtocol); } settingsBuffer[IDX_SETTINGS_FLAGS] = flags; } function getSessionState(session) { session.refreshState(); return { effectiveLocalWindowSize: sessionState[IDX_SESSION_STATE_EFFECTIVE_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE], effectiveRecvDataLength: sessionState[IDX_SESSION_STATE_EFFECTIVE_RECV_DATA_LENGTH], nextStreamID: sessionState[IDX_SESSION_STATE_NEXT_STREAM_ID], localWindowSize: sessionState[IDX_SESSION_STATE_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE], lastProcStreamID: sessionState[IDX_SESSION_STATE_LAST_PROC_STREAM_ID], remoteWindowSize: sessionState[IDX_SESSION_STATE_REMOTE_WINDOW_SIZE], outboundQueueSize: sessionState[IDX_SESSION_STATE_OUTBOUND_QUEUE_SIZE], deflateDynamicTableSize: sessionState[IDX_SESSION_STATE_HD_DEFLATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE], inflateDynamicTableSize: sessionState[IDX_SESSION_STATE_HD_INFLATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE_SIZE] }; } function getStreamState(stream) { stream.refreshState(); return { state: streamState[IDX_STREAM_STATE], weight: streamState[IDX_STREAM_STATE_WEIGHT], sumDependencyWeight: streamState[IDX_STREAM_STATE_SUM_DEPENDENCY_WEIGHT], localClose: streamState[IDX_STREAM_STATE_LOCAL_CLOSE], remoteClose: streamState[IDX_STREAM_STATE_REMOTE_CLOSE], localWindowSize: streamState[IDX_STREAM_STATE_LOCAL_WINDOW_SIZE] }; } function isIllegalConnectionSpecificHeader(name, value) { switch (name) { case HTTP2_HEADER_CONNECTION: case HTTP2_HEADER_UPGRADE: case HTTP2_HEADER_HOST: case HTTP2_HEADER_HTTP2_SETTINGS: case HTTP2_HEADER_KEEP_ALIVE: case HTTP2_HEADER_PROXY_CONNECTION: case HTTP2_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING: return true; case HTTP2_HEADER_TE: return value !== 'trailers'; default: return false; } } function assertValidPseudoHeader(key) { if (!kValidPseudoHeaders.has(key)) { const err = new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_PSEUDOHEADER(key); Error.captureStackTrace(err, assertValidPseudoHeader); return err; } } function assertValidPseudoHeaderResponse(key) { if (key !== ':status') { const err = new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_PSEUDOHEADER(key); Error.captureStackTrace(err, assertValidPseudoHeaderResponse); return err; } } function assertValidPseudoHeaderTrailer(key) { const err = new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_PSEUDOHEADER(key); Error.captureStackTrace(err, assertValidPseudoHeaderTrailer); return err; } function mapToHeaders(map, assertValuePseudoHeader = assertValidPseudoHeader) { let ret = ''; let count = 0; const keys = Object.keys(map); const singles = new Set(); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { let key = keys[i]; let value = map[key]; if (value === undefined || key === '') continue; key = key.toLowerCase(); const isSingleValueHeader = kSingleValueHeaders.has(key); let isArray = Array.isArray(value); if (isArray) { switch (value.length) { case 0: continue; case 1: value = String(value[0]); isArray = false; break; default: if (isSingleValueHeader) return new ERR_HTTP2_HEADER_SINGLE_VALUE(key); } } else { value = String(value); } if (isSingleValueHeader) { if (singles.has(key)) return new ERR_HTTP2_HEADER_SINGLE_VALUE(key); singles.add(key); } if (key[0] === ':') { const err = assertValuePseudoHeader(key); if (err !== undefined) return err; ret = `${key}\0${value}\0${ret}`; count++; } else { if (isIllegalConnectionSpecificHeader(key, value)) { return new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_CONNECTION_HEADERS(key); } if (isArray) { for (var k = 0; k < value.length; k++) { const val = String(value[k]); ret += `${key}\0${val}\0`; } count += value.length; } else { ret += `${key}\0${value}\0`; count++; } } } return [ret, count]; } class NghttpError extends Error { constructor(ret) { super(binding.nghttp2ErrorString(ret)); this.code = 'ERR_HTTP2_ERROR'; this.name = 'Error [ERR_HTTP2_ERROR]'; this.errno = ret; } } function assertIsObject(value, name, types = 'Object') { if (value !== undefined && (value === null || typeof value !== 'object' || Array.isArray(value))) { const err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, types, value); Error.captureStackTrace(err, assertIsObject); throw err; } } function assertWithinRange(name, value, min = 0, max = Infinity) { if (value !== undefined && (typeof value !== 'number' || value < min || value > max)) { const err = new ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SETTING_VALUE.RangeError(name, value); err.min = min; err.max = max; err.actual = value; Error.captureStackTrace(err, assertWithinRange); throw err; } } function toHeaderObject(headers) { const obj = Object.create(null); for (var n = 0; n < headers.length; n = n + 2) { var name = headers[n]; var value = headers[n + 1]; if (name === HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS) value |= 0; var existing = obj[name]; if (existing === undefined) { obj[name] = name === HTTP2_HEADER_SET_COOKIE ? [value] : value; } else if (!kSingleValueHeaders.has(name)) { switch (name) { case HTTP2_HEADER_COOKIE: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section- // "...If there are multiple Cookie header fields after decompression, // these MUST be concatenated into a single octet string using the // two-octet delimiter of 0x3B, 0x20 (the ASCII string "; ") before // being passed into a non-HTTP/2 context." obj[name] = `${existing}; ${value}`; break; case HTTP2_HEADER_SET_COOKIE: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.2 // "Note: In practice, the "Set-Cookie" header field ([RFC6265]) often // appears multiple times in a response message and does not use the // list syntax, violating the above requirements on multiple header // fields with the same name. Since it cannot be combined into a // single field-value, recipients ought to handle "Set-Cookie" as a // special case while processing header fields." existing.push(value); break; default: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.2 // "A recipient MAY combine multiple header fields with the same field // name into one "field-name: field-value" pair, without changing the // semantics of the message, by appending each subsequent field value // to the combined field value in order, separated by a comma." obj[name] = `${existing}, ${value}`; break; } } } return obj; } function isPayloadMeaningless(method) { return kNoPayloadMethods.has(method); } function sessionName(type) { switch (type) { case NGHTTP2_SESSION_CLIENT: return 'client'; case NGHTTP2_SESSION_SERVER: return 'server'; default: return ''; } } module.exports = { assertIsObject, assertValidPseudoHeaderResponse, assertValidPseudoHeaderTrailer, assertWithinRange, getDefaultSettings, getSessionState, getSettings, getStreamState, isPayloadMeaningless, kSocket, mapToHeaders, NghttpError, sessionName, toHeaderObject, updateOptionsBuffer, updateSettingsBuffer }; internal/v8_prof_polyfill// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. module.exports = { versionCheck }; // Don't execute when required directly instead of being eval'd from // lib/internal/v8_prof_processor.js. This way we can test functions // from this file in isolation. if (module.id === 'internal/v8_prof_polyfill') return; // Node polyfill const fs = require('fs'); const cp = require('child_process'); const os = { system: function(name, args) { if (process.platform === 'linux' && name === 'nm') { // Filter out vdso and vsyscall entries. const arg = args[args.length - 1]; if (arg === '[vdso]' || arg == '[vsyscall]' || /^[0-9a-f]+-[0-9a-f]+$/.test(arg)) { return ''; } } let out = cp.spawnSync(name, args).stdout.toString(); // Auto c++filt names, but not [iItT] if (process.platform === 'darwin' && name === 'nm') out = macCppfiltNm(out); return out; } }; const print = console.log; function read(fileName) { return fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8'); } const quit = process.exit; // Polyfill "readline()". const logFile = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; try { fs.accessSync(logFile); } catch(e) { console.error('Please provide a valid isolate file as the final argument.'); process.exit(1); } const fd = fs.openSync(logFile, 'r'); const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4096); const dec = new (require('string_decoder').StringDecoder)('utf-8'); var line = ''; { const message = versionCheck(peekline(), process.versions.v8); if (message) console.log(message); } function peekline() { const s = readline(); line = `${s}\n${line}`; return s; } function readline() { while (true) { const lineBreak = line.indexOf('\n'); if (lineBreak !== -1) { const res = line.slice(0, lineBreak); line = line.slice(lineBreak + 1); return res; } const bytes = fs.readSync(fd, buf, 0, buf.length); line += dec.write(buf.slice(0, bytes)); if (line.length === 0) { return ''; } if (bytes === 0) { process.emitWarning(`Profile file ${logFile} is broken`, { code: 'BROKEN_PROFILE_FILE', detail: `${JSON.stringify(line)} at the file end is broken` }); return ''; } } } function versionCheck(firstLine, expected) { // v8-version looks like // "v8-version,$major,$minor,$build,$patch[,$embedder],$candidate" // whereas process.versions.v8 is either "$major.$minor.$build-$embedder" or // "$major.$minor.$build.$patch-$embedder". firstLine = firstLine.split(','); const curVer = expected.split(/[.\-]/); if (firstLine.length !== 6 && firstLine.length !== 7 || firstLine[0] !== 'v8-version') { return 'Unable to read v8-version from log file.'; } // Compare major, minor and build; ignore the patch and candidate fields. for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (curVer[i] !== firstLine[i + 1]) return 'Testing v8 version different from logging version'; } function macCppfiltNm(out) { // Re-grouped copy-paste from `tickprocessor.js` const FUNC_RE = /^([0-9a-fA-F]{8,16} [iItT] )(.*)$/gm; const CLEAN_RE = /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8,16} [iItT] /; let entries = out.match(FUNC_RE); if (entries === null) return out; entries = entries.map((entry) => { return entry.replace(CLEAN_RE, '') }); let filtered; try { filtered = cp.spawnSync('c++filt', [ '-p' , '-i' ], { input: entries.join('\n') }).stdout.toString(); } catch { return out; } let i = 0; filtered = filtered.split('\n'); return out.replace(FUNC_RE, (all, prefix, postfix) => { return prefix + (filtered[i++] || postfix); }); } internal/v8_prof_processor'use strict'; const vm = require('vm'); const scriptFiles = [ 'internal/v8_prof_polyfill', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/splaytree', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/codemap', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/csvparser', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/consarray', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/profile', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/profile_view', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/logreader', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/arguments', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/SourceMap', 'internal/deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor-driver' ]; var script = ''; scriptFiles.forEach(function(s) { script += process.binding('natives')[s] + '\n'; }); const tickArguments = []; if (process.platform === 'darwin') { tickArguments.push('--mac'); } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { tickArguments.push('--windows'); } tickArguments.push.apply(tickArguments, process.argv.slice(1)); script = `(function(module, require) { arguments = ${JSON.stringify(tickArguments)}; function write (s) { process.stdout.write(s) } function printErr(err) { console.error(err); } ${script} })`; vm.runInThisContext(script)(module, require); internal/validators'use strict'; const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } = require('internal/errors').codes; function isInt32(value) { return value === (value | 0); } function isUint32(value) { return value === (value >>> 0); } const octalReg = /^[0-7]+$/; const modeDesc = 'must be a 32-bit unsigned integer or an octal string'; /** * Validate values that will be converted into mode_t (the S_* constants). * Only valid numbers and octal strings are allowed. They could be converted * to 32-bit unsigned integers or non-negative signed integers in the C++ * land, but any value higher than 0o777 will result in platform-specific * behaviors. * * @param {*} value Values to be validated * @param {string} name Name of the argument * @param {number} def If specified, will be returned for invalid values * @returns {number} */ function validateMode(value, name, def) { if (isUint32(value)) { return value; } if (typeof value === 'number') { if (!Number.isInteger(value)) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, 'an integer', value); } else { // 2 ** 32 === 4294967296 throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, '>= 0 && < 4294967296', value); } } if (typeof value === 'string') { if (!octalReg.test(value)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE(name, value, modeDesc); } const parsed = parseInt(value, 8); return parsed; } // TODO(BridgeAR): Only return `def` in case `value == null` if (def !== undefined) { return def; } throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE(name, value, modeDesc); } function validateInteger(value, name) { let err; if (typeof value !== 'number') err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, 'number', value); else if (!Number.isSafeInteger(value)) err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, 'an integer', value); if (err) { Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateInteger); throw err; } return value; } function validateInt32(value, name, min = -2147483648, max = 2147483647) { // The defaults for min and max correspond to the limits of 32-bit integers. if (!isInt32(value)) { let err; if (typeof value !== 'number') { err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, 'number', value); } else if (!Number.isInteger(value)) { err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, 'an integer', value); } else { err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, `>= ${min} && <= ${max}`, value); } Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateInt32); throw err; } else if (value < min || value > max) { const err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, `>= ${min} && <= ${max}`, value); Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateInt32); throw err; } return value; } function validateUint32(value, name, positive) { if (!isUint32(value)) { let err; if (typeof value !== 'number') { err = new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, 'number', value); } else if (!Number.isInteger(value)) { err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, 'an integer', value); } else { const min = positive ? 1 : 0; // 2 ** 32 === 4294967296 err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, `>= ${min} && < 4294967296`, value); } Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateUint32); throw err; } else if (positive && value === 0) { const err = new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(name, '>= 1 && < 4294967296', value); Error.captureStackTrace(err, validateUint32); throw err; } return value; } function validateString(value, name) { if (typeof value !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, 'string', value); } function validateNumber(value, name) { if (typeof value !== 'number') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, 'number', value); } module.exports = { isInt32, isUint32, validateMode, validateInteger, validateInt32, validateUint32, validateString, validateNumber }; internal/stream_base_commons'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { WriteWrap } = internalBinding('stream_wrap'); const { UV_EOF } = internalBinding('uv'); const { errnoException } = require('internal/errors'); const { owner_symbol } = require('internal/async_hooks').symbols; const kMaybeDestroy = Symbol('kMaybeDestroy'); const kUpdateTimer = Symbol('kUpdateTimer'); function handleWriteReq(req, data, encoding) { const { handle } = req; switch (encoding) { case 'buffer': return handle.writeBuffer(req, data); case 'latin1': case 'binary': return handle.writeLatin1String(req, data); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return handle.writeUtf8String(req, data); case 'ascii': return handle.writeAsciiString(req, data); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return handle.writeUcs2String(req, data); default: return handle.writeBuffer(req, Buffer.from(data, encoding)); } } function createWriteWrap(handle, oncomplete) { var req = new WriteWrap(); req.handle = handle; req.oncomplete = oncomplete; req.async = false; return req; } function writevGeneric(self, req, data, cb) { var allBuffers = data.allBuffers; var chunks; var i; if (allBuffers) { chunks = data; for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] = data[i].chunk; } else { chunks = new Array(data.length << 1); for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var entry = data[i]; chunks[i * 2] = entry.chunk; chunks[i * 2 + 1] = entry.encoding; } } var err = req.handle.writev(req, chunks, allBuffers); // Retain chunks if (err === 0) req._chunks = chunks; afterWriteDispatched(self, req, err, cb); } function writeGeneric(self, req, data, encoding, cb) { var err = handleWriteReq(req, data, encoding); afterWriteDispatched(self, req, err, cb); } function afterWriteDispatched(self, req, err, cb) { if (err !== 0) return self.destroy(errnoException(err, 'write', req.error), cb); if (!req.async) { cb(); } else { req.callback = cb; } } function onStreamRead(nread, buf) { const handle = this; const stream = this[owner_symbol]; stream[kUpdateTimer](); if (nread > 0 && !stream.destroyed) { if (!stream.push(buf)) { handle.reading = false; if (!stream.destroyed) { const err = handle.readStop(); if (err) stream.destroy(errnoException(err, 'read')); } } return; } if (nread === 0) { return; } if (nread !== UV_EOF) { return stream.destroy(errnoException(nread, 'read')); } // defer this until we actually emit end if (stream._readableState.endEmitted) { if (stream[kMaybeDestroy]) stream[kMaybeDestroy](); } else { if (stream[kMaybeDestroy]) stream.on('end', stream[kMaybeDestroy]); // push a null to signal the end of data. // Do it before `maybeDestroy` for correct order of events: // `end` -> `close` stream.push(null); stream.read(0); } } module.exports = { createWriteWrap, writevGeneric, writeGeneric, onStreamRead, kMaybeDestroy, kUpdateTimer, }; internal/vm/source_text_module'use strict'; const { URL } = require('internal/url'); const { isContext } = process.binding('contextify'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, ERR_VM_MODULE_ALREADY_LINKED, ERR_VM_MODULE_DIFFERENT_CONTEXT, ERR_VM_MODULE_LINKING_ERRORED, ERR_VM_MODULE_NOT_LINKED, ERR_VM_MODULE_NOT_MODULE, ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { getConstructorOf, customInspectSymbol, emitExperimentalWarning } = require('internal/util'); const { SafePromise } = require('internal/safe_globals'); const { ModuleWrap, kUninstantiated, kInstantiating, kInstantiated, kEvaluating, kEvaluated, kErrored, } = internalBinding('module_wrap'); const STATUS_MAP = { [kUninstantiated]: 'uninstantiated', [kInstantiating]: 'instantiating', [kInstantiated]: 'instantiated', [kEvaluating]: 'evaluating', [kEvaluated]: 'evaluated', [kErrored]: 'errored', }; let globalModuleId = 0; const perContextModuleId = new WeakMap(); const wrapMap = new WeakMap(); const dependencyCacheMap = new WeakMap(); const linkingStatusMap = new WeakMap(); // vm.SourceTextModule -> function const initImportMetaMap = new WeakMap(); // ModuleWrap -> vm.SourceTextModule const wrapToModuleMap = new WeakMap(); const defaultModuleName = 'vm:module'; // TODO(devsnek): figure out AbstractModule class or protocol class SourceTextModule { constructor(src, options = {}) { emitExperimentalWarning('vm.SourceTextModule'); if (typeof src !== 'string') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('src', 'string', src); if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); const { context, lineOffset = 0, columnOffset = 0, initializeImportMeta } = options; if (context !== undefined) { if (typeof context !== 'object' || context === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.context', 'Object', context); } if (!isContext(context)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.context', 'vm.Context', context); } } let { url } = options; if (url !== undefined) { if (typeof url !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.url', 'string', url); } url = new URL(url).href; } else if (context === undefined) { url = `${defaultModuleName}(${globalModuleId++})`; } else if (perContextModuleId.has(context)) { const curId = perContextModuleId.get(context); url = `${defaultModuleName}(${curId})`; perContextModuleId.set(context, curId + 1); } else { url = `${defaultModuleName}(0)`; perContextModuleId.set(context, 1); } validateInteger(lineOffset, 'options.lineOffset'); validateInteger(columnOffset, 'options.columnOffset'); if (initializeImportMeta !== undefined) { if (typeof initializeImportMeta === 'function') { initImportMetaMap.set(this, initializeImportMeta); } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( 'options.initializeImportMeta', 'function', initializeImportMeta); } } const wrap = new ModuleWrap(src, url, context, lineOffset, columnOffset); wrapMap.set(this, wrap); linkingStatusMap.set(this, 'unlinked'); wrapToModuleMap.set(wrap, this); Object.defineProperties(this, { url: { value: url, enumerable: true }, context: { value: context, enumerable: true }, }); } get linkingStatus() { return linkingStatusMap.get(this); } get status() { return STATUS_MAP[wrapMap.get(this).getStatus()]; } get namespace() { const wrap = wrapMap.get(this); if (wrap.getStatus() < kInstantiated) throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS( 'must not be uninstantiated or instantiating' ); return wrap.namespace(); } get dependencySpecifiers() { let deps = dependencyCacheMap.get(this); if (deps !== undefined) return deps; deps = wrapMap.get(this).getStaticDependencySpecifiers(); Object.freeze(deps); dependencyCacheMap.set(this, deps); return deps; } get error() { const wrap = wrapMap.get(this); if (wrap.getStatus() !== kErrored) throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS('must be errored'); return wrap.getError(); } async link(linker) { if (typeof linker !== 'function') throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('linker', 'function', linker); if (linkingStatusMap.get(this) !== 'unlinked') throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_ALREADY_LINKED(); const wrap = wrapMap.get(this); if (wrap.getStatus() !== kUninstantiated) throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS('must be uninstantiated'); linkingStatusMap.set(this, 'linking'); const promises = wrap.link(async (specifier) => { const m = await linker(specifier, this); if (!m || !wrapMap.has(m)) throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_NOT_MODULE(); if (m.context !== this.context) throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_DIFFERENT_CONTEXT(); const childLinkingStatus = linkingStatusMap.get(m); if (childLinkingStatus === 'errored') throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_LINKING_ERRORED(); if (childLinkingStatus === 'unlinked') await m.link(linker); return wrapMap.get(m); }); try { if (promises !== undefined) await SafePromise.all(promises); linkingStatusMap.set(this, 'linked'); } catch (err) { linkingStatusMap.set(this, 'errored'); throw err; } } instantiate() { const wrap = wrapMap.get(this); const status = wrap.getStatus(); if (status === kInstantiating || status === kEvaluating) throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS('must not be instantiating or evaluating'); if (linkingStatusMap.get(this) !== 'linked') throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_NOT_LINKED(); wrap.instantiate(); } async evaluate(options = {}) { if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } let timeout = options.timeout; if (timeout === undefined) { timeout = -1; } else if (!Number.isInteger(timeout) || timeout <= 0) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.timeout', 'a positive integer', timeout); } const { breakOnSigint = false } = options; if (typeof breakOnSigint !== 'boolean') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.breakOnSigint', 'boolean', breakOnSigint); } const wrap = wrapMap.get(this); const status = wrap.getStatus(); if (status !== kInstantiated && status !== kEvaluated && status !== kErrored) { throw new ERR_VM_MODULE_STATUS( 'must be one of instantiated, evaluated, and errored' ); } const result = wrap.evaluate(timeout, breakOnSigint); return { result, __proto__: null }; } [customInspectSymbol](depth, options) { let ctor = getConstructorOf(this); ctor = ctor === null ? SourceTextModule : ctor; if (typeof depth === 'number' && depth < 0) return options.stylize(`[${ctor.name}]`, 'special'); const o = Object.create({ constructor: ctor }); o.status = this.status; o.linkingStatus = this.linkingStatus; o.url = this.url; o.context = this.context; return require('util').inspect(o, options); } } function validateInteger(prop, propName) { if (!Number.isInteger(prop)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(propName, 'integer', prop); } if ((prop >> 0) !== prop) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(propName, '32-bit integer', prop); } } module.exports = { SourceTextModule, initImportMetaMap, wrapToModuleMap }; internal/worker'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('events'); const assert = require('assert'); const path = require('path'); const util = require('util'); const { Readable, Writable } = require('stream'); const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_WORKER_PATH, ERR_WORKER_UNSERIALIZABLE_ERROR, ERR_WORKER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION, } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { MessagePort, MessageChannel } = internalBinding('messaging'); const { handle_onclose: handleOnCloseSymbol, oninit: onInitSymbol } = internalBinding('symbols'); const { clearAsyncIdStack } = require('internal/async_hooks'); const { serializeError, deserializeError } = require('internal/error-serdes'); const { pathToFileURL } = require('url'); const { Worker: WorkerImpl, getEnvMessagePort, threadId } = internalBinding('worker'); const isMainThread = threadId === 0; const kOnMessageListener = Symbol('kOnMessageListener'); const kHandle = Symbol('kHandle'); const kName = Symbol('kName'); const kPort = Symbol('kPort'); const kPublicPort = Symbol('kPublicPort'); const kDispose = Symbol('kDispose'); const kOnExit = Symbol('kOnExit'); const kOnMessage = Symbol('kOnMessage'); const kOnCouldNotSerializeErr = Symbol('kOnCouldNotSerializeErr'); const kOnErrorMessage = Symbol('kOnErrorMessage'); const kParentSideStdio = Symbol('kParentSideStdio'); const kWritableCallbacks = Symbol('kWritableCallbacks'); const kStdioWantsMoreDataCallback = Symbol('kStdioWantsMoreDataCallback'); const kStartedReading = Symbol('kStartedReading'); const kWaitingStreams = Symbol('kWaitingStreams'); const kIncrementsPortRef = Symbol('kIncrementsPortRef'); const debug = util.debuglog('worker'); const messageTypes = { UP_AND_RUNNING: 'upAndRunning', COULD_NOT_SERIALIZE_ERROR: 'couldNotSerializeError', ERROR_MESSAGE: 'errorMessage', STDIO_PAYLOAD: 'stdioPayload', STDIO_WANTS_MORE_DATA: 'stdioWantsMoreData', LOAD_SCRIPT: 'loadScript' }; // We have to mess with the MessagePort prototype a bit, so that a) we can make // it inherit from EventEmitter, even though it is a C++ class, and b) we do // not provide methods that are not present in the Browser and not documented // on our side (e.g. hasRef). // Save a copy of the original set of methods as a shallow clone. const MessagePortPrototype = Object.create( Object.getPrototypeOf(MessagePort.prototype), Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(MessagePort.prototype)); // Set up the new inheritance chain. Object.setPrototypeOf(MessagePort, EventEmitter); Object.setPrototypeOf(MessagePort.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype); // Finally, purge methods we don't want to be public. delete MessagePort.prototype.stop; delete MessagePort.prototype.drain; MessagePort.prototype.ref = MessagePortPrototype.ref; MessagePort.prototype.unref = MessagePortPrototype.unref; // A communication channel consisting of a handle (that wraps around an // uv_async_t) which can receive information from other threads and emits // .onmessage events, and a function used for sending data to a MessagePort // in some other thread. MessagePort.prototype[kOnMessageListener] = function onmessage(payload) { debug(`[${threadId}] received message`, payload); // Emit the deserialized object to userland. this.emit('message', payload); }; // This is for compatibility with the Web's MessagePort API. It makes sense to // provide it as an `EventEmitter` in Node.js, but if somebody overrides // `onmessage`, we'll switch over to the Web API model. Object.defineProperty(MessagePort.prototype, 'onmessage', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return this[kOnMessageListener]; }, set(value) { this[kOnMessageListener] = value; if (typeof value === 'function') { this.ref(); MessagePortPrototype.start.call(this); } else { this.unref(); MessagePortPrototype.stop.call(this); } } }); // This is called from inside the `MessagePort` constructor. function oninit() { setupPortReferencing(this, this, 'message'); } Object.defineProperty(MessagePort.prototype, onInitSymbol, { enumerable: true, writable: false, value: oninit }); // This is called after the underlying `uv_async_t` has been closed. function onclose() { if (typeof this.onclose === 'function') { // Not part of the Web standard yet, but there aren't many reasonable // alternatives in a non-EventEmitter usage setting. // Refs: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/1766 this.onclose(); } this.emit('close'); } Object.defineProperty(MessagePort.prototype, handleOnCloseSymbol, { enumerable: false, writable: false, value: onclose }); MessagePort.prototype.close = function(cb) { if (typeof cb === 'function') this.once('close', cb); MessagePortPrototype.close.call(this); }; Object.defineProperty(MessagePort.prototype, util.inspect.custom, { enumerable: false, writable: false, value: function inspect() { // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching let ref; try { // This may throw when `this` does not refer to a native object, // e.g. when accessing the prototype directly. ref = MessagePortPrototype.hasRef.call(this); } catch { return this; } return Object.assign(Object.create(MessagePort.prototype), ref === undefined ? { active: false, } : { active: true, refed: ref }, this); } }); function setupPortReferencing(port, eventEmitter, eventName) { // Keep track of whether there are any workerMessage listeners: // If there are some, ref() the channel so it keeps the event loop alive. // If there are none or all are removed, unref() the channel so the worker // can shutdown gracefully. port.unref(); eventEmitter.on('newListener', (name) => { if (name === eventName && eventEmitter.listenerCount(eventName) === 0) { port.ref(); MessagePortPrototype.start.call(port); } }); eventEmitter.on('removeListener', (name) => { if (name === eventName && eventEmitter.listenerCount(eventName) === 0) { MessagePortPrototype.stop.call(port); port.unref(); } }); } class ReadableWorkerStdio extends Readable { constructor(port, name) { super(); this[kPort] = port; this[kName] = name; this[kIncrementsPortRef] = true; this[kStartedReading] = false; this.on('end', () => { if (this[kIncrementsPortRef] && --this[kPort][kWaitingStreams] === 0) this[kPort].unref(); }); } _read() { if (!this[kStartedReading] && this[kIncrementsPortRef]) { this[kStartedReading] = true; if (this[kPort][kWaitingStreams]++ === 0) this[kPort].ref(); } this[kPort].postMessage({ type: messageTypes.STDIO_WANTS_MORE_DATA, stream: this[kName] }); } } class WritableWorkerStdio extends Writable { constructor(port, name) { super({ decodeStrings: false }); this[kPort] = port; this[kName] = name; this[kWritableCallbacks] = []; } _write(chunk, encoding, cb) { this[kPort].postMessage({ type: messageTypes.STDIO_PAYLOAD, stream: this[kName], chunk, encoding }); this[kWritableCallbacks].push(cb); if (this[kPort][kWaitingStreams]++ === 0) this[kPort].ref(); } _final(cb) { this[kPort].postMessage({ type: messageTypes.STDIO_PAYLOAD, stream: this[kName], chunk: null }); cb(); } [kStdioWantsMoreDataCallback]() { const cbs = this[kWritableCallbacks]; this[kWritableCallbacks] = []; for (const cb of cbs) cb(); if ((this[kPort][kWaitingStreams] -= cbs.length) === 0) this[kPort].unref(); } } class Worker extends EventEmitter { constructor(filename, options = {}) { super(); debug(`[${threadId}] create new worker`, filename, options); if (typeof filename !== 'string') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('filename', 'string', filename); } if (!options.eval) { if (!path.isAbsolute(filename) && !filename.startsWith('./') && !filename.startsWith('../') && !filename.startsWith('.' + path.sep) && !filename.startsWith('..' + path.sep)) { throw new ERR_WORKER_PATH(filename); } filename = path.resolve(filename); const ext = path.extname(filename); if (ext !== '.js' && ext !== '.mjs') { throw new ERR_WORKER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION(ext); } } const url = options.eval ? null : pathToFileURL(filename); // Set up the C++ handle for the worker, as well as some internal wiring. this[kHandle] = new WorkerImpl(url); this[kHandle].onexit = (code) => this[kOnExit](code); this[kPort] = this[kHandle].messagePort; this[kPort].on('message', (data) => this[kOnMessage](data)); this[kPort].start(); this[kPort].unref(); this[kPort][kWaitingStreams] = 0; debug(`[${threadId}] created Worker with ID ${this.threadId}`); let stdin = null; if (options.stdin) stdin = new WritableWorkerStdio(this[kPort], 'stdin'); const stdout = new ReadableWorkerStdio(this[kPort], 'stdout'); if (!options.stdout) { stdout[kIncrementsPortRef] = false; pipeWithoutWarning(stdout, process.stdout); } const stderr = new ReadableWorkerStdio(this[kPort], 'stderr'); if (!options.stderr) { stderr[kIncrementsPortRef] = false; pipeWithoutWarning(stderr, process.stderr); } this[kParentSideStdio] = { stdin, stdout, stderr }; const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannel(); this[kPublicPort] = port1; this[kPublicPort].on('message', (message) => this.emit('message', message)); setupPortReferencing(this[kPublicPort], this, 'message'); this[kPort].postMessage({ type: messageTypes.LOAD_SCRIPT, filename, doEval: !!options.eval, workerData: options.workerData, publicPort: port2, hasStdin: !!options.stdin }, [port2]); // Actually start the new thread now that everything is in place. this[kHandle].startThread(); } [kOnExit](code) { debug(`[${threadId}] hears end event for Worker ${this.threadId}`); MessagePortPrototype.drain.call(this[kPublicPort]); this[kDispose](); this.emit('exit', code); this.removeAllListeners(); } [kOnCouldNotSerializeErr]() { this.emit('error', new ERR_WORKER_UNSERIALIZABLE_ERROR()); } [kOnErrorMessage](serialized) { // This is what is called for uncaught exceptions. const error = deserializeError(serialized); this.emit('error', error); } [kOnMessage](message) { switch (message.type) { case messageTypes.UP_AND_RUNNING: return this.emit('online'); case messageTypes.COULD_NOT_SERIALIZE_ERROR: return this[kOnCouldNotSerializeErr](); case messageTypes.ERROR_MESSAGE: return this[kOnErrorMessage](message.error); case messageTypes.STDIO_PAYLOAD: { const { stream, chunk, encoding } = message; return this[kParentSideStdio][stream].push(chunk, encoding); } case messageTypes.STDIO_WANTS_MORE_DATA: { const { stream } = message; return this[kParentSideStdio][stream][kStdioWantsMoreDataCallback](); } } assert.fail(`Unknown worker message type ${message.type}`); } [kDispose]() { this[kHandle].onexit = null; this[kHandle] = null; this[kPort] = null; this[kPublicPort] = null; const { stdout, stderr } = this[kParentSideStdio]; this[kParentSideStdio] = null; if (!stdout._readableState.ended) { debug(`[${threadId}] explicitly closes stdout for ${this.threadId}`); stdout.push(null); } if (!stderr._readableState.ended) { debug(`[${threadId}] explicitly closes stderr for ${this.threadId}`); stderr.push(null); } } postMessage(...args) { this[kPublicPort].postMessage(...args); } terminate(callback) { if (this[kHandle] === null) return; debug(`[${threadId}] terminates Worker with ID ${this.threadId}`); if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') this.once('exit', (exitCode) => callback(null, exitCode)); this[kHandle].stopThread(); } ref() { if (this[kHandle] === null) return; this[kHandle].ref(); this[kPublicPort].ref(); } unref() { if (this[kHandle] === null) return; this[kHandle].unref(); this[kPublicPort].unref(); } get threadId() { if (this[kHandle] === null) return -1; return this[kHandle].threadId; } get stdin() { return this[kParentSideStdio].stdin; } get stdout() { return this[kParentSideStdio].stdout; } get stderr() { return this[kParentSideStdio].stderr; } } const workerStdio = {}; if (!isMainThread) { const port = getEnvMessagePort(); port[kWaitingStreams] = 0; workerStdio.stdin = new ReadableWorkerStdio(port, 'stdin'); workerStdio.stdout = new WritableWorkerStdio(port, 'stdout'); workerStdio.stderr = new WritableWorkerStdio(port, 'stderr'); } let originalFatalException; function setupChild(evalScript) { // Called during bootstrap to set up worker script execution. debug(`[${threadId}] is setting up worker child environment`); const port = getEnvMessagePort(); const publicWorker = require('worker_threads'); port.on('message', (message) => { if (message.type === messageTypes.LOAD_SCRIPT) { const { filename, doEval, workerData, publicPort, hasStdin } = message; publicWorker.parentPort = publicPort; publicWorker.workerData = workerData; if (!hasStdin) workerStdio.stdin.push(null); debug(`[${threadId}] starts worker script ${filename} ` + `(eval = ${eval}) at cwd = ${process.cwd()}`); port.unref(); port.postMessage({ type: messageTypes.UP_AND_RUNNING }); if (doEval) { evalScript('[worker eval]', filename); } else { process.argv[1] = filename; // script filename require('module').runMain(); } return; } else if (message.type === messageTypes.STDIO_PAYLOAD) { const { stream, chunk, encoding } = message; workerStdio[stream].push(chunk, encoding); return; } else if (message.type === messageTypes.STDIO_WANTS_MORE_DATA) { const { stream } = message; workerStdio[stream][kStdioWantsMoreDataCallback](); return; } assert.fail(`Unknown worker message type ${message.type}`); }); port.start(); originalFatalException = process._fatalException; process._fatalException = fatalException; function fatalException(error) { debug(`[${threadId}] gets fatal exception`); let caught = false; try { caught = originalFatalException.call(this, error); } catch (e) { error = e; } debug(`[${threadId}] fatal exception caught = ${caught}`); if (!caught) { let serialized; try { serialized = serializeError(error); } catch {} debug(`[${threadId}] fatal exception serialized = ${!!serialized}`); if (serialized) port.postMessage({ type: messageTypes.ERROR_MESSAGE, error: serialized }); else port.postMessage({ type: messageTypes.COULD_NOT_SERIALIZE_ERROR }); clearAsyncIdStack(); process.exit(); } } } function pipeWithoutWarning(source, dest) { const sourceMaxListeners = source._maxListeners; const destMaxListeners = dest._maxListeners; source.setMaxListeners(Infinity); dest.setMaxListeners(Infinity); source.pipe(dest); source._maxListeners = sourceMaxListeners; dest._maxListeners = destMaxListeners; } module.exports = { MessagePort, MessageChannel, threadId, Worker, setupChild, isMainThread, workerStdio }; internal/streams/lazy_transform// LazyTransform is a special type of Transform stream that is lazily loaded. // This is used for performance with bi-API-ship: when two APIs are available // for the stream, one conventional and one non-conventional. 'use strict'; const stream = require('stream'); const util = require('util'); const { getDefaultEncoding } = require('internal/crypto/util'); module.exports = LazyTransform; function LazyTransform(options) { this._options = options; this.writable = true; this.readable = true; } util.inherits(LazyTransform, stream.Transform); function makeGetter(name) { return function() { stream.Transform.call(this, this._options); this._writableState.decodeStrings = false; if (!this._options || !this._options.defaultEncoding) { this._writableState.defaultEncoding = getDefaultEncoding(); } return this[name]; }; } function makeSetter(name) { return function(val) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { value: val, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); }; } Object.defineProperties(LazyTransform.prototype, { _readableState: { get: makeGetter('_readableState'), set: makeSetter('_readableState'), configurable: true, enumerable: true }, _writableState: { get: makeGetter('_writableState'), set: makeSetter('_writableState'), configurable: true, enumerable: true }, _transformState: { get: makeGetter('_transformState'), set: makeSetter('_transformState'), configurable: true, enumerable: true } }); internal/streams/async_iterator'use strict'; const finished = require('internal/streams/end-of-stream'); const kLastResolve = Symbol('lastResolve'); const kLastReject = Symbol('lastReject'); const kError = Symbol('error'); const kEnded = Symbol('ended'); const kLastPromise = Symbol('lastPromise'); const kHandlePromise = Symbol('handlePromise'); const kStream = Symbol('stream'); function createIterResult(value, done) { return { value, done }; } function readAndResolve(iter) { const resolve = iter[kLastResolve]; if (resolve !== null) { const data = iter[kStream].read(); // we defer if data is null // we can be expecting either 'end' or // 'error' if (data !== null) { iter[kLastPromise] = null; iter[kLastResolve] = null; iter[kLastReject] = null; resolve(createIterResult(data, false)); } } } function onReadable(iter) { // we wait for the next tick, because it might // emit an error with process.nextTick process.nextTick(readAndResolve, iter); } function wrapForNext(lastPromise, iter) { return function(resolve, reject) { lastPromise.then(function() { iter[kHandlePromise](resolve, reject); }, reject); }; } const AsyncIteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf( Object.getPrototypeOf(async function* () {}).prototype); const ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorPrototype = Object.setPrototypeOf({ get stream() { return this[kStream]; }, next() { // if we have detected an error in the meanwhile // reject straight away const error = this[kError]; if (error !== null) { return Promise.reject(error); } if (this[kEnded]) { return Promise.resolve(createIterResult(null, true)); } if (this[kStream].destroyed) { // We need to defer via nextTick because if .destroy(err) is // called, the error will be emitted via nextTick, and // we cannot guarantee that there is no error lingering around // waiting to be emitted. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { process.nextTick(() => { if (this[kError]) { reject(this[kError]); } else { resolve(createIterResult(null, true)); } }); }); } // if we have multiple next() calls // we will wait for the previous Promise to finish // this logic is optimized to support for await loops, // where next() is only called once at a time const lastPromise = this[kLastPromise]; let promise; if (lastPromise) { promise = new Promise(wrapForNext(lastPromise, this)); } else { // fast path needed to support multiple this.push() // without triggering the next() queue const data = this[kStream].read(); if (data !== null) { return Promise.resolve(createIterResult(data, false)); } promise = new Promise(this[kHandlePromise]); } this[kLastPromise] = promise; return promise; }, return() { // destroy(err, cb) is a private API // we can guarantee we have that here, because we control the // Readable class this is attached to return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this[kStream].destroy(null, (err) => { if (err) { reject(err); return; } resolve(createIterResult(null, true)); }); }); }, }, AsyncIteratorPrototype); const createReadableStreamAsyncIterator = (stream) => { const iterator = Object.create(ReadableStreamAsyncIteratorPrototype, { [kStream]: { value: stream, writable: true }, [kLastResolve]: { value: null, writable: true }, [kLastReject]: { value: null, writable: true }, [kError]: { value: null, writable: true }, [kEnded]: { value: stream._readableState.endEmitted, writable: true }, [kLastPromise]: { value: null, writable: true }, // the function passed to new Promise // is cached so we avoid allocating a new // closure at every run [kHandlePromise]: { value: (resolve, reject) => { const data = iterator[kStream].read(); if (data) { iterator[kLastPromise] = null; iterator[kLastResolve] = null; iterator[kLastReject] = null; resolve(createIterResult(data, false)); } else { iterator[kLastResolve] = resolve; iterator[kLastReject] = reject; } }, writable: true, }, }); finished(stream, (err) => { if (err && err.code !== 'ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE') { const reject = iterator[kLastReject]; // reject if we are waiting for data in the Promise // returned by next() and store the error if (reject !== null) { iterator[kLastPromise] = null; iterator[kLastResolve] = null; iterator[kLastReject] = null; reject(err); } iterator[kError] = err; return; } const resolve = iterator[kLastResolve]; if (resolve !== null) { iterator[kLastPromise] = null; iterator[kLastResolve] = null; iterator[kLastReject] = null; resolve(createIterResult(null, true)); } iterator[kEnded] = true; }); stream.on('readable', onReadable.bind(null, iterator)); return iterator; }; module.exports = createReadableStreamAsyncIterator; internal/streams/buffer_list'use strict'; const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { inspect } = require('util'); function copyBuffer(src, target, offset) { Buffer.prototype.copy.call(src, target, offset); } module.exports = class BufferList { constructor() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.length = 0; } push(v) { const entry = { data: v, next: null }; if (this.length > 0) this.tail.next = entry; else this.head = entry; this.tail = entry; ++this.length; } unshift(v) { const entry = { data: v, next: this.head }; if (this.length === 0) this.tail = entry; this.head = entry; ++this.length; } shift() { if (this.length === 0) return; const ret = this.head.data; if (this.length === 1) this.head = this.tail = null; else this.head = this.head.next; --this.length; return ret; } clear() { this.head = this.tail = null; this.length = 0; } join(s) { if (this.length === 0) return ''; var p = this.head; var ret = '' + p.data; while (p = p.next) ret += s + p.data; return ret; } concat(n) { if (this.length === 0) return Buffer.alloc(0); const ret = Buffer.allocUnsafe(n >>> 0); var p = this.head; var i = 0; while (p) { copyBuffer(p.data, ret, i); i += p.data.length; p = p.next; } return ret; } // Consumes a specified amount of bytes or characters from the buffered data. consume(n, hasStrings) { var ret; if (n < this.head.data.length) { // `slice` is the same for buffers and strings. ret = this.head.data.slice(0, n); this.head.data = this.head.data.slice(n); } else if (n === this.head.data.length) { // First chunk is a perfect match. ret = this.shift(); } else { // Result spans more than one buffer. ret = hasStrings ? this._getString(n) : this._getBuffer(n); } return ret; } first() { return this.head.data; } // Consumes a specified amount of characters from the buffered data. _getString(n) { var p = this.head; var c = 1; var ret = p.data; n -= ret.length; while (p = p.next) { const str = p.data; const nb = (n > str.length ? str.length : n); if (nb === str.length) ret += str; else ret += str.slice(0, n); n -= nb; if (n === 0) { if (nb === str.length) { ++c; if (p.next) this.head = p.next; else this.head = this.tail = null; } else { this.head = p; p.data = str.slice(nb); } break; } ++c; } this.length -= c; return ret; } // Consumes a specified amount of bytes from the buffered data. _getBuffer(n) { const ret = Buffer.allocUnsafe(n); var p = this.head; var c = 1; p.data.copy(ret); n -= p.data.length; while (p = p.next) { const buf = p.data; const nb = (n > buf.length ? buf.length : n); buf.copy(ret, ret.length - n, 0, nb); n -= nb; if (n === 0) { if (nb === buf.length) { ++c; if (p.next) this.head = p.next; else this.head = this.tail = null; } else { this.head = p; p.data = buf.slice(nb); } break; } ++c; } this.length -= c; return ret; } // Make sure the linked list only shows the minimal necessary information. [inspect.custom](_, options) { return inspect(this, { ...options, // Only inspect one level. depth: 0, // It should not recurse. customInspect: false }); } }; internal/streams/duplexpair'use strict'; const { Duplex } = require('stream'); const kCallback = Symbol('Callback'); const kOtherSide = Symbol('Other'); class DuplexSocket extends Duplex { constructor() { super(); this[kCallback] = null; this[kOtherSide] = null; } _read() { const callback = this[kCallback]; if (callback) { this[kCallback] = null; callback(); } } _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { this[kOtherSide][kCallback] = callback; this[kOtherSide].push(chunk); } _final(callback) { this[kOtherSide].on('end', callback); this[kOtherSide].push(null); } } class DuplexPair { constructor() { this.socket1 = new DuplexSocket(); this.socket2 = new DuplexSocket(); this.socket1[kOtherSide] = this.socket2; this.socket2[kOtherSide] = this.socket1; } } module.exports = DuplexPair; internal/streams/legacy'use strict'; const EE = require('events'); const util = require('util'); function Stream() { EE.call(this); } util.inherits(Stream, EE); Stream.prototype.pipe = function(dest, options) { var source = this; function ondata(chunk) { if (dest.writable && dest.write(chunk) === false && source.pause) { source.pause(); } } source.on('data', ondata); function ondrain() { if (source.readable && source.resume) { source.resume(); } } dest.on('drain', ondrain); // If the 'end' option is not supplied, dest.end() will be called when // source gets the 'end' or 'close' events. Only dest.end() once. if (!dest._isStdio && (!options || options.end !== false)) { source.on('end', onend); source.on('close', onclose); } var didOnEnd = false; function onend() { if (didOnEnd) return; didOnEnd = true; dest.end(); } function onclose() { if (didOnEnd) return; didOnEnd = true; if (typeof dest.destroy === 'function') dest.destroy(); } // don't leave dangling pipes when there are errors. function onerror(er) { cleanup(); if (EE.listenerCount(this, 'error') === 0) { throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe. } } source.on('error', onerror); dest.on('error', onerror); // remove all the event listeners that were added. function cleanup() { source.removeListener('data', ondata); dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain); source.removeListener('end', onend); source.removeListener('close', onclose); source.removeListener('error', onerror); dest.removeListener('error', onerror); source.removeListener('end', cleanup); source.removeListener('close', cleanup); dest.removeListener('close', cleanup); } source.on('end', cleanup); source.on('close', cleanup); dest.on('close', cleanup); dest.emit('pipe', source); // Allow for unix-like usage: A.pipe(B).pipe(C) return dest; }; module.exports = Stream; internal/streams/destroy'use strict'; // undocumented cb() API, needed for core, not for public API function destroy(err, cb) { const readableDestroyed = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed; const writableDestroyed = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; if (readableDestroyed || writableDestroyed) { if (cb) { cb(err); } else if (err && (!this._writableState || !this._writableState.errorEmitted)) { process.nextTick(emitErrorNT, this, err); } return this; } // we set destroyed to true before firing error callbacks in order // to make it re-entrance safe in case destroy() is called within callbacks if (this._readableState) { this._readableState.destroyed = true; } // if this is a duplex stream mark the writable part as destroyed as well if (this._writableState) { this._writableState.destroyed = true; } this._destroy(err || null, (err) => { if (!cb && err) { process.nextTick(emitErrorAndCloseNT, this, err); if (this._writableState) { this._writableState.errorEmitted = true; } } else if (cb) { process.nextTick(emitCloseNT, this); cb(err); } else { process.nextTick(emitCloseNT, this); } }); return this; } function emitErrorAndCloseNT(self, err) { emitErrorNT(self, err); emitCloseNT(self); } function emitCloseNT(self) { if (self._writableState && !self._writableState.emitClose) return; if (self._readableState && !self._readableState.emitClose) return; self.emit('close'); } function undestroy() { if (this._readableState) { this._readableState.destroyed = false; this._readableState.reading = false; this._readableState.ended = false; this._readableState.endEmitted = false; } if (this._writableState) { this._writableState.destroyed = false; this._writableState.ended = false; this._writableState.ending = false; this._writableState.finalCalled = false; this._writableState.prefinished = false; this._writableState.finished = false; this._writableState.errorEmitted = false; } } function emitErrorNT(self, err) { self.emit('error', err); } module.exports = { destroy, undestroy }; internal/streams/state'use strict'; const { ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE } = require('internal/errors').codes; function highWaterMarkFrom(options, isDuplex, duplexKey) { return options.highWaterMark != null ? options.highWaterMark : isDuplex ? options[duplexKey] : null; } function getHighWaterMark(state, options, duplexKey, isDuplex) { const hwm = highWaterMarkFrom(options, isDuplex, duplexKey); if (hwm != null) { if (!Number.isInteger(hwm) || hwm < 0) { const name = isDuplex ? duplexKey : 'highWaterMark'; throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE(name, hwm); } return Math.floor(hwm); } // Default value return state.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024; } module.exports = { getHighWaterMark }; internal/streams/pipeline// Ported from https://github.com/mafintosh/pump with // permission from the author, Mathias Buus (@mafintosh). 'use strict'; let eos; const { once } = require('internal/util'); const { ERR_MISSING_ARGS, ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED } = require('internal/errors').codes; function noop(err) { // Rethrow the error if it exists to avoid swallowing it if (err) throw err; } function isRequest(stream) { return stream.setHeader && typeof stream.abort === 'function'; } function destroyer(stream, reading, writing, callback) { callback = once(callback); let closed = false; stream.on('close', () => { closed = true; }); if (eos === undefined) eos = require('internal/streams/end-of-stream'); eos(stream, { readable: reading, writable: writing }, (err) => { if (err) return callback(err); closed = true; callback(); }); let destroyed = false; return (err) => { if (closed) return; if (destroyed) return; destroyed = true; // request.destroy just do .end - .abort is what we want if (isRequest(stream)) return stream.abort(); if (typeof stream.destroy === 'function') return stream.destroy(); callback(err || new ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED('pipe')); }; } function call(fn) { fn(); } function pipe(from, to) { return from.pipe(to); } function popCallback(streams) { if (!streams.length) return noop; if (typeof streams[streams.length - 1] !== 'function') return noop; return streams.pop(); } function pipeline(...streams) { const callback = popCallback(streams); if (Array.isArray(streams[0])) streams = streams[0]; if (streams.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS('streams'); } let error; const destroys = streams.map(function(stream, i) { const reading = i < streams.length - 1; const writing = i > 0; return destroyer(stream, reading, writing, function(err) { if (!error) error = err; if (err) destroys.forEach(call); if (reading) return; destroys.forEach(call); callback(error); }); }); return streams.reduce(pipe); } module.exports = pipeline; internal/streams/end-of-stream// Ported from https://github.com/mafintosh/end-of-stream with // permission from the author, Mathias Buus (@mafintosh). 'use strict'; const { ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE } = require('internal/errors').codes; function noop() {} function isRequest(stream) { return stream.setHeader && typeof stream.abort === 'function'; } function once(callback) { let called = false; return function(err) { if (called) return; called = true; callback.call(this, err); }; } function eos(stream, opts, callback) { if (typeof opts === 'function') return eos(stream, null, opts); if (!opts) opts = {}; callback = once(callback || noop); const ws = stream._writableState; const rs = stream._readableState; let readable = opts.readable || (opts.readable !== false && stream.readable); let writable = opts.writable || (opts.writable !== false && stream.writable); const onlegacyfinish = () => { if (!stream.writable) onfinish(); }; const onfinish = () => { writable = false; if (!readable) callback.call(stream); }; const onend = () => { readable = false; if (!writable) callback.call(stream); }; const onerror = (err) => { callback.call(stream, err); }; const onclose = () => { if (readable && !(rs && rs.ended)) { return callback.call(stream, new ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE()); } if (writable && !(ws && ws.ended)) { return callback.call(stream, new ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE()); } }; const onrequest = () => { stream.req.on('finish', onfinish); }; if (isRequest(stream)) { stream.on('complete', onfinish); stream.on('abort', onclose); if (stream.req) onrequest(); else stream.on('request', onrequest); } else if (writable && !ws) { // legacy streams stream.on('end', onlegacyfinish); stream.on('close', onlegacyfinish); } stream.on('end', onend); stream.on('finish', onfinish); if (opts.error !== false) stream.on('error', onerror); stream.on('close', onclose); return function() { stream.removeListener('complete', onfinish); stream.removeListener('abort', onclose); stream.removeListener('request', onrequest); if (stream.req) stream.req.removeListener('finish', onfinish); stream.removeListener('end', onlegacyfinish); stream.removeListener('close', onlegacyfinish); stream.removeListener('finish', onfinish); stream.removeListener('end', onend); stream.removeListener('error', onerror); stream.removeListener('close', onclose); }; } module.exports = eos; internal/wrap_js_stream'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const util = require('util'); const { Socket } = require('net'); const { JSStream } = internalBinding('js_stream'); const uv = internalBinding('uv'); const debug = util.debuglog('stream_wrap'); const { owner_symbol } = require('internal/async_hooks').symbols; const { ERR_STREAM_WRAP } = require('internal/errors').codes; const kCurrentWriteRequest = Symbol('kCurrentWriteRequest'); const kCurrentShutdownRequest = Symbol('kCurrentShutdownRequest'); const kPendingShutdownRequest = Symbol('kPendingShutdownRequest'); function isClosing() { return this[owner_symbol].isClosing(); } function onreadstart() { return this[owner_symbol].readStart(); } function onreadstop() { return this[owner_symbol].readStop(); } function onshutdown(req) { return this[owner_symbol].doShutdown(req); } function onwrite(req, bufs) { return this[owner_symbol].doWrite(req, bufs); } /* This class serves as a wrapper for when the C++ side of Node wants access * to a standard JS stream. For example, TLS or HTTP do not operate on network * resources conceptually, although that is the common case and what we are * optimizing for; in theory, they are completely composable and can work with * any stream resource they see. * * For the common case, i.e. a TLS socket wrapping around a net.Socket, we * can skip going through the JS layer and let TLS access the raw C++ handle * of a net.Socket. The flipside of this is that, to maintain composability, * we need a way to create "fake" net.Socket instances that call back into a * "real" JavaScript stream. JSStreamWrap is exactly this. */ class JSStreamWrap extends Socket { constructor(stream) { const handle = new JSStream(); handle.close = (cb) => { debug('close'); this.doClose(cb); }; // Inside of the following functions, `this` refers to the handle // and `this[owner_symbol]` refers to this JSStreamWrap instance. handle.isClosing = isClosing; handle.onreadstart = onreadstart; handle.onreadstop = onreadstop; handle.onshutdown = onshutdown; handle.onwrite = onwrite; stream.pause(); stream.on('error', (err) => this.emit('error', err)); const ondata = (chunk) => { if (typeof chunk === 'string' || stream._readableState.objectMode === true) { // Make sure that no further `data` events will happen. stream.pause(); stream.removeListener('data', ondata); this.emit('error', new ERR_STREAM_WRAP()); return; } debug('data', chunk.length); if (this._handle) this._handle.readBuffer(chunk); }; stream.on('data', ondata); stream.once('end', () => { debug('end'); if (this._handle) this._handle.emitEOF(); }); // Some `Stream` don't pass `hasError` parameters when closed. stream.once('close', () => { // Errors emitted from `stream` have also been emitted to this instance // so that we don't pass errors to `destroy()` again. this.destroy(); }); super({ handle, manualStart: true }); this.stream = stream; this[kCurrentWriteRequest] = null; this[kCurrentShutdownRequest] = null; this[kPendingShutdownRequest] = null; this.readable = stream.readable; this.writable = stream.writable; // Start reading. this.read(0); } // Legacy static get StreamWrap() { return JSStreamWrap; } isClosing() { return !this.readable || !this.writable; } readStart() { this.stream.resume(); return 0; } readStop() { this.stream.pause(); return 0; } doShutdown(req) { // TODO(addaleax): It might be nice if we could get into a state where // DoShutdown() is not called on streams while a write is still pending. // // Currently, the only part of the code base where that happens is the // TLS implementation, which calls both DoWrite() and DoShutdown() on the // underlying network stream inside of its own DoShutdown() method. // Working around that on the native side is not quite trivial (yet?), // so for now that is supported here. if (this[kCurrentWriteRequest] !== null) { this[kPendingShutdownRequest] = req; return 0; } assert.strictEqual(this[kCurrentWriteRequest], null); assert.strictEqual(this[kCurrentShutdownRequest], null); this[kCurrentShutdownRequest] = req; const handle = this._handle; setImmediate(() => { // Ensure that write is dispatched asynchronously. this.stream.end(() => { this.finishShutdown(handle, 0); }); }); return 0; } // handle === this._handle except when called from doClose(). finishShutdown(handle, errCode) { // The shutdown request might already have been cancelled. if (this[kCurrentShutdownRequest] === null) return; const req = this[kCurrentShutdownRequest]; this[kCurrentShutdownRequest] = null; handle.finishShutdown(req, errCode); } doWrite(req, bufs) { assert.strictEqual(this[kCurrentWriteRequest], null); assert.strictEqual(this[kCurrentShutdownRequest], null); const handle = this._handle; const self = this; let pending = bufs.length; this.stream.cork(); for (var i = 0; i < bufs.length; ++i) this.stream.write(bufs[i], done); this.stream.uncork(); // Only set the request here, because the `write()` calls could throw. this[kCurrentWriteRequest] = req; function done(err) { if (!err && --pending !== 0) return; // Ensure that this is called once in case of error pending = 0; let errCode = 0; if (err) { errCode = uv[`UV_${err.code}`] || uv.UV_EPIPE; } // Ensure that write was dispatched setImmediate(() => { self.finishWrite(handle, errCode); }); } return 0; } // handle === this._handle except when called from doClose(). finishWrite(handle, errCode) { // The write request might already have been cancelled. if (this[kCurrentWriteRequest] === null) return; const req = this[kCurrentWriteRequest]; this[kCurrentWriteRequest] = null; handle.finishWrite(req, errCode); if (this[kPendingShutdownRequest]) { const req = this[kPendingShutdownRequest]; this[kPendingShutdownRequest] = null; this.doShutdown(req); } } doClose(cb) { const handle = this._handle; // When sockets of the "net" module destroyed, they will call // `this._handle.close()` which will also emit EOF if not emitted before. // This feature makes sockets on the other side emit "end" and "close" // even though we haven't called `end()`. As `stream` are likely to be // instances of `net.Socket`, calling `stream.destroy()` manually will // avoid issues that don't properly close wrapped connections. this.stream.destroy(); setImmediate(() => { // Should be already set by net.js assert.strictEqual(this._handle, null); this.finishWrite(handle, uv.UV_ECANCELED); this.finishShutdown(handle, uv.UV_ECANCELED); cb(); }); } } module.exports = JSStreamWrap; internal/deps/v8/tools/splaytree// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** * Constructs a Splay tree. A splay tree is a self-balancing binary * search tree with the additional property that recently accessed * elements are quick to access again. It performs basic operations * such as insertion, look-up and removal in O(log(n)) amortized time. * * @constructor */ function SplayTree() { }; /** * Pointer to the root node of the tree. * * @type {SplayTree.Node} * @private */ SplayTree.prototype.root_ = null; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the tree is empty. */ SplayTree.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return !this.root_; }; /** * Inserts a node into the tree with the specified key and value if * the tree does not already contain a node with the specified key. If * the value is inserted, it becomes the root of the tree. * * @param {number} key Key to insert into the tree. * @param {*} value Value to insert into the tree. */ SplayTree.prototype.insert = function(key, value) { if (this.isEmpty()) { this.root_ = new SplayTree.Node(key, value); return; } // Splay on the key to move the last node on the search path for // the key to the root of the tree. this.splay_(key); if (this.root_.key == key) { return; } var node = new SplayTree.Node(key, value); if (key > this.root_.key) { node.left = this.root_; node.right = this.root_.right; this.root_.right = null; } else { node.right = this.root_; node.left = this.root_.left; this.root_.left = null; } this.root_ = node; }; /** * Removes a node with the specified key from the tree if the tree * contains a node with this key. The removed node is returned. If the * key is not found, an exception is thrown. * * @param {number} key Key to find and remove from the tree. * @return {SplayTree.Node} The removed node. */ SplayTree.prototype.remove = function(key) { if (this.isEmpty()) { throw Error('Key not found: ' + key); } this.splay_(key); if (this.root_.key != key) { throw Error('Key not found: ' + key); } var removed = this.root_; if (!this.root_.left) { this.root_ = this.root_.right; } else { var right = this.root_.right; this.root_ = this.root_.left; // Splay to make sure that the new root has an empty right child. this.splay_(key); // Insert the original right child as the right child of the new // root. this.root_.right = right; } return removed; }; /** * Returns the node having the specified key or null if the tree doesn't contain * a node with the specified key. * * @param {number} key Key to find in the tree. * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the specified key. */ SplayTree.prototype.find = function(key) { if (this.isEmpty()) { return null; } this.splay_(key); return this.root_.key == key ? this.root_ : null; }; /** * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the minimum key value. */ SplayTree.prototype.findMin = function() { if (this.isEmpty()) { return null; } var current = this.root_; while (current.left) { current = current.left; } return current; }; /** * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the maximum key value. */ SplayTree.prototype.findMax = function(opt_startNode) { if (this.isEmpty()) { return null; } var current = opt_startNode || this.root_; while (current.right) { current = current.right; } return current; }; /** * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the maximum key value that * is less or equal to the specified key value. */ SplayTree.prototype.findGreatestLessThan = function(key) { if (this.isEmpty()) { return null; } // Splay on the key to move the node with the given key or the last // node on the search path to the top of the tree. this.splay_(key); // Now the result is either the root node or the greatest node in // the left subtree. if (this.root_.key <= key) { return this.root_; } else if (this.root_.left) { return this.findMax(this.root_.left); } else { return null; } }; /** * @return {Array<*>} An array containing all the values of tree's nodes paired * with keys. */ SplayTree.prototype.exportKeysAndValues = function() { var result = []; this.traverse_(function(node) { result.push([node.key, node.value]); }); return result; }; /** * @return {Array<*>} An array containing all the values of tree's nodes. */ SplayTree.prototype.exportValues = function() { var result = []; this.traverse_(function(node) { result.push(node.value); }); return result; }; /** * Perform the splay operation for the given key. Moves the node with * the given key to the top of the tree. If no node has the given * key, the last node on the search path is moved to the top of the * tree. This is the simplified top-down splaying algorithm from: * "Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees" by Sleator and Tarjan * * @param {number} key Key to splay the tree on. * @private */ SplayTree.prototype.splay_ = function(key) { if (this.isEmpty()) { return; } // Create a dummy node. The use of the dummy node is a bit // counter-intuitive: The right child of the dummy node will hold // the L tree of the algorithm. The left child of the dummy node // will hold the R tree of the algorithm. Using a dummy node, left // and right will always be nodes and we avoid special cases. var dummy, left, right; dummy = left = right = new SplayTree.Node(null, null); var current = this.root_; while (true) { if (key < current.key) { if (!current.left) { break; } if (key < current.left.key) { // Rotate right. var tmp = current.left; current.left = tmp.right; tmp.right = current; current = tmp; if (!current.left) { break; } } // Link right. right.left = current; right = current; current = current.left; } else if (key > current.key) { if (!current.right) { break; } if (key > current.right.key) { // Rotate left. var tmp = current.right; current.right = tmp.left; tmp.left = current; current = tmp; if (!current.right) { break; } } // Link left. left.right = current; left = current; current = current.right; } else { break; } } // Assemble. left.right = current.left; right.left = current.right; current.left = dummy.right; current.right = dummy.left; this.root_ = current; }; /** * Performs a preorder traversal of the tree. * * @param {function(SplayTree.Node)} f Visitor function. * @private */ SplayTree.prototype.traverse_ = function(f) { var nodesToVisit = [this.root_]; while (nodesToVisit.length > 0) { var node = nodesToVisit.shift(); if (node == null) { continue; } f(node); nodesToVisit.push(node.left); nodesToVisit.push(node.right); } }; /** * Constructs a Splay tree node. * * @param {number} key Key. * @param {*} value Value. */ SplayTree.Node = function(key, value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; }; /** * @type {SplayTree.Node} */ SplayTree.Node.prototype.left = null; /** * @type {SplayTree.Node} */ SplayTree.Node.prototype.right = null; v8/tools/splaytree'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/splaytree\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/splaytree'); internal/deps/v8/tools/codemap// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** * Constructs a mapper that maps addresses into code entries. * * @constructor */ function CodeMap() { /** * Dynamic code entries. Used for JIT compiled code. */ this.dynamics_ = new SplayTree(); /** * Name generator for entries having duplicate names. */ this.dynamicsNameGen_ = new CodeMap.NameGenerator(); /** * Static code entries. Used for statically compiled code. */ this.statics_ = new SplayTree(); /** * Libraries entries. Used for the whole static code libraries. */ this.libraries_ = new SplayTree(); /** * Map of memory pages occupied with static code. */ this.pages_ = []; }; /** * The number of alignment bits in a page address. */ CodeMap.PAGE_ALIGNMENT = 12; /** * Page size in bytes. */ CodeMap.PAGE_SIZE = 1 << CodeMap.PAGE_ALIGNMENT; /** * Adds a dynamic (i.e. moveable and discardable) code entry. * * @param {number} start The starting address. * @param {CodeMap.CodeEntry} codeEntry Code entry object. */ CodeMap.prototype.addCode = function(start, codeEntry) { this.deleteAllCoveredNodes_(this.dynamics_, start, start + codeEntry.size); this.dynamics_.insert(start, codeEntry); }; /** * Moves a dynamic code entry. Throws an exception if there is no dynamic * code entry with the specified starting address. * * @param {number} from The starting address of the entry being moved. * @param {number} to The destination address. */ CodeMap.prototype.moveCode = function(from, to) { var removedNode = this.dynamics_.remove(from); this.deleteAllCoveredNodes_(this.dynamics_, to, to + removedNode.value.size); this.dynamics_.insert(to, removedNode.value); }; /** * Discards a dynamic code entry. Throws an exception if there is no dynamic * code entry with the specified starting address. * * @param {number} start The starting address of the entry being deleted. */ CodeMap.prototype.deleteCode = function(start) { var removedNode = this.dynamics_.remove(start); }; /** * Adds a library entry. * * @param {number} start The starting address. * @param {CodeMap.CodeEntry} codeEntry Code entry object. */ CodeMap.prototype.addLibrary = function( start, codeEntry) { this.markPages_(start, start + codeEntry.size); this.libraries_.insert(start, codeEntry); }; /** * Adds a static code entry. * * @param {number} start The starting address. * @param {CodeMap.CodeEntry} codeEntry Code entry object. */ CodeMap.prototype.addStaticCode = function( start, codeEntry) { this.statics_.insert(start, codeEntry); }; /** * @private */ CodeMap.prototype.markPages_ = function(start, end) { for (var addr = start; addr <= end; addr += CodeMap.PAGE_SIZE) { this.pages_[addr >>> CodeMap.PAGE_ALIGNMENT] = 1; } }; /** * @private */ CodeMap.prototype.deleteAllCoveredNodes_ = function(tree, start, end) { var to_delete = []; var addr = end - 1; while (addr >= start) { var node = tree.findGreatestLessThan(addr); if (!node) break; var start2 = node.key, end2 = start2 + node.value.size; if (start2 < end && start < end2) to_delete.push(start2); addr = start2 - 1; } for (var i = 0, l = to_delete.length; i < l; ++i) tree.remove(to_delete[i]); }; /** * @private */ CodeMap.prototype.isAddressBelongsTo_ = function(addr, node) { return addr >= node.key && addr < (node.key + node.value.size); }; /** * @private */ CodeMap.prototype.findInTree_ = function(tree, addr) { var node = tree.findGreatestLessThan(addr); return node && this.isAddressBelongsTo_(addr, node) ? node : null; }; /** * Embedded builtins are located in the shared library but should be attributed * according to the dynamically generated code-create events. * * @private */ CodeMap.prototype.isEmbeddedBuiltin_ = function(entry) { return entry.type == "CPP" && /v8_\w*embedded_blob_/.test(entry.name); }; /** * Finds a code entry that contains the specified address. Both static and * dynamic code entries are considered. Returns the code entry and the offset * within the entry. * * @param {number} addr Address. */ CodeMap.prototype.findAddress = function(addr) { var pageAddr = addr >>> CodeMap.PAGE_ALIGNMENT; if (pageAddr in this.pages_) { // Static code entries can contain "holes" of unnamed code. // In this case, the whole library is assigned to this address. var result = this.findInTree_(this.statics_, addr); if (!result) { result = this.findInTree_(this.libraries_, addr); if (!result) return null; } if (!this.isEmbeddedBuiltin_(result.value)) { // Embedded builtins are handled in the following dynamic section. return { entry : result.value, offset : addr - result.key }; } } var min = this.dynamics_.findMin(); var max = this.dynamics_.findMax(); if (max != null && addr < (max.key + max.value.size) && addr >= min.key) { var dynaEntry = this.findInTree_(this.dynamics_, addr); if (dynaEntry == null) return null; // Dedupe entry name. var entry = dynaEntry.value; if (!entry.nameUpdated_) { entry.name = this.dynamicsNameGen_.getName(entry.name); entry.nameUpdated_ = true; } return { entry : entry, offset : addr - dynaEntry.key }; } return null; }; /** * Finds a code entry that contains the specified address. Both static and * dynamic code entries are considered. * * @param {number} addr Address. */ CodeMap.prototype.findEntry = function(addr) { var result = this.findAddress(addr); return result ? result.entry : null; }; /** * Returns a dynamic code entry using its starting address. * * @param {number} addr Address. */ CodeMap.prototype.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress = function(addr) { var node = this.dynamics_.find(addr); return node ? node.value : null; }; /** * Returns an array of all dynamic code entries. */ CodeMap.prototype.getAllDynamicEntries = function() { return this.dynamics_.exportValues(); }; /** * Returns an array of pairs of all dynamic code entries and their addresses. */ CodeMap.prototype.getAllDynamicEntriesWithAddresses = function() { return this.dynamics_.exportKeysAndValues(); }; /** * Returns an array of all static code entries. */ CodeMap.prototype.getAllStaticEntries = function() { return this.statics_.exportValues(); }; /** * Returns an array of pairs of all static code entries and their addresses. */ CodeMap.prototype.getAllStaticEntriesWithAddresses = function() { return this.statics_.exportKeysAndValues(); }; /** * Returns an array of all libraries entries. */ CodeMap.prototype.getAllLibrariesEntries = function() { return this.libraries_.exportValues(); }; /** * Creates a code entry object. * * @param {number} size Code entry size in bytes. * @param {string} opt_name Code entry name. * @param {string} opt_type Code entry type, e.g. SHARED_LIB, CPP. * @constructor */ CodeMap.CodeEntry = function(size, opt_name, opt_type) { this.size = size; this.name = opt_name || ''; this.type = opt_type || ''; this.nameUpdated_ = false; }; CodeMap.CodeEntry.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name; }; CodeMap.CodeEntry.prototype.toString = function() { return this.name + ': ' + this.size.toString(16); }; CodeMap.NameGenerator = function() { this.knownNames_ = {}; }; CodeMap.NameGenerator.prototype.getName = function(name) { if (!(name in this.knownNames_)) { this.knownNames_[name] = 0; return name; } var count = ++this.knownNames_[name]; return name + ' {' + count + '}'; }; v8/tools/codemap'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/codemap\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/codemap'); internal/deps/v8/tools/consarray// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** * Constructs a ConsArray object. It is used mainly for tree traversal. * In this use case we have lots of arrays that we need to iterate * sequentally. The internal Array implementation is horribly slow * when concatenating on large (10K items) arrays due to memory copying. * That's why we avoid copying memory and insead build a linked list * of arrays to iterate through. * * @constructor */ function ConsArray() { this.tail_ = new ConsArray.Cell(null, null); this.currCell_ = this.tail_; this.currCellPos_ = 0; }; /** * Concatenates another array for iterating. Empty arrays are ignored. * This operation can be safely performed during ongoing ConsArray * iteration. * * @param {Array} arr Array to concatenate. */ ConsArray.prototype.concat = function(arr) { if (arr.length > 0) { this.tail_.data = arr; this.tail_ = this.tail_.next = new ConsArray.Cell(null, null); } }; /** * Whether the end of iteration is reached. */ ConsArray.prototype.atEnd = function() { return this.currCell_ === null || this.currCell_.data === null || this.currCellPos_ >= this.currCell_.data.length; }; /** * Returns the current item, moves to the next one. */ ConsArray.prototype.next = function() { var result = this.currCell_.data[this.currCellPos_++]; if (this.currCellPos_ >= this.currCell_.data.length) { this.currCell_ = this.currCell_.next; this.currCellPos_ = 0; } return result; }; /** * A cell object used for constructing a list in ConsArray. * * @constructor */ ConsArray.Cell = function(data, next) { this.data = data; this.next = next; }; v8/tools/consarray'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/consarray\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/consarray'); internal/deps/v8/tools/csvparser// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** * Creates a CSV lines parser. */ class CsvParser { /** * Converts \x00 and \u0000 escape sequences in the given string. * * @param {string} input field. **/ escapeField(string) { let nextPos = string.indexOf("\\"); if (nextPos === -1) return string; let result = string.substring(0, nextPos); // Escape sequences of the form \x00 and \u0000; let endPos = string.length; let pos = 0; while (nextPos !== -1) { let escapeIdentifier = string.charAt(nextPos + 1); pos = nextPos + 2; if (escapeIdentifier == 'n') { result += '\n'; nextPos = pos; } else { if (escapeIdentifier == 'x') { // \x00 ascii range escapes consume 2 chars. nextPos = pos + 2; } else { // \u0000 unicode range escapes consume 4 chars. nextPos = pos + 4; } // Convert the selected escape sequence to a single character. let escapeChars = string.substring(pos, nextPos); result += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(escapeChars, 16)); } // Continue looking for the next escape sequence. pos = nextPos; nextPos = string.indexOf("\\", pos); // If there are no more escape sequences consume the rest of the string. if (nextPos === -1) { result += string.substr(pos); } else if (pos != nextPos) { result += string.substring(pos, nextPos); } } return result; } /** * Parses a line of CSV-encoded values. Returns an array of fields. * * @param {string} line Input line. */ parseLine(line) { var pos = 0; var endPos = line.length; var fields = []; if (endPos == 0) return fields; let nextPos = 0; while(nextPos !== -1) { nextPos = line.indexOf(',', pos); let field; if (nextPos === -1) { field = line.substr(pos); } else { field = line.substring(pos, nextPos); } fields.push(this.escapeField(field)); pos = nextPos + 1; }; return fields } } v8/tools/csvparser'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/csvparser\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/csvparser'); internal/deps/v8/tools/profile// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** * Creates a profile object for processing profiling-related events * and calculating function execution times. * * @constructor */ function Profile() { this.codeMap_ = new CodeMap(); this.topDownTree_ = new CallTree(); this.bottomUpTree_ = new CallTree(); this.c_entries_ = {}; this.ticks_ = []; }; /** * Returns whether a function with the specified name must be skipped. * Should be overriden by subclasses. * * @param {string} name Function name. */ Profile.prototype.skipThisFunction = function(name) { return false; }; /** * Enum for profiler operations that involve looking up existing * code entries. * * @enum {number} */ Profile.Operation = { MOVE: 0, DELETE: 1, TICK: 2 }; /** * Enum for code state regarding its dynamic optimization. * * @enum {number} */ Profile.CodeState = { COMPILED: 0, OPTIMIZABLE: 1, OPTIMIZED: 2 }; /** * Called whenever the specified operation has failed finding a function * containing the specified address. Should be overriden by subclasses. * See the Profile.Operation enum for the list of * possible operations. * * @param {number} operation Operation. * @param {number} addr Address of the unknown code. * @param {number} opt_stackPos If an unknown address is encountered * during stack strace processing, specifies a position of the frame * containing the address. */ Profile.prototype.handleUnknownCode = function( operation, addr, opt_stackPos) { }; /** * Registers a library. * * @param {string} name Code entry name. * @param {number} startAddr Starting address. * @param {number} endAddr Ending address. */ Profile.prototype.addLibrary = function( name, startAddr, endAddr) { var entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry( endAddr - startAddr, name, 'SHARED_LIB'); this.codeMap_.addLibrary(startAddr, entry); return entry; }; /** * Registers statically compiled code entry. * * @param {string} name Code entry name. * @param {number} startAddr Starting address. * @param {number} endAddr Ending address. */ Profile.prototype.addStaticCode = function( name, startAddr, endAddr) { var entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry( endAddr - startAddr, name, 'CPP'); this.codeMap_.addStaticCode(startAddr, entry); return entry; }; /** * Registers dynamic (JIT-compiled) code entry. * * @param {string} type Code entry type. * @param {string} name Code entry name. * @param {number} start Starting address. * @param {number} size Code entry size. */ Profile.prototype.addCode = function( type, name, timestamp, start, size) { var entry = new Profile.DynamicCodeEntry(size, type, name); this.codeMap_.addCode(start, entry); return entry; }; /** * Registers dynamic (JIT-compiled) code entry. * * @param {string} type Code entry type. * @param {string} name Code entry name. * @param {number} start Starting address. * @param {number} size Code entry size. * @param {number} funcAddr Shared function object address. * @param {Profile.CodeState} state Optimization state. */ Profile.prototype.addFuncCode = function( type, name, timestamp, start, size, funcAddr, state) { // As code and functions are in the same address space, // it is safe to put them in a single code map. var func = this.codeMap_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(funcAddr); if (!func) { func = new Profile.FunctionEntry(name); this.codeMap_.addCode(funcAddr, func); } else if (func.name !== name) { // Function object has been overwritten with a new one. func.name = name; } var entry = this.codeMap_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(start); if (entry) { if (entry.size === size && entry.func === func) { // Entry state has changed. entry.state = state; } } else { entry = new Profile.DynamicFuncCodeEntry(size, type, func, state); this.codeMap_.addCode(start, entry); } return entry; }; /** * Reports about moving of a dynamic code entry. * * @param {number} from Current code entry address. * @param {number} to New code entry address. */ Profile.prototype.moveCode = function(from, to) { try { this.codeMap_.moveCode(from, to); } catch (e) { this.handleUnknownCode(Profile.Operation.MOVE, from); } }; Profile.prototype.deoptCode = function( timestamp, code, inliningId, scriptOffset, bailoutType, sourcePositionText, deoptReasonText) { }; /** * Reports about deletion of a dynamic code entry. * * @param {number} start Starting address. */ Profile.prototype.deleteCode = function(start) { try { this.codeMap_.deleteCode(start); } catch (e) { this.handleUnknownCode(Profile.Operation.DELETE, start); } }; /** * Adds source positions for given code. */ Profile.prototype.addSourcePositions = function( start, script, startPos, endPos, sourcePositions, inliningPositions, inlinedFunctions) { // CLI does not need source code => ignore. }; /** * Adds script source code. */ Profile.prototype.addScriptSource = function(script, source) { // CLI does not need source code => ignore. }; /** * Reports about moving of a dynamic code entry. * * @param {number} from Current code entry address. * @param {number} to New code entry address. */ Profile.prototype.moveFunc = function(from, to) { if (this.codeMap_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(from)) { this.codeMap_.moveCode(from, to); } }; /** * Retrieves a code entry by an address. * * @param {number} addr Entry address. */ Profile.prototype.findEntry = function(addr) { return this.codeMap_.findEntry(addr); }; /** * Records a tick event. Stack must contain a sequence of * addresses starting with the program counter value. * * @param {Array} stack Stack sample. */ Profile.prototype.recordTick = function(time_ns, vmState, stack) { var processedStack = this.resolveAndFilterFuncs_(stack); this.bottomUpTree_.addPath(processedStack); processedStack.reverse(); this.topDownTree_.addPath(processedStack); }; /** * Translates addresses into function names and filters unneeded * functions. * * @param {Array} stack Stack sample. */ Profile.prototype.resolveAndFilterFuncs_ = function(stack) { var result = []; var last_seen_c_function = ''; var look_for_first_c_function = false; for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; ++i) { var entry = this.codeMap_.findEntry(stack[i]); if (entry) { var name = entry.getName(); if (i === 0 && (entry.type === 'CPP' || entry.type === 'SHARED_LIB')) { look_for_first_c_function = true; } if (look_for_first_c_function && entry.type === 'CPP') { last_seen_c_function = name; } if (!this.skipThisFunction(name)) { result.push(name); } } else { this.handleUnknownCode(Profile.Operation.TICK, stack[i], i); if (i === 0) result.push("UNKNOWN"); } if (look_for_first_c_function && i > 0 && (!entry || entry.type !== 'CPP') && last_seen_c_function !== '') { if (this.c_entries_[last_seen_c_function] === undefined) { this.c_entries_[last_seen_c_function] = 0; } this.c_entries_[last_seen_c_function]++; look_for_first_c_function = false; // Found it, we're done. } } return result; }; /** * Performs a BF traversal of the top down call graph. * * @param {function(CallTree.Node)} f Visitor function. */ Profile.prototype.traverseTopDownTree = function(f) { this.topDownTree_.traverse(f); }; /** * Performs a BF traversal of the bottom up call graph. * * @param {function(CallTree.Node)} f Visitor function. */ Profile.prototype.traverseBottomUpTree = function(f) { this.bottomUpTree_.traverse(f); }; /** * Calculates a top down profile for a node with the specified label. * If no name specified, returns the whole top down calls tree. * * @param {string} opt_label Node label. */ Profile.prototype.getTopDownProfile = function(opt_label) { return this.getTreeProfile_(this.topDownTree_, opt_label); }; /** * Calculates a bottom up profile for a node with the specified label. * If no name specified, returns the whole bottom up calls tree. * * @param {string} opt_label Node label. */ Profile.prototype.getBottomUpProfile = function(opt_label) { return this.getTreeProfile_(this.bottomUpTree_, opt_label); }; /** * Helper function for calculating a tree profile. * * @param {Profile.CallTree} tree Call tree. * @param {string} opt_label Node label. */ Profile.prototype.getTreeProfile_ = function(tree, opt_label) { if (!opt_label) { tree.computeTotalWeights(); return tree; } else { var subTree = tree.cloneSubtree(opt_label); subTree.computeTotalWeights(); return subTree; } }; /** * Calculates a flat profile of callees starting from a node with * the specified label. If no name specified, starts from the root. * * @param {string} opt_label Starting node label. */ Profile.prototype.getFlatProfile = function(opt_label) { var counters = new CallTree(); var rootLabel = opt_label || CallTree.ROOT_NODE_LABEL; var precs = {}; precs[rootLabel] = 0; var root = counters.findOrAddChild(rootLabel); this.topDownTree_.computeTotalWeights(); this.topDownTree_.traverseInDepth( function onEnter(node) { if (!(node.label in precs)) { precs[node.label] = 0; } var nodeLabelIsRootLabel = node.label == rootLabel; if (nodeLabelIsRootLabel || precs[rootLabel] > 0) { if (precs[rootLabel] == 0) { root.selfWeight += node.selfWeight; root.totalWeight += node.totalWeight; } else { var rec = root.findOrAddChild(node.label); rec.selfWeight += node.selfWeight; if (nodeLabelIsRootLabel || precs[node.label] == 0) { rec.totalWeight += node.totalWeight; } } precs[node.label]++; } }, function onExit(node) { if (node.label == rootLabel || precs[rootLabel] > 0) { precs[node.label]--; } }, null); if (!opt_label) { // If we have created a flat profile for the whole program, we don't // need an explicit root in it. Thus, replace the counters tree // root with the node corresponding to the whole program. counters.root_ = root; } else { // Propagate weights so percents can be calculated correctly. counters.getRoot().selfWeight = root.selfWeight; counters.getRoot().totalWeight = root.totalWeight; } return counters; }; Profile.CEntryNode = function(name, ticks) { this.name = name; this.ticks = ticks; } Profile.prototype.getCEntryProfile = function() { var result = [new Profile.CEntryNode("TOTAL", 0)]; var total_ticks = 0; for (var f in this.c_entries_) { var ticks = this.c_entries_[f]; total_ticks += ticks; result.push(new Profile.CEntryNode(f, ticks)); } result[0].ticks = total_ticks; // Sorting will keep this at index 0. result.sort(function(n1, n2) { return n2.ticks - n1.ticks || (n2.name < n1.name ? -1 : 1) }); return result; } /** * Cleans up function entries that are not referenced by code entries. */ Profile.prototype.cleanUpFuncEntries = function() { var referencedFuncEntries = []; var entries = this.codeMap_.getAllDynamicEntriesWithAddresses(); for (var i = 0, l = entries.length; i < l; ++i) { if (entries[i][1].constructor === Profile.FunctionEntry) { entries[i][1].used = false; } } for (var i = 0, l = entries.length; i < l; ++i) { if ("func" in entries[i][1]) { entries[i][1].func.used = true; } } for (var i = 0, l = entries.length; i < l; ++i) { if (entries[i][1].constructor === Profile.FunctionEntry && !entries[i][1].used) { this.codeMap_.deleteCode(entries[i][0]); } } }; /** * Creates a dynamic code entry. * * @param {number} size Code size. * @param {string} type Code type. * @param {string} name Function name. * @constructor */ Profile.DynamicCodeEntry = function(size, type, name) { CodeMap.CodeEntry.call(this, size, name, type); }; /** * Returns node name. */ Profile.DynamicCodeEntry.prototype.getName = function() { return this.type + ': ' + this.name; }; /** * Returns raw node name (without type decoration). */ Profile.DynamicCodeEntry.prototype.getRawName = function() { return this.name; }; Profile.DynamicCodeEntry.prototype.isJSFunction = function() { return false; }; Profile.DynamicCodeEntry.prototype.toString = function() { return this.getName() + ': ' + this.size.toString(16); }; /** * Creates a dynamic code entry. * * @param {number} size Code size. * @param {string} type Code type. * @param {Profile.FunctionEntry} func Shared function entry. * @param {Profile.CodeState} state Code optimization state. * @constructor */ Profile.DynamicFuncCodeEntry = function(size, type, func, state) { CodeMap.CodeEntry.call(this, size, '', type); this.func = func; this.state = state; }; Profile.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.STATE_PREFIX = ["", "~", "*"]; /** * Returns state. */ Profile.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.prototype.getState = function() { return Profile.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.STATE_PREFIX[this.state]; }; /** * Returns node name. */ Profile.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.prototype.getName = function() { var name = this.func.getName(); return this.type + ': ' + this.getState() + name; }; /** * Returns raw node name (without type decoration). */ Profile.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.prototype.getRawName = function() { return this.func.getName(); }; Profile.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.prototype.isJSFunction = function() { return true; }; Profile.DynamicFuncCodeEntry.prototype.toString = function() { return this.getName() + ': ' + this.size.toString(16); }; /** * Creates a shared function object entry. * * @param {string} name Function name. * @constructor */ Profile.FunctionEntry = function(name) { CodeMap.CodeEntry.call(this, 0, name); }; /** * Returns node name. */ Profile.FunctionEntry.prototype.getName = function() { var name = this.name; if (name.length == 0) { name = ''; } else if (name.charAt(0) == ' ') { // An anonymous function with location: " aaa.js:10". name = '' + name; } return name; }; Profile.FunctionEntry.prototype.toString = CodeMap.CodeEntry.prototype.toString; /** * Constructs a call graph. * * @constructor */ function CallTree() { this.root_ = new CallTree.Node( CallTree.ROOT_NODE_LABEL); }; /** * The label of the root node. */ CallTree.ROOT_NODE_LABEL = ''; /** * @private */ CallTree.prototype.totalsComputed_ = false; /** * Returns the tree root. */ CallTree.prototype.getRoot = function() { return this.root_; }; /** * Adds the specified call path, constructing nodes as necessary. * * @param {Array} path Call path. */ CallTree.prototype.addPath = function(path) { if (path.length == 0) { return; } var curr = this.root_; for (var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) { curr = curr.findOrAddChild(path[i]); } curr.selfWeight++; this.totalsComputed_ = false; }; /** * Finds an immediate child of the specified parent with the specified * label, creates a child node if necessary. If a parent node isn't * specified, uses tree root. * * @param {string} label Child node label. */ CallTree.prototype.findOrAddChild = function(label) { return this.root_.findOrAddChild(label); }; /** * Creates a subtree by cloning and merging all subtrees rooted at nodes * with a given label. E.g. cloning the following call tree on label 'A' * will give the following result: * * -- * / / * == clone on 'A' ==> -- * \ \ * ---- * * And 's selfWeight will be the sum of selfWeights of 's from the * source call tree. * * @param {string} label The label of the new root node. */ CallTree.prototype.cloneSubtree = function(label) { var subTree = new CallTree(); this.traverse(function(node, parent) { if (!parent && node.label != label) { return null; } var child = (parent ? parent : subTree).findOrAddChild(node.label); child.selfWeight += node.selfWeight; return child; }); return subTree; }; /** * Computes total weights in the call graph. */ CallTree.prototype.computeTotalWeights = function() { if (this.totalsComputed_) { return; } this.root_.computeTotalWeight(); this.totalsComputed_ = true; }; /** * Traverses the call graph in preorder. This function can be used for * building optionally modified tree clones. This is the boilerplate code * for this scenario: * * callTree.traverse(function(node, parentClone) { * var nodeClone = cloneNode(node); * if (parentClone) * parentClone.addChild(nodeClone); * return nodeClone; * }); * * @param {function(CallTree.Node, *)} f Visitor function. * The second parameter is the result of calling 'f' on the parent node. */ CallTree.prototype.traverse = function(f) { var pairsToProcess = new ConsArray(); pairsToProcess.concat([{node: this.root_, param: null}]); while (!pairsToProcess.atEnd()) { var pair = pairsToProcess.next(); var node = pair.node; var newParam = f(node, pair.param); var morePairsToProcess = []; node.forEachChild(function (child) { morePairsToProcess.push({node: child, param: newParam}); }); pairsToProcess.concat(morePairsToProcess); } }; /** * Performs an indepth call graph traversal. * * @param {function(CallTree.Node)} enter A function called * prior to visiting node's children. * @param {function(CallTree.Node)} exit A function called * after visiting node's children. */ CallTree.prototype.traverseInDepth = function(enter, exit) { function traverse(node) { enter(node); node.forEachChild(traverse); exit(node); } traverse(this.root_); }; /** * Constructs a call graph node. * * @param {string} label Node label. * @param {CallTree.Node} opt_parent Node parent. */ CallTree.Node = function(label, opt_parent) { this.label = label; this.parent = opt_parent; this.children = {}; }; /** * Node self weight (how many times this node was the last node in * a call path). * @type {number} */ CallTree.Node.prototype.selfWeight = 0; /** * Node total weight (includes weights of all children). * @type {number} */ CallTree.Node.prototype.totalWeight = 0; /** * Adds a child node. * * @param {string} label Child node label. */ CallTree.Node.prototype.addChild = function(label) { var child = new CallTree.Node(label, this); this.children[label] = child; return child; }; /** * Computes node's total weight. */ CallTree.Node.prototype.computeTotalWeight = function() { var totalWeight = this.selfWeight; this.forEachChild(function(child) { totalWeight += child.computeTotalWeight(); }); return this.totalWeight = totalWeight; }; /** * Returns all node's children as an array. */ CallTree.Node.prototype.exportChildren = function() { var result = []; this.forEachChild(function (node) { result.push(node); }); return result; }; /** * Finds an immediate child with the specified label. * * @param {string} label Child node label. */ CallTree.Node.prototype.findChild = function(label) { return this.children[label] || null; }; /** * Finds an immediate child with the specified label, creates a child * node if necessary. * * @param {string} label Child node label. */ CallTree.Node.prototype.findOrAddChild = function(label) { return this.findChild(label) || this.addChild(label); }; /** * Calls the specified function for every child. * * @param {function(CallTree.Node)} f Visitor function. */ CallTree.Node.prototype.forEachChild = function(f) { for (var c in this.children) { f(this.children[c]); } }; /** * Walks up from the current node up to the call tree root. * * @param {function(CallTree.Node)} f Visitor function. */ CallTree.Node.prototype.walkUpToRoot = function(f) { for (var curr = this; curr != null; curr = curr.parent) { f(curr); } }; /** * Tries to find a node with the specified path. * * @param {Array} labels The path. * @param {function(CallTree.Node)} opt_f Visitor function. */ CallTree.Node.prototype.descendToChild = function( labels, opt_f) { for (var pos = 0, curr = this; pos < labels.length && curr != null; pos++) { var child = curr.findChild(labels[pos]); if (opt_f) { opt_f(child, pos); } curr = child; } return curr; }; function JsonProfile() { this.codeMap_ = new CodeMap(); this.codeEntries_ = []; this.functionEntries_ = []; this.ticks_ = []; this.scripts_ = []; } JsonProfile.prototype.addLibrary = function( name, startAddr, endAddr) { var entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry( endAddr - startAddr, name, 'SHARED_LIB'); this.codeMap_.addLibrary(startAddr, entry); entry.codeId = this.codeEntries_.length; this.codeEntries_.push({name : entry.name, type : entry.type}); return entry; }; JsonProfile.prototype.addStaticCode = function( name, startAddr, endAddr) { var entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry( endAddr - startAddr, name, 'CPP'); this.codeMap_.addStaticCode(startAddr, entry); entry.codeId = this.codeEntries_.length; this.codeEntries_.push({name : entry.name, type : entry.type}); return entry; }; JsonProfile.prototype.addCode = function( kind, name, timestamp, start, size) { var entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry(size, name, 'CODE'); this.codeMap_.addCode(start, entry); entry.codeId = this.codeEntries_.length; this.codeEntries_.push({ name : entry.name, timestamp: timestamp, type : entry.type, kind : kind }); return entry; }; JsonProfile.prototype.addFuncCode = function( kind, name, timestamp, start, size, funcAddr, state) { // As code and functions are in the same address space, // it is safe to put them in a single code map. var func = this.codeMap_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(funcAddr); if (!func) { var func = new CodeMap.CodeEntry(0, name, 'SFI'); this.codeMap_.addCode(funcAddr, func); func.funcId = this.functionEntries_.length; this.functionEntries_.push({name : name, codes : []}); } else if (func.name !== name) { // Function object has been overwritten with a new one. func.name = name; func.funcId = this.functionEntries_.length; this.functionEntries_.push({name : name, codes : []}); } // TODO(jarin): Insert the code object into the SFI's code list. var entry = this.codeMap_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(start); if (entry) { // TODO(jarin) This does not look correct, we should really // update the code object (remove the old one and insert this one). if (entry.size === size && entry.func === func) { // Entry state has changed. entry.state = state; } } else { var entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry(size, name, 'JS'); this.codeMap_.addCode(start, entry); entry.codeId = this.codeEntries_.length; this.functionEntries_[func.funcId].codes.push(entry.codeId); if (state === 0) { kind = "Builtin"; } else if (state === 1) { kind = "Unopt"; } else if (state === 2) { kind = "Opt"; } this.codeEntries_.push({ name : entry.name, type : entry.type, kind : kind, func : func.funcId, tm : timestamp }); } return entry; }; JsonProfile.prototype.moveCode = function(from, to) { try { this.codeMap_.moveCode(from, to); } catch (e) { printErr("Move: unknown source " + from); } }; JsonProfile.prototype.addSourcePositions = function( start, script, startPos, endPos, sourcePositions, inliningPositions, inlinedFunctions) { var entry = this.codeMap_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(start); if (!entry) return; var codeId = entry.codeId; // Resolve the inlined fucntions list. if (inlinedFunctions.length > 0) { inlinedFunctions = inlinedFunctions.substring(1).split("S"); for (var i = 0; i < inlinedFunctions.length; i++) { var funcAddr = parseInt(inlinedFunctions[i]); var func = this.codeMap_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(funcAddr); if (!func || func.funcId === undefined) { printErr("Could not find function " + inlinedFunctions[i]); inlinedFunctions[i] = null; } else { inlinedFunctions[i] = func.funcId; } } } else { inlinedFunctions = []; } this.codeEntries_[entry.codeId].source = { script : script, start : startPos, end : endPos, positions : sourcePositions, inlined : inliningPositions, fns : inlinedFunctions }; }; JsonProfile.prototype.addScriptSource = function(script, url, source) { this.scripts_[script] = { name : url, source : source }; }; JsonProfile.prototype.deoptCode = function( timestamp, code, inliningId, scriptOffset, bailoutType, sourcePositionText, deoptReasonText) { let entry = this.codeMap_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(code); if (entry) { let codeId = entry.codeId; if (!this.codeEntries_[codeId].deopt) { // Only add the deopt if there was no deopt before. // The subsequent deoptimizations should be lazy deopts for // other on-stack activations. this.codeEntries_[codeId].deopt = { tm : timestamp, inliningId : inliningId, scriptOffset : scriptOffset, posText : sourcePositionText, reason : deoptReasonText, bailoutType : bailoutType }; } } }; JsonProfile.prototype.deleteCode = function(start) { try { this.codeMap_.deleteCode(start); } catch (e) { printErr("Delete: unknown address " + start); } }; JsonProfile.prototype.moveFunc = function(from, to) { if (this.codeMap_.findDynamicEntryByStartAddress(from)) { this.codeMap_.moveCode(from, to); } }; JsonProfile.prototype.findEntry = function(addr) { return this.codeMap_.findEntry(addr); }; JsonProfile.prototype.recordTick = function(time_ns, vmState, stack) { // TODO(jarin) Resolve the frame-less case (when top of stack is // known code). var processedStack = []; for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { var resolved = this.codeMap_.findAddress(stack[i]); if (resolved) { processedStack.push(resolved.entry.codeId, resolved.offset); } else { processedStack.push(-1, stack[i]); } } this.ticks_.push({ tm : time_ns, vm : vmState, s : processedStack }); }; function writeJson(s) { write(JSON.stringify(s, null, 2)); } JsonProfile.prototype.writeJson = function() { // Write out the JSON in a partially manual way to avoid creating too-large // strings in one JSON.stringify call when there are a lot of ticks. write('{\n') write(' "code": '); writeJson(this.codeEntries_); write(',\n'); write(' "functions": '); writeJson(this.functionEntries_); write(',\n'); write(' "ticks": [\n'); for (var i = 0; i < this.ticks_.length; i++) { write(' '); writeJson(this.ticks_[i]); if (i < this.ticks_.length - 1) { write(',\n'); } else { write('\n'); } } write(' ],\n'); write(' "scripts": '); writeJson(this.scripts_); write('}\n'); }; v8/tools/profile'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/profile\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/profile'); internal/deps/v8/tools/profile_view// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** * Creates a Profile View builder object. * * @param {number} samplingRate Number of ms between profiler ticks. * @constructor */ function ViewBuilder(samplingRate) { this.samplingRate = samplingRate; }; /** * Builds a profile view for the specified call tree. * * @param {CallTree} callTree A call tree. * @param {boolean} opt_bottomUpViewWeights Whether remapping * of self weights for a bottom up view is needed. */ ViewBuilder.prototype.buildView = function( callTree, opt_bottomUpViewWeights) { var head; var samplingRate = this.samplingRate; var createViewNode = this.createViewNode; callTree.traverse(function(node, viewParent) { var totalWeight = node.totalWeight * samplingRate; var selfWeight = node.selfWeight * samplingRate; if (opt_bottomUpViewWeights === true) { if (viewParent === head) { selfWeight = totalWeight; } else { selfWeight = 0; } } var viewNode = createViewNode(node.label, totalWeight, selfWeight, head); if (viewParent) { viewParent.addChild(viewNode); } else { head = viewNode; } return viewNode; }); var view = this.createView(head); return view; }; /** * Factory method for a profile view. * * @param {ProfileView.Node} head View head node. * @return {ProfileView} Profile view. */ ViewBuilder.prototype.createView = function(head) { return new ProfileView(head); }; /** * Factory method for a profile view node. * * @param {string} internalFuncName A fully qualified function name. * @param {number} totalTime Amount of time that application spent in the * corresponding function and its descendants (not that depending on * profile they can be either callees or callers.) * @param {number} selfTime Amount of time that application spent in the * corresponding function only. * @param {ProfileView.Node} head Profile view head. * @return {ProfileView.Node} Profile view node. */ ViewBuilder.prototype.createViewNode = function( funcName, totalTime, selfTime, head) { return new ProfileView.Node( funcName, totalTime, selfTime, head); }; /** * Creates a Profile View object. It allows to perform sorting * and filtering actions on the profile. * * @param {ProfileView.Node} head Head (root) node. * @constructor */ function ProfileView(head) { this.head = head; }; /** * Sorts the profile view using the specified sort function. * * @param {function(ProfileView.Node, * ProfileView.Node):number} sortFunc A sorting * functions. Must comply with Array.sort sorting function requirements. */ ProfileView.prototype.sort = function(sortFunc) { this.traverse(function (node) { node.sortChildren(sortFunc); }); }; /** * Traverses profile view nodes in preorder. * * @param {function(ProfileView.Node)} f Visitor function. */ ProfileView.prototype.traverse = function(f) { var nodesToTraverse = new ConsArray(); nodesToTraverse.concat([this.head]); while (!nodesToTraverse.atEnd()) { var node = nodesToTraverse.next(); f(node); nodesToTraverse.concat(node.children); } }; /** * Constructs a Profile View node object. Each node object corresponds to * a function call. * * @param {string} internalFuncName A fully qualified function name. * @param {number} totalTime Amount of time that application spent in the * corresponding function and its descendants (not that depending on * profile they can be either callees or callers.) * @param {number} selfTime Amount of time that application spent in the * corresponding function only. * @param {ProfileView.Node} head Profile view head. * @constructor */ ProfileView.Node = function( internalFuncName, totalTime, selfTime, head) { this.internalFuncName = internalFuncName; this.totalTime = totalTime; this.selfTime = selfTime; this.head = head; this.parent = null; this.children = []; }; /** * Returns a share of the function's total time in its parent's total time. */ ProfileView.Node.prototype.__defineGetter__( 'parentTotalPercent', function() { return this.totalTime / (this.parent ? this.parent.totalTime : this.totalTime) * 100.0; }); /** * Adds a child to the node. * * @param {ProfileView.Node} node Child node. */ ProfileView.Node.prototype.addChild = function(node) { node.parent = this; this.children.push(node); }; /** * Sorts all the node's children recursively. * * @param {function(ProfileView.Node, * ProfileView.Node):number} sortFunc A sorting * functions. Must comply with Array.sort sorting function requirements. */ ProfileView.Node.prototype.sortChildren = function( sortFunc) { this.children.sort(sortFunc); }; v8/tools/profile_view'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/profile_view\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/profile_view'); internal/deps/v8/tools/logreader// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /** * @fileoverview Log Reader is used to process log file produced by V8. */ /** * Base class for processing log files. * * @param {Array.} dispatchTable A table used for parsing and processing * log records. * @param {boolean} timedRange Ignore ticks outside timed range. * @param {boolean} pairwiseTimedRange Ignore ticks outside pairs of timer * markers. * @constructor */ function LogReader(dispatchTable, timedRange, pairwiseTimedRange) { /** * @type {Array.} */ this.dispatchTable_ = dispatchTable; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.timedRange_ = timedRange; /** * @type {boolean} */ this.pairwiseTimedRange_ = pairwiseTimedRange; if (pairwiseTimedRange) { this.timedRange_ = true; } /** * Current line. * @type {number} */ this.lineNum_ = 0; /** * CSV lines parser. * @type {CsvParser} */ this.csvParser_ = new CsvParser(); /** * Keeps track of whether we've seen a "current-time" tick yet. * @type {boolean} */ this.hasSeenTimerMarker_ = false; /** * List of log lines seen since last "current-time" tick. * @type {Array.} */ this.logLinesSinceLastTimerMarker_ = []; }; /** * Used for printing error messages. * * @param {string} str Error message. */ LogReader.prototype.printError = function(str) { // Do nothing. }; /** * Processes a portion of V8 profiler event log. * * @param {string} chunk A portion of log. */ LogReader.prototype.processLogChunk = function(chunk) { this.processLog_(chunk.split('\n')); }; /** * Processes a line of V8 profiler event log. * * @param {string} line A line of log. */ LogReader.prototype.processLogLine = function(line) { if (!this.timedRange_) { this.processLog_([line]); return; } if (line.startsWith("current-time")) { if (this.hasSeenTimerMarker_) { this.processLog_(this.logLinesSinceLastTimerMarker_); this.logLinesSinceLastTimerMarker_ = []; // In pairwise mode, a "current-time" line ends the timed range. if (this.pairwiseTimedRange_) { this.hasSeenTimerMarker_ = false; } } else { this.hasSeenTimerMarker_ = true; } } else { if (this.hasSeenTimerMarker_) { this.logLinesSinceLastTimerMarker_.push(line); } else if (!line.startsWith("tick")) { this.processLog_([line]); } } }; /** * Processes stack record. * * @param {number} pc Program counter. * @param {number} func JS Function. * @param {Array.} stack String representation of a stack. * @return {Array.} Processed stack. */ LogReader.prototype.processStack = function(pc, func, stack) { var fullStack = func ? [pc, func] : [pc]; var prevFrame = pc; for (var i = 0, n = stack.length; i < n; ++i) { var frame = stack[i]; var firstChar = frame.charAt(0); if (firstChar == '+' || firstChar == '-') { // An offset from the previous frame. prevFrame += parseInt(frame, 16); fullStack.push(prevFrame); // Filter out possible 'overflow' string. } else if (firstChar != 'o') { fullStack.push(parseInt(frame, 16)); } else { this.printError("dropping: " + frame); } } return fullStack; }; /** * Returns whether a particular dispatch must be skipped. * * @param {!Object} dispatch Dispatch record. * @return {boolean} True if dispatch must be skipped. */ LogReader.prototype.skipDispatch = function(dispatch) { return false; }; /** * Does a dispatch of a log record. * * @param {Array.} fields Log record. * @private */ LogReader.prototype.dispatchLogRow_ = function(fields) { // Obtain the dispatch. var command = fields[0]; if (!(command in this.dispatchTable_)) return; var dispatch = this.dispatchTable_[command]; if (dispatch === null || this.skipDispatch(dispatch)) { return; } // Parse fields. var parsedFields = []; for (var i = 0; i < dispatch.parsers.length; ++i) { var parser = dispatch.parsers[i]; if (parser === null) { parsedFields.push(fields[1 + i]); } else if (typeof parser == 'function') { parsedFields.push(parser(fields[1 + i])); } else { // var-args parsedFields.push(fields.slice(1 + i)); break; } } // Run the processor. dispatch.processor.apply(this, parsedFields); }; /** * Processes log lines. * * @param {Array.} lines Log lines. * @private */ LogReader.prototype.processLog_ = function(lines) { for (var i = 0, n = lines.length; i < n; ++i, ++this.lineNum_) { var line = lines[i]; if (!line) { continue; } try { var fields = this.csvParser_.parseLine(line); this.dispatchLogRow_(fields); } catch (e) { this.printError('line ' + (this.lineNum_ + 1) + ': ' + (e.message || e)); } } }; v8/tools/logreader'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/logreader\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/logreader'); internal/deps/v8/tools/arguments// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. class BaseArgumentsProcessor { constructor(args) { this.args_ = args; this.result_ = this.getDefaultResults(); console.assert(this.result_ !== undefined) console.assert(this.result_.logFileName !== undefined); this.argsDispatch_ = this.getArgsDispatch(); console.assert(this.argsDispatch_ !== undefined); } getDefaultResults() { throw "Implement in getDefaultResults in subclass"; } getArgsDispatch() { throw "Implement getArgsDispatch in subclass"; } result() { return this.result_ } printUsageAndExit() { print('Cmdline args: [options] [log-file-name]\n' + 'Default log file name is "' + this.result_.logFileName + '".\n'); print('Options:'); for (var arg in this.argsDispatch_) { var synonyms = [arg]; var dispatch = this.argsDispatch_[arg]; for (var synArg in this.argsDispatch_) { if (arg !== synArg && dispatch === this.argsDispatch_[synArg]) { synonyms.push(synArg); delete this.argsDispatch_[synArg]; } } print(' ' + synonyms.join(', ').padEnd(20) + " " + dispatch[2]); } quit(2); } parse() { while (this.args_.length) { var arg = this.args_.shift(); if (arg.charAt(0) != '-') { this.result_.logFileName = arg; continue; } var userValue = null; var eqPos = arg.indexOf('='); if (eqPos != -1) { userValue = arg.substr(eqPos + 1); arg = arg.substr(0, eqPos); } if (arg in this.argsDispatch_) { var dispatch = this.argsDispatch_[arg]; var property = dispatch[0]; var defaultValue = dispatch[1]; if (typeof defaultValue == "function") { userValue = defaultValue(userValue); } else if (userValue == null) { userValue = defaultValue; } this.result_[property] = userValue; } else { return false; } } return true; } } function parseBool(str) { if (str == "true" || str == "1") return true; return false; } v8/tools/arguments'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/arguments\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/arguments'); internal/deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. function inherits(childCtor, parentCtor) { childCtor.prototype.__proto__ = parentCtor.prototype; }; function V8Profile(separateIc, separateBytecodes, separateBuiltins, separateStubs) { Profile.call(this); var regexps = []; if (!separateIc) regexps.push(V8Profile.IC_RE); if (!separateBytecodes) regexps.push(V8Profile.BYTECODES_RE); if (!separateBuiltins) regexps.push(V8Profile.BUILTINS_RE); if (!separateStubs) regexps.push(V8Profile.STUBS_RE); if (regexps.length > 0) { this.skipThisFunction = function(name) { for (var i=0; i this.range_end) { return; } this.ticks_.total++; if (vmState == TickProcessor.VmStates.GC) this.ticks_.gc++; if (!this.includeTick(vmState)) { this.ticks_.excluded++; return; } if (is_external_callback) { // Don't use PC when in external callback code, as it can point // inside callback's code, and we will erroneously report // that a callback calls itself. Instead we use tos_or_external_callback, // as simply resetting PC will produce unaccounted ticks. pc = tos_or_external_callback; tos_or_external_callback = 0; } else if (tos_or_external_callback) { // Find out, if top of stack was pointing inside a JS function // meaning that we have encountered a frameless invocation. var funcEntry = this.profile_.findEntry(tos_or_external_callback); if (!funcEntry || !funcEntry.isJSFunction || !funcEntry.isJSFunction()) { tos_or_external_callback = 0; } } this.profile_.recordTick( ns_since_start, vmState, this.processStack(pc, tos_or_external_callback, stack)); }; TickProcessor.prototype.advanceDistortion = function() { this.distortion += this.distortion_per_entry; } TickProcessor.prototype.processHeapSampleBegin = function(space, state, ticks) { if (space != 'Heap') return; this.currentProducerProfile_ = new CallTree(); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processHeapSampleEnd = function(space, state) { if (space != 'Heap' || !this.currentProducerProfile_) return; print('Generation ' + this.generation_ + ':'); var tree = this.currentProducerProfile_; tree.computeTotalWeights(); var producersView = this.viewBuilder_.buildView(tree); // Sort by total time, desc, then by name, desc. producersView.sort(function(rec1, rec2) { return rec2.totalTime - rec1.totalTime || (rec2.internalFuncName < rec1.internalFuncName ? -1 : 1); }); this.printHeavyProfile(producersView.head.children); this.currentProducerProfile_ = null; this.generation_++; }; TickProcessor.prototype.printStatistics = function() { if (this.preprocessJson) { this.profile_.writeJson(); return; } print('Statistical profiling result from ' + this.lastLogFileName_ + ', (' + this.ticks_.total + ' ticks, ' + this.ticks_.unaccounted + ' unaccounted, ' + this.ticks_.excluded + ' excluded).'); if (this.ticks_.total == 0) return; var flatProfile = this.profile_.getFlatProfile(); var flatView = this.viewBuilder_.buildView(flatProfile); // Sort by self time, desc, then by name, desc. flatView.sort(function(rec1, rec2) { return rec2.selfTime - rec1.selfTime || (rec2.internalFuncName < rec1.internalFuncName ? -1 : 1); }); var totalTicks = this.ticks_.total; if (this.ignoreUnknown_) { totalTicks -= this.ticks_.unaccounted; } var printAllTicks = !this.onlySummary_; // Count library ticks var flatViewNodes = flatView.head.children; var self = this; var libraryTicks = 0; if(printAllTicks) this.printHeader('Shared libraries'); this.printEntries(flatViewNodes, totalTicks, null, function(name) { return self.isSharedLibrary(name); }, function(rec) { libraryTicks += rec.selfTime; }, printAllTicks); var nonLibraryTicks = totalTicks - libraryTicks; var jsTicks = 0; if(printAllTicks) this.printHeader('JavaScript'); this.printEntries(flatViewNodes, totalTicks, nonLibraryTicks, function(name) { return self.isJsCode(name); }, function(rec) { jsTicks += rec.selfTime; }, printAllTicks); var cppTicks = 0; if(printAllTicks) this.printHeader('C++'); this.printEntries(flatViewNodes, totalTicks, nonLibraryTicks, function(name) { return self.isCppCode(name); }, function(rec) { cppTicks += rec.selfTime; }, printAllTicks); this.printHeader('Summary'); this.printLine('JavaScript', jsTicks, totalTicks, nonLibraryTicks); this.printLine('C++', cppTicks, totalTicks, nonLibraryTicks); this.printLine('GC', this.ticks_.gc, totalTicks, nonLibraryTicks); this.printLine('Shared libraries', libraryTicks, totalTicks, null); if (!this.ignoreUnknown_ && this.ticks_.unaccounted > 0) { this.printLine('Unaccounted', this.ticks_.unaccounted, this.ticks_.total, null); } if(printAllTicks) { print('\n [C++ entry points]:'); print(' ticks cpp total name'); var c_entry_functions = this.profile_.getCEntryProfile(); var total_c_entry = c_entry_functions[0].ticks; for (var i = 1; i < c_entry_functions.length; i++) { c = c_entry_functions[i]; this.printLine(c.name, c.ticks, total_c_entry, totalTicks); } this.printHeavyProfHeader(); var heavyProfile = this.profile_.getBottomUpProfile(); var heavyView = this.viewBuilder_.buildView(heavyProfile); // To show the same percentages as in the flat profile. heavyView.head.totalTime = totalTicks; // Sort by total time, desc, then by name, desc. heavyView.sort(function(rec1, rec2) { return rec2.totalTime - rec1.totalTime || (rec2.internalFuncName < rec1.internalFuncName ? -1 : 1); }); this.printHeavyProfile(heavyView.head.children); } }; function padLeft(s, len) { s = s.toString(); if (s.length < len) { var padLength = len - s.length; if (!(padLength in padLeft)) { padLeft[padLength] = new Array(padLength + 1).join(' '); } s = padLeft[padLength] + s; } return s; }; TickProcessor.prototype.printHeader = function(headerTitle) { print('\n [' + headerTitle + ']:'); print(' ticks total nonlib name'); }; TickProcessor.prototype.printLine = function( entry, ticks, totalTicks, nonLibTicks) { var pct = ticks * 100 / totalTicks; var nonLibPct = nonLibTicks != null ? padLeft((ticks * 100 / nonLibTicks).toFixed(1), 5) + '% ' : ' '; print(' ' + padLeft(ticks, 5) + ' ' + padLeft(pct.toFixed(1), 5) + '% ' + nonLibPct + entry); } TickProcessor.prototype.printHeavyProfHeader = function() { print('\n [Bottom up (heavy) profile]:'); print(' Note: percentage shows a share of a particular caller in the ' + 'total\n' + ' amount of its parent calls.'); print(' Callers occupying less than ' + TickProcessor.CALL_PROFILE_CUTOFF_PCT.toFixed(1) + '% are not shown.\n'); print(' ticks parent name'); }; TickProcessor.prototype.processProfile = function( profile, filterP, func) { for (var i = 0, n = profile.length; i < n; ++i) { var rec = profile[i]; if (!filterP(rec.internalFuncName)) { continue; } func(rec); } }; TickProcessor.prototype.getLineAndColumn = function(name) { var re = /:([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/; var array = re.exec(name); if (!array) { return null; } return {line: array[1], column: array[2]}; } TickProcessor.prototype.hasSourceMap = function() { return this.sourceMap != null; }; TickProcessor.prototype.formatFunctionName = function(funcName) { if (!this.hasSourceMap()) { return funcName; } var lc = this.getLineAndColumn(funcName); if (lc == null) { return funcName; } // in source maps lines and columns are zero based var lineNumber = lc.line - 1; var column = lc.column - 1; var entry = this.sourceMap.findEntry(lineNumber, column); var sourceFile = entry[2]; var sourceLine = entry[3] + 1; var sourceColumn = entry[4] + 1; return sourceFile + ':' + sourceLine + ':' + sourceColumn + ' -> ' + funcName; }; TickProcessor.prototype.printEntries = function( profile, totalTicks, nonLibTicks, filterP, callback, printAllTicks) { var that = this; this.processProfile(profile, filterP, function (rec) { if (rec.selfTime == 0) return; callback(rec); var funcName = that.formatFunctionName(rec.internalFuncName); if(printAllTicks) { that.printLine(funcName, rec.selfTime, totalTicks, nonLibTicks); } }); }; TickProcessor.prototype.printHeavyProfile = function(profile, opt_indent) { var self = this; var indent = opt_indent || 0; var indentStr = padLeft('', indent); this.processProfile(profile, function() { return true; }, function (rec) { // Cut off too infrequent callers. if (rec.parentTotalPercent < TickProcessor.CALL_PROFILE_CUTOFF_PCT) return; var funcName = self.formatFunctionName(rec.internalFuncName); print(' ' + padLeft(rec.totalTime, 5) + ' ' + padLeft(rec.parentTotalPercent.toFixed(1), 5) + '% ' + indentStr + funcName); // Limit backtrace depth. if (indent < 2 * self.callGraphSize_) { self.printHeavyProfile(rec.children, indent + 2); } // Delimit top-level functions. if (indent == 0) { print(''); } }); }; function CppEntriesProvider() { }; CppEntriesProvider.prototype.parseVmSymbols = function( libName, libStart, libEnd, libASLRSlide, processorFunc) { this.loadSymbols(libName); var prevEntry; function addEntry(funcInfo) { // Several functions can be mapped onto the same address. To avoid // creating zero-sized entries, skip such duplicates. // Also double-check that function belongs to the library address space. if (prevEntry && !prevEntry.end && prevEntry.start < funcInfo.start && prevEntry.start >= libStart && funcInfo.start <= libEnd) { processorFunc(prevEntry.name, prevEntry.start, funcInfo.start); } if (funcInfo.end && (!prevEntry || prevEntry.start != funcInfo.start) && funcInfo.start >= libStart && funcInfo.end <= libEnd) { processorFunc(funcInfo.name, funcInfo.start, funcInfo.end); } prevEntry = funcInfo; } while (true) { var funcInfo = this.parseNextLine(); if (funcInfo === null) { continue; } else if (funcInfo === false) { break; } if (funcInfo.start < libStart - libASLRSlide && funcInfo.start < libEnd - libStart) { funcInfo.start += libStart; } else { funcInfo.start += libASLRSlide; } if (funcInfo.size) { funcInfo.end = funcInfo.start + funcInfo.size; } addEntry(funcInfo); } addEntry({name: '', start: libEnd}); }; CppEntriesProvider.prototype.loadSymbols = function(libName) { }; CppEntriesProvider.prototype.parseNextLine = function() { return false; }; function UnixCppEntriesProvider(nmExec, targetRootFS) { this.symbols = []; this.parsePos = 0; this.nmExec = nmExec; this.targetRootFS = targetRootFS; this.FUNC_RE = /^([0-9a-fA-F]{8,16}) ([0-9a-fA-F]{8,16} )?[tTwW] (.*)$/; }; inherits(UnixCppEntriesProvider, CppEntriesProvider); UnixCppEntriesProvider.prototype.loadSymbols = function(libName) { this.parsePos = 0; libName = this.targetRootFS + libName; try { this.symbols = [ os.system(this.nmExec, ['-C', '-n', '-S', libName], -1, -1), os.system(this.nmExec, ['-C', '-n', '-S', '-D', libName], -1, -1) ]; } catch (e) { // If the library cannot be found on this system let's not panic. this.symbols = ['', '']; } }; UnixCppEntriesProvider.prototype.parseNextLine = function() { if (this.symbols.length == 0) { return false; } var lineEndPos = this.symbols[0].indexOf('\n', this.parsePos); if (lineEndPos == -1) { this.symbols.shift(); this.parsePos = 0; return this.parseNextLine(); } var line = this.symbols[0].substring(this.parsePos, lineEndPos); this.parsePos = lineEndPos + 1; var fields = line.match(this.FUNC_RE); var funcInfo = null; if (fields) { funcInfo = { name: fields[3], start: parseInt(fields[1], 16) }; if (fields[2]) { funcInfo.size = parseInt(fields[2], 16); } } return funcInfo; }; function MacCppEntriesProvider(nmExec, targetRootFS) { UnixCppEntriesProvider.call(this, nmExec, targetRootFS); // Note an empty group. It is required, as UnixCppEntriesProvider expects 3 groups. this.FUNC_RE = /^([0-9a-fA-F]{8,16})() (.*)$/; }; inherits(MacCppEntriesProvider, UnixCppEntriesProvider); MacCppEntriesProvider.prototype.loadSymbols = function(libName) { this.parsePos = 0; libName = this.targetRootFS + libName; // It seems that in OS X `nm` thinks that `-f` is a format option, not a // "flat" display option flag. try { this.symbols = [os.system(this.nmExec, ['-n', libName], -1, -1), '']; } catch (e) { // If the library cannot be found on this system let's not panic. this.symbols = ''; } }; function WindowsCppEntriesProvider(_ignored_nmExec, targetRootFS) { this.targetRootFS = targetRootFS; this.symbols = ''; this.parsePos = 0; }; inherits(WindowsCppEntriesProvider, CppEntriesProvider); WindowsCppEntriesProvider.FILENAME_RE = /^(.*)\.([^.]+)$/; WindowsCppEntriesProvider.FUNC_RE = /^\s+0001:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\s+([_\?@$0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s+([0-9a-fA-F]{8}).*$/; WindowsCppEntriesProvider.IMAGE_BASE_RE = /^\s+0000:00000000\s+___ImageBase\s+([0-9a-fA-F]{8}).*$/; // This is almost a constant on Windows. WindowsCppEntriesProvider.EXE_IMAGE_BASE = 0x00400000; WindowsCppEntriesProvider.prototype.loadSymbols = function(libName) { libName = this.targetRootFS + libName; var fileNameFields = libName.match(WindowsCppEntriesProvider.FILENAME_RE); if (!fileNameFields) return; var mapFileName = fileNameFields[1] + '.map'; this.moduleType_ = fileNameFields[2].toLowerCase(); try { this.symbols = read(mapFileName); } catch (e) { // If .map file cannot be found let's not panic. this.symbols = ''; } }; WindowsCppEntriesProvider.prototype.parseNextLine = function() { var lineEndPos = this.symbols.indexOf('\r\n', this.parsePos); if (lineEndPos == -1) { return false; } var line = this.symbols.substring(this.parsePos, lineEndPos); this.parsePos = lineEndPos + 2; // Image base entry is above all other symbols, so we can just // terminate parsing. var imageBaseFields = line.match(WindowsCppEntriesProvider.IMAGE_BASE_RE); if (imageBaseFields) { var imageBase = parseInt(imageBaseFields[1], 16); if ((this.moduleType_ == 'exe') != (imageBase == WindowsCppEntriesProvider.EXE_IMAGE_BASE)) { return false; } } var fields = line.match(WindowsCppEntriesProvider.FUNC_RE); return fields ? { name: this.unmangleName(fields[1]), start: parseInt(fields[2], 16) } : null; }; /** * Performs very simple unmangling of C++ names. * * Does not handle arguments and template arguments. The mangled names have * the form: * * ?LookupInDescriptor@JSObject@internal@v8@@...arguments info... */ WindowsCppEntriesProvider.prototype.unmangleName = function(name) { // Empty or non-mangled name. if (name.length < 1 || name.charAt(0) != '?') return name; var nameEndPos = name.indexOf('@@'); var components = name.substring(1, nameEndPos).split('@'); components.reverse(); return components.join('::'); }; class ArgumentsProcessor extends BaseArgumentsProcessor { getArgsDispatch() { let dispatch = { '-j': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.JS, 'Show only ticks from JS VM state'], '-g': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.GC, 'Show only ticks from GC VM state'], '-p': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.PARSER, 'Show only ticks from PARSER VM state'], '-b': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.BYTECODE_COMPILER, 'Show only ticks from BYTECODE_COMPILER VM state'], '-c': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.COMPILER, 'Show only ticks from COMPILER VM state'], '-o': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.OTHER, 'Show only ticks from OTHER VM state'], '-e': ['stateFilter', TickProcessor.VmStates.EXTERNAL, 'Show only ticks from EXTERNAL VM state'], '--filter-runtime-timer': ['runtimeTimerFilter', null, 'Show only ticks matching the given runtime timer scope'], '--call-graph-size': ['callGraphSize', TickProcessor.CALL_GRAPH_SIZE, 'Set the call graph size'], '--ignore-unknown': ['ignoreUnknown', true, 'Exclude ticks of unknown code entries from processing'], '--separate-ic': ['separateIc', parseBool, 'Separate IC entries'], '--separate-bytecodes': ['separateBytecodes', parseBool, 'Separate Bytecode entries'], '--separate-builtins': ['separateBuiltins', parseBool, 'Separate Builtin entries'], '--separate-stubs': ['separateStubs', parseBool, 'Separate Stub entries'], '--unix': ['platform', 'unix', 'Specify that we are running on *nix platform'], '--windows': ['platform', 'windows', 'Specify that we are running on Windows platform'], '--mac': ['platform', 'mac', 'Specify that we are running on Mac OS X platform'], '--nm': ['nm', 'nm', 'Specify the \'nm\' executable to use (e.g. --nm=/my_dir/nm)'], '--target': ['targetRootFS', '', 'Specify the target root directory for cross environment'], '--range': ['range', 'auto,auto', 'Specify the range limit as [start],[end]'], '--distortion': ['distortion', 0, 'Specify the logging overhead in picoseconds'], '--source-map': ['sourceMap', null, 'Specify the source map that should be used for output'], '--timed-range': ['timedRange', true, 'Ignore ticks before first and after last Date.now() call'], '--pairwise-timed-range': ['pairwiseTimedRange', true, 'Ignore ticks outside pairs of Date.now() calls'], '--only-summary': ['onlySummary', true, 'Print only tick summary, exclude other information'], '--preprocess': ['preprocessJson', true, 'Preprocess for consumption with web interface'] }; dispatch['--js'] = dispatch['-j']; dispatch['--gc'] = dispatch['-g']; dispatch['--compiler'] = dispatch['-c']; dispatch['--other'] = dispatch['-o']; dispatch['--external'] = dispatch['-e']; dispatch['--ptr'] = dispatch['--pairwise-timed-range']; return dispatch; } getDefaultResults() { return { logFileName: 'v8.log', platform: 'unix', stateFilter: null, callGraphSize: 5, ignoreUnknown: false, separateIc: true, separateBytecodes: false, separateBuiltins: true, separateStubs: true, preprocessJson: null, targetRootFS: '', nm: 'nm', range: 'auto,auto', distortion: 0, timedRange: false, pairwiseTimedRange: false, onlySummary: false, runtimeTimerFilter: null, }; } } v8/tools/tickprocessor'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/tickprocessor\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor'); internal/deps/v8/tools/SourceMap// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // This is a copy from blink dev tools, see: // http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/blink/trunk/Source/devtools/front_end/SourceMap.js // revision: 153407 // Added to make the file work without dev tools WebInspector = {}; WebInspector.ParsedURL = {}; WebInspector.ParsedURL.completeURL = function(){}; // start of original file content /* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * Implements Source Map V3 model. See http://code.google.com/p/closure-compiler/wiki/SourceMaps * for format description. * @constructor * @param {string} sourceMappingURL * @param {SourceMapV3} payload */ WebInspector.SourceMap = function(sourceMappingURL, payload) { if (!WebInspector.SourceMap.prototype._base64Map) { const base64Digits = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; WebInspector.SourceMap.prototype._base64Map = {}; for (var i = 0; i < base64Digits.length; ++i) WebInspector.SourceMap.prototype._base64Map[base64Digits.charAt(i)] = i; } this._sourceMappingURL = sourceMappingURL; this._reverseMappingsBySourceURL = {}; this._mappings = []; this._sources = {}; this._sourceContentByURL = {}; this._parseMappingPayload(payload); } /** * @param {string} sourceMapURL * @param {string} compiledURL * @param {function(WebInspector.SourceMap)} callback */ WebInspector.SourceMap.load = function(sourceMapURL, compiledURL, callback) { NetworkAgent.loadResourceForFrontend(WebInspector.resourceTreeModel.mainFrame.id, sourceMapURL, undefined, contentLoaded.bind(this)); /** * @param {?Protocol.Error} error * @param {number} statusCode * @param {NetworkAgent.Headers} headers * @param {string} content */ function contentLoaded(error, statusCode, headers, content) { if (error || !content || statusCode >= 400) { console.error("Could not load content for " + sourceMapURL + " : " + (error || ("HTTP status code: " + statusCode))); callback(null); return; } if (content.slice(0, 3) === ")]}") content = content.substring(content.indexOf('\n')); try { var payload = /** @type {SourceMapV3} */ (JSON.parse(content)); var baseURL = sourceMapURL.startsWith("data:") ? compiledURL : sourceMapURL; callback(new WebInspector.SourceMap(baseURL, payload)); } catch(e) { console.error(e.message); callback(null); } } } WebInspector.SourceMap.prototype = { /** * @return {Array.} */ sources: function() { return Object.keys(this._sources); }, /** * @param {string} sourceURL * @return {string|undefined} */ sourceContent: function(sourceURL) { return this._sourceContentByURL[sourceURL]; }, /** * @param {string} sourceURL * @param {WebInspector.ResourceType} contentType * @return {WebInspector.ContentProvider} */ sourceContentProvider: function(sourceURL, contentType) { var lastIndexOfDot = sourceURL.lastIndexOf("."); var extension = lastIndexOfDot !== -1 ? sourceURL.substr(lastIndexOfDot + 1) : ""; var mimeType = WebInspector.ResourceType.mimeTypesForExtensions[extension.toLowerCase()]; var sourceContent = this.sourceContent(sourceURL); if (sourceContent) return new WebInspector.StaticContentProvider(contentType, sourceContent, mimeType); return new WebInspector.CompilerSourceMappingContentProvider(sourceURL, contentType, mimeType); }, /** * @param {SourceMapV3} mappingPayload */ _parseMappingPayload: function(mappingPayload) { if (mappingPayload.sections) this._parseSections(mappingPayload.sections); else this._parseMap(mappingPayload, 0, 0); }, /** * @param {Array.} sections */ _parseSections: function(sections) { for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; ++i) { var section = sections[i]; this._parseMap(section.map, section.offset.line, section.offset.column); } }, /** * @param {number} lineNumber in compiled resource * @param {number} columnNumber in compiled resource * @return {?Array} */ findEntry: function(lineNumber, columnNumber) { var first = 0; var count = this._mappings.length; while (count > 1) { var step = count >> 1; var middle = first + step; var mapping = this._mappings[middle]; if (lineNumber < mapping[0] || (lineNumber === mapping[0] && columnNumber < mapping[1])) count = step; else { first = middle; count -= step; } } var entry = this._mappings[first]; if (!first && entry && (lineNumber < entry[0] || (lineNumber === entry[0] && columnNumber < entry[1]))) return null; return entry; }, /** * @param {string} sourceURL of the originating resource * @param {number} lineNumber in the originating resource * @return {Array} */ findEntryReversed: function(sourceURL, lineNumber) { var mappings = this._reverseMappingsBySourceURL[sourceURL]; for ( ; lineNumber < mappings.length; ++lineNumber) { var mapping = mappings[lineNumber]; if (mapping) return mapping; } return this._mappings[0]; }, /** * @override */ _parseMap: function(map, lineNumber, columnNumber) { var sourceIndex = 0; var sourceLineNumber = 0; var sourceColumnNumber = 0; var nameIndex = 0; var sources = []; var originalToCanonicalURLMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < map.sources.length; ++i) { var originalSourceURL = map.sources[i]; var sourceRoot = map.sourceRoot || ""; if (sourceRoot && !sourceRoot.endsWith("/")) sourceRoot += "/"; var href = sourceRoot + originalSourceURL; var url = WebInspector.ParsedURL.completeURL(this._sourceMappingURL, href) || href; originalToCanonicalURLMap[originalSourceURL] = url; sources.push(url); this._sources[url] = true; if (map.sourcesContent && map.sourcesContent[i]) this._sourceContentByURL[url] = map.sourcesContent[i]; } var stringCharIterator = new WebInspector.SourceMap.StringCharIterator(map.mappings); var sourceURL = sources[sourceIndex]; while (true) { if (stringCharIterator.peek() === ",") stringCharIterator.next(); else { while (stringCharIterator.peek() === ";") { lineNumber += 1; columnNumber = 0; stringCharIterator.next(); } if (!stringCharIterator.hasNext()) break; } columnNumber += this._decodeVLQ(stringCharIterator); if (this._isSeparator(stringCharIterator.peek())) { this._mappings.push([lineNumber, columnNumber]); continue; } var sourceIndexDelta = this._decodeVLQ(stringCharIterator); if (sourceIndexDelta) { sourceIndex += sourceIndexDelta; sourceURL = sources[sourceIndex]; } sourceLineNumber += this._decodeVLQ(stringCharIterator); sourceColumnNumber += this._decodeVLQ(stringCharIterator); if (!this._isSeparator(stringCharIterator.peek())) nameIndex += this._decodeVLQ(stringCharIterator); this._mappings.push([lineNumber, columnNumber, sourceURL, sourceLineNumber, sourceColumnNumber]); } for (var i = 0; i < this._mappings.length; ++i) { var mapping = this._mappings[i]; var url = mapping[2]; if (!url) continue; if (!this._reverseMappingsBySourceURL[url]) this._reverseMappingsBySourceURL[url] = []; var reverseMappings = this._reverseMappingsBySourceURL[url]; var sourceLine = mapping[3]; if (!reverseMappings[sourceLine]) reverseMappings[sourceLine] = [mapping[0], mapping[1]]; } }, /** * @param {string} char * @return {boolean} */ _isSeparator: function(char) { return char === "," || char === ";"; }, /** * @param {WebInspector.SourceMap.StringCharIterator} stringCharIterator * @return {number} */ _decodeVLQ: function(stringCharIterator) { // Read unsigned value. var result = 0; var shift = 0; do { var digit = this._base64Map[stringCharIterator.next()]; result += (digit & this._VLQ_BASE_MASK) << shift; shift += this._VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; } while (digit & this._VLQ_CONTINUATION_MASK); // Fix the sign. var negative = result & 1; result >>= 1; return negative ? -result : result; }, _VLQ_BASE_SHIFT: 5, _VLQ_BASE_MASK: (1 << 5) - 1, _VLQ_CONTINUATION_MASK: 1 << 5 } /** * @constructor * @param {string} string */ WebInspector.SourceMap.StringCharIterator = function(string) { this._string = string; this._position = 0; } WebInspector.SourceMap.StringCharIterator.prototype = { /** * @return {string} */ next: function() { return this._string.charAt(this._position++); }, /** * @return {string} */ peek: function() { return this._string.charAt(this._position); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ hasNext: function() { return this._position < this._string.length; } } v8/tools/SourceMap'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/SourceMap\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/SourceMap'); internal/deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor-driver// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Tick Processor's code flow. function processArguments(args) { var processor = new ArgumentsProcessor(args); if (processor.parse()) { return processor.result(); } else { processor.printUsageAndExit(); } } function initSourceMapSupport() { // Pull dev tools source maps into our name space. SourceMap = WebInspector.SourceMap; // Overwrite the load function to load scripts synchronously. SourceMap.load = function(sourceMapURL) { var content = readFile(sourceMapURL); var sourceMapObject = (JSON.parse(content)); return new SourceMap(sourceMapURL, sourceMapObject); }; } var entriesProviders = { 'unix': UnixCppEntriesProvider, 'windows': WindowsCppEntriesProvider, 'mac': MacCppEntriesProvider }; var params = processArguments(arguments); var sourceMap = null; if (params.sourceMap) { initSourceMapSupport(); sourceMap = SourceMap.load(params.sourceMap); } var tickProcessor = new TickProcessor( new (entriesProviders[params.platform])(params.nm, params.targetRootFS), params.separateIc, params.separateBytecodes, params.separateBuiltins, params.separateStubs, params.callGraphSize, params.ignoreUnknown, params.stateFilter, params.distortion, params.range, sourceMap, params.timedRange, params.pairwiseTimedRange, params.onlySummary, params.runtimeTimerFilter, params.preprocessJson); tickProcessor.processLogFile(params.logFileName); tickProcessor.printStatistics(); v8/tools/tickprocessor-driver'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'v8/tools/tickprocessor-driver\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/v8/tools/tickprocessor-driver'); internal/deps/node-inspect/lib/_inspect/* * Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ 'use strict'; const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); const net = require('net'); const util = require('util'); const runAsStandalone = typeof __dirname !== 'undefined'; const [ InspectClient, createRepl ] = runAsStandalone ? // This copy of node-inspect is on-disk, relative paths make sense. [ require('./internal/inspect_client'), require('./internal/inspect_repl') ] : // This copy of node-inspect is built into the node executable. [ require('node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client'), require('node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl') ]; const debuglog = util.debuglog('inspect'); class StartupError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'StartupError'; } } function portIsFree(host, port, timeout = 2000) { if (port === 0) return Promise.resolve(); // Binding to a random port. const retryDelay = 150; let didTimeOut = false; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { didTimeOut = true; reject(new StartupError( `Timeout (${timeout}) waiting for ${host}:${port} to be free`)); }, timeout); function pingPort() { if (didTimeOut) return; const socket = net.connect(port, host); let didRetry = false; function retry() { if (!didRetry && !didTimeOut) { didRetry = true; setTimeout(pingPort, retryDelay); } } socket.on('error', (error) => { if (error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { resolve(); } else { retry(); } }); socket.on('connect', () => { socket.destroy(); retry(); }); } pingPort(); }); } function runScript(script, scriptArgs, inspectHost, inspectPort, childPrint) { return portIsFree(inspectHost, inspectPort) .then(() => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const needDebugBrk = process.version.match(/^v(6|7)\./); const args = (needDebugBrk ? ['--inspect', `--debug-brk=${inspectPort}`] : [`--inspect-brk=${inspectPort}`]) .concat([script], scriptArgs); const child = spawn(process.execPath, args); child.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); child.stderr.setEncoding('utf8'); child.stdout.on('data', childPrint); child.stderr.on('data', childPrint); let output = ''; function waitForListenHint(text) { output += text; if (/Debugger listening on ws:\/\/\[?(.+?)\]?:(\d+)\//.test(output)) { const host = RegExp.$1; const port = Number.parseInt(RegExp.$2); child.stderr.removeListener('data', waitForListenHint); resolve([child, port, host]); } } child.stderr.on('data', waitForListenHint); }); }); } function createAgentProxy(domain, client) { const agent = new EventEmitter(); agent.then = (...args) => { // TODO: potentially fetch the protocol and pretty-print it here. const descriptor = { [util.inspect.custom](depth, { stylize }) { return stylize(`[Agent ${domain}]`, 'special'); }, }; return Promise.resolve(descriptor).then(...args); }; return new Proxy(agent, { get(target, name) { if (name in target) return target[name]; return function callVirtualMethod(params) { return client.callMethod(`${domain}.${name}`, params); }; }, }); } class NodeInspector { constructor(options, stdin, stdout) { this.options = options; this.stdin = stdin; this.stdout = stdout; this.paused = true; this.child = null; if (options.script) { this._runScript = runScript.bind(null, options.script, options.scriptArgs, options.host, options.port, this.childPrint.bind(this)); } else { this._runScript = () => Promise.resolve([null, options.port, options.host]); } this.client = new InspectClient(); this.domainNames = ['Debugger', 'HeapProfiler', 'Profiler', 'Runtime']; this.domainNames.forEach((domain) => { this[domain] = createAgentProxy(domain, this.client); }); this.handleDebugEvent = (fullName, params) => { const [domain, name] = fullName.split('.'); if (domain in this) { this[domain].emit(name, params); } }; this.client.on('debugEvent', this.handleDebugEvent); const startRepl = createRepl(this); // Handle all possible exits process.on('exit', () => this.killChild()); process.once('SIGTERM', process.exit.bind(process, 0)); process.once('SIGHUP', process.exit.bind(process, 0)); this.run() .then(() => startRepl()) .then((repl) => { this.repl = repl; this.repl.on('exit', () => { process.exit(0); }); this.paused = false; }) .then(null, (error) => process.nextTick(() => { throw error; })); } suspendReplWhile(fn) { if (this.repl) { this.repl.rli.pause(); } this.stdin.pause(); this.paused = true; return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(fn()); }).then(() => { this.paused = false; if (this.repl) { this.repl.rli.resume(); this.repl.displayPrompt(); } this.stdin.resume(); }).then(null, (error) => process.nextTick(() => { throw error; })); } killChild() { this.client.reset(); if (this.child) { this.child.kill(); this.child = null; } } run() { this.killChild(); return this._runScript().then(([child, port, host]) => { this.child = child; let connectionAttempts = 0; const attemptConnect = () => { ++connectionAttempts; debuglog('connection attempt #%d', connectionAttempts); this.stdout.write('.'); return this.client.connect(port, host) .then(() => { debuglog('connection established'); this.stdout.write(' ok'); }, (error) => { debuglog('connect failed', error); // If it's failed to connect 10 times then print failed message if (connectionAttempts >= 10) { this.stdout.write(' failed to connect, please retry\n'); process.exit(1); } return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)) .then(attemptConnect); }); }; this.print(`connecting to ${host}:${port} ..`, true); return attemptConnect(); }); } clearLine() { if (this.stdout.isTTY) { this.stdout.cursorTo(0); this.stdout.clearLine(1); } else { this.stdout.write('\b'); } } print(text, oneline = false) { this.clearLine(); this.stdout.write(oneline ? text : `${text}\n`); } childPrint(text) { this.print( text.toString() .split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g) .filter((chunk) => !!chunk) .map((chunk) => `< ${chunk}`) .join('\n') ); if (!this.paused) { this.repl.displayPrompt(true); } if (/Waiting for the debugger to disconnect\.\.\.\n$/.test(text)) { this.killChild(); } } } function parseArgv([target, ...args]) { let host = ''; let port = 9229; let isRemote = false; let script = target; let scriptArgs = args; const hostMatch = target.match(/^([^:]+):(\d+)$/); const portMatch = target.match(/^--port=(\d+)$/); if (hostMatch) { // Connecting to remote debugger // `node-inspect localhost:9229` host = hostMatch[1]; port = parseInt(hostMatch[2], 10); isRemote = true; script = null; } else if (portMatch) { // start debugee on custom port // `node inspect --port=9230 script.js` port = parseInt(portMatch[1], 10); script = args[0]; scriptArgs = args.slice(1); } else if (args.length === 1 && /^\d+$/.test(args[0]) && target === '-p') { // Start debugger against a given pid const pid = parseInt(args[0], 10); try { process._debugProcess(pid); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'ESRCH') { /* eslint-disable no-console */ console.error(`Target process: ${pid} doesn't exist.`); /* eslint-enable no-console */ process.exit(1); } throw e; } script = null; isRemote = true; } return { host, port, isRemote, script, scriptArgs, }; } function startInspect(argv = process.argv.slice(2), stdin = process.stdin, stdout = process.stdout) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ if (argv.length < 1) { const invokedAs = runAsStandalone ? 'node-inspect' : `${process.argv0} ${process.argv[1]}`; console.error(`Usage: ${invokedAs} script.js`); console.error(` ${invokedAs} :`); console.error(` ${invokedAs} -p `); process.exit(1); } const options = parseArgv(argv); const inspector = new NodeInspector(options, stdin, stdout); stdin.resume(); function handleUnexpectedError(e) { if (!(e instanceof StartupError)) { console.error('There was an internal error in node-inspect. ' + 'Please report this bug.'); console.error(e.message); console.error(e.stack); } else { console.error(e.message); } if (inspector.child) inspector.child.kill(); process.exit(1); } process.on('uncaughtException', handleUnexpectedError); /* eslint-enable no-console */ } exports.start = startInspect; node-inspect/lib/_inspect'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'node-inspect/lib/_inspect\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/node-inspect/lib/_inspect'); internal/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client/* * Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ 'use strict'; const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; const crypto = require('crypto'); const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); const http = require('http'); const URL = require('url'); const util = require('util'); const debuglog = util.debuglog('inspect'); const kOpCodeText = 0x1; const kOpCodeClose = 0x8; const kFinalBit = 0x80; const kReserved1Bit = 0x40; const kReserved2Bit = 0x20; const kReserved3Bit = 0x10; const kOpCodeMask = 0xF; const kMaskBit = 0x80; const kPayloadLengthMask = 0x7F; const kMaxSingleBytePayloadLength = 125; const kMaxTwoBytePayloadLength = 0xFFFF; const kTwoBytePayloadLengthField = 126; const kEightBytePayloadLengthField = 127; const kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes = 4; function isEmpty(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } function unpackError({ code, message, data }) { const err = new Error(`${message} - ${data}`); err.code = code; Error.captureStackTrace(err, unpackError); return err; } function encodeFrameHybi17(payload) { var i; const dataLength = payload.length; let singleByteLength; let additionalLength; if (dataLength > kMaxTwoBytePayloadLength) { singleByteLength = kEightBytePayloadLengthField; additionalLength = Buffer.alloc(8); let remaining = dataLength; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { additionalLength[7 - i] = remaining & 0xFF; remaining >>= 8; } } else if (dataLength > kMaxSingleBytePayloadLength) { singleByteLength = kTwoBytePayloadLengthField; additionalLength = Buffer.alloc(2); additionalLength[0] = (dataLength & 0xFF00) >> 8; additionalLength[1] = dataLength & 0xFF; } else { additionalLength = Buffer.alloc(0); singleByteLength = dataLength; } const header = Buffer.from([ kFinalBit | kOpCodeText, kMaskBit | singleByteLength, ]); const mask = Buffer.alloc(4); const masked = Buffer.alloc(dataLength); for (i = 0; i < dataLength; ++i) { masked[i] = payload[i] ^ mask[i % kMaskingKeyWidthInBytes]; } return Buffer.concat([header, additionalLength, mask, masked]); } function decodeFrameHybi17(data) { const dataAvailable = data.length; const notComplete = { closed: false, payload: null, rest: data }; let payloadOffset = 2; if ((dataAvailable - payloadOffset) < 0) return notComplete; const firstByte = data[0]; const secondByte = data[1]; const final = (firstByte & kFinalBit) !== 0; const reserved1 = (firstByte & kReserved1Bit) !== 0; const reserved2 = (firstByte & kReserved2Bit) !== 0; const reserved3 = (firstByte & kReserved3Bit) !== 0; const opCode = firstByte & kOpCodeMask; const masked = (secondByte & kMaskBit) !== 0; const compressed = reserved1; if (compressed) { throw new Error('Compressed frames not supported'); } if (!final || reserved2 || reserved3) { throw new Error('Only compression extension is supported'); } if (masked) { throw new Error('Masked server frame - not supported'); } let closed = false; switch (opCode) { case kOpCodeClose: closed = true; break; case kOpCodeText: break; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported op code ${opCode}`); } let payloadLength = secondByte & kPayloadLengthMask; switch (payloadLength) { case kTwoBytePayloadLengthField: payloadOffset += 2; payloadLength = (data[2] << 8) + data[3]; break; case kEightBytePayloadLengthField: payloadOffset += 8; payloadLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { payloadLength <<= 8; payloadLength |= data[2 + i]; } break; default: // Nothing. We already have the right size. } if ((dataAvailable - payloadOffset - payloadLength) < 0) return notComplete; const payloadEnd = payloadOffset + payloadLength; return { payload: data.slice(payloadOffset, payloadEnd), rest: data.slice(payloadEnd), closed, }; } class Client extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.handleChunk = this._handleChunk.bind(this); this._port = undefined; this._host = undefined; this.reset(); } _handleChunk(chunk) { this._unprocessed = Buffer.concat([this._unprocessed, chunk]); while (this._unprocessed.length > 2) { const { closed, payload: payloadBuffer, rest } = decodeFrameHybi17(this._unprocessed); this._unprocessed = rest; if (closed) { this.reset(); return; } if (payloadBuffer === null) break; const payloadStr = payloadBuffer.toString(); debuglog('< %s', payloadStr); const lastChar = payloadStr[payloadStr.length - 1]; if (payloadStr[0] !== '{' || lastChar !== '}') { throw new Error(`Payload does not look like JSON: ${payloadStr}`); } let payload; try { payload = JSON.parse(payloadStr); } catch (parseError) { parseError.string = payloadStr; throw parseError; } const { id, method, params, result, error } = payload; if (id) { const handler = this._pending[id]; if (handler) { delete this._pending[id]; handler(error, result); } } else if (method) { this.emit('debugEvent', method, params); this.emit(method, params); } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported response: ${payloadStr}`); } } } reset() { if (this._http) { this._http.destroy(); } this._http = null; this._lastId = 0; this._socket = null; this._pending = {}; this._unprocessed = Buffer.alloc(0); } callMethod(method, params) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this._socket) { reject(new Error('Use `run` to start the app again.')); return; } const data = { id: ++this._lastId, method, params }; this._pending[data.id] = (error, result) => { if (error) reject(unpackError(error)); else resolve(isEmpty(result) ? undefined : result); }; const json = JSON.stringify(data); debuglog('> %s', json); this._socket.write(encodeFrameHybi17(Buffer.from(json))); }); } _fetchJSON(urlPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const httpReq = http.get({ host: this._host, port: this._port, path: urlPath, }); const chunks = []; function onResponse(httpRes) { function parseChunks() { const resBody = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString(); if (httpRes.statusCode !== 200) { reject(new Error(`Unexpected ${httpRes.statusCode}: ${resBody}`)); return; } try { resolve(JSON.parse(resBody)); } catch (parseError) { reject(new Error(`Response didn't contain JSON: ${resBody}`)); return; } } httpRes.on('error', reject); httpRes.on('data', (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk)); httpRes.on('end', parseChunks); } httpReq.on('error', reject); httpReq.on('response', onResponse); }); } connect(port, host) { this._port = port; this._host = host; return this._discoverWebsocketPath() .then((urlPath) => this._connectWebsocket(urlPath)); } _discoverWebsocketPath() { return this._fetchJSON('/json') .then(([{ webSocketDebuggerUrl }]) => URL.parse(webSocketDebuggerUrl).path); } _connectWebsocket(urlPath) { this.reset(); const key1 = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64'); debuglog('request websocket', key1); const httpReq = this._http = http.request({ host: this._host, port: this._port, path: urlPath, headers: { Connection: 'Upgrade', Upgrade: 'websocket', 'Sec-WebSocket-Key': key1, 'Sec-WebSocket-Version': '13', }, }); httpReq.on('error', (e) => { this.emit('error', e); }); httpReq.on('response', (httpRes) => { if (httpRes.statusCode >= 400) { process.stderr.write(`Unexpected HTTP code: ${httpRes.statusCode}\n`); httpRes.pipe(process.stderr); } else { httpRes.pipe(process.stderr); } }); const handshakeListener = (res, socket) => { // TODO: we *could* validate res.headers[sec-websocket-accept] debuglog('websocket upgrade'); this._socket = socket; socket.on('data', this.handleChunk); socket.on('close', () => { this.emit('close'); }); this.emit('ready'); }; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.once('error', reject); this.once('ready', resolve); httpReq.on('upgrade', handshakeListener); httpReq.end(); }); } } module.exports = Client; node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client'); internal/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl/* * Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ 'use strict'; const FS = require('fs'); const Path = require('path'); const Repl = require('repl'); const util = require('util'); const vm = require('vm'); const debuglog = util.debuglog('inspect'); const SHORTCUTS = { cont: 'c', next: 'n', step: 's', out: 'o', backtrace: 'bt', setBreakpoint: 'sb', clearBreakpoint: 'cb', run: 'r', }; const HELP = ` run, restart, r Run the application or reconnect kill Kill a running application or disconnect cont, c Resume execution next, n Continue to next line in current file step, s Step into, potentially entering a function out, o Step out, leaving the current function backtrace, bt Print the current backtrace list Print the source around the current line where execution is currently paused setBreakpoint, sb Set a breakpoint clearBreakpoint, cb Clear a breakpoint breakpoints List all known breakpoints breakOnException Pause execution whenever an exception is thrown breakOnUncaught Pause execution whenever an exception isn't caught breakOnNone Don't pause on exceptions (this is the default) watch(expr) Start watching the given expression unwatch(expr) Stop watching an expression watchers Print all watched expressions and their current values exec(expr) Evaluate the expression and print the value repl Enter a debug repl that works like exec scripts List application scripts that are currently loaded scripts(true) List all scripts (including node-internals) profile Start CPU profiling session. profileEnd Stop current CPU profiling session. profiles Array of completed CPU profiling sessions. profiles[n].save(filepath = 'node.cpuprofile') Save CPU profiling session to disk as JSON. takeHeapSnapshot(filepath = 'node.heapsnapshot') Take a heap snapshot and save to disk as JSON. `.trim(); const FUNCTION_NAME_PATTERN = /^(?:function\*? )?([^(\s]+)\(/; function extractFunctionName(description) { const fnNameMatch = description.match(FUNCTION_NAME_PATTERN); return fnNameMatch ? `: ${fnNameMatch[1]}` : ''; } const NATIVES = process.binding('natives'); function isNativeUrl(url) { return url.replace('.js', '') in NATIVES || url === 'bootstrap_node.js'; } function getRelativePath(filename) { const dir = Path.join(Path.resolve(), 'x').slice(0, -1); // Change path to relative, if possible if (filename.indexOf(dir) === 0) { return filename.slice(dir.length); } return filename; } function toCallback(promise, callback) { function forward(...args) { process.nextTick(() => callback(...args)); } promise.then(forward.bind(null, null), forward); } // Adds spaces and prefix to number // maxN is a maximum number we should have space for function leftPad(n, prefix, maxN) { const s = n.toString(); const nchars = Math.max(2, String(maxN).length) + 1; const nspaces = nchars - s.length - 1; return prefix + ' '.repeat(nspaces) + s; } function markSourceColumn(sourceText, position, useColors) { if (!sourceText) return ''; const head = sourceText.slice(0, position); let tail = sourceText.slice(position); // Colourize char if stdout supports colours if (useColors) { tail = tail.replace(/(.+?)([^\w]|$)/, '\u001b[32m$1\u001b[39m$2'); } // Return source line with coloured char at `position` return [head, tail].join(''); } function extractErrorMessage(stack) { if (!stack) return '<unknown>'; const m = stack.match(/^\w+: ([^\n]+)/); return m ? m[1] : stack; } function convertResultToError(result) { const { className, description } = result; const err = new Error(extractErrorMessage(description)); err.stack = description; Object.defineProperty(err, 'name', { value: className }); return err; } class RemoteObject { constructor(attributes) { Object.assign(this, attributes); if (this.type === 'number') { this.value = this.unserializableValue ? +this.unserializableValue : +this.value; } } [util.inspect.custom](depth, opts) { function formatProperty(prop) { switch (prop.type) { case 'string': case 'undefined': return util.inspect(prop.value, opts); case 'number': case 'boolean': return opts.stylize(prop.value, prop.type); case 'object': case 'symbol': if (prop.subtype === 'date') { return util.inspect(new Date(prop.value), opts); } if (prop.subtype === 'array') { return opts.stylize(prop.value, 'special'); } return opts.stylize(prop.value, prop.subtype || 'special'); default: return prop.value; } } switch (this.type) { case 'boolean': case 'number': case 'string': case 'undefined': return util.inspect(this.value, opts); case 'symbol': return opts.stylize(this.description, 'special'); case 'function': { const fnName = extractFunctionName(this.description); const formatted = `[${this.className}${fnName}]`; return opts.stylize(formatted, 'special'); } case 'object': switch (this.subtype) { case 'date': return util.inspect(new Date(this.description), opts); case 'null': return util.inspect(null, opts); case 'regexp': return opts.stylize(this.description, 'regexp'); default: break; } if (this.preview) { const props = this.preview.properties .map((prop, idx) => { const value = formatProperty(prop); if (prop.name === `${idx}`) return value; return `${prop.name}: ${value}`; }); if (this.preview.overflow) { props.push('...'); } const singleLine = props.join(', '); const propString = singleLine.length > 60 ? props.join(',\n ') : singleLine; return this.subtype === 'array' ? `[ ${propString} ]` : `{ ${propString} }`; } return this.description; default: return this.description; } } static fromEvalResult({ result, wasThrown }) { if (wasThrown) return convertResultToError(result); return new RemoteObject(result); } } class ScopeSnapshot { constructor(scope, properties) { Object.assign(this, scope); this.properties = new Map(properties.map((prop) => { const value = new RemoteObject(prop.value); return [prop.name, value]; })); this.completionGroup = properties.map((prop) => prop.name); } [util.inspect.custom](depth, opts) { const type = `${this.type[0].toUpperCase()}${this.type.slice(1)}`; const name = this.name ? `<${this.name}>` : ''; const prefix = `${type}${name} `; return util.inspect(this.properties, opts) .replace(/^Map /, prefix); } } function copyOwnProperties(target, source) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source).forEach((prop) => { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, prop); Object.defineProperty(target, prop, descriptor); }); } function aliasProperties(target, mapping) { Object.keys(mapping).forEach((key) => { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key); Object.defineProperty(target, mapping[key], descriptor); }); } function createRepl(inspector) { const { Debugger, HeapProfiler, Profiler, Runtime } = inspector; let repl; // eslint-disable-line prefer-const // Things we want to keep around const history = { control: [], debug: [] }; const watchedExpressions = []; const knownBreakpoints = []; let pauseOnExceptionState = 'none'; let lastCommand; // Things we need to reset when the app restarts let knownScripts; let currentBacktrace; let selectedFrame; let exitDebugRepl; function resetOnStart() { knownScripts = {}; currentBacktrace = null; selectedFrame = null; if (exitDebugRepl) exitDebugRepl(); exitDebugRepl = null; } resetOnStart(); const INSPECT_OPTIONS = { colors: inspector.stdout.isTTY }; function inspect(value) { return util.inspect(value, INSPECT_OPTIONS); } function print(value, oneline = false) { const text = typeof value === 'string' ? value : inspect(value); return inspector.print(text, oneline); } function getCurrentLocation() { if (!selectedFrame) { throw new Error('Requires execution to be paused'); } return selectedFrame.location; } function isCurrentScript(script) { return selectedFrame && getCurrentLocation().scriptId === script.scriptId; } function formatScripts(displayNatives = false) { function isVisible(script) { if (displayNatives) return true; return !script.isNative || isCurrentScript(script); } return Object.keys(knownScripts) .map((scriptId) => knownScripts[scriptId]) .filter(isVisible) .map((script) => { const isCurrent = isCurrentScript(script); const { isNative, url } = script; const name = `${getRelativePath(url)}${isNative ? ' <native>' : ''}`; return `${isCurrent ? '*' : ' '} ${script.scriptId}: ${name}`; }) .join('\n'); } function listScripts(displayNatives = false) { print(formatScripts(displayNatives)); } listScripts[util.inspect.custom] = function listWithoutInternal() { return formatScripts(); }; const profiles = []; class Profile { constructor(data) { this.data = data; } static createAndRegister({ profile }) { const p = new Profile(profile); profiles.push(p); return p; } [util.inspect.custom](depth, { stylize }) { const { startTime, endTime } = this.data; return stylize(`[Profile ${endTime - startTime}s]`, 'special'); } save(filename = 'node.cpuprofile') { const absoluteFile = Path.resolve(filename); const json = JSON.stringify(this.data); FS.writeFileSync(absoluteFile, json); print('Saved profile to ' + absoluteFile); } } class SourceSnippet { constructor(location, delta, scriptSource) { Object.assign(this, location); this.scriptSource = scriptSource; this.delta = delta; } [util.inspect.custom](depth, options) { const { scriptId, lineNumber, columnNumber, delta, scriptSource } = this; const start = Math.max(1, lineNumber - delta + 1); const end = lineNumber + delta + 1; const lines = scriptSource.split('\n'); return lines.slice(start - 1, end).map((lineText, offset) => { const i = start + offset; const isCurrent = i === (lineNumber + 1); const markedLine = isCurrent ? markSourceColumn(lineText, columnNumber, options.colors) : lineText; let isBreakpoint = false; knownBreakpoints.forEach(({ location }) => { if (!location) return; if (scriptId === location.scriptId && i === (location.lineNumber + 1)) { isBreakpoint = true; } }); let prefixChar = ' '; if (isCurrent) { prefixChar = '>'; } else if (isBreakpoint) { prefixChar = '*'; } return `${leftPad(i, prefixChar, end)} ${markedLine}`; }).join('\n'); } } function getSourceSnippet(location, delta = 5) { const { scriptId } = location; return Debugger.getScriptSource({ scriptId }) .then(({ scriptSource }) => new SourceSnippet(location, delta, scriptSource)); } class CallFrame { constructor(callFrame) { Object.assign(this, callFrame); } loadScopes() { return Promise.all( this.scopeChain .filter((scope) => scope.type !== 'global') .map((scope) => { const { objectId } = scope.object; return Runtime.getProperties({ objectId, generatePreview: true, }).then(({ result }) => new ScopeSnapshot(scope, result)); }) ); } list(delta = 5) { return getSourceSnippet(this.location, delta); } } class Backtrace extends Array { [util.inspect.custom]() { return this.map((callFrame, idx) => { const { location: { scriptId, lineNumber, columnNumber }, functionName } = callFrame; const name = functionName || '(anonymous)'; const script = knownScripts[scriptId]; const relativeUrl = (script && getRelativePath(script.url)) || '<unknown>'; const frameLocation = `${relativeUrl}:${lineNumber + 1}:${columnNumber}`; return `#${idx} ${name} ${frameLocation}`; }).join('\n'); } static from(callFrames) { return super.from(Array.from(callFrames).map((callFrame) => { if (callFrame instanceof CallFrame) { return callFrame; } return new CallFrame(callFrame); })); } } function prepareControlCode(input) { if (input === '\n') return lastCommand; // exec process.title => exec("process.title"); const match = input.match(/^\s*exec\s+([^\n]*)/); if (match) { lastCommand = `exec(${JSON.stringify(match[1])})`; } else { lastCommand = input; } return lastCommand; } function evalInCurrentContext(code) { // Repl asked for scope variables if (code === '.scope') { if (!selectedFrame) { return Promise.reject(new Error('Requires execution to be paused')); } return selectedFrame.loadScopes().then((scopes) => { return scopes.map((scope) => scope.completionGroup); }); } if (selectedFrame) { return Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame({ callFrameId: selectedFrame.callFrameId, expression: code, objectGroup: 'node-inspect', generatePreview: true, }).then(RemoteObject.fromEvalResult); } return Runtime.evaluate({ expression: code, objectGroup: 'node-inspect', generatePreview: true, }).then(RemoteObject.fromEvalResult); } function controlEval(input, context, filename, callback) { debuglog('eval:', input); function returnToCallback(error, result) { debuglog('end-eval:', input, error); callback(error, result); } try { const code = prepareControlCode(input); const result = vm.runInContext(code, context, filename); if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') { toCallback(result, returnToCallback); return; } returnToCallback(null, result); } catch (e) { returnToCallback(e); } } function debugEval(input, context, filename, callback) { debuglog('eval:', input); function returnToCallback(error, result) { debuglog('end-eval:', input, error); callback(error, result); } try { const result = evalInCurrentContext(input); if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') { toCallback(result, returnToCallback); return; } returnToCallback(null, result); } catch (e) { returnToCallback(e); } } function formatWatchers(verbose = false) { if (!watchedExpressions.length) { return Promise.resolve(''); } const inspectValue = (expr) => evalInCurrentContext(expr) // .then(formatValue) .catch((error) => `<${error.message}>`); const lastIndex = watchedExpressions.length - 1; return Promise.all(watchedExpressions.map(inspectValue)) .then((values) => { const lines = watchedExpressions .map((expr, idx) => { const prefix = `${leftPad(idx, ' ', lastIndex)}: ${expr} =`; const value = inspect(values[idx], { colors: true }); if (value.indexOf('\n') === -1) { return `${prefix} ${value}`; } return `${prefix}\n ${value.split('\n').join('\n ')}`; }); return lines.join('\n'); }) .then((valueList) => { return verbose ? `Watchers:\n${valueList}\n` : valueList; }); } function watchers(verbose = false) { return formatWatchers(verbose).then(print); } // List source code function list(delta = 5) { return selectedFrame.list(delta) .then(null, (error) => { print('You can\'t list source code right now'); throw error; }); } function handleBreakpointResolved({ breakpointId, location }) { const script = knownScripts[location.scriptId]; const scriptUrl = script && script.url; if (scriptUrl) { Object.assign(location, { scriptUrl }); } const isExisting = knownBreakpoints.some((bp) => { if (bp.breakpointId === breakpointId) { Object.assign(bp, { location }); return true; } return false; }); if (!isExisting) { knownBreakpoints.push({ breakpointId, location }); } } function listBreakpoints() { if (!knownBreakpoints.length) { print('No breakpoints yet'); return; } function formatLocation(location) { if (!location) return '<unknown location>'; const script = knownScripts[location.scriptId]; const scriptUrl = script ? script.url : location.scriptUrl; return `${getRelativePath(scriptUrl)}:${location.lineNumber + 1}`; } const breaklist = knownBreakpoints .map((bp, idx) => `#${idx} ${formatLocation(bp.location)}`) .join('\n'); print(breaklist); } function setBreakpoint(script, line, condition, silent) { function registerBreakpoint({ breakpointId, actualLocation }) { handleBreakpointResolved({ breakpointId, location: actualLocation }); if (actualLocation && actualLocation.scriptId) { if (!silent) return getSourceSnippet(actualLocation, 5); } else { print(`Warning: script '${script}' was not loaded yet.`); } return undefined; } // setBreakpoint(): set breakpoint at current location if (script === undefined) { return Debugger .setBreakpoint({ location: getCurrentLocation(), condition }) .then(registerBreakpoint); } // setBreakpoint(line): set breakpoint in current script at specific line if (line === undefined && typeof script === 'number') { const location = { scriptId: getCurrentLocation().scriptId, lineNumber: script - 1, }; return Debugger.setBreakpoint({ location, condition }) .then(registerBreakpoint); } if (typeof script !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`setBreakpoint() expects a string, got ${script}`); } // setBreakpoint('fn()'): Break when a function is called if (script.endsWith('()')) { const debugExpr = `debug(${script.slice(0, -2)})`; const debugCall = selectedFrame ? Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame({ callFrameId: selectedFrame.callFrameId, expression: debugExpr, includeCommandLineAPI: true, }) : Runtime.evaluate({ expression: debugExpr, includeCommandLineAPI: true, }); return debugCall.then(({ result, wasThrown }) => { if (wasThrown) return convertResultToError(result); return undefined; // This breakpoint can't be removed the same way }); } // setBreakpoint('scriptname') let scriptId = null; let ambiguous = false; if (knownScripts[script]) { scriptId = script; } else { for (const id of Object.keys(knownScripts)) { const scriptUrl = knownScripts[id].url; if (scriptUrl && scriptUrl.indexOf(script) !== -1) { if (scriptId !== null) { ambiguous = true; } scriptId = id; } } } if (ambiguous) { print('Script name is ambiguous'); return undefined; } if (line <= 0) { print('Line should be a positive value'); return undefined; } if (scriptId !== null) { const location = { scriptId, lineNumber: line - 1 }; return Debugger.setBreakpoint({ location, condition }) .then(registerBreakpoint); } const escapedPath = script.replace(/([/\\.?*()^${}|[\]])/g, '\\$1'); const urlRegex = `^(.*[\\/\\\\])?${escapedPath}$`; return Debugger .setBreakpointByUrl({ urlRegex, lineNumber: line - 1, condition }) .then((bp) => { // TODO: handle bp.locations in case the regex matches existing files if (!bp.location) { // Fake it for now. Object.assign(bp, { actualLocation: { scriptUrl: `.*/${script}$`, lineNumber: line - 1, }, }); } return registerBreakpoint(bp); }); } function clearBreakpoint(url, line) { const breakpoint = knownBreakpoints.find(({ location }) => { if (!location) return false; const script = knownScripts[location.scriptId]; if (!script) return false; return ( script.url.indexOf(url) !== -1 && (location.lineNumber + 1) === line ); }); if (!breakpoint) { print(`Could not find breakpoint at ${url}:${line}`); return Promise.resolve(); } return Debugger.removeBreakpoint({ breakpointId: breakpoint.breakpointId }) .then(() => { const idx = knownBreakpoints.indexOf(breakpoint); knownBreakpoints.splice(idx, 1); }); } function restoreBreakpoints() { const lastBreakpoints = knownBreakpoints.slice(); knownBreakpoints.length = 0; const newBreakpoints = lastBreakpoints .filter(({ location }) => !!location.scriptUrl) .map(({ location }) => setBreakpoint(location.scriptUrl, location.lineNumber + 1)); if (!newBreakpoints.length) return Promise.resolve(); return Promise.all(newBreakpoints).then((results) => { print(`${results.length} breakpoints restored.`); }); } function setPauseOnExceptions(state) { return Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions({ state }) .then(() => { pauseOnExceptionState = state; }); } Debugger.on('paused', ({ callFrames, reason /* , hitBreakpoints */ }) => { // Save execution context's data currentBacktrace = Backtrace.from(callFrames); selectedFrame = currentBacktrace[0]; const { scriptId, lineNumber } = selectedFrame.location; const breakType = reason === 'other' ? 'break' : reason; const script = knownScripts[scriptId]; const scriptUrl = script ? getRelativePath(script.url) : '[unknown]'; const header = `${breakType} in ${scriptUrl}:${lineNumber + 1}`; inspector.suspendReplWhile(() => Promise.all([formatWatchers(true), selectedFrame.list(2)]) .then(([watcherList, context]) => { if (watcherList) { return `${watcherList}\n${inspect(context)}`; } return inspect(context); }).then((breakContext) => { print(`${header}\n${breakContext}`); })); }); function handleResumed() { currentBacktrace = null; selectedFrame = null; } Debugger.on('resumed', handleResumed); Debugger.on('breakpointResolved', handleBreakpointResolved); Debugger.on('scriptParsed', (script) => { const { scriptId, url } = script; if (url) { knownScripts[scriptId] = Object.assign({ isNative: isNativeUrl(url), }, script); } }); Profiler.on('consoleProfileFinished', ({ profile }) => { Profile.createAndRegister({ profile }); print([ 'Captured new CPU profile.', `Access it with profiles[${profiles.length - 1}]` ].join('\n')); }); function initializeContext(context) { inspector.domainNames.forEach((domain) => { Object.defineProperty(context, domain, { value: inspector[domain], enumerable: true, configurable: true, writeable: false, }); }); copyOwnProperties(context, { get help() { print(HELP); }, get run() { return inspector.run(); }, get kill() { return inspector.killChild(); }, get restart() { return inspector.run(); }, get cont() { handleResumed(); return Debugger.resume(); }, get next() { handleResumed(); return Debugger.stepOver(); }, get step() { handleResumed(); return Debugger.stepInto(); }, get out() { handleResumed(); return Debugger.stepOut(); }, get pause() { return Debugger.pause(); }, get backtrace() { return currentBacktrace; }, get breakpoints() { return listBreakpoints(); }, exec(expr) { return evalInCurrentContext(expr); }, get profile() { return Profiler.start(); }, get profileEnd() { return Profiler.stop() .then(Profile.createAndRegister); }, get profiles() { return profiles; }, takeHeapSnapshot(filename = 'node.heapsnapshot') { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const absoluteFile = Path.resolve(filename); const writer = FS.createWriteStream(absoluteFile); let sizeWritten = 0; function onProgress({ done, total, finished }) { if (finished) { print('Heap snaphost prepared.'); } else { print(`Heap snapshot: ${done}/${total}`, true); } } function onChunk({ chunk }) { sizeWritten += chunk.length; writer.write(chunk); print(`Writing snapshot: ${sizeWritten}`, true); } function onResolve() { writer.end(() => { teardown(); print(`Wrote snapshot: ${absoluteFile}`); resolve(); }); } function onReject(error) { teardown(); reject(error); } function teardown() { HeapProfiler.removeListener( 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress', onProgress); HeapProfiler.removeListener('addHeapSnapshotChunk', onChunk); } HeapProfiler.on('reportHeapSnapshotProgress', onProgress); HeapProfiler.on('addHeapSnapshotChunk', onChunk); print('Heap snapshot: 0/0', true); HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot({ reportProgress: true }) .then(onResolve, onReject); }); }, get watchers() { return watchers(); }, watch(expr) { watchedExpressions.push(expr); }, unwatch(expr) { const index = watchedExpressions.indexOf(expr); // Unwatch by expression // or // Unwatch by watcher number watchedExpressions.splice(index !== -1 ? index : +expr, 1); }, get repl() { // Don't display any default messages const listeners = repl.rli.listeners('SIGINT').slice(0); repl.rli.removeAllListeners('SIGINT'); const oldContext = repl.context; exitDebugRepl = () => { // Restore all listeners process.nextTick(() => { listeners.forEach((listener) => { repl.rli.on('SIGINT', listener); }); }); // Exit debug repl repl.eval = controlEval; // Swap history history.debug = repl.rli.history; repl.rli.history = history.control; repl.context = oldContext; repl.rli.setPrompt('debug> '); repl.displayPrompt(); repl.rli.removeListener('SIGINT', exitDebugRepl); repl.removeListener('exit', exitDebugRepl); exitDebugRepl = null; }; // Exit debug repl on SIGINT repl.rli.on('SIGINT', exitDebugRepl); // Exit debug repl on repl exit repl.on('exit', exitDebugRepl); // Set new repl.eval = debugEval; repl.context = {}; // Swap history history.control = repl.rli.history; repl.rli.history = history.debug; repl.rli.setPrompt('> '); print('Press Ctrl + C to leave debug repl'); repl.displayPrompt(); }, get version() { return Runtime.evaluate({ expression: 'process.versions.v8', contextId: 1, returnByValue: true, }).then(({ result }) => { print(result.value); }); }, scripts: listScripts, setBreakpoint, clearBreakpoint, setPauseOnExceptions, get breakOnException() { return setPauseOnExceptions('all'); }, get breakOnUncaught() { return setPauseOnExceptions('uncaught'); }, get breakOnNone() { return setPauseOnExceptions('none'); }, list, }); aliasProperties(context, SHORTCUTS); } function initAfterStart() { const setupTasks = [ Runtime.enable(), Profiler.enable(), Profiler.setSamplingInterval({ interval: 100 }), Debugger.enable(), Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions({ state: 'none' }), Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth({ maxDepth: 0 }), Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns({ patterns: [] }), Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions({ state: pauseOnExceptionState }), restoreBreakpoints(), Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger(), ]; return Promise.all(setupTasks); } return function startRepl() { inspector.client.on('close', () => { resetOnStart(); }); inspector.client.on('ready', () => { initAfterStart(); }); const replOptions = { prompt: 'debug> ', input: inspector.stdin, output: inspector.stdout, eval: controlEval, useGlobal: false, ignoreUndefined: true, }; repl = Repl.start(replOptions); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const initializeContext(repl.context); repl.on('reset', initializeContext); repl.defineCommand('interrupt', () => { // We want this for testing purposes where sending CTRL-C can be tricky. repl.rli.emit('SIGINT'); }); // Init once for the initial connection initAfterStart(); return repl; }; } module.exports = createRepl; node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl'use strict'; process.emitWarning( 'Requiring Node.js-bundled \'node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl\' module is deprecated. Please ' + 'install the necessary module locally.', 'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0084'); module.exports = require('internal/deps/node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl'); internal/deps/acorn/dist/acorn(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (factory((global.acorn = {}))); }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; // Reserved word lists for various dialects of the language var reservedWords = { 3: "abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient volatile", 5: "class enum extends super const export import", 6: "enum", strict: "implements interface let package private protected public static yield", strictBind: "eval arguments" }; // And the keywords var ecma5AndLessKeywords = "break case catch continue debugger default do else finally for function if return switch throw try var while with null true false instanceof typeof void delete new in this"; var keywords = { 5: ecma5AndLessKeywords, 6: ecma5AndLessKeywords + " const class extends export import super" }; var keywordRelationalOperator = /^in(stanceof)?$/; // ## Character categories // Big ugly regular expressions that match characters in the // whitespace, identifier, and identifier-start categories. These // are only applied when a character is found to actually have a // code point above 128. // Generated by `bin/generate-identifier-regex.js`. var nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = "\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u02c1\u02c6-\u02d1\u02e0-\u02e4\u02ec\u02ee\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037a-\u037d\u037f\u0386\u0388-\u038a\u038c\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03f5\u03f7-\u0481\u048a-\u052f\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0560-\u0588\u05d0-\u05ea\u05ef-\u05f2\u0620-\u064a\u066e\u066f\u0671-\u06d3\u06d5\u06e5\u06e6\u06ee\u06ef\u06fa-\u06fc\u06ff\u0710\u0712-\u072f\u074d-\u07a5\u07b1\u07ca-\u07ea\u07f4\u07f5\u07fa\u0800-\u0815\u081a\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u0860-\u086a\u08a0-\u08b4\u08b6-\u08bd\u0904-\u0939\u093d\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098c\u098f\u0990\u0993-\u09a8\u09aa-\u09b0\u09b2\u09b6-\u09b9\u09bd\u09ce\u09dc\u09dd\u09df-\u09e1\u09f0\u09f1\u09fc\u0a05-\u0a0a\u0a0f\u0a10\u0a13-\u0a28\u0a2a-\u0a30\u0a32\u0a33\u0a35\u0a36\u0a38\u0a39\u0a59-\u0a5c\u0a5e\u0a72-\u0a74\u0a85-\u0a8d\u0a8f-\u0a91\u0a93-\u0aa8\u0aaa-\u0ab0\u0ab2\u0ab3\u0ab5-\u0ab9\u0abd\u0ad0\u0ae0\u0ae1\u0af9\u0b05-\u0b0c\u0b0f\u0b10\u0b13-\u0b28\u0b2a-\u0b30\u0b32\u0b33\u0b35-\u0b39\u0b3d\u0b5c\u0b5d\u0b5f-\u0b61\u0b71\u0b83\u0b85-\u0b8a\u0b8e-\u0b90\u0b92-\u0b95\u0b99\u0b9a\u0b9c\u0b9e\u0b9f\u0ba3\u0ba4\u0ba8-\u0baa\u0bae-\u0bb9\u0bd0\u0c05-\u0c0c\u0c0e-\u0c10\u0c12-\u0c28\u0c2a-\u0c39\u0c3d\u0c58-\u0c5a\u0c60\u0c61\u0c80\u0c85-\u0c8c\u0c8e-\u0c90\u0c92-\u0ca8\u0caa-\u0cb3\u0cb5-\u0cb9\u0cbd\u0cde\u0ce0\u0ce1\u0cf1\u0cf2\u0d05-\u0d0c\u0d0e-\u0d10\u0d12-\u0d3a\u0d3d\u0d4e\u0d54-\u0d56\u0d5f-\u0d61\u0d7a-\u0d7f\u0d85-\u0d96\u0d9a-\u0db1\u0db3-\u0dbb\u0dbd\u0dc0-\u0dc6\u0e01-\u0e30\u0e32\u0e33\u0e40-\u0e46\u0e81\u0e82\u0e84\u0e87\u0e88\u0e8a\u0e8d\u0e94-\u0e97\u0e99-\u0e9f\u0ea1-\u0ea3\u0ea5\u0ea7\u0eaa\u0eab\u0ead-\u0eb0\u0eb2\u0eb3\u0ebd\u0ec0-\u0ec4\u0ec6\u0edc-\u0edf\u0f00\u0f40-\u0f47\u0f49-\u0f6c\u0f88-\u0f8c\u1000-\u102a\u103f\u1050-\u1055\u105a-\u105d\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106e-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108e\u10a0-\u10c5\u10c7\u10cd\u10d0-\u10fa\u10fc-\u1248\u124a-\u124d\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125a-\u125d\u1260-\u1288\u128a-\u128d\u1290-\u12b0\u12b2-\u12b5\u12b8-\u12be\u12c0\u12c2-\u12c5\u12c8-\u12d6\u12d8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135a\u1380-\u138f\u13a0-\u13f5\u13f8-\u13fd\u1401-\u166c\u166f-\u167f\u1681-\u169a\u16a0-\u16ea\u16ee-\u16f8\u1700-\u170c\u170e-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176c\u176e-\u1770\u1780-\u17b3\u17d7\u17dc\u1820-\u1878\u1880-\u18a8\u18aa\u18b0-\u18f5\u1900-\u191e\u1950-\u196d\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19ab\u19b0-\u19c9\u1a00-\u1a16\u1a20-\u1a54\u1aa7\u1b05-\u1b33\u1b45-\u1b4b\u1b83-\u1ba0\u1bae\u1baf\u1bba-\u1be5\u1c00-\u1c23\u1c4d-\u1c4f\u1c5a-\u1c7d\u1c80-\u1c88\u1c90-\u1cba\u1cbd-\u1cbf\u1ce9-\u1cec\u1cee-\u1cf1\u1cf5\u1cf6\u1d00-\u1dbf\u1e00-\u1f15\u1f18-\u1f1d\u1f20-\u1f45\u1f48-\u1f4d\u1f50-\u1f57\u1f59\u1f5b\u1f5d\u1f5f-\u1f7d\u1f80-\u1fb4\u1fb6-\u1fbc\u1fbe\u1fc2-\u1fc4\u1fc6-\u1fcc\u1fd0-\u1fd3\u1fd6-\u1fdb\u1fe0-\u1fec\u1ff2-\u1ff4\u1ff6-\u1ffc\u2071\u207f\u2090-\u209c\u2102\u2107\u210a-\u2113\u2115\u2118-\u211d\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212a-\u2139\u213c-\u213f\u2145-\u2149\u214e\u2160-\u2188\u2c00-\u2c2e\u2c30-\u2c5e\u2c60-\u2ce4\u2ceb-\u2cee\u2cf2\u2cf3\u2d00-\u2d25\u2d27\u2d2d\u2d30-\u2d67\u2d6f\u2d80-\u2d96\u2da0-\u2da6\u2da8-\u2dae\u2db0-\u2db6\u2db8-\u2dbe\u2dc0-\u2dc6\u2dc8-\u2dce\u2dd0-\u2dd6\u2dd8-\u2dde\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303c\u3041-\u3096\u309b-\u309f\u30a1-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3105-\u312f\u3131-\u318e\u31a0-\u31ba\u31f0-\u31ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fef\ua000-\ua48c\ua4d0-\ua4fd\ua500-\ua60c\ua610-\ua61f\ua62a\ua62b\ua640-\ua66e\ua67f-\ua69d\ua6a0-\ua6ef\ua717-\ua71f\ua722-\ua788\ua78b-\ua7b9\ua7f7-\ua801\ua803-\ua805\ua807-\ua80a\ua80c-\ua822\ua840-\ua873\ua882-\ua8b3\ua8f2-\ua8f7\ua8fb\ua8fd\ua8fe\ua90a-\ua925\ua930-\ua946\ua960-\ua97c\ua984-\ua9b2\ua9cf\ua9e0-\ua9e4\ua9e6-\ua9ef\ua9fa-\ua9fe\uaa00-\uaa28\uaa40-\uaa42\uaa44-\uaa4b\uaa60-\uaa76\uaa7a\uaa7e-\uaaaf\uaab1\uaab5\uaab6\uaab9-\uaabd\uaac0\uaac2\uaadb-\uaadd\uaae0-\uaaea\uaaf2-\uaaf4\uab01-\uab06\uab09-\uab0e\uab11-\uab16\uab20-\uab26\uab28-\uab2e\uab30-\uab5a\uab5c-\uab65\uab70-\uabe2\uac00-\ud7a3\ud7b0-\ud7c6\ud7cb-\ud7fb\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb00-\ufb06\ufb13-\ufb17\ufb1d\ufb1f-\ufb28\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40\ufb41\ufb43\ufb44\ufb46-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufd3d\ufd50-\ufd8f\ufd92-\ufdc7\ufdf0-\ufdfb\ufe70-\ufe74\ufe76-\ufefc\uff21-\uff3a\uff41-\uff5a\uff66-\uffbe\uffc2-\uffc7\uffca-\uffcf\uffd2-\uffd7\uffda-\uffdc"; var nonASCIIidentifierChars = "\u200c\u200d\xb7\u0300-\u036f\u0387\u0483-\u0487\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u064b-\u0669\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06df-\u06e4\u06e7\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u06f0-\u06f9\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0\u07c0-\u07c9\u07eb-\u07f3\u07fd\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0859-\u085b\u08d3-\u08e1\u08e3-\u0903\u093a-\u093c\u093e-\u094f\u0951-\u0957\u0962\u0963\u0966-\u096f\u0981-\u0983\u09bc\u09be-\u09c4\u09c7\u09c8\u09cb-\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2\u09e3\u09e6-\u09ef\u09fe\u0a01-\u0a03\u0a3c\u0a3e-\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a66-\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81-\u0a83\u0abc\u0abe-\u0ac5\u0ac7-\u0ac9\u0acb-\u0acd\u0ae2\u0ae3\u0ae6-\u0aef\u0afa-\u0aff\u0b01-\u0b03\u0b3c\u0b3e-\u0b44\u0b47\u0b48\u0b4b-\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b62\u0b63\u0b66-\u0b6f\u0b82\u0bbe-\u0bc2\u0bc6-\u0bc8\u0bca-\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0be6-\u0bef\u0c00-\u0c04\u0c3e-\u0c44\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62\u0c63\u0c66-\u0c6f\u0c81-\u0c83\u0cbc\u0cbe-\u0cc4\u0cc6-\u0cc8\u0cca-\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2\u0ce3\u0ce6-\u0cef\u0d00-\u0d03\u0d3b\u0d3c\u0d3e-\u0d44\u0d46-\u0d48\u0d4a-\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62\u0d63\u0d66-\u0d6f\u0d82\u0d83\u0dca\u0dcf-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0dd8-\u0ddf\u0de6-\u0def\u0df2\u0df3\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0e50-\u0e59\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ebb\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0ed0-\u0ed9\u0f18\u0f19\u0f20-\u0f29\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f3e\u0f3f\u0f71-\u0f84\u0f86\u0f87\u0f8d-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102b-\u103e\u1040-\u1049\u1056-\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1062-\u1064\u1067-\u106d\u1071-\u1074\u1082-\u108d\u108f-\u109d\u135d-\u135f\u1369-\u1371\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17b4-\u17d3\u17dd\u17e0-\u17e9\u180b-\u180d\u1810-\u1819\u18a9\u1920-\u192b\u1930-\u193b\u1946-\u194f\u19d0-\u19da\u1a17-\u1a1b\u1a55-\u1a5e\u1a60-\u1a7c\u1a7f-\u1a89\u1a90-\u1a99\u1ab0-\u1abd\u1b00-\u1b04\u1b34-\u1b44\u1b50-\u1b59\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80-\u1b82\u1ba1-\u1bad\u1bb0-\u1bb9\u1be6-\u1bf3\u1c24-\u1c37\u1c40-\u1c49\u1c50-\u1c59\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1cf2-\u1cf4\u1cf7-\u1cf9\u1dc0-\u1df9\u1dfb-\u1dff\u203f\u2040\u2054\u20d0-\u20dc\u20e1\u20e5-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1\u2d7f\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302f\u3099\u309a\ua620-\ua629\ua66f\ua674-\ua67d\ua69e\ua69f\ua6f0\ua6f1\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua823-\ua827\ua880\ua881\ua8b4-\ua8c5\ua8d0-\ua8d9\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua8ff-\ua909\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua953\ua980-\ua983\ua9b3-\ua9c0\ua9d0-\ua9d9\ua9e5\ua9f0-\ua9f9\uaa29-\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaa4d\uaa50-\uaa59\uaa7b-\uaa7d\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7\uaab8\uaabe\uaabf\uaac1\uaaeb-\uaaef\uaaf5\uaaf6\uabe3-\uabea\uabec\uabed\uabf0-\uabf9\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe2f\ufe33\ufe34\ufe4d-\ufe4f\uff10-\uff19\uff3f"; var nonASCIIidentifierStart = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + "]"); var nonASCIIidentifier = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + nonASCIIidentifierChars + "]"); nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = nonASCIIidentifierChars = null; // These are a run-length and offset encoded representation of the // >0xffff code points that are a valid part of identifiers. The // offset starts at 0x10000, and each pair of numbers represents an // offset to the next range, and then a size of the range. They were // generated by bin/generate-identifier-regex.js // eslint-disable-next-line comma-spacing var astralIdentifierStartCodes = [0,11,2,25,2,18,2,1,2,14,3,13,35,122,70,52,268,28,4,48,48,31,14,29,6,37,11,29,3,35,5,7,2,4,43,157,19,35,5,35,5,39,9,51,157,310,10,21,11,7,153,5,3,0,2,43,2,1,4,0,3,22,11,22,10,30,66,18,2,1,11,21,11,25,71,55,7,1,65,0,16,3,2,2,2,28,43,28,4,28,36,7,2,27,28,53,11,21,11,18,14,17,111,72,56,50,14,50,14,35,477,28,11,0,9,21,190,52,76,44,33,24,27,35,30,0,12,34,4,0,13,47,15,3,22,0,2,0,36,17,2,24,85,6,2,0,2,3,2,14,2,9,8,46,39,7,3,1,3,21,2,6,2,1,2,4,4,0,19,0,13,4,159,52,19,3,54,47,21,1,2,0,185,46,42,3,37,47,21,0,60,42,86,26,230,43,117,63,32,0,257,0,11,39,8,0,22,0,12,39,3,3,20,0,35,56,264,8,2,36,18,0,50,29,113,6,2,1,2,37,22,0,26,5,2,1,2,31,15,0,328,18,270,921,103,110,18,195,2749,1070,4050,582,8634,568,8,30,114,29,19,47,17,3,32,20,6,18,689,63,129,68,12,0,67,12,65,1,31,6129,15,754,9486,286,82,395,2309,106,6,12,4,8,8,9,5991,84,2,70,2,1,3,0,3,1,3,3,2,11,2,0,2,6,2,64,2,3,3,7,2,6,2,27,2,3,2,4,2,0,4,6,2,339,3,24,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,30,2,24,2,7,4149,196,60,67,1213,3,2,26,2,1,2,0,3,0,2,9,2,3,2,0,2,0,7,0,5,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,2,1,2,0,3,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,1,2,0,3,3,2,6,2,3,2,3,2,0,2,9,2,16,6,2,2,4,2,16,4421,42710,42,4148,12,221,3,5761,15,7472,3104,541]; // eslint-disable-next-line comma-spacing var astralIdentifierCodes = [509,0,227,0,150,4,294,9,1368,2,2,1,6,3,41,2,5,0,166,1,574,3,9,9,525,10,176,2,54,14,32,9,16,3,46,10,54,9,7,2,37,13,2,9,6,1,45,0,13,2,49,13,9,3,4,9,83,11,7,0,161,11,6,9,7,3,56,1,2,6,3,1,3,2,10,0,11,1,3,6,4,4,193,17,10,9,5,0,82,19,13,9,214,6,3,8,28,1,83,16,16,9,82,12,9,9,84,14,5,9,243,14,166,9,280,9,41,6,2,3,9,0,10,10,47,15,406,7,2,7,17,9,57,21,2,13,123,5,4,0,2,1,2,6,2,0,9,9,49,4,2,1,2,4,9,9,330,3,19306,9,135,4,60,6,26,9,1016,45,17,3,19723,1,5319,4,4,5,9,7,3,6,31,3,149,2,1418,49,513,54,5,49,9,0,15,0,23,4,2,14,1361,6,2,16,3,6,2,1,2,4,2214,6,110,6,6,9,792487,239]; // This has a complexity linear to the value of the code. The // assumption is that looking up astral identifier characters is // rare. function isInAstralSet(code, set) { var pos = 0x10000; for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i += 2) { pos += set[i]; if (pos > code) { return false } pos += set[i + 1]; if (pos >= code) { return true } } } // Test whether a given character code starts an identifier. function isIdentifierStart(code, astral) { if (code < 65) { return code === 36 } if (code < 91) { return true } if (code < 97) { return code === 95 } if (code < 123) { return true } if (code <= 0xffff) { return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifierStart.test(String.fromCharCode(code)) } if (astral === false) { return false } return isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierStartCodes) } // Test whether a given character is part of an identifier. function isIdentifierChar(code, astral) { if (code < 48) { return code === 36 } if (code < 58) { return true } if (code < 65) { return false } if (code < 91) { return true } if (code < 97) { return code === 95 } if (code < 123) { return true } if (code <= 0xffff) { return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifier.test(String.fromCharCode(code)) } if (astral === false) { return false } return isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierStartCodes) || isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierCodes) } // ## Token types // The assignment of fine-grained, information-carrying type objects // allows the tokenizer to store the information it has about a // token in a way that is very cheap for the parser to look up. // All token type variables start with an underscore, to make them // easy to recognize. // The `beforeExpr` property is used to disambiguate between regular // expressions and divisions. It is set on all token types that can // be followed by an expression (thus, a slash after them would be a // regular expression). // // The `startsExpr` property is used to check if the token ends a // `yield` expression. It is set on all token types that either can // directly start an expression (like a quotation mark) or can // continue an expression (like the body of a string). // // `isLoop` marks a keyword as starting a loop, which is important // to know when parsing a label, in order to allow or disallow // continue jumps to that label. var TokenType = function TokenType(label, conf) { if ( conf === void 0 ) conf = {}; this.label = label; this.keyword = conf.keyword; this.beforeExpr = !!conf.beforeExpr; this.startsExpr = !!conf.startsExpr; this.isLoop = !!conf.isLoop; this.isAssign = !!conf.isAssign; this.prefix = !!conf.prefix; this.postfix = !!conf.postfix; this.binop = conf.binop || null; this.updateContext = null; }; function binop(name, prec) { return new TokenType(name, {beforeExpr: true, binop: prec}) } var beforeExpr = {beforeExpr: true}; var startsExpr = {startsExpr: true}; // Map keyword names to token types. var keywords$1 = {}; // Succinct definitions of keyword token types function kw(name, options) { if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; options.keyword = name; return keywords$1[name] = new TokenType(name, options) } var types = { num: new TokenType("num", startsExpr), regexp: new TokenType("regexp", startsExpr), string: new TokenType("string", startsExpr), name: new TokenType("name", startsExpr), eof: new TokenType("eof"), // Punctuation token types. bracketL: new TokenType("[", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), bracketR: new TokenType("]"), braceL: new TokenType("{", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), braceR: new TokenType("}"), parenL: new TokenType("(", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), parenR: new TokenType(")"), comma: new TokenType(",", beforeExpr), semi: new TokenType(";", beforeExpr), colon: new TokenType(":", beforeExpr), dot: new TokenType("."), question: new TokenType("?", beforeExpr), arrow: new TokenType("=>", beforeExpr), template: new TokenType("template"), invalidTemplate: new TokenType("invalidTemplate"), ellipsis: new TokenType("...", beforeExpr), backQuote: new TokenType("`", startsExpr), dollarBraceL: new TokenType("${", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), // Operators. These carry several kinds of properties to help the // parser use them properly (the presence of these properties is // what categorizes them as operators). // // `binop`, when present, specifies that this operator is a binary // operator, and will refer to its precedence. // // `prefix` and `postfix` mark the operator as a prefix or postfix // unary operator. // // `isAssign` marks all of `=`, `+=`, `-=` etcetera, which act as // binary operators with a very low precedence, that should result // in AssignmentExpression nodes. eq: new TokenType("=", {beforeExpr: true, isAssign: true}), assign: new TokenType("_=", {beforeExpr: true, isAssign: true}), incDec: new TokenType("++/--", {prefix: true, postfix: true, startsExpr: true}), prefix: new TokenType("!/~", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}), logicalOR: binop("||", 1), logicalAND: binop("&&", 2), bitwiseOR: binop("|", 3), bitwiseXOR: binop("^", 4), bitwiseAND: binop("&", 5), equality: binop("==/!=/===/!==", 6), relational: binop("</>/<=/>=", 7), bitShift: binop("<</>>/>>>", 8), plusMin: new TokenType("+/-", {beforeExpr: true, binop: 9, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}), modulo: binop("%", 10), star: binop("*", 10), slash: binop("/", 10), starstar: new TokenType("**", {beforeExpr: true}), // Keyword token types. _break: kw("break"), _case: kw("case", beforeExpr), _catch: kw("catch"), _continue: kw("continue"), _debugger: kw("debugger"), _default: kw("default", beforeExpr), _do: kw("do", {isLoop: true, beforeExpr: true}), _else: kw("else", beforeExpr), _finally: kw("finally"), _for: kw("for", {isLoop: true}), _function: kw("function", startsExpr), _if: kw("if"), _return: kw("return", beforeExpr), _switch: kw("switch"), _throw: kw("throw", beforeExpr), _try: kw("try"), _var: kw("var"), _const: kw("const"), _while: kw("while", {isLoop: true}), _with: kw("with"), _new: kw("new", {beforeExpr: true, startsExpr: true}), _this: kw("this", startsExpr), _super: kw("super", startsExpr), _class: kw("class", startsExpr), _extends: kw("extends", beforeExpr), _export: kw("export"), _import: kw("import"), _null: kw("null", startsExpr), _true: kw("true", startsExpr), _false: kw("false", startsExpr), _in: kw("in", {beforeExpr: true, binop: 7}), _instanceof: kw("instanceof", {beforeExpr: true, binop: 7}), _typeof: kw("typeof", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}), _void: kw("void", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}), _delete: kw("delete", {beforeExpr: true, prefix: true, startsExpr: true}) }; // Matches a whole line break (where CRLF is considered a single // line break). Used to count lines. var lineBreak = /\r\n?|\n|\u2028|\u2029/; var lineBreakG = new RegExp(lineBreak.source, "g"); function isNewLine(code, ecma2019String) { return code === 10 || code === 13 || (!ecma2019String && (code === 0x2028 || code === 0x2029)) } var nonASCIIwhitespace = /[\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]/; var skipWhiteSpace = /(?:\s|\/\/.*|\/\*[^]*?\*\/)*/g; var ref = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = ref.hasOwnProperty; var toString = ref.toString; // Checks if an object has a property. function has(obj, propName) { return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, propName) } var isArray = Array.isArray || (function (obj) { return ( toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]" ); }); // These are used when `options.locations` is on, for the // `startLoc` and `endLoc` properties. var Position = function Position(line, col) { this.line = line; this.column = col; }; Position.prototype.offset = function offset (n) { return new Position(this.line, this.column + n) }; var SourceLocation = function SourceLocation(p, start, end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; if (p.sourceFile !== null) { this.source = p.sourceFile; } }; // The `getLineInfo` function is mostly useful when the // `locations` option is off (for performance reasons) and you // want to find the line/column position for a given character // offset. `input` should be the code string that the offset refers // into. function getLineInfo(input, offset) { for (var line = 1, cur = 0;;) { lineBreakG.lastIndex = cur; var match = lineBreakG.exec(input); if (match && match.index < offset) { ++line; cur = match.index + match[0].length; } else { return new Position(line, offset - cur) } } } // A second optional argument can be given to further configure // the parser process. These options are recognized: var defaultOptions = { // `ecmaVersion` indicates the ECMAScript version to parse. Must // be either 3, 5, 6 (2015), 7 (2016), or 8 (2017). This influences support // for strict mode, the set of reserved words, and support for // new syntax features. The default is 7. ecmaVersion: 7, // `sourceType` indicates the mode the code should be parsed in. // Can be either `"script"` or `"module"`. This influences global // strict mode and parsing of `import` and `export` declarations. sourceType: "script", // `onInsertedSemicolon` can be a callback that will be called // when a semicolon is automatically inserted. It will be passed // th position of the comma as an offset, and if `locations` is // enabled, it is given the location as a `{line, column}` object // as second argument. onInsertedSemicolon: null, // `onTrailingComma` is similar to `onInsertedSemicolon`, but for // trailing commas. onTrailingComma: null, // By default, reserved words are only enforced if ecmaVersion >= 5. // Set `allowReserved` to a boolean value to explicitly turn this on // an off. When this option has the value "never", reserved words // and keywords can also not be used as property names. allowReserved: null, // When enabled, a return at the top level is not considered an // error. allowReturnOutsideFunction: false, // When enabled, import/export statements are not constrained to // appearing at the top of the program. allowImportExportEverywhere: false, // When enabled, await identifiers are allowed to appear at the top-level scope, // but they are still not allowed in non-async functions. allowAwaitOutsideFunction: false, // When enabled, hashbang directive in the beginning of file // is allowed and treated as a line comment. allowHashBang: false, // When `locations` is on, `loc` properties holding objects with // `start` and `end` properties in `{line, column}` form (with // line being 1-based and column 0-based) will be attached to the // nodes. locations: false, // A function can be passed as `onToken` option, which will // cause Acorn to call that function with object in the same // format as tokens returned from `tokenizer().getToken()`. Note // that you are not allowed to call the parser from the // callback that will corrupt its internal state. onToken: null, // A function can be passed as `onComment` option, which will // cause Acorn to call that function with `(block, text, start, // end)` parameters whenever a comment is skipped. `block` is a // boolean indicating whether this is a block (`/* */`) comment, // `text` is the content of the comment, and `start` and `end` are // character offsets that denote the start and end of the comment. // When the `locations` option is on, two more parameters are // passed, the full `{line, column}` locations of the start and // end of the comments. Note that you are not allowed to call the // parser from the callback that will corrupt its internal state. onComment: null, // Nodes have their start and end characters offsets recorded in // `start` and `end` properties (directly on the node, rather than // the `loc` object, which holds line/column data. To also add a // [semi-standardized][range] `range` property holding a `[start, // end]` array with the same numbers, set the `ranges` option to // `true`. // // [range]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=745678 ranges: false, // It is possible to parse multiple files into a single AST by // passing the tree produced by parsing the first file as // `program` option in subsequent parses. This will add the // toplevel forms of the parsed file to the `Program` (top) node // of an existing parse tree. program: null, // When `locations` is on, you can pass this to record the source // file in every node's `loc` object. sourceFile: null, // This value, if given, is stored in every node, whether // `locations` is on or off. directSourceFile: null, // When enabled, parenthesized expressions are represented by // (non-standard) ParenthesizedExpression nodes preserveParens: false, plugins: {} }; // Interpret and default an options object function getOptions(opts) { var options = {}; for (var opt in defaultOptions) { options[opt] = opts && has(opts, opt) ? opts[opt] : defaultOptions[opt]; } if (options.ecmaVersion >= 2015) { options.ecmaVersion -= 2009; } if (options.allowReserved == null) { options.allowReserved = options.ecmaVersion < 5; } if (isArray(options.onToken)) { var tokens = options.onToken; options.onToken = function (token) { return tokens.push(token); }; } if (isArray(options.onComment)) { options.onComment = pushComment(options, options.onComment); } return options } function pushComment(options, array) { return function(block, text, start, end, startLoc, endLoc) { var comment = { type: block ? "Block" : "Line", value: text, start: start, end: end }; if (options.locations) { comment.loc = new SourceLocation(this, startLoc, endLoc); } if (options.ranges) { comment.range = [start, end]; } array.push(comment); } } // Registered plugins var plugins = {}; function keywordRegexp(words) { return new RegExp("^(?:" + words.replace(/ /g, "|") + ")$") } var Parser = function Parser(options, input, startPos) { this.options = options = getOptions(options); this.sourceFile = options.sourceFile; this.keywords = keywordRegexp(keywords[options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? 6 : 5]); var reserved = ""; if (!options.allowReserved) { for (var v = options.ecmaVersion;; v--) { if (reserved = reservedWords[v]) { break } } if (options.sourceType === "module") { reserved += " await"; } } this.reservedWords = keywordRegexp(reserved); var reservedStrict = (reserved ? reserved + " " : "") + reservedWords.strict; this.reservedWordsStrict = keywordRegexp(reservedStrict); this.reservedWordsStrictBind = keywordRegexp(reservedStrict + " " + reservedWords.strictBind); this.input = String(input); // Used to signal to callers of `readWord1` whether the word // contained any escape sequences. This is needed because words with // escape sequences must not be interpreted as keywords. this.containsEsc = false; // Load plugins this.loadPlugins(options.plugins); // Set up token state // The current position of the tokenizer in the input. if (startPos) { this.pos = startPos; this.lineStart = this.input.lastIndexOf("\n", startPos - 1) + 1; this.curLine = this.input.slice(0, this.lineStart).split(lineBreak).length; } else { this.pos = this.lineStart = 0; this.curLine = 1; } // Properties of the current token: // Its type this.type = types.eof; // For tokens that include more information than their type, the value this.value = null; // Its start and end offset this.start = this.end = this.pos; // And, if locations are used, the {line, column} object // corresponding to those offsets this.startLoc = this.endLoc = this.curPosition(); // Position information for the previous token this.lastTokEndLoc = this.lastTokStartLoc = null; this.lastTokStart = this.lastTokEnd = this.pos; // The context stack is used to superficially track syntactic // context to predict whether a regular expression is allowed in a // given position. this.context = this.initialContext(); this.exprAllowed = true; // Figure out if it's a module code. this.inModule = options.sourceType === "module"; this.strict = this.inModule || this.strictDirective(this.pos); // Used to signify the start of a potential arrow function this.potentialArrowAt = -1; // Flags to track whether we are in a function, a generator, an async function. this.inFunction = this.inGenerator = this.inAsync = false; // Positions to delayed-check that yield/await does not exist in default parameters. this.yieldPos = this.awaitPos = 0; // Labels in scope. this.labels = []; // If enabled, skip leading hashbang line. if (this.pos === 0 && options.allowHashBang && this.input.slice(0, 2) === "#!") { this.skipLineComment(2); } // Scope tracking for duplicate variable names (see scope.js) this.scopeStack = []; this.enterFunctionScope(); // For RegExp validation this.regexpState = null; }; // DEPRECATED Kept for backwards compatibility until 3.0 in case a plugin uses them Parser.prototype.isKeyword = function isKeyword (word) { return this.keywords.test(word) }; Parser.prototype.isReservedWord = function isReservedWord (word) { return this.reservedWords.test(word) }; Parser.prototype.extend = function extend (name, f) { this[name] = f(this[name]); }; Parser.prototype.loadPlugins = function loadPlugins (pluginConfigs) { var this$1 = this; for (var name in pluginConfigs) { var plugin = plugins[name]; if (!plugin) { throw new Error("Plugin '" + name + "' not found") } plugin(this$1, pluginConfigs[name]); } }; Parser.prototype.parse = function parse () { var node = this.options.program || this.startNode(); this.nextToken(); return this.parseTopLevel(node) }; var pp = Parser.prototype; // ## Parser utilities var literal = /^(?:'((?:\\.|[^'])*?)'|"((?:\\.|[^"])*?)"|;)/; pp.strictDirective = function(start) { var this$1 = this; for (;;) { skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = start; start += skipWhiteSpace.exec(this$1.input)[0].length; var match = literal.exec(this$1.input.slice(start)); if (!match) { return false } if ((match[1] || match[2]) === "use strict") { return true } start += match[0].length; } }; // Predicate that tests whether the next token is of the given // type, and if yes, consumes it as a side effect. pp.eat = function(type) { if (this.type === type) { this.next(); return true } else { return false } }; // Tests whether parsed token is a contextual keyword. pp.isContextual = function(name) { return this.type === types.name && this.value === name && !this.containsEsc }; // Consumes contextual keyword if possible. pp.eatContextual = function(name) { if (!this.isContextual(name)) { return false } this.next(); return true }; // Asserts that following token is given contextual keyword. pp.expectContextual = function(name) { if (!this.eatContextual(name)) { this.unexpected(); } }; // Test whether a semicolon can be inserted at the current position. pp.canInsertSemicolon = function() { return this.type === types.eof || this.type === types.braceR || lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) }; pp.insertSemicolon = function() { if (this.canInsertSemicolon()) { if (this.options.onInsertedSemicolon) { this.options.onInsertedSemicolon(this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc); } return true } }; // Consume a semicolon, or, failing that, see if we are allowed to // pretend that there is a semicolon at this position. pp.semicolon = function() { if (!this.eat(types.semi) && !this.insertSemicolon()) { this.unexpected(); } }; pp.afterTrailingComma = function(tokType, notNext) { if (this.type === tokType) { if (this.options.onTrailingComma) { this.options.onTrailingComma(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokStartLoc); } if (!notNext) { this.next(); } return true } }; // Expect a token of a given type. If found, consume it, otherwise, // raise an unexpected token error. pp.expect = function(type) { this.eat(type) || this.unexpected(); }; // Raise an unexpected token error. pp.unexpected = function(pos) { this.raise(pos != null ? pos : this.start, "Unexpected token"); }; function DestructuringErrors() { this.shorthandAssign = this.trailingComma = this.parenthesizedAssign = this.parenthesizedBind = this.doubleProto = -1; } pp.checkPatternErrors = function(refDestructuringErrors, isAssign) { if (!refDestructuringErrors) { return } if (refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma > -1) { this.raiseRecoverable(refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element"); } var parens = isAssign ? refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign : refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind; if (parens > -1) { this.raiseRecoverable(parens, "Parenthesized pattern"); } }; pp.checkExpressionErrors = function(refDestructuringErrors, andThrow) { if (!refDestructuringErrors) { return false } var shorthandAssign = refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign; var doubleProto = refDestructuringErrors.doubleProto; if (!andThrow) { return shorthandAssign >= 0 || doubleProto >= 0 } if (shorthandAssign >= 0) { this.raise(shorthandAssign, "Shorthand property assignments are valid only in destructuring patterns"); } if (doubleProto >= 0) { this.raiseRecoverable(doubleProto, "Redefinition of __proto__ property"); } }; pp.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams = function() { if (this.yieldPos && (!this.awaitPos || this.yieldPos < this.awaitPos)) { this.raise(this.yieldPos, "Yield expression cannot be a default value"); } if (this.awaitPos) { this.raise(this.awaitPos, "Await expression cannot be a default value"); } }; pp.isSimpleAssignTarget = function(expr) { if (expr.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") { return this.isSimpleAssignTarget(expr.expression) } return expr.type === "Identifier" || expr.type === "MemberExpression" }; var pp$1 = Parser.prototype; // ### Statement parsing // Parse a program. Initializes the parser, reads any number of // statements, and wraps them in a Program node. Optionally takes a // `program` argument. If present, the statements will be appended // to its body instead of creating a new node. pp$1.parseTopLevel = function(node) { var this$1 = this; var exports = {}; if (!node.body) { node.body = []; } while (this.type !== types.eof) { var stmt = this$1.parseStatement(true, true, exports); node.body.push(stmt); } this.adaptDirectivePrologue(node.body); this.next(); if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { node.sourceType = this.options.sourceType; } return this.finishNode(node, "Program") }; var loopLabel = {kind: "loop"}; var switchLabel = {kind: "switch"}; pp$1.isLet = function() { if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || !this.isContextual("let")) { return false } skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = this.pos; var skip = skipWhiteSpace.exec(this.input); var next = this.pos + skip[0].length, nextCh = this.input.charCodeAt(next); if (nextCh === 91 || nextCh === 123) { return true } // '{' and '[' if (isIdentifierStart(nextCh, true)) { var pos = next + 1; while (isIdentifierChar(this.input.charCodeAt(pos), true)) { ++pos; } var ident = this.input.slice(next, pos); if (!keywordRelationalOperator.test(ident)) { return true } } return false }; // check 'async [no LineTerminator here] function' // - 'async /*foo*/ function' is OK. // - 'async /*\n*/ function' is invalid. pp$1.isAsyncFunction = function() { if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 8 || !this.isContextual("async")) { return false } skipWhiteSpace.lastIndex = this.pos; var skip = skipWhiteSpace.exec(this.input); var next = this.pos + skip[0].length; return !lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.pos, next)) && this.input.slice(next, next + 8) === "function" && (next + 8 === this.input.length || !isIdentifierChar(this.input.charAt(next + 8))) }; // Parse a single statement. // // If expecting a statement and finding a slash operator, parse a // regular expression literal. This is to handle cases like // `if (foo) /blah/.exec(foo)`, where looking at the previous token // does not help. pp$1.parseStatement = function(declaration, topLevel, exports) { var starttype = this.type, node = this.startNode(), kind; if (this.isLet()) { starttype = types._var; kind = "let"; } // Most types of statements are recognized by the keyword they // start with. Many are trivial to parse, some require a bit of // complexity. switch (starttype) { case types._break: case types._continue: return this.parseBreakContinueStatement(node, starttype.keyword) case types._debugger: return this.parseDebuggerStatement(node) case types._do: return this.parseDoStatement(node) case types._for: return this.parseForStatement(node) case types._function: if (!declaration && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { this.unexpected(); } return this.parseFunctionStatement(node, false) case types._class: if (!declaration) { this.unexpected(); } return this.parseClass(node, true) case types._if: return this.parseIfStatement(node) case types._return: return this.parseReturnStatement(node) case types._switch: return this.parseSwitchStatement(node) case types._throw: return this.parseThrowStatement(node) case types._try: return this.parseTryStatement(node) case types._const: case types._var: kind = kind || this.value; if (!declaration && kind !== "var") { this.unexpected(); } return this.parseVarStatement(node, kind) case types._while: return this.parseWhileStatement(node) case types._with: return this.parseWithStatement(node) case types.braceL: return this.parseBlock() case types.semi: return this.parseEmptyStatement(node) case types._export: case types._import: if (!this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere) { if (!topLevel) { this.raise(this.start, "'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level"); } if (!this.inModule) { this.raise(this.start, "'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'"); } } return starttype === types._import ? this.parseImport(node) : this.parseExport(node, exports) // If the statement does not start with a statement keyword or a // brace, it's an ExpressionStatement or LabeledStatement. We // simply start parsing an expression, and afterwards, if the // next token is a colon and the expression was a simple // Identifier node, we switch to interpreting it as a label. default: if (this.isAsyncFunction()) { if (!declaration) { this.unexpected(); } this.next(); return this.parseFunctionStatement(node, true) } var maybeName = this.value, expr = this.parseExpression(); if (starttype === types.name && expr.type === "Identifier" && this.eat(types.colon)) { return this.parseLabeledStatement(node, maybeName, expr) } else { return this.parseExpressionStatement(node, expr) } } }; pp$1.parseBreakContinueStatement = function(node, keyword) { var this$1 = this; var isBreak = keyword === "break"; this.next(); if (this.eat(types.semi) || this.insertSemicolon()) { node.label = null; } else if (this.type !== types.name) { this.unexpected(); } else { node.label = this.parseIdent(); this.semicolon(); } // Verify that there is an actual destination to break or // continue to. var i = 0; for (; i < this.labels.length; ++i) { var lab = this$1.labels[i]; if (node.label == null || lab.name === node.label.name) { if (lab.kind != null && (isBreak || lab.kind === "loop")) { break } if (node.label && isBreak) { break } } } if (i === this.labels.length) { this.raise(node.start, "Unsyntactic " + keyword); } return this.finishNode(node, isBreak ? "BreakStatement" : "ContinueStatement") }; pp$1.parseDebuggerStatement = function(node) { this.next(); this.semicolon(); return this.finishNode(node, "DebuggerStatement") }; pp$1.parseDoStatement = function(node) { this.next(); this.labels.push(loopLabel); node.body = this.parseStatement(false); this.labels.pop(); this.expect(types._while); node.test = this.parseParenExpression(); if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { this.eat(types.semi); } else { this.semicolon(); } return this.finishNode(node, "DoWhileStatement") }; // Disambiguating between a `for` and a `for`/`in` or `for`/`of` // loop is non-trivial. Basically, we have to parse the init `var` // statement or expression, disallowing the `in` operator (see // the second parameter to `parseExpression`), and then check // whether the next token is `in` or `of`. When there is no init // part (semicolon immediately after the opening parenthesis), it // is a regular `for` loop. pp$1.parseForStatement = function(node) { this.next(); var awaitAt = (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 && (this.inAsync || (!this.inFunction && this.options.allowAwaitOutsideFunction)) && this.eatContextual("await")) ? this.lastTokStart : -1; this.labels.push(loopLabel); this.enterLexicalScope(); this.expect(types.parenL); if (this.type === types.semi) { if (awaitAt > -1) { this.unexpected(awaitAt); } return this.parseFor(node, null) } var isLet = this.isLet(); if (this.type === types._var || this.type === types._const || isLet) { var init$1 = this.startNode(), kind = isLet ? "let" : this.value; this.next(); this.parseVar(init$1, true, kind); this.finishNode(init$1, "VariableDeclaration"); if ((this.type === types._in || (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual("of"))) && init$1.declarations.length === 1 && !(kind !== "var" && init$1.declarations[0].init)) { if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9) { if (this.type === types._in) { if (awaitAt > -1) { this.unexpected(awaitAt); } } else { node.await = awaitAt > -1; } } return this.parseForIn(node, init$1) } if (awaitAt > -1) { this.unexpected(awaitAt); } return this.parseFor(node, init$1) } var refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors; var init = this.parseExpression(true, refDestructuringErrors); if (this.type === types._in || (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.isContextual("of"))) { if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9) { if (this.type === types._in) { if (awaitAt > -1) { this.unexpected(awaitAt); } } else { node.await = awaitAt > -1; } } this.toAssignable(init, false, refDestructuringErrors); this.checkLVal(init); return this.parseForIn(node, init) } else { this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true); } if (awaitAt > -1) { this.unexpected(awaitAt); } return this.parseFor(node, init) }; pp$1.parseFunctionStatement = function(node, isAsync) { this.next(); return this.parseFunction(node, true, false, isAsync) }; pp$1.parseIfStatement = function(node) { this.next(); node.test = this.parseParenExpression(); // allow function declarations in branches, but only in non-strict mode node.consequent = this.parseStatement(!this.strict && this.type === types._function); node.alternate = this.eat(types._else) ? this.parseStatement(!this.strict && this.type === types._function) : null; return this.finishNode(node, "IfStatement") }; pp$1.parseReturnStatement = function(node) { if (!this.inFunction && !this.options.allowReturnOutsideFunction) { this.raise(this.start, "'return' outside of function"); } this.next(); // In `return` (and `break`/`continue`), the keywords with // optional arguments, we eagerly look for a semicolon or the // possibility to insert one. if (this.eat(types.semi) || this.insertSemicolon()) { node.argument = null; } else { node.argument = this.parseExpression(); this.semicolon(); } return this.finishNode(node, "ReturnStatement") }; pp$1.parseSwitchStatement = function(node) { var this$1 = this; this.next(); node.discriminant = this.parseParenExpression(); node.cases = []; this.expect(types.braceL); this.labels.push(switchLabel); this.enterLexicalScope(); // Statements under must be grouped (by label) in SwitchCase // nodes. `cur` is used to keep the node that we are currently // adding statements to. var cur; for (var sawDefault = false; this.type !== types.braceR;) { if (this$1.type === types._case || this$1.type === types._default) { var isCase = this$1.type === types._case; if (cur) { this$1.finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase"); } node.cases.push(cur = this$1.startNode()); cur.consequent = []; this$1.next(); if (isCase) { cur.test = this$1.parseExpression(); } else { if (sawDefault) { this$1.raiseRecoverable(this$1.lastTokStart, "Multiple default clauses"); } sawDefault = true; cur.test = null; } this$1.expect(types.colon); } else { if (!cur) { this$1.unexpected(); } cur.consequent.push(this$1.parseStatement(true)); } } this.exitLexicalScope(); if (cur) { this.finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase"); } this.next(); // Closing brace this.labels.pop(); return this.finishNode(node, "SwitchStatement") }; pp$1.parseThrowStatement = function(node) { this.next(); if (lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start))) { this.raise(this.lastTokEnd, "Illegal newline after throw"); } node.argument = this.parseExpression(); this.semicolon(); return this.finishNode(node, "ThrowStatement") }; // Reused empty array added for node fields that are always empty. var empty = []; pp$1.parseTryStatement = function(node) { this.next(); node.block = this.parseBlock(); node.handler = null; if (this.type === types._catch) { var clause = this.startNode(); this.next(); if (this.eat(types.parenL)) { clause.param = this.parseBindingAtom(); this.enterLexicalScope(); this.checkLVal(clause.param, "let"); this.expect(types.parenR); } else { if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 10) { this.unexpected(); } clause.param = null; this.enterLexicalScope(); } clause.body = this.parseBlock(false); this.exitLexicalScope(); node.handler = this.finishNode(clause, "CatchClause"); } node.finalizer = this.eat(types._finally) ? this.parseBlock() : null; if (!node.handler && !node.finalizer) { this.raise(node.start, "Missing catch or finally clause"); } return this.finishNode(node, "TryStatement") }; pp$1.parseVarStatement = function(node, kind) { this.next(); this.parseVar(node, false, kind); this.semicolon(); return this.finishNode(node, "VariableDeclaration") }; pp$1.parseWhileStatement = function(node) { this.next(); node.test = this.parseParenExpression(); this.labels.push(loopLabel); node.body = this.parseStatement(false); this.labels.pop(); return this.finishNode(node, "WhileStatement") }; pp$1.parseWithStatement = function(node) { if (this.strict) { this.raise(this.start, "'with' in strict mode"); } this.next(); node.object = this.parseParenExpression(); node.body = this.parseStatement(false); return this.finishNode(node, "WithStatement") }; pp$1.parseEmptyStatement = function(node) { this.next(); return this.finishNode(node, "EmptyStatement") }; pp$1.parseLabeledStatement = function(node, maybeName, expr) { var this$1 = this; for (var i$1 = 0, list = this$1.labels; i$1 < list.length; i$1 += 1) { var label = list[i$1]; if (label.name === maybeName) { this$1.raise(expr.start, "Label '" + maybeName + "' is already declared"); } } var kind = this.type.isLoop ? "loop" : this.type === types._switch ? "switch" : null; for (var i = this.labels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var label$1 = this$1.labels[i]; if (label$1.statementStart === node.start) { // Update information about previous labels on this node label$1.statementStart = this$1.start; label$1.kind = kind; } else { break } } this.labels.push({name: maybeName, kind: kind, statementStart: this.start}); node.body = this.parseStatement(true); if (node.body.type === "ClassDeclaration" || node.body.type === "VariableDeclaration" && node.body.kind !== "var" || node.body.type === "FunctionDeclaration" && (this.strict || node.body.generator || node.body.async)) { this.raiseRecoverable(node.body.start, "Invalid labeled declaration"); } this.labels.pop(); node.label = expr; return this.finishNode(node, "LabeledStatement") }; pp$1.parseExpressionStatement = function(node, expr) { node.expression = expr; this.semicolon(); return this.finishNode(node, "ExpressionStatement") }; // Parse a semicolon-enclosed block of statements, handling `"use // strict"` declarations when `allowStrict` is true (used for // function bodies). pp$1.parseBlock = function(createNewLexicalScope) { var this$1 = this; if ( createNewLexicalScope === void 0 ) createNewLexicalScope = true; var node = this.startNode(); node.body = []; this.expect(types.braceL); if (createNewLexicalScope) { this.enterLexicalScope(); } while (!this.eat(types.braceR)) { var stmt = this$1.parseStatement(true); node.body.push(stmt); } if (createNewLexicalScope) { this.exitLexicalScope(); } return this.finishNode(node, "BlockStatement") }; // Parse a regular `for` loop. The disambiguation code in // `parseStatement` will already have parsed the init statement or // expression. pp$1.parseFor = function(node, init) { node.init = init; this.expect(types.semi); node.test = this.type === types.semi ? null : this.parseExpression(); this.expect(types.semi); node.update = this.type === types.parenR ? null : this.parseExpression(); this.expect(types.parenR); this.exitLexicalScope(); node.body = this.parseStatement(false); this.labels.pop(); return this.finishNode(node, "ForStatement") }; // Parse a `for`/`in` and `for`/`of` loop, which are almost // same from parser's perspective. pp$1.parseForIn = function(node, init) { var type = this.type === types._in ? "ForInStatement" : "ForOfStatement"; this.next(); if (type === "ForInStatement") { if (init.type === "AssignmentPattern" || (init.type === "VariableDeclaration" && init.declarations[0].init != null && (this.strict || init.declarations[0].id.type !== "Identifier"))) { this.raise(init.start, "Invalid assignment in for-in loop head"); } } node.left = init; node.right = type === "ForInStatement" ? this.parseExpression() : this.parseMaybeAssign(); this.expect(types.parenR); this.exitLexicalScope(); node.body = this.parseStatement(false); this.labels.pop(); return this.finishNode(node, type) }; // Parse a list of variable declarations. pp$1.parseVar = function(node, isFor, kind) { var this$1 = this; node.declarations = []; node.kind = kind; for (;;) { var decl = this$1.startNode(); this$1.parseVarId(decl, kind); if (this$1.eat(types.eq)) { decl.init = this$1.parseMaybeAssign(isFor); } else if (kind === "const" && !(this$1.type === types._in || (this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this$1.isContextual("of")))) { this$1.unexpected(); } else if (decl.id.type !== "Identifier" && !(isFor && (this$1.type === types._in || this$1.isContextual("of")))) { this$1.raise(this$1.lastTokEnd, "Complex binding patterns require an initialization value"); } else { decl.init = null; } node.declarations.push(this$1.finishNode(decl, "VariableDeclarator")); if (!this$1.eat(types.comma)) { break } } return node }; pp$1.parseVarId = function(decl, kind) { decl.id = this.parseBindingAtom(kind); this.checkLVal(decl.id, kind, false); }; // Parse a function declaration or literal (depending on the // `isStatement` parameter). pp$1.parseFunction = function(node, isStatement, allowExpressionBody, isAsync) { this.initFunction(node); if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 || this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !isAsync) { node.generator = this.eat(types.star); } if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) { node.async = !!isAsync; } if (isStatement) { node.id = isStatement === "nullableID" && this.type !== types.name ? null : this.parseIdent(); if (node.id) { this.checkLVal(node.id, this.inModule && !this.inFunction ? "let" : "var"); } } var oldInGen = this.inGenerator, oldInAsync = this.inAsync, oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, oldInFunc = this.inFunction; this.inGenerator = node.generator; this.inAsync = node.async; this.yieldPos = 0; this.awaitPos = 0; this.inFunction = true; this.enterFunctionScope(); if (!isStatement) { node.id = this.type === types.name ? this.parseIdent() : null; } this.parseFunctionParams(node); this.parseFunctionBody(node, allowExpressionBody); this.inGenerator = oldInGen; this.inAsync = oldInAsync; this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos; this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos; this.inFunction = oldInFunc; return this.finishNode(node, isStatement ? "FunctionDeclaration" : "FunctionExpression") }; pp$1.parseFunctionParams = function(node) { this.expect(types.parenL); node.params = this.parseBindingList(types.parenR, false, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8); this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(); }; // Parse a class declaration or literal (depending on the // `isStatement` parameter). pp$1.parseClass = function(node, isStatement) { var this$1 = this; this.next(); this.parseClassId(node, isStatement); this.parseClassSuper(node); var classBody = this.startNode(); var hadConstructor = false; classBody.body = []; this.expect(types.braceL); while (!this.eat(types.braceR)) { var member = this$1.parseClassMember(classBody); if (member && member.type === "MethodDefinition" && member.kind === "constructor") { if (hadConstructor) { this$1.raise(member.start, "Duplicate constructor in the same class"); } hadConstructor = true; } } node.body = this.finishNode(classBody, "ClassBody"); return this.finishNode(node, isStatement ? "ClassDeclaration" : "ClassExpression") }; pp$1.parseClassMember = function(classBody) { var this$1 = this; if (this.eat(types.semi)) { return null } var method = this.startNode(); var tryContextual = function (k, noLineBreak) { if ( noLineBreak === void 0 ) noLineBreak = false; var start = this$1.start, startLoc = this$1.startLoc; if (!this$1.eatContextual(k)) { return false } if (this$1.type !== types.parenL && (!noLineBreak || !this$1.canInsertSemicolon())) { return true } if (method.key) { this$1.unexpected(); } method.computed = false; method.key = this$1.startNodeAt(start, startLoc); method.key.name = k; this$1.finishNode(method.key, "Identifier"); return false }; method.kind = "method"; method.static = tryContextual("static"); var isGenerator = this.eat(types.star); var isAsync = false; if (!isGenerator) { if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && tryContextual("async", true)) { isAsync = true; isGenerator = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 && this.eat(types.star); } else if (tryContextual("get")) { method.kind = "get"; } else if (tryContextual("set")) { method.kind = "set"; } } if (!method.key) { this.parsePropertyName(method); } var key = method.key; if (!method.computed && !method.static && (key.type === "Identifier" && key.name === "constructor" || key.type === "Literal" && key.value === "constructor")) { if (method.kind !== "method") { this.raise(key.start, "Constructor can't have get/set modifier"); } if (isGenerator) { this.raise(key.start, "Constructor can't be a generator"); } if (isAsync) { this.raise(key.start, "Constructor can't be an async method"); } method.kind = "constructor"; } else if (method.static && key.type === "Identifier" && key.name === "prototype") { this.raise(key.start, "Classes may not have a static property named prototype"); } this.parseClassMethod(classBody, method, isGenerator, isAsync); if (method.kind === "get" && method.value.params.length !== 0) { this.raiseRecoverable(method.value.start, "getter should have no params"); } if (method.kind === "set" && method.value.params.length !== 1) { this.raiseRecoverable(method.value.start, "setter should have exactly one param"); } if (method.kind === "set" && method.value.params[0].type === "RestElement") { this.raiseRecoverable(method.value.params[0].start, "Setter cannot use rest params"); } return method }; pp$1.parseClassMethod = function(classBody, method, isGenerator, isAsync) { method.value = this.parseMethod(isGenerator, isAsync); classBody.body.push(this.finishNode(method, "MethodDefinition")); }; pp$1.parseClassId = function(node, isStatement) { node.id = this.type === types.name ? this.parseIdent() : isStatement === true ? this.unexpected() : null; }; pp$1.parseClassSuper = function(node) { node.superClass = this.eat(types._extends) ? this.parseExprSubscripts() : null; }; // Parses module export declaration. pp$1.parseExport = function(node, exports) { var this$1 = this; this.next(); // export * from '...' if (this.eat(types.star)) { this.expectContextual("from"); if (this.type !== types.string) { this.unexpected(); } node.source = this.parseExprAtom(); this.semicolon(); return this.finishNode(node, "ExportAllDeclaration") } if (this.eat(types._default)) { // export default ... this.checkExport(exports, "default", this.lastTokStart); var isAsync; if (this.type === types._function || (isAsync = this.isAsyncFunction())) { var fNode = this.startNode(); this.next(); if (isAsync) { this.next(); } node.declaration = this.parseFunction(fNode, "nullableID", false, isAsync); } else if (this.type === types._class) { var cNode = this.startNode(); node.declaration = this.parseClass(cNode, "nullableID"); } else { node.declaration = this.parseMaybeAssign(); this.semicolon(); } return this.finishNode(node, "ExportDefaultDeclaration") } // export var|const|let|function|class ... if (this.shouldParseExportStatement()) { node.declaration = this.parseStatement(true); if (node.declaration.type === "VariableDeclaration") { this.checkVariableExport(exports, node.declaration.declarations); } else { this.checkExport(exports, node.declaration.id.name, node.declaration.id.start); } node.specifiers = []; node.source = null; } else { // export { x, y as z } [from '...'] node.declaration = null; node.specifiers = this.parseExportSpecifiers(exports); if (this.eatContextual("from")) { if (this.type !== types.string) { this.unexpected(); } node.source = this.parseExprAtom(); } else { // check for keywords used as local names for (var i = 0, list = node.specifiers; i < list.length; i += 1) { var spec = list[i]; this$1.checkUnreserved(spec.local); } node.source = null; } this.semicolon(); } return this.finishNode(node, "ExportNamedDeclaration") }; pp$1.checkExport = function(exports, name, pos) { if (!exports) { return } if (has(exports, name)) { this.raiseRecoverable(pos, "Duplicate export '" + name + "'"); } exports[name] = true; }; pp$1.checkPatternExport = function(exports, pat) { var this$1 = this; var type = pat.type; if (type === "Identifier") { this.checkExport(exports, pat.name, pat.start); } else if (type === "ObjectPattern") { for (var i = 0, list = pat.properties; i < list.length; i += 1) { var prop = list[i]; this$1.checkPatternExport(exports, prop); } } else if (type === "ArrayPattern") { for (var i$1 = 0, list$1 = pat.elements; i$1 < list$1.length; i$1 += 1) { var elt = list$1[i$1]; if (elt) { this$1.checkPatternExport(exports, elt); } } } else if (type === "Property") { this.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.value); } else if (type === "AssignmentPattern") { this.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.left); } else if (type === "RestElement") { this.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.argument); } else if (type === "ParenthesizedExpression") { this.checkPatternExport(exports, pat.expression); } }; pp$1.checkVariableExport = function(exports, decls) { var this$1 = this; if (!exports) { return } for (var i = 0, list = decls; i < list.length; i += 1) { var decl = list[i]; this$1.checkPatternExport(exports, decl.id); } }; pp$1.shouldParseExportStatement = function() { return this.type.keyword === "var" || this.type.keyword === "const" || this.type.keyword === "class" || this.type.keyword === "function" || this.isLet() || this.isAsyncFunction() }; // Parses a comma-separated list of module exports. pp$1.parseExportSpecifiers = function(exports) { var this$1 = this; var nodes = [], first = true; // export { x, y as z } [from '...'] this.expect(types.braceL); while (!this.eat(types.braceR)) { if (!first) { this$1.expect(types.comma); if (this$1.afterTrailingComma(types.braceR)) { break } } else { first = false; } var node = this$1.startNode(); node.local = this$1.parseIdent(true); node.exported = this$1.eatContextual("as") ? this$1.parseIdent(true) : node.local; this$1.checkExport(exports, node.exported.name, node.exported.start); nodes.push(this$1.finishNode(node, "ExportSpecifier")); } return nodes }; // Parses import declaration. pp$1.parseImport = function(node) { this.next(); // import '...' if (this.type === types.string) { node.specifiers = empty; node.source = this.parseExprAtom(); } else { node.specifiers = this.parseImportSpecifiers(); this.expectContextual("from"); node.source = this.type === types.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.unexpected(); } this.semicolon(); return this.finishNode(node, "ImportDeclaration") }; // Parses a comma-separated list of module imports. pp$1.parseImportSpecifiers = function() { var this$1 = this; var nodes = [], first = true; if (this.type === types.name) { // import defaultObj, { x, y as z } from '...' var node = this.startNode(); node.local = this.parseIdent(); this.checkLVal(node.local, "let"); nodes.push(this.finishNode(node, "ImportDefaultSpecifier")); if (!this.eat(types.comma)) { return nodes } } if (this.type === types.star) { var node$1 = this.startNode(); this.next(); this.expectContextual("as"); node$1.local = this.parseIdent(); this.checkLVal(node$1.local, "let"); nodes.push(this.finishNode(node$1, "ImportNamespaceSpecifier")); return nodes } this.expect(types.braceL); while (!this.eat(types.braceR)) { if (!first) { this$1.expect(types.comma); if (this$1.afterTrailingComma(types.braceR)) { break } } else { first = false; } var node$2 = this$1.startNode(); node$2.imported = this$1.parseIdent(true); if (this$1.eatContextual("as")) { node$2.local = this$1.parseIdent(); } else { this$1.checkUnreserved(node$2.imported); node$2.local = node$2.imported; } this$1.checkLVal(node$2.local, "let"); nodes.push(this$1.finishNode(node$2, "ImportSpecifier")); } return nodes }; // Set `ExpressionStatement#directive` property for directive prologues. pp$1.adaptDirectivePrologue = function(statements) { for (var i = 0; i < statements.length && this.isDirectiveCandidate(statements[i]); ++i) { statements[i].directive = statements[i].expression.raw.slice(1, -1); } }; pp$1.isDirectiveCandidate = function(statement) { return ( statement.type === "ExpressionStatement" && statement.expression.type === "Literal" && typeof statement.expression.value === "string" && // Reject parenthesized strings. (this.input[statement.start] === "\"" || this.input[statement.start] === "'") ) }; var pp$2 = Parser.prototype; // Convert existing expression atom to assignable pattern // if possible. pp$2.toAssignable = function(node, isBinding, refDestructuringErrors) { var this$1 = this; if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && node) { switch (node.type) { case "Identifier": if (this.inAsync && node.name === "await") { this.raise(node.start, "Can not use 'await' as identifier inside an async function"); } break case "ObjectPattern": case "ArrayPattern": case "RestElement": break case "ObjectExpression": node.type = "ObjectPattern"; if (refDestructuringErrors) { this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true); } for (var i = 0, list = node.properties; i < list.length; i += 1) { var prop = list[i]; this$1.toAssignable(prop, isBinding); // Early error: // AssignmentRestProperty[Yield, Await] : // `...` DestructuringAssignmentTarget[Yield, Await] // // It is a Syntax Error if |DestructuringAssignmentTarget| is an |ArrayLiteral| or an |ObjectLiteral|. if ( prop.type === "RestElement" && (prop.argument.type === "ArrayPattern" || prop.argument.type === "ObjectPattern") ) { this$1.raise(prop.argument.start, "Unexpected token"); } } break case "Property": // AssignmentProperty has type === "Property" if (node.kind !== "init") { this.raise(node.key.start, "Object pattern can't contain getter or setter"); } this.toAssignable(node.value, isBinding); break case "ArrayExpression": node.type = "ArrayPattern"; if (refDestructuringErrors) { this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true); } this.toAssignableList(node.elements, isBinding); break case "SpreadElement": node.type = "RestElement"; this.toAssignable(node.argument, isBinding); if (node.argument.type === "AssignmentPattern") { this.raise(node.argument.start, "Rest elements cannot have a default value"); } break case "AssignmentExpression": if (node.operator !== "=") { this.raise(node.left.end, "Only '=' operator can be used for specifying default value."); } node.type = "AssignmentPattern"; delete node.operator; this.toAssignable(node.left, isBinding); // falls through to AssignmentPattern case "AssignmentPattern": break case "ParenthesizedExpression": this.toAssignable(node.expression, isBinding); break case "MemberExpression": if (!isBinding) { break } default: this.raise(node.start, "Assigning to rvalue"); } } else if (refDestructuringErrors) { this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true); } return node }; // Convert list of expression atoms to binding list. pp$2.toAssignableList = function(exprList, isBinding) { var this$1 = this; var end = exprList.length; for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) { var elt = exprList[i]; if (elt) { this$1.toAssignable(elt, isBinding); } } if (end) { var last = exprList[end - 1]; if (this.options.ecmaVersion === 6 && isBinding && last && last.type === "RestElement" && last.argument.type !== "Identifier") { this.unexpected(last.argument.start); } } return exprList }; // Parses spread element. pp$2.parseSpread = function(refDestructuringErrors) { var node = this.startNode(); this.next(); node.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors); return this.finishNode(node, "SpreadElement") }; pp$2.parseRestBinding = function() { var node = this.startNode(); this.next(); // RestElement inside of a function parameter must be an identifier if (this.options.ecmaVersion === 6 && this.type !== types.name) { this.unexpected(); } node.argument = this.parseBindingAtom(); return this.finishNode(node, "RestElement") }; // Parses lvalue (assignable) atom. pp$2.parseBindingAtom = function() { if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { switch (this.type) { case types.bracketL: var node = this.startNode(); this.next(); node.elements = this.parseBindingList(types.bracketR, true, true); return this.finishNode(node, "ArrayPattern") case types.braceL: return this.parseObj(true) } } return this.parseIdent() }; pp$2.parseBindingList = function(close, allowEmpty, allowTrailingComma) { var this$1 = this; var elts = [], first = true; while (!this.eat(close)) { if (first) { first = false; } else { this$1.expect(types.comma); } if (allowEmpty && this$1.type === types.comma) { elts.push(null); } else if (allowTrailingComma && this$1.afterTrailingComma(close)) { break } else if (this$1.type === types.ellipsis) { var rest = this$1.parseRestBinding(); this$1.parseBindingListItem(rest); elts.push(rest); if (this$1.type === types.comma) { this$1.raise(this$1.start, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element"); } this$1.expect(close); break } else { var elem = this$1.parseMaybeDefault(this$1.start, this$1.startLoc); this$1.parseBindingListItem(elem); elts.push(elem); } } return elts }; pp$2.parseBindingListItem = function(param) { return param }; // Parses assignment pattern around given atom if possible. pp$2.parseMaybeDefault = function(startPos, startLoc, left) { left = left || this.parseBindingAtom(); if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 || !this.eat(types.eq)) { return left } var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); node.left = left; node.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(); return this.finishNode(node, "AssignmentPattern") }; // Verify that a node is an lval  something that can be assigned // to. // bindingType can be either: // 'var' indicating that the lval creates a 'var' binding // 'let' indicating that the lval creates a lexical ('let' or 'const') binding // 'none' indicating that the binding should be checked for illegal identifiers, but not for duplicate references pp$2.checkLVal = function(expr, bindingType, checkClashes) { var this$1 = this; switch (expr.type) { case "Identifier": if (this.strict && this.reservedWordsStrictBind.test(expr.name)) { this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, (bindingType ? "Binding " : "Assigning to ") + expr.name + " in strict mode"); } if (checkClashes) { if (has(checkClashes, expr.name)) { this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, "Argument name clash"); } checkClashes[expr.name] = true; } if (bindingType && bindingType !== "none") { if ( bindingType === "var" && !this.canDeclareVarName(expr.name) || bindingType !== "var" && !this.canDeclareLexicalName(expr.name) ) { this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, ("Identifier '" + (expr.name) + "' has already been declared")); } if (bindingType === "var") { this.declareVarName(expr.name); } else { this.declareLexicalName(expr.name); } } break case "MemberExpression": if (bindingType) { this.raiseRecoverable(expr.start, "Binding member expression"); } break case "ObjectPattern": for (var i = 0, list = expr.properties; i < list.length; i += 1) { var prop = list[i]; this$1.checkLVal(prop, bindingType, checkClashes); } break case "Property": // AssignmentProperty has type === "Property" this.checkLVal(expr.value, bindingType, checkClashes); break case "ArrayPattern": for (var i$1 = 0, list$1 = expr.elements; i$1 < list$1.length; i$1 += 1) { var elem = list$1[i$1]; if (elem) { this$1.checkLVal(elem, bindingType, checkClashes); } } break case "AssignmentPattern": this.checkLVal(expr.left, bindingType, checkClashes); break case "RestElement": this.checkLVal(expr.argument, bindingType, checkClashes); break case "ParenthesizedExpression": this.checkLVal(expr.expression, bindingType, checkClashes); break default: this.raise(expr.start, (bindingType ? "Binding" : "Assigning to") + " rvalue"); } }; // A recursive descent parser operates by defining functions for all // syntactic elements, and recursively calling those, each function // advancing the input stream and returning an AST node. Precedence // of constructs (for example, the fact that `!x[1]` means `!(x[1])` // instead of `(!x)[1]` is handled by the fact that the parser // function that parses unary prefix operators is called first, and // in turn calls the function that parses `[]` subscripts  that // way, it'll receive the node for `x[1]` already parsed, and wraps // *that* in the unary operator node. // // Acorn uses an [operator precedence parser][opp] to handle binary // operator precedence, because it is much more compact than using // the technique outlined above, which uses different, nesting // functions to specify precedence, for all of the ten binary // precedence levels that JavaScript defines. // // [opp]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operator-precedence_parser var pp$3 = Parser.prototype; // Check if property name clashes with already added. // Object/class getters and setters are not allowed to clash  // either with each other or with an init property  and in // strict mode, init properties are also not allowed to be repeated. pp$3.checkPropClash = function(prop, propHash, refDestructuringErrors) { if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 && prop.type === "SpreadElement") { return } if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (prop.computed || prop.method || prop.shorthand)) { return } var key = prop.key; var name; switch (key.type) { case "Identifier": name = key.name; break case "Literal": name = String(key.value); break default: return } var kind = prop.kind; if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { if (name === "__proto__" && kind === "init") { if (propHash.proto) { if (refDestructuringErrors && refDestructuringErrors.doubleProto < 0) { refDestructuringErrors.doubleProto = key.start; } // Backwards-compat kludge. Can be removed in version 6.0 else { this.raiseRecoverable(key.start, "Redefinition of __proto__ property"); } } propHash.proto = true; } return } name = "$" + name; var other = propHash[name]; if (other) { var redefinition; if (kind === "init") { redefinition = this.strict && other.init || other.get || other.set; } else { redefinition = other.init || other[kind]; } if (redefinition) { this.raiseRecoverable(key.start, "Redefinition of property"); } } else { other = propHash[name] = { init: false, get: false, set: false }; } other[kind] = true; }; // ### Expression parsing // These nest, from the most general expression type at the top to // 'atomic', nondivisible expression types at the bottom. Most of // the functions will simply let the function(s) below them parse, // and, *if* the syntactic construct they handle is present, wrap // the AST node that the inner parser gave them in another node. // Parse a full expression. The optional arguments are used to // forbid the `in` operator (in for loops initalization expressions) // and provide reference for storing '=' operator inside shorthand // property assignment in contexts where both object expression // and object pattern might appear (so it's possible to raise // delayed syntax error at correct position). pp$3.parseExpression = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) { var this$1 = this; var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc; var expr = this.parseMaybeAssign(noIn, refDestructuringErrors); if (this.type === types.comma) { var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); node.expressions = [expr]; while (this.eat(types.comma)) { node.expressions.push(this$1.parseMaybeAssign(noIn, refDestructuringErrors)); } return this.finishNode(node, "SequenceExpression") } return expr }; // Parse an assignment expression. This includes applications of // operators like `+=`. pp$3.parseMaybeAssign = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors, afterLeftParse) { if (this.inGenerator && this.isContextual("yield")) { return this.parseYield() } var ownDestructuringErrors = false, oldParenAssign = -1, oldTrailingComma = -1; if (refDestructuringErrors) { oldParenAssign = refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign; oldTrailingComma = refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma; refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = -1; } else { refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors; ownDestructuringErrors = true; } var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc; if (this.type === types.parenL || this.type === types.name) { this.potentialArrowAt = this.start; } var left = this.parseMaybeConditional(noIn, refDestructuringErrors); if (afterLeftParse) { left = afterLeftParse.call(this, left, startPos, startLoc); } if (this.type.isAssign) { var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); node.operator = this.value; node.left = this.type === types.eq ? this.toAssignable(left, false, refDestructuringErrors) : left; if (!ownDestructuringErrors) { DestructuringErrors.call(refDestructuringErrors); } refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign = -1; // reset because shorthand default was used correctly this.checkLVal(left); this.next(); node.right = this.parseMaybeAssign(noIn); return this.finishNode(node, "AssignmentExpression") } else { if (ownDestructuringErrors) { this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true); } } if (oldParenAssign > -1) { refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = oldParenAssign; } if (oldTrailingComma > -1) { refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = oldTrailingComma; } return left }; // Parse a ternary conditional (`?:`) operator. pp$3.parseMaybeConditional = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) { var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc; var expr = this.parseExprOps(noIn, refDestructuringErrors); if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors)) { return expr } if (this.eat(types.question)) { var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); node.test = expr; node.consequent = this.parseMaybeAssign(); this.expect(types.colon); node.alternate = this.parseMaybeAssign(noIn); return this.finishNode(node, "ConditionalExpression") } return expr }; // Start the precedence parser. pp$3.parseExprOps = function(noIn, refDestructuringErrors) { var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc; var expr = this.parseMaybeUnary(refDestructuringErrors, false); if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors)) { return expr } return expr.start === startPos && expr.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" ? expr : this.parseExprOp(expr, startPos, startLoc, -1, noIn) }; // Parse binary operators with the operator precedence parsing // algorithm. `left` is the left-hand side of the operator. // `minPrec` provides context that allows the function to stop and // defer further parser to one of its callers when it encounters an // operator that has a lower precedence than the set it is parsing. pp$3.parseExprOp = function(left, leftStartPos, leftStartLoc, minPrec, noIn) { var prec = this.type.binop; if (prec != null && (!noIn || this.type !== types._in)) { if (prec > minPrec) { var logical = this.type === types.logicalOR || this.type === types.logicalAND; var op = this.value; this.next(); var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc; var right = this.parseExprOp(this.parseMaybeUnary(null, false), startPos, startLoc, prec, noIn); var node = this.buildBinary(leftStartPos, leftStartLoc, left, right, op, logical); return this.parseExprOp(node, leftStartPos, leftStartLoc, minPrec, noIn) } } return left }; pp$3.buildBinary = function(startPos, startLoc, left, right, op, logical) { var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); node.left = left; node.operator = op; node.right = right; return this.finishNode(node, logical ? "LogicalExpression" : "BinaryExpression") }; // Parse unary operators, both prefix and postfix. pp$3.parseMaybeUnary = function(refDestructuringErrors, sawUnary) { var this$1 = this; var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc, expr; if (this.isContextual("await") && (this.inAsync || (!this.inFunction && this.options.allowAwaitOutsideFunction))) { expr = this.parseAwait(); sawUnary = true; } else if (this.type.prefix) { var node = this.startNode(), update = this.type === types.incDec; node.operator = this.value; node.prefix = true; this.next(); node.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(null, true); this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true); if (update) { this.checkLVal(node.argument); } else if (this.strict && node.operator === "delete" && node.argument.type === "Identifier") { this.raiseRecoverable(node.start, "Deleting local variable in strict mode"); } else { sawUnary = true; } expr = this.finishNode(node, update ? "UpdateExpression" : "UnaryExpression"); } else { expr = this.parseExprSubscripts(refDestructuringErrors); if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors)) { return expr } while (this.type.postfix && !this.canInsertSemicolon()) { var node$1 = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); node$1.operator = this$1.value; node$1.prefix = false; node$1.argument = expr; this$1.checkLVal(expr); this$1.next(); expr = this$1.finishNode(node$1, "UpdateExpression"); } } if (!sawUnary && this.eat(types.starstar)) { return this.buildBinary(startPos, startLoc, expr, this.parseMaybeUnary(null, false), "**", false) } else { return expr } }; // Parse call, dot, and `[]`-subscript expressions. pp$3.parseExprSubscripts = function(refDestructuringErrors) { var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc; var expr = this.parseExprAtom(refDestructuringErrors); var skipArrowSubscripts = expr.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && this.input.slice(this.lastTokStart, this.lastTokEnd) !== ")"; if (this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors) || skipArrowSubscripts) { return expr } var result = this.parseSubscripts(expr, startPos, startLoc); if (refDestructuringErrors && result.type === "MemberExpression") { if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign >= result.start) { refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = -1; } if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind >= result.start) { refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind = -1; } } return result }; pp$3.parseSubscripts = function(base, startPos, startLoc, noCalls) { var this$1 = this; var maybeAsyncArrow = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && base.type === "Identifier" && base.name === "async" && this.lastTokEnd === base.end && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && this.input.slice(base.start, base.end) === "async"; for (var computed = (void 0);;) { if ((computed = this$1.eat(types.bracketL)) || this$1.eat(types.dot)) { var node = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); node.object = base; node.property = computed ? this$1.parseExpression() : this$1.parseIdent(true); node.computed = !!computed; if (computed) { this$1.expect(types.bracketR); } base = this$1.finishNode(node, "MemberExpression"); } else if (!noCalls && this$1.eat(types.parenL)) { var refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors, oldYieldPos = this$1.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this$1.awaitPos; this$1.yieldPos = 0; this$1.awaitPos = 0; var exprList = this$1.parseExprList(types.parenR, this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, false, refDestructuringErrors); if (maybeAsyncArrow && !this$1.canInsertSemicolon() && this$1.eat(types.arrow)) { this$1.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, false); this$1.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(); this$1.yieldPos = oldYieldPos; this$1.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos; return this$1.parseArrowExpression(this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), exprList, true) } this$1.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true); this$1.yieldPos = oldYieldPos || this$1.yieldPos; this$1.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos || this$1.awaitPos; var node$1 = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); node$1.callee = base; node$1.arguments = exprList; base = this$1.finishNode(node$1, "CallExpression"); } else if (this$1.type === types.backQuote) { var node$2 = this$1.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); node$2.tag = base; node$2.quasi = this$1.parseTemplate({isTagged: true}); base = this$1.finishNode(node$2, "TaggedTemplateExpression"); } else { return base } } }; // Parse an atomic expression  either a single token that is an // expression, an expression started by a keyword like `function` or // `new`, or an expression wrapped in punctuation like `()`, `[]`, // or `{}`. pp$3.parseExprAtom = function(refDestructuringErrors) { var node, canBeArrow = this.potentialArrowAt === this.start; switch (this.type) { case types._super: if (!this.inFunction) { this.raise(this.start, "'super' outside of function or class"); } node = this.startNode(); this.next(); // The `super` keyword can appear at below: // SuperProperty: // super [ Expression ] // super . IdentifierName // SuperCall: // super Arguments if (this.type !== types.dot && this.type !== types.bracketL && this.type !== types.parenL) { this.unexpected(); } return this.finishNode(node, "Super") case types._this: node = this.startNode(); this.next(); return this.finishNode(node, "ThisExpression") case types.name: var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc, containsEsc = this.containsEsc; var id = this.parseIdent(this.type !== types.name); if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && !containsEsc && id.name === "async" && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && this.eat(types._function)) { return this.parseFunction(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), false, false, true) } if (canBeArrow && !this.canInsertSemicolon()) { if (this.eat(types.arrow)) { return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), [id], false) } if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && id.name === "async" && this.type === types.name && !containsEsc) { id = this.parseIdent(); if (this.canInsertSemicolon() || !this.eat(types.arrow)) { this.unexpected(); } return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), [id], true) } } return id case types.regexp: var value = this.value; node = this.parseLiteral(value.value); node.regex = {pattern: value.pattern, flags: value.flags}; return node case types.num: case types.string: return this.parseLiteral(this.value) case types._null: case types._true: case types._false: node = this.startNode(); node.value = this.type === types._null ? null : this.type === types._true; node.raw = this.type.keyword; this.next(); return this.finishNode(node, "Literal") case types.parenL: var start = this.start, expr = this.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression(canBeArrow); if (refDestructuringErrors) { if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign < 0 && !this.isSimpleAssignTarget(expr)) { refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = start; } if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind < 0) { refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind = start; } } return expr case types.bracketL: node = this.startNode(); this.next(); node.elements = this.parseExprList(types.bracketR, true, true, refDestructuringErrors); return this.finishNode(node, "ArrayExpression") case types.braceL: return this.parseObj(false, refDestructuringErrors) case types._function: node = this.startNode(); this.next(); return this.parseFunction(node, false) case types._class: return this.parseClass(this.startNode(), false) case types._new: return this.parseNew() case types.backQuote: return this.parseTemplate() default: this.unexpected(); } }; pp$3.parseLiteral = function(value) { var node = this.startNode(); node.value = value; node.raw = this.input.slice(this.start, this.end); this.next(); return this.finishNode(node, "Literal") }; pp$3.parseParenExpression = function() { this.expect(types.parenL); var val = this.parseExpression(); this.expect(types.parenR); return val }; pp$3.parseParenAndDistinguishExpression = function(canBeArrow) { var this$1 = this; var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc, val, allowTrailingComma = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8; if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { this.next(); var innerStartPos = this.start, innerStartLoc = this.startLoc; var exprList = [], first = true, lastIsComma = false; var refDestructuringErrors = new DestructuringErrors, oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, spreadStart; this.yieldPos = 0; this.awaitPos = 0; while (this.type !== types.parenR) { first ? first = false : this$1.expect(types.comma); if (allowTrailingComma && this$1.afterTrailingComma(types.parenR, true)) { lastIsComma = true; break } else if (this$1.type === types.ellipsis) { spreadStart = this$1.start; exprList.push(this$1.parseParenItem(this$1.parseRestBinding())); if (this$1.type === types.comma) { this$1.raise(this$1.start, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element"); } break } else { exprList.push(this$1.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors, this$1.parseParenItem)); } } var innerEndPos = this.start, innerEndLoc = this.startLoc; this.expect(types.parenR); if (canBeArrow && !this.canInsertSemicolon() && this.eat(types.arrow)) { this.checkPatternErrors(refDestructuringErrors, false); this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(); this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos; this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos; return this.parseParenArrowList(startPos, startLoc, exprList) } if (!exprList.length || lastIsComma) { this.unexpected(this.lastTokStart); } if (spreadStart) { this.unexpected(spreadStart); } this.checkExpressionErrors(refDestructuringErrors, true); this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos || this.yieldPos; this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos || this.awaitPos; if (exprList.length > 1) { val = this.startNodeAt(innerStartPos, innerStartLoc); val.expressions = exprList; this.finishNodeAt(val, "SequenceExpression", innerEndPos, innerEndLoc); } else { val = exprList[0]; } } else { val = this.parseParenExpression(); } if (this.options.preserveParens) { var par = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc); par.expression = val; return this.finishNode(par, "ParenthesizedExpression") } else { return val } }; pp$3.parseParenItem = function(item) { return item }; pp$3.parseParenArrowList = function(startPos, startLoc, exprList) { return this.parseArrowExpression(this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc), exprList) }; // New's precedence is slightly tricky. It must allow its argument to // be a `[]` or dot subscript expression, but not a call  at least, // not without wrapping it in parentheses. Thus, it uses the noCalls // argument to parseSubscripts to prevent it from consuming the // argument list. var empty$1 = []; pp$3.parseNew = function() { var node = this.startNode(); var meta = this.parseIdent(true); if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.eat(types.dot)) { node.meta = meta; var containsEsc = this.containsEsc; node.property = this.parseIdent(true); if (node.property.name !== "target" || containsEsc) { this.raiseRecoverable(node.property.start, "The only valid meta property for new is new.target"); } if (!this.inFunction) { this.raiseRecoverable(node.start, "new.target can only be used in functions"); } return this.finishNode(node, "MetaProperty") } var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc; node.callee = this.parseSubscripts(this.parseExprAtom(), startPos, startLoc, true); if (this.eat(types.parenL)) { node.arguments = this.parseExprList(types.parenR, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8, false); } else { node.arguments = empty$1; } return this.finishNode(node, "NewExpression") }; // Parse template expression. pp$3.parseTemplateElement = function(ref) { var isTagged = ref.isTagged; var elem = this.startNode(); if (this.type === types.invalidTemplate) { if (!isTagged) { this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, "Bad escape sequence in untagged template literal"); } elem.value = { raw: this.value, cooked: null }; } else { elem.value = { raw: this.input.slice(this.start, this.end).replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"), cooked: this.value }; } this.next(); elem.tail = this.type === types.backQuote; return this.finishNode(elem, "TemplateElement") }; pp$3.parseTemplate = function(ref) { var this$1 = this; if ( ref === void 0 ) ref = {}; var isTagged = ref.isTagged; if ( isTagged === void 0 ) isTagged = false; var node = this.startNode(); this.next(); node.expressions = []; var curElt = this.parseTemplateElement({isTagged: isTagged}); node.quasis = [curElt]; while (!curElt.tail) { this$1.expect(types.dollarBraceL); node.expressions.push(this$1.parseExpression()); this$1.expect(types.braceR); node.quasis.push(curElt = this$1.parseTemplateElement({isTagged: isTagged})); } this.next(); return this.finishNode(node, "TemplateLiteral") }; pp$3.isAsyncProp = function(prop) { return !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier" && prop.key.name === "async" && (this.type === types.name || this.type === types.num || this.type === types.string || this.type === types.bracketL || this.type.keyword || (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 && this.type === types.star)) && !lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) }; // Parse an object literal or binding pattern. pp$3.parseObj = function(isPattern, refDestructuringErrors) { var this$1 = this; var node = this.startNode(), first = true, propHash = {}; node.properties = []; this.next(); while (!this.eat(types.braceR)) { if (!first) { this$1.expect(types.comma); if (this$1.afterTrailingComma(types.braceR)) { break } } else { first = false; } var prop = this$1.parseProperty(isPattern, refDestructuringErrors); if (!isPattern) { this$1.checkPropClash(prop, propHash, refDestructuringErrors); } node.properties.push(prop); } return this.finishNode(node, isPattern ? "ObjectPattern" : "ObjectExpression") }; pp$3.parseProperty = function(isPattern, refDestructuringErrors) { var prop = this.startNode(), isGenerator, isAsync, startPos, startLoc; if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 && this.eat(types.ellipsis)) { if (isPattern) { prop.argument = this.parseIdent(false); if (this.type === types.comma) { this.raise(this.start, "Comma is not permitted after the rest element"); } return this.finishNode(prop, "RestElement") } // To disallow parenthesized identifier via `this.toAssignable()`. if (this.type === types.parenL && refDestructuringErrors) { if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign < 0) { refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedAssign = this.start; } if (refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind < 0) { refDestructuringErrors.parenthesizedBind = this.start; } } // Parse argument. prop.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors); // To disallow trailing comma via `this.toAssignable()`. if (this.type === types.comma && refDestructuringErrors && refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma < 0) { refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = this.start; } // Finish return this.finishNode(prop, "SpreadElement") } if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { prop.method = false; prop.shorthand = false; if (isPattern || refDestructuringErrors) { startPos = this.start; startLoc = this.startLoc; } if (!isPattern) { isGenerator = this.eat(types.star); } } var containsEsc = this.containsEsc; this.parsePropertyName(prop); if (!isPattern && !containsEsc && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8 && !isGenerator && this.isAsyncProp(prop)) { isAsync = true; isGenerator = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 && this.eat(types.star); this.parsePropertyName(prop, refDestructuringErrors); } else { isAsync = false; } this.parsePropertyValue(prop, isPattern, isGenerator, isAsync, startPos, startLoc, refDestructuringErrors, containsEsc); return this.finishNode(prop, "Property") }; pp$3.parsePropertyValue = function(prop, isPattern, isGenerator, isAsync, startPos, startLoc, refDestructuringErrors, containsEsc) { if ((isGenerator || isAsync) && this.type === types.colon) { this.unexpected(); } if (this.eat(types.colon)) { prop.value = isPattern ? this.parseMaybeDefault(this.start, this.startLoc) : this.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors); prop.kind = "init"; } else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && this.type === types.parenL) { if (isPattern) { this.unexpected(); } prop.kind = "init"; prop.method = true; prop.value = this.parseMethod(isGenerator, isAsync); } else if (!isPattern && !containsEsc && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier" && (prop.key.name === "get" || prop.key.name === "set") && (this.type !== types.comma && this.type !== types.braceR)) { if (isGenerator || isAsync) { this.unexpected(); } prop.kind = prop.key.name; this.parsePropertyName(prop); prop.value = this.parseMethod(false); var paramCount = prop.kind === "get" ? 0 : 1; if (prop.value.params.length !== paramCount) { var start = prop.value.start; if (prop.kind === "get") { this.raiseRecoverable(start, "getter should have no params"); } else { this.raiseRecoverable(start, "setter should have exactly one param"); } } else { if (prop.kind === "set" && prop.value.params[0].type === "RestElement") { this.raiseRecoverable(prop.value.params[0].start, "Setter cannot use rest params"); } } } else if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier") { this.checkUnreserved(prop.key); prop.kind = "init"; if (isPattern) { prop.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(startPos, startLoc, prop.key); } else if (this.type === types.eq && refDestructuringErrors) { if (refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign < 0) { refDestructuringErrors.shorthandAssign = this.start; } prop.value = this.parseMaybeDefault(startPos, startLoc, prop.key); } else { prop.value = prop.key; } prop.shorthand = true; } else { this.unexpected(); } }; pp$3.parsePropertyName = function(prop) { if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { if (this.eat(types.bracketL)) { prop.computed = true; prop.key = this.parseMaybeAssign(); this.expect(types.bracketR); return prop.key } else { prop.computed = false; } } return prop.key = this.type === types.num || this.type === types.string ? this.parseExprAtom() : this.parseIdent(true) }; // Initialize empty function node. pp$3.initFunction = function(node) { node.id = null; if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { node.generator = false; node.expression = false; } if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) { node.async = false; } }; // Parse object or class method. pp$3.parseMethod = function(isGenerator, isAsync) { var node = this.startNode(), oldInGen = this.inGenerator, oldInAsync = this.inAsync, oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, oldInFunc = this.inFunction; this.initFunction(node); if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { node.generator = isGenerator; } if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) { node.async = !!isAsync; } this.inGenerator = node.generator; this.inAsync = node.async; this.yieldPos = 0; this.awaitPos = 0; this.inFunction = true; this.enterFunctionScope(); this.expect(types.parenL); node.params = this.parseBindingList(types.parenR, false, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8); this.checkYieldAwaitInDefaultParams(); this.parseFunctionBody(node, false); this.inGenerator = oldInGen; this.inAsync = oldInAsync; this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos; this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos; this.inFunction = oldInFunc; return this.finishNode(node, "FunctionExpression") }; // Parse arrow function expression with given parameters. pp$3.parseArrowExpression = function(node, params, isAsync) { var oldInGen = this.inGenerator, oldInAsync = this.inAsync, oldYieldPos = this.yieldPos, oldAwaitPos = this.awaitPos, oldInFunc = this.inFunction; this.enterFunctionScope(); this.initFunction(node); if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 8) { node.async = !!isAsync; } this.inGenerator = false; this.inAsync = node.async; this.yieldPos = 0; this.awaitPos = 0; this.inFunction = true; node.params = this.toAssignableList(params, true); this.parseFunctionBody(node, true); this.inGenerator = oldInGen; this.inAsync = oldInAsync; this.yieldPos = oldYieldPos; this.awaitPos = oldAwaitPos; this.inFunction = oldInFunc; return this.finishNode(node, "ArrowFunctionExpression") }; // Parse function body and check parameters. pp$3.parseFunctionBody = function(node, isArrowFunction) { var isExpression = isArrowFunction && this.type !== types.braceL; var oldStrict = this.strict, useStrict = false; if (isExpression) { node.body = this.parseMaybeAssign(); node.expression = true; this.checkParams(node, false); } else { var nonSimple = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && !this.isSimpleParamList(node.params); if (!oldStrict || nonSimple) { useStrict = this.strictDirective(this.end); // If this is a strict mode function, verify that argument names // are not repeated, and it does not try to bind the words `eval` // or `arguments`. if (useStrict && nonSimple) { this.raiseRecoverable(node.start, "Illegal 'use strict' directive in function with non-simple parameter list"); } } // Start a new scope with regard to labels and the `inFunction` // flag (restore them to their old value afterwards). var oldLabels = this.labels; this.labels = []; if (useStrict) { this.strict = true; } // Add the params to varDeclaredNames to ensure that an error is thrown // if a let/const declaration in the function clashes with one of the params. this.checkParams(node, !oldStrict && !useStrict && !isArrowFunction && this.isSimpleParamList(node.params)); node.body = this.parseBlock(false); node.expression = false; this.adaptDirectivePrologue(node.body.body); this.labels = oldLabels; } this.exitFunctionScope(); if (this.strict && node.id) { // Ensure the function name isn't a forbidden identifier in strict mode, e.g. 'eval' this.checkLVal(node.id, "none"); } this.strict = oldStrict; }; pp$3.isSimpleParamList = function(params) { for (var i = 0, list = params; i < list.length; i += 1) { var param = list[i]; if (param.type !== "Identifier") { return false } } return true }; // Checks function params for various disallowed patterns such as using "eval" // or "arguments" and duplicate parameters. pp$3.checkParams = function(node, allowDuplicates) { var this$1 = this; var nameHash = {}; for (var i = 0, list = node.params; i < list.length; i += 1) { var param = list[i]; this$1.checkLVal(param, "var", allowDuplicates ? null : nameHash); } }; // Parses a comma-separated list of expressions, and returns them as // an array. `close` is the token type that ends the list, and // `allowEmpty` can be turned on to allow subsequent commas with // nothing in between them to be parsed as `null` (which is needed // for array literals). pp$3.parseExprList = function(close, allowTrailingComma, allowEmpty, refDestructuringErrors) { var this$1 = this; var elts = [], first = true; while (!this.eat(close)) { if (!first) { this$1.expect(types.comma); if (allowTrailingComma && this$1.afterTrailingComma(close)) { break } } else { first = false; } var elt = (void 0); if (allowEmpty && this$1.type === types.comma) { elt = null; } else if (this$1.type === types.ellipsis) { elt = this$1.parseSpread(refDestructuringErrors); if (refDestructuringErrors && this$1.type === types.comma && refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma < 0) { refDestructuringErrors.trailingComma = this$1.start; } } else { elt = this$1.parseMaybeAssign(false, refDestructuringErrors); } elts.push(elt); } return elts }; pp$3.checkUnreserved = function(ref) { var start = ref.start; var end = ref.end; var name = ref.name; if (this.inGenerator && name === "yield") { this.raiseRecoverable(start, "Can not use 'yield' as identifier inside a generator"); } if (this.inAsync && name === "await") { this.raiseRecoverable(start, "Can not use 'await' as identifier inside an async function"); } if (this.isKeyword(name)) { this.raise(start, ("Unexpected keyword '" + name + "'")); } if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6 && this.input.slice(start, end).indexOf("\\") !== -1) { return } var re = this.strict ? this.reservedWordsStrict : this.reservedWords; if (re.test(name)) { if (!this.inAsync && name === "await") { this.raiseRecoverable(start, "Can not use keyword 'await' outside an async function"); } this.raiseRecoverable(start, ("The keyword '" + name + "' is reserved")); } }; // Parse the next token as an identifier. If `liberal` is true (used // when parsing properties), it will also convert keywords into // identifiers. pp$3.parseIdent = function(liberal, isBinding) { var node = this.startNode(); if (liberal && this.options.allowReserved === "never") { liberal = false; } if (this.type === types.name) { node.name = this.value; } else if (this.type.keyword) { node.name = this.type.keyword; // To fix https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/issues/575 // `class` and `function` keywords push new context into this.context. // But there is no chance to pop the context if the keyword is consumed as an identifier such as a property name. // If the previous token is a dot, this does not apply because the context-managing code already ignored the keyword if ((node.name === "class" || node.name === "function") && (this.lastTokEnd !== this.lastTokStart + 1 || this.input.charCodeAt(this.lastTokStart) !== 46)) { this.context.pop(); } } else { this.unexpected(); } this.next(); this.finishNode(node, "Identifier"); if (!liberal) { this.checkUnreserved(node); } return node }; // Parses yield expression inside generator. pp$3.parseYield = function() { if (!this.yieldPos) { this.yieldPos = this.start; } var node = this.startNode(); this.next(); if (this.type === types.semi || this.canInsertSemicolon() || (this.type !== types.star && !this.type.startsExpr)) { node.delegate = false; node.argument = null; } else { node.delegate = this.eat(types.star); node.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign(); } return this.finishNode(node, "YieldExpression") }; pp$3.parseAwait = function() { if (!this.awaitPos) { this.awaitPos = this.start; } var node = this.startNode(); this.next(); node.argument = this.parseMaybeUnary(null, true); return this.finishNode(node, "AwaitExpression") }; var pp$4 = Parser.prototype; // This function is used to raise exceptions on parse errors. It // takes an offset integer (into the current `input`) to indicate // the location of the error, attaches the position to the end // of the error message, and then raises a `SyntaxError` with that // message. pp$4.raise = function(pos, message) { var loc = getLineInfo(this.input, pos); message += " (" + loc.line + ":" + loc.column + ")"; var err = new SyntaxError(message); err.pos = pos; err.loc = loc; err.raisedAt = this.pos; throw err }; pp$4.raiseRecoverable = pp$4.raise; pp$4.curPosition = function() { if (this.options.locations) { return new Position(this.curLine, this.pos - this.lineStart) } }; var pp$5 = Parser.prototype; // Object.assign polyfill var assign = Object.assign || function(target) { var sources = [], len = arguments.length - 1; while ( len-- > 0 ) sources[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ]; for (var i = 0, list = sources; i < list.length; i += 1) { var source = list[i]; for (var key in source) { if (has(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target }; // The functions in this module keep track of declared variables in the current scope in order to detect duplicate variable names. pp$5.enterFunctionScope = function() { // var: a hash of var-declared names in the current lexical scope // lexical: a hash of lexically-declared names in the current lexical scope // childVar: a hash of var-declared names in all child lexical scopes of the current lexical scope (within the current function scope) // parentLexical: a hash of lexically-declared names in all parent lexical scopes of the current lexical scope (within the current function scope) this.scopeStack.push({var: {}, lexical: {}, childVar: {}, parentLexical: {}}); }; pp$5.exitFunctionScope = function() { this.scopeStack.pop(); }; pp$5.enterLexicalScope = function() { var parentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1]; var childScope = {var: {}, lexical: {}, childVar: {}, parentLexical: {}}; this.scopeStack.push(childScope); assign(childScope.parentLexical, parentScope.lexical, parentScope.parentLexical); }; pp$5.exitLexicalScope = function() { var childScope = this.scopeStack.pop(); var parentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1]; assign(parentScope.childVar, childScope.var, childScope.childVar); }; /** * A name can be declared with `var` if there are no variables with the same name declared with `let`/`const` * in the current lexical scope or any of the parent lexical scopes in this function. */ pp$5.canDeclareVarName = function(name) { var currentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1]; return !has(currentScope.lexical, name) && !has(currentScope.parentLexical, name) }; /** * A name can be declared with `let`/`const` if there are no variables with the same name declared with `let`/`const` * in the current scope, and there are no variables with the same name declared with `var` in the current scope or in * any child lexical scopes in this function. */ pp$5.canDeclareLexicalName = function(name) { var currentScope = this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1]; return !has(currentScope.lexical, name) && !has(currentScope.var, name) && !has(currentScope.childVar, name) }; pp$5.declareVarName = function(name) { this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1].var[name] = true; }; pp$5.declareLexicalName = function(name) { this.scopeStack[this.scopeStack.length - 1].lexical[name] = true; }; var Node = function Node(parser, pos, loc) { this.type = ""; this.start = pos; this.end = 0; if (parser.options.locations) { this.loc = new SourceLocation(parser, loc); } if (parser.options.directSourceFile) { this.sourceFile = parser.options.directSourceFile; } if (parser.options.ranges) { this.range = [pos, 0]; } }; // Start an AST node, attaching a start offset. var pp$6 = Parser.prototype; pp$6.startNode = function() { return new Node(this, this.start, this.startLoc) }; pp$6.startNodeAt = function(pos, loc) { return new Node(this, pos, loc) }; // Finish an AST node, adding `type` and `end` properties. function finishNodeAt(node, type, pos, loc) { node.type = type; node.end = pos; if (this.options.locations) { node.loc.end = loc; } if (this.options.ranges) { node.range[1] = pos; } return node } pp$6.finishNode = function(node, type) { return finishNodeAt.call(this, node, type, this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc) }; // Finish node at given position pp$6.finishNodeAt = function(node, type, pos, loc) { return finishNodeAt.call(this, node, type, pos, loc) }; // The algorithm used to determine whether a regexp can appear at a // given point in the program is loosely based on sweet.js' approach. // See https://github.com/mozilla/sweet.js/wiki/design var TokContext = function TokContext(token, isExpr, preserveSpace, override, generator) { this.token = token; this.isExpr = !!isExpr; this.preserveSpace = !!preserveSpace; this.override = override; this.generator = !!generator; }; var types$1 = { b_stat: new TokContext("{", false), b_expr: new TokContext("{", true), b_tmpl: new TokContext("${", false), p_stat: new TokContext("(", false), p_expr: new TokContext("(", true), q_tmpl: new TokContext("`", true, true, function (p) { return p.tryReadTemplateToken(); }), f_stat: new TokContext("function", false), f_expr: new TokContext("function", true), f_expr_gen: new TokContext("function", true, false, null, true), f_gen: new TokContext("function", false, false, null, true) }; var pp$7 = Parser.prototype; pp$7.initialContext = function() { return [types$1.b_stat] }; pp$7.braceIsBlock = function(prevType) { var parent = this.curContext(); if (parent === types$1.f_expr || parent === types$1.f_stat) { return true } if (prevType === types.colon && (parent === types$1.b_stat || parent === types$1.b_expr)) { return !parent.isExpr } // The check for `tt.name && exprAllowed` detects whether we are // after a `yield` or `of` construct. See the `updateContext` for // `tt.name`. if (prevType === types._return || prevType === types.name && this.exprAllowed) { return lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.start)) } if (prevType === types._else || prevType === types.semi || prevType === types.eof || prevType === types.parenR || prevType === types.arrow) { return true } if (prevType === types.braceL) { return parent === types$1.b_stat } if (prevType === types._var || prevType === types.name) { return false } return !this.exprAllowed }; pp$7.inGeneratorContext = function() { var this$1 = this; for (var i = this.context.length - 1; i >= 1; i--) { var context = this$1.context[i]; if (context.token === "function") { return context.generator } } return false }; pp$7.updateContext = function(prevType) { var update, type = this.type; if (type.keyword && prevType === types.dot) { this.exprAllowed = false; } else if (update = type.updateContext) { update.call(this, prevType); } else { this.exprAllowed = type.beforeExpr; } }; // Token-specific context update code types.parenR.updateContext = types.braceR.updateContext = function() { if (this.context.length === 1) { this.exprAllowed = true; return } var out = this.context.pop(); if (out === types$1.b_stat && this.curContext().token === "function") { out = this.context.pop(); } this.exprAllowed = !out.isExpr; }; types.braceL.updateContext = function(prevType) { this.context.push(this.braceIsBlock(prevType) ? types$1.b_stat : types$1.b_expr); this.exprAllowed = true; }; types.dollarBraceL.updateContext = function() { this.context.push(types$1.b_tmpl); this.exprAllowed = true; }; types.parenL.updateContext = function(prevType) { var statementParens = prevType === types._if || prevType === types._for || prevType === types._with || prevType === types._while; this.context.push(statementParens ? types$1.p_stat : types$1.p_expr); this.exprAllowed = true; }; types.incDec.updateContext = function() { // tokExprAllowed stays unchanged }; types._function.updateContext = types._class.updateContext = function(prevType) { if (prevType.beforeExpr && prevType !== types.semi && prevType !== types._else && !((prevType === types.colon || prevType === types.braceL) && this.curContext() === types$1.b_stat)) { this.context.push(types$1.f_expr); } else { this.context.push(types$1.f_stat); } this.exprAllowed = false; }; types.backQuote.updateContext = function() { if (this.curContext() === types$1.q_tmpl) { this.context.pop(); } else { this.context.push(types$1.q_tmpl); } this.exprAllowed = false; }; types.star.updateContext = function(prevType) { if (prevType === types._function) { var index = this.context.length - 1; if (this.context[index] === types$1.f_expr) { this.context[index] = types$1.f_expr_gen; } else { this.context[index] = types$1.f_gen; } } this.exprAllowed = true; }; types.name.updateContext = function(prevType) { var allowed = false; if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { if (this.value === "of" && !this.exprAllowed || this.value === "yield" && this.inGeneratorContext()) { allowed = true; } } this.exprAllowed = allowed; }; var data = { "$LONE": [ "ASCII", "ASCII_Hex_Digit", "AHex", "Alphabetic", "Alpha", "Any", "Assigned", "Bidi_Control", "Bidi_C", "Bidi_Mirrored", "Bidi_M", "Case_Ignorable", "CI", "Cased", "Changes_When_Casefolded", "CWCF", "Changes_When_Casemapped", "CWCM", "Changes_When_Lowercased", "CWL", "Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded", "CWKCF", "Changes_When_Titlecased", "CWT", "Changes_When_Uppercased", "CWU", "Dash", "Default_Ignorable_Code_Point", "DI", "Deprecated", "Dep", "Diacritic", "Dia", "Emoji", "Emoji_Component", "Emoji_Modifier", "Emoji_Modifier_Base", "Emoji_Presentation", "Extender", "Ext", "Grapheme_Base", "Gr_Base", "Grapheme_Extend", "Gr_Ext", "Hex_Digit", "Hex", "IDS_Binary_Operator", "IDSB", "IDS_Trinary_Operator", "IDST", "ID_Continue", "IDC", "ID_Start", "IDS", "Ideographic", "Ideo", "Join_Control", "Join_C", "Logical_Order_Exception", "LOE", "Lowercase", "Lower", "Math", "Noncharacter_Code_Point", "NChar", "Pattern_Syntax", "Pat_Syn", "Pattern_White_Space", "Pat_WS", "Quotation_Mark", "QMark", "Radical", "Regional_Indicator", "RI", "Sentence_Terminal", "STerm", "Soft_Dotted", "SD", "Terminal_Punctuation", "Term", "Unified_Ideograph", "UIdeo", "Uppercase", "Upper", "Variation_Selector", "VS", "White_Space", "space", "XID_Continue", "XIDC", "XID_Start", "XIDS" ], "General_Category": [ "Cased_Letter", "LC", "Close_Punctuation", "Pe", "Connector_Punctuation", "Pc", "Control", "Cc", "cntrl", "Currency_Symbol", "Sc", "Dash_Punctuation", "Pd", "Decimal_Number", "Nd", "digit", "Enclosing_Mark", "Me", "Final_Punctuation", "Pf", "Format", "Cf", "Initial_Punctuation", "Pi", "Letter", "L", "Letter_Number", "Nl", "Line_Separator", "Zl", "Lowercase_Letter", "Ll", "Mark", "M", "Combining_Mark", "Math_Symbol", "Sm", "Modifier_Letter", "Lm", "Modifier_Symbol", "Sk", "Nonspacing_Mark", "Mn", "Number", "N", "Open_Punctuation", "Ps", "Other", "C", "Other_Letter", "Lo", "Other_Number", "No", "Other_Punctuation", "Po", "Other_Symbol", "So", "Paragraph_Separator", "Zp", "Private_Use", "Co", "Punctuation", "P", "punct", "Separator", "Z", "Space_Separator", "Zs", "Spacing_Mark", "Mc", "Surrogate", "Cs", "Symbol", "S", "Titlecase_Letter", "Lt", "Unassigned", "Cn", "Uppercase_Letter", "Lu" ], "Script": [ "Adlam", "Adlm", "Ahom", "Anatolian_Hieroglyphs", "Hluw", "Arabic", "Arab", "Armenian", "Armn", "Avestan", "Avst", "Balinese", "Bali", "Bamum", "Bamu", "Bassa_Vah", "Bass", "Batak", "Batk", "Bengali", "Beng", "Bhaiksuki", "Bhks", "Bopomofo", "Bopo", "Brahmi", "Brah", "Braille", "Brai", "Buginese", "Bugi", "Buhid", "Buhd", "Canadian_Aboriginal", "Cans", "Carian", "Cari", "Caucasian_Albanian", "Aghb", "Chakma", "Cakm", "Cham", "Cherokee", "Cher", "Common", "Zyyy", "Coptic", "Copt", "Qaac", "Cuneiform", "Xsux", "Cypriot", "Cprt", "Cyrillic", "Cyrl", "Deseret", "Dsrt", "Devanagari", "Deva", "Duployan", "Dupl", "Egyptian_Hieroglyphs", "Egyp", "Elbasan", "Elba", "Ethiopic", "Ethi", "Georgian", "Geor", "Glagolitic", "Glag", "Gothic", "Goth", "Grantha", "Gran", "Greek", "Grek", "Gujarati", "Gujr", "Gurmukhi", "Guru", "Han", "Hani", "Hangul", "Hang", "Hanunoo", "Hano", "Hatran", "Hatr", "Hebrew", "Hebr", "Hiragana", "Hira", "Imperial_Aramaic", "Armi", "Inherited", "Zinh", "Qaai", "Inscriptional_Pahlavi", "Phli", "Inscriptional_Parthian", "Prti", "Javanese", "Java", "Kaithi", "Kthi", "Kannada", "Knda", "Katakana", "Kana", "Kayah_Li", "Kali", "Kharoshthi", "Khar", "Khmer", "Khmr", "Khojki", "Khoj", "Khudawadi", "Sind", "Lao", "Laoo", "Latin", "Latn", "Lepcha", "Lepc", "Limbu", "Limb", "Linear_A", "Lina", "Linear_B", "Linb", "Lisu", "Lycian", "Lyci", "Lydian", "Lydi", "Mahajani", "Mahj", "Malayalam", "Mlym", "Mandaic", "Mand", "Manichaean", "Mani", "Marchen", "Marc", "Masaram_Gondi", "Gonm", "Meetei_Mayek", "Mtei", "Mende_Kikakui", "Mend", "Meroitic_Cursive", "Merc", "Meroitic_Hieroglyphs", "Mero", "Miao", "Plrd", "Modi", "Mongolian", "Mong", "Mro", "Mroo", "Multani", "Mult", "Myanmar", "Mymr", "Nabataean", "Nbat", "New_Tai_Lue", "Talu", "Newa", "Nko", "Nkoo", "Nushu", "Nshu", "Ogham", "Ogam", "Ol_Chiki", "Olck", "Old_Hungarian", "Hung", "Old_Italic", "Ital", "Old_North_Arabian", "Narb", "Old_Permic", "Perm", "Old_Persian", "Xpeo", "Old_South_Arabian", "Sarb", "Old_Turkic", "Orkh", "Oriya", "Orya", "Osage", "Osge", "Osmanya", "Osma", "Pahawh_Hmong", "Hmng", "Palmyrene", "Palm", "Pau_Cin_Hau", "Pauc", "Phags_Pa", "Phag", "Phoenician", "Phnx", "Psalter_Pahlavi", "Phlp", "Rejang", "Rjng", "Runic", "Runr", "Samaritan", "Samr", "Saurashtra", "Saur", "Sharada", "Shrd", "Shavian", "Shaw", "Siddham", "Sidd", "SignWriting", "Sgnw", "Sinhala", "Sinh", "Sora_Sompeng", "Sora", "Soyombo", "Soyo", "Sundanese", "Sund", "Syloti_Nagri", "Sylo", "Syriac", "Syrc", "Tagalog", "Tglg", "Tagbanwa", "Tagb", "Tai_Le", "Tale", "Tai_Tham", "Lana", "Tai_Viet", "Tavt", "Takri", "Takr", "Tamil", "Taml", "Tangut", "Tang", "Telugu", "Telu", "Thaana", "Thaa", "Thai", "Tibetan", "Tibt", "Tifinagh", "Tfng", "Tirhuta", "Tirh", "Ugaritic", "Ugar", "Vai", "Vaii", "Warang_Citi", "Wara", "Yi", "Yiii", "Zanabazar_Square", "Zanb" ] }; Array.prototype.push.apply(data.$LONE, data.General_Category); data.gc = data.General_Category; data.sc = data.Script_Extensions = data.scx = data.Script; var pp$9 = Parser.prototype; var RegExpValidationState = function RegExpValidationState(parser) { this.parser = parser; this.validFlags = "gim" + (parser.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? "uy" : "") + (parser.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 ? "s" : ""); this.source = ""; this.flags = ""; this.start = 0; this.switchU = false; this.switchN = false; this.pos = 0; this.lastIntValue = 0; this.lastStringValue = ""; this.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable = false; this.numCapturingParens = 0; this.maxBackReference = 0; this.groupNames = []; this.backReferenceNames = []; }; RegExpValidationState.prototype.reset = function reset (start, pattern, flags) { var unicode = flags.indexOf("u") !== -1; this.start = start | 0; this.source = pattern + ""; this.flags = flags; this.switchU = unicode && this.parser.options.ecmaVersion >= 6; this.switchN = unicode && this.parser.options.ecmaVersion >= 9; }; RegExpValidationState.prototype.raise = function raise (message) { this.parser.raiseRecoverable(this.start, ("Invalid regular expression: /" + (this.source) + "/: " + message)); }; // If u flag is given, this returns the code point at the index (it combines a surrogate pair). // Otherwise, this returns the code unit of the index (can be a part of a surrogate pair). RegExpValidationState.prototype.at = function at (i) { var s = this.source; var l = s.length; if (i >= l) { return -1 } var c = s.charCodeAt(i); if (!this.switchU || c <= 0xD7FF || c >= 0xE000 || i + 1 >= l) { return c } return (c << 10) + s.charCodeAt(i + 1) - 0x35FDC00 }; RegExpValidationState.prototype.nextIndex = function nextIndex (i) { var s = this.source; var l = s.length; if (i >= l) { return l } var c = s.charCodeAt(i); if (!this.switchU || c <= 0xD7FF || c >= 0xE000 || i + 1 >= l) { return i + 1 } return i + 2 }; RegExpValidationState.prototype.current = function current () { return this.at(this.pos) }; RegExpValidationState.prototype.lookahead = function lookahead () { return this.at(this.nextIndex(this.pos)) }; RegExpValidationState.prototype.advance = function advance () { this.pos = this.nextIndex(this.pos); }; RegExpValidationState.prototype.eat = function eat (ch) { if (this.current() === ch) { this.advance(); return true } return false }; function codePointToString$1(ch) { if (ch <= 0xFFFF) { return String.fromCharCode(ch) } ch -= 0x10000; return String.fromCharCode((ch >> 10) + 0xD800, (ch & 0x03FF) + 0xDC00) } /** * Validate the flags part of a given RegExpLiteral. * * @param {RegExpValidationState} state The state to validate RegExp. * @returns {void} */ pp$9.validateRegExpFlags = function(state) { var this$1 = this; var validFlags = state.validFlags; var flags = state.flags; for (var i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) { var flag = flags.charAt(i); if (validFlags.indexOf(flag) === -1) { this$1.raise(state.start, "Invalid regular expression flag"); } if (flags.indexOf(flag, i + 1) > -1) { this$1.raise(state.start, "Duplicate regular expression flag"); } } }; /** * Validate the pattern part of a given RegExpLiteral. * * @param {RegExpValidationState} state The state to validate RegExp. * @returns {void} */ pp$9.validateRegExpPattern = function(state) { this.regexp_pattern(state); // The goal symbol for the parse is |Pattern[~U, ~N]|. If the result of // parsing contains a |GroupName|, reparse with the goal symbol // |Pattern[~U, +N]| and use this result instead. Throw a *SyntaxError* // exception if _P_ did not conform to the grammar, if any elements of _P_ // were not matched by the parse, or if any Early Error conditions exist. if (!state.switchN && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 && state.groupNames.length > 0) { state.switchN = true; this.regexp_pattern(state); } }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-Pattern pp$9.regexp_pattern = function(state) { state.pos = 0; state.lastIntValue = 0; state.lastStringValue = ""; state.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable = false; state.numCapturingParens = 0; state.maxBackReference = 0; state.groupNames.length = 0; state.backReferenceNames.length = 0; this.regexp_disjunction(state); if (state.pos !== state.source.length) { // Make the same messages as V8. if (state.eat(0x29 /* ) */)) { state.raise("Unmatched ')'"); } if (state.eat(0x5D /* [ */) || state.eat(0x7D /* } */)) { state.raise("Lone quantifier brackets"); } } if (state.maxBackReference > state.numCapturingParens) { state.raise("Invalid escape"); } for (var i = 0, list = state.backReferenceNames; i < list.length; i += 1) { var name = list[i]; if (state.groupNames.indexOf(name) === -1) { state.raise("Invalid named capture referenced"); } } }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-Disjunction pp$9.regexp_disjunction = function(state) { var this$1 = this; this.regexp_alternative(state); while (state.eat(0x7C /* | */)) { this$1.regexp_alternative(state); } // Make the same message as V8. if (this.regexp_eatQuantifier(state, true)) { state.raise("Nothing to repeat"); } if (state.eat(0x7B /* { */)) { state.raise("Lone quantifier brackets"); } }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-Alternative pp$9.regexp_alternative = function(state) { while (state.pos < state.source.length && this.regexp_eatTerm(state)) { } }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-Term pp$9.regexp_eatTerm = function(state) { if (this.regexp_eatAssertion(state)) { // Handle `QuantifiableAssertion Quantifier` alternative. // `state.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable` is true if the last eaten Assertion // is a QuantifiableAssertion. if (state.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable && this.regexp_eatQuantifier(state)) { // Make the same message as V8. if (state.switchU) { state.raise("Invalid quantifier"); } } return true } if (state.switchU ? this.regexp_eatAtom(state) : this.regexp_eatExtendedAtom(state)) { this.regexp_eatQuantifier(state); return true } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-Assertion pp$9.regexp_eatAssertion = function(state) { var start = state.pos; state.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable = false; // ^, $ if (state.eat(0x5E /* ^ */) || state.eat(0x24 /* $ */)) { return true } // \b \B if (state.eat(0x5C /* \ */)) { if (state.eat(0x42 /* B */) || state.eat(0x62 /* b */)) { return true } state.pos = start; } // Lookahead / Lookbehind if (state.eat(0x28 /* ( */) && state.eat(0x3F /* ? */)) { var lookbehind = false; if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9) { lookbehind = state.eat(0x3C /* < */); } if (state.eat(0x3D /* = */) || state.eat(0x21 /* ! */)) { this.regexp_disjunction(state); if (!state.eat(0x29 /* ) */)) { state.raise("Unterminated group"); } state.lastAssertionIsQuantifiable = !lookbehind; return true } } state.pos = start; return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-Quantifier pp$9.regexp_eatQuantifier = function(state, noError) { if ( noError === void 0 ) noError = false; if (this.regexp_eatQuantifierPrefix(state, noError)) { state.eat(0x3F /* ? */); return true } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-QuantifierPrefix pp$9.regexp_eatQuantifierPrefix = function(state, noError) { return ( state.eat(0x2A /* * */) || state.eat(0x2B /* + */) || state.eat(0x3F /* ? */) || this.regexp_eatBracedQuantifier(state, noError) ) }; pp$9.regexp_eatBracedQuantifier = function(state, noError) { var start = state.pos; if (state.eat(0x7B /* { */)) { var min = 0, max = -1; if (this.regexp_eatDecimalDigits(state)) { min = state.lastIntValue; if (state.eat(0x2C /* , */) && this.regexp_eatDecimalDigits(state)) { max = state.lastIntValue; } if (state.eat(0x7D /* } */)) { // SyntaxError in https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#sec-term if (max !== -1 && max < min && !noError) { state.raise("numbers out of order in {} quantifier"); } return true } } if (state.switchU && !noError) { state.raise("Incomplete quantifier"); } state.pos = start; } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-Atom pp$9.regexp_eatAtom = function(state) { return ( this.regexp_eatPatternCharacters(state) || state.eat(0x2E /* . */) || this.regexp_eatReverseSolidusAtomEscape(state) || this.regexp_eatCharacterClass(state) || this.regexp_eatUncapturingGroup(state) || this.regexp_eatCapturingGroup(state) ) }; pp$9.regexp_eatReverseSolidusAtomEscape = function(state) { var start = state.pos; if (state.eat(0x5C /* \ */)) { if (this.regexp_eatAtomEscape(state)) { return true } state.pos = start; } return false }; pp$9.regexp_eatUncapturingGroup = function(state) { var start = state.pos; if (state.eat(0x28 /* ( */)) { if (state.eat(0x3F /* ? */) && state.eat(0x3A /* : */)) { this.regexp_disjunction(state); if (state.eat(0x29 /* ) */)) { return true } state.raise("Unterminated group"); } state.pos = start; } return false }; pp$9.regexp_eatCapturingGroup = function(state) { if (state.eat(0x28 /* ( */)) { if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9) { this.regexp_groupSpecifier(state); } else if (state.current() === 0x3F /* ? */) { state.raise("Invalid group"); } this.regexp_disjunction(state); if (state.eat(0x29 /* ) */)) { state.numCapturingParens += 1; return true } state.raise("Unterminated group"); } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-ExtendedAtom pp$9.regexp_eatExtendedAtom = function(state) { return ( state.eat(0x2E /* . */) || this.regexp_eatReverseSolidusAtomEscape(state) || this.regexp_eatCharacterClass(state) || this.regexp_eatUncapturingGroup(state) || this.regexp_eatCapturingGroup(state) || this.regexp_eatInvalidBracedQuantifier(state) || this.regexp_eatExtendedPatternCharacter(state) ) }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-InvalidBracedQuantifier pp$9.regexp_eatInvalidBracedQuantifier = function(state) { if (this.regexp_eatBracedQuantifier(state, true)) { state.raise("Nothing to repeat"); } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-SyntaxCharacter pp$9.regexp_eatSyntaxCharacter = function(state) { var ch = state.current(); if (isSyntaxCharacter(ch)) { state.lastIntValue = ch; state.advance(); return true } return false }; function isSyntaxCharacter(ch) { return ( ch === 0x24 /* $ */ || ch >= 0x28 /* ( */ && ch <= 0x2B /* + */ || ch === 0x2E /* . */ || ch === 0x3F /* ? */ || ch >= 0x5B /* [ */ && ch <= 0x5E /* ^ */ || ch >= 0x7B /* { */ && ch <= 0x7D /* } */ ) } // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-PatternCharacter // But eat eager. pp$9.regexp_eatPatternCharacters = function(state) { var start = state.pos; var ch = 0; while ((ch = state.current()) !== -1 && !isSyntaxCharacter(ch)) { state.advance(); } return state.pos !== start }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-ExtendedPatternCharacter pp$9.regexp_eatExtendedPatternCharacter = function(state) { var ch = state.current(); if ( ch !== -1 && ch !== 0x24 /* $ */ && !(ch >= 0x28 /* ( */ && ch <= 0x2B /* + */) && ch !== 0x2E /* . */ && ch !== 0x3F /* ? */ && ch !== 0x5B /* [ */ && ch !== 0x5E /* ^ */ && ch !== 0x7C /* | */ ) { state.advance(); return true } return false }; // GroupSpecifier[U] :: // [empty] // `?` GroupName[?U] pp$9.regexp_groupSpecifier = function(state) { if (state.eat(0x3F /* ? */)) { if (this.regexp_eatGroupName(state)) { if (state.groupNames.indexOf(state.lastStringValue) !== -1) { state.raise("Duplicate capture group name"); } state.groupNames.push(state.lastStringValue); return } state.raise("Invalid group"); } }; // GroupName[U] :: // `<` RegExpIdentifierName[?U] `>` // Note: this updates `state.lastStringValue` property with the eaten name. pp$9.regexp_eatGroupName = function(state) { state.lastStringValue = ""; if (state.eat(0x3C /* < */)) { if (this.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierName(state) && state.eat(0x3E /* > */)) { return true } state.raise("Invalid capture group name"); } return false }; // RegExpIdentifierName[U] :: // RegExpIdentifierStart[?U] // RegExpIdentifierName[?U] RegExpIdentifierPart[?U] // Note: this updates `state.lastStringValue` property with the eaten name. pp$9.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierName = function(state) { state.lastStringValue = ""; if (this.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierStart(state)) { state.lastStringValue += codePointToString$1(state.lastIntValue); while (this.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierPart(state)) { state.lastStringValue += codePointToString$1(state.lastIntValue); } return true } return false }; // RegExpIdentifierStart[U] :: // UnicodeIDStart // `$` // `_` // `\` RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence[?U] pp$9.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierStart = function(state) { var start = state.pos; var ch = state.current(); state.advance(); if (ch === 0x5C /* \ */ && this.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence(state)) { ch = state.lastIntValue; } if (isRegExpIdentifierStart(ch)) { state.lastIntValue = ch; return true } state.pos = start; return false }; function isRegExpIdentifierStart(ch) { return isIdentifierStart(ch, true) || ch === 0x24 /* $ */ || ch === 0x5F /* _ */ } // RegExpIdentifierPart[U] :: // UnicodeIDContinue // `$` // `_` // `\` RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence[?U] // <ZWNJ> // <ZWJ> pp$9.regexp_eatRegExpIdentifierPart = function(state) { var start = state.pos; var ch = state.current(); state.advance(); if (ch === 0x5C /* \ */ && this.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence(state)) { ch = state.lastIntValue; } if (isRegExpIdentifierPart(ch)) { state.lastIntValue = ch; return true } state.pos = start; return false }; function isRegExpIdentifierPart(ch) { return isIdentifierChar(ch, true) || ch === 0x24 /* $ */ || ch === 0x5F /* _ */ || ch === 0x200C /* <ZWNJ> */ || ch === 0x200D /* <ZWJ> */ } // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-AtomEscape pp$9.regexp_eatAtomEscape = function(state) { if ( this.regexp_eatBackReference(state) || this.regexp_eatCharacterClassEscape(state) || this.regexp_eatCharacterEscape(state) || (state.switchN && this.regexp_eatKGroupName(state)) ) { return true } if (state.switchU) { // Make the same message as V8. if (state.current() === 0x63 /* c */) { state.raise("Invalid unicode escape"); } state.raise("Invalid escape"); } return false }; pp$9.regexp_eatBackReference = function(state) { var start = state.pos; if (this.regexp_eatDecimalEscape(state)) { var n = state.lastIntValue; if (state.switchU) { // For SyntaxError in https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#sec-atomescape if (n > state.maxBackReference) { state.maxBackReference = n; } return true } if (n <= state.numCapturingParens) { return true } state.pos = start; } return false }; pp$9.regexp_eatKGroupName = function(state) { if (state.eat(0x6B /* k */)) { if (this.regexp_eatGroupName(state)) { state.backReferenceNames.push(state.lastStringValue); return true } state.raise("Invalid named reference"); } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-CharacterEscape pp$9.regexp_eatCharacterEscape = function(state) { return ( this.regexp_eatControlEscape(state) || this.regexp_eatCControlLetter(state) || this.regexp_eatZero(state) || this.regexp_eatHexEscapeSequence(state) || this.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence(state) || (!state.switchU && this.regexp_eatLegacyOctalEscapeSequence(state)) || this.regexp_eatIdentityEscape(state) ) }; pp$9.regexp_eatCControlLetter = function(state) { var start = state.pos; if (state.eat(0x63 /* c */)) { if (this.regexp_eatControlLetter(state)) { return true } state.pos = start; } return false }; pp$9.regexp_eatZero = function(state) { if (state.current() === 0x30 /* 0 */ && !isDecimalDigit(state.lookahead())) { state.lastIntValue = 0; state.advance(); return true } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-ControlEscape pp$9.regexp_eatControlEscape = function(state) { var ch = state.current(); if (ch === 0x74 /* t */) { state.lastIntValue = 0x09; /* \t */ state.advance(); return true } if (ch === 0x6E /* n */) { state.lastIntValue = 0x0A; /* \n */ state.advance(); return true } if (ch === 0x76 /* v */) { state.lastIntValue = 0x0B; /* \v */ state.advance(); return true } if (ch === 0x66 /* f */) { state.lastIntValue = 0x0C; /* \f */ state.advance(); return true } if (ch === 0x72 /* r */) { state.lastIntValue = 0x0D; /* \r */ state.advance(); return true } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-ControlLetter pp$9.regexp_eatControlLetter = function(state) { var ch = state.current(); if (isControlLetter(ch)) { state.lastIntValue = ch % 0x20; state.advance(); return true } return false }; function isControlLetter(ch) { return ( (ch >= 0x41 /* A */ && ch <= 0x5A /* Z */) || (ch >= 0x61 /* a */ && ch <= 0x7A /* z */) ) } // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence pp$9.regexp_eatRegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence = function(state) { var start = state.pos; if (state.eat(0x75 /* u */)) { if (this.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits(state, 4)) { var lead = state.lastIntValue; if (state.switchU && lead >= 0xD800 && lead <= 0xDBFF) { var leadSurrogateEnd = state.pos; if (state.eat(0x5C /* \ */) && state.eat(0x75 /* u */) && this.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits(state, 4)) { var trail = state.lastIntValue; if (trail >= 0xDC00 && trail <= 0xDFFF) { state.lastIntValue = (lead - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (trail - 0xDC00) + 0x10000; return true } } state.pos = leadSurrogateEnd; state.lastIntValue = lead; } return true } if ( state.switchU && state.eat(0x7B /* { */) && this.regexp_eatHexDigits(state) && state.eat(0x7D /* } */) && isValidUnicode(state.lastIntValue) ) { return true } if (state.switchU) { state.raise("Invalid unicode escape"); } state.pos = start; } return false }; function isValidUnicode(ch) { return ch >= 0 && ch <= 0x10FFFF } // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-IdentityEscape pp$9.regexp_eatIdentityEscape = function(state) { if (state.switchU) { if (this.regexp_eatSyntaxCharacter(state)) { return true } if (state.eat(0x2F /* / */)) { state.lastIntValue = 0x2F; /* / */ return true } return false } var ch = state.current(); if (ch !== 0x63 /* c */ && (!state.switchN || ch !== 0x6B /* k */)) { state.lastIntValue = ch; state.advance(); return true } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-DecimalEscape pp$9.regexp_eatDecimalEscape = function(state) { state.lastIntValue = 0; var ch = state.current(); if (ch >= 0x31 /* 1 */ && ch <= 0x39 /* 9 */) { do { state.lastIntValue = 10 * state.lastIntValue + (ch - 0x30 /* 0 */); state.advance(); } while ((ch = state.current()) >= 0x30 /* 0 */ && ch <= 0x39 /* 9 */) return true } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-CharacterClassEscape pp$9.regexp_eatCharacterClassEscape = function(state) { var ch = state.current(); if (isCharacterClassEscape(ch)) { state.lastIntValue = -1; state.advance(); return true } if ( state.switchU && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9 && (ch === 0x50 /* P */ || ch === 0x70 /* p */) ) { state.lastIntValue = -1; state.advance(); if ( state.eat(0x7B /* { */) && this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValueExpression(state) && state.eat(0x7D /* } */) ) { return true } state.raise("Invalid property name"); } return false }; function isCharacterClassEscape(ch) { return ( ch === 0x64 /* d */ || ch === 0x44 /* D */ || ch === 0x73 /* s */ || ch === 0x53 /* S */ || ch === 0x77 /* w */ || ch === 0x57 /* W */ ) } // UnicodePropertyValueExpression :: // UnicodePropertyName `=` UnicodePropertyValue // LoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue pp$9.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValueExpression = function(state) { var start = state.pos; // UnicodePropertyName `=` UnicodePropertyValue if (this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyName(state) && state.eat(0x3D /* = */)) { var name = state.lastStringValue; if (this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValue(state)) { var value = state.lastStringValue; this.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameAndValue(state, name, value); return true } } state.pos = start; // LoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue if (this.regexp_eatLoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue(state)) { var nameOrValue = state.lastStringValue; this.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameOrValue(state, nameOrValue); return true } return false }; pp$9.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameAndValue = function(state, name, value) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(name) || data[name].indexOf(value) === -1) { state.raise("Invalid property name"); } }; pp$9.regexp_validateUnicodePropertyNameOrValue = function(state, nameOrValue) { if (data.$LONE.indexOf(nameOrValue) === -1) { state.raise("Invalid property name"); } }; // UnicodePropertyName :: // UnicodePropertyNameCharacters pp$9.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyName = function(state) { var ch = 0; state.lastStringValue = ""; while (isUnicodePropertyNameCharacter(ch = state.current())) { state.lastStringValue += codePointToString$1(ch); state.advance(); } return state.lastStringValue !== "" }; function isUnicodePropertyNameCharacter(ch) { return isControlLetter(ch) || ch === 0x5F /* _ */ } // UnicodePropertyValue :: // UnicodePropertyValueCharacters pp$9.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValue = function(state) { var ch = 0; state.lastStringValue = ""; while (isUnicodePropertyValueCharacter(ch = state.current())) { state.lastStringValue += codePointToString$1(ch); state.advance(); } return state.lastStringValue !== "" }; function isUnicodePropertyValueCharacter(ch) { return isUnicodePropertyNameCharacter(ch) || isDecimalDigit(ch) } // LoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue :: // UnicodePropertyValueCharacters pp$9.regexp_eatLoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue = function(state) { return this.regexp_eatUnicodePropertyValue(state) }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-CharacterClass pp$9.regexp_eatCharacterClass = function(state) { if (state.eat(0x5B /* [ */)) { state.eat(0x5E /* ^ */); this.regexp_classRanges(state); if (state.eat(0x5D /* [ */)) { return true } // Unreachable since it threw "unterminated regular expression" error before. state.raise("Unterminated character class"); } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-ClassRanges // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-NonemptyClassRanges // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-NonemptyClassRangesNoDash pp$9.regexp_classRanges = function(state) { var this$1 = this; while (this.regexp_eatClassAtom(state)) { var left = state.lastIntValue; if (state.eat(0x2D /* - */) && this$1.regexp_eatClassAtom(state)) { var right = state.lastIntValue; if (state.switchU && (left === -1 || right === -1)) { state.raise("Invalid character class"); } if (left !== -1 && right !== -1 && left > right) { state.raise("Range out of order in character class"); } } } }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-ClassAtom // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-ClassAtomNoDash pp$9.regexp_eatClassAtom = function(state) { var start = state.pos; if (state.eat(0x5C /* \ */)) { if (this.regexp_eatClassEscape(state)) { return true } if (state.switchU) { // Make the same message as V8. var ch$1 = state.current(); if (ch$1 === 0x63 /* c */ || isOctalDigit(ch$1)) { state.raise("Invalid class escape"); } state.raise("Invalid escape"); } state.pos = start; } var ch = state.current(); if (ch !== 0x5D /* [ */) { state.lastIntValue = ch; state.advance(); return true } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-ClassEscape pp$9.regexp_eatClassEscape = function(state) { var start = state.pos; if (state.eat(0x62 /* b */)) { state.lastIntValue = 0x08; /* <BS> */ return true } if (state.switchU && state.eat(0x2D /* - */)) { state.lastIntValue = 0x2D; /* - */ return true } if (!state.switchU && state.eat(0x63 /* c */)) { if (this.regexp_eatClassControlLetter(state)) { return true } state.pos = start; } return ( this.regexp_eatCharacterClassEscape(state) || this.regexp_eatCharacterEscape(state) ) }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-ClassControlLetter pp$9.regexp_eatClassControlLetter = function(state) { var ch = state.current(); if (isDecimalDigit(ch) || ch === 0x5F /* _ */) { state.lastIntValue = ch % 0x20; state.advance(); return true } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-HexEscapeSequence pp$9.regexp_eatHexEscapeSequence = function(state) { var start = state.pos; if (state.eat(0x78 /* x */)) { if (this.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits(state, 2)) { return true } if (state.switchU) { state.raise("Invalid escape"); } state.pos = start; } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-DecimalDigits pp$9.regexp_eatDecimalDigits = function(state) { var start = state.pos; var ch = 0; state.lastIntValue = 0; while (isDecimalDigit(ch = state.current())) { state.lastIntValue = 10 * state.lastIntValue + (ch - 0x30 /* 0 */); state.advance(); } return state.pos !== start }; function isDecimalDigit(ch) { return ch >= 0x30 /* 0 */ && ch <= 0x39 /* 9 */ } // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-HexDigits pp$9.regexp_eatHexDigits = function(state) { var start = state.pos; var ch = 0; state.lastIntValue = 0; while (isHexDigit(ch = state.current())) { state.lastIntValue = 16 * state.lastIntValue + hexToInt(ch); state.advance(); } return state.pos !== start }; function isHexDigit(ch) { return ( (ch >= 0x30 /* 0 */ && ch <= 0x39 /* 9 */) || (ch >= 0x41 /* A */ && ch <= 0x46 /* F */) || (ch >= 0x61 /* a */ && ch <= 0x66 /* f */) ) } function hexToInt(ch) { if (ch >= 0x41 /* A */ && ch <= 0x46 /* F */) { return 10 + (ch - 0x41 /* A */) } if (ch >= 0x61 /* a */ && ch <= 0x66 /* f */) { return 10 + (ch - 0x61 /* a */) } return ch - 0x30 /* 0 */ } // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-annexB-LegacyOctalEscapeSequence // Allows only 0-377(octal) i.e. 0-255(decimal). pp$9.regexp_eatLegacyOctalEscapeSequence = function(state) { if (this.regexp_eatOctalDigit(state)) { var n1 = state.lastIntValue; if (this.regexp_eatOctalDigit(state)) { var n2 = state.lastIntValue; if (n1 <= 3 && this.regexp_eatOctalDigit(state)) { state.lastIntValue = n1 * 64 + n2 * 8 + state.lastIntValue; } else { state.lastIntValue = n1 * 8 + n2; } } else { state.lastIntValue = n1; } return true } return false }; // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-OctalDigit pp$9.regexp_eatOctalDigit = function(state) { var ch = state.current(); if (isOctalDigit(ch)) { state.lastIntValue = ch - 0x30; /* 0 */ state.advance(); return true } state.lastIntValue = 0; return false }; function isOctalDigit(ch) { return ch >= 0x30 /* 0 */ && ch <= 0x37 /* 7 */ } // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-Hex4Digits // https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-HexDigit // And HexDigit HexDigit in https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/8.0/#prod-HexEscapeSequence pp$9.regexp_eatFixedHexDigits = function(state, length) { var start = state.pos; state.lastIntValue = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var ch = state.current(); if (!isHexDigit(ch)) { state.pos = start; return false } state.lastIntValue = 16 * state.lastIntValue + hexToInt(ch); state.advance(); } return true }; // Object type used to represent tokens. Note that normally, tokens // simply exist as properties on the parser object. This is only // used for the onToken callback and the external tokenizer. var Token = function Token(p) { this.type = p.type; this.value = p.value; this.start = p.start; this.end = p.end; if (p.options.locations) { this.loc = new SourceLocation(p, p.startLoc, p.endLoc); } if (p.options.ranges) { this.range = [p.start, p.end]; } }; // ## Tokenizer var pp$8 = Parser.prototype; // Move to the next token pp$8.next = function() { if (this.options.onToken) { this.options.onToken(new Token(this)); } this.lastTokEnd = this.end; this.lastTokStart = this.start; this.lastTokEndLoc = this.endLoc; this.lastTokStartLoc = this.startLoc; this.nextToken(); }; pp$8.getToken = function() { this.next(); return new Token(this) }; // If we're in an ES6 environment, make parsers iterable if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined") { pp$8[Symbol.iterator] = function() { var this$1 = this; return { next: function () { var token = this$1.getToken(); return { done: token.type === types.eof, value: token } } } }; } // Toggle strict mode. Re-reads the next number or string to please // pedantic tests (`"use strict"; 010;` should fail). pp$8.curContext = function() { return this.context[this.context.length - 1] }; // Read a single token, updating the parser object's token-related // properties. pp$8.nextToken = function() { var curContext = this.curContext(); if (!curContext || !curContext.preserveSpace) { this.skipSpace(); } this.start = this.pos; if (this.options.locations) { this.startLoc = this.curPosition(); } if (this.pos >= this.input.length) { return this.finishToken(types.eof) } if (curContext.override) { return curContext.override(this) } else { this.readToken(this.fullCharCodeAtPos()); } }; pp$8.readToken = function(code) { // Identifier or keyword. '\uXXXX' sequences are allowed in // identifiers, so '\' also dispatches to that. if (isIdentifierStart(code, this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) || code === 92 /* '\' */) { return this.readWord() } return this.getTokenFromCode(code) }; pp$8.fullCharCodeAtPos = function() { var code = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); if (code <= 0xd7ff || code >= 0xe000) { return code } var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); return (code << 10) + next - 0x35fdc00 }; pp$8.skipBlockComment = function() { var this$1 = this; var startLoc = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition(); var start = this.pos, end = this.input.indexOf("*/", this.pos += 2); if (end === -1) { this.raise(this.pos - 2, "Unterminated comment"); } this.pos = end + 2; if (this.options.locations) { lineBreakG.lastIndex = start; var match; while ((match = lineBreakG.exec(this.input)) && match.index < this.pos) { ++this$1.curLine; this$1.lineStart = match.index + match[0].length; } } if (this.options.onComment) { this.options.onComment(true, this.input.slice(start + 2, end), start, this.pos, startLoc, this.curPosition()); } }; pp$8.skipLineComment = function(startSkip) { var this$1 = this; var start = this.pos; var startLoc = this.options.onComment && this.curPosition(); var ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos += startSkip); while (this.pos < this.input.length && !isNewLine(ch)) { ch = this$1.input.charCodeAt(++this$1.pos); } if (this.options.onComment) { this.options.onComment(false, this.input.slice(start + startSkip, this.pos), start, this.pos, startLoc, this.curPosition()); } }; // Called at the start of the parse and after every token. Skips // whitespace and comments, and. pp$8.skipSpace = function() { var this$1 = this; loop: while (this.pos < this.input.length) { var ch = this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos); switch (ch) { case 32: case 160: // ' ' ++this$1.pos; break case 13: if (this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos + 1) === 10) { ++this$1.pos; } case 10: case 8232: case 8233: ++this$1.pos; if (this$1.options.locations) { ++this$1.curLine; this$1.lineStart = this$1.pos; } break case 47: // '/' switch (this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos + 1)) { case 42: // '*' this$1.skipBlockComment(); break case 47: this$1.skipLineComment(2); break default: break loop } break default: if (ch > 8 && ch < 14 || ch >= 5760 && nonASCIIwhitespace.test(String.fromCharCode(ch))) { ++this$1.pos; } else { break loop } } } }; // Called at the end of every token. Sets `end`, `val`, and // maintains `context` and `exprAllowed`, and skips the space after // the token, so that the next one's `start` will point at the // right position. pp$8.finishToken = function(type, val) { this.end = this.pos; if (this.options.locations) { this.endLoc = this.curPosition(); } var prevType = this.type; this.type = type; this.value = val; this.updateContext(prevType); }; // ### Token reading // This is the function that is called to fetch the next token. It // is somewhat obscure, because it works in character codes rather // than characters, and because operator parsing has been inlined // into it. // // All in the name of speed. // pp$8.readToken_dot = function() { var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); if (next >= 48 && next <= 57) { return this.readNumber(true) } var next2 = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2); if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && next === 46 && next2 === 46) { // 46 = dot '.' this.pos += 3; return this.finishToken(types.ellipsis) } else { ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.dot) } }; pp$8.readToken_slash = function() { // '/' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); if (this.exprAllowed) { ++this.pos; return this.readRegexp() } if (next === 61) { return this.finishOp(types.assign, 2) } return this.finishOp(types.slash, 1) }; pp$8.readToken_mult_modulo_exp = function(code) { // '%*' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); var size = 1; var tokentype = code === 42 ? types.star : types.modulo; // exponentiation operator ** and **= if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && code === 42 && next === 42) { ++size; tokentype = types.starstar; next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2); } if (next === 61) { return this.finishOp(types.assign, size + 1) } return this.finishOp(tokentype, size) }; pp$8.readToken_pipe_amp = function(code) { // '|&' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); if (next === code) { return this.finishOp(code === 124 ? types.logicalOR : types.logicalAND, 2) } if (next === 61) { return this.finishOp(types.assign, 2) } return this.finishOp(code === 124 ? types.bitwiseOR : types.bitwiseAND, 1) }; pp$8.readToken_caret = function() { // '^' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); if (next === 61) { return this.finishOp(types.assign, 2) } return this.finishOp(types.bitwiseXOR, 1) }; pp$8.readToken_plus_min = function(code) { // '+-' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); if (next === code) { if (next === 45 && !this.inModule && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) === 62 && (this.lastTokEnd === 0 || lineBreak.test(this.input.slice(this.lastTokEnd, this.pos)))) { // A `-->` line comment this.skipLineComment(3); this.skipSpace(); return this.nextToken() } return this.finishOp(types.incDec, 2) } if (next === 61) { return this.finishOp(types.assign, 2) } return this.finishOp(types.plusMin, 1) }; pp$8.readToken_lt_gt = function(code) { // '<>' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); var size = 1; if (next === code) { size = code === 62 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) === 62 ? 3 : 2; if (this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + size) === 61) { return this.finishOp(types.assign, size + 1) } return this.finishOp(types.bitShift, size) } if (next === 33 && code === 60 && !this.inModule && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) === 45 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 3) === 45) { // `<!--`, an XML-style comment that should be interpreted as a line comment this.skipLineComment(4); this.skipSpace(); return this.nextToken() } if (next === 61) { size = 2; } return this.finishOp(types.relational, size) }; pp$8.readToken_eq_excl = function(code) { // '=!' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); if (next === 61) { return this.finishOp(types.equality, this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 2) === 61 ? 3 : 2) } if (code === 61 && next === 62 && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { // '=>' this.pos += 2; return this.finishToken(types.arrow) } return this.finishOp(code === 61 ? types.eq : types.prefix, 1) }; pp$8.getTokenFromCode = function(code) { switch (code) { // The interpretation of a dot depends on whether it is followed // by a digit or another two dots. case 46: // '.' return this.readToken_dot() // Punctuation tokens. case 40: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.parenL) case 41: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.parenR) case 59: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.semi) case 44: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.comma) case 91: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.bracketL) case 93: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.bracketR) case 123: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.braceL) case 125: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.braceR) case 58: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.colon) case 63: ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.question) case 96: // '`' if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6) { break } ++this.pos; return this.finishToken(types.backQuote) case 48: // '0' var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); if (next === 120 || next === 88) { return this.readRadixNumber(16) } // '0x', '0X' - hex number if (this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6) { if (next === 111 || next === 79) { return this.readRadixNumber(8) } // '0o', '0O' - octal number if (next === 98 || next === 66) { return this.readRadixNumber(2) } // '0b', '0B' - binary number } // Anything else beginning with a digit is an integer, octal // number, or float. case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: // 1-9 return this.readNumber(false) // Quotes produce strings. case 34: case 39: // '"', "'" return this.readString(code) // Operators are parsed inline in tiny state machines. '=' (61) is // often referred to. `finishOp` simply skips the amount of // characters it is given as second argument, and returns a token // of the type given by its first argument. case 47: // '/' return this.readToken_slash() case 37: case 42: // '%*' return this.readToken_mult_modulo_exp(code) case 124: case 38: // '|&' return this.readToken_pipe_amp(code) case 94: // '^' return this.readToken_caret() case 43: case 45: // '+-' return this.readToken_plus_min(code) case 60: case 62: // '<>' return this.readToken_lt_gt(code) case 61: case 33: // '=!' return this.readToken_eq_excl(code) case 126: // '~' return this.finishOp(types.prefix, 1) } this.raise(this.pos, "Unexpected character '" + codePointToString(code) + "'"); }; pp$8.finishOp = function(type, size) { var str = this.input.slice(this.pos, this.pos + size); this.pos += size; return this.finishToken(type, str) }; pp$8.readRegexp = function() { var this$1 = this; var escaped, inClass, start = this.pos; for (;;) { if (this$1.pos >= this$1.input.length) { this$1.raise(start, "Unterminated regular expression"); } var ch = this$1.input.charAt(this$1.pos); if (lineBreak.test(ch)) { this$1.raise(start, "Unterminated regular expression"); } if (!escaped) { if (ch === "[") { inClass = true; } else if (ch === "]" && inClass) { inClass = false; } else if (ch === "/" && !inClass) { break } escaped = ch === "\\"; } else { escaped = false; } ++this$1.pos; } var pattern = this.input.slice(start, this.pos); ++this.pos; var flagsStart = this.pos; var flags = this.readWord1(); if (this.containsEsc) { this.unexpected(flagsStart); } // Validate pattern var state = this.regexpState || (this.regexpState = new RegExpValidationState(this)); state.reset(start, pattern, flags); this.validateRegExpFlags(state); this.validateRegExpPattern(state); // Create Literal#value property value. var value = null; try { value = new RegExp(pattern, flags); } catch (e) { // ESTree requires null if it failed to instantiate RegExp object. // https://github.com/estree/estree/blob/a27003adf4fd7bfad44de9cef372a2eacd527b1c/es5.md#regexpliteral } return this.finishToken(types.regexp, {pattern: pattern, flags: flags, value: value}) }; // Read an integer in the given radix. Return null if zero digits // were read, the integer value otherwise. When `len` is given, this // will return `null` unless the integer has exactly `len` digits. pp$8.readInt = function(radix, len) { var this$1 = this; var start = this.pos, total = 0; for (var i = 0, e = len == null ? Infinity : len; i < e; ++i) { var code = this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos), val = (void 0); if (code >= 97) { val = code - 97 + 10; } // a else if (code >= 65) { val = code - 65 + 10; } // A else if (code >= 48 && code <= 57) { val = code - 48; } // 0-9 else { val = Infinity; } if (val >= radix) { break } ++this$1.pos; total = total * radix + val; } if (this.pos === start || len != null && this.pos - start !== len) { return null } return total }; pp$8.readRadixNumber = function(radix) { this.pos += 2; // 0x var val = this.readInt(radix); if (val == null) { this.raise(this.start + 2, "Expected number in radix " + radix); } if (isIdentifierStart(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())) { this.raise(this.pos, "Identifier directly after number"); } return this.finishToken(types.num, val) }; // Read an integer, octal integer, or floating-point number. pp$8.readNumber = function(startsWithDot) { var start = this.pos; if (!startsWithDot && this.readInt(10) === null) { this.raise(start, "Invalid number"); } var octal = this.pos - start >= 2 && this.input.charCodeAt(start) === 48; if (octal && this.strict) { this.raise(start, "Invalid number"); } if (octal && /[89]/.test(this.input.slice(start, this.pos))) { octal = false; } var next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); if (next === 46 && !octal) { // '.' ++this.pos; this.readInt(10); next = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); } if ((next === 69 || next === 101) && !octal) { // 'eE' next = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos); if (next === 43 || next === 45) { ++this.pos; } // '+-' if (this.readInt(10) === null) { this.raise(start, "Invalid number"); } } if (isIdentifierStart(this.fullCharCodeAtPos())) { this.raise(this.pos, "Identifier directly after number"); } var str = this.input.slice(start, this.pos); var val = octal ? parseInt(str, 8) : parseFloat(str); return this.finishToken(types.num, val) }; // Read a string value, interpreting backslash-escapes. pp$8.readCodePoint = function() { var ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos), code; if (ch === 123) { // '{' if (this.options.ecmaVersion < 6) { this.unexpected(); } var codePos = ++this.pos; code = this.readHexChar(this.input.indexOf("}", this.pos) - this.pos); ++this.pos; if (code > 0x10FFFF) { this.invalidStringToken(codePos, "Code point out of bounds"); } } else { code = this.readHexChar(4); } return code }; function codePointToString(code) { // UTF-16 Decoding if (code <= 0xFFFF) { return String.fromCharCode(code) } code -= 0x10000; return String.fromCharCode((code >> 10) + 0xD800, (code & 1023) + 0xDC00) } pp$8.readString = function(quote) { var this$1 = this; var out = "", chunkStart = ++this.pos; for (;;) { if (this$1.pos >= this$1.input.length) { this$1.raise(this$1.start, "Unterminated string constant"); } var ch = this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos); if (ch === quote) { break } if (ch === 92) { // '\' out += this$1.input.slice(chunkStart, this$1.pos); out += this$1.readEscapedChar(false); chunkStart = this$1.pos; } else { if (isNewLine(ch, this$1.options.ecmaVersion >= 10)) { this$1.raise(this$1.start, "Unterminated string constant"); } ++this$1.pos; } } out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos++); return this.finishToken(types.string, out) }; // Reads template string tokens. var INVALID_TEMPLATE_ESCAPE_ERROR = {}; pp$8.tryReadTemplateToken = function() { this.inTemplateElement = true; try { this.readTmplToken(); } catch (err) { if (err === INVALID_TEMPLATE_ESCAPE_ERROR) { this.readInvalidTemplateToken(); } else { throw err } } this.inTemplateElement = false; }; pp$8.invalidStringToken = function(position, message) { if (this.inTemplateElement && this.options.ecmaVersion >= 9) { throw INVALID_TEMPLATE_ESCAPE_ERROR } else { this.raise(position, message); } }; pp$8.readTmplToken = function() { var this$1 = this; var out = "", chunkStart = this.pos; for (;;) { if (this$1.pos >= this$1.input.length) { this$1.raise(this$1.start, "Unterminated template"); } var ch = this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos); if (ch === 96 || ch === 36 && this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos + 1) === 123) { // '`', '${' if (this$1.pos === this$1.start && (this$1.type === types.template || this$1.type === types.invalidTemplate)) { if (ch === 36) { this$1.pos += 2; return this$1.finishToken(types.dollarBraceL) } else { ++this$1.pos; return this$1.finishToken(types.backQuote) } } out += this$1.input.slice(chunkStart, this$1.pos); return this$1.finishToken(types.template, out) } if (ch === 92) { // '\' out += this$1.input.slice(chunkStart, this$1.pos); out += this$1.readEscapedChar(true); chunkStart = this$1.pos; } else if (isNewLine(ch)) { out += this$1.input.slice(chunkStart, this$1.pos); ++this$1.pos; switch (ch) { case 13: if (this$1.input.charCodeAt(this$1.pos) === 10) { ++this$1.pos; } case 10: out += "\n"; break default: out += String.fromCharCode(ch); break } if (this$1.options.locations) { ++this$1.curLine; this$1.lineStart = this$1.pos; } chunkStart = this$1.pos; } else { ++this$1.pos; } } }; // Reads a template token to search for the end, without validating any escape sequences pp$8.readInvalidTemplateToken = function() { var this$1 = this; for (; this.pos < this.input.length; this.pos++) { switch (this$1.input[this$1.pos]) { case "\\": ++this$1.pos; break case "$": if (this$1.input[this$1.pos + 1] !== "{") { break } // falls through case "`": return this$1.finishToken(types.invalidTemplate, this$1.input.slice(this$1.start, this$1.pos)) // no default } } this.raise(this.start, "Unterminated template"); }; // Used to read escaped characters pp$8.readEscapedChar = function(inTemplate) { var ch = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos); ++this.pos; switch (ch) { case 110: return "\n" // 'n' -> '\n' case 114: return "\r" // 'r' -> '\r' case 120: return String.fromCharCode(this.readHexChar(2)) // 'x' case 117: return codePointToString(this.readCodePoint()) // 'u' case 116: return "\t" // 't' -> '\t' case 98: return "\b" // 'b' -> '\b' case 118: return "\u000b" // 'v' -> '\u000b' case 102: return "\f" // 'f' -> '\f' case 13: if (this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos) === 10) { ++this.pos; } // '\r\n' case 10: // ' \n' if (this.options.locations) { this.lineStart = this.pos; ++this.curLine; } return "" default: if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 55) { var octalStr = this.input.substr(this.pos - 1, 3).match(/^[0-7]+/)[0]; var octal = parseInt(octalStr, 8); if (octal > 255) { octalStr = octalStr.slice(0, -1); octal = parseInt(octalStr, 8); } this.pos += octalStr.length - 1; ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos); if ((octalStr !== "0" || ch === 56 || ch === 57) && (this.strict || inTemplate)) { this.invalidStringToken( this.pos - 1 - octalStr.length, inTemplate ? "Octal literal in template string" : "Octal literal in strict mode" ); } return String.fromCharCode(octal) } return String.fromCharCode(ch) } }; // Used to read character escape sequences ('\x', '\u', '\U'). pp$8.readHexChar = function(len) { var codePos = this.pos; var n = this.readInt(16, len); if (n === null) { this.invalidStringToken(codePos, "Bad character escape sequence"); } return n }; // Read an identifier, and return it as a string. Sets `this.containsEsc` // to whether the word contained a '\u' escape. // // Incrementally adds only escaped chars, adding other chunks as-is // as a micro-optimization. pp$8.readWord1 = function() { var this$1 = this; this.containsEsc = false; var word = "", first = true, chunkStart = this.pos; var astral = this.options.ecmaVersion >= 6; while (this.pos < this.input.length) { var ch = this$1.fullCharCodeAtPos(); if (isIdentifierChar(ch, astral)) { this$1.pos += ch <= 0xffff ? 1 : 2; } else if (ch === 92) { // "\" this$1.containsEsc = true; word += this$1.input.slice(chunkStart, this$1.pos); var escStart = this$1.pos; if (this$1.input.charCodeAt(++this$1.pos) !== 117) // "u" { this$1.invalidStringToken(this$1.pos, "Expecting Unicode escape sequence \\uXXXX"); } ++this$1.pos; var esc = this$1.readCodePoint(); if (!(first ? isIdentifierStart : isIdentifierChar)(esc, astral)) { this$1.invalidStringToken(escStart, "Invalid Unicode escape"); } word += codePointToString(esc); chunkStart = this$1.pos; } else { break } first = false; } return word + this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos) }; // Read an identifier or keyword token. Will check for reserved // words when necessary. pp$8.readWord = function() { var word = this.readWord1(); var type = types.name; if (this.keywords.test(word)) { if (this.containsEsc) { this.raiseRecoverable(this.start, "Escape sequence in keyword " + word); } type = keywords$1[word]; } return this.finishToken(type, word) }; // Acorn is a tiny, fast JavaScript parser written in JavaScript. // // Acorn was written by Marijn Haverbeke, Ingvar Stepanyan, and // various contributors and released under an MIT license. // // Git repositories for Acorn are available at // // http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/git/acorn // https://github.com/acornjs/acorn.git // // Please use the [github bug tracker][ghbt] to report issues. // // [ghbt]: https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/issues // // This file defines the main parser interface. The library also comes // with a [error-tolerant parser][dammit] and an // [abstract syntax tree walker][walk], defined in other files. // // [dammit]: acorn_loose.js // [walk]: util/walk.js var version = "5.7.2"; // The main exported interface (under `self.acorn` when in the // browser) is a `parse` function that takes a code string and // returns an abstract syntax tree as specified by [Mozilla parser // API][api]. // // [api]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/SpiderMonkey/Parser_API function parse(input, options) { return new Parser(options, input).parse() } // This function tries to parse a single expression at a given // offset in a string. Useful for parsing mixed-language formats // that embed JavaScript expressions. function parseExpressionAt(input, pos, options) { var p = new Parser(options, input, pos); p.nextToken(); return p.parseExpression() } // Acorn is organized as a tokenizer and a recursive-descent parser. // The `tokenizer` export provides an interface to the tokenizer. function tokenizer(input, options) { return new Parser(options, input) } // This is a terrible kludge to support the existing, pre-ES6 // interface where the loose parser module retroactively adds exports // to this module. // eslint-disable-line camelcase function addLooseExports(parse, Parser$$1, plugins$$1) { exports.parse_dammit = parse; // eslint-disable-line camelcase exports.LooseParser = Parser$$1; exports.pluginsLoose = plugins$$1; } exports.version = version; exports.parse = parse; exports.parseExpressionAt = parseExpressionAt; exports.tokenizer = tokenizer; exports.addLooseExports = addLooseExports; exports.Parser = Parser; exports.plugins = plugins; exports.defaultOptions = defaultOptions; exports.Position = Position; exports.SourceLocation = SourceLocation; exports.getLineInfo = getLineInfo; exports.Node = Node; exports.TokenType = TokenType; exports.tokTypes = types; exports.keywordTypes = keywords$1; exports.TokContext = TokContext; exports.tokContexts = types$1; exports.isIdentifierChar = isIdentifierChar; exports.isIdentifierStart = isIdentifierStart; exports.Token = Token; exports.isNewLine = isNewLine; exports.lineBreak = lineBreak; exports.lineBreakG = lineBreakG; exports.nonASCIIwhitespace = nonASCIIwhitespace; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); }))); internal/deps/acorn/dist/walk(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (factory((global.acorn = global.acorn || {}, global.acorn.walk = {}))); }(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; // AST walker module for Mozilla Parser API compatible trees // A simple walk is one where you simply specify callbacks to be // called on specific nodes. The last two arguments are optional. A // simple use would be // // walk.simple(myTree, { // Expression: function(node) { ... } // }); // // to do something with all expressions. All Parser API node types // can be used to identify node types, as well as Expression, // Statement, and ScopeBody, which denote categories of nodes. // // The base argument can be used to pass a custom (recursive) // walker, and state can be used to give this walked an initial // state. function simple(node, visitors, baseVisitor, state, override) { if (!baseVisitor) { baseVisitor = base ; }(function c(node, st, override) { var type = override || node.type, found = visitors[type]; baseVisitor[type](node, st, c); if (found) { found(node, st); } })(node, state, override); } // An ancestor walk keeps an array of ancestor nodes (including the // current node) and passes them to the callback as third parameter // (and also as state parameter when no other state is present). function ancestor(node, visitors, baseVisitor, state) { var ancestors = []; if (!baseVisitor) { baseVisitor = base ; }(function c(node, st, override) { var type = override || node.type, found = visitors[type]; var isNew = node !== ancestors[ancestors.length - 1]; if (isNew) { ancestors.push(node); } baseVisitor[type](node, st, c); if (found) { found(node, st || ancestors, ancestors); } if (isNew) { ancestors.pop(); } })(node, state); } // A recursive walk is one where your functions override the default // walkers. They can modify and replace the state parameter that's // threaded through the walk, and can opt how and whether to walk // their child nodes (by calling their third argument on these // nodes). function recursive(node, state, funcs, baseVisitor, override) { var visitor = funcs ? make(funcs, baseVisitor || undefined) : baseVisitor;(function c(node, st, override) { visitor[override || node.type](node, st, c); })(node, state, override); } function makeTest(test) { if (typeof test === "string") { return function (type) { return type === test; } } else if (!test) { return function () { return true; } } else { return test } } var Found = function Found(node, state) { this.node = node; this.state = state; }; // A full walk triggers the callback on each node function full(node, callback, baseVisitor, state, override) { if (!baseVisitor) { baseVisitor = base ; }(function c(node, st, override) { var type = override || node.type; baseVisitor[type](node, st, c); if (!override) { callback(node, st, type); } })(node, state, override); } // An fullAncestor walk is like an ancestor walk, but triggers // the callback on each node function fullAncestor(node, callback, baseVisitor, state) { if (!baseVisitor) { baseVisitor = base; } var ancestors = [];(function c(node, st, override) { var type = override || node.type; var isNew = node !== ancestors[ancestors.length - 1]; if (isNew) { ancestors.push(node); } baseVisitor[type](node, st, c); if (!override) { callback(node, st || ancestors, ancestors, type); } if (isNew) { ancestors.pop(); } })(node, state); } // Find a node with a given start, end, and type (all are optional, // null can be used as wildcard). Returns a {node, state} object, or // undefined when it doesn't find a matching node. function findNodeAt(node, start, end, test, baseVisitor, state) { if (!baseVisitor) { baseVisitor = base; } test = makeTest(test); try { (function c(node, st, override) { var type = override || node.type; if ((start == null || node.start <= start) && (end == null || node.end >= end)) { baseVisitor[type](node, st, c); } if ((start == null || node.start === start) && (end == null || node.end === end) && test(type, node)) { throw new Found(node, st) } })(node, state); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Found) { return e } throw e } } // Find the innermost node of a given type that contains the given // position. Interface similar to findNodeAt. function findNodeAround(node, pos, test, baseVisitor, state) { test = makeTest(test); if (!baseVisitor) { baseVisitor = base; } try { (function c(node, st, override) { var type = override || node.type; if (node.start > pos || node.end < pos) { return } baseVisitor[type](node, st, c); if (test(type, node)) { throw new Found(node, st) } })(node, state); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Found) { return e } throw e } } // Find the outermost matching node after a given position. function findNodeAfter(node, pos, test, baseVisitor, state) { test = makeTest(test); if (!baseVisitor) { baseVisitor = base; } try { (function c(node, st, override) { if (node.end < pos) { return } var type = override || node.type; if (node.start >= pos && test(type, node)) { throw new Found(node, st) } baseVisitor[type](node, st, c); })(node, state); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Found) { return e } throw e } } // Find the outermost matching node before a given position. function findNodeBefore(node, pos, test, baseVisitor, state) { test = makeTest(test); if (!baseVisitor) { baseVisitor = base; } var max;(function c(node, st, override) { if (node.start > pos) { return } var type = override || node.type; if (node.end <= pos && (!max || max.node.end < node.end) && test(type, node)) { max = new Found(node, st); } baseVisitor[type](node, st, c); })(node, state); return max } // Fallback to an Object.create polyfill for older environments. var create = Object.create || function(proto) { function Ctor() {} Ctor.prototype = proto; return new Ctor }; // Used to create a custom walker. Will fill in all missing node // type properties with the defaults. function make(funcs, baseVisitor) { var visitor = create(baseVisitor || base); for (var type in funcs) { visitor[type] = funcs[type]; } return visitor } function skipThrough(node, st, c) { c(node, st); } function ignore(_node, _st, _c) {} // Node walkers. var base = {}; base.Program = base.BlockStatement = function (node, st, c) { for (var i = 0, list = node.body; i < list.length; i += 1) { var stmt = list[i]; c(stmt, st, "Statement"); } }; base.Statement = skipThrough; base.EmptyStatement = ignore; base.ExpressionStatement = base.ParenthesizedExpression = function (node, st, c) { return c(node.expression, st, "Expression"); }; base.IfStatement = function (node, st, c) { c(node.test, st, "Expression"); c(node.consequent, st, "Statement"); if (node.alternate) { c(node.alternate, st, "Statement"); } }; base.LabeledStatement = function (node, st, c) { return c(node.body, st, "Statement"); }; base.BreakStatement = base.ContinueStatement = ignore; base.WithStatement = function (node, st, c) { c(node.object, st, "Expression"); c(node.body, st, "Statement"); }; base.SwitchStatement = function (node, st, c) { c(node.discriminant, st, "Expression"); for (var i = 0, list = node.cases; i < list.length; i += 1) { var cs = list[i]; if (cs.test) { c(cs.test, st, "Expression"); } for (var i$1 = 0, list$1 = cs.consequent; i$1 < list$1.length; i$1 += 1) { var cons = list$1[i$1]; c(cons, st, "Statement"); } } }; base.SwitchCase = function (node, st, c) { if (node.test) { c(node.test, st, "Expression"); } for (var i = 0, list = node.consequent; i < list.length; i += 1) { var cons = list[i]; c(cons, st, "Statement"); } }; base.ReturnStatement = base.YieldExpression = base.AwaitExpression = function (node, st, c) { if (node.argument) { c(node.argument, st, "Expression"); } }; base.ThrowStatement = base.SpreadElement = function (node, st, c) { return c(node.argument, st, "Expression"); }; base.TryStatement = function (node, st, c) { c(node.block, st, "Statement"); if (node.handler) { c(node.handler, st); } if (node.finalizer) { c(node.finalizer, st, "Statement"); } }; base.CatchClause = function (node, st, c) { if (node.param) { c(node.param, st, "Pattern"); } c(node.body, st, "ScopeBody"); }; base.WhileStatement = base.DoWhileStatement = function (node, st, c) { c(node.test, st, "Expression"); c(node.body, st, "Statement"); }; base.ForStatement = function (node, st, c) { if (node.init) { c(node.init, st, "ForInit"); } if (node.test) { c(node.test, st, "Expression"); } if (node.update) { c(node.update, st, "Expression"); } c(node.body, st, "Statement"); }; base.ForInStatement = base.ForOfStatement = function (node, st, c) { c(node.left, st, "ForInit"); c(node.right, st, "Expression"); c(node.body, st, "Statement"); }; base.ForInit = function (node, st, c) { if (node.type === "VariableDeclaration") { c(node, st); } else { c(node, st, "Expression"); } }; base.DebuggerStatement = ignore; base.FunctionDeclaration = function (node, st, c) { return c(node, st, "Function"); }; base.VariableDeclaration = function (node, st, c) { for (var i = 0, list = node.declarations; i < list.length; i += 1) { var decl = list[i]; c(decl, st); } }; base.VariableDeclarator = function (node, st, c) { c(node.id, st, "Pattern"); if (node.init) { c(node.init, st, "Expression"); } }; base.Function = function (node, st, c) { if (node.id) { c(node.id, st, "Pattern"); } for (var i = 0, list = node.params; i < list.length; i += 1) { var param = list[i]; c(param, st, "Pattern"); } c(node.body, st, node.expression ? "ScopeExpression" : "ScopeBody"); }; // FIXME drop these node types in next major version // (They are awkward, and in ES6 every block can be a scope.) base.ScopeBody = function (node, st, c) { return c(node, st, "Statement"); }; base.ScopeExpression = function (node, st, c) { return c(node, st, "Expression"); }; base.Pattern = function (node, st, c) { if (node.type === "Identifier") { c(node, st, "VariablePattern"); } else if (node.type === "MemberExpression") { c(node, st, "MemberPattern"); } else { c(node, st); } }; base.VariablePattern = ignore; base.MemberPattern = skipThrough; base.RestElement = function (node, st, c) { return c(node.argument, st, "Pattern"); }; base.ArrayPattern = function (node, st, c) { for (var i = 0, list = node.elements; i < list.length; i += 1) { var elt = list[i]; if (elt) { c(elt, st, "Pattern"); } } }; base.ObjectPattern = function (node, st, c) { for (var i = 0, list = node.properties; i < list.length; i += 1) { var prop = list[i]; if (prop.type === "Property") { if (prop.computed) { c(prop.key, st, "Expression"); } c(prop.value, st, "Pattern"); } else if (prop.type === "RestElement") { c(prop.argument, st, "Pattern"); } } }; base.Expression = skipThrough; base.ThisExpression = base.Super = base.MetaProperty = ignore; base.ArrayExpression = function (node, st, c) { for (var i = 0, list = node.elements; i < list.length; i += 1) { var elt = list[i]; if (elt) { c(elt, st, "Expression"); } } }; base.ObjectExpression = function (node, st, c) { for (var i = 0, list = node.properties; i < list.length; i += 1) { var prop = list[i]; c(prop, st); } }; base.FunctionExpression = base.ArrowFunctionExpression = base.FunctionDeclaration; base.SequenceExpression = base.TemplateLiteral = function (node, st, c) { for (var i = 0, list = node.expressions; i < list.length; i += 1) { var expr = list[i]; c(expr, st, "Expression"); } }; base.UnaryExpression = base.UpdateExpression = function (node, st, c) { c(node.argument, st, "Expression"); }; base.BinaryExpression = base.LogicalExpression = function (node, st, c) { c(node.left, st, "Expression"); c(node.right, st, "Expression"); }; base.AssignmentExpression = base.AssignmentPattern = function (node, st, c) { c(node.left, st, "Pattern"); c(node.right, st, "Expression"); }; base.ConditionalExpression = function (node, st, c) { c(node.test, st, "Expression"); c(node.consequent, st, "Expression"); c(node.alternate, st, "Expression"); }; base.NewExpression = base.CallExpression = function (node, st, c) { c(node.callee, st, "Expression"); if (node.arguments) { for (var i = 0, list = node.arguments; i < list.length; i += 1) { var arg = list[i]; c(arg, st, "Expression"); } } }; base.MemberExpression = function (node, st, c) { c(node.object, st, "Expression"); if (node.computed) { c(node.property, st, "Expression"); } }; base.ExportNamedDeclaration = base.ExportDefaultDeclaration = function (node, st, c) { if (node.declaration) { c(node.declaration, st, node.type === "ExportNamedDeclaration" || node.declaration.id ? "Statement" : "Expression"); } if (node.source) { c(node.source, st, "Expression"); } }; base.ExportAllDeclaration = function (node, st, c) { c(node.source, st, "Expression"); }; base.ImportDeclaration = function (node, st, c) { for (var i = 0, list = node.specifiers; i < list.length; i += 1) { var spec = list[i]; c(spec, st); } c(node.source, st, "Expression"); }; base.ImportSpecifier = base.ImportDefaultSpecifier = base.ImportNamespaceSpecifier = base.Identifier = base.Literal = ignore; base.TaggedTemplateExpression = function (node, st, c) { c(node.tag, st, "Expression"); c(node.quasi, st, "Expression"); }; base.ClassDeclaration = base.ClassExpression = function (node, st, c) { return c(node, st, "Class"); }; base.Class = function (node, st, c) { if (node.id) { c(node.id, st, "Pattern"); } if (node.superClass) { c(node.superClass, st, "Expression"); } c(node.body, st); }; base.ClassBody = function (node, st, c) { for (var i = 0, list = node.body; i < list.length; i += 1) { var elt = list[i]; c(elt, st); } }; base.MethodDefinition = base.Property = function (node, st, c) { if (node.computed) { c(node.key, st, "Expression"); } c(node.value, st, "Expression"); }; exports.simple = simple; exports.ancestor = ancestor; exports.recursive = recursive; exports.full = full; exports.fullAncestor = fullAncestor; exports.findNodeAt = findNodeAt; exports.findNodeAround = findNodeAround; exports.findNodeAfter = findNodeAfter; exports.findNodeBefore = findNodeBefore; exports.make = make; exports.base = base; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); }))); config{ "target_defaults": { "cflags": [], "default_configuration": "Release", "defines": [], "include_dirs": [], "libraries": []}, "variables": { "OS": "android", "arm_float_abi": "default", "arm_fpu": "vfpv3", "arm_thumb": 0, "arm_version": "7", "asan": 0, "build_v8_with_gn": "false", "coverage": "false", "debug_nghttp2": "false", "enable_lto": "false", "enable_pgo_generate": "false", "enable_pgo_use": "false", "force_dynamic_crt": 0, "host_arch": "x64", "icu_small": "false", "llvm_version": "8.0", "node_byteorder": "little", "node_debug_lib": "false", "node_enable_d8": "false", "node_enable_v8_vtunejit": "false", "node_install_npm": "true", "node_module_version": 64, "node_no_browser_globals": "false", "node_prefix": "/usr/local", "node_release_urlbase": "", "node_shared": "false", "node_shared_cares": "false", "node_shared_http_parser": "false", "node_shared_libuv": "false", "node_shared_nghttp2": "false", "node_shared_openssl": "false", "node_shared_zlib": "false", "node_tag": "", "node_target_type": "executable", "node_use_bundled_v8": "true", "node_use_dtrace": "false", "node_use_etw": "false", "node_use_large_pages": "false", "node_use_openssl": "true", "node_use_pch": "false", "node_use_perfctr": "false", "node_use_v8_platform": "true", "node_with_ltcg": "false", "node_without_node_options": "false", "openssl_fips": "", "openssl_no_asm": 1, "shlib_suffix": "so.64", "target_arch": "arm", "v8_enable_gdbjit": 0, "v8_enable_i18n_support": 0, "v8_enable_inspector": 0, "v8_no_strict_aliasing": 1, "v8_optimized_debug": 0, "v8_promise_internal_field_count": 1, "v8_random_seed": 0, "v8_trace_maps": 0, "v8_typed_array_max_size_in_heap": 0, "v8_use_snapshot": "false", "want_separate_host_toolset": 0}} 0w,aQ mjp5c飕d2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqgjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-A1b62S-+ldEw}ZVǖAOIъ OM~-QJ#SpxAaU׮.7׵Y-6]]wll?AԞZ͢$ Faw$eڪ]]FD(koipvk19Z* ,  m86F߲]qTp0ek*1u4yީ%8S1bSWĔՖk1**ykʬHpo].*F6fcTT"eM©g0&):{ϼkZ> 8$,52F*sw1pHkQ6Fzw]cN̵J #pAF]#l8?1(BOgT~yUbL8^#ܖTZ1ObbSyOIV~P-{b-R4٠~^eGnHl/Su6: #jT$+e?yHf'*b#ٽЧ ?&~?$pi;FBzw[keZ~7 Sv8H 3?r$7jnԄYFܨ |OQ;օ U d S - =G\ p&Gw)` /a߫i5&LsZ<#0zMzFM8,9; :R:(q-v,.7/pXqYs3r%w+OQvrtEux܉~OK }!b|tyBxʠz{.lD~m8onlk[wjR1h58ib?mcf+aQ`צedd"fig HINSKyuJcO NZLݘMFGN@E$DD2AsX@*IBCPhTg3U>uW ַVS:R|P~Q9ZS [fYX4])\ZEo^m/_5qϱ٥s\ۼqދ!K7 kfֶԁ-b3Πjp]$^'~*I@VW<âM˟ŏ{ tDCm-@wm.B+(铜>Td"ŀǼϭ~8y$owJ1}05_K^ iϏ은BI#ƈdX܁T̓cQ: rՆ⩗ fn|xK)o%ƭ/3vUuA?)C:|sĵ@͂ Ͳ;bIUeh"׻_HS1޼^Z4eg Wb27_k%8ם(ŊO}do׸Jj3wVcXWP0qB{߭gCru&op-?'Bs ưGz>2[Ȏg; i8P/ _Y=чe:ZO?(3wwXR @hQ+ğH*0"ZOWoI}@mNП5+#*'G| AH=XX?#1jvʬ`p^Y<L~i/{kHwâ hs)aLoD~Pf7VM'(@ﰤ ہg9x+n&;f?/X)T`D1 ߨMߒ.FgTp'Hq/L0UEc?kǃh6ry7]P\@TN%s7@'>$!AxUʰ\3;Y^U~PGl!;b F2ȂpԞ(Q_V:1X: n3 m:@/)IJNv"2x+ٗ Kx.HҥfAj^y9*O]#kM`~b_R 7zFh!1߈Vc0a"j6nS Nr)Υ{t*F8#vufz`rs"WG9^EMvc΍&DAdQy/4Aڱ&S֚E biLQ<6'5P..T&q]w4.6IE? 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var c=a.Array; var d=a.isNaN; var e=a.JSON.stringify; var f=a.Map.prototype.entries; var g=(new a.Map).entries().next; var h=(new a.Set).values().next; var i=a.Set.prototype.values; var j={ UNDEFINED_TYPE:'undefined', NULL_TYPE:'null', BOOLEAN_TYPE:'boolean', NUMBER_TYPE:'number', STRING_TYPE:'string', SYMBOL_TYPE:'symbol', OBJECT_TYPE:'object', FUNCTION_TYPE:'function', REGEXP_TYPE:'regexp', ERROR_TYPE:'error', PROPERTY_TYPE:'property', INTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE:'internalProperty', FRAME_TYPE:'frame', SCRIPT_TYPE:'script', CONTEXT_TYPE:'context', SCOPE_TYPE:'scope', PROMISE_TYPE:'promise', MAP_TYPE:'map', SET_TYPE:'set', ITERATOR_TYPE:'iterator', GENERATOR_TYPE:'generator', } function MakeMirror(k){ var l; if((k===(void 0))){ l=new UndefinedMirror(); }else if((k===null)){ l=new NullMirror(); }else if((typeof(k)==='boolean') ){ l=new BooleanMirror(k); }else if((typeof(k)==='number')){ l=new NumberMirror(k); }else if((typeof(k)==='string')){ l=new StringMirror(k); }else if((typeof(k)==='symbol')){ l=new SymbolMirror(k); }else if((%_IsArray(k))){ l=new ArrayMirror(k); }else if((%IsDate(k)) ){ l=new DateMirror(k); }else if((%IsFunction(k))){ l=new FunctionMirror(k); }else if(%IsRegExp(k)){ l=new RegExpMirror(k); }else if((%IsJSError(k)) ){ l=new ErrorMirror(k); }else if((%IsScriptWrapper(k)) ){ l=new ScriptMirror(k); }else if((%_IsJSMap(k)) ||(%_IsJSWeakMap(k))){ l=new MapMirror(k); }else if((%_IsJSSet(k)) ||(%_IsJSWeakSet(k))){ l=new SetMirror(k); }else if((%IsJSMapIterator(k)) ||(%IsJSSetIterator(k)) ){ l=new IteratorMirror(k); }else if(%is_promise(k)){ l=new PromiseMirror(k); }else if((%IsJSGeneratorObject(k)) ){ l=new GeneratorMirror(k); }else{ l=new ObjectMirror(k,j.OBJECT_TYPE); } return l; } function GetUndefinedMirror(){ return MakeMirror((void 0)); } function inherits(m,n){ var o=function(){}; o.prototype=n.prototype; m.super_=n.prototype; m.prototype=new o(); m.prototype.constructor=m; } var p=80; var q={}; q.Data=0; q.Accessor=1; var r={}; r.None=0; r.ReadOnly=1; r.DontEnum=2; r.DontDelete=4; var s={Global:0, Local:1, With:2, Closure:3, Catch:4, Block:5, Script:6, Eval:7, Module:8, }; function Mirror(t){ this.type_=t; } Mirror.prototype.type=function(){ return this.type_; }; Mirror.prototype.isValue=function(){ return this instanceof ValueMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isUndefined=function(){ return this instanceof UndefinedMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isNull=function(){ return this instanceof NullMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isBoolean=function(){ return this instanceof BooleanMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isNumber=function(){ return this instanceof NumberMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isString=function(){ return this instanceof StringMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isSymbol=function(){ return this instanceof SymbolMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isObject=function(){ return this instanceof ObjectMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isFunction=function(){ return this instanceof FunctionMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isUnresolvedFunction=function(){ return this instanceof UnresolvedFunctionMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isArray=function(){ return this instanceof ArrayMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isDate=function(){ return this instanceof DateMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isRegExp=function(){ return this instanceof RegExpMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isError=function(){ return this instanceof ErrorMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isPromise=function(){ return this instanceof PromiseMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isGenerator=function(){ return this instanceof GeneratorMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isProperty=function(){ return this instanceof PropertyMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isInternalProperty=function(){ return this instanceof InternalPropertyMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isFrame=function(){ return this instanceof FrameMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isScript=function(){ return this instanceof ScriptMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isContext=function(){ return this instanceof ContextMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isScope=function(){ return this instanceof ScopeMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isMap=function(){ return this instanceof MapMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isSet=function(){ return this instanceof SetMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.isIterator=function(){ return this instanceof IteratorMirror; }; Mirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return"#<"+this.constructor.name+">"; }; function ValueMirror(t,k){ %_Call(Mirror,this,t); this.value_=k; } inherits(ValueMirror,Mirror); ValueMirror.prototype.isPrimitive=function(){ var t=this.type(); return t==='undefined'|| t==='null'|| t==='boolean'|| t==='number'|| t==='string'|| t==='symbol'; }; ValueMirror.prototype.value=function(){ return this.value_; }; function UndefinedMirror(){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.UNDEFINED_TYPE,(void 0)); } inherits(UndefinedMirror,ValueMirror); UndefinedMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return'undefined'; }; function NullMirror(){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.NULL_TYPE,null); } inherits(NullMirror,ValueMirror); NullMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return'null'; }; function BooleanMirror(k){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.BOOLEAN_TYPE,k); } inherits(BooleanMirror,ValueMirror); BooleanMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return this.value_?'true':'false'; }; function NumberMirror(k){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.NUMBER_TYPE,k); } inherits(NumberMirror,ValueMirror); NumberMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return''+this.value_; }; function StringMirror(k){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.STRING_TYPE,k); } inherits(StringMirror,ValueMirror); StringMirror.prototype.length=function(){ return this.value_.length; }; StringMirror.prototype.getTruncatedValue=function(u){ if(u!=-1&&this.length()>u){ return this.value_.substring(0,u)+ '... (length: '+this.length()+')'; } return this.value_; }; StringMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return this.getTruncatedValue(p); }; function SymbolMirror(k){ %_Call(ValueMirror,this,j.SYMBOL_TYPE,k); } inherits(SymbolMirror,ValueMirror); SymbolMirror.prototype.description=function(){ return %SymbolDescription(%ValueOf(this.value_)); } SymbolMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return %SymbolDescriptiveString(%ValueOf(this.value_)); } function ObjectMirror(k,t){ t=t||j.OBJECT_TYPE; %_Call(ValueMirror,this,t,k); } inherits(ObjectMirror,ValueMirror); ObjectMirror.prototype.className=function(){ return %ClassOf(this.value_); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.constructorFunction=function(){ return MakeMirror(%DebugGetProperty(this.value_,'constructor')); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.prototypeObject=function(){ return MakeMirror(%DebugGetProperty(this.value_,'prototype')); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.protoObject=function(){ return MakeMirror(%DebugGetPrototype(this.value_)); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.hasNamedInterceptor=function(){ var v=%GetInterceptorInfo(this.value_); return(v&2)!=0; }; ObjectMirror.prototype.hasIndexedInterceptor=function(){ var v=%GetInterceptorInfo(this.value_); return(v&1)!=0; }; ObjectMirror.prototype.propertyNames=function(){ return %GetOwnPropertyKeys(this.value_,0); }; ObjectMirror.prototype.properties=function(){ var w=this.propertyNames(); var x=new c(w.length); for(var y=0;y'; }; ObjectMirror.GetInternalProperties=function(k){ var x=%DebugGetInternalProperties(k); var D=[]; for(var y=0;yK)return new c(); var L=new c(K-J+1); for(var y=J;y<=K;y++){ var A=%DebugGetPropertyDetails(this.value_,(%_ToString(y))); var k; if(A){ k=new PropertyMirror(this,y,A); }else{ k=GetUndefinedMirror(); } L[y-J]=k; } return L; }; function DateMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k); } inherits(DateMirror,ObjectMirror); DateMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ var M=e(this.value_); return M.substring(1,M.length-1); }; function RegExpMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k,j.REGEXP_TYPE); } inherits(RegExpMirror,ObjectMirror); RegExpMirror.prototype.source=function(){ return this.value_.source; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.global=function(){ return this.value_.global; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.ignoreCase=function(){ return this.value_.ignoreCase; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.multiline=function(){ return this.value_.multiline; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.sticky=function(){ return this.value_.sticky; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.unicode=function(){ return this.value_.unicode; }; RegExpMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ return"/"+this.source()+"/"; }; function ErrorMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k,j.ERROR_TYPE); } inherits(ErrorMirror,ObjectMirror); ErrorMirror.prototype.message=function(){ return this.value_.message; }; ErrorMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ var N; try{ N=%ErrorToString(this.value_); }catch(e){ N='#'; } return N; }; function PromiseMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k,j.PROMISE_TYPE); } inherits(PromiseMirror,ObjectMirror); function PromiseGetStatus_(k){ var O=%PromiseStatus(k); if(O==0)return"pending"; if(O==1)return"resolved"; return"rejected"; } function PromiseGetValue_(k){ return %PromiseResult(k); } PromiseMirror.prototype.status=function(){ return PromiseGetStatus_(this.value_); }; PromiseMirror.prototype.promiseValue=function(){ return MakeMirror(PromiseGetValue_(this.value_)); }; function MapMirror(k){ %_Call(ObjectMirror,this,k,j.MAP_TYPE); } inherits(MapMirror,ObjectMirror); MapMirror.prototype.entries=function(P){ var D=[]; if((%_IsJSWeakMap(this.value_))){ var Q=%GetWeakMapEntries(this.value_,P||0); for(var y=0;y3){ this.exception_=A[3]; this.getter_=A[4]; this.setter_=A[5]; } } inherits(PropertyMirror,Mirror); PropertyMirror.prototype.isReadOnly=function(){ return(this.attributes()&r.ReadOnly)!=0; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.isEnum=function(){ return(this.attributes()&r.DontEnum)==0; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.canDelete=function(){ return(this.attributes()&r.DontDelete)==0; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.name=function(){ return this.name_; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.toText=function(){ if((typeof(this.name_)==='symbol'))return %SymbolDescriptiveString(this.name_); return this.name_; }; PropertyMirror.prototype.isIndexed=function(){ for(var y=0;y0; }; FrameDetails.prototype.inlinedFrameIndex=function(){ %CheckExecutionState(this.break_id_); var ap=an; return(this.details_[ag]&ap)>>2; }; FrameDetails.prototype.argumentCount=function(){ %CheckExecutionState(this.break_id_); return this.details_[ab]; }; FrameDetails.prototype.argumentName=function(G){ %CheckExecutionState(this.break_id_); if(G>=0&&G=0&&G=0&&G=0&&G0){ for(var y=0;y0){ D+=this.lineOffset(); D+='-'; D+=this.lineOffset()+this.lineCount()-1; }else{ D+=this.lineCount(); } D+=')'; return D; }; function ContextMirror(aQ){ %_Call(Mirror,this,j.CONTEXT_TYPE); this.data_=aQ; } inherits(ContextMirror,Mirror); ContextMirror.prototype.data=function(){ return this.data_; }; b.InstallConstants(a,[ "MakeMirror",MakeMirror, "ScopeType",s, "PropertyType",q, "PropertyAttribute",r, "Mirror",Mirror, "ValueMirror",ValueMirror, "UndefinedMirror",UndefinedMirror, "NullMirror",NullMirror, "BooleanMirror",BooleanMirror, "NumberMirror",NumberMirror, "StringMirror",StringMirror, "SymbolMirror",SymbolMirror, "ObjectMirror",ObjectMirror, "FunctionMirror",FunctionMirror, "UnresolvedFunctionMirror",UnresolvedFunctionMirror, "ArrayMirror",ArrayMirror, "DateMirror",DateMirror, "RegExpMirror",RegExpMirror, "ErrorMirror",ErrorMirror, "PromiseMirror",PromiseMirror, "MapMirror",MapMirror, "SetMirror",SetMirror, "IteratorMirror",IteratorMirror, "GeneratorMirror",GeneratorMirror, "PropertyMirror",PropertyMirror, "InternalPropertyMirror",InternalPropertyMirror, "FrameMirror",FrameMirror, "ScriptMirror",ScriptMirror, "ScopeMirror",ScopeMirror, "FrameDetails",FrameDetails, ]); }) (function(a,b){ "use strict"; var c=a.FrameMirror; var d=a.Array; var e=a.RegExp; var f=a.isNaN; var g=a.MakeMirror; var h=a.Math.min; var i=a.Mirror; var j=a.ValueMirror; var k={}; k.DebugEvent={Break:1, Exception:2, AfterCompile:3, CompileError:4, AsyncTaskEvent:5}; k.ExceptionBreak={Caught:0, Uncaught:1}; k.StepAction={StepOut:0, StepNext:1, StepIn:2}; k.ScriptType={Native:0, Extension:1, Normal:2, Wasm:3}; k.ScriptCompilationType={Host:0, Eval:1, JSON:2}; function ScriptTypeFlag(l){ return(1<=this.frameCount()){ throw %make_type_error(44); } return new c(this.break_id,E); }; ExecutionState.prototype.setSelectedFrame=function(F){ var s=(%_ToNumber(F)); if(s<0||s>=this.frameCount()){ throw %make_type_error(44); } this.selected_frame=s; }; ExecutionState.prototype.selectedFrame=function(){ return this.selected_frame; }; function MakeExceptionEvent(B,G,H,I){ return new ExceptionEvent(B,G,H,I); } function ExceptionEvent(B,G,H,I){ this.exec_state_=new ExecutionState(B); this.exception_=G; this.uncaught_=H; this.promise_=I; } ExceptionEvent.prototype.eventType=function(){ return k.DebugEvent.Exception; }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.exception=function(){ return this.exception_; }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.uncaught=function(){ return this.uncaught_; }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.promise=function(){ return this.promise_; }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.func=function(){ return this.exec_state_.frame(0).func(); }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.sourceLine=function(){ return this.exec_state_.frame(0).sourceLine(); }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.sourceColumn=function(){ return this.exec_state_.frame(0).sourceColumn(); }; ExceptionEvent.prototype.sourceLineText=function(){ return this.exec_state_.frame(0).sourceLineText(); }; function MakeCompileEvent(t,l){ return new CompileEvent(t,l); } function CompileEvent(t,l){ this.script_=g(t); this.type_=l; } CompileEvent.prototype.eventType=function(){ return this.type_; }; CompileEvent.prototype.script=function(){ return this.script_; }; function MakeScriptObject_(t,J){ var K={id:t.id(), name:t.name(), lineOffset:t.lineOffset(), columnOffset:t.columnOffset(), lineCount:t.lineCount(), }; if(!(t.data()===(void 0))){ K.data=t.data(); } if(J){ K.source=t.source(); } return K; } function MakeAsyncTaskEvent(l,L){ return new AsyncTaskEvent(l,L); } function AsyncTaskEvent(l,L){ this.type_=l; this.id_=L; } AsyncTaskEvent.prototype.type=function(){ return this.type_; } AsyncTaskEvent.prototype.id=function(){ return this.id_; } b.InstallConstants(a,[ "Debug",k, "CompileEvent",CompileEvent, ]); b.InstallConstants(b,[ "MakeExecutionState",MakeExecutionState, "MakeExceptionEvent",MakeExceptionEvent, "MakeCompileEvent",MakeCompileEvent, "MakeAsyncTaskEvent",MakeAsyncTaskEvent, ]); }) (function(a,b){ "use strict"; var c=a.Debug.findScriptSourcePosition; var d=a.Array; var e=a.Math.floor; var f=a.Math.max; var g=a.SyntaxError; var h; function ApplyPatchMultiChunk(script,diff_array,new_source,preview_only, change_log){ var i=script.source; var j=GatherCompileInfo(i,script); var k=BuildCodeInfoTree(j); var l=new PosTranslator(diff_array); MarkChangedFunctions(k,l.GetChunks()); FindLiveSharedInfos(k,script); var m; try{ m=GatherCompileInfo(new_source,script); }catch(e){ var n= new Failure("Failed to compile new version of script: "+e); if(e instanceof g){ var o={ type:"liveedit_compile_error", syntaxErrorMessage:e.message }; CopyErrorPositionToDetails(e,o); n.details=o; } throw n; } var p=m.reduce( (max,info)=>f(max,info.function_literal_id),0); var q=BuildCodeInfoTree(m); FindCorrespondingFunctions(k,q); var r=new d(); var s=new d(); var t=new d(); var u=new d(); function HarvestTodo(v){ function CollectDamaged(w){ s.push(w); for(var x=0;xO[E].start_position){ R=E; } } if(R!=x){ var S=O[R]; var T=P[R]; O[R]=O[x]; P[R]=P[x]; O[x]=S; P[x]=T; } } var U=0; function ResetIndexes(V,W){ var X=-1; while(U=ay.pos1+ay.len1){ return as+ay.pos2+ay.len2-ay.pos1-ay.len1; } if(!at){ at=PosTranslator.DefaultInsideChunkHandler; } return at(as,ay); }; PosTranslator.DefaultInsideChunkHandler=function(as,az){ Assert(false,"Cannot translate position in changed area"); }; PosTranslator.ShiftWithTopInsideChunkHandler= function(as,az){ return as-az.pos1+az.pos2; }; var h={ UNCHANGED:"unchanged", SOURCE_CHANGED:"source changed", CHANGED:"changed", DAMAGED:"damaged" }; function CodeInfoTreeNode(aA,aB,aC){ this.info=aA; this.children=aB; this.array_index=aC; this.parent=(void 0); this.status=h.UNCHANGED; this.status_explanation=(void 0); this.new_start_pos=(void 0); this.new_end_pos=(void 0); this.corresponding_node=(void 0); this.unmatched_new_nodes=(void 0); this.textual_corresponding_node=(void 0); this.textually_unmatched_new_nodes=(void 0); this.live_shared_function_infos=(void 0); } function BuildCodeInfoTree(aD){ var aE=0; function BuildNode(){ var aF=aE; aE++; var aG=new d(); while(aE=am.length;}; this.TranslatePos=function(as){return as+aL;}; }; function ProcessInternals(aM){ aM.new_start_pos=aJ.TranslatePos( aM.info.start_position); var aN=0; var aO=false; var aP=false; while(!aJ.done()&& aJ.current().pos1= aJ.current().pos1+aJ.current().len1){ aO=true; aJ.next(); continue; }else if(aQ.info.start_position<=aJ.current().pos1&& aQ.info.end_position>=aJ.current().pos1+ aJ.current().len1){ ProcessInternals(aQ); aP=aP|| (aQ.status!=h.UNCHANGED); aO=aO|| (aQ.status==h.DAMAGED); aN++; continue; }else{ aO=true; aQ.status=h.DAMAGED; aQ.status_explanation= "Text diff overlaps with function boundary"; aN++; continue; } }else{ if(aJ.current().pos1+aJ.current().len1<= aM.info.end_position){ aM.status=h.CHANGED; aJ.next(); continue; }else{ aM.status=h.DAMAGED; aM.status_explanation= "Text diff overlaps with function boundary"; return; } } Assert("Unreachable",false); } while(aN0){ return bd; } } function TraverseTree(w){ w.live_shared_function_infos=FindFunctionInfos(w.info); for(var x=0;x ["+bl+"]"; } return; } var bm; function CheckStackActivations(old_shared_wrapper_list, new_shared_list, Z){ var bn=new d(); for(var x=0;x0){ Z.push({dropped_from_stack:bq}); } if(bp.length>0){ Z.push({functions_on_stack:bp}); throw new Failure("Blocked by functions on stack"); } return bq.length; } var bm={ AVAILABLE_FOR_PATCH:1, BLOCKED_ON_ACTIVE_STACK:2, BLOCKED_ON_OTHER_STACK:3, BLOCKED_UNDER_NATIVE_CODE:4, REPLACED_ON_ACTIVE_STACK:5, BLOCKED_UNDER_GENERATOR:6, BLOCKED_ACTIVE_GENERATOR:7, BLOCKED_NO_NEW_TARGET_ON_RESTART:8 }; bm.SymbolName=function(bt){ var bu=bm; for(var bv in bu){ if(bu[bv]==bt){ return bv; } } }; function Failure(ag){ this.message=ag; } Failure.prototype.toString=function(){ return"LiveEdit Failure: "+this.message; }; function CopyErrorPositionToDetails(bw,o){ function createPositionStruct(M,bx){ if(bx==-1)return; var by=%ScriptPositionInfo(M,bx,true); if(by==null)return; return{ line:by.line+1, column:by.column+1, position:bx }; } if(!("scriptObject"in bw)||!("startPosition"in bw)){ return; } var M=bw.scriptObject; var bz={ start:createPositionStruct(M,bw.startPosition), end:createPositionStruct(M,bw.endPosition) }; o.position=bz; } function SetScriptSource(M,bA,bB,Z){ var i=M.source; var bC=CompareStrings(i,bA); return ApplyPatchMultiChunk(M,bC,bA,bB, Z); } function CompareStrings(bD,bE){ return %LiveEditCompareStrings(bD,bE); } function ApplySingleChunkPatch(M,change_pos,change_len,new_str, Z){ var i=M.source; var bA=i.substring(0,change_pos)+ new_str+i.substring(change_pos+change_len); return ApplyPatchMultiChunk(M, [change_pos,change_pos+change_len,change_pos+new_str.length], bA,false,Z); } function DescribeChangeTree(aR){ function ProcessOldNode(w){ var bF=[]; for(var x=0;x>1); var j=2|4|1; for(var k=0;k>1)+(fields?fields.length:0); if(n>=4){ %OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties(m,n); } if(fields){ for(var k=0;k>2; var D=%EstimateNumberOfElements(l); return(DD*4); } function Stack(){ this.length=0; this.values=new e(); } Stack.prototype.length=null; Stack.prototype.values=null; function StackPush(E,F){ E.values[E.length++]=F; } function StackPop(E){ E.values[--E.length]=null } function StackHas(E,G){ var m=E.length; var H=E.values; for(var t=0;t=K){ var O=l[z]; if(!(O===(void 0))||z in l){ %CreateDataProperty(N,z-K,O); } } } } } function SparseMove(l,K,L,M,Q){ if(Q===L)return; var R=new e( g(M-L+Q,0xffffffff)); var S; var q=%GetArrayKeys(l,M); if((typeof(q)==='number')){ var r=q; for(var t=0;t=K+L){ var O=l[z]; if(!(O===(void 0))||z in l){ var T=z-L+Q; R[T]=O; if(T>0xfffffffe){ S=S||new e(); S.push(T); } } } } } %MoveArrayContents(R,l); if(!(S===(void 0))){ var m=S.length; for(var t=0;tL){ for(var t=M-L;t>K;t--){ var V=t+L-1; var W=t+Q-1; if(V in l){ l[W]=l[V]; }else{ delete l[W]; } } }else{ for(var t=K;tM-L+Q;t--){ delete l[t-1]; } } } } var X; %DefineMethodsInternal(d.prototype,class{toString(){ var l; var Y; if((%_IsArray(this))){ Y=this.join; if(Y===X){ return Join(this,this.length,',',false); } l=this; }else{ l=(%_ToObject(this)); Y=l.join; } if(!(typeof(Y)==='function')){ return %_Call(i,l); } return %_Call(Y,l); }},-1); function InnerArrayToLocaleString(l,m){ return Join(l,(%_ToLength(m)),',',true); } %DefineMethodsInternal(d.prototype,class{toLocaleString(){ var l=(%_ToObject(this)); var Z=l.length; return InnerArrayToLocaleString(l,Z); }},-1); function InnerArrayJoin(w,l,m){ if((w===(void 0))){ w=','; }else{ w=(%_ToString(w)); } if(m===1){ var u=l[0]; if((u==null))return''; return(%_ToString(u)); } return Join(l,m,w,false); } %DefineMethodsInternal(d.prototype,class{join(w){ var l=(%_ToObject(this)); var m=(%_ToLength(l.length)); return InnerArrayJoin(w,l,m); }},-1); function ArrayPopFallback(){ var l=(%_ToObject(this)); var aa=(%_ToLength(l.length)); if(aa==0){ l.length=aa; return; } aa--; var F=l[aa]; delete l[aa]; l.length=aa; return F; } function ArrayPushFallback(){ var l=(%_ToObject(this)); var aa=(%_ToLength(l.length)); var ab=arguments.length; if(ab>9007199254740991-aa)throw %make_type_error(260,ab,aa); for(var t=0;t=t){ ah=t; while(s[++ae]==t){} ai=M-t-1; } var aj=l[ah]; if(!(aj===(void 0))||ah in l){ var ak=l[ai]; if(!(ak===(void 0))||ai in l){ l[ah]=ak; l[ai]=aj; }else{ l[ai]=aj; delete l[ah]; } }else{ var ak=l[ai]; if(!(ak===(void 0))||ai in l){ l[ah]=ak; delete l[ai]; } } } } function PackedArrayReverse(l,M){ var af=M-1; for(var t=0;t0){ if(new_len>=2**53)throw %make_type_error(176); if(M>0&&UseSparseVariant(l,M,(%_IsArray(l)),M)&& !%object_is_sealed(l)){ SparseMove(l,0,0,M,ao); }else{ SimpleMove(l,0,0,M,ao); } for(var t=0;tM?M:K; } function ComputeSpliceDeleteCount(ar,ao,M,K){ var L=0; if(ao==1) return M-K; L=(%_ToInteger(ar)); if(L<0) return 0; if(L>M-K) return M-K; return L; } function ArraySpliceFallback(ap,ar){ var ao=arguments.length; var l=(%_ToObject(this)); var M=(%_ToLength(l.length)); var K=ComputeSpliceStartIndex((%_ToInteger(ap)),M); var L=ComputeSpliceDeleteCount(ar,ao,M, K); var as=ao>2?ao-2:0; const new_len=M-L+as; if(new_len>=2**53)throw %make_type_error(176); var N=ArraySpeciesCreate(l,L); N.length=L; var at=L; if(as!=L){ at+=M-K-L; } if(UseSparseVariant(l,M,(%_IsArray(l)),at)){ %NormalizeElements(l); if((%_IsArray(N)))%NormalizeElements(N); SparseSlice(l,K,L,M,N); SparseMove(l,K,L,M,as); }else{ SimpleSlice(l,K,L,M,N); SimpleMove(l,K,L,M,as); } var t=K; var au=2; var av=arguments.length; while(au=ay;af--){ var aB=o[af]; var aC=aw(aB,aA); if(aC>0){ o[af+1]=aB; }else{ break; } } o[af+1]=aA; } }; function GetThirdIndex(o,ay,az){ var aD=new e(); var aE=200+((az-ay)&15); var af=0; ay+=1; az-=1; for(var t=ay;t>1][0]; return aF; } function QuickSort(o,ay,az){ var aF=0; while(true){ if(az-ay<=10){ InsertionSort(o,ay,az); return; } if(az-ay>1000){ aF=GetThirdIndex(o,ay,az); }else{ aF=ay+((az-ay)>>1); } var aG=o[ay]; var aH=o[az-1]; var aI=o[aF]; var aJ=aw(aG,aH); if(aJ>0){ var aB=aG; aG=aH; aH=aB; } var aK=aw(aG,aI); if(aK>=0){ var aB=aG; aG=aI; aI=aH; aH=aB; }else{ var aL=aw(aH,aI); if(aL>0){ var aB=aH; aH=aI; aI=aB; } } o[ay]=aG; o[az-1]=aI; var aM=aH; var aN=ay+1; var aO=az-1; o[aF]=o[aN]; o[aN]=aM; partition:for(var t=aN+1;t0){ do{ aO--; if(aO==t)break partition; var aP=o[aO]; aC=aw(aP,aM); }while(aC>0); o[t]=o[aO]; o[aO]=aA; if(aC<0){ aA=o[t]; o[t]=o[aN]; o[aN]=aA; aN++; } } } if(az-aO=m)U=m-1; } var aR=0; var aS=U; if(UseSparseVariant(l,m,(%_IsArray(l)),U)){ %NormalizeElements(l); var q=%GetArrayKeys(l,U+1); if((typeof(q)==='number')){ aS=q; }else{ if(q.length==0)return-1; var aT=GetSortedArrayKeys(l,q); var t=aT.length-1; while(t>=0){ var z=aT[t]; if(l[z]===aA)return z; t--; } return-1; } } if(!(aA===(void 0))){ for(var t=aS;t>=aR;t--){ if(l[t]===aA)return t; } return-1; } for(var t=aS;t>=aR;t--){ if((l[t]===(void 0))&&t in l){ return t; } } return-1; }},1); %DefineMethodsInternal(d.prototype,class{copyWithin(target,ap,aq){ var l=(%_ToObject(this)); var m=(%_ToLength(l.length)); target=(%_ToInteger(target)); var az; if(target<0){ az=f(m+target,0); }else{ az=g(target,m); } ap=(%_ToInteger(ap)); var ay; if(ap<0){ ay=f(m+ap,0); }else{ ay=g(ap,m); } aq=(aq===(void 0))?m:(%_ToInteger(aq)); var aU; if(aq<0){ aU=f(m+aq,0); }else{ aU=g(aq,m); } var aV=g(aU-ay,m-az); var aW=1; if(ay0){ if(ay in l){ l[az]=l[ay]; }else{ delete l[az]; } ay=ay+aW; az=az+aW; aV--; } return l; }},2); %DefineMethodsInternal(d.prototype,class{fill(F,ap,aq){ var l=(%_ToObject(this)); var m=(%_ToLength(l.length)); var t=(ap===(void 0))?0:(%_ToInteger(ap)); var aq=(aq===(void 0))?m:(%_ToInteger(aq)); if(t<0){ t+=m; if(t<0)t=0; }else{ if(t>m)t=m; } if(aq<0){ aq+=m; if(aq<0)aq=0; }else{ if(aq>m)aq=m; } for(;t.C .(CC(T66A A CA A EpA A A A C*X88A  F,0C"X>.CC(T66A A A A A A A A A A EpA A A A A A A EpE  A ECA CCA A IE^^dA A CQG >&t*C1) Hx|4qE5+ H4-C1) Hx|4E5* F~4C1) Hx|4iC1) Hx|4)C1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4iC1) Hx|4)C1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4iA %rV6A A CQG >&t*YC1) Hx|4E5+ H4C1) Hx|4E5* F~4QC1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4QC1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4C1) Hx|4QC1) Hx|4A %"z2YC>>fj25C<<bf2A A A A CA A A A A  4RNV\A A iFA6@rH FA6Fv H FA6@rH yFA6@rH )FA6@rH FA6@rH FA6@rH 9FA6FxH FA6FxH FA6@rH IFA6DtH FA6DtH FA6@rH YEpMB>"z2C-"v2lP6C-#<vX8C>>fj2aC<<bf2A 1A 8 4A A ECA A CEEpF*^^f~qF,<<04|5F&`` &6@bF&`` &6BdF&`` &6@bF&`` &6@bUF&`` &6@bF&`` &6BdF&\\$&>D^F&\\$&>D^uF&\\$&>D^=F-6B &4V~EC!,,`8\>&dpjA & <0$F*^^f~mF,<<04~1F&\\ &0@dF&\\ &0BbF&\\ &0@dF&\\ &0@dQF&\\ &0@dF&\\ &0BbF&XX$&8D`F&XX$&8D`qF&XX$&8D`9F-6B &0V|EE&&B,n:FE&&zB |b:E&&B,n:FmE&&zB |b:MEFFN0~l%F ^E 66P<F xxL XF ^F ^qF \QI1vv2 .0A C!,,`8\>&dpjF>dd f}I1vv2 .05F ^^dlEFFN0~lF \F xxL \F vv|`}F \]F ^=F ^I1vv2 48F>``fI1vv2 48=F ^^dlCF..4C EEp ((b.JCEp ((b.JCEp ((b.JCaF::@CCCCCCEpCCCCCFCF..4EpEaEp ((b.JC9Ep ((b.JCEp ((b.JCF88>CCCCCCEpCCCCCF-A 6"*FA 6"*FA CA A 6"*qFIA 6"*1FA CA A *(F..4A A A A CCUA *$=C`` A *$C VV\\A *(F..4A A A C}E%NN ^d2IA *$1A *$A *$A *$A A A *$A *$A A F 6mCUL&&,4BT &,>. 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